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OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple

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OpenFaaS (Functions as a Service) is a framework for building serverless functions with Docker and Kubernetes which has first class support for metrics. Any process can be packaged as a function enabling you to consume a range of web events without repetitive boiler-plate coding.


  • Ease of use through UI portal and one-click install
  • Write functions in any language for Linux or Windows and package in Docker/OCI image format
  • Portable - runs on existing hardware or public/private cloud. Native Kubernetes support, Docker Swarm also available
  • Operator / CRD option available
  • faas-cli available with stack.yml for creating and managing functions
  • Auto-scales according to metrics from Prometheus
  • Scales to zero and back again and can be tuned at a per-function level
  • Works with service-meshes
    • Tested with Istio including mTLS
    • Tested with Linkerd2 including mTLS and traffic splitting with SMI

Deploy OpenFaaS

1) Install Community Edition (CE) with arkade

It is recommended that you use arkade to install OpenFaaS. arkade is a CLI tool which automates the helm CLI and chart download and installation. The openfaas app also has a number of options available via arkade install openfaas --help

The installation with arkade is as simple as the following which installs OpenFaaS, sets up an Ingress record, and a TLS certificate with cert-manager.

arkade install openfaas
arkade install openfaas-ingress \
  --domain \
  --email [email protected]

See a complete example here: Get TLS for OpenFaaS the easy way with arkade

If you wish to continue without using arkade, read on for instructions.

2) Install with helm

To use the chart, you will need to use Helm 3:

Get it from arkade:

arkade get helm

Or use the Helm installation script:

curl -sSLf | bash

We recommend creating two namespaces, one for the OpenFaaS core services and one for the functions.

You can skip this step if you're using arkade to install OpenFaaS.

kubectl apply -f

You will now have openfaas and openfaas-fn. If you want to change the names or to install into multiple installations then edit namespaces.yml from the faas-netes repo.

Add the OpenFaaS helm chart:

helm repo add openfaas

Now decide how you want to expose the services and edit the helm upgrade command as required.

  • To use NodePorts/ClusterIP - (the default and best for development, with port-forwarding)
  • To use an IngressController add --set ingress.enabled=true (recommended for production, for use with TLS)
  • To use a LoadBalancer add --set serviceType=LoadBalancer (not recommended, since it will expose plain HTTP)

Deploy OpenFaaS Community Edition (CE)

OpenFaaS Community Edition is meant exploration and development.

OpenFaaS Pro has been tuned for production use including flexible auto-scaling, high-available deployments, durability, add-on features, and more.

Deploy CE from the helm chart repo directly:

helm repo update \
 && helm upgrade openfaas \
  --install openfaas/openfaas \
  --namespace openfaas

The above command will also update your helm repo to pull in any new releases.

Retrieve the OpenFaaS credentials with:

PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n openfaas get secret basic-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.basic-auth-password}" | base64 --decode) && \
echo "OpenFaaS admin password: $PASSWORD"

Deploy OpenFaaS Pro

kubectl create secret generic \
  -n openfaas \
  openfaas-license \
  --from-file license=$HOME/.openfaas/LICENSE

If you wish to use the OpenFaaS Pro dashboard, you must run the steps to "Create a signing key" before installing the Helm chart.

Now deploy OpenFaaS from the helm chart repo:

helm repo update \
 && helm upgrade openfaas \
  --install openfaas/openfaas \
  --namespace openfaas  \
  --set openfaasPro=true

The main change here is to add: --set openfaasPro=true

For production, we recommend creating your own values.yaml file, but make sure you do not copy any more settings into it than strictly necessary. This way the file can be maintained easily over time.

Example installation with a values.yaml file instead of using --set:

helm repo update \
 && helm upgrade openfaas \
  --install openfaas/openfaas \
  --namespace openfaas  \
  -f values.yaml \
  -f values-pro.yaml

You can also review recommended Pro values in values-pro.yaml

Installing OpenFaaS Pro without Cluster Admin access

In order to install OpenFaaS Pro, you need to create at least one namespace, a Cluster Admin role and Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), however some DevOps teams prevent business teams from getting access to Cluster Admin.

This option is reserved for OpenFaaS Pro customers, see the installation steps here: Split installation instructions

See also:

Test changes for the helm chart

If you are working on a patch for the helm chart, you can deploy it directly from a local folder.

You can run the following command from within the faas-netes folder, not the chart's folder.

helm upgrade openfaas \
  --install chart/openfaas \
  --namespace openfaas \
  -f ./chart/openfaas/values.yaml \
  -f ./chart/openfaas/values-pro.yaml

In the example above, I'm overlaying two additional YAML files for settings for the chart.

You can override specific images by adding --set gateway.image= for instance.

Pre-create basic-auth credentials for OpenFaaS Pro/CE

If you're using a GitOps tool like ArgoCD or Flux to install OpenFaaS, then you will need to pre-create the basic-auth credentials, so that they remain stable.

Why? The chart has a pre-install hook which can generate basic-auth credentials. It is enabled by default and can be turned off with --set generateBasicAuth=false.

Example command to generate a random password:

# generate a random password
kubectl -n openfaas create secret generic basic-auth \
--from-literal=basic-auth-user=admin \

echo "OpenFaaS admin password: $PASSWORD"

Tuning function cold-starts

The concept of a cold-start in OpenFaaS only applies if you A) use faas-idler and B) set a specific function to scale to zero. Otherwise there is not a cold-start, because at least one replica of your function remains available.

There are two ways to reduce the Kubernetes cold-start for a pre-pulled image, which is around 1-2 seconds.

  1. Don't set the function to scale down to zero, just set it a minimum availability i.e. 1/1 replicas
  2. Use async invocations via the /async-function/<name> route on the gateway, so that the latency is hidden from the caller
  3. Tune the readinessProbes to be aggressively low values. This will reduce the cold-start at the cost of more kubelet CPU usage

To achieve around 1s coldstart, set values.yaml:


# redacted
    initialDelaySeconds: 0
    timeoutSeconds: 1
    periodSeconds: 1
    initialDelaySeconds: 0
    timeoutSeconds: 1
    periodSeconds: 1
# redacted
  imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"    # Image pull policy for deployed functions

In addition:

  • Pre-pull images on each node
  • Use an in-cluster registry to reduce the pull latency for images
  • Set the imagePullPolicy to IfNotPresent so that the kubelet only pulls images which are not already available
  • Explore alternatives such as not scaling to absolute zero, and using async calls which do not show the cold start

Verify the installation

Once all the services are up and running, log into your gateway using the OpenFaaS CLI. This will cache your credentials into your ~/.openfaas/config.yml file.

Fetch your public IP or NodePort via kubectl get svc -n openfaas gateway-external -o wide and set it as an environmental variable as below:


If using a remote cluster, you can port-forward the gateway to your local machine:

kubectl port-forward -n openfaas svc/gateway 8080:8080 &

Now log in with the CLI and check connectivity:

echo -n $PASSWORD | faas-cli login -g $OPENFAAS_URL -u admin --password-stdin

faas-cli version

OpenFaaS Operator and Function CRD

If you would like to work with Function CRDs there is an alternative controller to faas-netes named OpenFaaS Operator which can be swapped in at deployment time. The OpenFaaS Operator is suitable for development and testing and may replace the faas-netes controller in the future. The Operator is compatible with Kubernetes 1.9 or later.

To use it, add the flag: --set operator.create=true when installing with Helm.

faas-netes vs OpenFaaS Operator

The faas-netes controller is the most tested, stable and supported version of the OpenFaaS integration with Kubernetes. In contrast the OpenFaaS Operator is based upon the codebase and features from faas-netes, but offers a tighter integration with Kubernetes through CustomResourceDefinitions. This means you can type in kubectl get functions for instance.

See also: Introducing the OpenFaaS Operator

Deployment with helm template

This option is good for those that have issues with or concerns about installing Tiller, the server/cluster component of helm. Using the helm CLI, we can pre-render and then apply the templates using kubectl.

  1. Clone the faas-netes repository

    git clone
    cd faas-netes
  2. Render the chart to a Kubernetes manifest called openfaas.yaml

    helm template \
      openfaas chart/openfaas/ \
      --namespace openfaas \
      --set basic_auth=true \
      --set functionNamespace=openfaas-fn > openfaas.yaml

    You can set the values and overrides just as you would in the install/upgrade commands above.

  3. Install the components using kubectl

    kubectl apply -f namespaces.yml,openfaas.yaml

Now verify your installation.

Exposing services


By default a NodePort will be created for the API Gateway.


You temporarily access the Prometheus metrics by using port-forward

kubectl --namespace openfaas port-forward deployment/prometheus 31119:9090

Then open http://localhost:31119 to directly query the OpenFaaS metrics scraped by Prometheus.


If you're running on a cloud such as AKS or GKE you will need to pass an additional flag of --set serviceType=LoadBalancer to tell helm to create LoadBalancer objects instead. An alternative to using multiple LoadBalancers is to install an Ingress controller.

Deploy with an IngressController

In order to make use of automatic ingress settings you will need an IngressController in your cluster such as Traefik or Nginx.

Add --set ingress.enabled to enable ingress pass --set ingress.enabled=true when running the installation via helm.

By default services will be exposed with following hostnames (can be changed, see values.yaml for details):

  • gateway.openfaas.local

Endpoint load-balancing

Some configurations in combination with client-side KeepAlive settings may because load to be spread unevenly between replicas of a function. If you experience this, there are three ways to work around it:

  • Install Linkerd2 which takes over load-balancing from the Kubernetes L4 Service (recommended)

  • Disable KeepAlive in the client-side code (not recommended)

  • Configure the gateway to pass invocations through to the faas-netes provider (alternative to using Linkerd2)

    --set gateway.directFunctions=false

    In this mode, all invocations will pass through the gateway to faas-netes, which will look up endpoint IPs directly from Kubernetes, the additional hop may add some latency, but will do fair load-balancing, even with KeepAlive.


If you require TLS/SSL then please make use of an IngressController. A full guide is provided to enable TLS for the OpenFaaS Gateway using cert-manager and Let's Encrypt.

Service meshes

If you use a service mesh like Linkerd or Istio in your cluster, then you should enable the directFunctions mode using:

--set gateway.directFunctions=true

Istio mTLS

Istio requires OpenFaaS Pro to function correctly.

To install OpenFaaS Pro with Istio mTLS pass --set istio.mtls=true and disable the HTTP probes:

helm upgrade openfaas --install chart/openfaas \
    --namespace openfaas  \
    --set openfaasPro=true \
    --set exposeServices=false \
    --set gateway.directFunctions=true \
    --set gateway.probeFunctions=true \
    --set istio.mtls=true

The above command will enable mTLS for the openfaas control plane services and functions excluding NATS.

Zero scale

Scale-up from zero (on by default)

Scaling up from zero replicas is enabled by default, to turn it off set scaleFromZero to false in the helm chart options for the gateway component.

--set gateway.scaleFromZero=true/false

Scale-down to zero (off by default)

Scaling down to zero replicas can be achieved either through the REST API and your own controller, or by using the faas-idler component. This is an OpenFaaS Pro feature and an effective way to save costs on your infrastructure costs.

OpenFaaS Pro will only scale down functions which have marked themselves as eligible for this behaviour through the use of a label:

See also: Scale to Zero docs.

Check the logs with:

kubectl logs -n openfaas deploy/faas-idler

Removing the OpenFaaS

All control plane components can be cleaned up with helm:

helm uninstall -n openfaas openfaas

Follow this by the following to remove all other associated objects:

kubectl delete namespace openfaas openfaas-fn

In some cases your additional functions may need to be either deleted before deleting the chart with faas-cli or manually deleted using kubectl delete.

Kubernetes versioning

This Helm chart currently supports version 1.16+

Note that OpenFaaS itself may support a wider range of versions, see here

Getting help

Feel free to seek out help using the OpenFaaS Slack workspace, please do not raise issues for technical support, unless you suspect and can provide instructions for reproducing an error in the chart.


Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

See values.yaml for detailed configuration.

General parameters

Parameter Description Default
affinity Global affinity rules assigned to deployments {}
async Enables asynchronous function invocations. If .nats.external.enabled is false, also deploys NATS true
queueMode Set to jetstream to run the async system backed by NATS JetStream. By default the async system uses NATS Streaming
basic_auth Enable basic authentication on the gateway and Prometheus. Warning: do not disable. true
generateBasicAuth Generate admin password for basic authentication true
basicAuthPlugin.image Container image used for basic-auth-plugin See values.yaml
basicAuthPlugin.replicas Replicas of the basic-auth-plugin 1
basicAuthPlugin.resources Resource limits and requests for basic-auth-plugin containers See values.yaml
clusterRole Use a ClusterRole for the Operator or faas-netes. Set to true for multiple namespace, pro scaler and CPU/RAM metrics in OpenFaaS REST API false
createCRDs Create the CRDs for OpenFaaS Functions and Profiles true
exposeServices Expose NodePorts/LoadBalancer true
functionNamespace Functions namespace, preferred openfaas-fn openfaas-fn
gatewayExternal.annotations Annotation for getaway-external service {}
httpProbe Setting to true will use HTTP for readiness and liveness probe on the OpenFaaS system Pods (compatible with Istio >= 1.1.5) true
ingress.enabled Create ingress resources false
istio.mtls Create Istio policies and destination rules to enforce mTLS for OpenFaaS components and functions false
kubernetesDNSDomain Domain name of the Kubernetes cluster cluster.local
k8sVersionOverride Override kubeVersion for the ingress creation ""
nodeSelector Global NodeSelector {}
openfaasImagePullPolicy Image pull policy for openfaas components, can change to IfNotPresent in offline env Always
openfaasPro Deploy OpenFaaS Pro false
psp Enable Pod Security Policy for OpenFaaS accounts false
rbac Enable RBAC true
securityContext Deploy with a securityContext set, this can be disabled for use with Istio sidecar injection true
serviceType Type of external service to use NodePort/LoadBalancer NodePort
tolerations Global Tolerations []


Parameter Description Default
gateway.directFunctions Invoke functions directly using Service without delegating to the provider false
gateway.image Container image used for the gateway See values.yaml
gateway.logsProviderURL Set a custom logs provider url ""
gateway.maxIdleConns Set max idle connections from gateway to functions 1024
gateway.maxIdleConnsPerHost Set max idle connections from gateway to functions per host 1024
gateway.nodePort Change the port when creating multiple releases in the same baremetal cluster 31112
gateway.probeFunctions Set to true for Istio users as a workaround for: openfaas/faas#1721 false
gateway.readTimeout Read timeout for the gateway API 65s
gateway.replicas Replicas of the gateway, pick more than 1 for HA 1
gateway.resources Resource limits and requests for the gateway containers See values.yaml
gateway.scaleFromZero Enables an intercepting proxy which will scale any function from 0 replicas to the desired amount true
gateway.upstreamTimeout Maximum duration of upstream function call, should be lower than readTimeout/writeTimeout 60s
gateway.writeTimeout Write timeout for the gateway API 65s
gatewayPro.image Container image used for the gateway when openfaasPro=true See values.yaml

faas-netes / operator

Parameter Description Default
faasnetes.httpProbe Use a httpProbe instead of exec true
faasnetes.image Container image used for provider API See values.yaml
faasnetes.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy for deployed functions Always
faasnetes.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds after the container has started before probe is initiated 2
faasnetes.livenessProbe.periodSeconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe 2
faasnetes.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Number of seconds after which the probe times out 1
faasnetes.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Number of seconds after the container has started before probe is initiated 2
faasnetes.readinessProbe.periodSeconds How often (in seconds) to perform the probe 2
faasnetes.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Number of seconds after which the probe times out 1
faasnetes.readTimeout Read timeout for the faas-netes API "" (defaults to gateway.readTimeout)
faasnetes.resources Resource limits and requests for faas-netes container See values.yaml
faasnetes.setNonRootUser Force all function containers to run with user id 12000 false
faasnetes.writeTimeout Write timeout for the faas-netes API "" (defaults to gateway.writeTimeout)
faasnetesPro.image Container image used for faas-netes when openfaasPro=true See values.yaml
operator.create Use the OpenFaaS operator CRD controller, default uses faas-netes as the Kubernetes controller false
operator.image Container image used for the openfaas-operator See values.yaml
operator.resources Resource limits and requests for openfaas-operator containers See values.yaml
operatorPro.image Container image used for the openfaas-operator when openfaasPro=true See values.yaml

Autoscaler (OpenFaaS Pro)

Parameter Description Default
autoscaler.disableHorizontalScaling Set to true, to only scale to zero, without scaling replicas between the defined Min and Max count for the function false
autoscaler.enabled Enable the autoscaler - if openfaasPro is set to true true
autoscaler.image Container image used for the autoscaler See values.yaml
autoscaler.replicas Replicas of the autoscaler 1
autoscaler.resources Resource limits and requests for the autoscaler pods See values.yaml

Async and NATS

Parameter Description Default
jetstreamQueueWorker.durableName Durable name used by JetStream consumers faas-workers
jetstreamQueueWorker.image Container image used for the queue-worker when the queueMode is jetstream See values.yaml
jetstreamQueueWorker.logs.debug Log debug messages false
jetstreamQueueWorker.logs.format Set the log format, supports console or json console The name of the NATS Streaming channel or NATS JetStream stream to use for asynchronous function invocations faas-request
nats.enableMonitoring Enable the NATS monitoring endpoints on port 8222 for NATS Streaming deployments managed by this chart false
nats.external.clusterName The name of the externally-managed NATS Streaming server ""
nats.external.enabled Whether to use an externally-managed NATS Streaming server false The host at which the externally-managed NATS Streaming server can be reached ""
nats.external.port The port at which the externally-managed NATS Streaming server can be reached ""
nats.image Container image used for NATS See values.yaml
nats.metrics.enabled Export Prometheus metrics for NATS, no multi-arch support false
nats.metrics.image Container image used for the NATS Prometheus exporter See values.yaml
nats.resources Resource limits and requests for the nats pods See values.yaml
nats.streamReplication JetStream stream replication factor. For production a value of at least 3 is recommended. 1
queueWorker.ackWait Max duration of any async task/request 60s
queueWorker.image Container image used for the CE edition of the queue-worker See values.yaml
queueWorker.maxInflight Control the concurrent invocations 1
queueWorker.replicas Replicas of the queue-worker, pick more than 1 for HA 1
queueWorker.resources Resource limits and requests for the queue-worker pods See values.yaml
queueWorker.queueGroup The name of the queue group used to process asynchronous function invocations faas
queueWorkerPro.httpRetryCodes Comma-separated list of HTTP status codes the queue-worker should retry 408,429,500,502,503,504
queueWorkerPro.image Container image used for the Pro version of the queue-worker See values.yaml
queueWorkerPro.initialRetryWait Time to wait for the first retry 10s
queueWorkerPro.insecureTLS Enable insecure TLS for callback invocations false
queueWorkerPro.maxRetryAttempts Amount of times to try sending a message to a function before discarding it 10
queueWorkerPro.maxRetryWait Maximum amount of time to wait between retries 120s
queueWorkerPro.printResponseBody Print the function response body false
queueWorkerPro.printRequestBody Print the request body false
stan.image Container image used for NATS streaming server See values.yaml

Dashboard (OpenFaaS Pro)

Parameter Description Default
dashboard.enabled Enable the dashboard false
dashboard.image Container image used for the dashboard See values.yaml
dashboard.publicURL URL used to expose the dashboard. Needs to be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
dashboard.replicas Replicas of the dashboard 1
dashboard.resources Resource limits and requests for the dashboard pods See values.yaml

OIDC / SSO (OpenFaaS Pro)

Parameter Description Default
oidcAuthPlugin.audience Audience URL
oidcAuthPlugin.baseHost Base host
oidcAuthPlugin.clientID Client ID ""
oidcAuthPlugin.clientSecret Client secret ""
oidcAuthPlugin.cookieDomain Cookie domain
oidcAuthPlugin.enabled Enable the oidc-auth-plugin false
oidcAuthPlugin.image Container image used for the oidc-auth-plugin See values.yaml
oidcAuthPlugin.insecureTLS Enable insecure TLS false
oidcAuthPlugin.openidURL OpenID Connect metadata URL
oidcAuthPlugin.provider Name of the auth provider. Leave blank, or set to "azure" if using Azure AD ""
oidcAuthPlugin.replicas Replicas of the oidc-auth-plugin 1
oidcAuthPlugin.resources Resource limits and requests for the oidc-auth-plugin containers See values.yaml
oidcAuthPlugin.scopes OpenID Connect (OIDC) scopes openid profile email
oidcAuthPlugin.verbose Enable verbose logging false
oidcAuthPlugin.welcomePageURL Welcome page URL

faas-idler (OpenFaaS Pro)

Deprecated and replaced by the new autoscaler, which supports scale to zero.

Parameter Description Default
faasIdler.enabled Create the faasIdler component false
faasIdler.image Container image used for the faas-idler See values.yaml
faasIdler.inactivityDuration Duration after which faas-idler will scale function down to 0 3m
faasIdler.readOnly When set to true, no functions are scaled to zero false
faasIdler.reconcileInterval The interval between each attempt to scale functions to zero 2m
faasIdler.replicas Replicas of the faas-idler 1
faasIdler.resources Resource limits and requests for the faas-idler pods See values.yaml
faasIdler.writeDebug Write additional debug information false


Parameter Description Default
ingressOperator.create Create the ingress-operator component false
ingressOperator.image Container image used in ingress-operator openfaas/ingress-operator:0.6.2
ingressOperator.replicas Replicas of the ingress-operator 1
ingressOperator.resources Limits and requests for memory and CPU usage Memory Requests: 25Mi


For legacy scaling in OpenFaaS Community Edition.

Parameter Description Default
alertmanager.create Create the AlertManager component true
alertmanager.image Container image used for alertmanager See values.yaml
alertmanager.resources Resource limits and requests for alertmanager pods See [values.yaml](./values.

Prometheus (built-in, for autoscaling and metrics)

Parameter Description Default
prometheus.create Create the Prometheus component true
prometheus.image Container image used for prometheus See values.yaml
prometheus.resources Resource limits and requests for prometheus containers See values.yaml