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Tag/Release on Push Action

Creates a Tag/Release on Push. Generates Release Notes. Customizable with Pull Request Labels
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Github Release On Push Action

Stop using files for versioning. Use git tags instead!

Github Action to create a release on push.


CI & CD systems are simpler when they work with immutable monotonic identifers from the get-go. Trigger your release activites by subscribing to new tags pushed from this Action.

For automation, Github Releases (and by extension git tags) are better than versioned commit files for these reasons:

  • Agnostic of language & ecosystem (i.e. does not rely on presence of package.json)
  • Tagging does not require write permissions to bump version
  • Tagging does not trigger infinite-loop webhooks from pushing version bump commits

Example Workflow

      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      - uses: rymndhng/release-on-push-action@master
          strategy: minor

Supported strategies:

  • minor
  • major
  • patch


How do I skip creation of a release?

There are two ways to accomplish this:

  1. Put [norelease] in the commit title.
  2. If the commit has an attached PR, add the label norelease to the PR.

Can I change the versioning scheme by PR?

Yes, if the PR has the label release:major, release:minor, or release:patch, this will override the default strategy.

Do I need to setup Github Action access tokens or any other permission-related thing?

No, you do not! Github Actions will inject a token for this plugin to interact with the API.

Can I create a tag instead of a release?

Currently, no.

In order to reliably generate monotonic versions, we use Github Releases to track what the last release version is. See Release#get-the-latest-release.


Relies on bats.

make test

Big Thanks To

Tag/Release on Push Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Creates a Tag/Release on Push. Generates Release Notes. Customizable with Pull Request Labels

Tag/Release on Push Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.