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Contentful Action

Run a Migration against your Contentful space
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Contentful Migration Automation

An action for automating contentful migrations.

To learn about making changes to a content model and entries on a Contentful Space using the Contentful CLI check out our tutorial on Scripting Migrations. You can read our conceptual guide on how to utilize Contentful Environments inside your continuous delivery pipeline.


This action runs migrations on your contentful space. Please add your migration scripts to a directory called migrations (configurable) and name them [version].js where [version] is the current version of your content-model. Versions can be integers or Semantic versions (semver)
Example: 1.js, 2.js,2.0.1-alpha.js,2.0.1-rc.js,2.0.1-rc.1.js,2.0.1-rc.2.js, 2.0.1.js ...

We recommend to not mix integers with semver but as long as they are unique it will work. 2 is the same version as 2.0and 2.0.0, therefore it can cause errors if you have several versions that are considered the same.

Screenshot of Contentful Version Tracking Entry

You can choose the initial version. For simplicity, we recommend to start with 1. Please create 1.js inside your migrations folder and include the following code:

module.exports = function () {};

For every new version we can now increase the version (2.js, 3.js, ...). Per default, this action looks for a directory labeled migrations but it's configurable via the arg migrations_dir.

Next we can adjust our workflow file to use this action. You have to include your space_id and management_api_key from your Contentful space.

There are several options to allow customizing this action.

Environment names

You can define the master_pattern and feature_pattern. Master is used as alias target-environments on contentful. Feature is used during development as a sandbox environments on contentful.

These helpers are available:

  • [YYYY] - Full year (i.e. 2021)
  • [YY] - Short year (i.e. 21)
  • [MM] - Month (i.e. 05)
  • [DD] - Day (i.e. 09)
  • [hh] - Hours (i.e. 03)
  • [mm] - Minutes (i.e. 00)
  • [ss] - Seconds (i.e. 50)
  • [branch] - BranchName (/, ., _ are replaced to -)


  • main-[YY]-[MM]-[DD]-[hh]-[mm]-[ss]: main-21-02-11-21-20-32-19
  • production-[YYYY][MM][DD][hh][mm]: production-20210211212032
  • sandbox-[branch] (feat/my-feature): sandbox-feat-my-feature
  • pr-[branch] (feat/add-something-1.2.3_2): pr-feat-add-something-1-2-3-2


DANGER. Please make sure you know what you're doing when setting these to true.

delete_feature: Will delete the feature once it has been merged. While this is considered safe, you might want to keep the sandbox environment.

set_alias: Will set the alias to the new master environment once the feature has been merged. You might want to manually set the alias from the GUI.


Please read the usage info above. The content-type and the field-id are configurable.


If you want to see more logs you can set your LOG_LEVEL to verbose. (See example workflow below)


Name Type Required Default Description
space_id string Yes undefined The id of the contentful space
management_api_key string Yes undefined The management-api key for contentful
delete_feature boolean No false Deletes sandbox environment if the head branch is merged
set_alias boolean No false Aliases master the new master environment
master_pattern string No master-[YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]-[hh][mm] The pattern that should be used for the new master environment on contentful
feature_pattern string No GH-[branch] The pattern that should be used for the new feature environments on contentful
version_content_type string No versionTracking The content-type that tracks the version
version_field string No version The field-id that carries the version number
migrations_dir string No migrations The directory to look for migrations


Please look at the demo file.

- name: Contentful Migration
  id: migrate
  uses: contentful-userland/contentful-migration-automation@v1
    # delete_feature: true
    # set_alias: true
    # master_pattern: "main-[YY]-[MM]-[DD]-[hh]-[mm]"
    # feature_pattern: "sandbox-[branch]"
    # version_field: versionCounter
    # version_content_type: environmentVersion
    # migrations_dir: contentful/migrations
    space_id: ${{ secrets.SPACE_ID }}
    management_api_key: ${{ secrets.MANAGEMENT_API_KEY }}
  # env:
    # LOG_LEVEL: verbose


Thanks to our community members who have contributed code to this action. A full list of community contributors to the action are listed below, in alphabetical order:


Copyright (c) 2021 Contentful GmbH. Code released under the MIT license.. See LICENSE for further details.

Contentful Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Run a Migration against your Contentful space

Contentful Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.