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The Feedback Analysis and Cancellation Toolkit (FACT)

by Marc Ciufo Green

Creates a virtual acoustic feedback loop as if between a single speaker and a single microphone. Allows testing of the effectiveness of various methods of feedback howl detection and various methods of feedback howl cancellation. The code is split into three main sections:


The main overlap/add convolution process that is designed to cause realistic buildup of virtual acoustic feedback howls.


Structure containing the following fields:

simulation.IR : string specifying RIR audio file to use as the acoustic return path in the simulation. The sampling frequency of this file specifies the fs of the entire simulation. Specified RIR must be monaural.

simulation.stimulus: string specifying audio file to use as 'desired' mic input signal. Fs of stimulus must match fs of RIR, and must also be monaural.

simulation.gain: value for desired loop gain of simulation, in dB. It can be useful to use loopResponseAnalysis prior to setting up FACT to determine the Maximum Stable Gain of the RIR intended for use. loopResponseAnalysis is also run as part of FACT, and its predictions for likely howl frequencies are dependent on the gain level set here.

simulation.latency: value, in samples, for the latency inherent in digital sound reinforcement systems. Must be a power of 2 (default 64).

simulation.length: length, in seconds, for the total simulated time (this will be the length of the output file). If simulation.stimulus is shorter than simulation.length, or simulation.length is unspecified, the simulation will run for the full length of the stimulus.

simulation.plotCharts: string indicating the x-axis format for the live-updating chart of he simulation. 'lin' plots frequency on a linear scale, and 'log' plots frequency logarithmically. 'none' prevents plotting. (Default 'lin').


simulation.output: Audio file of the 'microphone signal' being passed to the 'loudspaeaker' for the entirety of the loop.

Output structure will also contain all input parameters for reference.


Input: Structure including the following fields:

detection.primary: Substructure specifying primary method of howl identification: detection.primary.type: string - 'MSD', 'PMP', 'PAPR', 'PNPR', 'PHPR', 'PTPR' or 'none'.

'PMP' requires: detection.primary.nframes: Number of frames in which probable howl ID must have persisted. Must not exceed detection.bufferlength

'PAPR', 'PNPR', 'PHPR' or 'PTPR' require: detection.primary.threshold: Threshold ratio that triggers positive ID of howl.

detection.secondary: Substructure specifying secondary method of howl identification. Set up as above, however 'PMP' cannot be used as secondary howl ID method. The output candidates from secondary howl analysis are passed to primary analysis. Leave unspecified for no secondary analysis.

detection.findpeaksActive: 'y' or 'n'. Enables or disables standard MATLAB peak-picking algorithm findpeaks as a first stage in howl identification (default 'n').

detection.maxHowls: Maximum number of howls that can be identified simultaneously. (default 8).

detection.bufferlength: Number of frequency magnitude frames to be kept in magnitude history buffer.analysis (default 16).

detection.analysis: Substructure specifying FFT analysis parameters:

detection.analysis.framelength: Number of samples used for analysis frame (default 256)

detection.analysis.overlap: Frame overlap percentage (default 75%)

detection.analysis.fs: FFT resampling frequency. Set to double analysis frequency range (default 4410);

Output: detection structure including all input parameters for reference.


Input String: 'notchFilters': Use bank of 8 notch filters for howl cancellation. 'bandpassFilters': Use bank of octave-band bandpass filters for howl cancellation (note that this option is unfinished). Defaults to 'notchFilters'.

Output filterdata Structure Includes data on the how the filters changed over time, along with a timestamp that specifies when (simulated time in seconds) these changes occurred. Also includes final aggregated magnitude response curve of the filters.

Example #1: Findpeaks active, secondary analysis PAPR (20dB threshold) and primary analysis PMP (8 frame persistence). -15dB loop gain. Linear chart plot:

detection.findpeaksActive = 'y';
detection.secondary.type = 'PAPR';
detection.secondary.threshold = 20;
detection.primary.type = 'PMP';
detection.primary.nframes = 8;

simulation.stimulus = 'exampleStimulus.wav';
simulation.IR = 'exampleIR.wav';
simulation.gain = -15;

[sim,det,filtData] = FACT(simulation,detection);

Example #2: Primary analysis MSD, bufferlength 16 (default).

detection.primary.type = 'MSD';
detection.primary.evaluation = 'summing';
simulation.stimulus = 'exampleStimulus.wav';
simulation.IR = 'exampleIR.wav';
simulation.gain = -15;

[sim,det,filtData] = FACT(simulation,detection);

by Marc Ciufo Green
Audio Lab
Department of Electronics
University of York

Thanks to my supervisors Dr. John Szymanski and Dr. Matthew Speed

Thanks to Robert Bemis for round2

Thanks to sparafucile17 for save_fig