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Bump Action Workflow

Bump a version based on commit message, tag it, and push package.json update to repository
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Bump Action

Bump allows you to..well...bump an npm package version using a commit message, and push the package.json update back to the repository.

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Click the Use this Template and provide the new repo details for your action



  • github_token (required) - github access token.
  • user (optional) - user name (default: the user of the current push).
  • email (optional) - user email. (default: current user email).
  • branch (optional) - branch to work against. (default: master).


  • version - the version being tagged and pushed.

Bump strategy

If your head (latest) commit has the keywords #patch, #minor or #major - this action will use that to perform the bump. Defaults to patch.


You can consume the action by referencing the v1 branch

  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  - uses: tool3/bump@master
      github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      user: 'First Last'
      email: '[email protected]'

⚠️ Important usage notes

  • this action requires @actions/checkout to be defined in a previous step. e.g:
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  - uses: actions/checkout@master
  - uses: tool3/bump@master
      github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      user: 'First Last'
      email: '[email protected]'
  • this action pushes the package.json version update back to the repo (defaults to master). There is a safeguard in place which checks for the existance of a version in the commit message. If so, this action will not run - to avoid build loop.

See the actions tab for runs of this action! 🚀

Bump Action Workflow is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Bump a version based on commit message, tag it, and push package.json update to repository

Bump Action Workflow is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.