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This directory contains sample Nephio controllers for Network Function deployment


There are three controllers for this package:

  1. nfdeployment controller: processes NfDeployment custom resources (CR), mainly for high-level user intent which specifies the target cluster to deploy a NF for a specified vendor and version. The output of this controller is creation of vendor package which contains resource requirements, and a NF type common package.

  2. nfresource controller: processes NfResource CRs --- per NF instance: which specifies the infrastructure resource needs for this NF

  3. upf controller: processes Upf CRs --- per UPF instance: this CR specifies the UPF related deployment configurations

Getting Started

The prerequisite for running these controllers are the same as those specified by Nephio PoC. There are two repositories created via the PoC instruction: catalog and deployment. In the catalog repo, we will need two dummy packages: one for NF vendor specific resource and one for UPF.For now, the content of the UPF package is irrelevant, but free5gc package needs some NF defaults, such package can be found here. Note the name of these packages via

$ ~/kpt alpha rpkg get

Also, another dummy package is also needed at the deployment repo to clone for edge cluster package.

These controllers all run on Nephio management cluster. The instruction for installing Nephio management cluster (server) components can be found here.

Loading the CRDs

Once the server components are installed, we then need to install the set of CRDs to your cluster. On the nephio-nf-controllers directory, do:

make install

Once this is done, we should see the following CRDs loaded on the mgmt cluster:

$ kubectl get crds | grep nephio               2022-10-28T06:49:20Z                 2022-10-28T06:49:21Z                      2022-10-28T06:49:21Z                  2022-10-28T06:49:21Z                        2022-10-28T06:49:22Z

Note: the information from the date/time column should vary for your output

The controllers expect to have at least two of the CRs specified, a baseconfig resource named "repo" and a UpfClass resource. Example can be found under the sample directory, look for baseconfig.yaml for RepoConfig resource and upfclass.yaml for and example of UpfClass resource.

Verify these resources are created

$ kubectl get
repo   46m

$ kubectl get
NAME          AGE
upf-class-1   46m

Running the controllers

Run the controllers, under the nephio-nf-controllers directory, run:

make run

Note: These controllers will automatically use the current context in your kubeconfig file (i.e. whatever cluster kubectl cluster-info shows).

Specifying the NF deployment intent

First we specify your NF deployment intent, as an example:

kind: NfDeployment
  name: 5gc-deploy-test
    - id: free5gc-upf-1
      locationName: somewhere
      clusterName: nephio-edge-1
      nfKind: upf
      nfClassName: upf-class-1
      nfVendor: free5gc
      nfVersion: v3.1.1
      nfNamespace: upf-1

the specification above specifies a deployment of one instance of free5gc v3.1.1 UPF to cluster nephio-edge-1 and namespace upf-1 with class upf-class-1. We can simply apply this intent via:

kubectl apply -f nfdeploy.yaml

Deploy the NF

The result of applying NfDeployment resource is the creation of vendor package and a NF type (UPF in this case) specific package for each instance. For free5gc, the NfResource resource contains only Network Attachment Definition templates --- one for each of the Nx interfaces. The Upf package (auto-generated by controller) should contain the following:

kind: Upf
  name: free5gc-upf-1
  namespace: default
  parent: upf-class-1
  clustername: nephio-edge-1
  namespace: upf-1
    - ipv4Addr:
      - "YOUR_IPv4"
      gwv4addr: "YOUR_IPv4_GW"
    - ipv4Addr:
      - "YOUR_IPv4"
      gwv4addr: "YOUR_IPv4_GW"
          - "YOUR_IPv4"
          gwv4addr: "YOUR_IPv4_GW"
        ipaddrpool: "YOUR_IPv4_POOL"

The YOUR_XXX fields should be input by user afterward. Once the input for these packages are done, we can push the packages to deployment repo via

kpt alpha rpkg propose <NAD package> -ndefault
kpt alpha rpkg approve <NAD package> -ndefault

On the edge cluster, verify these NADs are loaded:

$ kubectl get network-attachment-definitions -n upf-1
NAME               AGE
free5gc-upf-1-n3   17s
free5gc-upf-1-n4   17s
free5gc-upf-1-n6   17s

then push the UPF package:

kpt alpha rpkg propose <UPF package> -ndefault
kpt alpha rpkg approve <UPF package> -ndefault

On the edge cluster, verify that UPF is running:

$ kubectl get all -n upf-1
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/free5gc-upf-1-78c67dc499-z7fk2   1/1     Running   0          11s

NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/free5gc-upf-1   1/1     1            1           11s

NAME                                       DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/free5gc-upf-1-78c67dc499   1         1         1       11s


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.