set_id |
problem_id |
1 | 1 |
challenge set_1
Category | Value |
Type | Symbolic |
Number of random variables | 5 |
Failure probability, |
Reliability index, |
Number of performance functions | 1 |
Continuity | |
Reference | [Schueller2004] |
The parametrization of distributions follows that of in.
Variable | Description | Distribution | Mean | Std | ||
NA | Uniform | 70.0 | 80.0 | 120.0 | 12.0 | |
NA | Normal | 39.0 | 0.1 | 120.0 | 12.0 | |
NA | Gumbel-max | 1342 | 272 | 120.0 | 12.0 | |
NA | Normal | 400.0 | 0.1 | 120.0 | 12.0 | |
NA | Normal | 250000.0 | 35000.0 | 50.0 | 10.0 |
The random variables are mutually independent.
from sampling import linesampling as ls
from sampling import dists as dists
from reliability.tnochallenge import problem
RP14 = problem('RP14')
C14 = RP14.inputs() # Copula function for the input distributions
C14.marginals() # notice the Gumbel-max distribution has rounded values in the table above
(X1 ~ uniform(t1=70, t2=80),
X2 ~ normal(t1=39, t2=0.1),
X3 ~ gumbel_max(t1=1342.48, t2=272.894),
X4 ~ normal(t1=400, t2=0.1),
X5 ~ normal(t1=250000, t2=35000))
alpha = ls.initialiseAlpha(RP14,C14,gradient=True)
[-0.5615302239044386, -0.053660476608837736, 0.3804346001443178, 0.0004356175870643556, 0.7328531136198401]
LS = ls.LineSampling(lines=20,alpha=alpha,linegrid=[2,3,4,5,6])
cl,cr,data = LS.doLineZero(C14,RP14,additional=3)
print('Euclidean norm of design point: [%g, %g]'%(cl,cr))
Euclidean norm of design point: [3.875, 4]
pF, b, dp, LSdata, LSdata2, cvar, PFLine = LS.failureProbability(C14,RP14,additional=4,seed=7)
print('failure probability: [%.2e, %.2e]'%(pF[0],pF[1]))
print('reliability index: [%g, %g]'%(b[0],b[1]))
print('coeff. of variation: %g'%cvar)
print('total number of runs: %i'%RP14.evaluations())
failure probability: [4.15e-04, 6.78e-04]
reliability index: [3.20402, 3.3427]
coeff. of variation: 0.643125
total number of runs: 194
# The coefficient of variation is too high: analysis needs to be done on more lines
LS = ls.LineSampling(lines=200,alpha=alpha,linegrid=[2,3,4,5])
pF, b, dp, LSdata, LSdata2, cvar, PFLine = LS.failureProbability(C14,RP14,additional=4,seed=7)
print('failure probability: [%.2e, %.2e]'%(pF[0],pF[1]))
print('reliability index: [%g, %g]'%(b[0],b[1]))
print('coeff. of variation: %g'%cvar)
print('total number of runs: %i'%RP14.evaluations())
Line 16 is entirely in the safe domain. This line will be discarded
Line 19 is entirely in the safe domain. This line will be discarded
Line 38 is entirely in the safe domain. This line will be discarded
Line 55 is entirely in the safe domain. This line will be discarded
Line 92 is entirely in the safe domain. This line will be discarded
Line 150 is entirely in the safe domain. This line will be discarded
Line 173 is entirely in the safe domain. This line will be discarded
failure probability: [3.11e-05, 4.80e-05]
reliability index: [3.90033, 4.00422]
coeff. of variation: 0.638551
total number of runs: 1766
array([-0.16228699, 0.00175321, 0.68722776, 0.44955937, 0.54705963]))
# It looks like there is a better important direction as the norm of the design point is now 3.732133634111079
# which is clearly smaller than the Euclidean norm found on line zero, which lower bound is 3.875
newalpha = dp[1]
LS = ls.LineSampling(lines=200,alpha=newalpha,linegrid=[2,3,4,5,6,7])
pF, b, dp, LSdata, LSdata2, cvar, PFLine = LS.failureProbability(C14,RP14,additional=4,seed=7)
print('failure probability: [%.2e, %.2e]'%(pF[0],pF[1]))
print('reliability index: [%g, %g]'%(b[0],b[1]))
print('coeff. of variation: %g'%cvar)
print('total number of runs: %i'%RP14.evaluations())
failure probability: [7.12e-04, 1.06e-03]
reliability index: [3.07314, 3.1897]
coeff. of variation: 0.197513
total number of runs: 3766
cl,cr,data = LS.doLineZero(C14,RP14,additional=3)
print('Euclidean norm of design point: [%g, %g]'%(cl,cr))
Euclidean norm of design point: [3.375, 3.75]
# Let's see if a better important direction was found:
array([-0.18819694, 0.08498914, 0.90628667, 0.07330262, 0.36142766]))
# Because the norm of the design point is 3.25155387653 which is smaller than [3.375, 3.75] found on line zero,
# we conclude that there is better important direction, which alpha is
newalpha = dp[1]
LS = ls.LineSampling(lines=200,alpha=newalpha,linegrid=[2,3,4,5,6,7])
pF, b, dp, LSdata, LSdata2, cvar, PFLine = LS.failureProbability(C14,RP14,additional=4,seed=7)
print('failure probability: [%.2e, %.2e]'%(pF[0],pF[1]))
print('reliability index: [%g, %g]'%(b[0],b[1]))
print('coeff. of variation: %g'%cvar)
print('total number of runs: %i'%RP14.evaluations())
failure probability: [7.02e-04, 9.90e-04]
reliability index: [3.0932, 3.1938]
coeff. of variation: 0.0712736
total number of runs: 5775
cl,cr,data = LS.doLineZero(C14,RP14,additional=3)
print('Euclidean norm of design point: [%g, %g]'%(cl,cr))
Euclidean norm of design point: [3.125, 3.25]
array([-0.36487337, 0.03357331, 0.84283305, 0.07948445, 0.38607633]))
LS = ls.LineSampling(lines=500,alpha=newalpha,linegrid=[1,3,5,6,7])
pF, b, dp, LSdata, LSdata2, cvar, PFLine = LS.failureProbability(C14,RP14,additional=7)
print('failure probability: [%.2e, %.2e]'%(pF[0],pF[1]))
print('reliability index: [%g, %g]'%(b[0],b[1]))
print('coeff. of variation: %g'%cvar)
print('total number of runs: %i'%RP14.evaluations())
failure probability: [7.25e-04, 7.67e-04]
reliability index: [3.16832, 3.18461]
coeff. of variation: 0.0390972
total number of runs: 42363
array([-0.36487337, 0.03357331, 0.84283305, 0.07948445, 0.38607633]))
LS = ls.LineSampling(lines=50,alpha=newalpha,linegrid=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
pF, b, dp, LSdata, LSdata2, cvar, PFLine = LS.failureProbability(C14,RP14,additional=2)
print('failure probability: [%.2e, %.2e]'%(pF[0],pF[1]))
print('reliability index: [%g, %g]'%(b[0],b[1]))
print('coeff. of variation: %g'%cvar)
print('total number of runs: %i'%RP14.evaluations())
failure probability: [3.41e-04, 1.11e-03]
reliability index: [3.05884, 3.39638]
coeff. of variation: 0.110849
total number of runs: 6284
Because of the relatively high value of the target failure probability
N = 10_000_000
x,z,u = C14.sample(N=N) # shape of x: (6, N), void produces N=100 samples
g14 = RP14.g()(*x)
for gi in g14:
if gi>1:
sn = dists.normal(0,1,'z')
beta = -sn.ppf(i/N)
LS = ls.LineSampling(lines=50,alpha=newalpha,linegrid=[2,3,4,5])
pF, b, dp, LSdata, LSdata2, cvar, PFLine = LS.failureProbability(C14,RP14,additional=7)
print('failure probability: [%.2e, %.2e]'%(pF[0],pF[1]))
print('reliability index: [%g, %g]'%(b[0],b[1]))
print('coeff. of variation: %g'%cvar)
print('total number of runs: %i'%RP14.evaluations())
failure probability: [6.20e-04, 6.46e-04]
reliability index: [3.21762, 3.22968]
coeff. of variation: 0.0945446
total number of runs: 26543863