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A GitHub Action to configure login credentials for an ACS Central instance for use in subsequent steps
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Central Login GitHub Action

E2E tests

Configure your Central login credentials for use in other GitHub Actions.

This action obtains an access token to a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security (ACS) Central instance and configures environment variables for your other actions to use.

This is as simple as adding the following step to your workflow:

    - name: Central Login
      uses: stackrox/central-login@v1
        endpoint: https://<central-endpoint>:443


Parameter name Required? Description
endpoint (required) API endpoint of the ACS Central instance.
skip-tls-verify (optional) Skip TLS certificat verification for ACS Central's API endpoint.


It is currently only supported to retrieve credentials by using GitHub's OIDC provider.

With GitHub's OIDC provider, this action will be issued with an ID token unique to this workflow run, which will then be exchanged for a ACS Central access token.

For creating the ID token, it is required for your workflow to have the id-token: write permission:

  id-token: write # This is required for requesting the JWT

Sample Central configuration

Before being able to exchange tokens, the ACS Central instance needs to be configured to allow exchanging tokens originating from GitHub Action workflow runs.

For more information on how to configure this, follow the RHACS documentation.

Below is a sample configuration via API you can use:

curl \
  https://<central-endpoint>/v1/auth/m2m \
  -d  @- << EOF
    "config": {
      "type": "GITHUB_ACTIONS",
      "tokenExpirationDuration": "5m", // This can be used to specify the expiration of the exchanged access token.
      "mappings": [ // Mappings configure which token claims to map to which roles within the ACS Central instance.
          "key": "sub",
          "valueExpression": "repo:octo-org/octo-repo.*", // This supports expressions.
          "role": "Continuous Integration"


  • For specifics on the claim values on the ID tokens issued by GitHub's OIDC provider, check out this documentation.
  • Make sure to map claim values specific to your repository. It is recommended to use the sub claim for that. For more information about the subject claim's structure for tokens issued by GitHub's OIDC provider, check out this documentation.

Using this action in your workflow

After the ACS Central instance has been configured to allow exchanging tokens from GitHub Action workflow runs, you can add the following step to your workflow:

    - name: Central Login
      uses: stackrox/central-login@v1
        endpoint: https://<central-endpoint>:443

After the central login step has succeeded, the following environment variables are configured for other steps to use:

  • ROX_API_TOKEN which contains the exchanged access token for the ACS Central instance.
  • ROX_ENDPOINT which contains the ACS Central instance endpoint correlated with the access token.

For verifying everything works correctly, the example below can be used:

    - name: Login to Central
      uses: stackrox/central-login@v1
        endpoint: https://<central-endpoint>:443

    - name: Install roxctl from Central
      uses: stackrox/roxctl-installer-action@v1
        central-endpoint: https://${{ env.ROX_ENDPOINT }}
        central-token: ${{ env.ROX_API_TOKEN }}

    - name: roxctl central whoami
      run: |
        roxctl central whoami

This will output the specifics about the access token (i.e. it's associated permissions and roles) as well as the originating user.

central-login is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


A GitHub Action to configure login credentials for an ACS Central instance for use in subsequent steps


GitHub has manually verified the creator of the action as an official partner organization. For more info see About badges in GitHub Marketplace.

central-login is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.