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Contribution guide

Manual test setup

Please run the following:

Please run:

docker compose build
docker compose up -d

Now the web interface should be available at http://localhost:8080/monitoring/. The username is cmkadmin and the password is test.

Running unit tests

Unit tests require the dependencies described in requirements.txt and Checkmk as a submodule. Please run:

git submodule init
git submodule update
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd tests
python -m unittest discover

Running integration tests

The method is the same as running the unit tests above, but with the following environment variables exposed:

Variable Description Default
LIVE_FA_HOSTNAME Hostname of a real FlashArray device. empty
LIVE_FA_APITOKEN API token for a real FlashArray device. empty
LIVE_FA_CERT_FILE Path to a certificate file for a real FlashArray device. Warning! If left empty, the live test will run without certificate validation. empty
LIVE_FB_HOSTNAME Hostname of a real FlashBlade device. empty
LIVE_FB_APITOKEN API token for a real FlashBlade device. empty
LIVE_FB_CERT_FILE Path to a certificate file for a real FlashBlade device. Warning! If left empty, the live test will run without certificate validation. empty

Running end-to-end tests

The end-to-end tests for this repository are implemented with behave and Selenium. You will need an installed Firefox and geckodriver in order to run the tests. The default configuration works automatically on Ubuntu 22.04 when Firefox is installed.

Here are the steps to run the tests:

  1. Create a venv using python -m venv venv.
  2. Activate the venv using source venv/bin/activate.
  3. Install the test dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Enter the tests directory and run the behavior tests using behave.

End-to-end test configuration

You can expose the following environment variables in order to change the test behavior:

Variable Description Default
CONTAINER_START Automatically start the test container before each test scenario. 1
CONTAINER_STOP Automatically stop the test container after each test scenario. 1
CONTAINER_UP_COMMAND Command to start the test container with. docker compose up -d --wait checkmk
CONTAINER_DOWN_COMMAND Command to stop the test container with. docker compose down -t 1
HTTP_ENDPOINT The HTTP endpoint of the test container that should be called for tests.
CHECKMK_SITE_NAME Name of the Checkmk site in the container. This must match the container build parameters. monitoring
CHECKMK_SITE_USER Username to use for the Checkmk login during tests. This must match the container build parameters. cmkadmin
CHECKMK_SITE_PASSWORD Password to use for the Checkmk login during tests. This must match the container build parameters. test
GECKODRIVER_PATH Path to the Geckodriver executable. /snap/bin/geckodriver
HEADLESS Set to 1 for headless mode, 0 to show the Firefox window during tests. 1 if the DISPLAY variable is set, 0 otherwise
TEST_RUNNER_IP IP address of the host running the tests. This is needed for simulating a FlashBlade/FlashArray instance
LIVE_FA_HOSTNAME Hostname of a real FlashArray device. empty
LIVE_FA_APITOKEN API token for a real FlashArray device. empty
LIVE_FA_CERT_FILE Path to a certificate file for a real FlashArray device. Warning! If left empty, the live test will run without certificate validation. empty
LIVE_FB_HOSTNAME Hostname of a real FlashBlade device. empty
LIVE_FB_APITOKEN API token for a real FlashBlade device. empty
LIVE_FB_CERT_FILE Path to a certificate file for a real FlashBlade device. Warning! If left empty, the live test will run without certificate validation. empty

Running end-to-end tests via SSH

You can run the tests in headless mode on any server that has Docker and docker-compose available. However, if you want to see the results of the test, you will need to enable X forwarding. To do this, you will need a local X server, such as XQuartz, VcXsrv or WSLg. You will need to run SSH with ssh -X to allow X forwarding.

Additionally, on Ubuntu 22.04 you will need to export the XAUTHORITY environment variable on the server for the Snap-based Firefox to run properly:

export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority

Please note, using sudo su will get rid of both the XAUTHORITY and the DISPLAY environment variables, both of which are required to show the Firefox window. To work around this, we recommend adding your user to the docker group to enable running tests as a non-root user. (Note, that this enables you to bypass sudo requirements for your user. Talk to your security department before doing this on sensitive systems.)

Packaging to an MKP file

We have created a tool to create an MKP package. Please run the following:

git submodule init
git submodule update
pip install -r requirements.txt
python tools/

Updating checkmk

If you want to update Checkmk to a later version, make sure to update both the Dockerfile and the Git submodule for code completion.