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G42 Cloud Python Software Development Kit (Python SDK)

The G42 Cloud Python SDK allows you to easily work with G42 Cloud services such as Elastic Compute Service (ECS) and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) without the need to handle API related tasks.

This document introduces how to obtain and use G42 Cloud Python SDK.


  • To use G42 Cloud Python SDK, you must have G42 Cloud account as well as the Access Key (AK) and Secret key (SK) of the G42 Cloud account. You can create an Access Key in the G42 Cloud console.

  • To use G42 Cloud Python SDK to access the APIs of specific service, please make sure you do have activated the service in G42 Cloud console if needed.

  • G42 Cloud Python SDK requires Python 3.3 or later, run command python --version to check the version of Python.

Install Python SDK

You could use pip or source code to install dependencies.

Individual Cloud Service

Take using VPC SDK for example, you need to install g42cloudsdkvpc library:

  • Use python pip
# Install the VPC management library
pip install g42cloudsdkvpc

Code example

  • The following example shows how to query a list of VPC in a specific region, you need to substitute your real {Service}Client for VpcClient in actual use.
  • Substitute the values for {your ak string}, {your sk string}, {your endpoint string} and {your project id}.
# coding: utf-8

from g42cloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials
from g42cloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions
from g42cloudsdkcore.http.http_config import HttpConfig

# import specified service library g42cloudsdk{service}, take vpc for example
from g42cloudsdkvpc.v2 import *

def list_vpc(client):
        request = ListVpcsRequest(limit=1)
        response = client.list_vpcs(request)
    except exceptions.ClientRequestException as e:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ak = "{your ak string}"
    sk = "{your sk string}"
    endpoint = "{your endpoint}"
    project_id = "{your project id}"

    config = HttpConfig.get_default_config()
    config.ignore_ssl_verification = True
    credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, project_id)

    vpc_client = VpcClient.new_builder() \
        .with_http_config(config) \
        .with_credentials(credentials) \
        .with_endpoint(endpoint) \



Detailed changes for each released version are documented in the

User Manual πŸ”

1. Client Configuration πŸ”

1.1 Default Configuration πŸ”

from g42cloudsdkcore.http.http_config import HttpConfig

#  Use default configuration
config = HttpConfig.get_default_config()

1.2 Network Proxy πŸ”

# Use Proxy if needed
config.proxy_protocol = 'http'
config.proxy_host = ''
config.proxy_port = 80
config.proxy_user = 'username'
config.proxy_password = 'password'

1.3 Timeout Configuration πŸ”

# The default connection timeout is 60 seconds, the default read timeout is 120 seconds
# Set the connection timeout and read timeout to 120 seconds
config.timeout = 120
# Set the connection timeout to 60 seconds and the read timeout to 120 seconds
config.timeout = (60, 120)

1.4 SSL Certification πŸ”

# Skip SSL certifaction checking while using https protocol if needed
config.ignore_ssl_verification = True
# Configure the server's CA certificate for the SDK to verify the legitimacy of the server
config.ssl_ca_cert = ssl_ca_cert

2. Credentials Configuration πŸ”

There are two types of G42 Cloud services, regional services and global services.

Global services contain IAM.

For regional services' authentication, projectId is required to initialize BasicCredentials.

For global services' authentication, domainId is required to initialize GlobalCredentials.

The following authentications are supported:

  • permanent AK&SK
  • temporary AK&SK + SecurityToken

2.1 Use Permanent AK&SK πŸ”

Parameter description:

  • ak is the access key ID for your account.
  • sk is the secret access key for your account.
  • project_id is the ID of your project depending on your region which you want to operate.
  • domain_id is the account ID of G42 Cloud.
# Regional services
basic_credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, project_id)

# Global services
global_credentials = GlobalCredentials(ak, sk, domain_id)

2.2 Use Temporary AK&SK πŸ”

It's required to obtain temporary AK&SK and security token first, which could be obtained through permanent AK&SK or through an agency.

Parameter description:

  • ak is the access key ID for your account.
  • sk is the secret access key for your account.
  • security_token is the security token when using temporary AK/SK.
  • project_id is the ID of your project depending on your region which you want to operate.
  • domain_id is the account ID of G42 Cloud.

After the temporary AK&SK&SecurityToken is successfully obtained, you can use the following example to initialize the authentication:

# Regional services
basic_credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, project_id).with_security_token(security_token)

# Global services
global_credentials = GlobalCredentials(ak, sk, domain_id).with_security_token(security_token)

3. Client Initialization πŸ”

3.1 Initialize the {Service}Client with specified Endpoint πŸ”

# Specify the endpoint, take the endpoint of VPC service in region of cn-north-4 for example
endpoint = ""

# Initialize the credentials, you should provide project_id or domain_id in this way, take initializing BasicCredentials for example
basic_credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, project_id)

# Initialize specified service client instance, take initializing the regional service VPC's VpcClient for example
client = VpcClient.new_builder() \
    .with_http_config(config) \
    .with_credentials(basic_credentials) \
    .with_endpoint(endpoint) \

4. Send Requests and Handle Responses πŸ”

# Initialize a request and print response, take interface of ListVpcs for example
request = ListVpcsRequest(limit=1)

response = client.list_vpcs(request)

4.1 Exceptions πŸ”

Level 1 Notice Level 2 Notice
ConnectionException Connection error HostUnreachableException Host is not reachable
SslHandShakeException SSL certification error
RequestTimeoutException Request timeout CallTimeoutException timeout for single request
RetryOutageException no response after retrying
ServiceResponseException service response error ServerResponseException server inner error, http status code: [500,]
ClientRequestException invalid request, http status code: [400? 500)
# handle exceptions
    request = ListVpcsRequest(limit=1)
    response = client.list_vpcs(request)
except exception.ServiceResponseException as e:

4.2 Get Response Object πŸ”

The default response format of each request is json string, if you want to obtain the response object, the Python SDK supports using method to_json_object() to get it.

request = ListVpcsRequest(limit=1)
# original response json string
response = client.list_vpcs(request)
# response object
response_obj = response.to_json_object()

Notice: This method is only supported in version 3.0.34-rc or later.

5. Use Asynchronous Client πŸ”

# Initialize asynchronous client, take VpcAsyncClient for example
client = VpcAsyncClient.new_builder() \
    .with_http_config(config) \
    .with_credentials(basic_credentials) \
    .with_endpoint(endpoint) \

# send asynchronous request
request = ListVpcsRequest(limit=1)
response = client.list_vpcs_async(request)

# get asynchronous response

6. Troubleshooting πŸ”

SDK supports Access log and Debug log which could be configured manually.

6.1 Access Log πŸ”

SDK supports print access log which could be enabled by manual configuration, the log could be output to the console or specified files.

Initialize specified service client instance, take VpcClient for example:

client = VpcClient.new_builder() \
    .with_http_config(config) \
    .with_credentials(basic_credentials) \
    .with_endpoint(endpoint) \
    .with_file_log(path="test.log", log_level=logging.INFO) \  # Write log files
    .with_stream_log(log_level=logging.INFO) \                 # Write log to console


  • with_file_log:
    • path means log file path.
    • log_level means log level, default is INFO.
    • max_bytes means size of single log file, the default value is 10485760 bytes.
    • backup_count means count of log file, the default value is 5.
  • with_stream_log:
    • stream means stream object, the default value is sys.stdout.
    • log_level means log level, the default value is INFO.

After enabled log, the SDK will print the access log by default, every request will be recorded to the console like:

2020-06-16 10:44:02,019 4568 G42Cloud-SDK 28 INFO "GET" 200 11 0:00:00.543430 b5c927ffdab8401e772e70aa49972037

The format of access log is:

%(asctime)s %(thread)d %(name)s %(filename)s %(lineno)d %(levelname)s %(message)s

6.2 Original HTTP Listener πŸ”

In some situation, you may need to debug your http requests, original http request and response information will be needed. The SDK provides a listener function to obtain the original encrypted http request and response information.

⚠️ Warning: The original http log information is used in debugging stage only, please do not print the original http header or body in the production environment. These log information is not encrypted and contains sensitive data such as the password of your ECS virtual machine, or the password of your IAM user account, etc. When the response body is binary content, the body will be printed as "***" without detailed information.

import logging
from g42cloudsdkcore.http.http_handler import HttpHandler

def response_handler(**kwargs):
    logger = kwargs.get("logger")
    response = kwargs.get("response")
    request = response.request

    base = "> Request %s %s HTTP/1.1" % (request.method, request.path_url) + "\n"
    if len(request.headers) != 0:
        base = base + "> Headers:" + "\n"
        for each in request.headers:
            base = base + "    %s : %s" % (each, request.headers[each]) + "\n"
    base = base + "> Body: %s" % request.body + "\n\n"

    base = base + "< Response HTTP/1.1 %s " % response.status_code + "\n"
    if len(response.headers) != 0:
        base = base + "< Headers:" + "\n"
        for each in response.headers:
            base = base + "    %s : %s" % (each, response.headers[each],) + "\n"
    base = base + "< Body: %s" % response.content

if __name__ == "__main__":
    client = VpcClient.new_builder() \
        .with_http_config(config) \
        .with_credentials(basic_credentials) \
        .with_stream_log(log_level=logging.DEBUG) \
        .with_http_handler(HttpHandler().add_response_handler(response_handler)) \
        .with_endpoint(endpoint) \


HttpHandler supports method add_request_handler and add_response_handler.

7. Upload and download files πŸ”

Take the interface CreateImageWatermark of the service Data Security Center as an example, this interface needs to upload an image file and return the watermarked image file stream:

# coding: utf-8
from g42cloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials
from g42cloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions
from g42cloudsdkcore.http.http_config import HttpConfig
from g42cloudsdkcore.http.formdata import FormFile
from g42cloudsdkservice.v1 import *

def upload_and_download_file(client):

        request = UploadFileRequest()
        # Open the file in mode "rb", create a Formfile object.
        image_file = FormFile(open("demo.jpg", "rb"))
        body = UploadFileRequestBody(file=image_file, file_name="rename.jpg")
        request.body = body
        response = client.upload_file(request)
        # Define the method of downloading files.
        def save(stream):
            with open("result.jpg", "wb") as f:
        # Download the file.
    except exceptions.ClientRequestException as e:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ak = "{your ak string}"
    sk = "{your sk string}"
    endpoint = "{your endpoint}"
    project_id = "{your project id}"
    config = HttpConfig.get_default_config()
    config.ignore_ssl_verification = True
    credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, project_id)
    service_client = ServiceClient.new_builder() \
        .with_http_config(config) \
        .with_credentials(credentials) \
        .with_endpoint(endpoint) \
