Conley Morse Graph Database
This project uses combinatorial and topological methods to compute dynamics of discrete dynamical systems.
The dependencies and install instructions on a Mac using Homebrew are listed below.
brew install boost
brew install gmp
Install the Succinct Data Structure Library (SDSL)
git clone
cd sdsl-lite
./ /usr/local/
It is also possible to intall the sdsl-lite
library with Homebrew using this repository with the commands
brew tap Brewsci/bio
brew install sdsl-lite
Install Eigen3
brew install eigen
Install graphviz
brew install graphviz
Install CMake
brew install cmake
Install the jupyter and graphviz Python packages
python -m pip install jupyter graphviz
git clone
To get started on how to run the code see the examples in the Jupyter notebooks in the examples folder.
In particular the notebooks Examples.ipynb, Gaussian_Process_Example.ipynb, and Conley_Index_Examples.ipynb present basic examples on how to run the code and are a good starting point.