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Running PyPSA-Eur-Sec in PRIME


PyPSA-Eur-Sec can slow down the entire PRIME cluster if the temporary directory is not specified correctly.

When using PyPSA-Eur-Sec in PRIME it is very important that scratch memory is used for the temporary directory. See how to do that in step 10.

This repository includes instructions and tricks to run the PyPSA-Eur-Sec model on the cluster computer PRIME.

Its main purpose is to help master and PhD students install the packages and run simulations with PyPSA-Eur-Sec.

If you encounter a problem (and hopefully also a solution), please, edit this README file with the solution so that other students can also benefit.

The content of this document is structured as follows:
1 General information about PyPSA-Eur-Sec
2 Getting on to the cluster
3 Setting up the cluster
4 Running simulations
5 Typical errors
6 Extra stuff that will make your life much easier

General information about PyPSA-Eur-Sec

PyPSA-Eur-Sec is a model of the European energy sector including sector coupling. The model is built with the open-source python module PyPSA. The PyPSA-Eur-Sec model builds on an older model PyPSA-Eur of the European electricity network, without sector coupling. PyPSA-Eur is therefore included as part of PyPSA-Eur-Sec. PyPSA-Eur-Sec also uses the module Technology-data to get data on the energy system. Technology-Data is a repository including costs, efficiencies, lifetimes, etc for different technologies.

PyPSA-Eur-Sec uses the Snakemake workflow management system to run simulations. By using Snakemake simulations, python files can be run with a Snakemake command without having to open them. Snakemake automatically runs all the needed python scripts for a given simulation. The simulations are configured in the config.yaml file. The Snakemake workflow is structured in the SNAKEFILE. Step 10 shows how to run the simulation with Snakemake.

There is a distribution list where PyPSA-related problems (and solutions) are discussed. You can ask questions here if you have any troubles with the model.

There is also documentation for PyPSA, PyPSA-Eur and PyPSA-Eur-Sec. This repository does not substitute any of the previous information and it only focuses on issues related to running PyPSA-Eur-Sec in PRIME.

NOTE: In order to set up anaconda, python, and PyPSA, these instructions and the tutorial for the course project in RES could be useful.

This video provides a nice introduction to PyPSA-Eur.

Getting on to the cluster

1. Get access to Prime

To use the PRIME cluster, first you need to get a user. Write an email to Søren Madsen at [email protected]

2. Connect with ssh

You can connect to the cluster through the terminal, e.g.

ssh [email protected]

The main way of interacting with the cluster will be through a terminal where you have run the ssh command to connect to prime. A more modern way of interacting with the cluster is by using the program VSCode as shown in step 22

3. Useful commands

Some useful commands to use in the cluster are described in the labbook.

4. Moving files to the cluster

If you are using Windows, WinSCP can be useful to copy folders to/from the cluster. Alternatively, use FileZilla on Windows, OSX or Linux. This makes moving files on the cluster much easier as you would otherwise have to use commands in the terminal to move files.

5. VPN

To connect to the cluster you need to be connected to the university network, so if you are at home you need to use the VPN (The VPN only works for employees and PhD students. Master students need to be on the university network to connect to the cluster)

If you don't want to type your password when you login take a look here

Setting up the cluster

The following commands must be run on the cluster. Log in to the cluster as shown in step 2

1. Installing anaconda

You will need to have installed anaconda/miniconda in your home directory at the cluster. Follow the guide at anaconda/miniconda.

2 Installing PyPSA-Eur-Sec

Start by making a folder where you want to install PyPSA-Eur-Sec and all that is needed to run it. I would make it in the home directory and call it projects

mkdir projects

Now go into that folder with

cd projects

The first step of installing PyPSA-Eur-Sec is installing the PyPSA-Eur model. Follow the instruction given here carefully.

If you have trouble with the step that gets data from Zenodo take a look at this fix.

You can then continue with installing PyPSA-Eur-Sec following the instructions. Note that the first step is to install PyPSA-Eur. Make sure that you follow every step in the instructions carefully. Installation may take a while.

An alternative but more advanced way of installing is shown here.

3. Installing the anaconda environment

You will need to have an anaconda environment with all the necessary packages. You should have created one when installing PyPSA-Eur. Otherwise, see how to do it here.

Activate the environment by typing

.../pypsa-eur$ conda activate pypsa-eur

Every time you log in to the cluster you must activate the environment again. The active environment will be shown in parenthesis in your terminal.

(pypsa-eur) [marta@fe1 ~]$

4. Install gurobi

Install the optimization software Gurobi in the environment by running the command

conda install -c gurobi gurobi

5.a Configure SNAKEMAKE (for snakemake versions <8)

In the folder '/PRIME_cluster' of this repository, there are two additional files needed to use snakemake in the PRIME.

First, you might want to clone this repository:

git clone

Copy the files 'cluster.yaml' and 'snakemake_cluster' to the directory '.../pypsa-eur-sec/' in your folders in the cluster.

Then, to run your simulations using Snakemake, you only need to write the following instruction in the command line (jobs identify the number of jobs that you want to parallelize if you send more than one job simultaneously).

./snakemake_cluster --jobs 5

5.b Configure SNAKEMAKE (for snakemake versions >8)

The syntaxis in snakemake has changed and it does not use anymore the option --cluster You can copy to your PRIME repository the new snakemake_cluster file saved in this_repository/PRIME_cluster/snakemake8/snakemake_cluster

6. Permission

You possibly need to give execution permissions to the snakemake_cluster script. You can do it by the following command:

chmod u+x snakemake_cluster

7. Log files

Create a directory 'logs/cluster", as indicated in the file 'cluster.yaml'. This is where the logs and error files will be saved. Make sure that a folder 'logs/cluster' also exists in 'pypsa-eur/logs/cluster'.

8. Memory allocation

Check that the variable names in 'snakemake_cluster' comply with the variable names in your Snakefile. In particular, check that the memory attribution (mem_mb) is the same in both files or correct if necessary. If any of the rule in 'pypsa-eur/Snakefile' is missing 'resources: mem_mb=' add it or substitute 'mem' by 'mem_mb'. 17-feb 2022: I (Ebbe) added a snakefile for pypsa-eur 0.4.0 in the folder PRIME_cluster in which the 'resources: mem_mb' is now defined in all rules.

I (Marta) have manually increased the resources in rule build_renewable_profiles to speed up that rule in the cluster. Go to the Snakemake file in the PyPSA-Eur-Sec folder and change the following line:

resources: mem=ATLITE_NPROCESSES * 50000

9. Setting up Gurobi in the cluster

On the PRIME-cluster, Gurobi needs to be pointed in the right direction as to where to look for packages and licenses. The first step is to add the following lines to the end of the file '.bashrc' located in /home/(AU-ID), as indicated in the Gurobi guide:

export GUROBI_HOME="/home/com/meenergy/gurobi1101/linux64"

export PATH="${PATH}:${GUROBI_HOME}/bin"


Additionally, the following line should be added at the end of the file '.bashrc':

export GRB_LICENSE_FILE="$GUROBI_HOME/gurobi.lic"

This points Gurobi to the cluster license. Note that an academic license used locally on a computer is unsuitable for use on the cluster, and will result in a failed simulation.

10. Using scratch memory for the temporary directory

THIS STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT!! The entire PRIME cluster is slowed down if you do not include this.

When running simulations the Gurobi solver is constantly reading and writing temporary files. To avoid slowing down the entire PRIME cluster, it is very important that scratch memory is used for the temporary directory. Read more about scratch memory in the labbook.

In the file pypsa-eur-sec/config.yaml (if that file doesn't exist go to pypsa-eur-sec/config.default.yaml) change the setting tmpdir under solving to 'scratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID'. Make sure the setting is not commented out. It should look like this:

solving: tmpdir: 'scratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID'

Important note: In the merged version of PyPSA-Eur, the "tmpdir" definition in the config file has no effect. Instead, you need to add an argument in function solving the network "n.optimize()" located in the script "solve_network". This looks like the following:

from pathlib import Path
import os

tmpdir = '/scratch/' + os.environ['SLURM_JOB_ID']

if tmpdir_scratch is not None:
    Path(tmpdir_scratch).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

status, condition = n.optimize(

Running simulations

Congratulations, if you have made it this far you are now ready to run some simulations and save the planet.

Start by making a config.yaml file by going into the PyPSA-Eur-Sec folder and copying the default config file

projects/pypsa-eur-sec$ cp config.default.yaml config.yaml

The config.yaml file is where all settings regarding the simulation are done. Edit the settings file with a text editor. I (Tim) strongly recommend using VS Code. See how to install it here.

MAKE SURE THAT YOUR tmpdir setting is specified as in step 10.

When you have made your settings you are now ready to run the simulations using SNAKEMAKE. All simulations must be run from the PyPSA-Eur-Sec folder. To run the full simulations type the command:

./snakemake_cluster --jobs 5

The --jobs 5 indicate that 5 jobs can be run in parallel.

You can also run only parts of the simulation by specifying what rule to run

./snakemake_cluster --jobs 5 prepare_sector_networks

This command would only run all scripts required to prepare_sector_networks and the prepare_sector_networks rule itself. You can take a look at the SNAKEFILE where all the rules are defined. For more information about how SNAKEMAKE works take a look at the documentation.

Important note: If you are using the merged version of PyPSA-Eur, you will have to use the following command to run full simulations:

./snakemake_cluster -call all --jobs 5

Failing to do so, would result in the purge rule being run, which deletes your entire results and resources folders.

Alternative to "snakemake_cluster"

Using the "snakemake_cluster" settings will allocate jobs to computing nodes randomly. If many jobs are run in parallel, it might conflict with other PRIME users who might have less modularizable work and therefore requires more continuous memory to be available. An alternative procedure could be the following:

a1) Create new screen:


a2) Use srun to create a new job:

srun -p q64 --job-name "pypsa-eur" --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=100gb --time=4:00:00 --pty bash (here, I am using the q64 node, assigning a name of the job "pypsa-eur", the total memory allogcated is 100gb, and max duration is 4 hours)

a3) when mounted to the computing node (check that you are not still on the front node!), the run snakemake:

snakemake -j 10

Typical Errors

Here are some solutions to errors that you may encounter when working with PyPSA-Eur-Sec on Prime.

Working settup

2021/08/31 As of today, I (Marta) have everything running on the cluster nicely with the following versions: pypsa=0.18.0; pypsa-eur=0.3.0, pypsa-eur-sec=0.5.0, technology-data=0.2.0., powerplantmatching=0.4.8 In case someone needs a reference of a compatible setup of packages.

Get the databundle from zenodo if wget does not work

Install zenodo-get with the command:

pip install zenodo-get

Then retrieve the repository with:

zenodo_get 10.5281/zenodo.5824485

Solution to "Solver (gurobi) returned non-zero return code (127)"

A change needs to be made to the file '' located in /home/(AU-ID)/anaconda3/envs/(pypsa-eur_environment_name)/bin/ . The last line of this shell script needs to point to 'python2.7', regardless of what Python version is used in the pypsa-eur environment in your local folder. Thus, the last line of '' needs to be:

$PYTHONHOME/bin/python2.7 "$@"

Make sure to restart the terminal for these modifications to take effect.

Solution to "memory error".

The config file should include a path to a folder where the temporal files during the solving of the network are saved. The best practice is to use the scratch memory:

tmpdir: "scratch/$SLURM_JOB_ID"

Another option is to use your home folder (WARNING!! THIS MAY SLOW DOWN THE ENTIRE PRIME CLUSTER):

tmpdir: "/home/marta/tmp"

If this path is not specified, the default is to use the directory where the script is being executed which can cause errors due to not enough space in PRIME.

Extra stuff that will make your life easier

Terminal multiplexer (optional, but useful)

If you get disconnected or close your terminal your execution ends. If you want to simulate over an extended period of time this needs to be omitted. What you need to use is a terminal multiplexer. In the following, there are listed two alternatives.

a. GNU Screen

This is the easier choice as it is already installed. Starting Named Session by typing:

screen -S session_name You can detach from the screen session at any time by typing: Ctrl+a d This means that it will run in the background. To resume your screen session use the following command: screen -r To find the session ID list the current running screen sessions with: screen -ls


TMUX is another terminal multiplexer but needs to be installed first. ATTENTION: The execution of the workflow in a tmux-window defined in the Snakefile may result in the 'solve_network' rule failing. This is different from system to system, but if it occurs, it can be solved by executing the rule 'solve_network' outside tmux.

./snakemake_cluster --jobs 1

is executed in the cluster, the workflow in the 'Snakefile' starts. The DAG of jobs will be built, and depending on how many jobs have been allowed to run in parallel with the execution command above, one or more jobs will be submitted to the cluster with their own unique job-ID. If one chooses to close the terminal window in which the cluster is accessed, only the submitted jobs will be executed. For example, if the rule 'cluster_network' is the last job to be submitted, this job will finish, but the subsequent rules will not. Because of this, one must wait until the final rule, 'solve_network', has been submitted if one wants to for instance log off the cluster.
A solution for this, that allows for inputting the executing command and immediately logging off the cluster, is a terminal multiplexer called 'tmux'. This allows for having multiple windows in the same terminal window. To install it, make sure to have an Anaconda environment active in the cluster terminal window, and execute the following:

conda install -c conda-forge tmux

Next, a new tmux-session can be created by executing:

tmux new -s type_session_name_here

In this session, 'snakemake_cluster' can then be executed. When the workflow is running, the tmux-session can then be detached from, i.e. return to the normal PRIME-cluster window, by typing 'Ctrl+B', to get the attention of tmux, relatively quickly followed by typing 'd'. To reattach, execute the following in the terminal:

tmux a -t type_session_name_here

If one has forgotten the name of the session when trying to reattach, simply execute:


To get a list of the created sessions. The tmux commands described here, as well as many other neat ones, can be found in this article.

Environment file that works for Mac (17/5-2021)

This environment file (./environments/environment_pypsa_eur_macos.yml) works for pypsa-eur-sec on MacOs. It may also work on other systems (not tested).

VS Code

VS Code must be installed on your local computer, not on the cluster

Visual Studio Code is a handy tool when working on the cluster. It allows you to have your file explorer, python editor, and terminal in one window. Install the Remote - SSH extension to connect with PRIME.

Edit 2/2/2024 by Ebbe: The newest release (v1.86) is only compatible with Linux distributions based on glibc 2.28 or later, and glibcxx 3.4.25 or later, such as Debian 10, RHEL 8, or Ubuntu 20.04. Currently, this is not fulfilled by PRIME. I.e., in order to connect to PRIME with SSH, downgrade VS Code version to v1.85. Moreover, to avoid automatic updates of VS Code, set Update Mode to "none" (under File/Preferences/settings/).

If you experience issues with connecting VScode to prime, try setting the option "Remote.SSH: Lockfiles in Tmp" to true (check the box).

To commit from your prime repository to your GitHub, go to the source control and give your commit a name and press ctrl + enter. If you want the commit to be pushed automatically, after having committed, go to settings --> Remote [SSH:] --> Git --> Post Commit Command --> change "none" to "push"

Avoid entering your password when connecting to PRIME

This is not secure and not officially recommended! Using SSH keys is a good idea but best to set a strong password for them.

On your local computer, generate an ssh key by running:

(Local path) > ssh-keygen

Press Enter for the default key name. Then Enter for no password, and then Enter again to confirm. A password key is created under Local path in the file "". Copy the key to the cluster by running the following command:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/

Enter password when prompted.

Extending run-time for long jobs

If you need to run jobs that take a longer time to finish than the default 4 days, you can update the 'snakemake_cluster' by adding your preferred time as shown in the example below for 10 dyas:

snakemake .... "sbatch ... --time=240:00:00" "$@"

Using PyPSA-Eur

If you are using pypsa-eur independently of pypsa-eur-sec, to make sure that pypsa-eur gets to the final networks (with the solution), a rule all needs to be added to the Snakefile. In practice, this means adding the following text:

rule all:




For the ones who have just started using the PRIME cluster with only one rule in the Snakefile, but want to run in parallel with e.g. a range of different inputs, I have added a simple example of how this can be done in the folder 'cluster_test'. You can modify the python_script and the Snakefile to match it to your application.

Install by forking (A bit more advanced)

You can also fork the repositories pypsa-eur, technology_data, and pypsa-eur-sec on your Github, and clone them to your repository on Prime. This allows you to apply source control with Git (This is easily done in VSCode. See step 22).

Creating anaconda environment

The environment includes snakemake which is a very useful way of dealing with parallelized jobs in the cluster. To install all the packages that you need to create the environment use the 'environment.yaml' file provided in pypsa-eur. This step may take several minutes. On the cluster change directories to the pypsa-eur folder in a terminal and type the following commands:

.../pypsa-eur % conda env create -f envs/environment.yaml

Avoid accidentally deleting your results and resources

In the merged version of PyPSA-Eur, writing ./snakemake_cluster --jobs 5 instead of ./snakemake_cluster -call all --jobs 5 results in the purge rule being run, which deletes you results and resources folders. To avoid accidentally triggering this rule, you can go to the snakefile and comment out the lines deleting the folders:

 rule purge:
        "Purging generated resources, results and docs. Downloads are kept."
        #rmtree("resources/", ignore_errors=True)
        #rmtree("results/", ignore_errors=True) 
        #rmtree("doc/_build", ignore_errors=True)