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Matt Godbolt edited this page Jul 11, 2015 · 7 revisions

jsbeeb features a simple debugger.

Bring up the debugger with ctrl-HOME.

Once in the debugger the following keys are active:

  • g - resume normal running
  • n - single step to the next instruction
  • m - step "over" that is, single step but don't follow JSRs
  • o - step "out" that is, run until an RTS
  • j / k - scroll up and down in the disassembler view
  • u / i - scroll up and down in the memory view. Hold shift to scroll faster
  • b - go "back" in the disassembler stack. clicking the blue highlighted addresses takes you to the destination of JSR etc. 'b' pops back to where you were disassembling before.

Breakpoints are a little trickier currently. They're supported, but need work; you need to enter them in the Javascript console.

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