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32 lines (23 loc) · 1.15 KB

Basic Component Testing

File metadata and controls

32 lines (23 loc) · 1.15 KB

Theoretically, counter.test.ts should now look something like this:

import { screen, render } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import Counter from '.';

test('it should render the component', () => {
  render(<Counter />);
  const currentCount = screen.getByTestId('current-count');

test('it should increment with the "Increment" button is pressed', async () => {
  const user = userEvent.setup();
  render(<Counter />);

  const currentCount = screen.getByTestId('current-count');
  const incrementButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Increment' });



Your Mission

  1. The <Counter /> component takes a prop called initialCount, which defaults to 0 but can be set to any integer. Write a test where you set it to some other value and verify that it did what you expected.
  2. Write a test where you click the "Reset" button. Assert that the counter is set back to 0.

You can peek at a possible solution here.