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EDR voc Schema Documentation


The voc schema holds tables, views and functions used to provide definitions for schemas and collections of concepts used for controlled vocabularies. (Some tables have a corresponding view that presents the table in a human friendly way, for example by getting a label from a related table, rather than displaying the foreign key UUID. The views have the same name as the table they present but suffixed by '__view', e.g voc.concept__view for voc.concept.)

Figure voc schema tables.

schema - voc

Tables and views

voc.concept [table]

Concepts, or terms, in a defined vocabulary. The language used for label and definition values is set by the concept_scheme.system__language property. After skos:Concept.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id text PK NO Concept ID.
concept_scheme_id text NO Concept scheme ID
top_concept boolean NO true Shows whether the concept is a top (root) concept in its concept scheme. Defaults to true as most schemes a simple lists. In a hierarchy narrower concepts are, by definition, not top concepts so the value will be false.
preferred_label text NO The preferred, human-readable, text identifier for the concept. After skos:prefLabel.
alternative_labels text[] YES An array of alternative, human-readable, text identifiers for the concept (synonyms). After skos:altLabel.
notation text YES A code, token or identifier formally used by the schema maintainers to identify and access a concept. E.g. L for the NZSC Allophanic Soils order. After skos:notation.
definition text YES A brief definition of the concept. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax. More detailed descriptions should be provided via the resources at the related concept_scheme.source and concept_scheme.see_also links. After skos:definition.
editorial_note text YES Notes on issues with the concept and any changes that may be required. After skos:editorialNote.
system__language text NO 'en' An IETF language tag for the language used for translation. Directs the client to use a specific language for a multi-language scheme.
system__order integer YES Integer value marking the member's position in a ordered concept scheme.
Index Type Columns
fx_concept__concept_scheme btree concept_scheme_id
pk_concept unique; btree id

voc.concept__quantity [table]

Extends voc.concept to provide the applicable numeric values for concepts that actually describe a numeric range. E.g. an abundance or size fraction vocabulary. The unit of measure used is as defined in the source vocabulary.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id uuid PK NO gen_random_uuid() Concept quantity UUID.
concept_id text NO Concept ID.
value numrange NO The numeric range represented by the concept.
uom_id text NO The range value's unit of measure.
Index Type Columns
pk_concept__quantity unique; btree id

voc.concept__relationship [table]

Relates a concept to its other concepts. E.g. in a broader/narrower hierarchy. After skos:mappingRelation and skos:semanticRelation.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id uuid PK NO gen_random_uuid() Concept relationship UUID.
type_id text NO The type of relationship.
concept_id text NO Concept ID.
related_concept_id text NO Related concept ID.
system__order integer YES Integer value marking the related concept's position in a ordered collection.
Constraint Type Columns Description
uq_concept__relationship__association unique type_id, concept_id, related_concept_id Ensures only one relationship of a given type between two concepts is allowed.
Index Type Columns
pk_concept__relationship unique; btree id
uq_concept__relationship__association unique; btree type_id, concept_id, related_concept_id

voc.concept__relationship__type [table]

Controlled list of types for a concept relationship. When the relationship is bi-direction, i.e. can be navigated in the inverse direction an inverse_id and inverse_label should be provided. For simplicity's sake a bi-directional relationship should only be asserted in one direction.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id text PK NO The relationship type id.
label text NO A human-friendly label for the relationship type.
bidirectional boolean NO true if the relationship is bi-directional (has an inverse_id). Generated.
inverse_id text YES The inverse relationship type id.
inverse_label text YES A human-friendly label for the relationship type's inverse relationship type (for bi-directional relationships where the relationship is consistently specified in one direction only).
definition text YES A brief definition of the relationship type. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
super_type_id text YES The super (parent) type id where a type specialises another. E.g. narrow-match specialises match.
rdf_exact_match text[] YES The compact URIs of the well-known RDF resource the type matches, where applicable. E.g. skos:narrowMatch.
rdf_inverse_exact_match text[] YES The compact URIs of the well-known RDF resource the inverse of the type matches, where applicable. E.g. skos:broaderMatch.
Index Type Columns
pk_concept__relationship__type unique; btree id

voc.concept__relationship__with_inverse [view]

View extending voc.concept__relationship to includes inverse relationships as records.

Column Data type Definition
id uuid Concept relationship UUID.
concept_id text Concept UUID.
type_id text The type of relationship.
related_concept_id text Related concept UUID.
system__order integer Integer value marking the related concept's position in a ordered collection.

voc.concept__translation [table]

Concept scheme label and description properties as translated into the language specified in system__language.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id uuid PK NO gen_random_uuid() Concept translation UUID.
concept_id text NO Concept ID.
preferred_label text NO Translation of the preferred, human-readable, text identifier for the concept. After skos:prefLabel.
alternative_labels text[] YES Translation of the alternative, human-readable, text identifiers for the concept. After skos:prefLabel.
definition text YES Translation of the brief description of the concept. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
editorial_note text YES Translation of the notes on issues with the concept and any changes that may be required. After skos:editorialNote.
system__language text NO An IETF language tag for the language used for translation. Directs the client to use a specific language for a multi-language scheme.
Index Type Columns
fx_concept__translation__concept btree concept_id
pk_concept__translation unique; btree id

voc.concept__view [view]

Human friendly view of voc.concept. Gets labels for UUIDs and aggregates labels of related entities into arrays.

Column Data type Definition
id text Concept UUID.
in_scheme text Concept scheme the concept is a member of.
top_concept boolean Shows whether the concept is a top (root) concept in its concept scheme. Defaults to true as most schemes a simple lists. In a hierarchy narrower concepts are, by definition, not top concepts so the value will be false.
label text The formatted label, structured according to the label template defined for the concept scheme
preferred_label text The preferred, human-readable, text identifier for the concept. After skos:prefLabel.
alternative_labels text[] An array of alternative, human-readable, text identifiers for the concept (synonyms). After skos:altLabel.
notation text A code, token or identifier formally used by the schema maintainers to identify and access a concept. E.g. L for the NZSC Allophanic Soils order. After skos:notation.
definition text A brief definition of the concept. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax. More detailed descriptions should be provided via the resources at the related concept_scheme.source and concept_scheme.see_also links. After skos:definition.
broader text[] Array of broader (parent) concepts.
narrower text[] Array of narrower (child) concepts.
related text[] Array of concepts that have a simple semantic relationship with the concept.
matching text[] Array of matching (exact, close, narrower or broader) concepts from another schema.

voc.concept_collection [table]

A collection of concepts describing the same property, or a subset of a vocabulary's concepts required by an application. Potentially a publication, or a chapter within a publication. After skos:Collection and skos:OrderedCollection.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id uuid PK NO gen_random_uuid() Concept collection UUID.
register_id uuid NO Governing register UUID.
preferred_label text NO The preferred, human-readable, text identifier for the collection. After skos:prefLabel.
notation text YES A code, token or identifier formally used by the schema maintainers to identify and access a collection. E.g. NZSC for the ... NZSC. After skos:notation.
description text YES A brief description of the concept collection. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax. More detailed descriptions should be provided via the resources at the related concept_scheme.source and concept_scheme.see_also links.
default_concept_id text YES The UUID of the concept to be used as the default value for properties populated by the concept collection (where appropriate).
editorial_note text YES Notes on issues with the concept and any changes that may be required. After skos:editorialNote.
system__ordered boolean NO true Specifies whether the collection members are ordered. Ordering may either be in natural ascending/descending alphanumeric order, or as specified by the vocabulary maintainer. true means the collection is a skos:OrderedCollection.
system__language text YES 'en' An IETF language tag for the default language used for concept labels, descriptions and definitions when the collection is used. Directs the client to use a specific language for a multi-language scheme. If null, the default concept_scheme.system_language is used.
system__label_template text YES A template specifying how the concept preferred_label and notation values are to be used to great a label for presentation. May be overridden by the concept_collection system__label_template template. Format is text with preferred_label and notation column values inserted as variables (${preferred_label} and ${notation}). E.g.: '${preferred_label} [${notation}]'
system__tag text[] YES An array of tags that can be used to group or otherwise organise concept schemes.
Constraint Type Columns Description
uq_concept_collection__notation unique notation Ensures the notation value is unique as it is used for HTTP URIs.
Index Type Columns
fx_concept_collection__register btree register_id
pk_concept_collection unique; btree id
uq_concept_collection__notation unique; btree notation

voc.concept_collection__member [table]

Relates a collection to its member concepts.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id uuid PK NO gen_random_uuid() Concept collection member UUID.
concept_collection_id uuid NO Concept collection UUID.
member_concept_id text NO Member concept ID.
system__order integer YES Integer value marking the member's position in a ordered collection.
Index Type Columns
pk_concept_collection__member unique; btree id

voc.concept_collection__member__view [view]

Human friendly view of voc.concept_collection__member. Gets preferred labels for members. Ordered by voc.concept_collection__member.system__order.

Column Data type Definition
concept_collection text name of the concept collection.
concept_collection_id uuid Concept collection UUID.
member_concept_id text Member concept UUID.
member_label text Member concept labelled according to the concept collections label template.
system__order integer Integer value marking the member's position in a ordered collection.

voc.concept_collection__view [view]

Human friendly view of voc.concept_collection. Gets labels for UUIDs and aggregates labels of related entities into arrays.

Column Data type Definition
id uuid Concept collection UUID.
preferred_label text The preferred, human-readable, text identifier for the collection. After skos:prefLabel.
notation text A code, token or identifier formally used by the schema maintainers to identify and access a collection. E.g. NZSC for the ... NZSC. After skos:notation.
description text A brief description of the concept collection. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax. More detailed descriptions should be provided via the resources at the related concept_scheme.source and concept_scheme.see_also links.
members text[] Array of concepts that are members of this collection.
system__language text An IETF language tag for the default language used for concept labels, descriptions and definitions when the collection is used. Directs the client to use a specific language for a multi-language scheme. If null, the default concept_scheme.system__language is used.
system__label_template text A template specifying how the concept preferred_label and notation values are to be used to great a label for presentation. May be overridden by the concept_collection system__label_template template. Format is text with preferred_label and notation column values inserted as variables (${preferred_label} and ${notation}). E.g.: '${preferred_label} [${notation}]'

voc.concept_scheme [table]

A vocabulary or similar collection of concepts with a common source and history of governance. Potentially a publication, or a chapter within a publication. After skos:concept_scheme.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id text PK NO Concept scheme ID.
register_id uuid NO Governing register UUID.
preferred_label text NO The preferred, human-readable, text identifier for the concept scheme. After skos:prefLabel.
notation text YES A code, token or identifier formally used by the schema maintainers to identify and access a concept scheme. E.g. NZSC for the ... NZSC. After skos:notation.
description text YES A brief description of the concept concept scheme. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax. More detailed descriptions should be provided via the resources at the related concept_scheme.source and concept_scheme.see_also links.
editorial_note text YES Notes on issues with the concept and any changes that may be required. After skos:editorialNote.
source text[] YES An array of citations (preferably DOIs or other URIs) for the source of the data in the concept scheme.
see_also text[] YES An array of URLs for web pages or other web resources that describe or define this concept scheme.
system__language text NO 'en' An IETF language tag for the default language used for concept labels, descriptions and definitions when the concept scheme is used. Directs the client to use a specific language for a multi-language scheme. If null, the default concept_scheme.system__language is used.
system__label_template text YES '${preferred_label}' A template specifying how the concept preferred_label and notation values are to be used to great a label for presentation. May be overridden by the concept_concept scheme system__label_template template. Format is text with preferred_label and notation column values inserted as variables (${preferred_label} and ${notation}). E.g.: '${preferred_label} [${notation}]'
system__tag text[] YES An array of tags that can be used to group or otherwise organise concept schemes.
Index Type Columns
fx_concept_scheme__register btree register_id
pk_concept_scheme unique; btree id

voc.concept_scheme__translation [table]

Concept scheme label and description properties as translated into the language specified in system__language.

Column Data type Key FK References Null Default Definition
id uuid PK NO gen_random_uuid() Concept scheme translation UUID.
concept_scheme_id text NO Concept scheme ID.
preferred_label text NO Translation of the preferred, human-readable, text identifier for the concept scheme. After skos:prefLabel.
description text YES Translation of the brief description of the concept scheme. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax.
editorial_note text YES Translation of the notes on issues with the concept scheme and any changes that may be required. After skos:editorialNote.
system__language text NO An IETF language tag for the language used for translation. Directs the client to use a specific language for a multi-language scheme.
Index Type Columns
fx_concept_scheme__translation__concept_scheme btree concept_scheme_id
pk_concept_scheme__translation unique; btree id

voc.concept_scheme__view [view]

Human friendly view of voc.concept_scheme. Gets labels for UUIDs and aggregates labels of related entities into arrays.

Column Data type Definition
id text Concept scheme UUID.
preferred_label text The preferred, human-readable, text identifier for the concept scheme. After skos:prefLabel.
notation text A code, token or identifier formally used by the schema maintainers to identify and access a concept scheme. E.g. NZSC for the ... NZSC. After skos:notation.
description text A brief description of the concept concept scheme. Content may be formatted using Markdown syntax. More detailed descriptions should be provided via the resources at the related concept_scheme.source and concept_scheme.see_also links.
top_concepts text[] An array of concepts that are at the root (top) of the concept scheme.
lower_concepts text[] An array of concepts that are at the narrower concepts of the concept scheme's top concepts.
source text[] An array of citations (preferably DOIs or other URIs) for the source of the data in the concept scheme.
see_also text[] An array of URLs for web pages or other web resources that describe or define this concept scheme.
system__language text An IETF language tag for the default language used for concept labels, descriptions and definitions when the concept scheme is used. Directs the client to use a specific language for a multi-language scheme. If null, the default concept_scheme.system__language is used.
system__label_template text A template specifying how the concept preferred_label and notation values are to be used to great a label for presentation. May be overridden by the concept_concept scheme system__label_template template. Format is text with preferred_label and notation column values inserted as variables (${preferred_label} and ${notation}). E.g.: '${preferred_label} [${notation}]'


Function Type Arguments Returns Description
concept__label function _concept_id; _concept_collection_id text Returns a concept's (_concept_id) formatted label based on the concept collection (_concept_collection_id) or concept scheme (if _concept_collection_id is null) template defined in concept_collection