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EDR cm Schema Documentation


The cm schema holds tables, views and functions used to provide definitions for class models and the class and property types. (Many tables have a corresponding view that presents the table in a human friendly way, for example by getting a label from a related table, rather than displaying the foreign key UUID. The views have the same name as the table they present but suffixed by '__view', e.g cm.class__view for cm.class.

Figure cm schema tables.

schema - cm

Tables and views

cm.association [table]

An association is a special type of attribute that connects classes to each other. The may be simple relationships, describing a relationship between independent classes, or an aggregation between classes made up of other classes.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id text PK NO Association ID.
class_model_id uuid FK NO Class model UUID.
source_class_id text FK NO Association's source class ID.
target_class_id text FK NO Association's target class ID.
identifier text NO The formal human-readable text identifier for the association type. Will be used a JSON key names or derived database column names. Format: lowerCamelCase
label text YES A formatted label for presentation in documentation or user interfaces. Format: Proper Noun.
bidirectional boolean NO true if the association is bi-directional (has an inverse_id). Generated.
inverse_identifier text YES The inverse association type identifier.
inverse_label text YES A human-friendly label for the association type's inverse association type (for bi-directional associations where the association is consistently specified in one direction only).
constraint__multiplicity int4[] YES Target class multiplicity.
definition text YES A brief definition of the association type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax
editorial_note text YES Notes on issues with the association type and any changes that may be required.
rdf_match text[] YES The compact URIs of the well-known RDF resource the type matches, where applicable.
see_also text[] YES An array of URLs for web pages or other web resources that describe or define this association type.
constraints jsonb YES The default constraints on the value of an instance of a association_type. Managed as a JSON object as applicable constraints vary with the association type's range.
system__type_id text FK NO The system level type of the association. This cannot be changed once the attribute is referenced by `data.*_aggregation
Constraint Type Columns Description
uq_association__identifier unique class_model_id, identifier Ensures that the association identifier is unique within the class model.
Index Type Columns
pk_association unique; btree id
uq_association__identifier unique; btree class_model_id, identifier

cm.attribute [table]

Definitions of the types of properties stored the data and definition (cm) schema. Value of the type_id column on _attribute, _assertion, _observation and _measurement tables.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id text PK NO Attribute ID.
class_model_id uuid FK NO Class model UUID.
identifier text NO The formal human-readable text identifier for the attribute type. Will be used a JSON key names or derived database column names. Format: lowerCamelCase.
data_type_id text FK NO The data type of the attribute. For attributes with polymorphic data types, specialise the attribute by data types.
abstract boolean NO false Specifies whether the attribute class is concrete (false - default) or abstract (true). Instances of abstract attribute classes cannot be created.
derived boolean NO false Specifies whether the attribute is concrete (false - default) or derived (true). Derived properties are a function of one or more concrete attribute types.
label text YES A formatted label for presentation in documentation or user interfaces. Format: Proper Noun.
definition text YES A brief definition of the attribute type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
editorial_note text YES Notes on issues with the attribute type and any changes that may be required.
rdf_match text[] YES The compact URIs of the well-known RDF resource the type matches, where applicable.
see_also text[] YES An array of URLs for web pages or other web resources that describe or define this attribute type.
constraints jsonb YES The default constraints on the value of an instance of a attribute. Managed as a JSON object as applicable constraints vary with the attribute type's range.
system__type_id text FK NO The system level type of the attribute. This cannot be changed once the attribute is referenced by `data.*_attribute
Constraint Type Columns Description
uq_attribute__identifier unique class_model_id, identifier Ensures that the attribute identifier is unique within the class model.
Index Type Columns
fx_attribute__class_model btree class_model_id
pk_attribute unique; btree id
uq_attribute__identifier unique; btree class_model_id, identifier

cm.attribute__domain [table]

Relates properties to their domain - the class of which the attribute is an attribute. Properties may be shared by multiple classes.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id uuid PK NO gen_random_uuid() Attribute domain UUID.
attribute_id text FK NO Attribute ID.
class_id text FK NO Class ID.
constraint__multiplicity int4[] NO '{0,1}' A two element array specifying the minimum and maximum allowable number of attribute type values for a specific class. This may vary between classes.
constraint__value_collection_id uuid FK YES The UUID of the concept_collection_id that specified the available concepts for concept reference attributes.
constraint__value_unit_collection_id uuid FK YES
constraint__procedure_collection_id uuid FK YES
constraint__agent_collection_id uuid FK YES
Constraint Type Columns Description
uq_attribute__domain__association unique attribute_id, class_id Ensures only one domain association between a attribute and a class is created.
Index Type Columns
pk_attribute__domain unique; btree id
uq_attribute__domain__association unique; btree attribute_id, class_id

cm.attribute__view [view]

Human friendly view of cm.attribute. Gets labels for UUIDs and aggregates labels of associated entities into arrays.

Column Data type Definition
id text Attribute UUID.
identifier text The formal human-readable text identifier for the attribute type. Will be used as JSON key names or derived database column names. Format: lowerCamelCase.
data_type text
system__type text The system level type of the attribute.
derived boolean Specifies whether the attribute is concrete (false - default) or derived (true). Derived properties are a function of one or more concrete attribute types.
label text A formatted label for presentation in documentation or user interfaces. Format: Proper Noun.
definition text A brief definition of the attribute type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
defined_by text The class model this attribute belongs to.
domain_includes text[] Array of classes this attribute is an attribute of.
see_also text[] An array of URLs for web pages or other web resources that describe or define this attribute type.
constraints jsonb The default constraints on the value of an instance of a attribute. Managed as a JSON object as applicable constraints vary with the attribute type's range.

cm.class [table]

Definitions of the types of classes (datasets and entities) stored the data and definition (cm) schema. Value of the type_id column on dataset and entity tables.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id text PK NO Class ID.
class_model_id uuid FK NO Class model UUID.
identifier text NO The formal human-readable text identifier for the class. Will be used a JSON key names or derived database table names. Format: UpperCamelCase.
abstract boolean NO false Specifies whether the class is concrete (false - default) or abstract (true). Instances of abstract classes cannot be created.
label text YES A formatted label for presentation in documentation or user interfaces. Format: Proper Noun.
definition text YES A brief definition of the class type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
editorial_note text YES Notes on issues with the class type and any changes that may be required.
rdf_match text[] YES The compact URIs of the well-known RDF resource the type matches, where applicable.
see_also text[] YES An array of URLs for web pages or other web resources that describe or define this class type.
root_class boolean NO true Specifies whether or not the class type is a root class in the class model.
system__type_id text FK NO The system level type of the class. This cannot be changed once the class is referenced by data.dataset or data.entity.
system__label_template text YES '${label}' A template specifying how class attributes may be used to create a label for presentation. May be overridden by an individual dataset's system__label_template template. Format is text with column values inserted as variables using the attribute identifier to identify the property. E.g.: '${depth} [${designation}]'
system__default_location_attribute_id text FK YES The attribute id of the default geometry to be used to locate an entity when multiple spatial representations are available (e.g. ${samplingLocation}).
Constraint Type Columns Description
uq_class__identifier unique class_model_id, identifier Ensures that the class identifier is unique within the class model.
Index Type Columns
fx_class__class_model btree class_model_id
pk_class unique; btree id
uq_class__identifier unique; btree class_model_id, identifier

cm.class__associations [view]

Shows all attributes of a class, including those inherited from super classes.

Column Data type Definition
class_model_id uuid Class model UUID.
class_id text Class UUID.
class_identifier text The formal human-readable text identifier for the class. Will be used a JSON key names or derived database table names. Format: UpperCamelCase.
association_id text Association UUID.
association_identifier text The formal human-readable text identifier for the association type. Will be used a JSON key names or derived database column names. Format: lowerCamelCase
constraint__multiplicity int4[] A two element array specifying the minimum and maximum allowable number of association type values for a specific class. This may vary between classes.
label text A formatted label for presentation in documentation or user interfaces. Format: Proper Noun.
bidirectional boolean true if the association is bi-directional (has an inverse_id). Generated.
inverse_identifier text The inverse association type identifier.
inverse_label text A human-friendly label for the association type's inverse association type (for bi-directional associations where the association is consistently specified in one direction only).
definition text A brief definition of the association type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax
editorial_note text Notes on issues with the association type and any changes that may be required.
see_also text[] An array of URLs for web pages or other web resources that describe or define this association type.
constraints jsonb The default constraints on the value of an instance of a association_type. Managed as a JSON object as applicable constraints vary with the association type's range.
system__type_id text The system level type of the association. This cannot be changed once the attribute is referenced by `data.*_aggregation

cm.class__attributes [view]

Shows all attributes of a class, including those inherited from super classes.

Column Data type Definition
class_model_id uuid Class model UUID.
class_id text Class UUID.
class_identifier text The formal human-readable text identifier for the class. Will be used a JSON key names or derived database table names. Format: UpperCamelCase.
attribute_id text Attribute UUID.
attribute_identifier text The formal human-readable text identifier for the attribute type. Will be used a JSON key names or derived database column names. Format: lowerCamelCase.
constraint__multiplicity int4[] A two element array specifying the minimum and maximum allowable number of association type values for a specific class. This may vary between classes.
constraint__value_collection_id uuid The UUID of the concept_collection_id that specified the available concepts for concept reference attributes.
constraint__value_unit_collection_id uuid The UUID of the concept_collection_id that specified the available concepts for quantity unit reference values.
constraint__agent_collection_id uuid The UUID of the concept_collection_id that specified the available agent entities for agent reference attributes.
constraint__procedure_collection_id uuid The UUID of the concept_collection_id that specified the available procedure entities for procedure reference attributes.
data_type_id text The data type of the attribute. For attributes with polymorphic data types, specialise the attribute by data types.
derived boolean Specifies whether the attribute is concrete (false - default) or derived (true). Derived properties are a function of one or more concrete attribute types.
label text A formatted label for presentation in documentation or user interfaces. Format: Proper Noun.
definition text A brief definition of the attribute type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
editorial_note text Notes on issues with the attribute type and any changes that may be required.
see_also text[] An array of URLs for web pages or other web resources that describe or define this attribute type.
constraints jsonb The default constraints on the value of an instance of a attribute. Managed as a JSON object as applicable constraints vary with the attribute type's range.
class_system__type_id text The system level type of the class.
attribute_system__type_id text The system level type of the attribute.

cm.class__specialisation [table]

Relates class types to the sub-class types that specialise their behaviour.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id uuid PK NO gen_random_uuid() Class specialisation UUID.
class_id text FK NO Class ID.
sub_class_id text FK NO Sub-class ID.
Constraint Type Columns Description
ck_class__specialisation__recursion check class_id, sub_class_id Recursion trap. Checks that the sub-class is not already specified as an ancestor of the class.
uq_class__specialisation__association unique class_id, sub_class_id Ensures only one specialisation association between a class and sub-class is created.
Index Type Columns
pk_class__specialisation unique; btree id
uq_class__specialisation__association unique; btree class_id, sub_class_id

cm.class__view [view]

Human friendly view of cm.class. Gets labels for UUIDs and aggregates labels of associated entities into arrays.

Column Data type Definition
id text Class UUID.
identifier text The formal human-readable text identifier for the class. Will be used a JSON key names or derived database table names. Format: UpperCamelCase.
system__type text The system level type of the class.
abstract boolean Specifies whether the class is concrete (false - default) or abstract (true). Instances of abstract classes cannot be created.
label text A formatted label for presentation in documentation or user interfaces. Format: Proper Noun.
definition text A brief definition of the class type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
defined_by text The class model this class belongs to.
sub_classes text[] Array of sub classes of this class.
properties text[] Array of the properties of this class.
range_of text[] Array of the associations of this class is the range (value) of.
see_also text[] An array of URLs for web pages or other web resources that describe or define this class type.

cm.class_model [table]

Models (dare we say, ontologies?) that organise classes. Classes are defined for - and are therefore owned by - a model.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id uuid PK NO gen_random_uuid() Class model UUID.
register_id uuid FK NO Governing register UUID.
identifier text NO The formal human-readable text identifier for the class model. Format: UpperCamelCase.
base_uri text NO The base URI identifying (and publishing the model). Is also the path to class and property (attribute and association) types defined in the model.
namespace_prefix text NO The default namespace prefix to be used in place of the base URI when identifier URIs are abbreviated as compact URIs (CURIs).
label text NO A formatted label for presentation in documentation or user interfaces. Format: Proper Noun.
description text YES A brief description of the class model. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
editorial_note text YES Notes on issues with the class model and any changes that may be required.
see_also text[] YES An array of URLs for web pages or other web resources that describe or define this class model.
system__type_id text FK NO The system level type of the class model. This cannot be changed once the class model is referenced by data.dataset.
Constraint Type Columns Description
uq_class_model__identifier unique identifier Ensures that the class model identifier is unique.
Index Type Columns
pk_class_model unique; btree id
uq_class_model__identifier unique; btree identifier

cm.class_model__view [view]

Human friendly view of cm.class_model. Gets labels for UUIDs and aggregates labels of associated entities into arrays.

Column Data type Definition
id uuid Class model UUID.
identifier text The formal human-readable text identifier for the class model. Format: UpperCamelCase.
system__type text The system level type of the class model.
base_uri text The base URI identifying (and publishing the model). Is also the path to class and property (attribute and association) types defined in the model.
namespace_prefix text The default namespace prefix to be used in place of the base URI when identifier URIs are abbreviated as compact URIs (CURIs).
label text A formatted label for presentation in documentation or user interfaces. Format: Proper Noun.
description text A brief description of the class model. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
defines text[] An array of classes defined in this class model.
see_also text[] An array of URLs for web pages or other web resources that describe or define this class model.

cm.system__type__association [table]

Controlled list of system types (sub-types that the system depends on) for a association type.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id text PK NO The system type id.
label text NO A human-friendly label for the system type.
definition text YES A brief definition of the system type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
super_type_id text FK YES The super (parent) system type id where a type specialises another.
rdf_match text[] YES The compact URIs of the well-known RDF resource the type matches, where applicable.
Index Type Columns
pk_system__type_association unique; btree id

cm.system__type__attribute [table]

Controlled list of system types (sub-types that the system depends on) for an attribute.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id text PK NO The system type id.
label text NO A human-friendly label for the system type.
definition text YES A brief definition of the system type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
super_type_id text FK YES The super (parent) system type id where a type specialises another.
rdf_match text[] YES The compact URIs of the well-known RDF resource the type matches, where applicable.
Index Type Columns
pk_system__type__attribute unique; btree id

cm.system__type__class [table]

Controlled list of system types (sub-types that the system depends on) for a class type. Based largely on RDF Schema ( and the PROV-O ontology, with modifications to support the integration of the SOSA-SSN sampling and observation ontology.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id text PK NO The system type id.
identifier text NO The formal human-readable text identifier for the class.
abstract boolean NO false Specifies whether the class is concrete (false - default) or abstract (true). Instances of abstract classes cannot be created.
label text NO A human-friendly label for the system type.
definition text YES A brief definition of the system type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
super_type_id text FK YES The super (parent) system type id where a type specialises another.
rdf_match text[] YES The compact URIs of the well-known RDF resource the type matches, where applicable.
Index Type Columns
pk_system__type__class unique; btree id

cm.system__type__class_model [table]

Controlled list of system types (sub-types that the system depends on) for a class model.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id text PK NO The system type id.
label text NO A human-friendly label for the system type.
definition text YES A brief definition of the system type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
super_type_id text FK YES The super (parent) system type id where a type specialises another.
rdf_match text[] YES The compact URIs of the well-known RDF resource the type matches, where applicable.
Index Type Columns
pk_system__type__class_model unique; btree id

cm.system__type__data_type [table]

Definitions of the JSON data types used for attribute values. Includes JSON schema definitions.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id text PK NO The system type id.
identifier text NO The formal human-readable text identifier for the data type. Used for consistency with class types.
abstract boolean NO false Specifies whether the data type is concrete (false - default) or abstract (true). Instances of abstract data types cannot be created.
label text YES A human-friendly label for the system type.
definition text YES A brief definition of the system type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
schema_json jsonb YES The JSON Schema defining the structure of the value when stored as an object in an attribute table.
pgsql_cast text YES The PgSQL cast string to be added to a value in a select statement when extracted from a JSON object as text, e.g. ::numeric(5,2) for (value ->> '.')::numeric(5,2).
pgsql_select_expression jsonb YES Templates for casting JSONB attribute values in SQL SELECT expressions. Is a JSON object to allow for separate templates for object value keys. Can be used as helpful templates when writing SQL queries or be embedded in execute format() statements in functions. The alias is to be replaced with the ... alias (e.g. xx.) ... or an empty string.
super_type_id text FK YES The super (parent) system type id where a type specialises another.
Constraint Type Columns Description
uq_system__type__data_type__identifier unique identifier Ensures that the data type identifier is unique.
Index Type Columns
pk_system__type__data_type unique; btree id
uq_system__type__data_type__identifier unique; btree identifier


Function Type Arguments Returns Description
class__sub_class function _class_id text[] Returns an array of ids of the class's (_class_id) sub-classes.
class__super_class function _class_id text[] Returns an array of ids of the class's (_class_id) super-classes.
class__system__label__attribute function _class_id; _attribute_id boolean Function that tests whether the attribute (_attribute_id) is part of the class's label template.
tf_association__system__type__update function trigger Trigger function that implements a check to ensure that a association hasn't been referenced in the data schema. If it has then changes to the association's system type are restricted as it will have impacted how the record is stored and managed in the data schema.
tf_attribute__system__type__update function trigger Trigger function that implements a check to ensure that a attribute hasn't been referenced in the data schema. If it has then changes to the attribute's system type are restricted as it will have impacted how the record is stored and managed in the data schema.
tf_class__system__label_template__update function trigger Trigger function that updates an entity or dataset's default label if the class's default label template is changed. Does not update labels templated at a dataset level.
tf_class__system__type__update function trigger Trigger function that implements a check to ensure that a class hasn't been referenced in the data schema. If it has then changes to the class's system type are restricted as it will have impacted how the record is stored and managed in the data schema.
tf_class_model__system__type__update function trigger Trigger function that implements a check to ensure that a class model hasn't been referenced in the data schema. If it has then changes to the class model's system type are restricted as it will have impacted how the record is stored and managed in the data schema.
validate_attribute_value function _attribute_id; _value boolean Validates a entitys attribute (_id) value according to its attribute's (_attribute_id`) data type.
validate_json_object function _json_object; _json_schema jsonb Validates a JSON object (_json_object) according to the provided JSON Schema (_json_schema). Returns a JSON objects with a report on validation errors if the validation fails.