Releases: maproulette/maproulette3
Releases · maproulette/maproulette3
[v3.0.5] - 2018-06-22
- Congratulate user when a challenge is completed (#112).
- Challenge owners can set individual tasks to any status (#387).
- Challenge owners can bulk reset tasks to Created stauts (#326).
- Challenge owners can move challenges between projects (#328).
- Administration of project managers.
- Support for Read, Write, and Admin project manager roles.
- Improved handling of server authentication and authorization errors.
- Changeset source field on challenges with JOSM prefill (#361).
- Ensure latest API key displayed after multiple consecutive resets.
- Cloning a challenge could fail in some scenarios.
- Ensure all challenges shown to challenge owner (#396).
- Relocated comments on task-completion sidebar (#296).
[v3.0.2] - 2018-06-04
- Allow all users to create new projects.
- New "Intersecting Map Bounds" challenge location filter.
- Experimental (disabled by default) basic support for mobile devices.
- Add last-activity date to challenge overview table (#221).
- Update README documentation.
- [internal] Upgrade various package dependencies, including React.
- Very slow edit-challenge forms for some challenges (#370).
- Refresh results from server after changes to challenge filters.
- "Within Map Bounds" challenge location filter now only displays challenges
centered within the map bounds. Its prior behavior of including any
challenges with intersecting bounding boxes is represented by the new
"Intersecting Map Bounds" filter (#88). - Default to https for tile-server and other URLs.
[v3.00-beta.8] - 2018-05-01
- Experimental (disabled by default) challenge overview table when viewing
a project in admin area (#331).
- Admin project stats not restricted to currently-open project (#339).
- Incorrect display of wide or tall profile pics (#340).
- Admin area sometimes requires page refresh to show all challenges managed
by user (#341). - Users with slower connections could temporarily see erroneous warning about
missing home project in admin area (#342). - Confusing instructions around local file uploads when editing an existing
challenge (#349).
- Heatmap calendars in admin are now shown horizontally instead of vertically.
[v3.00-beta.7] - 2018-04-25
- Ability to also search by challenge name in admin search (#205).
- Public leaderboard of top scoring users across various timeframes (#254).
- Leaderboard opt-out setting in User Profile.
- Challenge-specific leaderboards for challenge owners in admin area (#316).
- Display of user's own top challenges (by activity) on user profile page.
- Notice to challenge owners after creating or updating challenge that
it can take up to 2 hours to complete geographic indexing (#234). - MIT license for project (#295).
- Already-complete challenges included in search results (#283).
- Misaligned task-control buttons for some users (#323).
- Typo in link to Overpass guide fixed by @naoliv
- Busy indicator spins forever when attempting to browse a
challenge pending deletion (#332). - No error shown when admin attempts to navigate to non-existent
challenge (#333).
[v3.00-beta.5] - 2018-04-09
- Require confirmation before rebuilding tasks.
- Automatic updates of task-build progress.
- Detect use of Overpass Turbo query shortcuts in Overpass queries (#256).
- Display of Challenge keywords in admin View Challenge sidebar (#244).
- Visibility quick-toggle in admin View Challenge sidebar (#183).
- Option to automatically add #maproulette hashtag to changeset comment (#290).
- Styling of user profile page (#276).
- User activity feed grouping by challenge (#28).
- Styling adjustments to admin forms (edit challenge, edit task, etc).
- Example PIWIK settings in .env file.
- Only offer task rebuilding to challenges built from Overpass queries.
- Challenge source now read-only once tasks are built (#236).