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Mark Whitaker edited this page Aug 18, 2019 · 4 revisions



Quantifiers help you match a pattern more than once, many times, or not at all. For example:

  1. You want to find a string of consecutive digits, with at least one digit and no maximum.
  2. You want to find all the words of five letters or more within a string.

With RegexBuilder you do this by passing a RegexQuantifier object to an element or endGroup() method. For example:

val regex = RegexBuilder()

will give us a regex that matches one or more consecutive digits, and:

val regex = RegexBuilder()

will give us a regex matching at least 5 consecutive letters.

Quantifiers can be passed into any element-matching method, or to endGroup() in which case they apply to the whole group. They are specified using the static methods of the RegexQuantifier class.


Quantifier Matches Raw regex equivalent
zeroOrMore() Any number of occurrences of the element or group, including none at all. *
oneOrMore() At least one occurrence of the element or group, but no maximum. +
noneOrOne() Either zero or one occurrence of the element or group. For example, .text("http").text("s", RegexQuantifier.noneOrOne()) will match both "http" and "https". ?


Quantifier Matches Raw regex equivalent
exactly(times: Int) Exactly the specified number of occurrences of the element or group. {x}
atLeast(minimum: Int) At least the specified minimum number of occurrences of the element or group. {x,}
noMoreThan(maximum: Int) No more than the specified maximum number of occurrences of the element or group. {0,x}
between(minimum: Int, maximum: Int) At least the specified minimum, and no more than the specified maximum, number of occurrences of the element or group. {x,y}

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