diff --git a/src/FoldCaptiveStaking.sol b/src/FoldCaptiveStaking.sol
index 6af2cfb..ba95082 100644
--- a/src/FoldCaptiveStaking.sol
+++ b/src/FoldCaptiveStaking.sol
@@ -214,10 +214,7 @@ contract FoldCaptiveStaking is Owned(msg.sender) {
     function compound() public isInitialized {
-        uint256 fee0Owed = (token0FeesPerLiquidity - balances[msg.sender].token0FeeDebt) * balances[msg.sender].amount
-            / liquidityUnderManagement;
-        uint256 fee1Owed = (token1FeesPerLiquidity - balances[msg.sender].token1FeeDebt) * balances[msg.sender].amount
-            / liquidityUnderManagement;
+        (uint256 fee0Owed, uint256 fee1Owed) = owedFees();
         INonfungiblePositionManager.IncreaseLiquidityParams memory params = INonfungiblePositionManager
@@ -243,14 +240,23 @@ contract FoldCaptiveStaking is Owned(msg.sender) {
         emit Compounded(msg.sender, liquidity, fee0Owed, fee1Owed);
+    /// @notice User-specific function to view fees owed on the singular position
+    function owedFees() public view returns (uint256, uint256) {
+        uint256 fee0Owed = ((token0FeesPerLiquidity -
+            balances[msg.sender].token0FeeDebt) * balances[msg.sender].amount) /
+            liquidityUnderManagement;
+        uint256 fee1Owed = ((token1FeesPerLiquidity -
+            balances[msg.sender].token1FeeDebt) * balances[msg.sender].amount) /
+            liquidityUnderManagement;
+        return (fee0Owed, fee1Owed);
+    }
     /// @notice User-specific function to collect fees on the singular position
     function collectFees() public isInitialized {
-        uint256 fee0Owed = (token0FeesPerLiquidity - balances[msg.sender].token0FeeDebt) * balances[msg.sender].amount
-            / liquidityUnderManagement;
-        uint256 fee1Owed = (token1FeesPerLiquidity - balances[msg.sender].token1FeeDebt) * balances[msg.sender].amount
-            / liquidityUnderManagement;
+        (uint256 fee0Owed, uint256 fee1Owed) = owedFees();
         token0.transfer(msg.sender, fee0Owed);
         token1.transfer(msg.sender, fee1Owed);
@@ -261,10 +267,16 @@ contract FoldCaptiveStaking is Owned(msg.sender) {
         emit FeesCollected(msg.sender, fee0Owed, fee1Owed);
+    /// @notice User-specific function to view rewards owed on the singular position
+    function owedRewards() public view returns (uint256) {
+        return
+            ((rewardsPerLiquidity - balances[msg.sender].rewardDebt) *
+                balances[msg.sender].amount) / liquidityUnderManagement;
+    }
     /// @notice User-specific Rewards for Protocol Rewards
     function collectRewards() public isInitialized {
-        uint256 rewardsOwed = (rewardsPerLiquidity - balances[msg.sender].rewardDebt) * balances[msg.sender].amount
-            / liquidityUnderManagement;
+        uint256 rewardsOwed = owedRewards();
         WETH9.transfer(msg.sender, rewardsOwed);
@@ -373,7 +385,8 @@ contract FoldCaptiveStaking is Owned(msg.sender) {
             amount1Max: uint128(amount1)
-        (uint256 amount0Collected, uint256 amount1Collected) = positionManager.collect(collectParams);
+        (uint256 amount0Collected, uint256 amount1Collected) = positionManager
+            .collect(collectParams);
         if (amount0Collected != amount0 || amount1Collected != amount1) {
             revert WithdrawFailed();
diff --git a/test/UnitTests.t.sol b/test/UnitTests.t.sol
index 3d8c969..bf942cc 100644
--- a/test/UnitTests.t.sol
+++ b/test/UnitTests.t.sol
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import "test/BaseCaptiveTest.sol";
 import "test/interfaces/ISwapRouter.sol";
 contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
-    ISwapRouter public router = ISwapRouter(0xE592427A0AEce92De3Edee1F18E0157C05861564);
+    ISwapRouter public router =
+        ISwapRouter(0xE592427A0AEce92De3Edee1F18E0157C05861564);
     /// @dev Ensure that balances and state variables are updated correctly.
     function testAddLiquidity() public {
@@ -18,8 +19,12 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         fold.approve(address(foldCaptiveStaking), type(uint256).max);
         foldCaptiveStaking.deposit(1_000 ether, 1_000 ether, 0);
-        (uint128 amount, uint128 rewardDebt, uint128 token0FeeDebt, uint128 token1FeeDebt) =
-            foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (
+            uint128 amount,
+            uint128 rewardDebt,
+            uint128 token0FeeDebt,
+            uint128 token1FeeDebt
+        ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         assertGt(amount, 0);
         assertEq(rewardDebt, 0);
@@ -31,13 +36,18 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
     function testRemoveLiquidity() public {
-        (uint128 amount, uint128 rewardDebt, uint128 token0FeeDebt, uint128 token1FeeDebt) =
-            foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (
+            uint128 amount,
+            uint128 rewardDebt,
+            uint128 token0FeeDebt,
+            uint128 token1FeeDebt
+        ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
-        (uint128 liq,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (uint128 liq, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         foldCaptiveStaking.withdraw(liq / 2);
-        (amount, rewardDebt, token0FeeDebt, token1FeeDebt) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (amount, rewardDebt, token0FeeDebt, token1FeeDebt) = foldCaptiveStaking
+            .balances(User01);
         assertEq(amount, liq / 2);
         assertEq(rewardDebt, 0);
@@ -46,11 +56,47 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         foldCaptiveStaking.withdraw(liq / 4);
-        (amount,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (amount, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         assertEq(amount, liq / 4);
+    /// @dev Ensure that owed fees are returned correctly.
+    function testOwedFees() public {
+        testAddLiquidity();
+        uint256 owedReards = foldCaptiveStaking.owedRewards();
+        (uint256 amount, uint256 rewardDebt, , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(
+            User01
+        );
+        uint256 rewardOwedCheck = ((foldCaptiveStaking.rewardsPerLiquidity() -
+            rewardDebt) * amount) /
+            foldCaptiveStaking.liquidityUnderManagement();
+        assertEq(rewardOwedCheck, owedReards);
+    }
+    /// @dev Ensure that owed fees are returned correctly.
+    function testOwedRewards() public {
+        testAddLiquidity();
+        (uint256 fee0Owed, uint256 fee1Owed) = foldCaptiveStaking.owedFees();
+        (
+            uint256 amount,
+            ,
+            uint256 token0FeeDebt,
+            uint256 token1FeeDebt
+        ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        uint256 fee0OwedCheck = ((foldCaptiveStaking.token0FeesPerLiquidity() -
+            token0FeeDebt) * amount) /
+            foldCaptiveStaking.liquidityUnderManagement();
+        uint256 fee1OwedCheck = ((foldCaptiveStaking.token1FeesPerLiquidity() -
+            token1FeeDebt) * amount) /
+            foldCaptiveStaking.liquidityUnderManagement();
+        assertEq(fee0OwedCheck, fee0Owed);
+        assertEq(fee1OwedCheck, fee1Owed);
+    }
     /// @dev Ensure fees are accrued correctly and distributed proportionately.
     function testFeesAccrue() public {
@@ -59,16 +105,17 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         weth.deposit{value: 10 ether}();
         weth.approve(address(router), type(uint256).max);
-        ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory params = ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams({
-            tokenIn: address(weth),
-            tokenOut: address(fold),
-            fee: 10_000,
-            recipient: msg.sender,
-            deadline: block.timestamp,
-            amountIn: 10 ether,
-            amountOutMinimum: 0,
-            sqrtPriceLimitX96: 0
-        });
+        ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory params = ISwapRouter
+            .ExactInputSingleParams({
+                tokenIn: address(weth),
+                tokenOut: address(fold),
+                fee: 10_000,
+                recipient: msg.sender,
+                deadline: block.timestamp,
+                amountIn: 10 ether,
+                amountOutMinimum: 0,
+                sqrtPriceLimitX96: 0
+            });
         // The call to `exactInputSingle` executes the swap.
         uint256 amountOut = router.exactInputSingle(params);
@@ -108,16 +155,17 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         weth.deposit{value: 10 ether}();
         weth.approve(address(router), type(uint256).max);
-        ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory params = ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams({
-            tokenIn: address(weth),
-            tokenOut: address(fold),
-            fee: 10_000,
-            recipient: msg.sender,
-            deadline: block.timestamp,
-            amountIn: 10 ether,
-            amountOutMinimum: 0,
-            sqrtPriceLimitX96: 0
-        });
+        ISwapRouter.ExactInputSingleParams memory params = ISwapRouter
+            .ExactInputSingleParams({
+                tokenIn: address(weth),
+                tokenOut: address(fold),
+                fee: 10_000,
+                recipient: msg.sender,
+                deadline: block.timestamp,
+                amountIn: 10 ether,
+                amountOutMinimum: 0,
+                sqrtPriceLimitX96: 0
+            });
         // The call to `exactInputSingle` executes the swap.
         uint256 amountOut = router.exactInputSingle(params);
@@ -139,11 +187,11 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         // The call to `exactInputSingle` executes the swap.
         amountOut = router.exactInputSingle(params);
-        (uint128 amount,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (uint128 amount, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
-        (uint128 newAmount,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (uint128 newAmount, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         assertGt(newAmount, amount);
@@ -167,15 +215,20 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         foldCaptiveStaking.deposit(10 ether, 10 ether, 0);
-        (,, uint128 token0FeeDebt, uint128 token1FeeDebt) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User02);
+        (, , uint128 token0FeeDebt, uint128 token1FeeDebt) = foldCaptiveStaking
+            .balances(User02);
         assertEq(token0FeeDebt, foldCaptiveStaking.token0FeesPerLiquidity());
         assertEq(token1FeeDebt, foldCaptiveStaking.token1FeesPerLiquidity());
     function testCannotCallbeforeInit() public {
-        FoldCaptiveStaking stakingTwo =
-            new FoldCaptiveStaking(address(positionManager), address(pool), address(weth), address(fold));
+        FoldCaptiveStaking stakingTwo = new FoldCaptiveStaking(
+            address(positionManager),
+            address(pool),
+            address(weth),
+            address(fold)
+        );
         stakingTwo.deposit(0, 0, 0);
@@ -203,22 +256,25 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         vm.deal(User01, 1000 ether);
         uint256 initialGlobalRewards = foldCaptiveStaking.rewardsPerLiquidity();
-        (, uint256 rewardDebt,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (, uint256 rewardDebt, , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         assertEq(rewardDebt, 0);
         foldCaptiveStaking.depositRewards{value: 1000 ether}();
         assertEq(foldCaptiveStaking.rewardsPerLiquidity(), 1000 ether);
-        assertGt(foldCaptiveStaking.rewardsPerLiquidity(), initialGlobalRewards);
+        assertGt(
+            foldCaptiveStaking.rewardsPerLiquidity(),
+            initialGlobalRewards
+        );
         uint256 initialBalance = weth.balanceOf(User01);
-        (, rewardDebt,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (, rewardDebt, , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         assertEq(rewardDebt, foldCaptiveStaking.rewardsPerLiquidity());
         assertGt(weth.balanceOf(User01), initialBalance);
-        (uint128 liq,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (uint128 liq, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         foldCaptiveStaking.withdraw(liq / 3);
@@ -227,7 +283,9 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         // Owner claims insurance
-        uint128 liquidityToClaim = uint128(foldCaptiveStaking.liquidityUnderManagement() / 4);
+        uint128 liquidityToClaim = uint128(
+            foldCaptiveStaking.liquidityUnderManagement() / 4
+        );
         address owner = foldCaptiveStaking.owner();
@@ -246,7 +304,7 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
     function testProRataWithdrawals() public {
-        (uint128 liq,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (uint128 liq, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         // Attempt to withdraw more than allowed amount
@@ -254,7 +312,7 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         // Pro-rated withdrawal
         foldCaptiveStaking.withdraw(liq / 2);
-        (uint128 amount,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (uint128 amount, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         assertEq(amount, liq / 2);
@@ -262,7 +320,7 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
     function testZeroDeposit() public {
         foldCaptiveStaking.deposit(0, 0, 0);
-        (uint128 amount,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (uint128 amount, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         assertEq(amount, 0);
@@ -271,7 +329,9 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         // Create a reentrancy attack contract and attempt to exploit the staking contract
-        ReentrancyAttack attack = new ReentrancyAttack(payable(address(foldCaptiveStaking)));
+        ReentrancyAttack attack = new ReentrancyAttack(
+            payable(address(foldCaptiveStaking))
+        );
         fold.transfer(address(attack), 1 ether);
         weth.transfer(address(attack), 1 ether);
@@ -334,10 +394,10 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         // User 1 withdraws
-        (uint128 liq,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (uint128 liq, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         foldCaptiveStaking.withdraw(liq / 2);
-        (uint128 amount,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
+        (uint128 amount, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User01);
         assertEq(amount, liq / 2);
@@ -345,10 +405,10 @@ contract UnitTests is BaseCaptiveTest {
         // User 2 withdraws
-        (liq,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User02);
+        (liq, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User02);
         foldCaptiveStaking.withdraw(liq / 2);
-        (amount,,,) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User02);
+        (amount, , , ) = foldCaptiveStaking.balances(User02);
         assertEq(amount, liq / 2);