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File metadata and controls

122 lines (78 loc) · 5.3 KB

Configuration options

This document describes all available configuration options of mango.yaml, mango.json or mango.config.js file.

Source and destination

  • src_folder - a folder with all source files. Content of this folder is watched in dev mode for changes. This path is filtered from destination path.
  • dist_folder - build destination folder. The only one required option.
  • dist_persistent_folder - a folder to build all assets except html into, defaults to value of dist_folder


All fields are array of filepath masks, relative from the mango config file file.

  • styles - stylesheets. Can be CSS, LESS, SASS, Stylus
  • scripts - javascript. Files are treated as modules which don't leak to global namespace. String DEBUG is replaced with true/false based on dev/build task.
  • images - image resources. Images are minified in dist build, but just copied in dev mode.
  • static - static resources. Static files are copied to dist folder.
  • templates - templates. Static HTML files or Jade|Pug templates.
  • sprites - svg symbols. Creating SVG sprites from multiple SVG files.
  • buildstamp - cache control. Renaming specified files in dist folder with build unique prefix.


  • dependencies - an array of NPM packages. They are installed into node_modules folder with mango install command. Then they are available in scripts as require('module') calls.
  • version - semver string with required mango-cli version. Like >=0.18


  • data - object containing data supplied to templates in build time.

Format: "globalname": "any variable type OR filepath to JSON / YAML file"

If globalname match filename, its value gets assigned as current scope, overriding (but not clears) previous state


  • hooks - object with additional commands you need to run before/after certain actions. Prefix pre means before a task, no prefix means after a task finished.

Format: "hookname": "command line command"
Available hooks: init, preinstall, install, prebuild, build, predev, dev, watch

Experimental options

Local config

All options can be overridden in mango.local.yaml (or mango.local.json) file. Handy for development and deployment.



  • stylus - options passed to Stylus compiler. Default sets 'include css': true
  • autoprefixer - options passed to CSS Autoprefixer
  • cssmin - options passed to clean-css in build task.
  • disableSourcemaps - skips source maps in dev mode when false


  • pug - options passed to the Pug compiler. Defaults are pretty: true, cache: true, doctype: 'html'
  • templates - it's elements can be string (glob) or object for generating multiple files from single template. The object needs to have two properties: template (containing filename of the template) and data (file containing json object where keys will become filenames for generated html and values will be passed to template in fileData variable)
  • Additional data passed to templates: devmode == mango dev, and production == mango build
  • You can also use require() inside a template


  • images - array of all images - element can be: * string (glob) of source image for minification or * object for resize * src - string (glob) source of images * sizes - array of widths (int) * aspectRatio - aspect ratio of image on output (float = width/height), if undefined or false aspect ratio of image is used * options - output options for sharp resizing engine



  • sprites - an array of objects. Each object contains:
    • path - to SVG files (e.g. src/images/sources/foo/*.svg)
    • name - (optional) a prefix to SVG ids in generated sprites and name of the file
    • filename - (optional) name of file to which will be sprites generated


  • cleanup - prevents dist_dir cleanup when false
  • buildstamp - an array of file paths. A copy of selected files is made with prefix unique to each build in filename. The prefix is available by #{buildstamp} in jade and stored in file dist_folder/.buildstamp.txt for other template engines. In development the prefix is empty.

Extensions mapping

File extensions are mapped to a certain task by default. This setting can be overridden in the mango config file. For example:

	"scripts": ["js", "jsx", "es6", "es", "coffee", "my.extension", "tpl.html"]