An imperative infrastructure as code tool for configuration management and orchestration of your infrastructure
- Install software
- Configure all services
- Test your servers
- Deploy application
- Many more...
Tool where you define the steps to execute in order to reach the desired state/solution.
Definition and example
Reusable set of tasks. Kept in it's own roles directory.
Label or identify a task with selective way to run specific tasks or groups of tasks in a playbook
- name: <task_that_does_x>
<parameter>: <info>
tags: [<tag1>, <tag2>]
Definition and example
Simple text files that use Jinja2 templating engine **********
Special tasks that are executed only when specific events trigger them. Usually used to respond to changes in the system state, such as config updates or service restarts.
- name: <task_that_does_x>
<parameter>: <info>
notify: <Handler_name>
Variables. It's own defaults directory within the role. Good practice is to prefix variable name with role name. Values can be number, string(Quotes around strings can be omitted), list etc.
<role_str_variable>: <value>
- <str>
- <str>
<role_int_variable>: 80
In order to use variable in task you need to wrap them into double curly brackets {{}} and quotes "".
- name: <task_that_does_x>
<parameter>: "{{ <variable_name> }}"
Can override a default variable by specifying in the task
- name: <task_that_does_x>
<parameter>: "{{ <variable_name> }}"
<default_var_name>: <new value>
Combining tasks together
- name: <task_that_does_x>
<parameter>: "{{ item }}"
- <item1>
- <item2>
tags: [<tag>]
or pass from defaults
- name: <task_that_does_x>
<parameter>: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ <role_default_variable> }}"
tags: [<tag>]
ansible <host group> -m ping -i ./hosts
-m <module>
loads module
-i </path/to/inventory>
Run only tasks with specific tags
Verbosity level 4 more v
's more verbose
ansible-playbook -i </path/to/hosts> <path/to/playbook.yml>
-i </path/to/inventory>
├── playbook.yml
├── tasks/
│ ├── task_file_1.yml
│ ├── task_file_2.yml
│ └── task_file_3.yml
└── roles/
└── my_role/
├── tasks/
│ ├── main.yml
│ ├── additional_tasks.yml
│ └── more_tasks.yml
└── templates /
│ └── template.conf.j2
└── defaults /
│ └── main.yml
What does the config do
Config example and definition of each term
- name: <descriptive_name>
<module_parameter>: epel-release
<module_parameter>: present
tags: [nginx]
- name: install epel
name: epel-release
state: present
tags: [nginx]
- name: install nginx
name: nginx
state: present
tags: [nginx]
What does the config do
Config example and definition of each term
- hosts: ansible_tutorial
become: yes
become_user: root
- nginx
- hosts: <hosts or groups from inventory file>
become: <privileges escalation>
become_user: <become privileged user>
- <list of roles that will apply to our servers>
- steps
- step
- step