diff --git a/crates/matrix-sdk-common/src/linked_chunk/mod.rs b/crates/matrix-sdk-common/src/linked_chunk/mod.rs
index 6a67383b014..0993c78c05e 100644
--- a/crates/matrix-sdk-common/src/linked_chunk/mod.rs
+++ b/crates/matrix-sdk-common/src/linked_chunk/mod.rs
@@ -634,6 +634,45 @@ impl<const CAP: usize, Item, Gap> LinkedChunk<CAP, Item, Gap> {
+    /// Remove a gap with the given identifier.
+    ///
+    /// This returns the next insert position, viz. the start of the next
+    /// chunk, if any, or none if there was no next chunk.
+    pub fn remove_gap_at(
+        &mut self,
+        chunk_identifier: ChunkIdentifier,
+    ) -> Result<Option<Position>, Error> {
+        let chunk = self
+            .links
+            .chunk_mut(chunk_identifier)
+            .ok_or(Error::InvalidChunkIdentifier { identifier: chunk_identifier })?;
+        if chunk.is_items() {
+            return Err(Error::ChunkIsItems { identifier: chunk_identifier });
+        };
+        let next = chunk.next;
+        chunk.unlink(&mut self.updates);
+        let chunk_ptr = chunk.as_ptr();
+        debug_assert!(chunk.is_first_chunk().not(), "A gap cannot be the first chunk");
+        if chunk.is_last_chunk() {
+            self.links.last = chunk.previous;
+        }
+        // SAFETY: `chunk` is unlinked and not borrowed anymore. `LinkedChunk` doesn't
+        // use it anymore, it's a leak. It is time to re-`Box` it and drop it.
+        let _chunk_boxed = unsafe { Box::from_raw(chunk_ptr.as_ptr()) };
+        // Return the first position of the next chunk, if any.
+        Ok(next.map(|next| {
+            let chunk = unsafe { next.as_ref() };
+            chunk.first_position()
+        }))
+    }
     /// Replace the gap identified by `chunk_identifier`, by items.
     /// Because the `chunk_identifier` can represent non-gap chunk, this method
@@ -661,27 +700,25 @@ impl<const CAP: usize, Item, Gap> LinkedChunk<CAP, Item, Gap> {
                 .ok_or(Error::InvalidChunkIdentifier { identifier: chunk_identifier })?;
-            debug_assert!(chunk.is_first_chunk().not(), "A gap cannot be the first chunk");
+            if chunk.is_items() {
+                return Err(Error::ChunkIsItems { identifier: chunk_identifier });
+            };
-            let maybe_last_chunk_ptr = match &mut chunk.content {
-                ChunkContent::Gap(..) => {
-                    let items = items.into_iter();
+            debug_assert!(chunk.is_first_chunk().not(), "A gap cannot be the first chunk");
-                    let last_inserted_chunk = chunk
-                        // Insert a new items chunk…
-                        .insert_next(
-                            Chunk::new_items_leaked(self.chunk_identifier_generator.next()),
-                            &mut self.updates,
-                        )
-                        // … and insert the items.
-                        .push_items(items, &self.chunk_identifier_generator, &mut self.updates);
+            let maybe_last_chunk_ptr = {
+                let items = items.into_iter();
-                    last_inserted_chunk.is_last_chunk().then(|| last_inserted_chunk.as_ptr())
-                }
+                let last_inserted_chunk = chunk
+                    // Insert a new items chunk…
+                    .insert_next(
+                        Chunk::new_items_leaked(self.chunk_identifier_generator.next()),
+                        &mut self.updates,
+                    )
+                    // … and insert the items.
+                    .push_items(items, &self.chunk_identifier_generator, &mut self.updates);
-                ChunkContent::Items(..) => {
-                    return Err(Error::ChunkIsItems { identifier: chunk_identifier })
-                }
+                last_inserted_chunk.is_last_chunk().then(|| last_inserted_chunk.as_ptr())
             new_chunk_ptr = chunk
@@ -2670,6 +2707,72 @@ mod tests {
+    #[test]
+    fn test_remove_gap() -> Result<(), Error> {
+        use super::Update::*;
+        let mut linked_chunk = LinkedChunk::<3, char, ()>::new_with_update_history();
+        // Ignore initial update.
+        let _ = linked_chunk.updates().unwrap().take();
+        linked_chunk.push_items_back(['a', 'b']);
+        linked_chunk.push_gap_back(());
+        linked_chunk.push_items_back(['l', 'm']);
+        linked_chunk.push_gap_back(());
+        assert_items_eq!(linked_chunk, ['a', 'b'] [-] ['l', 'm'] [-]);
+        assert_eq!(
+            linked_chunk.updates().unwrap().take(),
+            &[
+                PushItems { at: Position(ChunkIdentifier(0), 0), items: vec!['a', 'b'] },
+                NewGapChunk {
+                    previous: Some(ChunkIdentifier(0)),
+                    new: ChunkIdentifier(1),
+                    next: None,
+                    gap: (),
+                },
+                NewItemsChunk {
+                    previous: Some(ChunkIdentifier(1)),
+                    new: ChunkIdentifier(2),
+                    next: None,
+                },
+                PushItems { at: Position(ChunkIdentifier(2), 0), items: vec!['l', 'm'] },
+                NewGapChunk {
+                    previous: Some(ChunkIdentifier(2)),
+                    new: ChunkIdentifier(3),
+                    next: None,
+                    gap: (),
+                },
+            ]
+        );
+        // Try to remove a gap that's not a gap.
+        let err = linked_chunk.remove_gap_at(ChunkIdentifier(0)).unwrap_err();
+        assert_matches!(err, Error::ChunkIsItems { .. });
+        // Try to remove an unknown gap chunk.
+        let err = linked_chunk.remove_gap_at(ChunkIdentifier(42)).unwrap_err();
+        assert_matches!(err, Error::InvalidChunkIdentifier { .. });
+        // Remove the gap in the middle.
+        let maybe_next = linked_chunk.remove_gap_at(ChunkIdentifier(1)).unwrap();
+        let next = maybe_next.unwrap();
+        // The next insert position at the start of the next chunk.
+        assert_eq!(next.chunk_identifier(), ChunkIdentifier(2));
+        assert_eq!(next.index(), 0);
+        assert_items_eq!(linked_chunk, ['a', 'b'] ['l', 'm'] [-]);
+        assert_eq!(linked_chunk.updates().unwrap().take(), &[RemoveChunk(ChunkIdentifier(1))]);
+        // Remove the gap at the end.
+        let next = linked_chunk.remove_gap_at(ChunkIdentifier(3)).unwrap();
+        // It was the last chunk, so there's no next insert position.
+        assert!(next.is_none());
+        assert_items_eq!(linked_chunk, ['a', 'b'] ['l', 'm']);
+        assert_eq!(linked_chunk.updates().unwrap().take(), &[RemoveChunk(ChunkIdentifier(3))]);
+        Ok(())
+    }
     fn test_chunk_item_positions() {
         let mut linked_chunk = LinkedChunk::<3, char, ()>::new();
diff --git a/crates/matrix-sdk/src/event_cache/pagination.rs b/crates/matrix-sdk/src/event_cache/pagination.rs
index 064acd5ae00..832398ec57c 100644
--- a/crates/matrix-sdk/src/event_cache/pagination.rs
+++ b/crates/matrix-sdk/src/event_cache/pagination.rs
@@ -178,12 +178,9 @@ impl RoomPagination {
                 let insert_new_gap_pos = if let Some(gap_id) = prev_gap_id {
                     // There is a prior gap, let's replace it by new events!
                     trace!("replaced gap with new events from backpagination");
-                    Some(
-                        room_events
-                            .replace_gap_at(sync_events, gap_id)
-                            .expect("gap_identifier is a valid chunk id we read previously")
-                            .first_position(),
-                    )
+                    room_events
+                        .replace_gap_at(sync_events, gap_id)
+                        .expect("gap_identifier is a valid chunk id we read previously")
                 } else if let Some(pos) = first_event_pos {
                     // No prior gap, but we had some events: assume we need to prepend events
                     // before those.
diff --git a/crates/matrix-sdk/src/event_cache/room/events.rs b/crates/matrix-sdk/src/event_cache/room/events.rs
index 83fc2218972..b0e7a5d66d9 100644
--- a/crates/matrix-sdk/src/event_cache/room/events.rs
+++ b/crates/matrix-sdk/src/event_cache/room/events.rs
@@ -145,13 +145,13 @@ impl RoomEvents {
     /// Because the `gap_identifier` can represent non-gap chunk, this method
     /// returns a `Result`.
-    /// This method returns a reference to the (first if many) newly created
-    /// `Chunk` that contains the `items`.
+    /// This method returns either the position of the first chunk that's been
+    /// created, or the next insert position if the chunk has been removed.
     pub fn replace_gap_at<I>(
         &mut self,
         events: I,
         gap_identifier: ChunkIdentifier,
-    ) -> Result<&Chunk<DEFAULT_CHUNK_CAPACITY, Event, Gap>, Error>
+    ) -> Result<Option<Position>, Error>
         I: IntoIterator<Item = Event>,
@@ -166,7 +166,11 @@ impl RoomEvents {
         // Replace the gap by new events.
-        self.chunks.replace_gap_at(unique_events, gap_identifier)
+        if unique_events.is_empty() {
+            self.chunks.remove_gap_at(gap_identifier)
+        } else {
+            Ok(Some(self.chunks.replace_gap_at(unique_events, gap_identifier)?.first_position()))
+        }
     /// Search for a chunk, and return its identifier.
@@ -711,9 +715,8 @@ mod tests {
         let chunk_identifier_of_gap = room_events
-            .find_map(|chunk| chunk.is_gap().then_some(chunk.first_position()))
-            .unwrap()
-            .chunk_identifier();
+            .find_map(|chunk| chunk.is_gap().then_some(chunk.identifier()))
+            .unwrap();
         room_events.replace_gap_at([event_1, event_2], chunk_identifier_of_gap).unwrap();
@@ -752,9 +755,8 @@ mod tests {
         let chunk_identifier_of_gap = room_events
-            .find_map(|chunk| chunk.is_gap().then_some(chunk.first_position()))
-            .unwrap()
-            .chunk_identifier();
+            .find_map(|chunk| chunk.is_gap().then_some(chunk.identifier()))
+            .unwrap();
@@ -790,6 +792,40 @@ mod tests {
+    #[test]
+    fn test_replace_gap_at_with_no_new_events() {
+        let (_, event_0) = new_event("$ev0");
+        let (_, event_1) = new_event("$ev1");
+        let (_, event_2) = new_event("$ev2");
+        let mut room_events = RoomEvents::new();
+        room_events.push_events([event_0.clone(), event_1]);
+        room_events.push_gap(Gap { prev_token: "middle".to_owned() });
+        room_events.push_events([event_2.clone()]);
+        room_events.push_gap(Gap { prev_token: "end".to_owned() });
+        // Remove the first gap.
+        let first_gap_id = room_events
+            .chunks()
+            .find_map(|chunk| chunk.is_gap().then_some(chunk.identifier()))
+            .unwrap();
+        // The next insert position is the next chunk's start.
+        let pos = room_events.replace_gap_at([], first_gap_id).unwrap();
+        assert_eq!(pos, Some(Position::new(ChunkIdentifier::new(2), 0)));
+        // Remove the second gap.
+        let second_gap_id = room_events
+            .chunks()
+            .find_map(|chunk| chunk.is_gap().then_some(chunk.identifier()))
+            .unwrap();
+        // No next insert position.
+        let pos = room_events.replace_gap_at([], second_gap_id).unwrap();
+        assert!(pos.is_none());
+    }
     fn test_remove_events() {
         let (event_id_0, event_0) = new_event("$ev0");
diff --git a/crates/matrix-sdk/tests/integration/event_cache.rs b/crates/matrix-sdk/tests/integration/event_cache.rs
index 0832fea4b5d..20541241840 100644
--- a/crates/matrix-sdk/tests/integration/event_cache.rs
+++ b/crates/matrix-sdk/tests/integration/event_cache.rs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use matrix_sdk::{
 use matrix_sdk_test::{
     async_test, event_factory::EventFactory, GlobalAccountDataTestEvent, JoinedRoomBuilder,
-use ruma::{event_id, room_id, user_id};
+use ruma::{event_id, events::AnyTimelineEvent, room_id, serde::Raw, user_id};
 use serde_json::json;
 use tokio::{spawn, sync::broadcast};
 use wiremock::ResponseTemplate;
@@ -916,3 +916,74 @@ async fn test_backpaginate_with_no_initial_events() {
     assert_event_matches_msg(&events[2], "world");
     assert_eq!(events.len(), 3);
+async fn test_backpaginate_replace_empty_gap() {
+    let server = MatrixMockServer::new().await;
+    let client = server.client_builder().build().await;
+    let event_cache = client.event_cache();
+    // Immediately subscribe the event cache to sync updates.
+    event_cache.subscribe().unwrap();
+    let room_id = room_id!("!omelette:fromage.fr");
+    let f = EventFactory::new().room(room_id).sender(user_id!("@a:b.c"));
+    // Start with a room with an event, limited timeline and prev-batch token.
+    let room = server
+        .sync_room(
+            &client,
+            JoinedRoomBuilder::new(room_id)
+                .add_timeline_event(f.text_msg("world").event_id(event_id!("$2")))
+                .set_timeline_limited()
+                .set_timeline_prev_batch("prev-batch".to_owned()),
+        )
+        .await;
+    let (room_event_cache, _drop_handles) = room.event_cache().await.unwrap();
+    let (events, mut stream) = room_event_cache.subscribe().await.unwrap();
+    wait_for_initial_events(events, &mut stream).await;
+    // The first back-pagination will return a previous-batch token, but no events.
+    server
+        .mock_room_messages()
+        .ok(
+            "start-token-unused1".to_owned(),
+            Some("prev_batch".to_owned()),
+            Vec::<Raw<AnyTimelineEvent>>::new(),
+            Vec::new(),
+        )
+        .mock_once()
+        .mount()
+        .await;
+    // The second round of back-pagination will return this one.
+    server
+        .mock_room_messages()
+        .from("prev_batch")
+        .ok(
+            "start-token-unused2".to_owned(),
+            None,
+            vec![f.text_msg("hello").event_id(event_id!("$1"))],
+            Vec::new(),
+        )
+        .mock_once()
+        .mount()
+        .await;
+    let pagination = room_event_cache.pagination();
+    // Run pagination twice.
+    pagination.run_backwards(20, once).await.unwrap();
+    pagination.run_backwards(20, once).await.unwrap();
+    // The linked chunk should contain the events in the correct order.
+    let (events, _stream) = room_event_cache.subscribe().await.unwrap();
+    assert_event_matches_msg(&events[0], "hello");
+    assert_event_matches_msg(&events[1], "world");
+    assert_eq!(events.len(), 2);