MicrogridGT is a Python library for dealing with dispatch of energy resources in a constrained environment
To run created tests
sh ./TestDieselRampUp.sh
sh ./TestElectricGridCosts.sh
To test directly in python
dispatchGT.py [-h] [-a ALPHA] [-d1 POWERBALANCE] [-d2 NASHEQUILIBRIUM]
[-pvuep PVUEP] [-wtuep WTUEP] [-deuep DEUEP]
[-btuep BTUEP] [-lduep LDUEP] [-egtm EGTM] [-pvumc PVUMC]
[-wtumc WTUMC] [-deumc DEUMC] [-btumc BTUMC]
[-egumc EGUMC] [-deop DEOILPRICE]
[-btsd BTSELFDIS] [-btrc BTRATEDCAP] [-btc BTC]
[-btsmx BTSOCMAX] [-btsmn BTSOCMIN] [-btsi BTSOCINIT]
[-ldws LDWEIGHTSAT] [-ldb LDBETA] [-lda LDALPHA]
Name of variable | Default value | Description |
alpha | ALPHA = 0.1 | Weight of power balance |
powerbalance | POWERBALANCE = 2 | Update of alpha in case power balance is not reached |
nashequilibrium | NASHEQUILIBRIUM = 4 | Update of alpha in case nash equilibrium is not reached |
pvuep | PV_UEP = 2 | Photovoltaics unit electric price |
wtuep | WT_UEP = 4 | Wind turbine unit electric price |
deuep | DE_UEP = 4 | Diesel unit electric price |
btuep | BT_UEP = 0.1 | Battery unit electric price |
lduep | LD_UEP = 0.4 | Load unit electric price |
egtm | EGTM = 20 | Electric grid unit tariff multiplier |
pvumc | PV_UMC = 0.5 | Photovoltaics unit maintenance cost |
wtumc | WT_UMC = 3.0 | Wind turbine unit maintenance cost |
deumc | DE_UMC = 3.0 | Diesel unit maintenance cost |
btumc | BT_UMC = 0.05 | Battery unit maintenance cost |
egumc | EG_UMC = 0.02 | Electric grid unit maintenance cost |
deoilprice | DE_OP = 3.0 | Oil price. Be consistent with units of DE_RC |
derateconsumption | DE_RC = 2 | Oil rate consumption. Be consistent with units of DE_OP |
deminpower | DE_MIN = 0 | Min diesel power |
demaxpower | DE_MAX = 10 | Max diesel power |
derampup | DE_RAMP_UP = 20 | Diesel ramp up diesel |
derampdown | DE_RAMP_DOWN = 10 | Diesel ramp down diesel |
deminrunningtime | DE_MIN_RUNNING_TIME = 0.3 | Diesel min running time |
deaoilconsumption | DE_A_OIL_CONSUMPTION = 1 | Factor to model quadratic term in diesel consumtion function |
deboilconsumption | DE_B_OIL_CONSUMPTION = 2 | Factor to model linear term in diesel consumtion function |
decoilconsumption | DE_C_OIL_CONSUMPTION = 1 | Factor to model constant term in diesel consumtion function |
btselfdis | BT_SELF_DIS = 0.0000001 | Battery self discharge by operating cycle |
btratedcap | BT_RATED_CAP = 10 | Battery rated capacity in kWh |
btc | BTC = | C factor to model battery behavior |
btdischargeeff | BT_DIS_EFF = 0.99 | Discharge efficiency in battery |
btchargeeff | BT_CHAR_EFF = 0.99 | Charge efficiency in battery |
btsocmax | BT_SOC_MAX = 100 | Max SOC allowed in battery in percentage. Usually 100 |
btsocmin | BT_SOC_MIN = 60 | Min SOC allowed in battery in percentage. |
btsocinit | BT_SOC_INIT = 70 | Starting SOC for simulation. |
ldweightsat | LD_WEIGHT_SAT = 0.9 | Load weight factor of satisfaction. |
ldbeta | LD_BETA = -1 | Factor to model satisfaction of load function |
ldalpha | LD_ALPHA = 0.5 | Factor to model satisfaction of load function |
testname | TEST_NAME = Test | Folder name to save tests to run |
samplestoanalize | SAMPLES_TO_ANALIZE = 20 | Number of units of time to analize |
playwithgrid | TRUE if -pg included | Option to include player electric grid to the game |
dataset | DATA_SET_FILE_NAME = '../FormattedDataSets/dataWithoutBatteries.csv' | Name of dataset for initial resources and load data |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.