- add webworkers
- add the nft
- handle sensor fusion with the IMU ? Assume that the marker is fixed in space
- marker removal in the video - https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/838584931009835009
- dynamic multiple markers - https://github.com/artoolkit/jsartoolkit5/issues/34
- put the video in the webgl (and not the dom), as an options
- stabilizer for marker orientation and/or position
- some tweening/smoothing on marker orientation - maybe just a lerp ?
- it would help the shakyness especially when the source resolution is low
- stabilizer using gravity ?
- using gravity it is possible to know if the marker is on a wall or on a table
- once we flag the marker as on a wall, we can reduce shakyness from video detection
- by using gravity sensor
- discover marker absolute orientation by comparing that to the phone gravity
- can be used to know if the marker is on a table, or on a wall
- cloud computing to get better rendering
- fancy name for easy tech - Capture a MediaStream From a Canvas, Video or Audio Element
- have a browser on server to produce high quality 3d - aka pbs and to stream that to a phone
- so when the phone is moving a lot, we do the local rendering
- when the phone is stable, we do the server rendering
- social AR - https://github.com/haydenjameslee/networked-aframe/blob/master/docs/Tutorial:%20Create%20your%20first%20Networked-Aframe%20experience.md
- use a pingpong ball or a metallic ball to estimate the reality lighting
- do a jelwery examples
- get a model or ring, one model of diamond
- https://www.transpacific-software.com/webgl/ring.html?tPage=7
- https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ltfXDM
- a refraction
- one ruby, one gold
- add fresnel with bubble - even with fake envmap
- IDEA: "screen as portal" - put 4 markers in screen's corners, direct your phone at it and display a portal on the screen in #AR
- play with camera parameters to optimize it for AR - available in mediastreamtrack
- AR Gaming - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmGGGzibGok
- AR Business Card - https://vimeo.com/4979525
- ar cube visu - real nice for 360 AR https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/869765239356747776
- plug ar.js into sketchfab
- do a mockup with the monkey script
- add a AR button on sketchfab, it pops up on marker on the screen with the instruction to connect to it
- then you display the model in 3d on top of the screen
- some simple user content
- multi user AR world : much easier to code than you think - https://twitter.com/jerome_etienne/status/842219346030149632
- IDEA: produce a single image able to do qr-code and pattern marker. https://twitter.com/nlehuen/status/834115970641829888
- about having an image able to do qr-code and pattern marker at the same time. If we have such image, we skip one step.
- The person first acquire the qr-code with his phone, and then it goes to a webpage which is a webar application.
- thus the publisher only has to publish this on its ads, likely on paper ads in magazine or in the street.
- and the user can use his phone to immediatly see the related augmented reality
- https://techcrunch.com/2017/02/02/google-chrome-gets-its-own-qr-code-barcode-scanner/
- somebody did it! https://twitter.com/alan17wilson/status/847738517669027842
- do something with ps vita AR cards
- http://ie.playstation.com/media/8DokiOUp/AR%20Play%20Cards.pdf
- print it on hard papers
- find the kind of matrix it is.
- just put each marker in front of the camera - using image / photo of screen
- and go thru each and every matrix type detection
- Nice effect with video texture - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9HMn6bd-v8&feature=youtu.be&t=172
- Nice snowball effect - http://www.spacegoo.com/bubbles/
- AR scene Minecraft:
- When close to covered area, start making it interactive
- When I come close the character come to me and say hello
- I got 2d UI to say-hi dance, trigger animation, say stuff. Action button
- The screener become active depending on the distance with the user