Install on your local machine. Make sure you are connected to a kubernetes cluster. If you want to set one up have a look at the plain Kubernetes deployment info.
Please have a look at the project page to find more info on the project and the local installation.
Please make sure you can reach your cluster with the ingresss names e.g. by adding it to your hosts-file.
The hostnames are by default
This command will install the tiller pod in your cluster.
helm init
kubectl create serviceaccount tiller --namespace kube-system
kubectl create -f tiller-clusterrolebinding.yaml
helm init --service-account tiller --upgrade
helm upgrade test . -i --wait
sleep 120 # or more ;)
curl -k https://$(minikube ip)/routes
http http://$(minikube ip)/frontend/
If you make changes to the configuration you can easily apply it to your local cluster.
helm upgrade test . -i --wait
helm install --set labels='app=cloud',namespaces='!kube-system\,!production',rbac.create=true,dryRun=false stable/chaoskube --debug --name chaos
helm delete test --purge
helm delete chaos --purge