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MicrogridGT is a Python library for dealing with dispatch of energy resources in a constrained environment


To run created tests

sh ./
sh ./ 

To test directly in python [-h] [-a ALPHA] [-d1 POWERBALANCE] [-d2 NASHEQUILIBRIUM]
                     [-pvuep PVUEP] [-wtuep WTUEP] [-deuep DEUEP]
                     [-btuep BTUEP] [-lduep LDUEP] [-egtm EGTM] [-pvumc PVUMC]
                     [-wtumc WTUMC] [-deumc DEUMC] [-btumc BTUMC]
                     [-egumc EGUMC] [-deop DEOILPRICE]
                     [-derc DERATECONSUMPTION] [-demin DEMINPOWER]
                     [-demax DEMAXPOWER] [-deru DERAMPUP] [-derd DERAMPDOWN]
                     [-demrt DEMINRUNNINGTIME] [-deaoc DEAOILCONSUMPTION]
                     [-deboc DEBOILCONSUMPTION] [-decoc DECOILCONSUMPTION]
                     [-btsd BTSELFDIS] [-btrc BTRATEDCAP] [-btc BTC]
                     [-btde BTDISCHARGEEFF] [-btce BTCHARGEEFF]
                     [-btsmx BTSOCMAX] [-btsmn BTSOCMIN] [-btsi BTSOCINIT]
                     [-ldws LDWEIGHTSAT] [-ldb LDBETA] [-lda LDALPHA]
                     [-tn TESTNAME] [-sa SAMPLESTOANALIZE] [-pg] [-ds DATASET]
Name of variable Default value Description
alpha ALPHA = 0.1 Weight of power balance
powerbalance POWERBALANCE = 2 Update of alpha in case power balance is not reached
nashequilibrium NASHEQUILIBRIUM = 4 Update of alpha in case nash equilibrium is not reached
pvuep PV_UEP = 2 Photovoltaics unit electric price
wtuep WT_UEP = 4 Wind turbine unit electric price
deuep DE_UEP = 4 Diesel unit electric price
btuep BT_UEP = 0.1 Battery unit electric price
lduep LD_UEP = 0.4 Load unit electric price
egtm EGTM = 20 Electric grid unit tariff multiplier
pvumc PV_UMC = 0.5 Photovoltaics unit maintenance cost
wtumc WT_UMC = 3.0 Wind turbine unit maintenance cost
deumc DE_UMC = 3.0 Diesel unit maintenance cost
btumc BT_UMC = 0.05 Battery unit maintenance cost
egumc EG_UMC = 0.02 Electric grid unit maintenance cost
deoilprice DE_OP = 3.0 Oil price. Be consistent with units of DE_RC
derateconsumption DE_RC = 2 Oil rate consumption. Be consistent with units of DE_OP
deminpower DE_MIN = 0 Min diesel power
demaxpower DE_MAX = 10 Max diesel power
derampup DE_RAMP_UP = 20 Diesel ramp up diesel
derampdown DE_RAMP_DOWN = 10 Diesel ramp down diesel
deminrunningtime DE_MIN_RUNNING_TIME = 0.3 Diesel min running time
deaoilconsumption DE_A_OIL_CONSUMPTION = 1 Factor to model quadratic term in diesel consumtion function
deboilconsumption DE_B_OIL_CONSUMPTION = 2 Factor to model linear term in diesel consumtion function
decoilconsumption DE_C_OIL_CONSUMPTION = 1 Factor to model constant term in diesel consumtion function
btselfdis BT_SELF_DIS = 0.0000001 Battery self discharge by operating cycle
btratedcap BT_RATED_CAP = 10 Battery rated capacity in kWh
btc BTC = C factor to model battery behavior
btdischargeeff BT_DIS_EFF = 0.99 Discharge efficiency in battery
btchargeeff BT_CHAR_EFF = 0.99 Charge efficiency in battery
btsocmax BT_SOC_MAX = 100 Max SOC allowed in battery in percentage. Usually 100
btsocmin BT_SOC_MIN = 60 Min SOC allowed in battery in percentage.
btsocinit BT_SOC_INIT = 70 Starting SOC for simulation.
ldweightsat LD_WEIGHT_SAT = 0.9 Load weight factor of satisfaction.
ldbeta LD_BETA = -1 Factor to model satisfaction of load function
ldalpha LD_ALPHA = 0.5 Factor to model satisfaction of load function
testname TEST_NAME = Test Folder name to save tests to run
samplestoanalize SAMPLES_TO_ANALIZE = 20 Number of units of time to analize
playwithgrid TRUE if -pg included Option to include player electric grid to the game
dataset DATA_SET_FILE_NAME = '../FormattedDataSets/dataWithoutBatteries.csv' Name of dataset for initial resources and load data


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




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