A Python NewsBlur API client.
In development. Initially aiming to cover basic functionality to allow fetching of unread stories and marking them as read.
import gaussian
newsblur = gaussian.NewsBlur(username='username', password='password')
# [<Feed: Planet Python>]
feed = newsblur.get_feeds()[0]
# [<Story: Catalin George Festila: Parsing feeds - get by attribute and value - part 2>,
# <Story: PyCharm: PyCharm 3.1.1 and Python plugin for IntelliJ IDEA 13 have been released>,
# <Story: Mike Driscoll: eBook Review: Learning scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python>,
# <Story: Mike C. Fletcher: PyOpenGL Working on the Raspberry Pi>,
# <Story: Zato Blog: Secure, scalable and dynamic invocation of SOAP services with Zato and Suds>,
# <Story: Mike Driscoll: Python 101: How to Change a Dict Into a Class>]
story = feed.get_stories()[0]
# u'....'