DeceptionRouter is a Plug router that will infinitely loop a web crawler, scanners, and directory fuzzers.
This type of tool is created to aid in cyber deception primarily by wasting time and resources of an attacker. Moreover, logs to these routes and be an alert that some is trying to attack your systems.
This is useful to create honey pots in your system or add this to your main application to keep scanners stuck.
This is inspired by the python library spidertrap.
def deps do
{:deception_router, "~> 1.0"},
defmodule MyApp.Router do
# routes and stuff
# At the very bottom
scope "/" do
match(:*, "/*", DeceptionRouter, [])
If you want to target bots as all bots will scan for the an admin
route you
can do this:
defmodule MyApp.Router do
# routes and stuff
# At the very bottom
scope "/" do
match(:*, "/admin/*sinkhole", DeceptionRouter, [])
To test in command line:
wget -m http://localhost:4000
This should all be runtime configuration items.
- custom word list
- generative text to make content lengths harder to filter on in this tools
- telemetry support
- custom logging
- jitter
- random 404s
- app level rate limiting