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The way to describe and build simple functions using JSON


I need to allow the end user to create some simple function using a JSON file (mostly math based functions), but without allowing them to access the global scope. This module allow them to declare and run functions, but in an enclosed environment provided by the developer.

Performance Notice

Functions built with this module are very slow, despite the fact that we pre-compile and cache every expression and statement. Use it only when performance is not an issue.

In This Guide



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Creates a function from options using env as outer environment.

function build(
  options: BuildFunctionOptions,
  env?: Environment,
): Function;

interface BuildFunctionOptions {
  name?: string;
  params?: string | ParamDescriptor | Array<string | ParamDescriptor>;
  body?: Step | Step[];


  • options

    Function options.

    • name (optional)

      A name for the function, if provided it will be registered to the environment so you can call the function recursively.

    • params (optional)

      see Function Expression for more information.

    • body (optional)

      see Function Expression for more information.

  • env (optional)

    Outer environment for the function. see environment section for more information.


Compiles an expression or array of expressions into a function or array of functions.

function compileExp(
  expression: Expression,
  cache: object,
  safeGet?: boolean,
): (env: Environment) => any;

function compileExp(
  expression: Array<Expression>,
  cache: object,
  safeGet?: boolean,
): Array<(env: Environment) => any>;


  • expression

    Expression or array of Expressions to be compiled.

  • cache

    Cache object.

  • safeGet (optional)

    Whether or not to return undefined if id not found on a get expression. If safeGet is falsy get expression will throw if id not present in the environment.


Compiles a step or array of steps into a function.

function compileStep(
  step: Step | Step[],
  cache: object,
  allowBreak?: boolean,
): (env: Environment) => StepResult;



Creates a new environment with parent as parent environment.

function createEnv(
  parent: Environment | null,
  lib?: EnvironmentLib | null,
): Environment;


  • parent

    Parent environment.

  • lib

    Variables to be added to the newly created environment.


Searches for an id in an environment.

function findInEnv(
  env: Environment,
  id: string,
  topOnly?: boolean,
): EnvFound | void;

interface EnvFound {
  env: Environment;
  id: string;


  • env

    The environment.

  • id

    Variable id to search for.

  • topOnly (optional)

    Whether or not to search the top level environment only. Otherwise it will keep searching every parent environment.


Sets a value into an environment.

function setInEnv(
  env: Environment,
  id: string,
  value: any,
): void;


  • env

    The environment to set the variable.

  • id

    The variable id.

  • value

    The variable value.


Literal Expression

It resolves to a literal expression.


interface LiteralExpression {
  type: "literal";
  value: any;
  • type

    Always "literal", it's what identifies a literal expression from other expressions and statements.

  • value

    Value to be used as literal when expression is evaluated. This value will be serialized using JSON.stringify and then reparsed using JSON.parse when expression is evaluated, it allows to resolve to a fresh object or array when expresion is evaluated.


  "type": "literal",
  "value": [1, 2]

... is equivalent to...

[1, 2]

Get Expression

Gets a value of the variable identified by the id from the current virtual environment. If the variable if not found, it will throw, unless it is inside a typeof trnsform operation.


interface GetExpression {
  type: "get";
  id: string;
  • type

    Always "get", it's what identifies a get expression from other expressions and statements.

  • id

    String representing the id to be used when expression is resolved.

    If the id is not present in the current virtual environment, it will throw.


  "type": "get",
  "id": "current"

... is equivalent to...


Set Expression

It sets a value to the variable identified by the id in the current virtual environment. If the variable has not been declared prevoiusly, it will throw. The expression will resolve to the value being set.


interface SetExpression {
  type: "set";
  id: string;
  value: Expression;
  • type

    Always "set", it's what identifies a set expression from other expressions and statements.

  • id

    String representing the id to be used when expression is resolved.

  • value

    Expression resolving to a value to be assigned to the corresponding id in the current virtual environment.


  "type": "set",
  "id": "a",
  "value": {
    "type": "set",
    "id": "b",
    "value": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": true

... is equivalent to...

a = b = true

Note that set expressions resolve to the value being set so they can be chained together.

Transform Expression

It performs a transform operation to another expression, see transformations for supported operators and information.


interface TransformExpression {
  type: "trans";
  oper: TransformOperator;
  exp: Expression;
  • type

    Always "trans", it's what identifies a trnsform expression from other expressions and statements.

  • oper

    The operator to be used in the operation, see transformations for more information.

  • exp

    Expression which result will be transformed.


  "type": "trans",
  "oper": "typeof",
  "exp": {
    "type": "get",
    "id": "value"

... is equivalent to...

typeof value

Operation Expression

It performs an operation between 2 or more operands, see operations for supported operators and information.


interface OperationExpression {
  type: "oper";
  oper: MultiTermOperator;
  exp: Expression[];
  • type

    Always "oper", it's what identifies an operation expression from other expressions and statements.

  • oper

    The operator to be used in the operation, see operations for more information.

  • exp

    Array of expressions to be used in the operation, if less than 2 operators provided, it will throw at compile time.


  "type": "oper",
  "oper": "*",
  "exp": [
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "15"
      "type": "oper",
      "oper": "+",
      "exp": [
          "type": "get",
          "id": "value"
          "type": "literal",
          "value": 2
          "type": "literal",
          "value": 5

... is equivalent to...

15 * (value + 2 + 5)

Every operation expression acts like its operands has been grouped inside parentheses, so the order of operations doesn't apply.

Ternary Expression

It resolves to a ternary operation expression.


interface TernaryExpression {
  type: "ternary";
  condition: Expression;
  then: Expression;
  otherwise: Expression;
  • type

    Always "ternary", it's what identifies a ternary expression from other expressions and statements.

  • condition

    Expression which result will be used as condition for the ternary expression.

  • then

    Expression which result will be used as resul for the ternary expression if condition is truthy.

  • otherwise

    Expression which result will be used as resul for the ternary expression if condition is falsy.


  "type": "ternary",
  "condition": {
    "type": "get",
    "id": "value",
    "then": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "yes"
    "otherwise": {
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "no"

... is equivalent to...

value ? "yes" : "no"

Function Expression

It represents a function expression.


interface FunctionExpression {
  type: "func";
  params?: string | ParamDescriptor | Array<string | ParamDescriptor>;
  body?: Step | Step[];

interface ParamDescriptor {
  id: string;
  type: "param" | "rest";
  • type

    Always "func", it's what identifies a function expression from other expressions and statements.

  • params (optional)

    String representing the the param id, object representing param id and type, or an array of them representing multiple parameters.

  • body (optional)

    A step or array of steps to be executed when the function is called. See function steps for more information.


  "type": "func",
  "params": "obj",
  "body": {
    "type": "return",
    "value": {
      "type": "trans",
      "oper": "!",
      "exp": {
        "type": "get",
        "id": "obj"

... is equivalent to...

function (obj) {
  return !obj;

Function Call Expression

It represents a function call result expression.


interface FunctionCallExpression {
  type: "call";
  func: Expression;
  args?: Expression | SpreadExpression | Array<Expression | SpreadExpression>;
  • type

    Always "call", it's what identifies a function call expression from other expressions and statements.

  • func

    Expression which resolves to a function to be called.

  • args (optional)

    Expression, spread expression or array of them to be used as arguments to call the function.


  "type": "call",
  "func": {
    "type": "get",
    "id": "concat"
  "args": [
      "type": "literal",
      "value": "Hello "
      "type": "get",
      "id": "name"

... is equivalent to...

concat("Hello ", name)

Spread Expression

It spreads the values of an array for a function call. Spread expressions only work on function call expressions, it will throw if used somewhere else.


interface SpreadExpression {
  type: "spread";
  exp: Expression;
  • type

    Always "spread", it's what identifies a spread expression from other expressions and statements.

  • exp

    Expression which resolves to an array to be spread.


  "type": "call",
  "func": {
    "type": "get",
    "id": "func"
  "args": [
      "type": "literal",
      "value": 100
      "type": "spread",
      "exp": {
        "type": "get",
        "id": "others"

... is equivalent to...

func(100, ...others)


let Statement

Declares variables into the current virtual environment.


interface LetStatement {
  type: "let";
  declare: string | DeclareWithValue | Array<string | DeclareWithValue>;

interface DeclareWithValue {
  id: string;
  value?: Expression;
  • type

    Always "let", it's what identifies a let statement from other statements and expressions.

  • declare

    An id, id-value-pair or array of them to be declared into the current virtual environment.


  "type": "let",
  "declare": [
      "id": "b"
      "id": "c",
      "value": 10

... is equivalent to...

let a, b, c = 10;

if Statement

Declares an if statement.


interface IfStatement {
  type: "if";
  condition: Expression;
  then?: Step | Step[];
  otherwise?: Step | Step[];
  • type

    Always "if", it's what identifies an if statement from other statements and expressions.

  • condition

    Expression which result will be used as condition for the if statement.

  • then (optional)

    A step or array of steps to be executed if condition resolves to a truthy value. See function steps for more information.

  • otherwise (optional)

    A step or array of steps to be executed if condition resolves to a falsy value. See function steps for more information.


  "type": "if",
  "condition": {
    "type": "get",
    "id": "test"
  "then": {
    "type": "call",
    "func": {
      "type": "get",
      "id": "func1"
  "otherwise": {
    "type": "call",
    "func": {
      "type": "get",
      "id": "func2"

... is equivalent to...

if (test) {
} else {

for Statement

Declares a for loop.


interface ForStatement {
  type: "for";
  target: Expression;
  index?: string;
  value?: string;
  body?: Step | Step[];
  • type

    Always "for", it's what identifies a for statement from other statements and expressions.

  • target

    Expression resolving to an array-like object, which length property will be used for the loop.

  • index (optional)

    The id to be registered inside the loop body virtual environment containing the current iteration index, if not specified it won't be registered, the loop will still run.

  • value (optional)

    The id to be registered inside the loop body virtual environment containing the current iteration value, if not specified it won't be registered, the loop will still run.

  • body (optional)

    A step or array of steps to be executed for every iteration. See function steps for more information.


  "type": "for",
  "target": {
    "type": "get",
    "id": "array"
  "index": "i",
  "value": "item",
  "body": {
    "type": "call",
    "func": {
      "type": "get",
      "id": "func1"
    "args": [
        "type": "get",
        "id": "i"
        "type": "get",
        "id": "item"

... is equivalent to...

for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  const item = array[i];
  func1(i, item);

break Statement

Declares a break statement, it will throw at build time if used outside a loop.


interface BreakStatement {
  type: "break";
  • type

    Always "break", it's what identifies a break statement from other statements and expressions.

return Statement

It represents a return statement.


interface ReturnStatement {
  type: "return";
  value: Expression;
  • type

    Always "return", it's what identifies a return statement from other statements and expressions.

  • value

    Expression which result will be used as return value.


  "type": "return",
  "value": {
    "type": "get",
    "id": "result"

... is equivalent to...

return result;

try Statement

It represents a try statement.


interface TryStatement {
  type: "try";
  body?: Step | Step[];
  error?: string;
  catch?: Step | Step[];
  • type

    Always "try", it's what identifies a try statement from other statements and expressions.

  • body (optional)

    A step or array of steps to be executed inside try block.

  • error (optional)

    The id to be registered inside the catch block virtual environment containing the error message, if not specified it won't be registered.

  • catch (optional)

    A step or array of steps to be executed inside catch block.

    If error option provided you can access the error message using a get expression.


  "type": "try",
  "body": {
    "type": "call",
    "func": {
      "type": "get",
      "id": "test"
    "args": [
        "type": "get",
        "id": "a"
        "type": "get",
        "id": "b"
  "error": "err",
  "catch": {
    "type": "call",
    "func": {
      "type": "get",
      "id": "log"
    "args": {
      "type": "get",
      "id": "err"

... is equivalent to...

try {
  test(a, b);
} catch (err) {

throw Statement

It represents a throw statement.


interface ThrowStatement {
  type: "throw";
  msg: string | Expression;
  • type

    Always "throw", it's what identifies a throw statement from other statements and expressions.

  • msg

    A string or Expression resolving to a string to be used as error message.


  "type": "throw",
  "msg": "Unknown Error"

... is equivalent to...

throw new Error("Unknown Error");


Any statement or expression is considered a step.


Multiterm operations are defined using the Operation Expression.

Supported Operators

+ Addition Operator

- Subtraction Operator

* Multiplication Operator

/ Division Operator

% Modulus Operator

** Exponentiation Operator

&& Logic AND Operator

|| Logic OR Operator

?? Nullish coalescing Operator

== Equal Operator

=== Strict equal Operator

!= Unequal Operator

!== Strict unequal Operator

< Less than Operator

<= Less than or equal Operator

> Greater than Operator

>= Greater than or equal Operator

& Bitwise AND Operator

| Bitwise OR Operator

^ Bitwise XOR Operator

<< Shift Left Operator

>> Shift Right Operator

>>> Unsigned Shift Right Operator


Transformations are defined using the Transform Expression.

Supported Transform Operators

typeof Type Operator

! NOT Operator

!! To Boolean Operator

~ Bitwise NOT Operator


MIT © Manuel Fernández