This tool allows the user to specify a folder as well as subfolders containing lots of preprocessed Sentinel-1 GRD files and a shapefile as Region of Interest (ROI). The tool checks, if the files are contained within the ROI and clips all overlapping raster data to the extents of the ROI. A raster time series stack is created with the clipped files.
Furthermore, the user can specify Points of Interest (POI) using a point shapefile to extract time series information for this POI and also specify a buffer size to include more pixels around the POI (Note: the buffer size corresponds to the length of the square buffer around the point). The time series information can be exported to csv files
This tools also allows for calculation of multitemporal statistics of the exported time series as well as creating plots
Basic functionality includes:
- Checking if raster data overlap with ROI
- Creating raster time series stacks using ROIs
- Extracting time series data from stack and exporting as csv
- Basic statistical analysis
In case you have git installed you can install the package as follows:
pip install git+
If you have trouble installing rasterio, fiona or the needed GDAL package on Windows, download and install the .whl files directly from here.
Developed in Python 3.8
point shapefile import as a list- RVI oder
VH/VVratio - boxplots