This repository contains documents and samples of IBM z/OS® Management Facility (z/OSMF) which can be used to demonstrate its functions. z/OSMF improves programmer productivity by using simplified, streamlined and automated tasks. This easier-to-use functionality reduces both programmer training time and the learning curve of IBM® z/OS® operating system.
There are no warranties of any kind, and there is no service or technical support available for these materials from IBM. As a recommended practice, review carefully any materials that you download from this site before using them on a live system.
This project demostrates how to develop and depoly an external plugin which will invoke z/OSMF jobs REST interface to query data of jobs. Furthermore, the external plugin can also communicate with a sample remote server via z/OSMF application server routing service.
This project demostrates how to develop and deploy an external plugin which will invoke z/OSMF TSO/E address space service to create a TSO/E address space and run some TSO command.
This project demostrates how to call RESTful service from javascript or java.
This project demostrates how to use z/OSMF Security Configuration Assistant.
This directory contains z/OSMF documents that you might find to be helpful in learning about z/OSMF.