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markvdb edited this page Jan 28, 2013 · 3 revisions

For the , you will need two 280x356mm sheets of anti-reflective low iron 3mm glass.


  • Most picture framing shops will be able to get you 2mm, but that is really too thin.
  • Good anti-reflective glass lets over 98% get through. Any other glass gets to about 92%, the rest being reflected.
  • If the shop is offering you cheap "anti-reflective" glass, it is most probably just anti-glare. Anti-glare glass scatters the reflection, making the result of your scan look fuzzy. This gives you worse results than just plain float glass, so buyer beware!
  • Look at the glass sideways. If the reflection is dark green, you probably have normal float glass in your hands. If the reflection is blue, purplish or brown, you may have be holding a more interesting kind of glass.