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Discord Welcome

Keep channel content in-sync with Markdown based templates
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Discord Welcome Action Node.js CI Action Test

Action to keep channel content in-sync with Markdown based templates


This action is tested on every push with a Test Workflow to ensure things function as expected. However it has not been extensively battle-tested with many different inputs and configurations so please report any issues you may find.


  • A Discord Bot with Manage Webhooks and Manage Messages permissions in the target server(s)
  • One or more Markdown template documents using the extended syntax (see below)


Action Inputs

Name Type Required Default Description
discord-token String true n/a Discord Bot Login Token
content String true ./content Path to a directory containing template documents

Markdown Syntax

Template documents can make use of any Markdown syntax that Discord directly supports, as templates are sent almost verbatim to the target channels. You can also use --- (horizontal rules) to break up the document into multiple messages, otherwise messages will be split automatically.

If you want to insert a blank line between messages, you can use the ::break special syntax in a dedicated block. The test data has an example of how to use this syntax.

Images will also be embedded correctly, however images must be in a message of their own to be parsed correctly.

Finally, bulleted lists will be transformed to use the Unicode bullet character.

You can see an example of the syntax here.


All Markdown templates must have YAML frontmatter to denote the channel target and allow you to pass additional per-template configuration.

Name Type Required Default Description
channel String true n/a Snowflake ID of the target channel
senderName String false Server Name Name of the user sending the message(s)
senderImage String false Server Icon Icon for the user sending the message(s)

Example Workflow

name: Update Welcome
on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Update Welcome
        uses: luludotdev/discord-welcome-action@v1
          content: ./content
          discord-token: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_TOKEN }}

Discord Welcome is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Keep channel content in-sync with Markdown based templates



Discord Welcome is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.