diff --git a/edit_aitext_form.php b/edit_aitext_form.php index d567ff8..705f5d4 100755 --- a/edit_aitext_form.php +++ b/edit_aitext_form.php @@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ protected function definition_inner($mform) { $mform->setType('markscheme', PARAM_RAW); $mform->setDefault('markscheme', get_config('qtype_aitext', 'defaultmarksscheme')); $mform->addHelpButton('markscheme', 'markscheme', 'qtype_aitext'); - $mform->addRule('markscheme', get_string('markschememissing', 'qtype_aitext'), 'required'); $models = explode(",", get_config('tool_aiconnect', 'model')); if (count($models) > 1 ) { $models = array_combine($models, $models); diff --git a/lang/en/qtype_aitext.php b/lang/en/qtype_aitext.php index 6e921ad..dd1466c 100755 --- a/lang/en/qtype_aitext.php +++ b/lang/en/qtype_aitext.php @@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ $string['graderinfoheader'] = 'Grader information'; $string['markscheme'] = 'Mark scheme'; $string['markscheme_help'] = 'This will tell the AI grader how to give a numerical grade to the student response. The total possible score is this question\'s \'Default mark\''; -$string['markschememissing'] = 'The marke scheme is missing. Please enter a prompt, how to mark the users input'; $string['maxwordlimit'] = 'Maximum word limit'; $string['maxwordlimit_help'] = 'If the response requires that students enter text, this is the maximum number of words that each student will be allowed to submit.'; $string['maxwordlimitboundary'] = 'The word limit for this question is {$a->limit} words and you are attempting to submit {$a->count} words. Please shorten your response and try again.';