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103 lines (84 loc) · 3.42 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (84 loc) · 3.42 KB


What is This

Harbor is a Ship of Harkinian (SOH) launcher/manager for those with multiple versions of SOH.

How to Use

Currenly Harbor is only available as a command line application. There are plans to add an official GUI for those who prefer that. This project was also written in a pretty modular way so you can just take the base program and put your own GUI on top of it if you are proficient enough.

This application expects that you have all of your versions of SOH in a single folder, all of your roms in a different folder, and Harbor should have its own folder as well. For example:

└── home/
    ├── downloads/
    │   └── Harbor/
    │       ├── Harbor.exe
    │       └── metadata.json
    ├── SOH Folder/
    │   ├── 8-0-0
    │   ├── 8-0-1
    │   ├── 8-0-2
    │   └── 8-0-3
    └── Rom Folder/
        ├── mq_debug.z64
        └── debug.z64

If you are running the python files manually

You will have to worry about what python packages you have installed. You have the option of either creating a Python VENV to contain the external packages or you can just install the packages to your main version of Python.

This line will install the required packages to your main version of Python. If using a VENV just enter the VENV and run this.

pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the command line application go to the folder you have downloaded the app and type:

python --help

Some examples of commands you can type:

python --sohDir [path to SOH folder]

will set the path to the folder that contains all of your SOH Versions.

python --run 8-0-0

This will run the soh.exe/soh.appimage found in the 8-0-0 folder.

If you have a pre-bundled Harbor Version

To run the command line application go to the folder you have downloaded the app and type:

./main --help

If all is working fine this should show you a list of available commands. For example:

./main --sohDir [path to SOH folder]

will set the path to the folder that contains all of your SOH Versions.

./main --run 8-0-0

This will run the soh.exe/soh.appimage found in the 8-0-0 folder.

How to Build

This project is built in Python so you must have a version of Python (try for a recent one) installed. So clone the git repo:

git clone
cd Harbor

I recommend using a Python VENV to contain the dependances of the project. This line will make a new VENV in the same Directory as the Harbor folder.

python -m venv ../HarborVenv

Next we have to add the dependancies to the VENV. First enter the VENV, then add the dependances using the requirements.txt file.

source ../HarborVenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then all you have to do is build the project using PyInstaller while in the VENV.

pyinstaller -F

This should create a .spec file. Any other time you have to build the project you can just type instead:

pyinstaller main.spec

In your project folder this should have created a dist folder. The build application is in this folder. You should be all setup to edit and run/build the project.

./main --help