axe Linter
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Automatically find and fix accessibility issues with axe Linter. Axe Linter analyzes the changed or added code of your GitHub pull requests, reports issues and intelligently requests changes for common issues- all before your pull request gets reviewed and the code gets merged.
Developers can supplement existing accessibility testing efforts by using axe Linter to catch accessibility issues early and often, significantly reducing future testing efforts.
With virtually no impact to your existing processes, installing axe Linter in your project, or for your entire organization, can make an immediate impact on your application or site, helping make it more accessible for all, including people with disabilities.
Axe Linter is based on a small, but growing list of rules based on WCAG 2.1 as well as a number of best practices. The rules conform with the axe-core manifesto: zero false positives! See how to get started using the linter server in your Github Actions
Once you’ve nailed catching accessibility issues in your source code, try expanding your test coverage by testing in the browser, with the free axe browser extension.
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axe Linter is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation