You can create your own tokenizers by implementing the TokenizerType
Default implementations are provided for all methods except for tokenCanTake(_:)
which means many implementations may be trivial.
Here's a slimmed down view of the protocol (see Mustard.swift
for full documentation).
/// Defines the implementation needed to create a tokenizer for use with Mustard.
public protocol TokenizerType {
/* required methods */
/// Checks if tokens can include this scalar as part of a token.
/// This method is called multiple times for each subsequent scalar in a String until the tokenizer
/// returns `false`.
/// - Parameter scalar: The scalar the token could include.
/// - Returns: `true` if the token can take this this scalar; otherwise, false.
func tokenCanTake(_ scalar: UnicodeScalar) -> Bool
/* default implementations provided */
// default implementation returns self if `tokenCanStart(with:)` returns true, otherwise nil
func tokenizerStartingWith(_ scalar: UnicodeScalar) -> AnyTokenizer?
// default implementation returns result of `tokenCanTake(_:)`
func tokenCanStart(with scalar: UnicodeScalar) -> Bool
// default implementation returns `true`
func tokenIsComplete() -> Bool
// default implementation returns `false`
func completeTokenIsInvalid(whenNextScalarIs scalar: UnicodeScalar?) -> Bool
// default implementation returns `false`
func advanceIfCompleteTokenIsInvalid() -> Bool
// default implementation does nothing
func prepareForReuse()
// The type of token associated with this tokenizer
associatedtype Token: TokenType
// Default implementation returns an instance of `AnyToken` which contains the matched text,
// the range of the matched text in the original substring, and the type of tokenizer that
// found the match.
// Provide an alternative implementation of this method if you have a specific `TokenType`
// type that you want the tokenizer to return.
func makeToken(text: String, range: Range<String.Index>) -> Token
The protocol DefaultTokenizerType
is used to identify tokenizers with a default initializer,
which enables the defaultTokenzier
property (which returns an instance of AnyTokenizer
public protocol DefaultTokenizerType: TokenizerType {
/// Initialize a default instance of the tokenizer.
Implementations of tokenizers can range from trivial to complex.
As an example, here's the extension that Mustard provides that allows any CharacterSet
to act as a tokenizer by implementing the tokenCanTake(_:)
method and providing an alternative implementation of makeToken(text:, range:)
that tokenizer returns a more useful TokenType
public func tokenCanTake(_ scalar: UnicodeScalar) -> Bool {
return self.contains(scalar)
public struct CharacterSetToken: TokenType {
public let text: String
public let range: Range<String.Index>
public let set: CharacterSet
public func makeToken(text: String, range: Range<String.Index>) -> CharacterSetToken {
return CharacterSetToken(text: text, range: range, set: self)
Here's another example showing a tokenizer that matches words identified by camel case. Here makeToken(text:, range:)
is not defined so instead Mustard
will use the type AnyToken
struct CamelCaseTokenizer: TokenizerType, DefaultTokenizerType {
// start of token is identified by an uppercase letter
func tokenCanStart(with scalar: UnicodeScalar) -> Bool
return CharacterSet.uppercaseLetters.contains(scalar)
// all remaining characters must be lowercase letters
public func tokenCanTake(_ scalar: UnicodeScalar) -> Bool {
return CharacterSet.lowercaseLetters.contains(scalar)
For more complex examples of implementing TokenizerType, see examples for [EmojiTokenizer](Matching, [LiteralTokenizer](Literal, [DateTokenizer](Template, and unit tests.