(2)Use this action to install helm charts during the build which will be deleted in the post-step 🚀 This is useful for temporary installs of databases, messaging systems and other infra required for integration-testing.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
# install helm
- uses: azure/setup-helm@v1
# have a k8s cluster, normally you'd like to install on your rig
- name: Create k8s Kind Cluster
uses: helm/[email protected]
node_image: kindest/node:v1.17.2
# install postgresql chart
- id: postgresql
uses: evryfs/helm-ephemeral-action@master
repo: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
chart: postgresql
helm: 'helm' # optional, default value is 'helm'
args: '--wait --timeout 2m' #optional, default value is '--wait --timeout 2m' in order to wait for the chart-install to stabilize into ready state
- name: Run build
# the release is named <chartname>-<repo-name>-<GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER> so that several installs of same chart can go into same namespace w/o interfering
POSTGRESQL_ADDR: ${{ steps.postgresql.outputs.releaseName }}
run: |
# run some test which will use lookup the postgresql endpoint from env var POSTGRESQL_ADDR
mvn -gs /settings-xml/settings.xml --fail-at-end -Dintegration-test=true -Dflyway=true -Denv=ci -Dbatch-test=true clean install surefire-report:report-only -Daggregate=true
# no need for special actions at end, the release will be deleted in the jobs's post-step: https://github.community/t5/GitHub-Actions/About-post-in-an-Action/td-p/41973
helm-ephemeral-action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.