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Store variables

Easily persist and read variables to reuse them between GitHub Action jobs
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GitHub Action - Store variables between your jobs


This GitHub Action was originally created in 2021 to allow you to store variables in a global store and then read them in later jobs—something that was not natively possible in GitHub Actions. It automatically adds read variables to your ${{ env }} so that they become available for subsequent steps.

But… GitHub Actions native outputs make this library largely unnecessary!

What Are Native Outputs?

GitHub Actions now provides native support for sharing data between jobs through the use of step outputs and job outputs. You can:

  • Set a step output: Write key/value pairs to $GITHUB_OUTPUT in a step.
  • Define job outputs: Map outputs from a step to a job-level output.
  • Access job outputs: In downstream jobs, access these outputs using the needs context.

Similarly, the $GITHUB_ENV file allows you to persist environment variables across steps in the same job.


Why Is This a Game Changer?

Originally, this library provided a way to emulate global variable sharing:

  • Before: GitHub Actions did not support sharing environment variables between jobs.
  • Now: Native outputs let you write a variable in one job and read it in another without extra actions or artifacts.

This native support simplifies your workflows, reduces dependencies, and improves reliability.

Converting a Use Case

Old Approach (Using UnlyEd/github-action-store-variable) - ⚠️ DEPRECATED

Below is an example of how you might have stored and retrieved a variable with the library:

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      - name: Compute data
        run: |
          MY_VAR="Hello, World!"
          echo "MY_VAR=$MY_VAR" >> $GITHUB_ENV

      - name: Store variable using the library
        uses: UnlyEd/[email protected]
          variables: |
            MY_VAR=${{ env.MY_VAR }}

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    needs: compute-data
      - name: Retrieve variable using the library
        uses: UnlyEd/[email protected]
          variables: |
      - name: Use variable
        run: echo "MY_VAR is $MY_VAR"

New Approach (Using Native Outputs)

Here’s how you can achieve the same result without an external action:

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      MY_VAR: ${{ steps.set-output.outputs.MY_VAR }}
      - name: Compute data
        run: |
          MY_VAR="Hello, World!"
          echo "MY_VAR=$MY_VAR" >> $GITHUB_ENV

      - name: Set step output
        id: set-output
        run: |
          # Export MY_VAR as a step output, so it can be mapped to the job output
          echo "MY_VAR=${MY_VAR}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    needs: compute-data
      - name: Use variable from job outputs
        run: echo "MY_VAR is ${{ needs.compute-data.outputs.MY_VAR }}"

Former documentation

Code snippet example (minimal example)

name: 'GitHub Action code snippet'

  # On some job, do some stuff and persist variables meant to be re-used in other jobs
    name: Compute data
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      # Do your own internal business logic...
      - name: Compute resources
        run: |
          echo "Found universal answer: $MAGIC_NUMBER"
          echo "Exporting it as ENV variable..."

      # XXX We recommend to export all your variables at once, at the end of your job
      - name: Export variable MAGIC_NUMBER for next jobs
        uses: UnlyEd/github-action-store-variable@v3 # See
          # Persist (store) our MAGIC_NUMBER ENV variable into our store, for the next jobs
          variables: |
            MAGIC_NUMBER=${{ env.MAGIC_NUMBER }}

  # In another job, read the previously stored variable and use it
    name: Find & re-use data
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
    needs: compute-data
      - name: Import variable MAGIC_NUMBER
        uses: UnlyEd/github-action-store-variable@v3 # See
          # List all variables you want to retrieve from the store
          # XXX They'll be automatically added to your ENV
          variables: |
      - name: Debug output
        run: echo "We have access to $MAGIC_NUMBER"

If you want to see a real output, check out the output of our code snippet example here.

See the Examples section for more advanced examples.

What does this GitHub Action do?

You can use this action to store variables in a sort of "global store" for your GitHub Actions.

Then, you can read the variables that have been stored previously.

The variables stored can be read by any job within the same workflow.

N.B: When you read a variable, it is automatically added as an ENV variable and will erase any variable with the same name.

This behavior helps keeping the code cleaner by only manipulating (reading/writing) ENV variables. In v1, we had to read the variables from a JSON object, and it was ugly.

N.B: You can both read and write in the same action.

Why/when should you use it?

GitHub Actions doesn't allow to natively re-use variables between jobs.

If you need to re-use variables defined in a job in other (subsequent) jobs, then you can use this action.

Action's API


Name Required Default Description
variables Write variable: VAR=VALUE - Read variable: VAR
delimiter ✖️ \r?\n Regex delimiter between each variable, defaults to normal line break
failIfNotFound ✖️ false If true, will throw an error (and crash CI) when attempting to read a variable that doesn't exist in the store


There are no outputs for this action, reading variables automatically adds these variables in ${{ env }}.

For example, if you read a variable named VAR, you can then access it by using ${{ env.VAR }}.


1. Save one variable

- name: Export one variable
  uses: UnlyEd/[email protected]
    variables: FOO=BAR

2. Save many variables

- name: Export many variables
  uses: UnlyEd/[email protected]
    variables: |

Pro-tip: We recommend always using the variables: | syntax (multi lines), because it's just simpler to add more variables later on.

3. Save one variable and read another

- name: Export one variable
  uses: UnlyEd/[email protected]
    # Writes "FOO" and reads "STAGE"
    variables: |

4. Save many variables using a custom delimiter

- name: Export many variables
  uses: UnlyEd/[email protected]
    delimiter: ':'
    variables: FOO=BAR:STAGE=production

5. Retrieve one variable

- name: Import variable MAGIC_NUMBER
  uses: UnlyEd/[email protected]
    variables: FOO

6. Retrieve many variables

- name: Import variable MAGIC_NUMBER
  uses: UnlyEd/[email protected]
    variables: |

7. Retrieve many variables using a custom delimiter

- name: Import variable MAGIC_NUMBER
  uses: UnlyEd/[email protected]
    delimiter: ';'
    variables: FOO;STAGE

8. Crash CI if variable doesn't exist

- name: Import variable MAGIC_NUMBER
  uses: UnlyEd/[email protected]
    failIfNotFound: true
    variables: WRONG_VARIABLE

N.B: If you want to crash only for some variables, then you can call 2 times the UnlyEd/github-action-store-variable and have failIfNotFound: true in one of them.

🤗 Community examples ❤️

Here are a few community-powered examples, those are usually advanced use-cases!

Advanced debugging

Learn how to enable logging, from within the github-action-store-variable action.

How to enable debug logs

Our GitHub Action is written using the GitHub Actions native core.debug API.

Therefore, it allows you to enable logging whenever you need to debug what's happening within our action.

To enable debug mode, you have to set a GitHub Secret, such as:

  • ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG of value true

Please see the official documentation for more information.

Enabling debugging using ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG will also enable debugging for all other GitHub Actions you use that are using the core.debug API.


We gladly accept PRs, but please open an issue first, so we can discuss it beforehand.



Releases versioning

We follow Semantic Versioning. (major.minor.patch)

Our versioning process is completely automated, any changes landing on the main branch will trigger a new release.

  • (MAJOR): Behavioral change of the existing API that would result in a breaking change.
    • E.g: Removing an input, or changing the output would result in a breaking change and thus would be released as a new MAJOR version.
  • (MINOR): Behavioral change of the existing API that would not result in a breaking change.
    • E.g: Adding an optional input would result in a non-breaking change and thus would be released as a new MINOR version.
  • Patch: Any other change.
    • E.g: Documentation, tests, refactoring, bug fix, etc.

Releases versions:

The examples above use an auto-updated major version tag (@v1). It is also possible to use the @latest tag. (RC stands for "Release candidate", which is similar to a Beta version)

While those options can be useful, we intend to give some "production-grade" best practices.

  • Do NOT use @latest for production, ever. While only "supposed-to-be-stable" versions will be tagged as @latest, it could harbor bugs nonetheless.
  • You can use auto-upgrading major version, such as @v1 or @v1.2, but this is not always the best practice, see our explanations below.

Special tags and best practices for production-grade apps

Here are a few useful options you can use to pin a more-or-less specific version of our GitHub Action, alongside some " production-grade" best practices.

  • @{COMMIT-SHA}, e.g: @1271dc3fc4c4c8bc62ba5a4e248dac95cb82d0e3, recommended for all production-grade apps, it's the only truly safe way to pinpoint a version that cannot change against your will (SAFEST)
  • @{MAJOR}-{MINOR}-{PATCH}, e.g: @v1.2.31, while not as safe as the COMMIT-SHA way, it's what most people use ( SAFER)
  • @{MAJOR}, e.g: @v1, can be used on production, but we do not advise to do so (SAFE-ISH)
  • @{MAJOR}-rc, e.g: @v1-rc, reserved for development mode, useful when debugging on a specific prerelease version (UNSAFE)
  • @{MAJOR}.{MINOR}, e.g: @v1.2, can be used on production, but we do not advise to do so (SAFE-ISH)
  • @{MAJOR}.{MINOR}-rc, e.g: @v1.2-rc, reserved for development mode, useful when debugging on a specific prerelease version (UNSAFE)
  • @latest, reserved for development mode, useful when debugging (UNSAFE)

"But, what is the issue with the @{MAJOR}-{MINOR}-{PATCH} way to pin a specific version"?

Well, if this repository gets hacked by a 3rd party, they can easily change all Git tags to a different commit, which could contain malicious code.

That's why pinning a specific commit SHA is the only truly safe option. This way, the code you're using cannot be changed against your will.

Most people won't care about this and will use a MAJOR version tag instead anyway, such as @v1. It's common, but not often the best practice.

It all comes down to the risks you're ready to take, and it's up to you to decide what's best in your situation.



Vulnerability disclosure

See our policy.

Contributors and maintainers

This project is being authored by:

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Store variables is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Easily persist and read variables to reuse them between GitHub Action jobs

Store variables is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.