All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- [#137] Proxy the v3 endpoints as well
- [#130] Make sure the token variable is declared
- [#122] Fix the GLib import for panctl on some distributions
- [#120] Don't use strip to filter Bearer from the auth header
- [#118] Don't use the raw path if we need to sanitize filters, fixing room history fetching for Fractal
- [#105] Use the raw_path when forwarding requests, avoiding URL decoding/encoding issues.
- [#103] Prevent E2EE downgrade on failed syncs
- [#100] Don't require the rooms dicts in the sync response
- [#99] Thumbnails not generating for media uploaded in unencrypted rooms whole LRU cache when it shouldn't
- [#96] Split out the media cache loading logic to avoid returning the whole LRU cache when it shouldn't
- [[#73f68c7]] Bump the allowed nio version
- [#89] Bump the allowed nio version
- [3baae08] Bump the allowed nio version
- [59051c5] Fix the notification initialization allowing the DBUS thread to start again
- [#79] Support media uploads, thanks to @aspacca
- [#69] If no password is provided to /login, the daemon will re-use the original login response.
- [#60] Sanitize the GET /rooms/{room_id}/messages filters as well.
- [#62] Store media info when decrypting instead of using a event callback.
- [d425e2d] Increase the max POST size.
- [a1ce950] Allow to send messages using a POST request since Synapse seems to allow it.
- Bump the maximal supported nio version.
- Fix our dep requirements to avoid incompatibilities between nio and pantalaimon.
- Don't require exact patch versions for our deps.
- Bump the version to trigger a docker hub build with the latest nio release.
- Add support for Janus 0.5.0.
- Added media endpoint handling to the /media/v1 path.
- Modify media events so they contain the unencrypted URL fields as well.