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"home.features.timeline.body": "أنتم الأدرى بالمحتوى الذي تريدون أن تطالعوه في فيض المنشورات الرئيس. لا خوارزميات تتحكم فيما يظهر لكم و لا إعلانات تضيع وقتكم. بحساب واحد تمكنكم متابعة من تشاؤون على أيّ خادوم مَسْتُودُون، و تلقّى منشوراتهم بترتيبها الزمني، لتصنعوا ركنكم الأليف في الإنترنت.", + "home.features.timeline.body": "أنتم الأدرى بالمحتوى الذي تريدون أن تطالعوه في فيض المنشورات الرئيس. لا خوارزميات تتحكم فيما يظهر لكم ولا إعلانات تضيع وقتكم. بحساب واحد تمكنكم متابعة من تشاؤون على أيّ خادوم ماستدون، وتلقّى منشوراتهم بترتيبها الزمني، لتصنعوا ركنكم الأليف في الإنترنت.", "home.features.timeline.title": "تحكَّموا في فيض المنشورات", "home.get_the_app": "احصلوا على التطبيق", - "home.hero.body": "يجب ألا يظهر لكم في فيض المحتوى سوى ما يهمّكم، لا ما تريد الشركة أن نُظهر لكم. وسيلة تواصل اجتماعي مختلفة جذريًا يتحكّم فيها مستخدموها.", + "home.hero.body": "يجب ألا يظهر لكم في فيض المحتوى سوى ما يهمّكم، لا ما تريد الشركة أن تُظهر لكم. وسيلة تواصل اجتماعي مختلفة جذريًا يتحكّم فيها مستخدموها.", "home.hero.headline": "شبكة اجتماعية ليست للبيع.", - "home.join_now": "Join {domain}", - "home.page_description": "اعرفوا المزيد عن مَسْتُودُون، منصة تواصل اجتماعي مختلفة جذريا، حُرّة مفتوحة المصدر.", + "home.join_now": "انضم إلى {domain}", + "home.page_description": "اعرفوا المزيد عن ماستدون، منصة تواصل اجتماعي مختلفة جذريا، حُرّة مفتوحة المصدر.", "home.page_title": "شبكة اجتماعية لامركزية", - "home.pick_another_server": "Pick another server", + "home.pick_another_server": "اختر خادمًا آخر", "home.slider.go_to_slide": "Go to slide", - "home.sponsors.body": "مَسْتُودُون برمجية حُرَّة مفتوحة المصدر تطوّرها منظمة غير هادفة للربح. يدعم الجُمهور تنمية المشروع وتطويره مباشرة.", + "home.sponsors.body": "ماستدون برمجية حُرَّة مفتوحة المصدر تطوّرها منظمة غير هادفة للربح. يدعم الجُمهور تنمية المشروع وتطويره مباشرة.", "home.sponsors.title": "مستقل دائما", "home.testimonials.title": "ما يقوله مستخدمونا", - "home.why.decentralized.copy": "الاتصالات العالمية الفورية أهم من تُترك لشركة. كل خادوم مَسْتُودُون كيان مستقل قائم بداته، يتواصل مع غيره ليشكّلوا شبكة اجتماعية عالمية واحدة.", + "home.why.decentralized.copy": "الاتصالات العالمية الفورية أهم من تُترك لشركة. كل خادوم ماستدون كيان مستقل قائم بداته، يتواصل مع غيره ليشكّلوا شبكة اجتماعية عالمية واحدة.", "home.why.decentralized.title": "لامركزي", - 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"servers.getting_started.flexible.body": "أعثرتم على خادوم آخر تفضلونه أكثر من الحالي؟ مع مَسْتُودُون يمكنك بسهولة نقل حسابكم خادوم مختلف في أي وقت دون فق أي متابعين. و لكي يكون لك التحكم الكامل، يمكنكم إنشاء خادومكم الخاص.", + "servers.getting_started.flexible.body": "أعثرتم على خادوم آخر تفضلونه أكثر من الحالي؟ مع ماستدون يمكنك بسهولة نقل حسابكم خادوم مختلف في أي وقت دون فق أي متابعين. ولكي يكون لك التحكم الكامل، يمكنكم إنشاء خادومكم الخاص.", "servers.getting_started.flexible.title": "مَرِن", "servers.getting_started.headline": "خطواتكم الأولى على مَسْتُودُون سهلة جدًا", - "servers.getting_started.safe_for_all.body": "لا يمكننا التحكم في الخواديم التي يشغّلها الآخرون، لكن يمكننا التحكم في ما نروّجه على هذه الصفحة. لن توجهكم منظمتنا إلا إلى الخواديم المواظبة على الإشراف ضد العنصرية و التحيّز الجنسي بأنواعه.", + "servers.getting_started.safe_for_all.body": "لا يمكننا التحكم في الخواديم التي يشغّلها الآخرون، لكن يمكننا التحكم في ما نروّجه على هذه الصفحة. لن توجهكم منظمتنا إلا إلى الخواديم المواظبة على الإشراف ضد العنصرية والتحيّز الجنسي بأنواعه.", "servers.getting_started.safe_for_all.title": "آمِنٌ لِلجَّمِيع", "servers.getting_started.servers": "الخطوة الأولى تحديد الخادوم الذي ترغبون في فتح حسابكم فيه. كل خادوم تديره منظمة مستقلة أو فرد مستقل وقد تتباين في سياسات الإشراف.", - "servers.hero.body": "مَسْتُودُون ليس موقع وِب واحد على شبكة الإنترنت. و لاستخدامه سيكون عليكم فتح حساب لدى مُقدِّم خدمة - ندعوهم خواديم- ليتاح لكم التواصل مع أشخاص آخرين عبر مَسْتُودُون.", + "servers.hero.body": "ماستدون ليس موقع وِب واحد على شبكة الإنترنت. ولاستخدامه سيكون عليكم فتح حساب لدى مُقدِّم خدمة - ندعوهم خواديم- ليتاح لكم التواصل مع أشخاص آخرين عبر ماستدون.", "servers.page_description": "جدوا موضعا لفتح حساب في الشبكة الاجتماعية اللامركزية مَسْتُودُون.", "servers.page_title": "الخواديم", "silver_sponsor": "رَاعٍ فِضِّي", @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "راعٍ", "sponsors": "الرُعاة", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "شكرٌ خاص لكل من", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "كُونوا من رعاة المشروع", - "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", - "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "يمكنكم التبرّع لنا شهريا بطريق باتريون أو أن تتعهدوا بأن تصيروا رعاة من خلال برنامجنا الخاص. نحن ممتنون للجهات و الأفراد الذين يجعلون مَسْتُودُون ممكنا.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "تبرع", - "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", - "sponsors.page_description": "طالعوا قائمة الأشخاص و الشركات الذين يقومون تمويل جماعب لتطوير منصة وسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية المفتوحة المصدر اللامركزية، مَسْتُودُون.", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "نبحث عن مطورين للمساهمة في بناء مستقبل المجتمعات السبرانية مع مستدون. يوجد الكثير مما ينبغي عمله — فنحن بحاجة إلى المساعدة في الوظائف الجديدة، و تكبير حجم العمليات، و تحسين الوثائق، و غيرها — لكن العمل لا يقتصر على هذا. فنحن نساهم في تطوير بروتوكول الوسائط الاجتماعية اللامركزي ActivityPub الذي يقوم عليه مستُدون و نتعاون مع مجتمع الوِب الإجتماعية الذي يستخدمه. انضم إلى ثورة الوِب الاجتماعية!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "ابنوا معنا الشبكة الاجتماعية", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "نحن نقبل التبرعات التي تقدّمها الجهات الراعية لدعمنا لمواصلة عملنا. إذا كنتم ترغبون في وضع شعار شركتكم هنا مع رابط إلى موقعكم على الوِب، فيمكنكم أن تصبحوا من ضمن رعاتنا مباشرةً من خلال منصتنا. كما يمكنكم كذلك استخدام Benevity إذا كانت شركتكم تعمل بطريق تقديم مثل ما يقدّم المتبرعون من العموم. نحن ممتنون للجميع على بناء الوِب الاجتماعية، بخاصة رعاتنا.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "الشركات الراعية و التبرّع بالمثل", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "التقرير السنوي", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "صيروا من رعاتنا", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "المساهمة في تطوير مستُدون", + "sponsors.donate.body": "كُلُّ التبرعات تُنفقُ في تطوير مستُدون و تكاليف تشغيله. التبرعات الجارية تمكّننا من التخطيط لمدى طويل. و نحن ممتنّون لكل ما تتبرعون به.", + "sponsors.donate.title": "تبرّعوا الآن", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", + "sponsors.donate_directly": "تبرع مباشرة", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "يتلقى رعاتنا في GitHub شارة مستُدون في مؤسستهم أو حسابهم الشخصي. لإضافة إلى أننا لا ندفع مقابل استخدامه!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "تبرع على Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "نحن نطور برامج حاسوبية للوِب الاجتماعية اللامركزية. ما من مليارديرات و لا شركات كبرى هنا — لذا نحن نعتمد اعتمادًا كاملا على دعمكم.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "تُنفَق التبرعات في تطوير البرمجيات، للدفع للمساهمين الأساسيين مثل مطوري الوِب، و مطوري التطبيقات المحمولة، و المصممين. كما تدعم تبرعاتكم النفقات القانونية و التسويقية للدعوة و زيادة الوعي بالوِب الاجتماعية و مستُدون. إضافة إلى ذلك، فنحن ندير أكبر خادومين من خواديم مستُدون و صيانتهما تعتمد على المساهمات المالية و العينية. لمزيد من التفاصيل طالعوا تقريرنا السنوي الأخير.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", + "sponsors.learn_more": "اعرفوا المَزِيد", + "sponsors.page_description": "طالعوا قائمة الأشخاص والشركات الذين يقومون بالتمويل جماعيا تطوير منصة وسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية المفتوحة المصدر اللامركزية، ماستدون.", "sponsors.page_title": "رُعاة مَسْتُودُون", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "تبرّعكم لنا من خلال باتريون سيكافئكم بالنفذا إلى ديسكورد الخاص بالتطوير، كما سيدرج اسمكم في هذه الصفحة.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "إلى باتريون", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "ادعمونا على باتريون", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "إذا رغبتم في رُؤية شعار منظّمتكم مع رابط لها على هذا الموقع، فيمكنك أن تصسروا رعاة من الفئة الذّهبيّة أو البلاتينيّة مباشرة عبر منصّتنا الخّاصّة!", - "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "الرِّعايَة التجارية", + "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "الرعاية لا تعني النفوذ، فـ Mastodon مستقل تماماً.", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "نعمل على إعادة بناء الوسائط الاجتماعية لكي يُتاح للكافة بناء مجتمعات محليّة صحيحة و التواصل عالميًا، و التحكّم في وجودهم السبراني. نقود تطوير مستُدون بوصفنا منظّمة غير ربحية. كما أننا أعضاء في شبكة واسعة من المنظمات تبني على تكنولوجيات الوِب الاجتماعية، و نسعى لنستعيد معًا مياديننا الرقمية. ساعدونا في بناء الوِب الاجتماعية للجميع.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "بدعم من", "stats.disclaimer": "البيانات مجموعة بطريق فحص جميع خواديم مَسْتُودُون المتاح الوصول إليها بتاريخ {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "المستخدمون النشطون شهريا", @@ -160,11 +178,11 @@ "verification.examples.lead": "في مَسْتُودُون، الحسابات الموثّقة من حقّ الكافة! لكن فيما يلي بعض الأسماء التي…", "verification.examples.title": "في البريّة", "verification.feature_highlight": "أبرز الوظائف", - "verification.features.how_to.body": "ضعوا رابطًا إلى حسابكم في مَسْتُودُون في موقعكم على الوِب. المهم أن يحوي وسم الرابط خصيصة rel=\"me\"rel=\"me\" ثمّ حرّروا ملفّكم في ماستدون وضعوا مسار صفحتكم على الوِب التي تحوي الرابط السابق في أحد الحقول الأربعة، ثم احفظوا بيانات ملفّكم!", "verification.features.how_to.title": "هاكم كيف", - "verification.features.no_badge.body": "الهوية ليست سؤالا يُجاب بنعم أو لا. الأسماء الفريدة في العالم معدودة، لذا لماذا يتعيّن ألا يحصل سوى المشاهير على علامة مميزة إلى جوار أسمائهم! نحن في مَستُدون لا نعتمد الأسماء القانونية أساسًا و لا الأوسمة الزرقاء، بل نعتمد على أنّ الناس يمكنهم توثيق هويّاتهم بطريق مواقعهم على الوِب.", + "verification.features.no_badge.body": "الهوية ليست سؤالا يُجاب بنعم أو لا. الأسماء الفريدة في العالم معدودة، لذا لماذا يتعيّن ألا يحصل سوى المشاهير على علامة مميزة إلى جوار أسمائهم! نحن في ماستدون لا نعتمد الأسماء القانونية أساسًا ولا الأوسمة الزرقاء، بل نعتمد على أنّ الناس يمكنهم توثيق هويّاتهم بطريق مواقعهم على الوِب.", "verification.features.no_badge.title": "ليس لدينا وسام أزرق", - "verification.lead": "توثيق الهويّات في مستودون متاح للكافّة، و يجري وفق معايير الوِب القياسية، و بلا أيّ مقابل.", + "verification.lead": "توثيق الهويّات في ماستدون متاح للكافّة، ويجري وفق معايير الوِب القياسية، وبلا أيّ مقابل.", "verification.page_description": "طالعوا المزيد عن كيفية توثيق هوياتكم", "verification.page_title": "التوثيق", "verification.title": "التوثيق في مَسْتُدون", diff --git a/locales/be.json b/locales/be.json index c8a00781f..a059564a5 100644 --- a/locales/be.json +++ b/locales/be.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Спонсар", "sponsors": "Спонсары", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Дадатковыя падзякі", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Стаць спонсарам", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Пабудуйце сацыяльную сетку", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Гадавая справаздача", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Станьце спонсарам", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Уносіце свой уклад у Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Усе ахвяраванні ідуць непасрэдна на развіццё і функцыянаванне Mastodon. Пастаянныя ахвяраванні дапамагаюць нам планаваць доўгатэрміновую перспектыву. Мы бясконца ўдзячныя за кожны атрыманы долар. Дзякуй!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Ахвяруйце зараз", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Прамыя ахвяраванні прымаюцца праз Stripe. Гэта выдатныя падарункі!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Ахвяраваць напрамую", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Напрамую", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Ахвяраваць напрамую", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "Спонсары на GitHub атрымліваюць значок Mastodon у профіль арганізацыі або ў асабісты профіль. Акрамя таго, мы не плацім камісію!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Ахвяраваць на GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Ахвяраваць на Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Мы распрацоўваем і падтрымліваем бясплатнае праграмнае забеспячэнне з адкрытым зыходным кодам, якое забяспечвае сацыяльную сетку. За гэтым няма капіталу - мы цалкам разлічваем на вашу падтрымку праз такія платформы, як Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Ахвяраваць", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Спонсары на Patreon атрымліваюць доступ да Discord-серверу Mastodon для распрацоўшчыкаў, адміністратараў сервераў і прыхільнікаў сацыяльнай сеткі.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Ахвяраваць на Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Ахвяраваць", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Праглядзіце нашых спонсараў", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Як мы выкарыстоўваем ахвяраванні", "sponsors.learn_more": "Даведацца больш", "sponsors.page_description": "Праглядзіце людзей і кампаніі, якія падтрымліваюць развіццё дэцэнтралізаванай адкрытай сацыяльнай сеткі Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Ахвяруйце Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Падтрымаўшы нас праз Patreon, вы атрымаеце доступ да нашага Discord-серверу для распрацоўшчыкаў, а ваша імя будзе пазначана на гэтай старонцы.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Перайсці да Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Падтрымаць нас на Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Калі вы хочаце бачыць лагатып вашай кампаніі са спасылкай на гэты сайт, вы можаце стаць спонсарам непасрэдна праз нашу платформу!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Спонсарства не роўна ўплыву. Mastodon поўнасцю незалежны.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Камерцыйнае спонсарства", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Падтрымайце нас", "sponsors.supported_by": "Пры падтрымцы", "stats.disclaimer": "Дадзеныя, сабраныя з дапамогай сканавання ўсіх даступных сервераў Mastodon на момант {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Штомесяц актыўных карыстальнікаў", diff --git a/locales/bn.json b/locales/bn.json index 0c6710f66..7d266f060 100644 --- a/locales/bn.json +++ b/locales/bn.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "স্পন্সর", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Additional thanks to", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", "sponsors.page_description": "View people and companies who crowdfund the development of the decentralized, open-source social media platform Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Making a contribution through our Patreon will reward you with access to our development Discord and your name listed on this page.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Go to Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Support us on Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Supported by", "stats.disclaimer": "Data collected by crawling all accessible Mastodon servers on {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Monthly Active Users", diff --git a/locales/ca.json b/locales/ca.json index 266616488..2378bd6f6 100644 --- a/locales/ca.json +++ b/locales/ca.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Patrocinador", "sponsors": "Patrocinadors", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Gràcies addicionals a", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Converteix-te en patrocinador", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Fes una donació directe", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Fes una donació a Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Més informació", "sponsors.page_description": "Vegeu persones i empreses que financen col·lectivament el desenvolupament de la plataforma de xarxes socials descentralitzada i de codi obert Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Si fas una contribució a través del nostre Patreon, et recompensarà amb l'accés al nostre servidor de desenvolupament a Discord i el vostre teu que apareixerà en aquesta pàgina.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Anar a Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Dóna suport a Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Patrocinat per", "stats.disclaimer": "Dades recollides en rastrejar tots els servidors Mastodon accessibles el {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Usuaris actius mensuals", diff --git a/locales/cs.json b/locales/cs.json index af86a6526..195109874 100644 --- a/locales/cs.json +++ b/locales/cs.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponzor", "sponsors": "Sponzoři", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Další poděkování", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Stát se sponzorem", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Výroční zpráva", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Staňte se sponzorem", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Přispějte do Mastodonu", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Přímo", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Přispějte přímo", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Zjistit více", "sponsors.page_description": "Zobrazit lidi a společnosti, kteří crowdfundují rozvoj decentralizované a open-source platformy sociálních médií Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Příspěvky prostřednictvím našeho Patreonu tě odmění přístupem k našemu vývojovému Discordu a zobrazí tvé jméno na této stránce.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Přejít na Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Podpořte nás na Patreonu", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponzorství nerovná se vliv. Mastodon je zcela nezávislý.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Komerční sponzorství", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Podporováno", "stats.disclaimer": "Data shromážděná propracováním všech přístupných serverů Mastodon na {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Měsíční aktivní uživatelé", diff --git a/locales/cy.json b/locales/cy.json index 4a17d5e2b..396285543 100644 --- a/locales/cy.json +++ b/locales/cy.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Noddwyr", "sponsors": "Noddwyr", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Diolchiadau hefyd i", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Dod yn noddwr", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", "sponsors.page_description": "Gweld pobl a chwmnïau sy'n ariannu datblygiad Mastodon, y platfform cyfryngau cymdeithasol ffynhonnell agored, datganoledig.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Bydd gwneud cyfraniad trwy ein Patreon yn eich gwobrwyo â mynediad i'n Discord datblygu a bydd eich enw yn ymddangos ar y dudalen hon.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Agor Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Cefnogwch ni ar Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Cefnogir gan", "stats.disclaimer": "Data a gasglwyd drwy gropian holl weinyddion Mastodon agored ar {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Defnyddwyr Gweithredol Misol", diff --git a/locales/de.json b/locales/de.json index e6654d41b..a74e241f3 100644 --- a/locales/de.json +++ b/locales/de.json @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ "nav.docs.title": "Dokumentation", "nav.impressum.title": "Impressum", "nav.merch.title": "Merchandise", - "nav.new": "Neues", + "nav.new": "Neu", "nav.privacy_policy.title": "Datenschutzerklärung", "nav.product.title": "Produkt", "nav.resources.title": "Ressourcen", @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsoren", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Zusätzlicher Dank an", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Werde ein Sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "Wir sind auf der Suche nach Entwickler*innen, die mit Mastodon die Zukunft der Online-Gemeinschaften mitgestalten. Es gibt viel zu tun! Wir benötigen Unterstützung bei neuen Funktionen, der Skalierung des Betriebs, der Verbesserung unserer Dokumentation und mehr. Jedoch endet die Arbeit hier nicht – wir tragen auch zum dezentralisierten Social-Media-Protokoll „ActivityPub“ bei und arbeiten mit verschiedenen Gemeinschaften zusammen, die dieses Protokoll verwenden. Beteilige dich an der Entwicklung des Social Webs!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Das Social Web erschaffen", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "Wir begrüßen Spenden von kommerziellen Sponsoren, damit wir unsere Arbeit fortsetzen können. Wenn du dein Firmenlogo mit einem Link zur eigenen Website präsentieren möchtest, kannst du direkt über unsere eigene Plattform ein Sponsor werden! Ebenfalls kannst du Benevity verwenden, falls dein Unternehmen Matching-Programme unterstützt. Wir sind für alle dankbar, die das Social Web erschaffen, besonders unseren Sponsoren.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Sponsoring von Unternehmen & Spenden-Matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Geschäftsbericht", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Sponsor werden", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Zu Mastodon beitragen", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Alle Spenden tragen direkt zur Entwicklung und dem Betrieb von Mastodon bei. Fortlaufende Spenden helfen uns auf lange Sicht zu planen. Wir sind für jeden Euro, den wir erhalten, dankbar. Vielen Dank!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Noch heute spenden", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direkte Spenden nehmen wir über „Stripe“ entgegen. Das eignet sich hervorragend als Geschenk!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Direkt spenden", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direkt", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Direkt spenden", - "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Über Patreon spenden", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Wir entwickeln und pflegen die freie und quelloffene Software, die das soziale Web antreibt. Dahinter steckt kein Kapital – wir sind vollständig auf deine Unterstützung durch Plattformen wie Patreon angewiesen.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Spenden", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub-Sponsoren erhalten ein Mastodon-Abzeichen für ihr persönliches Profil oder das ihrer Organisation. Außerdem zahlen wir keine Gebühren!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Auf GitHub spenden", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Auf Patreon spenden", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Spenden über „Patreon“ geben dir Zugriff auf den Mastodon-Discord-Server für Entwickler*innen, Server-Admins und Unterstützer*innen des Social Webs.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Auf Patreon spenden", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "Wir entwickeln und pflegen Software für das dezentralisierte Social Web. Hier steckt kein Milliardär oder großer Konzern dahinter – wir sind komplett auf deine Unterstützung angewiesen.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Spenden", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Unsere Sponsoren ansehen", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Online-Diskurs neu gestalten", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Die Spenden werden für die Softwareentwicklung verwendet, um wesentliche Mitwirkende wie Designer*innen, Entwickler*innen für Web und mobile Apps zu bezahlen. Mit deinen Spenden werden auch Rechts- und Marketingkosten finanziert, um für das Social Web und Mastodon zu werben, aber auch um das Bewusstsein dafür zu fördern. Außerdem betreiben wir die beiden größten Mastodon-Server, die durch Geldspenden und Sacheinlagen finanziert werden. Weitere Einzelheiten sind in unserem aktuellen Geschäftsbericht zu finden.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Wofür wir Spenden verwenden", "sponsors.learn_more": "Mehr erfahren", "sponsors.page_description": "Schau dir die Menschen und Unternehmen an, die die Entwicklung des dezentralisierten sozialen Netzwerks Mastodon unterstützen.", "sponsors.page_title": "An Mastodon spenden", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Ein Beitrag durch unseren Patreon wird dir Zugriff auf unseren Discord-Server geben und dich mit der Auflistung deines Namens auf dieser Seite belohnen.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Gehe zu Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Unterstütze uns auf Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Wenn du dein Firmenlogo auf dieser Seite mit einem Link präsentieren möchtest, kannst du direkt über unsere eigene Plattform Sponsor werden!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsoring ist nicht mit Ein­fluss­nah­me gleichzusetzen. Mastodon ist völlig unabhängig.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Kommerzielles Sponsoring", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "Wir bauen die sozialen Medien neu auf, damit alle gesunde Gemeinschaften aufbauen, sich global vernetzen und ihre eigene Online-Präsenz besitzen können. Wir leiten die Entwicklung von Mastodon als nicht gewinnorientierte Organisation. Wir sind Teil eines großen Netzwerks von Organisationen, die auf der Technologie des Social Webs aufbauen. Gemeinsam gewinnen wir den digitalen Raum für die Menschen zurück. Hilf uns, das Social Web für alle aufzubauen.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Unterstütze uns", "sponsors.supported_by": "Unterstützt durch", "stats.disclaimer": "Zahlen, die von allen zugänglichen Mastodon-Servern am {date} gesammelt wurden.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Monatlich aktive Nutzer", diff --git a/locales/eo.json b/locales/eo.json index 992d7ee17..220a2246e 100644 --- a/locales/eo.json +++ b/locales/eo.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsoro", "sponsors": "Sponsoroj", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Kromaj dankoj al", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Iĝi sponsoro", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Rekte donaci", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donaci en Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Ni disvolvas kaj prizorgas la liberan kaj malfermitkodan programon, kiu funkciigas la socian Interreton. Ne estas kapitalo malantaŭ tio — ni tute dependas de via subteno per platformoj kiel Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donaci", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Lerni pli", "sponsors.page_description": "Vidu homojn kaj firmaojn, kiuj amasfinancas la disvolvadon de la sencentra malfermitkoda platformo de socia retejo Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donaci al Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Kontribui per nia Patreon rekompencos per aliro al nia disvolvada Discord kaj via nomo listigita en ĉi tiu paĝo.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Iri al Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Subtenu nin en Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Se vi ŝatus vidi la markemblemon de via firmao kun sekvi-ligilo en ĉi tiu paĝo, vi povas rekte iĝi sponsoro per nia propra platformo!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorado ne egalas al influo. Mastodon estas tute sendependa.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Komerca sponsorado", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Subtenata de", "stats.disclaimer": "Datenoj kolektitaj per indeksado de ĉiuj alireblaj Mastodon-serviloj je {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Monate Aktivaj Uzantoj", diff --git a/locales/es-AR.json b/locales/es-AR.json index 95a7637da..bf8b6f240 100644 --- a/locales/es-AR.json +++ b/locales/es-AR.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Patrocinador", "sponsors": "Patrocinadores", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Gracias adicionales a", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Vuélvete un sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donar directamente", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donar en Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Desarrollamos y mantenemos el software libre y de código abierto que impulsa la web social. No hay capital detrás de esto, dependemos totalmente de su apoyo a través de plataformas como Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Doná", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Saber más", "sponsors.page_description": "Vea las personas y empresas que financian mediante crowdfunding el desarrollo de la plataforma de medios sociales descentralizada y de código abierto Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donar a Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Hacer una contribución a través de nuestro Patreon te recompensará con acceso a nuestro Discord de desarrollo y tu nombre aparecerá en esta página.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Ir a Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Apóyenos en Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Si desea ver el logotipo de su empresa con un enlace do-follow en este sitio, ¡puede convertirse en patrocinador directamente a través de nuestra propia plataforma!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Patrocinio no es sinónimo de influencia. Mastodon es totalmente independiente.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Patrocinio comercial", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Impulsado por", "stats.disclaimer": "Datos recogidos mediante rastreo de todos los servidores Mastodon accesibles en {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Usuarios activos mensuales", diff --git a/locales/es.json b/locales/es.json index e0734a142..42c3eb597 100644 --- a/locales/es.json +++ b/locales/es.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Patrocinador", "sponsors": "Patrocinadores", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Agradecimientos adicionales a", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Vuélvete un patrocinador", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "Estamos buscando desarrolladores que ayuden a construir el futuro de las comunidades en línea con Mastodon. Hay mucho que hacer —necesitamos ayuda con nuevas características, operaciones de escalado, mejora de la documentación y más— pero el trabajo no se detiene aquí. Contribuimos al protocolo descentralizado de redes sociales subyacente a Mastodon, ActivityPub, y colaboramos con la comunidad social que lo utiliza. ¡Únete a la revolución social de la web!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Construye la web social", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "Recibimos donaciones de patrocinadores comerciales para ayudar a continuar nuestro trabajo. Si deseas ver el logotipo de tu empresa con un enlace a su sitio web, ¡puedes convertirte en patrocinador directamente a través de nuestra propia plataforma! También puedes usar Benevity si tu empresa proporciona una coincidencia corporativa. Agradecemos a todos por construir la web social, especialmente nuestros patrocinadores.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Patrocinio corporativo y coincidencia", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Informe anual", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Convertirse en patrocinador", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribuir a Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Todas las donaciones van directamente al desarrollo y operación de Mastodon. Las donaciones recurrentes nos ayudan a planificar a largo plazo. Estamos siempre agradecidos por cada dólar que recibimos — ¡Gracias!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donar hoy", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Las donaciones directas son bienvenidas a través de Stripe. ¡Son buenos regalos!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donar directamente", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Directas", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donar directamente", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "Los patrocinadores de GitHub reciben una insignia Mastodon en su perfil de Organización o Personal. ¡Además, no pagamos comisiones!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donar en GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donar en Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Desarrollamos y mantenemos el software libre y de código abierto que impulsa la red social. No hay capital detrás de esto: dependemos totalmente de tu apoyo a través de plataformas como Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donar", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Los donantes de Patreon tienen acceso al Discord de Mastodon para desarrolladores, administradores de servidores y entusiastas de la web social.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donar en Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "Desarrollamos y mantenemos software para la web social descentralizada.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donar", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Ver nuestros patrocinadores", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimaginando el discurso en línea", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Las donaciones se destinan al desarrollo de software, pagando colaboradores esenciales como desarrolladores web, desarrolladores de aplicaciones móviles y diseñadores. Sus donaciones también apoyan los gastos legales y de marketing para promover y concienciar sobre la web social y Mastodon. Adicionalmente, operamos los dos mayores servidores Mastodon, mantenidos a través de contribuciones financieras y en especie. Para saber más, echa un vistazo a nuestro informe anual.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Cómo utilizamos las donaciones", "sponsors.learn_more": "Más información", "sponsors.page_description": "Ver gente y empresas que financian el desarrollo de la plataforma de redes sociales descentralizada, de código abierto Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donar a Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Hacer una contribución a través de nuestro Patreon le recompensará con el acceso a nuestro Discord de desarrollo y hará que su nombre aparezca en esta página.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Ir a Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Apóyanos en Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Si desea ver el logo de su empresa con un enlace de seguimiento en este sitio, usted puede convertirse en un patrocinador directamente a través de nuestra propia plataforma.", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "El patrocinio no implica influencia. Mastodon es completamente independiente.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Patrocinio comercial", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "Estamos reconstruyendo las redes sociales para que todos puedan construir comunidades saludables localmente, conectarse globalmente y poseer su presencia en línea. Como una organización sin ánimo de lucro dirigimos el desarrollo de Mastodon. Somos parte de una vasta red de organizaciones que desarrollan la tecnología de la web social. Juntos estamos retomando la plaza de la ciudad digital para las personas. Ayúdanos a construir la web social para todos.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Apóyanos", "sponsors.supported_by": "Apoyado por", "stats.disclaimer": "Datos recogidos al analizar todos los servidores Mastodon accesibles el {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Usuarios activos mensuales", diff --git a/locales/eu.json b/locales/eu.json index 07dd380ae..5fbffea96 100644 --- a/locales/eu.json +++ b/locales/eu.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Babeslea", "sponsors": "Babesleak", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Esker bereziak", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Egin zaitez babesle", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Eraiki web soziala", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Urteko txostena", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Egin zaitez babesle", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Lagundu Mastodon-i", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Dohaintza guztiak Mastodon-en garapen eta funtzionamendurako dira. Dohaintza errepikakorrek epe luzerako planifikatzen laguntzen gaituzte. Oso esker onekoak sentitzen gara dolar bakoitza jasotzean. Eskerrik asko!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Egin dohaintza gaur", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Zuzeneko dohaintzak Stripe-tik onartzen dira. Opari itzelak egiten dituzte.", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Egin dohaintza zuzenean", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Zuzenean", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Egin dohaintza zuzenean", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub-eko babesleek Mastodon-eko domin bat lortzen dute erakundeko profilean edo pertsonalean erakusteko. Gainera, ez dugu kuotarik ordaintzen.", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Egin dohaintza GitHub-en", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Egin dohaintza Patreon-en", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Sare-soziala martxan jartzen duen kode-irekikoa den software irekia garatzen eta mantentzen dugu. Ez dago dirurik atzean, Patreon bezalako plataformetatik jasotzen dugun zuen laguntzari esker da.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Egin dohaintza", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Egin dohaintza Patreon-en", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "Deszentralizatutako web sozialerako softwarea garatu eta mantentzen dugu. Ez da milioidunik edo megakorporaziorik hemen; zure laguntza ezinbestekoa da.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Egin dohaintza", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Ikusi gure babesleak", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Nola erabiltzen ditugun dohaintzak", "sponsors.learn_more": "Informazio gehiago", "sponsors.page_description": "Ikusi deszentralizatutako eta kode-irekikoa den Mastodon sare-sozialaren plataformaren garapena mikrofinantzatzen duten jendea eta enpresak.", "sponsors.page_title": "Egin dohaintza Mastodon-i", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Patreon bidez ekarpen bat egitean, gure garapenaren Discord zerbitzarirako sarbidea lortuko duzu eta zure izena orri honetan agertuko da.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Joan Patreon-era", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Lagun gaitzazu Patreon-en", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Zure enpresaren logotipoa, jarraipen-estekarekin batera, gune honetan ikusi nahi baduzu, babesle izan zaitezke zuzenean gure plataformatik.", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Babesa ez da eragina. Mastodon guztiz independentea da.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Babes komertziala", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Lagun gaitzazu", "sponsors.supported_by": "Laguntzaileak", "stats.disclaimer": "Mastodon zerbitzari atzigarri guztiak {date} egunean analizatuz bildu dira datuak.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Hileko erabiltzaile aktiboak", diff --git a/locales/fa.json b/locales/fa.json index fd0b55b2e..1007ecfcb 100644 --- a/locales/fa.json +++ b/locales/fa.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "حامی", "sponsors": "حامیان", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "سپاس مضاعف از", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "حامی شوید", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "حمایت مالی مستقیم", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "حمایت مالی روی پتریون", - "sponsors.hero.body": "می‌توانید به صورت ماهانه از طریق Patreon و یا از طریق سکوی خودمان از ما حمایت کنید. ما قدردان شرکت‌ها و افرادی هستیم که ماستودون را ممکن کردند.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "حمایت مالی", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "بیشتر بدانید", "sponsors.page_description": "افراد و شرکت‌های را که به طور جمعی اقدام به تامین مالی توسعه سکوی رسانه اجتماعی آزاد و نامتمرکز ماستودون کردند را ببینید.", "sponsors.page_title": "حامیان ماستودون", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "حمایت کردن از طریق Patreon، ضمن اعطای دسترسی به دیسکورد توسعه ما، نام شما را نیز در این صفحه فهرست می‌کند", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "رفتن به Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "روی Patreon از ما حمایت کنید", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "اگر تمایل دارید لوگوی شرکت شما همراه با پیوند در این وبگاه نمایش یابد می‌توانید مستقیما از طریق سکوی خودمان از ما حمایت کنید!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "حمایت", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "حمایت شده توسط", "stats.disclaimer": "داده‌های گردآوری شده با خزش همه کارسازهای قابل دسترس ماستودون در تاریخ {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "کاربران فعال ماهانه", diff --git a/locales/fi.json b/locales/fi.json index 2113cbcb3..9d7a589fd 100644 --- a/locales/fi.json +++ b/locales/fi.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsori", "sponsors": "Sponsorit", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Lisäkiitokset", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Ryhdy sponsoriksi", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Lahjoita suoraan", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Lahjoita Patreonin kautta", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Lue lisää", "sponsors.page_description": "Tutustu ihmisiin ja yrityksiin, jotka rahoittavat joukkorahoituksella hajautetun, avoimen lähdekoodin sosiaalisen median Mastodon-alustan kehittämistä.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Patreonin kautta lahjoittaminen palkitsee sinut pääsyllä kehittäjiemme Discordiin ja nimesi listataan tälle sivulle.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Siirry Patreoniin", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Tue meitä Patreonissa", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorointi ei tarkoita vaikutusvaltaa. Mastodon on täysin riippumaton.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Tukijat", "stats.disclaimer": "Tiedot kerättiin indeksoimalla kaikki tavoitettavissa olevat Mastodon-palvelimet {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Kuukausittaiset aktiiviset käyttäjät", diff --git a/locales/fr.json b/locales/fr.json index 63b10f857..b8a4e0ef9 100644 --- a/locales/fr.json +++ b/locales/fr.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "footer.quip": "Réseau social décentralisé libre et open source.", "home.additional_support_from": "Soutien supplémentaire de", "home.create_account": "Créer un compte", - "home.features.audience.body": "Mastodon vous offre une possibilité unique de gérer votre audience sans intermédiaires. Mastodon déployé sur votre propre infrastructure vous permet de suivre et d'être suivi depuis n'importe quel autre serveur Mastodon et n'est sous le contrôle de personne d'autre que vous.", + "home.features.audience.body": "Mastodon vous offre une possibilité unique de gérer votre audience sans intermédiaires. Mastodon peut être déployé sur votre propre infrastructure, ce qui vous permet de suivre et d'être suivi depuis n'importe quel autre serveur Mastodon et de n'être contrôlé par personne d'autre que vous.", "home.features.audience.title": "Construisez votre audience en toute confiance", "home.features.button.find_a_server": "Rejoindre un serveur", "home.features.button.learn_more": "En savoir plus", @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Partenaire", "sponsors": "Partenaires", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Merci aussi à", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Devenez un sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Construire le Web Social", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Rapport annuel", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Devenez un sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribuer à Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Tous les dons contribuent directement au développement de Mastodon. Les dons récurrents nous aident à planifier sur le long terme. Nous sommes à jamais reconnaissants pour chaque euro que nous recevons — Merci !", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Soutenez-nous aujourd'hui", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Faire un don direct", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Directement", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Faire un don direct", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "Les sponsors via GitHub reçoivent un badge de soutien sur leur profil GitHub. Et c'est sans frais !", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Faire un don via GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Faire un don via Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Nous développons et maintenons le logiciel libre qui alimente le web social. Il n’y a pas de capital derrière cela — nous nous appuyons entièrement sur votre soutien à travers des plateformes comme Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Faire un don", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Les sponsors via Patreon obtiennent l'accès au serveur Discord Mastodon pour les développeurs, administrateurs de serveurs et supporters du web social.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Faire un don via Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Faire un don", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Voir les sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Réinventer le discours en ligne", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Comment utilisons-nous les dons", "sponsors.learn_more": "En savoir plus", "sponsors.page_description": "Découvrez les gens et les entreprises qui financent le développement de la plateforme de média social décentralisée et open-source qu'est Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Faire un don à Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Faire une contribution par l'intermédiaire de notre Patreon vous récompensera avec l'accès à notre serveur Discord de développement et avec votre nom listé sur cette page.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Aller à Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Soutenez-nous sur Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Si vous voulez voir le logo de votre entreprise avec un lien cliquable sur ce site, vous pouvez devenir un sponsor directement via notre propre plateforme !", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Partenariats commerciaux", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Soutenez-nous", "sponsors.supported_by": "Avec le soutien de", "stats.disclaimer": "Données collectées en explorant tous les serveurs Mastodon accessibles le {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Utilisateurs mensuels actifs", diff --git a/locales/fy.json b/locales/fy.json index 7dac49ebc..02c403efb 100644 --- a/locales/fy.json +++ b/locales/fy.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsors", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Ekstra tank oan", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Wurd in sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donearje daliks", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donearje op Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Wy ûntwikkelje en ûnderhâlde de frije en iepen-boarnesoftware dy’t it sosjale web stipet. Der sit gjin kapitaal efter – wy fertrouwe folslein op dyn stipe fia platfoarms lykas Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donearje", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Mear ynfo", "sponsors.page_description": "Besjoch minsken en bedriuwen dy’t de ûntwikkeling fan it desintralisearre, iepen-boarne sosjale mediaplatfoarm Mastodon troch crowdfunding finansiere.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donearje oan Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "It leverjen fan in bydrage fia ús Patreon sil dy beleanje mei tagong ta ús development-Discord en de fermelding fan dyn namme op dizze side.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Gean nei Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Stypje ús fia Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Asto dyn bedriuwslogo op dizze side mei in keppeling sjen wolst, kinsto in sponsor wurde fia ús eigen platfoarm!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsoring stiet net gelyk oan ynfloed. Mastodon is folslein ûnôfhinklik.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Kommersjele sponsoring", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Stipe troch", "stats.disclaimer": "Gegevens sammele troch alle beskikbere Mastodon-servers op {date} te crawlen.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Moanliks warbere brûkers", diff --git a/locales/ga.json b/locales/ga.json index 0e71a885d..3a2611a78 100644 --- a/locales/ga.json +++ b/locales/ga.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsors", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Additional thanks to", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", "sponsors.page_description": "View people and companies who crowdfund the development of the decentralized, open-source social media platform Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Making a contribution through our Patreon will reward you with access to our development Discord and your name listed on this page.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Go to Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Support us on Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Supported by", "stats.disclaimer": "Data collected by crawling all accessible Mastodon servers on {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Monthly Active Users", diff --git a/locales/gd.json b/locales/gd.json index 3feb9c711..464eee4be 100644 --- a/locales/gd.json +++ b/locales/gd.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsair", "sponsors": "Sponsairean", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Barrachd taing dha", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Rach ’nad sponsair", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Barrachd fiosrachaidh", "sponsors.page_description": "Seall na daoine is companaidhean a chuir ri maoineachadh-sluaigh leasachaidh an ùrlair meadhanan sòisealta Mastodon a tha sgaoilte ’s a bhun-us fosgailte.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Ma bheir thu taic dhuinn le Patreon, bheir sinn inntrigeadh dhut gu Discord an leasachaidh is chì thu d’ ainm air an duilleag seo mar thaing.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Tadhail air Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Thoir tabhartas dhuinn air Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Taic le", "stats.disclaimer": "Chaidh an dàta a chruinneachadh le cràladh nam frithealaichean Mastodon uile a ghabh ruigsinn {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Cleachdaichean gnìomhach gach mìos", diff --git a/locales/gl.json b/locales/gl.json index c13df840b..1a592b0bb 100644 --- a/locales/gl.json +++ b/locales/gl.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Patrocinador", "sponsors": "Patrocinadores", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Agradecemento especial para", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Contribúe ao padroado", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "Buscamos desenvolvedoras para axudarnos a construír con Mastodon o futuro das comunidades en liña. Hai moito que facer — precisamos axuda coas novas características, realizar operacións a escala, mellorar a documentación, e moito máis — mais o traballo non remata aí. Contribuímos tamén ao protocolo ActivityPub sobre o que funciona Mastodon, e colaboramos coa comunidade da web social que o utiliza. Únete á revolución da web social!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Construír a web social", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "Son benvidas as doazóns de patrocinadores comerciais que nos axudan a continuar a nósa labor. Se queres que apareza aquí o logotipo da túa empresa cunha ligazón á túa web, podes facerte patrocinador directamente na nósa plataforma! Tamén podes usar Benevity se a túa empresa ten un programa de copatrocinio. Agradecemos a todo aquel que traballa a favor da web social, especialmente os nosos patrocinadores.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Patrocinio empresarial e Copatrocionio", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Informe anual", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Faite patrocinador", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Colabora con Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Todas as doazóns van directamente ao desenvolvemento e operativa de Mastodon. As doazóns recurrentes axúdannos a planificar coa mirada no longo prazo. Agradecemos ata a axuda máis pequena — Grazas!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Doa agora", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Atendemos as doazóns directas en Stripe. Fan grandes presentes!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Doa directamente", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Directa", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Doa directamente", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "Os GitHub Sponsors reciben unha insignia de Mastodon para o seu perfil Org ou Personal. E non pagamos comisións!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Doar en GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Doa en Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Desenvolvemos e mantemos o software libre e de código aberto sobre o que funciona a web social. Non hai capitais detrás disto —dependemos totalmente da túa axuda a través de plataformas como Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Doar", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "As doazóns en Patreon obteñen acceso ao Discord de Mastodon para desenvolvedoras, admins e patrocinadores da web social.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Doa en Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "Desenvolvemos e mantemos o software para a web social descentralizada. Aquí non hai millonarios nin mega-empresas — dependemos totalmente da túa axuda.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Doar", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Coñece aos patrocinadores", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reinventando a conversa social", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "As doazóns van para o desenvolvemento do software, pagar as colaboracións esenciais como ás persoas desenvolvedoras, desenvolvedoras das apps móbiles, e deseñadoras. As túas doazóns tamén financian o soporte legal e os gastos en márquetin para difundir e atraer a atención sobre a web social e Mastodon. Ademáis, xestionamos dous dos maiores servidores de Mastodon, mantidos grazas ás aportacións financieiras. Para máis detalles mira o noso último informe anual.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Como usamos as doazóns", "sponsors.learn_more": "Saber máis", "sponsors.page_description": "Ver persoas e empresas que financian o desenvolvemento da plataforma social descentralizada de código aberto Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Doar a Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Ao facer unha contribución en Patreon terás acceso ao proceso de desenvolvemento en Discord e o teu nome aparecerá nesta páxina.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Ir a Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Axúdanos en Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Se queres ver o logo da túa empresa cunha ligazón de volta á mesma, podes facerte patrocinador directamente a través da nosa plataforma!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "O padroado non implica influencia. Mastodon é completamente independente.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Padroádego comercial", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "Estamos a redeseñar as redes sociais para que calquera poida construír de xeito local comunidades saudables, conectadas globalmente, e con presenza propia na rede. Como organización sen ánimo de lucro nós lideramos o desenvolvemento de Mastodon. Somos parte dunha enorme rede de organizacións que dan forma ás tecnoloxías da web social. Xuntas estamos retomando para as persoas o control da praza pública dixital. Axúdanos a facer unha web social para todas as persoas.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Axúdanos", "sponsors.supported_by": "Co apoio de", "stats.disclaimer": "Datos obtidos conectando con tódolos servidores Mastodon accesibles o {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Usuarias activas no mes", diff --git a/locales/he.json b/locales/he.json index 9c39c03b6..522bc5166 100644 --- a/locales/he.json +++ b/locales/he.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsors", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Additional thanks to", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", "sponsors.page_description": "View people and companies who crowdfund the development of the decentralized, open-source social media platform Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Making a contribution through our Patreon will reward you with access to our development Discord and your name listed on this page.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Go to Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Support us on Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Supported by", "stats.disclaimer": "Data collected by crawling all accessible Mastodon servers on {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Monthly Active Users", diff --git a/locales/hi.json b/locales/hi.json index 0e71a885d..3a2611a78 100644 --- a/locales/hi.json +++ b/locales/hi.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsors", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Additional thanks to", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", "sponsors.page_description": "View people and companies who crowdfund the development of the decentralized, open-source social media platform Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Making a contribution through our Patreon will reward you with access to our development Discord and your name listed on this page.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Go to Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Support us on Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Supported by", "stats.disclaimer": "Data collected by crawling all accessible Mastodon servers on {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Monthly Active Users", diff --git a/locales/hu.json b/locales/hu.json index 9148a6ad5..92d47afa0 100644 --- a/locales/hu.json +++ b/locales/hu.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Támogató", "sponsors": "Támogatók", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "További köszönet", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Legyél a támogatónk", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Közvetlen adományozás", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Adományozás Patreonon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Mi fejlesztjük és tartjuk karban azt a szabad és nyílt forráskódú szofvert, amely a közösségi hálózatot működteti. Nincs mögöttünk tőke – teljes egészében az olyan platformokon keresztül érkező támogatásoktól függünk, mint a Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Adományozás", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "További információk", "sponsors.page_description": "Nézd meg azokat az embereket és vállalatokat, akik támogatták a decentralizált, nyílt forráskódú közösségimédia-platform, a Mastodon fejlesztését.", "sponsors.page_title": "Adományozás a Mastodonnak", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Ha a Patreonunkon támogatsz minket, akkor hozzáférhetsz a fejlesztői Discordunkhoz, és a neved fel lesz sorolve ezen az oldalon.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Ugrás a Patreonhoz", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Támogatás Patreonon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Ha szeretnéd látni a céged logóját és hivatkozását ezen az oldalon, akkor közvetlenül a platformunkon lehet szponzorrá válni.", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "A szponzoráció nem jelent befolyást. A Mastodon teljesen független.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Kereskedelmi szponzoráció", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Támogatók", "stats.disclaimer": "Az elérhető Mastodon-kiszolgálókról összegyűjtött adatok alapján. Adatgyűjtés ideje: {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Havi aktív felhasználók", diff --git a/locales/is.json b/locales/is.json index ae2a6df73..28d2d764f 100644 --- a/locales/is.json +++ b/locales/is.json @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ "footer.quip": "Frjálst og ókeypis dreifhýst samfélagsmiðlakerfi með opinn grunnkóða.", "home.additional_support_from": "Viðbótaraðstoð frá", "home.create_account": "Búa til notandaaðgang", - "home.features.audience.body": "Mastodon gefur þér einstakt tækifæri til að eiga í samskiptum við áhorfendur þína milliliðalaust. Mastodon-netþjónn sem settur er upp á þínu eigin kerfi er ekki undir neins stjórn nema þinnar og gerir þér kleift að fylgjast með og eiga fylgjendur á hverjum þeim Mastodon-netþjóni sem er tengdur við internetið.", + "home.features.audience.body": "Mastodon gefur þér einstakt tækifæri til að eiga í samskiptum við áhorfendur þína milliliðalaust. Mastodon-netþjónn sem settur er upp á þínu eigin kerfi er ekki undir stjórn neins nema þín og gerir þér kleift að fylgjast með og eiga fylgjendur á hverjum þeim Mastodon-netþjóni sem er tengdur við internetið.", "home.features.audience.title": "Byggðu upp orðspor þitt og áheyrendafjölda", "home.features.button.find_a_server": "Finndu netþjón", "home.features.button.learn_more": "Kanna nánar", @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Styrktaraðili", "sponsors": "Styrktaraðilar", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Viðbótarþakkir til", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Gerstu styrktaraðili", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "Við erum að leita að forriturum til að hjálpa við framtíðaruppbyggingu netsamfélaga með Mastodon. Það er fullt að gera - við þurfum aðstoð við nýja eiginleika, aðgerðir við kvörðun/stækkun, bættar leiðbeiningar og margt fleira - en það er ekki öll vinnan framundan. Við leggjum af mörkum við gerð þeirra samskiptastaðla fyrir dreyfhýsta samfælagsmiðlun sem Mastodon byggir á, ActivityPub, og vinnum náið með öðrum hópum samfélagsvefja sem nota þessa staðla. Taktu þátt í byltingunni með okkur!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Byggjum félagsvænan vef", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "Við tökum með þakklæti við gjöfum frá viðskiptalegum styrktaraðilum til áframþróunar á verkum okkar. Ef þú myndir vilja sjá hér merki fyrirtækisins þíns ásamt tengli á vefsvæði þess, geturðu gerst styrktaraðili beint í gegnum kerfið hjá okkur! Þú getur líka notað Benevity ef fyrirtækið þitt tekur þátt í uppjöfnun fjárframlaga. Við erum þakklát öllum sem eru að byggja upp hinn samfélagslega vef, sér í lagi styrktaraðilum okkar.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Stuðningur fyrirtækja og jöfnun framlaga", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Ársskýrsla", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Gerstu styrktaraðili", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Leggðu Mastodon lið", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Allir styrkir fara beint í þróun og rekstur á Mastodon. Endurteknar styrkveitingar hjálpa okkur að gera langtímaplön. Við erum að eilífu þakklát fyrir hverja krónu sem kemur í kassann - Kærar þakkir til þín!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Styrktu okkur strax í dag", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Beinir styrkir eru vel þegnir í gegnum Stripe. Slíkir eru góðar gjafir!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Styrkja beint", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Beint", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Styrkja beint", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "Styrktaraðilar í gegnum GitHub Sponsors fá Mastodon-skjöld á notendasnið sín, hvort sem er fyrirtækis/stofnunar eða einka. Að auki þurfum við ekki að greiða neinar prósentur!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Styrkja á GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Styrkja á Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Við þróum og viðhöldum frjálsa og opna hugbúnaðnum sem keyrir samfélagsvefinn áfram. Það er ekkert fjármagn á bak við þetta - við reiðum okkur alfarið á stuðning þinn í gegnum kerfi á borð við Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Styrkja", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Styrktaraðilar í gegnum Patreon fá aðgang að Discord-spjalli Mastodon fyrir forritara, kerfisstjóra netþjóna og umsjónaraðila samfélagsvefja.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Styrkja á Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "Við þróum og viðhöldum hugbúnaði fyrir dreifhýsta samfélagsvefinn. Engir milljarðamæringar eða risafyrirtæki koma við sögu — við reiðum okkur alfarið á stuðning þinn.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Styrkja", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Skoðaðu styrktaraðila okkar", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Hugsum umræður á netinu upp á nýtt", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Styrkir fara í þróun hugbúnaðar, til að greiða kjarnahönnuðum á borð við vefforritara, snjallforritahönnuði og viðmótshönnuði. Gjafirnar þínar standa einnig undir kostnaði við lögfræðiþjónustu og markaðssetningu sem nauðsynleg er til vitundarvakningar varðandi samfélagsvefi og Mastodon. Að auki rekum við tvo stærstu Mastodon-netþjónana, sem viðhaldið er með bæði fjárframlögum og gefinni þjónustu. Til að sjá nánari upplýsingar um þetta allt ættirðu að skoða nýjustu ársskýrsluna okkar.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Hvernig við notum styrki", "sponsors.learn_more": "Kanna nánar", "sponsors.page_description": "Skoðaðu fólk og fyrirtæki sem stutt hafa við þróun Mastodon, dreifhýsta samfélagsmiðlakerfisins með opna grunnkóðann.", "sponsors.page_title": "Leggðu Mastodon lið", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Styrkir þú okkur í gegnum Patreon-svæðið okkar, færð þú í verðlaun aðgang að Discord-þróunarrásinni okkar og að nafnið þitt birtist á þessari síðu.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Fara á Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Sýndu okkur stuðning á Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Ef þú hefðir áhuga á að sjá merki fyrirtækisins þíns með heimsóknartengli á þessu vefsvæði, geturðu gerst styrktaraðili beint í gegnum kerfið okkar!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Að vera stuðningsaðili þýðir ekki aukin áhrif. Mastodon er alveg sjálfstætt.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Kostun styrktaraðila", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "Við erum að endurhanna samfélagsmiðla þannig að allir geti útbúið heilbrigð samfélög, tengst á heimsvísu og allir verið eigendur sinna eigin vefgagna. Sem samtök án hagnaðarmarkmiða, leiðum við þróunina á Mastodon. Við erum hluti af stóru neti ýmissa aðila sem byggjum á tækni fyrir samfélagsleg netkerfi. Saman viljum við ná til baka því sem kallað hefur verið hið stafræna almannarými. Hjálpaðu okkur við að útbúa samfélagsvef fyrir alla.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Sýndu okkur stuðning", "sponsors.supported_by": "Stutt af", "stats.disclaimer": "Gögn sem safnað hefur verið með því að skrapa alla aðgengilega\n Mastodon-netþjóna þann {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Mánaðarlega virkir notendur", diff --git a/locales/it.json b/locales/it.json index 5ad72d9e5..70960def2 100644 --- a/locales/it.json +++ b/locales/it.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsors", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Ulteriori ringraziamenti a", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Diventa uno sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "Cerchiamo sviluppatori che ci aiutino a costruire il futuro delle comunità online con Mastodon. C'è molto da fare: abbiamo bisogno di aiuto con nuove funzionalità, operazioni di ridimensionamento, miglioramento della documentazione e altro ancora, ma il lavoro non si ferma qui. Contribuiamo al protocollo di social media decentralizzato alla base di Mastodon, ActivityPub, e collaboriamo con la comunità della rete sociale che lo utilizza. Unisciti alla rivoluzione del social web!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Costruisci la rete sociale", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "Accogliamo donazioni da sponsor commerciali per aiutarci a continuare il nostro lavoro. Se desideri vedere il logo della tua azienda con un link al tuo sito web, puoi diventare sponsor direttamente attraverso la nostra piattaforma! Puoi anche utilizzare Benevity, se la tua azienda fornisce la donazione aziendale coordinata. Siamo grati a tutti coloro che costruiscono il social web, in particolare ai nostri sponsor.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Sponsorizzazione aziendale e donazione aziendale coordinata", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Rapporto annuale", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Diventa uno sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribuisci a Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Tutte le donazioni vanno direttamente allo sviluppo e al funzionamento di Mastodon. Le donazioni ricorrenti ci aiutano a pianificare a lungo termine. Saremo per sempre grati per ogni dollaro che riceviamo: grazie!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Dona oggi", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Le donazioni dirette sono benvenute tramite Stripe. Fanno grandi regali!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Dona direttamente", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Diretto", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Dona direttamente", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "Gli sponsor via GitHub ricevono un badge Mastodon sul loro profilo di organizzazione o profilo personale. Inoltre non paghiamo commissioni!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Dona su GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Dona su Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Sviluppiamo e manteniamo il software libero e open source che alimenta le reti sociali. Non c'è alcun capitale dietro di esso: ci affidiamo interamente al vostro supporto, tramite piattaforme come Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Dona", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "I donatori di Patreon ottengono l'accesso al Discord di Mastodon per sviluppatori, amministratori di server e sostenitori del social web.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Dona su Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "Sviluppiamo e manteniamo software per il social web decentralizzato. Non ci sono miliardari o mega-corporazioni qui: contiamo interamente sul vostro sostegno.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Dona", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Guarda i nostri sponsor", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reinventare il discorso online", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Le donazioni vanno allo sviluppo di software, pagando collaboratori essenziali come sviluppatori web, sviluppatori di app mobile e designer. Le tue donazioni sostengono anche le spese legali e di marketing per sostenere e aumentare la consapevolezza sul social web e su Mastodon. Inoltre, gestiamo i due server Mastodon più grandi, mantenuti attraverso contributi finanziari e in natura. Per i dettagli, dai un’occhiata al nostro ultimo rapporto annuale.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Come usiamo le donazioni", "sponsors.learn_more": "Scopri di più", "sponsors.page_description": "Visualizza le persone e le aziende che finanziano lo sviluppo di Mastodon, la piattaforma di social media decentralizzata e open source.", "sponsors.page_title": "Dona a Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Dando un contributo attraverso il nostro Patreon ti ricompenserà con l'accesso al nostro sviluppo Discord e il tuo nome elencato in questa pagina.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Vai su Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Supportaci su Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Se vorresti vedere il logo della tua azienda con un link \"segui\" su questo sito, puoi diventare uno sponsor direttamente tramite la nostra piattaforma!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "La sponsorizzazione non equivale all’influenza. Mastodon è completamente indipendente.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Sponsorizzazione commerciale", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "Stiamo ricostruendo i social media in modo che tutti possano costruire comunità sane a livello locale, connettersi a livello globale e possedere la propria presenza online. Come organizzazione no-profit guidiamo lo sviluppo di Mastodon. Facciamo parte di una vasta rete di organizzazioni che si basano sulla tecnologia del social web. Insieme, stiamo riconquistando la piazza digitale per le persone. Aiutaci a costruire il social web per tutti.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Sostienici", "sponsors.supported_by": "Supportato da", "stats.disclaimer": "Dati raccolti da tutti i server Mastodon accessibili il {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Utenti attivi mensili", diff --git a/locales/ja.json b/locales/ja.json index 98d6da9a6..b1cfc3c25 100644 --- a/locales/ja.json +++ b/locales/ja.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "スポンサー", "sponsors": "スポンサー", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "スペシャルサンクス", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "スポンサーになる", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "直接寄付する", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Patreonで寄付する", - "sponsors.hero.body": "私たちは、ソーシャルウェブを動かす自由でオープンソースなこのソフトウェアを、開発して維持しています。ここには資本はありません。私たちは、皆さんからのPatreonなどのプラットフォームを通じた支援に完全に依存しています。", - "sponsors.hero.title": "寄付する", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "もっと詳しく", "sponsors.page_description": "分散型オープンソース・ソーシャルメディアMastodonの開発にクラウドファンディングで出資する企業や人びとを表示します。", "sponsors.page_title": "Mastodonに寄付する", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Patreonのスポンサーになると開発用Discordへアクセスしたり、ページに名前を掲載することができます。", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Patreonに移動", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Patreonでサポートする", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "スポンサーとしてこのサイトに御社のロゴやフォローリンクを掲載したい場合、専用のシステムから直接申し込みが可能です。", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Mastodonは完全に独立したプラットフォームであり、スポンサーシップは意思決定にいかなる影響力も持ちません。", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "企業・団体による資金支援", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "サポーター", "stats.disclaimer": "アクセス可能なすべてのMastodonサーバーから {date} に収集されたデータです。", "stats.monthly_active_users": "月間アクティブユーザー数", diff --git a/locales/ko.json b/locales/ko.json index 34af1cd14..c31c131dc 100644 --- a/locales/ko.json +++ b/locales/ko.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "후원자", "sponsors": "후원자", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "특별히 고마운 후원자", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "후원자 되기", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "연간 보고서", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "직접 후원하기", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "다이렉트", "sponsors.donate_directly": "직접 후원하기", - "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Patreon 통해 후원하기", - "sponsors.hero.body": "저희는 소셜 웹을 구동하는 무료 오픈소스 소프트웨어를 개발하고 유지관리합니다. 그 뒤에는 자본이 없으며, 전적으로 Patreon과 같은 플랫폼을 통한 여러분의 지원에 의존하고 있습니다.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "기부하기", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "GitHub에서 후원하기", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "패트리온에서 후원하기", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "패트리온에서 후원하기", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "기부하기", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "더 알아보기", "sponsors.page_description": "탈중앙화, 오픈소스 소셜 미디어 플랫폼인 마스토돈의 개발을 위해 크라우드 펀딩에 참여하는 사람들과 회사를 만나보세요.", "sponsors.page_title": "마스토돈에 기부하기", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "패트리온을 통해 후원하시면 개발 디스코드에 대한 액세스 권한과 이 페이지에 이름이 등재되는 보상을 받으실 수 있습니다.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "패트리온으로 가기", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "패트리온에서 후원하기", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "이 사이트에 팔로우 링크와 함께 귀사의 로고를 노출하고 싶으시다면, 저희 플랫폼을 통해 직접 스폰서가 되실 수 있습니다!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "후원이 곧 영향력을 의미하지는 않습니다. 마스토돈은 완전히 독립적입니다.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "상업적 스폰서십", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "후원사", "stats.disclaimer": "접속 가능한 모든 마스토돈 서버를 {date}에 자동 수집한 자료입니다.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "월간 활성 사용자", diff --git a/locales/ku.json b/locales/ku.json index 5878adb2e..e5f890f9c 100644 --- a/locales/ku.json +++ b/locales/ku.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsor", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Spasî bo", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Bibe sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", "sponsors.page_description": "Kes û şîrketên ku ji bo pêşketina platforma tora civakî ya nenavedî, çavkaniya vekirî Mastodon Drav didin û sponsoriyê dikin nîşan bide.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Dema ku tu bi rêya Patreon re tevkariyê bikî, tu yê bi bigihêje pêşketina me ya Discord û navê te wê li ser vê rûpelê ku hatiye diyarkirin xelat bibî.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Biçe bo Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Piştgiriya me bike li ser Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Tê piştgirîkirin ji aliyê", "stats.disclaimer": "Daneyên ku bi xêzkirina hemû rajekarên Mastodon ên gihîştî di {date} de hatine berhevkirin.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Mehane bikarhênerên çalak", diff --git a/locales/lv.json b/locales/lv.json index 0e71a885d..3a2611a78 100644 --- a/locales/lv.json +++ b/locales/lv.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsors", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Additional thanks to", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", "sponsors.page_description": "View people and companies who crowdfund the development of the decentralized, open-source social media platform Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Making a contribution through our Patreon will reward you with access to our development Discord and your name listed on this page.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Go to Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Support us on Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Supported by", "stats.disclaimer": "Data collected by crawling all accessible Mastodon servers on {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Monthly Active Users", diff --git a/locales/nl-NL.json b/locales/nl-NL.json index b87406728..fdbaece2b 100644 --- a/locales/nl-NL.json +++ b/locales/nl-NL.json @@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ "home.features.button.learn_more": "Meer leren", "home.features.moderation.body": "Mastodon legt de besluitvorming weer in jouw handen. Elke server creëert diens eigen regels en voorschriften, die lokaal worden gehandhaafd en niet van bovenaf zoals sociale media van bedrijven, waardoor het het meest flexibel is in het reageren op de behoeften van verschillende groepen mensen. Word lid van een server met de regels waarmee je akkoord gaat, of host jouw eigen.", "home.features.moderation.title": "Moderatie zoals het hoort", - "home.features.self_expression.body": "Mastodon ondersteunt audio-, video- en fotoberichten, toegankelijkheidsbeschrijvingen, peilingen, inhoudswaarschuwingen, geanimeerde avatars, aangepaste emoji's, controle over het bijwerken van miniaturen en meer, om je te helpen jezelf online uit te drukken. Of je nu jouw kunst, jouw muziek of jouw podcast publiceert, Mastodon staat voor je klaar.", + "home.features.self_expression.body": "Mastodon ondersteunt audio-, video- en fotoberichten, toegankelijkheidsbeschrijvingen, peilingen, inhoudswaarschuwingen, geanimeerde profielfoto's, aangepaste lokale emoji's, controle over het bijwerken van thumbnails en meer, om je te helpen jezelf online uit te drukken. Of je nu jouw kunst, jouw muziek of jouw podcast publiceert, Mastodon staat voor je klaar.", "home.features.self_expression.title": "Ongeëvenaarde creativiteit", "home.features.timeline.body": "Je weet zelf het beste wat je op jouw tijdlijn wilt zien. Geen algoritmen of advertenties om je tijd te verspillen. Volg iedereen op elke Mastodon-server vanaf één account en ontvang hun berichten in chronologische volgorde, en maak jouw hoekje op het internet een beetje meer zoals jezelf.", "home.features.timeline.title": "Houd controle over je eigen tijdlijn", "home.get_the_app": "Download de app", "home.hero.body": "Jouw tijdlijn zou vol moeten staan met wat voor jou het belangrijkst is en niet met wat een bedrijf denkt dat je zou moeten zien. Radicaal andere sociale media dus, terug in handen van de gebruiker.", "home.hero.headline": "Sociaal netwerk dat niet de koop is.", - "home.join_now": "Registreren op {domain}", + "home.join_now": "Op {domain} registreren", "home.page_description": "Leer meer over Mastodon, het radicaal verschillende, vrije en open source gedecentraliseerde sociale mediaplatform.", "home.page_title": "Gedecentraliseerd sociaal netwerk", "home.pick_another_server": "Kies een andere server", @@ -137,42 +137,60 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsors", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Extra dank aan", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Sponsor ons!", - "sponsors.donate_directly": "Doneer direct", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Aan het sociale web bouwen", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Sponsoring en matching door bedrijven", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Jaarverslag", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Sponsor worden", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Aan Mastodon bijdragen", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Vandaag nog doneren", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Directe donaties zijn welkom via Stripe. Het zijn geweldige giften!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Direct doneren", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", + "sponsors.donate_directly": "Direct doneren", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "Github-sponsors krijgen een Mastodon-badge voor hun organisatie- of persoonlijke profiel. Daarnaast hebben wij geen verdere kosten!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Op GitHub doneren", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Doneer op Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We ontwikkelen en onderhouden de vrije en open-source-software die het sociale web ondersteunt. Er zit geen kapitaal achter – we vertrouwen volledig op je steun via platforms zoals Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Doneren", - "sponsors.learn_more": "Meer info", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Op Patreon doneren", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Doneren", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Onze sponsors bekijken", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Online conversaties opnieuw verbeelden", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Hoe gebruiken wij donaties", + "sponsors.learn_more": "Meer informatie", "sponsors.page_description": "Bekijk mensen en bedrijven die de ontwikkeling van het gedecentraliseerde, open-source sociale mediaplatform Mastodon door crowdfunding financieren.", - "sponsors.page_title": "Doneren aan Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Het leveren van een bijdrage via onze Patreon zal je belonen met toegang tot onze development Discord en de vermelding van jouw naam op deze pagina.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Ga naar Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Steun ons via Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Als je jouw bedrijfslogo op deze pagina met een link wilt zien, kun je een sponsor worden via ons eigen platform!", + "sponsors.page_title": "Aan Mastodon doneren", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsoring staat niet gelijk aan invloed. Mastodon is volledig onafhankelijk.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commerciële sponsoring", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Ondersteun ons", "sponsors.supported_by": "Ondersteund door", "stats.disclaimer": "Gegevens verzameld door alle beschikbare Mastodon-servers op {date} te crawlen.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Maandelijks actieve gebruikers", "stats.network": "Netwerkgezondheid", "stats.servers": "Online servers", "translate_site": "文A, Website vertalen", - "verification.examples.lead": "Iedereen kan verificatie op Mastodon gebruiken, maar hier zijn enkele van de meest herkenbare namen die…", + "verification.examples.lead": "Iedereen kan zich op Mastodon verifiëren, maar hier zijn enkele van de meest herkenbare namen die dit doen…", "verification.examples.title": "In het wild", - "verification.feature_highlight": "Bijzondere hoogtepunten", + "verification.feature_highlight": "Uitgelichte functie", "verification.features.how_to.body": "Plaats een link naar je Mastodon-profiel op je website of webpagina. Het belangrijke deel is dat de link een rel=\"me\"-attribuut moet hebben. Bewerk vervolgens je Mastodon-profiel en plaats het adres van je website of webpagina in een van de vier profielvelden. Sla je profiel op, dat is alles!", "verification.features.how_to.title": "Zo werkt het", - "verification.features.no_badge.body": "Identiteit is geen ja-of-nee-vraag. Er zijn maar weinig echt unieke namen in de wereld, dus waarom zouden alleen de beroemde ‘ja’ moeten krijgen? Bij Mastodon vertrouwen we niet op juridische namen en blauwe badges. In plaats daarvan vertrouwen we erop dat mensen op hun officiële websites geïdentificeerd kunnen worden.", + "verification.features.no_badge.body": "Identiteit is geen ja-of-nee-vraag. Er zijn maar weinig echt unieke namen in de wereld, dus waarom zouden alleen beroemde mensen een verificatie-badge mogen krijgen? Op Mastodon vertrouwen we niet op juridische namen en blauwe badges. In plaats daarvan vertrouwen we erop dat mensen met hun officiële websites geïdentificeerd kunnen worden.", "verification.features.no_badge.title": "Er is geen blauwe badge", - "verification.lead": "Het verifiëren van je identiteit op Mastodon is voor iedereen. Op basis van open webnormen, nu en voor altijd gratis.", - "verification.page_description": "Leer hoe je wordt geverifieerd op Mastodon", + "verification.lead": "Op Mastodon kan iedereen diens identiteit verifiëren. Op basis van open webstandaarden, zonder te hoeven wachten en voor altijd gratis.", + "verification.page_description": "Leer hoe je je op Mastodon kunt verifiëren", "verification.page_title": "Verificatie", "verification.title": "Verificatie op Mastodon", "verification.why.decentralization.body": "Er is geen behoefte aan vertrouwen in een centrale autoriteit. De verificatie kan op elk moment handmatig worden bevestigd.", "verification.why.decentralization.title": "Gedecentraliseerd", "verification.why.equality.body": "Je hoeft geen bekendheid te zijn om je identiteit te verifiëren. Je hoeft alleen maar een website of webpagina te hebben.", "verification.why.equality.title": "Voor iedereen", - "verification.why.privacy.body": "Je hoeft je documenten nergens in te dienen, dus er bestaat geen kans dat ze worden gelekt.", + "verification.why.privacy.body": "Je hoeft je documenten nergens in te dienen, dus bestaat er geen kans dat ze uitlekken.", "verification.why.privacy.title": "Privacyvriendelijk", "wizard.error": "Oeps, er ging iets fout. Probeer de pagina opnieuw te laden.", "wizard.filter.all_categories": "Alle onderwerpen", diff --git a/locales/no.json b/locales/no.json index c55fe7095..ee64d7a83 100644 --- a/locales/no.json +++ b/locales/no.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsorer", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Ekstra takk til", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Bli en sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Doner direkte", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Doner på Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Vi utvikler og vedlikeholder fri programvare med åpen kildekode som driver det sosiale nettet. Det er ingen kapital bak dette - vi er helt avhengige av din støtte gjennom plattformer som Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Doner", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Lær mer", "sponsors.page_description": "Se folk og selskaper som er bidragsyter til utviklingen av en desentralisert, åpen kildekode sosiale medieplattform Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Doner til Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Det å bidra gjennom vår Patreon vil belønne deg med tilgang til vår utvikling Discord og ditt navn blir oppført på denne siden.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Gå til Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Støtt oss på Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Hvis du vil se din bedrifts logo med en følger lenke på dette nettstedet, kan du bli sponsor direkte gjennom vår egen plattform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Kommersiell sponsing", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Støttet av", "stats.disclaimer": "Data samlet av skraping av alle tilgjengelige Mastodon servere på {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Månedlige Aktive Brukere", diff --git a/locales/oc.json b/locales/oc.json index 06b6ade54..4467aa055 100644 --- a/locales/oc.json +++ b/locales/oc.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsors", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Mercés suplementari a", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Venir sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", "sponsors.page_description": "Veire las personas e entrepresas que finançan lo desvelopament de la platafòrma de malhum social liure open-source e descentralizada Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "En donant gràcia a nòstre Patreon auretz en paga accès a nòstre Discord de desvolopament e aquesta pagina aurà vòstre nom listat.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Anar a Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Nos sostenir sus Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Sostengut per", "stats.disclaimer": "Donadas reculhidas en explorant totes los servidors Mastodon accessibles lo {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Utilizaires mesadièr actius", diff --git a/locales/pl.json b/locales/pl.json index db6996ce8..717572662 100644 --- a/locales/pl.json +++ b/locales/pl.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsorzy", "sponsors": "Sponsorzy", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Dodatkowe podziękowania dla", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Zostań sponsorem", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Wspomóż bezpośrednio", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Wesprzyj na Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Rozwijamy i utrzymujemy darmowe i otwarte oprogramowanie, które napędza sieć społecznościową. Nie ma za tym żadnego kapitału—w całości polegamy na waszym wsparciu za pośrednictwem platform takich jak Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Wesprzyj nas", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Dowiedz się więcej", "sponsors.page_description": "Zobacz ludzi i firmy, które finansują rozwój zdecentralizowanej, otwartej platformy mediów społecznościowych Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Wspomóż Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Wpłaty dokonane poprzez naszego Patreona pozwolą wam na dostęp do naszego programistycznego Discorda oraz umieszczenie waszego imienia na tej stronie.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Wejdź na Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Wspieraj nas na Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć logo swojej firmy z linkiem do obserwacji na tej stronie, możesz zostać sponsorem bezpośrednio za pośrednictwem naszej własnej platformy!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorowanie nie oznacza wpływu. Miastodon jest w pełni niezależny.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Sponsorowanie komercyjne", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Wspierają nas", "stats.disclaimer": "Dane pozyskane z indeksu wszystkich dostępnych serwerów Mastodona na dzień {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Aktywni użytkownicy miesięcznie", diff --git a/locales/pt-BR.json b/locales/pt-BR.json index 9ad1832be..2852b860a 100644 --- a/locales/pt-BR.json +++ b/locales/pt-BR.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Apoiador", "sponsors": "Apoiadores", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Agradecimentos adicionais para", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Torne-se um apoiador", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Doar diretamente", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Doar no Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Desenvolvemos e mantemos o software livre e de código aberto que move a rede social. Não há capital por trás disso — contamos inteiramente com seu apoio através de plataformas como o Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Faça uma doação", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Saiba mais", "sponsors.page_description": "Veja as pessoas e empresas que financiam o desenvolvimento do Mastodon, a plataforma de mídia social, descentralizada e de código aberto.", "sponsors.page_title": "Doe para o Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Fazer uma contribuição no nosso Patreon te recompensará com acesso ao nosso Discord de desenvolvimento e seu nome listado nesta página.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Ir para o Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Apoie-nos no Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Se você quiser ver o logotipo da sua empresa com um link neste site, você pode tornar-se um apoiador diretamente através de nossa própria plataforma!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Patrocínio comercial", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Apoiado por", "stats.disclaimer": "Dados coletados por rastreio de todos os servidores Mastodon acessíveis em {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Usuários ativos mensais", diff --git a/locales/pt.json b/locales/pt.json index 0e71a885d..3a2611a78 100644 --- a/locales/pt.json +++ b/locales/pt.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsors", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Additional thanks to", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", "sponsors.page_description": "View people and companies who crowdfund the development of the decentralized, open-source social media platform Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Making a contribution through our Patreon will reward you with access to our development Discord and your name listed on this page.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Go to Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Support us on Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Supported by", "stats.disclaimer": "Data collected by crawling all accessible Mastodon servers on {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Monthly Active Users", diff --git a/locales/ru.json b/locales/ru.json index a560c921e..06c453f20 100644 --- a/locales/ru.json +++ b/locales/ru.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Спонсор", "sponsors": "Спонсоры", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Дополнительные благодарности", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Стать спонсором", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Пожертвовать напрямую", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Пожертвовать на Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Мы разрабатываем и поддерживаем свободное программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом, на котором работает социальная сеть. За этим нет капитала – мы полагаемся на вашу поддержку через такие платформы, как Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Пожертвовать", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Узнать больше", "sponsors.page_description": "Просмотр людей и компаний, которые поддерживают развитие децентрализованной, открытой социальной сети Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Пожертвовать Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Поддержав нас через Patreon, вы получите доступ к нашему Discord-серверу для разработчиков, а ваше имя будет указано на этой странице.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Перейти к Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Поддержать нас на Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Если вы хотите увидеть логотип своей компании со ссылкой на ваш сайт, вы можете стать спонсором напрямую через нашу платформу!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Спонсорство не равно влиянию. Mastodon полностью независим.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Коммерческое спонсорство", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "При поддержке", "stats.disclaimer": "Данные, собранные с помощью сканирования всех доступных серверов Mastodon на момент {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Ежемесячные активные пользователи", diff --git a/locales/si.json b/locales/si.json index 6a9d9e910..71a383fbf 100644 --- a/locales/si.json +++ b/locales/si.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "අනුග්‍රහකයෙකි", "sponsors": "අනුග්‍රහකයින්", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "අතිරේක ස්තූතිය", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "අනුග්‍රහය දක්වන්න", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "සෘජු පරිත්‍යාග", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "පේට්‍රන් හරහා පරිත්‍යාග", - "sponsors.hero.body": "අපි සමාජ මාධ්‍ය අඩවිය බලගන්වන නිදහස් සහ විවෘත මූලාශ්‍ර මෘදුකාංග සංවර්ධනය කර පවත්වාගෙන යන්නෙමු. මෙය පිටුපස කිසිදු ප්‍රාග්ධනයක් නැත — අපි මුළුමනින්ම රඳා පවතින්නේ ඔබ පේට්‍රන් වැනි වේදිකා හරහා ලබා දෙන සහයෝගය මතය.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "පරිත්‍යාග", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "තව දැනගන්න", "sponsors.page_description": "විමධ්‍යගත, විවෘත මූලාශ්‍ර සමාජ මාධ්‍ය වේදිකාවක් වන මාස්ටඩන් සංවර්ධනය සඳහා අරමුදල් සපයන පුද්ගලයින් සහ සමාගම් බලන්න.", "sponsors.page_title": "මාස්ටඩන් සඳහා පරිත්‍යාග", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "ප්‍රේට්‍රන් හරහා දායක වීමෙන් අපගේ සංවර්ධන ඩිස්කෝඩ් වෙත ප්‍රවේශය මෙන්ම මෙම පිටුවෙහි ඔබගේ නම යොදනු ඇත.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "පේට්‍රන් වෙත යන්න", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "ප්‍රේට්‍රන් හරහා දායකත්වය", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "අනුගමනයට සබැඳියක් සහිතව ඔබගේ සමාගමේ ලාංඡනය මෙම අඩවියෙහි දැකීමට කැමති නම්, අපගේම වේදිකාව හරහා සෘජුව අනුග්‍රහකයෙකු වීමට හැකිය!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "වානිජ අනුග්‍රහය", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "සහයෝගය", "stats.disclaimer": "{date} දී ප්‍රවේශ වීමට හැකි සියළු මාස්ටඩන් සේවාදායක වෙතින් දත්ත.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "මාසික සක්‍රිය පරිශ්‍රීලකයින්", diff --git a/locales/sk.json b/locales/sk.json index 6d2b59df3..d9aa8036e 100644 --- a/locales/sk.json +++ b/locales/sk.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsors", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Additional thanks to", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donate", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", "sponsors.page_description": "View people and companies who crowdfund the development of the decentralized, open-source social media platform Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donate to Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Making a contribution through our Patreon will reward you with access to our development Discord and your name listed on this page.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Go to Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Support us on Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Commercial sponsorship", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Supported by", "stats.disclaimer": "Data collected by crawling all accessible Mastodon servers on {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Monthly Active Users", diff --git a/locales/sl.json b/locales/sl.json index 960320038..2c3a4b8d7 100644 --- a/locales/sl.json +++ b/locales/sl.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponzor", "sponsors": "Sponzorji", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Dodatne zahvale", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Postanite sponzor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "Iščemo razvijalce za pomoč pri izgradnji spletnih skupnosti prihodnosti z Mastodonom. Dela je veliko — potrebujemo pomoč pri novih zmožnostih, boljšem delovanju pri velikem številu uporabnikov, izboljševanju dokumentacije, in pri drugem — vendar to še ni vse. Prispevamo k decentraliziranemu protokolu za družabna omrežja ActivityPub, ki je osnova za Mastodon, in sodelujemo s skupnostmi, ki ga uporabljajo. Pridružite se revoluciji družabnega spleta!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Gradite družabni splet", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "Donacije sponzorjev so zelo dobrodošle pri nadaljevanju našega dela. Če bi radi videli logotip svoje organizacije s povezavo na vašo spletno stran, lahko postanete sponzor neposredno preko naše platforme. Uporabite lahko tudi Benevity, če vaša organizacija ponuja prispevek enakovreden vašemu. Hvaležni smo vsem, ki gradijo družabni splet, vključno našim sponzorjem.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Sponzoriranje in enakovredno ujemanje donacij", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Letno poročilo", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Postanite sponzor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Prispevajte Mastodonu", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Vse donacije gredo neposredno razvoju Mastodona in povezanim dejavnostim. Ponavljajoče redne donacije nam pomagajo pri dolgoročnem načrtovanju. Za vedno smo hvaležni za vsak denarni prispevek — Hvala vam!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donirajte še danes", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Neposredne donacije sprejemamo preko Stripe. So odlično darilo!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donirajte neposredno", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Neposredno", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donirajte neposredno", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "Posamezniki in organizacije, ki sponzorirate preko GitHub dobite značko Mastodona na osebni ali organizacijski profil. Trenutno nam tudi ni potrebno plačati stroškov.", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donirajte na GitHubu", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donirajte na Patreonu", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Razvijamo in vzdržujemo brezplačno in odprtokodno programsko opremo, ki poganja družabni splet. Za tem ni nobenega kapitala - v celoti se zanašamo na vašo podporo prek platform, kot je Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Darujte", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Donatorji prek platforme Patreon dobijo dostop do Mastodonovih kanalov za razvijalce, skrbnike strežnikov in podpornike družabnega spleta na platformi Discord.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donirajte na Patreonu", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "Razvijamo in vzdržujemo programsko opremo za decentraliziran družabni splet. Tu ni milijonarjev, milijarderjev in velikih korporacij — zanašam se samo na vašo podporo.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donirajte", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Oglejte si naše sponzorje", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Nove zamisli za spletne razprave", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donacije se porabijo za razvoj programske opreme, plačevanje nepogrešljivih prispevajočih (npr. spletnih razvijalcev, razvijalcev programčkov za telefone in oblikovalcev). Vaši prispevki so v podporo tudi pri stroških za pravne zadeve in za promocijo decentraliziranega družabnega spleta in Mastodona. Skrbimo tudi za delovanje dveh velikih strežnikov Mastodon, ki jih lahko vzdržujemo tudi po zaslugi denanrnih prispevkov in prispevkov v delu. Za podrobnosti si oglejte naše najnovejše letno poročilo.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Za kaj porabimo donacije?", "sponsors.learn_more": "Več o tem", "sponsors.page_description": "Oglejte si imena posameznikov in podjetij, ki množično financirajo razvoj decentraliziraneg odprtokodne platforme družbenih medijev Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Darujte Mastodonu", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Če prispevate prek našega Patreona, boste nagrajeni z dostopom do našega razvojnega Discorda in vaše ime bo izpisano na tej strani.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Pojdi na Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Podprite nas na Patreonu", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Če želite videti logotip svojega podjetja s povezavo na tem spletišču, lahko postanete sponzor neposredno prek naše lastne platforme!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponzorstvo ni enako vplivanju. Mastodon je povsem neodvisen.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Komercialno sponzorstvo", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "Na novo gradimo družabne platforme, da bi lahko vsi zgradili zdrave krajevne skupnosti, se povezovali globalno in povsem nadzorovali svojo spletno prisotnost. Kot neprofitna organizacija vodimo razvoj Mastodona. Smo del obširnega omrežja organizacij, ki gradijo na tehnologijah družabnega spleta. Vsi skupaj ponovno zavzemamo digitalni javni prostor za vse ljudi. Pomagajte nam graditi družabni splet za vse.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Podprite nas", "sponsors.supported_by": "Podprto s strani", "stats.disclaimer": "Podatki, zbrani s plazenjem po vseh dosegljivih strežnikih Mastodon dne {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Dejavni mesečni uporabniki", diff --git a/locales/sq.json b/locales/sq.json index f7fc4ad2f..ed7137e1e 100644 --- a/locales/sq.json +++ b/locales/sq.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsorë", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Falënderime shtesë për", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Bëhuni sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "Po kërkojmë për zhvillues që të na ndihmojnë të ngremë të ardhmen e bashkësive internetore, me Mastodon. Ka shumë gjëra për t’u bërë — na duhet ndihmë për veçori të reja, si të përshkallëzohen veprime, kur shtohet numri i përdoruesve, përmirësimin e dokumentimit, etj — po puna s’mbaron me kaq. Ne kontribuojmë te protokolli për media shoqërore të decentralizuar që është baza e Mastodon-it, ActivityPub dhe bashkëpunojmë me bashkësinë e web-it shoqëror që e përdor. Bashkojuni revolucionit të web-it shoqëror!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Ndërtoni web-in shoqëror", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "Mirëpresim dhurime nga sponsorë komercialë, për të na ndihmuar të vazhdojmë punën tonë. Nëse doni të shihni stemën e shoqërisë tuaj me një lidhje në sajtin tonë, mund të bëheni një sponsor drejt e përmes platformës tonë! Mundeni edhe të përdorni Benevity, nëse shoqëria juaj ofron kundërdhurime për dhurime bërë nga nëpunësit e saj. I jemi mirënjohës cilitdo që ndërton web-in shoqëror, veçanërisht sponsorëve tanë.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Sponsorizim & kundërdhurime korporatash", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Raport Vjetor", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Bëhuni sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Jepni ndihmesë në Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Krejt dhurimet shkojnë drejt e te zhvillimi dhe funksionimi i Mastodon-it. Dhurimet përsëritëse na ndihmojnë të planifikojnë në mënyrë afatgjatë. Jemi mirënjohës për çdo dollar që marrim — Faleminderit!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Dhuroni që sot", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Dhurimet drejtpërdrejt mirëpriten përmes Stripe-it. Përbëjnë dhuratë të shkëlqyer!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Dhuroni drejtpërsëdrejti", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Drejtpërdrejt", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Dhuroni drejtpërsëdrejti", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "Sponsorët që nga GitHub-i përfitojnë një stemë Mastodon te profili si Ent, ose ai Personal. Plus, s’paguajmë tarifa!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Dhuroni në GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Dhuroni në Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Ne zhvillojmë dhe mirëmbajmë software të lirë dhe me burim të hapët mbi të cilin bazohet web-i shoqëror. Pas kësaj gjëje s’ka kapital—bazohemi plotësisht në përkrahjen tuaj përmes platformash të tilla si Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Dhuroni", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Dhuruesit në Patreon përfitojnë hyrje te instanca Discord e Mastodon-it për zhvillues, përgjegjës shërbyesish dhe përkrahës në web-in shoqëror.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Dhuroni në Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "Ne zhvillojmë dhe mirëmbajmë software për web-in shoqëror të decentralizuar. Këtu s’ka miliardere dhe mega-korporata — bazohemi tërësisht në përkrahjen tuaj.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Dhuroni", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Shihni sponsorët tanë", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Ripërfytyrim i diskutimeve internetore", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Dhurimet shkojnë për zhvillimin e software-it, pagimin e kontribuesve thelbësorë, b.f., zhvillues web, zhvillues aplikacionesh për celular dhe grafistë. Dhurimi juaj mbulon gjithashtu shpenzime ligjore dhe marketingu për përhapjen dhe rritjen e ndërgjegjes rreth web-it shoqëror dhe Mastodon-it. Përveç kësaj, mbajmë në punë dy shërbyesit më të mëdhenj Mastodon, mirëmbajtur përmes kontributesh financiare dhe të natyrës së shërbyesve. Për hollësi, hidhini një sy raportit tonë vjetor.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Si i përdorim dhurimet", "sponsors.learn_more": "Mësoni më tepër", "sponsors.page_description": "Shihni persona dhe shoqëri që kanë financuar zhvillimin e platformës së decentralizuar, me burim të hapët, medieje shoqërore Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Dhuroni për Mastodon-in", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Bërja e një kontributi për ne përmes Patreon-it do të shpërblehet me hyrje te instanca jonë Discord e zhvillimit dhe emri juaj do të shfaqet në këtë faqe.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Kaloni te Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Përkrahnani në Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Nëse do të donit të shihnit në këtë sajt stemën e shoqërisë tuaj me një lidhje, mund të bëheni një sponsor drejtpërsëdrejti përmes platformës tonë!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorizim s’është baras me ndikim. Mastodon-i është plotësisht i pavarur.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Sponsorizim komercial", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "Po rindërtojmë median shoqërore, që cilido të mund të ngrejë lokalisht bashkësi të shëndetshme, të lidhet globalisht dhe të kenë në dorë praninë e tyre internetore. Si një ent jofitiprurës, ne udhëheqim zhvillimin e Mastodon-it. Jemi pjesë e një rrjeti të gjerë entesh të ngritur mbi teknologji web-i shoqëror. Tok, po shtiem prapë në dorë sheshin dixhital për njerëzit. Ndihmonani të ngremë webin shoqërorë për këdo.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Na përkrahni", "sponsors.supported_by": "Përkrahur nga", "stats.disclaimer": "Të dhëna të grumbulluara duke kërkuar krejt shërbyesit Mastodon të kapshëm më {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Përdorues Aktivë Mujorë", diff --git a/locales/sv.json b/locales/sv.json index eb6c6744b..520845c51 100644 --- a/locales/sv.json +++ b/locales/sv.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsorer", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Ytterligare tack till", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Bli en sponsor", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Bli en sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Bidra till Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donera idag", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donera direkt", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donera direkt", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donera på GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donera på Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Vi utvecklar och underhåller den fria programvaran med öppen källkod som driver den sociala webben. Det finns inget kapital bakom detta – vi är helt beroende av ditt stöd via plattformar som Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Donera", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donera på Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donera", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Läs mer", "sponsors.page_description": "Visa personer och företag som crowdfundar utvecklingen av den decentraliserade, öppna, sociala medieplattformen Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Donera till Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Att bidra genom vår Patreon belönas med tillgång till vår utvecklings-Discord och ditt namn listat på denna sida.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Gå till Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Stöd oss på Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Om du vill se ditt företags logotyp med en do-follow länk på denna webbplats, Du kan bli sponsor direkt via vår egen plattform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsring är inte lika med inflytande. Mastodon är helt oberoende.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Kommersiell sponsring", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "Stöds av", "stats.disclaimer": "Data som samlats in genom att crawla alla tillgängliga Mastodon-servrar på {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Månatligen aktiva användare", diff --git a/locales/th.json b/locales/th.json index c5c9880fb..e23d00409 100644 --- a/locales/th.json +++ b/locales/th.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "ผู้สนับสนุน", "sponsors": "ผู้สนับสนุน", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "ขอขอบคุณผู้สนับสนุนเพิ่มเติม", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "เป็นผู้สนับสนุน", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "บริจาคโดยตรง", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "บริจาคบน Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "เราพัฒนาและดูแลรักษาซอฟต์แวร์เสรีและโอเพนซอร์สที่ขับเคลื่อนเว็บสังคมโดยไม่มีเงินทุนสนับสนุน เราพึ่งพาการสนับสนุนของคุณผ่านแพลตฟอร์มอย่าง Patreon ทั้งหมด", - "sponsors.hero.title": "บริจาค", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "อ่านเพิ่มเติม", "sponsors.page_description": "ดูผู้คนและบริษัทที่ระดมทุนเพื่อการพัฒนา Mastodon แพลตฟอร์มสื่อสังคมแบบกระจายศูนย์ โอเพนซอร์ส", "sponsors.page_title": "บริจาคให้ Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "การบริจาคผ่าน Patreon ของเราจะให้รางวัลคุณด้วยการเข้าถึง Discord การพัฒนาของเราและแสดงรายการชื่อของคุณในหน้านี้", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "ไปยัง Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "สนับสนุนเราใน Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "หากคุณต้องการเห็นโลโก้ของบริษัทของคุณโดยมีลิงก์แบบติดตามในไซต์นี้ คุณสามารถเป็นผู้สนับสนุนได้โดยตรงผ่านแพลตฟอร์มของเราเอง!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "การสนับสนุนไม่เท่ากับการมีอิทธิพล Mastodon เป็นอิสระอย่างเต็มที่", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "การสนับสนุนเชิงพาณิชย์", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "สนับสนุนเรา", "sponsors.supported_by": "สนับสนุนโดย", "stats.disclaimer": "ข้อมูลที่เก็บรวบรวมโดยการรวบรวมข้อมูลเซิร์ฟเวอร์ Mastodon ที่เข้าถึงได้ทั้งหมดเมื่อ {date}", "stats.monthly_active_users": "ผู้ใช้ที่ใช้งานอยู่รายเดือน", diff --git a/locales/tr.json b/locales/tr.json index 54701b611..e6e22fc04 100644 --- a/locales/tr.json +++ b/locales/tr.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Sponsor", "sponsors": "Sponsorlar", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Ayrıca teşekkürler", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Sponsor olun", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "Mastodon ile çevrimiçi toplulukların geleceğini inşa etmemize yardımcı olacak geliştiriciler arıyoruz. Yapacak bir çok şey var, yeni özellikler işlemleri büyütmek belgeleri iyileştirmek ve daha fazlasına yardım gerekiyor, ancak işler bununla kalmıyor. Mastodon'un temelindeki, ademi merkeziyetçi sosyal medya protokolü olan ActivityPub'a katkı sağlıyoruz ve onu kullanan web topluluğuyla işbirliği yapıyoruz. Sosyal web devrimine katılın!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Sosyal ağı kur", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "Çalışmamızı sürdürmek için ticari sponsorlardan gelen bağışları kabul ediyoruz. Eğer şirketinizin web sayfasına bir bağlantıyla logosunu görmek istiyorsanız, kendi platformunuzdan doğrudan sponsor olabilirsiniz. Ayrıca eğer şirketiniz kurumsal eşleme sağlıyorsa Benevity de kullanabilirsiniz. Sosyal webi inşa etmeye çalışan herkese minnetarız, özellikle de sponsorlarımıza.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Kurumsal sponsorluk ve eşleme", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Yıllık Rapor", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Sponsor olun", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Mastodon'a katkıda bulunun", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Tüm bağışlar doğrudan Mastodon'un geliştirme ve işletmesine gidiyor. Yineleyen bağışlar uzun erimli planlamamıza yardımcı olur. Bize ulaşan her dolar için daima minnetarız, teşekkürler!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Bugün bağış yapın", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Stripe aracılığıyla doğrudan bağışları hoş karşılıyoruz. Çok güzel hediyeler!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Doğrudan bağış yapın", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Doğrudan", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Doğrudan bağış yapın", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsorları kuruluş ve kişisel profillerinde Mastodon rozeti alıyorlar. Üstelik hizmet bedelini biz ödemiyoruz!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "GitHub'ta bağış yapın", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Patreon'da bağış yapın", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Sosyal medyayı güçlendiren özgür ve açık kaynaklı yazılımı geliştiriyor ve sürdürüyoruz. Bunun arkasında sermaye yok, Patreon gibi platformlar aracılığılıyla tamamen sizin desteğinize güveniyoruz.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Bağış Yap", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon bağışçıları geliştiriciler, sunucu yöneticileri ve sosyal web destekçileri için olan Mastodon Discord'una erişim kazanırlar.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Patreon'da bağış yapın", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "Ademi merkeziyetçi sosyal web için yazılım geliştiriyor ve bakımını yapıyoruz. Burada milyarderler veya mega şirketler yok. Tamamen sizin desteğinize dayanıyoruz.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Bağış Yap", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Sponsorlarımızı görüntüleyin", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Çevrimiçi söylemi tekrar tasavvur etmek", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Bağışlar yazılım geliştirmeye, web geliştiriciler gibi asli katkı sağlayanlara ödeme yapmaya, mobil uygulama geliştiricilerine ve tasarımcılara gidiyor. Bağışlarınız ayrıca sosyal web ve Mastodon'u savunmak ve farkındalığını arttırmaya yönelik yasal ve pazarlama harcamalarını da destekliyor. Ek olarak, finansal ve ayni katkılarla bakımı sağlanan en büyük iki Mastodon sunucusunu işletiyoruz. Ayrıntılar için en son yıllık raporumuza bakabilirsiniz.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Bağışları nasıl kullanıyoruz", "sponsors.learn_more": "Daha fazla bilgi edinin", "sponsors.page_description": "Merkezi olmayan, açık kaynak sosyal medya platformu Mastodon'a bağışta bulunan kişileri ve şirketleri görüntüleyin.", "sponsors.page_title": "Mastodon'a bağış yapın", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Patreon aracılığıyla katkı yaptığınızda geliştirme Discord'umuza erişimle ve bu sayfada adınızın listelenmesiyle ödüllendirileceksiniz.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Pateron'a git", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Bizi Patreon’da Destekleyin", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Eğer şirketinizin logosunu bu sayfada web sitenize giden bağlantıyla görmek istiyorsanız, doğrudan platformumuzu kullanarak sponsorumuz olabilirsiniz!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorluk, nüfuz demek değildir. Mastodon tamamen bağımsızdır.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Ticari sponsorluk", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "Sosyal medyayı yeniden inşa ediyoruz böylece herkes sağlıklı toplulukları yerelde kurabilir, küresel olarak bağlayabilir ve kendi çevrimiçi mevcudiyetlerinin sahibi olabilir. Kâr amacı gütmeyen bir yapı olarak Mastodon'un geliştirilmesine öncülük ediyoruz. Sosyal web teknolojisi inşa eden geniş bir organizasyonlar ağının bir parçasıyız. Birlikte dijital kent meydanını insanlar için geri alıyoruz. Herkes için sosyal webi kurmamız için bize yardımcı olun.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Bizi destekleyin", "sponsors.supported_by": "Destekleyen: ", "stats.disclaimer": "Veri, {date} tarihinde erişilebilir tüm Mastodon sunucularından çekilerek toplanmıştır.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Aylık Etkin Kullanıcı", diff --git a/locales/uk.json b/locales/uk.json index 532ec8035..05d0d2449 100644 --- a/locales/uk.json +++ b/locales/uk.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Спонсор", "sponsors": "Спонсори", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Додаткові подяки", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Стати спонсором", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Build the social web", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Допомогти безпосередньо", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Допомогти на Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Ми розробляємо та підтримуємо вільне програмне забезпечення з відкритим кодом, яке забезпечує роботу соціальної мережі. За нею не стоїть жодного капіталу — ми повністю покладаємося на вашу підтримку через такі платформи, як Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Підтримати", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Докладніше", "sponsors.page_description": "Перегляд людей і компаній, які підтримують розвиток децентралізованої, відкритої соціальної мережі Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Підтримати Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Підтримавши нас через Patreon, ви отримаєте доступ до нашого Discord-сервера для розробників, а ваше ім'я буде вказано на цій сторінці.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Перейти до Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Підтримати нас на Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Якщо ви хочете бачити логотип вашої компанії з посиланням для переходу на цей сайт, ви можете стати спонсором безпосередньо через нашу власну платформу!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Спонсорство не означає вплив. Mastodon цілком незалежний.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Комерційне спонсорство", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Підтримати нас", "sponsors.supported_by": "За підтримки", "stats.disclaimer": "Дані, зібрані за допомогою сканування всіх доступних серверів Mastodon на момент {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Щомісячні активні користувачі", diff --git a/locales/vi.json b/locales/vi.json index 2c895f239..7c6c1e479 100644 --- a/locales/vi.json +++ b/locales/vi.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "Nhà tài trợ", "sponsors": "Nhà tài trợ", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "Đặc biệt cảm ơn tới", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "Trở thành nhà tài trợ", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm các nhà phát triển để giúp xây dựng tương lai của cộng đồng trực tuyến với Mastodon. Có rất nhiều việc phải làm — chúng tôi cần trợ giúp về các tính năng mới, hoạt động mở rộng quy mô, cải thiện tài liệu, v. v. — nhưng công việc không dừng lại ở đây. Chúng tôi đóng góp cho giao thức truyền thông xã hội phi tập trung làm nền tảng cho Mastodon, ActivityPub và cộng tác với cộng đồng web xã hội sử dụng nó. Tham gia cuộc cách mạng mạng xã hội!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "Xây dựng mạng xã hội", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "Chúng tôi hoan nghênh sự đóng góp từ các nhà tài trợ thương mại để giúp tiếp tục công việc của chúng tôi. Nếu bạn muốn xem logo của công ty bạn cùng với một liên kết đến trang web của bạn, bạn có thể trở thành nhà tài trợ trực tiếp thông qua nền tảng riêng của chúng tôi! Bạn cũng có thể dùng Benevity nếu doanh nghiệp của bạn có. Chúng tôi rất biết ơn mọi người đã xây dựng web xã hội, đặc biệt là những nhà tài trợ.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Tài trợ và kết nối doanh nghiệp", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Báo Cáo Thường Niên", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Trở thành nhà tài trợ", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Đóng góp cho Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "Mọi khoản quyên góp đều được chuyển trực tiếp đến sự phát triển và hoạt động của Mastodon. Việc quyên góp định kỳ giúp chúng tôi lập kế hoạch lâu dài. Chúng tôi mãi biết ơn từng đô la chúng tôi nhận được — Cảm ơn bạn!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Ủng hộ ngay", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Ủng hộ trực tiếp được hoan nghênh thông qua Stripe. Chúng là những món quà tuyệt vời!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Ủng hộ trực tiếp", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Trực tiếp", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Ủng hộ trực tiếp", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "Nhà tài trợ GitHub nhận được huy hiệu Mastodon cho hồ sơ Tổ chức hoặc Cá nhân của họ. Ngoài ra chúng tôi không trả phí!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Ủng hộ trên GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Ủng hộ trên Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "Chúng tôi phát triển và duy trì phần mềm tự do mã nguồn mở cho mạng xã hội. Phi lợi nhuận đằng sau việc này—chúng tôi hoàn toàn dựa vào sự hỗ trợ của bạn thông qua các nền tảng như Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "Quyên góp", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Các nhà tài trợ Patreon có quyền truy cập vào Kênh Discord Mastodon dành cho các nhà phát triển, quản trị viên máy chủ và những người ủng hộ web xã hội.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Ủng hộ trên Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "Chúng tôi phát triển và duy trì phần mềm cho mạng xã hội liên hợp. Không có tỷ phú hay tập đoàn lớn nào ở đây — chúng tôi hoàn toàn dựa vào sự hỗ trợ của bạn.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Ủng hộ", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "Những nhà tài trợ", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Tái định hình đàm luận trực tuyến", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Các khoản quyên góp sẽ hướng tới việc phát triển phần mềm, trả tiền cho những người đóng góp thiết yếu như nhà phát triển web, nhà phát triển ứng dụng di động và nhà thiết kế. Các khoản quyên góp của bạn cũng hỗ trợ chi phí pháp lý và tiếp thị để vận động và nâng cao nhận thức về mạng xã hội và Mastodon. Ngoài ra, chúng tôi vận hành hai máy chủ Mastodon lớn nhất, được duy trì thông qua đóng góp tài chính và hiện vật. Để biết chi tiết, hãy xem báo cáo thường niên mới nhất của chúng tôi.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "Chúng tôi sử dụng quyên góp như thế nào", "sponsors.learn_more": "Tìm hiểu", "sponsors.page_description": "Xem những người và công ty huy động vốn từ cộng đồng để phát triển nền tảng mạng xã hội mã nguồn mở, liên hợp Mastodon.", "sponsors.page_title": "Quyên góp cho Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "Chúng tôi sẽ cảm ơn những ai đóng góp Patreon bằng việc cấp quyền truy cập vào kênh phát triển Discord của chúng tôi và tên của bạn được liệt kê trên trang này.", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "Đến Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "Ủng hộ Patreon", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "Nếu bạn muốn biểu tượng của công ty mình xuất hiện trên trang này, hãy trở thành nhà tài trợ trực tiếp thông qua nền tảng của riêng chúng tôi!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Tài trợ không có nghĩa là gây ảnh hưởng. Mastodon hoàn toàn độc lập.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "Tài trợ thương mại", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "Chúng tôi đang xây dựng lại phương tiện truyền thông xã hội để mọi người có thể xây dựng cộng đồng lành mạnh tại địa phương, kết nối toàn cầu và sở hữu sự hiện diện trực tuyến của mình. Là một tổ chức phi lợi nhuận, chúng tôi dẫn đầu sự phát triển của Mastodon. Chúng tôi là một phần của mạng lưới rộng lớn các tổ chức xây dựng trên công nghệ web xã hội. Cùng nhau, chúng tôi đang chiếm lại quảng trường kỹ thuật số. Hãy giúp chúng tôi xây dựng mạng xã hội cho mọi người.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Ủng hộ chúng tôi", "sponsors.supported_by": "Ủng hộ bởi", "stats.disclaimer": "Dữ liệu được thu thập từ các máy chủ Mastodon vào {date}.", "stats.monthly_active_users": "Người dùng hàng tháng", diff --git a/locales/zh-TW.json b/locales/zh-TW.json index 04f89aca9..4cb7728d8 100644 --- a/locales/zh-TW.json +++ b/locales/zh-TW.json @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "贊助者", "sponsors": "贊助者", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "特別鳴謝", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "成為贊助者", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "我們正尋找開發人員來幫助 Mastodon 建構網絡社群的未來。要做的工作有許多,我們需要新功能、擴充操作、改善文件等方面的協助,但工作不止於此。我們為 Mastodon 底層的分散式社群媒體協定 ActivityPub 作出貢獻,並與使用它的網上社群合作。齊來加入社群網絡革命吧!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "構建社群網絡", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "我們歡迎商業贊助者的捐款,以協助我們繼續工作。若您想看到您公司的標誌以及您網站的連結,您可以透過我們自己的平台直接成為贊助商! 若您的公司提供企業配對服務,您也可以使用 Benevity。我們感謝建立社群網路的每個人,尤其是我們的贊助商。", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "企業贊助與配對", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "年度報告", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "成為贊助者", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "貢獻 Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "所有捐款都直接用於 Mastodon 的開發與營運。經常性捐款有助於我們制定長期計劃。我們永遠感激我們收到的每一塊錢──謝謝!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "今天就捐款", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "歡迎透過 Stripe 直接捐款。它們會是很棒的禮物!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "直接捐款", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "直接", "sponsors.donate_directly": "直接捐款", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub 贊助者會在其組織或個人資料中收到 Mastodon 徽章。而且我們不用支付任何費用!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "在 GitHub 上捐款", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "在 Patreon 捐款", - "sponsors.hero.body": "我們負責開發和維護開源軟件來驅動社群網絡。在這背後沒有資本支持,全賴您透過 Patreon 等平台支持我們。", - "sponsors.hero.title": "捐款", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon 捐贈者可以存取為開發者、伺服器管理員與社群網路支持者提供的 Mastodon 的 Discord。", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "在 Patreon 上捐款", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "我們為去中心化社群網路開發與維護軟體。這裡沒有億萬富翁或大型企業──我們完全依賴您的支持。", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "捐款", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "檢視我們的贊助者", + "sponsors.hero.title": "重新想像線上交談", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "捐款用於軟體開發,支付網頁開發者、行動應用程式開發者與設計師等重要貢獻者的費用。您的捐款還支援了法律與行銷費用,以倡導與提高人們對社群網路與 Mastodon 的認知。此外,我們還經營兩台最大的 Mastodon 伺服器,透過財務與實物捐贈進行維護。欲了解詳情,請檢閱我們最新的年度報告。", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "我們如何使用贊助費用", "sponsors.learn_more": "取得更多資訊", "sponsors.page_description": "查看眾籌開發去中心化、開源社交網絡平台 Mastodon 的公司和人士。", "sponsors.page_title": "捐款給 Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "為我們的 Patreon 貢獻,我們將獎勵您進入我們的 Discord 開發頻道,並在此頁面列出您的名字。", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "前往 Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "在 Patreon 上支持我們", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "如果您想在本網站上看到貴公司的標誌與跟隨連結,您可以直接在平台成為贊助者。", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "贊助不等同於有影響力。Mastodon 絕對保持獨立。", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "商業贊助", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "我們正在重建社群媒體,以便每個人都可以在當地建立健康的社群,與全球建立聯繫並擁有自己的線上形象。作為一個非營利組織,我們領導 Mastodon 的開發。我們是建立在社群網路技術基礎上的龐大組織網路的一部分。我們將共同為大眾奪回數位城鎮廣場。幫助我們為每個人建立社群網絡。", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "支援我們", "sponsors.supported_by": "支持單位", "stats.disclaimer": "於 {date} 從可存取 Mastodon 伺服器收集的資料。", "stats.monthly_active_users": "每月活躍使用者", diff --git a/locales/zh.json b/locales/zh.json index 652f9d814..f1ea470fa 100644 --- a/locales/zh.json +++ b/locales/zh.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "browse_apps.page_title": "获取 Mastodon 应用", "browse_apps.progressive_web_app": "渐进式网页应用 PWA", "browse_apps.pwa_feature.cta": "加入实例", - "browse_apps.retro": "Retro computing", + "browse_apps.retro": "复古计算", "browse_apps.sailfish": "SailfishOS", "browse_apps.title2": "浏览第三方应用", "browse_apps.web": "网页端", @@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ "home.get_the_app": "下载 APP", "home.hero.body": "您的主页应该展示对您有意义的内容,而不是某个公司认为您应该看到的内容。完全不同的社交媒体,主动权回到用户手中。", "home.hero.headline": "永不出售的社交网络", - "home.join_now": "Join {domain}", + "home.join_now": "加入 {domain}", "home.page_description": "详细了解 Mastodon,一个截然不同的,自由及开放源代码的去中心化社交媒体平台。", "home.page_title": "去中心化社交媒体", - "home.pick_another_server": "Pick another server", - "home.slider.go_to_slide": "Go to slide", + "home.pick_another_server": "选择其他实例", + "home.slider.go_to_slide": "转到幻灯片", "home.sponsors.body": "Mastodon 是由非营利组织开发的免费开放源代码软件。公共支持直接维持着它的发展和演变。", "home.sponsors.title": "永远独立", "home.testimonials.title": "我们的用户在说什么", @@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ "nav.docs.description": "深入了解 Mastodon 如何工作", "nav.docs.title": "文档", "nav.impressum.title": "实体信息", - "nav.merch.title": "Merch", - "nav.new": "New", + "nav.merch.title": "周边", + "nav.new": "新的", "nav.privacy_policy.title": "隐私政策", "nav.product.title": "产品", "nav.resources.title": "资源", @@ -86,16 +86,16 @@ "nav.support.title": "支持", "nav.toggle": "隐藏/显示菜单", "nav.trademark_policy.title": "商标政策", - "nav.verification.title": "Verification", - "roadmap.all": "All", + "nav.verification.title": "验证", + "roadmap.all": "全部", "roadmap.android": "Android", "roadmap.ios": "iOS", - "roadmap.lead": "This is a glimpse into what we're working on and what we're planning to work on.", + "roadmap.lead": "请您一窥我们正在进行与计划的工作。", "roadmap.mastodon": "Web / API", "roadmap.page_description": "了解我们对 Mastodon 正在进行的工作", - "roadmap.page_title": "Public Roadmap", + "roadmap.page_title": "公开的开发蓝图", "roadmap.state.backlog": "探索", - "roadmap.state.completed": "Recently completed", + "roadmap.state.completed": "最近完成", "roadmap.state.started": "进行中", "roadmap.state.unstarted": "已计划", "roadmap.suggest_a_feature": "提出建议", @@ -124,12 +124,12 @@ "servers.getting_started.safe_for_all.body": "我们无法控制服务器,但我们可以控制的是我们在这个页面上宣传的内容。我们的组织只会指向始终贯彻反对种族主义、性别歧视和跨性别恐惧的服务器。", "servers.getting_started.safe_for_all.title": "对所有人安全", "servers.getting_started.servers": "第一步是决定您想在哪个服务器上创建您的账户。每个服务器均由独立的组织或个人运营,审核政策可能有所不同。", - "servers.hero.body": "Mastodon is not a single website. To use it, you need to make an account with a provider—we call them servers—that lets you connect with other people across Mastodon.", + "servers.hero.body": "Mastodon 不是单一的网站。您需要在某个服务提供方处注册账户来使用它。我们称这些服务提供方为 服务器,您和其他使用 Mastodon 的人们通过它们连接到一起。", "servers.page_description": "决定在哪里注册去中心化社交网络Mastodon。", "servers.page_title": "服务器", "silver_sponsor": "银牌赞助者", "sorting.alphabetical": "A-Z", - "sorting.category": "Category", + "sorting.category": "分类", "sorting.free": "免费", "sorting.name": "按字母顺序", "sorting.recently_added": "最近添加", @@ -137,20 +137,38 @@ "sponsor": "赞助者", "sponsors": "赞助者", "sponsors.additional_thanks_to": "额外感谢", - "sponsors.become_a_sponsor": "成为赞助者", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.body": "We’re looking for developers to help build the future of online communities with Mastodon. There’s a lot to do — we need help with new features, scaling operations, improving documentation, and more — but the work doesn’t stop here. We contribute to the decentralized social media protocol underlying Mastodon, ActivityPub, and collaborate with the social web community that uses it. Join the social web revolution!", + "sponsors.build_the_social_web.title": "建立社交网络", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.body": "We welcome donations from commercial sponsors to help continue our work. If you would like to see your company's logo with a link to your website, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform! You can also use Benevity if your company provides corporate matching. We’re grateful for everyone building the social web, especially our sponsors.", + "sponsors.corporate_sponsorship.title": "Corporate sponsorship & matching", + "sponsors.cta.annual_reports": "Annual Report", + "sponsors.cta.become_a_sponsor": "Become a sponsor", + "sponsors.cta.contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon", + "sponsors.donate.body": "All donations go directly to Mastodon's development and operation. Recurring donations help us plan for the long term. We're forever grateful for every dollar we receive — Thank you!", + "sponsors.donate.title": "Donate today", + "sponsors.donate_direct.copy": "Direct donations are welcome through Stripe. They make great gifts!", + "sponsors.donate_direct.cta": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_direct.title": "Direct", "sponsors.donate_directly": "Donate directly", + "sponsors.donate_github.copy": "GitHub Sponsors receive a Mastodon badge to their Org or Personal profile. Plus we don’t pay fees!", + "sponsors.donate_github.cta": "Donate on GitHub", + "sponsors.donate_github.title": "GitHub", "sponsors.donate_on_patreon": "Donate on Patreon", - "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain the free and open-source software that powers the social web. There is no capital behind this—we rely entirely on your support through platforms like Patreon.", - "sponsors.hero.title": "捐助", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.copy": "Patreon donors gain access to Mastodon’s Discord for developers, server admins, and social web supporters.", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.cta": "Donate on Patreon", + "sponsors.donate_patreon.title": "Patreon", + "sponsors.hero.body": "We develop and maintain software for the decentralized social web. No billionaires or mega-corporations here — we rely entirely on your support.", + "sponsors.hero.cta.donate": "Donate", + "sponsors.hero.cta.view_sponsors": "View our sponsors", + "sponsors.hero.title": "Reimagining online discourse", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.body": "Donations go towards software development, paying essential contributors like web developers, mobile app developers, and designers. Your donations also support legal and marketing expenses to advocate for and raise awareness about the social web and Mastodon. Additionally, we operate the two largest Mastodon servers, maintained through financial and in-kind contributions. For details, take a look at our latest annual report.", + "sponsors.how_we_use_donations.title": "How we use donations", "sponsors.learn_more": "Learn more", "sponsors.page_description": "查看对开发去中心化的、开放代源码的社交媒体平台 Mastodon 进行资助的人员和公司。", "sponsors.page_title": "捐助 Mastodon", - "sponsors.patreon.body": "通过我们的Patreon做出贡献将奖励您访问我们的开发Discord并在此页面上列出您的名字。", - "sponsors.patreon.cta": "前往 Patreon", - "sponsors.patreon.title": "在 Patreon 上支持我们", - "sponsors.sponsorship.body": "If you would like to see your company's logo with a do-follow link on this site, you can become a sponsor directly through our own platform!", "sponsors.sponsorship.statement": "Sponsorship does not equal influence. Mastodon is fully independent.", - "sponsors.sponsorship.title": "商业赞助", + "sponsors.support_us.body": "We’re rebuilding social media so everyone can build healthy communities locally, connect globally, and own their online presence. As a nonprofit we lead development of Mastodon. We’re part of a vast network of organizations building on social web technology. Together, we’re retaking the digital town square for the people. Help us build the social web for everyone.", + "sponsors.support_us.title": "Support us", "sponsors.supported_by": "支持者", "stats.disclaimer": "通过爬取 {date} 所有可访问的 Mastodon 服务器收集的数据。", "stats.monthly_active_users": "每月活跃用户",