Explanation of the tool and it's purpose. Be Brief and say it concisely in a sentence
global: Env var set upon initialization of a shell and can be used across all shells. To make it global export variable to ~/.profile
❯ cat .zprofile
# Setting PATH for Python 3.9
# The original version is saved in .zprofile.pysave
export PATH
local: Env var that is set during a shell session and is erased when the shell is closed.
export MY_VARIABLE="some value"
echo $MY_VARIABLE # some value
Variables created in a script and only accessible by the script
MY_SHELL_VARIABLE="some value"
echo Hello && echo World
cat /etc/passwd | grep --color -E "^[a-z]{3}:"
sed [options] <pattern_to_replace> <new_pattern_to_add> <file_with_contents>
-i '<.extension>'
back up file to be made before changes
-e'<pattern to follow>'
substitute command to run on file
s(substitute) /(separates the command and pattern) g(perform replacement globally)
example: sed -i '' -e 's/,/ /g' apple.csv
awk [options] BEGIN { <action_before_processing> }; <optional_condition> { <action_after_processing_line>}
Field separator for the input file
Execute contents before processing any lines
NR > <line_num>
If condition (current record number is greater than digit) is full filled execute the following action
{ print $<field_number> "\t" $<field_number> "\t" $<field_number> }
Main action block of that is executed for each record line in input file
example: awk -F " " ' BEGIN { print "Date\t\tPrice\t\tVolume" }; NR > 1 { print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $7 } ' apple.csv
unzip <path to zip file> -d <location to save decompressed file>
show all containers
tail -f /path/to/file
follow bottom of file if any changes are appended
grep [options] "<text_to_search_for>" <file_to_search_in>
case insensitive
extended regular expressions
highlight the matching text in color
What does the config do
Config example and definition of each term
- steps
- step
- step