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Smart Titles for Rails

Provides really convenient way to set up page titles in Rails application.

To specify the page title just add the following line to your view:

<%= title "Smart Title" %>

This will set up the page title for a browser window and also return the title in <h1> tag. If you don't want to display it inside the page simply remove an equality sign:

<% title "Title for a browser window" %>
<h1>Different title for the page</h1>

The gem uses Semantic Versioning. It works with Rails 3.1 and higher.


Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'smart_titles', '~> 0.3.0'

And run:

bundle install


Insert head_title inside the <title> tag in your layout:

<title><%= head_title "Default title" %></title>

The default title is displayed only if you haven't specified title in your view.

With Internationalization

It is easy to translate titles using built-in Rails I18n.

      title: Default title
      title: All pages
      title: Create a page

And then you should just call title without any arguments.

<%= title %>

The same goes for head_title:

<title><%= head_title %></title>

Note that you have to call title even if you don't output it.

<% title %>

Dynamic titles are set as usual:

<%= title @page.title %>

Title Template

If you want to add your website name to all of your titles just add title_template translation

      title: The Coolest Store
      title_template: %{title} from the Coolest Store
      title: Products

And now products#index page will have "Products from the Coolest Store" browser's title. However, <%= title %> will still output <h1>Products</h1>.



Compatibility with I18n 0.7 & Rails 4.2.


Compatibility with new I18n.


This update fixes XSS vulnerability introduced in 0.3.2. H1 tag returned by "title" would skip HTML-escaping. Your app is affected if you include untrusted user input in the title and output the tag:

<%= title post.title %>
<%= title "My blog - #{post.title}" %>

Not affected:

<% title post.title %> - no output
<%= title %> - if your categories are not edited by users

You are advised to upgrade. Alternatively, you can downgrade to 0.3.1 or below. Versions affected: 0.3.2, 0.4.0.


The website title and template translations can now be scoped by layout. Example:

    title: My Website
    title_template: "%{title} - My Website"
    title: Web Admin

Also, this prevents h1 from showing default title when translation is missing if you use cascading I18n backend. The old-style global translations still do work.


Page title is no longer double-escaped.


  • Important change in the documentation: you have to call title with no arguments when you want to use translated title.
  • Fixed bug when head_title returned default title even if there was a custom title in locale.
  • Added actual Railtie class for reliable integration. This fixes a problem when sometimes helper wasn't included for some reason.
  • Internal changes that you probably don't care about.
    • There are now only 2 public helper methods: title and head_title.
    • All helper methods are documented.
    • Missing translation is now detected more safely.


  • page_title renamed to head_title.
  • Added support for :title_template translation


  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


Created by Semyon Perepelitsa. Distributed under MIT license. See License.txt for further details.