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QGLAB Readme

QGLAB is an object-oriented framework for working with quantum graphs in MATLAB. The current version defines a quantum graph object and allows the following operations

  • Define a finite quantum graph with arbitrary topology, edge lengths, and vertex conditions.
  • Compute the spectral determinant symbolically for a variety of vertex conditions
  • Define a Laplacian operator on the quantum graph, using two methods:
    • Second-order centered differences on the edges and second-order vertex conditions implemented using ghost points.
    • Chebyshev spectral methods
  • Solve nonlinear Schrödinger equations, and continue branches of solutions. Switch branches.
  • Solve various time-dependent PDE posed on a quantum graph
  • Plots of functions defined over metric graphs and bifurcation diagrams easily and beautifully.

This code is written as a MATLAB Project. To run it, first type >> openProject QGObject.prj at the MATLAB prompt or click on the file QGObject.prj in the file listing on the left. This will open up a project window. This does three things that allow you to run the codes:

  1. Set the paths.
  2. Change some plotting defaults. The user's defaults are saved in a tmp directory and are restored when the user closes the project by closing the project window.
  3. Verify that certain MATLAB addons are installed that are necessary for certain functions of the package. These are:
    1. The Symbolic Mathematics Toolbox.
    2. The arrow3 package is used to add annotation arrows to plots.

The preprint

In December 2023, we submitted a paper entitled “QGLAB: A MATLAB Package for Computations on Quantum Graphs” to a journal for publication. The paper describes the algorithms underlying QGLAB. A slightly modified version has been posted to the arXiv.


Basic instructions are in a Matlab live script documentation/quantumGraphRoutines.mlx, also saved as an HTML file.

This has been expanded further into a tutorial that was entered into the 2024 SIAM Dynamical Systems Tutorial Contest. It is saved as a PDF.

Many additional examples are presented in live scripts in the directory source/examples, its subdirectories, and documentation.

A wide variety of graphs are implemented in source/templates. These are demonstrated in source/templates/templateGallery.mlx.

If it doesn't make sense, ask me.


We provide a live script to reproduce each figure in the preprint generated using QGLAB. Some figures were edited interactively for clarity after being created by a script so that formatting may differ slightly. The following table lists the figures (numbered as on the arXiv while the paper remains under review).

Figure/Section Description file
Fig. 1.1 and Sec. 4.1 Example graph and Poisson problem source/examples/stationary/poissonSchrodingerExample.mlx
Fig. 2.2 Layout and Laplacian matrix ($\mathbf{L}_{\mathrm{VC}}$) nonzero pattern for lollipop graph documentation/figures_from_the_paper/figure2p2.mlx
Fig. 2.4 Same as 2.2 but for Chebyshev and includes interpolation matrix $\mathbf{V}_0$ documentation/figures_from_the_paper/figure2p4.mlx
Fig. 2.5 and 4.1, Secs. 4.2 and A.1.1 Four eigenfunctions and spectral determinant for a Y-shaped graph documentation/figures_from_the_paper/figure2p5.mlx
Fig. 2.6 Stationary NLS solutions on the dumbbell and spiderweb graphs documentation/figures_from_the_paper/figure2p6.mlx
Fig. 2.7 and A.3 Continuation study of NLS solutions on the necklace graph and two eigenfunctions source/examples/stationary/necklaceBifurcationDiagram.mlx
Fig. 2.8, Sec 4.3 Soliton solutions colliding with a vertex on balanced and unbalanced star graphs. source/examples/evolution/NLSOnBalancedStarSDIRK443.mlx and source/examples/evolution/NLSOnUnbalancedStarSDIRK443.mlx
Fig. 3.1 Function plotting on graphs with 2D and 3D layout documentation/figures_from_the_paper/figure3p1.mlx
Fig. A.1 Cubic NLS continuation study on a dumbbell graph documentation/continuationInstructions.mlx contains these images and many more useful plotting routines for continuation studies
Fig. A.2 Cubic-Quintic NLS continuation on a dumbbell graph source/examples/stationary/dumbbellContinuation35.mlx
Fig. A.4 Heat equation solution on dumbbell source/examples/evolution/heatOnDumbbell.mlx also see source/examples/evolution/heatOnDumbbellTestOrder.mlx for convergence study
Fig. A.5 sine-Gordon equation on tetrahedron (flattened to Mercedes-Benz logo for plotting) source/examples/evolution/sineGordonOnTetra.mlx
Fig. B.2 Visualization of a function defined on a random graph using plot and pcolor source/documentation/figures_from_the_paper/figureB2_figureB3.mlx
Fig. B.3 The "bubble tower" graph source/documentation/figures_from_the_paper/figureB2_figureB3.mlx

QGLAB in action

This package (or earlier versions) has been used in the following papers:

and in the 2022 doctoral dissertation of Grace Conte at the University of North Carolina.

Planned additions and feature requests

  • Deflated continuation in order to locate nonlinear branches in a neighborhood of high-codimension bifurcations that arise in quantum graphs with large discrete symmetry groups.
  • More advanced IMEX time-steppers
  • More general vertex conditions
  • Semi-infinite edges

We are happy to consider adding features and/or merging contributions.

If you use the package for published work, please cite it as

  author       = {Roy Goodman and
                  Gracie Conte},
  title        = {manroygood/Quantum-Graphs: v1.2},
  month        = aug,
  year         = 2024,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v1.2},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.13290303},
  url          = {}