This is a quick little bugfix to fix a problem where received packets weren't being displayed in the debug console.
In this release, we added a dedicated settings page, as well as changing the way locomotives and function maps are added. Also, we have switched to a new distribution method, PWAs! Oh, did we mention the new and improved wider UI? Overall, we would be better off listing the sections that have stayed the same!
New Features:
- Side menu - We have added a side menu to switch between 'pages'
- Locomotive page - This is where locomotives are now added
- Functions page - This is where function maps are now created
- Settings page - This page contains all the options to manage storage settings and to choose different themes and throttles
- Emergency stop button - There is now a button to provide the emergency stop feature
- Information and help button - These have been added to the top right of the screen and display the version, along with other information
- The button to minimise the top section is displayed correctly
Changed behaviour:
- Locomotives now need to be added in the locomotives menu before they are used
- The UI is now wider
- Other minor tweaks to the UI
If you want something added, let us know! First, check out the roadmap page in the wiki to check if it is planned, then open an issue letting us know what you want. Similarly, if you have found a bug, also let us know. Chances are we haven't spotted it so this will help us greatly!