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Releases: maptalks/maptalks.js

V0.28.0 Released

14 Sep 09:22
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  • Support dom element for attribution control
  • Add a new map handler Map.BoxZoom
  • Add Map.animateTo for map animation
  • Add Map.isFullScreen (by @1dent1ty)
  • Add UIComponent.getOwnerEvents
  • Add Map.isAnimating and map.isRotating
  • Add a new markerType rectangle
  • Add Map.getPreviousView Map.getNextView getViewHistory for map view history
  • Add Geometry.redoEdit Geometry.undoEdit (proposed by @axmand)
  • Add LineString.animateShow and Polygon.animateShow (inspired by @NStal)
  • Add DrawTool.redo and DrawTool.undo
  • Mimic dblclick with touch events on mobiles
  • Add dragstart/dragging/dragend events to Panel Control
  • Add UIMarker.flash
  • Add canvas option in Layer to replace default canvas with your own canvas element
  • Add getCenterInExtent in LineString/Polygon/MultiLineString/MulPolygon to get center of intersection between geometry and extent
  • Add css option in Overview Control


  • Improve geometry rendering performance by clipping (inspired by Leaflet)
  • Improve user experience of map wheel zooming
  • Signifantly improve text rendering performance by caching text measurement
  • Fix geometry renderering in anti-meridian
  • Lots of other fixes

Breaking Changes

  • rename JSONAble.getClass to getJSONClass
  • reimplement TextBox and Label, see #462



V0.27.0 Released

08 Jul 03:06
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  • Add floor and ceil in Point class
  • Fire resizing event when resizing a geometry


  • Improve geometry event performance by only iterating drawn geometries
  • Improve dom tilelayer performance by changing opacity updating, thanks to Leaflet!
  • Clear layer canvas when exceeding layerCanvasLimitOnInteracting
  • Fix view point conversion, adding in offset between current frame and the next frame
  • Fix TileLayer and VectorLayer rendering when spatial reference changes

Breaking Changes

  • Add pointOffset in dragging event parameter and rename dragOffset to coordOffset
  • Rename MapRenderer.callInFrameLoop to callInNextFrame

V0.26.3 Released

04 Jul 03:28
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  • Fix stopPanAnimation in map's renderer

V0.26.2 Released

30 Jun 04:01
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  • Add a new option "maxHeight" in ui.Menu to limit max height of menu


  • Improved performance of drawing layer canvas and moving dom panels.

V0.26.1 Released

28 Jun 16:58
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  • tileSize option in TileLayer supports array now, e.g. [256, 256]


  • fix origin of TileLayer's dom renderer when zooming with bearing

V0.26.0 Released

27 Jun 01:05
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  • Add a new layer: WMSTileLayer
  • Add a new UI component: ToolTip, to show tooltips for geometries, proposed and developed by @liubgithub
  • Add support of fractional zoom for TileLayer's dom and canvas renderers
  • Add support of setting geographic height to geometries on VectorLayer, proposed by @liangweidong992052344

Breaking Changes

  • Removed GeoJSONLayer, instead VectorLayer supports GeoJSON data now
  • Reversed order of tileX and tileY in parameters of TileConfig
  • Rename _getTileUrl in TileLayer to getTileUrl