From 9c527a8478b60151a0a3d50d416a5c7461c58e1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Scott Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 02:12:45 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] feat: update creatures with latest data from aonprd (#47) --- src/webui/public/creatures.json | 15225 +----------------------------- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 15224 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/webui/public/creatures.json b/src/webui/public/creatures.json index 3efcb56..8a4b303 100644 --- a/src/webui/public/creatures.json +++ b/src/webui/public/creatures.json @@ -1,15224 +1 @@ -{ - "creatures": [ - { - "name": "Aapoph Serpentfolk", - "family": "Serpentfolk", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Mutant", "Serpentfolk"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "799", - "lore": "Aapoph SerpentfolkAapophs possess greater strength and stronger venom than their zyss kin, but they lack zyss' intelligence and innate magic. Unlike their selfish superiors, aapophs are communal and group together to hunt, wrestle, and sleep curled together in pits. Though they're looked down upon and insulted by zyss, most aapophs lack the higher brain functions to recognize when they're being insulted, much less plan or execute a rebellion. Aapophs often have unusual physical mutations—horns, vestigial tails, or spines protruding from their scales—yet these variations have little impact on their overall combat prowess— and combat prowess is the measure by which zyss judge them.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 20Aapoph Serpentfolk" - }, - { - "name": "Aasimar", - "family": "Planar Scion", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aasimar", "Human", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "333", - "lore": "AasimarMortals whose ancestry has been influenced by celestials are known as aasimars, and angelkin, who have blood of angels coursing through their veins, are among the most common type of them. Many angelkin seek adventure as a means of doing good in the world.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 20Aasimar Redeemer" - }, - { - "name": "Abandoned Zealot", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit,Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1033", - "lore": "Abandoned ZealotOnce devout followers whose faith proved false, abandoned zealots return from the doorstep of the afterlife after being denied the eternal reward they expected. Consumed by self-loathing for the lives they squandered to false faiths and empty creeds, these lost souls serve as terrifying and implacable—yet ultimately pathetic—foes. A shapeless mass of smoke and shadow coils behind their broken masks. As abandoned zealots move, they spit and shriek a hateful cacophony of bitter lamentations and anguished weeping. Abandoned zealots are most commonly associated with the church of Razmir, which upholds a mortal wizard as a god—a truth unknown to most worshippers. However, abandoned zealots might arise from a true religion if they've been misled about that faith's true tenets or aims. This situation could easily result from the cruel schemes and predations of sinister beings, such as shrine skelms and the blasphemous devils known as deimavigga.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 22Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 22Unspecific Lore: DC 20Specific Lore: DC 17Abandoned ZealotSource Bestiary 3 pg. 8Perception +14; darkvision, lifesense 60 feet, sense apostateLanguagesCommon, NecrilSkillsAcrobatics +14, Boneyard Lore +12, Intimidation +14, Religion +12, Stealth +16Str -5Dex +4Con +0Int +2Wis +2Cha +4Sense Apostate (detection, divination, divine) An abandoned zealot can sense the presence and direction of false priests within 500 feet of them. Lead or running water blocks this sense.---AC 22 Fort +10 Ref +14 Will +16 +1 status to all saves vs. divine and positiveHP 75(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconsciousResistancesall damage 5 (except force, _ghost touch_, or positive, double resistance against non-magical)Anathematic Aversion (emotion, fear, mental) If they encounter a priest of their former faith, an abandoned zealot must attempt a Will save against the highest spell DC among those priests, or the highest Will DC if none of them can cast spells. The zealot attempts this saving throw only once per minute, even if more priests arrive later. Critical Success The abandoned zealot spends their reaction to Stride directly toward a priest of their former faith. For 1 minute, the abandoned zealot's hand of despair deals one additional damage die against priests of the creature's former faith. Success The abandoned zealot spends their reaction to Stride directly toward a priest of their former faith. Failure The abandoned zealot becomes frightened 1 and gains the fleeing condition until the end of their next turn. Critical Failure As failure, but frightened 2.Elegy of the Faithless(abjuration, divine, mental) Trigger A divine spell is cast within 30 feet of the abandoned zealot; Effect The abandoned zealot howls an elegy of regret, forcing the spellcaster to attempt a DC 22 Will save, or DC 24 if the caster is a member of the zealot's former faith. On a failure, the elegy disrupts the spell.---Speed fly 40 feetMeleehand of despair +16 (Finesse, Magical),Damage 2d10+4 negative plus rend faithDivine Innate Spells DC 24- 4thCrisis of Faith- 6thZealous Conviction (self only)Rend FaithWhen hit by an abandoned zealot's hand of despair, a creature capable of divine spellcasting or with divinely granted abilities must succeed at a DC 24 Will save or be unable to use those spells or abilities until the end of its next turn.Liturgies of the LostA particular form of abandoned zealot appears near the Starstone Cathedral in the city of Absalom. Mortals who fail to reach divinity through the Test of the _Starstone_ perish and arise as these wrathful undead, despising other aspirants." - }, - { - "name": "Abrikandilu", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1110", - "lore": "Abrikandilu (Wrecker Demon)Wrecker demons, also known as abrikandilus, despise beautiful things and do everything in their power to destroy both people and objects regarded as such. An abrikandilu forms from the souls mortals who were vandals, misanthropes, or defacers of artwork, particularly if their destructive actions stemmed from feelings of powerful envy. An abrikandilu loathes only one thing more than beauty: their own visage. The mere sight of their face—reflected in a mirror, a shield, or even a pool of water— can send a wrecker demon into a rage. Many demon slayers leverage tactic to their advantage, venturing into battle with polished steel shields and cold iron blades at the ready.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14AbrikandiluSource Bestiary 3 pg. 61, Pathfinder #151: The Show Must Go On pg. 81Perception +10; darkvisionLanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAthletics +12, Intimidation +8Str +4Dex +1Con +3Int -2Wis +2Cha +0---AC 19 Fort +15 Ref +9 Will +7 HP 70Weaknessescold iron 5, good 5Hatred of Mirrors An abrikandilu loathes the sight of their reflection. When a creature Interacts with a mirror within sight of the wrecker demon, the demon takes a –2 penalty to Will saves against Intimidation checks. An abrikandilu that ends their turn adjacent to a mirror or that's attacked by a creature holding a mirror takes 1d6 mental damage (this usually leads abrikandilus to focus their efforts on destroying nearby mirrors using Wreck).---Speed 25 feetMeleeclaw +14 (Agile),Damage 2d6+4 slashingMeleejaws +14,Damage 3d6+4 piercing plus mutilating biteRangedhurled debris +11 (range increment 20 feet),Damage 2d6+4 bludgeoningDivine Innate Spells DC 20- 2ndFear (×2)Rituals DC 20- 1stAbyssal PactMutilating Bite(Curse, Divine, Necromancy) When the abrikandilu hits a creature with a jaws Strike, the creature must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or become physically mutilated. The creature then takes a –1 status penalty to Charisma-based checks. This penalty is cumulative up to –3 and remains even if the wounds are healed. The penalty is reduced by 1 every 24 hours until it reaches 0.WreckThe abrikandilu makes two claw Strikes against an unattended object or held mirror. Held mirrors use the holding character's AC. If both Strikes hit, combine their damage for the purpose of overcoming any Hardness or resistance. These Strikes don't count toward the abrikandilu's multiple attack penalty, nor does that penalty apply to these Strikes.Demons of VandalismIt is a strange irony that abrikandilus despise all works of artistry, yet without the objects of their jealousy they would have nothing to rage at but themselves." - }, - { - "name": "Abrikandilu (Wrecker Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "499", - "lore": "Abrikandilu (Wrecker Demon)Wrecker demons, also known as abrikandilus, despise beautiful things and do everything in their power to destroy both people and objects that might be regarded as such. An abrikandilu forms from the soul of a mortal who in life was a vandal or defacer of artworks, particularly if those acts of destruction stemmed from feelings of powerful envy. The only thing an abrikandilu loathes more than beauty is its own visage. The mere sight of its own face—reflected in a mirror, a shield, or even a pool of water—is enough to send a wrecker demon into a rage. Many demon slayers use this tactic to their advantage, venturing into battle with polished steel shields and cold iron blades at the ready.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 19Abrikandilu" - }, - { - "name": "Adachros", - "family": "Ennosite", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Astral", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Astral", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1149", - "lore": "AdachrosWhen a nascent demiplane fails to coalesce, its quintessence sometimes collapses into an adachros, a dangerous entity that combines overwhelming mental potential with no exposure to alternate viewpoints. Some of these megalomaniacal beings are tyrants, creating illusory kingdoms populated by abducted creatures forced to validate the creator's views. A more altruistic adachros might seek out pupils to reeducate and advise—though often without their consent—while always pushing their students to accept whatever unique philosophy was involved in their creation. An adachros might abandon disciples who spurn them, but more often, they become a bitter enemy, intent on destroying the perceived heretics.Recall Knowledge - Astral(Occultism): DC 33Unspecific Lore: DC 31Specific Lore: DC 28AdachrosSource Bestiary 3 pg. 95Perception +22; thoughtsense (imprecise) 120 feetLanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Infernal, Protean, Requian, Utopian; telepathy 120 feetSkillsAthletics +25, Deception +25, Intimidation +27, Lore +28, Occultism +22Str +6Dex +2Con +5Int +5Wis +5Cha +8Thoughtsense (divination, mental, occult) The adachros senses all non-mindless creatures at the listed range.---AC 34 Fort +24 Ref +21 Will +26 HP 225Resistancesmental 15Self-Absorbed The adachros denies any version of reality but their own. If they begin their turn under an enchantment or illusion effect, they immediately attempt to counteract one such effect with a counteract modifier of +23, even if the effect prevents the adachros from acting.Splinter SycophantTrigger The adachros takes 25 or more bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage; Effect The attack breaks off part of the adachros's body. This fragment reshapes and animates into an ioton with the minion trait under the adachros's control. The ioton sycophant can't move more than 120 feet from the adachros and crumbles after 1 minute. If the adachros gives it no other commands, the ioton sycophant spends its turn praising the adachros and affirming the adachros's infallibility; this grants the adachros 4d6 temporary Hit Points that last for as long as the ioton sycophant exists, and a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, Perception checks, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 round.---Speed 40 feet, fly 40 feetMeleefist +27 (Agile, Magical, versatile P),Damage 3d10+14 bludgeoningRangedpsychic shard +27 (Magical, range increment 60 feet),Damage 3d8+14 piercingOccult Innate Spells DC 33- Cantrips (7th)Daze, Detect Magic- 5thHallucinatory Terrain (×3)- 6thHallucination (×2), Illusory Scene, Modify Memory, Zealous Conviction- 7thReverse GravityFatal Fantasia(Illusion, Mental) An adachros's melee and ranged Strikes gain the fatal d12 trait against any creature affected by the adachros's enchantment or illusion spells, including creatures in the area of a _hallucinatory terrain_ that haven't disbelieved the effect.Unreliable AlliesTo an adachros, every event contorts to support its paradigm or is fake. Clever sycophants can coax one into an alliance by framing a request as a way of furthering their goals. These alliances are fraught, however. Once an adachros discovers the ruse or twists the request, they become an implacable foe." - }, - { - "name": "Adamantine Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "243", - "lore": "Adamantine GolemCrafted from a nigh-indestructible metal of great rarity, adamantine golems can’t be destroyed except by the most powerful foes. Crafting an adamantine golem requires a quantity of adamantine so massive that collecting it usually requires mounting a mining expedition to a distant planet, the Plane of Earth, or an Outer Plane.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 43Adamantine Golem" - }, - { - "name": "Adhukait", - "family": "Asura", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Asura", "Fiend", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1070", - "lore": "AdhukaitTwice as disciplined as a monk and twice as deadly as a warrior, an adhukait is the ultimate perversion of duality, two spiked asura warriors impaled together to form one ferocious, incredibly efficient killing machine. An adhukait's two heads, two hearts, and two minds rarely work as one—except to maim or kill. Even adhukaits' origin contains not one but two stories. Some believe they were created when two godlike brigands attempted to raid a celestial hall and had their bodies crushed together and thrown down from the heavens. Another legend states two asura twins once challenged a great warrior to duel them in turn. When they attacked him together, he was so enraged he slammed one into the other so hard that they were fused together from that day forth. Adhukaits are among the most elite asura warriors, making up for what they lack in spellcraft with sheer viciousness and single-minded pursuit of inflicting pain.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18AdhukaitSource Bestiary 3 pg. 22Perception +15; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Infernal; telepathy 30 feetSkillsAcrobatics +15, Athletics +19, Intimidation +15, Performance +15, Stealth +15Str +6Dex +4Con +4Int +2Wis +2Cha +4ItemsKukri (4)---AC 25 all-around visionFort +15 Ref +17 Will +13 HP 130ImmunitiescursesWeaknessesgood 5Attack of OpportunityDual MindTrigger The adhukait fails a saving throw against a mental effect; Effect The adhukait shunts the effect into one of their minds, rendering them temporarily insensible. They change their result to a success, but one of their bodies hangs limply until the end of their next turn. During this time, the adhukait is clumsy 2; takes a –10- foot circumstance penalty to their Speed; and can't use Dual Mind, Dual Opportunity, or Dance of Destruction.Dual Opportunity The adhukait gains a second reaction each round they can use only to make an Attack of Opportunity.---Speed 40 feetMeleekukri +18 (Agile, Trip),Damage 1d6+9 slashing plus 2d6 persistent bleed and 1d4 evilMeleeclaw +18 (Agile),Damage 1d6+9 slashing and 1d4 evilDance of DestructionRequirements The adhukait's last action was a Strike that dealt damage; Effect The adhukait Strides up to 10 feet and Strikes." - }, - { - "name": "Adlet", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Cold", "Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1054", - "lore": "AdletAdlets dwell in the farthest, harshest reaches of the Crown of the World. At first glance, these isolated people look much like their Erutaki human cousins; they typically have terra-cotta skin, straight black hair, and compact, powerful builds. However, adlets tend to be taller and more sinewy than their human kin. Up close, adlets' strangeness reveals itself—each sports a maw full of wolflike teeth. Their legs and tail resemble that of a dog. Adlets' legends say that long ago, a mighty hunter lost his way far from home and came upon a house of whalebone and ice. A woman dressed in white fox furs greeted him, fed him, and tended to his frostbite. In time, they married and had 10 children, five of whom bore the legs and tails of foxes. These children stayed with their mother, while the other five—born with the legs and tails of wolves— traveled with their father back to the human lands and became the first adlets. Adlets aren't inherently evil, but their culture is warlike, xenophobic, and noticeably lacking in humility. They see themselves as the natural rulers of the arctic wastes and view everyone else as squatters at best and invaders at worst. A typical adlet is stronger and faster than any mundane human, with the ability to walk naked in a blizzard and call up ice-cold mists. Given that, it's little wonder that adlets have developed something of a superiority complex. Still, while adlet raids are a common problem for travelers in the Crown of the World, a handful of wily and intrepid merchants have forged peaceful relations with certain adlet communities along more common routes.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 27Unspecific Lore: DC 25Specific Lore: DC 22AdletSource Bestiary 3 pg. 9Perception +18; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesAdlet, CommonSkillsAcrobatics +20, Athletics +21, Stealth +20, Survival +18Str +5Dex +6Con +4Int +0Wis +4Cha +0Items_+1 striking spear_ (2)---AC 30 Fort +20 Ref +22 Will +16 HP 180ImmunitiescoldWeaknessesfire 10Wolfstorm (aura, cold, evocation, primal) 60 feet. A clammy, frigid mist billows forth ahead of the adlet. Creatures within the mist become concealed, and creatures outside the mist become concealed to creatures within it. An adlet can see through the aura without penalty.Avenging BiteTrigger A creature within reach of an adlet's jaws Strike attacks one of the adlet's allies; Effect The adlet makes a jaws Strike against the triggering creature.---Speed 40 feetMelee_spear_ +20 (Magical),Damage 2d6+9 piercing plus 1d6 coldMeleejaws +19,Damage 2d8+9 slashing plus 1d6 coldRangedspear +21 (Magical, thrown 20 feet),Damage 2d6+9 piercing plus 1d6 coldFrozen Weapons(Evocation) Weapons wielded by an adlet gain the effect of the _frost_ property rune.Pack AttackAn adlet's Strikes deal an additional 2d6 damage to creatures that are within the reach of at least two of the adlet's allies.Wolfrime(Cold, Concentrate, Evocation, Primal) An adlet's mist turns biting cold and coalesces into a thick rime of frost that deals 6d6 cold damage to creatures inside the adlet's wolfstorm aura (DC 26 basic Fortitude), and the aura is deactivated until the start of the adlet's next turn.Lost CousinsLegends about adlets' origins suggest they might have fox-like kin. Some believe these kin are kitsune, while others point to the more powerful vulpinals as more likely progenitors." - }, - { - "name": "Adult Black Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Black", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Acid", "Amphibious", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "128", - "lore": "Adult Black DragonMurderous tyrants of marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens, black dragons terrorize their domains with intense fervor. Gleefully sadistic, they rule their fetid principalities from a deep cave or otherwise isolated part of the swamp with a mix of lightning-quick raids and subterfuge. Their hatred for other creatures is as acidic as their breath weapons, and they rarely tolerate even other dragons of their kind—except perhaps to mate or temporarily collaborate to take down a mutual enemy. Black dragons are amphibious—although they breathe air, their gills also allow them to breathe water. Their frills and fins make them accomplished swimmers, well suited to their wetland environments and submerged lairs. They’re immune to the fetid water that comes as a result of their magical ability to corrupt water. Black dragon lairs are as foul as their souls. The floors are littered with rotting meat, and plundered treasures line the muck and slime of their dank caves amid twisted roots and creepers. Such places are often crawling with pests, snakes, and slimes. Though they claim natural caverns when they can, they make do with areas of dense, twisted vegetation within a swamp. Black dragon treasure hoards primarily consist of gems and expensive glass work, as valuables of softer substance can’t survive the dragon’s acidic presence.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 28Adult Black Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Blue Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Blue", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "131", - "lore": "Adult Blue DragonBlue dragons are the sleek and poised cosmopolitans of the chromatic dragons. Their brand of evil is organized, manipulative, and regal. Blue dragons often lair near or within cities and set out to bend the population to their will and gather hordes of servants. These dragons love spinning webs of conspiracy. A blue dragon’s lackeys typically don’t even realize that they serve a dragon, but instead think the protection money, tariffs, or taxes they are amassing is treasure for a cruel but legitimate master. In some ways, blue dragons even see their servants as a living hoard and value them like treasure. These dragons have been known to use these tactics even with their own chromatic cousins. Not all blue dragons work clandestinely. Some lord over desert tribes and hill people like vengeful gods, demanding both tribute and worship. No matter how blue dragons manage their underlings, their bearing is regal and their lairs palatial; they’re universally intolerant of insubordination, incompetence, and embezzlement, and punish perpetrators with murderous efficiency. Blue dragons are also known for their use and mastery of illusion magic. They make use of illusions to augment their manipulations and bewilder their foes in battle. Blue dragons also have some control over water, but use this ability to destroy water, something quite dangerous for those who encounter them in their desert lairs. The ideal lair for a blue dragon contains multiple passages, rooms, and secret chambers. As social creatures, blue dragons prefer to host guests in comfort—but their dwellings should not be so public that just anyone can come calling. A force of guards keeps out intruders, and clever illusions conceal the edifice from prying eyes. Rather than a pile of coins or gems, a blue dragon’s true hoard is the rich furnishings in its citadel— expensive art, ornate furniture, and architectural marvels.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 31Adult Blue Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Brass Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Brass", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "143", - "lore": "Adult Brass DragonBrass dragons are whimsical tricksters who delight in humor and play. They particularly enjoy conversations with humans and other civilized humanoids, delighting in the naive customs of these diminutive races without showing them haughtiness or scorn. While they may seem merely curious, brass dragons engage in this sort of conversation with the goal of keeping up to date on regional politics so they can anticipate future conflicts. Along the way, they create extensive information networks that begin with their own allies but stretch across all levels of humanoid society—networks which the brass dragon then uses to subtly assist settlements near their lair. Unlike the schemes and manipulations of blue dragons, brass dragons use their informant networks to establish justice and equality. These carefree dragons value independence and feel that all creatures deserve to live as they please, provided they don’t harm others. They are emotional creatures and tend to have short attention spans, sometimes falling victim to depression in their twilight years. To combat this, some brass dragons keep pets and houseplants that they can care for. Though they may seem childlike in their curiosity concerning mortal affairs, a brass dragon’s prowess in battle is no laughing matter. A brass dragon whose territory or allies are threatened is a terrifying foe indeed, quick to shed their innocent guise and unleash their terrifying might upon evildoers. Most brass dragons live in desert climates, and while they keep their lairs hidden, they often build near humanoid settlements.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 28Adult Brass Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Brine Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Brine", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "622", - "lore": "Adult Brine DragonBrine dragons are usually blue-green in color, with shiny scales, crests that help them glide through the water, and sweeping neck frills. They care little for either good or evil. As they are both opinionated and willing to impose their sense of order on others, many brine dragons eventually seek to rule over a meticulously crafted community. These communities are orderly and well-planned, with rigid standards of courtesy and unchanging laws set down by the dragon themself. A settlement seeded by a brine dragon can be made of members of almost any ancestry, but the most common inhabitants are humans, merfolk, tengus, or sahuagin.Depending on the dragon's personality, their community members might view their brine dragon ruler as anything from a benevolent force of order to a fearful tyrant. Regardless, the typical brine dragon has little patience for kindness or philanthropy, and the strength and health of their settlement as a whole are of greater concern than individuals' well-being. A notable exception to this dispassion rises when an outside force encroaches on their lands. In these cases, the brine dragon is quick to step in and aid in the defense of their community.Although brine dragons enjoy cultivating settlements, they rarely make their lairs within the city limits, instead preferring to dwell in sea caves or cliffside grottoes overlooking the coastline. Here they can retreat for privacy as needed, or can accumulate and display their gathered wealth in a place where they feel safe spreading out their treasures. Brine dragon hoards often consist of a mix of offerings and taxes paid by those they rule over and strange discoveries salvaged from sunken ships.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 32Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 32Adult Brine Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Bronze Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Bronze", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "146", - "lore": "Adult Bronze DragonBronze dragons are among the most common of metallic dragons and the most likely to ally with mortals on worthy quests. However, they are naturally scholarly creatures who would rather remain in their lairs studying esoteric lore than go off on a wild adventure. These aloof and stoic dragons also act as preservationists, guarding storehouses of ancient lore from destruction or perversion. Bronze dragons are principled and protective, but while their silver cousins are quick to crusade for justice, bronze dragons prefer to find an important location worthy of their protection and guard it against any attack or unwelcome intrusion. Bronze dragons’ mastery over water and affinity for electricity means they are a boon to sailors caught in thunderstorms. A bronze dragon’s enemies quickly discover neither cloudy sky nor turbulent sea provides shelter from their wrath. Bronze dragons lair along shorelines, often in partially submerged sea caves. While all dragons keep hoards of treasure, the hoard of a bronze dragon more resembles a vast library—with the shelves kept carefully above the waterline, of course. In addition to their collections of esoteric lore, bronze dragons keep treasures associated with the sea, such as beautiful scrimshaw, flawless pearls, and equipment inlaid with mother-of-pearl and abalone shell.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 31Adult Bronze Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Cloud Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Cloud", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Air", "Dragon", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "625", - "lore": "Adult Cloud DragonAt heart, cloud dragons are wanderers, explorers, and travelers who enjoy nothing more than seeing new lands and meeting unusual creatures. Cloud dragons range in color from light blue to a pale, milky white and have thick, curling horns and rather short snouts. They keep lairs among the extreme altitudes of the highest mountain peaks but are away on their many journeys as often as they're at home. Cloud dragons spend long hours surveying the lands they fly over from great heights, but they are creatures of whim, making it hard to predict what will pique their curiosity and bring them winging down to converse or investigate something on the ground. Cloud dragons seldom perform acts of outright malice, but they are not often charitable either. A cloud dragon is as likely to simply pluck something they desire off the ground and fly away with it as they are to bargain fairly.A cloud dragon's ever-changing interests never seem to stray toward the complicated schemes and long-term plans of other dragons. These rovers are creatures of the moment, and although they are as mentally gifted as other true dragons, their interests remain in the here and now. Yet the cloud dragon's penchant for living in the moment is not a personality flaw—they're more than capable of anticipating long-term results of their actions and won't make foolish choices simply to pursue a current interest. At the same time, cloud dragons have little interest in worrying about the future and are as confident in their ability to handle tomorrow's problems as they are today's.Cloud dragon hoards tend to be well-guarded or well-hidden, as a natural result of their roving habits often taking them away from their lairs for extended periods. Their treasuries include a wide variety of items—they are driven to gather a broad range of prizes rather than collecting one type of item intensively. To a cloud dragon, a diversified hoard is a perfect hoard.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 34Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 34Adult Cloud Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Copper Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Copper", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "149", - "lore": "Adult Copper DragonCapricious and always eager to share a good laugh, copper dragons are among the wiliest of the metallic dragons, but this by no means interferes with their mission to spread freedom in oppressive lands. Copper dragons are hedonists who are quick to indulge in simple pleasures, but they’re also sympathetic to other creatures, slow to pass judgment, and careful to always examine a situation from as many perspectives as possible. This philosophy has its drawbacks, however, as copper dragons are susceptible to negative influences and prone to forgiving the less serious evil acts performed by their chromatic cousins and other cruel creatures. Copper dragons also have a difficult time keeping their temper in check once they are roused to anger. Copper dragons tend to lair in warm or temperate hills, but due to their nature, they move their lairs every few years. They sometimes live among other people, especially any dwarves who reside nearby. Some copper dragons even worship gods typically worshipped only by humanoids. Among these dragons, worship of Cayden Cailean is most popular, as they see his love of freedom and penchant for alcohol aligning with the typical copper dragon mindset. A copper dragon’s combat tactics are as unorthodox as its sense of humor, as it is more likely to use mockery and tricks than outright strength to win its battles. As a copper dragon ages, it perfects jokes capable of rendering its foes helpless with laughter.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 30Adult Copper Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Crystal Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Crystal", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "628", - "lore": "Adult Crystal DragonGood-natured but vain, crystal dragons are beautiful creatures with brilliant hides made of multicolored crystal and gemstone. Their beauty is a source of great pride but is also something of a weakness, as crystal dragons are easily angered by insults about their appearance. Despite their relatively benign natures when compared to other true dragons, crystal dragons can be short tempered and prone to finding insults where none were intended. Although their opinions are changeable, crystal dragons prefer orderly environments and are not fond of sudden interruptions or distractions.Crystal dragons build their lairs in underground grottoes, where they cultivate environments of great beauty. Their exacting standards and vivid imaginations mean that they are always working to improve the appearance or layout of some part of their lair. These lairs are unique to each individual crystal dragon, but there are always plenty of reflective surfaces that allow the dragon to observe their own appearance. These range from crystals to reflecting pools to finely crafted mirrors, which are arranged throughout the lair in a pleasing array. Gifts of well-crafted or magical mirrors are an excellent way to curry favor with a crystal dragon.Although crystal dragons are easily distracted by their sparkling collections or their vanity, they remain good-hearted creatures at the core and make friends quickly. While a crystal dragon tends to find evil creatures uncouth and unpleasant, any other nearby denizen or inhabitant of their home could become fast friends or beloved pets, depending upon the creature's capacity for conversation (and for providing the frequent praise and compliments that crystal dragons hunger for).Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 30Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 30Adult Crystal Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Forest Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Forest", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon,Plant", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Plant", "Uncommon", "Huge"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1123", - "lore": "Adult Forest DragonForest dragons oversee the endless growth of nature, protect it from plunder, and reclaim ruins for the wilderness. Some say these dragons jealously hoard nature's bounty for themselves while seeing everyone else who tries to benefit from nature as thieves and poachers. They loathe the progress of technology and civilization, preferring the company of monsters and animals. Forest dragons are their forests in a literal sense. Over time, their hair becomes mossy, their hide toughens like bark, and small insects or animals live within them. Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 34Recall Knowledge - Plant(Nature): DC 34Unspecific Lore: DC 32Specific Lore: DC 29Adult Forest DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 75Perception +25; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommon, Draconic, SylvanSkillsAcrobatics +21, Athletics +27, Deception +24, Intimidation +26, Nature +25, Stealth +21, Survival +23Str +7Dex +3Con +4Int +3Wis +5Cha +4---AC 36 Fort +25 Ref +22 Will +27 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 290Immunitiesparalyzed, poison, sleepWeaknessesfire 10Countered by Metal If the forest dragon takes damage from a metal item, they lose woodland stride and _pass without trace_ until the end of their next turn.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 32. Animals, fungi, and plants take a –2 circumstance penalty to the save.Fed by Water(healing, necromancy, primal) Frequency once per hour; Trigger The forest dragon is targeted with a water spell or effect; Effect The forest dragon gains 35 temporary Hit Points.---Speed 40 feet, fly 120 feet; woodland strideMeleejaws +29 (Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d10+13 piercing plus 2d6 poisonMeleeclaw +29 (Agile, Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d8+13 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +29 (Magical, reach 25 feet),Damage 3d8+13 bludgeoning plus GrabPrimal Innate Spells DC 34- Cantrips (4th)Know Direction- 4thEntangle, Tree Shape (see forest shape)- Constant (1st)Pass Without Trace (forest terrain only)Breath Weapon(Evocation, Primal) The dragon unleashes a swarm of insects that deals 14d6 piercing damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 34 basic Reflex save) before dispersing. A creature that critically fails is stunned 2 from the insects' venom; this is a poison effect. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Draining Blight(Healing, Necromancy, Negative, Primal) Frequency once per day; Effect The dragon draws moisture from the living creatures surrounding them, using the energy to heal their own wounds. Each living creature in a 30-foot emanation takes 7d10 negative damage (DC 34 basic Fortitude save). Creatures made entirely of water and plant creatures use the outcome one degree of success worse than they rolled. The dragon regains Hit Points equal to half of the highest damage a single creature takes from this effect. In addition, all non-creature plant life in the area withers and dies, eliminating non-magical undergrowth and any resulting difficult terrain, cover, and concealment. Water is also consumed in the same way, typically lowering any standing body of water fully within the area by 1 foot.Forest ShapeWhen casting _tree shape_, a forest dragon can become a tree of the same size and age as themself.Greater Constrict3d8+10 bludgeoning, DC 34Woodland StrideThe forest dragon ignores difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain from non-magical foliage." - }, - { - "name": "Adult Gold Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Gold", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "152", - "lore": "Adult Gold DragonGold dragons are the epitome of metallic dragonkind, unrivaled in their strength as well as their wisdom. They command the unwavering reverence of all other metallic dragons, who view gold dragons as their leaders and counselors. Golds rival the raw power of even red dragons, much to the chagrin of their chromatic cousins, and the two races are often regarded as bitter rivals. But despite their incredible power, gold dragons are fond of discourse and prefer to talk through solutions to problems rather than rely upon brute strength. Long-lived as they are, they necessarily take a wide view of all situations and never act without considering all possible options and outcomes. Because of this, gold dragons willingly converse with any creature that seeks them out, even evil chromatic dragons. Mortals might find this behavior strange, considering the longstanding war between chromatic and metallic dragons, but dragons know all too well that desperate situations sometimes call for drastic alliances. And although gold dragons might consider brief truces with their chromatic brethren in the case of world-ending threats, they also know when such alliances have run their course. When another metallic dragon faces a quandary or a foe beyond its own ability to overcome, its best option is often to seek the counsel of the eternally wise and gloriously righteous gold dragons. Locating these legendary beings is no easy task, however, for gold dragons are notoriously reclusive. Their intellect and wisdom is such that they prefer to ponder the great questions of life in seclusion, where they strive to formulate solutions to the world's most pressing problems. As a result, gold dragons are sometimes absent when metallic dragons gather together, or are missing from tribunals where their counsel would be beneficial. Impatient dragons sometimes begrudge gold dragons for this apparent unreliability, but such aspersions are usually a result of jealousy rather than any true criticism; in their hearts, other dragons know that few gold dragons purposefully exclude themselves from truly important matters. A gold dragon's incredible foresight and unparalleled enlightenment means they are unlikely to interfere in the business of individual mortals, though the rare person who captures the attention of a gold dragon is fortunate indeed, for there are few beings in the cosmos who can offer such prudent and considerate advice. Rulers and individuals in stations of high power have an easier time of garnering the aid of a gold dragon; entire wars have been avoided thanks to a gold dragon's last-minute intermediation. Gold dragons are often found in warm grasslands and savannas, lands where they can enjoy long, meditative flights without attracting the attention of potential enemies. They tend to sleep either out in the open in a barren, remote place, or within a heavily secreted or fortified lair, such as a forgotten sink hole or in the labyrinthine caverns of a terrestrial chasm. Gold dragons may enlist trusted servants and allies to guard their lairs, though many live truly solitary lives, preferring to protect their hoards with nonlethal traps and magical wards.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 34Adult Gold Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Green Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Green", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "134", - "lore": "Adult Green DragonGreen dragons are the most contemplative of the chromatic dragons as well as the most approachable. The key to understanding green dragons is to understand their obsession with knowledge and self-discipline. Any careful approach that takes advantage of a green dragon’s fixations may end in a diplomatic outcome, but any misstep or slight can provoke a savage attack. Like most chromatic dragons, green dragons do not suffer fools—and the threshold for what they consider foolish is very low. Though more open than their chromatic cousins to dealing with other creatures and dragons, green dragons prefer an isolated and quiet life. They tend to lair in the most forbidding parts of a forest, surrounded by tangled thickets, or else at the heart of some dismal gulch. If the terrain is suitable, some green dragons make their home in natural caves, which they expand to suit their needs. Green dragons’ pride leads them to see to the preservation of their forest homes. They feel that a verdant and lush forest is something that they alone have cultivated. This leads some green dragons to follow the path of druidism, though most prefer to study the arcane arts and occult lore. Most of them delve deeply into one particular field of study, and correspond with other scholars in the field by adopting a pen name that hides their true nature. Regardless of their chosen focus, green dragons seek to improve themselves, and their desire for knowledge makes them more likely to deal diplomatically with other creatures in order to obtain new information. Their hoards are typically well kept, organized, and filled with tomes of lore and scrolls of magic along with antiquities they collect for their own inscrutable reasons. Many of these treasures come from across the globe, and many an adventurer has survived an encounter with a green dragon by stroking its ego and plying it with rare artifacts or lost lore from ancient cultures.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 30Adult Green Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Magma Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Magma", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "632", - "lore": "Adult Magma DragonMagma dragons have a reputation among other dragons for being unpredictable and brash. Their temperament and tendency for violent outbursts ensure that the typical magma dragon lives a solitary life, with hatchlings often bickering or fighting to establish dominance among themselves before they leave the nest. A magma dragon always has a reason for their outbursts and can always justify their sudden turns in mood, yet they rarely feel the need to do so.Magma dragons build lairs within volcanically active mountains or deep underground amid vast lakes of bubbling magma. As with all true dragons, magma dragons keep hoards of treasure, but the nature of their searing lairs limits the type of valuables they collect to metals, gems, and items capable of resisting the heat of a volcano's core.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 33Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 33Adult Magma Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Red Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Red", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "137", - "lore": "Adult Red DragonThe largest and most powerful of the chromatic dragons, red dragons are a menace to civilizations everywhere, and their strength is rivaled only by their arrogance. Red dragons see themselves as regents and overlords of all dragonkind. With their crowns of crimson spikes and their command of blistering frame, this is no haughty boast in their eyes—only unquestioned fact. Red dragons don’t deign to speak with lesser creatures; they simply dominate and burn, enslaving weaker creatures to act as servants and to look after their lairs while the dragons slumber away. They take pleasure in dominating these creatures, and they demand tribute from their supplicants. Those who anger or disappoint end up eaten or reduced to ash. They command their enslaved minions to constantly build onto their lairs, carving out new tunnels and designing cunning traps that ensure the dragon’s security. Driven by their arrogance, red dragons are the most likely of the chromatic dragons to ravage settlements. They want the world to see them in their rightful place as powerful tyrants, and they delight in threatening all other creatures. They have no qualms about bullying, manipulating, or killing to complete their goals—or simply intimidating others through a public display of brutality and dominance. As legendary as the brutishness of red dragons is the magnificence of their hoards of gold. Their lairs are often situated in dangerous places, with volcanoes being a favorite spot, as they find them foreboding and the constant warmth is comfortable. No matter the locale, red dragons sleep on a litter of coins and other treasures, which they zealously guard. Sometimes, the dragon’s internal heat causes these precious metals to fuse together.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 32Adult Red Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Sea Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Sea", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Uncommon", "Water", "Huge"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1126", - "lore": "Adult Sea DragonSea dragons' affinity with water grants them mastery over rain, storms, and floods. Those whose livelihoods are at the mercy of the weather and waves frequently venerate these great aquatic creatures. Most sea dragons respond kindly to requests, but, like the sea, they can be unpredictable and fickle. Sea dragons have disk-shaped scales like fish and webbed claws as well as large back and tail fins to aid in swimming. They appear in vivid and vibrant colors, like aquatic wildlife. Underwater flora and fauna grow and thrive upon older sea dragons, and ancient sea dragons often have a head of coral around their antlers, giving them the image of being crowned royalty.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27Adult Sea DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 78Perception +21; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAquan, Auran, Common, Draconic, ElvenSkillsAcrobatics +23, Arcana +18, Athletics +26, Deception +19, Intimidation +21, Nature +22, Society +18, Stealth +21, Survival +20Str +6Dex +5Con +4Int +2Wis +4Cha +3---AC 33 fed by metalFort +22 Ref +25 Will +20 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 225Immunitiesparalyzed, sleepCountered by Earth If the sea dragon is targeted with an earth spell or _flesh to stone_, they lose Liquefy until the end of their next turn.Fed by Metal (arcane, transmutation) When a sea dragon is struck by a weapon made primarily of metal or affected by a spell that uses metal, many of the dragon's scales transform to mimic the metal. This grants the dragon a +1 item bonus to AC until the start of their next turn.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 30Vortex (aura, water) 40 feet. Water in the aura that's also in the same body of water as the dragon is difficult terrain for Swimming creatures which don't have the water trait.Liquefy(abjuration, arcane, water) Trigger The dragon is targeted by a Strike or spell that could deal fire or physical damage to them; Effect The dragon liquefies, turning entirely to water while maintaining their shape, for a split second. Against the triggering effect, they gain resistance 20 to fire and to all physical damage.---Speed 30 feet, fly 100 feet, swim 50 feet; _water walk_Meleejaws +26 (Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d10+12 piercing plus hyponatremiaMeleeclaw +26 (Agile, Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d8+12 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +26 (Magical, reach 25 feet),Damage 3d8+12 bludgeoning plus GrabArcane Innate Spells DC 32- 2ndCreate Water (at will), Endure Elements (self only)- Constant (2nd)Water WalkRituals DC 32- 8thControl Weather (doesn't require secondary casters)Breath Weapon(Arcane, Evocation, Water) The dragon shoots a ball of water that deals 13d6 bludgeoning damage in a 25-foot burst within 50 feet (DC 32 basic Reflex save). All non-magical fire in the radius is extinguished. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Greater Constrict3d8+6 bludgeoning, DC 30Hyponatremia(Water) A living creature that takes damage from the sea dragon's jaws Strike must succeed at a DC 32 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 as a surge of excess water floods its body." - }, - { - "name": "Adult Silver Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Silver", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "155", - "lore": "Adult Silver DragonSilver dragons are among the most chivalrous of all dragonkind; they wield frost and cold as weapons, can walk on clouds, and dwell high upon snowy mountain peaks or deep in steep, misty valleys. Although they typically make their lairs among the highlands, the pursuit of justice leads silver dragons to travel far and wide—often into the very heart of realms overrun by evil. These exemplars of righteousness are ceaseless in their determination to help the weak, spread honor, and stamp out evil. Silver dragons are sleek and sinuous. Their hides resemble nothing so much as a suit of gleaming armor, lending further credence to the popular myth that silver dragons are the paladins of dragonkind. The zeal with which they seek out, confront, and defeat evil is unsurpassed even among their metallic cousins, and they adhere to strict codes of honor usually passed down from parent to hatchling. On occasion, they instead learn these codes from trusted mentors, usually other silver dragons or gold dragons. As they age, they become even more dedicated to their codes, often adding new and even more restrictive clauses to the systems that guide their behavior. Silver dragons are incredibly altruistic and regularly consort with the citizens of goodly societies, of which they consider themselves protectors and guides. In addition to responding to evil threats, silver dragons work to prevent evil from taking root in the first place, and they ensure mortals under their care are well fed, educated, and treated with dignity. Although silver dragons can seem overzealous or even eager to join the fight against evil, they know that the best way to rid the world of corruption is to stamp out strife and disillusionment at their source, not to passively sit back and watch it grow into an unsolvable problem. Silver dragons can be vindictive, but they can also be forgiving; for evildoers who seek to atone for their sins and turn over a new leaf, the support of a silver dragon is both unwavering and invaluable. Many silver dragons are also drawn to religious endeavors, venerating deities such as Iomedae, Sarenrae, and other deities concerned with justice, virtue, and redemption.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 32Adult Silver Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Sky Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Sky", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity", "Uncommon", "Huge"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1129", - "lore": "Adult Sky DragonSky dragons live above the clouds near the summits of mountains. They maintain a strong religious tradition, a unique practice among imperial dragons that sets them apart as much as their wings do. Desperate souls risk steep cliffs and loose snow to seek these dragons' counsel, and most sky dragons gladly help those who make the journey, but they expel any express hostilities or badger without hesitation. The sky dragon's wings aren't true wings, but long fins fused to their forearms; their scales also form only very slowly. Young dragons coil tightly in their lairs as they absorb minerals that color and harden their scales. Even adults often wrap around pillars out of habit.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 33Unspecific Lore: DC 31Specific Lore: DC 28Adult Sky DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 80Perception +24; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAuran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, SylvanSkillsAcrobatics +21, Athletics +26, Deception +21, Intimidation +23, Religion +26, Society +21, Stealth +21, Survival +19Str +7Dex +2Con +4Int +2Wis +5Cha +4Mist Vision Fog and mist don't impair a sky dragon's vision; they ignore the concealed condition from fog and mist.---AC 34 Fort +23 Ref +21 Will +26 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 235Immunitieselectricity, paralyzed, sleepCountered by Fire If the sky dragon takes fire damage, the elemental magic of metal within them is tempered. Until the end of their next turn, they take a –1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls and AC, and their jaws Strikes don't deal electricity damage. This limitation ends if the dragon uses Breath Weapon.Fed by Earth (abjuration, divine) When a sky dragon is targeted by an earth spell or effect, they leave a cloud of pulverized dust and gravel that swirls in the eddies of the dragon's flight. For 1 minute, the dragon is concealed while flying.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 31---Speed 40 feet, fly 140 feetMeleejaws +27 (Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d8+13 piercing plus 1d12 electricityMeleeclaw +27 (Agile, Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d8+13 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +27 (Magical, reach 25 feet),Damage 3d8+13 bludgeoning plus GrabDivine Innate Spells DC 33- 1stFeather Fall, Gust of Wind- 2ndInvisibility- 4thGaseous FormBreath Weapon(Divine, Electricity, Evocation) The dragon shoots a ball of electricity that deals 7d12 electricity damage in a 25-foot burst within 50 feet (DC 33 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. See divine lightning below.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Divine Lightning(Divine) A good sky dragon who worships a deity channels divine power through its attacks, making them more effective against fiends and undead. Any electricity damage it deals becomes good damage against fiends or positive damage against undead.Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Greater Constrict3d8+8 bludgeoning, DC 33Perfected FlightA sky dragon can hover in place without spending an action, and they automatically succeed at all Acrobatics checks to Maneuver in Flight." - }, - { - "name": "Adult Sovereign Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Sovereign", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Uncommon", "Huge"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1132", - "lore": "Adult Sovereign DragonThe most well-known of imperial dragons due to their deep involvement with mortals, the sovereign dragons' name comes from their mandate of selecting rulers—but at some point, the dragons themselves joined the list of worthy candidates. Other imperial dragons suspect the sovereign dragons offered their connection to the elemental cycle to attain forbidden magic, evidenced by their lack of any vulnerability to wood or ability to feed on fire, despite being creatures of the earth. Most hesitate to question the sovereigns' authority. While some appreciate their impartial nature, others fault this adherence to neutrality. Regardless, the sovereign dragons' charm and centuries of experience in subtle manipulation have made them exceptional negotiators. Almost all sovereign dragons appear gold in color. Their hair ranges from common colors found among humans to bright reds, greens, or blues. They're the only dragons with five digits per claw, a mark of special importance. Other imperial dragons dismiss this claim to status and instead tease the sovereign dragons over their need to wear armor, even while in their draconic forms.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 36Unspecific Lore: DC 34Specific Lore: DC 31Adult Sovereign DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 82Perception +29; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAbyssal, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, InfernalSkillsAcrobatics +25, Athletics +31, Deception +28, Diplomacy +32, Intimidation +30, Occultism +25, Society +27, Stealth +25, Survival +27Str +8Dex +4Con +6Int +4Wis +6Cha +7---AC 37 Fort +27 Ref +23 Will +29 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 275Immunitiesparalyzed, sleepResistancesmental 15Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 34Violent RetortTrigger A creature within the sovereign dragon's reach critically hits the dragon; Effect The sovereign dragon makes a claw or tail Strike against the creature, after applying all the effects of the critical hit to the dragon.---Speed 50 feet, fly 150 feetMeleejaws +30 (Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d10+14 piercing plus 2d6 mentalMeleeclaw +30 (Agile, Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d10+14 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +30 (Magical, reach 25 feet),Damage 3d10+14 bludgeoning plus GrabOccult Innate Spells DC 36, attack +30- 2ndDetect Alignment (at will; good or evil only)- 7thSuggestion (at will)- 8thShape Stone, Suggestion, Wall of StoneBreath Weapon(Evocation, Mental, Occult) The dragon unleashes a roar charged with psychic energy, dealing 16d6 mental damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 36 basic Will save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Gleaming Armor(Evocation, Light, Occult) Frequency once per hour; Effect The dragon's golden armor glows with a protective golden light. The dragon gains a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 15 to energy damage. Each enemy in a 20-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 36 Fortitude save or be dazzled. All these effects last until the end of the dragon's next turn.Greater Constrict3d10+8 bludgeoning, DC 36Inspire Envoy(Enchantment, Mental, Occult) Frequency once per day; Effect The dragon chooses a mortal they've observed performing an exceptional act and offers their august blessing in exchange for the creature carrying out a specific directive, such as defeating a tyrant or protecting a sacred site. If the creature agrees, until its next daily preparations, it gains a +1 status bonus to the dragon's choice of attack rolls, AC, or all of the following: Perception, Will saves, and Charisma-based skill checks. The dragon can Dismiss this benefit by spending a single action (that has the concentrate trait), which they're swift to do if the mortal dares to defy the dragon's directive." - }, - { - "name": "Adult Umbral Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Umbral", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Shadow"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "635", - "lore": "Adult Umbral DragonWhile the other primal dragons hail from the Elemental Planes, the cruel and unceasingly malicious umbral dragons originate in the depths of the Shadow Plane. Their sleek black scales and serpentine grace allow them to strike from hiding, and they are known for playing with their prey before finally finishing it. These creatures of shadowy energy and unwholesome appetites prefer the necrotic flesh of undead creatures to any other meal. This strange hunger can be of accidental benefit to nearby humanoid societies, but ultimately they hunt and kill undead creatures for the taste, rather than out of any desire to protect others from the undead. The benefit is always short-lived, however. When umbral dragons exhaust their preferred prey, they turn on whatever living creatures happen to be nearby. Umbral dragons sometimes go to great lengths to obtain their favorite meals, even creating undead creatures that they then feast upon.For all their power, umbral dragons are uninterested in fair battles. When faced with foes that pose any kind of actual danger to them, umbral dragons flee into the shadows and seek to strike back through pawns or minions rather than risk their own lives. Their treasure hoards are varied and diverse, often augmented by loot stolen from crypts the dragons have turned into feeding grounds. They have a strong respect for and interest in traditions and heirlooms, and they often seek to augment their hoards with items of great value that have been handed down through the generations of those whose corpses and ghosts they've fed upon.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 36Adult Umbral Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Adult Underworld Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Underworld", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Uncommon", "Huge"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1135", - "lore": "Adult Underworld DragonUnderworld dragons embody the pressure between tectonic plates, the heat behind geysers, and flash fires that ignite when the conditions are just right. Natural alchemists, they innately understand reagents and catalysts. While some research the effects of magic on material reactions, the majority of underworld dragons concentrate on building their hoards. They scour the world for carved gemstones and artifacts of precious minerals, both of which they see as distilled essence of earth's bounty. Underworld dragons appear angular and sharp; their scales glow as if superheated from within, and their hair flickers like tongues of flames. An intense fire glows behind their gazes, suggesting they could ignite items with a mere thought, and their breath ripples the air as a testament to the heat contained within their bodies.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 30Unspecific Lore: DC 28Specific Lore: DC 25Adult Underworld DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 84Perception +20; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feet, smoke visionLanguagesCommon, Draconic, UndercommonSkillsAcrobatics +18, Arcana +21, Athletics +24, Crafting +22, Deception +19, Intimidation +21, Nature +20, Stealth +22, Survival +20Str +7Dex +3Con +4Int +5Wis +3Cha +2Smoke Vision Smoke doesn't impair an underworld dragon's vision; they ignore the concealed condition from smoke.---AC 31 Fort +23 Ref +18 Will +22 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 195Immunitiesfire, paralyzed, sleepCountered by Water If the underworld dragon takes damage from a spell with the cold or water trait, the elemental magic of fire within them is momentarily dampened. Until the end of their next turn, they take a –1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls,their jaws Strikes don't deal fire damage, and also lose their sweltering heat aura. This limitation ends if the dragon uses Breath Weapon.Fed by Wood When an underworld dragon is struck by a weapon made primarily of wood or affected by a spell with the plant trait, the dragon's internal fiery essences are stoked with the added fuel. Their breath weapon recharges, and the fire damage from the dragon's jaws increases by one die until the end of the dragon's next turn.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 28Sweltering Heat (arcane, aura, evocation, fire) 10 feet. Each creature that ends its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude saving throw or become fatigued while it remains in the aura.---Speed 40 feet, burrow 40 feet, fly 80 feetMeleejaws +24 (Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+13 piercing plus 2d6 fireMeleeclaw +24 (Agile, Magical),Damage 2d8+13 slashing plus adamantine claws and GrabMeleetail +24 (Magical, reach 20 feet),Damage 2d8+13 bludgeoning plus GrabArcane Innate Spells DC 30, attack +24- Cantrips (4th)Detect Magic- 4thContinual Flame, Wall of FireAdamantine ClawsThe dragon's claws are infused with adamantine. Their claw Strikes ignore half the Hardness of any object hit.Breath Weapon(Arcane, Evocation, Fire) The dragon breathes a blast of fire that explodes in a 25-foot burst within 50 feet, dealing 10d6 fire damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save also take 2d6 persistent fire damage. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Greater Constrict2d8+10 bludgeoning, DC 30" - }, - { - "name": "Adult White Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, White", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "140", - "lore": "Adult White DragonThe most feral and least intelligent of all the chromatic dragons, white dragons are brutish, predatory, and chiefly motivated by self-preservation. Nearly all other dragons look down on white dragons as hopelessly hotheaded and dull, though this does not make them any less dangerous—in fact, it may mean the opposite. It’s nearly impossible to treat with white dragons, not because they lack the capacity to do so, but because they just don’t care to. They are as difficult to deal with as they are quick to anger, and they become incensed at almost anything. When a white dragon does speak, it spews threats, inane jokes, and incoherent babbling as a prelude to attacking—and when the attack comes, it’s bloody and relentless. Thankfully, white dragons prefer very cold, remote locations that are far from people. Dwelling on glacial mountaintops or in ice caverns beneath forbidding tundra, they treat the lands around them as their own personal hunting grounds. They fly out to feed or terrorize other creatures, especially those who trespass near the dragon’s territory, then bring any treasure back to be displayed in icy niches in their lairs. They collect all kinds of valuables, with a slight preference for items with high utility—such as tools, trade goods, and fine food—over coins or jewels. The ability to shape ice lets white dragons rearrange their lairs exactly to their specifications, and they take great pride in how they’ve decorated their homes over the years.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 27Adult White Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Aghash", - "family": "Div", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Div", "Fiend", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1118", - "lore": "AghashWalking embodiments of curses, misfortune, and the evil eye, aghashes wander the deserts of the Material Plane, searching out the arrogant, charming, and persuasive to humiliate and undermine. Aghashes are often mistaken for some strange form of hag, and like those creatures, they're masters at curses.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14AghashSource Bestiary 3 pg. 69Perception +12; greater darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Daemonic; telepathy 100 feetSkillsArcana +9, Athletics +8, Deception +12, Intimidation +12, Religion +10, Stealth +10Str +3Dex +4Con +3Int +1Wis +2Cha +4---AC 19 Fort +9 Ref +10 Will +12 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 75ImmunitiescurseWeaknessescold iron 5, good 5Hatred of Beauty While aghashes hate all mortals, they particularly despise beautiful objects and beautiful or charismatic mortals. When not in physical peril, an aghash is compelled to destroy art and other works of beauty. An aghash can't enter an area of pristine beauty without first marring it in some way. Given a choice, an aghash attacks a foe with the highest Charisma score first. If barred from doing so by force or some magical effect, they take 1d6 mental damage at the end of their turn.---Speed 25 feetMeleeclaw +14 (Agile, Evil, Finesse, Magical),Damage 1d6+5 slashing plus 1d6 evilDivine Innate Spells DC 21- Cantrips (2nd)Detect Magic- 1stIllusory Object (at will)- 2ndTouch of Idiocy (at will)- 4thDimension Door, Outcast's CurseRituals DC 21- 1stDiv PactCursed Gaze(Divine, Concentrate, Curse, Fear, Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Visual) The aghash fixes their gaze on one creature they can see within 20 feet. The creature must attempt a DC 21 Will save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes 2d6 mental damage and becomes frightened 1. Failure The creature takes 4d6 mental damage and becomes either frightened 2 or stunned 1 (the aghash's choice). Critical Failure The creature takes 8d6 mental damage and becomes frightened 2 and stunned 2.Sandstorm(Conjuration, Divine, Earth) Frequency once per day; Effect The aghash creates a temporary sandstorm in a 30 foot emanation that lasts for 1 minute. Creatures within the emanation take a –4 circumstance penalty to Perception checks and must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save. On a failure, they're forced to hold their breath or else they start suffocating. A creature within the sandstorm at the end of its turn takes 1d6 slashing damage. Divs are immune to all effects of an aghash's sandstorm." - }, - { - "name": "Agradaemon (Conflagration Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "1018", - "lore": "Agradaemon (Conflagration Daemon)Equal parts lion, spider, and demagogue, agradaemons are born from the forge-flames of Szuriel, Horseman of War. Although they're unwilling to work alongside each other for long, agradaemons frequently establish themselves as leaders of cults whose goal is to burn civilization to the ground. To these scheming monsters of flame and fear, torching a city is a mere diversion; incinerating a nation's entire agricultural system to turn its citizens into starving marauders before setting their forests and plains ablaze is truly satisfying.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 44Agradaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Ahuizotl", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "540", - "lore": "AhuizotlThe ahuizotl is a vicious, semi-aquatic predator that resembles a hideous cross between a badger and an otter, with disturbingly web-fingered paws supplemented by a fifth hand at the end of a long, serpentine tail. A clever and stealthy hunter, the ahuizotl lures unwary prey to their doom by mimicking the cries of people in distress. The ahuizotl's macabre habit of feeding on a victim's eyes, fingernails, and teeth leaves the corpses of its kills uniquely mutilated. Some say the creatures consider these body parts delicacies, while others insist ahuizotls collect them as tribute to a powerful but unknown entity. The fact that an ahuizotl does not eat the actual flesh of its victims, instead depositing their savaged and waterlogged corpses in locations where the remains are sure to be found by friends or family, points to a third and perhaps more likely possibility—the ahuizotl simply enjoys using its violent dietary quirks to spread fear and despair. An ahuizotl walks on all fours, but its hands are capable of manipulating simple tools and other objects. Ahuizotls have roughly mustelid features and an extra membrane covering their eyes, giving their eyes a dull color suggestive of cataracts and somewhat blunting the creature's vision. Yet despite their bestial appearance, ahuizotls are nearly as intelligent as the average human, and wiser than most. Although they don't form societies of their own, they have been known to ally with violent cults or conclaves of monsters, and even to found small shrines and temples to sinister deities. The cult of Charon, the horseman of Death, is particularly popular among certain ahuizotls, who look forward to an afterlife spent wallowing in the waters of the River Styx.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 24Ahuizotl" - }, - { - "name": "Ahvothian", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "983", - "lore": "AhvothianAhvothians are feral and cunning fiends from an Abyssal realm of jungles, dinosaurs, and relentless brutality. They resemble humanoid dinosaurs with narrow, fanged heads similar to raptors and solid, heavy legs like sauropods. Relentless trackers and survivalists, ahvothians are skilled at navigating jungles and are most commonly encountered stalking prey or operating out of fortified ruins. Ahvothians have an uncanny affinity with reptiles, and they often use dinosaurs—particularly carnivores such as allosauruses or deinonychuses—as hunting companions or guard animals. Although dangerous in large groups, ahvothians have such a strong desire to assert dominance over others that ahvothian armies frequently fall to infighting and bloody battles for dominance within days, or even hours. The mightiest ahvothians might lead dozens of their kin and herds of carnivorous dinosaurs.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 25Ahvothian" - }, - { - "name": "Air Mephit", - "family": "Elemental, Mephit", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "192", - "lore": "Air MephitAir mephits are capricious and flighty relative to their kin; they are as likely to fly blindly into battle as they are to whine in terror at a loud noise. They are pale blue in coloration and have thin wings that trail small puffs of vapor as they fly through the skies.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 15Air Mephit" - }, - { - "name": "Air Wisp", - "family": "Elemental, Wisp", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1142", - "lore": "Air WispAir wisps are floating spheres of cloud and storm, perpetually humming a light, whispery tone. They're playful and capricious with great curiosity toward strangers.Recall Knowledge - Elemental(Arcana, Nature): DC 14Unspecific Lore: DC 12Specific Lore: DC 9Air WispSource Bestiary 3 pg. 90Perception +6; darkvisionLanguagesAuranSkillsAcrobatics +7, Plane of Air Lore +4, Stealth +7Str +0Dex +3Con +1Int +0Wis +2Cha +0---AC 18 Fort +3 Ref +9 Will +4 HP 10Immunitiesbleed, paralyzed, poison, sleepResonance (aura, air) 30 feet. All wisps vibrate at a frequency attuned to their element, resonating with and empowering all creatures and effects sharing that trait. A creature in the area gains a +1 status bonus to attack and damage rolls for effects with the air trait; a creature with the elemental and air traits gains this bonus to all attack and damage rolls.Accord Essence (air) Trigger An ally within 30 feet that benefited from the wisp's resonance in the last hour is targeted by an attack; Effect The wisp detonates itself in a small elemental explosion that gives temporary Hit Points equal to half the wisp's current Hit Points to allies within 30 feet that have benefited from the wisp's resonance in the last hour. These temporary Hit Points last 1 hour. A wisp that uses this reaction is permanently destroyed, and it can be restored only by a _wish_ spell or similarly powerful effect. If an ability would prevent the wisp's destruction (for instance, if the wisp is summoned and would merely be dismissed), Accord Essence has no effect.---Speed fly 40 feetMeleetendril +7 (reach 10 feet),Damage 1d4 bludgeoningIn ConcertWhen an air wisp rolls a critical failure on a check to Aid, they get a failure instead, and when they roll a success, they get a critical success instead." - }, - { - "name": "Aiudara Wraith", - "family": "Wraith", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Astral, Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Astral", "Incorporeal", "Undead", "Wraith"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "488", - "lore": "Aiudara WraithDahak’s influence in Alseta’s Landing created a soul-draining effect that slays unprotected creatures within, transforming them into ghostly creatures known as aiudara wraiths, but these rare undead can rise within modern aiudara portals as well. Each time an individual travels through an aiudara, there’s a chance their passage could leave a faint imprint of their subconscious in the network. Normally this imprint simply fades away, but when an aiudara is damaged or the individual is suffering from necromantic contagions, these imprints can accumulate and, in time, coalesce on the Astral Plane or within Alseta’s Landing as a full-fledged aiudara wraith. The wraith is forced to live with an incomplete sense of self, always seeking its own memories and swiftly growing violent and vengeful as its quest to reclaim these ephemeral notions constantly meets with failure.Recall Knowledge - Astral (Occultism): DC 43Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 43Aiudara Wraith" - }, - { - "name": "Akata", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "541", - "lore": "AkataAn akata is a hairless, blue-skinned quadruped with fearsome jaws, glowing eyes, a pair of thin tails, and a mane of writhing tentacles. It is a strangely silent beast, as it lacks the lungs and vocal chords necessary to vocalize. It also lacks ears, but it has heightened visual and olfactory senses.When food is scarce, an akata secretes a resin from its pores that forms into a sturdy cocoon of pale green crystal—the skymetal noqual. An akata can hibernate in this cocoon without needing to eat or drink for centuries, though it retains a rudimentary sense of its surroundings and can break out in only a few minutes' time. These cocoons allow the creatures to travel through the void of space, seeking new worlds where they can infect suitable humanoid hosts with their larval young. Once a victim succumbs to this infection, the offspring fight among themselves until one proves the strongest. The surviving akata then animates the corpse—now a void zombie—which shambles about of its own accord.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 20Akata" - }, - { - "name": "Akizendri", - "family": "Protean", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Protean"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "764", - "lore": "AkizendriAkizendris gnaw at sources of knowledge and lore, gleefully corrupting and altering them to vex scholars and sages across the planes with contradictions and untruths. These proteans appear as cackling, serpentine creatures with elongated crocodilian faces, luminous eyes, and arms that vanish at the elbows into swirling clouds of runes before reforming into solid talons. Akizendris amuse themselves by rearranging or deleting texts, placing insulting acrostics in poetic verses, and penning crude insults upon title pages. Libraries in such places as Heaven, Axis, and Hell are especially keen to avoid such contamination, knowing that their records are choice targets for every akizendri in existence.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 18Akizendri" - }, - { - "name": "Alchemical Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Alchemical", "Construct", "Golem", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "239", - "lore": "Alchemical GolemThis golem is a walking alchemical nightmare capable of inflicting all manner of painful wounds. Its ability to follow orders is granted by the otherwise mindless humanoid brain that floats in its dome-like head. In exceptionally rare cases, the brain used in its creation might retain fragments of memories or even actual intellect, resulting in an alchemical golem with a personality and agenda of its own.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 28Alchemical Golem" - }, - { - "name": "Alghollthu Master (Aboleth)", - "family": "Alghollthu", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "2", - "lore": "Alghollthu Master (Aboleth)Aboleths form the core of alghollthu society, and while they are the “common folk” of their own societies, they see themselves as masters of all others. Unlike their leaders, who mask their actions using magical disguises, aboleths revel in their monstrous forms, appearing as primeval fish with tentacles. Masters of psychic manipulation, they are a species so ancient that they were present in the world when it was young, before the gods had turned their attention to the planet. They see all other life as something they have the right to control, so the idea that potential slaves might have faith in a higher power other than themselves enrages aboleths.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 25Alghollthu Master" - }, - { - "name": "Aluum Enforcer", - "family": "Aluum", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "476", - "lore": "Aluum EnforcerThe most common aluum is powered by the bound soul of a loyal city servant, but its creation is among the Pactmasters’ most guarded secrets. There are dozens of dormant aluums spread throughout Katapesh, and only someone wearing an aluum charm can activate and command one of these 14-foot-tall soldiers. The Pactmasters entrust few beyond the Zephyr Guard to carry these charms, and stealing such a charm is one of the most severe crimes in the city.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 29Aluum Enforcer" - }, - { - "name": "Amalgamite", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1059", - "lore": "AmalgamiteTeleportation magic can prove a difficult undertaking, even for experienced spellcasters. It requires precise calculation and timing, knowledge of the intended destination, and meticulous control over surging conjuration magics. A mistake in even the most minute element of such a spell can lead to disastrous results for those involved. When a particularly powerful spellcaster makes an error of this kind, either through arrogance or simple misjudgment, they might transform into an amalgamite. A mass of flesh and misaligned limbs, an amalgamite is the warped body of a former spellcaster, sometimes joined with another version of itself to incorporate additional limbs or other irregularities. They're still alive, but they have become aberrants mentally and physically, with only the vaguest memories of their previous existence, which makes them a dangerous and bewildering foe. Their weird, warped anatomy constantly shifts and regrows, allowing the creatures to shrug off physical blows save those that pierce through its flesh and into its core being. The magical residue of an amalgamite's creation radiates from it, seeping into and destabilizing any living beings that get too close. Infected creatures then further spread the amalgamite's aura among larger groups of allies and foes alike. The amalgamite uses this power to manipulate and confuse their enemies, whom they can teleport into traps, force into confrontations with other enemies, or draw close into striking range with their own odd appendages.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 36Unspecific Lore: DC 34Specific Lore: DC 31AmalgamiteSource Bestiary 3 pg. 14Perception +23; low-light visionLanguagesAklo, Common, DraconicSkillsArcana +27, Athletics +22, Lore +27, Occultism +27Str +5Dex +6Con +4Int +8Wis +6Cha -1---AC 33 Fort +22 Ref +22 Will +26 HP 220, regeneration 10 (deactivated by piercing)Immunitiescontrolled, mentalResistancesbludgeoning 10, slashing 10Weaknessespiercing 10Destabilizing Field (aura, conjuration) 40 feet. A creature that begins its turn within the area feels its body begin to stretch and must succeed at a DC 33 Fortitude save or become destabilized. A destabilized creature emits a 10-foot destabilizing field aura and becomes sickened 1. The destabilization ends when the creature is no longer sickened. A creature that succeeds at its saving throw against the aura is temporarily immune to all destabilizing fields for 1 minute.DisplaceTrigger The amalgamite is hit by a Strike; Effect The amalgamite Repositions itself or Transposes itself with another creature. If the amalgamite successfully changes its location, it and any Transposed creature take half damage from the triggering Strike.---Speed 25 feetMeleelimb +24,Damage 3d10+11 bludgeoningRangedwarping ray +27 (deadly 2d8, Magical, range 100 feet),Damage 3d8+8 forceOccult Innate Spells DC 33- 4thBlink (×2)- 7thEthereal Jaunt, Warp MindReposition(Concentrate, Conjuration, Occult, Teleportation) The amalgamite teleports into an unoccupied space it can see within 50 feet.Transpose(Conjuration, Occult, Teleportation) The amalgamite chooses up to two destabilized creatures they can see within 50 feet and swaps their positions, or moves a single such creature to an unoccupied space they can see within range. If the amalgamite chooses two creatures, they can choose their self as one of these creatures, but both targets must be the same size. An unwilling creature can attempt a DC 33 Will save. If either target succeeds at this saving throw, both are unaffected.Former FriendsAmalgamites are often found in the company of other creatures, such as lesser aberrations, cultists of the Dark Tapestry, or the undead corpses of their former companions. They use these allies to spread their destabilizing field to other foes and separate those enemies from their own allies." - }, - { - "name": "Ammut", - "family": "—", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Fiend"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "872", - "lore": "AmmutThese chimeric, desert-dwelling fiends have massive bodies that are part hippopotamus, part large cat, and part crocodile. Though they devour souls for sustenance, ammuts are infamously picky eaters; most will only eat experienced adventurers or, for a special treat, particularly evil creatures, passing over common folk or those whose mettle has never been tested. Only a few ammuts are known to exist, and most dwell in Osirion. However, recent expeditions into Orv's Vault of the Black Desert have uncovered the existence of ammuts in this region, as well.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 43Ammut" - }, - { - "name": "Amoeba Swarm", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "750", - "lore": "Amoeba SwarmAn amoeba swarm consists of thousands of individual single-celled organisms held together by acrid-smelling slime. As ravenous as they are mindless, amoeba swarms use no tactics.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 15Amoeba Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Amphisbaena", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1060", - "lore": "AmphisbaenaAn amphisbaena is an exceedingly aggressive, venomous viper of remarkable size that bears two heads—one on each end of its body. It moves in a manner similar to that of the more common sidewinder snake, throwing its body forward in a loop and anchoring itself by keeping one head or the other on the ground at all times. Amphisbaenas' typical prey includes rabbits, foxes, various birds, small deer, and even humanoids if presented the opportunity. Fiercely territorial by nature, they attack just about anything that gets near their lairs, regardless of the intruder's size. Many a child has been warned about going too far into the woods alone, lest they wander too close to an amphisbaena den and become the creature's next meal. The venom of an amphisbaena is incredibly potent, able to take down a stout dwarf within minutes if left untreated. However, it also has uses in a variety of healing remedies, which makes it a valuable commodity if collected. For example, a pregnant person might be advised to drink the venom in small, dilute doses to help safeguard the pregnancy. Mixing small amounts of the venom with various herbs and oil creates a poultice which dulls aches and pains. As a result, the image of an amphisbaena appears in many contexts associated with healing and alchemical subjects, such as labels for tinctures, annotations in herbalists' records, and illustrations in textbooks of medicine. The first amphisbaena is said to have formed from the blood that fell as a medusa's head was severed. This story's origin most likely stems from the fact that amphisbaenas are oddly immune to petrification, which in turn leads to them sometimes being kept as pets by a medusa. A medusa who keeps an amphisbaena as a pet might regard the viper as their most treasured companion or perhaps even as their own child. Despite these fabled supernatural origins and the occasional special treatment they receive, however, amphisbaenas are entirely mundane animals with only rudimentary intelligence and no innate magical abilities whatsoever.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14AmphisbaenaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 15Perception +10; tremorsense 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +10, Athletics +13, Stealth +12Str +5Dex +4Con +2Int -4Wis +0Cha -4---AC 21 all-around visionFort +10 Ref +14 Will +8 HP 70Immunitiespetrified---Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet, swim 25 feetMeleefangs +13,Damage 2d6+5 piercing plus amphisbaena venomRangedspit +12 (range increment 15 feet),Damage 1d6 poison plus amphisbaena venom and blinding spittleAmphisbaena Venom(Poison) Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d6 poison damage and enfeebled 2 and slowed 1 (1 round); Stage 3 3d6 poison damage and paralyzed (1 round)Blinding SpittleA creature critically hit by an amphisbaena's spit Strike is blinded for 1 round.Twin BitesAn amphisbaena makes a fangs Strike with each of its heads, each against a different target. Both Strikes count toward its multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until after it has made both attacks.Amphisbaena VariantsWhile the two-headed snake is by far the most common amphisbaenas, the term sometimes describes other creatures with heads on both ends of their bodies. Occasionally stories circulate of a monstrous amphisbaena with the body of a lizard, clawed feet, or even feathered wings. These stories are typically chalked up to an overactive imagination or an abundance of drink, but they persist regardless." - }, - { - "name": "Anadi Elder", - "family": "Anadi", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Anadi", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "432", - "lore": "Anadi ElderAnadi elders must make the difficult decision of whether to continue negotiations or to escalate a disagreement to outright conflict.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 24Anadi Elder" - }, - { - "name": "Anadi Hunter", - "family": "Anadi", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Anadi", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "430", - "lore": "Anadi HunterAnadi hunters act as the eyes and ears of their clans, scouting the surrounding area for potential invaders.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Anadi Hunter" - }, - { - "name": "Anadi Sage", - "family": "Anadi", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Anadi", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "431", - "lore": "Anadi SageAnadi sages commune with nature and hone their magic through practice.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 21Anadi Sage" - }, - { - "name": "Anancus", - "family": "Elephant", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "667", - "lore": "AnancusThe anancus is an ancient species of elephant with unusually long tusks and a trunk shorter than its more modern cousins.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 24Anancus" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Black Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Black", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Acid", "Amphibious", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "129", - "lore": "Ancient Black DragonMurderous tyrants of marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens, black dragons terrorize their domains with intense fervor. Gleefully sadistic, they rule their fetid principalities from a deep cave or otherwise isolated part of the swamp with a mix of lightning-quick raids and subterfuge. Their hatred for other creatures is as acidic as their breath weapons, and they rarely tolerate even other dragons of their kind—except perhaps to mate or temporarily collaborate to take down a mutual enemy. Black dragons are amphibious—although they breathe air, their gills also allow them to breathe water. Their frills and fins make them accomplished swimmers, well suited to their wetland environments and submerged lairs. They’re immune to the fetid water that comes as a result of their magical ability to corrupt water. Black dragon lairs are as foul as their souls. The floors are littered with rotting meat, and plundered treasures line the muck and slime of their dank caves amid twisted roots and creepers. Such places are often crawling with pests, snakes, and slimes. Though they claim natural caverns when they can, they make do with areas of dense, twisted vegetation within a swamp. Black dragon treasure hoards primarily consist of gems and expensive glass work, as valuables of softer substance can’t survive the dragon’s acidic presence.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 37Ancient Black Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Blue Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Blue", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "132", - "lore": "Ancient Blue DragonBlue dragons are the sleek and poised cosmopolitans of the chromatic dragons. Their brand of evil is organized, manipulative, and regal. Blue dragons often lair near or within cities and set out to bend the population to their will and gather hordes of servants. These dragons love spinning webs of conspiracy. A blue dragon’s lackeys typically don’t even realize that they serve a dragon, but instead think the protection money, tariffs, or taxes they are amassing is treasure for a cruel but legitimate master. In some ways, blue dragons even see their servants as a living hoard and value them like treasure. These dragons have been known to use these tactics even with their own chromatic cousins. Not all blue dragons work clandestinely. Some lord over desert tribes and hill people like vengeful gods, demanding both tribute and worship. No matter how blue dragons manage their underlings, their bearing is regal and their lairs palatial; they’re universally intolerant of insubordination, incompetence, and embezzlement, and punish perpetrators with murderous efficiency. Blue dragons are also known for their use and mastery of illusion magic. They make use of illusions to augment their manipulations and bewilder their foes in battle. Blue dragons also have some control over water, but use this ability to destroy water, something quite dangerous for those who encounter them in their desert lairs. The ideal lair for a blue dragon contains multiple passages, rooms, and secret chambers. As social creatures, blue dragons prefer to host guests in comfort—but their dwellings should not be so public that just anyone can come calling. A force of guards keeps out intruders, and clever illusions conceal the edifice from prying eyes. Rather than a pile of coins or gems, a blue dragon’s true hoard is the rich furnishings in its citadel— expensive art, ornate furniture, and architectural marvels.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 40Ancient Blue Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Brass Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Brass", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "144", - "lore": "Ancient Brass DragonBrass dragons are whimsical tricksters who delight in humor and play. They particularly enjoy conversations with humans and other civilized humanoids, delighting in the naive customs of these diminutive races without showing them haughtiness or scorn. While they may seem merely curious, brass dragons engage in this sort of conversation with the goal of keeping up to date on regional politics so they can anticipate future conflicts. Along the way, they create extensive information networks that begin with their own allies but stretch across all levels of humanoid society—networks which the brass dragon then uses to subtly assist settlements near their lair. Unlike the schemes and manipulations of blue dragons, brass dragons use their informant networks to establish justice and equality. These carefree dragons value independence and feel that all creatures deserve to live as they please, provided they don’t harm others. They are emotional creatures and tend to have short attention spans, sometimes falling victim to depression in their twilight years. To combat this, some brass dragons keep pets and houseplants that they can care for. Though they may seem childlike in their curiosity concerning mortal affairs, a brass dragon’s prowess in battle is no laughing matter. A brass dragon whose territory or allies are threatened is a terrifying foe indeed, quick to shed their innocent guise and unleash their terrifying might upon evildoers. Most brass dragons live in desert climates, and while they keep their lairs hidden, they often build near humanoid settlements.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 37Ancient Brass Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Brine Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Brine", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "623", - "lore": "Ancient Brine DragonBrine dragons are usually blue-green in color, with shiny scales, crests that help them glide through the water, and sweeping neck frills. They care little for either good or evil. As they are both opinionated and willing to impose their sense of order on others, many brine dragons eventually seek to rule over a meticulously crafted community. These communities are orderly and well-planned, with rigid standards of courtesy and unchanging laws set down by the dragon themself. A settlement seeded by a brine dragon can be made of members of almost any ancestry, but the most common inhabitants are humans, merfolk, tengus, or sahuagin.Depending on the dragon's personality, their community members might view their brine dragon ruler as anything from a benevolent force of order to a fearful tyrant. Regardless, the typical brine dragon has little patience for kindness or philanthropy, and the strength and health of their settlement as a whole are of greater concern than individuals' well-being. A notable exception to this dispassion rises when an outside force encroaches on their lands. In these cases, the brine dragon is quick to step in and aid in the defense of their community.Although brine dragons enjoy cultivating settlements, they rarely make their lairs within the city limits, instead preferring to dwell in sea caves or cliffside grottoes overlooking the coastline. Here they can retreat for privacy as needed, or can accumulate and display their gathered wealth in a place where they feel safe spreading out their treasures. Brine dragon hoards often consist of a mix of offerings and taxes paid by those they rule over and strange discoveries salvaged from sunken ships.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 41Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 41Ancient Brine Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Bronze Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Bronze", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Water"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "147", - "lore": "Ancient Bronze DragonBronze dragons are among the most common of metallic dragons and the most likely to ally with mortals on worthy quests. However, they are naturally scholarly creatures who would rather remain in their lairs studying esoteric lore than go off on a wild adventure. These aloof and stoic dragons also act as preservationists, guarding storehouses of ancient lore from destruction or perversion. Bronze dragons are principled and protective, but while their silver cousins are quick to crusade for justice, bronze dragons prefer to find an important location worthy of their protection and guard it against any attack or unwelcome intrusion. Bronze dragons’ mastery over water and affinity for electricity means they are a boon to sailors caught in thunderstorms. A bronze dragon’s enemies quickly discover neither cloudy sky nor turbulent sea provides shelter from their wrath. Bronze dragons lair along shorelines, often in partially submerged sea caves. While all dragons keep hoards of treasure, the hoard of a bronze dragon more resembles a vast library—with the shelves kept carefully above the waterline, of course. In addition to their collections of esoteric lore, bronze dragons keep treasures associated with the sea, such as beautiful scrimshaw, flawless pearls, and equipment inlaid with mother-of-pearl and abalone shell.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 40Ancient Bronze Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Cloud Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Cloud", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Air", "Dragon", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "626", - "lore": "Ancient Cloud DragonAt heart, cloud dragons are wanderers, explorers, and travelers who enjoy nothing more than seeing new lands and meeting unusual creatures. Cloud dragons range in color from light blue to a pale, milky white and have thick, curling horns and rather short snouts. They keep lairs among the extreme altitudes of the highest mountain peaks but are away on their many journeys as often as they're at home. Cloud dragons spend long hours surveying the lands they fly over from great heights, but they are creatures of whim, making it hard to predict what will pique their curiosity and bring them winging down to converse or investigate something on the ground. Cloud dragons seldom perform acts of outright malice, but they are not often charitable either. A cloud dragon is as likely to simply pluck something they desire off the ground and fly away with it as they are to bargain fairly.A cloud dragon's ever-changing interests never seem to stray toward the complicated schemes and long-term plans of other dragons. These rovers are creatures of the moment, and although they are as mentally gifted as other true dragons, their interests remain in the here and now. Yet the cloud dragon's penchant for living in the moment is not a personality flaw—they're more than capable of anticipating long-term results of their actions and won't make foolish choices simply to pursue a current interest. At the same time, cloud dragons have little interest in worrying about the future and are as confident in their ability to handle tomorrow's problems as they are today's.Cloud dragon hoards tend to be well-guarded or well-hidden, as a natural result of their roving habits often taking them away from their lairs for extended periods. Their treasuries include a wide variety of items—they are driven to gather a broad range of prizes rather than collecting one type of item intensively. To a cloud dragon, a diversified hoard is a perfect hoard.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 44Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 44Ancient Cloud Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Copper Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Copper", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "150", - "lore": "Ancient Copper DragonCapricious and always eager to share a good laugh, copper dragons are among the wiliest of the metallic dragons, but this by no means interferes with their mission to spread freedom in oppressive lands. Copper dragons are hedonists who are quick to indulge in simple pleasures, but they’re also sympathetic to other creatures, slow to pass judgment, and careful to always examine a situation from as many perspectives as possible. This philosophy has its drawbacks, however, as copper dragons are susceptible to negative influences and prone to forgiving the less serious evil acts performed by their chromatic cousins and other cruel creatures. Copper dragons also have a difficult time keeping their temper in check once they are roused to anger. Copper dragons tend to lair in warm or temperate hills, but due to their nature, they move their lairs every few years. They sometimes live among other people, especially any dwarves who reside nearby. Some copper dragons even worship gods typically worshipped only by humanoids. Among these dragons, worship of Cayden Cailean is most popular, as they see his love of freedom and penchant for alcohol aligning with the typical copper dragon mindset. A copper dragon’s combat tactics are as unorthodox as its sense of humor, as it is more likely to use mockery and tricks than outright strength to win its battles. As a copper dragon ages, it perfects jokes capable of rendering its foes helpless with laughter.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 38Ancient Copper Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Crystal Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Crystal", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "629", - "lore": "Ancient Crystal DragonGood-natured but vain, crystal dragons are beautiful creatures with brilliant hides made of multicolored crystal and gemstone. Their beauty is a source of great pride but is also something of a weakness, as crystal dragons are easily angered by insults about their appearance. Despite their relatively benign natures when compared to other true dragons, crystal dragons can be short tempered and prone to finding insults where none were intended. Although their opinions are changeable, crystal dragons prefer orderly environments and are not fond of sudden interruptions or distractions.Crystal dragons build their lairs in underground grottoes, where they cultivate environments of great beauty. Their exacting standards and vivid imaginations mean that they are always working to improve the appearance or layout of some part of their lair. These lairs are unique to each individual crystal dragon, but there are always plenty of reflective surfaces that allow the dragon to observe their own appearance. These range from crystals to reflecting pools to finely crafted mirrors, which are arranged throughout the lair in a pleasing array. Gifts of well-crafted or magical mirrors are an excellent way to curry favor with a crystal dragon.Although crystal dragons are easily distracted by their sparkling collections or their vanity, they remain good-hearted creatures at the core and make friends quickly. While a crystal dragon tends to find evil creatures uncouth and unpleasant, any other nearby denizen or inhabitant of their home could become fast friends or beloved pets, depending upon the creature's capacity for conversation (and for providing the frequent praise and compliments that crystal dragons hunger for).Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 40Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 40Ancient Crystal Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Forest Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Forest", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon,Plant", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Plant", "Rare", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1124", - "lore": "Ancient Forest DragonForest dragons oversee the endless growth of nature, protect it from plunder, and reclaim ruins for the wilderness. Some say these dragons jealously hoard nature's bounty for themselves while seeing everyone else who tries to benefit from nature as thieves and poachers. They loathe the progress of technology and civilization, preferring the company of monsters and animals. Forest dragons are their forests in a literal sense. Over time, their hair becomes mossy, their hide toughens like bark, and small insects or animals live within them. Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 44Recall Knowledge - Plant(Nature): DC 44Unspecific Lore: DC 42Specific Lore: DC 39Ancient Forest DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 76Perception +33; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommon, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan, TerranSkillsAcrobatics +31, Athletics +37, Deception +31, Intimidation +33, Nature +36, Stealth +29, Survival +35Str +9Dex +4Con +7Int +5Wis +8Cha +6---AC 44 Fort +32 Ref +29 Will +35 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 410Immunitiesparalyzed, poison, sleepWeaknessesfire 15Countered by Metal If the forest dragon takes damage from a metal item, they lose woodland stride and _pass without trace_ until the end of their next turn.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 39. Animals, fungi, and plants take a –2 circumstance penalty to the save.Fed by Water(healing, necromancy, primal) Frequency once per hour; Trigger The forest dragon is targeted with a water spell or effect; Effect The forest dragon gains 40 temporary Hit Points.---Speed 40 feet, fly 160 feet; woodland strideMeleejaws +36 (Magical, reach 20 feet),Damage 4d10+17 piercing plus 3d6 poison and lignifying biteMeleeclaw +36 (Agile, Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 4d8+17 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +36 (Magical, reach 30 feet),Damage 4d8+17 bludgeoning plus GrabPrimal Innate Spells DC 41, attack +35- Cantrips (6th)Know Direction- 4thEntangle, Tree Shape (see forest shape), Speak with Plants (at will)- 6thTangling Creepers- Constant (1st)Pass Without Trace (forest terrain only)Breath Weapon(Evocation, Primal) The dragon unleashes a swarm of insects that deals 20d6 piercing damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 41 basic Reflex save) before dispersing. A creature that critically fails is stunned 2 from the insects' venom; this is a poison effect. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Draining Blight(Healing, Necromancy, Negative, Primal) Frequency once per day; Effect The dragon draws moisture from the living creatures surrounding them, using the energy to heal their own wounds. Each living creature in a 30-foot emanation takes 9d10 negative damage (DC 41 basic Fortitude save). Creatures made entirely of water and plant creatures use the outcome one degree of success worse than they rolled. The dragon regains Hit Points equal to half of the highest damage a single creature takes from this effect. In addition, all non-creature plant life in the area withers and dies, eliminating non-magical undergrowth and any resulting difficult terrain, cover, and concealment. Water is also consumed in the same way, typically lowering any standing body of water fully within the area by 1 foot.Forest ShapeWhen casting _tree shape_, a forest dragon can become a tree of the same size and age as themself.Greater Constrict4d8+10 bludgeoning, DC 41Lignifying Bite(Plant, Primal, Transmutation) When a creature made of flesh is reduced to 0 Hit Points by the dragon's jaws Strike, that creature must attempt a DC 41 Fortitude save. If it fails, it dies, and its flesh, made of earth in a metaphysical sense, turns to wood. The wood is living and might grow into a tree over time, but it can't be used as a body or piece of a body for _raise dead_ or other magic that would return the creature to life.Woodland StrideThe forest dragon ignores difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain from non-magical foliage." - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Gold Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Gold", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "153", - "lore": "Ancient Gold DragonGold dragons are the epitome of metallic dragonkind, unrivaled in their strength as well as their wisdom. They command the unwavering reverence of all other metallic dragons, who view gold dragons as their leaders and counselors. Golds rival the raw power of even red dragons, much to the chagrin of their chromatic cousins, and the two races are often regarded as bitter rivals. But despite their incredible power, gold dragons are fond of discourse and prefer to talk through solutions to problems rather than rely upon brute strength. Long-lived as they are, they necessarily take a wide view of all situations and never act without considering all possible options and outcomes. Because of this, gold dragons willingly converse with any creature that seeks them out, even evil chromatic dragons. Mortals might find this behavior strange, considering the longstanding war between chromatic and metallic dragons, but dragons know all too well that desperate situations sometimes call for drastic alliances. And although gold dragons might consider brief truces with their chromatic brethren in the case of world-ending threats, they also know when such alliances have run their course. When another metallic dragon faces a quandary or a foe beyond its own ability to overcome, its best option is often to seek the counsel of the eternally wise and gloriously righteous gold dragons. Locating these legendary beings is no easy task, however, for gold dragons are notoriously reclusive. Their intellect and wisdom is such that they prefer to ponder the great questions of life in seclusion, where they strive to formulate solutions to the world's most pressing problems. As a result, gold dragons are sometimes absent when metallic dragons gather together, or are missing from tribunals where their counsel would be beneficial. Impatient dragons sometimes begrudge gold dragons for this apparent unreliability, but such aspersions are usually a result of jealousy rather than any true criticism; in their hearts, other dragons know that few gold dragons purposefully exclude themselves from truly important matters. A gold dragon's incredible foresight and unparalleled enlightenment means they are unlikely to interfere in the business of individual mortals, though the rare person who captures the attention of a gold dragon is fortunate indeed, for there are few beings in the cosmos who can offer such prudent and considerate advice. Rulers and individuals in stations of high power have an easier time of garnering the aid of a gold dragon; entire wars have been avoided thanks to a gold dragon's last-minute intermediation. Gold dragons are often found in warm grasslands and savannas, lands where they can enjoy long, meditative flights without attracting the attention of potential enemies. They tend to sleep either out in the open in a barren, remote place, or within a heavily secreted or fortified lair, such as a forgotten sink hole or in the labyrinthine caverns of a terrestrial chasm. Gold dragons may enlist trusted servants and allies to guard their lairs, though many live truly solitary lives, preferring to protect their hoards with nonlethal traps and magical wards.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 42Ancient Gold Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Green Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Green", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "135", - "lore": "Ancient Green DragonGreen dragons are the most contemplative of the chromatic dragons as well as the most approachable. The key to understanding green dragons is to understand their obsession with knowledge and self-discipline. Any careful approach that takes advantage of a green dragon’s fixations may end in a diplomatic outcome, but any misstep or slight can provoke a savage attack. Like most chromatic dragons, green dragons do not suffer fools—and the threshold for what they consider foolish is very low. Though more open than their chromatic cousins to dealing with other creatures and dragons, green dragons prefer an isolated and quiet life. They tend to lair in the most forbidding parts of a forest, surrounded by tangled thickets, or else at the heart of some dismal gulch. If the terrain is suitable, some green dragons make their home in natural caves, which they expand to suit their needs. Green dragons’ pride leads them to see to the preservation of their forest homes. They feel that a verdant and lush forest is something that they alone have cultivated. This leads some green dragons to follow the path of druidism, though most prefer to study the arcane arts and occult lore. Most of them delve deeply into one particular field of study, and correspond with other scholars in the field by adopting a pen name that hides their true nature. Regardless of their chosen focus, green dragons seek to improve themselves, and their desire for knowledge makes them more likely to deal diplomatically with other creatures in order to obtain new information. Their hoards are typically well kept, organized, and filled with tomes of lore and scrolls of magic along with antiquities they collect for their own inscrutable reasons. Many of these treasures come from across the globe, and many an adventurer has survived an encounter with a green dragon by stroking its ego and plying it with rare artifacts or lost lore from ancient cultures.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 38Ancient Green Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Magma Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Magma", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "633", - "lore": "Ancient Magma DragonMagma dragons have a reputation among other dragons for being unpredictable and brash. Their temperament and tendency for violent outbursts ensure that the typical magma dragon lives a solitary life, with hatchlings often bickering or fighting to establish dominance among themselves before they leave the nest. A magma dragon always has a reason for their outbursts and can always justify their sudden turns in mood, yet they rarely feel the need to do so.Magma dragons build lairs within volcanically active mountains or deep underground amid vast lakes of bubbling magma. As with all true dragons, magma dragons keep hoards of treasure, but the nature of their searing lairs limits the type of valuables they collect to metals, gems, and items capable of resisting the heat of a volcano's core.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 43Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 43Ancient Magma Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Red Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Red", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "138", - "lore": "Ancient Red DragonThe largest and most powerful of the chromatic dragons, red dragons are a menace to civilizations everywhere, and their strength is rivaled only by their arrogance. Red dragons see themselves as regents and overlords of all dragonkind. With their crowns of crimson spikes and their command of blistering frame, this is no haughty boast in their eyes—only unquestioned fact. Red dragons don’t deign to speak with lesser creatures; they simply dominate and burn, enslaving weaker creatures to act as servants and to look after their lairs while the dragons slumber away. They take pleasure in dominating these creatures, and they demand tribute from their supplicants. Those who anger or disappoint end up eaten or reduced to ash. They command their enslaved minions to constantly build onto their lairs, carving out new tunnels and designing cunning traps that ensure the dragon’s security. Driven by their arrogance, red dragons are the most likely of the chromatic dragons to ravage settlements. They want the world to see them in their rightful place as powerful tyrants, and they delight in threatening all other creatures. They have no qualms about bullying, manipulating, or killing to complete their goals—or simply intimidating others through a public display of brutality and dominance. As legendary as the brutishness of red dragons is the magnificence of their hoards of gold. Their lairs are often situated in dangerous places, with volcanoes being a favorite spot, as they find them foreboding and the constant warmth is comfortable. No matter the locale, red dragons sleep on a litter of coins and other treasures, which they zealously guard. Sometimes, the dragon’s internal heat causes these precious metals to fuse together.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 41Ancient Red Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Sea Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Sea", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Rare", "Water", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1127", - "lore": "Ancient Sea DragonSea dragons' affinity with water grants them mastery over rain, storms, and floods. Those whose livelihoods are at the mercy of the weather and waves frequently venerate these great aquatic creatures. Most sea dragons respond kindly to requests, but, like the sea, they can be unpredictable and fickle. Sea dragons have disk-shaped scales like fish and webbed claws as well as large back and tail fins to aid in swimming. They appear in vivid and vibrant colors, like aquatic wildlife. Underwater flora and fauna grow and thrive upon older sea dragons, and ancient sea dragons often have a head of coral around their antlers, giving them the image of being crowned royalty.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 41Unspecific Lore: DC 39Specific Lore: DC 36Ancient Sea DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 78Perception +30; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, ElvenSkillsAcrobatics +32, Arcana +26, Athletics +33, Deception +25, Intimidation +27, Nature +28, Society +26, Stealth +32, Survival +26Str +8Dex +7Con +5Int +3Wis +5Cha +4---AC 41 fed by metalFort +29 Ref +32 Will +27 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 350Immunitiesparalyzed, sleepCountered by Earth If the sea dragon is targeted with an earth spell or _flesh to stone_, they lose Liquefy until the end of their next turn.Fed by Metal (arcane, transmutation) When a sea dragon is struck by a weapon made primarily of metal or affected by a spell that uses metal, many of the dragon's scales transform to mimic the metal. This grants the dragon a +1 item bonus to AC until the start of their next turn.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 36Vortex (aura, water) 40 feet. Water in the aura that's also in the same body of water as the dragon is difficult terrain for Swimming creatures which don't have the water trait.Liquefy(abjuration, arcane, water) Trigger The dragon is targeted by a Strike or spell that could deal fire or physical damage to them; Effect The dragon liquefies, turning entirely to water while maintaining their shape, for a split second. Against the triggering effect, they gain resistance 25 to fire and to all physical damage.---Speed 50 feet, fly 140 feet, swim 70 feet; _water walk_Meleejaws +34 (Magical, reach 20 feet),Damage 3d12+16 piercing plus hyponatremiaMeleeclaw +34 (Agile, Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d10+16 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +34 (Magical, reach 25 feet),Damage 3d10+16 bludgeoning plus GrabArcane Innate Spells DC 38- 3rdEndure Elements (self only)- 5thControl Water, Create Water (at will)- Constant (2nd)Water WalkRituals DC 38- 8thControl Weather (doesn't require secondary casters)Breath Weapon(Arcane, Evocation, Water) The dragon shoots a ball of water that deals 18d6 bludgeoning damage in a 30-foot burst within 60 feet (DC 38 basic Reflex save). All non-magical fire in the radius is extinguished. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Greater Constrict3d10+8 bludgeoning, DC 38Hyponatremia(Water) A living creature that takes damage from the sea dragon's jaws Strike must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save or become sickened 2 as a surge of excess water floods its body.Tidal Wave(Arcane, Evocation, Manipulate, Water) Frequency once per 10 minutes; Requirements The dragon is in a body of water at least as large as they are; Effect The dragon slams their body down, sending a towering wave outward. This wave deals 10d12 bludgeoning damage in a 90-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 38 Reflex save. Structures and unattended objects in the area take the full amount of damage with no saving throw. Critical Success The creature takes no damage but is pushed 30 feet from the dragon. Success The creature takes half damage and is pushed 60 feet from the dragon. Failure The creature takes full damage, is pushed 120 feet from the dragon, and falls prone. Critical Failure As failure, but double damage." - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Silver Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Silver", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "156", - "lore": "Ancient Silver DragonSilver dragons are among the most chivalrous of all dragonkind; they wield frost and cold as weapons, can walk on clouds, and dwell high upon snowy mountain peaks or deep in steep, misty valleys. Although they typically make their lairs among the highlands, the pursuit of justice leads silver dragons to travel far and wide—often into the very heart of realms overrun by evil. These exemplars of righteousness are ceaseless in their determination to help the weak, spread honor, and stamp out evil. Silver dragons are sleek and sinuous. Their hides resemble nothing so much as a suit of gleaming armor, lending further credence to the popular myth that silver dragons are the paladins of dragonkind. The zeal with which they seek out, confront, and defeat evil is unsurpassed even among their metallic cousins, and they adhere to strict codes of honor usually passed down from parent to hatchling. On occasion, they instead learn these codes from trusted mentors, usually other silver dragons or gold dragons. As they age, they become even more dedicated to their codes, often adding new and even more restrictive clauses to the systems that guide their behavior. Silver dragons are incredibly altruistic and regularly consort with the citizens of goodly societies, of which they consider themselves protectors and guides. In addition to responding to evil threats, silver dragons work to prevent evil from taking root in the first place, and they ensure mortals under their care are well fed, educated, and treated with dignity. Although silver dragons can seem overzealous or even eager to join the fight against evil, they know that the best way to rid the world of corruption is to stamp out strife and disillusionment at their source, not to passively sit back and watch it grow into an unsolvable problem. Silver dragons can be vindictive, but they can also be forgiving; for evildoers who seek to atone for their sins and turn over a new leaf, the support of a silver dragon is both unwavering and invaluable. Many silver dragons are also drawn to religious endeavors, venerating deities such as Iomedae, Sarenrae, and other deities concerned with justice, virtue, and redemption.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 41Ancient Silver Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Sky Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Sky", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity", "Rare", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1130", - "lore": "Ancient Sky DragonSky dragons live above the clouds near the summits of mountains. They maintain a strong religious tradition, a unique practice among imperial dragons that sets them apart as much as their wings do. Desperate souls risk steep cliffs and loose snow to seek these dragons' counsel, and most sky dragons gladly help those who make the journey, but they expel any express hostilities or badger without hesitation. The sky dragon's wings aren't true wings, but long fins fused to their forearms; their scales also form only very slowly. Young dragons coil tightly in their lairs as they absorb minerals that color and harden their scales. Even adults often wrap around pillars out of habit.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 43Unspecific Lore: DC 41Specific Lore: DC 38Ancient Sky DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 80Perception +32; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAuran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal, SylvanSkillsAcrobatics +28, Athletics +35, Deception +28, Intimidation +32, Religion +34, Society +26, Stealth +28, Survival +28Str +8Dex +4Con +5Int +4Wis +6Cha +6Mist Vision Fog and mist don't impair a sky dragon's vision; they ignore the concealed condition from fog and mist.---AC 42 Fort +31 Ref +28 Will +32 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 335Immunitieselectricity, paralyzed, sleepCountered by Fire If the sky dragon takes fire damage, the elemental magic of metal within them is tempered. Until the end of their next turn, they take a –1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls and AC, and their jaws Strikes don't deal electricity damage. This limitation ends if the dragon uses Breath Weapon.Fed by Earth (abjuration, divine) When a sky dragon is targeted by an earth spell or effect, they leave a cloud of pulverized dust and gravel that swirls in the eddies of the dragon's flight. For 1 minute, the dragon is concealed while flying.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 38---Speed 60 feet, fly 160 feetMeleejaws +36 (Magical, reach 20 feet),Damage 3d10+16 piercing plus 1d12 electricityMeleeclaw +36 (Agile, Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d10+16 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +36 (Magical, reach 30 feet),Damage 3d10+16 bludgeoning plus GrabDivine Innate Spells DC 42- 1stFeather Fall, Gust of Wind- 4thGaseous Form, InvisibilityBreath Weapon(Divine, Electricity, Evocation) The dragon shoots a ball of electricity that deals 9d12 electricity damage and 2d12 sonic damage in a 30-foot burst within 60 feet (DC 40 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. See divine lightning below.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Divine Lightning(Divine) A good sky dragon who worships a deity channels divine power through its attacks, making them more effective against fiends and undead. Any electricity damage it deals becomes good damage against fiends or positive damage against undead.Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Greater Constrict3d10+11 bludgeoning, DC 40Perfected FlightA sky dragon can hover in place without spending an action, and they automatically succeed at all Acrobatics checks to Maneuver in Flight.Stunning Electricity(Divine, Electricity, Evocation, Incapacitation) The dragon rapidly coils, then unleashes crackling lightning that deals 5d12 electricity damage in a 60-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 40 Fortitude save; regardless of the outcome, the creature then becomes temporarily immune for 10 minutes. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success Half damage, and the creature is stunned 1. Failure Full damage, and the creature is stunned for 1 round and can't fly for 4 rounds. Critical Failure Double damage, and the creature is stunned for 2 rounds and can't fly for 1 minute." - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Sovereign Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Sovereign", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Rare", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1133", - "lore": "Ancient Sovereign DragonThe most well-known of imperial dragons due to their deep involvement with mortals, the sovereign dragons' name comes from their mandate of selecting rulers—but at some point, the dragons themselves joined the list of worthy candidates. Other imperial dragons suspect the sovereign dragons offered their connection to the elemental cycle to attain forbidden magic, evidenced by their lack of any vulnerability to wood or ability to feed on fire, despite being creatures of the earth. Most hesitate to question the sovereigns' authority. While some appreciate their impartial nature, others fault this adherence to neutrality. Regardless, the sovereign dragons' charm and centuries of experience in subtle manipulation have made them exceptional negotiators. Almost all sovereign dragons appear gold in color. Their hair ranges from common colors found among humans to bright reds, greens, or blues. They're the only dragons with five digits per claw, a mark of special importance. Other imperial dragons dismiss this claim to status and instead tease the sovereign dragons over their need to wear armor, even while in their draconic forms.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 45Unspecific Lore: DC 43Specific Lore: DC 40Ancient Sovereign DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 83Perception +36; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAbyssal, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal, TerranSkillsAcrobatics +31, Athletics +38, Deception +37, Diplomacy +41, Intimidation +37, Occultism +31, Society +31, Stealth +31, Survival +34Str +10Dex +5Con +7Int +5Wis +8Cha +9---AC 46 Fort +35 Ref +31 Will +36 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 410Immunitiesparalyzed, sleepResistancesmental 20Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 41Mentalist Counterspell(abjuration, occult) Trigger The dragon is targeted by a mental effect it's aware of; Effect The dragon immediately attempts to counteract the triggering effect (counteract modifier +32).Violent RetortTrigger A creature within the sovereign dragon's reach critically hits the dragon; Effect The sovereign dragon makes a claw or tail Strike against the creature, after applying all the effects of the critical hit to the dragon.---Speed 60 feet, fly 180 feetMeleejaws +38 (Magical, reach 20 feet),Damage 4d8+18 piercing plus 3d6 mentalMeleeclaw +38 (Agile, Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 4d8+18 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +38 (Magical, reach 30 feet),Damage 4d8+18 bludgeoning plus GrabOccult Innate Spells DC 43- 2ndDetect Alignment (at will; good or evil only)- 7thSuggestion (at will)- 9thShape Stone, Suggestion, Wall of StoneBreath Weapon(Evocation, Mental, Occult) The dragon unleashes a roar charged with psychic energy, dealing 21d6 mental damage in a 50-foot cone (DC 43 basic Will save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Gleaming Armor(Evocation, Light, Occult) Frequency once per hour; Effect The dragon's golden armor glows with a protective golden light. The dragon gains a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 20 to energy damage. Each enemy in a 20-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 43 Fortitude save or be dazzled. All these effects last until the end of the dragon's next turn.Greater Constrict4d8+11 bludgeoning, DC 43Inspire Envoy(Enchantment, Mental, Occult) Frequency once per day; Effect The dragon chooses a mortal they've observed performing an exceptional act and offers their august blessing in exchange for the creature carrying out a specific directive, such as defeating a tyrant or protecting a sacred site. If the creature agrees, until its next daily preparations, it gains a +2 status bonus to the dragon's choice of attack rolls, AC, or all of the following: Perception, Will saves, and Charisma-based skill checks. The dragon can Dismiss this benefit by spending a single action (that has the concentrate trait), which they're swift to do if the mortal dares to defy the dragon's directive." - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Umbral Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Umbral", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Shadow"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "636", - "lore": "Ancient Umbral DragonWhile the other primal dragons hail from the Elemental Planes, the cruel and unceasingly malicious umbral dragons originate in the depths of the Shadow Plane. Their sleek black scales and serpentine grace allow them to strike from hiding, and they are known for playing with their prey before finally finishing it. These creatures of shadowy energy and unwholesome appetites prefer the necrotic flesh of undead creatures to any other meal. This strange hunger can be of accidental benefit to nearby humanoid societies, but ultimately they hunt and kill undead creatures for the taste, rather than out of any desire to protect others from the undead. The benefit is always short-lived, however. When umbral dragons exhaust their preferred prey, they turn on whatever living creatures happen to be nearby. Umbral dragons sometimes go to great lengths to obtain their favorite meals, even creating undead creatures that they then feast upon.For all their power, umbral dragons are uninterested in fair battles. When faced with foes that pose any kind of actual danger to them, umbral dragons flee into the shadows and seek to strike back through pawns or minions rather than risk their own lives. Their treasure hoards are varied and diverse, often augmented by loot stolen from crypts the dragons have turned into feeding grounds. They have a strong respect for and interest in traditions and heirlooms, and they often seek to augment their hoards with items of great value that have been handed down through the generations of those whose corpses and ghosts they've fed upon.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 45Ancient Umbral Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Ancient Underworld Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Underworld", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Rare", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1136", - "lore": "Ancient Underworld DragonUnderworld dragons embody the pressure between tectonic plates, the heat behind geysers, and flash fires that ignite when the conditions are just right. Natural alchemists, they innately understand reagents and catalysts. While some research the effects of magic on material reactions, the majority of underworld dragons concentrate on building their hoards. They scour the world for carved gemstones and artifacts of precious minerals, both of which they see as distilled essence of earth's bounty. Underworld dragons appear angular and sharp; their scales glow as if superheated from within, and their hair flickers like tongues of flames. An intense fire glows behind their gazes, suggesting they could ignite items with a mere thought, and their breath ripples the air as a testament to the heat contained within their bodies.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 40Unspecific Lore: DC 38Specific Lore: DC 35Ancient Underworld DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 85Perception +28; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feet, smoke visionLanguagesCommon, Draconic, Ignan, Terran, UndercommonSkillsAcrobatics +23, Arcana +25, Athletics +32, Crafting +29, Deception +27, Intimidation +29, Nature +24, Stealth +25, Survival +24Str +8Dex +3Con +6Int +5Wis +4Cha +5Smoke Vision Smoke doesn't impair an underworld dragon's vision; they ignore the concealed condition from smoke.---AC 39 Fort +30 Ref +25 Will +28 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 295Immunitiesfire, paralyzed, sleepCountered by Water If the underworld dragon takes damage from a spell with the cold or water trait, the elemental magic of fire within them is momentarily dampened. Until the end of their next turn, they take a –1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls,their jaws Strikes don't deal fire damage, and also lose their sweltering heat aura. This limitation ends if the dragon uses Breath Weapon.Fed by Wood When an underworld dragon is struck by a weapon made primarily of wood or affected by a spell with the plant trait, the dragon's internal fiery essences are stoked with the added fuel. Their breath weapon recharges, and the fire damage from the dragon's jaws increases by one die until the end of the dragon's next turn.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 35Sweltering Heat (arcane, aura, evocation, fire) 10 feet. Each creature that ends its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 35 Fortitude saving throw or become fatigued while it remains in the aura.---Speed 40 feet, burrow 60 feet, fly 80 feetMeleejaws +32 (Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d10+16 piercing plus 3d6 fireMeleeclaw +32 (Agile, Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d10+16 slashing plus adamantine claws and GrabMeleetail +32 (Magical, reach 25 feet),Damage 3d10+16 bludgeoning plus GrabArcane Innate Spells DC 37- Cantrips (8th)Detect Magic- 8thContinual Flame, Wall of FireAdamantine ClawsThe dragon's claws are infused with adamantine. Their claw Strikes ignore half the Hardness of any object hit.Breath Weapon(Arcane, Evocation, Fire) The dragon breathes a blast of fire that explodes in a 30-foot burst within 60 feet, dealing 14d6 fire damage (DC 39 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save also take 3d6 persistent fire damage. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Greater Constrict3d10+9 bludgeoning, DC 37Scorch Earth(Arcane, Evocation, Fire) The dragon plunges their body into the ground, Burrows up to their Speed, and then scorches the land within a 60-foot emanation. Creatures underground or on the surface in the area take 8d6 fire damage (DC 37 basic Fortitude save), and those who critically fail become enfeebled 1 for 1 minute." - }, - { - "name": "Ancient White Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, White", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "141", - "lore": "Ancient White DragonThe most feral and least intelligent of all the chromatic dragons, white dragons are brutish, predatory, and chiefly motivated by self-preservation. Nearly all other dragons look down on white dragons as hopelessly hotheaded and dull, though this does not make them any less dangerous—in fact, it may mean the opposite. It’s nearly impossible to treat with white dragons, not because they lack the capacity to do so, but because they just don’t care to. They are as difficult to deal with as they are quick to anger, and they become incensed at almost anything. When a white dragon does speak, it spews threats, inane jokes, and incoherent babbling as a prelude to attacking—and when the attack comes, it’s bloody and relentless. Thankfully, white dragons prefer very cold, remote locations that are far from people. Dwelling on glacial mountaintops or in ice caverns beneath forbidding tundra, they treat the lands around them as their own personal hunting grounds. They fly out to feed or terrorize other creatures, especially those who trespass near the dragon’s territory, then bring any treasure back to be displayed in icy niches in their lairs. They collect all kinds of valuables, with a slight preference for items with high utility—such as tools, trade goods, and fine food—over coins or jewels. The ability to shape ice lets white dragons rearrange their lairs exactly to their specifications, and they take great pride in how they’ve decorated their homes over the years.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 36Ancient White Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Android Infiltrator", - "family": "Android", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Android", "Humanoid", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1061", - "lore": "Android InfiltratorAndroids possess synthetic bodies inhabited by living souls. These technological organisms first came to Golarion from another world when their starship crashed, scattering wreckage all across Numeria in an event known as the Rain of Stars. Feared by local Kellids and enslaved by the Technic League, androids on Golarion have spent eons being hated and hunted. Many androids survive by adopting human customs and hiding in plain sight, while others become criminals, hermits, or nomads. Designed to resemble humans, androids have several distinctive features. Their eyes have a metallic sheen, they rarely fall ill, and they have trouble displaying complex emotions. Circuit-like tattoos decorate their bodies and control internal nanites. When stimulated, these nanites kick their internal chemistry into overdrive, allowing them to function at peak performance that causes their circuitry to glow. Androids are created in sophisticated machines called foundries. They emerge as mature adults with newborn souls and no knowledge of their purpose or the world around them. Android bodies don't deteriorate, though their souls age like any other mortal's. When an android feels they've lived a full life, they willingly release their soul to the afterlife, causing their body to shut down and reboot. Once this process, known as Renewal, completes, a new soul inhabits the body. Foundry programming produces androids that mimic human anatomy. Numerous android models exist, each designed to excel at different tasks and purposes. Androids of all models display countless variations of coloration, body shapes, and gender identities. Theoretically, a foundry could be reprogrammed to create androids with new adaptations, colorations, and forms—perhaps even in the guise of other ancestries.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 21Unspecific Lore: DC 19Specific Lore: DC 16Android InfiltratorSource Bestiary 3 pg. 16Perception +6; (+5 to Sense Motive) low-light visionLanguagesAndroffan, CommonSkillsAcrobatics +8, Athletics +6, Crafting +7, Deception +3, Engineering Lore +7, Society +7, Stealth +10, Thievery +8Str +2Dex +4Con +2Int +3Wis +0Cha -1ItemsHand Crossbow (10 bolts), Shortsword---AC 18 Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +4 +1 circumstance to all saves vs. disease, poison, and radiationHP 28Emotionally Unaware The android takes a –1 circumstance penalty to Diplomacy and Performance checks, and to Perception checks to Sense Motive.Nanite SurgeTrigger The android infiltrator attempts a skill check but hasn't rolled yet; Effect The android infiltrator stimulates their nanites, forcing their body to temporarily increase its efficiency. They gain a +2 status bonus to the triggering skill check. In addition, their circuitry glows, creating a 10-foot emanation with dim light for 1 round.---Speed 25 feetMeleeshortsword +10 (Agile, Finesse, versatile S),Damage 1d6+2 piercingMeleefist +10 (Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal),Damage 1d4+2 bludgeoningRangedhand crossbow +10 (range increment 60 feet, reload 1),Damage 1d6 piercingSneak AttackThe android infiltrator deals an additional 1d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.Distant WordsSome androids speak Androffan, the language of their distant home world. Ruins across Numeria bear Androffan script, but on Golarion, almost none beyond some androids and members of the Technic League read or speak this rare alien language." - }, - { - "name": "Angazhani", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1062", - "lore": "AngazhaniAngazhanis lurk in the depths of the world's jungles, where these sapient, four-armed apes prey on any creatures they deem lesser than themselves. They're purportedly the divine minions of Angazhan, demon lord of apes. While many angazhanis do worship this foul god, scarce evidence exists to support their claim to fiendish heritage. Jungle-dwelling people know well to steer clear of suspected angazhani territories; angazhanis of such areas don't slaughter outright, often capturing trespassers to serve as slaves or as living sacrifices in heinous rituals.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19AngazhaniSource Bestiary 3 pg. 17Perception +18; darkvisionLanguagesAbyssal, Common, MwangiSkillsAthletics +20, Intimidation +15, Religion +16, Survival +16Str +6Dex +4Con +5Int -1Wis +4Cha +3---AC 26 Fort +19 Ref +16 Will +14 HP 180Defensive DisarmTrigger A creature makes a melee weapon Strike against the angazhani and misses; Requirements The angazhani is benefiting from their Defensive Slam; Effect The angazhani attempts to Disarm the attacker of the triggering weapon.---Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feetMeleefist +20 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+9 bludgeoningMeleejaws +20,Damage 2d12+9 piercingDivine Innate Spells DC 24- 3rdFear (×2)- 6thDominateDefensive SlamThe angazhani uses their arms to defend themself while attacking. The angazhani Strikes once and gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of their next turn.Focused SlamThe angazhani beats a single opponent with all four of their brawny arms, leaving their foe nowhere to dodge. The angazhani makes a fist Strike. On a successful attack, they deal fist damage to the target plus an additional 3d8 damage, and they meet the requirements to Rend the target this turn, even if they didn't hit on two consecutive Strikes. Even on a failed attack, the angazhani deals the damage from one fist Strike to the target, though they still miss completely on a critical failure. This ability counts as four attacks toward an angazhani's multiple attack penalty. After using this ability, the angazhani is flat-footed until the beginning of their next turn.RendfistPummeling ChargeEffect The angazhani rushes up to a foe at extreme speed and slams down with their fists. The angazhani Strides or Climbs up to three times, then makes two fist Strikes against one enemy within reach.Jungle MurderersOn Golarion, angazhanis dwell almost exclusively in remote reaches of the vast Mwangi Jungle. Many of them served the hateful Gorilla King Ruthazek in Usaro, but after his downfall over a decade ago, these supplicants have fallen into infighting. The mysterious Mwangi warrior Shosenbe is attempting to reunite the angazhanis of Usaro, though not all of the fallen Gorilla King's former minions are eager to follow a human leader." - }, - { - "name": "Angheuvore Flesh-Gnawer", - "family": "Mortic", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Elf", "Humanoid", "Mortic", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1234", - "lore": "AngheuvoreAngheuvores, or mortic elves, have an insatiable hunger for raw humanoid flesh— though they're reluctant to feed on other elves. Most stalk the streets of human nations, such as Druma, Razmiran, and the River Kingdoms. Impatient and impulsive, they're opportunistic hunters, preying on the wounded and isolated.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 21Unspecific Lore: DC 19Specific Lore: DC 16Angheuvore Flesh-GnawerSource Bestiary 3 pg. 174Perception +7; darkvision, carrion scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesCommon, Elven, NecrilSkillsAcrobatics +8, Athletics +7, Intimidation +5, Medicine +5, Stealth +8, Survival +5Str +3Dex +4Con +3Int +2Wis +1Cha +1ItemsComposite Shortbow (20 arrows), Elven Curve Blade---AC 18 Fort +9 Ref +10 Will +5 HP 30(negative healing)Consecration Vulnerability An angheuvore in a place of worship dedicated to a non-evil deity or on sacred ground, such as an area blessed by _sanctified ground_, is slowed 1.---Speed 30 feetMeleejaws +10 (Finesse),Damage 1d6+5 piercing plus paralysisMeleeelven curve blade +10 (Finesse, Forceful),Damage 1d8+5 slashingRangedcomposite shortbow +10 (deadly d10, Propulsive, range increment 60 feet),Damage 1d6+3 piercingDeath Gasp(Divine, Necromancy) The angheuvore draws in a deep breath and holds it, temporarily suspending their biological processes and becoming undead. The angheuvore gains the undead trait and becomes immune to bleed, death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, and sleep. Any such effects the angheuvore is currently suffering from are suspended, but take effect again once they take a breath. Death Gasp lasts as long as the angheuvore holds their breath (up to 8 rounds).Invigorating Feast(Manipulate) Requirements The angheuvore is adjacent to a paralyzed, restrained, or unconscious creature, or a deceased creature that died in the last hour; Effect The angheuvore feasts upon the creature, dealing their jaws Strike damage (basic Fortitude save); a corpse automatically critically fails with no save. If the target takes damage, the angheuvore gains 5 temporary Hit Points and a +10-foot circumstance bonus to their Speeds for 1 minute.Paralysis(Divine, Incapacitation, Necromancy) Any living creature hit by an angheuvore's jaws Strike must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save or become paralyzed. It can attempt a new save to end the condition at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each save.Scholarly PursuitsAngheuvores retain the elven love of education, although the topics that interest them are decidedly macabre. Many study anatomy, haruspicy, medicine, pain, putrefaction, or trauma, preferring hands-on experiments and research whenever possible." - }, - { - "name": "Animate Dream", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Dream", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Dream", "Incorporeal"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "546", - "lore": "Animate DreamAn animate dream coalesces from centuries of stray fragments of reverie and dream left behind as slumbering minds drift through the Dimension of Dreams. In most cases, these fragments simply disperse on their own, but when dreamers flee from nightmares back to the waking world, these fragments can take on a supernatural life of their own. They have little reasoning and intent except to seek similar fragments, absorb them, and grow. When enough of them gather together, they merge into a horrific form as an animate dream.Individually, animate dreams can hold a wide range of appearances, but most take on rudimentary shapes akin to the living forms of the minds that spawned them. Animate dreams that rise from slumbering humanoids, the most commonly encountered, thus appear humanoid, but with distorted, nightmarish shapes that incorporate additional twisted limbs and frightening features. In these forms, animate dreams find their way out of the Dreamlands and into the waking world, only to discover they have no way of returning and suffer a relentless hunger that only new nightmares can sate.An animate dream thrives on the terror fueled by nightmares and fear and uses its supernatural abilities to invoke such feelings in the minds of its victims, cursing its prey by creating a permanent link to that individual's dreams. Thereafter, the victim is subjected to all manner of reoccurring nightmares. As the nightmares continue, the victim finds it more and more difficult to remain awake. In the end, the victim plunges into an accursed slumber from which it cannot return. These victims provide the animate dream with the purest form of fear and are its preferred sustenance.An animate dream can subsist on the ambient fear generated by regular nightmares, but these lesser fears aren't as satisfying, often driving the animate dream to seek out new victims. Left without a source of fear, an animate dream won't starve to death, but it will grow increasingly violent and desperate. Famished animate dreams are the ones most often encountered, as they have been forced to abandon subtlety to pursue more blatant methods of harvesting fear. Yet such animate dreams also tend to be the least powerful of their kind. Those who have grown metaphysically fat on fear have generally done so by adopting a specific nightmare theme, such as being buried alive, being swept away by ocean waves, or being consumed by wild beasts. Such animate dreams often have similarly themed innate spells to augment their powers.Animate Dream" - }, - { - "name": "Animated Armor", - "family": "Animated Object", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "19", - "lore": "Animated ArmorSuits of animated armor see use both as guardians and as training partners in high-end martial academies able to afford the extravagance. They are most often found in wizard laboratories and ancient dungeons.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 16Animated Armor" - }, - { - "name": "Animated Broom", - "family": "Animated Object", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "18", - "lore": "Animated BroomAnimated brooms perform menial tasks of cleaning and upkeep, but they can step in to defend a room from intrusion if needed. These simple animated objects can be found with greater frequency than more complicated and costly objects.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 13Animated Broom" - }, - { - "name": "Animated Colossus", - "family": "Animated Object", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1066", - "lore": "Animated ColossusAnimating a 100-foot-tall statue is worth the cost for spellcasters guarding immense dungeons.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 34Unspecific Lore: DC 32Specific Lore: DC 29Animated ColossusSource Bestiary 3 pg. 19Perception +23; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +33Str +9Dex +2Con +8Int -5Wis +0Cha -5---AC 39 (35 when broken); construct armorFort +31 Ref +21 Will +19 HP 245Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousConstruct Armor Like normal objects, an animated colossus has Hardness. This Hardness reduces any damage the colossus takes by an amount equal to the Hardness. Once an animated colossus is reduced to fewer than half its Hit Points, or immediately upon being damaged by a critical hit, its construct armor breaks, removing the Hardness and reducing its Armor Class to 35 when broken.Enormous An animated colossus takes up a space of 6 squares by 6 squares (30 feet by 30 feet) and is 100 feet tall.---Speed 50 feetMeleefist +32 (Magical, reach 30 feet),Damage 3d12+17 bludgeoning plus Improved GrabMeleefoot +32 (Agile, Magical, reach 20 feet),Damage 3d8+17 bludgeoningColossus's GraspThe colossus can Grab a creature using only one hand. It can move normally with a creature grabbed or restrained in its fist, carrying the creature along. If it has two creatures grabbed in this way, it can't use its fist Strike.Constrict3d12+11 bludgeoning, DC 36Trample(Attack) Huge or smaller, foot, DC 36" - }, - { - "name": "Animated Furnace", - "family": "Animated Object", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Huge"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1064", - "lore": "Animated FurnaceThis huge forge or oven is animated to protect a workspace or kitchen, travel alongside its owner, or both.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21Animated FurnaceSource Bestiary 3 pg. 18Perception +15; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +22Str +7Dex -2Con +6Int -5Wis +0Cha -5---AC 30 (26 when broken); construct armorFort +21 Ref +11 Will +13 HP 135Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained,fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison,sickened, unconsciousConstruct Armor Like normal objects, an animated furnace has Hardness. This Hardness reduces any damage the furnace takes by an amount equal to the Hardness. Once an animated furnace is reduced to fewer than half its Hit Points, or immediately upon being damaged by a critical hit, its construct armor breaks, removing the Hardness and reducing its Armor Class to 26---Speed 15 feetMeleedoor +21 (Magical),Damage 2d12+9 bludgeoning plus 1d8 fire and Improved GrabFan the FlamesThe animated furnace opens its door and fans its flames in a 30-foot cone that deals 5d6 fire damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save).Swallow Whole(Attack) Large, 2d8+9 fire, Rupture 15" - }, - { - "name": "Animated Silverware Swarm", - "family": "Animated Object", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1063", - "lore": "Animated Silverware SwarmNobles are known to pay great amounts to animate their silverware, both for ease in cleaning and to serve as novelties during dinner parties.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10Animated Silverware SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 18Perception +5; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +8Str +1Dex +3Con +4Int -5Wis +0Cha -5---AC 16 (12 when broken); construct armorFort +9 Ref +8 Will +3 HP 14Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, precision, poison, sickened, unconsciousWeaknessesarea damage 3, splash damage 3Construct Armor Like normal objects, an animated silverware swarm has Hardness. This Hardness reduces any damage the swarm takes by an amount equal to the Hardness. Once an animated silverware swarm is reduced to fewer than half its Hit Points, or immediately upon being damaged by a critical hit, its construct armor breaks, removing the Hardness and reducing its Armor Class to 12.---Speed 20 feetSlice and Dice(Magical) Each enemy in the animated silverware swarm's space takes 1d6 piercing or slashing damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save)Stick a Fork in ItThe animated silverware swarm attempts to pin a single creature. The target must attempt a DC 17 Reflex save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success Silverware pins portions of the target's clothing and gear. The target takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds as long as it remains in the swarm's space. Failure As success, and the target also can't Step until it leaves the swarm's space. Critical Failure The target is thoroughly pinned by the silverware, becoming immobilized until it Escapes (DC 17) or uses 2 Interact actions to remove all of the silverware pinning them down." - }, - { - "name": "Animated Statue", - "family": "Animated Object", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Construct", "Earth", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "20", - "lore": "Animated StatueAnimated statues are often used to guard crypts, small shrines, or areas in government buildings where they can be positioned amid normal statues to hide their true nature until an intruder arouses their ire. Adventurers’ suspicions regarding statues suddenly animating and attacking has led many less scrupulous adventurers to automatically attack any statues they encounter, ruining harmless, ancient relics.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 18Animated Statue" - }, - { - "name": "Animated Trebuchet", - "family": "Animated Object", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1065", - "lore": "Animated TrebuchetLarge armies sometimes pay exorbitant fees to animate their siege weapons.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 31Unspecific Lore: DC 29Specific Lore: DC 26Animated TrebuchetSource Bestiary 3 pg. 19Perception +21; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +30Str +9Dex +2Con +8Int -5Wis +0Cha -5---AC 36 (32 when broken); construct armorFort +29 Ref +19 Will +17 HP 200Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousConstruct Armor Like normal objects, an animated trebuchet has Hardness. This Hardness reduces any damage the trebuchet takes by an amount equal to the Hardness. Once an animated trebuchet is reduced to fewer than half its Hit Points, or immediately upon being damaged by a critical hit, its construct armor breaks, removing the Hardness and reducing its Armor Class to 32.---Speed 20 feetMeleearm +28 (Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d12+11 bludgeoning plus GrabRangedrock +28 (Brutal, Magical, range increment 120 feet),Damage 3d10+11 bludgeoningLaunchRequirements The animated trebuchet has a creature grabbed in its arm; Effect The animated trebuchet attempts an Athletics check against the grabbed creature's Fortitude DC. On a success, it fires the creature up to 40 feet in height and up to 120 feet away. The creature takes 4d12 bludgeoning damage plus the appropriate falling damage. If the flung creature lands on another creature, the creature it lands on takes the same amount of bludgeoning damage (DC 33 basic Reflex save). On a successful Launch, the animated trebuchet must Interact to reposition its arm into the proper position before it can Launch again.Trample(Attack) Large or smaller, arm, DC 33" - }, - { - "name": "Ankhrav", - "family": "Ankhrav", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "23", - "lore": "AnkhravThese horse-sized, burrowing monsters generally avoid heavily settled areas like cities, but ankhravs’ predilection for livestock and humanoid flesh ensures that the creatures do not remain in the deep wilderness for long. Desperate farmers whose fields become infested by ankhravs often have little recourse but to seek the aid of adventurers.\nRecall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Ankhrav" - }, - { - "name": "Ankou", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "547", - "lore": "AnkouAnkous are shadowy killers who serve powerful fey creatures, or even the Eldest— the demigods of the First World. Amid the courts of the Eldest or of powerful fey rulers, these sinister assassins lurk overhead as they await the call to action—implied threats akin to deadly weapons hung as decor in a royal hall. Ankous never speak aloud; when they feel the need to communicate at all, they do so in a telepathic whisper directly into a victim's mind. While an ankou's body is made of strange, fleshy material, their claws and the cruel hooks on their wings are made of razor-sharp cold iron, a quality that makes them much feared among other fey. A typical ankou is 10 feet tall and has an 8-foot wingspan but weighs less than 80 pounds.While most ankous serve powerful masters, some of these murderous fey are left to their own devices and serve none but their own capricious, cruel whims. In some cases, their master may have been slain, while in others the ankou may have been released from service for any number of reasons. An ankou left to indulge their own whims unrestrained is often the most dangerous ankou of them all!Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 32Ankou" - }, - { - "name": "Ankylosaurus", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "119", - "lore": "AnkylosaurusSquat, heavily armored quadrupeds, ankylosauruses are stubborn and irascible. Although they’re herbivores, they have been known to attack other creatures that trespass within territory simply out of ill temper. Ankylosauruses have few natural predators, as their bony hides are covered in spiked nubs that jut in many different directions to discourage larger creatures from biting them. They have mighty tails ending in an immense knot of bone, which they use to whip at threats with incredible speed and power. While these low-to-the-ground dinosaurs can trample human-sized or smaller foes, their relatively squat stance prevents them from doing so against larger targets. An ankylosaurus is about 30 feet long, 10 feet tall at the shoulder, and weighs over 3 tons. The ankylosaurus is the largest of the heavily armored dinosaurs called ankylosaurids, but smaller versions exist as well. Still Large in size, these smaller dinosaurs, such as the 16-foot long pinacosaurus, lack the trample ability and are rarely above 4th level. Regardless of size, ankylosaurids tend to be relatively muted in coloration, with mixes of black, brown, and gray. When captive, an ankylosaurus’s keeper might paint its scales bright colors to signify to others that is not a wild creature.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 22Ankylosaurus" - }, - { - "name": "Annis Hag", - "family": "Hag", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Hag", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "256", - "lore": "Annis HagAnnis hags are brutal torturers and murderers, delighting in the musical screams and tasty flesh of young creatures and those who are pure of heart. Annis hags are the most direct of all hags, engaging in physical combat and using their change shape ability to hunt rather than to infiltrate and betray humanoids. But an Annis hag takes a grisly trophy from each kill and uses it to sow discord, sending the trophy to one of her victim’s loved ones in a way that implicates another family member in the murder. Also known as iron hags, annis hags have iron-like yet flexible flesh that resists edged weapons, and their own touch is the same cold iron that burns the flesh of other hags. This allows them to bully their way to the leadership of hag covens.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 22Annis Hag" - }, - { - "name": "Aolaz", - "family": "—", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Construct"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "550", - "lore": "AolazAolazes are great beasts carved from stone and metal and magically imbued with the essence of life. The exact means of their creation is a long-lost secret, and they are so rare that scholars have little opportunity to study active specimens. The best-known aolazes are museum pieces or battlefield relics destroyed or deactivated centuries ago, though fragmented records suggest that many more were made and might remain, yet to be unearthed.Most aolazes are built in the shape of great land-bound beasts, such as elephants, rhinoceroses, or dinosaurs. Regardless of the specific creature an aolaz has been constructed to resemble, it is not bound to walk the earth like its inspirations are—it's imbued with the magical ability to pursue across water and even through the air. Few can escape an aolaz's wrath once it is earned.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 43Aolaz" - }, - { - "name": "Aphorite Sharpshooter", - "family": "Planar Scion", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aphorite", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1265", - "lore": "AphoriteThe denizens of the Eternal City of Axis first forged aphorites to serve as emissaries, agents, and facilitators, with one foot in the sublime, perfect order of the Plane of Law, and one in the messy, murky, confusing muck of the Material Plane. In time, aphorites spread across the length and breadth of Golarion. Today they can be found in any corner of any land, and only a fraction still serve Axis directly. Aphorites, like all planar scions, stand out quite vividly from their fellow mortals, sporting metallic skin, a faint coating of crystalline dust, a swirl of mathematical symbols, or perfectly symmetrical features. Many aphorites think logically and find satisfaction in careers dealing with numbers and information. Often, this leads them to become bookkeepers, clerks, or architects, but some become military engineers or sharpshooters. Others are drawn to the art of production, becoming blacksmiths, carpenters, engineers, architects, tailors, masons, or other such artisans. But no matter their careers, aphorites often feel the urge to tinker, and aphorite inventions draws both mockery and appreciation in equal measure. Aphorites who work in less academic professions, such as mercenaries or laborers, sometimes hide their keen analytical intelligence beneath extravagant demeanors and flamboyant hats. Some craft even these disguises with the same depth and complexity they do others aspect of their lives, considering every theatrical mannerism carefully and planning out their every detail.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14Aphorite SharpshooterSource Bestiary 3 pg. 204Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, UtopianSkillsAcrobatics +10, Athletics +8, Deception +10, Diplomacy +10, Engineering Lore +9, Intimidation +10Str +2Dex +4Con +2Int +1Wis +0Cha +2ItemsBreastplate, Crossbow (50 bolts), outrageous hat, Shortsword---AC 21 Fort +10 Ref +12 Will +8 HP 60Crystalline DustFrequency once per day; Effect The sharpshooter becomes concealed for 4 rounds, though they can't use the concealment to Hide or Sneak, as normal for concealment where their position is obvious.---Speed 20 feetMeleeshortsword +14 (Agile, Finesse, versatile S),Damage 1d6+8 piercingRangedcrossbow +14 (range increment 60, reload 1),Damage 1d8+8 piercingDivine Innate Spells DC 18- 1stTrue StrikeCalculated ReloadWhen the sharpshooter reloads their crossbow, they also calculate the best angle to their target, increasing the damage die from 1d8 to 1d10 and gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to their damage roll for their next crossbow Strike, as long as it occurs before the end of their next turn.Hurtful Critique(Auditory, Emotion, Linguistic, Mental) The sharpshooter makes witty, but disparaging comments about the fighting style of a target within 30 feet, expressing sympathy over every missed blow and providing sarcastic advice on how to improve. The target must succeed at a DC 18 Will save or take a –1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls (–2 on a critical failure) for 1 minute or until it makes a successful Strike against the sharpshooter. A creature who critically succeeds or who Strikes the sharpshooter after failing is immune to that sharpshooter's Hurtful Critique for 1 hour.Aphorite GearDue to their propensity for tinkering, many aphorite soldiers and mercenaries carry odd or improbable weapons—such as crossbows with precision sights, exquisitely balanced blades, or partitioned quivers with arrows for every occasion. Outsiders often express skepticism about these weapons, but no one can deny their effectiveness." - }, - { - "name": "Ararda", - "family": "Blightburn Genies", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Genie"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "874", - "lore": "ArardaShaitans corrupted by the Black Desert's blightburn become scorpion-like arardas. While other earth genies sparkle with the iridescence of gemstones and evoke the power of the earth itself, arardas use their connection to the ground to harness the might of electricity. Arardas are so infused with this radioactive crystal that their mere presence is toxic to most living creatures.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 43Ararda" - }, - { - "name": "Arbiter", - "family": "Aeon", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Aeon", "Inevitable", "Monitor"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "6", - "lore": "ArbiterThese spherical inevitables are scouts and diplomats. Found throughout the multiverse, they have traditionally kept watch over on chaos and its agents. With the announcement of the Convergence, many arbiters now serve as go-betweens among the aeon alliance and its mortal associates.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 15Arbiter" - }, - { - "name": "Arboreal Archive", - "family": "Arboreal", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Plant", "Huge"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1068", - "lore": "Arboreal ArchiveArboreal archives are solitary beings typically found in the remote wilderness. These ancient monoliths hold the memories of their vast territories, keeping mental records of the passing seasons of the world around them. Their knowledge of humanoid affairs varies, as they find quickly shifting political situations difficult to comprehend, but through fungal networks, reports from arboreal wardens, and other woodland chatter, arboreal archives learn of each storm, drought, or logging threat encountered throughout their long years. They primarily observe and record rather than interfere, but they willingly offer wisdom to those who respectfully seek them out. Arboreal regents call upon archives for advice in times of strife, conferring on the best course of action to protect their realms. It is rare for there to be more than one arboreal archive in a given region. When an archive senses they're nearing the end of their lengthy lifespan, a grove of regents gathers to nominate the wisest among them to become the next archive. After four seasons' deliberation, all arboreals in the area congregate to witness the succession ritual, during which the elder arboreal archive transfers their collected wisdom to the elected replacement before retiring.Recall Knowledge - Plant(Nature): DC 30Unspecific Lore: DC 28Specific Lore: DC 25Arboreal ArchiveSource Bestiary 3 pg. 21Perception +25; low-light vision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesArboreal, Common, Sylvan; _speak with plants_SkillsAthletics +23, Diplomacy +22, Forest Lore +28, Nature +25, Stealth +19Str +7Dex -1Con +5Int +4Wis +7Cha +4---AC 33 Fort +23 Ref +17 Will +27 HP 230Resistancesbludgeoning 10, piercing 10Weaknessesaxe vulnerability, fire 15Axe Vulnerability An arboreal archive takes 10 additional damage from axes.Abeyance Rift If an arboreal archive dies unexpectedly before passing on their knowledge in a succession ritual, the amassed lore within their roots and boughs explodes out in a shock wave that deals 8d10 mental damage to creatures within 30 feet (DC 32 basic Will save) before dissipating; those who fail also fall prone.---Speed 25 feetMeleebranch +25 (reach 15 feet),Damage 3d10+10 bludgeoning plus Improved KnockdownPrimal Innate Spells DC 32, attack +24- 2ndEntangle- 3rdEarthbind (at will)- 6thTangling Creepers- Constant (4th)Speak with PlantsMemory Maelstrom(Concentrate, Incapacitation, Mental, Nonlethal, Primal) The arboreal archive tries to overwhelm foes with a surge of information it has absorbed over its long life. This surge deals 5d6 mental damage to each enemy within 40 feet, who must attempt a DC 32 Will save. Critical Success The creature maintains its composure, takes no damage, and is temporarily immune to Memory Maelstrom for 1 minute. Success The creature is stunned 1 and takes half damage. Failure The creature takes full damage and is stunned 3. Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, is confused for 2d4 rounds, and is stunned 3.Painting MemoriesAs with all arboreals, no two arboreal archives are identical in appearance. The uniquely patterned bark of arboreal archives makes them even more distinct from one another, painting a mysterious and unique record of their knowledge of Verduran Lore. Practitioners of primal magic believe the earthy colors adorning each arboreal archive's body hold clues about the memories and myths the creature collects and preserves. " - }, - { - "name": "Arboreal Reaper", - "family": "Arboreal", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Plant", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1067", - "lore": "Arboreal ReaperWhile some forests have an idyllic, peaceful quality to them, others feel distinctly unfriendly or even sinister—these forests are the favored haunts of arboreal reapers. Sometimes these woodlands are sought out by secretive practitioners of malicious arts who claim the unsettling ambiance aids their abilities; arboreal reapers see no reason to interfere with such practices as long as the balance of their forests isn't harmed. All arboreals vary in appearance based on their surroundings, but arboreal reapers always seem vaguely eerie, whether they watch over a grim weald or a tropical rain forest. Often slightly warped, twisted, and covered in spiky protrusions, arboreal reapers sometimes sprout around old ruins or other permanent structures, breaking down and incorporating the structures as they mature and become more mobile. Arboreal reapers focus on the essential decaying phase of a forest's life cycle, becoming especially active in autumn and winter seasons. Their influence can often be seen in the explosion of mushrooms on a rotting log or the enticing fronds of a flourishing carnivorous plant. Like arboreal wardens, these woodland guardians are quicker to react to perceived threats than the more deliberate regents or retiring archives—at least by arboreal standards.Recall Knowledge - Plant(Nature): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18Arboreal ReaperSource Bestiary 3 pg. 20Perception +15; low-light visionLanguagesArboreal, Common, SylvanSkillsAthletics +17, Intimidation +17, Nature +15, Stealth +14Str +6Dex +2Con +4Int +2Wis +2Cha +4---AC 25 Fort +17 Ref +13 Will +15 HP 130Resistancesbludgeoning 5, piercing 5Weaknessesaxe vulnerability, fire 10Axe Vulnerability An arboreal reaper takes 5 additional damage from axes.---Speed 25 feetMeleebranch +18 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d10+8 bludgeoningMeleeroot +18 (Agile),Damage 2d6+8 bludgeoning plus KnockdownRangedthorns +16,Damage 2d8+5 piercing plus 1d4 persistent bleedPrimal Innate Spells DC 22- 3rdVampiric Touch- Constant (4th)Speak with PlantsLeech MoistureEffect The arboreal reaper grows still and focuses intently on a single foe within 50 feet, draining moisture from the target's body. This deals 10d6 negative damage (DC 25 basic Fortitude save). The arboreal reaper can't Leech Moisture again for 1d4 rounds." - }, - { - "name": "Arboreal Regent", - "family": "Arboreal", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "29", - "lore": "Arboreal RegentArboreal regents—also called treants—are lumbering, solitary creatures responsible for guarding an entire forest. They take an especially long view of affairs and never act brashly or without much deliberation. They occasionally come together in small groups called groves to share news and pass their wisdom down to the arboreal wardens that have sprouted under their watch. In times of grave danger, all the groves in a region may gather for a great months-long meeting to plan and, eventually, act upon a threat.The typical arboreal regent is 30 feet tall, has a trunk 2 feet in diameter, and weighs 4,500 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 24Arboreal Regent" - }, - { - "name": "Arboreal Warden", - "family": "Arboreal", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "27", - "lore": "Arboreal WardenArboreal wardens are the rangers of arboreal society. These itinerant folk have an innate curiosity about the woodlands in which they dwell, and rarely stop to take root and rest in the same part of the forest twice. This wanderlust makes wardens ideal forest patrollers and scouts. While they are robust combatants, they know better than to confront dangerous foes on their own. Instead, they report any dangers to arboreal regents. In rare cases, large groups of arboreal wardens congregate to form a copse. Copses travel beyond the boundaries of a forest to investigate the hinterlands and gather intelligence on potential threats before returning to report their findings. Arboreal wardens do not pretend to understand to other creatures’ motives—like most forces of the natural world, they are ambivalent about mortal affairs that do not involve their forest.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 19Arboreal Warden" - }, - { - "name": "Arcane Living Rune", - "family": "Living Symbol", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Construct", "Rare", "Small"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1222", - "lore": "Living RuneThe most famous living runes are those of the ancient Runelords of Thassilon, resurging as Thassilon rebuilds in the modern era. Other living runes can be found, however, each with its own particular abilities. Living runes can also be crafted to deal different types of energy damage with their Strikes. Divine: Divine living runes are crafted by various churches and sects and typically bear the symbol of a deity, archdevil, or other divine force. Divine living runes replace Arcana with Religion and have the following innate spells. Divine Innate Spells DC 35, attack +27; 7th _divine decree_ (×2); 6th _blade barrier_, _glyph of warding_ (at will), _repulsion_, _spirit blast_; 5th _divine wrath_ (×2), _flame strike_ Occult: These runes are crafted by unknown hands and often left in out-of-the-way places. Occult living runes replace Arcana with Occultism and have the following innate spells. Occult Innate Spells DC 35, attack +27; 7th _visions of danger_ (×2); 6th _feeblemind_, _glyph of warding_ (at will), _phantasmal calamity_, _vibrant pattern_; 5th _crushing despair_ (×2), _synesthesia_ (×2); Cantrips (7th) _detect magic_; Constant (6th) _true seeing_ Primal: Primal living runes usually resemble animate carvings rather than lines of power or paint, and are often found on menhirs or sacred trees. Primal living runes replace Arcana with Nature and have the following innate spells. Primal Innate Spells DC 35, attack +27; 7th _volcanic eruption_ (×2); 6th _baleful polymorph_, _flesh to stone_, _glyph of warding_ (at will), _tangling creepers_; 5th _cone of cold_ (×2), _wall of fire_ (×2); 1st _detect alignment_ (at will); Constant (6th) _true seeing_Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 36Unspecific Lore: DC 34Specific Lore: DC 31Arcane Living RuneSource Bestiary 3 pg. 163Perception +25; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagestruescriptSkillsArcana +27, Deception +24, Stealth +25Str +1Dex +6Con +1Int +8Wis +8Cha +5Truescript A living rune can't speak, but it can sculpt its form into complicated scripts and pictographs that can be understood by any creature with the ability to read written language. A living rune can also understand any written or spoken language.---AC 34 Fort +20 Ref +23 Will +27 HP 245Immunitiesdeath effects, diseased, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousnessBackdrop When a creature attempts to Strike a living rune and critically misses, the attacker hits the surface (a canvas, wall, or so on) behind the living rune. This might damage the surface or the attacker's weapon, at the GM's discretion.Surface-Bound A living rune can move only along flat surfaces. If the surface it's on is destroyed (such as a portrait hit by a _fireball_ spell or a wall being smashed), the rune takes 7d6 damage and is shunted to the nearest flat surface. If there is no flat surface within 5 feet, the rune is destroyed---Speed 25 feetRangedelectrical blast +25 (Electricity, Evocation, range increment 60 feet),Damage 4d12 electricityArcane Innate Spells DC 35, attack +27- Cantrips (7th)Detect Magic- 5thBlack Tentacles (×2), Cloudkill (×2)- 6thChain Lightning, Disintegrate, Glyph of Warding (at will), Wall of Force- 7thPrismatic Spray (×2)- Constant (6th)True SeeingCamouflageLiving runes are aware of the value of surprise attacks. They often hide themselves amongst other inscriptions or glyphs, observing foes for a time before striking, though clever adventurers who Investigate the inscriptions might notice the presence of the living rune. Living runes are also fond of setting up _glyphs of warding_ as decoys and dummies." - }, - { - "name": "Army Ant Swarm", - "family": "Ant", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "549", - "lore": "Army Ant SwarmAn army ant swarm is a terrifying carpet of stinging insects that devours all in its path.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 20Army Ant Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Asanbosam", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "439", - "lore": "AsanbosamAsanbosams are monstrous, hairy humanoids with cold iron fangs and muscular limbs that end in powerful, hooked claws. They hide in treetops and grab prey from above, latching onto their unfortunate victims’ necks to drain their blood. Locals in nearby communities tell horror stories of these “bloodsucking tree-folk,” and experienced jungle explorers keep a close watch on the treetops in asanbosam territory. An asanbosam’s diet calls for a large amount of iron (typically in the form of blood) to maintain the integrity of its oversized cold iron teeth. When not hunting or mating, an asanbosam spends its waking hours chewing on certain types of rocks to sharpen its teeth. Some folk tales claim that asanbosams are as old as time and are the original source of cold iron, and that veins of the metal found in the ground are the buried graveyards of ancient asanbosams. Brave (or foolish) poachers often infiltrate asanbosam territory to hunt these monsters in the hope of collecting sacks of their valuable teeth.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 22Asanbosam" - }, - { - "name": "Assassin Vine", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "555", - "lore": "Assassin VineThe assassin vine is a carnivorous plant with a voracious appetite. Rather than consuming creatures directly, it creates its own fertilizer by entangling prey and squeezing the life from it. Once the plant has killed a creature, it pulls the carcass over to its roots to feed from the decaying flesh. Although an assassin vine lacks eyes, it can detect and track prey through a combination of using its root systems to detect vibrations through topsoil and its leaves to detect heat changes in the vicinity. Although the assassin vine has no real intelligence, its learned behaviors mimic those of cunning ambush hunters.As it is slow moving, the assassin vine typically remains rooted in a single area for as long as it has sufficient prey. Though most often found along woodland trails or swamps, these plants can also be encountered in more rural settlements, poorly tended fields, and vineyards. While assassin vines can't be trained in the classical sense, they can be used as defenses, and woodland-dwelling creatures like goblins and fey have been known to cultivate assassin vines as guardians for less-used routes into their lairs. In such cases, the tenders often seek to make the path more obvious than its disuse would otherwise suggest, while simultaneously working to ensure the bones of the vines' victims are removed to keep their presence a secret, resulting in what appears to be an easy approach to the den but is actually an organic ambush.Mature assassin vines grow to 20 feet long and have smaller vines extending off the main trunk that reach from to 5 to 10 feet in length. The smallest of these vines sprout every 6 inches or so; they tend to grow clusters of full leaves and occasionally bear small berries. A recently fed assassin vine can have bunches of plump, blood-red berries that are juicy and tart but leave a slightly unpleasant iron aftertaste, as if from the faint taste of blood from a bitten lip.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 18Assassin Vine" - }, - { - "name": "Astradaemon (Void Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "91", - "lore": "Astradaemon (Void Daemon)These unnerving, almost reptilian daemons represent death by direct assault against a soul or life-force—the same numbing death they bring with their fell touch. Rarely seen on the Material Plane, astradaemons spend most of their time hunting the pathways between the living world and the afterlife. There, they capture migrating souls, snatching them from their rightful rewards or punishments and dragging them to Abaddon as tribute to their undying masters. These horrifying predators of the dead can also be found stalking the banks of the River of Souls in the Astral Plane, where they constantly hunt for new victims. Psychopomps have a particular hatred of astradaemons as a result, and clashes between them and these eerie hunters of the recently departed are indeed the stuff of legend. Not all astradaemons limit their hunt to souls. The most notorious of their kind serve the Horsemen themselves as assassins.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 35Astradaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Astral Deva (Emissary Angel)", - "family": "Angel", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "16", - "lore": "Astral Deva (Emissary Angel)Astral devas are the elite messengers and emissaries of the celestial realms, serving deities and celestial armies by delivering messages, performing reconnaissance, and providing support for those in need of aid. They watch over planar travelers and take powerful mortals under their wings to mentor them. Astral devas carry scrolls containing important messages and other celestial secrets.Astral devas can form spontaneously from the souls of exceptional good-aligned mortals, but are also sometimes created from such souls intentionally by deities or demigods. In the later cases, astral devas often bear physical features that mark them as closely affiliated with that deity. An astral deva created by Sarenrae, for example, might have hair made of fire, while one created by Torag might look more dwarven, and one created by Desna could have butterfly wings instead of feathered wings. It’s not unusual for astral devas created by lawful good or chaotic good deities to share their creators’ alignment.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 32Astral Deva" - }, - { - "name": "Athach", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "556", - "lore": "AthachThe towering and brutish giants known as athaches are reviled for both their monstrosity and their cruelty. Beyond an athach's filthy habits, this giant is made stranger by the gangly third arm that protrudes from their torso and ends in a twitching, long-fingered claw. Huge, tusk-like fangs descend from an athach's upper jaw and prop their mouth open, leaking long strands of viscous drool that is itself is a toxic venom and coats the athach's fangs.Athachs despise civilization almost as much as they despise their own kind, and they delight in committing sadistic acts and terrorizing victims. An athach does not keep a traditional territory of their own, but rather wanders the hinterlands of settled territories until they find a suitably easy settlement of smaller humanoids to target. Once the athach has chosen their target, the giant establishes a hidden lair in a location like an abandoned farmhouse or cave, and from there they launch their reign of torment. After a few weeks of harassing, capturing, and torturing victims, the athach bores of their games. The giant then goes on a final rampage, destroying every dwelling and eating every creature they can find. Sometimes, the giant allows a survivor or two to escape, forcing these terrified victims to spend the rest of their lives spreading word of the athach's fearsomeness.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 30Athach" - }, - { - "name": "Attic Whisperer", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "557", - "lore": "Attic WhispererBeware the haunting sobs of the attic whisperer, for they carry the pained wrath of an abandoned child who perished due to the neglect or absence of their caretakers. Animated by loneliness, the embittered spirit binds itself to the material world in a body made of bits and oddments of a lost childhood—wooden blocks, scraps of blankets, ratty dolls, buttons, carved trinkets, and glass marbles. To give themselves the semblance of a head, they top their patchwork bodies with a small animal's skull.Attic whisperers most frequently lurk in old infirmaries, orphanages, and other such institutions where children were forgotten, and they lay dormant for decades in hopes that they might one day find a playmate to ease their eternal loneliness. When they sense the living, attic whisperers attempt to lure them into their clutches by calling out to them using the voice of a small child. Though attic whisperers intend only to play with those they encounter, they drain the breath and voice from living creatures as their dark impulses take over.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 19Attic Whisperer" - }, - { - "name": "Augnagar", - "family": "Qlippoth", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Qlippoth"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "776", - "lore": "AugnagarThe brutish and gluttonous augnagar live to feast— preferably on rotten flesh, and when possible, demon flesh. But to them, the greatest delicacy is the flesh of other augnagars. Augnagars have spiderlike legs with leathery membranes like a bat's wings, and three tails ending in hooked claws perfect for slicing flesh.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 34Augnagar" - }, - { - "name": "Augur", - "family": "Velstrac", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Velstrac"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "847", - "lore": "AugurThese spherical knots of sinewy muscle, serrated blades, and bloody metal are the most common velstracs on the Shadow Plane. Each augur has only a single eye, from which they can see the horrors inflicted by other velstracs, who train the augur to expect and appreciate pain. Augurs are 1 foot in diameter and weigh 30 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 15Augur" - }, - { - "name": "Aurumvorax", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "558", - "lore": "AurumvoraxAurumvoraxes are highly aggressive and territorial predators that sprint on eight legs, using their terrific strength and iron-hard claws to dig through solid stone. A typical aurumvorax is only 3 feet long but weighs more than 200 pounds, for its thick, sturdy bones are densely packed with muscle, making the creature very strong but a notoriously poor swimmer. Its fur is golden, sometimes with a silvery or russet tone depending on the metals it has ingested, and its claws are always the shiny black of seasoned iron.Aurumvorax adults claim hunting territories spanning a mile or more, driving out other predators and leading solitary lives except when they mate. They are irascible creatures, impossible to train as adults, but daring trainers can rear aurumvorax pups as deadly guard beasts, which they sell for hundreds of gold pieces to discriminating buyers. Aurumvorax pups are usually single births, and their mothers are fiercely protective, making their acquisition a dangerous proposition. Even when trained, the creatures are prone to dangerous bursts of rage.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 26Aurumvorax" - }, - { - "name": "Avarek", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "998", - "lore": "AvarekAvareks delight in tormenting ship's crews and causing shipwrecks off the coasts of Garund and the Inner Sea. Bipedal, aquatic fey covered in long, urchin-like spines, avareks stand 2 feet tall—or 3 feet tall if measured to the tips of their spines—and weigh fewer than 30 pounds. Avareks rely on subtlety and subterfuge to indulge their destructive whims, using magic to sabotage ships and cloud the minds of crew members and passengers. Patient and cunning, avareks lurk beneath or within a targeted vessel for weeks, building conflict and mistrust. Soon, shipmates accuse one another of theft and treachery; superstitious crew members might believe their ship is haunted. Eventually, the crew becomes too frightened or mistrustful to save their ship from the avareks' sabotage. Avareks take pride in their sunken trophies, claiming the wrecks of ships they've destroyed as their homes and gorging on the bloated, water-logged corpses of the crew and passengers.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 26Avarek" - }, - { - "name": "Awakened Tree", - "family": "Arboreal", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "28", - "lore": "Awakened TreeArboreal regents and other wielders of powerful primal magic grant temporary sentience to trees in order to protect the forest. Invested with a workable set of instincts and the ability to mobilize and attack, these awakened trees follow the commands of their master and fight to protect their home. The statistics below work just as well for foliage that has become animate via other methods, such as a mystical influence from another dimension, a capricious fey spirit, or the like.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 22Awakened Tree" - }, - { - "name": "Axiomite", - "family": "Aeon", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aeon", "Monitor"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "7", - "lore": "AxiomiteAccording to the axiomites, their kind rose from the raw mathematical underpinnings of the universe, manifesting as great builders who created the ancient, colossal cities of the Outer Planes and gave life to the mechanical inevitables. According to the aeons, axiomites are part of the Monad, having both risen from and rebelled against it long ago. Since the Convergence, most axiomites have recognized this as a fundamental truth, particularly after the aeons showed the axiomites how the Utopian language has formed as an amalgam of aeon envisioning and formulaic mathematical expression. Most axiomites live in the perfect city of Axis, which they continually act to improve, thus refining the concept of perfection itself. A particular axiomite may look like any humanoid creature, though the particular form it takes on does not affect its abilities. Beneath this assumed form, all axiomites are the same—clouds of glowing, crystalline dust that constantly swirls and congeals into complex tangles of symbols and equations, evincing their existence as literal creatures of pure mathematical law. Axiomites arise from the souls of lawful neutral mortals, particularly those who were, in life, mathematicians, architects, crafters, or philosophers. While these souls do not retain any memories of their lives in the transition into axiomites, their life skills and experiences nevertheless serve a valuable metaphysical resource during formation.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 24Axiomite" - }, - { - "name": "Azarketi Explorer", - "family": "Azarketi", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Azarketi", "Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1073", - "lore": "Azarketi ExplorerThis rakish azarketi explores the wrecks and ruins of the Inner Sea's coasts. At home above and below the waves, they fight to protect their discoveries, their life, and their reputation.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Azarketi ExplorerSource Bestiary 3 pg. 26Perception +8; low-light visionLanguagesAlghollthu, Azlanti, CommonSkillsAcrobatics +5, Athletics +8, Deception +7, Diplomacy +7, Intimidation +7, Nature +4, Society +4Str +4Dex +1Con +2Int +0Wis +0Cha +3ItemsDagger, Trident---AC 18 (19 with hydraulic deflection)Fort +10 Ref +7 Will +6 HP 30Attack of OpportunityHydration An azarketi must regularly submerge themself in water to rehydrate their water-acclimated skin. After the first 24 hours outside of water, they take a –1 status penalty to Fortitude saves as their skin cracks and their gills become painful. After 48 hours, they struggle to breathe air and begin to suffocate until returned to water.---Speed 20 feet, swim 30 feetMeleetrident +10,Damage 1d8+6 piercingMeleedagger +10 (Agile, versatile S),Damage 1d4+6 piercingRangedtrident +7 (thrown 20 feet),Damage 1d8+6 piercingHydraulic Deflection(Abjuration, Water) Drawing moisture from the surrounding atmosphere, the azarketi explorer creates a disc of hovering water that deflects incoming attacks. They gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of their next turn.Surface SkimmerWhile the azarketi explorer is submerged just below the water's surface, they have cover from attacks made by creatures out of the water." - }, - { - "name": "Azer", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental,Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1074", - "lore": "AzerAzers are an elemental people living on the Plane of Fire, often crudely described by mortals as brassy dwarves. They have stout, wide bodies with broad shoulders, shining metallic skin, and heads wreathed in flame. Azer society is organized into traditional roles inherited along their familial lines, and an azer's role is indicated clearly by the metals they wear in their armored kilts. Their culture focuses on tradition and history, placing high value on obedience and conformity within one's community, and as a result it is slow to change. Many azers take pride in their ancestral roles and in fulfilling their inherited duties, providing needed services within their communities. Long ago, traditional azer values of self-sufficiency and close community led them to build mighty fortresses across the Plane of Fire, where they isolated themselves from other planar denizens and even other azer communities. These values, sadly, also led to their downfall. Without any connections to or regular communication with other settlements, these fortresses were easily conquered by the efreet of the City of Brass, the dominant power on the Plane of Fire. Now most azer fortresses lie abandoned and ruined, with free holds so few and far between that most think them all lost. Azers born within the efreeti Dominion of Flame belong to the populations that were conquered and assimilated into the empire ages ago. They live in perpetual service to the empire, disconnected from their history and culture, yet have formed their own close-knit society in the City of Brass under the fire genies' harsh rule. A handful of azer communities have escaped efreeti conquest, most often by fleeing far from the genies' realms. Some of these azers now reside in hot, volcanic areas of the Darklands on the Material Plane, while others have fled to the remote depths within the Plane of Fire or made strange bargains with conniving allies or unknowable entities to keep themselves hidden. Prying outsiders nevertheless perpetually seek out these settlements, longing for legendary azer-crafted goods.Recall Knowledge - Elemental(Arcana, Nature): DC 16Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11AzerSource Bestiary 3 pg. 27Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, IgnanSkillsAthletics +7, Crafting +10, Intimidation +4, Plane of Fire Lore +6Str +3Dex +1Con +4Int +2Wis +2Cha +0ItemsLight Hammer (5), Scale Mail, Warhammer---AC 17 Fort +10 Ref +5 Will +8 HP 45ImmunitiesfireWeaknessescold 5Heat of the Forge (aura, fire) 10 feet. An azer's skin radiates heat like forge fire. A creature that starts their turn in the area must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become fatigued while they remain in the area. Creatures immune to environmental heat effects or with any fire resistance are immune.---Speed 20 feetMeleewarhammer +9 (Shove),Damage 1d8+3 bludgeoning plus 1d6 fireMeleelight hammer +9 (Agile),Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning plus 1d6 fireRangedlight hammer +7 (Agile, thrown 20 feet),Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning plus 1d6 fireBurning Touch(Evocation, Fire, Primal) The azer's Strikes deal an extra 1d6 fire damage (included above). When the azer successfully performs a Grapple or Shove action, they also deal 1d6 fire damage to their target.Scorch(Evocation, Fire, Primal) The azer shrouds their light hammer in flames and hurls it forward, dealing 2d6 fire damage to each creature in a 20-foot line (DC 16 basic Reflex save).Azers on Other PlanesWhile the majority of azers live on the Plane of Fire, a few groups have emigrated to other planes. On Golarion, a number of large communities exist in the Flume Warrens, part of the Darklands beneath the Mindspin Mountains. Another group has taken up residence under the Five Kings Mountains after a harrowing escape from enslavement in the City of Brass. Legends speak of an ancient elemental nation led by an immortal azer who ruled a portion of the Valashmai Jungle on Tian-Xia, but the fate of this nation is unknown, and few of its ruins remain. " - }, - { - "name": "Azure Worm", - "family": "Cave Worm", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "74", - "lore": "Azure WormThe azure worm is a deep-blue creature that is more at home in flooded tunnels than dry caves. While an azure worm is a strong swimmer, it prefers to lie in wait within the walls, door, or even ceiling of flooded caverns, ready to spring out and ambush creatures swimming past its hiding spot. The azure worm is particularly hated and feared by Darklands-dwelling cultures, due to the fact that an azure worm that burrows into a tunnel often brings with it waters from the submerged river or lake it calls home. When it becomes obvious that an azure worm is near a Darklands settlement, the inhabitants quickly establishing a hunting party to deal with the menace before it can bring ruin.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 36Azure Worm" - }, - { - "name": "Azuretzi", - "family": "Protean", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Protean"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "765", - "lore": "AzuretziAzuretzis are sinuous, serpentine creatures with dagger-sharp teeth, covered in brilliant blue scales with mottled purple and pink highlights that shimmer in a pareidolic approximation of leering, laughing faces. The Maelstrom's chaotic forces spawn these small proteans from a variety of sources: physical mating between older azuretzis, the paradoxical promotion of bestial naunets, and possibly from mortal petitioners, though azuretzis may just be confusing putative mortal memories with experiences gained from games of mimicry. Never expect azuretzis to operate by any rational, self-consistent rules. Azuretzis represent the humor of chaos, particularly in the form of mockery and parody via exaggerated mimicry, twisting a target's features into a laughingstock.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 20Azuretzi" - }, - { - "name": "Baatamidar", - "family": "—", - "level": 21, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Monitor"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "1015", - "lore": "BaatamidarBaatamidars are drawn to destroy planar communities on the fringes where the Outer Planes touch the chaos of the Maelstrom. They resemble floating blobs of undulating, prismatic ooze with four quivering tentacles and dribbles of oily slime that always drip upwards.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 47Baatamidar" - }, - { - "name": "Babau (Blood Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "598", - "lore": "Babau (Blood Demon)The babau is an assassin, a murderer, and a sadist—certainly not unusual traits, yet their penchant for stealth and surprise sets them apart from their kin. Babaus form from mortal souls of lone killers—those who took pleasure in more personal murders, and particularly those with grisly patterns to their killings.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 22Babau" - }, - { - "name": "Badger", - "family": "Badger", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "561", - "lore": "BadgerThe typical badger has dark, brownish-gray fur highlighted with white markings, particularly on the head, giving it a striped mask of fur around its eyes. A threatened badger can swiftly become a ferocious combatant that typically fights until slain.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14Badger" - }, - { - "name": "Balisse (Confessor Angel)", - "family": "Angel", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "15", - "lore": "Balisse (Confessor Angel)Balisses, or confessor angels, seek to assist mortals ensnared by moral dilemmas or crises of faith. Balisses prefer to guide people to their own decisions rather than demand obedience to a higher cause, as intrinsic belief is even more powerful than blind obedience. While most balisses are fundamentally honest, they use their guardian angel ability to seem less intimidating and decrease the chance the mortal will simply acquiesce to the opinion of an obviously divine being. Balisses often form from souls of those who performed evil acts but were redeemed. Many serve the goddess Sarenrae, but they can serve other good deities and empyreal lords as well.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 24Balisse" - }, - { - "name": "Ball Python", - "family": "Snake", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "380", - "lore": "Ball PythonThis nonvenomous snake’s name comes from its tendency to curl into a ball when frightened, though most people know it for its hunting tactic of coiling around prey and crushing victims with its powerful muscles. Nonetheless, brave herpetologists sometimes keep ball pythons as pets.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Ball Python" - }, - { - "name": "Balor (Fire Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "104", - "lore": "Balor (Fire Demon)When folk whisper frightened tales of the demonic, what most envision is the balor—a towering figure of fire and flesh, a horned nightmare armed with a flaming whip and a sword flying through the night in search of its latest victim. On the Abyss, balors serve demon lords as generals or captains, and they typically command vast legions of demons. Standing at 14 feet in height, only the cruelest mortal souls—those who devoted entire lives to sins too numerous to count—can fuel the formation of a balor. More often, a balor forms from a mass of dozens of mortal souls who shared debased ideologies in life. Balor Lords Those rare few balors who form from single souls are the ones most likely to eventually transcend the notable power they already wield, becoming a nascent demon lord. These balor lords are each unique creatures of 21st to 25th level in power who rule their own realm in the Abyss. In time, a balor lord can further develop into a unique creature with wildly different powers, even ascending to the role of a true demon lord.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 40Balor" - }, - { - "name": "Banshee", - "family": "—", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit, Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "39", - "lore": "BansheeBanshees are the furious, tormented souls of elves bound to the Material Plane by a betrayal that defined the final hours of their lives. Some banshees arise from elves who were slain by trusted friends and allies, or whose loved ones betrayed them on their deathbeds. Others spawn from elves whose treacherous deeds shortly before their deaths left a stain upon their souls. Regardless of their origin, banshees despise the living. This hatred of life is all too often a horrific inversion of their personalities in life. Some speculate that the more kind-hearted the elf (and the more wrenching the betrayal), the crueler the banshee. Banshees rarely stray far from where they perished and typically haunt thick forests and canopied swamps where little light graces the ground. Many banshees can be found in the elven nation of Kyonin, specifically in Tanglebriar, the sinister domain of the demon Treerazer. Similarly, a large number of banshees can be found lurking about the edges of drow settlements in the Darklands, as plenty of cruelty and betrayal exists in drow culture. Banshees’ mere touch inflicts pain and primal fear, and those exposed to their wails of grief rarely survive the experience.Recall Knowledge - Spirit (Occultism): DC 38Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 38Banshee" - }, - { - "name": "Baobhan Sith", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "563", - "lore": "Baobhan SithUndeath is rare in the fey realm of the First World, for that plane's infusion with the raw power of life makes undead uncomfortable at best. Yet a few fey have adopted the vile practices and habits of notorious undead while still being living themselves, as seen in the blood-drinking habits of the murderous baobhan sith.A baobhan sith avoids confrontations when outnumbered, and although territorial, they won't reveal their true nature to larger groups. They prefer to drink blood from victims they find attractive, and they avoid drinking blood from animals and beasts entirely, as they consider such activities to be uncultured.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 24Baobhan Sith" - }, - { - "name": "Baomal", - "family": "—", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "40", - "lore": "BaomalFew sea monsters are as dreaded and feared as the two-headed baomal. These massive predatory beasts typically dwell in the deepest waters and compete with krakens and other monsters for food. They feed on whales and other large sea creatures, sometimes following them to the water’s surface. Near the surface, baomals that encounter ships quickly learn that they contain a variety of tasty morsels. The creatures use their devastating spikes to rip open the ships’ hulls, then leisurely feed on the helpless sailors.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 40Baomal" - }, - { - "name": "Barbazu (Bearded Devil)", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "110", - "lore": "Barbazu (Bearded Devil)Barbazus, known also as bearded devils or infantry devils, are murderous fiends who satiate their lust for annihilation by serving as the foot soldiers of Hell’s armies, often leading hordes of lesser devils such as imps and lemures into battle. Bearded devils wield serrated glaives to inflict jagged gashes that resist healing magic, resulting in tremendous blood loss. When enemies come too close, bearded devils strike with the spines of their wriggling beards to deliver a wretched contagion called Avernal fever, savoring the sight of their victim’s strength being slowly devoured from within. Barbazus can be found savagely indulging the whims of evil infernal lords from all layers of Hell, rejoicing as they disseminate murder, misery, and anguish as they see fit.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 20Barbazu" - }, - { - "name": "Barghest", - "family": "Barghest", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "41", - "lore": "BarghestTypical barghests are ravenous gluttons of life who feed and grow on the fat of mortals, their bodies changing in ways none can predict as they use the flesh and blood of their victims to achieve grisly transformations into greater barghests. Barghests often make use of their shapechanging abilities to rule tribes of goblinoids or to discreetly hunt in rural areas in the guise of unnaturally intelligent wolves. They do not work well together, as each barghest wants all the kills for itself; cannibalism is the typical result of too many barghests in one small area.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 19Barghest" - }, - { - "name": "Barnacle Ghoul", - "family": "Ghoul", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Ghoul", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1001", - "lore": "Barnacle GhoulFar more powerful and dangerous than most ghouls, barnacle ghouls are the risen corpses of veteran sailors who fell overboard or of bloodthirsty pirates who died from keelhauling. Too rugged and hate-filled to stay dead, these seafarers return with bluish, water-bloated bodies. Barnacle ghouls have a supernatural command over barnacles; a simple touch from a ghoul causes the crustaceans to adhere, grow, or release. The ghouls cultivate clusters of barnacles on their hands and feet, using the lumpy shells to more easily climb and grab at prey. Barnacle ghouls keep their lungs filled with brackish seawater, which they exhale onto their victims. Breathing in even a few drops of this tainted seawater can be deadly, as it magically expands in a victim's lungs. A creature that can't expel the seawater eventually drowns and rises as a new barnacle ghoul. Barnacle ghouls have many abilities of standard ghouls.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 28Barnacle Ghoul" - }, - { - "name": "Basidirond", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fungus", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fungus", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "564", - "lore": "BasidirondThe basidirond, also called a mindfrond, is a fungal creature that crawls about on woody tendrils. The large, bowl-shaped pod atop its body collects mineral-rich moisture—-whether runoff from cave walls or fresh blood—-for sustenance. It uses hallucinogenic spores to incapacitate prey long enough for it to beat its prey to a bloody pulp, then deposits the deliciously tenderized remains into this pod for consumption. A basidirond is over 6 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide, and weighs nearly 300 pounds when saturated.Recall Knowledge - Fungus (Nature): DC 20Basidirond" - }, - { - "name": "Basilisk", - "family": "Basilisk", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "44", - "lore": "BasiliskThe basilisk is an eight-legged reptile with a nasty disposition and the ability to turn creatures to stone with its gaze. Folklore holds that, much like for the cockatrice, the first basilisks hatched from leathery eggs laid by snakes and incubated by roosters, but little in the basilisk’s physiology lends any credence to this claim. A basilisk prefers to eat petrified flesh. Once a victim has been turned to stone, the basilisk crunches the fossilized corpse with its powerful jaws and lets its potent stomach acids do the rest. This digestive process is extremely slow and inefficient, causing the basilisk to move so lethargically that it appears as if in mid-petrification itself. This has even led to the saying “as slow as a well-fed basilisk.” Certainly basilisks are well-known for their slow gait and slothful nature, but a predator that can turn its prey to stone with a glance hardly has much need for speed. An adult basilisk is 13 feet long from head to tail and weighs roughly 300 pounds. These reptiles make hissing sounds when moving about that turns to a guttural gurgle when they’re agitated. Though they are normally solitary creatures that come together only to mate and lay eggs, there are periodic reports of regions being infested with unusual numbers of basilisks. What causes these unusual congregations of basilisk activity is unknown. For unknown reasons, weasels and ferrets are immune to the basilisk’s stare, and they sometimes sneak into basilisk lairs while a parent is hunting in order to consume eggs or freshly hatched young. Some legends suggest that a basilisk’s blood can transmute common stones into other material, but this is likely a case of witnesses misinterpreting the magical restoration of previously petrified creatures or body parts.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 20Basilisk" - }, - { - "name": "Bastion Archon", - "family": "Archon", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "554", - "lore": "Bastion ArchonThe mightiest of archon-kind form in the heat of battle from incredibly uncommon circumstances. When a gathering of lantern archons converges into a gestalt in order to defend allies in a fight that seems all but lost, a fellow archon of significant strength—such as a star archon—can commit a brave act of self-sacrifice by dimensionally transposing itself with the gestalt. If the circumstances are just right and luck is with the archons, the result is not a glorious sacrifice, but instead the earth-rocking emergence of a bastion archon. In this way, the lowliest of archons—the lanterns—can, in an instant, become their kind's greatest hope.Bastion archons are massive beings made of the very stone of Heaven's Holy Mountain, with their visages obscured by a blinding light surrounding the gestalt that originally formed the bastion. Tireless in their embodiment of the virtue of sacrifice, a bastion archon almost always protects the area where they manifested, and even when they are destroyed they leave an indelible mark of righteousness upon the surrounding region.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 45Bastion Archon" - }, - { - "name": "Bauble Beast", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Earth", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1075", - "lore": "Bauble BeastThe reclusive and deceptive creatures called bauble beasts create false jewelry as a byproduct of their extremely bizarre magical digestive systems. Two natural skin conditions provide the raw materials for this process: scaly patches of thin layers of metal, and warts that resemble gemstones. By chewing loose these patches and swallowing them, a bauble beast magically constructs the jewelry in its guts. After passing the forgery, it polishes and reshapes the item to make it more convincing. The beast then sneaks into a settlement to place the jewelry somewhere it can be found. A creature who dons this false jewelry is compelled to fetch their real valuables and deliver them to the beast, which it happily collects. Some bauble beasts simply send the confused victim on their way, but other more evil bauble beasts slay them to avoid being found out. This imitation jewelry fools laypeople, but it's infamous among merchants. Merchant training usually includes a brief course on detecting bauble beast jewelry's subtle but distinctive sweet odor. Though largely solitary, bauble beasts occasionally socialize with others who share their limited interests, primarily merchants, jewelers, earth elementals, and other bauble beasts. Xorns have a particular fondness for bauble beasts—or at least their gems. Though these aren't as nourishing as real gems, xorns find the flavor decadent and eat them as a sort of junk food.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Bauble BeastSource Bestiary 3 pg. 28Perception +13; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Dwarven, Terran, UndercommonSkillsAthletics +14, Crafting +13, Deception +14, Diplomacy +12, Jewelry Lore +18, Society +11, Stealth +14, Thievery +14Str +4Dex +4Con +3Int +1Wis +3Cha +4ItemsArtisan's Tools---AC 23 Fort +15 Ref +12 Will +15 HP 100---Speed 30 feet, climb 10 feetMeleejaws +16,Damage 1d8+7 piercing plus 1d6 persistent acid and philanthropic bileMeleeleg +16 (Agile),Damage 1d10+7 bludgeoningRangedbile +16 (Acid, range increment 30 feet),Damage 2d8 acid plus 1d6 persistent acid and philanthropic bilePhilanthropic BileExposure to the bauble beast's magical stomach fluids enchants the mind. A creature critically hit by the beast's jaws or bile Strike is subject to a _charitable urge_ spell (DC 23).Forge Jewelry(Arcane, Enchantment, Exploration) The jeweler beast creates imitation jewelry within its own digestive system. This takes about 4 hours. Determining the jewelry is fake works like detecting a forgery, using either Perception or Crafting instead of Perception or Society, with a DC of 25. The process of creating fake jewelry also places an enchantment inside the item. Anyone who dons the imitation jewelry is targeted with a DC 24 _suggestion_ spell with a duration of 1 hour on a failure or 24 hours on a critical failure. A creature that fails learns the location where the fake jewelry was created and is compelled to collect their valuable belongings and bring them to that location. Removing the imitation jewelry ends the spell immediately, but the wearer can't take it off voluntarilySwap MeetsBauble beasts come together in groups of up to a dozen to share techniques and show off real jewelry they've acquired. They even try to infect one another with their respective skin conditions, as one beast might have sapphire-like warts and another emerald blotches, while a third has gold patches and another silver. The hosts of these social events often show off their wealth by catering expensive meals or sending lavish invitations." - }, - { - "name": "Baykok", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1076", - "lore": "BaykokA baykok is the restless remnant of a warrior or hunter, cast out for evil acts and cursed to forever soar through the sky far from its home, unable to ever set foot on the ground again. The creature's despairing, lonely cries at night are audible for miles across the wilderness it haunts. Jealous rage drives it to hunt isolated humanoids, especially warriors and hunters who remind it of the life it once had and squandered. A baykok's invisible arrows carry its soul-freezing loneliness, and its envious touch can steal a helpless victim's vitality.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21BaykokSource Bestiary 3 pg. 29Perception +19; darkvisionLanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +17, Athletics +19, Stealth +17Str +6Dex +4Con +5Int +0Wis +4Cha +1Banished from the Ground A baykok can't willingly touch earth or rock surfaces. If forced into contact with such a surface, it becomes enfeebled 2 for as long as it remains in contact.Items_+1 striking greatclub_, _+1 longbow_---AC 27 Fort +20 Ref +19 Will +15 HP 200(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousWeaknessesair 10, bludgeoning 10, earth 10Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 120 feet, DC 25---Speed 30 feet, fly 40 feetMelee_greatclub_ +21 (Backswing, Magical, Shove),Damage 2d10+9 bludgeoningRanged_longbow_ +21 (deadly d10, Magical, volley 30 feet),Damage 1d8+6 piercing plus 1d8 mental and arrow of despairArrow of Despair(Emotion, Enchantment, Fear, Incapacitation, Mental, Occult) A baykok creates an invisible arrow of bone as it draws its bow. A frightened creature hit by the arrow is stricken with loneliness and despair and must attempt a DC 26 Will save; if the Strike was a critical hit, the target uses the outcome one degree of success worse than the result of its save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is slowed 1 for 1 round. Failure The creature's frightened value increases by 1 (to a maximum of 4), and it is slowed 1 until its frightened condition ends. Critical Failure As failure, but the creature is paralyzed until its frightened condition ends. At the start of each of its turns, it can end the paralyzed condition early with a successful DC 26 Will save.Devour Life(Curse, Necromancy, Occult) Requirements The baykok is adjacent to a paralyzed, restrained, or unconscious living humanoid; Effect The baykok touches the target and devours part of its life force. The target must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or be afflicted with the baykok's wasting curse. If the target fails and wasn't already affected by the wasting curse, the baykok gains 20 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour.Wasting Curse(Curse, Necromancy, Occult) The baykok steals life from its victim and leaves listless dread in its place. If a target fails its save against Devour Life, it becomes drained 1. Each time the target gets a full night's rest, it must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or its drained value increases rather than decreasing. The curse ends if the creature recovers from the drained condition, but if the creature would reach drained 5 from this effect, it dies.Endless ExileThe wind that lets a baykok fly is also its prison, as it is cursed to be blown around forever without rest. The curse holds a baykok even after it's destroyed, as the wind tears away its bones except its skull, which falls to the ground. Its soul is trapped within until the skull is destroyed, the creature is restored to life, or the bones are reassembled to recreate the baykok. If trapped long enough, the soul can call out to sensitive individuals to beg for help." - }, - { - "name": "Bebilith", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast, Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "568", - "lore": "BebilithWhile demons control much of the Abyss, even they are hunted in the wilder regions of this horrific plane. The most notorious of these predators—though not the deadliest—is the bebilith. These fiends resemble elephant-sized spiders with glowing eyes, barbed chitin, and a fanged maw dripping caustic fluid.Many demons and planar travelers have underestimated bebiliths' devious intellects, believing them to be little more than oversized vermin. Bebiliths take advantage of this, ambushing foes with unexpected tactics. While they lash out at any creatures they encounter, they take great pleasure in chewing on demonic flesh. Qlippoth are the only creatures bebiliths never consume.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 27Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 27Bebilith" - }, - { - "name": "Behemoth Hippopotamus", - "family": "Hippopotamus", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "700", - "lore": "Behemoth HippopotamusBehemoth hippopotamuses stand taller than elephants. They spend less time out of water than their smaller kin. Behemoth hippos are omnivorous, and many enjoy the taste of meat.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 27Behemoth Hippopotamus" - }, - { - "name": "Behir", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast", "Electricity"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "569", - "lore": "BehirThe behir is a massive, serpentine beast with never fewer than a dozen short legs, each ending in three hooked talons. A behir can live to 80 years, but most perish far younger to violence. Fully grown, a behir is 40 feet long and weighs 4,000 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 24Behir" - }, - { - "name": "Belker", - "family": "Elemental, Air", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "648", - "lore": "BelkerThese reclusive elementals have glowing red eyes, leathery wings, and long, sharp claws. While they always retain their shape, belkers can control the solidity of their forms at will, transforming into clouds of smoke, ash, and dust.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 22Belker" - }, - { - "name": "Betobeto-San", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Spirit", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Shadow", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1079", - "lore": "Betobeto-SanA betobeto-san wanders the highways and byways of the Material Plane, searching for unwilling traveling companions to sustain the spirit's appetite for fear. Though this shadow spirit is invisible in darkness or shade, in light they appear as a formless, shadowy mass with two sandaled feet. These sandals are made of wood or bone that cause the creature's footsteps to make the distinct “beto beto” sound from which they receive their name. A wide, toothy mouth smiles in the middle of their otherwise featureless mass, and they can manifest long, clawed limbs. Betobeto-san trail behind nighttime travelers, compelled to follow until the creatures verbally offer to let the betobeto-san pass. This compulsion isn't usually malicious by nature and occurs more from a betobeto-san's misguided desire for company and courtesy; unfortunately, they lack of understanding how this behavior can frighten others. Betobeto-san don't attack those they follow, but they often end up in combat because their unwelcome behavior causes those they follow to attack first.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27Betobeto-SanSource Bestiary 3 pg. 31Perception +22; greater darkvision, fearsense (precise) 60 feetLanguagesCommon, ShadowtongueSkillsDeception +23, Intimidation +23, Stealth +27Str +4Dex +7Con +5Int +4Wis +4Cha +5Fearsense (divination, mental, occult) The betobeto-san is aware of all frightened creatures within the listed range.Itemssandals---AC 33 Fort +19 Ref +25 Will +22 HP 170Immunitiesdisease, paralyzed, poison, precisionResistancesall damage 10 (except force, _ghost touch_, or positive, double resistance against non-magical)Ominous Footsteps (auditory, aura, emotion, fear, illusion, mental, occult) 60 feet. The betobeto-san's footsteps seem to draw ever closer, yet the source remains difficult to pinpoint. Each creature that starts its turn within 60 feet of the betobeto-san must attempt a DC 29 Will save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 1 minute. Success The creature becomes frightened 1. Failure The creature becomes frightened 2. Critical Failure The creature becomes frightened 4.Shadow Invisibility The betobeto-san is invisible unless within an area of bright light.Shadow Step(conjuration, occult, shadow, teleportation) Trigger A bright light source reveals the betobeto-san; Requirements The betobeto-san isn't already within an area of bright light; Effect The betobeto-san Steps briefly into the Shadow Plane and then back again, appearing up to 30 feet away from where they began.---Speed 40 feetMeleeclaw +25 (Agile, Finesse, Magical),Damage 3d12+10 negativeStepping Decoy(Auditory, Illusion, Occult) Effect The betobeto-san Steps. They then create two illusory decoys of sound within 15 feet of them that mimic the sounds of their ominous footsteps. These decoys act independently on the betobeto-san's initiative with 2 actions apiece. They can only Sneak or Stride, and they have a Speed of 35 feet. Use the betobeto-san's Stealth DC (typically 37) against attempts to Seek or disbelieve a decoy. Each decoy lasts for 1 minute. Any existing decoys vanish if the betobeto-san uses this ability again.Shadowy AfterimagesBetobeto-san are the afterimages of travelers that passed between the Shadow and Material Planes. While few such journeys create betobeto-san, sages posit that certain emotions or intents from those who travel between these planes can create these apparitions during the transit." - }, - { - "name": "Bida", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "440", - "lore": "BidaBidas are black-scaled dragons with long, serpentine bodies and bat-like wings. Their legs and claws are smaller than those of most dragons, but their powerful undulating coils, like those of a boa constrictor, are potent weapons capable of squeezing the life from several unfortunate victims at a time. A bida uses its impressive intellect and powerful magic to pose as a humanoid and infiltrate a settlement. Over the course of weeks or months, it establishes itself as a key member of the village, and only after it has become invaluable to the community does it reveal the terrible price of its assistance: regular offerings of flesh and gold. From this point on, the bida dwells almost exclusively within its smoggy lair, growing fat off the blood of its sacrificial offerings. To hide its presence from the outside world, a bida conceals its enslaved settlement in a large-scale illusion, leaving only a stand of jungle trees where once a thriving village may have been and ordering the townsfolk to destroy any roads in and out of town. Bidas begrudgingly tolerate others of their kind, instead preferring the company of their small, tasty thralls. In rare cases, a pair of bidas may join forces to conquer a particularly large settlement, extracting that much more wealth (and blood) from the populace as a result of their partnership.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 26Bida" - }, - { - "name": "Biloko Veteran", - "family": "Biloko", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "442", - "lore": "Biloko VeteranA biloko who has led a sufficient number of successful hunts garners the respect (and fear) of their companions.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 19Biloko Veteran" - }, - { - "name": "Biloko Warrior", - "family": "Biloko", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "441", - "lore": "Biloko WarriorRank-and-file bilokos stalk the jungles in small hunting bands.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 15Biloko Warrior" - }, - { - "name": "Binumir", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit, Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "985", - "lore": "BinumirWhenever two individuals who share a strong emotional bond perish together, they might rise as a combined spirit known as a binumir. The two individuals' souls partially merge into a singular entity, though each one feels a constant longing for the other. This curse causes a binumir great distress and envy, leading the creature to lash out and attack others. Only the destruction of the binumir will liberate the two spirits and finally give them peace. Binumirs commonly appear in places where people die sharing their last moments together, such as in settlements hit by natural disasters. The two spirits of a binumir are distinct. Each half retains the visage of the respective individual that died to later form part of the creature. The spirits typically appear holding hands, but they constantly search for each other. They cry and weep for their lost loved one, unable to recognize the other's presence right beside them.Recall Knowledge - Spirit (Occultism): DC 18Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 18Binumir" - }, - { - "name": "Bison", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1080", - "lore": "BisonBison are large bovines with short faces and two horns; they weigh an upwards of 2,000 pounds and stand up to 6 feet at the withers. Bison herds thunder across the grassy plains of Golarion, shaking the earth. They're a common sight along the Whistling Plains east of Taldor and the wide grasslands of the nation of Karazh in Casmaron; they also frequently appear in the cooler northeastern reaches of Avistan, the River Kingdoms through Numeria, and the Realm of the Mammoth Lords and western Sarkoris. Communal by nature, bison gather in large numbers for the summer mating season before the bulls split off to wander the prairie grasses. Bison have adapted well to harsh prairie winters, as their shaggy fur, which grows thicker in winter, insulates them; in the face of blizzards, they survive by facing steadfastly into the howling winds and hunkering down to reduce their exposure. The way that bison wallow in dirt or rub against large stones might make it easy to mistake their docile nature for passivity. However, this presumption has been the ruin of many hunting parties. Their plentiful meat and thick furs make bison an appealing bounty, but with the ground thundering beneath them, bison can quickly overpower inexperienced hunters unprepared for a stampeding herd. These hunting parties sometimes hire particularly daring adventures, who can add their spells, steel, and expertise to ensure a successful hunt. While the bison of the plains are the best known and most numerous, they have cousins both in thick boreal forests and along wide, open steppes. These bison variants stand taller but can't match the speed and aggression of their smaller plains relatives.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14BisonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 32Perception +8; scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +14, Survival +10Str +6Dex +3Con +5Int -5Wis +2Cha -1---AC 20 Fort +13 Ref +11 Will +8 HP 70Cold Adaptation The bison reduces the effects it suffers from cold environments by one step.---Speed 30 feetMeleehoof +12,Damage 2d6+6 bludgeoningMeleehorn +12,Damage 2d8+6 piercing plus KnockdownPointed ChargeThe bison surges forward at its foe, horns lowered. It Strides twice. If the bison ends its movement within melee range of an enemy, it makes a horn Strike against that enemy. This Strike gains the fatal d12 trait.Rolling ThunderThe bison kicks up dust and shakes the ground as it charges. The stampeding bison Strides up to twice its Speed in a straight line, dealing 4d6+6 bludgeoning damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save) to any Medium or smaller creature in its path. Multiple bison can participate in Rolling Thunder by spending this ability's actions and waiting to charge until the herd is ready. Before the beginning of their next turn, they can then charge as a reaction triggered by an adjacent bison beginning its Rolling Thunder charge. All bison in the combined charge must charge in parallel lines, so the areas can't overlap. The combined charge deals an additional 3d6 bludgeoning damage to creatures in the area, and a creature that fails the Reflex saving throw is also knocked prone.Bison DrivesHunting bison is a communal endeavor. Centaurs from the plains organize into hunting brigades and run alongside members of a stampeding herd, lancing and shooting at them from close range. Less mobile peoples use disguises to shepherd bison into position before scaring them to rush over sheer drops or into corrals where they can be slaughtered. A single bison herd can provide enough meat, hides, and furs for an entire community" - }, - { - "name": "Black Bear", - "family": "Bear", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "566", - "lore": "Black BearContrary to the name, black bears can be cinnamon or even blond in coloration, depending on which hue is most beneficial for surviving in their local environment. Regardless of their coloration, they are opportunistic eaters who gain sustenance from berries and nuts just as often as from fish and smaller mammals. They steal food when they find it, including from humanoid camps. Although they are predators, black bears are more timid than other bears. Unless defending themselves or their young, black bears often avoid conflict or fight only until they can retreat.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Black Bear" - }, - { - "name": "Black Pudding", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "323", - "lore": "Black PuddingMost often found below ground, these oozes scour caves for objects to dissolve with their corrosive secretions. This caustic acid is particularly dangerous to creatures that attack a pudding, as it can quickly damage and destroy gear.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 23Black Pudding" - }, - { - "name": "Black Scorpion", - "family": "Scorpion", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "796", - "lore": "Black ScorpionWith a carapace the color of polished obsidian and a penchant for attacking villages, this humongous scorpion is one of the desert's most frightening predators. A black scorpion measures 60 feet from tip to the base of its stinger.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 34Black Scorpion" - }, - { - "name": "Blindheim", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "570", - "lore": "BlindheimInhabitants of damp, subterranean caves, blindheims resemble stubby humanoids with oversized, frog-like heads and bulbous eyes. Their eyes emit a soft glow at all times, but a blindheim can draw back the heavy membrane that normally covers them to emit an intense light as bright as day. These simple creatures use their lights to draw in or disorient prey, mostly small animals like lizards, rodents, or fish. However, they might go after larger prey if trying to feed their young. When they encounter creatures their own size or larger they retreat, flashing their eyes to facilitate their escape if necessary. They often hunt in pairs or small packs. Using their lights to coordinate from a distance, they slowly close in on the creatures they hunt. One common hunting pattern involves one blindheim diving deep and using its light to chase fish to the surface, while another up above snatches them up and tosses them onto the land to eat later.Blindheims make their nests in damp caverns, especially grottoes next to underground lakes or bogs. An ideal nest rests in a cozy cavern with plenty of fungus to eat, a few fish swimming in a lake, and the comforting drip of water from the ceiling. Blindheims prefer to lead quiet and serene lives, and even when first born they emit only the meekest of vocalizations. A blindheim is born shining, and its parents cuddle over it to dim the light so as to avoid attracting predators.It's not just animals that endanger blindheims. Underground peoples find the creatures useful and attempt to capture them for specialized purposes. Duergars use them as “raid frogs,” placing heavy hoods over blindheims' heads and revealing them suddenly during raids to blind their foes. They sometimes send the creatures along with their slaves that lack darkvision into the mines as a source of light. Drow use them for some of these same purposes, and some nobles have been known to treat the creatures as mere lanterns, having them hoisted to the ceilings of their halls. Neither duergars nor drow take good care of the captive creatures, so blindheims rarely last long in captivity.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Blindheim" - }, - { - "name": "Blink Dog", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "571", - "lore": "Blink DogAt first glance, blink dogs seem to be little more than long-eared, bearded canines with tawny coats. Yet their intelligent eyes and the blue nimbus of energy that dances across their fur hint at not only the blink dog's inherent intelligence, but also of their connection to the occult energies and mysteries that hide beyond the sight of the untrained eye. These honorable creatures are as intelligent as most humanoids. They live and hunt in large packs, roaming forests, plains, and the hidden places of the world in hunt for evil creatures—particularly those that dwell in the depths of the Ethereal Plane.Unless acting in concert with specific allies who have proven that their goals are shared, blink dogs tend to avoid other creatures if at all possible. Their packs are constantly on the move and hidden from those that would seek them out. But in times of need, they have been known to come to the rescue of villages and lost travelers. While they have no innate ability to travel to the Ethereal Plane for extended periods of time, all blink dogs constantly shimmer and ripple between the Material Plane and the Ethereal. They do their best to use their ability to blink to snatch glimpses into the Ethereal Plane and keep track of potential threats that might be building there, but in practice this tactic yields more of a constant stream of hunches and estimations of Ethereal-based threats. Of course, to a blink dog, this constant state of flux is as natural as breathing.Pack leadership always falls to a pair—an elder blink dog (called an alpha) who relies upon the valued guidance of a trusted pack mate (the sage). Honor and tradition are keystones of blink dog society. They are fiercely loyal, defending the pack or creatures they befriend to the death and maintaining oaths handed down from litter to litter. Though different packs hold different traditions and oaths, their connection through the tales and stories told among their kind and the shared experience of the movement of stars above weave all blink dogs into an extended family, a great pack. Through their myths and folklore, blink dogs have names for celestial phenomena, note births under auspicious stars, and read omens from unusual stellar conjunctions. These celestial signs are woven into blink dogs' lifeways; their names contain a reference to the specific constellation under which they were born, and a pack's sage watches the heavens for signs to help them decide when a pup is old enough for their first hunt.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Blink Dog" - }, - { - "name": "Blizzardborn", - "family": "Elemental, Water", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Cold", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "665", - "lore": "BlizzardbornFreezing and thawing in a near-constant loop, blizzardborn resemble humanoid forms composed of a mixture of partially melted snow and sleet. These elementals move with crunching strides, their bodies constantly sloshing and sloughing off shards of ice. Because of their ability to refreeze, blizzardborn can travel into warmer environments safely, though they tend to look more like slush in these areas.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 22Blizzardborn" - }, - { - "name": "Blodeuwedd", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey, Plant", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "572", - "lore": "BlodeuweddThe mysterious blodeuwedds dwell in those parts of the world where the boundaries between the Material Plane and the First World have worn thin, or around portals between the two planes. Their link with such regions of the natural world is so strong that it rivals the bond shared between nymphs and places of great natural beauty, yet none would look upon a blodeuwedd and mistake them for something as elegant as a nymph.Although blodeuwedds share certain traits with nymphs, their role as guardians of the pathways between this world and the First World prevents them from forming as powerful a magical bond with the natural world. Never truly a part of either reality yet forced to keep watch over both, blodeuwedds tend to grow cynical and sharp-tongued toward any who would seek travel from one realm to the other, regardless of their actual goals.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 24Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 24Blodeuwedd" - }, - { - "name": "Blood Boar", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "454", - "lore": "Blood BoarBlood boars are fearsome swine bred in Cheliax for the singular purpose of hunting down escaped slaves. The species originated from a type of large feral boar native to Nidal’s shadowy Uskwood, and blood boars retain their predecessors’ gray fur, red eyes, and exceptional senses. The intensive breeding process to produce blood boars—augmented by the selective application of magic—grants the creatures an unparalleled awareness of blood, including the ability to precisely detect a bloodied creature’s location and movements, allowing the boars to track their prey from up to a mile away. Blood boars’ keepers groom and mark the animals to enhance their already unsettling appearance. While from a distance, a blood boar might be mistaken for an ordinary pig, up close the differences are stark. Blood-red eyes, ashen fur, and unnaturally sharp tusks frame hundreds of pounds of raw muscle, the veins of which can be seen through the boar’s ghastly pale flesh. Chains, manacles, and spikes are typical blood boar accessories, ensuring the boars are as fearsome as possible. A blood boar’s ability to track its quarry using only the scent of the target’s blood has been the bane of many thieves, brigands, and the occasional illicit lover, but none have as much cause to fear the beasts as slaves in pursuit of freedom. Even washing off spilled blood does nothing to deter the blood boar’s pursuit if it already has the scent. As a result, many halflings in the Bellflower Network zealously practice disarming and nonlethal combat techniques specifically to avoid accidental bloodshed during an escape.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 22Blood Boar" - }, - { - "name": "Blood Hag", - "family": "Hag", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1188", - "lore": "Blood HagBlood hags, also known as soucouyants, infiltrate communities in the guise of young, innocent humanoids. This disguise is more than an illusion, for a blood hag wears the skin of a previous victim to hide her true appearance. During the day, her disguise is almost perfect, especially if the community knows nothing about the person the hag is pretending to be. But after sunset, the creature sheds her skin, hides it in a safe place, and stalks the night to drink the blood that sustains her. Able to travel quickly in the form of a ball of fire and to slip through keyholes or the slightest crack in a door or window, blood hags feed on sleeping victims then return home before morning to don their stolen skin.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Blood HagSource Bestiary 3 pg. 130Perception +17; bloodsense (imprecise) 90 feet, darkvisionLanguagesAbyssal, Aklo, Common, Infernal, JotunSkillsAcrobatics +15, Athletics +16, Deception +19, Diplomacy +17, Occultism +14, Stealth +17Str +4Dex +5Con +2Int +2Wis +3Cha +5Bloodsense A blood hag can sense the presence of blood and creatures with blood. She can tell the difference between spilled blood and the blood within a living creature.Coven A blood hag adds _death ward_, _fiery body_, and _nightmare_ to her coven's spells.Borrowed Skin A blood hag wears a covering of skin stolen from a humanoid creature she has killed, hiding her true form and granting her the effects of a 4th-level _misdirection_, with herself as the primary target and the creature whose skin she is wearing as the secondary target. Spreading coarse salt inside the skin prevents the hag from putting it back on, forcing her to keep her fiery form until she kills another humanoid and spends 1 hour turning it into a new disguise.---AC 26 Fort +14 Ref +17 Will +17 HP 170ImmunitiesbleedResistancesfire 10Weaknessescold iron 10---Speed 25 feetMeleeclaw +18 (Agile),Damage 2d8+7 slashing plus GrabMeleejaws +18,Damage 2d12+7 piercingRangedfirebolt +19 (Agile, Fire),Damage 2d10+8 fireOccult Innate Spells DC 26- 4thCharm, Sleep (×3)Assume Fiery Form(Concentrate, Fire, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The blood hag removes her borrowed skin and transforms into a brilliant ball of fire. She becomes amorphous, gains the fire trait and a fly Speed of 60 feet, becomes immune to fire, and emits light as a torch. She loses her melee Strikes and can't Drain Blood, but she deals 3d10 fire damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save) to each creature that touches her, as well as to each creature that succeeds at a melee Strike against her with an unarmed attack or from an adjacent space. If her skin is intact, she can return to her normal form by spending a single action that has the manipulate trait while adjacent to the skin. The hag can instead Assume Fiery Form as a single action, bursting through her skin in a blast of flames. Doing so destroys her borrowed skin and deals 9d6 fire damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save) in a 20-foot emanation.Drain Blood(Necromancy, Occult) Requirements A grabbed, paralyzed, restrained, unconscious, or willing creature is within the blood hag's reach; Effect The hag sinks her fangs into the creature to drink its blood. This requires a successful Athletics check against the victim's Fortitude DC if the victim is grabbed and is automatic for any of the other conditions. The victim becomes drained 1. The hag regains 15 Hit Points, gaining any excess HP as temporary Hit Points that last for 1 hour. Drinking blood from a creature that's already drained doesn't restore any Hit Points to the hag but increases the victim's drained value by 1, killing the victim when it reaches drained 5. A victim's drained condition decreases by 1 per week. A blood transfusion, which requires a successful DC 20 Medicine check and sufficient blood or a blood donor, reduces the drained condition by 1 after 10 minutes.Blood Hag SkinA slain blood hag's skin can be used as a component in dark rituals invoking demonic powers. A hero who knows this usually destroys the skin. Less scrupulous adventurers can sell this prize for a substantial sum (80–120 gp). They may later learn that they have helped the buyer unleash a terrible scourge upon the world—if the buyer doesn't kill them first." - }, - { - "name": "Blood Ooze", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "429", - "lore": "Blood OozeSwelling like a bubble about to burst, this oozing thing looks like it is made entirely from blood. Its slick, crimson skin is marred only by spots that look like clots formed on the surface. Created through the foulest of alchemical rituals, the blood ooze seeks only one thing: to increase its mass by consuming blood from the living. The blood ooze hides within the body of its victims, only bursting out to attack when another meal draws near, leaving the body a husk of its former self. The process by which such an ooze is created involves draining the blood of at least four Medium creatures and feeding all of the collected blood to a fifth creature, along with deadly reagents designed to prevent the blood from coagulating. During this time, the host slowly dies while the blood ooze takes form, emerging 2 to 6 hours later. Blood oozes have no loyalty toward those who created them, but some creators have noted that newly formed blood oozes seem to avoid harming other members of the host creature’s family. It is not widely known that an existing blood ooze can reproduce by splitting itself in half. It undergoes this division only if it has grown so large that splitting in half would create a pair of normal-sized blood oozes, such as the one listed below.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 19Blood Ooze" - }, - { - "name": "Blood Painter", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1081", - "lore": "Blood PainterSimultaneously enamored with the natural world yet too alien to survive in it, blood painters are eight-limbed artists who stalk, kill, and dismember in search of pigment and sustenance alike. Blood painter physiology can't digest typical food, so the creatures feed by harvesting blood and using it to paint and animate something edible. When not on the hunt, blood painters seek out beautiful vistas, which they placidly admire via the eyes in the hands of their uppermost limbs and then reproduce on canvas. Exceptional art endlessly fascinates these creatures, and skilled dancers and painters alike occasionally escape the aberrations by creating a new work to trade for their lives. Blood painters jealously guard these works, and much of their treasure consists of art. Blood painters tend to mastermind the periodic theft of masterpieces.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21Blood PainterSource Bestiary 3 pg. 33Perception +19; bloodsense (imprecise) 60 feet, darkvisionLanguagesAklo, CommonSkillsArt Lore +21, Athletics +20, Crafting +17, Medicine +19, Stealth +17Str +5Dex +4Con +3Int +6Wis +4Cha +3Bloodsense A blood painter can detect exposed blood as an imprecise sense at the listed range, including from creatures taking persistent bleed damage.---AC 27 Fort +16 Ref +19 Will +17 HP 155Easily Fascinated When subject to a visual illusion with the incapacitation trait, the blood painter doesn't adjust their degree of success due to the incapacitation trait.---Speed 30 feet, climb 15 feetMeleeclaw +20 (Agile, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d8+8 slashing plus 1d8 persistent bleedDab(Enchantment, Manipulate, Mental, Occult) Requirements The blood painter is within reach of an enemy taking persistent bleed damage; Effect The blood painter touches the creature and applies blood to one of their four claws; the blood remains fresh for 1 minute. The target must succeed at a DC 28 Will save or become fascinated with the blood painter.Paint(Concentrate, Illusion, Manipulate, Occult) Requirements The blood painter has fresh blood applied to a claw using Dab; Effect The blood painter expends the blood on one claw to paint a illusion with the effects of one of the following spells: _illusory creature_, _illusory disguise_, _illusory object_, or _mirror image_. The Paint action gains the traits of the spell it's reproducing, and the blood painter can Sustain a Spell on these effects. They use a spell attack modifier of +20 and DC 28 for these effects, which are heightened to 5th level. If they have fresh blood applied to two or more claws, the blood painter can expend the blood on all of them to instead produce the effects of _cloak of colors_ or _vibrant pattern_.Any effects produced by this ability have a +2 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and AC against the creature whose blood was used to Paint and that creature takes a –2 status penalty to Perception checks and saves against it.Apocryphal OriginsDespite blood painters' mysterious origins, the prevailing theory insists the first one arose from overzealous Shelynites so devoted to their art they ceased eating and sleeping, eventually transforming into aberrations that could feed on their own art only. Some believe it possible to “cure” a blood painter, restoring the accursed creature's original memories and form." - }, - { - "name": "Bloodlash Bush", - "family": "Deadly Flora", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "427", - "lore": "Bloodlash BushWhat first appears to be a simple shrub suddenly stirs to life.The bloodlash bush attempts to lacerate its foes, using its weeping wounds to irrigate the ground around itself. The seeds of a bloodlash bush can take root only in soil that has been soaked in blood.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 16Bloodlash Bush" - }, - { - "name": "Bloodseeker", - "family": "—", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "51", - "lore": "BloodseekerScourges of swamps and damp, abandoned places, bloodseekers are ravenous blood drinkers. Farmers curse the creatures for sucking their livestock dry. It is from such beleaguered people that the bloodseeker’s regional name “stirge,” possibly a corruption of the word “scourge,” comes. Folk wisdom holds that the appearance of bloodseekers in a region signals a healthy herd of livestock, but more often it means bogs or old buildings that haven’t been properly tended to. Certainly, no amount of folksy parable can assuage a farmer driven to destitution by a bloodseeker infestation. But despite their role as parasites, bloodseekers aren’t hated by all villages. In some cases, the inhabitants of remote backwoods thorps even keep the things as pets or use them as doubtful medicinal “tools” to drain away unwanted humors or test for evil spirits possessing the blood. Worshippers of gods of pestilence and parasites often view bloodseekers as sacred to their faith and allow the creatures to feed freely from their bodies. In such societies, those who accidentally give too much are considered to have been “blessed” by the village’s hungry god. Bloodseekers seem to be constantly hungry, but they are not inherently malevolent. They can be scared away fairly easily and prefer to swiftly retreat rather than risk death. Some adventurers report that these creatures can be scared away by waving torches at the flying pests. However, bloodseekers are much bolder when encountered in larger numbers, as bringing down one victim lets an entire colony feed. Bloodseeker colonies are called clots, for obvious and disgusting reasons. If a lone bloodseeker finds a likely victim while its clot is nearby, it emits a high-pitched, keening noise to summon reinforcements. Most humanoids avoid bloodseekers, but boggards sometimes cultivate bloodseeker nests around the perimeter of their territory. These colonies serve as a deterrent to intruders, and the boggards sometimes check for bloodseeker prey, collecting the hides or bodies of animals killed by the pests. Meals prepared from slain bloodseekers that have gorged on the blood of specific creatures are a staple among certain boggard communities. The boggards not only eat the actual bloodseekers, but they also make a gelled slurry from the drained blood. A typical bloodseeker is about a foot long, with mottled, reddish-brown skin and a yellow underbelly. Its four wings resemble bat wings. When gorged with blood, the creature becomes bloated and pink, and it tends to wobble unsteadily in the air as it ies off to digest its meal.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 13Bloodseeker" - }, - { - "name": "Blue-Ringed Octopus", - "family": "Octopus", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "744", - "lore": "Blue-Ringed OctopusWhile relatively small, the blue-ringed octopus is particularly venomous for its size.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14Blue-Ringed Octopus" - }, - { - "name": "Boar", - "family": "Boar", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "52", - "lore": "BoarBoars are omnivorous mammals, hunted heavily because their meat is considered a delicacy. Boars are most likely to attack humanoids either in self-defense or during their mating season in the winter months, when the males grow an extra inch of tissue to protect their organs as they fight off rivals. Of course, in some cultures boars are trained to become much more aggressive so they can fill the roles of warbeast and guardian. When such boars escape back into the wild, they can become true terrors of the region.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Boar" - }, - { - "name": "Bodak", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "573", - "lore": "BodakWhen a living, sentient humanoid is exposed to an extreme expression of supernatural evil, the experience can irrevocably damn the victim, crushing their mind and ripping out their soul in an appalling, unholy transformation that results in a creature that's anathema to life—the bodak.The shreds of physicality that survive this absolute corruption serve only to enhance the humanoid's profoundly disturbing appearance. The bodak's body is horrifically twisted, as though it's locked in a convulsion of agony and terror. Its desiccated and hairless flesh bears an otherworldly, pearlescent sheen, strung taut across a malformed skeleton that reduces its gait to a slow shamble. But most disturbing of all are its eyes, set in a drooping, melted visage with scant remains of its former facial structure. These eyes, sunken deep into their sockets, nevertheless glow with an unholy light, stare with unremitting malevolence, and constantly weep noxious vapor.Fragmented memories of a prior existence filtered through a vengeful hatred of the living lead the bodak to try to return to those places it once knew. If successful, it assaults former friends, acquaintances, and loved ones with its murderous gaze and an incomprehensible torrent of gibberish laced with vile curses, accusations, and threats—an assault that often leads to the victims rising as newly formed bodaks themselves.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 26Bodak" - }, - { - "name": "Bog Mummy", - "family": "Mummy", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mummy", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "735", - "lore": "Bog MummyThe cultural practice of mummifying the dead is not the only way a body can become preserved, nor is it the only route that gives rise to these disease-spreading undead monstrosities. Bog mummies (also called peat mummies or mire mummies) rarely, if ever, leave their marshy realms. Less powerful than their more notorious artificially preserved kin, bog mummies are preserved not by agents introduced during rituals but by the natural elements present in the airless, acidic morass of a peat bog or muddy swamp. While corpses preserved in this manner can certainly rise from the mire as bog mummies as the result of a curse by fell powers or the directed influence of a necromancer, the vast majority of them animate from a seething need for vengeance or to pursue some dire agenda left unfinished at the time of death—often because the creature was slain or otherwise betrayed. The nature of this emotional tie to life and the emotional power of the deceased compel unlife beyond death, while the preservative qualities of the bog within which the body was disposed of does the rest. Although most bog mummies are motivated by vengeance, many fulfill their dark yearnings with general violence. Filled with wrath and hatred for the living, they mercilessly attack any living creatures that dare to venture into their dismal domains. Their agonized moans echo over their putrid homes, driving away most natural life dwelling therein and often alerting travelers to the potential danger that lies beneath the surface.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 22Bog Mummy" - }, - { - "name": "Bog Strider", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "574", - "lore": "Bog StriderThe insectile bog striders call themselves seshes, but they take no offense at those who use the more common vernacular to refer to them. They resemble upright water striders with four legs, two arms, and powerful mandibles. Bog striders can move about on water like solid ground, chasing down prey or fleeing from predators across the water. They rarely leave the swampy rivers and lakes they call home. Bog striders stand 5 feet tall and weigh approximately 150 pounds. A bog strider's diet consists almost entirely of meat, but they prefer to feed only on animals, as they consider the consumption of the flesh of any sapient creature a taboo.In sesh society, each individual is expected to serve equally in all efforts to ensure the society's survival against the more aggressive creatures often found in or near their swampland homes. In addition, each member of the community is expected to develop a skill that contributes to the community's prosperity, and by extension, the continued survival of the species. Traditionally, female bog striders are builders and artisans while males are hunters and gatherers, but often such roles aren't limited to a single gender, as every member of a small community pitches in to help as they can.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 18Bog Strider" - }, - { - "name": "Bogey", - "family": "Bogeyman", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "507", - "lore": "BogeyA bogey typically hunts a single creature at a time, usually a small child or elderly person, methodically stalking and tormenting their prey. Often hiding under a bed, amid a dark attic space, or in a closet left slightly ajar, the bogey delights in the slow, methodical cultivation of fear in its victims.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 20Bogey" - }, - { - "name": "Bogeyman", - "family": "Bogeyman", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "509", - "lore": "BogeymanThese nocturnal stalkers tail their chosen quarry for days, even weeks at a time, ominously showing up in back alleys, shadowy street corners, and even in victims’ own homes before going in for the kill. For unfathomable reasons, a bogeyman may spare a victim’s life and instead kidnap them, absconding to a far-off location before returning years later with a fresh bogey in tow.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 29Bogeyman" - }, - { - "name": "Boggard Scout", - "family": "Boggard", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Boggard", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "54", - "lore": "Boggard ScoutOften tasked with patrolling the borders of their lands, boggard scouts learn to speak another language (typically Common) to make it easier to issue threats and insults toward trespassers.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Boggard Scout" - }, - { - "name": "Boggard Swampseer", - "family": "Boggard", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Boggard", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "56", - "lore": "Boggard SwampseerThe boggard swampseer has been gifted with magic through its worship of the demon lord Gogunta, and uses its power to rule a boggard village, keeping the rest of the village in line and planning raids on nearby communities.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Boggard Swampseer" - }, - { - "name": "Boggard Warrior", - "family": "Boggard", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Boggard", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "55", - "lore": "Boggard WarriorBoggard warriors exalt in single combat, and prefer to fight alone so that none can contest their kills. They have been known to pursue enemies who flee combat with a single-mindedness that seems almost supernatural.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Boggard Warrior" - }, - { - "name": "Bone Croupier", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "498", - "lore": "Bone CroupierFor many, gambling is just fun and games, but for some, it can become a bad habit or even a life-consuming addiction. Bone croupiers take the meaning of “life-consuming” to its literal extreme. Undead gamblers whose lust for cards and dice couldn’t be sated in life, they haunt the shadowy corners of gambling halls and continue their search for that next hit of adrenaline.In undeath, gaming takes on a different flavor; with nothing left to lose, bone croupiers turn their attentions toward others, cajoling and palavering normally casual gamers into committing themselves to ever higher stakes. Before they know it, these unsuspecting victims have called in decades-old favors and put liens on their homes in the hope of winning back just a fraction of the pot. But by then the bone croupier has already claimed its prize—for to this undead chiseler, any earnings are incidental, and the real prize is encouraging others to lose their own. Bone croupiers often enshroud themselves in thick layers of cigar smoke or voluminous robes to mask their undead nature, but they almost always wear wicked grins at the table. This smile is no ruse or part of its poker face, however—the truth is that bone croupiers truly delight in games, regardless of whether they are winning or losing, and despite their incredible skills of deception and trickery, most simply can’t disguise their unbridled mirth.\nRecall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 20Bone Croupier" - }, - { - "name": "Bone Prophet", - "family": "Serpentfolk", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Serpentfolk"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "801", - "lore": "Bone ProphetThe speakers for the dead known as bone prophets hold an esteemed place as voices for their decapitated god. Burial rites, necromantic rituals, and the delivery of cryptic utterances supposedly whispered to them by Ydersius all fall under the dominion of these priests. Bone prophets often raise fallen aapophs as skeletons.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 26Bone Prophet" - }, - { - "name": "Bone Ship", - "family": "—", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Rare", "Undead", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1082", - "lore": "Bone ShipRarely does anything living remain after a bone ship's passing—only death, destruction, and waves red as blood that clash and foam in its wake. When a bone ship forms, necromantic magic dredges great bones from the seabed and slowly bends them into place with malicious intent. Whales' ribs typically form the timbers of the hull, and their great spinal columns twist into towering masts. Muscles and tendons lash the ship together, tightening and loosening to precisely turn the ship as it sails. When a bone ship encounters another vessel or finds some other opportunity to sow death, smaller corpses strewn throughout the ship animate to form a crew and boarding party. Each crew member resembles a humanoid skeleton, but they might be made of bones from multiple creatures. For battle, the ship also creates magical cannons formed of bone that propel bone shards and debris with blasts of magic. The small black gemstones stippled across the ship's structure hold the souls of a drowned crew, for a bone ship is the cursed legacy of dead sailors. When mass death happens at sea—often from an entire ship sinking far from shore—the anguish of the dying victims can spawn a bone ship. This event might occur when a sailor makes a final plea to a dark god or when a deity takes the opportunity to bind many dead sailors' souls together as a destructive show of divine power. When not created through divine intervention, a bone ship can grow slowly and organically from one of the ships piloted by the undead sailors known as draugr. As draugr ships plague the seas and sink other vessels, they can collect more souls and bones, eventually becoming bone ships. These vessels look different from many other bone ships with patchwork or asymmetrical appearances. A bone ship is almost gluttonous, possessing an unceasing appetite for death, destruction, and new souls to add to its number. These desires stem from an underlying cause, either placed within the ship by its creator or accreted from the scattered final wishes of its component dead souls. For example, a deity might send a bone ship on a special mission to carry a message or dispose of a particularly persistent adversary or annoyance. Though bone ships usually travel upon the waves, they have no need to breathe and can carry out underwater missions at the behest of their creator. Bone ships hold a legendary reputation among sailors. These undead can appear out of nowhere to wreak destruction, and if a crew's bodies are absent from a shipwreck, the calamity might be blamed on a bone ship. The sea can bring death suddenly in many ways, but eternal enslavement of the soul presents a more terrifying fate than death alone.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 43Unspecific Lore: DC 41Specific Lore: DC 38Bone ShipSource Bestiary 3 pg. 34Perception +32; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Necril; (can't speak any language)SkillsAthletics +33, Intimidation +31, Sailing Lore +37Str +9Dex +5Con +9Int +1Wis +6Cha +5Skeleton Crew (divine, evil, necromancy) The bone ship is compelled not by a single mind, but by the collective consciousness of dead sailors' souls. The ship is immune to mental effects that target only a specific number of creatures. It's still subject to mental effects that affect all creatures in an area. Any creature that tries to communicate with the ship via telepathy or read its thoughts hears the dying screams and gasps of the crew, and is targeted with a 9th-level _warp mind_ spell (DC 41). The ship animates skeletal crew members out of its own bones, arming them with rusty old cutlasses or other armaments so they can attack anyone who comes next to the ship. These entities have appearances matching those the bound souls had in life but aren't truly individuals; anything that targets them in fact targets the bone ship they're a part of. Hundreds of black soul gems decorate the ship's exterior, each holding one soul. These gems can hold souls of creatures whose level was 16th or lower, and they have no value. If the ship is destroyed, all these gems shatter, freeing the souls within.Trawl for Bones (downtime) The bone ship spends 1 day scavenging bones from the sea and restores itself to full Hit Points.---AC 42 all-around visionFort +33 Ref +27 Will +30 HP 415Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, skeleton crew, unconsciousResistancescold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, piercing 10, slashing 10Blood Wake (aura, divine, enchantment, fear, mental) 30 feet. The churning water around the bone ship tinges red with seeping blood. A living creature that enters water in the aura sees visions of itself drowning in the blood and must attempt a DC 37 Will save. After attempting this saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 hour. On a failure, the creature becomes frightened 2 (frightened 4 on a critical failure) and stunned 1, and it takes a –4 status penalty to Athletics checks to Swim.---Speed swim 40 feetMeleehull +35 (reach 20 feet),Damage 3d10+17 bludgeoning plus 2d10 negativeMeleeskeleton crew +35 (Agile),Damage 3d6+17 slashing plus 2d10 negativeRangedbone cannon +35 (Brutal, Divine, Negative, range increment 100 feet),Damage 2d12+12 bludgeoning damage plus 2d10 negativeCannonadeThe bone ship makes four bone cannon Strikes, each targeting a different creature.Chain ShotThe bone ship makes a special bone cannon Strike, firing a chain made of bones. A creature hit by this Strike is grabbed by the chain (Escape DC 41). The bone ship can use Interact actions to reel in a grabbed creature 50 feet per action spent, and when the ship moves, it pulls the grabbed creature along with it.Crew's Call(Divine) The crew let out an anguished cry in unison. This is a _wail of the banshee_ spell with 100-foot emanation (DC 39). In addition, any creature within 5 feet of the ship is grabbed by the crew. The ship can't use Crew's Call again for 1d4+1 rounds.KeelhaulAs Trample (Huge or smaller, hull, DC 43), but the bone ship Swims up to double its swim Speed instead of Striding, and each creature that fails its save is also dragged under the ship. The GM places each creature dragged along in an underwater space adjacent to the bone ship at the end of the ship's movement.Pressgang Soul(Divine) The bone ship casts _bind soul_. The target must have died due to the bone ship's assault or from drowning. The creature's soul becomes part of the ghostly crew. A new soul gem grows on the ship, and the bone ship is quickened for 1 minute. It can use the extra action only to Strike or Swim.Famed Bone ShipsBone ships don't choose names of their own, instead being christened by dread gods who create them or sailors fortunate enough to survive encounters with them. Some names still whispered in seaside taverns follow. _Captain Aster's Eulogy__Crimson Mirage__Starved Whale__Horseman's Herald__Wail upon the Winds_Piloting a Bone ShipWhen a bone ship is defeated without being destroyed, or is commandeered by a more powerful undead, it can be used as a vehicle, following the Vehicle rules. It uses its normal Speed and defenses, and adds the following statistics. Space 100 feet long, 20 feet wide, 25 feet high Crew 1 pilot, 12 crew; Passengers 12 Piloting Check Sailing Lore (DC 40), Religion (DC 38); the ship's propulsion is wind if Sailing Lore is used, or magical if Religion is used Collision 9d10 bludgeoning plus 5d6 negative (DC 38)Vessels of the Dark GodsEvil deities sometimes raise bone ships bound to them. These flagships herald destruction done at the creator's will. Urgathoa occasionally makes bone ships to carry her revered acolytes to distant lands or cultures at sea. One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Charon the Boatman, counts many bone ships among his followers; some ply the River Styx in Abaddon; while others ferry his apostles to other planes. Charon's bone ships approach slowly rather than speeding toward their quarry, giving more time for the hearts of those who witness them to lose all hope. Kelizandri, elemental lord of water, holds power over the drowned. He gives them new purpose crewing bone ships, where they can live eternally in the moment of their death under the waves. His ships frequently plumb the depths of great seas, casting ghostly green light down in the blackness." - }, - { - "name": "Bone Skipper Swarm", - "family": "Bone Skipper", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "989", - "lore": "Bone Skipper SwarmA large swarm of bone skippers can reduce a human skeleton into dry, brittle fragments in a matter of hours.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 24Bone Skipper Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Bore Worm Swarm", - "family": "Bore Worm", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1083", - "lore": "Bore Worm SwarmA single finger-length bore worm is unpleasant but mostly innocuous. Ten thousand bore worms, on the other hand, pose a formidable threat to even seasoned adventurers. The countless worms form a roiling, rancid mass of acid and pain, capable of delivering a hideous death to any person or beast unable to escape them. Unfortunately for any creature other than a bore worm, most encounters involve swarms.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15Bore Worm SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 36Perception +12; tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +10, Stealth +12Str -1Dex +3Con +4Int -5Wis +1Cha -4---AC 20 Fort +15 Ref +12 Will +8 HP 60Immunitiesacid, precision, swarm mindResistancesbludgeoning 4, piercing 8, slashing 8Weaknessesarea damage 4, splash damage 4, water 8---Speed 15 feet, burrow 30 feetSwarming BitesEach enemy in the swarm's space takes 3d6 acid damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail this save become sickened 1 from the swarm's painful bites." - }, - { - "name": "Bottlenose Dolphin", - "family": "Dolphin", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "618", - "lore": "Bottlenose DolphinThe bottlenose dolphin is the most common and widespread species of dolphin. They are social predators who hunt shallow seas and rivers in large family groups called pods. Sailors are fond of bottlenose dolphins and frequently tell tales of how they save drowning fishers or kill sharks with blows from their powerful snouts. Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14Bottlenose Dolphin" - }, - { - "name": "Brain Collector", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "57", - "lore": "Brain CollectorThe grotesque brain collectors (or neh-thalggus, as they call themselves) originate from worlds far beyond the known solar system, and are part of a conglomeration of hostile aliens known collectively as the Dominion of the Black. Whether driven by their own schemes or directives from sinister overlords, brain collectors arrive in living starships to harvest the brains of intelligent creatures. These aberrations draw no nutrition from brains, instead storing them for analysis and as vessels for occult magical energies. A brain collector’s form evokes that of a tailless scorpion, but the pulsing brain-filled blisters that glisten along its back make them impossible to mistake for merely oversized arachnids. Baleful eyes glare from the joints on their legs, and the unsettling, intrusive whisper-thoughts they telepathically broadcast into the minds of those they seek to feed on can be interpreted as threats or promises alike. Brain collectors have very little empathy for the denizens of any world they visit, despite the fact that certain cults venerate them, or the Dominion they hail from, as if they were gods. To brain collectors, terrestrial creatures are simply resources for their magical needs and occult powers. They have little interest in worshipping gods or being worshipped themselves, yet they do practice strange forms of religion of their own, in which they consider the primordial forces of deep space as worthy of faith and fear.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 26Brain Collector" - }, - { - "name": "Brainchild", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Illusion", "Mental", "Rare", "Large"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1085", - "lore": "BrainchildA rumor can become so vivid and so persistent that it comes to life, creating a brainchild—a living illusion that hatches from an intense belief in a remorseless and implacable killer. Often, these rumors swirl around the victims of a _phantasmal killer_ spell. A brainchild's capabilities grow when they pursue a believer but deflate against skeptics, making them only as bad as one thinks they are. A simple drive to stalk, terrify, and kill propels a brainchild, but the creature might also exhibit other behaviors ascribed to them through gossip.BrainchildSource Bestiary 3 pg. 38Perception +18; darkvisionLanguagestelepathy 100 feet, universal languageSkillsDeception +22, Intimidation +24, Performance +22, Society +21, Stealth +20Str +4Dex +5Con +4Int +2Wis +3Cha +7Universal Language Anything spoken by the brainchild is perceived by the listener in its native language.Urban Legend A brainchild is sustained only by the reputation that precedes them. Mindless creatures are immune to a brainchild and can't perceive them. The brainchild's size, features, and items, as well as the appearance of their attacks, match what the foes perceiving them expect. If foes expect to see different things, the brainchild chooses which to manifest. If any creature that can perceive the brainchild believes the brainchild has one of the abilities below, the brainchild has that ability. A creature can Seek or Sense Motive (against the brainchild's Deception DC) to attempt to disbelieve an individual ability. If at any point no creature perceiving the brainchild believes in the ability, the brainchild loses that ability immediately. If foes expect different particulars, such as one believing the brainchild is immune to fire and another believing they're immune to divinations, the brainchild chooses one to have. Tremorsense (imprecise) 100 feetImmunity to one damage type, magic school, or conditionWeakness 10 to one damage type other than mentalResistance 10 to physical damage, with an exception for either cold iron or silverFrightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 100 feet, DC 281d6 Extra Damage on Strikes, of a type one foe believes inAdditional Spells _phantom pain_ and _shadow blast_ at 6th level---AC 30 Fort +21 Ref +22 Will +18 HP 200Immunitiesdeath effects, detection, diseased, doomed, necromancy, scryingWeaknessesmental 10Persistence of Memory (illusion, mental, occult) When a brainchild is destroyed, it returns if anyone still fully believes it exists, re-forming within 100 feet of any believer after 2d4 days.---Speed 30 feet, fly 30 feetMeleeillusory weapon +24 (Illusion, Mental, Occult),Damage 4d6+10 mental plus urban legendRangedillusory weapon +24 (Illusion, Mental, Occult, range 100 feet),Damage 4d6+6 mental plus urban legendOccult Innate Spells DC 30- Cantrips (6th)Ghost Sound, Message- 4thDimension Door (x2)- 5thPhantasmal Killer (x3, image resembles the brainchild)Spreading RumorsBrainchildren require setup. Create some rumors the PCs might hear around town, adding more if they Gather Information. Take note of what rumors they share and who believes which ones. Don't include too many—if the PCs believe them all, the brainchild will be too powerful! Examples include “I hear the Beast of Chimney Hill can walk through a fire unburnt” and “Woke with a pounding headache. Old Selby's Dog must be lurking about again.”" - }, - { - "name": "Bralani (Wind Azata)", - "family": "Azata", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "559", - "lore": "Bralani (Wind Azata)Bralanis embody the freedom of fair competition, embracing opportunities to test their skills against worthy foes and bring mortals together with the thrill of good-natured sports and contests. Their interest in constructive conflict also extends to higher stakes, such as diplomatic negotiations. In these cases, bralanis ensure that neither side's desires are crushed by the other's and work as mediators when needed. They believe in friendly contests to diffuse tension. When discussions are going well, bralanis step back, allowing the participants to shape their own futures. They delight in sailing through violent storms as wind, basking in the raw energy.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 22Bralani" - }, - { - "name": "Bregdi", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "999", - "lore": "BregdiBregdis hunt warm-blooded prey, lurking in the waters of most major port cities before using their ray-like bodies and hooked claws to hitch onto the underside of boats pulling into port. From beneath the docks and in the channels of settlements, bregdis wait for the careless or unlucky to fall into the water, where they make quick work of their hapless victims.Although bregdis have little more intelligence than most animals, a particularly opportunistic bregdi might realize that a fishing line often leads to a tasty meal. A bregdi that spots a fishing lure might grab it gently with its claw to imitate a fish caught on the line. Once a fisherman is “hooked” and starts to reel in, the bregdi plays along, slowly approaching the shore while making sluggish struggling motions. Once near land, the bregdi violently tugs on the lure to yank its unsuspecting prey into the water. Bregdis can survive out of water for short periods of time, but only the most desperate bregdis hunt on land.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 28Bregdi" - }, - { - "name": "Brimorak", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1111", - "lore": "Brimorak (Arson Demon)These goat-headed demons have glowing red eyes and flaming hooves but measure only about 3 feet in height. Born from the souls of arsonists, the fiery brimoraks continue the work they pursued in life, as everything they touch quickly burns. As a general rule, brimoraks are ill-tempered even for demons, although their spite turns to glee in the face of a growing fire. Those who have survived encounters with these fiends report that they remember the braying sound of the brimoraks' laughter as clearly as the heat of the flames or the choking scent of smoke.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15BrimorakSource Bestiary 3 pg. 62Perception +12; darkvision, smoke visionLanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Ignan; telepathy 60 feetSkillsAcrobatics +12, Deception +11, Religion +10, Stealth +12Str +4Dex +3Con +4Int +1Wis +1Cha +2Extinguishing Aversion Dousing a brimorak with water, either ordinary water or from a water effect, causes no physical harm to the fiend but deals 3d6 mental damage. Fully immersing the brimorak in water deals 5d6 mental damage per round.Smoke Vision Smoke doesn't impair a brimorak's vision; they ignore the concealed condition from smoke.---AC 22 Fort +15 Ref +12 Will +10 HP 80ImmunitiesfireWeaknessescold iron 5, good 5Boiling Blood Each time an adjacent creature deals slashing or piercing damage to the brimorak, the attacker is sprayed with the brimorak's boiling blood, which deals 2d4 fire damage (DC 19 basic Reflex save).---Speed 30 feetMeleeflaming sword +15 (Magical),Damage 2d8+4 slashing plus 1d6 evil and 1d6 fireMeleehoof +15 (Agile),Damage 2d4+4 bludgeoning plus 1d6 evil and 1d6 fireDivine Innate Spells DC 21- Cantrips (3rd)Produce Flame- 3rdDispel Magic, Fireball- 4thDimension DoorRituals DC 21- 1stAbyssal PactBreath Weapon(Divine, Evocation, Fire) The brimorak spits their boiling blood in a 20-foot line that deals 6d6 fire damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save). The brimorak can't use their Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds. The ground within this area becomes slippery, with the effects of a _grease_ spell targeting an area until it's cleaned up or the brimorak is able to use their Breath Weapon again, whichever comes first.Flaming Weapon(Divine, Evocation, Fire) A brimorak's hooves and any weapon they wield burst into flame, dealing an extra 1d6 fire damage with each hit. If they don't have a weapon, they can create a flaming sword of fire and steel (see flaming sword Strike in Melee entry above).Fume(Divine, Evocation, Fire) The brimorak emits a cloud of thick black smoke in a 10-foot burst that remains in place for 1d4 rounds. All creatures within the smoke become concealed, and all creatures outside the smoke become concealed to creatures within it. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the smoke it must succeed at a DC 21 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure).The Smallest SparksMany underestimate brimoraks due to their size, forgetting that tiny embers can blow into raging infernos in the blink of an eye. Brimoraks believe that they grow larger with each fire they set, though larger arson demons have yet to be seen." - }, - { - "name": "Brine Shark", - "family": "Elemental, Water", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "196", - "lore": "Brine SharkBrine sharks are deadly elementals that roam the endless oceans of the Plane of Water.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Brine Shark" - }, - { - "name": "Brontosaurus", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "122", - "lore": "BrontosaurusBrontosauruses are truly gigantic behemoths, plodding herbivores large enough to be unafraid of all but the most massive predators. Brontosauruses have stout bodies and long, sinuous necks ending in small heads, allowing them to graze from the highest treetops. Their powerful tails are equally as long as their necks and provide counterbalances. Brontosauruses bear their bulk upon four stout legs. Although their feet are capable of crushing entire buildings, these herbivores are generally peaceful and considerate of where they step. Most brontosauruses are dangerous only when defending themselves or their young, or when panicked enough to stampede. When roused in this way, however, the creatures are truly terrifying: their muscular tails sweep in great arcs and their massive feet crash down heedlessly onto the ground. A brontosaurus is 70 feet long and weighs more than 30 tons. Brontosauruses belong to a group of dinosaurs known as sauropods, all of which are immense in size. The brachiosaurus is among the tallest of these dinosaurs, and the diplodocus among the longest, but it’s likely that even larger behemoths exist.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 27Brontosaurus" - }, - { - "name": "Brood Leech Swarm", - "family": "Leech", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "712", - "lore": "Brood Leech SwarmMost smaller species of leeches do not tend to swarm, but brood leeches are prone to gathering in seething, undulant mats of squirming gluttony. When they gather in sufficient numbers to swarm, they eschew the stealth of a lone leech's feeding methods in favor of swift and merciless feeding. In these situations, their mild venom can affect much larger creatures than their usual prey.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Brood Leech Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Brownie", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "575", - "lore": "BrownieBrownies make their homes in the trunks of hollow trees, small earthy burrows, and even under porches or within the crawl spaces of farmhouses. Often attired in clothes that appear to be made of plants or leaves, brownies wear belts lined with pouches and tools. Whatever language they choose to speak is often is riddled with odd pronunciations and colloquialisms. Their manner of speaking might call upon turns of phrase that are decades or even centuries out of vogue, for example, or they might mix up their metaphors in strange ways. It almost seems as if brownies adopt these quirky ways of speaking intentionally—certainly they do not react favorably to corrections to their chatter. There's often no swifter way to annoy a brownie than to try to correct its grammar. Brownies stand barely 2 feet tall and weigh about 20 pounds.When facing danger, brownies rarely engage in combat, preferring instead to confound and confuse their attackers in order to buy enough time for escape. Content with honest toil and the love of their kin, brownies maintain a pacifist nature, harassing creatures only to run them off or punish them for an insult. Despite this nature, all brownies carry a blade. They refer to their swords with a hint of disgust, and jokingly call their blades their “final trick,” reserving their use for the direst of circumstances.Honest to a fault, brownies take freely but always repay their debt through work or leave something behind as an offering. They may eat an apple from a farmer's orchard but harvest the entire tree as repayment. A brownie might eat an entire pie left on a windowsill, only to straighten up the kitchen or wash the dishes. A brownie can share a home with a family for years and years while avoiding detection. A family that is aware of a brownie in their midst usually finds this a beneficial relationship and leaves dishes of milk, pieces of fruit, trinkets, and sometimes even wine as gifts. In exchange, the resident brownie keeps the home clean, mends clothes, repairs tools, and shoos away vermin and small predators. Bragging about having a brownie in the house is the best way to lose one. Brownies distrust foxes and fear wolves, and they avoid farms with dogs.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 15Brownie" - }, - { - "name": "Brughadatch (Midlife Brughadatch)", - "family": "Brughadatch", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "528", - "lore": "Brughadatch (Midlife Brughadatch)The biggest difference between a gahlepod and a grown brughadatch isn’t their humanoid appearance, but the powerful magic they gain as they mature.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 27Brughadatch" - }, - { - "name": "Bugaboo", - "family": "Bogeyman", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "508", - "lore": "BugabooAfter devouring enough souls, a bogey transforms into the more powerful and sophisticated bugaboo.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 24Bugaboo" - }, - { - "name": "Bugbear Thug", - "family": "Bugbear", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "58", - "lore": "Bugbear ThugThe more common bugbear thug specializes in the art of lurking in the shadows.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Bugbear Thug" - }, - { - "name": "Bugbear Tormentor", - "family": "Bugbear", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "59", - "lore": "Bugbear TormentorThe bugbear tormentor seeks to torture their prey as much through psychological intimidation as through physical harm. The longer a bugbear tormentor can keep their victim alive and terrified, the better they feel.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Bugbear Tormentor" - }, - { - "name": "Bugul Noz", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "516", - "lore": "Bugul NozThis gangly fey humanoid wanders the overgrown paths of dark, misty forests, voluntarily isolating themself in an attempt to protect others from their hideous form. A bugul noz’s appearance is not merely unsightly—to view the being’s form is said to tempt death, and backwoods villagers tell tales of wanderers found struck dead after merely glancing at the creature. As they jaunt through the forest, the bugul noz sings an eerie tune to alert others to their presence and deter these creatures from looking upon them. The bugul noz does not, after all, want to harm anyone; they are inherently kind, if unpredictable, and if they accidentally kill a creature out of panic or confusion, they grieve. A bugul noz who roams the same road long enough compiles a long list of such accidental victims, and they might carry the corpses off to a single mass grave deep in the forest. When not wandering, the bugul noz watches over this grave to ensure that the spirits of their victims are never lonely.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 35Bugul Noz" - }, - { - "name": "Bulette", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "61", - "lore": "BuletteBulettes are fearsome predators that roam just beneath the surface of desolate wilderness areas. When they burrow through the ground, only the fin of their thickly armored backs protrudes above—at least until they are ready to leap out and strike their prey. Their appearance, appetite, and iconic dorsal fin have earned the nickname “landshark.” A typical bulette claims a territory of approximately 500 square miles. When it finds an area rich in food, such as a farming village, it adds that area to its regular patrol route. Over the course of a few months, it can wipe entire settlements off the map. Bulettes are fiercely competitive creatures that battle relentlessly with other predators in their territory. They actively avoid contact or conflict with other members of their kind unless seeking a mate. Bulette pairs share territory and mate for life—a mated pair of bulettes being the only known exception to the creature’s penchant for solitude. They rear their young for a short period of time. The mated pair instruct the young bulette how to hunt, teaching their spawn which creatures are easiest to kill and which creatures to avoid. The mated pair drive off their young after its first successful hunt. The first bulettes were magically created guardians, intended to serve as frightening pets for a power-hungry and sadistic wizard. The technique for their creation, as well as their original purpose, has since been lost to history, and multiple conflicting accounts of ancient texts exist with dozens of wizards claiming to have been the first inventor of the notorious beast. Some sages postulate that the original inventor may have been an elf—a theory born out of little more than the curious fact that bulettes, for all their ravenous nature, seem to find elf flesh unpalatable. Unfortunately for elves who stumble into a bulette’s path, bulettes are no less likely to kill them than any other intruder, simply leaving the bodies unconsumed where they fall.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 24Bulette" - }, - { - "name": "Bunyip", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "62", - "lore": "BunyipBunyips are dangerous aquatic predators that resemble a cross between a shark and a seal. Found in freshwater inlets or saltwater coves worldwide, bunyips hunt where prey is plentiful, often to the consternation of coastal residents and fisherfolk. Despite their outlandish appearance and tendency to defend their territory with loud, bellowing roars that echo for great distances, bunyips are very rarely sighted by humanoids, leaving many to question their existence. For hundreds of years, bunyips were widely regarded as nothing more than folk tales, and even now that their existence as a species has been proven, the existence of any particular bunyip in a local area is often met with heavy skepticism. While their limited shapechanging abilities are no doubt a significant part of the reason for this air of mystery, another major factor is that the aquatic creatures rarely hunt humanoids, preferring to eat smaller animals. Most bunyips avoid human contact, except when one wanders too close to their den or favorite hunting spot, at which point the territorial bunyip attacks with swift and terrible ferocity. Many scholars agree that a large number of unexplained disappearances near coastal areas are the result of unreported bunyip aggression. In some ports, bunyips have learned that delicious prizes can be had from the chum and garbage discarded by fishing boats and merchant vessels. They lurk close to the shore and carefully choose their victims, plucking them off docks and small boats. These bunyips are particularly careful to keep their true forms hidden, but this does little to dull rumors of monster-infested waters.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Bunyip" - }, - { - "name": "Buso", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1086", - "lore": "BusoBusos are tree-dwelling folk with a simmering desire to consume the flesh of others. They heavily supplement their food with leaves and root crops, possess significant knowledge of agriculture, and boast innate powers over plants and their growth. In regards to meat, however, busos reject the flesh of beasts; they instead consume other humanoids. Not only do they find the taste of other creatures repulsive, but their bodies reject non-humanoid meat since it provides them no nutritional value and consuming it leaves them sickened and weak. Busos' unusual dietary needs mean they're almost always at odds with neighboring cultures. They typically maintain decent relations only with goblins, who are as a people less prone to judging others based on diet. Other communities fear busos—with some justification—though aside from the occasional forays to harvest someone for their next meal, busos tend to keep to themselves. In some desperate locations, communities faced with famine or other natural disasters might even seek out busos' aid, offering victims in exchange for knowledge or magical assistance that might save their communities from slow and terrible deaths through starvation. A buso's single eye sometimes leads to them being compared to cyclopes. However, both types of creatures deny any common ancestry, and they first appeared independently in entirely different parts of the world with substantially divergent abilities. For their part, busos believe that their ancestors' deeds gave rise to their single eyes. When faced with a famine that threatened their existence, these ancestors each cut out one of their eyes as an offering to the malevolent spirits of the forest, imploring for their salvation. Busos say that these spirits, whom they call the busaw, gave them their knowledge of agriculture, power over plants, and craving for sentient flesh. Henceforth, they revered the busaw as gods and called themselves buso: those who worship the busaw.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13BusoSource Bestiary 3 pg. 39Perception +8; low-light visionLanguagesGoblin, SylvanSkillsArcana +8, Athletics +9, Cooking Lore +10, Farming Lore +10, Nature +8Str +4Dex +1Con +2Int +3Wis +1Cha -1ItemsJavelin (4), Kukri, studded leather---AC 18 Fort +9 Ref +6 Will +8 HP 48---Speed 25 feetMeleekukri +11 (Agile, Trip),Damage 1d6+6 slashingRangedjavelin +8 (thrown 30 feet),Damage 1d6+6 piercingResize Plant(Arcane, Plant, Polymorph, Transmutation) Frequency twice per day; Requirements The buso touches a Small, Medium, or Large plant; Effect The plant grows or shrinks by one size, remaining that size for the next 5 minutes. If used on a plant creature, this effect has the effects of _enlarge_ or _shrink_ (buso's choice). Unwilling plant creatures can attempt a DC 18 Fortitude saving throw to resist this effect.Buso DatuOccasionally, a busaw spirit who seeks to live a mortal life will possess a buso baby. Such babies are born with the two eyes typical of most humanoid as well as an ivory horn that channels arcane fire. Seen as gods incarnate, they're revered as datu, who rule buso society. When a buso datu dies, their busaw spirit simply retakes their place haunting the forest." - }, - { - "name": "Bythos", - "family": "Aeon", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aeon", "Monitor"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "539", - "lore": "BythosThe bythos is a guardian of space and time, and at all times seeks out those who misuse planar and temporal magic. A bythos is a roughly humanoid creature with four arms and a body made of swirling clouds and mist. Despite its appearance, its body feels like dry stone. A bythos seeks out paradoxes caused by irresponsible planar or dimensional travelers and repairs breaches where the barriers between planes have become thin or damaged. If the mortals responsible remain in the area and cannot be convinced to cease their activities, the bythos has no qualms about removing them. Using its ability to manipulate time, a bythos might cause an opponent to quickly die of old age as time speeds up around them, or cause a target to disappear from time and space.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 37Bythos" - }, - { - "name": "Cacodaemon (Harvester Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "88", - "lore": "Cacodaemon (Harvester Daemon)These embodiments of demented violence and spite are spawned from eddies of angry and warped souls amid Abaddon’s mists. Cacodaemons constantly hunger for mortal souls and yearn to create suffering. As gnashing spheres of teeth, fins, and spines, they are the weakest of daemonkind, an amalgam of various petty forms of death without the strength that comes from focusing on a single cause of demise.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 15Cacodaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Cactus Leshy", - "family": "Leshy", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1219", - "lore": "Cactus LeshyThese little plants are known for their nettlesome attitude. Their personalities mirror the spines that sprout from all over their bodies, making them cantankerous and slightly prickly, though they are unswervingly loyal to those who earn their trust. At home in dry and arid landscapes, cactus leshys store water inside their bodies in order to survive these harsh conditions. Cactus leshys come in all different shapes and colors: tall and thin, with beautiful, vibrantly colored blooms on their heads; squat and rotund, with rows and rows of orderly spines; or seemingly haphazard, with flat segments stacked end to end as if they were balancing on one another.Recall Knowledge - Plant(Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Cactus LeshySource Bestiary 3 pg. 160Perception +9; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, Druidic, Sylvan; _speak with plants_ (succulents only)SkillsNature +7, Stealth +6, Survival +7Str +3Dex +2Con +4Int -1Wis +3Cha +0Little Oasis If a cactus leshy is willing, a creature can harvest enough water from the leshy's inner cavity to fill a single waterskin without harming them. Doing so again before the leshy can replenish the water causes the leshy to immediately suffer from dehydration.---AC 18 Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +7 HP 30Spiny Body A cactus leshy is covered in spines. A creature that Grabs the cactus leshy takes 1d8+3 piercing damage.Verdant Burst When a cactus leshy dies, a burst of primal energy explodes from its body, restoring 2d8 Hit Points to each plant creature in a 30-foot emanation. This area fills with cacti, becoming difficult terrain. If the terrain is not a viable environment for the cacti, they wither after 24 hours.---Speed 25 feetMeleespine +11,Damage 1d8+3 piercingRangedspine +11 (range increment 30 feet),Damage 1d8+3 piercingPrimal Innate Spells DC 18- 4thSpeak with PlantsChange Shape(Concentrate, Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) The cactus leshy transforms into a Small cactus. This ability otherwise uses the effects of _tree shape_.Prickly BurstFrequency once per day; Effect The cactus leshy shoots their spines in every direction. All creatures in a 10-foot emanation take 3d6 piercing damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save).Water StorageDue to their internal cavities, cactus leshys can give water to surrounding creatures in times of need. They can give up to half of their water reserves without perishing. They might choose to sacrifice their water to help nearby plants that are parched or to save a comrade who is dying of thirst. Extracting water from a cactus leshy is not an exact science, so one must take care not to let the water slosh out of the leshy, lest it die from dehydration." - }, - { - "name": "Cairn Linnorm", - "family": "Linnorm", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "722", - "lore": "Cairn LinnormCairn linnorms are disturbing, even by linnorm standards. They make their homes in necropolises, burial grounds, and the sites of immense and gory battles. Some point out that cairn linnorms feast on shambling undead and thus provide a service to the living, but these beasts are not choosy and will happily consume any creature, whether or not it draws breath. Some tales state that cairn linnorms will not—or cannot—enter a tomb without the permission of a descendant of the deceased (or the permission of the deceased itself, in the instance that it has risen from the dead). Likewise, once a cairn linnorm has entered a tomb, it won't leave until it has secured permission to do so. Whether such legends are true or not is anyone's guess; nevertheless, reports of a cairn linnorm in the vicinity are harrowing enough to dissuade even the most foolhardy grave robber from peeking into too many crypts or mausoleums.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 40Cairn Linnorm" - }, - { - "name": "Cairn Wight", - "family": "Wight", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Wight"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "859", - "lore": "Cairn WightJealous guardians of tombs, barrows, and sepulchers, cairn wights usually spawn from necromantic rituals. For those mortals who cannot abide the thought of separation from their earthly possessions, the undead existence offered by transformation into a cairn wight can be tempting. Perhaps as frequently, particularly avaricious and wealthy royalty or merchants seek out victims to transform into cairn wights to guard their precious wealth for all time. Only in the rarest instances is the greed of a mortal strong enough to spontaneously transform them into a cairn wight without a dark ritual or the intercession of a powerful divine being. On those occasions, however, the resultant wight exhibits unmatched viciousness and likely owns rare treasure indeed. As guardians of material possessions, cairn wights are supernaturally bound to the armaments they wore during the ritual used to create them. They can spread their necromantic powers into the weapons they wield. A slash from a cairn wight's sword channels life from the victim into the wight.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 21Cairn Wight" - }, - { - "name": "Calathgar", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Cold", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "576", - "lore": "CalathgarCalathgars are mysterious predatory plants that grow in the depths of the densest frozen forests, realms where icicles rarely melt from snow-cloaked trees. A calathgar's blue flowers grow from 3 to 5 feet across (with specimens as wide as 10 feet reported), while the plant itself stands just under 4 feet in height and weighs up to 50 pounds when heavy with seeds.Calathgars' psyches are alien to most sapient creatures. They have little interest in emotion, culture, or ambition, yet they have nearly flawless memories and can share experiences with other calathgars by scent (perceptible to other creatures as a vinegary odor that may reveal their presence) as easily as humanoids can pass on information by speech. While calathgars themselves can't speak, they can typically be reasoned with—though like most protective parents, an incensed calathgar defending its young is rarely in a mood to listen.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 19Calathgar" - }, - { - "name": "Caligni Caller", - "family": "Caligni", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1088", - "lore": "Caligni CallerAlthough the mysterious demigods known as the Forsaken disappeared eons ago, many calignis continue to follow their ancient traditions of worship. Owbs, once the Forsaken's servants, still respond to caligni prayers. Caligni callers serve as the priests of their communities, calling upon these shadowy owb patrons for guidance, favors, and power. Their most important ceremony, the blanching, determines the potential of most newborn calignis and shapes their eventual forms. Due to their close ties to the malevolent owbs, most callers exhibit cruel and inscrutable natures. They often lead caligni enclaves alongside caligni stalkers as spiritual advisors. Callers tend to be highly superstitious, seeing omens everywhere, and they avoid revealing details of their rituals even to other calignis.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Caligni CallerSource Bestiary 3 pg. 40Perception +11; greater darkvisionLanguagesCaligni, UndercommonSkillsArcana +9, Intimidation +14, Occultism +13, Stealth +15Str +2Dex +5Con +1Int +1Wis +1Cha +4ItemsDagger---AC 24 Fort +9 Ref +15 Will +11 HP 70Weaknesseslight blindnessDeath Umbra (darkness) When the caller dies, an explosion of shadow devours their body. Each creature in a 10-foot emanation must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is enfeebled 1 for 1 minute. Failure The creature is enfeebled 2 and slowed 1 for 1 minute.---Speed 25 feetMeleedagger +15 (Agile, Finesse, versatile S),Damage 1d4+4 piercing plus 1d6 negativeOccult Innate Spells DC 24, attack +16- Cantrips (3rd)Chill Touch, Detect Magic- 2ndDarkness (at will)- 3rdChilling Darkness (×2), Grim Tendrils (×3)- 4thDarkness- 5thShadow WalkRituals DC 24- 3rdOwb PactSneak AttackThe caller deals an additional 2d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures." - }, - { - "name": "Caligni Creeper", - "family": "Caligni", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "65", - "lore": "Caligni CreeperThe most widespread of the caligni are the mischievous caligni creepers.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Caligni Creeper" - }, - { - "name": "Caligni Dancer", - "family": "Caligni", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "64", - "lore": "Caligni DancerCaligni dancers serve as intermediaries between caligni clans.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Caligni Dancer" - }, - { - "name": "Caligni Slayer", - "family": "Caligni", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "577", - "lore": "Caligni SlayerCaligni slayers possess greater occult talents than others of their kind. In most other calignis, the power bartered from the long-lost demigods known as the Forsaken merely burns within. But in caligni slayers, this power is a deep and terrible hunger. Slayers embrace their evil impulses as a result, and they seek to feed on others with their soul harvest ability to keep this supernatural hunger sated. Slayers denied the opportunity to feed descend into paranoia and, eventually, murderous rage.Delayed feeding improves but never fully restores their composure and patience. Perhaps the greatest manifestation of a slayer's hunger appears at the moment of their death. Upon its last breath, a slayer collapses into itself in a violent, lightless implosion, rather than the blinding eruption of other calignis' deaths, consuming the body itself in a final attempt at satiation.Slayers view themselves as the cleverest and most gifted of the calignis. They seethe with ill-concealed envy at the position of power caligni stalkers occupy, ever scheming to displace them and claim that power for their own. For their part, stalkers tolerate these machinations as an acceptable price for the talents slayers contribute to an enclave. If necessary, any slayer who grows too ambitious can become a brave sacrifice in battle, for the good of the enclave. In physical stature, slayers fall between the willowy caligni dancers and the diminutive creepers. Stalkers tower above most slayers—yet another source of slayers' envy and resentment.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 20Caligni Slayer" - }, - { - "name": "Caligni Stalker", - "family": "Caligni", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "66", - "lore": "Caligni StalkerCaligni stalkers are often leaders of caligni enclaves.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Caligni Stalker" - }, - { - "name": "Caligni Vanguard", - "family": "Caligni", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1087", - "lore": "Caligni VanguardCaligni children born without eyes—an extremely rare occurrence—are considered sacred to their communities. From a young age, they're set aside and groomed to become caligni vanguards, dedicated to rigorous martial training and mental strictures. Other calignis revere vanguards' discipline and combat skill, but wary caution always tinges such respect, as they often have inscrutable motives. Vanguards almost never rebel against their duties or their established role in the community; some claim that those who do are taken by the owbs. A vanguard's armor is fused to their body in pieces, and they rarely remove those elements that aren't. This armor plating and vanguards' keen sense of hearing render them particularly sensitive to sonic vibrations, which serves as both an asset and a vulnerability.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 25Unspecific Lore: DC 23Specific Lore: DC 20Caligni VanguardSource Bestiary 3 pg. 40Perception +13; echolocation 60 feet, no visionLanguagesCaligni, UndercommonSkillsAthletics +14, Stealth +8Str +5Dex -1Con +3Int +1Wis +4Cha +1Echolocation A caligni vanguard can use their hearing as a precise sense at the listed range.ItemsComposite Longbow (40 arrows), Full Plate (see death blaze), Greatsword---AC 24 Fort +14 Ref +8 Will +11 HP 50ImmunitiesvisualResistancesslashing 5Weaknessessonic 5Attack of OpportunityDeath Blaze When the vanguard dies, their body combusts in a blaze of fire and armor shrapnel. All creatures within a 10-foot emanation take 3d6 fire damage and 3d6 piercing damage (DC 19 basic Reflex save). The vanguard's armor is destroyed in the blaze, but their other gear is unaffected and left in a pile where they died.---Speed 25 feetMeleegreatsword +16 (versatile P),Damage 1d12+8 slashingRangedcomposite longbow +10 (deadly d10, range increment 100 feet, Volley),Damage 1d8+5 piercingCall to Arms(Auditory, Mental) Each caligni within 30 feet of the vanguard gains the Attack of Opportunity reaction until the end of the vanguard's next turn. Once a caligni has used this Attack of Opportunity, that caligni is temporarily immune to the same vanguard's Call to Arms for 10 minutes.Shadowed Blade(Darkness) The vanguard makes a melee Strike, channeling shadowy essence into their weapon or unarmed attack to envelop the target. If the Strike hits, the target must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or become blinded until the end of its next turn.Vanguard TrainingAs soon as a caligni vanguard is old enough to hold a weapon, they're immersed in an intensive training regimen that emphasizes austerity, asceticism, and heavy armor prowess. Though initially painful, the fusion of their armor to their bodies serves as a reminder of their responsibilities, and they eventually grow accustomed to the sensation." - }, - { - "name": "Calikang", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "478", - "lore": "CalikangThe calikangs are giant blue-skinned, six-armed guardians of ancient tombs and treasuries. Their unique physiologies enable them to absorb and manipulate electrical magic, as well as other energies. A calikang can live for 200 years—though it may further extend its life via suspended animation.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 32Calikang" - }, - { - "name": "Calikang", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1089", - "lore": "CalikangCalikangs are giant, blue-skinned, six-armed guardians of ancient tombs and treasuries. They each feel a deep, inherent drive to protect and guard, making them highly sought after as wardens and bodyguards. Because most serve as solitary guardians, few calikang societies exist. Calikangs' unique physiologies enable them to absorb and manipulate electrical magic as well as other energies. They can live for 200 years—though they can further extend their lives via suspended animation. For this reason, many are chosen to guard tombs or other sealed sites where living guardians would perish and constructs would deteriorate.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27CalikangSource Bestiary 3 pg. 42, Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad pg. 84Perception +22; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesCommon, JotunSkillsAthletics +25, Intimidation +24Str +7Dex +4Con +5Int -2Wis +2Cha +4Suspended Animation (concentrate) By concentrating for 5 minutes, the calikang can enter a state of suspended animation, freezing in place and becoming motionless but remaining aware of their surroundings. While in this state, the calikang gains a +4 status bonus to Fortitude saves; doesn't age; and is immune to disease, inhaled toxins, poison, starvation, and thirst. The calikang can exit suspended animation as a free action. If they exit this state to attack, the calikang gains a +2 circumstance bonus to their initiative roll.Items_+1 striking longsword_ (2)---AC 31 Fort +23 Ref +22 Will +20 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 235ImmunitieselectricityEnergy Conversion (abjuration, arcane) Whenever the calikang is hit by an electricity spell's attack roll or rolls a successful save against a spell that deals electricity damage, they absorb the energy. This heals the calikang for an amount of HP equal to quadruple the spell's level and recharges their Breath Weapon. A calikang can't absorb their own spells this way.---Speed 35 feetMelee_longsword_ +28 (Magical, reach 10 feet, versatile P),Damage 2d8+15 slashingMeleefist +25 (Agile, Nonlethal, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d8+13 bludgeoningArcane Innate Spells DC 28- 1stMagic Weapon (at will)- 6thChain Lightning- Constant (6th)True SeeingBreath Weapon(Acid, Arcane, Cold, Electricity, Evocation, Fire, Sonic) Frequency once per day; Effect The calikang breathes a blast of energy that deals 13d6 energy damage to creatures in a 60-foot line (DC 28 basic Reflex save). The calikang can choose the damage type each time: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Increase the die size to d8 if the calikang chooses electricity.Sixfold FlurryThe calikang makes up to two longsword Strikes and up to four fist Strikes. Each Strike must be against a different target. These attacks count toward the calikang's multiple attack penalty, which doesn't increase until after all the attacks are complete. For 1 round, the calikang gains a circumstance bonus to their AC equal to the number of Strikes they choose not to take, to a maximum of +4 for taking only two Strikes.Calikang OriginsLegend holds that an ancient god failed to protect an important treasury, and in shame he severed the fingers from his hand and cast them down upon the world. Calikangs arose from these severed remains, and as penance, they have sought to protect worldly holdings from robberies or invasions ever since.Calikang OriginsLegend holds that an ancient Vudrani god failed to protect an important treasury from a raid by asuras. In shame, he severed his fingers and cast them down upon the world. Calikangs arose from the fingers, and, as penance, they've sought to protect worldly holdings from robberies or invasions ever since" - }, - { - "name": "Camarach", - "family": "—", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Monitor"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1016", - "lore": "CamarachPlanar travel is at best imprecise, yet still too predictable for the erratic nature of the Maelstrom. Camaraches are spontaneous manifestations of the Maelstrom resisting the imposed order required to erect planar gates. Camaraches rarely leave the Maelstrom, but the internal skin of their rocky bodies constantly splits into temporary extraplanar portals and collapses again. The planar travel a camarach produces is wholly random, and even the camarach has no inkling where it sends victims.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 38Camarach" - }, - { - "name": "Camel", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1090", - "lore": "CamelFor generations untold, nomads and traders have relied on sure-footed camels to cross the harsh deserts and trackless wastes around the world. Thriving where other animals wither and perish, camels are well-adapted to their homes with tough skin and the ability to store nutrients within their bodies. Properly cared for, these “ships of the desert” can trek for weeks between oases without trouble.Camels have three eyelids to protect them from desert sands and other blowing debris. One lid is completely clear, which allows them to see and travel during high winds. When sandstorms strike, camels completely close their nostrils to protect their lungs. Their underbellies also sport a thick, specialized skin, allowing them to lay down safely on burning hot sands.Contrary to popular belief, fatty tissue comprises a camel's humps rather than water. This stored energy allows the animals to survive long distances between feedings. These herbivores can also readily digest hardy scrub brush inedible to other species, making them one of the hardiest desert survivors. Strong as a warhorse, camels can run fast and even sprint for short periods of time when they feel threatened, though they prefer a slow, plodding pace to conserve energy. One-humped camels, also called dromedaries, are more common in the deserts of northern Garund, while the two-humped variety are native to the dry steppes of Casmaron. Both species have tall and lanky builds, standing about 6 feet at the shoulder and weighing around 2,000 pounds. They can be ornery when mishandled, and they don't hesitate to bite, kick, or even spit a noxious substance on riders who don't treat them well.In addition to transporting people and goods, camels are a key source of fiber for clothing and tents as well as milk. Their meat is highly nutritious and surprisingly tasty, but given the creatures' utility, this use is reserved for special occasions or truly dire situations.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10CamelSource Bestiary 3 pg. 43Perception +4; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +6, Athletics +7, Survival +6Str +4Dex +3Con +4Int -4Wis +1Cha -1Desert-Adapted A camel is well-adapted to heat and deserts. If allowed to drink and eat its fill, (roughly 40 gallons), it can Subsist for 2 weeks without needing to attempt Survival checks, and it treats environmental heat as if it was one step less severe.---AC 15 Fort +9 Ref +8 Will +4 HP 20---Speed 35 feetMeleejaws +7,Damage 1d6+4 piercingRangedspit +6,Damage camel spitCamel SpitTo drive away enemies, the camel spits the partially digested contents of its stomach at a creature within 10 feet. On a hit, the target is dazzled for 1 round and must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or become sickened 1. The camel can't use its camel spit Strike again for 1d4 rounds.Sand StrideThe camel Strides twice. It has a +5-foot circumstance bonus to its Speed during these Strides, ignoring difficult terrain caused by rubble, sand, and uneven ground made of earth and stone.Camel CousinsRumors in the high desert tell of an ancient species related to both camels and llamas that still lives in sheltered mountain valleys and hidden rivers: the camelops. Larger and stronger than domesticated camels, camelops remain wild creatures. No living examples exist in captivity, though fables of their luxurious coats and indomitable endurance lead some riders to seek them out regardless." - }, - { - "name": "Carbuncle", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "578", - "lore": "CarbuncleNever have legend and misinformation met upon a more inauspicious brow than that of the lowly carbuncle. At first glance, carbuncles appear to be little more than ungainly reptiles. What sets them apart is their strange magical abilities and the gemstone-like horn protruding from between their goggling eyes. Although rumors suggest various uses for carbuncle horns, ranging from miracle cure-alls to potent magical components, the truth is much more mundane: a carbuncle's horn is merely a highly reflective growth, not unlike a fingernail.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 20Carbuncle" - }, - { - "name": "Carnivorous Blob", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "755", - "lore": "Carnivorous BlobCarnivorous blobs are the ravenous spawn of shattered worlds far beyond the stars, born across the galaxy in inert form until they fall like meteorites onto unsuspecting worlds. These massive beings can lie dormant for years in desolate caverns or barren wastelands. When a carnivorous blob perceives living creatures nearby, it lurches to gelatinous life, seeking out and consuming every creature it can catch until it is destroyed or until it has been unable to locate food for 24 hours, at which point it returns to hibernation. Often, keeping food away from a carnivorous blob is the safest way to defeat it. The blob's ability to split into smaller oozes that might stay hidden after a fight means it can be hard to fully eradicate these mindless predators.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 31Carnivorous Blob" - }, - { - "name": "Carnivorous Crystal", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Earth", "Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "464", - "lore": "Carnivorous CrystalCarnivorous crystals are strange ooze creatures native to the Plane of Earth. Unlike most oozes, their bodies are not homogeneously fluid; rather, interspersed within their glassy, viscous resin are thousands of sharp mineral formations that nevertheless possess some of the same flexibility and mobility as the rest of the creature’s gooey body.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 28Carnivorous Crystal" - }, - { - "name": "Carrion Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "682", - "lore": "Carrion GolemCarrion golems are foul-smelling and fly-swarmed amalgams of putrefied parts stitched together from many different creatures. Unlike most golems, carrion golems only rarely are given a humanoid form, instead appearing more twisted and bestial in frame. As a result, some students of golem crafting claim that the carrion golem isn't a “true golem,” but regardless of those claims these foul constructs certainly share other golem-like traits, including their significant immunities. What is true is that most who craft carrion golems don't do so out of true interest in the technique of golem crafting, but for the golem's ability to spread disease. The crafters of carrion golems send their mindless minions to cause immediate destruction and leave wakes of illness and death behind them.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 21Carrion Golem" - }, - { - "name": "Cassisian (Archive Angel)", - "family": "Angel", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "13", - "lore": "Cassisian (Archive Angel)The weakest of angels, cassisians usually serve as lackey messengers for more powerful angels or as spiritual guides for mortals. Despite their limited intellect, cassisians have a knack for precise recollection, particularly with scripture. Most cassisians are formed from the souls of trustworthy mortals, but some arise from fragments of greater angels destroyed in service to the celestial realms.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 15Cassisian" - }, - { - "name": "Cat Sith", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "517", - "lore": "Cat SithCat siths can easily pass for common black house cats, noteworthy only for the white spots on their chests and their unusually bristly personalities. In actuality, they are cunning fey, fully capable of speech, trickery, and even walking upright on their hind legs and using their forepaws almost as skillfully as hands. Cat siths live around highland towns and cities, regularly venturing unnoticed into nearby communities by posing as domesticated felines or using magic to take humanoid form. While some cat siths gather information and undertake tasks for more powerful fey creatures, others serve only their own mysterious agendas. Cat siths are harbingers of misfortune and find amusement in the unluckiness that follows in their wake. Though they are rarely malicious, they are fascinated by death in all its forms, and may go so far as to steal the souls of the dying for some inscrutable purpose.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 24Cat Sith" - }, - { - "name": "Catfolk Pouncer", - "family": "Catfolk", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Catfolk", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "71", - "lore": "Catfolk PouncerCatfolk pouncers travel the world in search of new experiences.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Catfolk Pouncer" - }, - { - "name": "Catoblepas", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "579", - "lore": "CatoblepasThe catoblepas is an aggressive beast at the best of times. Though it prefers swamps, the catoblepas has been know to forage in plains and forests for short periods, leaving behind hunting grounds tainted by its foul breath and noxious waste that other predators and prey alike avoid for days or even weeks thereafter. The catoblepas bullies those creatures it believes are a match for it, and eats everything weaker.A catoblepas is 15 feet long and weighs 2,200 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 30Catoblepas" - }, - { - "name": "Catrina", - "family": "Psychopomp", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Psychopomp"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "768", - "lore": "CatrinaNot all spirits who enter the Boneyard realize they have died. Catrinas meet these souls, helping to convince them of the finality of their fate to ease a spirit's passing. Catrinas are more likely to intervene when a mortal can't accept their death. They perform their task to keep the afterlife calm, rather than out of true compassion for a mortal's grief. Catrinas only rarely visit the Material Plane, typically to help an extremely important mortal pass on. Catrinas resemble skeletons dressed in bright flowers and colorful dresses, giving them a simultaneously festive and macabre appearance. Though most catrinas present as feminine, masculine catrinas still dress in bright colors and carry garlands of flowers.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 20Catrina" - }, - { - "name": "Caulborn", - "family": "Ennosite", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Astral", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Astral", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1148", - "lore": "CaulbornTelepathic prophets and historians, caulborn gather in small cabals for protection and camaraderie, using their collective brainpower to unravel cosmic conundrums. Once they've exhausted an area's secrets, they depart, seeking new homes hidden within cities, sequestering themselves within caves, or lurking in forgotten corners of the planes. From the moment an ioton absorbs especially profound thoughts and begins taking on the permanent form of a young caulborn, these ennosites' genius and toughness grow with each new discovery. Absorbing such information destabilizes their corporeal form, like when books are stacked too high, so excess knowledge seeps from a caulborn's body, causing a literal brain drain that caulborn find incredibly vexing. To avoid this occurrence, caulborn must feed on others' psychic energy to maintain themselves, which is usually a harmless process. Especially hungry caulborn even abduct prey. Despite their need to feed, caulborn rarely care to interact with other creatures, especially beings that could react to their appearance with fear or hostility. They occasionally make exceptions for accomplished scholars or storied travelers, however, bartering their own lore for outside secrets.Recall Knowledge - Astral(Occultism): DC 25Unspecific Lore: DC 23Specific Lore: DC 20CaulbornSource Bestiary 3 pg. 94Perception +18; thoughtsense (precise) 120 feet, no visionLanguagesAbyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Infernal, Protean, Requian, Utopian; telepathy 100 feetSkillsArcana +17, Deception +15, Intimidation +15, Nature +16, Occultism +19, Religion +14, Society +17Str +2Dex +4Con +3Int +6Wis +5Cha +4Collective Sense (divination, mental, occult) Caulborn are aware of all other caulborn within 300 feet, with the effects of a _status_ spell, and they can perceive anything within the other caulborns' thoughtsense. If two or more caulborn are within range of each others' thoughtsense, they can't be flanked.Thoughtsense (divination, mental, occult) The caulborn senses all non-mindless creatures at the listed range.---AC 24 Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +18 HP 105ImmunitiesvisualResistancesmental 10---Speed 25 feetMeleeclaw +17 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d10+5 slashingMeleehand +17 (Finesse, Mental),Damage 2d12 mentalOccult Innate Spells DC 25, attack +17- Cantrips (4th)Daze, Detect Magic, Read Aura, Shield- 3rdHypnotic Pattern, Mind Reading (×3), Paralyze- 4thCharm, Vampiric Touch (×2)- 7thPlane Shift (self only)Consume Thoughts(Mental) Requirements The caulborn's last action was a successful hand Strike; Effect The caulborn steals some of the psychic energy from the creature it hit. The target must attempt a DC 25 Will save; regardless of the outcome, the creature is temporarily immune to Consume Thoughts for 1 minute. Success The target is unaffected. Failure The target becomes stupefied 2 for 1 minute, and the caulborn regains 1d12 Hit Points. Critical Failure As failure, but the target is stupefied 3 for 1 minute and the caulborn regains 2d12 Hit Points. If the target was already stupefied when the caulborn used this ability, the target is also confused for 1 round.Cooperative Scrying(Divination, Occult, Scrying) Three or more caulborn adjacent to each other can collectively cast _scrying_ once per day (DC 25), with no limit to the duration so long as at least three caulborn remain adjacent and use no actions other than to Sustain the Spell. The daily limit applies to all caulborn who participated, meaning none of them can participate in another _scrying_ that day.Macabre SymbosisDeep below the eclectic city of Kaer Maga can be found a curious society of caulborn and vampires. For millennia these creatures have fed off each other in peace, the vampires providing thoughts and the caulborn blood, all while spying upon the curious inhabitants of the city far above. Elsewhere, caulborn form even stranger alliances." - }, - { - "name": "Cauthooj", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "72", - "lore": "CauthoojThese large, flightless birds are deceptively agile, considering their long bodies and awkward, hopping gait. Solitary predators, they use their hypnotic warbling song to drive prey into a wild frenzy, manipulating them into attacking one another so that the cauthooj can then feast on the remains. Known to some scholars as the puppet master bird, and to others as the shrill shrike, cauthoojs are widely reviled by most intelligent humanoids, in part because the birds seem to prefer humanoids to other prey. Cauthooj sightings typically lead to the creation of hunting parties to track the creature down before it can kill again, with would-be hunters typically stuffing their ears full of wax in an effort to avoid being affected by its cry. Those who have survived the creature’s song report that the experience is uniquely unnerving, and almost all accounts agree that there is no other sound as terrible. While one might assume the cauthooj is a dumb animal, these creatures are in fact quite a bit smarter than they look. Cauthoojs stalk the perimeter of remote settlements in hopes of finding a lone traveler they can feast upon. These patient creatures will wait in ambush as long as they must to sate their hunger. They can even understand a few rudimentary words in Sylvan, although they are incapable of clearly speaking themselves. This doesn’t stop the cauthooj from attempting to mimic the sounds it hears, but when it does so, its eerie primal nature enhances the attempt, leading to the bird’s signature ability to manipulate minds and encourage conflict, a trait the cauthooj is just barely smart enough to understand—and enjoy.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 30Cauthooj" - }, - { - "name": "Cave Bear", - "family": "Bear", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "48", - "lore": "Cave BearLarger, stronger, and far more aggressive than its smaller cousins, the cave bear is a behemoth that avoids civilized lands, preferring to dwell in remote places. As its name might suggest, the cave bear makes its den in natural caves, and like the grizzly bear, a cave bear is fiercely territorial. Unlike a grizzly bear, however, a cave bear is short tempered and will make sure its foe is dead before moving on, usually feasting on its prey’s soft flesh once it has been incapacitated. Cave bears are often regarded as powerful guardian spirits by remote-dwelling people, while they are utilized as beasts of war by orcs or even giants—stone giants in particular have an affinity for keeping trained cave bears as pets or guardians for their homes.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 22Cave Bear" - }, - { - "name": "Cave Fisher", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "580", - "lore": "Cave FisherCave fishers lurk in dark corners near the ceilings of caves and underground structures, lying in wait for prey to approach. When it does, the cave fisher excretes thin, tough, and very sticky filaments at its prey with lightning speed to capture it.A cave fisher eats just about any live prey smaller than itself, though anything smaller than a rat isn't much of a meal for it. When a cave fisher captures such a creature, it often leaves the hapless animal entangled, using it as bait to attract larger creatures. Because the adhesive on its filament doesn't last long, the fisher frequently needs to eat one filament and excrete a new one. The filaments are translucent and can be hard to see when they're still and in darkness.Cave fishers hatch with the ability to excrete filaments, but they molt many times before reaching their adult size of about 7 feet long and 400 pounds. They often leave shed shells in conspicuous locations as decoys.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Cave Fisher" - }, - { - "name": "Cave Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1166", - "lore": "Cave GiantCave giants are the vicious loners of the giant world. Even their closest ancestral kin, the rampaging hill giants, mostly find cave giants too brutal and antisocial to form alliances with. For their part, cave giants—garbed in stinking hides festooned with the rotting skulls of their victims—seem ambivalent about their foul reputation. They are more interested in hunting and killing their next meal than forming alliances. For all their disregard of others' opinions, cave giants are cautious when it comes to defending territory. Cave giant traps are simple yet effective, such as rounded boulders that can be pushed down steep tunnels, camouflaged pits filled with sharpened stakes, and even compromised stalactites that can suddenly fall on unsuspecting intruders. In coastal towns and hillside villages with caves a common feature of the landscape, cave giants star as common villains in local tall tales. Many youngsters and aspiring heroes dare one another to venture into remote grottoes or abandoned mine shafts in the hopes of discovering a cave giant, and all too often their searches prove successful. Grieving villagers pay skilled adventures handsomely to locate the whereabouts of their missing kin. The bounty for such hunts might be as much as an entire village harvest's worth of gold, particularly if a local cave giant has been a frequent enough menace or the missing villager is particularly beloved.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 22Unspecific Lore: DC 20Specific Lore: DC 17Cave GiantSource Bestiary 3 pg. 108Perception +15; darkvisionLanguagesJotunSkillsAthletics +18, Intimidation +14Str +6Dex +3Con +5Int -2Wis +3Cha +2ItemsGreataxe, Hide Armor, sack with 5 rocks---AC 23 Fort +17 Ref +13 Will +11 HP 110Catch Rock---Speed 35 feetMeleegreataxe +18 (Magical, reach 10 feet, Sweep),Damage 1d12+9 slashingMeleefist +18 (Agile, reach 10 feet),Damage 1d8+9 bludgeoningRangedrock +16 (Brutal, range increment 120 feet),Damage 2d6+10 bludgeoningSmear(Attack) Requirements The cave giant is within reach of a creature that is adjacent to a wall or other solid vertical surface; Effect The cave giant snags the creature and smashes it against the wall. The giant attempts an Athletics check against the target's Reflex DC. On a success, the cave giant Grabs the creature and smears it along the nearby wall, dealing 2d8+8 bludgeoning damage. On a critical success, the damage is doubled.Throw RockCave Giant AlliesA lucky cave giant might manage to capture and tame a giant reptile, such as a giant monitor lizard or giant salamander, to serve as a maltreated pet or guard beast. These reptiles suffer much abuse from their cruel keepers and, as a result, become atypically violent toward all humanoids." - }, - { - "name": "Cave Scorpion", - "family": "Scorpion", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "795", - "lore": "Cave ScorpionCave scorpions prefer to reside in underground lairs. Most have lost nearly all of their pigmentation, making them appear ghostly when they lurk at the edge of the light. While they prefer to eat large insects, cave scorpions can and will attack humanoids. Some Darklands societies have developed techniques to herd or lure scorpions into pest-infested tunnels and warrens at the edge of their settlements, where the scorpions thrive in a dual role of exterminators and guardians.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Cave Scorpion" - }, - { - "name": "Cavern Troll", - "family": "Troll", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Earth", "Giant", "Troll"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "832", - "lore": "Cavern TrollInsatiable scavengers stalking the eternal gloom of the Darklands, cavern trolls consume all in their path—even rocks and minerals when more nourishing sustenance is scarce. These rocky goliaths can tunnel through stone with their iron-sharp claws. Cavern trolls rarely venture to the surface world, for they have a debilitating vulnerability to sunlight that petrifies them on sustained contact. Unlike common trolls, cavern trolls can regenerate wounds dealt by fire. The crystalline nature of their skin, however, permits sonic attacks to neutralize their signature regeneration. As cavern trolls age, their flinty skin becomes studded with small crystals and stones of various composition. Paragons of their kind have toothy maws replete with large, crystalline fangs. A typical cavern troll stands 14 feet in height and weighs about 2,000 pounds.Cavern Troll" - }, - { - "name": "Cecaelia Trapper", - "family": "Cecaelila", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1092", - "lore": "Cecaelia TrapperCecaelias resemble humans with octopus tentacles instead of legs. These oceanic hunters are agile and intelligent creatures, but proud. Their inquisitiveness often brings them into contact with strangers, where a poor turn of phrase or an unintended insult can quickly spark their legendary tempers. Cecaelias live nomadic lives, hunting and scavenging along coastlines for food and tradeable trinkets. They engage in frequent trade with terrestrial communities, offering anything from seafood to treasures retrieved from sunken vessels in exchange for goods not readily available underwater. Some take to piracy or hire themselves out as mercenaries, but their quarrelsome disposition invariably leads to them going their own way again before too long. The only non-cecaelia communities that maintain long-lasting relationships with cecaelias are those of the remarkably laid-back locathahs, who coexist with cecaelias in the city of Xidao. Cecaelias live in warm waters along verdant ocean reefs or coastlines, often near humanoid settlements. Able to adapt rapidly over a few generations, cecaelias adopt the physical features of their closest humanoid neighbors, which sages liken to an octopus's natural camouflage.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15Cecaelia TrapperSource Bestiary 3 pg. 45Perception +11; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 10 feetLanguagesAquan, CommonSkillsAcrobatics +13, Athletics +11, Stealth +13, Survival +9Str +4Dex +4Con +3Int -1Wis +2Cha +0ItemsLongspear, Net (2)---AC 24 Fort +10 Ref +15 Will +11 HP 53---Speed 20 feet, swim 35 feetMeleelongspear +15 (Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+7 piercingMeleetentacle +15 (Agile, reach 10 feet),Damage 2d4+7 bludgeoning plus GrabCecaelia Jet(Move) The cecaelia moves up to 140 feet in a straight line through the water.Hurl NetRequirements The cecaelia is holding a net in two appendages; Effect The cecaelia hurls their net, attempting to hamper a foe. The cecaelia makes a ranged Strike (with a +15 modifier) against a Medium or smaller creature within 20 feet. On a hit, the target is flat-footed and takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds. On a critical hit, the creature is instead restrained. The DC to Escape the net is 16. A creature adjacent to the target can Interact with the net to remove it from the target.Ink CloudThe cecaelia emits a cloud of black ink in a 10-foot emanation. This ink cloud has no effect outside of water. Creatures inside the cloud are undetected by creatures using sight or smell, and they can't see or smell while inside the cloud. The cloud dissipates after 1 minute. The cecaelia can't use Ink Cloud again for 2d6 rounds." - }, - { - "name": "Centaur", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "76", - "lore": "CentaurCentaurs are legendary hunters and trackers who resemble heavily muscled humans with the bodies of powerful horses from the waist down. They are typically reclusive but haughty, quick to assume that their handsome physiques and long history of cultural traditions make them superior to any two-legged folk they encounter. While stories of bloody clashes between centaurs and humanoid settlers are well known, centaurs are neither intrinsically bloodthirsty nor recklessly aggressive. Rather, they are proud and stubborn and do not take kindly to outsiders who encroach on their ancestral grounds, some of which have been ruled by centaurs for thousands of years. Against despoilers of nature who fail to heed their warnings, centaurs do not hesitate to use their finely honed hunting skills to inflict deadly wounds. Centaurs train with weapons as well as their heavy hooves, and the thunder of centaurs charging across the plains is often mistaken for a stampede or even an earthquake. Despite their insular nature, some centaurs form close alliances with elves, fey, gnomes, and isolated human communities. Such allies are often surprised to learn the depths of centaurs’ honor, pragmatism, and wilderness lore. Rarely, a centaur leaves its tribe to travel the wider world. Such lone centaur wanderers more easily integrate into humanoid societies, but other centaurs are quick to assume that some dishonor led to their exile and thus give such vagabonds a wide berth. Centaurs have incredible variation in their individual size and coloration. Their upper bodies are fairly similar within a tribe and even region, but their lower bodies—like those of horses—can vary widely from parent to child. Most centaurs are at least 7 feet tall and weigh more than 2,000 pounds. Centaurs live in groups of dozens of members, usually led by an old, powerful seer or battle-hardened warrior who has carried out many noble deeds and earned a lifetime of respect from their comrades. The revered leader guides the habits of their entire group; a wise seer might encourage the tribe to roam far from civilization to preserve the ways of its ancestors, while an aggressive warrior might foster skirmishes with nearby humanoid settlements and even rival centaur groups.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Centaur" - }, - { - "name": "Centipede Swarm", - "family": "Centipede", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "78", - "lore": "Centipede SwarmSwarms of centipedes are dangerous indeed, ravenous carpets of skittering hunger capable of devouring a traveler whole in a matter of minutes. Some alchemists submerge whole centipedes taken from swarms in their elixirs and some mutagens, claiming such infusions increase potency, though other say this is nothing more than quackish claptrap. Kobolds and mitflits are both known to incorporate swarms of centipedes into cunning traps, from simple pits filled with vermin or more complex affairs involving chutes that dump the vermin onto the heads of unwary intruders.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Centipede Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Ceustodaemon (Guardian Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "89", - "lore": "Ceustodaemon (Guardian Daemon)Ceustodaemons are formed from the souls of vile mortals, particularly those who took efforts to hasten their own death, their willingness shaping them into daemonic servants. Their otherworldly senses make them useful for protecting vaults and similar locations on the Material Plane. Ceustodaemons are created to serve, but always seek ways to subvert their bindings, so they can rend their mortal summoners’ flesh. The worst type of conjurer calls upon ceustodaemons merely to set them free into the world in hopes of currying favor with the powers of Abaddon.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 22Ceustodaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Changeling Exile", - "family": "Changeling", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Changeling", "Human", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "79", - "lore": "Changeling ExileThis changeling exile is the child of a night hag or dreamthief hag.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Changeling Exile" - }, - { - "name": "Charau-ka Acolyte of Angazhan", - "family": "Charau-ka", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Charau-ka", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "445", - "lore": "Charau-ka Acolyte of AngazhanEven with the Gorilla King’s fall, some charau-kas still worship Angazhan.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Charau-ka Acolyte of Angazhan" - }, - { - "name": "Charau-ka Butcher", - "family": "Charau-ka", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Charau-ka", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "446", - "lore": "Charau-ka ButcherWhile charau-kas are well known for their brutality, some frighten even others of their kind with their obsession with violence.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 22Charau-ka Butcher" - }, - { - "name": "Charau-ka Warrior", - "family": "Charau-ka", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Charau-ka", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "444", - "lore": "Charau-ka WarriorA charau-ka warrior carries hatchets, daggers, and similar weaponry on their person and usually doesn’t worry about running out of thrown weapons when rocks plucked from the ground are just as deadly in their hands.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Charau-ka Warrior" - }, - { - "name": "Chernobue", - "family": "Qlippoth", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Qlippoth"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "775", - "lore": "ChernobueThe chernobue infects all creatures it encounters with itself, spreading pain and calamity wherever it flops and writhes. It sheds ruin and sups on anguish, but a chernobue can sometimes be persuaded to pause for a few moments of conversation if its partner in discourse can keep its attention by providing enough atrocious details. Resembling a tumor-like growth of oily blackness, this vile monstrosity has numerous muscular tentacles, a single glaring baleful eye, and a drooling, toothy maw in the middle of its body.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 32Chernobue" - }, - { - "name": "Chimera", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "80", - "lore": "ChimeraThe chimera is the archetypal example of an unnatural monster made up of a monstrous mix of wildly different component creatures: in this case, a lion, a dragon, and a goat. Wild, hateful, and hungry, it tries to eat any creature it sees, but sometimes a strong-willed master is able to compel a chimera to serve as a guardian or even a mount.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 26Chimera" - }, - { - "name": "Chimpanzee Visitant", - "family": "Visitant", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Animal, Undead", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "512", - "lore": "Chimpanzee VisitantCommon circus animals viewed as expendable by their caretakers are perhaps the most likely to rise as visitants. Animals that die en masse—such as in a tent fire or other disaster—can even form packs of roving undead.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 18Chimpanzee Visitant" - }, - { - "name": "Choker", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "583", - "lore": "ChokerWith long, cartilaginous limbs and gray skin, chokers easily hide in stony alcoves, rocky fissures, and darkened staircases to ambush their prey. The strange little aberrations prefer to pick off weak and solitary creatures, especially those that wander off from their packs or communities. A choker's long, spongy arms are flexible but deceptively strong. The fingers can tighten rapidly and are ridged with spiky, tooth-like structures that provide an incredible grip. A choker typically strangles its prey to death, then drags the body off or dismembers it using crude tools if the body is too big to carry. If confronted or outnumbered, a choker tries to escape, often compressing into a tight passage to get away. Chokers that encounter humanoids exhibit intense curiosity about their culture, society, and the products of art and industry. This interest isn't very deep—it just results in chokers that like killing people and collecting any of their items that seem sophisticated, such as jewelry, nice clothing, or written texts.Chokers sometimes gather in settlements, usually sticking to slums or abandoned structures. These chokers stalk at night, flopping across rooftops, tapping at windows, and scuttling through sewers, gutters, and chimneys to get at prey. An urban choker that finds prey early on its hunt—a wandering pet, a person who is out alone—might spend the rest of the night indulging its curiosity about the products of society. A curious choker might abscond with all sorts of odd items, from tavern signs to library books to roof tiles. A choker usually pilfers only one item at a time, but as its collection grows, it might need to find a larger nest to accommodate its collection, then move its pieces one by one to the new home.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 16Choker" - }, - { - "name": "Choral (Choir Angel)", - "family": "Angel", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "14", - "lore": "Choral (Choir Angel)Choral angels are incredible singers who \u001ffill the halls of Nirvana with pious chants and sacred hymns. They form from the souls of talented bards and other performers. While they shy away from conflict, they occasionally brave the mortal realm to deliver good omens and auspicious messages. Choral angels often serve the goddess Shelyn, but they can also serve other good deities and empyreal lords.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 22Choral" - }, - { - "name": "Chouchin-Obake", - "family": "Tsukumogami", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Kami", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1351", - "lore": "Chouchin-ObakeA chouchin-obake takes the shape of a paper lantern with a horizontal split near the bottom from which a long tongue protrudes. Upon closer inspection, two eyes appear above the split mouth. Chouchin-obake are anomalous in that they don't awaken in the same way other tsukumogami do. Paper lanterns are nearly impossible to maintain for long enough to spawn tsukumogami. Instead, a chouchin-obake is a kind of fire kami that takes the form of a lantern's flame and inhabits a paper lantern when they manifest.Chouchin-ObakeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 277Perception +15LanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +12, Deception +10, Stealth +16Str +2Dex +4Con +4Int +3Wis +5Cha +0---AC 24 Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +15 HP 75Immunitiesbleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousResistancesphysical 5Lifewick Candle (aura, divine, necromancy, negative) 15 feet. A ghostly blue flame within the chouchin-obake draws upon the life-force of the living to sustain themself. At the start of the chouchin-obake's turn, each creature in the aura takes 2d6 negative damage (DC 26 basic Fortitude save). The chouchinobake regains an amount of Hit Points equal to the amount of damage taken by the single creature that took the most damage.ShadowbindTrigger A creature attempts to leave the chouchinobake's Lifewick Candle aura during a move action; Effect The chouchin-obake attempts to bind the creature using their own shadow. The triggering creature must succeed at a DC 26 Reflex save or become immobilized until its next turn.---Speed fly 20 feetMeleetendril +16 (Finesse, reach 15 feet),Damage 2d8 negative plus 2d6 fire plus GrabRangedflame +16 (range increment 30 feet),Damage 2d4 negative plus 2d6 fireConstrict2d8 negative plus 1d6 fire, DC 26" - }, - { - "name": "Chupacabra", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "584", - "lore": "ChupacabraThese notorious predators have an undeniable thirst for blood. Chupacabras prefer to prey upon the weak and slow, often hiding in wait and watching potential prey for long periods before attacking. Spry and stealthy, they most often make their homes in areas of high grass and protective rock, their slightly reflective scales allowing them to blend in well with such surroundings.Chupacabras prefer to eat lone travelers and farm animals (particularly goats), and leave little evidence of their presence apart from the grisly, blood-drained husks of their meals. Their tendency to stay out of sight combined with their naturally nocturnal activity often leads superstitious locals to conclude the worst, imagining that a particularly reckless vampire lives in the area.A typical chupacabra measures nearly 5-1/2 feet from its muzzle to the tip of its spiny tail, and it stands just under 4 feet tall. With their slight build and lightweight bones, most weigh close to 100 pounds. They mate rarely and only during the hottest months, with the females each producing a single egg that hatches into a tiny, dehydrated creature. The mother typically leaves helpless prey in her cave so the hatchling can immediately feed.Although chupacabras are typically solitary creatures, they have been known to form small gangs in bountiful areas. Members of these groups work well together, growing bold enough to attack larger animals, small herds, and otherwise more dangerous prey. Stories of chupacabras attacking travelers or laying siege to farmhouses typically stem from the hunting practices of such gangs. Regions where chupacabra activity like this is more common often have complex and colorful myths and tall tales about chupacabra capabilities or motive —- and a few of the claims, such as that some chupacabras can fly, are all too true.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Chupacabra" - }, - { - "name": "Chuul", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "81", - "lore": "ChuulAlso known as chu'ulothis, these large, armor-plated, crustacean predators lurk beneath the surface of pools, mires, and ponds, waiting to snatch up prey with their massive claws before paralyzing them with their tentacles. At that point, they begin to feed, eating their quarry alive. Chuuls can live in fresh or saltwater, and indeed are found in aquatic environs the world over—even in the subterranean oceans and lakes of the Darklands. While chuuls are good swimmers, they prefer terrestrial prey. Their preferred method of hunting is by lunging out of the water, paralyzing their victims with their poison-coated tentacles, then gleefully dragging their twitching food into the water to drown if they cannot simply eat such morsels alive. Chuuls that dwell aboveground prefer to dine on lizardfolk, while those swimming the subterranean lakes of the Darklands readily eat anything but xulgaths, whose flavor and stink they find off-putting. Chuuls are capable of speech and reason, but these creatures rarely speak with those outside their species except to taunt their food. Before it begins consuming its prey, a chuul often speaks in a gurgling, nearly incomprehensible dialect about how it will enjoy feasting on the creature's flesh. Perhaps chuuls believe that insults and degradation lead to more tender and tastier food, but the truth will likely never be known; almost all chuuls stubbornly refuse any meaningful conversation, even when imprisoned and compelled by treats or pain. It is unknown if a chuul society exists beyond their frenzied mating season. Chuuls' intellects seem devoted only toward eating, causing psychological pain to sentient creatures, decorating their lairs with mementos of their favorite meals and victories, and breeding.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 23Chuul" - }, - { - "name": "Chyzaedu", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Rare", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1093", - "lore": "ChyzaeduChyzaedus' home world was consumed millennia ago by the Dominion of the Black via the manipulation of a black hole. Rather than accept destruction or fight back, the chyzaedus instead joined forces with their destroyers, seeing in them a greater purpose than mere world domination. Today, chyzaedus serve in a role akin to a priesthood for the Dominion and take a sinister interest in bringing their beliefs to new worlds, teaching ignorant dwellers the glory of pure entropic destruction. Much like the black holes they venerate, chyzaedus possess an eternal hunger for sustenance and knowledge alike—they can never be sated by either, yet they will never starve as long as there are mortals whose energy they can feed upon.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27ChyzaeduSource Bestiary 3 pg. 46Perception +21; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAbyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Protean, Undercommon; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAthletics +21, Diplomacy +17, Intimidation +19, Occultism +22, Religion +21, Survival +19Str +7Dex +3Con +4Int +2Wis +7Cha +3---AC 30 (27 without alien vestment)Fort +18 Ref +15 Will +23 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 135Resistancesacid 10, mental 10, physical 10Alien Vestment The chyzaedu wears an eerie, alien layer of shimmering violet mucus that slithers and crawls over its flesh, but is hard as iron to the touch. If a chyzaedu takes bludgeoning damage from a critical hit, its alien vestment is shattered—this reduces its AC to 27 and causes it to lose its resistance to mental and physical damage; it can grow a new alien vestment by concentrating for 1 hour.Ecstatic Hunger (aura, emotion, enchantment, incapacitation, mental, occult) 30 feet. A chyzaedu gains sustenance by feeding upon the metabolisms of organic victims. A living creature that ends its turn in the aura must attempt a Will save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 24 hours. Success The creature suffers a painful hunger pang, becoming flat-footed for 1 round. Failure If possible, the creature spends its first 2 actions on its next turn eating or drinking (or spending actions to procure food or drink from its possessions or the surroundings, if necessary). The creature won't consume anything dangerous, but will eat things it normally has no appetite for. Critical Failure As failure, but the creature will eat or drink dangerous consumables, such as poison or rotten food, if other food or drink are not immediately available. The creature must spend its first 2 actions each round consuming for as long as it remains in the chyzaedu's aura plus 1 minute thereafter, but the creature can attempt a new saving throw at the end of its turn each round to end the effect early.---Speed 25 feet, burrow 20 feet, climb 20 feetMeleejaws +21,Damage 2d12+9 piercing plus GrabMeleeclaw +21 (Agile),Damage 2d8+9 slashingDivine Prepared Spells DC 29, attack +21- Cantrips (5th)Daze, Divine Lance, Message, Read Aura, Sigil- 1stCommand, Fear, Sanctuary- 2ndEnhance Victuals, Ghoulish Cravings, Silence- 3rdBlindness, Chilling Darkness, Heal- 4thAir Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Heal- 5thCommand, Harm (×4), SendingSwallow WholeMedium, 3d8+7 bludgeoning, Rupture 26Dominion ReligionThe Dominion of the Black has a complex relationship with religion; while it's a gross oversimplification, its religion can be described as the worship of black holes and other overwhelmingly destructive forces in the deepest reaches of the universe." - }, - { - "name": "Cinder Rat", - "family": "Elemental, Fire", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "187", - "lore": "Cinder RatThese oversized rodents are made of smoldering charcoal and elemental fire, and noxious fumes continually bellow from their flaming flesh.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Cinder Rat" - }, - { - "name": "City Guard Squadron", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Troop", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1094", - "lore": "City Guard SquadronMost towns and cities on Golarion have a garrison of professional guards whose duties include patrolling the streets, assisting citizenry in need, and acting as a quick military response in times of crisis. Guards usually operate in pairs or small groups, but when a serious emergency threatens, guards muster at the nearest keep, watch station, or other rallying point and then move out in search of their quarry. Alternatively, guard troops might be stationed at important locations in the city, such as the front gates, the main prison, or the entrance to the ruler's castle. Individual guards may not be particularly well trained or experienced, but in large numbers they can defeat bandits, wild creatures that have slipped past the city gates, or the occasional drunken ogre. A group of city guards is usually accompanied and commanded by a single captain, who does most of the talking and gives individual guards their orders. The members of this city guard squadron have trained together to perform simple tactics but not advanced maneuvers.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15City Guard SquadronSource Bestiary 3 pg. 47Perception +12LanguagesCommonSkillsAthletics +14, Intimidation +11, Settlement Lore +9Str +5Dex +0Con +3Int +0Wis +2Cha +2Seek Quarry City guards can spend 1 minute to designate a single creature for whom they have a physical description as their quarry. They gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception against their quarry.---AC 22 Fort +14 Ref +9 Will +11 HP 75Weaknessesarea damage 10, splash damage 5Troop Defenses ---Speed 25 feet; troop movementFire Crossbows!The city guards draw or reload their crossbows, then launch a ranged attack in the form of a volley. This volley is a 10-foot burst within 120 feet that deals 3d8 piercing damage (DC 19 basic Reflex save). When the city guards are reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst.Form UpLower Halberds!Frequency once per round; Effect The city guards engage in a coordinated melee attack against each enemy within 10 feet, with a DC 19 basic Reflex save. The damage depends on the number of actions.1d10 piercing or slashing damage 1d10+7 piercing or slashing damage 1d10+10 piercing or slashing damageTroop MovementWhenever the city guards Stride, they first Form Up as a free action to condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus any missing squares), then move up to their Speed. This works just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if any square of the guards enters difficult terrain, the extra movement cost applies to all the guards.Urban ChasersCity guards ignore difficult terrain (but not greater difficult terrain) caused by crowds or from movement through narrow spaces such as alleyways.Local GuardsThe guards depicted here are humans armed with halberds and crossbows. You can alter these details to match the settlements in your game, adding ancestry traits, regional languages, and other abilities as necessary, and swapping out their weaponry for ones appropriate to the local culture." - }, - { - "name": "Clacking Skull Swarm", - "family": "Skull Swarm", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Swarm", "Undead", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1307", - "lore": "Clacking Skull SwarmRoiling about in seething waves of bleached death, clacking skull swarms arise from the remains of dozens of beheaded humanoids. The horrible clattering of the skulls' onslaught drives their prey to distraction even while they try to flee in terror.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 27Unspecific Lore: DC 25Specific Lore: DC 22Clacking Skull SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 244Perception +18; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +19Str -3Dex +3Con +4Int -5Wis +2Cha +4---AC 29 Fort +20 Ref +19 Will +16 HP 120(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, mental, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconsciousResistancesbludgeoning 5, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, piercing 10, slashing 10Weaknessesarea damage 10, splash damage 10Boneshard Burst When a clacking skull swarm is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it erupts in an explosion of foul energy and bone fragments in a 30-foot burst, dealing 2d12 piercing damage and 2d12 negative damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save).Chattering Teeth (arcane, auditory, aura, emotion, enchantment, incapacitation, mental) 60 feet. A clacking skull swarm emits a cacophony of chattering. A creature entering or beginning its turn within the area must succeed at a DC 29 Will save or become confused for 1 round. A creature that successfully saves is immune to that swarm's chattering teeth for 24 hours. The swarm can stop or resume this ability as a free action.---Speed 25 feetShrieking Scream(Auditory, Emotion, Enchantment, Fear, Mental) The clacking skull swarm emits a terrifying, painful scream that deals 10d6 sonic damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 29 basic Will save). A creature that fails this save is also frightened 1 (frightened 2 on a critical failure). The swarm can't use Frightening Scream again for 1d4 rounds.Swarming GnawEach enemy in the swarm's space takes 4d8 piercing damage (DC 29 basic Reflex save)." - }, - { - "name": "Clay Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "240", - "lore": "Clay GolemTraditionally, clay golems are crafted in the image of a deity and used as guardians of tombs or sacred crypts. Clay golems have the power to lay curses upon their victims as punishment for intrusion, leading many to believe that these oft-ancient constructs have a touch of the divine to them. While this idea has little basis in reality, superstitious folk still tread lightly around statues that resemble clay golems even in the slightest. The animating force within a clay golem is unusually unstable, making the golem prone to entering a berserk frenzy when damaged. Entire treasuries have been totally ruined as a result of a rampaging clay golem, so crafters do well to make sure their golems are maintained and in good working order—or otherwise place them on the other side of the door from the treasures they wish to protect.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 29Clay Golem" - }, - { - "name": "Cloaker", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "82", - "lore": "CloakerWeird and paranoid creatures that dwell in the Darklands, cloakers resemble hideous, flying manta rays. Crafty and careful hunters, their motivations, their patterns of attack, and even their societies and history are often an inscrutable jumble of contradicting reports, confused rumors, and terrifying accounts. Like many of the stranger creatures of Golarion, cloakers were originally created by the alghollthus, who bred them to spy on their Azlanti thralls. Upon the fall of the Azlanti empire, the alghollthus cast out their cloaker creations, who, in turn, fled to the lower reaches of the Darklands. Amid the vaults and twisted corridors of their new home, their attitudes—particularly regarding their apprehension toward their former masters—changed dramatically. Suspicion became paranoia, egotism, sadism, and much worse. Now, most cloakers lead solitary lives, stalking the Darklands for easy prey and delving deeper into internal horrors. Their paranoia is so great that they interact only rarely even with their own kind, encountering another cloaker only briefly to mate before flitting back to isolation. But there are exceptions. Every so often, a charismatic cloaker priest can call together a dark cabal of these creatures and other Darklands denizens to worship unspeakable ancient gods. These rare cloakers whip their acolytes and followers into a frenzy of dark rituals and heinous acts. While these cults are depraved and destructive, they rarely survive longer than their founder.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 20Cloaker" - }, - { - "name": "Clockwork Amalgam", - "family": "—", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "1008", - "lore": "Clockwork AmalgamA clockwork amalgam is a powerful construct created by applying magic to a collection of interchangeable internal mechanisms. Each clockwork amalgam has unique properties, although most stand roughly 12 feet tall and have five clockwork appendages tipped with integrated weapons.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 45Clockwork Amalgam" - }, - { - "name": "Clockwork Assassin", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1004", - "lore": "Clockwork AssassinExceptionally efficient and utterly merciless, clockwork assassins carry out their murderous directives with mechanical precision. Though they can disguise themselves, upon close inspection, they're plainly artificial, with just a single eye and weapons integrated into their arms.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 33Clockwork Assassin" - }, - { - "name": "Clockwork Dragon", - "family": "Clockworks", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Mindless", "Rare", "Huge"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1098", - "lore": "Clockwork DragonClockwork dragons are a marvel of clockwork design. These powerful masterpieces have the ability to fly, making them versatile and dangerous killers. A clockwork dragon's winding mechanism is more efficient than those of other clockworks, allowing it to partially reuse energy generated by flapping its wings. Creating a clockwork dragon requires not only an advanced understanding of clockwork design, but also a greater cache of rare resources, as its body requires solid reinforcement. As a result, most clockwork dragons have adamantine fortification. Creating a clockwork dragon without adamantine is entirely possible, though such dragons are typically smaller and more fragile.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 40Unspecific Lore: DC 38Specific Lore: DC 35Clockwork DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 51Perception +28; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +29, Athletics +33Str +9Dex +5Con +5Int -5Wis +4Cha -5Wind-Up 1 week, DC 35, standby---AC 39 Fort +30 Ref +28 Will +25 HP 265Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousResistancesphysical 15 (except adamantine or orichalcum)Weaknesseselectricity 15, orichalcum 15Self-DestructA clockwork dragon must use this reaction unless specifically programmed otherwise by its creator; Trigger The clockwork dragon is reduced to 0 Hit Points; Effect The dragon screeches to a stop and emits a steady, loud ticking sound. At the beginning of what would have been its next turn, the dragon explodes, dealing 12d10 piercing damage in a 40-foot emanation (DC 37 basic Reflex save). An adjacent creature can cancel the self-destruct sequence by succeeding at a DC 37 Thievery check to Disable a Device.---Speed 40 feet, fly 120 feetMeleeadamantine jaws +33 (reach 15 feet),Damage 3d12+17 piercingMeleeadamantine claw +33 (Agile, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d8+17 slashingMeleetail +31 (reach 20 feet),Damage 3d12+15 bludgeoningMeleewing +31 (Agile, reach 15 feet),Damage 2d10+15 piercingBreath Weapon(Arcane, Evocation, Fire) Effect The clockwork dragon breathes a spray of flaming oil that deals 16d6 fire damage in a 40-foot cone (DC 37 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail their saves are covered in burning oil and take 2d6 persistent fire damage. The clockwork dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 2 rounds.Draconic FrenzyThe clockwork dragon makes two claw Strikes and one wing Strike in any order.Spearing TailThe clockwork dragon attacks with the sharp point of its tail. It makes a tail Strike against each creature in a 20-foot line, rolling the attack roll once and applying the result to each target. Any creature hit takes 4d6 persistent bleed damage (doubled on a critical hit). This counts as two attacks for the dragon's multiple attack penalty." - }, - { - "name": "Clockwork Mage", - "family": "Clockworks", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1097", - "lore": "Clockwork MageA clockwork mage is a lethal blend of magic and machinery. Each of these clockworks is imbued with an arcane stone at its core that powers spells through the wand embedded in its chest.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23Clockwork MageSource Bestiary 3 pg. 50Perception +17; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +17Str +2Dex +6Con +4Int -5Wis +2Cha -5Wind-Up 24 hours, DC 26, standbyItems_clockwork wand_---AC 27 Fort +17 Ref +19 Will +17 HP 115Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poisoned, sickened, unconsciousResistancesphysical 5 (except adamantine or orichalcum)Weaknesseselectricity 10, orichalcum 10Clockwork Wand The clockwork mage uses a mechanical wand as a focus to channel magical energy. This wand is built into the clockwork mage's chest, with only the crystal at the end exposed. The mage can Interact to the remove the wand, or someone else can remove it with a DC 31 Thievery check to Disable a Device. The clockwork mage becomes unable to cast any spells except cantrips while the wand is removed. When removed, the _clockwork wand_ is a magic wand containing the last 2nd-level innate spell the clockwork mage cast (the GM determines the spell randomly if it has not cast any eligible spells). The spells are placed within the wand while the mage is created, and the creator can substitute other arcane spells of the appropriate level.---Speed 25 feetMeleefist +19 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d10+6 bludgeoningArcane Innate Spells DC 28, attack +20- Cantrips (5th)Daze, Detect Magic, Ray of Frost, Shield, Tanglefoot- 1stFeather Fall, Floating Disk, Grease- 2ndGlitterdust, Obscuring Mist, Web- 3rdHaste, Invisibility, Stinking Cloud- 4thBlink, Fly, Wall of Fire- 5thBlack Tentacles, Cone of ColdEnergize Clockwork Wand(Concentrate) Frequency once per 10 minutes; Effect The clockwork mage regains a spell it has already cast that day. It must spend 1 hour of its operational time, or 2 hours if the spell is 3rd level or higher." - }, - { - "name": "Clockwork Soldier", - "family": "Clockworks", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1096", - "lore": "Clockwork SoldierThese diligent machines guard their assigned posts tirelessly. A typical clockwork soldier stands 6 feet tall and consists of 500 pounds of metal and magic.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Clockwork SoldierSource Bestiary 3 pg. 49Perception +16; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +15Str +6Dex +2Con +4Int -5Wis +4Cha -5Wind-Up 24 hours, DC 22, standbyItems_+1 halberd_---AC 24 Fort +16 Ref +14 Will +12 HP 80Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poisoned, sickened, unconsciousResistancesphysical 5 (except adamantine or orichalcum)Weaknesseselectricity 5, orichalcum 5Attack of Opportunity---Speed 25 feetMelee_halberd_ +18 (Magical, reach 10 feet, versatile S),Damage 1d10+9 piercingMeleefist +16 (Agile, Unarmed),Damage 1d8+9 bludgeoning plus GrabActivate DefensesOne of the soldier's external plates extends on a mechanical actuator to defend the soldier or an adjacent creature of the soldier's choice. The creature gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of the soldier's next turn, or until it is no longer adjacent to the soldier, whichever comes first. The soldier can have no more than one plate extended at a time." - }, - { - "name": "Clockwork Spy", - "family": "Clockworks", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1095", - "lore": "Clockwork SpyEngineers, technologists, and mechanically gifted wizards employ clockwork spies—tiny, spiderlike constructs capable of recording and playing back audio— to surreptitiously surveil their enemies or steal secrets from competitors. Their spindly bodies and delicate components make them unsuitable for combat; in fact, most builders construct clockwork spies with a self-destruct mechanism to ensure the spies' meddling can't be traced back to them.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10Clockwork SpySource Bestiary 3 pg. 48Perception +8; low-light visionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +5Str -1Dex +3Con +0Int -5Wis +2Cha +0Record AudioThe clockwork spy records all sounds within 25 feet onto a small gemstone worth 1 gp embedded in its body. The clockwork spy can record up to 1 hour of sound on a single gemstone. Once it begins recording, it can't cease recording early, nor can it record onto a gemstone that already contains a recording. Some clockwork spies contain multiple gemstones to allow for a series of recordings. Since clockwork spies are not intelligent, they must be given simple commands regarding when to start recording sounds. A clockwork spy can differentiate between different kinds of creatures but not between specific individuals. The spy can start or stop playback of recorded sound by spending a single action. Removing a gemstone from or installing a gemstone into a clockwork spy requires a successful DC 14 Thievery check to Disable a Device; on a failure, the gemstone is undamaged, but any recorded sounds are erased and the gemstone still can't be used to make another recording.Wind-Up 24 hours, DC 14, standby---AC 17 Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +4 HP 8Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousWeaknesseselectricity 2, orichalcum 2Self-DestructA clockwork spy must use this reaction unless specifically programmed otherwise by its creator; Trigger The clockwork spy is reduced to 0 Hit Points; Effect The spy thrashes around and emits a tinny scream followed by a steady ticking sound. At the beginning of what would have been its next turn, the clockwork spy explodes, dealing 1d10 piercing damage in a 5-foot radius (DC 16 basic Reflex save). Its gemstone is destroyed, along with any information contained inside it. An adjacent creature can cancel the self-destruct sequence by succeeding at a DC 16 Thievery check to Disable a Device.---Speed 25 feet, fly 25 feetMeleespherical body +7 (Finesse),Damage 1d6–1 bludgeoning" - }, - { - "name": "Cloud Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Air", "Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "224", - "lore": "Cloud GiantThe graceful and regal cloud giants have skin of milky white to powdery blue. Unlike most giants, cloud giants are quite morally diverse. A handful are neutral, but of the others, roughly half are good, while the other half are evil. Good cloud giants are often civic-minded builders of roads and settlements, and are interested in trading goods as well as cultural innovations. It’s not uncommon for such giants to approach their neighbors with diplomacy and build strong relationships with other peaceful peoples. Conversely, evil cloud giants are often isolationist and xenophobic. Preferring hidden mountain valleys and settlements in the caves and among the crags of lonely peaks, they raid for what they want and treat other creatures like inconsequential insects. These opposing philosophies can generate a great deal of strife among neighboring cloud giant communities, and the raiders often threaten the trade deals of their peaceful cousins. Legends persist of floating cities ruled by magically gifted cloud giant queens and kings. While most cloud giants plainly state that such claims are pure fantasy, others are mysteriously tight-lipped or evasive about the matter.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 28Cloud Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Cobbleswarm", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Earth", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "986", - "lore": "CobbleswarmCobble mites look like stones or rocks with small mouths that resemble the inside of geodes. Tiny, unassuming, and typically harmless, they reside in mountains and cavernous regions, subsisting on scraps of food and gravel. When dozens of cobble mites congregate, they use their collective might to overwhelm and consume small creatures, much like a school of hungry piranhas attacking and devouring unfortunate animals. Cobbleswarms, also known as stone flocks or rock hives, typically live simple existences. However, some cobble mites end up pulled from their native mountainsides or caverns. Humanoids tend to see cobble mites as endearing little creatures and sometimes take one as a pet. Because cobbleswarms have consistent, smooth shapes, they're sometimes inadvertently collected for use in road building and other construction. Other times, cobble mites simply get lost after wandering far from their home territory. Lone cobble mites have an uncanny knack for finding each other, especially when forming a cobbleswarm. Most cobbleswarms living in urban environments hide among cobbled city streets. They consume the rocks caught in the grooves of boots and food dropped by pedestrians. Cobble mites are tough creatures that can endure being trodden upon uninjured. Some streets bear several cobble mites that even locals don't suspect, as the creatures stay well-fed enough to refrain from moving much or causing trouble. Loud explosions frighten cobble mites, and many cobbleswarms lash out during firework displays, mostly due to fear.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 16Cobbleswarm" - }, - { - "name": "Cobbleswarm", - "family": "Cobble Mite", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Earth", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1099", - "lore": "CobbleswarmBusy road builders might unknowingly use cobble mites in construction.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11CobbleswarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 52, Pathfinder #157: Devil at the Dreaming Palace pg. 83Perception +9; no vision, tremorsense (precise) 40 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +8, Stealth +10Str +2Dex +4Con +2Int -3Wis +3Cha +0Clutching Cobbles The cobbleswarm's space is difficult terrain.Tremorsense A cobbleswarm's tremorsense is a precise sense out to 40 feet and an imprecise sense out to 80 feet. A cobbleswarm can't sense anything beyond the range of its tremorsense.---AC 16 Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +7 HP 20Immunitiesprecision, swarm mind, visualResistancespiercing 5, slashing 5Weaknessesarea damage 3, splash damage 3---Speed 20 feet, burrow 10 feetGrasping Bites(Attack) The cobbleswarm attempts an Athletics check and compares the result to the Fortitude DC of each creature in its space. This counts as two attacks for the cobbleswarm's multiple attack penalty. Critical Success The creature falls prone, takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage, and is grabbed by the cobbleswarm until the end of the cobbleswarm's next turn. Success The creature falls prone.Pummeling AssaultEach foe in the cobbleswarm's space takes 2d4 bludgeoning damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save).Cobble Mite PetsCharacters looking to keep a cobble mite as a pet can usually buy one in a large city for 1 gp. Cobble mites are content as pets if they're pampered and well-fed. Searching for one in the wild takes careful hunting and risks finding cobble mites laired together in a cobbleswarm. A character with a familiar can choose a cobble mite, which must have the burrower familiar ability." - }, - { - "name": "Cockatrice", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "83", - "lore": "CockatriceUgly and aggressive, the dread cockatrice stalks garbage pits and hillside dumps in search of prey that it can turn to stone with its petrifying beak and subsequently consume piece by broken piece. Cockatrices resemble gaunt and sickly roosters with bat wings and serpentine tails, and they rarely grow more than 2 feet tall and twice as long. Their absentminded clucking gives smart prey ample warning of their presence, and when angered cockatrices let out a shrill crow like that of a rooster. Their peck releases a magical toxin that causes flesh to quickly calcify, and any creature pecked repeatedly by an irritable cockatrice eventually transforms into a stone statue of itself. The first cockatrice is rumored to have hatched from a rooster’s egg incubated on a dung hill by a toad. Whether or not the rumor is true, the cockatrice’s monstrous appearance certainly doesn’t contradict its strange and filthy origin story, and these creatures are more than capable of propagating on their own. Cockatrices are remarkably fecund and gather in flocks of up to a dozen members. Each flock contains only a few females. The males—which differ in appearance from the females by having warty wattles and gnarled combs— often fight with each other, with lower-ranking males eventually driven away to find their own lairs or compete among other flocks. Most creatures who run afoul of a solitary cockatrice do so with one of these surly outcasts. Cockatrice lairs are often littered with fragments of statuary from past victims—although these are as likely to be remnants of frogs, lizards, and insects as people. Curiously, weasels and ferrets, who infiltrate cockatrice lairs to steal their eggs, are immune to the creatures’ petrifying bites. For unknown reasons, cockatrices are both terrified of and enraged by conventional roosters, and they are equally likely to flee or attack when confronted by one. Particularly brave (or foolhardy) individuals sometimes keep cockatrices as pets or guard animals. In their natural habitat among plains, forests, and sewers near humanoid settlements, cockatrices are content to live off vermin or scraps of waste, but their greatest pleasure is consuming warm meals of freshly petrified flesh.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Cockatrice" - }, - { - "name": "Cockroach Swarm", - "family": "Cockroach", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "586", - "lore": "Cockroach SwarmWhile cockroaches tend to gather in cramped spaces, a disturbed colony is sometimes prone to swarming, where hundreds or even thousands of the insects scurry out of their hiding places in a raft of shiny brown and black carapaces on thousands of skittering legs. Given how disgusting many find cockroaches to be, encountering such a swarm can be alarming to even the most seasoned adventurers. The creatures are relentless when disturbed; in contrast to the insects' normally skittish and harmless nature, as swarms they pursue the creature or creatures that provoked them and harry them with thousands of stinging bites.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Cockroach Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Coil Spy", - "family": "Serpentfolk", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Serpentfolk"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "800", - "lore": "Coil SpySome serpentfolk undergo intense ritual training and practice to improve their innate ability to disguise themselves. These serpentfolk often identify as members of a sinister society known as the Coils of Ydersius, and the most devoted of their number seek out methods of reincarnating into new forms to even more efficiently infiltrate enemy societies. But before such agents take this extreme step, they must prove themselves as Coil spies. These serpentfolk train in methods of infiltrating other societies to such an extent that they might be capable of infiltrating a mammalian civilization for years. Though they're expected to work entirely toward the eventual triumph of their people, most Coil spies also find personal pursuits to keep them occupied in the shorter term. When Coil spies get caught, it's rarely due to a lack of pure skill, but rather to their arrogance or recklessness as they pursue their hedonistic desires.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 21Coil Spy" - }, - { - "name": "Common Eurypterid", - "family": "Eurypterid", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1151", - "lore": "Common EurypteridThe smallest of the giant eurypterids can grow to about the size of a large dog. These eurypterids are a staple food for people living in marshlands, who add the meat to heavily spiced stews, but they're otherwise considered dangerous pests.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8Common EurypteridSource Bestiary 3 pg. 97Perception +2; low-light vision, wavesense (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +4, Stealth +4Str +2Dex +0Con +3Int -5Wis +0Cha -3---AC 15 Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2 HP 9Attack of OpportunityStinger only.---Speed 30 feet, swim 30 feetMeleepincer +6,Damage 1d6+2 slashing plus GrabMeleestinger +6,Damage 1d4+2 piercing plus eurypterid venomEurypterid Venom(Poison) Saving Throw DC 14 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 4 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison damage (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison damage (1 round); Stage 3 1d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (1 round)" - }, - { - "name": "Compsognathus", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "613", - "lore": "CompsognathusThe compsognathus is a small bipedal dinosaur that moves in swift, darting motions. Its bite injects a venom that causes numbness and weakness, a trait that the animal uses to bring down larger prey, although it prefers to scavenge food or snatch up insects and other smaller creatures for its meals. The compsognathus is curious to a fault; most encounters that result in combat with these diminutive dinosaurs result not from the creatures' hunger but from frightened defensive reactions when the dinosaurs' inquisitive natures compel them to enter into situations (such as wagons or bedrolls) that inadvertently put them at odds with surprised adventurers.A compsognathus measures 3 feet long from its head to the tip of its tail and weighs 15 pounds. It is small enough to serve as a house pet or even as a familiar for a spellcaster. In cases where magical links aren't involved, however, those encountering or keeping the creatures would be well-advised to treat them with the same caution one might extend to a pet viper or other poisonous reptile, as they are at best partly tame.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 13Compsognathus" - }, - { - "name": "Consonite Choir", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Swarm", "Uncommon", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1101", - "lore": "Consonite ChoirFloods of crystalline blades called consonite choirs surge through the caverns and tunnels of the Plane of Earth. Although their resonant chimes can be among the most beautiful music in the planes, those who intrude on their territory are instead confronted with a bone-shaking wall of sound and a barrage of razor-sharp crystals. The blades form naturally, just one of the many wondrous types of crystal on the Plane of Earth. Razor-edged consonite stalactites hum and chime along with the plane's grinding movement. As large collections of these crystals begin to communicate with each other through their shared song, they awaken into a sort of musical collective. Eventually, consonite choirs' songs grow loud and complex enough to shake these colonies loose of their stone moorings and free them to explore the Plane of Earth. Consonite choirs typically prefer to stay near their spawning grounds but might be coerced to perform in the homes of wealthy shaitans or serve other powerful creatures of earth. They willingly leave the comfort of their homes to hunt down the hated xorns, who enjoy the flavor of their immobile consonite brethren. Consonite choirs who leave the Plane of Earth, either through natural portals or by answering the calls of powerful rituals, often find the open spaces of other planes more to their liking. They enjoy the sensation of high winds moving through their chimes and search tirelessly for skilled performance partners. Crueler fates trap other choirs—more powerful beings might mystically bind them to service or bully them into becoming living trophies. Over years of movement, the individual crystal blades of a choir naturally chip and break down. In their native caverns, consonite choirs can easily find new members. Trapped elsewhere, they must rely on others for replacement blades or eventually fall into torpor.Recall Knowledge - Elemental(Arcana, Nature): DC 33Unspecific Lore: DC 31Specific Lore: DC 28Consonite ChoirSource Bestiary 3 pg. 53Perception +23; darkvision, echolocation (precise) 120 feetLanguagesTerranSkillsAcrobatics +24, Performance +27Str +0Dex +5Con +8Int -2Wis +2Cha +6Echolocation The consonite choir can use hearing as a precise sense at the listed range.---AC 32 Fort +27 Ref +22 Will +21 HP 200Immunitiesprecision, swarm mindResistancesbludgeoning 8, piercing 15, slashing 15Weaknessesarea damage 8, splash damage 8Resonant Chimes (aura, evocation, sonic) 30 feet. The consonite choir's tones resonate within physical objects. A creature that begins its turn in the aura deals an additional 2d6 sonic damage on any Strike using a weapon.---Speed 10 feet, fly 40 feetRangedlaunched blade +26 (Magical, range 120 feet, Sonic),Damage 6d6 piercing plus 2d6 sonicSwarming ChimesThe swarm deals 4d6 slashing damage plus 2d6 sonic damage to each enemy in the swarm's space (DC 33 basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, the enemy is also deafened for 1 minute.Consonite BladesConsonite crystals form sharp, if fragile, blades. A weapon made from a single perfect crystal of consonite naturally forms a _thundering_ weapon rune, but it can't have other non-fundamental runes etched into it. Damaged or incomplete crystals are still valuable for creating musical instruments or alchemical items like thunderstones." - }, - { - "name": "Coral Capuchin", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1102", - "lore": "Coral CapuchinA coral capuchin resembles a hairless pink monkey with large eyes and batlike wings. Something of a tropical nuisance, these amphibious creatures follow trade ships, hoping to filch small valuables they can take home or perhaps find a sailor they can befriend to secure a regular supply of food. Coral capuchins live in tropical climates, and while they can breathe water or air with equal ease, their membranous skin means they rely heavily on having a nearby source of water. Fresh- and saltwater serve equally well for this purpose, though the creatures generally congregate near oceans and seas for other reasons. Jungles, islands, and warm coastlines are their most common nesting sites, though they usually hide their nests high in trees or in other locations out of easy reach of predators, scavengers, or anything that might steal the trinkets they've collected. These little flyers are insatiably curious, and they love to follow humanoids around. Capuchins largely agree that humanoids have the best food and trinkets. Smarter than animals and capable of rudimentary speech, the creatures can be quite useful with the right training, learning how seek out sunken treasures or hunt down rats and other pests on a ship. Some spellcasters residing along tropical coastlines have taken coral capuchins as familiars, though many claim the critters as far more trouble than any benefits they provide are worth. A capuchin familiar might pilfer spellcasting components, gemstones, vials, crafting materials, and other trinkets from their master, though a clever magic user will intersperse more appealing (and less valuable) baubles to draw their familiar's attention away from actually important items. Capuchin clans live together under a single matriarch, a slightly larger female who can be identified by her unusually prismatic skin and colorful eyes. These females refuse to be tamed or kept as pets and violently resist all forms of capture. The most powerful among them even possess divine powers which they call upon to protect their homes and kin. In return, the remainder of the clan fights fiercely to protect their matriarch, defending her (and her trinkets) from threats far larger than themselves.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10Coral CapuchinSource Bestiary 3 pg. 54Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +7, Athletics +3, Stealth +7, Thievery +7Str +0Dex +4Con +1Int -2Wis +3Cha +1Moisture Dependency A coral capuchin must stay in or near water, or else it begins drying out. It can remain away from water for only 12 hours before its membranous skin starts to turn brittle and flake, taking 1d6 damage per hour until it is doused in water.---AC 16 Fort +4 Ref +9 Will +8 HP 20---Speed 25 feet, climb 15 feet, fly 15 feet, swim 15 feetMeleejaws +9 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d8 piercing plus capuchin's curseCapuchin's Curse(Curse, Divine, Transmutation) If a capuchin damages a creature with its jaws Strike, the creature gains both a blessing and a curse that last for 1d6 hours. While the blessing doubles the amount of time that the affected creature can hold its breath, the curse imposes a quickened version of the capuchin's moisture dependency, taking 1d6 damage every 10 minutes they go without water. A cursed creature can fully immerse itself in water as a 3-action activity to attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save, ending both the blessing and the curse on a success.Coral Capuchin NestsThe largest known coral capuchin nests are found around the Shackles and coastlines of the Mwangi Expanse. Preferring saltwater oceans over freshwater rivers or inlets for hunting, coral capuchins stake out territories within reach of shipping lanes and places frequented by humanoids. A nest's treasure hoard usually includes small valuables, such as gems, coins, and jewelry—anything waterproof they can easily abscond with." - }, - { - "name": "Cornugon (Horned Devil)", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "611", - "lore": "Cornugon (Horned Devil)Hell's armies contain legions upon legions of different devils all suited precisely to their roles. But such an army needs able commanders, and it is this role that cornugons fill. Their mere presence inspires those under their command to improved performance— often through fear of the horrible torments that a cornugon can unleash as punishment for failure. Forged in the fires of Malebolge from the most renowned warriors among lesser devilkind, even the least cornugon is among the fiercest warriors of the multiverse. The greatest among them on occasion ascend further still, becoming those rare and feared legends of Hell called malebranche.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 35Cornugon" - }, - { - "name": "Corrupted Relic", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit,Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Rare", "Spirit", "Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1103", - "lore": "Corrupted RelicCreatures that once held particular items dear can be bound to them after death, their souls inhabiting the item from within. These might be the faithful haunting symbols of their faith, warriors clinging to their old weapons, or the greedy inhabiting their precious wealth. These spirits' physical bodies have long since degraded, but they keep their corrupted relics pristine. The spirits manifest on the unsuspecting or curious, determined to destroy anyone who would dare show any interest in their one precious possession. Though rare, there are several kinds of corrupted relics. The bound spirit can manifest in different ways, from animating an ancient weapon to possessing anyone who dons the item. Destroying the relic often ends up being the simplest, most direct way to banish the haunt itself. Destroying or dispelling the spirit without destroying the relic, however, can sometimes leave priceless treasure behind. The amulet shown here has the air and death aspects. Its minor gifts, deadly spark and death gaze, power some of the spirit's abilities. Someone who claims the relic might gain different gifts from those aspects.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 24Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Corrupted RelicSource Bestiary 3 pg. 55Perception +9; darkvision, lifesense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommon, ElvenSkillsAcrobatics +11, Intimidation +10, Stealth +11Str -5Dex +3Con +0Int +1Wis +1Cha +4Itemsamulet---AC 19 Fort +6 Ref +11 Will +11 HP 50(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconsciousResistancesall 5 (except force, _ghost touch_, or positive; double resistance vs. non-magical)Amulet Relic (curse, divine, necromancy) The corrupted relic is an amulet cursed to contain a malevolent spirit. The statistics in this stat block are for the spirit when it's manifested (see Manifest). The amulet can't take any actions except Sudden Manifestation and Manifest. As long as the spirit is manifested, the amulet is immune to spells and magical abilities and uses the saves listed here. Regardless of whether the spirit is manifested, the amulet can be targeted by Strikes (AC 21, Hardness 5, BT 10). It is not incorporeal. If the amulet becomes broken, the spirit is bound within and can't Manifest, and if the amulet is destroyed, so is the spirit. Destroying the spirit frees the amulet from its curse.Sudden ManifestationTrigger The relic detects a creature using its lifesense; Effect The relic Manifests. If this causes an encounter to begin, the relic gains a +4 status bonus to its initiative roll.---Speed fly 30 feetMeleespectral hand +14 (Agile, Finesse, Magical),Damage 2d6+3 negativeRangeddeadly spark +14 (Air, Electricity, Divine, Evocation, range 20 feet),Damage 1d12 electricityDeath Gaze(Concentrate, Divine, Necromancy, Negative) The spirit targets a creature it can see within 30 feet, dealing to it 4d6 negative damage (DC 20 basic Fortitude save). A creature with negative healing instead regains 4d6 HP and is then temporarily immune for 10 minutes.Manifest(Divine, Necromancy) Requirements The relic detects at least one creature using its lifesense; Effect The spirit within the relic manifests in an open space within 10 feet of the amulet. When it does, the relic teleports around its neck. The spirit remains in its manifested state until it no longer senses any living creatures within range of its lifesense.Haunted RelicsRelics are a special type of magic item that can grow in power as their wielders unlock additional abilities. The full rules for relics and their aspects can be found here." - }, - { - "name": "Counteflora", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "518", - "lore": "CountefloraThe counteflora resembles an oversized dandelion with black flowers and sinister patterns on its bracts, which it can contract for additional protection and to turn its flower head into a deadly bashing weapon. Unlike dandelions, countefloras do not have separate flowering and seeding stages, and can release their intoxicating seedpods as long as their bracts are open. Countefloras exhibit a strange intellect and communicate with one another by releasing invisible pheromones into the air. Alone, a desperate counteflora may ally with another creature if it is offered water or fertile soil. Contrary to popular belief, countefloras absorb sunlight for sustenance; they do not attack other creatures to feast upon them. Rather, the reason countefloras go to such lengths to kill their opponents is to fertilize the surrounding soil and create a nutrient-rich environment for their seedpods.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 27Counteflora" - }, - { - "name": "Crag Linnorm", - "family": "Linnorm", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "284", - "lore": "Crag LinnormDespite being among the weakest linnorms, the crag linnorm is a devastating predator, capable of quickly cooking its foes with its magma breath.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 34Crag Linnorm" - }, - { - "name": "Crawling Hand", - "family": "Crawling Hand", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "589", - "lore": "Crawling HandA crawling hand formed from the appendage of a Medium creature is quick and agile, skittering in the shadows until it can strike its prey.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 13Crawling Hand" - }, - { - "name": "Crimson Worm", - "family": "Cave Worm", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "75", - "lore": "Crimson WormAmong the most dangerous cave worms are the fiery crimson worms. In addition to being even larger than azure or purple worms, the crimson worm has a penchant for burrowing through volcanic regions that, over the generations, have infused it with a supernatural link to the Elemental Plane of Fire. The molten heart of an active volcano is an attractive lair for a crimson worm, as are the sprawling fields of bubbling magma found in the deepest reaches of the Darklands. Legends from ancient peoples, precursor dwarven societies, and colonists of the Elemental Planes populated moats of lava with crimson worms likely have some basis in truth, although the methods such ancients used to keep these “moat worms” contained and prevented them from chewing their way through fortress foundations must have been significant. Crimson worms sometimes frequent areas on the surface where volcanism creates hot springs or other geothermal features, but even then they prefer to spend most of their time burrowing through the ground in their never-ending search for sustenance. Surface lands claimed by crimson worms are notable for the mound-shaped burrows these creatures leave behind as they dig.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 43Crimson Worm" - }, - { - "name": "Crocodile", - "family": "Crocodile", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "84", - "lore": "CrocodileCrocodiles can be found basking on riverbanks, lurking in swamps, or floating in lakes. They are usually are indistinguishable from logs when viewed from afar—at least until they attack. Alligators have similar statistics, but because they often live in more temperate climates, they endure cold temperatures better. Unlike alligators, crocodiles can tolerate salt water. Both are formidable predators that are likely to devour careless adventurers who fail to watch where they step.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Crocodile" - }, - { - "name": "Crossroads Guardian", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1108", - "lore": "Crossroads GuardianWhen a village is threatened by a horde of bandits but there's no one to help, when a monastery's divine relic must be guarded but the last monk is on their deathbed, when the world can be saved only through the use of an artifact no one alive remembers, nature responds by creating a crossroads guardian, a naturally occurring entity of primal magic. Every crossroads guardian exists to satisfy a particular need—usually a quest that must be carried out, helpless individuals who must be saved from harm, or an object or location which must be guarded. Although they often appear at actual crossroads, a crossroads guardian can materialize anywhere there is a community, from a giant metropolis to a lizardfolk village in a remote swamp. Some crossroads guardians are martial beings—defending a mystic fountain against all intruders, for example—but most are helpers and assistants, guiding heroes through the wilderness to where they're needed. A guardian is a skilled warrior and can defend a location, but when its purpose involves a quest, or the need is so great that the guardian isn't up to the task alone, the guardian must persuade others to voluntarily accept their quest. Once a crossroads guardian has fulfilled its purpose, it either shifts to satisfy a new need or quest—often changing its alignment and abilities as well—or else slowly vanishes, returning to the raw primal magic from which it was formed.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23Crossroads GuardianSource Bestiary 3 pg. 59Perception +19; recognize heroLanguagesSylvan; _tongues_SkillsArcana +16, Diplomacy +20, Medicine +17, Nature +19, Performance +16, Occultism +16, Lore +20, Religion +17, Society +16, Survival +19Str +5Dex +4Con +3Int +5Wis +6Cha +7Bound A crossroads guardian is bound to the site of its creation, but it can leave so long as it remains within 100 feet of the object it is guarding or individuals under a geas to fulfill the guardian's need. If it strays farther than 100 feet, it vanishes and reappears within 1 day at the site of its creation.Recognize Hero A crossroads guardian knows the name, lineage, and significant history of everyone who speaks to it. If that individual has two or more identities, the crossroads guardian knows all those identities and which one is most true.ItemsChain Mail, Greatsword---AC 25 Fort +14 Ref +13 Will +19 HP 115(primal purpose)Primal Purpose A crossroads guardian can't be permanently destroyed while its need remains unfulfilled. If killed, it reforms within 1 day near the object it guards, near someone under a geas to fulfill its need, or at the site of its original appearance. Once the guardian's need is fulfilled, the crossroads guardian dissipates naturally within a week unless it finds a new quest.---Speed 25 feet, swim 25 feetMeleegreatsword +18 (versatile P),Damage 1d12+11 slashing plus 1d6 mentalPrimal Innate Spells DC 25- 4thObscuring Mist (at will), Solid Fog- 7thPlane Shift- Constant (5th)TonguesRituals DC 25- 3rdGeas (doesn't require secondary casters and can target a willing creature of any level)Variant GuardiansA crossroads guardian is always at least partially neutral, but can gain additional alignment traits from the community or task whose need prompted the guardian's creation. They can also have different innate spells and abilities uniquely suited to their specific need. " - }, - { - "name": "Crucidaemon (Torture Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "479", - "lore": "Crucidaemon (Torture Daemon)Of all the ways to die, crucidaemons represent perhaps one of the least desirable: death by torture. The fiend’s shapely body, which appears to be sculpted from iron or mithril, belies a sinister wrath and love of inflicting pain. Crucidaemons particularly enjoy inflicting pain with their curved, serrated daggers, which are attached to their bodies via a chain that pierces each wrist. A crucidaemon’s existence is dedicated to subjecting its prey to an eternity of pain and terror. Unlike other daemons, many of which are eager to feed on mortal souls as soon as they can, the crucidaemon takes much greater pleasure in prolonging the agony of its victims. Oftentimes, a crucidaemon will inflict such torment and pain upon its prey that when the end finally comes, the victim tearfully thanks the daemon for the mercy of oblivion. An encounter with a crucidaemon that does not end with its death is far from over—crucidaemons have unequaled patience for those who dare oppose them.\nRecall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 34Crucidaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Cu Sith", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "519", - "lore": "Cu SithCu siths are hound-like doorkeepers of remote portals to other planes, particularly portals to the untamed realm of the fey, the First World. They are highly territorial and roam the highland moors they call home, constantly on the hunt for any creatures that might intrude on their territory. Those that bargain for safe passage to or from a portal find cu siths to be vigilant escorts that keep travelers safe from extraplanar threats but also ensure their charges don’t veer from the most direct path to their destination. Cu siths are highly proficient hunters, and to mortals they offer a single warning in the form of their terrifying bark. Creatures that refuse to flee upon hearing a cu sith’s warning bark risk a quick and brutal death. Cu siths cut imposing figures; they are as large as bulls and covered in intertwining roots, plant matter, and shaggy green and white fur that terminates in a long, plaited tail. Their eyes glow with a fiery green light.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 25Cu Sith" - }, - { - "name": "Culdewen", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "591", - "lore": "CuldewenPerpetually cursed to hunger and failure, a culdewen plies waterways in search of appealing fish to catch—the bigger the better. Of course, this diminutive, emaciated fey calls every living creature a “fish.” Only other fey are exempt, and they tend to consider culdewens lost causes. A culdewen can never find satisfaction. Each time they catch a fish, a magical curse forces them to hunt for an appealing spot to dine—an island, cove, or abandoned dock or shack where they can eat in peace. By the time they arrive, their catch will be gone. Every time. Forever.A foul mood hovers over a culdewen, causing them to swear colorfully, smack things with their oar, and shake their tiny fists at the sky. Conversation with a culdewen is fruitless, as they talk in circles, speaking only of fishing and the weather. Capturing a “fish” gives a culdewen a rare moment of happiness; the culdewen capers and ululates, pleased with their catch, and rushes off to their boat.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 23Culdewen" - }, - { - "name": "Cunning Guide", - "family": "Spirit Guide", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast,Spirit", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Beast", "Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1319", - "lore": "Cunning GuideSpirit guides of cunning are often seen as the weakest of the spirit guides, but are also the most numerous and proactive, guiding families to safe paths or leaving food and water for warriors. Cunning guides often take the form of foxes.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 15Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10Cunning GuideSource Bestiary 3 pg. 252Perception +9; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Sylvan; _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +6, Deception +6, Stealth +8, Survival +5Str +1Dex +3Con +0Int +2Wis +2Cha +1---AC 16 Fort +5 Ref +8 Will +7 HP 14Immunitiesdisease, paralyzed, poison, precisionResistancesall damage 2 (except force, _ghost touch_, or positive; double resistance vs. non-magical)---Speed 40 feetMeleehorn +6 (Finesse, Magical),Damage 1d8+1 forceMeleejaws +6 (Agile, Finesse, Magical),Damage 1d4+1 forcePrimal Innate Spells DC 17- Cantrips (1st)Guidance, Read Aura, Stabilize- 1stDetect Poison, Purify Food and Drink- 3rdWanderer's Guide- Constant (5th)TonguesBond with Mortal(Mental, Necromancy, Primal) Frequency once per day; Effect The spirit guide forms a bond with a mortal creature. While the bond exists, the spirit guide increases their current and maximum Hit Points by 10, gains a +2 status bonus to their attack and damage rolls, and can communicate telepathically with the bonded mortal as long as the two beings are on the same plane. The spirit guide can only be bonded with one mortal at a time, and they can take this action again to end the bond or to form a new bond (which also ends the old bond). The bond also ends if the spirit guide or the mortal dies. This bond strengthens the spirit guide's connection to the Material Plane. While bonded, the spirit guide loses the incorporeal and spirit traits, loses their immunities and resistances, and changes their Strikes to deal the appropriate physical damage (typically piercing or slashing) instead of force damage.Bonded StrikeRequirements The spirit guide is currently Bonded with a Mortal; Effect The spirit guide makes a jaws Strike. If this attack hits, the bonded mortal can spend their reaction to Strike the same target." - }, - { - "name": "Cyclops", - "family": "Cyclops", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "86", - "lore": "CyclopsThe kingdoms of the cyclopes date to an age before the rise of humanity, when dragons and giants and serpentfolk ruled the world. The cyclopes built enormous stone cities and prayed to ancient gods of brutality and wrath, but their power to foresee the future failed them, and their civilization collapsed. Today, most cyclopes have virtually no knowledge of the former glory of their kind, even though it is not uncommon for them to dwell among the ruins of their greatness. Cyclops cities include monuments and imposing murals which depict their peoples’ history, but few now among them can read or interpret these relics of the past. In addition to their single eye, cyclopes are also famous for their never-ending hunger, an appetite so all-consuming that some scholars theorize it may in fact be some kind of curse. The ever-present hunger of the cyclopes seems to have some connection to the death of their civilization—though whether this voracity was the cause or a side-effect of their people’s downfall is likely destined to remain a mystery. Although details of the cyclopes’ gods have largely been lost to the annals of time, what little is known about these deities suggests they were vindictive and petty enough to curse their own people if they felt neglected or badly served.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 22Cyclops" - }, - { - "name": "Cythnigot", - "family": "Qlippoth", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Qlippoth"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "772", - "lore": "CythnigotThe cythnigot is a foul fungal parasite that grows and thrives in the corpses of small creatures. It wears these bodies like a suit, but also adjusts and tailors the fleshy covering to suit its needs, and the body ends up looking as alien as anything else spawned from the Abyssal depths. The cythnigot's most identifying feature is the long stalk of fungal material that extends from creature's body, ending in a surprisingly strong set of fanged jaws.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 17Cythnigot" - }, - { - "name": "D'ziriak", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Shadow"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "644", - "lore": "D'ziriakThese strange creatures are native to the Plane of Shadows, where their colorful nature is in opposition to that realm's overwhelmingly monochromatic palette. Averaging 7 feet in height, D'ziriaks have four arms, two legs, and a termite-like abdomen. The larger pair of arms, used for most tasks, have five-fingered hands with sharp, insectile claws. The smaller pair of arms are reserved for fine manipulations and are not effective in combat.D'ziriaks' otherwise dull brown carapaces are decorated with numerous runes glowing in bright colors. These tattoo-like runes indicate an individual's role in D'ziriak society, and set them apart from their home plane's other native inhabitants. The runes glow with natural bioluminescence, and D'ziriaks can make them flare brightly for an instant, at the expense of overstressing the biochemical glands that create and maintain the runes for an extended time. The color and shape of the runes are partially natural, but can be shaped and customized carefully over time to fit the individual's station.The D'ziriak language is a mix of buzzes and chitters, and is spoken by few other creatures. D'ziriaks prefer to communicate with other species using telepathy rather than endure the sound of their language being \"butchered by fleshy throats.\" D'ziriaks organize into hive cities led by a king and queen. These hive cities consist of impressive spires, yet these towers are only the foremost part of the settlement, with many more chambers reaching deep below for residences, workshops, and fungus farms. D'ziriak settlements are lit inside and out with alchemical and magical light sources, often in the shapes of runes. These dimly glowing towers provide travelers with landmarks, and perhaps promise safe havens, on the otherwise gloomy Shadow Plane.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 18D'ziriak" - }, - { - "name": "Daeodon", - "family": "Boar", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "53", - "lore": "DaeodonWhere the typical boar is merely ill-tempered and generally unfriendly, the towering daeodon is legitimately hateful and ruthlessly violent. Although omnivorous, the daeodon (known in some regions simply as a giant boar) prefers to feed on flesh. Primarily a scavenger, the daeodon isn’t adverse to attacking creatures it encounters while searching for easier meals, or to protect any perceived encroachment into its lair or feeding grounds. Particularly brave or skilled orcs are fond of using daeodons as mounts or war-trained battle beasts; orc cavalry mounted on daeodons is a fearsome force indeed. A typical adult daeodon is 10 feet long and 7 feet tall at the shoulder. It weighs approximately 2,000 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Daeodon" - }, - { - "name": "Dalos", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Earth", "Fey", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "465", - "lore": "DalosDalos are reclusive fey that dwell within or near remote volcanoes and volcanic vents and resemble the massive calderas they call home. They more often dwell within the superheated confines of these locales than in the “cold wastelands” beyond their warmth and are therefore rarely encountered outside such environments. Like most fey, dalos are capricious and vengeful. They hate being disturbed above all else and will often warn away intruders with only the throw of a red-hot boulder before attacking outright. A dalos stands 25 feet tall and weighs in excess of 20,000 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 33Dalos" - }, - { - "name": "Danava Titan", - "family": "Titan", - "level": 23, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Rare", "Titan", "Water", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1341", - "lore": "Danava TitanDanava titans once regulated the foundational forces that shaped reality. Rebuked by the gods for being harsh and inflexible overseers, these spurned titans joined their siblings in their failed war against their creators. Defeated, the danavas were cast into the paralyzing depths of the cosmos's seas. The few danava titans who have escaped now wield the cold, darkness, and crushing pressure of their prisons in pursuit of their ancient visions of reality. Danavas split mountains, wake primordial beasts, or level whole civilizations in accordance with grand designs they forged at the dawn of time. Others hunt and harvest the balance-enforcing aeons, who they see as usurpers of their divine responsibility.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 51Unspecific Lore: DC 49Specific Lore: DC 46Danava TitanSource Bestiary 3 pg. 269Perception +41; darkvision, _true seeing_, wavesense (imprecise) 100 feetLanguagesAbyssal, Aquan, Celestial; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +39, Arcana +43, Athletics +46, Crafting +43, Nature +41, Occultism +43, Religion +41, Society +43Str +11Dex +8Con +10Int +10Wis +8Cha +6Items_+3 major striking greatclub_---AC 49 Fort +41 Ref +37 Will +37 +4 status to all saves vs. mental or divineHP 470Immunitiesdeath effects, diseaseHadalic Presence (divine, illusion, mental, water) Creatures that fail their Will save against the titan's Impossible Stature aura also experience the crushing depths and darkness of the ocean floor. Such creatures see as if in an area of _darkness_ (10th level), and the titan can use their wavesense to detect such creatures as a precise sense, even if neither are in water. On a critical failure, the creature is also immobilized.Impossible Stature (aura, divine, illusion, mental) 100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a DC 46 Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over difficult terrain (greater difficult terrain on a critical failure) for 1 round.Relentless The titan is as ever-moving as ocean waves. They're permanently quickened 1, and the extra action can only be used to Stride, Strike, or Sustain a Spell, or as one of the actions necessary to Cast _dispel magic_.Roiling RebukeTrigger A creature within 200 feet targets the titan with or includes the titan in the area of an attack, spell, or other effect; Effect The titan makes a benthic wave Strike against the triggering creature. If the Strike hits, the titan disrupts the triggering action.---Speed 50 feet, swim 40 feet; _air walk_, _water walk_Melee_greatclub_ +43 (Backswing, Magical, reach 40 feet, Shove),Damage 4d10+20 bludgeoning plus 2d12 coldMeleefoot +40 (Agile, reach 30 feet),Damage 4d8+20 bludgeoning plus 2d12 coldRangedbenthic wave +40 (Brutal, Magical, range 200 feet, Water),Damage 4d6+20 bludgeoning plus 2d12 coldDivine Innate Spells DC 46, attack +38- 9thControl Water (at will), Dispel Magic (at will), Eclipse Burst (×3), Heal (×3), Hydraulic Push (×3), Hydraulic Torrent (×3)- 10thImplosion- Constant (10th)Air Walk, True Seeing, Water WalkRituals DC 46, doesn't require secondary casters- 5thResurrect- 6thPlanar Binding- 8thControl WeatherTrampleHuge or smaller, foot, DC 46Wide CleaveThe titan makes a melee weapon Strike against each foe within their reach. This counts as three attacks for the titan's multiple attack penalty.Danava PillarsSome danavas, known as danava pillars, are custodians of a fundamental concept like life or knowledge—a crux of the universe. Destroying a danava pillar forcibly shreds their bonds and risks unraveling a portion of reality, with potentially disastrous effects." - }, - { - "name": "Dandasuka", - "family": "Rakshasa", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Rakshasa"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "344", - "lore": "DandasukaKnown as “biters” among the more powerful rakshasa castes, dandasukas serve as spies and assassins for rakshasa clans or powerful spellcasters who have found methods to bind one of these fiends to their will. Born to manipulate and murder, these half-sized terrors revel in their work and delight in the sight of blood. They often dress in extravagant clothes dyed with ostentatious colors and wear numerous elaborate accessories, whether in their true form or in disguise as human children, halfling merchants, or anything else that helps them blend into their targeted society. A dandasuka rakshasa is constantly haunted by a monstrous hunger that gnaws at its hyperactive body, forcing it to feed often. In combat, a dandasuka might pause to lick a bloody blade or lap at a pool of spilled blood on the floor. These creatures settle for other meat when they must, but much prefer the taste of mortal humanoid flesh. Regular offers of such victuals can keep a dandasuka loyal to anyone willing to provide frequent meals, but care must be taken in keeping a dandasuka, for many stories tell of them being overly eager to serve an adored benefactor, taking off-hand remarks too literally, and performing services of violence that were never intended.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 20Dandasuka" - }, - { - "name": "Dark Naga", - "family": "Naga", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "306", - "lore": "Dark NagaDark nagas are wicked, jealous creatures that crave power and wealth. Indeed, the dark naga sees such ideals as spiritual expressions of an essential truth: if one can take something, that something is theirs to have. The dark naga sees other creatures as lessers worthy only of subjugation or as rivals who must be eliminated. Dark nagas dwell in remote places other creatures have forsaken, searching abandoned ruins for wealth and potent magic items. Those unlucky trespassers into a dark naga’s lair typically find themselves as the naga’s slaves or playthings, put to sleep with the monster’s poison or incinerated by its deadly magic. Some dark nagas are more disposed toward socializing than others; in these cases, they may become wicked despots who rule over enclaves of captive or unsuspecting subjects. Subtler dark nagas, especially those who crave finer luxuries, dwell in or under the wealthy settlements and use their wiles to garner a decadent following, forming something akin to a cult with the naga as the jewelry-bedecked object of worship.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 25Dark Naga" - }, - { - "name": "Deadly Mantis", - "family": "Mantis, Giant", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "296", - "lore": "Deadly MantisThese gigantic mantids make their homes within deep jungles and prehistoric forests where they hunt and devour equally massive prey.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 28Deadly Mantis" - }, - { - "name": "Deculi", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "466", - "lore": "DeculiThese batlike monstrosities inhabit the nooks and crevices of the Darklands, where they hang from stalactites and swoop down on unsuspecting prey. Though they are completely sightless, deculis possess rudimentary nerves in their skulls that allow them to detect the presence of infrared light—information they use to locate potential food and threats. They are deadly hunters, thanks largely to their magical ability to manipulate the ebb and flow of shadows. Deculis prefer to feed upon the warm blood of freshly killed prey, but they can subsist on carrion if they have to.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 30Deculi" - }, - { - "name": "Deep Gnome Rockwarden", - "family": "Deep Gnome", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "96", - "lore": "Deep Gnome RockwardenDeep gnome rockwardens follow druidic teachings and commune with the natural elemental influences and denizens of the Darklands. They know that not everything that lives below ground is sinister and evil, but they also understand that all primal spirits and entities must be respected.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 20Deep Gnome Rockwarden" - }, - { - "name": "Deep Gnome Scout", - "family": "Deep Gnome", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "93", - "lore": "Deep Gnome ScoutDeep gnome scouts patrol the tunnels that lead into their settlements. Some scout alone to make the most of their stealth, but others form groups for the sake of safety.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Deep Gnome Scout" - }, - { - "name": "Deep Gnome Warrior", - "family": "Deep Gnome", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "94", - "lore": "Deep Gnome WarriorDeep gnome warriors are quick to charge into battle but focus on defending their kin and their homes over more aggressive tactics when a choice is available.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Deep Gnome Warrior" - }, - { - "name": "Deghuun (Children Of Mhar)", - "family": "—", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "975", - "lore": "Deghuun (Children Of Mhar)Mhar, an ancient evil deity of caverns, mountains, and volcanoes, belongs to the pantheon of the Great Old Ones—monstrous beings of alien intellect and unfathomable power. The so-called children of Mhar (known as deghuuns in the chaotic tongues of Mhar's enraptured cultists) physically resemble blue-gray octopods made of stone, mud, and molten iron. Venthole-like craters dot the surface of a deghuun's body, through which the creature can gaze out with a single golden eye that it can move from crater to crater.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 40Children Of Mhar" - }, - { - "name": "Deimavigga", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1116", - "lore": "Deimavigga (Apostate Devil)As masters of cold, calculated logic and perfectly timed proselytization, the loathsome deimaviggas seek to set friend against friend and turn the faithful from their beliefs at every opportunity.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 36Unspecific Lore: DC 34Specific Lore: DC 31DeimaviggaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 66Perception +32; (+36 to Sense Motive) greater darkvisionLanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; indomitable oration, telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +29, Deception +34, Diplomacy +36, Intimidation +30, Religion +30, Society +27, Stealth +33Str +7Dex +8Con +6Int +4Wis +7Cha +9Indomitable Oration Any creature capable of comprehending speech understands the deimavigga, as if they constantly spoke in all languages at once.Items_+2 resilient glamered full plate_---AC 40 Fort +27 Ref +29 Will +32 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 285ImmunitiesfireResistancesphysical 15 (except silver)Weaknessesgood 15Whispers of DiscordTrigger A creature within 60 feet is targeted by a spell that would restore Hit Points or provide a status bonus (the deimavigga automatically recognizes such effects); Effect The deimavigga whispers disturbing lies, audible only to the target, to shake the target's faith in the spell's caster. The target must attempt a DC 43 Will save. Critical Success The target disbelieves the lies and receives the intended benefit of the spell; the target becomes temporarily immune to Whispers of Discord for 24 hours. Success As critical success, but the target isn't temporarily immune. Failure The spell fails to affect the target. The target refuses all aid from that caster for 1 round and doesn't count as the caster's ally. Critical Failure As failure, but the duration is 1 minute.---Speed 30 feet, fly 40 feetMeleeclaw +33 (Agile, Evil, Finesse, Magical),Damage 3d8+15 slashing plus 1d6 evilDivine Innate Spells DC 42, attack +34- 3rdDream Message (at will)- 4thDimension Door (at will)- 7thDimension Door, Scrying, Touch of Idiocy (at will), Veil, Warp Mind- 9thDivine Decree, Dominate, Illusory Scene (at will)Rituals DC 43- 1stInfernal PactBoundless Reach(Conjuration, Divine, Teleportation) A deimavigga's razor-sharp claws can slice through reality, allowing them to make claw Strikes and use spells with a range of touch against any creature they can see directly or via divination magic. A creature targeted this way can retaliate until the start of the deimavigga's next turn; it can target the devil's claws as if the devil were physically present and adjacent to the target, though the claws are concealed.Change Shape(Concentrate, Divine, Polymorph, Transmutation) The deimavigga can take on the appearance of any humanoid. This doesn't change their Speed or attack and damage bonuses with Strikes but might change the damage type their Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning).Whisper Earworm(Divination, Divine, Emotion, Mental) The deimavigga whispers a terrifying multiversal truth to one adjacent creature, shaking its faith in reality and divinity. The target must attempt a DC 43 Will save. Celestials and fiends gain a +2 status bonus to this save. Critical Success The target is unaffected and temporarily immune to Whisper Earworm for 24 hours. Success The target is unaffected. Failure The next time the target rests, it ruminates on the deimavigga's words instead of sleeping or otherwise resting and awakens fatigued. The target also becomes drained 1 and stupefied 1 until it's no longer fatigued. Critical Failure As failure, but drained 2. After this rest, the target must attempt another DC 43 Will save. On a failure, the target becomes stupefied 2 and takes a –4 status penalty to Will saves against effects from evil creatures. These effects last until the target unlearns the truth spoken by the deimavigga, requiring a _modify memory_ spell, other means of modifying their memory, or powerful magic such as _wish_.Lone OperatorsWhile most devils perform a specialized role within a complex infernal machine, deimaviggas work almost exclusively alone, as they find even the most obedient minions a hindrance to their stratagems." - }, - { - "name": "Deinonychus", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "118", - "lore": "DeinonychusDeinonychuses are wily hunters that attack in groups of up to a dozen individuals, ripping apart their prey with sharp talons and powerful jaws. They are lean and muscular, and have two powerful legs and a long tail that helps them maintain balance. Although deinonychuses don’t use their dexterous clawed forelimbs to attack, the dinosaurs can use them to pull aside small barriers. Although some of these dinosaurs have scaly skin, most have thatches of vibrantly colored feathers as well. A deinonychus is about 6 feet tall and weighs about 150 pounds. However, larger deinonychuses exist. These creatures—which stand taller than a human—are called megaraptors.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Deinonychus" - }, - { - "name": "Deinosuchus", - "family": "Crocodile", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "85", - "lore": "DeinosuchusThe deinosuchus is a primeval relative of the crocodile, and is an enormous predator capable of catching and eating dinosaurs that wander too close to its domain!Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 26Deinosuchus" - }, - { - "name": "Demilich", - "family": "Lich", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "283", - "lore": "DemilichDemiliches are formed when a lich, through carelessness or by accident, loses its phylactery. As years pass, the lich’s body crumbles to dust, leaving only the skull as the seat of its necromantic power. The lich enters a sort of torpor, its mind left wandering the planes in search of ever greater mysteries. The lich gradually loses the ability to cast spells and its magic items slowly subsume into its new form. Negative energy concentrates around the skull, causing some of its bones and teeth to petrify with power and turn into blight crystals. The resulting lich skull, embedded with arcane gemstones and suffused with palpably powerful magic, forms a creature called a demilich. Despite its near-constant state of inactivity, a demilich grows restless from time to time, especially when living creatures draw near. Only then does the demilich’s hunger for life stir once more, causing it to lash out with terrifying bursts of power in attempts to consume vital energy. Unlike an ordinary lich, should the demilich’s skull be destroyed, its bond to the world is permanently severed, although some theorize that even then it is not truly slain. Rather, some think that once the demilich is destroyed, its foul and tormented mind is finally free to wander the planes and find new ways to enact its will. For the short-lived common folk of the Material Plane, this is good enough, though eons later a demilich may reappear in the region it once inhabited with a new—and even more insidious—agenda.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 39Demilich" - }, - { - "name": "Denizen of Leng", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration, Dream", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "604", - "lore": "Denizen of LengSlavers and raiders from the cold, windswept dimension of Leng, these malevolent humanoids range across reality in ominous black ships capable of sailing beyond the borders of dimensions and planes. Although most denizens of Leng seek slaves and plunder like any pirate, others operate as self-styled ambassadors and merchants, sowing discord with far-ranging plots. While the inscrutable denizens dress themselves in flowing robes, veils, and broad turbans to appear human, their aberrant physiology, when glimpsed, is evident from their crown of stubby horns and tentacled jaws to their furry, goat-like legs.Above the fierce captains who command the infamous black ships are an even higher caste of denizens of Leng. These cultists and musicians serve as high priests, laboring to appease the frightening gods who look down upon the Nightmare Realm with cold malice.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 24Denizen of Leng" - }, - { - "name": "Derghodaemon (Ravager Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "594", - "lore": "Derghodaemon (Ravager Daemon)Derghodaemons represent death through unfathomable violence and being eaten alive. Whether in life a ravenous murderer hacked them to bits for stew, a werewolf tore them limb from limb, or they simply succumbed to the elements and became worm meat, derghodaemons seek to inflict the same twisted and bloody ends upon any they come across. Unlike some daemons, derghodaemons derive little pleasure from prolonged deaths—to these fiends, the quicker they can enact a gory demise, the sooner they can turn their attentions to their next victim and repeat the violent cycle.Derghodaemons look like walking masses of razor-sharp insect claws connected to equally menacing chitinous limbs, but few linger on their appearance for long— the gaze of a derghodaemon is enough to cause others in the vicinity to experience severe visual warping. The derghodaemon's appearance becomes more and more twisted as those who stare at it experience vicious hallucinations and ravenous urges to inflict harm on and devour others. Perhaps the most horrific attack derghodaemons can unleash upon their victims, though, is their swarming infestation—the daemons cough up a crawling, buzzing cloud of ravenous insects that cling to those targeted and chew them to death, provided the mind-numbing, half-whispered threats made by the rasp of the insects' bodies don't drive them to violent fury first!Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 30Derghodaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Dero Magister", - "family": "Dero", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Dero", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "107", - "lore": "Dero MagisterDero magisters are leaders among dero society. They perform the bulk of the cruel operations and memory-altering procedures inflicted upon their victims.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 22Dero Magister" - }, - { - "name": "Dero Stalker", - "family": "Dero", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Dero", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "105", - "lore": "Dero StalkerDero stalkers are those charged with exploring the surface world by night and seeking out new victims to abduct.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Dero Stalker" - }, - { - "name": "Dero Strangler", - "family": "Dero", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Dero", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "106", - "lore": "Dero StranglerDero stranglers specialize in capturing living victims, and they are often called upon to aid in abductions.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Dero Strangler" - }, - { - "name": "Desert Drake", - "family": "Drake", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "164", - "lore": "Desert DrakeDistant cousins of blue dragons that lack their relatives’ magical talents and intelligence, these desert-dwelling drakes are nonetheless dangerous ambush predators, preying upon isolated desert travelers and outposts for food and supplies. They retain their true-blooded forebears’ resistance to electricity and affinity for sandy environs. Desert drakes’ scales range in coloration from rust-brown to light tan and ocher shades, mimicking the colors of the dunes they call home. Desert drakes are among the lightest and most compact of the drakes, though this shouldn’t be mistaken for frailty. Their swooped-back horns and feather-thin wings are adapted to make burrowing as easy as possible. Indeed, a desert drake’s powerful neck makes wriggling through sand and other loose scree as easy as walking for it.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 24Desert Drake" - }, - { - "name": "Desert Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1167", - "lore": "Desert GiantDesert giants are nomadic humanoids who have dwelled in the world's most arid regions since time immemorial. Smaller peoples know that desert giants are the undisputed masters of desert living, and ignorant humans often claim that it is a desert giant's unique physiology, like a camel, that enables them to survive without water for 2 weeks. The few desert giants who mingle in the societies of smaller humanoids don't bother to dispute such ridiculous rumors. In fact, desert giants' strong cultural traditions play a large part in their ability to prosper in such harsh environs. Desert giant elders encourage their descendants to maintain abstemious lifestyles, particularly with regard to the consumption of food and drink. Alcohol is particularly disdained by desert giants, who view mind-altering diuretics like liquor and ale as dangerous temptations in an environment as unforgiving as the desert. Instead, most desert giants follow a simple vegetarian diet and maintain an incredible internal map of their home region's seasonal waterways and oases. Their austere habits and intolerance for foolishness have earned desert giants a reputation as being ill-humored and no-nonsense, but many of their communities boast a wide variety of humorous tales in their vast oral histories and legends. Since desert giants' journeys across the wastes can span weeks or even months at a time, an individual who can make their companions laugh with a witty joke or amusing parable remains a prized member of the community. Desert giants stand 15 feet tall, tending toward lean physiques that are ideal for traveling across vast expanses of sand for long sojourns.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21Desert GiantSource Bestiary 3 pg. 109Perception +19LanguagesCommon, JotunSkillsAcrobatics +21, Desert Lore +18, Intimidation +15, Survival +19Str +6Dex +6Con +5Int +3Wis +4Cha +0ItemsDoubling Rings, Leather Armor, sack with 5 rocks, Scimitar, _+1 striking scimitar_---AC 27 Fort +18 Ref +21 Will +15 HP 185Catch Rock---Speed 40 feetMelee_scimitar_ +21 (Forceful, Magical, reach 10 feet, Sweep),Damage 2d6+12 slashingRangedrock +19 (Brutal, range increment 120 feet),Damage 2d8+12 bludgeoningSand SpinRequirements The desert giant is standing in sandy terrain; Effect The desert giant spins around and stirs up loose sand in a 10-foot emanation. Until the beginning of the giant's next turn, creatures in the area are concealed, and other creatures are concealed to them.SandwalkingDesert giants have adapted to the loose sands of the desert and can move across them with ease. Desert giants ignore non-magical difficult terrain and uneven ground caused by sand.Scimitar BlitzThe desert giant Strides up to their Speed, Striking once with each of their scimitars at any point during the movement.Throw RockOasis ProtectorsDesert giants are keenly aware of their native environs' fragile ecosystem. They fiercely protect their favorite watering holes and ancestral oases from newcomers— from humans to divs— who might despoil the local flora or chase away scarce fauna." - }, - { - "name": "Destrachan", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "605", - "lore": "DestrachanThis underground reptilian horror walks on two powerful hind legs. Its forelimbs are armed with sharp curving claws, and its toothy, eyeless, tubular head has three hypersensitive frilled ears that turn toward any sound made in its vicinity. This cruel monster's true weapon, however, is an amplified version of the sonic cry that it uses to navigate, communicate, and hunt. It communicates with others of its kind through a complex series of clicks, shrieks, and whistles, but it is intelligent enough to understand other languages. Most destrachans understand at least one other language—usually Undercommon—and can often be reasoned with.An obligate carnivore, the destrachan relishes fresh meat but won't hesitate to make a meal of carrion it finds in its path. When traveling in packs, the creatures take great delight in stalking travelers through miles of tunnels before attacking and subduing them, then devouring them alive.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 24Destrachan" - }, - { - "name": "Devourer", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "612", - "lore": "DevourerWhen fiends and powerful evil spellcasters are lost beyond the farthest reaches of the multiverse, they sometimes return as horrific undead called devourers that consume the souls of the living to fuel their arcane machinations. Their bodies are ruined and rebuilt, hollow and twisted, even as their minds undergo a spiritual transformation. They gain the ability to bind other souls to their own and drain their essence for magical power, yet can never be sated in their pursuit of it. Seething masses of distorted ghostly shapes surge within their hollow rib cages—manifestations of the devourers' most recently consumed souls.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 30Devourer" - }, - { - "name": "Dezullon", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "115", - "lore": "DezullonDezullons are dangerous carnivorous pitcher plants that dwell in forested regions with thick canopies. They hunt for meat along the forest’s understory when not sunning themselves in the boughs above. Dezullons are smart enough to notice that some creatures are attracted by shiny things, and sometimes use such objects to set up ambushes. To assume that the dezullon’s ambulations are slow simply because the creature has a root structure is a foolish mistake; many an adventurer has been crushed to death by this surprisingly agile plant. In addition, these dangerous plants are expert climbers, making their pursuit even more difficult to escape from. A hungry dezullon keeps prey off-balance by spilling its putrid, psychoactive digestive juices from its central pitcher. In addition to being highly acidic, the enzymes in a dezullon’s digestive tract, once expelled, inflict a victim with powerful hallucinations and amnesia. This secondary effect makes dezullons highly sought after in some circles, including avid drug users, experimental doctors, and criminals who deal in poisons. Many varieties of dezullon exist, including lumbering giants of incredible size, those that have tiny, cup-shaped pitchers that proliferate along lengths of creeping ivy like suckers on a squid’s tentacles, and others with hundreds of blood-red, razor-sharp leaves that protrude from the inside of their pitchers like a leech’s teeth. This latter variety is especially dangerous, since the leaves can all but eviscerate creatures that become ensconced inside their pitchers.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 27Dezullon" - }, - { - "name": "Dhampir Wizard", - "family": "Dhampir", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Dhampir", "Human", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "116", - "lore": "Dhampir WizardThis dhampir is a svetocher, the child of a moroi vampire.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Dhampir Wizard" - }, - { - "name": "Dig-Widget", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "771", - "lore": "Dig-WidgetThieves covet dig-widgets, specialized constructs built for infiltration. Each dig-widget contains numerous simple tools, including a set of mechanical devices that function as thieves' tools, two arms with drills, and two arms with corkscrews for attaching to and climbing surfaces. Once activated, these devices propel themselves forward. Though they have the full faculties typical of a construct, they usually follow a simple routine: avoid notice, pick any lock barring the path, dig past obstacles, and attack if caught. They're rarely left unattended, as a thief needs to be nearby to follow after-both to steal goods and to stop the dig-widget from engaging in further larceny once it's achieved its goal. The source of a dig-widget's power is as much mechanical as it is magical. The gears and springs that provide a dig-widget mobility are an improvement over more primitive true clockwork creations (whose functions require constant winding to remain mobile), but at the cost of security, for a dig-widget's moving parts can be dismantled quickly by thieves and others with the proper training.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 20Dig-Widget" - }, - { - "name": "Dire Wolf", - "family": "Wolf", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "416", - "lore": "Dire WolfMuch larger and more foul-tempered than their common cousins, dire wolves haunt primeval lands that accommodate their massive size and proportionately large hunting grounds and appetites. Orcs are fond of using dire wolves as mounts, finding their vicious tempers perfect for hunting and warfare.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Dire Wolf" - }, - { - "name": "Divine Warden Of Nethys", - "family": "Divine Warden", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1121", - "lore": "Divine Warden Of NethysThis divine warden serves Nethys, the neutral god of magic. It uses its divine gift to defend temples or shrines of Nethys.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 22Unspecific Lore: DC 20Specific Lore: DC 17Divine Warden Of NethysSource Bestiary 3 pg. 73Perception +11; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +14Str +5Dex -2Con +4Int -5Wis +0Cha -5---AC 22 Fort +15 Ref +9 Will +11 HP 60Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousDivine Destruction (divine, necromancy) When the divine warden is reduced to 0 HP, it erupts with divine energy in a 30-foot emanation, dealing 5d6 negative damage. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 19 Will save with the following outcomes. Critical Success The creature takes half damage. Success The creature takes full damage. Failure The creature takes full damage and becomes temporarily cursed by the patron deity. The creature becomes enfeebled 1 and stupefied 1 for 1 day; this is a curse effect that uses the Will save DC as the counteract DC Critical Failure As failure, except the creature becomes enfeebled 2 and stupefied 2Faith Bound (abjuration, divine) A divine warden can't attack a creature that openly wears or displays the religious symbol of the divine warden's patron deity unless that creature uses a hostile action against the divine warden first. If the divine warden is intelligent, it can also attack a creature it believes isn't faithful to its deity or who wears the religious symbol as a ruse (typically after succeeding at a Perception check to Sense Motive).---Speed 30 feetMeleefist +14 (Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+7 bludgeoning plus GrabMeleestaff +14 (Magical, reach 10 feet, two-hand d8),Damage 2d4+7 bludgeoning plus GrabDivine Innate Spells DC 19- Cantrips (3rd)DazeDivine Domain Spells DC 19, 1 Focus Point- 3rdCry of Destruction, Protector's SacrificeFaithful WeaponA divine warden always wields its patron diety's favored weapon, in this case a _+1 striking staff_.Instrument of FaithThe divine warden is a beacon for its deity's faith. A cleric of the divine warden's patron deity can channel a _heal_ spell through a divine warden they can see within 60 feet. The cleric determines any targets or area for the spell as if they were standing in the divine warden's space." - }, - { - "name": "Djinni", - "family": "Genie", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Genie"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "212", - "lore": "DjinniBenevolent genies from the Plane of Air, djinn value art, culture, knowledge, and trade. They also love new experiences, succulent dishes, and heady wines. Of all geniekind, they are most likely to approach humans and other mortals, interacting with them on friendly terms. Still, djinn are proud of their genie heritage and have a tendency to be patronizing toward mortals, a habit that has earned them a reputation for arrogance.Djinn get along with jann and marids, but they find shaitans too stiff and harbor undying hatred for efreet. Although djinn are formidable combatants, they despise war and prefer to eschew violence in favor of dealing with their opponents using magic or subterfuge (making an exception, of course, when they encounter efreet).Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 22Djinni" - }, - { - "name": "Doblagub (Elder Brughadatch)", - "family": "Brughadatch", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "529", - "lore": "Doblagub (Elder Brughadatch)Elder brughadatches command groups of fellow brughadatches, who placate the doblagub with fresh meals and trophies of the group’s grisly catches.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 31Doblagub" - }, - { - "name": "Domovoi", - "family": "House Spirit", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1194", - "lore": "DomovoiThe elderly domovoi are patrons of the home and the dearest of all house spirits to the people they live with. Families with a domovoi leave a bowl of milk in the corner of the home in thanks, and peasants often take great pains to coax a domovoi to follow them to a new house. An enraged domovoi rallies the home itself in their defense. Anything in the house could betray its residents. Crockery falls onto the heads of attackers, doors slam in their faces, carpets tangle their feet, and woe betide the attacker if someone has hung a sword on the wall.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11DomovoiSource Bestiary 3 pg. 136Perception +11; tremorsense (imprecise) within their entire bound homeLanguagesCommon, SylvanSkillsCrafting +9, Household Lore +11, Stealth +7Str +1Dex +3Con +1Int +3Wis +5Cha +1Master of the Home A home with a friendly domovoi is blessed, as the domovoi cooks, cleans, fetches water, and does a hundred other small tasks. A home so blessed never suffers from random accidents such as fires, and any checks to Craft, Earn Income, Repair, or Subsist in the home receive a +2 circumstance bonus. If the domovoi is unfriendly, such checks take a –2 circumstance penalty instead, as the domovoi hides things, makes noise when people try to sleep, tangles weaving, and otherwise makes life a misery. A domovoi must spend a week in a place before these benefits occur.---AC 17 Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +11 HP 35Weaknessescold iron 4Shy A domovoi is naturally invisible while within sight of their bound home. The domovoi can become visible, or even selectively visible—allowing some people to see them---Speed 20 feetMeleebroom +7,Damage 1d4+3 bludgeoningRangedenraged home +9 (Evocation, Primal, range increment 30 feet),Damage 1d8+4 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (depending on object)Primal Innate Spells DC 18- Cantrips (1st)Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Telekinetic Projectile- 1stMending (at will)Home GuardianBy commanding their home to attack, the domovoi can Grapple, Shove, Trip, and Disarm with their enraged home Strike. The domovoi uses their Household Lore instead of Athletics skill for these checks." - }, - { - "name": "Doorwarden", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "433", - "lore": "DoorwardenDoorwardens are constructs originally invented by elves. Upon first glance, these guardians resemble ornate doors made entirely of steel or even mithral, but when trespassers try to force their way past, the doorwarden transforms into a skilled and sturdy soldier bearing its “door” like a towering shield. Perceptive travelers can sometimes spot a door warden before its magic becomes obvious. The door often bears a round disk or similar embossment that resembles a shield boss designed for bashing, and the bar that can be lowered to block entry resembles an arm clasping a longsword by the hilt. The original doorwardens crafted by the elves included a motif of elven armor and a metal mask in the style of Alseta’s own, though other cultures embellish their own doorwardens with their own themes and sometimes even their own ancestral weapons, such as axes for dwarven doorwardens. Doorwardens sometimes know about the chambers they guard, and they have been known to speak to trespassers, especially elves. But a doorwarden cannot be persuaded to stand aside; it is bound to the portal where it has been placed and will defend it until destroyed.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 22Doorwarden" - }, - { - "name": "Doppelganger", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "126", - "lore": "DoppelgangerIn their natural forms, doppelgangers are humanoid creatures with flesh of indeterminate color and features that lack fine details, as if unfinished. As masters of mimicry, they use their abilities to impersonate others in devious ways, often infiltrating settlements and residing within them for years without being detected. Doppelgangers are incredibly secretive, with some nearing outright paranoia. They choose their targets carefully and go to great lengths not to reveal their intentions before their plans come to fruition. Doppelgangers usually infiltrate communities in order to gain some manner of wealth or power, and assume the guises of other (usually influential) persons to allow the creatures they’re impersonating to take the fall for any negative consequences that may result from their actions. Though most are not evil, doppelgangers are manipulative and self-serving. As they don’t have their own society and aren’t monolithic in their motivations, an individual doppelganger has its own unique interests and impulses, though many are over-indulgent. Some doppelgangers enjoy the thrill of subtlety, while others favor grander schemes, such as manipulating a nation’s political infrastructure. Others seek to exploit merchant guilds to gain immense wealth, while others use their shape-changing ability to destroy relationships between close friends or families. Doppelgangers are careful and patient creatures. They are willing to slowly construct elaborate schemes that may require extended periods of time—even decades—to yield results. Doppelgangers often work alone, as they don’t trust potential cohorts not to ruin their plans. There are rare times when doppelgangers might reveal secrets to high-ranking individuals to ensure a successful infiltration. When they do work with others, it’s because they’ve taken the shape of a target group’s leader, unbeknownst to the organization’s members. Doppelgangers can grow in power by learning skills and abilities, and often make excellent rogues, spellcasters, or fighters. A doppelganger that has class abilities can often effectively infiltrate and plague an adventuring group as a powerful antagonist—but using a doppelganger like this in your game should be handled with care (see the Infiltrating a Party sidebar above for more information).Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 20Doppelganger" - }, - { - "name": "Doprillu", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "620", - "lore": "DoprilluThe aberrations known as doprillus are hulks with banded muscles who wear ornate masks at all times that fill their wearers with magical strength and fighting spirit. Doprillus love to battle, especially by grappling, and are eager to start brawls. On neutral ground, a doprillu offers to duel the strongest-looking opponent, but when a doprillu's home turf is invaded, no rules apply to the confrontation. As befits the superheated blood that fuels them, doprillus make their homes in warm locations: hot jungles, sunny deserts, and underground caverns near sulfur vents.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 32Doprillu" - }, - { - "name": "Doru", - "family": "Div", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Div", "Fiend", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1117", - "lore": "DoruThese deceivers whisper fetid lies, sowing dark and dread inspiration into foolish mortal ears. Dorus serve as the spies and messengers of the divs. With silver tongues and dark motives, they often pledge themselves to vainglorious and deluded spellcasters, who they ply with wild conspiracies and rumors of deception among friends and foes alike; in the process, they push supposed masters to despotism and murderous revenge. All the while, dorus wean secrets, and weaknesses, from their marks. In the end, nearly every doru turns on their false liege, destroying the reputation and even causing the death of the person the doru pretended to serve.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10DoruSource Bestiary 3 pg. 68Perception +7; greater darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Daemonic; telepathy (touch)SkillsAcrobatics +7, Arcana +8, Deception +6, Lore +10, Religion +5, Stealth +7Str +0Dex +4Con +1Int +3Wis +2Cha +3---AC 16 Fort +4 Ref +9 Will +7 HP 20Weaknessescold iron 3, good 3Covetous of Secrets Dorus have a weakness for secrets, hoarding them like a miser hoards gold. A creature can tempt a doru with some bit of obscure knowledge the doru doesn't know or thinks they don't know. Presenting the hint of the secret is a single action, which has the concentrate and linguistic traits, and requires a skill check using Deception, Lore, or Performance (or some other appropriate skill determined by the GM) against the doru's Will DC. On a success, the doru is fascinated for as long as the presenter draws out the explanation of the secret (spending 1 action each round doing so, to a maximum of 1 minute). On a critical success, the doru is fascinated for that duration plus 1 minute more as it ponders the implications of the secret. Regardless of the outcome, the doru is temporarily immune to that creature's attempts to present it with secrets for 1 day.---Speed 15 feet, fly 30 feetMeleebite +9 (Agile, Evil, Finesse, Poison, Magical),Damage 1d6 piercing plus 1 evil and doru venomDivine Innate Spells DC 17- Cantrips (1st)Detect Magic- 1stCharm, Illusory Object- 2ndInvisibility (at will; self only)- 4thRead OmensDoru Venom(Poison) Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison and stupefied 1 (1 round); Stage 3 1d6 poison and stupefied 2 (1 round).Doru SecretsDespite dorus' obsession, not all secrets capture their focus—instead, each fixates on a unique topic. Many are interested in the history of a particular mortal ancestry, while others delve into riddles, mathematical puzzles, or even local gossip." - }, - { - "name": "Dracolisk", - "family": "Basilisk", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast, Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "565", - "lore": "DracoliskDracolisks are rare magical crossbreeds of chromatic dragons and basilisks. None now know how they first came to be, but they have proven viable and can breed with one another as well as with basilisks. While a dracolisk appears much like a young true dragon of its parent type, its eight legs are an immediate indication that it is something more. Its coloration varies, depending on the nature of its draconic ancestry, though it's lighter on its underside and darker near its wing tips. A typical dracolisk is 15 feet long and weighs 3,000 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 28Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 28Dracolisk" - }, - { - "name": "Draconal", - "family": "Agathion", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Agathion", "Celestial", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1058", - "lore": "Draconal (Dragon Agathion)Dragon agathions, known as draconals, number among the most powerful of their kin, and also the wisest, embodying the wisdom of the benevolent philosopher-king. With their wisdom comes an elevation above material matters, making them the most removed from the troubles and lives of mortals. Draconals serve as the guardians of powerful magic, and they dispense their wisdom in service of the greater good of Nirvana and the celestial planes. Draconals appear more draconic than humanoid. They walk on their hind legs and balance on their long, serpent like tails. Sharp claws tip their scaled humanoid hands. Similar to true dragons, a draconal's coloration signifies different breath weapons, traits, and resistances. Draconals also choose spells from one of four domains. All have the options of the air and healing domains, but their color determines the other two. Black draconals breathe and are resistant to fire, and their additional domain options are fire and luck. Red draconals have the same fire breath and resistance, but their additional domain options are protection and sun. Green and white draconals breathe and are resistant to cold, but green draconals have the options of nature and water domains while white draconals have the options of freedom and repose. Yellow draconals breathe and are resistant to acid, and their additional domain options are earth and luck.Recall Knowledge - Celestial(Religion): DC 40Unspecific Lore: DC 38Specific Lore: DC 35DraconalSource Bestiary 3 pg. 12Perception +36; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesCelestial, Draconic, Infernal; _speak with animals_, _tongues_SkillsArcana +38, Crafting +30, Deception +35, Diplomacy +37, Intimidation +35, Medicine +34, Nature +34, Nirvana Lore +36, Religion +36, Society +32, Survival +32Str +10Dex +5Con +8Int +8Wis +10Cha +9---AC 45 Fort +34 Ref +31 Will +38 _circle of protection_HP 370, regeneration 20 (deactivated by evil)Resistancesfire 15Weaknessesevil 15Dragon's SalvationTrigger A creature within the draconal's reach would take damage; Effect Before applying the damage, the draconal casts _lay on hands_ on the triggering creature.---Speed 30 feet, fly 90 feetMeleejaws +38 (Good, Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d12+18 piercing plus 1d6 good plus 4d6 fireMeleeclaw +38 (Agile, Good, Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d8+18 slashing plus 1d6 good plus 4d6 fireDivine Innate Spells DC 46, attack +38- 9thBreath of Life, Dispel Magic, Divine Decree, Earthquake, Heal (×3), Implosion, Storm of Vengeance- 10thMiracle- Constant (7th)Circle of Protection, Speak with Animals, Tongues, True SeeingChampion Focus Spell DC 46, 3 Focus Points- 10thDazzling Flash, Lay on Hands, Protector's SphereBreath Weapon(Divine, Evocation) The draconal breathes a blast of energy that deals 21d6 fire damage to creatures they choose to damage in a 60-foot cone (DC 44 basic Reflex save). They can make this effect nonlethal for selected creatures in the area or choose not to damage certain creatures at all. They can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Dragon's WisdomDraconals embody the core value of wisdom, but every path to wisdom and enlightenment differs, so draconals' powers vary by temperament and coloration. A draconal's scale color determines their associated energy damage type. They gain resistance 15 to that damage type, deal 4d6 extra damage of that type with their Strikes, and deal 21d6 damage of that type with their breath weapon. They gain additional wisdom in the form of the basic and advanced domain spells from one domain, chosen from four domains available to draconals with their scale color. This red draconal has the protection and sun domains." - }, - { - "name": "Dragon Turtle", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "157", - "lore": "Dragon TurtleWhen sailors warn others of the terrible threats of the open sea, they seldom forget to mention dragon turtles—immense aquatic dragons with rocky shells similar to those of tortoises and flippers powerful enough to overturn hardy vessels. These fearsome creatures enjoy being considered as dangerous as storms or natural disasters by seafaring folk. Dragon turtles delight in amassing treasure, although most prefer to receive tribute from passing sailors and often store their hoards in the shipwrecks of vessels once crewed by those unwilling to surrender their valuables. Dragon turtles are solitary creatures and hunt in regions encompassing a hundred square miles or more. Although they normally eat large fish, they are omnivorous and also eat seaweed or even foolhardy dragon hunters. Experienced sailors keep a keen eye out for dragon turtles, preparing to flee should one approach or offer it treasure in exchange for safe passage. Most dragon turtles are at least 20 feet wide and 50 feet long, although some can grow substantially larger. These massive, ancient dragon turtles are somnolent, and resemble rocky islands from a distance; their prodigious hoards can be a source of truly ancient sea lore. Legends persist of truly immense dragon turtles who spend centuries drifting on the surface of the ocean, far from established shipping lanes or charted waters, with shells that serve as islands capable of supporting entire ecosystems and even, some claim, small settlements whose inhabitants know nothing of land that doesn’t drift across the sea.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 26Dragon Turtle" - }, - { - "name": "Dragonscarred Dead", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fire", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "472", - "lore": "Dragonscarred DeadNot all would-be dragonslayers who die a valiant death rest peacefully amid the annals of legend. Sometimes, a draconic necromancer is so impressed by its fallen foe that the dragon ritually raises the dead warrior to serve the dragon in undeath. These undead guardians are infused with a fraction of the power of the dragon who slew them, channeling the same energy as their draconic masters’ breath. Dragonscarred dead are similar to skeletal champions or graveknights in that they are not merely reanimated servants who mindlessly follow orders, but are instead powerful wardens who maintain the same agency they bore in life. While a dragonscarred dead is often magically compelled to follow its reanimator’s commands, some of these undead dragonslayers manage to escape their masters and pursue their own vile agendas—which may involve rallying allies to challenge their draconic creator once more and finish the dire mission they started in life.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 33Dragonscarred Dead" - }, - { - "name": "Dragonshard Guardian", - "family": "—", - "level": 22, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct"], - "rarity": "Unique", - "id": "489", - "lore": "Dragonshard GuardianCreated by Mengkare and powered by a shard of the Orb of Gold Dragonkind, this construct is made of sculpted crystal draped in a beautiful gold filigree frame.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 54Dragonshard Guardian" - }, - { - "name": "Drainberry Bush", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "639", - "lore": "Drainberry BushDrainberry bushes are floating bushes that originate from the First World, with long, thorny vines and dense clusters of bright-red berries. Their hollow thorns quickly siphon blood, which is how these carnivorous plants feed, and they rapidly turn consumed blood into fresh batches of delicious berries. Drainberry bushes exude a faint white glow that is a result of stored positive energy.Drainberry bushes exhibit unusually high intelligence and have an astute sense of value. They typically become insulted when creatures attempt to harvest their berries. Creatures that attempt to converse with drainberry bushes finds the plants telepathically convey only short and simple phrases: most commonly, “Money please,” “Deal good,” “Deal no good,” “Want that,” (with a gesture toward an item it covets), “Thank you, customer,” and if necessary, “No refunds.” Though a drainberry bush considers the market value of its berries to be 25 gp, it greatly prefers interesting art objects as payment—even ones of significantly lower value.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 23Drainberry Bush" - }, - { - "name": "Drakauthix", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fungus", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Fungus"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "158", - "lore": "DrakauthixThe drakauthix is a massive fungus that floats through the heights of the largest Darklands caverns, propelled by bladders that spray air and spores. A voracious but slow-moving hunter, the drakauthix prefers to ambush meaty creatures from above, using its hooked appendages to pull its victims upward to feed. The drakauthix’s digestive process is entirely external—it clings to victims, and its spore-laden surface slowly feeds on and grows through the flesh before the spore-infested carcass is discarded. As the infested body strikes the ground below, it bursts and releases a cloud of spores, unleashing a host of young called sporelings that immediately scuttle up the cavern walls to cling to its ceiling and grow. The drakauthix behaves no more intelligently than most predatory animals, and often uses a sort of symbiotic scavenger method to secure prey by capitalizing on the hunting methods of oozes and vermin found in the large cave systems it frequents. When a relatively mindless creature kills a victim, the drakauthix drifts down, hooks the freshly slain carcass with its tendrils, and reels in its meal. The mindless ooze or other creature that just had its food stolen rarely holds a grudge and simply slithers off to find a new quarry, letting the drakauthix digest the corpse in peace. Of course, the drakauthix isn’t above feasting on more active prey as well, and might attack an adventurer who neglects to look upward for danger when exploring a network of mysterious caves. Some Darklands-dwelling creatures, such as duergars, hunt drakauthixes for their flesh, which has a unique flavor with a peppery aftertaste. Subterranean races also make ink from drakauthixes by burning their carcasses, then grinding and pressing the ashes for a long time until a silvery substance congeals.Recall Knowledge - Fungus (Nature): DC 26Drakauthix" - }, - { - "name": "Dramofir", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1138", - "lore": "DramofirBeings of inscrutable intent and incredible power, dramofirs hail from the Dreamlands and shamble across the multiverse in search of dreams to incorporate into their voluminous robes. Few people on the Material Plane dare trifle with dramofirs and instead treat them with respect, hoping that they'll simply take their chosen victims' dreams and then go away. Often, this is exactly what happens. Every now and then, however, in the process of siphoning an individual's dreams, the dramofir slays their victim without warning or apparent cause.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 34Unspecific Lore: DC 32Specific Lore: DC 29DramofirSource Bestiary 3 pg. 86Perception +28; greater darkvisionLanguagestelepathy 100 feet; _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +26, Diplomacy +27, Dreamlands Lore +23, Occultism +21, Stealth +28Str +3Dex +6Con +4Int +1Wis +8Cha +7---AC 35 Fort +22 Ref +26 Will +30 HP 290ImmunitiessleepResistancessurreal anatomyWeaknessesslashing 10Surreal Anatomy A dramofir has resistance 10 to precision damage and the extra damage from critical hits. If the resistance is greater than the extra damage, it reduces the extra damage to 0 but doesn't reduce the attack's normal damage.---Speed 25 feet, fly 25 feetMeleeneedle +27 (Agile, Finesse, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d6+9 piercing plus 2d6 mentalRangedneedle +27 (Agile, thrown 20 feet),Damage 3d6+9 piercing plus 2d6 mentalOccult Innate Spells DC 36- 4thDimension Door (at will)- 7thDarkness, Mask of Terror, Nightmare, Sleep, Soothe (×2)- 8thDream Council- Constant (5th)TonguesBittersweet Dreams(Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Occult, Visual) The dramofir swishes their robes in a mesmerizing display that brings the dreams in the robes to life before the viewer's very eyes. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 34 Will save or be filled with ennui. Critical Success The creature is unaffected and temporarily immune for 24 hours. Success For 1 round, the creature takes a –1 status penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks, and all other emotion effects on it are suppressed. Failure As success, but the creature is also slowed 1 and the duration is 1d4 rounds. Critical Failure As success, but the creature is also slowed 1, the status penalty is –2, and the duration is 1 minute.Pluck Dream(Enchantment, Mental, Occult) Requirements The dramofir is adjacent to an unconscious or sleeping creature; Effect The dramofir licks the creature's forehead, places their hand in the same spot, and siphons the creature's dreams to incorporate into their robes. If the target is affected by any mental effect altering their dreams, such as an animate dream's curse of endless nightmares or a _nightmare_ spell, the dramofir attempts to counteract that effect (counteract modifier +26). Otherwise, the dramofir plucks a benign dream from the creature, and the target must attempt a DC 36 Will save. Success The creature is unaffected. Failure The creature is stupefied 1 until the next time it gets a full night's rest. Critical Failure As failure, but stupefied 2, and the dramofir casts a 6th-level _modify memory_ spell on the target.Animate Dream TamersAnimate dreams despise dramofirs, who in turn regard animate dreams with, strangely, an emotion akin to pity. Communities plagued by an animate dream sometimes search out and beseech a dramofir to put an end to the terrifying menace." - }, - { - "name": "Draugr", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "642", - "lore": "DraugrRisen corpses of sailors who died at sea, draugr reek of the rot and decay of the briny deep. Their eyes glow with ghastly green light, and rotting seaweed, barnacles, and dead sea creatures cling to their bodies. Draugr can't speak, but expresses their malicious emotions with gurgles, as though they were eternally drowning with lungs full of water. They desire little more than to attack living creatures, especially those who sail the sea. Even when they go upon land, draugrs often drag the corpses of those they strike down back to the water, populating the depths with even more dead.Draugr rise in the haunted places of the sea, where restless spirits, swells of negative energy, or supernatural storms deliver death. A corpse might rest at the bottom of the sea for some time before awakening as a draugr. Collecting detritus and organisms, a corpse becomes increasingly disgusting before it finally rises. Proximity to intelligent life can expedite this process, and an underwater explorer who happens upon a shipwreck might cause a body to snap to unlife as a draugr suddenly. The creatures don't take intrusions lightly, especially upon their place of death.Though steeped in evil, draugr are susceptible to reminders of their lives as mariners. In particular, a well-performed sea shanty or call-and-response work song might cause a draugr to become lost in reverie for a moment. The creatures have even been witnessed moaning along, unable to sing the words but providing haunting accompaniment. The lull rarely lasts long, though, as the beauty of the song quickly becomes a reminder of the tragedy that befell the draugr, reaffirming their desire for blood and death.More powerful draugr with burning red eyes are called draugr captains. They're 3rd-level creatures with elite adjustments that can cast obscuring mist as an innate divine spell three times per day.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 16Draugr" - }, - { - "name": "Draxie", - "family": "Sprite", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1323", - "lore": "DraxieThe mischievous dragon sprites known as draxies have dueled their pixie cousins for the title of ultimate prankster for centuries. Possessed of draconic features and brilliant colorations, draxies descend from a mighty faerie dragon, reincarnated into multiple draxies after her death in the mercurial fashion of the fey realm. Draxies exercise patience and planning to create the perfect pranks, spending months, or even years, on their efforts.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13DraxieSource Bestiary 3 pg. 255Perception +8; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, Sylvan; telepathy (touch)SkillsAcrobatics +9, Deception +10, Diplomacy +8, Nature +6, Stealth +11Str -1Dex +4Con +1Int +3Wis +1Cha +3---AC 19 Fort +6 Ref +11 Will +8 HP 45Weaknessescold iron 5---Speed 15 feet, fly 40 feetMeleejaws +11 (Agile, Finesse, Magical),Damage 1d8+3 bludgeoning damageRangedeuphoric spark +7 (Enchantment, Magical, range 20 feet),Damage 2d4+3 mentalPrimal Innate Spells DC 20- Cantrips (1st)Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation- 1stIllusory Disguise (×3)- 2ndFaerie Fire, InvisibilityBreath Weapon(Emotion, Enchantment, Incapacitation, Mental, Primal) The draxie breathes pixie dust in a 15-foot cone, with a random effect determined each time they use their Breath Weapon. Each creature in the area must succeed at a DC 17 Will save or be affected. Roll 1d4 to determine the effect. The draxie can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.1. The target takes the effects of the _charm_ spell.2. The target loses its last 5 minutes of memory.3. The target takes the effects of a _sleep_ spell.4. The target becomes stupefied 2 and slowed 1 from euphoria.EluceraOne exception to the flighty nature of draxies is the elucrea, a lifelong bond formed between a draxie and a creature or creatures the draxie is particularly fond of, typically those with a good sense of humor. According to draxie legend, a little piece of a draxie's spirit still remembers being united together as the ancient faerie dragon Elucredassa, and that causes draxies to yearn for such connections with others." - }, - { - "name": "Dread Wraith", - "family": "Wraith", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Undead", "Wraith"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "865", - "lore": "Dread WraithThese menacing spiritual remnants of wicked warlords or bloodthirsty generals are towering specters of shadow and death. Like other wraiths, dread wraiths haunt the shadowy places of the world, but dread wraiths are more likely to travel greater distances to sow terror or amass influence, often sticking to dark glades or sinister ruins when journeying across sun-dappled lands. Dread wraiths tends to be arrogant and rarely form a pack with others of their kind, preferring instead to dominate groups of ordinary wraiths. A particularly powerful necromancer might compel packs of dread wraiths into service, however, while a particularly malevolent goal—such as to eradicate a bastion of light and life—might draw several dread wraiths together in a common purpose.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 26Dread Wraith" - }, - { - "name": "Dreadsong Dancer", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "991", - "lore": "Dreadsong DancerDreadsong dancers are shaped from the souls of bards, dancers, and musicians who pledged themselves to Hell in exchange for enhanced artistic ability. Fiendish flesh-sculptors twist these forfeited souls so they cannot perform the art that drove them in life—sewing their mouths shut, mutilating their limbs, and grafting serrated scythe-like appendages called songblades. Devils send these warped creatures to torment artists who seem likely to break their infernal contracts, both to mete out punishment and, perversely, to give mortals a glimpse of the fate that awaits their damned souls.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 29Dreadsong Dancer" - }, - { - "name": "Dream Spider", - "family": "Spider", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "813", - "lore": "Dream SpiderA dream spider's webs have an iridescent hue and are infused with the same hallucinogenic compound as the creature's toxin. Originally denizens of tropical jungles, dream spiders have adapted well to temperate environments, particularly thriving among the rooftops of cities where shady alchemists use their venom to produce the drug known as shiver.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14Dream Spider" - }, - { - "name": "Dretch", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1109", - "lore": "Dretch (Sloth Demon)Among the lowest and least powerful of all demons, dretches are just as vicious and cruel as their more powerful brethren. They happily vent their frustrations on anything weaker than themselves. Born from the souls of the slothful, these demons appear vaguely humanoid in appearance with awkward limbs and slack lumps of skin hanging from their frames. Supposedly, a single slothful soul of sufficient depravity and strength can spawn an entire horde of these creatures. However, as weaker demons, their lot in life is to suffer at the hands of more powerful Abyssal predators, and only a tiny number of dretches ever manage to become something more. For this reason, dretches are quite accommodating when summoned by mortals. They're usually content to work under conditions few other outsiders would accept, although they'll still gladly turn on even the kindest of masters who show even the slightest hint of weakness.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11DretchSource Bestiary 3 pg. 60Perception +6; darkvisionLanguagesAbyssal; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +6, Athletics +7, Deception +6, Stealth +6Str +3Dex +0Con +4Int -3Wis +0Cha +0Sloth At the start of each of the dretch's turns, roll 1d4. The result is the number of actions the dretch regains that turn (maximum 3). Effects like the slowed condition can further reduce their number of actions.---AC 17 Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 HP 45Weaknessescold iron 3, good 3---Speed 20 feetMeleejaws +9 (Evil, Magical),Damage 1d8+3 piercing plus 1d4 evilMeleeclaw +9 (Agile, Evil, Magical),Damage 1d6+3 slashing plus 1d4 evilDivine Innate Spells DC 16- 1stFear- 3rdSlowRituals DC 16- 1stAbyssal PactCowerThe dretch makes itself as small as possible, protecting its vital organs with its limbs. It gains a +4 circumstance bonus to AC but takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls. This lasts until the dretch moves from its current space, falls unconscious, or ends the effect as a free action.Frenzied SlashesThe dretch makes three claw Strikes, each at a –2 penalty, all targeting the same creature. The dretch's multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until after it has made all three attacks. The dretch gains the clumsy 2 condition until the beginning of its next turn.Vicious CriticalsA dretch makes the most of any weakness it finds. Whenever a dretch scores a critical hit with its claw Strike, the target takes an additional 1d6 persistent bleed damage." - }, - { - "name": "Drider", - "family": "Fleshwarp", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "207", - "lore": "DriderThe first fleshwarping process mastered by the drow remains both their most successful and most infamous: the drider. Fusing the body of a drow with that of a giant spider, driders are a sexually dimorphic fleshwarp—the only fleshwarp known to be able to produce young. While female driders have the upper torsos of elegant drow women with mouths featuring sharp poisoned fangs, male driders have hideous, mutated countenances that further blend the humanoid form with that of a spider; the difference in appearance is perhaps a reflection on the matriarchal nature of drow society. In combat, all driders are equally dangerous. Although the fleshwarping process was originally intended to be a punishment for drow who fell from grace, the significant powers and strengths gained from the horrifying transformation are attractive to some drow, and an increasing number of lower-ranking citizens in drow cities volunteer themselves for the painful procedure. In return for mandatory time (typically measured in decades) serving as a guardian, soldier, or other public servant, such volunteer driders are later allowed to lead their own lives, typically in caverns located in a city’s periphery. The painful truth is that for most driders, they do not live long enough to see this reward, for the drow have a penchant for working their fleshwarped slaves to death or deploying them in deadly war missions in which survival is a only a remote possibility. Most driders use arcane magic, but driders who use divine magic are well known, while a rare few use occult or primal magic. A drider’s innate spells remain the same regardless of the magical tradition, but those who use different types of magic as prepared spells may well have entirely different spells prepared than the drider presented below.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 22Drider" - }, - { - "name": "Drow Fighter", - "family": "Drow", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Drow", "Elf", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "165", - "lore": "Drow FighterDrow fighters train to master techniques that inflict deep, bleeding wounds and use poisoned crossbow bolts to exhaust enemies.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Drow Fighter" - }, - { - "name": "Drow Priestess", - "family": "Drow", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Drow", "Elf", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "167", - "lore": "Drow PriestessMany drow priestesses venerate demon lords and other foul divinities.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Drow Priestess" - }, - { - "name": "Drow Rogue", - "family": "Drow", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Drow", "Elf", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "166", - "lore": "Drow RogueLoners at heart, drow rogues trust no one—least of all fellow slayers. These drow rely on awareness and adaptation to survive the cutthroat nature of their society.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Drow Rogue" - }, - { - "name": "Dryad", - "family": "Nymph", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Fey, Plant", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey", "Nymph", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "312", - "lore": "DryadDryads are fey guardians of the trees and creatures who dwell in wooded areas. They prefer using indirect methods to dissuade those who would harm their sacred groves and beloved forests, but they are not above using enchantments to enlist the aid of allies when evil threats cannot be dissuaded with words alone. In times of peace, dryads happily live secluded lives inside their trees, and a community at harmony with nature might not even realize a dryad lives nearby. Though they watch over all the woods around them, dryads are inextricably tied to a specific tree, usually an oak. Dryads who are bonded to another type of tree are fundamentally the same, but they may differ in temperament and appearance to match their ward. For instance, kraneiai, or cherry-tree dryads, have beautiful pink coloration and concern themselves with the fragile beauty of life.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 18Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 18Dryad" - }, - { - "name": "Dryad Queen (Hamadryad)", - "family": "Nymph", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Fey, Plant", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey", "Nymph", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "314", - "lore": "Dryad Queen (Hamadryad)Hamadryads rule over an entire forest, or a portion of an incredibly large forest, leading and protecting all dryads within. Hamadryads often have strange relationships with powerful and deadly fey, working together in a dualistic way despite their differences, with the hamadryad representing nature’s wonders and the other fey representing nature’s wrath.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 33Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 33Dryad Queen" - }, - { - "name": "Duende", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Earth", "Fey", "Uncommon", "Small"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1139", - "lore": "DuendeDuendes fancy themselves as lords of the land—which is true, in a literal sense, these spirits embody the very soil upon the ground. Unlike most other fey, duendes have learned from the society that grew around them. They've come to accept the mortal understanding of what being a landlord means, so they expect rent from their perceived tenants. However, their notions of acceptable rent—and the acceptable role of a landlord for that matter—don't really line up with those of most societies. Duendes' natural abilities allow them to dwell in termite mounds, but as societies arose, they adopted the habit of sleeping in their tenants' homes. This tendency can be bothersome, as duendes don't clean up after themselves, lock doors behind them, or have the basic decency to be visible. On top of that, they act like they own the places they settle, casting spells on anyone they find annoying. These quirks are usually tolerated, though, as keeping duende happy means that crops grow well and that their magic protects the families in their care. Families aware of their presence are careful to warn invisible duendes before doing things like tossing bathwater out the window or entering a seemingly empty room. These warnings are usually polite but firm, in the vein of “Please move aside!” More prone to making trouble or being a nuisance than to violence, duendes can still prove dangerous if they feel they have no other recourse. Each one carries a toenail cutter, with full awareness that they can use it to cut other things.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13DuendeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 87Perception +7; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesGnomish, Sylvan, UndercommonSkillsFarming Lore +7, Intimidation +8, Labor Lore +7, Society +7, Survival +9Str +1Dex +3Con +2Int +1Wis +3Cha +4Itemstoenail cutter---AC 17 Fort +6 Ref +9 Will +9 HP 35---Speed 25 feetMeleetoenail cutter +10 (Agile, Backstabber, Finesse),Damage 1d6+3 slashingOccult Innate Spells DC 18, attack +10- Cantrips (1st)Daze, Guidance, Telekinetic Projectile- 1stFear, Phantom Pain- 2ndInvisibility (self only)- 3rdLocateEarthmound Dweller(Primal, Transmutation) The duende shrinks to the size of an ant, allowing them to enter very small tunnels within the earth such as anthills or termite mounds. Their Speed decreases to 5 feet. They can remain in this size until they end the effect by spending a single action, which has the concentrate trait. If the duende is underground and a creature hits the space they're occupying with a Strike (hitting automatically) that deals 5 damage or more, the duende is expelled from the tunnels, returns to their normal size, and takes bludgeoning damage equal to the damage from the Strike.Fool's Gold(Occult, Illusion) Frequency once per day; Requirements The duende is holding brown or yellow earthen objects, such as ginger or animal dung; Effect The duende makes the objects look, feel, and smell like gold trinkets of a similar size. A creature that touches or Interacts with an affected object can attempt a DC 18 Perception check to disbelieve the illusion, and a successful DC 20 check with Crafting or an appropriate Lore skill (such as Mining Lore) reveals their true nature. The effect ends if the objects are exposed to sunlight.Unconventional PaymentsDuendes don't hold mortal currencies in high regard. They strongly prefer toenail clippings over gold. If they don't receive them often enough, they enter their tenants' homes and help themselves. They aren't very good at doing so and occasionally cut off entire toes during collections." - }, - { - "name": "Duergar Bombardier", - "family": "Duergar", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Duergar", "Dwarf", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "169", - "lore": "Duergar BombardierAlchemy intrigues many duergars, and their cruel traditions often motivate them to experiment on slaves. Eager to inflict pain and justify the abuse as a method of expanding knowledge, duergar bombardiers often accompany slaver bands so they can have the first chance to select their next test subjects from captured victims. To duergar bombardiers, the lob of each bomb represents a new opportunity to observe how their targets react and record the results to enhance future modifications to their alchemical concoctions.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Duergar Bombardier" - }, - { - "name": "Duergar Sharpshooter", - "family": "Duergar", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Duergar", "Dwarf", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "168", - "lore": "Duergar SharpshooterDuergar sharpshooters serve both as ranged support for slaver parties and as snipers posted on towers overlooking quarries and other areas where enslaved workers toil away the hours. Duergar sharpshooters also specialize in nonlethal methods of ranged combat—tactics they are often called upon to use when quelling slave riots or capturing escaped slaves.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 14Duergar Sharpshooter" - }, - { - "name": "Duergar Taskmaster", - "family": "Duergar", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Duergar", "Dwarf", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "170", - "lore": "Duergar TaskmasterDuergar priests of the taskmaster god Droskar often assume leadership roles within their communities, advancing the goals of their deity through coercion and displays of force. Often referred to as duergar taskmasters, these leaders often issue commands to duergar subordinates and slaves in the same breath, treating the two almost as if they were interchangeable. As a result, duergar taskmasters are loathed by both slave and slaver alike.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Duergar Taskmaster" - }, - { - "name": "Dullahan", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "171", - "lore": "DullahanRiding on a horse as black as night, the headless hunter known as the dullahan tracks down and takes the heads of those it deems unfit to continue living. When closing in for the kill, the dullahan first whispers its victim’s name, then swiftly collects its prize, casting a pall of dread upon all who witness the grim execution. A dullahan manifests when a particularly violent warrior is beheaded and the warrior’s soul stubbornly clings to material existence (or is refused entry to the afterlife). Most dullahans return to their former homelands, where they can exact vengeance those they feel wronged them in life (or their living descendants). A dullahan’s concept of justice is swift and merciless, and once it has selected a target, it is unwavering in its cause. Perhaps even more than revenge on the living, a dullahan desires its own rotted head. An individual who wields the head of a dullahan is powerful indeed, for a dullahan will grudgingly serve such a master in the hopes of reclaiming its missing skull. Mighty fiends such as devils command dullahans to harvest souls or lead armies for them, while a mortal might use such an undead warrior to fulfill a personal vendetta. No matter its master’s rank or station, however, a dullahan won’t hesitate to kill its liege and reclaim its head when the opportunity presents itself. Most dullahan lairs are abandoned, overgrown ruins or other dilapidated places where severed heads and other trophies line the walls. Some dullahans, on the other hand, are content to simply commit their foul deeds and leave the remains of their decapitated victims in the streets, strewn among a copse of dead trees, or unceremoniously tossed in a bog hole.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 25Dullahan" - }, - { - "name": "Duneshaker Solifugid", - "family": "Solifugid", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "810", - "lore": "Duneshaker SolifugidThe largest solifugids, duneshakers, are so immense that their movements make the terrain around them tremble. They can prey on creatures the size of mammoths or even larger.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 38Duneshaker Solifugid" - }, - { - "name": "Duskwalker", - "family": "Planar Scion", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Duskwalker", "Human", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "332", - "lore": "DuskwalkerDuskwalkers are infused with the same energies as psychopomps. These ashen scions are reborn on the Material Plane to serve as guardians of the cycle of life and death.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Duskwalker Ghost Hunter" - }, - { - "name": "Dust Mephit", - "family": "Elemental, Mephit", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Air", "Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "659", - "lore": "Dust MephitWhining and self-important creatures, dust mephits are known for their tendency to pronounce doom and gloom at every opportunity, lamenting every insignificant and minor difficulty as though it were an insurmountable obstacle and making themselves out to be heroes for struggling valiantly against their cruel fates. They tend to be thin and gaunt, with dusky brown and gray skin and wings.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 17Dust Mephit" - }, - { - "name": "Dvorovoi", - "family": "House Spirit", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1195", - "lore": "DvorovoiTraditionally, the dvorovoi is seen as the domovoi's younger sibling and has charge of a peasant's yard and all the animals and tools within. Animals favored by the dvorovoi become healthy, strong, and obedient, while less-loved livestock are exhausted and miserable. Peasants with a resident dvorovoi make sure to formally introduce new livestock to the house spirit and placate the spirit by leaving meals in the shed. Dvorovoi loathe white-furred animals and chase away any all-white cows or horses, though they have no similar grudge against chickens.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13DvorovoiSource Bestiary 3 pg. 137Perception +12; tremorsense (imprecise) within their entire bound yardLanguagesCommon, SylvanSkillsCrafting +8, Household Lore +11, Nature +9, Stealth +9Str +3Dex +2Con +1Int -1Wis +0Cha +1Master of the Yard A yard with a friendly dvorovoi is blessed, as the dvorovoi helps in the yard, milks cows, protects tools, and does a hundred other small tasks. A yard so blessed never suffers from random accidents such as fires, and any checks to Craft, Earn Income, Repair, or Subsist in the yard receive a +2 circumstance bonus. If the dvorovoi is unfriendly, such checks take a –2 circumstance penalty instead, as the domovoi causes trouble in the yard, scares cows, scatters tools, and otherwise makes life a misery. A dvorovoi must spend a week in a place before these benefits occur.Itemspitchfork---AC 18 Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +7 HP 44Weaknessescold iron 5Shy A dvorovoi is naturally invisible while within sight of their bound yard. The dvorovoi can become visible, or even selectively visible—allowing some people to see them.---Speed 30 feetMeleepitchfork +12,Damage 1d8+6 piercingPrimal Innate Spells DC 18- Cantrips (2nd)Prestidigitation, Mage Hand- 1stCharm (animals only), Command (animals only), Mending- 2ndEntangle, Speak with Animals (at will)" - }, - { - "name": "Dweomercat", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "643", - "lore": "DweomercatDweomercats are magically gifted felines from the First World, where they prey upon other creatures and feed upon their primal energy. They are sometimes encountered in areas of the Material Plane where the veil to the First World is thin, or in regions where magic has been irreparably warped. Dweomercats are famous for their ability to twist the metaphorical strings of spells cast on or near them, which they can transform into their own defensive magic or tap into to instantly teleport across the battlefield.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 25Dweomercat" - }, - { - "name": "Dybbuk", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit,Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1140", - "lore": "DybbukThe discorporated spirits called dybbuks arise from souls denied respite in the afterlife, often because they committed some great transgression in life. A priest can appease dybbuks by helping them achieve some esoteric mission, though these tricksters are prone to deceiving anyone who offers them aid. Only by trapping, cowing, or destroying such spirits can a mortal hope to drive them back. Dybbuks hide within household objects or possessed victims. They particularly enjoy taking over the body of someone their target loves and then slowly destroying the lives of both.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 36Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 36Unspecific Lore: DC 34Specific Lore: DC 31DybbukSource Bestiary 3 pg. 88Perception +27; darkvisionLanguagesAbyssal, Aklo, Common; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +28, Deception +31, Diplomacy +27, Intimidation +29, Stealth +28Str -5Dex +7Con +0Int +1Wis +6Cha +8---AC 35 Fort +21 Ref +28 Will +29 HP 175(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconsciousResistancesall damage 10 (except force, _ghost touch_, or positive, double resistance against non-magical)Frightful Presence (aura, divine, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) 30 feet, DC 33---Speed fly 50 feetMeleepain touch +28 (Agile, Evil, Finesse, Magical),Damage 3d10+14 negative plus 2d6 evilOccult Innate Spells DC 36, attack +30- Cantrips (6th)Telekinetic Projectile- 3rdFear (at will)- 4thModify Memory- 5thChilling Darkness (×2), Fear- 6thDominate, Feeblemind, Telekinetic Maneuver (at will)Inhabit Object(Necromancy, Occult, Possession) The dybbuk possesses a Large or smaller unattended object within 20 feet, making it an animated object. This animated object's level can be no higher than the dybbuk's level – 2. This possession ends when the object is destroyed or the dybbuk leaves it by using this ability again. At this point, the dybbuk reappears in the object's square and can't Inhabit an Object again for 1d4 rounds. If the object is destroyed, the dybbuk takes 5d6 force damage.Malevolent Possession(Incapacitation, Mental, Necromancy, Occult, Possession) The dybbuk attempts to possess an adjacent corporeal creature. This has the same effect as the _possession_ spell (DC 34) with an unlimited duration, except since the dybbuk doesn't have a physical body, they aren't unconscious, and aren't paralyzed when the effect ends, though they take 5d6 force damage if the body is knocked unconscious or killed. If the dybbuk took control of the target with Malevolent Possession, when the dybbuk departs, the target has only incoherent memories of the interval it was possessed. If a creature dies while possessed by the dybbuk and its corpse remains intact, the dybbuk can immediately inhabit the corpse (see Inhabit Object) as a reaction, in which case the corpse becomes an animated object.Cruel Puppet MastersDybbuks revel in tricking mortals and using their telekinetic abilities to sow fear in the hearts of those around them. As if possessing innocents wasn't horrible enough, dybbuks can also continue to control their unwitting puppets even after their hosts have been slain, animating the corpses like macabre marionettes." - }, - { - "name": "Eagle", - "family": "Eagle", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "172", - "lore": "EagleThese large birds of prey swoop down from incredible heights to snatch fish and small mammals in their powerful talons. Eagles nest atop high trees or steep cliffs that provide a commanding view of the surrounding area. They avoid nesting too near civilization, but some remote cultures train eagles as hunting companions.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 13Eagle" - }, - { - "name": "Earth Mephit", - "family": "Elemental, Mephit", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "193", - "lore": "Earth MephitEarth mephits are humorless and trudge about their tasks with little enthusiasm. They are somewhat more stout than other mephits, and their dark-brown or gray bodies are always coated with layers of dirt and filth. An earth mephit can fly, just as any other mephit, but the act of flight is uncomfortable and unnerving to them—they rarely ascend higher than 5 feet off the ground if they can help it.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 15Earth Mephit" - }, - { - "name": "Earth Wisp", - "family": "Elemental, Wisp", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1143", - "lore": "Earth WispEarth wisps are rolling spheres of rock, mud, and leaves, perpetually humming with low, rumbling energy. They're timid and aloof, but fiercely loyal to those they know and trust.Recall Knowledge - Elemental(Arcana, Nature): DC 14Unspecific Lore: DC 12Specific Lore: DC 9Earth WispSource Bestiary 3 pg. 90Perception +6; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesTerranSkillsAthletics +6, Dungeon Lore +4, Plane of Earth Lore +4Str +2Dex +1Con +3Int +0Wis +2Cha +0---AC 16 Fort +7 Ref +5 Will +4 HP 15Immunitiesbleed, paralyzed, poison, sleepResistancesbludgeoning 2Resonance (aura, earth) 30 feet. All wisps vibrate at a frequency attuned to their element, resonating with and empowering all creatures and effects sharing that trait. A creature in the area gains a +1 status bonus to attack and damage rolls for effects with the earth trait; a creature with the elemental and earth traits gains this bonus to all attack and damage rolls.Accord Essence (earth) Trigger An ally within 30 feet that benefited from the wisp's resonance in the last hour is targeted by an attack; Effect The wisp detonates itself in a small elemental explosion that gives temporary Hit Points equal to half the wisp's current Hit Points to allies within 30 feet that have benefited from the wisp's resonance in the last hour. These temporary Hit Points last 1 hour. A wisp that uses this reaction is permanently destroyed, and it can be restored only by a _wish_ spell or similarly powerful effect. If an ability would prevent the wisp's destruction (for instance, if the wisp is summoned and would merely be dismissed), Accord Essence has no effect.---Speed 20 feet, burrow 20 feetMeleetendril +6 (reach 10 feet),Damage 1d4+2 bludgeoningIn ConcertWhen an earth wisp rolls a critical failure on a check to Aid, they get a failure instead, and when they roll a success, they get a critical success instead." - }, - { - "name": "Earthen Destrier", - "family": "Elemental, Earth", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "651", - "lore": "Earthen DestrierThis wave of dirt takes the crude likeness of the melded forequarters of a charging warhorse and a rocky knight wielding a rudimentary lance of gray stone.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 19Earthen Destrier" - }, - { - "name": "Eberark", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "1000", - "lore": "EberarkThe terrifying apex predators known as eberarks torment their prey, spewing oil from their mouths that they can then set alight. Commonly called flint beasts, eberarks drag their overlarge claws (four on each paw) along the ground as they move, creating showers of sparks with every grating step. Incredibly vain, eberarks relish displaying their dominance over other intelligent beings. Some eberarks conquer small settlements, demanding tribute from residents and travelers, or lead bands of violent brigands.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 27Eberark" - }, - { - "name": "Efreeti", - "family": "Genie", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Genie"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "214", - "lore": "EfreetiThe efreet are hateful and merciless genies from the Plane of Fire, where they build metropolises and massive trade centers that draw extraplanar travelers from across the multiverse. They are cruel slavers, vengeful warmongers, and sinister wish-masters; there are many tales of mortals who made pacts with efreet only to have their words twisted to suit a genie’s capricious and malevolent whims.Efreet do not readily treat with other genies; they share an eternal feud with the djinn, disdain marids, regard jann as weaklings unworthy of the genie title, and only occasionally tolerate alliances with shaitans. At 12 feet tall and weighing 2,000 pounds, efreet are formidable opponents and cow their chosen victims with a glance.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 28Efreeti" - }, - { - "name": "Einherji", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aesir", "Monitor", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1141", - "lore": "EinherjiEinherjar are mighty warriors chosen by valkyries from the ranks of those slain in terrible and legendary battles. Forged from the souls of the greatest warriors, the implacable einherjar serve as the foot soldiers of pantheons, skilled in hand-to-hand combat and slaying giants. Einherjar often come from warrior cultures, including Ulfen vikings (like the einherji represented in this entry), particularly fierce pirates from the Shackles, and even Osirian conquerors. They can be chosen from wherever war and might hold sway; many deities who hold the call of battle and the pursuit of physical power more sacred than concepts of good and evil might count einherjar warriors and valkyrie choosers of the slain among their chosen servitors. For example, Gorum, Besmara, and Sekhmet have all elevated fallen worshippers as einherjar. Einherjar dedicated to different deities often wield weapons or possess varying cosmetic appearances based on their deity's preferred weapon and their place of death; however, they're universally stalwart, implacable, and efficiently deadly. Einherjar with two-handed weapons or who arise from other backgrounds often have different abilities in place of Jotun Slayer and Instant Repair.Recall Knowledge - Monitor(Religion): DC 27Unspecific Lore: DC 25Specific Lore: DC 22EinherjiSource Bestiary 3 pg. 89Perception +17; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Hallit, JotunSkillsAthletics +25, Crafting +16, Intimidation +21Str +7Dex +4Con +6Int +0Wis +1Cha +3Items_+1 striking returning dagger_, _+1 striking longsword_, standard-grade darkwood shield (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10)---AC 30 Fort +22 Ref +18 Will +17 (+21 vs. fear)HP 175Resistancespiercing 10Attack of OpportunityShield Block---Speed 40 feetMeleelongsword +24 (versatile P),Damage 2d8+13 slashingMeleefist +23 (Agile),Damage 2d6+13 bludgeoningMeleedagger +24 (Agile, versatile S),Damage 2d4+13 piercingRangeddagger +21 (Agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S),Damage 2d4+13 piercingChampion Devotion Spells DC 29, 2 Focus Points- 1stWeapon Surge- 4thWord of FreedomChallenge FoeThe einherji challenges one creature they can see to single combat, attempting to Demoralize that target. This target remains the einherji's foe until it's defeated, it flees, or the encounter ends. The einherji gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to their number of weapon damage dice against their designated foe but takes an equivalent circumstance penalty to damage against any other creature. If the einherji is defeated by their challenged foe, the shame causes them to lose use of their champion devotion spells for 1 week or until they challenge the same foe again and emerge victorious, whichever comes first.Jotun SlayerThe einherji has a +4 circumstance bonus to damage rolls made against giants and creatures that are at least two sizes larger than the einherji.Instant RepairThe einherji Repairs their shield. They can't use this ability if the shield is completely destroyed.The Final BattleRegardless of the deity they serve, all einherjar follow certain beliefs and mythologies. They assert that, in the final days of existence, Pharasma will judge the last soul and spark the beginning of a new existence. Einherjar believe they will be among the last souls left prior to this event, fighting alongside their gods against the forces of entropy. To einherjar, victory in this war—defined as thorough mutual destruction—is the only way to ensure a proper transition into the new existence." - }, - { - "name": "Elananx", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "176", - "lore": "ElananxThese strange, fey felines resemble large, broad bobcats from a distance, but a closer view reveals something amiss. Their forms ripple and billow with heat, and their eyes glow from within as if they contain tiny, flickering flames. The pungent scent of rotting leaves smoldering in a bonfire clings to their fur. Yet those who have the chance to watch elananxes hunt or attack prey witness the greatest indication that these creatures are something more than mere predators, for they act with cruel and savvy instincts, reveling in the pain they infiict. Elananxes typically hunt alone, but sometimes these cunning and malicious hunters of the First World roam in packs called “billows” to take down large prey. Like many house cats, elananxes are not content to merely track and devour prey, but prefer to toy with their victims, drawing joy and excitement from the fear and pain of those they capture. To this end, elananxes rarely use their cinder dispersal ability to evade their targets, instead opting to foil their quarry just before the end of the hunt—though, as selfish creatures who wish to live to hunt again, elananxes often reserve one use of this ability, just in case. Because of their clever and malicious ways, elananxes are favored as hunting companions by redcaps, who go out of their way to befriend or make deals with these creatures. Redcaps also flnd great sport in hunts where competing elananxes chase a single creature. Although they’re large enough to serve as mounts for redcaps, elananxes despise being ridden and resist such attempts—little is as sure to cause a supposedly friendly elananx to turn on its redcap ally than a foolhardy attempt to treat the fey cat as a horse! Elananxes have a strange affinity to forest fires. Because they are immune to the damage caused by flickering flames, they enjoy capering and caterwauling through the smoky, burning ruins of forest infernos. Some have even been known to use their burning bites to deliberately light undergrowth on fire, simply so they might experience the beauty of the flames combined with the inevitable pain such disasters inflict on other creatures.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 22Elananx" - }, - { - "name": "Elasmosaurus", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "645", - "lore": "ElasmosaurusElasmosauruses are long-necked, primeval reptiles that dwell in deep oceans and seas. Although not truly a dinosaur, elasmosauruses are often found in similar locations and are similarly titanic creatures. Keeping their massive bodies underwater, elasmosauruses use their long necks to catch prey and snorkel air to their massive lungs while remaining mostly hidden from the surface above. An elasmosaurus is 30 feet long and weighs 6,000 pounds.As rare and reclusive as they are, elasmosauruses are sometimes mistaken for even rarer creatures called water orms, legendary aquatic denizens of remote lakes known for their elusiveness and craftiness. Whereas elasmosauruses are mundane creatures of animalistic intelligence, water orms are magical beings with near-humanoid intelligence and a curious fascination with mortals, and they seem to delight in confounding onlookers. As a result, it's theorized that a typical water orm is more than happy to lead a group of spectators to a lost elasmosaurus, both to throw its pursuers off its tail and for the hilarity that will inevitably ensue.While elasmosauruses are often found in lost worlds and unsettled regions, those who dwell in the oceans of the world do not contain their hunting grounds to specific regions. As a result, it's not unheard of for a wandering specimen to find its way to coastal waters. Those that do often find the ports of small towns or even large cities to be wondrous banquets and are usually hunted down by coastal guards or adventurers. When a wayward elasmosaurus like this finds its way into a city's sewer system or reservoirs, though, it can become the stuff of urban legends.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 23Elasmosaurus" - }, - { - "name": "Elder Sphinx", - "family": "Sphinx", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast", "Rare", "Huge"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1318", - "lore": "Elder SphinxTowering over their kin, elder sphinxes are the pharaonic masters of their kind. They crave solitude in eternal vigil over sacred spaces, where they honor ancient pacts.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 40Unspecific Lore: DC 38Specific Lore: DC 35Elder SphinxSource Bestiary 3 pg. 250Perception +31; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesCommon, Draconic, Sphinx; _tongues_SkillsAthletics +30, Bardic Lore +32, Deception +28, Diplomacy +30, Intimidation +28, Occultism +30Str +8Dex +5Con +6Int +8Wis +9Cha +6Bardic Lore Sphinxes are naturally curious, and their love of puzzles and mysteries leads them to gather information on a broad range of topics. Sphinxes have the Bardic Lore bard feat, allowing them to Recall Knowledge on any topic.---AC 38 Fort +28 Ref +25 Will +31 HP 300---Speed 40 feet, fly 60 feetMeleeclaw +32 (Agile),Damage 3d8+16 slashingOccult Innate Spells DC 37- Cantrips (8th)Detect Magic, Read Aura- 8thClairaudience (at will), Clairvoyance (at will), Dispel Magic, Hallucinatory Terrain, Locate, Read Omens (at will), Remove Curse (at will), Shape Stone (see idols of stone below), True Seeing, Ventriloquism (at will)- Constant (6th)Tongues, True SeeingRituals DC 37- 6thCommune- 7thLegend LoreGuardian MonolithThe elder sphinx transforms their body into stone or back to flesh. In stone form, the sphinx is paralyzed but has Hardness 14 and gains immunity to bleed, clumsy, disease, drained, enfeebled, fatigued, negative damage, petrified, poison, sickened, and wounded. They don't age or require food, water, or sleep. They can perceive their surroundings and cast their innate spells. _Stone to flesh_ turns the elder sphinx from stone form back to flesh, and _flesh to stone_ turns it from flesh form to stone form.Idols of StoneWhen the sphinx casts _shape stone_, they can shape the stone into a magical duplicate of themself. When they cast _clairaudience_, _clairvoyance_, _locate_, or _ventriloquism_, they can make the effect come from any duplicate, instead of themself. The elder sphinx can concentrate for 1 minute to transfer their consciousness to any duplicate; the sphinx is then in their stone form from Guardian Monolith in that statue. The sphinx can have no more than four duplicate statues at a time. Casting _shape stone_ at that point causes the oldest duplicate to crumble to dust.Pose a Riddle(Enchantment, Incapacitation, Linguistic, Mental, Occult) Frequency once per 10 minutes; The sphinx recites a riddle and compels up to 10 creatures within 30 feet to answer (DC 37 Will save). The GM either runs the riddle out of character by timing the players' attempts, or picks an appropriate associated skill for the riddle, such as Religion for a riddle involving divine mysteries. The sphinx gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against any creature that answers incorrectly even once. This bonus lasts for 1 day. Critical Success The creature is unaffected, but it can choose to try to help solve the riddle.. Success The creature attempts to answer the riddle. Each round spending at least one action attempting a Recall Knowledge check with the chosen skill (or working on the answer, if using an out of game riddle). This lasts for 1 minute, until the creature successfully answers the riddle, or until an enemy takes a hostile action against the creature, whichever comes first. Failure As success but the creature must spend at least two actions each round attempting to answer. Critical Failure As failure, but up to 1 hour.PounceThe elder sphinx Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. If they began this action hidden, they remain hidden until after the attack.Warding GlyphOnce per day, an elder sphinx can create a magical symbol as though casting a heightened _glyph of warding_. The sphinx usually shapes it to the form of a riddle and sets the password to the answer. A creature that doesn't speak the password must succeed at a DC 37 Will save or be affected by one of the following spells, chosen by the sphinx when creating the symbol: _visions of danger_ (7th), _spirit blast_ (6th), _synaptic pulse_ (5th), charm (4th), fear (3rd), _phantom pain_ (3rd), or sleep (3rd). The sphinx learns the identity of any creature that answers the riddle and tends to be friendly to themAncient GuardiansElder sphinxes were revered as semi-divine by ancient cultures, hailed as wise prophets sent by the gods and trusted guardians of temple and necropolis alike, especially the burial sites of high kings and their dynastic heirs. Those in need of impartial rulings and divine inspiration make pilgrimage to ruins of ancient civilizations seeking the counsel of an elder sphinx." - }, - { - "name": "Elder Wyrmwraith", - "family": "Wyrmwraith", - "level": 23, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Incorporeal", "Undead", "Wraith"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "497", - "lore": "Elder WyrmwraithWyrmwraiths rise from the souls of dragons who refuse to accept death or have an irrational fear of the afterlife.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 51Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 51Elder Wyrmwraith" - }, - { - "name": "Elder Wyrmwraith", - "family": "Wyrmwraith", - "level": 23, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon,Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Incorporeal", "Rare", "Undead", "Wraith", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1371", - "lore": "Elder WyrmwraithThe most powerful of these monsters, elder wyrmwraiths, sometimes form spontaneously from legendary dragons haunted by an irrational fear of the afterlife, but most have simply existed for over a thousand years, growing in power all the while.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 51Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 51Unspecific Lore: DC 49Specific Lore: DC 46Elder WyrmwraithSource Bestiary 3 pg. 297, Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises pg. 85Perception +40; darkvision, lifesense 120 feetLanguagesCommon, Draconic, NecrilSkillsAcrobatics +38, Arcana +38, Intimidation +43, Religion +43, Stealth +43Str -5Dex +11Con +0Int +9Wis +9Cha +11---AC 49 Fort +32 Ref +38 Will +42 HP 450(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconsciousResistancesall 25 (except force, _ghost touch_, or positive) double resistance vs. non-magical)Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 46Sunlight Powerlessness A wyrmwraith in sunlight is clumsy 2 and stunned 2.Positive Energy Transfer(conjuration, divine) Trigger The wyrmwraith succeeds at a saving throw to resist positive damage but still takes damage; Effect The wyrmwraith transfers all positive damage from the effect to a single undead creature of their choice within 120 feet that they control or that's friendly or helpful to them.---Speed 50 feet, fly 100 feetMeleespectral jaws +42 (reach 20 feet),Damage 4d12+23 negative plus drain lifeMeleespectral claw +42 (Agile, reach 15 feet),Damage 4d8+23 negative plus divine dispelling and drain lifeDivine Innate Spells DC 46- 3rdBind Undead (at will)- 4thCharm (×3; undead targets only), Darkness- 6thVampiric Exsanguination- 7thDivine Wrath (×3), Finger of Death- 8thCharm (undead targets only)- 10thMiracleDivine Rituals DC 46- 10thCreate Undead, ImprisonmentBreath Weapon(Divine, Necromancy, Negative) The wyrmwraith unleashes a burst of negative energy that deals 24d6 negative damage to all creatures in a 90-foot cone (DC 46 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Consume Souls(Divine, Death, Incapacitation, Necromancy) The elder wyrmwraith inhales sharply, sucking in the souls of nearby creatures. Each creature in a 60-foot cone must attempt a DC 46 Will save. The elder wyrmwraith can't Consume Souls again for 1d4 rounds. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature becomes doomed 1. Failure The creature becomes doomed 2 and takes 100 negative damage. Critical Failure The creature is slain. As long as the wyrmwraith still exists, the slain creature can't be returned to life through any means.Divine Dispelling(Abjuration, Divine) A wyrmwraith's claws rend divine magic. Whenever a wyrmwraith hits a creature with a spectral claws Strike, the wyrmwraith can attempt a Religion check to counteract an ongoing divine spell effect on the creature.Draconic FrenzyThe wyrmwraith makes two claw Strikes and one jaws Strike in any order.Drain Life(Divine, Necromancy) When a wyrmwraith deals damage to a living creature with a spectral jaws or spectral claw Strike, the wyrmwraith gains 24 temporary Hit Points, and the creature must succeed at a DC 46 Fortitude save or become drained 2. Further damage dealt by the wyrmwraith's spectral jaws or spectral claws Strikes increases the value of the drained condition by 2 on a failed save, to a maximum of drained 4.Ectoplasmic Form(Divine, Necromancy) A wyrmwraith can push through the ectoplasmic veil to temporarily assume a physical form made of ectoplasm. The wyrmwraith loses the incorporeal trait for 1d4 rounds, though they can return to their incorporeal form as a free action before then. Once this ability ends, the wyrmwraith can't use this ability again for 1d4 rounds. While in their ectoplasmic form, the wyrmwraith's AC increases to 52 and they gain 125 temporary Hit Points. They lose their immunity to precision damage and all of their resistances. Their melee Strikes deal slashing and piercing damage, respectively, instead of negative damage.Phase Lurch(Divine, Move) Requirements The wyrmwraith is in their ectoplasmic form; Effect As the Stride action, but the wyrmwraith can pass through walls or material obstacles as though they were incorporeal. They must begin and end their movement outside of any physical obstacles, and passing through solid material is difficult terrain" - }, - { - "name": "Electric Eel", - "family": "Eel", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "174", - "lore": "Electric EelUsually found in freshwater rivers and lakes, an electric eel is not particularly aggressive, but its ability to stun predators and prey alike can be dangerous to larger creatures searching for their next meals.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Electric Eel" - }, - { - "name": "Elemental Avalanche", - "family": "Elemental, Earth", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "186", - "lore": "Elemental AvalancheStubborn and ponderous, elemental avalanches are massive beings of living rock and dirt.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 28Elemental Avalanche" - }, - { - "name": "Elemental Hurricane", - "family": "Elemental, Air", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "181", - "lore": "Elemental HurricaneElemental hurricanes embody the ferocity of violent windstorms.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 28Elemental Hurricane" - }, - { - "name": "Elemental Inferno", - "family": "Elemental, Fire", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "191", - "lore": "Elemental InfernoWalking conflagrations of unimaginably hot fire, elemental infernos are harbingers of destruction and heedless chaos.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 28Elemental Inferno" - }, - { - "name": "Elemental Tsunami", - "family": "Elemental, Water", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "200", - "lore": "Elemental TsunamiElemental tsunamis are huge and destructive.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 28Elemental Tsunami" - }, - { - "name": "Elemental Vessel, Water", - "family": "Elemental, Water", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1009", - "lore": "Elemental Vessel, WaterSpellcasters create elemental vessels by harvesting raw elemental energy and then binding it within a specially enchanted magic circle to grant it life.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 37Elemental Vessel, Water" - }, - { - "name": "Elephant", - "family": "Elephant", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "201", - "lore": "ElephantThose who live near elephants have learned to be wary of angering the beasts, but even with precautions in place, elephants sometimes still rampage. There is little an individual person can do when even a single elephant becomes enraged. Furthermore, a herd of angry or frightened elephants can easily destroy an entire village.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 23Elephant" - }, - { - "name": "Eloko", - "family": "Biloko", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "443", - "lore": "ElokoIf a biloko is lucky enough to consume several spellcasters or other creatures with innate magical abilities, it undergoes a subtle transformation over the course of 1 week. Such a fey is known as an eloko, and in addition to their incredible appetite (even by biloko standards), they have the supernatural ability to grow to immense size.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 23Eloko" - }, - { - "name": "Elysian Titan", - "family": "Titan", - "level": 21, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Titan"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "979", - "lore": "Elysian TitanThose titans who remained true to their creators earned their freedom. Many train aspiring champions of freedom, sacrifice, and selflessness.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 47Elysian Titan" - }, - { - "name": "Elysian Titan", - "family": "Titan", - "level": 21, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Rare", "Titan", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1339", - "lore": "Elysian TitanThose titans who remained true to their creators, refusing to participate in their peers' rebellion, earned their freedom while the others were imprisoned. Many Elysian titans train aspiring champions of freedom, sacrifice, and selflessness.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 47Unspecific Lore: DC 45Specific Lore: DC 42Elysian TitanSource Bestiary 3 pg. 268, Pathfinder #156: The Apocalypse Prophet pg. 82Perception +36; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Common; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +36, Athletics +43, Crafting +37, Diplomacy +37, Intimidation +35, Religion +37, Survival +37Str +10Dex +7Con +8Int +6Wis +8Cha +6Items_+2 greater resilient breastplate_, _+3 greater striking greatpick_---AC 46 Fort +37 Ref +34 Will +35 +4 status to all saves vs. mentalHP 400Immunitiesdeath effects, diseaseImpossible Stature (aura, divine, illusion, mental) 100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a DC 44 Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over difficult terrain (greater difficult terrain on a critical failure) for 1 round.---Speed 40 feet; _air walk_Melee_greatpick_ +41 (fatal d12, Magical, reach 30 feet),Damage 4d10+20 piercingMeleefist +38 (Agile, reach 30 feet),Damage 4d8+20 bludgeoningRangedrock +38 (Brutal, range increment 200 feet),Damage 3d12+20 bludgeoningDivine Innate Spells DC 44- 5thSending (×3)- 6thScrying (×3)- 7thPlane Shift (at will)- 8thDispel Magic (at will), Freedom of Movement (at will)- 10thMeteor Swarm, Revival- Constant (10th)Air Walk, True SeeingDivine Rituals DC 44- 8thFreedomThrow RockTitanic GraspThe titan makes a fist Strike against a creature affected by their Impossible Stature, even if it's outside of the titan's normal reach. On a hit, the titan automatically Grabs the creature and, if out of their reach, pulls it within reach.Wide CleaveThe titan makes a melee weapon Strike against each foe within their reach. This counts as three attacks for the titan's multiple attack penalty." - }, - { - "name": "Ember Fox", - "family": "Elemental, Fire", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "655", - "lore": "Ember FoxEmber foxes resemble their canid namesakes, save for the flames that make their fur and the tips of their long whiskers flicker and glow.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 16Ember Fox" - }, - { - "name": "Emperor Bird", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "434", - "lore": "Emperor BirdThe emperor bird is native to the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse and known for its brilliant plumage and innate magic. While it usually feeds on lizards, big insects, and other small creatures, the emperor bird is highly territorial and not afraid to attack larger prey. Its beak, resembling that of the much smaller peafowl, is exceptionally sharp, but its deadliest weapon is its tail—the long, whiplike blades of bone hidden among its tail feathers are a nasty surprise for any predator trying to sneak up on the bird. The emperor bird was given its current name 2,000 years ago when Taldor’s Sixth Army of Exploration ventured into the Mwangi Expanse. When the legion spotted this 6-foot-long bird with its spectacular multicolored feathers trailing from its tail, wings, and crest, the soldiers thought the bird regal enough to suit their emperor, disregarding the name the Mwangi had given to the bird generations before, bebaki. Keeping an emperor bird was, for many years, a sign of prestige among the nobility of Taldor. That was long ago, however, and emperor birds eventually fell out of fashion. Inevitably their former owners forgot about their colorful pets, and hundreds of neglected emperor birds were released back into the wild by weary servants. While many such freed birds perished quickly in the unfamiliar woodlands of Avistan, some managed to hold out, and emperor birds can still be encountered in the Verduran Forest. The emperor bird uses its brilliant, iridescent plumage for mating displays as well as for intimidating rival suitors and potential predators. Not only are the feathers beautiful, but they are actually magical—a fact that has piqued the interest of alchemists and wizards alike, many of whom have spent decades capturing and breeding emperor birds in the hope of unlocking their arcane secrets. Mages stationed in the Mwangi Expanse will pay a pretty penny for intact feathers from these majestic creatures—or better yet, live specimens.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Emperor Bird" - }, - { - "name": "Emperor Cobra", - "family": "Snake", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "808", - "lore": "Emperor CobraThese aggressive serpents infest bogs and lowlands. Despite a length of over 16 feet and weighing over 200 pounds, they can climb trees in seconds. An emperor cobra wards off predators by flaring its hood and hissing at its attacker.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 20Emperor Cobra" - }, - { - "name": "Empress Bore Worm", - "family": "Bore Worm", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1084", - "lore": "Empress Bore WormWhen an area lacks sufficient food, the bore worms in a swarm become increasingly agitated and desperate. Eventually, at some chemical signal, the worms begin to cannibalize each other, devouring one other in a frenzy too gruesome to behold. A single worm emerges from this melee victorious; it rapidly grows larger and more voracious until it reaches an absolutely elephantine size. This empress bore worm lives only briefly, as it sets out in search of a new feeding ground and eats everything in its path in an attempt to sustain itself. However, the empress bore worm's ravenous metabolism demands more from its body than what it can physically sustain, as it exists only as a vessel for the next generation. Most live only a few days, or weeks at best, traveling and eating nonstop before dying—and in so doing, giving birth to new swarms of bore worms.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18Empress Bore WormSource Bestiary 3 pg. 37Perception +13; tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +17, Stealth +14Str +6Dex +3Con +5Int -5Wis +2Cha -4---AC 23 Fort +18 Ref +14 Will +11 HP 140ImmunitiesacidWeaknesseswater 10Viviparous Birth When killed, an empress bore worm violently expels the young it carries. These young erupt as a bore worm swarm in the empress bore worm's space. In addition, every creature within 20 feet takes 5d10 acid damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save) from the splatter of caustic viscera.---Speed 25 feet, burrow 40 feetMeleebite +17 (reach 15 feet),Damage 2d6+9 piercing plus 1d6 acid and painful biteBorerAn empress bore worm can leave a tunnel behind itself when it burrows, and it usually does.Corrosive WakeThe empress bore worm Strides, leaving behind dribbles of acid in every square that it passes through. A creature that enters or begins its turn in such a square takes 3d6 acid damage (DC 22 basic Fortitude save). The acid becomes inert after 1 minute.Painful BiteThe bite of an empress bore worm causes excruciating pain. The target must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 from the pain (sickened 2 on a critical failure)." - }, - { - "name": "Eremite", - "family": "Velstrac", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Velstrac"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "852", - "lore": "EremiteEremites roam the planes to seek out ideal portions of other creatures, such as a hero's sword-arm or an angel's pinions. Eremites capture these specimens to clinically test their true limits, then harvest specimens and add them to their own bodies. An eremite might attach tongues to their hand as extra fingers or a fist to the back of their neck in a horrid “improvement.” Eremites average 7 feet tall and weigh approximately 200 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 40Eremite" - }, - { - "name": "Erinys (Fury Devil)", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "111", - "lore": "Erinys (Fury Devil)Erinyes exact vengeance and bloody justice for a creature’s crimes, torturing and punishing their victims in ironic fashion before allowing them the escape of death. While an erinys appears as a fallen angel and the first erinyes shared that origin, erinyes now originate in myriad ways, some promoted from lesser devils and others shaped from lemures themselves forged from the souls of torturers and persecutors. The erinyes’ origin is entwined with Eiseth, herself a fallen angel and one of Hell’s most powerful demigods. The first erinyes were all considered to be Eiseth’s metaphorical daughters, but erinyes formed since that time are no longer limited to a single gender.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 24Erinys" - }, - { - "name": "Esipil", - "family": "Sahkil", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Sahkil", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1280", - "lore": "EsipilAmong the least of the sahkils, esipils delight in spreading fears and uncertainty among people who live with animals that could turn on them. They generally appear to their prey as some benign creature such as a domesticated dog or cat, but once they gain trust and get their victims close, they transform into a terrifying creature that looks part dog and part worm with tendrils of viscera that the creature uses as both a tongue and a weapon. Of all the sahkils, esipils are most likely to ingratiate themselves with mortals, sometimes serving powerful spellcasters and other times simply living among unsuspecting victims, biding their time until they strike.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10EsipilSource Bestiary 3 pg. 218Perception +7; darkvisionLanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Requian; telepathy (touch)SkillsAcrobatics +7, Intimidation +7, Stealth +7Str +0Dex +4Con +2Int +1Wis +2Cha +2Easy to Call A sahkil's level is considered 2 lower for the purpose of being conjured by the _planar binding_ ritual (and potentially other rituals, at the GM's discretion), but it is always free to attack or leave instead of negotiate unless the primary caster's check is a critical success.---AC 17 Fort +7 Ref +9 Will +5 HP 16ImmunitiesfearWeaknessesgood 2---Speed 30 feetMeleejaws +9 (Finesse, versatile P),Damage 1d8 slashing plus 1d4 evil and GrabMeleeclaw +9 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d6 slashing plus 1d4 evilDivine Innate Spells DC 15- Cantrips (1st)Mage Hand- 1stFear (at will)- 2ndMirror Image- 3rdFearChange Shape(Concentrate, Divine, Polymorph, Transmutation) The esipil transforms into a Tiny cat, dog, or other unassuming domestic animal. This doesn't affect the esipil's statistics, but it could change the damage type of its Strikes.Skip Between(Conjuration, Divine, Teleportation) The sahkil moves from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane or vice-versa, with the effects of _ethereal jaunt_ except that the effect has an unlimited duration and can be Dismissed. A summoned sahkil can't use Skip Between." - }, - { - "name": "Esobok", - "family": "Psychopomp", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Psychopomp"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "767", - "lore": "EsobokEsoboks are brute hunters and pugnacious sentinels that serve as the guard dogs of the Boneyard. These squat, powerful quadrupeds have a frill of dark feathers around their distinctive heads which resemble a crocodile skull. Esoboks rarely bother with those who are truly dead, allowing the dead of the Boneyard to go about their business while remaining watchful for danger. Though cunning when sniffing out threats to the Boneyard or to their psychopomp handlers, they're among the least intelligent of the psychopomps and rarely speak except to utter growling threats. The wise listen when an esobok makes a threat, as it won't do so twice.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 18Esobok" - }, - { - "name": "Ether Spider", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast, Ethereal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Ethereal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "203", - "lore": "Ether SpiderEther spiders are deadly predators from the Ethereal Plane resembling giant arachnids. Rather than building webs of silk, ether spiders shape the raw essence of the Ethereal Plane, weaving it in complex patterns that drift through the misty void. From these ethereal nests, whole families of ether spiders can scout the adjacent Material Plane, watching for easy prey in dark or remote corners of the land of mortals. Once an ether spider has spotted a meal, it anchors its nest and waits on the Ethereal Plane for its prey to draw near. As soon as its victim is within reach, the ether spider shifts to the Material Plane, clamps its fangs onto its prey, then shifts back to the Ethereal Plane to wait as its venom works through the creature’s system. Ether spiders move between the planes with ease, making them extremely dangerous to those who cannot see or attack ethereal enemies. Ether spiders are not mindless or evil—they are simply hungry. If a prospective meal can sate an ether spider’s incredible appetite through other means, they might be able to bargain for their life. Ether spiders are especially interested in items, information, or allies who can help them against their enemies. As many as half a dozen ether spiders might dwell in the same ether web. Although ether spiders enjoy one another’s company, they don’t form the same bonds as most humanoids, and they are more likely to feast on the corpse of a fallen sibling than save one from certain doom. Ether spiders dwell in vast nests adrift in the Ghost World, where they are more likely to let down their guard. Travelers who find a floating ether spider commune should have an easier time of making peaceful contact to trade with or even befriend these strange arachnids. The nests drift on metaphysical currents and are rarely seen in the same vicinity twice. Sometimes a point of interest on the neighboring Material Plane compels them to tether their nest to an area, creating a semipermanent home, and those who learn its location can return to it repeatedly.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 20Recall Knowledge - Ethereal (Occultism): DC 20Ether Spider" - }, - { - "name": "Etioling Blightmage", - "family": "Mortic", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid", "Mortic", "Rare", "Small"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1237", - "lore": "EtiolingWhen the primal spark of the First World nestled in a gnome's heart is engulfed in _Radiant Fire_, it fights back, pushing against death with riotous life and creating an etioling. Within their small frames, churning positive and negative energy fiercely battle for dominance, occasionally causing convulsions and babbling speech. This intense inner conflict warps an etioling's primal magic, transmogrifying it into an occult hybrid singular to these unfortunate mortics. Nearly devoid of color, etiolings have vibrant eyes and pulsing green veins. Their bodies force the corrupting negative energy out through their pores, where it distills on their skin, covering them in a thin layer of ectoplasm and concentrated death. Around them, the world withers. Incapable of focusing for long, etiolings are impulsive and moody, rapidly alternating between kindness, malice, and trickery. They forget themselves, their friends, and the things they once loved.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27Etioling BlightmageSource Bestiary 3 pg. 177Perception +19; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Necril, SylvanSkillsAcrobatics +19, Deception +22, Diplomacy +22, Intimidation +22, Nature +19Str +3Dex +5Con +3Int +3Wis +5Cha +7---AC 29 Fort +19 Ref +21 Will +17 HP 150(negative healing)Consecration Vulnerability An etioling in a place of worship dedicated to a non-evil deity or on sacred ground, such as an area blessed by _sanctified ground_, is slowed 1.Ectoplasmic Secretions (necromancy, occult) Any creature that hits the etioling with an unarmed attack, tries to Grapple them, or otherwise touches them becomes partially coated in ectoplasm. The creature takes 1d6 negative damage and must succeed at a DC 27 Reflex save or become enfeebled 2 until the ectoplasm is removed. The ectoplasm can be removed with a total of 3 Interact actions by the creature or creatures adjacent to the creature. These actions don't need to be consecutive or made by the same creature.Ectoplasmic Shield(abjuration, occult) Trigger The etioling is the target of a physical ranged attack; Effect The etioling interposes a wave of ectoplasm between themself and the source of the ranged attack, giving them a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the attack misses, the ectoplasm deflected it. The ectoplasm can't deflect unusually large or heavy ranged projectiles (such as boulders or ballista bolts).Withering Aura (aura, necromancy, occult) 20 feet. The etioling drains nutrients from nearby plant and animal life. Each round a creature begins its turn in this aura, it takes 1d6 negative damage and must succeed at a DC 27 Fortitude save or become drained 1. All non-magical plant life in this aura instantly withers, removing any cover and concealment provided by trees and undergrowth.---Speed 25 feetMeleecorrupting touch +21 (Agile, Finesse, Magical),Damage 2d12+6 negativeOccult Spontaneous Spells DC 29, attack +21- Cantrips (5th)Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, Electric Arc, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation- 1stBane, Grease, Ray of Enfeeblement, Ventriloquism (4 slots)- 2ndBlur, Dispel Magic, Glitterdust, Obscuring Mist (4 slots)- 3rdEarthbind, False Life, Haste, Wall of Thorns (4 slots)- 4thDispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Grim Tendrils, Phantasmal Killer (4 slots)- 5thCloudkill, Crushing Despair, Lightning Bolt, Synesthesia (4 slots)Death Gasp(Divine, Necromancy) The etioling draws in a deep breath and holds it, temporarily suspending their biological processes and becoming undead. The etioling gains the undead trait and becomes immune to bleed, death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, and sleep. Any such effects the etioling is currently suffering from are suspended, but take effect again once they take a breath.Additionally, the etioling gains the incorporeal trait, a fly Speed of 25 feet, resistance 10 to all damage (except force, _ghost touch_, or positive; double this resistance vs. non-magical) while they hold their breath. They can't cast spells during this time. Death Gasp lasts as long as the etioling holds their breath (up to 8 rounds)." - }, - { - "name": "Ettin", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "204", - "lore": "EttinTwo heads aren’t always better than one. The slovenly, violent giants known as ettins are proof enough of that. The origin of these two-headed brutes is unknown, but few who encounter ettins ponder their beginnings for long. Rather, the first priority for most creatures during such a confrontation is escape, which is not easy to accomplish given the ettins’ notorious vigilance. In this way, two heads are better than one—ettins regularly find employ in the ranks of giant or orc armies as sentries and guards. The benefits of an ettin security detail are obvious: because it has a shared stomach, an ettin requires only the same amount of food as one typical ogre, yet its two sets of eyes make it twice as observant. An ettin never complains for lack of company, either. The ettin’s two heads are uniquely content to squabble and converse between themselves, and though they bicker incessantly, most couldn’t dream of life without the other. Much like some twins, an ettin has two individual minds who nonetheless consider the other as much a part of their life as their own self. Ettins do not resemble a single giant heritage so much as an amalgamation of several. Their tusks are thought to stem from orc ancestry, though their size and dimness suggest hill giant blood. Though they tower over goblins and hobgoblins, ettins are more than at home among tribes of these creatures and enjoy their comfortable stations as camp lookouts or troop rearguards. Their exposure to a wide variety of goblinoids and giants is evident in their language; ettins speak a pidgin tongue of Goblin, Jotun, and Orcish, and their diction is mostly good enough to get across the general meaning of their short sentences and bumbled sayings—although most interlocutors simply nod their heads while conversing with an ettin anyway. The monsters are notoriously short tempered and, despite their heightened visual perception, short sighted in matters of keeping their allies alive.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 22Ettin" - }, - { - "name": "Eunemvro", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Positive", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1150", - "lore": "EunemvroEunemvros wander the Material Plane with the sole purpose of destroying undead. These mysterious beings claim to hail from the Positive Energy Plane, although they have no direct evidence of their supposedly otherworldly origins other than their unusual appearance: tall, lean humanoids with an okapi's head. If they truly hail from the Positive Energy Plane, they don't seem to have any method to return there and have made their home on the Material Plane—a home, unfortunately, infested by the unnatural living dead. Beings composed or animated by negative energy—including lowly skeletons and zombies as well as wights and ghouls—rightly fear confrontation with a eunemvro, for few other creatures possess innate abilities so perfectly suited for the eradication of such monsters with but a touch. In addition to magical abilities, eunemvros are adept martial artists whose mighty fists and feet channel the force of positive energy with every blow. Most of these solitary hunters believe mortals incapable of comprehending their cosmic mandate, though they themselves only understand this drive as a directive instilled in them by the strange powers that sent them to the Material Plane. If pressed, some eunemvro might grudgingly accept aid from those who have proven capable of slaying the undead.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 22Unspecific Lore: DC 20Specific Lore: DC 17EunemvroSource Bestiary 3 pg. 96Perception +11; darkvisionLanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +14, Athletics +13, Intimidation +10, Positive Energy Plane Lore +12, Stealth +12, Undead Lore +14Str +4Dex +5Con +4Int +3Wis +2Cha +3---AC 22 Fort +13 Ref +14 Will +11 HP 78Immunitiesdeath effectsResistancesnegative 5Attack of OpportunityRetributive SuplexTrigger A Medium or smaller creature attempts a melee Strike against the eunemvro and the attack roll is a critical failure; Effect The eunemvro seizes the triggering creature, using the attacker's momentum to send them flailing overhead. The triggering creature must succeed at a DC 23 Reflex save or be forcibly moved to a space on the opposite side of the eunemvro, landing prone.---Speed 35 feetMeleefist +14 (Agile, Magical),Damage 2d6+6 bludgeoning or positiveMeleefoot +14 (Magical),Damage 2d8+6 bludgeoning or positive plus KnockdownOccult Innate Spells DC 20- Cantrips (2nd)Chill Touch (undead only), Disrupt Undead- 2ndGentle ReposeBlessed StrikesThe eunemvro's Strikes deal damage that's either bludgeoning or positive—whichever deals more damage to the target creature.Tide of Creation(Evocation, Light, Occult, Positive) Requirements The eunemvro isn't fatigued; Effect The eunemvro channels from their soul a blast of searing positive energy, bathing their enemies in a wave of blinding light and cosmic power. The eunemvro creates either a 10- foot cone or a 30-foot line, dealing 6d8 positive damage (DC 22 basic Fortitude save). A creature that critically fails its save is blinded for 1d4 rounds. After using this ability, the eunemvro becomes fatigued.Ambiguous AgendaLike jyotis, eunemvros are inclined toward neither good nor evil. Indeed, they regard this binary conception of morality as imperceptible and pointless. To eunemvros, there's no right, only wrong—and that wrong is the scourge of undeath." - }, - { - "name": "Evangelist", - "family": "Velstrac", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Velstrac"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "849", - "lore": "EvangelistEvangelists, the velstracs' unofficial ambassadors, roam the farthest reaches of the planes to spread the word of their kind's abhorrent belief in perfection through pain. They are therefore the most frequently encountered velstracs on the Material Plane, leading covens of hedonistic mortal flesh-sculptors or serving as wardens of horrific dungeons. In regions ruled by infernal powers, evangelists may serve as lieutenants or advisors, whispering secret paths to power in exchange for mortal's souls or choice mortal flesh. Evangelists are the same size as humans, although with the heavy chains that always drape their forms, they often weigh 350 pounds or more.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 22Evangelist" - }, - { - "name": "Excorion", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "992", - "lore": "ExcorionThese hideous undead creatures result from an exquisitely painful necromantic process where flayed humanoids are animated through their exposed blood vessels. Cults of undeath typically punish apostates and renegades with this cruel method of reanimation, though sacrificial victims or unfortunate prisoners might suffer a similar fate. Excorions have supernaturally strong, pulsing veins that extend outward from their bodies like thousands of tiny, bloody cilia. Excorions move their bulks not with their dead muscles, but with heaving contractions of their blood vessels that pull them along in a swift but jerky manner. Excorions can shift their magical blood easily throughout their bodies, allowing them to squirt blood from their gaping, skinless mouths or to messily mark their foes.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 25Excorion" - }, - { - "name": "Faceless Butcher", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "530", - "lore": "Faceless ButcherThe deformed flesh on this humanoid horror’s head bears grim holes where their eyes, nose, mouth, and ears should be, and little else. Stories of faceless butchers always center on the monstrous murderer’s preferred weapon: a wicked and bloodstained meat cleaver, which the butcher uses to carve flesh from skull to add to their collection of stolen faces. Once they’ve taken a victim’s face, the faceless butcher can wear it, transform into an exact replica of the deceased, and begin stalking their next victim.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 30Faceless Butcher" - }, - { - "name": "Faceless Stalker (Ugothol)", - "family": "Alghollthu", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "4", - "lore": "Faceless Stalker (Ugothol)Among the subtler of the alghollthu creations were the ugothols—also known as faceless stalkers. These twisted beings used shapeshifting to infiltrate settlements and assassinate key targets. They sowed discord and replaced leaders, causing unwanted organizations to implode and bothersome people to lose face and eventually disappear. Entirely terrestrial in nature, ugothols can easily extend alghollthu plots above the waves for extended periods of time, giving their aquatic masters enhanced reach into these unpleasantly dry realms. Today, most faceless stalkers—like the less dangerous ulat-kinis—pursue programmed goals without the guidance of alghollthu rule. Faceless stalkers prefer to live as close to the sea coast as possible, although they are not aquatic creatures themselves. Most dwell in tiny tribes in marshlands. Others live in the sewers of coastal towns. By instinct, faceless stalkers seek to sow discord. They replace leaders in humanoid societies, then guide infiltrated settlements down paths of destruction. Among humanoids who have wicked tendencies, a faceless stalker can become a prominent trailblazer, leading a group to new heights of depravity and violence. Inevitably, however, faceless stalker infiltrators lead their followers to ruin. The ugothol eventually moves on—either because its true nature is about to be discovered, or because it has despoiled or devastated all local resources. An ugothol gains nourishment only through its long, bloodsucking tongue. Their prey bear distinctive triple puncture wounds near major arteries. Corpses bearing such marks are typically the first clues found to uncover a faceless stalker’s presence, though sometimes they are overlooked as marks belonging to a vampire or chupacabra.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 19Faceless Stalker" - }, - { - "name": "Fading Fox", - "family": "Fox", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1159", - "lore": "Fading FoxWith fur that shifts between hues of red, dull brown, and silver as it moves, the fading fox vexes any pursuer. It has a knack for escaping traps, leaves no footprints, and seemingly disappears into thin air. Fading foxes have lustrous fur and a robust build that set them apart from their red fox progenitors.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Fading FoxSource Bestiary 3 pg. 102Perception +11; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +8, Athletics +5, Stealth +10, Survival +9Str -1Dex +4Con +1Int -4Wis +3Cha +0---AC 21 Fort +7 Ref +10 Will +7 HP 25Fade AwayTrigger A creature within 30 feet that the fading fox is aware of either moves toward the fox or targets it with an ability; Requirements The fading fox is in natural surroundings; Effect The fading fox Hides. If its Stealth check result meets or exceeds the triggering creature's Perception DC, the fading fox is hidden to that creature. The fading fox can use this reaction even if it is being observed.---Speed 35 feetMeleejaws +10 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d6+1 piercingLeaping PounceThe fading fox either Strides or Leaps up to its Speed and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. If the fox began this action hidden, it remains hidden until after this ability's Strike.Sneak AttackThe fading fox deals an additional 1d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.Trackless StepThe fading fox always gains the benefits of Cover Tracks in natural surroundings, even while moving at full Speed.Vanish into the WildsRequirements The fading fox is in natural surroundings; Effect The fading fox Steps, then Hides, then Sneaks. It can take this Step into natural difficult terrain and can Hide in this way even if it is being observed." - }, - { - "name": "Faerie Dragon", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "205", - "lore": "Faerie DragonAlthough they are much smaller than their larger dragon cousins, faerie dragons have the many of the same physiological attributes, including long necks, toothy maws, sinuous tails, and sharp claws. They flit about on iridescent butterfly wings, the coloring of which changes based on where they live, giving them a natural camouflage. Unlike their larger kin, an adult faerie dragon remains the same size throughout its lifespan. The only visual clue to the age of a faerie dragon is the sheen on its scales, a glimmer that becomes more lustrous the older it gets. Faerie dragons usually exhibit pleasant and good-natured temperaments, though they have a mischievous streak that leads them to play tricks on those around them. In search of an amusement, they prefer harmless annoyances to wounding malice. While often spontaneous, they may also spend months if not years planning the perfect prank. Especially responsive targets endear themselves to faerie dragons and may create a lifelong bond. A faerie dragon’s reputation as a trickster leads many to associate them with fey, with whom the tiny dragons have cordial relationships. Peaceful by nature, faerie dragons do not enjoy confrontation. If faced with hostility, they prefer to remain at a distance and breathe euphoric gas at their foes, diffusing the skirmish by creating an atmosphere of bliss. If conflict escalates, they target their opponents with spells, using their renowned trickery to escape. If their companions are in danger, however, their desire to remain out of combat changes. Faerie dragons protect their friends by any means available, including physical combat. Sometimes as faerie dragons grow older, their connection to the First World grows stronger. In addition to growing more lustrous and vibrant in appearance, these faerie dragons gain an increasing amount of magical primal power. Such faerie dragons increase in strength as appropriate—a faerie dragon of 20th level or even higher is possible, but it is exceptionally unusual to encounter a faerie dragon of 9th level or higher beyond the most remote regions of the First World. When creating a more powerful faerie dragon, change its tradition to primal and grant it a number of primal spells known appropriate for a druid of its level. Faerie dragons don’t grow much larger, regardless of how powerful they become. Those who would seek to torment or vex a faerie dragon would do well to consider this, as it’s often difficult to tell how powerful one of these tiny dragons truly is at a simple glance!Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 18Faerie Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Feathered Bear", - "family": "Spirit Guide", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast,Spirit", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1320", - "lore": "Feathered BearBorn from spirits possessing the qualities of strength, endurance, and ferocity, these spirit guides act as martial guardians for mortals under their care. Most have a burning hatred for demons, devils, and other fiends who prey on mortal weaknesses. However, they also display care and consideration around mortal children, who in turn seem to instinctively recognize the beings as protectors. Strength takes many forms, some evident in their power—like the feathered bear—and some unassuming.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 27Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 27Unspecific Lore: DC 25Specific Lore: DC 22Feathered BearSource Bestiary 3 pg. 253Perception +18; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommon, Sylvan; _tongues_SkillsAthletics +23, Intimidation +20, Survival +16Str +7Dex +2Con +5Int +0Wis +2Cha +3---AC 29 Fort +21 Ref +16 Will +18 HP 160Immunitiesdisease, paralyzed, poison, precisionResistancesall damage 10 (except force, _ghost touch_, or positive; double resistance vs. non-magical)Guardian's Aegis (abjuration, aura, primal) 30 feet. All allies within 30 feet of the feathered bear gain a +1 status bonus to saves against magical effects. The bonus increases to +2 if the effect originated from a demon or other chaotic evil fiend.Avenging Claws Trigger A creature within 10 feet damages the feathered bear's ally with a melee attack; Effect The feathered bear immediately Steps toward the triggering attacker and makes a claws Strike.---Speed 35 feetMeleejaws +21 (Magical),Damage 3d10+9 forceMeleeclaw +21 (Agile, Magical),Damage 3d6+9 force plus GrabPrimal Innate Spells DC 27- 3rdBarkskin, Endure Elements, Haste, Jump, Longstrider- Constant (5th)TonguesBond with Mortal(Mental, Necromancy, Primal) Frequency once per day; Effect The spirit guide forms a bond with a mortal creature. While the bond exists, the spirit guide increases their current and maximum Hit Points by 20, gains a +2 status bonus to their attack and damage rolls, and can communicate telepathically with the bonded mortal as long as the two beings are on the same plane. The spirit guide can only be bonded with one mortal at a time, and they can take this action again to end the bond or to form a new bond (which also ends the old bond). The bond also ends if the spirit guide or the mortal dies. This bond strengthens the spirit guide's connection to the Material Plane. While bonded, the spirit guide loses the incorporeal and spirit traits, loses their immunities and resistances, and changes their Strikes to deal the appropriate physical damage (typically piercing or slashing) instead of force damage.Feathered ChargeThe feathered bear Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. During the Stride, the feathered bear ignores difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain, and they can move across air as easily as solid ground. If the feathered bear doesn't end their movement on solid ground, they fall as soon as the Strike is completed.Bonded StrikeRequirements The spirit guide is currently Bonded with a Mortal; Effect The spirit guide makes a jaws Strike. If this attack hits, the bonded mortal can spend their reaction to Strike the same target.MaulerThe feathered bear gains a +4 circumstance bonus to damage rolls against creatures they have grabbed." - }, - { - "name": "Fen Mosquito Swarm", - "family": "Mosquito", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "732", - "lore": "Fen Mosquito SwarmWhen deadly fen mosquitoes gather in large numbers, they form into lethal swarms capable of draining blood at a truly alarming rate. Fen mosquito swarms are typically encountered only in tropical swamps or bogs, but during humid months in spring or summer they can drift into riverine areas or even through the waterfront reaches of settlements.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Fen Mosquito Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Feral Skull Swarm", - "family": "Skull Swarm", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Swarm", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Huge"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1308", - "lore": "Feral Skull SwarmSome skull swarms are crafted from the heads of feral and dangerous beasts. These can include predatory cats, bears, dinosaurs, and the like, but just as often they're made from bulls, horses, apes, and other creatures that were gentler in life. In death, a feral skull swarm is bloodthirsty regardless of its origins, with a keen scent for living flesh. Even herbivore skulls diligently chew on the flesh of their swarm's victims.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27Feral Skull SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 244Perception +21; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +22, Survival +21Str +0Dex +4Con +7Int -5Wis +3Cha +4Feral Trackers A feral skull swarm gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to Seek and to Survival checks to Track, both against any creature that has taken damage from the swarm's Feral Gnaw within the previous 24 hours.---AC 32 Fort +25 Ref +22 Will +19 HP 160(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, mental, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconsciousResistancesbludgeoning 5, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, piercing 10, slashing 10Weaknessesarea damage 10, splash damage 10Boneshard Burst When a feral skull swarm is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it erupts in an explosion of foul energy and bone fragments in a 30-foot burst, dealing 3d12 piercing damage and 2d12 negative damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save).---Speed 40 feetFeral GnawEach enemy in the swarm's space takes 2d6 bludgeoning, 2d6 piercing, and 2d6 slashing damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails its saving throw also takes 1d10 persistent bleed damage.Frightening Howl(Auditory, Emotion, Enchantment, Fear, Mental) The feral skull swarm emits a terrifying howl. Each creature within 60 feet must succeed at a DC 32 Will save or become frightened 2 (frightened 3 and fleeing for 1 round on a critical failure). Whether it succeeds or fails its save, a creature is temporarily immune to Frightening Howl for 24 hours." - }, - { - "name": "Festrog", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1153", - "lore": "FestrogSpawned from corpses of those who died of illness or starvation and twisted by negative energy, festrogs display a visciousness that rivals other undead. They resemble decaying humanoids, but with elongated arms, teeth, and bone-like spikes protruding from their upper backs. Festrogs' tendency to run on all fours has led to them gaining the moniker dog-ghouls, causing the unwary to mistake them for mindless predators. Festrogs are in fact intelligent, stalking victims in packs and choosing hunting grounds that suit their abilities. They can often be found roaming farmlands, open forests, or wide plains, anywhere they can use their quadrupedal speed to overtake quarry. Belying their mindless appearance, festrogs use tactics similar to those of hunters with hounds: the leader of the pack often flushes prey from cover so that the victim can be brought down by the pack. Researchers of the necromantic processes that creates risen corpses have found that festrogs spawn more often from slow demises than sudden deaths. Festrogs typically animate from corpses afflicted with disease, while victims of violence are more likely to become more common undead, such as zombies. One documented way to create a festrog is to have scavengers feed on the dead flesh before animating it. This potentially explains why festrogs most often arise in remote areas stricken with famine and desperate predators. Though most festrogs arise from humans and other prevalent humanoids, other creatures that die in the same circumstances can rise as festrogs. Festrogs that were once larger humanoids such as ogres, hill giants, or trolls behave similarly to other humanoid festrogs and are simply larger and more powerful. More peculiar are the beastkin festrogs formed of quadrupedal animals, which typically have feet or hooves instead of hands, travel on all fours at all times, and have only animal intelligence. In fact, some humanoid festrogs capture and starve beastkin in hopes of the creatures rising as grotesque festrog pets.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10FestrogSource Bestiary 3 pg. 98Perception +6; darkvisionLanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +5, Athletics +7, Stealth +7, Survival +5Str +4Dex +2Con +2Int +0Wis +1Cha +1---AC 15 Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +6 HP 24(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, sleepDiseased Pustules (disease, poison) Whenever the festrog takes piercing or slashing damage, creatures adjacent to the festrog take 1d4 poison damage (DC 14 basic Reflex save).---Speed 30 feetMeleejaws +9,Damage 1d6+4 piercingMeleeclaw +9 (Agile),Damage 1d4+4 slashingFeast(Manipulate) Requirements The festrog's last action was a jaws Strike that damaged a living creature; Effect The festrog tears into the creature's flesh and gulps it down voraciously, dealing 1d4 slashing damage to the creature and gaining temporary Hit Points equal to the damage dealt. These temporary HP last for 1 minute.On All FoursRequirements The festrog has nothing in their hands; Effect The festrog Strides with a +10-foot circumstance bonus to their Speed.Whispering HoundsSince the fall of Lastwall and the creation of the Gravelands, festrogs have become more common. They prowl the edges of once-peaceful farmland and often precede a horde of further horrors. Rumors have begun to circulate that the necromancers of the Whispering Way use these creatures as advance scouts to find vulnerable towns and sow terror. As a result, attacks that once would have been dismissed as the predation of wolf packs now evoke a much greater degree of panic." - }, - { - "name": "Fetchling Scout", - "family": "Fetchling", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fetchling", "Humanoid", "Shadow"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "669", - "lore": "Fetchling ScoutThe people known today as fetchlings are a distinct ancestry descended from generations of humans who became trapped ages ago on the Shadow Plane. No longer human at all, these people, who call themselves kayals, have become monochromatic in coloration, with flesh tones and hair colors varying between white, black, and all shades of gray. Their limbs are lithe and willowy, and their eyes are generally solid yellow, yellow-green, or white, though a rare few have a purple or blue glow. Fetchlings have developed their own complex societies in the Shadow Plane, often under the tolerance of or in servitude to the strange, malignant creatures there, such as the sinister velstracs or the enigmatic d'ziriaks. While individual fetchlings can be any alignment, they are all survivors in a harsh environment, which leads to a tendency toward pragmatism. Fetchling clothing mimics the regions they dwell in, with drab colors tending toward darker shades. When they trade with humans or other societies on the Material Plane, they often wear masks or concealing clothing to hide their appearance. Typical fetchling communities are insular and swiftly close ranks in the event of an intruder. Though individual fetchlings don't mind traveling to and blending in with other societies to facilitate trade, they often hide or even react defensively if they have their own visitors. When one considers the nature of the other denizens of the Shadow Plane, however, this tendency to assume the worst of interlopers might make sense to some. Fetchlings are not as common on the Material Plane; most of those who dwell there are loners by choice who have left their home to seek out adventure elsewhere, exiles who were banished from their homelands, or planar castaways with no ability to return to the Shadow Plane. This last category, the lost and stranded, are the most likely to be found in larger groups. In cities of significant size, one can sometimes even find a small community of a few dozen or more fetchlings living among humans, although they often do so subtly by dyeing their hair, wearing brightly colored clothing, and utilizing layers of makeup to hide their pallid complexions.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Fetchling Scout" - }, - { - "name": "Filth Fire", - "family": "Elemental, Fire", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "656", - "lore": "Filth FireThese creatures look like roiling clouds of black smoke churning above a mound of burning refuse. Leering faces form and fade in the smoke above, while the burning trash writhes in spasmodic lurches, obviously alive.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 19Filth Fire" - }, - { - "name": "Fire Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fire", "Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "223", - "lore": "Fire GiantThe most militaristic of all giants, fire giants focus obsessively on learning combat techniques, mastering the arts of forging weapons and armor, and finding new ways to dominate their enemies. As a result, their social and political structures are grounded firmly in martial hierarchies, with a strict emphasis on following the orders of one’s superior, no matter if you are accountable to a lowly soldier or report to a powerful officer. As soon as a fire giant can walk, they are fitted with their first suit of forged armor. This armor is constantly remolded and replaced as the fire giant matures, both to ensure they are comfortable with steel against their skin and also to teach the giant as early as possible that they bear the burden of fighting to protect their traditions and way of life. To a fire giant, death is the flame in which the future is forged. Fire giants are usually identified by their powerful stature, bright-orange hair that flickers and dances as if it were aflame, and heavy steel armor worn over garments of crimson, amber, or black. Most fire giants are covered in scars and refuse to conceal or obstruct them, as each jagged mark serves as a reminder of a valuable lesson they learned in battle. A typical fire giant stands 12 to 16 feet tall, weighs about 7,000 pounds, and lives to be 350 years old.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 27Fire Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Fire Jellyfish Swarm", - "family": "Jellyfish", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Mindless", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "706", - "lore": "Fire Jellyfish SwarmWhile individually one of these fist-sized jellyfish is merely a nuisance, in great numbers, fire jellyfish can form into dangerous swarms. Bobbing in the water, they create a cloud of stinging tentacles. They were named in part for their bright coloration, but those who are stung by fire jellyfish learn the larger reason for their name—the pain of their stings is comparable to being burned alive.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 22Fire Jellyfish Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Fire Mephit", - "family": "Elemental, Mephit", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "194", - "lore": "Fire MephitFire mephits are conniving and quick to anger. They aren’t evil, but they delight in inflicting pain, and their love of burning things pushes them the closest to this alignment of all mephits. They have bright-orange skin, and wisps of flame flicker along their wings as they flap through the air. The rivalry between fire and water mephits is notorious, and these creatures loathe working together for any amount of time.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 15Fire Mephit" - }, - { - "name": "Fire Wisp", - "family": "Elemental, Wisp", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1144", - "lore": "Fire WispFire wisps are sizzling spheres of flame and ash, perpetually crackling and shimmering with heat. They're carefree, boisterous, and quick to action— sometimes recklessly so.Recall Knowledge - Elemental(Arcana, Nature): DC 14Unspecific Lore: DC 12Specific Lore: DC 9Fire WispSource Bestiary 3 pg. 91Perception +6; darkvision, smoke visionLanguagesIgnanSkillsAcrobatics +5, Plane of Fire Lore +4, Stealth +7Str +2Dex +3Con +2Int +0Wis +2Cha +0Smoke Vision The fire wisp ignores the concealed condition from smoke.---AC 16 Fort +6 Ref +7 Will +4 HP 18Immunitiesbleed, fire, paralyzed, poison, sleepWeaknessescold 2, water 2Resonance (aura, fire) 30 feet. All wisps vibrate at a frequency attuned to their element, resonating with and empowering all creatures and effects sharing that trait. A creature in the area gains a +1 status bonus to attack and damage rolls for effects with the fire trait; a creature with the elemental and fire traits gains this bonus to all attack and damage rolls.Accord Essence(fire) Trigger An ally within 30 feet that benefited from the wisp's resonance in the last hour is targeted by an attack; Effect The wisp detonates itself in a small elemental explosion that gives temporary Hit Points equal to half the wisp's current Hit Points to allies within 30 feet that have benefited from the wisp's resonance in the last hour. These temporary Hit Points last 1 hour. A wisp that uses this reaction is permanently destroyed, and it can be restored only by a _wish_ spell or similarly powerful effect. If an ability would prevent the wisp's destruction (for instance, if the wisp is summoned and would merely be dismissed), Accord Essence has no effect.---Speed 40 feet, fly 15 feetMeleetendril +6 (reach 10 feet),Damage 1d4 fire plus 1 persistent fireIn ConcertWhen a fire wisp rolls a critical failure on a check to Aid, they get a failure instead, and when they roll a success, they get a critical success instead." - }, - { - "name": "Fire Yai", - "family": "Oni", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend, Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Fire", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Oni"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "748", - "lore": "Fire YaiFire yai take the form of fire giants. Like fire giants, fire yai are shrewd and militaristic and have an incredible appetite for the thrill of war. While they engage in battle to conquer and control others, fire yai also love the thrill of war, fighting for the sheer joy of it. Presenting a fire yai with a true challenge in combat can potentially earn their mercy and an offer to join and serve at their side. Fire yai's third eyes shoot forth burning missiles of fire.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 32Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 32Fire Yai" - }, - { - "name": "Firewyrm", - "family": "Elemental, Fire", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "190", - "lore": "FirewyrmFirewyrms live in tubes of molten lava found throughout the Plane of Fire.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 26Firewyrm" - }, - { - "name": "Fjord Linnorm", - "family": "Linnorm", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "721", - "lore": "Fjord LinnormFjord linnorms make their homes in damp caves behind ice-cold waterfalls in the river-veined coastal reaches of the north. While they may appear graceful as they swim up the fjords for which they're named, they are as vile as any other of their species and take pleasures in capsizing river boats before gobbling up their terrified crews.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 37Fjord Linnorm" - }, - { - "name": "Flame Drake", - "family": "Drake", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "160", - "lore": "Flame DrakeThe distant kin of red dragons, flame drakes thankfully lack the intelligence and ambition of their larger cousins, but are no less territorial or violent. Flame drakes dwell near volcanoes and magma, but it’s not unheard of for one to drift into nearby areas like forests or wooded hills. Their scales are usually some shade of red, occasionally fading to smoky blacks and grays along the edges of their wings and the tips of their tails.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 20Flame Drake" - }, - { - "name": "Flaming Skull", - "family": "Beheaded", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Undead", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1078", - "lore": "Flaming SkullMore dangerous than simple severed heads, these skulls are wreathed in unearthly flames.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Flaming SkullSource Bestiary 3 pg. 30Perception +9; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, NecrilSkillsAcrobatics +8Str +1Dex +4Con +1Int -5Wis +3Cha +0---AC 18 Fort +5 Ref +10 Will +7 HP 30(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, fire, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousWeaknessespositive 3Fiery Explosion When destroyed, a flaming skull explodes in a blast of fire and bone that deals 1d6 piercing damage plus 1d6 fire damage to each adjacent creature (DC 18 basic Reflex save).---Speed 15 feet, fly 30 feetMeleeforehead +10 (Finesse),Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoning plus 1d6 fireRangedspitfire +10 (Agile, Fire),Damage 1d12+2 fireFlaming ShroudA flaming skull is shrouded in hideous flames. It deals 1d6 fire damage to any unattended item it touches and on a forehead Strike. On a critical hit with a Strike, the target catches fire, taking 1d4 persistent fire damage." - }, - { - "name": "Flash Beetle", - "family": "Beetle", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "49", - "lore": "Flash BeetleThese 3-foot-long insects boast a pair of glowing organs on the back of the abdomen that give off bright light and that continue to glow for days, even after the creature’s death. Flash beetles are commonly herded and harvested by miners and spelunkers, as their glow is considered safer than torches and less expensive than lamps. Denizens of the Darklands often domesticate and train these insects, using them as pets, livestock, or caging them to use as organic sources of light in areas frequented by visitors unaccustomed to the darkness.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 13Flash Beetle" - }, - { - "name": "Flea Swarm", - "family": "Flea", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "502", - "lore": "Flea SwarmFlea swarms roil across city streets and rural hinterlands in a hissing, scraping scrabble, draining blood from any creatures unfortunate enough to cross their path.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 20Flea Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Flesh Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "238", - "lore": "Flesh GolemMade of odd scraps of skin and muscle, a flesh golem is a grotesque parody of life. Though it has no mind, it can still go into a berserk rage when harmed, giving it a faint semblance of emotion. Flesh golems guard the laboratories and charnel houses of fleshwarpers and necromancers who feel no compunctions about desecrating corpses for their own ends. Though the first flesh golem is believed to have been a misguided attempt to create from simple base elements, these monstrosities are far from human. In isolated cases, echoes of a personality might rise in a flesh golem if the brain used as part of its construction belonged to a particularly powerful personality, but such tragic instances are (thankfully) rare in the extreme.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 26Flesh Golem" - }, - { - "name": "Flumph", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1156", - "lore": "FlumphEven among the numerous types of tentacled aberrations populating the lands of Golarion, flumphs are an anomaly. Unlike most other aberrations, flumphs' monstrous appearance belies their true nature as gentle, good-natured creatures whose self-imposed duty is to bolster the defenses of worlds across the multiverse against onslaught from the cosmic horrors of the Dark Tapestry between the stars. Flumphs are small, jellyfish-like creatures who normally float about 5 feet off the ground on a self-generated cushion of wind, directing their movements with jets of air from countless tiny pores on the surface of their bodies. With some effort, the flumph can force air through these openings in a way that roughly approximates humanoid speech, albeit in a squeaky and halting tone. Though a flumph's underside is ringed with an array of acidic spikes that they use to hunt small prey, they are nearly defenseless against most attackers and usually attempt to flee when threatened. If cornered, a flumph can emit a foul-smelling spray capable of temporarily incapacitating enemies while warning nearby allies of their presence. This olfactory defense mechanism causes flumphs to feel more kinship with terrestrial creatures than with the jellyfish to which they bear a closer physical resemblance. Flumphs hatch from pods flung into outer space from the distant flumph homeworld in a ritual known as the Seeding. Even a newly hatched flumph has an instinctive knowledge of their purpose and seeks to make a lair close to a nearby settlement, which they then adopt as their personal charge to protect. However, remaining acutely aware of both their physical limitations and the tendency of their appearance to frighten the unsuspecting, most flumphs recruit and guide from afar, revealing their true nature only to their most trusted allies. In addition to their missions, flumphs endeavor to lead upstanding lives on a daily basis. They notably draw guidance from their dreams through exhaustive interpretations and carefully maintained dream journals. Life lessons, areas in which they can improve their behavior, and portents of alien danger all come to flumphs in dreams—or at least, that's what they believe. Despite placing so much importance on dreams, flumphs have never set out to prove their dreams are authentic messages.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10FlumphSource Bestiary 3 pg. 100Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Celestial, CommonSkillsAcrobatics +7, Dark Tapestry Lore +8, Diplomacy +7, Stealth +7Str +0Dex +4Con +0Int +1Wis +3Cha +2---AC 17 Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 HP 17Upside Down A flumph that is knocked prone must succeed at a DC 11 flat check or land on its back, rendering it flat-footed and immobilized. An adjacent ally can Interact to right the flumph, removing both conditions.---Speed 5 feet, fly 25 feetMeleespikes +7 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d4 piercing plus 1d4 persistent acidSpray Perfume(Olfactory) The flumph sprays a 20-foot line of foul-smelling liquid. Each creature caught in the spray must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure). The odor from the spray lingers for 1d4 hours on all creatures that failed their saves. The sprayed creatures can be detected by smell at a range of 100 feet, and any creatures adjacent to them take a –2 circumstance penalty to saves against Spray Perfume or to recover from the sickened condition. The flumph can't use Spray Perfume again for 1d4 rounds.Do You Swear?Flumphs find great satisfaction in making and fulfilling oaths. They feel rewarded when keeping even a small promise, and pepper their social interactions with little agreements and accords. They take deception personally, and don't understand the concept of white lies. After fulfilling an oath, a flumph is sure to inform the other party. Incomplete oaths make flumphs anxious, causing them to check in if they believe they've been promised something—often with irritating frequency." - }, - { - "name": "Flytrap Leshy", - "family": "Leshy", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "717", - "lore": "Flytrap LeshyWhile often seen as unfriendly by non-leshys, flytrap leshys get along well with other leshys. Nonetheless, they're among the most aggressive leshys, often guarding the most vulnerable places in the natural world with their flytrap mouths and hands. When a large threat emerges, pairs of flytrap leshys band together to create amalgams capable of driving back powerful foes. This unusual form of communal defense suffuses flytrap leshy society, and they often form relationships between multiple individuals that would confuse or even scandalize more uptight humanoids—to a flytrap leshy, though, there's nothing strange about sharing your innermost secrets with people you literally merged together with to defend your home from an enemy.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 19Flytrap Leshy" - }, - { - "name": "Forge-Spurned", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fire", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "473", - "lore": "Forge-SpurnedEvil dwarves who die having failed to live up to the exacting standards of the duergar god Droskar are sometimes forced to return to the material world as undead abominations known as forge-spurned.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 22Forge-Spurned" - }, - { - "name": "Fortune Eater", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit,Undead", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Rare", "Spirit", "Undead", "Large"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1157", - "lore": "Fortune EaterThe fickle finger of fate has quashed hundreds of fledgling adventurers, sometimes in a particularly memorable or ignominious manner. When a number of would-be heroes perish together in such a way, their restless spirits might arise—spurred by jealousy—to become a fortune eater. A fortune eater is a collective entity that might lurk near fortune tellers, taverns, or Pathfinder Society lodges where adventurers are likely to pass through. The spirit then follows the heroes on their quests until the right moment, when the spirit manifests their unfortunate abilities to get the party killed and potentially add them to the collective. Sometimes they linger near the lairs of a powerful monster, waiting for parties of unwary adventurers. A fortune eater lingers because of unfinished business: to move on, they must help a hero defeat a great threat or acquire a legendary item. Ironically, their jealousy, rage, and powers of bad luck make this extremely unlikely.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 28Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23Fortune EaterSource Bestiary 3 pg. 101Perception +13; darkvisionLanguageslanguages spoken by the adventurers (typically Common, Dwarven, Elven, and Goblin)SkillsDeception +15, Intimidation +13, Performance +15, Stealth +15Str -5Dex +6Con +0Int +2Wis +2Cha +4---AC 25 Fort +15 Ref +17 Will +13 HP 100(negative healing, rejuvenation)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconsciousResistancesall damage 5 (except force, _ghost touch_, or positive; double resistance against non-magical)Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy) Offering the fortune eater a chance to be instrumental in completing a heroic deed releases their component spirits to move on to the afterlife.Unluck Aura (aura, divination, divine, mental, misfortune) 20 feet. A creature entering the area must attempt a DC 23 Will save, rolling the save twice and using the worse result. On a successful save, the creature is temporarily immune to fortune eater unluck auras for 24 hours. On a failure, the creature must roll twice and use the worse result on all checks as long as it is within the aura.Luck Osmosis(divination, divine) Trigger A creature affected by the fortune eater's unluck aura has just rolled two d20s for a check and taken the lower result; Effect The fortune-eater stores the higher of the two numbers rolled and uses that number in place of their next d20 roll; this is a fortune effect. They can have only one number stored at a time.---Speed fly 30 feetMeleeghostly longsword +17 (Finesse, Magical, versatile P),Damage 1d8+8 slashing plus 1d8 negativeMeleeghostly light mace +17 (Agile, Finesse, Magical, Shove),Damage 1d4+8 bludgeoning plus 1d8 negativeRangedghostly longbow +17 (deadly d10, Magical, range increment 100 feet, volley 30 feet),Damage 1d8+4 piercing plus 1d8 negativeTeam AttackDead teammates coalesce to attack with phantasmal versions of the weapons they used in life. The fortune eater makes a ghostly longsword Strike, ghostly dagger Strike, and ghostly longbow Strike in any order. Each must target a different creature. Their multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until after all the attacks.Heroic EndsFortune eaters constantly babble about the strange and epic fates that led to their state of undeath. Such tales always involve seemingly impossible feats of bravery and foolhardiness, such as teleporting hundreds of feet into the air to fall atop and slay a dragon in flight or diving into the jaws of a kraken in an attempt to kill the beast. " - }, - { - "name": "Fossil Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Mindless", "Rare", "Huge"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1174", - "lore": "Fossil GolemFossil golems are typically made from the fossilized bones of dinosaurs and other ancient megafauna, though some crafters stretch the definition and instead use magically petrified bones of dragons or even giants. Not bound to any specific model, fossil golems are crafted to be as terrifying as possible instead of models of anatomic accuracy. As such, most fossil golems are nightmarish saurian amalgams whose massive arms end with the complete skulls of apex predators like tyrannosauruses, their bite enhanced to petrify flesh. The enchantments that animate fossil golems grant them a form of modular flexibility, letting them trade mobility for extended reach through the rapid rearrangement of their limbs. This also lets them appear like a jumbled mass of bones at rest, making them likely to be mistaken for decor rather than guardians.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 35Unspecific Lore: DC 33Specific Lore: DC 30Fossil GolemSource Bestiary 3 pg. 116Perception +20; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +20Str +7Dex +2Con +6Int -5Wis +0Cha -5---AC 33 Fort +26 Ref +20 Will +18 HP 195Immunitiesacid, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, magic (see below), mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousResistancesphysical 10 (except adamantine or bludgeoning)Golem Antimagic harmed by cold and water (5d10, 2d8 from areas and persistent damage); healed by acid (area 2d8 HP); slowed by earthVulnerable to Stone to Flesh A _stone to flesh_ spell negates the golem's golem antimagic and its resistance to physical damage for 1 round. A _flesh to stone_ spell reverses this effect immediately.---Speed 25 feetMeleejaws +26 (deadly 2d10, Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d10+13 piercing plus fossilizationFossilization(Arcane, Incapacitation, Transmutation) The first time each round a creature takes damage from the fossil golem's jaws, the target must attempt a DC 32 Fortitude save. If it fails and has not already been slowed by this ability, it becomes slowed 1 for 1 minute. If the creature was already slowed by this ability, a failed save causes it to be petrified permanently.ReassembleThe fossil golem reorganizes its bones, increasing its reach to 25 feet and reducing its Speed to 15 feet. It can revert to its original form by taking this action again.Digging is OptionalIntact fossilized bones are difficult components to scrounge, much less whole skeletons. An alternate way to obtain them is to hire expert hunters or adventurers to seek out live dinosaurs, bring back the bones, and use magic to turn them to stone. Of course, some purists prefer genuine fossilized bones and are willing to pay the price for their acquisition. Either way, opportunities await enterprising souls with the proper tools and several _bags of holding_. " - }, - { - "name": "Froghemoth", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "676", - "lore": "FroghemothA terrifying abomination of teeth, tentacles, and unbridled rage, the froghemoth is thankfully rarely encountered even in the deepest swamplands or most remote Darklands caverns. Capable of devouring dinosaurs and even dragons, it is a frighteningly effective ambush hunter, immersing itself in the mire with only its eyestalk protruding and watching in every direction at once with uncanny precision.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 33Froghemoth" - }, - { - "name": "Frost Drake", - "family": "Drake", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "163", - "lore": "Frost DrakeFrost drakes pose an immense danger in the frozen reaches they call home, where they roam far and wide to hunt for prey such as caribou, wolves, small bears, and tundra-dwelling people. Related as they are to white dragons, these drakes share many habits and facets of their disposition with their draconic cousins. Indeed, just as white dragons are among the most bestial and craven of dragonkind, frost drakes are among the most depraved and openly malicious of the drakes. They are also especially insolent, and are less likely to back down from a flight compared to other drakes. Many frost drakes have met their ends trying to enact cruelties beyond their means, such as singly taking on an entire castle or well-fortified township. Although a frost drake can wreak much destruction on its own, tales of village-dwelling northerners banding together to defend their homes from these rogue menaces are fairly common. A frost drake’s hunting grounds are quite large. Those frost drakes that live upon the permanently frozen peaks of high mountains have been known to swoop down to snatch up prey from the lowlands, leaving frozen swaths of earth from their breath as the only sign of their passing. Their frost-covered scales range from deep royal blue to crisp cyan and sometimes feature sporadic patches of violet. Their hides are thinner than most drakes’; when a frost drake is inhaling in preparation to launch its signature frozen breath, the monster’s ice-blue blood can be seen beneath its scales.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 23Frost Drake" - }, - { - "name": "Frost Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Cold", "Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "222", - "lore": "Frost GiantFrost giants are remorseless marauders who pillage and plunder from those who dare to live near them in desolate, frigid lands. Their clans range from extremely territorial hunters who claim an expanse of tundra and defend it at all costs to nomadic hordes that roam icy slopes in search of settlements to conquer. Frost giant clans are ruled by those who exhibit the greatest ferocity and prowess in battle—massive brutes who proclaim themselves jarl and demand absolute obedience from their followers. If at any time a frost giant wishes to be a jarl, all they must do is issue a challenge to the current jarl and face off in mortal combat, after which the reigning champion continues leading the clan or the victorious challenger assumes control. Frost giants live in frostbitten realms, and their appearance is reflective of a people weathered and hardened by relentless snowstorms and freezing temperatures. They often wear metal armor adorned with the furs, skin, teeth, and tusks of slain beasts and heft weapons as long as dining tables. Their flesh ranges from pale blue to shale gray, and their hair is typically a dingy white or dirty yellow color. A typical frost giant stands about 15 feet tall and weighs approximately 2,800 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 26Frost Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Frost Troll", - "family": "Troll", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Cold", "Giant", "Troll"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "831", - "lore": "Frost TrollFrost trolls are nightmarish frozen monsters of rime-stained claws and hoarfrost teeth. Possessing wits superior to those of common trolls, frost trolls often hunt in packs of three—one attacking their quarry openly while the remaining two pause to assess weaknesses before moving in for the kill. Frost trolls relish the taste of human flesh and adjust their hunting grounds seasonally to remain in close proximity to their favorite prey. Of slighter frame than common trolls, a typical frost troll stands 11 feet tall when not hunched and weighs 900 pounds. Their sickly, cracked flesh is of an icy, cerulean pallor. Frost trolls often adorn themselves with trophies of bone and hide flayed from their kills.Frost Troll" - }, - { - "name": "Frost Worm", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Cold"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "677", - "lore": "Frost WormThe frost worm's single round, red eye gleams prominently at the head of its monstrous mass, white as a winter snowfall. What appears to be a bifurcated lower jaw is actually two spiky parapodia that the worm uses to shovel food into its lamprey-like mouth. An adult frost worm measures 35 feet long and weighs 8,000 pounds. A frost worm is an apex predator that uses camouflage, burrowing, and deceit to ambush its prey. When it attacks, a frost worm produces a distinctive, high-pitched trill. Though some survivors of frost worm attacks have compared it to a wailing lament, the trill has a captivating effect on nearby creatures, causing them to stop and listen even as the monstrous creature approaches. The cold shed by a frost worm is as dangerous as its trill or its jaws, and while it is not fond of warmer climates, neither is it particularly hampered in such regions. A frost worm that somehow finds itself in temperate or even tropical environs causes the immediate area to chill and ice over with frost over time, creating seemingly impossible pockets of frozen terrain.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 30Frost Worm" - }, - { - "name": "Frost Yai", - "family": "Oni", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend, Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Cold", "Fiend", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Oni"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "747", - "lore": "Frost YaiIce yai combine the brutality of frost giants with the grace of martial artists. More than any other oni, ice yai delight not in the pleasures of the flesh, but in flesh itself—rather than indulging in oft-destructive mortal vices like drink or lust, ice yai pursue physical perfection, reveling in the process of turning their bodies into powerful fighting machines.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 31Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 31Frost Yai" - }, - { - "name": "Fuath", - "family": "Gremlin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Gremlin", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1179", - "lore": "FuathDespite their small size, fuaths are shipwreckers incarnate. In the dark of night, these gremlins sever ratlines, slash sails, smash sextants, and soil provisions. Once the ship founders, the fuaths return to indulge their craving for land-raised flesh. While fuaths prefer to take their prey asleep, they save a terrible doom for sailors who attack them, surrounding the mariners' faces in magically congealed water to drown them where they stand. Constantly dripping with water, fuaths have seahorse-like faces, seaweed-green fur over yellow skin, and wicked lobster claws for hands. Lacking the Undercommon tongue, they have trouble relating to other gremlins aside from hanivers, but revere sea hags and evil aquatic fey.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10FuathSource Bestiary 3 pg. 121Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesAquanSkillsAcrobatics +7, Deception +4, Nature +6, Sailing Lore +6, Stealth +7, Thievery +7Str +1Dex +4Con +2Int +1Wis +3Cha -1Itemsdarts (6)---AC 17 Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +6 HP 18Weaknessescold iron 2, fire 2Vulnerable to Sunlight A fuath becomes drained 1 (or increases its drained condition by 1) after every consecutive hour they're exposed to sunlight. Being submerged in more than a foot of water prevents the sunlight from harming the fuath.---Speed 20 feet, swim 30 feetMeleeclaw +9 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d6+1 slashingRangeddart +9 (Agile, range increment 20 feet),Damage 1d4+1 piercingPrimal Innate Spells DC 17- Cantrips (1st)Prestidigitation- 1stCreate Water, SleepViscous Choke(Conjuration, Primal, Water) Frequency once per day; Effect The fuath surrounds the head of one air-breathing creature within 30 feet in a magical film of viscous water for 1 minute. The target must succeed at a DC 17 Reflex save or begin to choke and must hold their breath to avoid drowning. The film can be temporarily wiped away with a total of 3 Interact actions by the choking creature or creatures adjacent to it, allowing a new Reflex save with a +2 circumstance bonus to end the effect. (These actions don't need to be consecutive or made by the same creature.)Fuath GuardiansLone fuaths sometimes appoint themselves guardians of nature, protecting spawning grounds from overfishing or preventing careless cutting of peat bogs. Most, however, are unrepentant saboteurs." - }, - { - "name": "Fuming Sludge", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "984", - "lore": "Fuming SludgeThe slurry from alchemical experiments is often as flammable as it is toxic. In especially volatile cases, a fuming sludge can form from ignited pools of unstable alchemical runoff. It resembles a charcoal-colored slurry studded with tiny embers, and it continually emits a thin haze of accelerant that amplifies the fires it starts. A fuming sludge must consume the base chemicals of living creatures to survive and can instinctively identify the complex molecules found in most animate creatures. The first meal of many a fuming sludge is its accidental creator, but it soon moves on to hunt in lush forests or densely populated settlements. A fuming sludge can extrude a powerful pseudopod to strike its victims, but it can also eject portions of its body with peristaltic contractions. These rapidly-cooling globs of goo slow down fleeing prey, but the cold, crusty residue can also alert canny explorers to their presence.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 25Fuming Sludge" - }, - { - "name": "Fungus Leshy", - "family": "Leshy", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fungus", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fungus", "Leshy"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "281", - "lore": "Fungus LeshyFungus leshys guard caves, bogs, and damp, dark places. Their fungus gardens are bizarre by most standards, but fungus leshys are extremely proud of their works.Recall Knowledge - Fungus (Nature): DC 16Fungus Leshy" - }, - { - "name": "Gahlepod (Juvenile Brughadatch)", - "family": "Brughadatch", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "527", - "lore": "Gahlepod (Juvenile Brughadatch)The youngest brughadatches resemble overlarge tadpoles about 2 feet long.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 23Gahlepod" - }, - { - "name": "Galvo", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1160", - "lore": "GalvoA galvo is a bizarre humanoid creature made up of electric eels—dozens of them, transmogrified into one cooperative, electrified body. The story of their creation is lost to antiquity, though their propensity for attacking sea devils and alghollthus suggests they might have been engineered by some enemy of these creatures. Modern galvos aren't choosy about their prey, and because they can operate as well on land as they do in the water, they enjoy feasting on aquatic creatures and land dwellers alike. A galvo's body forms something roughly shaped like a human, but with eels continually moving throughout it and shifting the shape of its mass. The galvo can even disperse into a swarm of eels, though it usually does so only to travel through narrow spaces or otherwise accomplish things it's incapable of in its normal form. These component eels share some element of a collective consciousness, giving the galvo more intelligence than a typical animal. Individual galvos generally don't have any need for or interest in socializing, though they sometimes gather to collaborate while hunting. Electricity arcs throughout a galvo, and the more the eels that make it up move about, the larger and more impressive the electric display. This electricity creates a damaging field around the galvo that causes small fish and other sea life to drop dead. Many galvos contentedly snack on these prey. Even beyond the harmful field, underwater creatures feel a faint unease from galvos, and might notice how ferrous trinkets and sediment slowly drift toward them. A galvo attack could come from a lone creature or a small group. In addition to dangers of the electricity field generated by galvos' eels, galvos might attack by biting with their eels' maws or even firing off one of their eels like a dart, striking a distant target with a living, electrified projectile.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21GalvoSource Bestiary 3 pg. 103Perception +17; darkvisionLanguagesAquan; (can't speak any language)SkillsAcrobatics +19, Athletics +19, Stealth +19Str +4Dex +6Con +3Int -2Wis +4Cha -1---AC 27 all-around visionFort +18 Ref +21 Will +15 HP 158Immunitiesprecision, swarm mindResistancesbludgeoning 5, electricity 12, slashing 8, piercing 8Weaknessesarea damage 8, splash damage 8Electrical Field (electricity, aura) 5 feet, 1d12 electricity damage (DC 26 basic Reflex)---Speed 20 feet, swim 30 feetMeleeeel jaws +21 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d6+7 piercing plus 1d12 electricityRangedeel dart +21 (Agile, thrown 20 feet),Damage 1d6+7 piercing plus 1d12 electricitySquirming EmbraceThe galvo Strides, ending its movement sharing a space with another creature, and deals 3d6 piercing plus 2d12 electricity damage to the creature. The creature must attempt a DC 28 basic Reflex save.Swarm Shape(Concentrate) The galvo collapses into a shapeless swarm of eels. It drops all held, worn, and carried items. While discorporated, the galvo can't use attack actions, but it can move through areas small enough for its individual eels to fit without having to Squeeze. It can use Swarm Shape again to coalesce back into its normal form.Galvo MealsGalvos feed in private, carrying defeated prey off to their underwater caves. A galvo strips its meal of anything undigestible, then envelops the victim inside its writhing body. If the meal is halfling-sized or smaller, the galvo might begin hunting for its next meal while still digesting." - }, - { - "name": "Gancanagh (Passion Azata)", - "family": "Azata", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "35", - "lore": "Gancanagh (Passion Azata)Gancanaghs are lovers, revelers, and dashing duelists of Elysium. Embodiments of free love, they eagerly throw themselves into courting targets for brief but earnest flings until their quicksilver passions change their desires. They serve Cayden Cailean as well as other bacchanalian deities and empyreal lords of Elysium who understand their desires for love and parties. Gancanaghs hate evil beings that profane the spirit of romance and passion, as such creatures (especially the demonic tempters known as succubi) reinforce stigmas against open and free love. One can give no greater insult to a gancanagh than to mistake him for such a creature, and more than one hotheaded gancanagh has challenged a misinformed paladin or other champion of good to a duel over such a slight. While they enjoy drinking and carousing, gancanaghs can’t stand smoke. Nonetheless, many gancanaghs carry whimsical-looking smoking pipes because they think it makes them look dapper. They cherish their silver flutes, for they enjoy the beauty of flutes’ music and its ability to sway the heart.The majority of gancanaghs present themselves as male, but the concept of gender to a creature like a gancanagh, which can change its shape freely, is much more fluid and open to interpretation than for many mortals. Gancanaghs enjoy using this flexibility to confront and test mortals’ convictions when faced with fear or prejudice, but when encountering mortals who themselves are open-minded about sexuality or gender identity, they can become lifelong allies. For those who are persecuted for such reasons, gancanaghs are tireless defenders and eager supporters, quick to provide safety and to punish those who would attempt to impose narrower beliefs upon a world that deserves more diversity than it often gets. If possible, a gancanagh seeks to educate and redeem those who hold destructive beliefs or prejudices, resorting to combat only to defend themself or an endangered mortal, or when no other option seems tenable—yet even then, they fight with sadness.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 19Gancanagh" - }, - { - "name": "Ganzi Martial Artist", - "family": "Planar Scion", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Ganzi", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1266", - "lore": "GanziChildren of primeval chaos, ganzis intertwine the churning pandemonium of the Maelstrom with the more mundane tumult of mortal life. Some arise in bloodlines touched by creatures of chaos in generations previous, while others are changed by planar friction as the Maelstrom seethes upon the shores of creation, but all share the essence of anarchy in their blood and bone. As children of chaos, ganzis vary wildly in appearance; protean-kin remain the most common, with patches of scales and feathers and mischievous slithering tails. Others might have stranger features, such as horns, glowing orange eyes, or limbs flickering with harmless auras of entropic energy. Ganzis might be dramatically shorter, taller, thinner, or stouter than is typical for their ancestry, and it's not uncommon for them to be mistaken for more common planar scions. Independent-minded to a fault, often creative and capricious, ganzis prefer professions that allow them to serve as their own masters. If such a profession gives a ganzi opportunity to baffle or befuddle Golarion's more staid citizens, then all the better. Many ganzis develop reputations as outgoing, deviant, or thrill-seeking, and many heartily embrace these reputations and lean into them. Of all the planar scions, ganzis are among the most likely to take up life as wanderers. Ganzis with a taste for close combat are sometimes drawn to martial arts, turning their curious forms into potent and unexpected weapons. It's common to find such ganzi in the temporary employ of others, whether out of a legitimately shared ideology or simply the need for money. Just as often, though, one may simply find a ganzi martial artist demonstrating their craft on a street corner or dealing out justice to enforcers of cruel laws.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Ganzi Martial ArtistSource Bestiary 3 pg. 205Perception +9; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, ProteanSkillsAthletics +10, Acrobatics +9, Deception +7, Performance +7, Stealth +9Str +3Dex +4Con +0Int -1Wis +2Cha +2ItemsExplorer's Clothing, Shuriken (20)---AC 21 Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 +1 to saves vs. effects that cause the controlled conditionHP 36Resistancesacid, electricity, or sonic 1 (chosen randomly each day)---Speed 35 feetMeleefoot +11 (Agile, Finesse, Sweep),Damage 1d8+5 bludgeoningRangedshuriken +11 (Agile, thrown 20 feet),Damage 1d4+5 piercingDivine Innate Spells DC 19, attack +11- 2ndtwo of the following chosen at random each day using 1d12 (1: _acid arrow_; 2: _blur_; 3: _hideous laughter_; 4: _humanoid form_; 5: _illusory object_; 6: _mirror image_; 7: _resist energy_; 8: _see invisibility_; 9: _shatter_; 10: _sound burst_; 11: _spider climb_; 12: _telekinetic maneuver_)Flurry of KicksFrequency once per turn; Effect The martial artist makes two melee Strikes. The martial artist applies their multiple attack penalty to these Strikes normally.Handspring KickRequirements The martial artist has both hands free; Effect The martial artist Steps, then makes a melee Strike at a –1 penalty.Ganzi Martial ArtsGanzi martial artists are often drawn to styles that emphasize acrobatics, mobility, flexibility, or artistry. The ganzis of Arcadia are particularly famous for a dancelike style—rarely shared with outsiders—which emphasizes fluid motion over rigid positioning and commonly employs maneuvers such as inverted kicks and sweeping leg strikes. " - }, - { - "name": "Gargoyle", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast", "Earth"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "210", - "lore": "GargoyleGargoyles are monstrous hunters made of elemental stone. They use their resemblance to decorative statues to hide in plain sight in cities during the day and descend upon unlucky pedestrians at night. Their most common form is that of a horned humanoid with bat-like wings, but individual gargoyles show a great deal of variation, with some appearing more or less humanoid and others resembling no known creature. A gargoyle’s features are not flxed; city-dwelling gargoyles who remain in the same locale long enough slowly morph, day by day, to match the style of the local architecture. These patient monsters can stay disguised for long stretches of time as they patiently await an opportunity to strike. Gargoyles tend to be lone hunters, though sometimes they band into fearsome tribes called “wings” for protection or sport. On rare occasions, wings become relatively stable communities, and gargoyles in wings may even ally with other creatures such as demons and intelligent aberrations, though these alliances exist on a razor’s edge. The majority of gargoyles are treacherous, vindictive, and petty—traits that preclude lasting partnerships. Many tend to be obsessive and compulsive. Some are collectors, focusing on anything from books to grim trophies, while others are ritualistic or overly passionate about niche intellectual subjects or certain artistic motifs. These tendencies often contribute to the dissolution of wings as individuals’ obsessions and compulsions clash. Kapoacinth Kapoacinths dwell not amid cliffs or rooftops, but beneath the sea, using their wings to swim. These water-dwelling gargoyles often dwell in shallow coastal regions and shamble forth from the sea to attack prey. Kapoacinths are less individualistic and tend to create more stable wings for longer periods of time. Kapoacinths have the same abilities as the gargoyle presented below, but with the following adjustments: they have the aquatic trait, they have a swim Speed of 40 feet instead of a fly Speed, and their Clawed Feat reaction triggers when they are Swimming instead of Flying.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 19Gargoyle" - }, - { - "name": "Garuda", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Celestial", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1162", - "lore": "GarudaGarudas are noble, birdlike beings descended from the gods. They were born under the cerulean skies of the Outer Plane of Elysium but have since spread to the Material Plane, and it is here that they primarily reside. On Golarion,the largest garuda populations live in the rugged hills and mountains of Vudra, though some have spread to the Impossible Kingdom of Jalmeray and even to the eastern mountains of Garund. Garudas usually roost in isolated aeries but spend much of their time gliding on the wind. Many garudas are nomadic or migratory, yearning to travel and soar above new landscapes. While they remain detached from humanoid societies, they are impetuous and gallant, frequently serving as protectors of communities near the cliffs and peaks where they roost. Some garudas instead combine their wanderlust and goodhearted nature by serving as messengers and emissaries between remote settlements, though most who take up this work abandon it after a few years when the same terrain becomes boring. Wandering garudas are no less compassionate, and many a tale tells of a garuda who came to the aid of a lost traveler or carried an endangered soul to safety. Though they hold most living creatures in high regard, garudas loathe ophidian creatures—nagas in particular. Rarely do they come into contact without fighting, and a garuda will go out of their way to hunt down a naga if they hear even the tiniest hint of a rumor suggesting the presence of one. A garuda's feathering and coloration range widely depending on the terrain they favor. Garudas in temperate woodlands might resemble jays or falcons, while tropical garudas sport bright plumage.Recall Knowledge - Celestial(Religion): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21GarudaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 104Perception +20; darkvisionLanguagesCelestial, Common, VudraniSkillsAcrobatics +21, Athletics +17, Intimidation +19, Religion +16, Stealth +19, Survival +16Str +4Dex +6Con +4Int +2Wis +3Cha +4Items_+1 striking composite longbow_ (100 arrows)---AC 28 Fort +17 Ref +21 Will +16 HP 135---Speed 25 feet, fly 60 feetMeleebeak +21 (Finesse),Damage 2d10+7 piercing plus 1d6 goodMeleetalon +21 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d8+7 slashing plus 1d6 goodRanged_shock composite longbow_ +22 (deadly d10, Magical, range increment 100 feet, reload 0, volley 30 feet),Damage 2d8+5 piercing plus 1d6 electricity and 1d6 goodDivine Innate Spells DC 27- 1stTrue Strike (at will)- 2ndSee Invisibility (×3)- 3rdHaste- 4thFreedom of MovementElectric Projectiles(Arcane, Evocation) Any arrow the garuda fires gains the effects of a _shock_ rune.Swooping DiveThe garuda flies up to their Speed in a straight line, descending at least 10 feet, and then makes two talon Strikes.Wind Blast(Air, Evocation) The garuda flaps their wings with intense force. This has the same effect as _gust of wind_ (DC 27) but in a 30-foot cone. In an area with loose debris (at the GM's discretion), the gusts from the garuda's wings create a cloud that obscures vision, making any creature in the area concealed, and creatures outside the area are concealed to those within the area.Serpentine HatredIn the distant past, the mother of all garudas was tricked into slavery by the wicked serpent queen. The strongest of the garuda children undertook a great journey and overcame many dangerous obstacles to free their mother in a feat of trickery that outwitted even the clever queen. Since then, garudas have been the mortal enemies of nagas, evil serpents, and other aberrant ophidian creatures." - }, - { - "name": "Gashadokuro", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "474", - "lore": "GashadokuroThe dreaded gashadokuro is an undead haunter of the night, a giant skeleton that rises from the earth in the aftermath of a mass starvation event and seeks to inflict its unending hunger on the living. A gashadokuro that comes about due to a poor growing season is more prone to stalk remote village farmlands at night, while a gashadokuro that arose from the victims of a government-instigated food shortage has few compunctions about stomping straight into bustling cities in broad daylight. These latter gashadokuro even seem to target aristocrats and government authorities—whether or not they are the same politicians whose negligence resulted in the famine in the first place—leading many to believe that the gashadokuro seeks to slake its thirst for revenge even more than it seeks to sate its unending hunger.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 33Gashadokuro" - }, - { - "name": "Gathlain Wanderer", - "family": "Gathlain", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Fey,Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey", "Plant", "Uncommon", "Small"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1163", - "lore": "Gathlain WandererGathlains have made a name for themselves as inquisitive and mischievous, as well as flighty and distractable. These eccentric little fey want nothing more than to explore the many wonders of the world for their own pleasure. Born of magical trees in seed pods that float hundreds of miles on the wind, gathlains are a bizarre mix of flesh and flora. Sprigs of mistletoe bloom from their back and form a delicate pair of wings. They enjoy adorning themselves with oddities found on their journeys, such as beads, pieces of fine cloth, and bits of armor. The fey see these accessories as trophies, proof of their travels, and mementos of their adventures. The typical gathlain is only 2 feet tall, but their small size doesn't deter them from seeking out and exploring potentially dangerous places. They sometimes even use their size to their advantage, squeezing through tight spaces that most would never be able to fit through. Moreover, their vine-laced wings let them reach heights many adventurers would find daunting. These traits have made them celebrated explorers whose presence is welcome in a group of travelers—so long as everyone is prepared for their nigh-endless questions. A conversation with a gathlain can feel more like an interrogation, as they care little for the comfort of others if it means they will learn something new and interesting to add to their range of knowledge. Gathlains are particularly fond of gnomes, as they feel a sort of familial attachment to their exiled fey kin, and attempt to ingratiate themselves with any gnomes they run across. Gnomes don't always return this affection and many tend to distrust gathlains, due to the smaller creatures' gossipy and flighty nature.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 17Recall Knowledge - Plant(Nature): DC 17Unspecific Lore: DC 15Specific Lore: DC 12Gathlain WandererSource Bestiary 3 pg. 105Perception +6; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, SylvanSkillsAcrobatics +7, Deception +5, Forest Lore +5, Nature +4, Performance +5, Society +3, Stealth +7, Survival +4Str +2Dex +4Con +0Int +0Wis +1Cha +2ItemsDagger, Shortbow---AC 17 Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +6 HP 14Weaknessescold iron 2Final Jape When the gathlain dies, their wings explode into a cloud of toxic mist. Each creature within a 5-foot emanation takes 1d6 poison damage (DC 18 basic Fortitude save).---Speed 20 feet, fly 30 feetMeleedagger +9 (Agile, Finesse, versatile S),Damage 1d4+2 piercingRangedshortbow +9 (deadly d10, range increment 60 feet),Damage 1d6 piercingHide and SeekThe gathlain ignores difficult terrain from non-magical foliage.RootboundRequirements The gathlain isn't using their wings to fly; Effect The gathlain sprouts woody roots from the tips of their wings that bind an adjacent creature's limbs. The target must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or be grabbed by the gathlain's wing-tip vines until the start of the gathlain's next turn." - }, - { - "name": "Gelatinous Cube", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "321", - "lore": "Gelatinous CubeFound underground or in dungeons, these quivering cubes of slime continuously scour their domain for food. The acid in their bodies is weak enough that many gelatinous cubes still contain the gear of their victims, as they’re unable to break them down.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 18Gelatinous Cube" - }, - { - "name": "Gelugon (Ice Devil)", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "113", - "lore": "Gelugon (Ice Devil)Insectile ice devils are strategists and masterminds in Hell’s armies, using their superior intellect to strike against their enemies and spread Hell’s influence throughout the planes. An ice devil rarely breaks their solitary contemplation of strategy save to pursue a plan they have devised. They can be enticed otherwise only by an exchange of services to be determined at a later time, adding to the pieces they can play on the board. Occasionally, a mortal strategist of outstanding skill might amuse an ice devil enough for the gelugon to agree to a contest of strategy, typically a strategic board game like chess, to decide a dispute. In the unlikely event the devil loses such a contest, they inevitably go to great lengths to later obtain that mortal’s services for their own infernal ends.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 31Gelugon" - }, - { - "name": "Ghaele (Crusader Azata)", - "family": "Azata", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "37", - "lore": "Ghaele (Crusader Azata)Ghaeles are fiend-hunting knights of Elysium and champions of the freedom to take up arms against oppressors and other evils. Ghaeles rarely engage directly in mortal wars, but where fiends are involved they make an exception. A ghaele might assume the guise of a mortal to fight fiends alongside others, hoping to bolster morale and teach good tactics against such supernatural foes. Ghaeles serve various deities and empyreal lords of Elysium, though many have an affinity for Cayden Cailean in his capacity as a champion of freedom and defender of the downtrodden. Among azatas, ghaeles are generally the quickest to shift to violence as a method of solving problems, but even then they seek to minimize pain and suffering when they can.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 31Ghaele" - }, - { - "name": "Ghast", - "family": "Ghoul", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Ghoul", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "219", - "lore": "GhastGhasts—feral, foul-smelling, and constantly hungry—are the more powerful kin of ghouls. They are relentless in the pursuit of their prey.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 16Ghast" - }, - { - "name": "Ghonhatine", - "family": "Fleshwarp", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "671", - "lore": "GhonhatineIn transforming xulgaths, drow fleshwarpers sought not to create a new type of creature but to recapture a form of xulgath predecessor believed entirely vanished from Golarion. Ghonhatines are the result—hulking reptilian beasts who prefer to crawl on all fours and tear at their foes with bestial fury.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 27Ghonhatine" - }, - { - "name": "Ghoran Manipulator", - "family": "Ghoran", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid,Plant", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Ghoran", "Humanoid", "Plant", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1164", - "lore": "Ghoran ManipulatorThis ghoran manipulator relies on charm to survive.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 23Recall Knowledge - Plant(Nature): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18Ghoran ManipulatorSource Bestiary 3 pg. 106Perception +9; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, SylvanSkillsDeception +11, Diplomacy +9, Nature +9, Performance +11, Stealth +6Str +0Dex +1Con +3Int +0Wis +2Cha +4ItemsShortbow (20 arrows), Spear---AC 18 Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +11 HP 45Appetizing Aroma (aura, olfactory) 10 feet. A creature entering or starting its turn in the aura must attempt a DC 17 Will save. Creatures that don't eat are immune to Appetizing Aroma. Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 1 hour. Failure The creature is distracted by a desire to consume the ghoran. For 1 round it becomes flat-footed and fascinated by the ghoran manipulator.Delicious Ghorans were originally created to be scrumptious food. A ghoran manipulator takes 5 additional damage from jaws Strikes, fangs Strikes, or other similar Strikes with a creature's mouth. When a ghoran manipulator is grabbed or restrained by a creature's jaws, fangs, or mouth, the DC to Escape is increased by 2.Anguished Cry(emotion, enchantment, mental) Trigger A humanoid enemy damages the ghoran manipulator with a melee attack; Effect The ghoran manipulator rearranges its facial petals and wails, mimicking humanoid anguish to engender sympathy. The triggering creature must attempt a DC 20 Will save. Success The target is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 1 hour. Failure The target takes a –2 circumstance penalty on attack rolls against the ghoran manipulator until the start of its next turn. Critical Failure As failure, and the target is stupefied 2 until the start of its next turn.---Speed 25 feetMeleespear +7,Damage 1d6+2 piercingRangedspear +8 (thrown 20 feet),Damage 1d6+2 piercingRangedshortbow +8 (deadly d10, range increment 60 feet, reload 0),Damage 1d6+2 piercingOccult Spontaneous Spells DC 20- Cantrips (2nd)Daze, Forbidding Ward, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand- 1stCharm, Sanctuary, Sleep, Soothe (3 slots)- 2ndIllusory Disguise, Phantom Pain (2 slots)Primal Innate Spells DC 20- 1stGoodberry, Purify Food and Drink- 2ndDetect Poison" - }, - { - "name": "Ghost Commoner", - "family": "Ghost", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit, Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "216", - "lore": "Ghost CommonerThe ghost commoner is an ordinary person who believes they died unjustly, usually due to foul play or betrayal.Recall Knowledge - Spirit (Occultism): DC 19Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 19Ghost Commoner" - }, - { - "name": "Ghost Mage", - "family": "Ghost", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit, Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "217", - "lore": "Ghost MageA wizard who died with a major project left undone might become a ghost mage, constantly seeking to finish its task in undeath.Recall Knowledge - Spirit (Occultism): DC 27Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 27Ghost Mage" - }, - { - "name": "Ghoul", - "family": "Ghoul", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Ghoul", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "218", - "lore": "GhoulGhouls are ravenous undead who haunt graveyards and eat corpses.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 15Ghoul" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Amoeba", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "751", - "lore": "Giant AmoebaThese blobs of nearly transparent protoplasm are identical in form and behavior to the microscopic creatures from which they have evolved, except their outlandish size makes them all the more dangerous. Unlike slimes, puddings, and other deadly oozes, giant amoebas have an outer membrane that contains their internal structures, making them more susceptible to slashing weapons than their amorphous kin. However, this membrane is also extremely flexible and permeable, allowing them to surround prey and absorb it, suffocating and slowly digesting it in the amoeba's acidic fluids.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 15Giant Amoeba" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Anaconda", - "family": "Snake", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "382", - "lore": "Giant AnacondaThe monstrous giant anaconda is capable of swallowing whole creatures as big as horses—to say nothing of their riders. Although novice bushwhackers watch out for snakes that might drop on them from the jungle canopy above, giant anacondas are most commonly encountered in ponds and rivers, where they feed on prey including manatees and capybaras.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 24Giant Anaconda" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Animated Statue", - "family": "Animated Object", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Construct", "Earth", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "22", - "lore": "Giant Animated StatueAs with any humanoid animated statues of Medium size, giant animated statues are used to guard locations of importance, but their increased size and power make them most useful in large vaults, spacious chambers, or outdoor locations. Animated objects of this strength and size are ideal for tasks and responsibilities usually performed by golems, and more powerful animated objects are thus all but unheard of.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 23Giant Animated Statue" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Ant", - "family": "Ant", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "548", - "lore": "Giant AntGiant ants are much like their smaller kin in their industrious habits, though growing to the size of ponies makes them much deadlier.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Giant Ant" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Aukashungi", - "family": "Aukashungi", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "526", - "lore": "Giant AukashungiThe strongest individual in an aukashungi swarm eventually grows to monstrous proportions.\nRecall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 34Giant Aukashungi" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Badger", - "family": "Badger", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "562", - "lore": "Giant BadgerThe violent, territorial giant badger is a relentless predator. An obligate carnivore, its prey ranges from rabbits to deer, livestock, and even the occasional traveler or adventurer. A giant badger's claws are sharp and strong enough to carve tunnels from solid rock. They typically stand 4 feet tall at the shoulder and weigh 500 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Giant Badger" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Bat", - "family": "Bat", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "46", - "lore": "Giant BatWhile big bats are certainly not uncommon in dark caves and abandoned ruins and may instill fear in squeamish spelunkers, the so-called giant bat is a true monster, weighing well over 100 pounds and having a wingspan of nearly 15 feet. It primarily eats fruit and bugs, but can be incited to violence through fear or hunger. Giant bat attacks can quickly give rise to rumors of more dangerous monsters—many mistake these massive animals for some sort of demon or vampiric monster. But like other bats, giant bats are simply social and intelligent mammals. They are sometimes used as mounts by smaller humanoids, commonly those who hail from or dwell in mountainous or underground regions.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Giant Bat" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Bone Skipper", - "family": "Bone Skipper", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "990", - "lore": "Giant Bone SkipperWhile less common than the smaller variety, giant bone skippers are the stuff of nightmares for morticians and graveyard keepers.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 25Giant Bone Skipper" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Centipede", - "family": "Centipede", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "77", - "lore": "Giant CentipedeMost giant centipedes (known as sewer centipedes when found in cities) nest in small groups but hunt alone when they seek out food. Attempts to domesticate giant centipedes for use as guardians or pets generally end poorly, but some tribes of goblins, kobolds, and mitflits have developed effective methods of utilizing these vermin as guardians. Other tribes and some humanoid societies roast and eat centipedes, often with pungent peppers as a savory delicacy, although care must be taken in preparing the meal to avoid tainting the flesh with the creature’s venom.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 13Giant Centipede" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Chameleon", - "family": "Lizard", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "724", - "lore": "Giant ChameleonGiant chameleons are legendary for their ability to change their skin color in response to their surroundings. Their eyes are capable of peering in different directions independently, making them almost as difficult to sneak up on as they are to notice in the first place.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Giant Chameleon" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Cockroach", - "family": "Cockroach", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "585", - "lore": "Giant CockroachCockroaches are communal creatures, rarely setting out on their own unless they are searching for food. If an adventurer encounters a single giant cockroach while exploring, they had best take precautions against others, as there is likely an entire colony nearby.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Giant Cockroach" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Crab", - "family": "Crab", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "588", - "lore": "Giant CrabCrabs are scavenging crustaceans known for their hard shells and iconic sideways gait. They use their claws to defend themselves, hunt, and fight other crabs for territory. When confronted with threats from outside their species, most crabs prefer to flee, but when retreat isn't possible, they clamp on to their foes as tightly as they can.The statistics presented here represent giant crabs that live close to the water's surface. Crabs that live deeper underwater often exhibit more extreme adaptations to their environment. Crabs who live in the depths where little light reaches gain darkvision and cold resistance, and those adapted to the most hostile reaches of the deep sea can detect nearby creatures through subtle shifts in ocean currents.These skittering creatures are prized for their delicious meat, but their size makes them dangerous targets for harvesting.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Giant Crab" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Crawling Hand", - "family": "Crawling Hand", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "590", - "lore": "Giant Crawling HandA giant crawling hand is the appendage of a very large creature, such as a giant.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 20Giant Crawling Hand" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Dragonfly", - "family": "Dragonfly", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "638", - "lore": "Giant DragonflyThese buzzing insects are the size of a small horse. They are ambush predators known to hunt beasts and humanoids alike, capable of using impressive aerial acrobatics to swoop down from above and snatch away their prey.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Giant Dragonfly" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Dragonfly Nymph", - "family": "Dragonfly", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "637", - "lore": "Giant Dragonfly NymphThe aquatic, wingless offspring of dragonflies are called dragonfly nymphs. Giant dragonfly nymphs can be several feet in length and mostly hunt in shallow waters, eating carrion and ambushing living creatures with their fully grown counterparts. They are not daunted by larger creatures, compelled by their instinct to eat as much as possible to sustain their growth.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Giant Dragonfly Nymph" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Eagle", - "family": "Eagle", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "173", - "lore": "Giant EagleNo mere animals, giant eagles have a keen intellect and a strong sense of honor. As guardians of their mountain homes, giant eagles attempt to prevent the encroachment of civilization upon wild land and the predations of wicked humanoid settlements. Unlike ordinary eagles, which tend to be solitary creatures, giant eagles congregate within aeries holding up to a dozen members and work together to protect their domains. Giant eagles have wingspans up to 30 feet across and weigh up to 500 pounds. These impressive birds cannot be easily broken or cowed. A giant eagle may allow trusted terrestrial friends to ride it, but they invariably resist saddles, harnesses, or other equipment that might suggest they are mere beasts of burden rather than trusted companions. Giant eagles are long-lived and take debts and oaths very seriously, often remembering slights for years and remaining slow to forgive.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Giant Eagle" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Flea", - "family": "Flea", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "501", - "lore": "Giant FleaGiant fleas are commonly found in areas containing hardy megafauna, such as dinosaurs or mammoths.\nRecall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Giant Flea" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Fly", - "family": "Fly", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "673", - "lore": "Giant FlyThis pony-sized fly's twitching limbs seem to never stop moving as it constantly cleans itself and scoops anything edible into its mouthparts. While primarily carrion eaters, giant flies sometimes prey on livestock or other animals too slow to get away.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Giant Fly" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Flying Squirrel", - "family": "Squirrel", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1326", - "lore": "Giant Flying SquirrelThough other squirrels can fall from a great height safely, flying squirrels can soar through the air. Flaps of loose skin between their limbs catch the air to keep them aloft as they leap from greater heights. They can use this technique to escape prey or reach places that would be difficult to climb up to. The giant variety of flying squirrels dwell in the highest treetops. They're more likely to be in danger from airborne enemies than predators on the ground.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Giant Flying SquirrelSource Bestiary 3 pg. 257Perception +8; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +8, Athletics +6, Stealth +8Str +2Dex +4Con +3Int -4Wis +2Cha +0---AC 18 Fort +7 Ref +10 Will +6 HP 30---Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feetMeleejaws +11,Damage 1d8+4 piercingMeleeclaw +11 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d6+4 slashingGlideThe giant flying squirrel glides through the air. It moves up to 40 feet horizontally and descends an equal distance. If it's still in the air and takes an action other than Gliding or ends its turn, it falls." - }, - { - "name": "Giant Flytrap", - "family": "Flytrap", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "209", - "lore": "Giant FlytrapBecause they blend in so well with surrounding foliage, giant flytraps can use the element of surprise to make quick strikes against unsuspecting adventurers and forest travelers.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 27Giant Flytrap" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Frilled Lizard", - "family": "Lizard", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "290", - "lore": "Giant Frilled LizardFound in warm and tropical forests and savannas, these immense lizards are a deadly threat to the unsuspecting traveler. When they aren’t sleeping or stalking prey, giant frilled lizards bask in the sunlight for hours at a time. Explorers sometimes mistakenly think them related to dragons due to their large size, elaborate neck frills (which, when displayed in a show of aggression and dominance, can be mistaken for wings), and ferocious hissing vocalizations used to frighten away creatures too large to eat. A giant frilled lizard’s primary food sources are oversized arthropods and other invertebrates, but it won’t hesitate to augment its diet with vertebrates, including other lizards, monkeys, and just about anything it can flt into its mouth—even humanoids. Although capable of short bursts of speed, a giant frilled lizard normally lies perfectly still while hunting, hoping to ambush its prey.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 20Giant Frilled Lizard" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Frog", - "family": "Frog", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "675", - "lore": "Giant FrogGiant frogs can grow up to 6 feet long and weigh over 200 pounds, with rows of razor-sharp teeth lining their gaping mouths.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Giant Frog" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Gecko", - "family": "Lizard", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "288", - "lore": "Giant GeckoThese roughly human-sized reptiles have amazing feet capable of clinging tenaciously to any surface. Giant geckos are typically docile and shy but can be aggressive when cornered or defending their territory. These large-eyed lizards are found in a wide variety of habitats, from rainforests and deserts to mountain slopes or even underground caverns. They spend most of their time climbing around in large trees or on rocky cliffs, whether hunting for small animals or hiding from predators. A giant gecko’s scales are often quite brightly colored or decorated in intricate patterns. Giant geckos span nearly 8 feet in length from head to tail, and they weigh about 120 pounds. Giant geckos are sometimes used by smaller humanoids as guardians or mounts, as their docile nature makes them relatively easy to tame and train. Their superior climbing skills make giant geckos particularly popular within societies that dwell underground or near cliffs, such as goblins and kobolds. Their bright coloration also makes them favorite exotic pets in high society.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Giant Gecko" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Hermit Crab", - "family": "Crab", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1107", - "lore": "Giant Hermit CrabLucky hermit crabs with plentiful resources can live for decades and grow to tremendous sizes, often with magical help. Too large for most natural shells, giant hermit crabs use a variety of debris instead, including wagons, boats, treasure chests, and even abandoned pieces of giant armor.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15Giant Hermit CrabSource Bestiary 3 pg. 57Perception +13; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 15 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +9, Athletics +15, Stealth +9Str +6Dex +2Con +4Int -4Wis +2Cha +0---AC 21 Fort +15 Ref +9 Will +9 HP 114Weaknessesbludgeoning 5Protective PinchTrigger A creature adjacent to the hermit crab attempts to Strike the hermit crab while it is Retracted; Effect The hermit crab makes a big claw Strike against the triggering creature.---Speed 20 feet, climb 10 feet, swim 15 feetMeleebig claw +15,Damage 2d8+8 piercing plus GrabMeleeclaw +15 (Agile),Damage 2d4+8 piercingConstrict1d8+6 bludgeoning, DC 22RetractThe hermit crab curls fully into its shell to protect itself. This gives it a +4 circumstance bonus to AC, removes its weakness to bludgeoning damage, and grants it resistance 5 to piercing and slashing damage. The only actions the hermit crab can use while in this state are Protective Pinch and Interact to come out of its shell." - }, - { - "name": "Giant Hippocampus", - "family": "Hippocampus", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "697", - "lore": "Giant HippocampusLiving in the deepest reaches of the ocean, giant hippocampi haven't been sighted near the shore and are often regarded as legends made up by sailors.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 26Giant Hippocampus" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Jellyfish", - "family": "Jellyfish", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "707", - "lore": "Giant JellyfishUnlike its smaller cousins, the giant jellyfish is an active predator that chases down its prey through reefs or open water. It can even squeeze its enormous bell-shaped body into the tight confines of shipwrecks to drape its mane of tentacles across the exposed flesh of its prey.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 23Giant Jellyfish" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Leech", - "family": "Leech", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "711", - "lore": "Giant LeechCapable of growing to lengths of nearly 5 feet, giant leeches have circular maws filled with hook-like teeth. They prefer to dwell in stagnant or slow-moving shallow water or in damp, moist undergrowth. Horses and larger animals are their favorite prey, but they won't balk at a chance to latch onto a human- or halfling-sized meal.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Giant Leech" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Maggot", - "family": "Fly", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "672", - "lore": "Giant MaggotGiant flies lay their eggs on the bodies of larger monsters or livestock. When they hatch, these eggs release squirming maggots the size of human children, ravenous young who voraciously consume any flesh in the immediate vicinity—typically starting with the body upon which they were born.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14Giant Maggot" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Mantis", - "family": "Mantis, Giant", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "295", - "lore": "Giant MantisThese massive cousins of normal praying mantises stand taller than an average human. They stalk through dense forests, striking at meals from the trees.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Giant Mantis" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Monitor Lizard", - "family": "Lizard", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "289", - "lore": "Giant Monitor LizardLarge and seemingly ponderous, a monitor lizard is a deceptively swift and ruthless predator. It ambushes its prey by rushing out from cover and biting the target with its powerful jaws. A giant monitor lizard’s saliva is venomous, allowing it to bring down prey larger than it can easily haul away in its jaws. Giant monitor lizards grow up to 14 feet long, including their long tails, and they weigh about 350 pounds. Their bodies are normally dark brown with patches of yellow or green. When nesting, a giant monitor lizard digs a deep burrow to hide in. The burrow serves as both a safe haven and a location from which the lizard can ambush larger prey such as deer, boars, or even humanoids. A giant monitor lizard can consume nearly its own body weight in a single meal, and its loosely articulated jaws allow it to swallow surprisingly large prey.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Giant Monitor Lizard" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Moray Eel", - "family": "Eel", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "175", - "lore": "Giant Moray EelGiant moray eels dwell in warm, tropical waters and build lairs in narrow, twisting caves made of coral. Their size, speed, and powerful bite make them dangerous to divers and fishermen. Giant moray eels have rubbery hides that secrete a layer of mucus, making them difficult to harm with some weapons.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 20Giant Moray Eel" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Mosquito", - "family": "Mosquito", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "733", - "lore": "Giant MosquitoThese horrifically enlarged versions of the common mosquito often prey upon megafauna like dinosaurs and other large creatures, but they won't turn down a chance to drink the blood of a smaller target—such as a humanoid.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 22Giant Mosquito" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Octopus", - "family": "Octopus", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "315", - "lore": "Giant OctopusGiant octopuses are found in the heart of deep, dark oceans.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 24Giant Octopus" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Opossum", - "family": "Opossum", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1253", - "lore": "Giant OpossumLarger species of opossum can eat nearly anything human-sized or smaller.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Giant OpossumSource Bestiary 3 pg. 192Perception +8; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +10, Stealth +8, Survival +6Str +4Dex +2Con +3Int -4Wis +2Cha +0---AC 17 Fort +11 Ref +8 Will +5 +2 circumstance to all saves vs. diseaseHP 35Resistancespoison 3Feign DeathTrigger The opossum is reduced below 15 HP; Effect The opossum collapses. It is flat-footed and can use actions that require only its mind, but any other action ends the ruse. A successful DC 18 Perception check to Seek or Medicine check to Recall Knowledge is required to determine that the animal is not, in fact, dead.Revived RetaliationTrigger The opossum is attacked or disturbed by a creature within reach while Feigning Death; Effect The opossum Strikes the triggering creature.---Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feetMeleejaws +10 (deadly d10),Damage 1d10+4 piercingMeleeclaw +10 (Agile),Damage 1d6+4 slashingMeleetail +10 (reach 15 feet),Damage 1d4+4 bludgeoning plus GrabGrasping TailA giant opossum can drag a Small or Tiny creature it has grabbed with its tail along with it when it Strides." - }, - { - "name": "Giant Pangolin", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1260", - "lore": "PangolinDespite their prodigious size, giant pangolins are solitary, reclusive creatures who forage by night for insects and vermin. To defend themselves from predators, they rely on a veritable arsenal of natural defenses to dissuade their foes: thick armor of wickedly sharp scales, a flexible and muscular body capable of rolling into a defensive ball, and a noxious musk. Against more persistent threats, giant pangolins' powerful digging claws prove mighty weapons in a pinch. While a pangolin's defenses serve well against natural predators, they've long been targets of poaching by humanoid cultures, partly for meat, but largely due to the high value of their unique scales. These scales see widespread use in alchemy, folk medicine, and crafting, and thus demand for them—and the associated profits from their sale—remain high. Giant pangolins are better protected against humanoid hunters, but the larger size of their scales means wider applications and greater volume. The increased difficulty of acquiring pangolins makes doing so all the more profitable, and unscrupulous poachers can make a considerable living from hunting these creatures.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14Giant PangolinSource Bestiary 3 pg. 199Perception +12; scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +13, Stealth +8, Survival +10Str +5Dex +0Con +3Int -4Wis +2Cha +0---AC 21 Fort +11 Ref +8 Will +10 HP 63---Speed 30 feet, burrow 20 feet, climb 20 feetMeleeclaw +13 (Agile),Damage 1d10+7 piercing damageMeleetongue +13,Damage 1d6+7 bludgeoning damage plus GrabDevourer of SwarmsThe giant pangolin ignores the resistances of swarms, and its tongue Strike deals an additional 2d6 damage against swarms.Emit Musk(Olfactory) The giant pangolin releases a disorienting and repulsive musk within a 5-foot emanation. Each creature in the area must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save. The pangolin can't Emit Musk again for 1d4 rounds. Critical Success The creature becomes temporarily immune to pangolin musk for 1 minute. Success The creature is unaffected. Failure The creature is sickened 1. Critical Failure The creature becomes sickened 1 and is flat-footed until no longer sickened.Roll Up(Move) The giant pangolin falls prone and rolls up into a ball. While rolled up, the only actions the giant pangolin can perform are Emit Musk and Stand, and it also becomes blinded and gains resistance 10 to physical damage. An adjacent creature that hits a rolled-up giant pangolin with a melee Strike takes 1d6 slashing damage. These effects end once the giant pangolin StandsDigging DeeperGiant pangolins live among the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse and Vudra. The Taralu dwarves of the eastern Mwangi jungles treat these burrowing mammals as kindred spirits, considering their scaled forms to be divine signs of the dragons they venerate. The Taralu's affinity with giant pangolins is so great that these usually friendly dwarves refuse to work with anyone who harms these beasts. The ratfolk of Vudra also favor giant pangolins; they take care to tame any they encounter, for the giant pangolins' sharp senses, powerful digging abilities, and vermin-devouring capacity often prove quite useful when defending warrens and caravans." - }, - { - "name": "Giant Porcupine", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1268", - "lore": "PorcupineThe porcupine, sometimes called a quill pig, is a shy, gray-and-brown herbivore covered in barbed quills. Though most comfortable on the forest floor, a porcupine can climb trees adeptly to seek out leaves, bark, and insects for food. The giant porcupine is no less shy than its smaller kin, but these 5-foot-long specimens climb only the ancient old growth of deep forests. Both species are found only in temperate woodlands, though a giant porcupine prefers forests with less undergrowth where it can maneuver more easily. When startled or threatened, a porcupine employs multiple strategies to discourage potential predators. It emits a pungent odor that warns other creatures away, rattling its quills and chattering its teeth loudly to provide an additional auditory warning. If cornered, it raises its quills, faces away from the danger, and charges backwards at full speed, impaling any unlucky creatures is in its path. A porcupine's barbed quills—in actuality long, stiff hairs—hook into a foe's flesh. A creature can easily pull free from the porcupine should a creature come into contact with one, but the quill's barbed tips continue to dig into the victim's skin from the creature's own movements. Removing the quills is a painful process, and quills that break off under the skin can sometimes requires a healer's assistance to remove effectively. Contrary to popular belief, however, a porcupine can't shoot its quills, making it a threat only to a creature brazen or foolish enough to attack it directly. Porcupines use the same defensive tactics regardless of size, but the giant porcupine is often devastatingly effective given its sheer mass. Fortunately, these creatures tend to flee at the first opportunity to do so. The few attempts to train them as guardians have ended poorly for this reason, though some druids and other woodfolk have, on occasion, persuaded these creatures to accompany them as companions.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Giant PorcupineSource Bestiary 3 pg. 207Perception +8; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +8Str +4Dex +2Con +4Int -4Wis +2Cha +0---AC 18 Fort +10 Ref +8 Will +6 HP 32Passive Points A creature that hits a porcupine with an unarmed Strike or a non-reach melee Strike takes 1d8 piercing damage (basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, the creature also takes 1d4 persistent piercing damage as the quills hook into its flesh.---Speed 25 feetMeleequills +11,Damage 1d8+4 piercing plus embed quillMeleetail +11,Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoningEmbed QuillA creature damaged by the porcupine's quills Strike must succeed at a DC 18 Reflex save or some of the quills remain embedded in its body, dealing 1d4 persistent piercing damage.Rearward RushEffect The porcupine scuttles backward, quills extended. It Strides twice, then makes a quill Strike. The target is flat-footed against this Strike unless it has seen a Rearward Rush before.Protected AssetsWhile a giant porcupine is well protected, it's also highly sought after by hunters. Its soft flesh is very tasty when cooked, a delicacy prized in woodland communities. The porcupine's quills are another valued commodity, reaching nearly 3 feet long. Skilled artisans use the smaller quills to craft beautiful, wearable art, while the longer ones can be made into lightweight throwing weapons." - }, - { - "name": "Giant Rat", - "family": "Rat", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "346", - "lore": "Giant RatGiant rats are enormous versions of the common vermin. They are typically found in abundant numbers, but since they cannot flt in the nooks where mundane rats typically hide, they are much easier to locate and exterminate. They mostly live in sewers where they can scavenge from the streets above, but some families of giant rats live in more remote locations, such as dank caves or forests and hills. Rats are incredibly adept survivors and can be found nearly anywhere in the world, though they tend to favor temperate or warm climates as opposed to cold regions. Although its bite alone is not lethal except to the very young or very old, the giant rat carries the filth fever common to rodents around the world—a pestilence more than capable of ravaging rural communities.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 13Giant Rat" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Scorpion", - "family": "Scorpion", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "356", - "lore": "Giant ScorpionThese massive, terrifying arachnids are typically 8 feet long from head to the base of the tail. Giant scorpions are the favored pack animals and war beasts of various desert-dwelling monsters, particularly gnolls. They are most commonly encountered in the wild, however. There they lair in mountainside caves or burrow beneath shallow layers of sand where they lie in wait for prey to wander near. Sleek, pallid subterranean scorpions also exist, as do still larger species.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Giant Scorpion" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Seahorse", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1289", - "lore": "SeahorseGiant seahorses are bear-sized, docile versions of their tiny, more common cousins. Merfolk and other underwater cultures often use them as pack animals, while some coastal cultures ride them as mounts. Earning a seahorse's trust can be rather difficult given their skittish nature, but giant seahorses can express incredible loyalty and affection once they bond with someone, even going so far as to risk their own well-beings to defend someone who has earned their trust. They don't take to combat naturally, though, and in dangerous situations, they're more likely to try and grab their rider with their strong, prehensile tails before swimming to safety, rather than staying in a fight. Like smaller seahorses, giant seahorses have bony armor plates on the outside of their bodies, covered by skin, which makes them fairly durable despite their reluctance to battle. Though not the strongest swimmers, seahorses rely primarily on natural camouflage to survive. Chromatophores in seahorses' skin allow them to camouflage themselves. This ability is fairly rudimentary, and the size of a giant seahorse makes this tactic far less effective for them than for their smaller kin. Their colors change slowly at most times, though when in a dangerous situation, the process occurs much more rapidly for the seahorse. Unlike regular seahorses, giant seahorses also rely on herd tactics for defense as well as their surprising physical strength. A herd of charging seahorses is just as terrifying and dangerous underwater as a herd of stampeding horses on land. Humanoids in underwater cultures learn at a young age to quickly get out of the way of a herd of stampeding seahorses. Baby giant seahorses are too big to easily float and lack sufficient strength to swim on their own for several weeks after birth. They instead link tails with an adult and allow themselves to be ferried around. An adult seahorse can carry upwards of 20 seahorse babies hanging from them at once, though these babies might occasionally get left behind or swept away by a strong current. Caring for these helpless, wayward children is seen as a supreme act of kindness by many merfolk, who'll let these babies wrap their tails around staves and other implements and rear them into adulthood.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Giant SeahorseSource Bestiary 3 pg. 227Perception +10; low-light visionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +11, Stealth +10Str +4Dex +3Con +4Int -4Wis +1Cha +3Camouflage The giant seahorse can change its coloration to match its surroundings. It doesn't need cover to attempt to Hide with a Stealth check.---AC 19 Fort +11 Ref +10 Will +6 HP 58---Speed swim 30 feetMeleesnout +11,Damage 1d12+4 bludgeoningMeleetail +11 (Agile),Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning plus GrabAnchorThe seahorse wraps its tail around either a stationary object or its rider. A seahorse anchored to an object gains a +2 circumstance bonus to any defense against effects that would forcibly move it. An anchored rider gains the same benefit against effects that would forcibly knock it off the seahorse. The seahorse remains anchored until it Releases its grip, is knocked unconscious, or either it's forcibly moved away from the object or its rider is forcibly moved off it.Seahorse OmensMany variants of seahorse mate for life, including the giant variety. In some seafaring cultures, the giant variants are revered as symbols of love and companionship. To see two giant seahorses swimming through the ocean water together supposedly signals that love is on the horizon for the viewer. On the other hand, seeing a lone giant seahorse without either its mate or its herd foretells a life of solitude or the tragic end of a relationship." - }, - { - "name": "Giant Skunk", - "family": "Skunk", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1311", - "lore": "Giant SkunkGiant skunks thrive in places where their larger size and more potent musk allow them to fend off predators their smaller cousins can't. With larger bodies come more powerful appetites, and giant skunks tend to be aggressive and territorial.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10Giant SkunkSource Bestiary 3 pg. 246Perception +6; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 40 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +7, Athletics +6, Stealth +7Str +3Dex +4Con +3Int -4Wis +1Cha +0---AC 16 Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +4 HP 21---Speed 25 feetMeleejaws +8,Damage 1d6+3 piercingMeleeclaw +8 (Agile),Damage 1d4+3 slashingSpray Blinding Musk(Poison) The giant skunk propels potent, acrid musk in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the line must attempt a DC 17 Fortitude save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target is sickened 1. Failure The target is sickened 3. Critical Failure The target is blinded for 1 round, becomes sickened 3, and takes a –2 penalty to Stealth checks from the horrific odor for 24 hours or until the musk is removed or neutralized, requiring 10 minutes of thorough scrubbing with soap." - }, - { - "name": "Giant Snapping Turtle", - "family": "Turtle", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "837", - "lore": "Giant Snapping TurtleIf the regular-sized snapping turtle is foul-tempered, then the giant snapping turtle seems to be willfully violent toward anything that dares intrude upon its domain. Measuring over 20 feet long and weighing thousands of pounds, this creature is capable of swallowing a humanoid whole. Swamp-dwelling societies, particularly boggards and lizardfolk, have often tried to domesticate giant snapping turtles to serve as powerful guardians, but in most cases the casualties pile up quickly. Those unfortunate enough to be swallowed whole by a giant snapping turtle find that even the creature's stomach is somewhat armored, making it difficult to cut through.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 26Giant Snapping Turtle" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Solifugid", - "family": "Solifugid", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "809", - "lore": "Giant SolifugidThe smallest of giant solifugids are still large enough to harry desert traders and their mounts.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Giant Solifugid" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Squid", - "family": "Squid", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "820", - "lore": "Giant SquidDwelling deep within the oceans, this huge cephalopod grows up to 45 feet in length and can weigh up to 600 pounds. Its arms and tentacles are lined with hundreds of hooks and suckers, allowing it to seize its prey with ease.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 26Giant Squid" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Stag Beetle", - "family": "Beetle", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "50", - "lore": "Giant Stag BeetleThe giant stag beetle is larger than a horse, and the sight of one flying (if slowly and somewhat clumsily) on great buzzing wings is unnerving. Its enormous mandibles are used to impress mates, intimidate rivals, and discourage predators, for they can deliver deadly blows. While giant stag beetles are deadly predators, they can be domesticated by skilled wranglers. In such a capacity, these beetles serve well as beasts of burden or even as mounts. Giant stag beetles can be a serious menace in marshes, cavern complexes, and heavy forests. More than one logging camp has attracted a cluster of giant stag beetles and had to be completely abandoned, yielding all its lumber to the hunger of the giant insects.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Giant Stag Beetle" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Tarantula", - "family": "Spider", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "387", - "lore": "Giant TarantulaTarantulas are ambush predators, but will attack prey in the open.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 22Giant Tarantula" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Tick", - "family": "Tick", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "826", - "lore": "Giant TickThis grotesque tick is the size of a dog and scurries with surprising speed.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Giant Tick" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Toad", - "family": "Toad", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "828", - "lore": "Giant ToadMost giant toads live in dry environments, particularly deserts, and eagerly eat almost any creature smaller than themselves. They're known to eat giant rats, then take over the rats' burrows as homes. Giant toads have large poison glands behind their eyes that enable them to coat their skin with poison. This leads to them having very few natural predators, and populations can quickly explode if left unchecked. While most consider giant toads dangerous pests, some groups of ogres and hill giants cultivate them to collect their poison for recreational use.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Giant Toad" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Viper", - "family": "Snake", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "381", - "lore": "Giant ViperThe giant viper’s fangs are a frightening sight, with injection tubes as long as daggers. The sheer amount of venom injected by a giant viper can cause severe blood clotting and leave a victim utterly drained of vitality.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Giant Viper" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Vulture", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1362", - "lore": "VultureRecognizable at a distance by their black feathers and bald necks, vultures drift along air currents looking for carrion to serve as their next meal. Often grouping in committees of four or five, these scavengers wheel above battles and plague-stricken towns, eager to feed. This feeding cycle plays an important role, especially in hot regions, as their particularly potent stomach acid neutralizes dangerous bacteria in their meals and thus removes it from the environment. A giant vulture has a wingspan of up to 25 feet across and weighs up to 600 pounds. Less common than their smaller cousins, they typically live in areas that support a number of megafauna species. While imposing and certainly dangerous when provoked, even giant vultures are not hostile by nature, preferring to feast on the kills of others. They are more likely to vomit their last meal as a distraction while they flee than to attack other creatures. However, during particularly lean times, starving groups of giant vultures might work in unison to make a meal of livestock. Giant vultures occasionally form parasitic relationships with larger creatures such as dragons or giants, picking at the remains of an unattended or forgotten meal. Crafters who use bones in their work have come to value this type of behavior. Flensing a creature properly is far slower than letting a committee of vultures strip the carcass and leave behind a clean skeleton. As food-motivated predators, younger vultures raised this way can be made to imprint upon owners, leading to a trend of keeping them as unusual pets. While not magical in nature, vulture talons are traditionally used as charms in healing and removing disease, stemming from an old belief that the raptors were immune to the filth in which they strode. While this belief isn't strictly true, vultures do have several unique adaptations to avoid common diseases that would take out predators or even other scavengers. Due to their size, giant vulture talons in particular are sometimes used to craft weapons in regions where other resources are scarce.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Giant VultureSource Bestiary 3 pg. 289Perception +12; low-light visionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +10, Stealth +9Str +3Dex +2Con +4Int -4Wis +1Cha -1---AC 18 Fort +13 Ref +9 Will +6 HP 50Immunitiessickened---Speed 10 feet, fly 35 feetMeleebeak +10,Damage 1d10+5 piercing plus carrion feverMeleetalon +10 (Agile),Damage 1d8+5 slashingCarrion Fever(Disease) The sickened condition from carrion fever can't be reduced while the affliction remains; Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude; Onset 1 day; Stage 1 sickened 1 and fatigued (1 day); Stage 2 sickened 1, slowed 1, and fatigued (1 day)Projectile VomitFrequency once per hour; Effect The giant vulture vomits up its last meal on a creature within 10 feet. The creature takes 3d6 acid damage with a DC 20 basic Fortitude save. On a failed save, the target is also sickened 1.Divine ScavengersDespite their reputation for being carriers of disease, vultures are revered in some cultures. In the hot climate of northern Garund, they provide a service by eating and carrying away corpses that spoil quickly in the harsh sun. Entities with vulture-like features appear in writings from ancient Osirion, standing watch over pharaohs in life and death. In less wholesome folklore, they can be seen as harbingers of death and decay, making them favored symbols among followers of Lamashtu and Urgathoa." - }, - { - "name": "Giant Wasp", - "family": "Wasp", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "405", - "lore": "Giant WaspGiant wasps are much more dangerous but less common than their smaller kin, and—to the relief of those who encounter them—they tend to be solitary.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Giant Wasp" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Whiptail Centipede", - "family": "Centipede", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "581", - "lore": "Giant Whiptail CentipedeWhiptail centipedes are sleek and swift tunnel predators.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Giant Whiptail Centipede" - }, - { - "name": "Giant Wolverine", - "family": "Wolverine", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "863", - "lore": "Giant WolverineGiant wolverines grow to the approximate size of horses and claim even more expansive territories than their more diminutive wolverine cousins. While a smaller wolverine will defend its prey from armed humanoids, a giant wolverine is unafraid to stalk and kill such creatures.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Giant Wolverine" - }, - { - "name": "Gibbering Mouther", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "227", - "lore": "Gibbering MoutherAmorphous blobs of yammering mouths and oozing, fleshy sludge, gibbering mouthers are among the strangest creatures found either aboveground or below. Perpetually ravenous, these aberrations are always seeking their next meals, ever eating but never sated. With a nominal intelligence, gibbering mouthers can understand and even speak Aklo, but they do so in an intelligible manner only rarely. Instead, their innumerable mouths constantly jabber and babble in a stream of sound that disrupts the thought patterns of other creatures in the area. Where, how, and why gibbering mouthers originated are questions without answers. They share certain similarities with the much more powerful shoggoths, leading to theories that the two creatures share an origin; less charitable scholars have suggested that the gibbering mouther is instead a mortal’s attempt to create something akin to a shoggoth—though the question of why remains unanswered. Still others believe gibbering mouthers were sent to the world by the gods as a punishment for some forgotten but surely terrible transgression. Gibbering mouthers themselves have little to say on the matter—at least, not in any sort of sense. Scholars have wasted countless hours in attempts to make sense of gibbering mouthers’ noises—studies that put researchers into danger and give results that are contradictory and confusing at best. Whatever their origin, gibbering mouthers range the entirety of Golarion. Sightings have been recorded in dungeons below ancient cities and ruins as well as many regions of the deeper Darklands layers of Sekamina and Orv. They are somewhat less common in the upper region of Nar-Voth, perhaps due to the prevalence of settlements that don’t tolerate gibbering mouthers’ presence.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 20Gibbering Mouther" - }, - { - "name": "Gimmerling", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "228", - "lore": "GimmerlingGimmerlings are small, shapeshifting fey who stage ambushes to sate their endless hunger and childish greed. These cruelly curious fey obsess over finding and making unusual traps and sadistic weapons, and their favorite amusement is se eing these traps sprung or the weapons wielded. When on the Material Plane, they are frequently found in urban areas, particularly slums or other parts of town where they can either go unnoticed or be easily forgotten—and have plenty of victims to choose from. A typical gimmerling disguises itself as an endangered child, doing so in hopes of drawing creatures close enough to rob. The gimmerling puts itself in apparent danger using a trap, construct, or bribed ally, or even a coerced monster like a redcap. Because gimmerlings sometimes trade obscure smithing or trapping techniques in exchange for gifts that sate their curiosity, their greed, or their hunger, they have at times been worshipped as minor gods of the forge. Some disciplined gimmerlings work as honored artisans, elite guards, or spies for the demigods known as the Eldest who dwell in the depths of the First World.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 32Gimmerling" - }, - { - "name": "Girtablilu Seer", - "family": "Girtablilu", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1171", - "lore": "Girtablilu SeerThe highest position of authority in a girtablilu community is the group's religious leader. This sacred duty requires years of study, meditation, and dedication to awaken a mystical font of divine magic within the girtablilu. These seers ensure that every action taken by the community falls in line with even the most obscure dogma of their tradition, and they don't hesitate to turn their fury on members of their own community who violate their mandates.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 30Unspecific Lore: DC 28Specific Lore: DC 25Girtablilu SeerSource Bestiary 3 pg. 112Perception +25; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommon, GirtabliluSkillsAthletics +24, Intimidation +23, Religion +25, Survival +23Str +6Dex +5Con +6Int +3Wis +7Cha +3Items_+1 resilient hide armor_---AC 33 Fort +22 Ref +19 Will +25 HP 210Divine Aegis(abjuration, divine) Trigger The girtablilu seer attempts a saving throw against a magical effect but hasn't rolled yet; Effect The seer summons divine energy to protect themself at the cost of their other magical defenses. Until the start of their next turn, they gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against non-divine magical effects and a –1 circumstance penalty to saves against divine effects.---Speed 40 feetMeleepincer +24 (Agile),Damage 3d8+12 bludgeoning plus GrabMeleestinger +24 (reach 10 feet),Damage 3d6+12 piercing plus girtablilu venomDivine Spontaneous Spells DC 33- Cantrips (6th)Daze, Detect Magic, Forbidding Ward, Guidance, Read Aura- 1stCreate Water, Purify Food and Drink, Sanctuary (3 slots)- 2ndAugury, Calm Emotions, Create Food (3 slots)- 3rdDream Message, Glyph of Warding, Sanctified Ground (3 slots)- 4thFreedom of Movement, Neutralize Poison, Outcast's Curse (3 slots)- 5thDivine Wrath, Harm, Remove Curse (3 slots)- 6thBlade Barrier, Heal, Spirit Blast (3 slots)Constrict3d8+6 bludgeoning, DC 24Desert StrideA girtablilu ignores natural difficult terrain in the desert.Girtablilu Venom(Poison) Saving Throw DC 30 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 2d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 3d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 3 3d6 poison damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round)" - }, - { - "name": "Girtablilu Sentry", - "family": "Girtablilu", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1170", - "lore": "Girtablilu SentrySentries patrol the outskirts of a girtablilu communities, watching for external threats like desert drakes, blue dragons, or adventuring parties set on reckless exploration of the girtablilus' sacred site.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Girtablilu SentrySource Bestiary 3 pg. 112Perception +18; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommon, GirtabliluSkillsAthletics +20, Intimidation +17, Religion +16, Survival +18Str +6Dex +4Con +6Int +3Wis +4Cha +3ItemsHide Armor, _+1 striking longspear_---AC 27 Fort +20 Ref +16 Will +12 HP 160---Speed 40 feetMelee_longspear_ +21 (Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 2d8+9 piercingMeleepincer +20 (Agile),Damage 2d8+9 bludgeoning plus GrabMeleestinger +20 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d6+9 piercing plus girtablilu venomConstrict2d8+6 bludgeoning, DC 24Desert StrideA girtablilu ignores natural difficult terrain in the desert.Girtablilu Venom(Poison) Saving Throw DC 24 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 2d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 3d6 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 3 3d6 poison damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round)" - }, - { - "name": "Glabrezu (Treachery Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "101", - "lore": "Glabrezu (Treachery Demon)Glabrezus are looming behemoths who revel in the act of twisting mortal desires into their ultimate ruin, betraying and manipulating as easily as they breathe. Desires granted by a glabrezu always come to fruition in the most destructive way possible, turning a wish or hope into a potent and devastating act of betrayal—although the long-term repercussions are not always immediately apparent. For example, a struggling weapon smith might wish for fame and skill at their craft, only to find that their best patron is a cruel and sadistic murderer who uses the weapons in bloody sprees. Or a lonely widower might have his desire granted in the form of a lost love returned to “life” as a vampire. Glabrezus are nothing if not creative in addressing a mortal’s needs. These massive demons have enormous pincers and a pair of smaller humanoid arms sprouting from their chests, but their size belies their skill at magic, and they possess formidable innate spells. Treachery demons arise from the souls of mortals engaged in treason and deception.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 31Glabrezu" - }, - { - "name": "Glass Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "685", - "lore": "Glass GolemCrafted of hardened glass and held together by magically treated lead, glass golems are both deadly guardians and works of exquisite art. Glass golems most often protect grand cathedrals or opulent palaces—testaments to the wealth and power of those they serve, or once served. Once spurred into action by the commands of their creators, glass golems are quicker and more agile than most other golems. Their sharp, blade-like limbs can easily sever veins and arteries, creating wounds that bleed profusely. Of all the various types of golems, the glass golem is the one most akin to a work of art. Just as powerful aristocrats might use an ice golem for temperature regulation or a wood golem as an ego-boosting statue, a glass golem's colorful glass construction can elevate the beauty of any chamber by its mere presence.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 26Glass Golem" - }, - { - "name": "Gliminal", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Spirit", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Positive", "Rare", "Spirit", "Large"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1172", - "lore": "GliminalBeholding the blinding light of a gliminal is akin to staring into the sun, and consequently, only gliminals themselves fully understand what they are or how they truly look. Gliminals exude a constant aura of positive energy, suffusing everything they encounter without regard for whether a creature's body can withstand these excesses of positive energy. On the Positive Energy Plane they call home, gliminals view outsiders as unfortunate creatures afflicted with the malady called mortality. They seek to suffuse mortals with light and healing until they no longer suffer, and they consider those who explode into positive energy cured. Gliminals pulled to other planes, whether summoned or through interplanar rifts, find themselves overwhelmed, and usually lash out in increasingly desperate attempts to escape the oppressive onslaught of matter and negative energies.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 31Unspecific Lore: DC 29Specific Lore: DC 26GliminalSource Bestiary 3 pg. 114Perception +18; darkvision, lifesense 60 feetLanguagesJyoti; telepathy 60 feetSkillsAcrobatics +19, Arcana +15, Medicine +18, Positive Energy Plane Lore +19, Religion +16Str -5Dex +6Con +4Int +2Wis +3Cha +5---AC 27 Fort +19 Ref +21 Will +16 HP 160Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconsciousResistancesall 5 (except force, _ghost touch_, or negative; double resistance against non-magical)Weaknessesnegative 10Positive Nature A gliminal doesn't gain the automatic or temporary Hit Points from being on a plane with the positive planar essence.Radiant Mantle (aura, light, positive, visual) 30 feet. The gliminal emits bright light in the area, and dim light out to 60 feet. When a creature enters or starts its turn in the area of bright light, it must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or become dazzled until the end of its turn. If the mantle is counteracted or suppressed, the gliminal loses their resistance and can't use Bond in Light until the mantle returns.---Speed fly 60 feetMeleescintillating claw +19 (Agile, Finesse, Magical),Damage 3d8+7 positiveRangedradiant ray +19 (Light, Magical, Positive),Damage 4d8 positivePrimal Innate Spells DC 28, attack +20- Cantrips (5th)Light- 3rdHeal (at will)- 5thChromatic Wall, Searing Light (×3)Bond in Light(Healing, Necromancy, Positive, Primal) The gliminal magically links to one living creature within the radius of their radiant mantle. This creature glows with bright light in a 20-foot emanation and dim light to 40 feet. While the link is in effect, the target has fast healing 10, and any time the target needs to defend against an attack or attempt a save, the gliminal can substitute their own AC or corresponding save bonus if it's higher than the target's. Any time the target takes damage, the gliminal can choose to divert any amount of that damage to themself. The damage has the same type and still applies the gliminal's immunities, resistances, and weaknesses. The link remains until the target is more than 120 feet away, the gliminal falls unconscious, or the gliminal uses Bond in Light again.Overpowering Healing(Necromancy, Positive, Primal) When a gliminal grants positive healing that would heal a living creature above their maximum Hit Points, including the fast healing HP from their Bond in Light ability, the excess is granted as temporary Hit Points. Unlike normal, these temporary HP combine with each other, and they last for 1 hour. If a creature's temporary HP from a gliminal ever exceeds its maximum HP, it becomes overloaded and explodes in a burst of positive energy. A creature with temporary HP from overpowering healing becomes sickened 1, or sickened 2 if the temporary HP equal half their maximum HP or more. The creature can't reduce this sickened condition unless it has 0 temporary HP. Overpowering healing doesn't apply to creatures with the positive trait.Violent HealingThere aren't default rules for a creature choosing to be hit (to avoid exploding from a gliminal's healing), but you can allow an ally to improve their outcome by one degree of success against a willing target or allow the target to worsen the result of their saving throw by one step" - }, - { - "name": "Globster", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Ooze", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1173", - "lore": "GlobsterThe tide washes ashore all manner of detritus, from harmless seaweed and shells to the rotting corpses of massive aquatic creatures. The globster is often mistaken for such, and this assumption isn't entirely incorrect—these mindless oozing masses are composed of decaying sea creatures, half-digested and merged into a revolting, reeking heap of blubbery sludge. Though mindless, globsters are predators that seek out living quarry. They often huddle on the seafloor, where their own fetid mass attracts scavengers who swiftly become the ooze's next meal. When the tides wash these monsters ashore, they simply shift to hunting land-bound prey. Coastal communities usually notice the smell of a washed-up globster long before they see it. Those sent to investigate often mistake a globster for the carcass of a beached whale before getting too close and discovering the presumed corpse is very much alive and hungry. Sages once believed globsters were undead, undulating wads of rotting flesh driven to feed, but though mindless, they are very much alive. They are attracted to waterside refuse dumps and floating garbage scows and dimly aware enough to congregate where food is plentiful. Globsters consume living creatures but digest only a portion of them. The undigested dross accumulates within the globster as it becomes more and more bloated. They carry this fetid mass within their squelching bodies until instinct or injury provokes them to vomit forth a new globster to help devour everything nearby. A globster with enough dross to create a new globster automatically does so as a free action triggered upon taking damage. Treat any encounter with such a globster as though it were against two level 5 creatures, instead of just one. As far as scholars know, this is the only way these creatures can create more of their kind.Recall Knowledge - Ooze(Occultism): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15GlobsterSource Bestiary 3 pg. 115Perception +9LanguagesSkillsAthletics +15Str +6Dex -5Con +5Int -5Wis +0Cha -5---AC 12 Fort +16 Ref +6 Will +9 HP 170Immunitiescritical hits, mental, unconsciousWeaknesseselectricity 10Stench (aura, olfactory) 30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the area must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 (plus slowed 1 for as long as it's sickened on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a –2 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the sickened condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune to all globsters' stenches for 1 minute.---Speed 15 feet, swim 30 feetMeleetendril +15,Damage 2d8+6 bludgeoning plus Grab and nauseating slapConstrict1d8+6, DC 22Nauseating Slap(Poison) A living creature struck by a globster's tendril must attempt a DC 19 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes sickened 1. If the creature is already sickened, the condition value increases by 1, to a maximum of sickened 4. Once a creature succeeds at its saving throw, it is temporarily immune for 24 hours.SaturatedA globster can survive for 1 hour out of the water, after which it risks drowning and suffocation.Fetid DecompositionWhen a globster is killed, its body decays into a mass of goo within 24 hours. However, its stench aura can persist long past its destruction, often lasting for 1d10 days, centered on the globster's position at the time of its death. " - }, - { - "name": "Gnoll Cultist", - "family": "Gnoll", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Gnoll", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "230", - "lore": "Gnoll CultistGnoll cultists serve as their clans’ spiritual guides and conduits to the divine. As often as not, their influence drives entire gnoll civilizations to commit atrocious acts of violence and enslavement. Lamashtu and Rovagug are favored deities of gnoll cultists, and many gnolls believe their kind was in fact birthed from the womb of the Mother of Monsters. Some gnoll clans worship lesser-known demon lords or entire pantheons of sinister patrons.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Gnoll Cultist" - }, - { - "name": "Gnoll Hunter", - "family": "Gnoll", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Gnoll", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "229", - "lore": "Gnoll HunterGnoll hunters serve their clans by hunting for food in the wilds, marauding along well-traveled roads, and tracking down escaped slaves.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Gnoll Hunter" - }, - { - "name": "Gnoll Sergeant", - "family": "Gnoll", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Gnoll", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "231", - "lore": "Gnoll SergeantWhen gnolls band together to form hunting or raiding parties, the strongest among them is often designated the leader or sergeant. These gnolls train extensively in the art of war. Their skill at arms and the respect they command make them powerful adversaries. In smaller clans or single family units, a gnoll sergeant might also serve as the group’s leader in other affairs, such as sorting out domestic disputes or negotiating with rival gnoll clans.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Gnoll Sergeant" - }, - { - "name": "Goblin Commando", - "family": "Goblin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "233", - "lore": "Goblin CommandoThe theoretical leaders of goblin raids are called goblin commandos. In practice, goblin commandos rarely continue to lead their comrades once a battle has begun. Most shirk their responsibilities in favor of wading into the fray and claiming more glory from their tribe-mates.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Goblin Commando" - }, - { - "name": "Goblin Dog", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "236", - "lore": "Goblin DogGoblins’ eponymous pets aren’t true canines at all, but rather large, blunt-nosed rodents with thin bodies and long legs. As cowardly as they are ugly, goblin dogs prefer to lurk behind bushes or in deep shadows, pouncing upon lone or wounded prey. Goblin dogs frequently lair and roam in packs, but they are likely to flee from a fight if injured, even if it means abandoning their pack-mates. Goblin dogs take their name from their long association with goblins, who breed the beasts as guard animals and mounts. Most goblins take issue with the name, as the average goblin is appalled at the suggestion that these, their favored mounts, have anything at all to do with actual dogs. Of course, being goblins, they haven’t bothered to come up with their own, unique name for goblin dogs. Even the most pampered goblin dogs have itchy mange and prolific dander that tenaciously affects those who come in contact with them. This “goblin pox” causes itchy hives and festering sores that are as unsightly as they are irritating and distracting. Goblin dog dander causes allergic reactions in nearly all other creatures that don’t share the goblin dogs’ terrible hygiene—with the notable exception, of course, of goblins, who remain entirely immune to the disease regardless of cleanliness. Hunger can drive goblin dogs to bouts of uncharacteristic violence; many goblins purposefully starve their pets to make them more aggressive in battle. Goblin dogs subsist on whatever organic material they can scavenge, and they particularly enjoy fresh carrion. Although goblins are far from picky eaters, they value goblin dogs as pets because the noisome animals will consume food that even goblins won’t dare to eat. “Will it eat?” is one of several games goblins enjoy playing with their goblin dog pets, where a wide range of mouth-sized morsels (not always edible or safe to consume) are dangled before a goblin dog’s snout. “Will it die?” is often a game played after “Will it eat?” Goblin dogs who survive the second game earn renown for their digestive prowess and often become favored tribal pets treated better than most of the rank-and-file goblins.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Goblin Dog" - }, - { - "name": "Goblin Pyro", - "family": "Goblin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "234", - "lore": "Goblin PyroSome goblins take their people’s admiration of fire fully into the realm of deadly obsession. These pyromaniacs can be a great boon to a band of goblin raiders eager to torch their enemies and wreak havoc. More often, however, their presence is a double-edged sword; in the heat of the moment, goblin pyros sometimes lose sight of their tribe’s goals and simply set fire to anything that will burn—including their own allies.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Goblin Pyro" - }, - { - "name": "Goblin War Chanter", - "family": "Goblin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "235", - "lore": "Goblin War ChanterWhile all goblins enjoy singing, goblin war chanters pride themselves on mastering the art of vocal performance. Their ballads and jingles are undeniably catchy, though whether they are actually enjoyable is entirely subjective.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Goblin War Chanter" - }, - { - "name": "Goblin Warrior", - "family": "Goblin", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "232", - "lore": "Goblin WarriorThe frontline fighters of goblin tribes prefer to fight in large groups—especially when they can outnumber their foes at least three to one.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 13Goblin Warrior" - }, - { - "name": "Gogiteth", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "237", - "lore": "GogitethA gogiteth is a slavering nightmare of teeth, eyes, and hairy spiderlike legs, and its appearance is invariably seared into the minds of any who witness it. Hives of these skittering monsters haunt the lowest reaches of the Darklands, competing with cave worms and other subterranean horrors for food and resources. A gogiteth is rarely seen alone, as these oversized vermin learned long ago that the best means of survival is sticking close to others of their own kind. Even the haughty drow know to seek cover when a gogiteth is spotted, for where there is one, a swarm is sure to follow. Gogiteths make a clacking sound as they move about. The joints in their many legs pop and crack with each movement, though they can suppress this sound voluntarily so that they can hunt without giving away their presence. The odd creatures can also make a high-pitched whistling sound that echoes throughout the caverns where they live. Some Darklands natives report that groups of gogiteths sometimes join together in eerie, discordant songs. Gogiteths’ alien anatomies have inspired no shortage of speculative origin stories. Some believe they are the result of a fleshwarping experiment gone horribly wrong. Others think they may be related in some way to the Dominion of the Black—possibly the distant cousins or some strange exile of that alien entity; according to this mythos, once they made their way to this planet, the gogiteths crawled into the depths of the earth, shying away from the blazing sun above. Gogiteths are a menace to every other denizen of the Darklands. Drow and duergars in gogiteth-infested regions of Sekamina or Orv frequently organize hunting parties to eradicate the terrors, even calling for temporary truces with unlikely allies in times when a gogiteth presence must be addressed. Since even an average gogiteth hive can host up to two dozen of the horrors, missions to eradicate them when they become established are dangerous quests indeed.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 30Gogiteth" - }, - { - "name": "Goliath Spider", - "family": "Spider", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "388", - "lore": "Goliath SpiderGoliath spiders dwell in the deepest jungles, where they build webs as big as temples and feast on prey as large as hippopotami.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 28Goliath Spider" - }, - { - "name": "Gorgon", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "686", - "lore": "GorgonThough they may resemble constructs to the untrained eye due to their metallic, interlocking armor plates that look and feel like polished stone, gorgons are a creature of flesh and bone. These ill-tempered beasts greet interlopers with a charge or trample accompanied with belches of petrifying breath. Gorgons are dangerous on their own, and when they band together in herds, they become especially deadly. Gorgons typically subsist on petrified flesh or fossils. These supernatural beasts can gain sustenance from natural stone if they must, though they find raw stone flavorless, so it's not a preferred food source. In battle, gorgons use their petrifying breath to turn their prey into stone. They break up the resulting statues with their hooves or horns and swallow the stony chunks with loud chewing bites. Gorgons cannot digest unpetrified organic material, and if they try, they experience sickness and great gastrointestinal peril. Such discomforts are not life threatening to gorgons, but they do make the creatures even more ill tempered than usual—much to the chagrin of anyone they subsequently encounter. Gorgon flesh tastes vaguely like beef, but with a gritty, earthy texture and aftertaste that most meat connoisseurs find off-putting. Creatures with a close association to earth and stone are more likely to find the flavor appetizing; stone giants in particular consider gorgon steaks to be delicacies. Some cultures, notably dwarven cultures, consider the preparation of gorgon for meals as both a physical and a culinary challenge. Chefs who work with gorgon flesh can find renown for their skill in creating palatable dishes from such naturally unpalatable meat.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 26Gorgon" - }, - { - "name": "Gorilla", - "family": "Ape", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "25", - "lore": "GorillaGorillas can be territorial creatures, particularly if provoked by hunters or the presence of more dangerous monsters. A gorilla uses its fangs and powerful arms to bite and pummel trespassers with wild abandon.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Gorilla" - }, - { - "name": "Gosreg", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "687", - "lore": "GosregGosregs are agents of the Dominion of the Black that insinuate themselves into humanoid societies to foster the goals of their sinister alien masters. They act as spies and special forces that can mingle with humanoid society while enacting plans for the rest of the Dominion in secret. In their natural forms, gosregs dart about in a jerky gallop due to their stumpy legs and gangly arms. They take on the appearances of humanoids to infiltrate societies, and they drop their disguises only when they feel they are ultimately compromised and must resort to physical violence to protect their agendas. Their brain-like heads and bestial legs suggest a potential link with a similar Dominion of the Black agent: the dreaded intellect devourer.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 30Gosreg" - }, - { - "name": "Gourd Leshy", - "family": "Leshy", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "280", - "lore": "Gourd LeshyGourd leshys are guardians of fields, gardens, and farms. Many villages benefit from the protection of a gourd leshy, even if they are unaware of it.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 15Gourd Leshy" - }, - { - "name": "Granite Glyptodont", - "family": "Elemental, Earth", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "654", - "lore": "Granite GlyptodontThis squat and stony creature looks like an armadillo with a large raised back and a flail-like tail. The granite glyptodont has no true need to feed, as with all elementals, yet it does seem to linger after transforming the flesh of those it calcifies, as if the mere proximity of flesh fossilizing into stone pleases it somehow.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 24Granite Glyptodont" - }, - { - "name": "Grauladon", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "435", - "lore": "GrauladonGrauladons are vicious predators that appear crocodilian in form, but are in fact distant offshoots of dragonkind. They make their dens in the shallows of fetid ponds or isolated corners of larger bodies of water, usually in rural swamps or woodlands. Driven almost entirely by their base desire to feed, grauladons spend most of their time swimming leisurely underwater looking for prey such as fish or waterfowl. Possessed of a greed befitting their more majestic dragon cousins, grauladons often take down prey larger than they need, jealously guarding the corpses to keep scavengers away even as the meat rots. A typical grauladon is 16 feet long from its snout to the tip of its tail and weighs 1,500 pounds. A grauladon’s stench may seem supernaturally disgusting, but it is simply the result of the creature’s fetid habitat and diet of rotting, waterlogged meat. As grauladons’ exhalations bear a passing resemblance to dragons’ breath, they have earned the nickname “mud drakes” from rural folk. Grauladons can be found in both fresh and brackish water in most temperate climates. They prefer to lair in shallow waters, particularly where reeds or other foliage conceal their bulk from unsuspecting prey. Grauladons are highly territorial and won’t tolerate other predators living or hunting near their homes.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 18Grauladon" - }, - { - "name": "Graveknight", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "244", - "lore": "GraveknightGraveknights are undead warriors granted unlife by a cursed suit of armor.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 27Graveknight" - }, - { - "name": "Graveshell", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "436", - "lore": "GraveshellThe graveshell is a dangerous predator that draws scavengers and explorers into its grasp using a morbid lure: the corpse of a former victim impaled upon the spikes that protrude from its large, turtle-like shell. Aside from its shell, the monster resembles no known animal. Small but bright yellow eyes watch from the sagging flesh of its head, the most prominent feature of which is a curiously shaped, toothy maw twisted into a perpetual grin. Its stubby arms and legs are impractical for both walking and swimming, though the algae-caked claws tipping each limb are deadly weapons. Graveshells are intelligent—a fact that surprises many who encounter them—and surrender rather than fight to the death. These monsters have little to offer in exchange for their lives, though the waterlogged treasures on their collection of corpses may entice opportunists.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 17Graveshell" - }, - { - "name": "Gray Ooze", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "753", - "lore": "Gray OozeThese dangerous oozes are the bane of any who travel through swamps, marshes, or damp caves. Easily masquerading as pools of clear water or patches of wet stone, gray oozes lie in wait for unwary victims to reach down for a drink or step into what appears to be a puddle, then lash out with whiplike pseudopods to ensnare and consume their hapless prey.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 19Gray Ooze" - }, - { - "name": "Great Cyclops", - "family": "Cyclops", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Mutant"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "87", - "lore": "Great CyclopsGigantic, dim-witted loners, the great cyclopes embody their lesser kin writ large. They are both stronger and more violent, but their uncontrolled vision into possible futures has driven them beyond reason. They see every moment as a potential storm of uncontrollable fury, and out of a desperate desire for peace, quiet, and an end to their hunger, they lash out at all who come near. Wise creatures avoid great cyclopes at all cost. Debate has long raged over the origins of these massive, destructive giants. They are so large that it had long been assumed they were used as beasts of burden by their lesser kin, but they are now free to hunt and kill without restraint. Other scholars believe the great cyclops is the ultimate fate of the entire cyclops species. Whatever foolish decision or wayward curse caused the end of their civilization is still playing out, occasionally causing a cyclops to withdraw from its own kind, lose all semblance of intellect, and mutate into a lumbering, feral colossus. It is fortunate indeed that the great cyclops prefers to dwell far from humanoid settlements, because its immeasurable bloodlust inspires it to destroy virtually anything that moves, from dinosaurs and other monsters to the occasional explorer or soon-to-be-lost caravan.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 32Great Cyclops" - }, - { - "name": "Great White Shark", - "family": "Shark", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "365", - "lore": "Great White SharkAn apex predator among the coastal surface waters where it hunts, the great white shark is one of the largest shark species. These silent killers glide gracefully through the ocean, always in search of their next meal.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Great White Shark" - }, - { - "name": "Greater Barghest", - "family": "Barghest", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Mutant"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "43", - "lore": "Greater BarghestOnce a barghest has eaten enough to grow into a greater barghest, it typically seeks a method to leave the Material Plane and return to the Abyss, there joining other fiends as yet another of that plane’s horrors. As barghests have no innate ability to travel the planes, though, the time it takes for most greater barghests to engineer such a return can usually be measured in years, if not decades. During that time, greater barghests continue to play the roles of gluttons, hunters of humanity, and tyrants of goblinoid tribes. More than a few grow accustomed to such lives on the Material Plane and wholly abandon the end goal of returning to the Abyss, despite the fact that those who do make such a return home often grow even more powerful over time, gaining eerie new abilities and qualities absorbed from the raw chaos of the Abyss itself. In addition to greater barghests being more powerful than typical barghests, the process of transforming into a greater barghest results in hideous mutations that often grant deadly abilities. Some barghests grow large bat-like wings upon their transformation. Others develop toxic breath or vestigial limbs. The options detailed in the stats below represent only the tip of the proverbial iceberg for barghest mutations—feel free to use these as inspiration for coming up with new mutations of your own design.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 25Greater Barghest" - }, - { - "name": "Greater Nightmare", - "family": "Nightmare", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast, Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "309", - "lore": "Greater NightmareThe enormous greater nightmare is a more dangerous variety of nightmare, particularly valued for its ability to invade other realities with its rider.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 28Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 28Greater Nightmare" - }, - { - "name": "Greater Shadow", - "family": "Shadow", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "363", - "lore": "Greater ShadowShadows that spend long amounts of time on the Shadow Plane and absorb its magic become greater shadows.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 23Greater Shadow" - }, - { - "name": "Green Hag", - "family": "Hag", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Hag", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "255", - "lore": "Green HagGreen hags hate beauty and purity, so they use disguises and treachery to lure and murder innocents, corrupt the pure of heart, and shatter the minds and morals of their victims. Green hags create imaginative schemes to utterly ruin anyone who crosses them, as well as good or righteous folk whose very existence insults the hag’s twisted sensibilities. The complicated scandals perpetuated by green hags involve impersonation, mistaken identity, the seduction and betrayal of loved ones, or all these things in combination.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Green Hag" - }, - { - "name": "Green Man", - "family": "—", - "level": 24, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1176", - "lore": "Green ManGreen men are ancient, enigmatic lesser deities of the primeval forests, living embodiments of nature and plantkind. When a forest or other woodland terrain generates enough nature spirits, beings of the same sort of vital essence that embodies leshy or answers the call of a commune with nature, they naturally coalesce together and apotheosize into a green man. Green men aren't concerned with all the multifarious processes of nature like Gozreh or many other nature deities. Instead, they focus nearly all their attention on the plants of their home, only concerning themselves with animals, minerals, and the like insomuch as they affect the plants. Despite their name, green men aren't necessarily male; as creatures of pure natural power, to many of them, the concept of gender holds no meaning, and to those that do, they can be of any gender. Most green men are neutral and tend to ignore “animals,” which to them include sapient creatures such as humans. However, good and evil green men do exist. These individuals are far more likely to attempt to spread their influence far and wide, either for good or ill. Good green men provide succor to all that come within their home, not only to plants, providing wisdom like a nurturing parent. Evil green men, however, allow rare and dangerous plants to thrive in their domains by spreading fear and devastation to all those who might threaten plant life, though they might keep a few animals around to hunt for sport.Recall Knowledge - Plant(Nature): DC 53Unspecific Lore: DC 51Specific Lore: DC 48Green ManSource Bestiary 3 pg. 118Perception +42; darkvision, plantsense 60 feetLanguagesArboreal, Druidic, Sylvan; green tongueSkillsAcrobatics +39, Athletics +42, Deception +40, Diplomacy +40, Intimidation +40, Nature +48, Stealth +41, Survival +44Str +12Dex +9Con +11Int +7Wis +10Cha +8Green Tongue A green man can communicate with plants, with the effects of _speak with plants_, and can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on plants and Request things from plants.Plantsense A green man can sense life force via plants. This allows them to observe a living or undead creature's vital essence within 60 feet of the green man, but they can also use this precise sense to observe any living or undead creature within 60 feet of any plant matter within 120 feet of the green man. This allows the green man to see living things through solid plant matter, as well as seeing through other barriers if there are plants on the other side.---AC 51 Fort +43 Ref +39 Will +42 HP 525Resistancesbludgeoning 20, piercing 20Weaknessesaxe vulnerability, fire 20Axe Vulnerability A green man takes 20 additional damage from axes.Green Caress (aura, incapacitation, plant, primal, transmutation) 60 feet. Living creatures in the area other than plants slowly transform into non-creature plants. The green man can exclude creatures from this effect, but they must be aware of a creature's presence and location to do so. A non-plant creature in the area must attempt a DC 45 Fortitude save immediately before the start of its turn. Critical Success The creature is unaffected, or if it is slowed by green caress, it reduces its slowed value by 2. Success The creature is unaffected, or if it is slowed by green caress, it reduces its slowed value by 1. Failure The creature becomes slowed 1, or if it was already slowed by green caress, increases the slowed value by 1, as their body transforms more and more into a non-creature plant. If the creature ever becomes slowed to the point they have no actions left for their turn, they become an inanimate plant, a condition that can only be reversed by _primal phenomenon_ or similarly powerful magic. Critical Failure As failure, except the creature becomes slowed 2 (or increases the condition value by 2).Root In PlaceTrigger A creature within the green man's reach uses a move action or leaves a square during a move action it's using; Effect The green man lashes out to hold the foe in place. The green man makes a vine Strike against the triggering creature. If the attack hits, the green man disrupts the action. If the creature was Flying when its action was disrupted, it falls.---Speed 40 feet, climb 40 feetMeleevine +46 (deadly 3d12, versatile P),Damage 4d10+27 bludgeoning plus absorb magic and Improved GrabRangedthorn +43 (fatal d12, range increment 120 feet, reload 0),Damage 4d8+27 piercing plus embedPrimal Innate Spells DC 48- Cantrips (10th)Detect Magic, Read Aura- 8thAir Walk, Freedom of Movement- 9thEnergy Aegis- 10thHeal (×3), Regenerate (×3), Tree Stride (at will), True Seeing, Primal Phenomenon (×3)Rituals DC 48, green rituals (see below)- 4thPlant Growth- 6thAwaken Animal, Commune with Nature, Primal Call- 8thControl WeatherAbsorb MagicThe green man's vines leach away magic and transform it into life essence for the green man. On a successful vine Strike, the green man attempts to counteract one spell active on the target (typically one vexing the green man, or determined randomly if they aren't aware of specific effects), with a counteract level of 10 and a modifier of +38. If the effect is counteracted, the green man gains 30 temporary Hit Points that last for 10 minutes.EmbedThe green man's thorns embed themselves into any creature they damage, taking root into the ground. A target damaged by a thorn has its Speeds halved, and it can't Step, Fly, _air walk_, or otherwise leave the ground until the thorn is removed. Removing a thorn requires 3 Interact actions, which don't have to be consecutive. If the creature performing the final action doesn't succeed at a DC 45 Medicine check as part of that action, the target takes 10d6 damage upon the thorn's removal.Focus VinesThe green man focuses all their vines against a single vexing foe, making a single vine Strike. On a success, the target takes 5d10 additional damage and is affected by Absorb Magic three times. Even on a failure, the target takes the normal effects of a hit with a vine Strike, but on a critical failure, the vines miss completely.Green GrabA green man can use their Improved Grab action against a creature of any size.Green RitualsA green man can perform all their rituals without secondary casters, relying on their own primal ties to the vital essence in spirits of nature. A green man's _awaken animal_ and _primal call_ rituals work on plants instead of their usual range of choices. Most green men also know the ritual to create various types of leshys and possibly even magic allowing the creation of arboreals or more powerful plant creatures.Vine ForestThe green man lashes out with all six vines to attack many opponents. They make up to six vine Strikes, each against a different target; this counts as one attack for their multiple attack penalty, increasing only after all the attacks are made.Leshy and Green MenGreen men are sometimes called “leshy kings” or even just “leshys” in ancient manuscripts. Druids consider the first green men to be the original source of the rituals for creating the less-deific leshys, and possibly even the arboreals and other intelligent plants. The affinity between leshys and green men is mutual. Leshys are the most likely ancestry to worship green man, and green men are particularly fond of their less-powerful kinWorshipping Green MenIndividual green men are lesser deities, capable of granting spells to those who worship them. Green men typically only allow intelligent plants—such as leshys—to be their clerics. If another creature proves to be a friend of plants, after a thorough personal vetting, a green man wholeheartedly accepts this strange fleshy worshipper into the fold. While individual green men have different edicts and anathema befitting their personalities, and some neutral good or neutral evil green men might have further changes, the following is a baseline most worshippers of green men follow." - }, - { - "name": "Grendel", - "family": "—", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Unique", - "id": "690", - "lore": "GrendelThis reaver of the cold marsh is not just a monster; he is a force of nature. Where there is peace and prosperity in the world, Grendel strikes, eager to prove that tranquility is transitory and death is the only constant. He stalks the edge of his fens, seeking settlements where joy holds sway. He strikes under cover of night, primarily targeting celebrations or festivals. The more happiness or joy he can extinguish, the better. Although Grendel is a unique creature, killing him won't save the world from his ravages for long. Once Grendel's mother instinctively feels the pain of her violent son's death, she soon births a replacement. The new Grendel seems to avoid the sites his elder brothers terrorized, as if he instinctively knows that such a place hosts heroes powerful enough to defeat him.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 49Grendel" - }, - { - "name": "Griffon", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "248", - "lore": "GriffonGriffons are regal beasts revered as symbols of freedom and strength in many cultures. They are physically striking, with the hindquarters of a lion and the head, wings, and forelimbs of a great bird of prey—typically an eagle, but some instead bear the features of a hawk, falcon, or even osprey or vulture. In rare cases, the griffon’s hindquarters may resemble those of a different great cat, such as a leopard or tiger. The variations seem to conform to the environment in which the griffon lives—for instance, the especially rare griffons of northern Avistan have the hindquarters of a Grungir lynx and the upper body of a snowy owl—though this is not always the case. Some griffons lack wings altogether. These wingless griffons, known as alces, result from a rare mutation. Among a clutch of other griffons, the alce is typically considered the runt, so few of these offshoots survive their fledgling stage. Those alces that do make it to adulthood tend to be tougher, more violent, and more aloof than most griffons. Wild griffons rely on their powerful wings to hold them aloft and their keen eyesight to spy out prey. The speed with which they plunge toward the ground and grab up their victims is shocking. They may tear open victim’s flesh with their razor-sharp beaks, but usually just take their prey to a high, secluded location where they can enjoy their feast without interruptions. On the ground, they take cover and leap out to ambush prey, then fly off with their prize. The exception to this is when a griffon is hunting to feed its offspring, in which case it will almost never purposefully bring a living creature back to its nest for fear of endangering its chicks. Skilled animal trainers long ago learned how to raise griffons as mounts for military forces or powerful individuals. Such mounts are known for their strength, bravery, and unfailing loyalty. They are among the smartest of animals and possess a wisdom not normally afforded most animals; it is thought that a griffon chooses its rider as much as a rider chooses the griffon. The process of training a griffon to accept and carry a rider in flight is a long and expensive ordeal. Griffon trainers charge rich sums for their services, and a ruler who can boast of owning a stable of griffons is the subject of great respect and envy.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Griffon" - }, - { - "name": "Grig", - "family": "Sprite", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "390", - "lore": "GrigGrigs are kindly musicians of the fey, often getting themselves into trouble due to their penchant for confronting evil well beyond their ability to vanquish. Even so, they fight bravely and with great cunning, using their magic and ranged sonic attacks while flying and leaping using their wings and powerful cricket-like lower torsos to stay out of reach.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 15Grig" - }, - { - "name": "Grikkitog", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Earth"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "249", - "lore": "GrikkitogGrikkitogs, also known as “hungry earth,” are strange parasites from the Plane of Earth that infest and possess earth, rock, and stone in order to feed their endless hunger. A young grikkitog is a formless apparition until it corrupts an earth elemental host, forming the grikkitog’s core. A grikkitog can then infest the earth and stone nearby with its voracious essence, forming maws and eyes all around it. These creatures are particularly dangerous to small creatures that lair within gaps and holes among rocks, as well as mountain climbers searching for the perfect handhold.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 32Grikkitog" - }, - { - "name": "Grim Reaper", - "family": "Grim Reaper", - "level": 21, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Unique", - "id": "250", - "lore": "Grim ReaperThe Grim Reaper is the unflinching personification of death. Silent as the grave and as inevitable as time itself, this legendary being hunts down and finishes creatures that have evaded death for far too long. Sometimes the Grim Reaper comes without warning, while at others it comes to finish the work that other creatures could not. The Grim Reaper serves no god, fiend, or aeon. It is both despised and feared by psychopomps and celestials, but few—if any—dare to stand in its way. Like some eternal plague, it kills those who try to cure the multiverse of its presence. It stands alone and holds only its own council, and the pleading and reasoning of mortals and immortals alike fall on deaf ears once the Grim Reaper closes on its quarry. Its own reasoning is silent to mortal ears and inscrutable to the mortal mind, but no matter the reason, the result is unyielding and final. While some legends hold that the Grim Reaper appears before everyone as they die, the truth is quite a bit more disturbing. Such vigils in fact lie within the providence of the psychopomps, a race of immortals charged with the protection and guidance of mortal souls through the afterlife. The Grim Reaper has little interest in protecting souls or guiding them. It is instead compelled by sinister agendas arising within the nighted realm of Abaddon, where the Horsemen of the Apocalypse rule. Indeed there are many similarities in shape and form between the Grim Reaper and Charon, the Horseman of Death, but no recorded instance exists of these two powerful entities working together. Instead, the Grim Reaper serves as something of a manifestation of Abaddon itself, and in this regard is believed by some to be an incarnation of the mysterious First Horseman. When the Grim Reaper comes to a world, it does so not as an angel of mercy, but as a relentless harvester of life. Those who fall to the Grim Reaper were not destined to die as much as they were selected, hunted, and murdered. Perhaps the most frightening legends surrounding the Grim Reaper concern its nature as a singular entity, for some believe that more than one grim reaper exists in the Great Beyond. These whispers tell of a cabal of at least nine of these creatures that stalk reality, culling the living as inexplicable servants of true entropy. According to the teaching of some death cults, the final goal of the Grim Reaper is to end the entire cycle of life and death and serve as a silent lord of an empty universe.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 52Grim Reaper" - }, - { - "name": "Grimple", - "family": "Gremlin", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1177", - "lore": "GrimpleEven more than most gremlins, grimples resent the trappings of civilization: inn common rooms with their rowdy singalongs, livery yards with their whinnying horses, church steeples with their clanging bells. Grimples live to spoil these conventions, dropping tavern signs on patrons, urinating in rain barrels, and opening stable doors. When all else fails, they literally vomit their disdain on passersby. Grimples resemble humanoid, mange-ridden opossums, with boar-like tusks that aid them in rooting through garbage heaps for food. They are agile climbers who glide from eave to eave on the loose flaps of skin between their limbs. Savvy gremlin-hunters know to look for the skin flakes and fur grimples shed from their parasite-infested hides.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8GrimpleSource Bestiary 3 pg. 120Perception +6; low-light visionLanguagesUndercommonSkillsCrafting +5, Deception +2, Nature +4, Stealth +5, Thievery +5Str +1Dex +3Con +3Int +1Wis +2Cha -2Itemssatchel with 5 rocks---AC 15 Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +4 HP 9Weaknessescold iron 2Gremlin Lice Whenever a living creature touches or is touched by a grimple (including via a successful unarmed melee Strike), it must succeed at a DC 13 Reflex save or become infested by gremlin lice. While infested, the targeted creature is distracted by the itching sensation and is stupefied 1, though it can use an Interact action to scratch at the itching lice to suppress the stupefied condition from the lice for 1d4 rounds. The infestation ends after 24 hours or until the creature is submerged in water or exposed to a severe cold environment, whichever comes first.---Speed 10 feet, climb 20 feet, fly 20 feetMeleebite +7 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d4+1 piercingRangedrock +7 (Agile, range increment 20 feet),Damage 1d4+1 bludgeoningPrimal Innate Spells DC 16- Cantrips (1st)Mage Hand, Prestidigitation- 1stGreasePutrid VomitThe grimple spews a 30-foot line of vomit. Each creature in the line must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure). The grimple can't use Putrid Vomit again for 1d4 rounds.Grimple AlliesVexgits and grimples sometimes team up to cause ruin. Squatting in abandoned clock or bell towers, insectile vexgits use cranky grimples to lure victims into elaborate death traps. Left to their own devices, grimples bully mitflits or train giant rats and spider swarms to do their bidding." - }, - { - "name": "Grimstalker", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "691", - "lore": "GrimstalkerThese violently murderous fey have one purpose: to stealthily hunt down and slay humanoids brazen enough to dare set foot in the wilderness. Though they prefer to hunt from the shadows, grimstalkers do not fear taking their grisly work to the very edges of civilization. This boldness serves as a reminder that nature can be cruel, capricious, and owes no debt to humanity. Grimstalkers are happy to perform nature's dirty work and particularly enjoy targeting loggers, hunters, and explorers, regardless of whether they respect the natural setting they work or travel within. Grimstalkers are gaunt and hairless, and their mottled, green and brown flesh gives them the appearance of moss-draped bark. When damaged, they bleed a thick, sap-like blood. They mark their territories by lopping off the heads of their victims and stringing them up in the surrounding trees, a practice that often lures dangerous scavengers into their lands. Carnivorous and thorny plants are often found in wilds where grimstalkers dwell, filling roles that pets might in human society, though grimstalkers tend to treat these “pets” poorly at best. There are few accounts of grimstalkers working with other fey—for the most part, grimstalkers see their kin from the First World as cowards or weaklings, or perhaps both. Even notoriously violent fey such as redcaps shy from them, as grimstalkers consider their own kind the only company worth keeping. Grimstalkers hunt in small bands, using stealth to approach their targets. They surround enemies first, then work to unnerve them by knocking on trees or howling out threats in Aklo to distract and panic their quarry. Of course, a band of grimstalkers won't stay together for long, quickly succumbing to bickering and infighting. These violent arguments are common pastimes among grimstalkers, often ending with each grimstalker going its own way. Not even the presence of more powerful fey or commanding creatures can keep grimstalkers from their predisposed bickering. Some scholars theorize that this quality speaks to an ancient curse that once afflicted fey who were judged too cantankerous, but in truth, it's just part of what makes a grimstalker what it is: ill-tempered, confrontational, and bitter.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 20Grimstalker" - }, - { - "name": "Grindylow", - "family": "—", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "692", - "lore": "GrindylowThe top half of a grindylow looks vaguely like that of a goblin, but from the waist down, their bodies split into a tangle of suckered, wriggling tentacles. They dwell mostly in shallow waters both fresh and briny, including lakes, rivers, coastal regions, and near coral reefs. Grindylows generally organize into schools ranging from a few individuals to a few hundred. Smaller schools can sometimes be brought under the leadership of a powerful aquatic creature, though such alliances last only until the school faces a major setback, at which point the surviving grindylows scatter and form smaller schools of their own. Grindylows aren't territorial, but they are pragmatic; while they rarely build permanent structures, they will adopt a good hunting ground for generations until driven away by predators. They often lair in mobile shelters, such as a sargasso of seaweed or the hull of an abandoned ship. They are skilled scavengers and hunters that eat anything they can sink their teeth into. Grindylows respect the power of bigger sea predators but have a special hatred for squids (or anything they believe looks like a squid). Sailors plying grindylow-infested waters often paint the images of squids on the bottoms of their hulls in hopes of warding the little terrors off. While this can keep smaller schools at bay, it can also backfire, potentially inciting larger groups to gather for a coordinated attack; this becomes especially more likely if the ship's route becomes predictable. This hatred of squids does not extend to other tentacled creatures; grindylows consider octopuses to be the epitome of grace and power.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 14Grindylow" - }, - { - "name": "Grioth Cultist", - "family": "Grioth", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Grioth", "Humanoid", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1181", - "lore": "Grioth CultistGrioth cultists represent the lowest tier of their remorseless cult—worshippers of the Elder Mythos tasked with leading scouting missions into new worlds. Though ranked above scouts in the chain of command, they occupy a lowly place in the overall religious hierarchy. Though whispered rumors describe the legendary rituals needed to wrench worlds from their suns, these cultists don't learn this potent magic. Such secrets are left to grioth high priests, who are always the last to arrive in a colonized world. Most grioths worship the Outer God Nyarlathotep in one of his many incarnations, although some worship other entities of the Elder Mythos such as Azathoth, Nhimbaloth, or Yog-Sothoth. In the highly rare cases where a grioth is cut off from their society and given the opportunity to explore other religions, they still lean into faiths associated with the stars or the night, such as Desna or Zon-Kuthon. However, these grioths are loathed by others of their own kind, who view them as dangerous heretics.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18Grioth CultistSource Bestiary 3 pg. 123Perception +10; greater darkvision, echolocation (precise) 20 feetLanguagesAklo, Grioth; telepathy 30 feetSkillsAcrobatics +8, Occultism +9, Religion +10, Stealth +10Str +0Dex +3Con +2Int +2Wis +3Cha +0Echolocation A grioth can use its hearing as a precise sense at the listed rangeItemsvoidglass kukri---AC 18 Fort +7 Ref +10 Will +10 HP 40ImmunitiescoldWeaknessesfire 5Light Blindness No Breath A grioth doesn't breathe except to speak and is immune to effects that require breathing (such as an inhaled poison).---Speed 25 feet, fly 30 feetMeleekukri +10 (Agile, Finesse, Trip),Damage 1d6+2 slashingMeleejaws +10 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d8+2 piercing plus grioth venomDivine Prepared Spells DC 20, attack +12- Cantrips (3rd)Divine Lance, Forbidding Ward, Message, Prestidigitation, Stabilize- 1stFear, Harm, Heal, Ventriloquism- 2ndDispel Magic, Heal, Sound BurstOccult Innate Spells DC 19, attack +11- Cantrips (2nd)Daze, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Telekinetic Projectile- 2ndPhantom PainGrioth Venom(Emotion, Fear, Mental, Poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 20; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 frightened 1 (1 round); Stage 2 frightened 2 (1 round); Stage 3 frightened 3 (1 round)Shock Mind(Enchantment, Mental, Occult) The grioth scout makes a Strike with a voidglass weapon. If the Strike hits, it deals an additional 2d6 mental damage, and the target must succeed at a DC 20 Will save (this has the incapacitation trait) or become confused for 1 round.Invoke Haunter of the Dark(Divine, Enchantment, Mental, Visual) Frequency once per day; Effect The grioth cultist waves a hand in a complex pattern to invoke dark powers, dealing 3d8 mental damage. Each non-grioth creature within 20 feet must attempt a DC 20 Will save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature takes half damage Failure The creature takes full damage and becomes stupefied 1 for 1 round Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and becomes stupefied 1 for 1 minute." - }, - { - "name": "Grioth Scout", - "family": "Grioth", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Grioth", "Humanoid", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1180", - "lore": "Grioth ScoutThe first grioths encountered on a new world are scouts. Typically traveling the vastness of space via one-way portals from their home worlds, grioth scouts never expect to see their homes again, as grioth leadership ensures true devotion to the colonization effort by stranding them on new worlds.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 17Unspecific Lore: DC 15Specific Lore: DC 12Grioth ScoutSource Bestiary 3 pg. 122Perception +7; greater darkvision, echolocation (precise) 20 feetLanguagesAklo, Grioth; telepathy 30 feetSkillsAcrobatics +7, Occultism +6, Stealth +7Str +0Dex +4Con +2Int +1Wis +2Cha +0Echolocation A grioth can use its hearing as a precise sense at the listed range.Itemsvoidglass kukri---AC 17 Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +7 HP 16ImmunitiescoldWeaknessesfire 3Light Blindness No Breath A grioth doesn't breathe except to speak and is immune to effects that require breathing (such as an inhaled poison).---Speed 25 feet, fly 30 feetMeleekukri +7 (Agile, Finesse, Trip),Damage 1d6 slashingMeleejaws +7 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d4 piercing plus grioth venomOccult Innate Spells DC 16, attack +8- Cantrips (1st)Daze, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Telekinetic Projectile- 1stPhantom PainGrioth Venom(Emotion, Fear, Mental, Poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 17; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 frightened 1 (1 round); Stage 2 frightened 2 (1 round); Stage 3 frightened 3 (1 round)Shock Mind(Enchantment, Mental, Occult) The grioth scout makes a Strike with a voidglass weapon. If the Strike hits, it deals an additional 1d6 mental damage, and the target must succeed at a DC 17 Will save (this has the incapacitation trait) or become confused for 1 round." - }, - { - "name": "Grippli Archer", - "family": "Grippli", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Grippli", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "448", - "lore": "Grippli ArcherThese sharpshooters are renowned for their patience and their accuracy.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Grippli Archer" - }, - { - "name": "Grippli Greenspeaker", - "family": "Grippli", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Grippli", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "449", - "lore": "Grippli GreenspeakerThe unofficial healers of gripplikind are known as greenspeakers.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 20Grippli Greenspeaker" - }, - { - "name": "Grippli Scout", - "family": "Grippli", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Grippli", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "693", - "lore": "Grippli ScoutGripplis make their homes in the treetops of tropical jungles and forests. These frog-like humanoids are uniquely adapted to their environment, with oversized eyes that give them keen vision in both light and dark and large toes that allow them to easily scale trees. Gripplis vary widely in physical appearance, with their physiologies influenced by their surrounding environment. Those who live in verdant forests, for example, typically have bright green skin and red eyes. In contrast, gripplis who live in regions of rot and decay have mottled-brown coloration, and those who dwell near lakes or streams may bear bright blue and orange stripes. Typical gripplis stand just over 2 feet tall and weigh approximately 30 pounds. Whatever region they come from, gripplis tend to be peaceful hunter-gatherers. Due to their modest understanding of agriculture, gripplis don't maintain typical farms like other humanoids do. Rather, they cultivate mushroom patches and gather a wide array of fruits from the surrounding wilderness. While most gripplis hunt insects, some societies also capture and breed them, nurturing herds of giant dragonflies or beetles that they eventually slaughter for food. Particularly enterprising gripplis might even seek out and tame larger flying insects to use as mounts during their hunts. The rearing of such massive insects is no easy feat, however, so gripplis who manage to do so are often heralded as local heroes. Gripplis usually construct their villages in particularly dense copses, stringing thin rope bridges between wide wooden platforms built around each trunk. They make use of broad leaves and thick branches to further obscure their villages, making them especially difficult to spot from the forest floor, and riddle the surrounding forest with labyrinthine trails that only they can navigate. Grippli scouts typically keep watch on the outskirts of grippli settlements. More potent gripplis inhabit the settlements, be they religious leaders, powerful druids, or agile warriors that, due to their small size, focus more on finesse weapons and ranged attacks than on melee tactics.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Grippli Scout" - }, - { - "name": "Grizzly Bear", - "family": "Bear", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "47", - "lore": "Grizzly BearThis large and powerful omnivore inhabits forested hills. While it typically sustains itself on nuts, berries, fish, and small mammals, it’s fiercely territorial and will chase off or kill any creature it views as competition. Grizzly bears are especially temperamental when their young are nearby. In combat, a grizzly bear often attempts to grab and maul its foe with surprising ferocity. It continues its assault until its foe seems like it is no longer a threat, though if the bear is hungry, it will not hesitate to feed.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Grizzly Bear" - }, - { - "name": "Grodair", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast, Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Fey", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "694", - "lore": "GrodairGrodairs are bizarre fishlike creature native to the First World. Their supernatural physiology includes a strange organ with an extradimensional space capable of storing thousands of gallons of water. This grants grodairs the ability to create a suitable environment for themselves anywhere by releasing the water, quickly transforming any surrounding land into a shallow bog. When grodairs wish to leave for a new location, they simply suck up all the water back up. When necessary, grodairs can also travel on land by walking upon the tangle of long, fleshy tentacles that dangle from their bellies. Grodairs have two sets of eyes that function independently. While this makes the creatures difficult to surprise, it also makes them easy to distract. During conversations, they have a tendency to lose focus quickly and have difficulty remembering things. Still, they are avid conversationalists and enjoy hearing tales about the world. While this quality makes grodairs quite likable, they aren't reliable. They have difficulty following plans or schedules, and they can keep a secret only if they happen to forget it first. For these reasons, grodairs don't always make the best allies. Grodairs are voracious and curious omnivores who love trying new foods—in fact, the pursuit of new and interesting food is the most common reason that they venture out of First World. They can also capture and store within their throats any small animals and plants easily suspended in water, and eject them for consumption at a later time.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 20Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 20Grodair" - }, - { - "name": "Grothlut", - "family": "Fleshwarp", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "206", - "lore": "GrothlutSluglike abominations, grothluts are fleshwarps that were once humans. While their head and torsos are vaguely human, their arms are rubbery and move awkwardly at their sides. Wretched creatures, they moan piteously when other creatures are near, perhaps as the last remnants of their shattered human consciousness pleads to be free from their horrid warped form. Many fleshwarpers consider the grothlut to be a failure of a creation, as the transformation all but stamps out the human consciousness. Others disagree, arguing that warping the creature’s mind makes it all the more useful, since its stupidity makes it pliable and easy to herd. Drow typically use grothluts as guardians that slowly patrol the edges of their enclaves. Once in position, grothluts can be used as crude shock troops, unleashed to soften enemy forces before more-valuable warriors wade in and cut down the enemies who have been nauseated by the grothluts’ exploded organs and flesh.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 18Grothlut" - }, - { - "name": "Guard Dog", - "family": "Dog", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "124", - "lore": "Guard DogThe typical guard dog is loyal to and beloved by many communities. Often adored as pets, they also excel as protectors and trackers, and can be fearless when defending a beloved master or family member. The statistics presented below work well for any number of breeds of dog ranging from 20 to 50 pounds in weight. Wild dogs can also use these statistics, but their untamed nature makes them far more unpredictable and threatening. Feral dogs are perhaps even more dangerous, for unlike their wild cousins, feral dogs often lack the instinctual fear of humanity that stops wild creatures from interacting with people.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 13Guard Dog" - }, - { - "name": "Guardian Naga", - "family": "Naga", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "307", - "lore": "Guardian NagaThe opposite of dark nagas in many ways, guardian nagas are benevolent and wise protectors of places of great natural or supernatural significance: ancient oak groves, forgotten holy temples, and vaults of sacred power are just a few examples of locations that these nagas protect. Guardian nagas believe that the beautiful elements of the cosmos are worthy of protection and that devotion to such a grand effort is its own reward. A guardian naga may join a group with similar values, such as a sect of priests or monks, to aid it in its holy endeavors and to exchange knowledge of the heavens. Guardian nagas usually encourage their young, upon reaching adulthood, to depart the nest and seek out their own natural wonders or ancient ruins to protect. Sometimes generations of guardian nagas might guard the same place, passing the honor of such care from parent to child. In such cases, the parent nagas aim to have at least one of their children elect to stay behind and become the guardian of their ancestral ward, giving the parents the peace of mind that the site they protect will continue to be guarded by their descendants. It is difficult for many societies that vilify serpents or see them as symbols of evil to accept the fact that guardian nagas are benevolent and kindly. Fortunately for these people, guardian nagas are also patient and understanding, and see encounters with such societies as opportunities to educate and expand worldviews.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 29Guardian Naga" - }, - { - "name": "Guecubu", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Earth", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1184", - "lore": "GuecubuSometimes an individual performs acts of horror so unspeakable that the earth they walk on becomes imprinted by their evil. With such villains, even slaying them and scattering their bones can't rid the world of their vile presence. Their souls rise again as guecubus, gruesome skeletons made of scorched bones, rotting flesh, and befouled earth. Guecubus roams the land seeking those they deem responsible for their death. A guecubu remembers what was done to them, and the memories of their supposed mistreatment fuel their quest for revenge. Guecubus are well-equipped to exact such vengeance. Along with monstrous power and the ability to move through earth, they retain all the cunning they had in life. These creatures are known to kill their enemies one by one, leaving no trace of their presence behind save pebbles and dust.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21GuecubuSource Bestiary 3 pg. 126Perception +15; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommon, NecrilSkillsAcrobatics +16, Athletics +18, Intimidation +15, Stealth +16Str +6Dex +4Con +3Int +4Wis +3Cha +3---AC 27 Fort +17 Ref +16 Will +15 HP 110(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousResistanceselectricity 10, physical 10 (except bludgeoning)---Speed 25 feet, burrow 15 feet; earth glideMeleejaws +20 (Agile),Damage 2d8+8 piercing plus wrathful misfortunePrimal Innate Spells DC 26- 4thShape Stone (at will)Break Ground(Arcane, Earth, Transmutation) The guecubu stomps, and the ground breaks and ripples in a 30-foot emanation, erupting in razor-sharp, crisscrossing spikes of rock that deal 3d8 piercing damage to creatures in the area (DC 26 basic Reflex save). The area becomes difficult terrain and hazardous terrain, with each square dealing 3 piercing damage to a creature that moves through it. A guecubu is immune to these effects. Ground under the effects of a _consecrate_ ritual or a _circle of protection_ spell tuned against evil or chaos can't be affected by this ability.Earth GlideThe guecubu can Burrow through any earthen matter, including rock. When it does so, the guecubu moves at its full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of its passing.Shove into Stone(Arcane, Earth, Transmutation) When the guecubu successfully Shoves a creature into a stone barrier, the target must succeed at a DC 26 Reflex save or become merged with the barrier, with the effects of _meld into stone_ until the target Escapes (DC 26).Wrathful Misfortune(Arcane, Curse, Enchantment) A creature damaged by a guecubu must succeed at a DC 26 Will save or become cursed with consummate bad luck. The creature becomes clumsy 2. Each time that creature rolls initiative, on their next roll they must roll twice and use the worse result; this is a misfortune effect.You Again?A guecubu is one of the clearest manifestations of selfish evil found in the world. They believe they were raised to make their enemies pay for their demise, completely in denial to their own role in those events. Bereft of the henchmen and power they commanded while alive, the guecubu gleefully uses their new powers on those they hate. Many adventurers realize at some point that the guecubu pursuing them is a former foe they believed dispatched." - }, - { - "name": "Gug", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "252", - "lore": "GugA gug’s most horrid feature is its barrel-shaped head, which splits vertically to reveal numerous rows of sharp, yellow teeth and an open throat. Its eyes on either side of its head-jaw are small but keen. Bony ridges protect its eyes from the frantic flailing of its prey, as it prefers meals of raw and writhing meat over fungi and molds. It grips said prey with powerful arms that split at the elbow into a pair of forearms, giving it four clawed paws. These monstrous brutes are covered with shaggy black fur, often crusted with blood and gore. Although gugs may seem bestial, they have keen and wicked intellects. Gugs lair far underground, but they sometimes come to the surface to hunt during dark nights, either alone or in small groups. As they possess voracious appetites, most gugs consume the creatures they catch, but some instead kidnap their victims and retreat below the surface, leaving only a lingering stench and odd, clawed paw-prints. Victims are taken to rancid lairs marked with strange runes and sacrificed to the gugs’ wicked gods of blood, darkness, and nightmares. Dire rumors tell of lightless gug cities made of titanic blocks of stone far underground, where powerful gug leaders preach their vile doctrines to mobs of howling gugs. Gugs have a strange relationship with ghouls, which seems to date from their shared origin in a distant subterranean world. Gugs live in fear of ghouls, despite towering over them; however, this strange fear doesn’t apply to ghasts, whom gugs consume as voraciously as they do other creatures. Gugs stand 16 feet tall and weigh 2,000 pounds, although they have an eerie, graceful gait that belies their immense size. Their light step and ability to squeeze through very small crannies makes gugs common bogeymen in tales of strange disappearances or bloody massacres. Some particularly bloodthirsty gugs gain awful powers as gifts from their eldritch patrons. These monsters are known as savants, are never less than 12th level in power, and gain several occult innate spells. Though each savant’s precise mix of spells varies, normally, these spells grant invisibility, offer power to manipulate and change rock, or invoke awful and destructive energies upon living flesh.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 27Gug" - }, - { - "name": "Gurgist Mauler", - "family": "Mortic", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Mortic", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1235", - "lore": "GurgistHumans that become mortics are known as gurgists. They retain their personalities and intelligence, but their bodies rot with every beat of their heart. Gurgists ceaselessly crave raw meat; consuming large quantities can slow, or even reverse, their body's putrefaction for a short time. A gurgist that refuses to consume raw meat rots to death. Unlike other mortics, gurgists are capable of sating their hunger without resorting to depravity, making them more likely to be nonevil compared to other mortics. Most gurgists hunt and raise livestock for food—including animals many consider too dangerous to tame. To battle their constant hunger, many take up a single craft, hobby, or performing art to obsess over until the drive to create overcomes the urge to consume. Many study magic or medicine, researching methods to reverse their condition or suspend their putrescence. Others cling to religion, uttering prayers despite the pain and begging the gods to cleanse them of evil. Nearly all gurgists are disgusted by their clumsy, rotting bodies. They shroud themselves in fine clothes and cover their faces with elaborate masks. Most consider their mask their true face.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 27Unspecific Lore: DC 25Specific Lore: DC 22Gurgist MaulerSource Bestiary 3 pg. 175Perception +14; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, NecrilSkillsArcana +13, Athletics +17, Crafting +15, Deception +14, Medicine +12, Performance +12Str +5Dex +2Con +4Int +3Wis +4Cha +2Nourishing Feast The gurgist spends 1 hour consuming 1 Bulk of raw meat to reverse their body's putrescence. For 1 hour, the gurgist appears to be a pale, bloated human. They have an automatic result of 32 on Deception checks and DCs to pass as a non-mortic human. While under the effects of Nourishing Feast, Rotting Flesh ceases to function.ItemsComposite Shortbow (20 arrows), Hide Armor, _+1 maul_---AC 23 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +16 HP 120(negative healing)Weaknessesslashing 5Consecration Vulnerability A gurgist in a place of worship dedicated to a non-evil deity or on sacred ground, such as an area blessed by _sanctified ground_, is slowed 1.Rotting Flesh Any creature that hits the gurgist with an unarmed attack, tries to Grapple them, or otherwise touches the gurgist is covered with rotten flesh and putrid fluids. The creature must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure).---Speed 25 feetMelee_maul_ +18 (Magical, Shove),Damage 1d12+8 bludgeoning plus KnockdownMeleefist +17 (Agile),Damage 1d8+8 bludgeoningRangedcomposite shortbow +14 (deadly d10, Propulsive, range increment 60 feet),Damage 1d6+5 piercingCalculated BlowThe gurgist makes a melee Strike, aiming for their target's weak points and taking their time to line up a precise blow. If this Strike hits, the gurgist deals an additional 1d8 precision damage, and the target must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or become clumsy 2 for 1 minute.Death Gasp(Divine, Necromancy) The gurgist draws in a deep breath and holds it, temporarily suspending their biological processes and becoming undead. The gurgist gains the undead trait and becomes immune to bleed, death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, and sleep. Any such effects the gurgist is currently suffering from are suspended, but take effect again once they take a breath. Death Gasp lasts as long as the gurgist holds their breath (up to 9 rounds).TackleThe gurgist Strides twice and then attempts to Grapple a creature. On a success, the target is also knocked prone." - }, - { - "name": "Guthallath", - "family": "—", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Construct"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "253", - "lore": "GuthallathA guthallath is an enormous construct created long ago by some unknown empire, probably as a war machine. Nearly 100 feet tall, this massive stone statue typically resembles a stalwart warrior wearing only a loincloth and skullcap. Few have seen the entire body of a guthallath, though; most of the time such a relic is buried up to its neck, covered in moss and stranded in some forgotten place. Yet, every so often, one of these harbingers of destruction reactivates in response to some unknown stimulus or rallying call, and when this happens, woe be unto any who stand in its way. While the guthallath’s ancient enemies are gone, it is an engine of pure destruction, designed to rampage for weeks or even months. While not intelligent enough to enjoy or regret its acts, the guthallath cannot be reasoned with—it is unaffected by most magic, and is unpredictable in how it selects its targets (and creatures it spares).Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 44Guthallath" - }, - { - "name": "Gylou (Handmaiden Devil)", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "610", - "lore": "Gylou (Handmaiden Devil)Though gylous are deeply entrenched in the expansive and complex machinations of Hell, they are highly skilled agents capable of nuanced diplomacy, masterful deception, physical finesse, and nearly any other tasks they set their minds to. This versatility has led to gylous becoming widespread throughout all layers of Hell, enabling them to filter key information to their masters regarding other devils' plots and schemes. Their allegiance is no secret, but their skills are so great that powerful devils employ one or more gylous regardless. While most gylous have a feminine form (combined with their role, this is the source of their common moniker of “handmaiden”), some have other gender presentations, and nearly all gylous take on carefully cultivated illusions to best suit the roles they fill. More often than not, gylous arise when lesser devils who have demonstrated exceptional utility and invaluable skills are uplifted into a new form, though on rare occasions they are shaped from the souls of evil mortals who showed unparalleled savvy within bureaucratic enterprises.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 32Gylou" - }, - { - "name": "Hadrinnex", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1185", - "lore": "HadrinnexThe bizarre hadrinnexes resemble defensive systems more than living creatures. They evolve at a rapid rate, but only to specific attacks against them, which suggests they were created through advanced technology or magic. The husk surrounding a hadrinnex—flecks of metal suspended in a malleable organic carapace—reshapes in response to harm. So too can a glowing gland within the creature's thorax, which collects energy and restructures the creature's biology to protect it from that energy. This organ is fragile and ruptures soon after a hadrinnex is killed. Hadrinnexes have only a rudimentary intellect and usually follow more intelligent aberrations. As bodyguards or peons, they perform simple tasks diligently. Though poor at problem-solving and improvisation, hadrinnexes' dependability and adaptive physiology make them ideal for dangerous tasks in hazardous environments.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21HadrinnexSource Bestiary 3 pg. 127Perception +17; darkvisionLanguagesAklo; telepathy (touch)SkillsAcrobatics +16, Athletics +18, Occultism +11Str +6Dex +4Con +6Int -3Wis +3Cha -3---AC 27 Fort +18 Ref +14 Will +17 HP 118Resistancesenergy 15, physical 15 (see Rapid Evolution)Rapid Evolution(morph, occult, transmutation) Trigger The hadrinnex takes damage of a physical or energy damage type (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing for physical; acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative, or sonic for energy) Effect The hadrinnex reconfigures its husk (if triggered by physical damage) or its energy gland (if triggered by energy damage). Any reconfiguration applies to the triggering damage and lasts until the next time the hadrinnex uses Rapid Evolution. Energy Gland Reconfiguring the energy gland changes both the hadrinnex's energy damage resistance and the damage of its energy ray to that type. By default, the energy gland is configured to sonic.Husk The hadrinnex's physical damage resistance and the damage of its weapon arm Strikes change to the triggering type. Weapon arm Strikes gain an additional trait depending on the current damage type: bludgeoning adds shove, piercing adds deadly d8, and slashing adds sweep. By default the husk is configured to bludgeoning.---Speed 40 feetMeleeweapon arm +20 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+9 physical (see Rapid Evolution)Rangedenergy ray +18 (Evocation, Occult, range 120 feet),Damage 5d6 energy (see Rapid Evolution)Extend LimbsThe hadrinnex makes two weapon arm Strikes, each targeting a different creature. The hadrinnex's reach increases to 20 feet for these Strikes.Vent Energy(Evocation, Occult) The hadrinnex purges the energy in its energy gland for an external discharge. It either blasts the energy to deal 7d6 energy damage to creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 26 basic Reflex save), or directs the energy to its weapon arms, making its weapon arm Strikes deal an extra 2d6 energy damage for 1 minute. Either one expends the damage type stored in the hadrinnex's energy gland, as described below. After the energy is vented, the energy gland goes dormant. The hadrinnex loses its energy resistance and can't use energy ray until it uses Rapid Evolution to reconfigure its energy gland again. Directing energy to its weapon arms again removes any previous energy boost to its weapon arm.Hibernation PodsHadrinnexes can be found hibernating in remote areas, their husks shaped into ovoid pods. These pods are usually centered in craters, suggesting the hadrinnex fell from above. Leaving hibernation takes 2 months as it extrudes its limbs and restarts biological processes. This can be accelerated with a daily influx of energy to its energy gland." - }, - { - "name": "Hadrosaurid", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "615", - "lore": "HadrosauridHadrosaurids are a broad grouping of herbivorous dinosaurs that share characteristic flat snouts filled with rows of grinding teeth well suited for feeding on vegetation. Also known as “duck-billed dinosaurs” due to the unusual shape of their jaws, hadrosaurids are lumbering creatures that can rival an elephant for size, although they tend to be much less aggressive and are prone to flight when confronted with danger rather than stubbornly standing their ground. Many species of hadrosaurids have uniquely shaped crests on their heads that give each species its own unusual profile, making them easily recognizable even to an amateur dinosaur watcher.Giants and other oversized creatures have been known to domesticate hadrosaurids to serve as livestock. Despite their ability to sprint quickly, they don't make particularly viable mounts due to their timid natures, but in a large group, a panicked gathering of hadrosaurids can wreak great damage with their trampling.A hadrosaurid can walk for short distances on its hind legs but prefers to graze and travel on all fours. The typical hadrosaurid is 20 to 30 feet long and can weigh up to 10,000 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Hadrosaurid" - }, - { - "name": "Hamatula (Barbed Devil)", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "609", - "lore": "Hamatula (Barbed Devil)Hamatulas are forged in Erebus to protect infernal vaults from those foolish enough to try to rob the archdevil Mammon. In case the vicious spines protruding from their bodies and ability to teleport weren't deadly enough, they are also clever wielders of warding glyphs. They are effective conjured guardians, though they resent being pulled away from their duties in Hell. Unlike most fiends, hamatulas are formed from several souls that lack any features distinctive enough to merit another role.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 28Hamatula" - }, - { - "name": "Haniver", - "family": "Gremlin", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Gremlin", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1178", - "lore": "HaniverHanivers are the most benign type of gremlin—capricious fey who skim the waves on rubbery fin-wings. Though they don't actively sabotage their environment, sailors bemoan these gremlins' grasping fingers. Hanivers' incessant curiosity compels them to examine any object that draws their attention. Such treasures might include an overturned fruit basket, a sack of coins, or a shark's gleaming teeth (often still in the shark's mouth, to the fey's regret). Should hanivers like what they find, they steal it, making them a bane to fishers and dockworkers everywhere.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8HaniverSource Bestiary 3 pg. 120Perception +5; darkvisionLanguagesAquan, Common, UndercommonSkillsAcrobatics +5, Deception +4, Nature +3, Stealth +5, Thievery +5Str +1Dex +3Con +2Int -1Wis +1Cha +2---AC 15 Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +3 HP 9Weaknessescold iron 2---Speed 10 feet, fly 20 feet, swim 20 feetMeleebite +7 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d4+1 piercingPrimal Innate Spells DC 13- Cantrips (1st)Prestidigitation- 1stFear, Ventriloquism (at will)Rearrange Possessions(Manipulate) The haniver attempts to Steal a small object off a target's person. If they succeed, they also rifle through and rearrange the contents of the target's pockets, pouches, and other containers. The next time the target attempts to draw a weapon or retrieve a worn item, doing so requires two Interact actions instead of one. The haniver can Steal an object that's closely guarded using this action without the –5 penalty, though not objects that would be extremely noticeable or time-consuming to remove. They can spend 2 actions instead of 1 to use this ability to Steal from a creature in combat or otherwise on guard.Mari HaniverSailors sometimes affix a “Mari Haniver” to their ship's prow. Made from a ray's dried carcass, this clever bit of taxidermy resembles a dead haniver enough to scare gremlins away. But should a haniver wise up to the ruse, it will stop at nothing to torment its would-be deceivers. " - }, - { - "name": "Harmona", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Uncommon", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1190", - "lore": "HarmonaCatching a glimpse of a harmona is said to be lucky. Flying quickly, observing and scouting new areas, these brightly colored avian fey are all but hidden to the eye. A soft buzz accompanies them, discernible only to creatures with particularly keen hearing. Intelligent and curious, these tiny fey birds freely roam the First World, accompanying high-ranking fey creatures such as queens or their courts. In turn, companions who treat a harmona with respect for their knowledge and skill benefit from the harmona's aid in times of need. When these curious creatures find a natural gate between the planes, they glide through to explore and expand their knowledge. Those who find their way onto the Material Plane often choose to remain there in search of diverse and unusual places. This frequently leads them to the same locations that draw in curious adventurers. A harmona might befriend a non-fey adventurer as a companion, but they resent those who would treat them as pets and fight to the death to avoid capture.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 30Unspecific Lore: DC 28Specific Lore: DC 25HarmonaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 132Perception +24; low-light visionLanguagesSylvanSkillsAcrobatics +23, Arcana +20, Diplomacy +22, Nature +24, Performance +22, Stealth +23Str +0Dex +6Con +3Int +5Wis +7Cha +5---AC 30 Fort +18 Ref +21 Will +24 HP 190ImmunitiessonicWeaknessescold iron 10Flit BackTrigger A creature enters the harmona's space or an adjacent square; Effect The harmona Flies 10 feet away from the triggering creature.---Speed 10 feet, fly 60 feetMeleebeak +23 (Finesse, Magical),Damage 2d6+6 piercing plus 2d6 sonicRangedsonic pulse + 23 (Magical, range 60 feet, Sonic),Damage 2d12+6 sonic plus PushPrimal Innate Spells DC 30- Cantrips (4th)Detect MagicConcussive Blow(Evocation, Primal, Sonic) The harmona makes a beak Strike, channeling disruptive sound waves into the blow. On a hit, the target must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or become stunned 1 (stunned 2 on a critical failure). After this Strike, the harmona can Fly up to half their fly Speed.Subsonic Pulse(Evocation, Primal) The harmona beats their wings rapidly towards the ground, creating a nearly inaudible rumble and sending a wave of shaking earth to overwhelm their enemies. Each creature in a 15-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 30 basic Fortitude save or take 6d6 sonic damage. A creature that fails its save is knocked prone from the shaking ground.Ultrasonic Thrust(Evocation, Primal, Sonic) The harmona beats their wings skyward, creating a spiraling vibration. Each creature in a 30-foot cone must attempt a DC 30 Reflex save as the high-frequency blast flings them up and away. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is pushed 5 feet away and knocked off balance, becoming flat-footed until the start of their next turn. Failure Sonic waves fling the creature 15 feet back from the harmona. The creature takes 6d6 bludgeoning damage from the fall and lands prone. Critical Failure As failure, but the creature is flung 30 feet and takes double damage.Sweet EatsHarmonas, like their mundane hummingbird counterparts, have rapid metabolisms and usually get most of their energy and wing power from flower nectar. Over time, they developed a taste for sweets such as cupcakes, cookies, pie, wine, elderflower cordial, and the like. They can be expensive companions to feed, but it is easiest to befriend a harmona by tempting their curiosity with a sweet it hasn't had the pleasure of trying yet." - }, - { - "name": "Harpy", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "258", - "lore": "HarpyHarpies are filthy amalgamations of human and bird, resembling feral humans with wings, talons, and mouths full of sharp teeth. They use captivating songs to lure creatures in, then murder them while they stand transfixed. They enjoy causing confusion and fear in their prey before they strike, believing it creates a savory flavor in the flesh. Harpies can eat most creatures but strongly prefer sapient prey—humans and elves are their favorite. Although harpies will eat goblins if sufficiently hungry, they dislike their flavor and avoid eating them if possible. This doesn’t comfort goblins, of course, who have a particularly strong fear of harpies. Because their aeries often reek with the gore of their kills and careless spatters of guano, harpies carry a distinctly vile scent that canny travelers associate with danger. Harpies who roost close to civilization make better efforts to keep clean, though these efforts have mixed results. Harpies live in family groups or larger clans. They are lightweight despite their size, standing 5 feet tall and weighing only around 90 pounds. While most use relatively simple weapons, some harpies take pride in learning and mastering the use of more complex tools of war such as swords and slings. Those who master the use of the bow, in particular, are often regarded as heroes among their kind and terrors among their victims.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 20Harpy" - }, - { - "name": "Harpy Skeleton", - "family": "Skeleton", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1298", - "lore": "Harpy SkeletonA live harpy's song is compelling and captivating; a harpy skeleton's is anything but, rending the target's mind.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15Harpy SkeletonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 236Perception +9; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +11, Intimidation +13Str +4Dex +4Con +2Int -5Wis +0Cha +4---AC 22 Fort +11 Ref +15 Will +9 HP 60(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousResistancescold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, piercing 5, slashing 5---Speed 20 feet, fly 40 feetMeleetalon +15 (Agile),Damage 2d6+7 slashingMeleeclub +15,Damage 1d6+7 bludgeoningRangedclub +15 (thrown 10 feet),Damage 1d6+7 bludgeoningShriek(Auditory, Concentrate, Emotion, Fear, Mental) The harpy skeleton emits an unearthly, bone-chilling scream that deals 4d10 mental damage to all creatures in a 30-foot cone (DC 26 basic Will save). A creature that fails its save is frightened 1 (or frightened 2 on a critical failure). The harpy skeleton can't Shriek again for 1d4 rounds." - }, - { - "name": "Harrow Doll", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "531", - "lore": "Harrow DollHarrow dolls are unique constructs that can make predictions about the future. The more elite circuses and traveling shows frequently feature a harrow doll, and many use the doll’s abilities to learn more about locals to better customize shows to their tastes—or to find easy marks for later cons. Upset patrons that try to harm a harrow doll or reclaim their payment quickly learn that the construct is more than capable of defending itself.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 26Harrow Doll" - }, - { - "name": "Hatred Siktempora", - "family": "Siktempora", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Rare", "Siktempora", "Time", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1297", - "lore": "Hatred SiktemporaSpawned by acts and legacies of cold-blooded spite, hatred siktemporas kill indiscriminately out of pure loathing, methodically hunting down and slaughtering anyone who catches their vile attention. Fortunately for mortals, they typically limit their predations to the Dimension of Time, where they hunt down creatures foreign to that realm—and some native to it. Hatred siktemporas appear roughly humanoid, but their gaunt forms resemble bone and tendon more than flesh and skin. Adding to their unnerving appearance, their legs have an additional segment between their shin and thigh, and likewise for their eerily long arms. Their featureless faces bear only a singular scar, which takes a different form on every hatred siktempora. They clad themselves in immaculate finery chosen from the most vitriolic empires that ever existed, in the past and the future, and they form a magical garrote as a manifestation of their cold malice.Unspecific Lore: DC 41Specific Lore: DC 38Hatred SiktemporaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 235Perception +33; darkvisionLanguagesAklo; (can't speak any language), telepathy 500 feetSkillsAthletics +35, Deception +32, Dimension of Time Lore +32, Intimidation +32, Stealth +32Str +9Dex +6Con +4Int +4Wis +7Cha +6Temporal Sense A siktempora can always roll Dimension of Time Lore for initiative. When it does, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the roll.---AC 42 Fort +28 Ref +30 Will +33 HP 240, regeneration 50 (deactivated by good, mental, or orichalcum)Immunitiesdisease, emotion, poisonImpending Dread (aura, emotion, fear, mental, occult) 150 feet. Creatures within the hatred siktempora's aura don't reduce the value of their frightened condition automatically at the end of their turns.Uncanny PounceTrigger The hatred siktempora rolls Dimension of Time Lore for initiative; Effect The hatred siktempora Strides once and makes a claw Strike, in either order.Punish FlightTrigger A creature attempts to Escape from the hatred siktempora; Effect The siktempora makes a loathing garotte Strike against the triggering creature. This Strike doesn't have Improved Grab.---Speed 80 feet; _air walk_Meleeloathing garotte +35 (Cold, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d10+17 cold plus Improved GrabOccult Innate Spells DC 40- 4thDimension Door (at will)- 9thBlink- Constant (9th)Air WalkContorted ClutchThe hatred siktempora can have up to two creatures grabbed with their loathing garotte at once.Vindictive CrushFrequency once per round; Requirements The hatred siktempora has a creature grabbed; Effect The hatred siktempora tightens their garrote, dealing 5d10 bludgeoning damage to each creature they're Grabbing. Each creature grabbed by the siktempora must attempt a DC 40 Fortitude save. Critical Success The creature takes no damage. Success The creature takes half damage. Failure The creature takes full damage and can't breathe or speak while it remains grabbed; it must hold its breath or begin suffocating. Critical Failure As failure, but double damage and the creature becomes restrained and can't speak for 1 round after it's no longer grabbed." - }, - { - "name": "Hegessik", - "family": "Protean", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Protean"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "1019", - "lore": "HegessikAnchorites of the proteans, hegessiks live solitary lives roaming the dangerous wilds of the Maelstrom. There, they contemplate cosmic truths and dispense wisdom as itinerant mystics. Hegessiks proudly bear their ridges of golden feathers and gleaming gemstones, but it is within their third eye that their wisdom resides. Hegessiks normally have little interaction with the fluctuations of protean society and are more likely to be found liaising with non-protean monitors and followers of those deities—like Nethys and Besmara— who share the Maelstrom with proteans.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 34Hegessik" - }, - { - "name": "Hekatonkheires Titan", - "family": "Titan", - "level": 24, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Rare", "Titan", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1342", - "lore": "Hekatonkheires TitanThe first three hekatonkheires were meant to guard the gates to the Abyss, but they proved too terrifying and rebellious— and so, in disgust, the gods cast them into the gulfs between the planes. Hekatonkheires titans are incomplete, monstrous progeny of the original three, from whom these titans calved like icebergs. Hekatonkheires wield interstellar darkness as a weapon and spurn the limits of physical reality, literally reaching through space with their countless arms. Filled with a drive to either discover their lost identity or create their own, they metaphysically disembowel ancient beings and cosmic magics—using the entrails to find clues regarding their own nature and parentage or to serve as raw materials for fueling some alien apotheosis.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 53Unspecific Lore: DC 51Specific Lore: DC 48Hekatonkheires TitanSource Bestiary 3 pg. 270Perception +43; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesAbyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +42, Athletics +48, Intimidation +45, Occultism +41, Survival +39Str +12Dex +10Con +12Int +7Wis +7Cha +9---AC 52 all-around visionFort +44 Ref +40 Will +37 +4 status to all saves vs. mental or divineHP 500Immunitiesdeath effects, diseaseImpossible Stature (aura, divine, illusion, mental) 100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a DC 48 Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over difficult terrain (greater difficult terrain on a critical failure) for 1 round.Attack of OpportunityThe hekatonkheires gains 99 extra reactions on their turn that they can only use to make Attacks of Opportunity.---Speed 60 feet; _air walk_, _freedom of movement_Melee_void weapon_ +45 (Magical, reach 50 feet, versatile P, versatile S),Damage 4d12+18 bludgeoning plus 2d12 forceRanged_void weapon_ +43 (Magical, thrown 200 feet, versatile P, versatile S),Damage 4d12+18 bludgeoning plus 2d12 forceOccult Innate Spells DC 48- 9thBind Soul, Dimension Door, Plane Shift, Weird- Constant (10th)Air Walk, Freedom of Movement, True SeeingDemolish VeilFrequency once per month; Trigger The titan casts _plane shift_; Effect The titan arrives in a storm of shattered planar barriers. This has the effects of a 10th-level _storm of vengeance_.Hundred-Dimension GraspThe titan reaches between realities to drag foes closer. They attempt an Athletics check and compare the result to the Fortitude DCs of all foes within 120 feet. On a success, a foe is teleported to any square the titan chooses within 120 feet; on a critical success, it's also paralyzed for 1 round. The titan can Grab any foe brought within 30 feet as a free action.Hundred-Handed WhirlwindThe titan overwhelms opponents with blows both conventional and interplanar. They make one void weapon Strike against each foe within reach. Even on a failed attack (but not a critical failure), the titan deals 24 force damage to the target. This counts as three attacks for the titan's multiple attack penalty.Send BeyondRequirements The titan has a creature grabbed; Effect The titan thrusts the creature into a nightmare realm full of lightless hands and eyes. This has the effects of _maze_ (DC 48), but the creature can use Occultism to escape in addition to Perception or Survival. The titan can't use Send Beyond for 1d4 rounds.Shape VoidThe titan molds a weapon from interstellar darkness. This is a _+3 major striking weapon_ in any form. It can't be disarmed and deals an additional 2d12 force damage. If Released, a void weapon vanishes.Hekatonkheires AnatomyCrafters with exceptional skill can harvest a hekatonkheires's black bones before they dissolve upon the titan's death. These bones can be forged into shapeshifting weapons or refined into tuning forks that allow travel to esoteric planes." - }, - { - "name": "Hell Hound", - "family": "Hell Hound", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast, Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "259", - "lore": "Hell HoundA hell hound’s appearance dismisses any doubts as to its infernal origins—flesh the color of burning pitch, teeth as sharp as any fiend's pitchfork, and a shroud of ever-burning hell are are all trademark features.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 18Hell Hound" - }, - { - "name": "Hellbound Attorney", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend,Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Human", "Humanoid", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1113", - "lore": "Hellbound AttorneyThe Hellbound attorney sought the assistance of a phistophilus—one of Hell's contract devils—to bolster her legalistic ability on the Material Plane.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 21Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 21Unspecific Lore: DC 19Specific Lore: DC 16Hellbound AttorneySource Bestiary 3 pg. 64Perception +11; greater darkvisionLanguagesCommon, InfernalSkillsAcrobatics +10, Deception +11, Diplomacy +11, Intimidation +11, Legal Lore +14, Society +12Str +1Dex +2Con +0Int +4Wis +1Cha +3Itemselegant cane (as mace), legal ledgers---AC 20 Fort +9 Ref +12 Will +13 HP 60Resistancesfire 4Weaknessesgood 2Abrogation of ConsequencesTrigger The Hellbound attorney rolls a success or critical failure on a saving throw against a linguistic effect; Effect The attorney finds a loophole in the wording of the effect, turning the success into a critical success or a critical failure into a normal failure.---Speed 20 feetMeleeelegant cane +12 (Agile, Finesse, Shove),Damage 1d4+3 bludgeoningDivine Innate Spells DC 21- 1stBurning HandsOpening Statement(Auditory, Concentrate) Trigger The Hellbound attorney's turn begins; Effect The attorney enumerates the alleged crimes of a creature they can see and attempts a Legal Lore check against that creature's Will DC. On a success, the attorney's Strikes deal an additional 2d6 precision damage (4d6 precision damage on a critical success) to the creature until the end of the attorney's turn." - }, - { - "name": "Hellcat", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast, Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "695", - "lore": "HellcatHellcats are devious predators native to the fiery pits of Hell. While the fiendish creatures appears as skeletal smilodons, their bones smoking with heat and dripping with boiling blood, they are not undead. They are living hellspawn with transparent flesh that reveals their burning skeletons. A typical hellcat is 9 feet long and weighs 1,000 pounds. Left to their own devices, hellcats spend their time hunting—that is, seeking and stalking prey just for the thrill of the chase. As fiendish creatures, they do not require mortal sustenance, but they do devour their prey for the sheer pleasure of inflicting pain. They are also far more intelligent than most assume, and they resent being treated as unintelligent animals; those who treat a hellcat as a one may find themself made into a trophy for its pack, as a hellcat goes to great lengths to coordinate elaborate revenge upon those who fail to show proper respect. Though they can't speak, hellcats know Infernal and can communicate by telepathy with any creature capable of speech. They rarely say much except to make whispered threats and to acknowledge the orders of their diabolic masters. Hellcats are quick to retreat if they are clearly outmatched or up against foes they're unable to reach, but they never forget prey that escapes them. They often track potential victims and recruit allies, including other hellcats, to make coordinated attacks or ambushes against their foes.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 23Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 23Hellcat" - }, - { - "name": "Hellcrown", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "437", - "lore": "HellcrownThe life of a Hellknight is bloody, brutal, and often short. Many who perish in service to a Hellknight order are glad to rest after having served their masters so faithfully, but others seek to continue their work even in death. When a Hellknight is decapitated, the ghostly undead known as a hellcrown is an occasional result. Consumed by the desire to bring about order by inflicting cruelty, hellcrowns haunt battlefields and abandoned castles, slaying all they encounter. A strange fusion of spirit and steel, a hellcrown has no corporeal form by itself, but instead inhabits the helmet it so proudly wore in life. Dangling from the helmet like a shroud is a shadow of the former Hellknight’s spine, adding to the creature’s terrifyingly gruesome appearance. Hellknights regard hellcrowns with a mixture of disgust and respect, considering the individuals who transform into these floating undead to have been resolute in purpose but weak in body. A hellcrown usually manifests hours or longer after its body’s death, and only when its body is unattended; this might even take days if the Hellknight perished in a major battle. Typically, no recognizable fragment of the Hellknight’s former personality survives the grisly transformation into a hellcrown, but in rare and particularly tragic cases a hellcrown might remember its life and hold grudges against those it views as the cause of its death. Regardless of whether they retain memories of their lives or have lost all former sense of self, hellcrowns linger around the site of their death, reminding all they encounter of the merciless principles of their order.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 17Hellcrown" - }, - { - "name": "Hellknight Cavalry Brigade", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal,Humanoid", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal", "Human", "Humanoid", "Troop", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1091", - "lore": "Cavalry BrigadeA cavalry brigade consists of several Hellknights and a single field-maralictor, in the distinctive armor of their order and bearing lances; the maralictor speaks for the brigade, questioning travelers the brigade encounters and barking orders. A Hellknight brigade is typically based at a keep or other fortification controlling an area measured by a day's ride in every direction—about 25 miles. Farther-ranging missions are possible but require substantial logistical support.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 24Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Hellknight Cavalry BrigadeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 44Perception +16LanguagesCommon, InfernalSkillsAcrobatics +13, Athletics +18, Hell Lore +12, Intimidation +17, Religion +12, Society +12Str +6Dex +1Con +4Int +2Wis +2Cha +3---AC 27 Fort +18 Ref +13 Will +16 HP 135Resistancesmental 5, slashing 5Weaknessesarea damage 10, splash damage 5Troop Defenses ---Speed 40 feet; troop movementArrow VolleyThe Hellknights draw or reload their longbows, then launch a ranged attack in the form of a volley. This volley is a 10-foot burst within 100 feet that deals 4d8 piercing damage (DC 23 basic Reflex save). When the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst.Form UpLance ChargeThe brigade Forms Up, then Strides twice with a +10-foot circumstance bonus to its Speed. If it moves at least 10 feet, the brigade deals 3d8+13 piercing damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save) to each enemy within 10 feet of the brigade at the end of its movement.Mounted TroopEffects that target only animals or only humanoids may not work on the cavalry brigade, subject to the GM's discretion.Swing from the SaddleFrequency once per round; Effect The brigade engages in a coordinated melee attack against each enemy within 10 feet (DC 23 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.2d6 slashing damage2d6+10 slashing damage3d6+13 slashing damageTrailblazing StrideWhile moving on land, the Hellknight cavalry brigade ignores the effects of non-magical difficult terrain.Troop MovementWhenever the cavalry brigade Strides, the brigade first Forms Up as a free action to condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus any missing squares), then moves. This works just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if any square of the brigade enters difficult terrain, the extra movement cost applies to the whole brigade.Troop GearSince the component members of a troop are individually much less powerful than the troop as a whole, a troop's gear is typically of negligible utility or value. This troop's Hellknight plate is an exception, and a party might be able to salvage a suit or two from their defeated foes—if they're willing to risk the wrath of the Order of the Nail!" - }, - { - "name": "Hellwasp Swarm", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1191", - "lore": "Hellwasp SwarmHellwasps' infernal nature allows them to collectively inhabit and control humanoid corpses, and they use this ability to infest and horrify large swathes of territory unless destroyed. While individual hellwasp poses little threat, these fist-sized insects instinctively form into aggressive swarms that will viciously attack any creature approaching their colony, the lone exception being powerful fiends. Hellwasp swarms have a rudimentary intelligence focused on the protection and expansion of their colony. They can understand Infernal but are incapable of speech. They sometimes obey simple commands from a lawful fiend more powerful than their swarm, but there is no nuance or understanding to this obedience, and if left alone for more than a day they stop obeying and return to their colony.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Hellwasp SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 133Perception +16; darkvisionLanguagesInfernal; (can't speak any language)SkillsAcrobatics +18, Stealth +18Str +0Dex +4Con +6Int -3Wis +2Cha -2---AC 24 Fort +18 Ref +16 Will +14 HP 95Immunitiesprecision, swarm mindResistancesbludgeoning 5, fire 10, piercing 10, slashing 5Weaknessesarea damage 10, splash damage 10---Speed 20 feet; fly 40 feetAbandon CorpseRequirements The hellwasp swarm is controlling a corpse with Infest Corpse; Effect The hellwasp swarm leaves its host corpse, which dies instantly and becomes a normal corpse in all respects. The hellwasp swarm expands out from that space to its normal size.Hellwasp StingsEach enemy in the swarm's space takes 4d8 piercing damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). Any creature that fails its saving throw is exposed to hellwasp venom.Hellwasp Venom(Poison) Saving Throw DC 26 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d8 poison damage and clumsy 2 (1 round); Stage 2 2d8 poison damage and clumsy 2 (1 round)Infest Corpse(Manipulate) The hellwasp swarm animates the corpse of a Small, Medium, or Large humanoid that protected by _gentle repose_ or similar magic, crawling into its mouth and other orifices. Its size changes to that of the corpse and it loses its piercing and slashing resistances, fly Speed, and Hellwasp Stings. It gains a fist melee Strike with a +18 attack modifier that deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage plus 2d8 piercing damage and hellwasp venom. The hellwasp swarm gains 40 temporary Hit Points when it Infests a Corpse; when these temporary HP are depleted, the corpse falls apart and the swarm Abandons the Corpse automatically.Torturous Buzz(Auditory, Emotion, Enchantment, Incapacitation, Occult) The swarm emits a distracting, cacophonous buzzing. Each creature within 20 feet must attempt a DC 26 Will save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected and temporarily immune for 1 minute. Success The creature is unaffected. Failure The creature is confused for 1 round. Critical Failure The creature is confused for 1d4 rounds.Hellwasp ColoniesHellwasps typically dwell in large colonies that can house multiple swarms. The swarms station multiple suitable corpses near the colony, and at least one swarm from the colony is always patrolling the nearby area in an inhabited corpse. This means that hellwasp colonies typically have a pervasive and noticeable stench of dead flesh around them. This also makes the treasure found near colonies highly random, consisting only of whatever possessions the inhabited corpse carried." - }, - { - "name": "Herecite of Zevgavizeb", - "family": "Herecite", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "520", - "lore": "Herecite of ZevgavizebSecreted away in the dark corners of unnamed libraries, necromancer’s dens, and heretical scriptoriums, obscure texts describe a horrifying ritual that combines sacrifice and suffering to create a powerful undead being known as a herecite. These monsters, stripped of personal will or desire, are born into the service of an evil god whom they worship unerringly and untiringly, often in spite of any opposing religious leanings they may have had in life. Every herecite harbors an unquenchable self-hatred because it was defiled by such a foul resurrection—a rage it turns outward in an attempt to rob others of their faith and lives. Herecites often outlast the cults that create them. Stranded herecites are drawn to others of their kind, even if they are dedicated to different evil deities, and when brought together they perform rites to magically bind themselves in a group known as a cabal. While cabal members share enhanced magic and defenses, induction into a cabal appears to hold even deeper significance for herecites. The presence of others of their kind with whom they can pray—in verses warped to venerate wicked gods—seems the only solace these tormented beings can find in undeath. Such a fellowship of sorrow is nigh unbreakable, as many an overzealous crusader has discovered far too late. Customarily found within heavily modified temples to the pantheon of gods they collectively worship, herecites act in service to their creators or as protectors of unholy ground. High priests of different evil gods may even trade herecites among themselves, allowing their minions to form cabals strengthened by their varied faiths. A lone herecite cut off from its creators—often because it is the sole remnant of a destroyed temple or its master has perished—may wander far and wide in search of a cabal to join. Other times, the herecite seeks out a place sacred to the deity it worshipped in life. Whether motivated by a desire for contrition or vengeance, the end result of this baleful pilgrimage is always the desecration of the holy site and the slaughter of its congregants, who may in turn rise as lesser forms of undead.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 29Herecite of Zevgavizeb" - }, - { - "name": "Herexen", - "family": "Herexen", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Uncommon", "Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1192", - "lore": "HerexenWhen a cleric rebels against their deity and dies in the grip of blasphemous rage, the heresies they committed in life may fuel their transformation into an undead herexen. Herexens seek vengeance against the deity they once worshipped, defiling temples, slaying the faithful, and rallying lesser undead and death cultists to aid them in their unholy quests. Though a herexen's divine gifts have mostly been corrupted into the vileness of undeath, they stubbornly cling to remnants of their former power, still wielding magic and armaments favored by the deity they so greatly despise. Groups of herexens that blasphemed against the same deity sometimes combine to form a mockery of a congregation, conducting blasphemous rites with something approaching euphoria. These congregations are more often formed from a blasphemous cult who practiced their heresy together in life and died together, though some gather independent herexens of the same former faith.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13HerexenSource Bestiary 3 pg. 134Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, NecrilSkillsAthletics +6, Deception +7, Religion +10, Stealth +6Str +2Dex +2Con +1Int +0Wis +4Cha +3ItemsDagger, defiled religious symbol of Pharasma---AC 17 Fort +5 Ref +8 Will +10 HP 30(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousFinal Blasphemy (divine, necromancy, negative) When the herexen is destroyed, it explodes in a wave of negative energy with the effects of a 3-action _harm_ spell (DC 20). The herexen is destroyed, so it doesn't gain any Hit Points from this use of harm, and it doesn't need to have any harm spells remaining to use this ability.---Speed 25 feetMeleedagger +10 (Agile, versatile S),Damage 1d6+4 piercing plus heretic's smiteDivine Prepared Spells DC 18- 1stHarm (×4)Cleric Domain Spells DC 20,1 Focus Point- 1stDeath's CallHeretic's Smite(Divine, Necromancy) While wielding the favored weapon of its former deity (such as a dagger for an ex-Pharasmin herexen), the herexen's Strikes deal an additional 1d6 evil damage against creatures that can cast divine spells.Herexen LairsMost herexens settle down in a particular town or region to corrupt the local populace. Powerful herexens may boldly lair in a defiled temple, creating a vile parody of the building's former glory. However, most herexens hide in decrepit places such as ruins, forgotten basements, or tombs" - }, - { - "name": "Hermit Crab Swarm", - "family": "Crab", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1106", - "lore": "Hermit Crab SwarmWhen hermit crabs find a shell that is too large, they lie in wait for others to arrive and move into the shell, abandoning a possible replacement. This can form a large chain of queuing crabs waiting to upgrade their shells. Interruptions can aggravate the crabs, resulting in attacks against the unfortunate source of disruption.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14Hermit Crab SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 58Perception +11; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 15 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +12Str +4Dex +2Con +3Int -4Wis +1Cha -1---AC 19 Fort +13 Ref +10 Will +7 HP 42Immunitiesprecision, swarm mindResistancespiercing 5, slashing 5Weaknessesarea damage 5, splash damage 5---Speed 30 feet, swim 15 feetSwarming SnipsEach enemy in the swarm's space takes 2d8 piercing damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail this save also take 1d4 persistent bleed damage." - }, - { - "name": "Hesperid", - "family": "Nymph", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey", "Light", "Nymph", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1250", - "lore": "HesperidHesperides are nymphs of sunset, guardians of the colorful golden hues of the setting sun. They live on remote islands, isolated coastal cliffsides, and hidden valleys, all places where the sunset's golden glow can have the strongest effect. Hesperides manipulate sunlight with dancelike motions, allowing them to create graceful ribbons of light at close range and searing rays at a distance. Due to their connection to the beauty of the daily cycle of the setting sun, hesperides feel a satisfaction from methodical routine that can feel alien to wilder, more chaotic fey. Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21HesperidSource Bestiary 3 pg. 188Perception +19; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, Sylvan, UtopianSkillsAcrobatics +19, Athletics +11, Deception +19, Diplomacy +21, Intimidation +19, Nature +19, Performance +21, Society +17, Stealth +17Str +0Dex +6Con +4Int +4Wis +4Cha +6---AC 28 Fort +15 Ref +21 Will +19 HP 175Weaknessescold iron 10Sunset Dependent A hesperid is mystically bonded to a single remote location with a good view of the sunset—usually an island, coastal cliff, or valley. If they aren't at that location and able to see the sky at sunset on any given day, they become drained 1, increasing the value by 1 for each missed sunset and reducing by 1 only when they see the sunset. A hesperid can perform a 24-hour ritual to bond to a new location.---Speed 30 feet, fly 60 feetMeleesunset ribbon +21 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d10+6 slashing plus 1d6 fire and 1d6 positiveRangedsunset ray +21 (Magical, range increment 60 feet),Damage 2d12+6 fire plus 1d6 positivePrimal Innate Spells DC 28, attack +20- Cantrips (5th)Dancing Lights, Light- 1stIllusory Disguise (×3)- 2ndFaerie Fire- 5thHeal, Searing LightCreate Golden Apple(Primal, Transmutation) While the hesperid is within their bonded location, they can spin golden light around an object they're holding of up to 20 cubic feet in volume and up to 80 Bulk. Doing so condenses the object into a magic apple made of golden light with light Bulk. The golden apple reverts back to its original shape after a full day away from the hesperid's bonded location, or when the hesperid spends a single action (which has the concentrate trait) to end the effect.Dual GuardiansWhile all nymphs protect areas of natural beauty, hesperides often guard other unusual treasures of a more literal variety, sometimes including items long thought lost. Their steady temperaments and timeless loyalty ensure that they can be trusted to keep whatever they're protecting safe from harm." - }, - { - "name": "Hesperid Queen", - "family": "Nymph", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey", "Light", "Nymph", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1252", - "lore": "Hesperid QueenHesperid queens rule over isolated regions soaked in the light of sunset. They guard countless treasures and secrets, though for those who approach them withrespect and offer an intriguing bargain, they're willing to part with knowledge or items beyond those secrets or valuables they've sworn to keep to themselves. Hesperid queens are relatively likely to have powerful objects under their protection, such as ancient relics or artifacts. As such, they're keenly aware of the danger posed by unscrupulous treasure hunters seeking to obtain these items at any cost, and they use their incredible minds to set up devious countermeasures to protect their wards, even in the event of their own deaths.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 41Unspecific Lore: DC 39Specific Lore: DC 36Hesperid QueenSource Bestiary 3 pg. 191Perception +34; low-light visionLanguagesCelestial, Common, Draconic, Sylvan, UtopianSkillsAcrobatics +32, Arcana +30, Athletics +28, Deception +37, Diplomacy +39, Intimidation +37, Nature +32, Performance +35, Society +30, Stealth +32Str +5Dex +9Con +6Int +7Wis +7Cha +10Tied to the Land A hesperid queen is intrinsically tied to an isolated region such as an island or island chain, a remote coast, or a secluded valley. As long as the queen is healthy, the environment is exceptionally resilient, allowing the hesperid queen to automatically attempt to counteract spells and rituals that would harm the environment, such as blight, with a +37 counteract modifier and a counteract level of 10. When the hesperid queen becomes physically or psychologically unhealthy, however, their warded region eventually becomes twisted or unhealthy as well. In that case, restoring the hesperid queen swiftly heals the entire region.---AC 45 Fort +31 Ref +36 Will +34 HP 306Weaknessescold iron 15Nymph's Beauty (aura, emotion, enchantment, incapacitation, mental, primal, visual) 30 feet. Creatures that start their turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 38 Will save or be transfixed in awe, causing them to be stunned for 1 round.---Speed 30 feet, fly 90 feetMeleesunset ribbon +36 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 4d10+13 slashing plus 1d6 fire and 1d6 positiveRangedsunset ray +36 (Magical, range increment 120 feet),Damage 4d12+13 fire plus 1d6 positivePrimal Prepared Spells DC 44- Cantrips (10th)Detect Magic, Electric Arc, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Read Aura- 1stFeather Fall, Gust of Wind, Pass Without Trace- 2ndAnimal Messenger, Glitterdust, Water Breathing- 3rdEarthbind, Haste, Meld into Stone- 4thFreedom of Movement, Resist Energy, Solid Fog- 5thControl Water, Death Ward, Hallucinatory Terrain- 6thDispel Magic, Slow, True Seeing- 7thEnergy Aegis, Regenerate, Volcanic Eruption- 8thPunishing Winds, Stoneskin, Wind Walk- 9thMeteor Swarm, Storm of Vengeance, Sunburst- 10thPrimal PhenomenonPrimal Innate Spells DC 44, attack +36- Cantrips (10th)Dancing Lights, Light- 10thSearing Light, Faerie Fire, Heal, Illusory Disguise (×3)Change Shape(Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) Hesperid queens can transform between their original form, which looks much like a typical nymph of their kind, and any Small or Medium humanoid form, typically choosing a version of their natural form that more closely resembles a humanoid.Create Golden Apple(Primal, Transmutation) While the hesperid queen is within their bonded location, they can spin golden light around an object they're holding of up to 20 cubic feet in volume and up to 80 Bulk. Doing so condenses the object into a magic apple made of golden light with light Bulk. The golden apple reverts back to its original shape after a full day away from the hesperid queen's bonded location, or when the hesperid queen spends a single action (which has the concentrate trait) to end the effect.Focus Beauty(Emotion, Enchantment, Incapacitation, Mental, Primal, Visual) The hesperid queen focuses their beauty upon a target within their aura. The creature must attempt a Will save. On a failure, it is affected as if by the queen's beauty aura; a target that wasn't already affected by the aura becomes overwhelmed with visions of bliss and beauty. The creature departs from the hesperid queen's domain as quickly and efficiently as it can for 1 hour, after which time it forgets ever reaching the hesperid queen's domain, how it did so, and everything that happened while it was within the domain.Inspiration(Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Primal) A hesperid queen can inspire a single intelligent creature by giving that creature a token of their favor, typically a lock of their hair. As long as the creature carries the token and remains in good standing with the hesperid queen, the creature gains a +1 status bonus to all Crafting checks,Performance checks,and Will saves. If a hesperid queen grants their Inspiration to a bard and they are that bard's muse,the bard gains an additional benefit depending on their muse theme: for lore muse,the bard also gains a +1 status bonus to all Lore checks; for maestro muse, the status bonus to Performance checks increases to +2 for the purpose of determining the effects of compositions; for polymath muse, the bard gains a +4 status bonus to untrained skill checks; and for all other muses, the Will save bonus increases to +2 against fey.Draconic RapportHesperid queens and gold dragons have an unusual affinity, sometimes working together to guard treasure. The queen might guard such valuables as part of their ward, even as the dragon sees them as their hoard. The competing viewpoints don't bother either party, and such alliances can last millennia." - }, - { - "name": "Hezrou (Toad Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "601", - "lore": "Hezrou (Toad Demon)Hezrous dwell in the vast and endless Abyssal swamps, mires, and waterways and are equally at home on land and in the water. A hezrou's presence has an obvious effect on nearby flora and water, causing plant life to twist and knot and infusing water with a foul odor and brackish taste—signs much easier to spot on the Material Plane than in the Abyss. Long exposure to this corruption can cause vile transformations and hideous mutations, and entire miserable communities of corrupted creatures sometimes rise in swamplands where a hezrou dwells. Hezrous themselves prefer simple pleasures, and they often waste their considerable intellect in the pursuit of comfortable places to slumber, squealing meals to eat, or objects of beauty to deface. They do not seek out cults to fawn over them but will not turn away those who seek to worship on their own. Hezrous form from the souls of those who abused and polluted their environs or neighbors, either through the introduction of toxins to the region or the insidious spread of drugs and poisons through a society. Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 28Hezrou" - }, - { - "name": "Hieracosphinx", - "family": "Sphinx", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1317", - "lore": "HieracosphinxLacking the intelligence of their kin, falcon-headed hieracosphinxes are cowardly, cruel-hearted creatures. They guard their territory ruthlessly against weaker intruders.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15HieracosphinxSource Bestiary 3 pg. 250Perception +14; darkvisionLanguagesSphinxSkillsAcrobatics +11, Athletics +13, Intimidation +9, Survival +12Str +4Dex +4Con +3Int -2Wis +3Cha +0---AC 22 Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +10 HP 70BuckDC 23Contingent Glyph (abjuration, occult) A hieracosphinx has an innate magical defense similar to a _contingency_. When they take a specific type of energy damage (varying by the individual sphinx), they can use their reaction to have the glyph cast _haste_ on them. The glyph is then dormant for 1 week. A critical success to Recall Knowledge about a particular hieracosphinx (30 or higher on the check) reveals which damage type triggers the glyph.---Speed 30 feet, fly 60 feetMeleebeak +15,Damage 2d10+4 slashingMeleeclaw +15 (Agile),Damage 2d8+4 slashingPounceThe hieracosphinx Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. If they began this action hidden, they remain hidden until after the attack.Shriek(Auditory, Incapacitation) The hieracosphinx emits a shrill, ear-piercing shriek. Each non-sphinx in a 60-foot emanation must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. Any creature that attempts a save is temporarily immune for 24 hours. Critical Success The creature is temporarily immune to that hieracosphinx's shriek for 24 hours. Success The creature is deafened for 1 round. Failure The creature is deafened for 1 minute and stunned 1.Jealous PredatorsHieracosphinxes share none of the fondness for riddling talk and clever conversation typical of their more intelligent kin. They nonetheless envy their cousins' power, wisdom, and grace, and sometimes gather in flocks to take down stronger rival sphinxes out of sheer spite and jealousy. " - }, - { - "name": "Hill Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Earth", "Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "220", - "lore": "Hill GiantSelfish and crude, these rough-skinned raiders are bullies and ultimately cowards. Quick-tempered and fond of violence, a hill giant gladly raids and pillages the defenseless but is quick to flee from those who are bigger, stronger, or better organized than they are. A hill giant is never above shoving or tricking one of their own kind to slow down their opponent or get the best loot.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 23Hill Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Hippocampus", - "family": "Hippocampus", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "696", - "lore": "HippocampusHippocampi serve as steeds for aquatic humanoids or roam wild in the sea.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Hippocampus" - }, - { - "name": "Hippogriff", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "698", - "lore": "HippogriffWith the proud bearing of a great raptor and the magnificence of a powerful horse, hippogriffs are thought to be an accidental fusion of creatures or perhaps the creation of a flesh-warping wizard with a keen aesthetic sense. Regardless of their original source, these animals are now a common sight in the skies above their favored plains or hill country. Hippogriffs bear the wings, forelegs, and head of a bird of prey, with feather coloration similar to that of a hawk or eagle, though some breeders have managed to produce specimens with stark-white or coal-black feathers. Their torso, hindquarters, and tail resemble those of a horse and usually are colored bay, chestnut, or gray, with some coats bearing black, pinto, or even palomino coloration. Hippogriffs are similar in size to large horses. Much like their equine cousins, hippogriffs often have to keep wary eyes on the skies above them, as both are preferred meals for hungry griffons and wyverns. Only hippogriffs' superior speed helps protect them from these predators. Hippogriffs are exceptionally territorial and fiercely protect the lands under their domain. They typically favor sweeping grasslands, rolling hills, and prairies. Exceptionally hardy hippogriffs make their homes nestled into niches on canyon walls, from which they comb the rocky deserts for coyotes, deer, and the occasional humanoid. Hippogriffs prefer mammalian prey, but they graze after every meal to aid in digestion. Since hippogriff hunting habits can be dangerous to both ranchers and their livestock, such communities often set bounties on hippogriffs. As a result, preserved hippogriffs frequently decorate frontier taverns and remote outposts alongside the taxidermic remains of deer, elk, and bears. However, other communities train hippogriffs from hatching to be ridden by elite soldiers in combat— the most notable among these groups in the Inner Sea region is the Sable Company Mercenaries in the city-state of Korvosa. Attempts are sometimes made to train adult hippogriffs in the same manner, but this often proves far more difficult. Hippogriff riders must use special saddles and combat techniques that allow them to act in concert with their mount, fighting effectively while avoiding interfering with the movement of their companion's wings.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Hippogriff" - }, - { - "name": "Hippopotamus", - "family": "Hippopotamus", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "699", - "lore": "HippopotamusTypical adult hippos move quickly on land and attack stealthily in the water. Though herbivorous, hippos are notoriously aggressive and territorial.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 20Hippopotamus" - }, - { - "name": "Hive Mother", - "family": "Ankhrav", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "24", - "lore": "Hive MotherAnkhrav hive mothers are fearsome predators that one can easily distinguish from the typical ankhrav not only by their greater size, but the presence of a large pair of razor-sharp, mantis-like arms.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 26Hive Mother" - }, - { - "name": "Hobgoblin Archer", - "family": "Hobgoblin", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "262", - "lore": "Hobgoblin ArcherBands of hobgoblin soldiers typically have at least one archer among their ranks. In smaller groups, the hobgoblin archer also serves as that band’s captain.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Hobgoblin Archer" - }, - { - "name": "Hobgoblin General", - "family": "Hobgoblin", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "263", - "lore": "Hobgoblin GeneralHobgoblin generals serve as leaders of entire armies and rulers of hobgoblin settlements. A general does not permit the luxuries of rule to soften them. They lead their forces on the field of battle and view this opportunity to excel in a fight at the head of an army as the true reward for a life spent honing one’s skills in battle.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 22Hobgoblin General" - }, - { - "name": "Hobgoblin Soldier", - "family": "Hobgoblin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "261", - "lore": "Hobgoblin SoldierSoldiers make up the bulk of hobgoblin society, whether that society is a village or a military unit.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Hobgoblin Soldier" - }, - { - "name": "Hodag", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "701", - "lore": "HodagBecause they are often described only in drunken retellings of loggers' or miners' tales, hodags are considered by many to exist only in the local folklore of remote areas. However, some individuals have actually encountered these dangerous beasts firsthand, and even fewer have lived to tell their tales. Hodags are reptilian creatures the size of bulls. These vicious predators' long claws can tear creatures apart in seconds. Their backs sport dozens of long spines that run from their snouts all the way down the length of their powerful tails. Their wide mouths are full of sharp and twisted rows of teeth not unlike those of a shark. The hodags' rough, scaly hides carry hues of green and brown, allowing them to blend into their forest surroundings where they ambush prey. Only their glowing red eyes reveal their presence, though hodags have learned to use this to their advantage by drawing attention to their eyes in one area, then closing their eyes and stealthily moving to another area to cause their prey to misconstrue their location. In the wintertime, when snow and ice blankets a region, hodags grow a foul-smelling coat of greasy, dark-brown fur that sprouts in tufts from between their scales. A typical hodag measures over 10 feet long from snout to tail and weighs upward of 700 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 24Hodag" - }, - { - "name": "Homunculus", - "family": "—", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Construct"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "264", - "lore": "HomunculusA homunculus is a tiny servitor construct created by a crafter to serve as a spy, scout, messenger, or assistant. When a crafter first begins to study the art of creating constructs, she often crafts a homunculus first, since the creation process is simple and inexpensive due to a magical shortcut: the use of the creator’s own blood. This forges a link between the homunculus and its master, causing the homunculus to gain a spark of the creator’s intellect, as well as the same moral values and some of the creator’s basic personality traits. Homunculi left to their own devices never stray far from their masters. In most cases, a homunculus doesn’t survive the death of its master for long. Deprived of its creator, a homunculus loses focus and grows increasingly self-destructive, and some even end up battering themselves to destruction. Rarely, a homunculus with a slain master survives the trauma with its mind intact, often seeing itself as its deceased creator’s child or successor and attempting to further its creator’s legacy as best it can. In such cases, and if the homunculus was in close proximity to its master upon that creature’s death, a portion of the dead master’s soul “infects” the surviving homunculus as it passes on to the afterlife. This doesn’t result in a truly soulbound homunculus (see sidebar), since only a fragment of the soul is left behind, but this is still enough to grant the homunculus a greater personality, free will of its own, and perhaps most importantly, the ability to speak. Over time, a few of these “awakened” homunculi even go so far as to become convinced that they are the reincarnation of their prior masters, although their actual personalities never quite reach the depth and complexity of a truly living creature. They are, at best, caricatures of the master, and at worst they become awful, bitter-minded parodies of life itself. Still, a free-willed homunculus might pursue studies in its creator’s class, becoming a unique creature with the abilities of that class if time and fortune permit. Homunculi are created from a mixture of clay, ash, mandrake root, spring water, and a pint of the creator’s own blood. It is possible for a separate donor to provide the blood, but the process is more difficult.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 14Homunculus" - }, - { - "name": "Horned Archon", - "family": "Archon", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "31", - "lore": "Horned ArchonHorned archons are secretive and tireless sentinels and scouts, patrolling the Outer Sphere’s untamed wilds for evil to eliminate and keeping small communities safe from demons, devils, and worse. They resemble muscular humans with the head, horns, and legs of a stag. When requested to do so by their patrons, especially Erastil, they journey to the Material Plane and patrol dangerous frontier areas, secretly performing acts of kindness such as leading hunters to food, helping lost children, and driving off evil creatures. Because they roam the wilds of Nirvana and Elysium, horned archons are among the best at understanding the perspectives of other celestials.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 19Horned Archon" - }, - { - "name": "Hound Archon", - "family": "Archon", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "551", - "lore": "Hound ArchonAmong the rank-and-file soldiers of Heaven's armies, few individuals are more dependable and truer to the cause than the noble hound archons, embodiments of the virtue of diligence. Unlike horned archons, who perform at a similar level along Heaven's grand hierarchy, hound archons do not scout ahead for evil or perform reconnaissance missions in hostile territory. A hound archon's role is as a soldier in the heart of battle or, occasionally, as a sentinel tasked with protecting a particular strategic location or holy site.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 19Hound Archon" - }, - { - "name": "Hound Of Tindalos", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration, Time", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Time"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "702", - "lore": "Hound Of TindalosLean and athirst, the hounds of Tindalos are drawn to those who tamper with the flow of time, travel through time, or use magic or rare alchemical drugs to send their thoughts or perception back or forward in time. Powerful spellcasters can draw them from the Dimension of Time via rare rituals, but doing so attracts the hounds' ire, so few who traffic in such rituals live long enough to spread their knowledge. While the hounds possess great cunning and cruel intellect, they rarely interact with other creatures—other than to hunt and destroy those who have attracted their unblinking attention. Once a hound catches scent of a mortal to hunt, it calls others of its ilk. The pack then pursues its victim through all space and time until it catches, slays and devours them. Those pursued can escape only by avoiding all angles, as hounds of Tindalos could step through them from nothingness at any time.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 28Hound Of Tindalos" - }, - { - "name": "House Drake", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1193", - "lore": "House DrakeBeautifully colored in purples and electric blues, these tiny dragons are genuinely brilliant in more ways than one. They are playful and kind, and while they have a long tradition of assisting spellcasters, they prefer to be treated as equals and partners rather than pets. They're quite intelligent and don't appreciate condescension from those who treat them as simple animals. Tiny dragons have appeared in tales told among traditional Varisian communities for centuries, but only relatively recently have they become known by the name “house drake.” This new name arose in the city of Korvosa, where house drakes have adapted particularly well to urban life. When students of the magic school called the Acadamae failed in their studies and allowed their imp familiars to run wild, these tiny dragons found that they were particularly well suited to combating them. Most notably, their teeth become striated with silver due to their peculiar grooming habits, allowing their bites to puncture the imps' magically resistant skin. The two species are well-matched in intellect. Though their clashes typically begin with trying to outwit one another, they often end in messy brawls across rooftops and into alleys. The residents of Korvosa appreciated both the protection and the dragons' charming appearance and demeanor. House drakes are now more common in Korvosa than anywhere else in the world. House drakes are carnivorous, eating vermin and small birds. Though they're capable of hunting for food, many of them find it a bit dull and prefer to spend their time at other pursuits. They happily accept donations of food. To truly get on a house drake's good side, though, one should offer a gift of silver. Donations to drakes have become regular practice in Korvosa, to the point where “Paid any drakes lately?” has become a common phrase to suggest someone is a bit gullible and soft-hearted. These donations are just that—charity. House drakes avoid taking on anything resembling a “job,” taking pride in their self-sufficiency and ability to choose for themselves how to spend their time.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10House DrakeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 135Perception +8; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesCommon, Draconic, InfernalSkillsAcrobatics +7, Society +4, Stealth +7, Survival +6Str +1Dex +4Con +2Int +1Wis +3Cha +2---AC 17 Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +11 HP 16Immunitiesparalyzed, sleepFerocious Will(abjuration, arcane, mental) Trigger The house drake succeeds at a saving throw against a magical mental effect; Effect The house drake sends a blast of magical feedback at the effect's source, dealing 2d6 mental damage (DC 16 basic Will save) to that creature. On a failed save, the creature is also slowed 1 for 1 round.---Speed 15 feet, fly 40 feetMeleejaws +9 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d8+1 piercing plus silver strikeArcane Innate Spells DC 17- 1stAlarm, Soothe- 2ndObscuring Mist, See InvisibilityBreath Weapon(Arcane, Conjuration, Mental) The house drake breathes a 10-foot cone of silver mist. Each creature within the mist must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or become stupefied 2 for 1 round. The house drake can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Silver StrikeHouse drakes sharpen their jaws on silver ornamentation until they incorporate bits of silver in their teeth. Their jaws Strike counts as silver.Ancient TailsSome of the oldest tales told among Varisian travelers speak of tiny dragons sent by Desna to comfort and aid her followers during a long-forgotten tyranny. With the recent rediscovery of the ancient Thassilonian empire, some suggest that these tales—and thus house drakes themselves—may have first appeared back in that distant age." - }, - { - "name": "Huldra", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1197", - "lore": "HuldraAt first glance, a huldra seems a simple creature—a human in plain robes or peasant dress, sporting long, unbound hair. These tresses and full skirts in fact disguise the huldra's supernatural features: a hollow wooden back, a long bovine tail, and incredible strength. Folk legends from the lands of the north describe huldras as the creations of troll witches, intended to lure potential meals to the slaughter. Indeed, a huldra's regeneration is so similar to a troll's that a link between the two creatures seems entirely possible, but huldras despise trolls and resent tales suggesting any connection between them. Rather, huldras are wardens of the woodlands they occupy. Grown from saplings by powerful forest-dwelling fey as a response to humanoid encroachment, huldras protect and parley for the forest itself. Woodland creatures adore huldras, and sometimes approach humans or elves thinking they're huldras. This illusion is shattered if the animal sees the humanoid's back is made of flesh or that they're lacking a tail, at which point the animal recoils and runs away. Huldras respond well to travelers who show respect and deference for the forest, bestowing those they favor with supernatural luck and fortune. Those who scorn or attack a huldra, or those who mock their distinctive, bovine tails, find themselves plagued by poor decisions and even worse luck. Huldras commonly carry a bad reputation as sirens of the deep forest—cunning monsters who seek to lure woodcutters and unwary adventurers to uncertain ends. These stories largely come from miscreants foolish enough to have treated a huldra rudely and later complain about how they were unjustly persecuted. Even woodcutters and hunters can stay in the good graces of huldras provided they plant new trees to replace what they've taken and don't kill any creatures they don't eat. Though huldras choose to appear unassuming, the attention they put into disguising the supernatural parts of their bodies is sometimes lacking when it comes to their strength. They often perform feats of strength, like bending horseshoes straight or lifting heavy objects, without realizing they're breaking their carefully crafted facade.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 21Unspecific Lore: DC 19Specific Lore: DC 16HuldraSource Bestiary 3 pg. 138Perception +13; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommon, SylvanSkillsAthletics +11, Deception +13, Diplomacy +13, Intimidation +11, Nature +10Str +5Dex +4Con +1Int +1Wis +3Cha +5---AC 21 Fort +9 Ref +14 Will +11 HP 70, regeneration 5 (deactivated by acid or fire)Weaknessescold iron 5, fire 5---Speed 30 feetMeleefist +14,Damage 2d6+7 bludgeoningMeleetail +14 (Agile, Backswing),Damage 2d4+7 bludgeoning plus Befuddling LashBefuddling Lash(Curse, Enchantment, Mental) When the huldra damages a creature with their tail, a wave of befuddlement clouds the target's thoughts. The creature must succeed at a DC 19 Will save or become stupefied 1 (stupefied 2 on a critical failure) for 1 minute.Manipulate Luck(Curse, Primal) Frequency once per day; Effect The huldra touches another creature to manipulate the creature's luck. The creature must attempt a DC 21 Will save. On a failure, the huldra chooses good luck or bad luck. If the huldra chooses good luck, the affected creature can roll twice on one d20 roll within the next minute and use the higher result; this is a fortune effect. If the huldra chooses bad luck, the creature must roll twice and use the lower result on its next d20 roll; this is a misfortune effect.Guardians of the NorthHuldras live in the northern reaches of Avistan and Casmaron. Tales of these fey are told from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings to Iobaria and beyond, but are perhaps most common in Irrisen, where First World influence has seeped through the land. Even here, however, most huldras are reclusive and reticent, making their presence known only when outsiders encroach upon the forests they protect." - }, - { - "name": "Hunting Spider", - "family": "Spider", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "386", - "lore": "Hunting SpiderHunting spiders are the most common type of giant spider, though not the largest.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Hunting Spider" - }, - { - "name": "Hyaenodon", - "family": "Hyena", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "271", - "lore": "HyaenodonHyaenodons are the ferocious primeval cousins of the smaller hyena. Looming, shaggy-furred creatures nearly the size of a horse, hyaenodons are truly formidable predators to be reckoned with, due both to their size and to their bone-crushing jaws. Gnoll clans find these creatures particularly useful as mounts and guardians.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Hyaenodon" - }, - { - "name": "Hyakume", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1198", - "lore": "HyakumeHundreds of bloodshot eyes peek out from under the fleshy layers of a hyakume's skin. These hulking aberrations covet knowledge and go to great lengths to keep what they know to themselves; they'll destroy scriptoriums they've raided and burn books they've read to ensure no other soul learns their contents. While hyakume occasionally trade valuable information to garner greater knowledge, they are liable to trick their targets into revealing more than they should. Most frightening of all is the hyakume's ability to steal memories and erase any knowledge of their existence from the minds of their victims.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 36Unspecific Lore: DC 34Specific Lore: DC 31HyakumeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 139Perception +29; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Common; telepathy 100 feetSkillsArcana +30, Bardic Lore +28, Crafting +30, Deception +27, Medicine +25, Nature +25, Occultism +30, Religion +27, Society +28, Thievery +25Str +4Dex +6Con +4Int +9Wis +6Cha +4Light Blindness Lore Master A hyakume can use their Bardic Lore skill to Recall Knowledge on any topic, and they know any languages common to an area they have spent a day or more in.---AC 36 all-around visionFort +23 Ref +25 Will +29 +2 status to all saves vs. magicHP 275Immunities_confusion_Resistancesmental 10---Speed 25 feetMeleefist +27 (Agile, Finesse, Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d10+10 bludgeoning plus scatterbrain palmOccult Innate Spells DC 40, attack +32- Cantrips (8th)Daze, Detect Magic, Read Aura- 4thAir Walk (at will), Hypercognition (at will), Zone of Truth (at will)- 7thDispel Magic (×2), Mindlink (at will)- 8thCharm (×2), Disappearance, Mind BlankEye Probe(Divination, Occult) Frequency once per day; Effect Up to six of the hyakume's eyes detach from the hyakume's body. Each eye has AC 26, HP 1, and a fly speed of 40 feet. The hyakume can see through all of their eye probes. They can move the probes all in separate directions using a single action. A hyakume can have no more than six eye probes active at a time; using this ability to create more causes the eye or eyes farthest away to shrivel and die. The hyakume can deliver touch spells through their eye probes and can make melee spell attacks through them. In addition, the hyakume can Steal Memories through an eye probe using a single action by touching the target with the eye.Scatterbrain Palm(Divination, Enchantment, Incapacitation, Mental, Occult) A creature hit by the hyakume's fist Strike must attempt a DC 36 Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune until start of its next turn. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is stunned 1. Failure The creature is stunned 2. Critical Failure The creature is stunned 3 and the hyakume can use Steal Memories on the target as part of this action.Steal Memories(Emotion, Mental, Necromancy, Occult) The hyakume reaches out with their mind and attempts to steal memories from a creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed at a DC 40 Will saving throw or become stupefied 2 and have some of its memories stolen. The hyakume learns some of the target's memories (chosen by the GM), which are then lost to the target.Memory ThievesHyakume jealously hoard knowledge in the form of memories, their own or stolen. They stalk temples and libraries, memorizing hundreds of texts before obliterating them all. Hyakume have earned a mistaken reputation as nocturnal guardians of shrines and other archives of wisdom. Though they may occasionally thwart thieves and tomb raiders, they do so only to keep the repository's knowledge for themselves." - }, - { - "name": "Hydra", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "269", - "lore": "HydraHydras are multiheaded, foul-tempered serpentine beasts with voracious appetites, widely feared for their regeneration abilities.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 22Hydra" - }, - { - "name": "Hyena", - "family": "Hyena", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "270", - "lore": "HyenaHyenas are cunning, powerfully built carnivores that bear a heavy resemblance to dogs and other canines, though they are not themselves canines. Though all hyenas are often maligned as cowardly carrion eaters, their tactics depend on their specific breed: spotted hyenas are active pack hunters that kill most of their prey themselves, while striped and brown hyenas are more likely to be scavengers. Their jaws are exceptionally powerful, allowing hyenas to seize a victim and pull it to the rest of the pack.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Hyena" - }, - { - "name": "Ice Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Cold", "Construct", "Golem", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "683", - "lore": "Ice GolemIce golems are either carved from massive blocks of ice, or pieced together from individual components that are then fused together through heat and refreezing. In most cases, the resulting shape is little more than a crude approximation of a humanoid form, but given the right talent, an ice golem could be an exquisitely carved statue of a mythical creature, famous persona, or even a deity. While ice golems most frequently serve as guardians in freezing climates, the magic that holds an ice golem together keeps it from melting in warmer temperatures. This, combined with the fact that ice golems lie on the lower end of the scale as far as cost and difficulty to create, gives these constructs unusual features that puts them in great demand. The rich and powerful in hot, arid regions often commission ice golems not only as guardians for their estates and vaults, but for comfort—the presence of an ice golem standing quietly sentinel in the corner of a room can help to keep the chamber at a comfortable temperature. The truly decadent use ice golems as servants to keep drinks cold.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 22Ice Golem" - }, - { - "name": "Ice Linnorm", - "family": "Linnorm", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "285", - "lore": "Ice LinnormThe ice linnorm dwells amid glacial crevasses, atop wind-blasted mountain peaks, or within glittering caverns carved from the hearts of the mightiest of icebergs.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 38Ice Linnorm" - }, - { - "name": "Ice Mephit", - "family": "Elemental, Mephit", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "660", - "lore": "Ice MephitThough capable of the same depths of cruelty as their fire mephit kin, ice mephits carry theirs out in a more calculating way. Unlike most mephits, these pale blue mephits prefer solitude to company. Lacking in empathy, they are known for their callousness, and have a reputation for brutal honesty. They also have few moral qualms about acting selfishly and exploiting weakness for their own gain, should the chance arise.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 17Ice Mephit" - }, - { - "name": "Icewyrm", - "family": "Elemental, Water", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Cold", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "666", - "lore": "IcewyrmResembling wingless, serpentine dragons formed of jagged ice and shot through with veins of nearly frozen water, these elementals dwell within icebergs and enjoy striking out at passing ships or creatures. They're especially common in frigid stretches of ocean in the Plane of Water, where icebergs cluster together into enormous islands of ice.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 27Icewyrm" - }, - { - "name": "Icicle Snake", - "family": "Elemental, Water", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Cold", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "663", - "lore": "Icicle SnakeTranslucent and capable of hanging suspended and near motionless, icicle snakes sense the heat of living creatures as a threat and attempt to use their camouflage and chilling bite against foes.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 16Icicle Snake" - }, - { - "name": "Iffdahsil", - "family": "—", - "level": 21, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration, Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Unique", - "id": "876", - "lore": "IffdahsilThe slithering horror known as Iffdahsil is an undead shoggoth that has haunted the vault of the Black Desert for millennia. Drow legends in particular tend to feature Iffdahsil, terrifying the elves from a young age.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 52Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 52Iffdahsil" - }, - { - "name": "Ifrit", - "family": "Geniekin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Ifrit"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "759", - "lore": "IfritIfrits' blood blazes with elemental fire. Most ifrits are second-class citizens who serve under the iron heel of the efreeti and their Dominion of Flame, but those born outside the efreet hierarchy or who choose to flee it live lives of passion in search of fame, glory, and power. Ifrits are fond of fire, but this doesn't mean they all embrace fire's destructive nature. Those who seek more productive roles in a society find inspiration in the way flames flit and dance, and they pride themselves in their skills as acrobats or dancers. The church of Sarenrae particularly welcomes ifrit fire dancers, both in appreciation of their skill and to help ensure these ifrits have a safe place apart from their more violent kin. But by and large, ifrits are drawn to professions and callings that allow them to wallow in the glories of fire. Ifrit pyrochemists apply this calling to alchemical teachings, seeing purity in every single bomb thrown or conflagration lit.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Ifrit Pyrochemist" - }, - { - "name": "Iguanodon", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "616", - "lore": "IguanodonIguanodons are large, herbivorous dinosaurs that inhabit swamps and forests where they browse on the abundant vegetation. The iguanodon is capable of moving on two feet or on four, quickly switching from one stance to the other depending on whether it needs to move through dense foliage or to reach delectable morsels hanging up in the canopy.Although iguanodons are herbivores, they are notoriously quick to anger. Their thumb spikes make their claws particularly devastating weapons. A well-placed blow from one of these claws can turn a hungry predator into a cowering beast with one swift strike. Iguanodons are 30 feet long and weigh 6,000 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 22Iguanodon" - }, - { - "name": "Imentesh", - "family": "Protean", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Protean"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "766", - "lore": "ImenteshThe loquacious proteans known as imenteshes serve as missionaries, spies, and heralds of chaos to further the protean goal of reality's dissolution. Imenteshes are cunning, curiously diplomatic, and profoundly whimsical. They travel beyond the Maelstrom for their work, frequently adopting extravagant personal attire and decorations that often border upon the garish, all to curry favor with less chaotic beings.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 27Imentesh" - }, - { - "name": "Immortal Ichor", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Ooze"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "483", - "lore": "Immortal IchorAn immortal ichor is an intelligent mass of blood from a dead evil deity. The cultists who perform the ritual to create immortal ichor typically seal up the sentient ooze in an underground or remote chamber that blocks its magical abilities, but over time these seals break or weaken, freeing the unholy monster.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 39Immortal Ichor" - }, - { - "name": "Imp", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "109", - "lore": "ImpImps are infiltrators and corruptors who, despite their diminutive stature, are more than capable of subtly influencing a weak-willed individual into performing increasingly evil acts over time. An imp will often agree to serve a mortal and act docile and loyal in a long-term plot to eventually damn its master’s soul to Hell. Imps are born directly from Hell itself, rather than from mortal souls, and thus they serve outside the usual diabolic hierarchy, granting them leeway to pursue their specialties. Despite standing a mere 2-feet tall, imps can be vicious combatants, flying out of reach and turning invisible to escape should the odds turn against them.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 15Imp" - }, - { - "name": "Incutilis", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Uncommon", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1199", - "lore": "IncutilisIncutilises are intelligent, nautilus-like sea creatures that attack their victims' brains to take over their bodies, creating puppets to use for labor, combat, or their own malevolent amusement. An adult incutilis is slightly smaller than an adult human head. Its shell bears a pattern of crimson streaks that resemble the ridges and furrows of a brain. Incutilises hatch within the depths of the sea, where they start off consuming bottom-dwelling crustaceans and sometimes even whales or sharks, but as they grow into adults, incutilises instinctively crave the complex tissues of other creatures' brains—the more complex, the better. An incutilis makes excursions onto land specifically to use their iconic puppetmaster ability. They use their tentacles to crawl up onto shore or climb aboard a ship. An incutilis then drives their tendrils directly into the brain of a helpless living (or very recently dead) land creature, taking control of it through this neurological connection. They prefer to target humanoids and animals. This host—now called a puppet—rarely survives the experience. After the incutilis has taken full control, they can usually ride their puppet for as long as they wish. Often, they use the puppet to seek out other potential prey, battling other creatures until the wear and tear from repeated conflict renders the body useless.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13IncutilisSource Bestiary 3 pg. 140Perception +7; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Aquan; telepathy 30 feetSkillsAthletics +8, Deception +5, Stealth +9Str +4Dex +3Con +1Int +1Wis +3Cha -1---AC 17 Fort +7 Ref +7 Will +9 HP 21---Speed 5 feet, climb 5 feet, swim 40 feetMeleetentacle +8,Damage 1d4+4 bludgeoning plus GrabAbandon Puppet(Manipulate) Requirements The incutilis is attached to a puppet; Effect The incutilis abandons its puppet, detaching and separating from its nervous system. If the puppet was still alive, it's unconscious and temporarily immune to that incutilis's Puppetmaster ability for 24 hours.Puppetmaster(Manipulate) An incutilis drives tendrils into a Small or Medium living creature that's unconscious or restrained by the incutilis. It attaches and injects the unfortunate host with enzymes to take over control of the creature's nervous system, turning the host into a puppet controlled by the incutilis. The puppet becomes dying 2 and is controlled by the incutilis. If the puppet dies, its body remains under the control of the incutilis until it's destroyed or the incutilis Abandons the Puppet. If the puppet recovers from the dying condition, the incutilis immediately Abandons the Puppet. While controlling a puppet, the incutilis is attached to the puppet's head (or elsewhere, if its brain is in an unconventional location) and moves along with it. The puppet uses its own AC, Hit Points, Fortitude and Reflex saves, and physical Strikes, but it uses the incutilis's Will save. The puppet can perform only basic actions and untrained uses of the Athletics and Stealth skills while controlled. Any attack that deals damage to the puppet also deals 1 mental damage to the incutilis. Area effects are applied to both the incutilis and puppet. The incutilis always has lesser cover while in control of a puppet.Whaler's TalesThe crews of whaling ships are among those most likely to encounter an incutilis. Whale brains aren't an incutilis's preferred food, but it can bore its tendrils into one for a long time. When such an unfortunate whale is brought alongside the whaling ship, the incutilis has an opportunity to climb aboard unseen and prey upon any member of the crew unlucky enough for them to catch sleeping" - }, - { - "name": "Intellect Devourer", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "703", - "lore": "Intellect DevourerIntellect devourers serve as advance scouts and infiltrators for the powerful force of alien beings called the Dominion of the Black. These monsters roam the Darklands, from which they mount secret invasions of the world above. When an intellect devourer infiltrates a society, its first priority is to acquire a body. It might first seek out a graveyard for a fresh corpse, as this is easier than fighting and killing someone. When the aberration compresses itself into the host's brain cavity, its real body goes dull to sensation as it connects to the nervous system of its host. If found out, an intellect devourer might quickly inhabit a new body to make its escape, preferably something inconspicuous such as a domestic animal.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 26Intellect Devourer" - }, - { - "name": "Interlocutor", - "family": "Velstrac", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Velstrac"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "851", - "lore": "InterlocutorInterlocutors are the most talented surgeon-sculptors of the velstracs, carving away flesh and replacing it with new body parts of muscle, sinew, and metal. Each interlocutor structures their individual appearance carefully, but all are towering, multi-limbed amalgamations of the strongest limbs, densest bone, and sharpest metal they can find. They continually search for new material to graft to their forms, and their slain foes are rarely found intact, as little is more valuable to interlocutors than a powerful opponent's legs, eyes, or even brain. Interlocutors average 9 feet tall and weigh approximately 800 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 30Interlocutor" - }, - { - "name": "Invidiak (Shadow Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Incorporeal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "599", - "lore": "Invidiak (Shadow Demon)For most demons, possessing a creature requires a ritual, magic item, or condition, but for invidiaks, who lack a body, possession is akin to donning a suit of clothing. Known also as shadow demons, invidiaks are formed from envious mortal souls. Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 23Invidiak" - }, - { - "name": "Invisible Stalker", - "family": "Elemental, Air", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "179", - "lore": "Invisible StalkerInvisible stalkers have a poor opinion of mortals due to the unsavory nature of the violent tasks summoners usually call them to the Material Plane to perform.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 23Invisible Stalker" - }, - { - "name": "Ioton", - "family": "Ennosite", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Astral", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Astral", "Incorporeal", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1146", - "lore": "IotonPeriodically, stray thoughts colliding on the Astral Plane become entangled, forming a knot of rudimentary intellect. Known as iotons, these beings lack the willpower to manifest physical bodies, much less the self-awareness and vision to know what form these physical bodies might take. Instead, they manifest as ghostly, cloudlike wisps, each intermittently forming ephemeral features like alien eyes, unspeaking mouths, and shimmering symbols as iotons instinctively process their surroundings. Left alone, they might drift for ages amidst the Silver Sea. Gregariously parasitic, iotons sense and congregate around thinking beings, eagerly tearing off stray thoughts and using the harvested psychic energy to think clearly and form physical bodies. An ioton might understand that this process inflicts painful headaches in its victims, but it typically doesn't care. Not only do most of these ennosites become drunk on their newfound mental power and cling to their captured thoughts, but returning what they stole also robs an ioton of the mental bandwidth necessary to parse right from wrong. This sometimes causes a painful cycle where it repeatedly steals thoughts, apologetically surrenders them, and then blithely steals the thoughts anew. Iotons that gradually accumulate and consolidate enough mental potential form a permanent body, transforming into another type of ennosite.Recall Knowledge - Astral(Occultism): DC 14Unspecific Lore: DC 12Specific Lore: DC 9IotonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 92Perception +3; thoughtsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesabsorbed languageSkillsAcrobatics +6, Stealth +6Str -5Dex +2Con +3Int +0Wis -1Cha -3Absorbed Language While a creature is taking persistent damage from the ioton, the ioton gains the ability to speak and understand one of that creature's languages, selected at random.Thoughtsense (divination, mental, occult) The ioton senses all non-mindless creatures at the listed range.---AC 14 Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +3 HP 14Immunitiesdisease, poison, precisionResistancesall damage 2 (except force, _ghost touch_, or mental; double resistance against non-magical)Weaknessesmental 3---Speed fly 30 feetMeleetouch +6 (Agile, Magical, Mental),Damage 1d4 persistent mental damage and leech thoughtOccult Innate Spells DC 14- Cantrips (1st)Daze, Detect MagicLeech Thought(Healing, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) While a creature is taking persistent mental damage from the ioton, the ioton takes the shape of a creature familiar to the target, such as an acquaintance, pet, or common animal, though the appearance is imperfect and grants no benefit to Impersonate an individual. While transformed, the ioton loses its incorporeal trait, immunities, and resistances, but it gains an unarmed melee Strike with a +6 attack modifier that deals 1d8+2 bludgeoning damage. The ioton immediately returns to its original form once no creature is taking persistent mental damage from it.Immortal ObserversSometimes an ioton is the sole witness to a crime or retains some other key intelligence, and their guileless minds make them trustworthy. However, actually extracting that information can prove nearly impossible, and even an ioton can misinterpret what it sees. " - }, - { - "name": "Iridescent Animal", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "510", - "lore": "Iridescent AnimalAn iridescent animal is a wild or domesticated animal that has undergone a magical transformation to become a luminescent beast that can glow in the dark and use dazzling light-based powers. Although the effect is glamorous, the life of an iridescent animal is a sad one. The change drastically weakens the animal, diminishing both its strength and its vitality. This effect is desirable for some—particularly the circuses, menageries, and royal courts that typically purchase these glowing beasts—but never for the animal itself. Because the effects of the transformation are so deleterious, the act of creating an iridescent animal is strongly frowned upon by druids and other naturalists, some of whom dedicate their lives to rescuing and fostering these maltreated creatures. The procedure cannot be reversed, and few iridescent animals are fit to live in the wild after the transformation, cementing their lot in life to serve as showy beasts of burden or objects of entertainment and ridicule.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 25Iridescent Elephant" - }, - { - "name": "Irlgaunt", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Earth"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "704", - "lore": "IrlgauntIrlgaunts resemble titanic spiders or crabs, but with cephalopod-like tendrils erupting from the tips of their chitin-armored legs. Their jagged gray shells allow them to blend into the rocky walls of the high mountain passes and deep ravines that serve as their hunting grounds. Despite their size, they move with incredible alacrity, bounding across chasms and skittering up sheer mountain cliffs without pause. Though they are formidable in melee, irlgaunts have an even more powerful ranged attack. These creatures can pelt their opponents by forcefully regurgitating gastroliths—melon-sized clusters of rocks enveloped in coagulated digestive enzymes strong enough to break down flesh and bone. Gastroliths are fragile and explode on contact, spraying the area with shards of rock and caustic acid. While one might easily mistake an irlgaunt for a simple brutish beast, they have a keen intelligence and use devious hunting strategies. They set traps for travelers and are fond of using gems and magical items taken from previous victims as bait. They have been known to start rockslides or otherwise block passages to reroute explorers into their clutches. They also use their gastroliths to direct the movements of their prey, forcing victims into dead ends at the edge of chasms or cliffs. For the most part, irlgaunts live solitary lives, likely because finding enough food to sustain a community tends to be difficult. However, they still maintain a sense of extended, regional community, actively gathering when organizing for war or to discuss other issues that affect their species or shared territories. They have been known to occasionally ally with giants, but these truces are usually nebulous.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 31Irlgaunt" - }, - { - "name": "Irnakurse", - "family": "Fleshwarp", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "670", - "lore": "IrnakurseIrnakurse are surface elves who drow have subjected to particularly cruel and humiliating fleshwarping practices, as drow take special delight in the torment of their surface-dwelling kin. The process of crafting an irnakurse involves twisting an unfortunate elf into a deformed mass of misplaced limbs, loose flesh, and bony protrusions—parts that should be internal are often left on full display to the world. Irnakurse are subject to mental conditioning that causes them to hate their prior forms, and these creatures prefer to attack surface elves over all other targets.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 26Irnakurse" - }, - { - "name": "Iron Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "242", - "lore": "Iron GolemTraditionally crafted into the forms of giant suits of armor or powerful animals, iron golems are products of exquisite artistry and skill. Their articulated joints and sturdy armored bodies require great care and mathematical precision to craft, and regular cleaning and oiling ensure they don’t rust over the ages. With proper care, iron golems can remain in good shape for thousands of years, being passed down for generations, as long as they aren’t destroyed by meddlesome adventurers. In addition to their incredible strength, iron golems possess a potent toxic breath weapon that is often more than enough to dispatch entire groups of opponents.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 33Iron Golem" - }, - { - "name": "Isqulug", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "705", - "lore": "IsqulugThe isqulug's appearance, though unsettling, might be its least awful aspect. The creature resembles a bipedal amphibian with tentacles instead of arms and a head composed of an undulant mass of what appear to be shifting, slimy transparent eggs filled with writhing larvae. In truth, these larvae constitute the mind and consciousness of the isqulug—its “body” is little more than an organic suit manufactured from the flesh of those it has consumed, analogous to the complex web of a spider or the hive of a colony of bees, but fully capable of movement and violence.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 30Isqulug" - }, - { - "name": "Ittan-Momen", - "family": "Tsukumogami", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Kami", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1349", - "lore": "Ittan-MomenBorn from large pieces of cloth, ittan-momen flutter in the air, catching the last rays of the setting sun. Ittan-momen can awaken from any sufficiently large cloth, and many beautiful but cruelly-treated tapestries have lured unsuspecting victims to an untimely end.Ittan-MomenSource Bestiary 3 pg. 276Perception +7; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +8, Deception +6, Stealth +8Str +2Dex +4Con +2Int +0Wis +1Cha +0Mundane Appearance When not moving, such as during the day, the ittan-momen is nearly indistinguishable from normal cloth. They have an automatic result of 26 on Deception checks and DCs to pass as normal cloth.---AC 20 Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +5 HP 20Immunitiesbleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousResistancesbludgeoning 5Weaknessesslashing 5---Speed fly 30 feetMeleebody +10 (Finesse),Damage 1d8+2 bludgeoning plus GrabConstrictDamage 1d8 bludgeoning, DC 18EngulfDC 18, 1d8+2 bludgeoning, Escape DC 18, Rupture 5. The ittan-momen can Engulf only one creature. They can Engulf a creature of a larger size so long as the creature's head can feasibly be covered by the ittan-momen's body.The Red ScarfWhile generally mischievous, a tsukumogami might form a protective attachment to a person or family. A famous legend speaks of an ittan-momen born from a scarf that was inseparable from the great granddaughter of the woman who wove it. When she departed home to become a soldier, it's said the ittan-momen protected her for many years, even holding her wounds closed in the midst of battle. This legend serves as the reason why a red scarf is seen as a symbol of luck, especially as a gift for those going into battle." - }, - { - "name": "Izfiitar", - "family": "Protean", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Protean"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1020", - "lore": "IzfiitarOccupying the pinnacle of the loose protean caste system, izfiitars enact the ever-shifting plans of the vaunted protean lords and those of the divine Speakers of the Depths. Izfiitars appear to be elevated versions of the protean priests known as keketars, despite their smaller size, although protean hierarchies are never so straightforward.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 42Izfiitar" - }, - { - "name": "Jabberwock", - "family": "—", - "level": 23, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Tane"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "652", - "lore": "JabberwockFew beasts have inspired as many legends, poems, songs, and myths in as many cultures, as this bizarre draconic creature. The jabberwock hails from the fey realm of the First World and is part of a group of powerful First World creatures known collectively as the Tane.Like all members of the Tane, jabberwocks are living creatures that age, eat, drink, and sleep, but do not reproduce normally. Instead, they are created directly by the godlike Eldest who rule the First World, and they serve at the pleasure (or frustration) of these capricious and mysterious entities. Believed to be the most powerful of all the Tane, jabberwocks are typically only ever created with one purpose: to wreak destruction and havoc upon the Material Plane. One of the Eldest might send a jabberwock to devastate a country, continent, or even entire world in order to get revenge for some slight made against them by a single mortal. Sometimes, no specific insult or injury is required, as some of the Eldest resent the very existence of the Material Plane and periodically create jabberwocks simply to express the wrath of the First World against its younger and less chaotic sibling.Once a jabberwock arrives on the Material Plane, its first order of business is to seek out a lair. It prefers dwelling in remote forest locations about a day's flight from civilization—the more dangerous the woodland is to those who might eventually come hunting it, the better! The relationship between jabberwocks and vorpal weapons is the subject of much debate and speculation among scholars, and the various poems, songs, and legends about the jabberwock do little to clarify the issue, conflicting and diverging on this point. Some believe that vorpal weapons were first created specifically to combat jabberwocks, but others take the story one step further. They cite evidence in certain ancient myths that there may once have been only a single, unique jabberwock, so powerful that nothing could so much as scratch it—nothing, that is, except for the first vorpal sword, crafted for that very purpose. So epic was the resulting battle that it created strange echoes throughout reality, and as a result, these echoes, in the form of vorpal weapons, can now be found on many worlds. Those who subscribe to this belief claim that the jabberwocks seen today are but pale imitations of this proto-jabberwock, and they speculate that only the combined efforts of several Eldest would be sufficient to create such a creature again.Variant JabberwocksThe Eldest have sometimes altered certain aspects of the jabberwocks they create. Some of the more notorious or legendary variant jabberwocks include the following.Frumious Jabberwock: Frumious jabberwocks have two heads. They are level 24 and gain an extra action on each of their turns they can use only to make a jaws Strike.Mimsy Jabberwock: Typically hailing from wintry regions of the First World, mimsy jabberwocks have glowing blue-white scales, resist cold instead of fire, and have eyes that burn with blue flames that deal cold damage instead of fire damage.Slithy Jabberwock: Wreaking destruction beneath the waves, these sinuous and slimy jabberwocks are amphibious, have a swim Speed of 80 feet instead of the normal fly Speed, and do not have a wing Strike. A slithy jabberwock's whiffling aura is activated whenever it swims, makes a tail Strike, or Burbles.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 51Jabberwock" - }, - { - "name": "Janni", - "family": "Genie", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Genie"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "211", - "lore": "JanniJann are genies composed of all four elements, meaning they are not quite home on any of the Elemental Planes. Instead, jann reside on the Material Plane, making only brief forays to the other parts of the Inner Sphere. Although they are human in size and appearance, jann are not at all related to humans and bristle at any claims to this effect. They are a proud people and take great care to maintain their honor—restoring that honor with the edge of a sword, if necessary.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 19Janni" - }, - { - "name": "Japalisura", - "family": "Asura", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Asura", "Fiend", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1071", - "lore": "JapalisuraJapalisuras have a perverse propensity for extracting embarrassing truths from the universe, using a combination of artifice and prophecy to obscure the truth and corrupt traditional soothsaying. They have a special talent for manipulation—feeding listeners' worst impulses and prejudices, telling them what their prey most want to hear, and twisting their perceptions to suit the japalisuras' own ends. All this occurs from behind a veil, though, for japalisuras are grotesque fiends with six arms, infinite faces, and an obsession with the profane. The first japalisura rose from the remains of three demigod archers, sons of a goddess who feared their rise to power and slew them. Their merged form was so terrifying that they struck a deal with a powerful asura rana to alter their face into something more pleasing. The true cruelty of the enchantment became clear only later—the japalisura had a new face, but that face transformed into a different one every minute, each more hideous than the last.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 30Unspecific Lore: DC 28Specific Lore: DC 25JapalisuraSource Bestiary 3 pg. 23Perception +22; darkvision, _see invisibility_LanguagesCommon, Infernal; telepathy 80 feetSkillsAcrobatics +25, Athletics +23, Deception +25, Religion +22, Stealth +21Str +5Dex +7Con +4Int +2Wis +4Cha +5ItemsHatchet (2), _+1 striking composite shortbow_ (2)---AC 33 Fort +20 Ref +25 Will +20 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 235ImmunitiescursesWeaknessesgood 10Disorienting Faces (aura, mental, visual) 30 feet. The japalisura's faces constantly shift and morph, each visage more grotesque than the last. When a creature enters or starts its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 32 Will save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune to Disorienting Faces for 1 minute. Success The creature is unaffected. Failure The creature is disoriented by the horrible faces, taking a –2 circumstance penalty to checks and DCs against the japalisura while it remains in the aura. Critical Failure As failure, except the circumstance penalty is –3.Return ArrowTrigger The japalisura is targeted by a ranged attack from a bow; Requirements The japalisura has at least one hand free and is wielding a bow; Effect The japalisura attempts to snatch the oncoming arrow from the air, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against the attack. If the attack misses, the japalisura snatches the arrow and makes a ranged bow Strike to fire the arrow from their own bow.---Speed 40 feetMeleehatchet +23 (Agile, Sweep),Damage 1d6+8 slashing plus 4d6 mental and 1d6 evilRangedcomposite shortbow +26 (deadly d10, Magical, range 60 feet),Damage 2d6+5 plus 4d6 mental and 1d6 evilInnate Divine Spells DC 32- 6thIllusory Disguise, Read Omens (at will), Augury (at will)- Constant (6th)Magic Aura (self only), Nondetection (self only), See InvisibilityFalse Foe(Divine, Enchantment, Incapacitation, Mental) Frequency once per round; Effect The japalisura whispers misleading words and falsehoods to one adjacent creature, attempting a Deception check against the target's Perception DC. Critical Success For 1 minute, the target believes that one creature of the japalisura's choice is its mortal foe, spending all its actions to reach and attack that creature. At the end of each of its turns, the target can attempt a DC 32 Will save to end the effect early. Success As critical success except the effect ends at the end of the creature's first turn, without the need for a Will save. Failure The target sees through the japalisura's attempts at misdirection and is temporarily immune to False Foe for 1 day.Veil of LiesJapalisuras can produce infinite arrows, as if from an invisible quiver. Each arrow carries a veil of lies that tears at the target's psyche, dealing 4d6 mental damage while simultaneously imparting an almost addictively sweet sensation. A japalisura's hatchets are also soaked in the same veil of lies. This damage s already reflected in the Strikes above." - }, - { - "name": "Jinkin", - "family": "Gremlin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "247", - "lore": "JinkinJinkins are sadistic tinkers who steal and sabotage items and take great pride in their power to curse precious objects. They hold grudges and create convoluted plans for revenge whenever they feel slighted, such as when a creature dares to remove one of their curses. Rarely content to wreak simple mayhem, jinkins also take immense pleasure in torture and murder, though they prefer to lead victims into traps designed to capture or incapacitate rather than kill outright. Deep pits are favorites, since victims who survive the fall face a slow death from starvation and thirst. Jinkins enjoy gathering at the edge of pits to mock, tease, and torment.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 15Jinkin" - }, - { - "name": "Jorogumo", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1005", - "lore": "JorogumoAppearing as beautiful, well-dressed humans, jorogumos lurk in high mountains and prey on travelers. These evil creatures often keep giant spiders as pets and can fully change into a giant spider or sprout spider legs from their backs. Jorogumos usually eat their prey, but some humanoids meet an even more gruesome fate as living incubators for jorogumo eggs.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 33Jorogumo" - }, - { - "name": "Jorogumo", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1200", - "lore": "JorogumoAppearing as beautiful, well-dressed humans, jorogumo lurk in the high mountains and prey on travelers. These evil creatures can fully change into a giant spider or sprout spider legs from their backs, and they often keep giant spiders as pets. Jorogumo usually eat their prey, but some humanoids meet an even more gruesome fate as living incubators for jorogumo eggs. Though most jorogumos are solitary creatures, some have taken up worship of Norgorber and serve as valuable allies to thieves' guilds following that god's guise as the Gray Master.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 33Unspecific Lore: DC 31Specific Lore: DC 28JorogumoSource Bestiary 3 pg. 141, Pathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven pg. 83Perception +26; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Common, Sylvan; _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +25, Athletics +23, Crafting +22, Deception +28, Diplomacy +26, Performance +24, Stealth +23, Survival +24Str +6Dex +4Con +5Int +3Wis +5Cha +7---AC 33 Fort +22 Ref +23 Will +26 HP 270Resistancespoison 15Weaknessescold iron 10Darting LegsRequirements The jorogumo has their spider legs extended or has Changed Shape; Trigger The jorogumo is targeted with an attack; Effect The jorogumo raises a leg, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack.---Speed 30 feet, swim 30 feetMeleejaws +27,Damage 3d12+14 piercing plus jorogumo venomMeleeclaw +27 (Agile),Damage 3d8+14 slashingRangedweb +23 (range increment 60 feet),Damage Web TrapOccult Innate Spells DC 34- 1stCharm (at will)- 3rdMind Reading (at will)- 4thOutcast's Curse (×3), Suggestion (×3)- 7thSummon Animal (spiders only)- Constant (2nd)Speak with Animals (spiders only)- Constant (5th)TonguesChange Shape(Concentrate, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The jorogumo takes on the appearance of any Small or Medium spider. This doesn't change their Speed or Strikes.Jorogumo Venom(Incapacitation, Poison) Saving Throw DC 32 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 4 hours; Stage 1 3d6 poison damage and stupefied 1 (1 round); Stage 2 3d6 poison damage and stupefied 2 (1 round); Stage 3 4d6 poison damage and stupefied 2 (1 round); Stage 4 paralyzed for 1d4 hours.Spider Legs(Concentrate, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) Requirement The jorogumo is in humanoid form; Effect Eight large spider legs sprout from the jorogumo's back, granting them a 40-foot climb Speed and allowing them to use the Darting Legs reaction.Web TrapA creature hit by the jorogumo's web attack is immobilized and stuck to the nearest surface, preventing the creature from moving. The DC to Escape or Force Open the web trap is 32.Jorogumo AnimosityRather than attempting to manipulate a tengu traveler, jorogumos usually fly into a rage and attempt to murder them as quickly as possible. The source of this single-minded hatred isn't clear, but some jorogumos insist, without any factual support, that tengus can see through their trickery with a mere glance and are immune to their venom.Jorogumo AnimosityWhen facing a tengu, jorogumos usually fly into a rage and attempt to murder them as quickly as possible. Some jorogumo insist, without any factual support, that tengu can see through their trickery with a mere glance and are immune to their venom." - }, - { - "name": "Jotund Troll", - "family": "Troll", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Giant", "Mutant", "Troll"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "834", - "lore": "Jotund TrollJotund trolls are gigantic, nine-headed horrors who prowl frigid moors, marshes, and wastelands, always alone and always enraged. While each of the jotund troll's nine heads possess their own brains and senses, they work much more in tandem than the dual-minded nature of the two-headed troll. Despite this, the heads often argue and bicker, particularly over which head gets to eat. The fact that all nine maws lead to the same shared stomach makes little difference in such culinary disagreements. Prevailing wisdom holds that the jotund troll represents a primordial, if not original, shape and design for the first trolls to plague the world, arising from a mythical realm in the Great Beyond known as Jotungard. This sprawling domain, said to be nestled in a remote reach of Elysium, is the legendary home of the deities of giant-kind. Whether the jotund troll was created in Jotungard to plague the Material Plane as punishment or challenge, or if it's merely an evocative legend told by scholars, is unknown. In any case, the jotund trolls themselves likely care little.Jotund Troll" - }, - { - "name": "Jungle Drake", - "family": "Drake", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "161", - "lore": "Jungle DrakeBelieved to be related to green dragons, jungle drakes are dangerous hunters equipped with a debilitating venom delivered by a large barbed stinger or their noxious phlegm. Their wings are equipped with vestigial claws that allow them to deftly maneuver through thick jungle foliage both in flight and on foot. Jungle drakes prefer to ambush their prey using hit-and-run tactics, picking off the weakest members of a group and dragging their victims off to finish their meals as they please.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 22Jungle Drake" - }, - { - "name": "Jyoti", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid, Positive", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fire", "Humanoid", "Positive"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "708", - "lore": "JyotiJyotis are sometimes called “false phoenixes” (a term they find insulting) by the ignorant or willful. These avian humanoids are native to the Positive Energy Plane. They rarely leave this enigmatic realm and view visitors from other planes as stains on the purity of their home. Jyotis particularly distrust divine spellcasters and religious warriors, seeing them as inclined to take credit for manifesting a life force that, from the jyotis' perspective, is as plentiful and ubiquitous as water is to fish. Despite their distrust of intruders, jyotis rarely attack unprovoked when their homes are not threatened. They are intolerant, however, of those who intrude on the palaces of crystallized light and captured flame in which they dwell. They often chase even those who come bearing gifts away; few visitors have anything they desire, for what they desire most is to be left alone. The jyotis' full wrath is reserved for natives of the Shadow Plane and the Negative Energy Plane. Historically, the promise of battle with the gargoyle-like sceaduinars, whom they consider it their duty to oppose, has been the only thing to lure jyoti armies beyond the Positive Energy Plane.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 26Jyoti" - }, - { - "name": "Kalavakus (Slaver Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "455", - "lore": "Kalavakus (Slaver Demon)Kalavakuses work as slavers in the Abyss, earning them the alternate moniker of “slaver demons”; these fiends round up captured victims and sell them to other fiends or unscrupulous mortals. Pleas for freedom or clemency fall on deaf ears, as slaver demons consider anyone they can catch and hold to be their rightful property and theirs to sell. Kalavakuses know more than just physical means of restraining slaves; they also know how to fetter a victim’s soul. The most successful slaver demons have vast slave-pits in the Abyss where they keep stables of imprisoned souls.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 27Kalavakus" - }, - { - "name": "Kangaroo", - "family": "—", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1205", - "lore": "KangarooKangaroos are marsupials distinguished by long faces, large ears, powerful back legs and tails, and a distinctive hopping gait. These generally placid herbivores are shy of other creatures, preferring to live in open grasslands where their keen ears and eyes can spot danger approaching from a distance. Male kangaroos develop powerful front limbs and exhibit a dominance behavior commonly known as “boxing.” When two male kangaroos confront each other, they draw close; they then swat at their opponent with their front claws while also pulling their own heads back out of range. Kangaroos also occasionally rock back on their tails before delivering a blow with their heavily muscled hind legs. The claws on their back legs make these blows particularly deadly, and a kangaroo can disembowel an attacker with a single strike using this tactic. Like other marsupials, female kangaroos carry their young—called joeys—in a pouch on their bellies. They have only one such offspring at a time, although many females have several joeys in quick succession. These social animals largely gather for protection, but their social structures are similar to those found in herds of camels, horses, or pigs. Kangaroos don't make particularly good mounts, but this hasn't stopped the occasional adventurous gnome or halfling from trying. Such an attempt usually results in a seasick and dizzy rider being dumped unceremoniously from the animal's back or pouch, but some druids have found them to be loyal companions. In places where kangaroos are common, the animals are sometimes hunted for meat and can even provide a primary food supply to migratory communities due to their quick reproduction and ability to flee predators. People in other regions consider kangaroos a delicacy and often import their meat as a show of status in wealthy households. Several types of kangaroos have evolved, each living in a slightly different environment. Gray kangaroos are smaller than other varieties and dwell in open woodlands, most commonly on the southern reaches of the continent of Garund. Giant kangaroos, found primarily on the dry steppes of northern Casmaron, grow to twice the size of standard kangaroos, and the thunderous noise of their passing can be heard and felt from miles away. The kangaroo family also has several smaller relatives, including wallabies and pademelons. Some kangaroos exist in captivity in other parts of the world, but attempts to introduce them into other regions have—so far—largely failed. A large kangaroo can reach over 6 feet in height and weighs up to 200 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 14Unspecific Lore: DC 12Specific Lore: DC 9KangarooSource Bestiary 3 pg. 146Perception +7; scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +4, Athletics +7, Survival +3Str +3Dex +2Con +3Int -4Wis +1Cha +1Powerful Leaper The kangaroo doesn't need to Stride while attempting a Long Jump, nor does it automatically fail if it doesn't.---AC 15 Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +3 HP 18Defensive ShoveTrigger The kangaroo takes damage from an adjacent creature; Effect The kangaroo attempts to Shove the creature that damaged it.---Speed 35 feetMeleeclaw +7,Damage 1d4+3 slashingMeleefoot +7,Damage 1d6+3 slashing plus PushFew FoesKangaroos have very few natural predators. They survive in relatively inhospitable regions where most predators are physically on the smaller side, and their great speed makes them difficult prey to catch. Humanoids hunt them more often than other animals, though a drake or giant eagle might still choose a kangaroo for its dinner in certain areas." - }, - { - "name": "Kappa", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1206", - "lore": "KappaMischievous by nature, kappas delight in playing pranks on unsuspecting travelers. While not overtly malicious, kappa pastimes can be a significant nuisance to their victims, such as stealing the clothes of people while they bathe or snatching up unattended food from campfires. Kappas also enjoy proving their worth in competitions of strength and, despite their propensity for trickery, are known to be honorable competitors who keep their word and remain polite in conversation. While kappas vary in physical attributes from region to region, they're all amphibious, turtle-like humanoids with beaked mouths, webbed hands and feet, and slimy scales that range in color from bluish green to pale yellow. They often have black hair, arranged in a ring to accommodate the central depression atop a kappa's head. Water from a kappa's home lake, stream, or river fills these depressions, or head bowls, which are believed to be the source of their strength. Younger kappa are easily tricked into bowing and accidentally emptying the water out of their own head bowls. Losing this water makes the kappa lethargic. The longer a kappa's head bowl remains empty, the weaker they grow. While this issue rarely poses a serious danger for a kappa living near their home body of water, it can prove fatal to a more adventurous kappa. Kappas aren't inherently hostile and have been known to befriend lonely children and lend aid to stranded adventurers by providing directions or minor medical treatment. Still, many areas known to house kappas have signs both warning of the creatures' presence and encouraging travelers venturing over or through water to first toss in a cucumber, kappas' favorite food, in exchange for safe passage. Kappas put up some of these signs themselves to increase the likelihood of receiving a tasty treat.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11KappaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 147Perception +9; darkvisionLanguagesAquan, CommonSkillsAcrobatics +8, Athletics +7, Medicine +9, Survival +7Str +3Dex +4Con +1Int +1Wis +3Cha +1---AC 18 Fort +7 Ref +10 Will +7 HP 35Head Bowl The depression atop a kappa's head is filled with water. Spilling, evaporating, or otherwise removing all of the water from the top of a kappa's head reduces all their Speeds to 5 feet until the basin is again filled with water. A kappa who becomes prone must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or spill their water, and a kappa who becomes unconscious automatically spills their water. If a kappa is grappled, restrained, or stunned, another creature can attempt to spill the water from their bowl by spending a single action, which has the attack and manipulate traits, to attempt an Athletics check against the kappa's Fortitude DC. On a success, the creature spills the kappa's water.---Speed 15 feet, swim 40 feetMeleeclaw +11 (Agile),Damage 1d10+3 slashingPull ArmThe kappa pulls one of their arms, gaining 10-foot reach with that arm. The opposing arm shrinks to little more than a hand extending from their shell. The kappa can still use their shortened hand to hold things, but they can't use that hand to wield a shield or weapon. By spending a single action to pull their opposing arm, the kappa can return their arms to their original length.A Dark SideKappas despise horses and, due to this behavior, are sometimes mistaken for strangely-armored goblins. Kappas gleefully kill and consume the innards of horses that venture too close to the water's edge. Some have even developed a taste for human flesh. These vile kappas have been witnessed drowning people before tearing them apart for consumption. " - }, - { - "name": "Kasa-Obake", - "family": "Tsukumogami", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Kami", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1350", - "lore": "Kasa-ObakeThe jerky stomping outside in the middle of the night belongs to the kasa-obake. Though their appearances vary, most kasa-obake resemble an umbrella with a humanoid leg or two protruding where one might expect a handle. It has one or two eyes and can have up to two arms, or no arms at all. Kasa-obake adore wordplay and puns and delight in learning new ones, especially as language evolves over time. Though they enjoy giving living creatures the occasional scare, kasa-obake rarely, if ever, attack. Kasa-ObakeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 276Perception +13LanguagesCommonSkillsDiplomacy +11, Intimidation +11, Occultism +11, Religion +11, Society +11, Stealth +12Str +2Dex +4Con +1Int +3Wis +5Cha +3---AC 20 Fort +9 Ref +12 Will +13 HP 65Immunitiesbleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousFade AwayTrigger A creature damages the kasa-obake, and the kasa-obake is in dim light or darkness; Effect The kasa-obake fades from view and becomes concealed to the triggering creature until the end of that creature's turn; if the kasaobake was already concealed to the triggering creature due to the light level, they become hidden instead.---Speed 25 feetMeleefoot +14 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d6+5 bludgeoningJump Scare(Emotion, Fear, Incapacitation, Mental) If a kasa-obake successfully Demoralizes a creature and they were hidden to the creature before the attempt to Demoralize, the creature must succeed at a DC 21 Will save or be stunned for 1 round.Watchful SentryCurious though typically benign, kasa-obake almost always watch for activity. They often attempt to engage lone travelers at night in conversation but are shy in the presence of more than one living creature. Investigators privy to this information often seek out kasa-obake when investigating nighttime incidents. In exchange for a new pun or amusing story, the kasa-obake might reveal what they've witnessed." - }, - { - "name": "Keketar", - "family": "Protean", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Protean"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "338", - "lore": "KeketarThe ruling caste of the proteans, keketars orchestrate attacks against the bastions of law and adjudicate protean disputes confidently and capriciously. A keketar resembles a shimmering, serpentine creature with spines, claws, and a dragon-like head. A keketar’s actual appearance is in constant flux, but they generally stay about 18 feet long with a weight of around 1,500 pounds. While their physical forms can vary, two things remain constant: First, a keketar’s eyes are always a piercing shade of amber or violet. Second, the keketar’s mark of office—a crown of shifting symbols that hovers above its head—never changes. A keketar cannot remove its crown but can suppress it, although most are loath to do so and consider such an act one of cowardice or shame. Keketars fill a role in protean society of a sort of priesthood, operating as intermediaries between the other proteans and the Speakers of the Depths. All other proteans defer to keketars, treating them in a way similar to how citizens of a mortal city would treat respected nobles; even more powerful proteans defer to the will of the keketars. As with many religions, dogma and theology are prone to interpretation and change, and among the proteans the situation is perhaps even more pronounced. Whatever the nature of and desires held by the mysterious Speakers of the Depths, individual keketars may come to dramatically different conclusions as to their will and intent. To the proteans, though, this inherent dissonance is a strength rather than a weakness.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 36Keketar" - }, - { - "name": "Kelpie", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "709", - "lore": "KelpieKelpies are malevolent amphibious fey shapechangers intent on luring mortals to their doom. These cruel predators lurk in and around areas of water, slightly preferring freshwater over saltwater. Kelpies lure or drag their prey underwater then drown and devour them, leaving behind only the victim's heart and liver— the only parts of a meal kelpies find unpleasant. Kelpies are fond of magically disguising itself as fine steeds or attractive strangers to draw in victims, but its true appearance takes the form of a hideous equine with slimy, green flesh resembling aquatic plants.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 19Kelpie" - }, - { - "name": "Khravgodon", - "family": "Opossum", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1254", - "lore": "KhravgodonFew creatures can shrug off an ankhrav's acid and crunch its chitin like a khravgodon.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21KhravgodonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 192Perception +18; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +21, Stealth +18, Survival +18Str +6Dex +3Con +5Int -4Wis +3Cha +0---AC 27 Fort +20 Ref +18 Will +16 +2 circumstance to all saves vs. diseaseHP 160Resistancesacid 10, poison 10Feign DeathTrigger The opossum is reduced below 70 HP; Effect The opossum collapses. It is flat-footed and can use actions that require only its mind, but any other action ends the ruse. A successful DC 18 Perception check to Seek or Medicine check to Recall Knowledge is required to determine that the animal is not, in fact, dead.Revived RetaliationTrigger The opossum is attacked or disturbed by a creature within reach while Feigning Death; Effect The opossum Strikes the triggering creature.---Speed 30 feet, burrow 15 feet, climb 15 feetMeleejaws +21 (deadly d12),Damage 2d12+9 piercingMeleeclaw +21 (Agile),Damage 2d10+9 slashingMeleetail +21 (reach 20 feet),Damage 2d6+9 bludgeoning plus GrabCrush ChitinRequirements The khravgodon has a creature grabbed or restrained; Effect The khravgodon bites the creature, dealing 2d12+9 piercing damage (DC 28 basic Fortitude save) that ignores the first 5 of the target's Hardness or resistance to physical damage. On a failed save, the target also takes a –2 circumstance penalty to AC for 1 round.Grasping TailA khravgodon can drag a Large or smaller creature it has grabbed with its tail along with it when it Strides.Tail TalesA Kellid legend holds that the khravgodon once had a beautiful tail covered with bright, thick fur. One night, the khravgodon fell asleep in the open, having danced all night showing off its beautiful tail. When it awoke, ankhravs had chewed all the hair off khravgodon's tail, leaving it with the bald appendage we see today. Khravgodons have been taking revenge on ankhravs ever since." - }, - { - "name": "Kimenhul", - "family": "Sahkil", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Sahkil", "Huge"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1285", - "lore": "KimenhulAmong the strongest of their kind aside from the sahkil tormentors, kimenhuls work their craft to foment despair in those who fear failure, forming cycles of self-loathing. These powerful sahkils focus their attention on mortals who are seemingly at the peak of their ability yet harbor secret fears of inadequacy. A kimenhul's predations can leave an indelible mark on its victims. The kimenhul whispers threats and sends fears of crushing failure to its prey, seemingly originating from their own minds, a trauma that can be difficult to bear without help. These sahkils torment their prey as long as the hapless victims live, using their Eternal Fear ability every day to psychically remind their previous victims of their failings. Some unique kimenhuls find themselves in a position of leadership in Xibalba (see the sidebar below), where they carve out their own small kingdoms and direct groups of sahkils to help them find mortals to torment. They rule these nightmare kingdoms through terror, often delighting in tormenting new petitioners or scheming ways to work against their immortal foes.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 40Unspecific Lore: DC 38Specific Lore: DC 35KimenhulSource Bestiary 3 pg. 222Perception +35; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Requian; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +36, Arcana +33, Athletics +38, Deception +38, Occultism +33, Religion +35, Stealth +36Str +10Dex +8Con +9Int +5Wis +7Cha +7Easy to Call A sahkil's level is considered 2 lower for the purpose of being conjured by the _planar binding_ ritual (and potentially other rituals, at the GM's discretion), but it is always free to attack or leave instead of negotiate unless the primary caster's check is a critical success.---AC 45 all-around visionFort +33 Ref +32 Will +35 HP 425Immunitiesdeath effects, fearWeaknessesgood 20Feed on Fear The kimenhul regains 30 Hit Points at the start of its turn as long as any frightened creature is within 100 feet of it.Attack of OpportunityIf the triggering creature is subject to an effect with the fear trait, the kimenhul can make two claw Strikes against the creature instead of one Strike.---Speed 45 feet, climb 25 feetMeleejaws +38 (Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 4d12+18 piercing plus 3d6 evilMeleeclaw +38 (Agile, Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 4d8+18 slashing plus 3d6 evil and Improved GrabDivine Innate Spells DC 42- Cantrips (10th)Detect Magic- 9thConfusion, Dispel Magic (at will), Fear (at will), Mask of Terror (at will), Phantasmal Calamity, Suggestion (at will), Warp Mind, Weird- Constant (9th)Mind Blank, True SeeingEternal Fear(Divine, Emotion, Enchantment, Fear, Incapacitation, Mental) The kimenhul contorts its faces and presents itself to its enemies in a terrifying and traumatic display that causes lingering fear. Each creature within 100 feet that can observe the kimenhul must make a DC 42 Will save. They are then temporarily immune for 10 minutes. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target becomes frightened 3. Failure The target becomes frightened 3 and is fleeing as long as it's frightened. Even after recovering from the initial experience, the trauma is lodged in the target's mind for 1 year. Once per day, the kimenhul can communicate telepathically with the target for 1 minute as long as both creatures are on the same plane. Any time a creature under the effect of Eternal Fear is in a stressful situation (such as combat or intense social pressure), they must succeed at a DC 11 flat check or become frightened 2. While Eternal Fear lasts, the target always becomes fleeing as long as it's frightened, regardless of the source of the fear. The target can attempt a new saving throw each week to remove these effects, but they can otherwise be removed only by powerful magic such as _wish_. Critical Failure As failure, but the effects are permanent and the target doesn't get to attempt a weekly save to end the effect.Frightening FlurryThe kimenhul makes one jaws Strike and two claw Strikes against a single target, in any order. The target becomes frightened with a condition value equal to the number of Strikes that hit it, to a maximum of frightened 3 if all three Strikes hit.RendclawSkip Between(Conjuration, Divine, Teleportation) The sahkil moves from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane or vice-versa, with the effects of _ethereal jaunt_ except that the effect has an unlimited duration and can be Dismissed. A summoned sahkil can't use Skip Between.Snatch BetweenWhen using Skip Between, the kimenhul can bring along any creatures it has grabbed.Unsettled MindAny creature affected by any of a kimenhul's mental spells or abilities becomes stupefied 3 for the duration of that effect and for 1d4 rounds thereafter." - }, - { - "name": "Kirin", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Air", "Beast", "Fire", "Rare", "Large"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1207", - "lore": "KirinThe rare and majestic antlered beast known as a kirin supposedly appear only in times of peace and prosperity or during the birth or death of a great sage. Thus, encountering a kirin is a sign of great fortune, success, and prosperity to come. Conversely, finding a kirin's corpse or witnessing their death is a portent of tragedy and misfortune. A kirin's song always precedes the sighting of one of these graceful creatures, a sound often mistaken for wind chimes gently dancing in the breeze. Kirin are chimeric creatures with the body of a stag, the tail of an ox, two horns atop their heads, and the scales and vibrant coloration of a dragon. Their majestic manes and beards constantly flow in the breeze, even on days with no wind, and sometimes appear wreathed in flames. As creatures that treasure life, kirin don't consume flesh, and they take great care not to kill even a single insect beneath their cloven hooves. They're the embodiment of peace yet will quickly strike down evil with a powerful thrust of their horns, knowing that their acts preserve the peace for those who might otherwise come to harm. Legends tell of particularly pious champions who have persuaded kirin to partner with them as mounts, though accomplishing such a feat is even rarer than the kirin.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23KirinSource Bestiary 3 pg. 148Perception +17; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAuran, Celestial, Common, Draconic; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +17, Diplomacy +19, Nature +15, Religion +15, Stealth +17Str +5Dex +6Con +2Int +2Wis +4Cha +6---AC 25 Fort +13 Ref +17 Will +15 HP 115ImmunitiesfirePeaceful Aura (abjuration, aura, divine, emotion, mental) 60 feet. Creatures within a kirin's peaceful aura attempting to use a hostile action must first attempt a DC 22 Will save; on a failure, the hostile action is disrupted. If a creature in the aura successfully uses a hostile action, it's temporarily immune to peaceful aura for 24 hours, and while it's temporarily immune, other creatures in the kirin's peaceful aura can perform hostile actions toward it without needing to attempt a Will save. A kirin can select creatures within their aura that can use hostile actions without needing to attempt a Will save.Deflecting GaleTrigger The kirin is targeted with a ranged Strike; Effect The kirin intensifies the wind around themself, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack.---Speed 40 feetMeleehoof +18 (Magical),Damage 2d10+8 bludgeoningMeleehorn +18 (Agile, Magical),Damage 2d8+8 piercingDivine Innate Spells DC 25- Cantrips (4th)Light- 1stDetect Alignment (at will)- 3rdCalm Emotions (at will), Heal (×2), Gust of Wind (×3)- Constant (4th)Air Walk (self only)Breath Weapon(Divine, Evocation, Fire) The kirin breathes fire in a 30-foot cone, dealing 8d6 fire damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save). The kirin can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Rearing ThrustThe kirin rushes forward, rears up on their hind legs, and descends upon their target with their horn. The kirin Strides and makes a horn Strike. If this Strike hits, it deals an additional 1d8 damage, and the target is knocked prone.Kirin JusticeKirin have a strong sense of justice and can't just idly watch as innocent creatures suffer harm. While kirin prefer discourse and diplomacy as methods of mediation, they won't hesitate to utilize violence to put an end to injustice, if needed." - }, - { - "name": "Kishi", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "450", - "lore": "KishiKishi are duplicitous and murderous fey who dwell on the edges of Golarion’s darkest jungles. At first glance, kishi appear to be attractive humans, usually of a local ethnicity, but their full heads of thick hair conceal a second face, that of a snarling hyena. When a kishi lures their prey into a vulnerable situation, their head swivels around, revealing this fearsome visage. In this form, a kishi’s powerful jaws are almost impossible to pry loose and can crush a victim’s bones in a matter of moments. Kishi are highly varied in their physical features, and their height and weight are as variable as the people whose communities they infiltrate. Like most fey, a kishi’s motives are inscrutable, though to its victims, the kishi’s goal seems simple—to revel in the expression of shock, betrayal, and terror on a victim’s face. Although kishi can cast charm to make unwitting companions complacent, most of these sinister creatures prefer to trick their prey using guile, gifts, and their dashing good looks. Kishi are the ultimate sociopaths, deriving pleasure from the thrill of the hunt as well as the delicious reward at the end. The more uptight, prudish, or haughty a target, the better, for nothing satisfies kishi as much as earning (and destroying) the trust of someone who rarely grants it. When kishi get their new friends or lovers alone, they choose the most dramatic moments to reveal their true, monstrous forms and clamp their jaws down on their victim. Kishi have no desire to share their true nature with the entire village, so they typically aim for the throats of their victims, who, cut off from air, are unable to cry out for help. Kishi consume every part of their victims’ bodies, leaving no trace of the crime—even lapping up any spilled blood and cleaning the murder scene as much as they are able.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 24Kishi" - }, - { - "name": "Kishi", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1208", - "lore": "KishiKishis are duplicitous and murderous fey who dwell on the edges of Golarion's densest jungles. At first glance, kishis appear to be attractive humans, usually of a local ethnicity, but their full heads of thick hair conceal a second face: that of a snarling hyena. When a kishi lures their prey into a vulnerable situation, their head swivels around, revealing this fearsome visage. In this form, a kishi's powerful jaws are almost impossible to pry loose and can crush a victim's bones in a matter of moments. Kishi range widely in their physical features, and their height and weight vary as much as the people whose communities they infiltrate. They dress in fine clothing aligned with the latest fashion trends, and they wear flashy jewelry with the intention of drawing onlookers' eyes. Like most fey, a kishi has inscrutable motives, though to their victims, the kishi's goal seems simple—to revel in the expression of shock, betrayal, and terror on a victim's face. Although kishis can cast _charm_ to make unwitting companions complacent, most of these sinister creatures prefer to trick their prey using guile, gifts, and their dashing good looks. These ultimate sadists derive pleasure from the thrill of the hunt as well as the delicious reward at the end. The more uptight, prudish, or haughty a target, the better—for nothing satisfies kishis as much as earning (and destroying) the trust of someone who rarely grants it. When kishis get their new friends or lovers alone, they choose the most dramatic moments to reveal their true monstrous forms and clamp their jaws down on their victim. Kishis have no desire to share their true nature with the entire community, so they typically aim for the throats of their victims, who can no longer cry out for help after being cut off from air. Kishis consume every part of their victims' bodies, leaving no trace of the crime—even lapping up any spilled blood, claiming the victim's treasures as their own, and cleaning the murder scene as much as possible. Few things can bind a community together as swiftly as uncovering a kishi. Once found out, a kishi flees, hoping to find a new community to prey upon.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19KishiSource Bestiary 3 pg. 149, Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders pg. 88Perception +14; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, SylvanSkillsAthletics +18, Deception +20, Diplomacy +19, Society +15, Stealth +18Str +6Dex +4Con +1Int +1Wis +2Cha +5---AC 25 Fort +13 Ref +18 Will +17 HP 138Resistancespiercing 10Weaknessescold iron 10---Speed 25 feetMeleejaws +20,Damage 2d10+9 piercing plus GrabMeleeclaw +20 (Agile),Damage 2d8+9 slashingArcane Innate Spells DC 27- 1stCharm (at will)Constrict1d10+9 piercing, DC 26 (grabbed by jaws only).Head SpinThe kishi switches between showing their attractive human face and their snarling hyena face. A kishi can use their innate spell and their Deception and Diplomacy skills only when their human face is showing, and they can use their jaws Strike only when their hyena face is showing.Sudden ChargeThe kishi Strides twice. If they end their movement within melee reach of at least one enemy, they can make a melee Strike against that enemy.Vicelike JawsA creature grabbed in the kishi's jaws can barely speak; a creature must succeed at a DC 8 flat check to provide verbal components for spells, doing so in a choked whisper.Kishi TreasureKishi dress in fine clothing and flashy jewelry. Although they do not covet wealth for wealth’s sake, kishi may steal the belongings of their slain targets in order to make themselves that much more appealing to their next victim.Kishi TreasureAlthough they don't covet wealth for wealth's sake, kishis might steal finery from their targets to make themselves more appealing to their next victim." - }, - { - "name": "Kitsune Trickster", - "family": "Kitsune", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kitsune", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1209", - "lore": "Kitsune TricksterKitsune are shapeshifting, fox-like humanoids who have been blessed by the spirits. They can shift from the form of a fox-headed humanoid into a specific alternate form unique to each kitsune, usually either a tailless form—such as a humanoid body without any fox features (typically of the prevalent ancestry where they grew up)—or a fox form. Kitsune revel in joy and beauty, often practicing storytelling, dance, and other creative arts. However, they also have a penchant for playing pranks on the joyless and self-important, earning them a reputation as tricksters. Favored by the goddess Daikitsu, kitsune seem to be almost supernaturally lucky, perpetually dodging danger by the narrowest margins. While kitsune settlements do exist, most kitsune are incredibly curious and often leave home at a young age to encounter new people and sights. Some kitsune spend years in their tailless form, living disguised among humanoids in urban or rural societies whose inhabitants have no clue of their true nature. Others go to the opposite extreme, spending most of their lives in the form of a fox, only to reveal themselves at the most opportune moment. For many kitsune, revealing their true form to someone is a sign of great trust, but it's also not uncommon for kitsune to display their dual nature openly. Kitsune's connection to the spiritual world grants them a number of magical abilities. Aside from their innate shapeshifting powers, kitsune naturally develop more potent magic as they mature, and they seem to effortlessly pick up skills that would rival the most practiced spellcasters. Those who truly apply themselves to honing their magic usually become remarkable at their craft. A kitsune is born with one tail, but as their magical powers grow, so do their number of tails. Elders blessed with great magical wisdom can have as many as nine, though according to popular legend, this level of power can take up to a thousand years to achieve.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Kitsune TricksterSource Bestiary 3 pg. 150Perception +10LanguagesCommon, SylvanSkillsAcrobatics +8, Deception +10, Diplomacy +8, Nature +6, Performance +8, Thievery +8Str +0Dex +4Con +0Int +0Wis +2Cha +4ItemsDagger, flute---AC 18 Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +8 HP 24---Speed 25 feetMeleejaws +10 (Finesse),Damage 1d6+2 slashingMeleedagger +10 (Agile, Finesse, versatile S),Damage 1d4+2 piercingRangeddagger +10 (Agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S),Damage 1d4+2 piercingRangedfoxfire +12 (range 20 feet),Damage 1d4+2 fireDivine Spontaneous Spells DC 18, attack +10- Cantrips (1st)Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Produce Flame, Sigil, Tanglefoot- 1stCharm, Fleet Step, Magic Fang (3 slots)Change Shape(Divine, Polymorph, Transmutation, Concentrate) The kitsune trickster transforms into the tailless form of a specific Medium human. The tailless form can't be altered and resembles the kitsune's fox-like humanoid form. While the kitsune trickster's alternate form is a Medium human, some kitsune have tailless forms of other humanoids, or a fox alternate form." - }, - { - "name": "Kobold Dragon Mage", - "family": "Kobold", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kobold"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "274", - "lore": "Kobold Dragon MageKobold dragon mages use magic to carry out their secret schemes. The presence of a dragon mage in a kobold warren is one of the greatest testaments to the kobolds’ claim to draconic heritage.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Kobold Dragon Mage" - }, - { - "name": "Kobold Scout", - "family": "Kobold", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kobold"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "273", - "lore": "Kobold ScoutMost kobolds encountered outside of a well-defended warren or lair are kobold scouts, creatures trained for stalking and the hunt.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Kobold Scout" - }, - { - "name": "Kobold Tunnelrunner", - "family": "Kobold", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kobold"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1032", - "lore": "Kobold TunnelrunnerKobolds are small, reptilian humanoids who carry physical similarities to true dragons.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Kobold Tunnelrunner" - }, - { - "name": "Kobold Warrior", - "family": "Kobold", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kobold"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "272", - "lore": "Kobold WarriorThe typical kobold trains with agile weaponry, favoring the light pick for its use in crafting new tunnels to expand their domains through underground reaches. Kobolds are capable of landing sneaky strikes against unsuspecting foes but are just as quick to scamper off to safety when they don’t, as a group, outnumber their enemies at least two to one.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 13Kobold Warrior" - }, - { - "name": "Kodama", - "family": "Kami", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Spirit", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Kami", "Spirit", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1202", - "lore": "KodamaA kodama is a type of kami who inhabits a tree. Kodama commonly appear in old Tian forests, especially old-growth forests far removed from civilization. In the Forest of Spirits in Minkai, for example, so many trees are possessed by kodama that a traveler might pass by hundreds, if not thousands, of these beings while journeying through a single acre of woodland. Kodama try their utmost to protect their sacred trees, but a single kodama is a minor obstacle to most oni or others who have no qualms about desecrating forests or harvesting them for natural resources. Like trees in a forest, kodama are most powerful in great numbers and among other kami, whom they can bolster with their magical straw ropes while distracting strong enemies with their mesmerizing presence. On the other hand, kodama bear no ill will toward those who respect their wards, even allowing druids and other deferential creatures to dwell within their bounds. They might even subtly guide lost travelers out of the forest or back to safety.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15KodamaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 143Perception +16; darkvisionLanguagesCommon; _speak with plants_, telepathy 50 feetSkillsAcrobatics +11, Athletics +11, Nature +14, Stealth +13, Survival +14Str +2Dex +4Con +5Int +0Wis +5Cha +4Ward (abjuration, divine) Every kami is bound to a ward: a specific animal, plant, object, or location. A kami can merge with or emerge from their ward as a single action, which has the concentrate trait. While merged, the kami can observe their surroundings with their usual senses as well as the senses of their ward, but can't move, communicate with, or control their ward. Additionally, a kami merged with their ward recovers Hit Points each minute as if they spent an entire day resting. A kodama's ward is a specific tree.Itemsspiritual rope---AC 21 (22 against evil creatures)Fort +12 Ref +11 Will +14 +1 status to all saves vs. effects from evil creaturesHP 95Resistancesevil 5Weaknessescold iron 5Distracting Gaze (aura, divine, enchantment, visual) 30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 23 Will save. The kodama can activate or deactivate this aura by using a single action, which has the concentrate trait. Success The creature is unaffected. Failure The creature is fascinated. This condition ends if the creature ends its turn outside the aura. Critical Failure As failure, plus the creature is slowed 1 as long as it remains fascinated.---Speed 25 feetMeleefist +13 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d6+4 bludgeoningInnate Divine Spells DC 23- Cantrips (3rd)Ghost Sound- 2ndTree Shape- 5thTree Stride- Constant (4th)Speak with PlantsSpiritual Rope(Abjuration, Divine) The kodama spends 1 minute to fashion an enchanted straw rope out of nearby materials. The rope can be wrapped around other kami creatures to protect them from fell forces. A kami who wears a _spiritual rope_ gains resistance 5 to evil damage (though this is usually relevant only if the kami is good-aligned), a +1 status bonus to AC against evil creatures, and a +1 status bonus to saving throws against effects from evil creatures. A kodama always wears a _spiritual rope_, and they can have one other _spiritual rope_ in existence at a time. Creating a new rope beyond these two releases the magic of one other rope of the kodama's choosing. A _spiritual rope_ around a creature other than a kodama loses its magic after 24 hours or if it's taken outside of the kodama's forest." - }, - { - "name": "Kokogiak", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast", "Huge"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1210", - "lore": "KokogiakAs deadly on land as in the water, kokogiaks are one of the most feared predators of the tundra. From a distance they might be mistaken for a frightfully large polar bear, but anyone unfortunate enough to see one up close will notice the creature's six additional legs and disturbingly elongated neck before meeting an untimely end. These ursine monstrosities stalk their prey tirelessly across ice and snow; they're also powerful swimmers, lurking under the ice to burst up and ambush unsuspecting creatures on the surface or diving for a marine meal. As if numerous claws and a brutal bite weren't concerning enough, these nightmare-inducing creatures can be wickedly deceptive, luring their prey out in winter storms. The cunning kokogiak imitates the sounds of a creature in distress, deceiving its target into abandoning the safety of their shelter and embarking on an ill-fated rescue attempt. Those who live in arctic realms have learned to respond with caution upon hearing cries for help during a long winter night.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 30Unspecific Lore: DC 28Specific Lore: DC 25KokogiakSource Bestiary 3 pg. 151Perception +25; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAquan, CommonSkillsAthletics +27, Deception +23, Stealth +21, Survival +21Str +7Dex +5Con +7Int +1Wis +5Cha +5Voice Imitation Kokogiaks can mimic the sounds of a person in distress by attempting a Deception check to Lie. The kokogiak has a +4 circumstance bonus to this check.---AC 33 Fort +25 Ref +19 Will +21 HP 215Resistancescold 15Attack of Opportunity ---Speed 40 feet, swim 20 feet; trackless stepMeleejaws +26 (reach 20 feet),Damage 3d10+10 piercingMeleeclaw +26 (reach 15 feet),Damage 3d6+10 slashingMauling RushThe kokogiak Strides up to its Speed. It can make up to four claw Strikes at any point during this movement, each against a different target. These attacks count toward the kokogiak's multiple attack penalty, but the multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until after the kokogiak makes all of its attacks.Sneak AttackThe kokogiak's Strikes deal an additional 2d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.Tormented Snarl(Auditory, Illusion, Mental, Primal) Using their voice imitation abilities, a kokogiak emits the horrific wails of its former victims. Each creature within 120 feet takes 4d6 mental damage and must attempt a DC 32 Will save. A creature frightened by this ability is flat-footed to the kokogiak. Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 1 minute. Success The creature takes half damage and becomes frightened 1. Failure The creature takes full damage and becomes frightened 2. Critical Failure The creature takes double damage, becomes frightened 3, and is fleeing until the end of its next turn.Trackless StepThe kokogiak always gains the benefits of Cover Tracks in natural surroundings, even while moving at full speed.Calls in the NightLegends tell of a visiting merchant caravan whose guards began vanishing one by one; each night, another was lured outside, claiming to hear the calls of their missing companions. After three nights, the remaining guards banded together and set out to find a horrifying scene: a 10-legged bear with its white fur drenched in blood, its long neck extended toward them as it crooned in their lost companions' horrified voices. " - }, - { - "name": "Kolyarut", - "family": "Aeon", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aeon", "Inevitable", "Monitor"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "10", - "lore": "KolyarutKolyarut inevitables are enforcers of bargains and punishers of those who fail to uphold them. Their humanoid shape, ability to disguise themselves among a humanoid population, and diplomatic leanings make them the most approachable inevitables, and thus more likely to ally themselves with others. They are among the most talkative of all inevitables, naturally possessing a courtly grace and an encyclopedic knowledge of social customs, which they use to assist their efforts in gathering information on their targets or issuing challenges in a legal manner.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 30Kolyarut" - }, - { - "name": "Kongamato", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1211", - "lore": "KongamatoThough they resemble pterosaurs and hail from a similar era, kongamatos are actually a primeval branch of dragonkind. They aren't particularly intelligent and lack the powerful magical abilities that many of their dragon kindred command, but a kongamato has a supernaturally strong beak that can punch through incredibly dense substances. While this beak might seem like a valuable trophy for hunters, its magic dies with the kongamato, and all attempts to integrate them into weapons have failed. Though they dwell in swamps and other still waters, kongamatos prefer to hunt in rivers and streams, since running water delivers new prey on a regular basis. The predators hunt everything, and they are well aware their powerful beaks can sink boats and rafts. They even possess a semblance of draconic greed. While they care little for the material wealth or societal power, kongamatos claim large hunting territories, violently attacking any would-be rivals and ravenously slaughtering large animals in their territory, leaving carcasses half-eaten with little regard for whether they'll still have meals in the future. When a kongamato claims a territory that encapsulates a community, the people there have no choice but to hunt down the vicious predator or hire adventurers to do so on their behalf. Kongamatos' hunger is such that a single one can devastate entire herds of livestock and threaten the safety of the entire community. Unlike their draconic relatives, kongamatos ignore attempts to bargain with them, and efforts to appease them through regular sacrifices have no effect.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 30Unspecific Lore: DC 28Specific Lore: DC 25KongamatoSource Bestiary 3 pg. 152Perception +19; darkvisionLanguagesDraconicSkillsAcrobatics +22, Athletics +24, Intimidation +20, Stealth +20, Survival +19Str +7Dex +3Con +5Int -1Wis +2Cha +3---AC 30 Fort +22 Ref +20 Will +19 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 190Immunitiesparalyzed, sleepAttack of OpportunityTail only.---Speed 30 feet, fly 130 feet, swim 30 feetMeleebeak +24 (Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 2d12+13 piercing plus boat breaker and GrabMeleeclaw +24 (Agile, reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+13 slashingMeleewing +22 (Agile, reach 15 feet),Damage 2d10+11 bludgeoningMeleetail +22 (Agile, reach 20 feet),Damage 2d8+11 bludgeoningBoat BreakerA kongamato's beak is supernaturally hard. Their beak Strikes ignore half the Hardness of any object they hit.Flying StrafeThe kongamato Flies up to their fly Speed and makes two wing Strikes at any point during that movement. Each Strike must target a different creature.Wailing DiveThe kongamato Flies while emitting a terrifying screech. Each creature the kongamato flies over must succeed at a DC 30 Will save or become frightened 1 (frightened 2 on a critical failure). After attempting their saves, the creatures are temporarily immune for 1 hour. At the end of their movement, the kongamato can make a beak Strike.The Mother KongamatoLegend tells of a massive elder kongamato who dwells in the southern Mwangi Jungle. Many refer to this centuries-old creature as the mother of kongamatos. Rather than prowling waterways, this one prefers solitude inland among the dense foliage of the jungle. Inhabitants of the area believe the high-pitched thunder that comes under a clear sky to be the creature's magical voice." - }, - { - "name": "Korred", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "710", - "lore": "KorredKorreds are reclusive fey in the form of small, hirsute individuals with long, animated manes of hair. While korreds have a natural affinity and admiration for stones and boulders, they prefer to dwell aboveground in areas of rocky forest or wooded hills rather than in caves. Korreds are a private people who don't take kindly to intruders, and they invariably work to drive off or kill any non-fey who stumble into their territory. Staunchly proud of their hair, korreds choose their minimal attire so as to allow their body hair to flow freely, often wearing only a belt with a pouch for throwing rocks and trimming shears—though this belt and pouch are rarely visible under their wild manes.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 21Korred" - }, - { - "name": "Kovintus Geomancer", - "family": "Kovintus", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kovintus", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1212", - "lore": "Kovintus GeomancerKovintus are reclusive humanoids with an inborn talent for geomancy that ties them intrinsically to nature. Not only can they call upon the magic of nature, it also calls to them in return, turning them into an element of the surrounding terrain when they die. One of the strongest traditions in kovintus culture is making maps to chronicle the places their loved ones have become one with the landscape. Kovintus live in small groups in natural places far from larger civilizations. A typical kovintus settlement consists of natural houses built into the environment around a central meeting place. The form fits the terrain, with dwellings nestled into crags on a mountain or forming a windbreak on a plain. Though kovintus beliefs can greatly differ based on their home terrain, many of these creatures believe their intrinsic commonality through nature links them more intimately than such superficial differences. Once, all kovintus lived in their ancient home, the Valley—a place of bounty and natural splendor unheard of in the modern world. This paradise was lost in ancient times, and the kovintus set out in small groups to find new homes. Today, any valley kovintus come upon is called merely an “echo” of the true Valley. Rather than seeking their original valley, kovintus believe the cycles of nature will someday bring about a new home with the same grandeur. Kovintus faith calls for respect rather than reverence. When traveling away from home, kovintus believe it's crucial to respect any local deities who have built the land they stand upon, and pay them tribute with small offerings.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Kovintus GeomancerSource Bestiary 3 pg. 153Perception +11; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, Kovintal, SylvanSkillsAthletics +8, Nature +11, Survival +9Str +3Dex +3Con +1Int +0Wis +4Cha -1ItemsMace, Sling (10 bullets)---AC 18 Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +11 HP 40Resistancesair 5, earth 5, plant 5, water 5Nature's Rebirth (primal, transmutation) When slain, a kovintus immediately and permanently transforms into a part of the natural environment: a stone outcropping in a rocky area, a rivulet near a body of water, a young tree in a forest, or a low-lying cloud atop a high mountain. This ability has the trait appropriate to the environment (such as air, earth, plant, or water). This piece of the environment looks ordinary to most, but other kovintus can easily identify this as their kin. A kovintus slain far from any appropriate terrain transforms into a feature matching the terrain where they were born.---Speed 25 feetMeleemace +12 (Shove),Damage 1d6+6 bludgeoningRangedsling +12 (Propulsive, range increment 50 feet, reload 1),Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoningPrimal Innate Spells DC 21- 2ndEntangle, Gust of Wind, Obscuring Mist, Pummeling Rubble- 3rdsee nature's chosen- Constant (3rd)Endure Elements, Pass Without Trace, Water BreathingNature's ChosenOnce per day, the kovintus can cast a 3rd-level primal innate spell. They can do so only if a spell with a corresponding trait was cast within 10 feet of the kovintus since the start of their last turn (including if the kovintus Cast the Spell). The traits and the spells they grant are as follows: _wall of wind_ for air, _meld into stone_ for earth, _wall of thorns_ for plant, and _crashing wave_ for water." - }, - { - "name": "Kraken", - "family": "—", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "275", - "lore": "KrakenA kraken is an enormous, squid-like leviathan with a cruel intelligence. It hunts ships, whales, and heroes alike. The hatred and envy krakens hold for their rivals, the alghollthus, has led many krakens to make their lairs in sunken cities, where they can sift through ancient lore for long-lost arcane secrets.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 40Kraken" - }, - { - "name": "Krampus", - "family": "—", - "level": 21, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Unique", "Large"], - "rarity": "unique", - "id": "1213", - "lore": "KrampusKrampus is a tall, goatlike humanoid with a pointed nose, swept-back horns, and hooved feet. His long, greasy tongue continually flickers out from his mouth, occasionally licking droplets of spittle from his dark brown fur. He wields a set of iron chains that act as an extension of his will. Krampus is never seen without a wicker basket draped over one shoulder, its bottom often stained with the blood of his victims. Krampus stands a little over 14 feet tall and weighs nearly 1,000 pounds. Krampus's origin is unknown; residents of the small towns and villages he terrorizes in northern Irrisen believe the creature has always existed, coming forth once a year to punish those he deems wicked. While many legends have been told about Krampus's beginning, the most popular of them starts with a handful of mountain towns under the protection of a circle of druids. After a series of harsh winters that the townsfolk barely survived, they began to doubt the power of the druids and their rituals. As the villagers grew more resentful, the druid circle took drastic action. Under the light of a blue moon, the druids opened an imperfect portal to the primal realm of the fey and called forth the most powerful spiritual essence they could, and a new creature was born—Krampus. However, unknown to the druids, the portal had been corrupted by the villagers' bitter resentment and doubt. Instead of a central figure to lead them in winter celebrations, as they had hoped, the druids had spawned a monster who sought to punish those who had behaved selfishly during lean times. Recognizing their error, the druids sought to banish their creation. They tracked Krampus down as he slept and shackled him in cold iron chains, hoping to subdue him and force him back to the First World. But Krampus was no fey, and cold iron held no power over him. When he awoke, he ripped the chains free, claimed them as his own, and tracked down the druids who had dared try to capture him. After their betrayal, Krampus can see no good in any mortal and longs only to punish the wicked for their selfish misdeeds. To this day, Krampus takes vicious delight in transforming his victims into the petulant children before killing them, and no manner of sacrifice can appease him. Luckily for any nearby villages, Krampus stalks their streets but once a year. Locals believe that Krampus makes his lair among the deep crevasses of ice somewhere within the Winterwall Glacier, which lines Avistan's northernmost reaches. No adventurer has yet braved the treacherous expanse to find and defeat him.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 52Unspecific Lore: DC 50Specific Lore: DC 47KrampusSource Bestiary 3 pg. 154Perception +38; blizzard sight, scent (imprecise) 60 feet, _see invisibility_LanguagesCommon; _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +36, Athletics +39, Festival Lore +35, Intimidation +42, Society +35, Stealth +39, Survival +38Str +10Dex +7Con +10Int +6Wis +6Cha +10Blizzard Sight Krampus ignores circumstance penalties to visual Perception checks due to ice or snow, as well as concealment due to ice or snow.Items_+3 greater striking cold iron spiked chain_---AC 46 Fort +39 Ref +34 Will +35 HP 380Immunitiescold, death effectsResistancesphysical 20Weaknessesgood 15Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 120 feet, DC 42Limited Immortality Though Krampus still needs to eat, drink, and sleep, he doesn't age and can't die of old age. If Krampus is killed, a new Krampus forms elsewhere in the world after a year's time. The new Krampus retains the memories of the previous iteration and likely holds a grudge against whoever killed him the year before. If a method to disrupt this cycle exists, it has yet to be discovered by mortals.---Speed 60 feet; _air walk_, snowstepMelee_spiked chain_ +42 (Disarm, Evil, Finesse, Magical, reach 60 feet, Trip),Damage 3d8+18 slashing plus Improved GrabMeleeclaw +41 (Agile, Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 4d6+25 slashing plus Improved GrabMeleehorn +41 (Magical),Damage 4d10+25 piercingPrimal Innate Spells DC 42, attack +34- Cantrips (10th)Dancing Lights, Ray of Frost, Sigil, Tanglefoot- 9thBaleful Polymorph (×2), Cone of Cold (×2), Wall of Ice- Constant (9th)Air Walk, See Invisibility, TonguesCapture(Attack) Requirements Krampus has a Medium or smaller creature grabbed; Effect Krampus attempts to stuff the grabbed creature into his basket, attempting an Athletics check against the target's Reflex DC. If he succeeds, the creature is shoved into Krampus's basket and Krampus's spiked chain or claw is freed for future Strikes.The captured creature is grabbed, slowed 1, and subjected to Krampus's regression ability (see below) at the start of each round it is captured. If the victim Escapes (DC 48), it climbs out of the basket. A captured creature can attack the interior of the basket, but only with unarmed attacks or weapons of light Bulk or less, against an AC of 40. If the captured creature deals 40 slashing or piercing damage, the basket is broken and all the creatures inside spill out. A creature that gets free by either Escaping or by someone breaking the basket is deposited in a square of their choosing adjacent to Krampus. The basket is an extradimensional space, so the weight of the creatures within doesn't count against Krampus's Bulk limit. Up to four Small creatures or two Medium creatures can fit in the basket at one time. Krampus can Repair the basket as a 2-action activity that doesn't require tools. If the basket is lost or destroyed, Krampus can create a new one with 1 hour of work. The basket functions as a normal sack if used by anyone other than Krampus.Punish the Naughty(Concentrate) Krampus designates a single target he can see as “naughty.” He gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when he Seeks the naughty target and a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks to Track the naughty target. On melee attacks against the naughty target, Krampus's spiked chain gains the agile trait. In addition, when Krampus Grabs the naughty target, he can attempt to Capture them as a free action. Krampus can have only one naughty target at a time.Regression(Curse, Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) A creature that starts their turn Captured in Krampus's basket must attempt a DC 44 Fortitude save or be regressed back to their childhood. The target shrinks one size. In addition, all of the target's proficiencies of expert and better are reduced to trained, which might restrict the use of certain feats. The effect persists for 24 hours, after which the target regains their normal size and their proficiencies return to normal. A creature currently under the effects of regression can't be further affected by this ability.SnowstepKrampus ignores difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain caused by snow and ice, and he leaves no tracks when moving through areas of snow or ice.Tarnished FestivitiesCelebrations are the lifeblood of any community's morale, but especially so in frigid northern climes where the days are short and food is scarce. Here, holidays involve lighting fires, sharing meals, giving gifts, and forgiving grudges. Tales of Krampus remind children (and adults) of the price to be paid for acting against the spirit of such festivities.The Horned MiserWhile Krampus is most infamous for tracking and punishing the naughty, his own sins often inform his vindictive responses to others' misdeeds. An incarnation of Krampus who arose from irrepressible greed might possess abilities that better reflect his fierce miserly behavior, emphasizing less the abduction of miscreants and more the disproportionate punishment of thieves and robbers. Such a variant Krampus might arise in different cultures that tell different stories about Krampus, or Krampus's powers and nature might drift between incarnations each time he is defeated and arises anew elsewhere in the world the following year. In these cultures or incarnations, Krampus represents a remorseless yet generous spirit who's willing to grant boons to the truly worthy while tormenting any who fail his morality tests. Unfortunately for people in regions terrorized by this Krampus, his definition of “any who fail his morality tests” tend to be nearly everyone but the most innocent and generous of people. Such a greedy Krampus lacks the Regression ability, and his Punish the Naughty ability gains the following Prerequisite: “Krampus can sense the target with his thief scent.” The Horned Miser variant also gains the following abilities, in addition to the remaining Krampus abilities. Thief Scent Krampus can perceive anyone who has ever stolen or moved one of his possessions, using scent as an imprecise sense with a range of 1 mile. Bountiful Bag Krampus carries a large bag brimming with barely contained gifts and trinkets, including one of every common item with the consumable trait of levels 1 to 20, at least 20 _golden rod memento_, and an assortment of food and valuables. Once every 24 hours, the bag's contents magically regenerate, replacing any of these items that have been removed. Krampus can Interact with the bag to stow or withdraw items, always finding the desired stored item at the top of the bag. The bag is an extradimensional space, so the weight of its contents doesn't count against Krampus's Bulk limit. The bag functions as a normal sack if used by anyone other than Krampus, and if the bag is stolen or Krampus is slain, the bag retains only 2d4 random common consumable items of 16th level or higher. A creature can use Disarm or Steal to extract a consumable item from Krampus's bag. As part of the action, the creature can envision a specific item it wants to extract. On a success, the creature Disarms or Steals the object and rolls a DC 13 flat check. Success The creature Disarms or Steals the envisioned object. If the creature didn't envision an object, it Disarms or Steals a random common consumable item of a level at least half the creature's level. Failure The creature Disarms or Steals a random common consumable item of a level at least half the creature's level. Critical Failure The creature Disarms or Steals a _golden rod memento_ instead of a consumable item. Crushing Avarice Krampus's greed is so great that expending any of his wealth causes him to become physically ill and potentially nauseous. Whenever Krampus uses a consumable item from his bountiful bag, or when he witnesses one of his possessions stolen, he must attempt a DC 44 Will save. Success Krampus is unaffected. Failure Krampus becomes sickened 1. Critical Failure Krampus becomes sickened 2.Using KrampusThough Krampus makes an excellent antagonist for a holiday-themed campaign or one-shot, this cruel and ferocious being need not be confined to yuletide adventures. Krampus can terrorize any wintry locale yearlong, putting the frightened citizens in need of powerful heroes to discover his lair and put an end to the threat. Snow and ice should feature prominently in such games, but tinsel, holly, and brightly wrapped presents aren't necessary" - }, - { - "name": "Krooth", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "276", - "lore": "KroothKrooths, sometimes called crocodile eaters, are fast and vicious hunters of bogs and wetlands. While they are known to hunt and eat crocodiles, alligators, and virtually any creature with flesh, their favorite prey are lizardfolk, boggards, and dinosaurs. Krooths are found alone or in packs. Male krooths are solitary and territorial creatures—fierce, bold, and bloodthirsty. Female krooths, on the other hand, are likely to shy away from potential predators but swiftly turn violent when their brood is threatened. Because their offspring are so vulnerable, female krooths gather in packs to raise their young, sending smaller groups to hunt for food while the rest of the pack watches the brood. Krooths mate only once every 4 or 5 years, and the mating process is a curiously gruesome spectacle. An entire pack of females will hunt as a group for a lone male krooth, claiming their prize in an orgiastic frenzy that can last for an entire day and night. After the mating has finished, the females slay their mate and devour his nutrient-rich flesh, and his organs in particular. These organs contain a unique chemical compound vital to gestation. Many naturalists will pay handsomely for the fresh remains of a male krooth so they can study the strange properties of the creature’s blood and organs. In addition, krooths have poisonous, hollow teeth. When these creatures bite their prey, a tooth breaks off and causes the victim to bleed profusely as their blood pours through the hollow tooth. Whether male or female, krooths seem to be repelled by goblinoid flesh, especially that of bugbears. This doesn’t mean krooths won’t kill goblinoids, especially those threatening their young, but they typically do so using only their claws and tails, and they take great care to clean themselves thoroughly after such a killing.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 24Krooth" - }, - { - "name": "Kuchisake-Onna", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1214", - "lore": "Kuchisake-OnnaA kuchisake-onna, or slit-mouthed woman, is a tall, masked figure who moves with an eerie grace. These horrors are infamous for trapping hapless mortals and asking them, “Am I pretty?” A “no” response leads to a gruesome death wrought by the silver scissors the kuchisake-onna carries. A “yes” prompts them to remove their mask, revealing the scars and cuts running from ear to ear, giving the impression of a terrible, ever-present grin. They then open their mouth to reveal sharp, needle-like teeth and ask another question: “Even now?” A “no” leads to the same gory death, while a “yes” prompts them to use their silver scissors and make the same cuts on the target's face while repeating: “Then I will make you like me.” There are a handful of methods to weasel out of this otherwise no-win scenario. Answering noncommittally, saying the kuchisake-onna looks “okay,” or throwing several small, countable objects like rice or candy often provides enough time to run while the monster is distracted. Few are foolish enough to attack the kuchisake-onna, and those that live to tell the tale speak of a flashing flurry of scissor blades that match even a swordmaster's prowess.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 37Unspecific Lore: DC 35Specific Lore: DC 32Kuchisake-OnnaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 156Perception +28; darkvisionLanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +28, Athletics +22, Intimidation +27, Stealth +26Str +4Dex +8Con +4Int +5Wis +6Cha +5Itemssilver scissors (2)---AC 36 Fort +22 Ref +28 Will +24 HP 252Resistancesslashing 15Weaknessesmental 10Compulsive Counting When numerous small items are scattered before the kuchisake-onna, they compulsively begins to count them. The kuchisake-onna becomes flat-footed to all creatures for 1d4 rounds.---Speed 30 feetMeleesilver scissors +30 (Agile, Backstabber, fatal d12, Finesse),Damage 3d6+12 slashingRendsilver scissorsAm I Pretty?The kuchisake-onna asks a single adjacent target, “Am I pretty?” The target must attempt a DC 35 Will save. If it fails, it is immobilized for 1 round, and if it critically fails, it is paralyzed for 1 round, though still able to respond to the question; this is a mental effect. If the target responds “No,” the kuchisake-onna makes two silver scissors Strikes against the target. If the target responds “Yes,” the kuchisake-onna makes no Strikes this turn and must use Even Now? as their next action (waiting until the first action of their next turn, if necessary). If the target otherwise responds in a confusing or noncommittal manner, the kuchisake-onna becomes flat-footed to all creatures for 1 round but can otherwise act normally.Even Now?Requirements An adjacent creature previously targeted by Am I Pretty? answered “Yes”; Effect The kuchisake-onna takes off their mask, revealing their slit face and asking, “Even now?” The target must attempt a DC 35 Will save. If it fails, it is immobilized for 1 round, and if it critically fails, it is paralyzed for 1 round, though still able to respond to the question; this is a mental effect. Whether the target responds “Yes” or “No,” the kuchisake-onna makes two silver scissors Strikes against the target.Lingering EnmityThe kuchisake-onna's silver scissors Strikes are manifestations of the toxic malice that created them and vanish when the kuchisake-onna is destroyed. When the kuchisake-onna has less than half their maximum Hit Points remaining, this concentrated enmity begins to leak out and make their attacks more vicious. Their silver scissors Strikes deal 6d6 persistent bleed damage.Lingering EnmityA kuchisake-onna is the congealed, collected malice of those who mutilate women or fixate on their physical appearances. While many tales center around women, fearful survivors have described kuchisake-onna in the guise of a variety of genders and appearances" - }, - { - "name": "Kurnugian Jackal", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1024", - "lore": "Kurnugian JackalUnder specific planar conjunctions, Lamashtu bestows an unholy gift upon a jackal on the Material Plane. When that jackal bears a litter, one pup is born with a third eye in the center of its forehead. If the pup can survive to maturity, this jackal gains superior intelligence and psychic abilities, becoming a full-fledged Kurnugian jackal, so named after the Mother of Monsters' Abyssal realm. With increased cleverness comes an appetite to sow chaos in the name of Lamashtu. When a Kurnugian jackal reaches the pinnacle of their power, they appear twice as large as a regular jackal and far more cunning. A Kurnugian jackal enjoys stalking the outskirts of settlements, looking for lone individuals they can ambush. Once they spot their prey, they open their third eye to hypnotize and lure their target in. Often, a Kurnugian jackal leads victims into the wilderness and then releases their hold, leaving the victims lost with no memory of how they got there. Most succumb to exposure or the dangers of local wildlife as the jackal looks on gleefully. They seem to gain sustenance from their victims' predicament but also feast on the deceased victims' flesh. If their prey reaches safety, the Kurnugian jackal repeats the process on subsequent nights. Some Kurnugian jackals are adopted as objects of worship by Lamashtan cults, and others gather followers on their own. Their resemblance to Lamashtu's religious symbol affords them a great deal of reverence, and they sometimes claim to speak directly for the Mother of Monsters. A cult with a Kurnugian jackal often acts more boldly than one without.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 24Kurnugian Jackal" - }, - { - "name": "Kurobozu", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Uncommon", "Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1215", - "lore": "KurobozuA monk who violated their monastic vows in life might arise after death to become an undead horror known as a kurobozu. These predators feast upon the breath of mortals, creeping on twisted limbs into bedrooms to steal the life from sleeping victims. This act of feeding leaves its mark on the victim in the form of a vile scent of rot on the victim's breath and a debilitating disease that eventually results in exhaustion and finally death. Kurobozus retain echoes of their ascetic training, enabling them to suck the breath from debilitated foes in the midst of battle. Their malevolent cunning combined with ascetic discipline helps them concoct elaborate and lengthy schemes to enact their jealous revenge. Few kurobozus are convincing enough to persuade their onetime allies to break their own oaths, but this doesn't stop them from making the attempt.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19KurobozuSource Bestiary 3 pg. 157Perception +14; darkvisionLanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +14, Athletics +15, Monastic Lore +11, Stealth +14Str +5Dex +4Con +2Int +1Wis +4Cha +2---AC 24 Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +14 HP 90(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious---Speed 35 feetMeleefist +17 (Agile, Magical),Damage 1d6+8 bludgeoning plus 1d4 negative and sagebaneBlack Apoxia(Disease) The target can't recover from the fatigued condition caused by black apoxia until the disease is cured; Saving Throw DC 24 Fortitude; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 day); Stage 2 drained 1 and fatigued (1 day); Stage 3 drained 2 and fatigued (1 day); Stage 4 deadBrawling CriticalWhen the kurobozu scores a critical hit with an unarmed attack, the target must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or be slowed 1 until the end of its next turn.Sagebane(Necromancy, Occult) When the kurobozu damages a living creature with an unarmed Strike, the target must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or become stupefied 1 for 1 minute. Further damage dealt by the kurobozu resets the duration to 1 minute and increases the stupefied value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of stupefied 4.Steal Breath(Incapacitation, Necromancy, Occult) Requirements The kurobozu is adjacent to a living creature that is paralyzed, slowed, stunned, or unconscious; Effect The kurobozu leans over and sucks the breath from the target, who must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. Regardless of the result, the creature is exposed to black apoxia and its breath reeks of carrion for 1 minute. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature can't speak for 1 minute. Failure The creature becomes sickened 2 and can't speak for 1 minute. Critical Failure As failure, plus the creature falls unconscious and begins suffocating.Stunning FlurryFrequency once per round; Effect The kurobozu makes two unarmed Strikes. If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses, and the target must succeed at a DC 22 Fortitude save or be stunned 1 (or stunned 3 on a critical failure); this save has the incapacitation trait.Subversive CollaboratorsKurobozus are bitterly envious of living monks and often seek vengeance against members of their former monastery. They also have an affinity for outcast or malcontent monks, sometimes secretly assisting and safeguarding individuals who wish to destroy their former masters and fellow disciples." - }, - { - "name": "Kushtaka", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1216", - "lore": "KushtakaKushtaka, or “land otters” as they are sometimes known, are devious shapeshifters. They propagate by luring a humanoid away from the shelter of their home and slowly transforming the kidnapped creature into a new kushtaka. Kushtaka have an easier time transforming willing prey, so they prefer to use their shapeshifting ability and innate magical powers to convince their chosen targets to follow them away to a kushtaka village. Once a humanoid has been lured to a kushtaka village, they slowly begin to change, a bit at a time, until their body transforms fully into that of a kushtaka and ejects their mortal soul. These ejected souls often linger before giving rise to ghosts or haunts, though the kushtaka themselves are unaware of the souls' presence, having completely forgotten who they once were due to the magic that transformed them. Kushtaka can be a scourge to small human villages, slowly pilfering villagers away one person at a time. This might mean the kushtaka village displaces the human one, or leaves the human village unable to survive with too small a population to hunt, fish, defend against threats, or raise the next generation.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14KushtakaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 158Perception +12; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesCommon, SylvanSkillsAcrobatics +11, Athletics +9, Deception +11, Stealth +11Str +3Dex +5Con +2Int +0Wis +4Cha +3Canine Vulnerability Dogs and other canines are natural enemies of kushtaka. Canine animals, including creatures transformed into a canine using _animal form_ or a similar effect, ignore the kushtaka's resistance to physical attacks. In addition, a canine with imprecise scent can use it as a precise sense when detecting a kushtaka.— Spirit Kushtaka exist completely separated from their mortal souls, making them immune to the effects of haunts and most effects from incorporeal spirits and undead, but also unaware of their presence; incorporeal undead are both invisible and inaudible to them. Incorporeal spirits and undead can affect a kushtaka only with effects that manifest in the physical world. For instance, a ghost mage casting a _fireball_ or a poltergeist throwing objects could harm the kushtaka, but a ghost commoner's Frightful Moan and ghostly hand Strike would not.---AC 21 Fort +8 Ref +13 Will +12 HP 40Resistancesphysical 5Persuasive RebuttalTrigger A creature fails a check to Strike or Demoralize the kushtaka; Requirements The kushtaka has a _charm_ spell available; Effect The kushtaka casts _charm_ on the target.---Speed 25 feet, swim 40 feetMeleejaws +14 (Finesse),Damage 2d8+5 piercing plus GrabMeleeclaw +14 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d6+5 slashingOccult Innate Spells DC 21, attack +13- Cantrips (2nd)Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Telekinetic Projectile- 2ndCharm (×2), Invisibility (×2), Sleep- Constant (2nd)Undetectable AlignmentChange Shape(Concentrate, Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) The kushtaka takes on the specific appearance of a unique Small or Medium humanoid. Every time the kushtaka uses this ability, it takes on the same chosen form, though it can use non-magical disguises to further alter its appearance. This doesn't change the kushtaka's Speed or its attack and damage bonuses with its Strikes, though it does change the damage to an appropriate type, typically bludgeoning.The Shaman's TestSome Varki villages in the far north acknowledge an aspiring shaman only after the acolyte has returned a tribe member transformed into a kushtaka back to their original form. This requires capturing the kushtaka in a net barbed with sharpened dog bones and then forcing the two halves of the soul back together." - }, - { - "name": "Lamia", - "family": "Lamia", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "277", - "lore": "LamiaJust as they were cursed long ago, lamias can curse those they touch, clouding the mind and regressing conscious thought to purely animalistic instincts. Creatures affected by this curse grow reckless, becoming unaware of the consequences of their own actions and unable to think clearly. This makes the hapless victim all the more susceptible to the lamia’s cunning illusions and insidious charms. The lamia’s animalistic nature and the effect of their cursed touch has led some scholars to theorize that the original lamias must have, millennia ago, turned away from their own reason and intellect and embraced the life of simple beasts. Whether this change was rewarded as a monstrous gift from Lamashtu or inflicted as a curse for abandoning their responsibilities by Pharasma remains the subject of debate to this day. Whatever the source of this ancient transformation, lamias themselves have grown to enjoy the strengths it has granted them. Regardless, they continue to cling to a hatred of the gods, seeing them as the cause of their monstrous forms and, thus, their eternal exile from the societies they watch with jealous eyes from their lairs amid the ruins of lost civilizations. Because lamias blame divine powers for their curse, they take special delight in the downfall of temples, the suffering and death of champions and clerics, and the spread of dissension within organized religions. While they can brie y assume humanoid form with magic, lamias are usually forced to hide from civilization, making their homes in the barren wilderness. There, they attract cults of their own, gathering up chaotic and evil humanoids. With the help of these cultists, lamias strive to bring down popular faiths, introduce schisms into flourishing churches, and humiliate or defame high-profile religious leaders. Most lamias themselves have no true religious faith in anything, hearing instead a mystical calling that manifests as sighs on the desert wind or murmurs from the dark places between the stars. Lamias are traditionally matriarchal, revering the eldest female among them as leader, mother, and shaman.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 22Lamia" - }, - { - "name": "Lamia Matriarch", - "family": "Lamia", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "278", - "lore": "Lamia MatriarchThe brilliant and powerful lamia matriarchs possess boundless ambition, always seeking to bring more people and territory into the clutches of their kind. Consequently, the become rulers of other lamia. For all their cruelty toward other creatures, they’re fierce protectors of other lamia, and consequently they quickly come to rule cults or warbands. Regardless of the lamia’s gender, these ascended lamias are always known as matriarchs. Rather than leonine limbs, a lamia matriarch’s lower body is formed in the winding coils of a giant snake. They’re also set apart by the occult power they pursue, and some have even have grand designs to break the animalistic curse that transformed them. However, every attempt so far has led to the matriarch’s fall.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 24Lamia Matriarch" - }, - { - "name": "Lampad", - "family": "Nymph", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Earth", "Fey", "Nymph", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1249", - "lore": "LampadLampads protect dark, hidden places underground. Not only do they defend subterranean caverns from threats, but they also safeguard well-meaning innocents from the dangers that lurk below the surface. Lampads are so-named for the wisps of magic light they often carry, guiding the lost to safety while luring threats to their doom. Lampads' mercurial nature makes their reactions difficult to predict, though they rarely demonstrate outright malice without sufficient provocation.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15LampadSource Bestiary 3 pg. 188Perception +12; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Common, Sylvan, UndercommonSkillsAcrobatics +12, Athletics +9, Diplomacy +14, Nature +10, Occultism +11, Performance +14, Society +9, Stealth +12Str +0Dex +5Con +4Int +2Wis +3Cha +5---AC 22 Fort +11 Ref +14 Will +12 HP 85Weaknessescold iron 5Cavern Dependent A lampad is mystically bonded to a single cavern or other self-contained underground area and must remain within 300 feet of it. If they move beyond that range, they become sickened 1 and are unable to recover. They must attempt a DC 19 Fortitude save every hour or increase the sickened value by 1 (to a maximum of sickened 4). After 24 hours, they become drained 1, with this value increasing by 1 every additional 24 hours. A lampad can perform a 24-hour ritual to bond to a new cavern.---Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet (on stone only)Meleeearthen fist +14 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d10+2 bludgeoningRangedlight wisp +14 (Magical, range increment 30 feet),Damage 1d8+2 mental plus 1d6 fire and 1d6 positivePrimal Innate Spells DC 22- Cantrips (4th)Dancing Lights- 2ndFaerie Fire, Heal- 3rdMeld into Stone (at will), Pummeling Rubble- 4thShape StoneWeep(Auditory, Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Primal) Frequency once per round; Effect The lampad begins a heart-wrenching fit of weeping, inspiring sympathetic sobbing in nearby creatures. Each non-lampad creature within 30 feet who hears the lampad's weeping must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or be unable to use reactions for 1 round and slowed 1 on its next turn as it sobs uncontrollablyStrong EmotionsWhile lampads are ever vigilant in their assigned tasks, they're known to become lonely and forlorn, as the majority of underground denizens make poor company. True companionship and conversation are among the few things that can keep a moody lampad from sporadically weeping, though like most creatures they find such tears cathartic, feeling better for a time after a good cry." - }, - { - "name": "Lampad Queen", - "family": "Nymph", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Earth", "Fey", "Nymph", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1251", - "lore": "Lampad QueenLampad queens are capricious monarchs and protectors of vast underground domains, regarded in ballads and tales as allies and foes, monsters and muses. Lampad queens have a particular animosity for the many predominantly evil underground ancestries, such as drow and duergar, and they are particularly fond of bats. Many lampad queens have nykteras (page 254) as favored attendants.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 36Unspecific Lore: DC 34Specific Lore: DC 31Lampad QueenSource Bestiary 3 pg. 189Perception +27; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Common, Sylvan, Terran, Undercommon; _stone tell_SkillsAcrobatics +27, Athletics +28, Deception +31, Diplomacy +33, Intimidation +33, Nature +27, Occultism +27, Performance +29, Society +25, Stealth +27Str +3Dex +8Con +7Int +4Wis +4Cha +8Cavern Empathy The lampad queen can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on and make very simple Requests of subterranean animals, plants, and fungi, as well as stones.Tied to the Land A lampad queen is intrinsically tied to a specific underground region, usually a cave system. As long as the queen is healthy, the environment is exceptionally resilient, allowing the lampad queen to automatically attempt to counteract spells and rituals that would harm the environment, such as blight, with a +30 counteract modifier and a counteract level of 8. When the lampad queen becomes physically or psychologically unhealthy, however, their warded region eventually becomes twisted or unhealthy as well. In that case, restoring the lampad queen swiftly heals the entire region.---AC 39 Fort +26 Ref +29 Will +25 HP 234Weaknessescold iron 10Nymph's Beauty (aura, emotion, enchantment, incapacitation, mental, primal, visual) 30 feet. Creatures that start their turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 33 Will save or be confused by the lampad queen's unearthly beauty for 1 minute. While confused by this effect, the creature's confused actions never include harming the lampad queen.---Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet (on stone only)Meleeearthen fist +29 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 3d10+9 bludgeoning plus 1d6 mentalRangedlight wisp +29 (Magical, range increment 60 feet),Damage 2d8+9 mental plus 2d6 fire and 2d6 positivePrimal Prepared Spells DC 38- Cantrips (8th)Detect Magic, Electric Arc, Guidance, Prestidigitation, Stabilize- 1stAnt Haul, Fleet Step, Gust of Wind- 2ndAnimal Messenger, Enlarge, Faerie Fire- 3rdEarthbind (×2), Haste- 4thFly, Freedom of Movement, Resist Energy- 5thDeath Ward, Passwall, Wall of Stone- 6thFlesh to Stone, Slow, Stoneskin- 7thEnergy Aegis, Regenerate, Volcanic Eruption- 8thEarthquake, Summon Plant or FungusPrimal Innate Spells DC 38- Cantrips (8th)Dancing Lights- 2ndFaerie Fire- 3rdMeld into Stone (at will)- 4thShape Stone- 7thHeal- 8thPummeling Rubble- Constant (6th)Stone TellChange Shape(Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) Lampad queens can transform between their original form, which looks much like a typical nymph of their kind, and any Small or Medium humanoid form, typically choosing a version of their natural form that more closely resembles a humanoid.Focus Beauty(Emotion, Enchantment, Incapacitation, Mental, Primal, Visual) The lampad queen focuses their beauty upon a target within their aura. The creature must attempt a Will save. On a failure, it is affected as if by the queen's beauty aura; if it was already affected by the aura, the conflicting emotions from the lampad queen's beauty intensify, causing the target to no longer get a flat check to end the _confusion_ when it takes damage. The lampad queen can use a single action, which has the concentrate trait, to focus the emotions of a confused creature toward a particular emotion, causing it to spend its next turn sobbing uncontrollably, fawning over the lampad queen, or otherwise performing no actions beyond experiencing its emotions. Regardless of the save, the target is temporarily immune to Focus Beauty until the start of the lampad queen's next turn.Inspiration(Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Primal) for maestro muse, the status bonus to Performance checks increases to +2 for the purpose of determining the effects of compositions; for polymath muse, the bard gains a +4 status bonus to untrained skill checks; and for all other muses, the Will save bonus increases to +2 against fey.Despairing Weep(Auditory, Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Primal) Frequency once per round; Effect The lampad queen begins a heart-wrenching fit of weeping, inspiring sympathetic sobbing in nearby creatures. Each non-lampad creature within 120 feet who hears the lampad's weeping must succeed at a DC 36 Will save with the effects of _crushing despair_.ReciprocityLampad queens tend to change emotions on a whim and mirror what they find in others. Those who treat the queen's domain with respect, they protect and reward, while those who harm it meet their swift wrath. This leads to the vastly differing accounts of the queens' actions." - }, - { - "name": "Lantern Archon", - "family": "Archon", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "30", - "lore": "Lantern ArchonFriendly, curious, and eternally optimistic, lantern archons embody the virtue of hope. They are formed of living light given corporeal shape, and they serve as beacons, guiding mortals out of their darkest moments and toward the path of righteousness. Their luminous bodies can \u001e icker with the subtlety of a candle flame or flare up like a torch. Lantern archons can control all aspects of their light as easily as other creatures control their facial expressions, leading them to change color, twinkle, and otherwise dim and brighten in time with their actions and words. While effervescent and chipper in conversation, lantern archons are impressively stoic mobile support troops and guardians in times of con\u001e ict, and are capable of uniting to form powerful warriors of light called gestalts.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 15Lantern Archon" - }, - { - "name": "Leaf Leshy", - "family": "Leshy", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "279", - "lore": "Leaf LeshyLeaf leshys are diminutive protectors of forests clad in pine cone armor and hats of fruit, flowers, or leaves. They enjoy mock battles but act cautiously in real ones.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 14Leaf Leshy" - }, - { - "name": "Ledalusca", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Cold", "Elemental", "Water", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1217", - "lore": "LedaluscaLedaluscas are reflective water elementals that can bring forth images previously reflected on their surfaces and wholly freeze themselves in the shapes of what they reflected. They explore and protect the calmest boundaries of the icy regions of the Plane of Water, where ice forms in shiny, flawless sheets. Insatiably curious, their eagerness propels some ledaluscas to pickpocket interesting-looking objects to play with. Others travel to different planes to locate, observe, and reflect a wider variety of creatures than those on their home plane. They pretend to be ice sculptures or still pools for this purpose, especially if they can find a spot in a high-traffic area to inhabit. Despite their perfect mimicry, ledaluscas are unable to create an appearance from scratch, nor can they adjust the appearance they take on or combine elements of different reflections. Some of them find this disheartening, like artists vexed by a lack of creativity. One of the strangest encounters a ledalusca can experience is with a creature or object that has no reflection. A ledalusca can see a vampire, for example, but is unable to reproduce its image. For a creature that effectively has an unlimited memory for images, this proves utterly confusing. The vague memory of the encounter sticks in the ledalusca's mind like a splintering a humanoid's finger.Recall Knowledge - Elemental(Arcana, Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11LedaluscaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 159Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesAquanSkillsAcrobatics +7, Athletics +8, Deception +5, Stealth +9, Thievery +7Str +4Dex +3Con +2Int +0Wis +2Cha +1Recall Reflection (illusion, primal) A ledalusca can recall and replay any reflection ever cast on its surface, although it must still Seek to consciously notice fine or significant details.---AC 17 Fort +8 Ref +9 Will +6 HP 40Immunitiescold, paralyzed, poison, sleepWeaknessesfire 5Shell BlockTrigger The ledalusca takes physical damage from an attack; Requirements The ledalusca's shell is frozen (see Freeze Shell); Effect The ledalusca angles their shell to absorb the blow, gaining resistance 5 to the triggering damage. If they takes bludgeoning or fire damage after applying this resistance, their frozen shell shatters until they freezes a new one.---Speed 25 feet, swim 30 feetMeleewave +10,Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoning plus Push 5 feetRangedice shard +9 (deadly d6, thrown 20 feet),Damage 1d6+4 piercing plus 1d4 coldFreeze Shell(Cold, Manipulate) The ledalusca freezes their surface into a translucent, faintly colored ice sculpture matching the mirror image of a Medium creature or object they have seen before. While in this form, instead of a wave, they have the following Strike: Meleeice shell +10, Damage 1d6+4 physical plus 1d4 cold The physical damage is a type that matches the new shape of the ledalusca's frozen shell. The ledalusca can revert to their liquid form by taking this action again.Hold Still(Concentrate) Until the next time they act, the ledalusca appears to be either an ice sculpture (if under the effects of Freeze Shell) or a pool of still water (if not). They have an automatic result of 28 on Deception checks and DCs to pass as what they appear to be.Treasured ReflectionsA ledalusca must bring forth an old reflection to closely observe its details, much like a reader would need to reread text. Ledaluscas can't store reflections of reflections, but they enjoy studying interesting reflections from their kin. Some of these elementals accept novel reflections as suitable payment for favors or information." - }, - { - "name": "Legion Archon", - "family": "Archon", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "32", - "lore": "Legion ArchonDespite their flaming blades and heavy armor, legion archons are the diplomats of peace among the archons, preferring justice via compromise and mutual benefit rather than justice by the sword. Nonetheless, when forced to fight against fiendish powers—especially fiends that embody the sin of wrath—legion archons don’t hesitate in battle, mounting offensives under divine commanders like Iomedae.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 23Legion Archon" - }, - { - "name": "Lemure", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "108", - "lore": "LemureThese shapeless masses of quivering flesh are the least of devilkind. Pathetic creatures from Hell’s first layer, lemures roam alongside damned and suffering souls. Pit fiends can combine the essence of a mob of lemures to concentrate their collective wickedness with a single form, granting it an infernal sentience and transforming it into a more powerful devil (see the pit fiend’s Devil Shaping ability).Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 14Lemure" - }, - { - "name": "Leng Ghoul", - "family": "Ghoul", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Dream", "Ghoul", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1165", - "lore": "Leng GhoulIn the icy nightmare dimension of Leng, ghouls with hoofed feet gather in morbid groups to worship and research, forming societies that mockingly mimic (and in their opinion, surpass) those of the living. Most worship the malevolent gods of the Elder Mythos and see the living as little more than fodder who will eventually die and provide memories for Leng ghouls to consume and absorb. Not all Leng ghouls are evil, but most are, and even those who aren't possess sardonic senses of humor and grisly appetites that make them disturbing allies at best.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 29Unspecific Lore: DC 27Specific Lore: DC 24Leng GhoulSource Bestiary 3 pg. 107Perception +19; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Common, NecrilSkillsAcrobatics +21, Arcana +19, Athletics +19, Occultism +21, Religion +19, Stealth +21Str +5Dex +7Con +5Int +3Wis +5Cha +6Erudite Leng ghouls can cast arcane, divine, and occult spells from scrolls, with a spell DC of 28 and a spell attack roll of +20.Items_scroll of confusion_, _scroll of fly_---AC 29 Fort +18 Ref +21 Will +19 +1 status to all saves vs. positiveHP 180(negative healing)Immunitiescold, death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious---Speed 25 feet, burrow 25 feet, climb 25 feetMeleejaws +23 (Finesse),Damage 2d8+8 piercing plus Leng ghoul fever and paralysisMeleeclaw +23 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d6+8 slashing plus paralysisAbsorb Memories(Manipulate) Requirements The Leng ghoul is adjacent to the corpse of a creature that retains flesh on its bones; Effect The Leng ghoul devours a chunk of the corpse and regains 6d6 Hit Points. At the same time, they also absorb some of the memories stored in the flesh from when the corpse was alive, gaining a +1 status bonus to all skill checks for 10 minutes. The Leng ghoul can immediately attempt an Occultism check to learn one non-secret memory the corpse had when it was alive (use the standard DC for the creature's level). The exact memory learned is determined by the GM but is typically something of use to the Leng ghoul. The memory can't be one the creature was trying to keep secret unless the check was a critical success. A Leng ghoul can Absorb Memories from any given corpse only once.Leng Ghoul Fever(Disease) Saving Throw DC 28 Fortitude; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1 day); Stage 2 4d8 negative damage and regains half as many Hit Points from all healing (1 day); Stage 3 as stage 2 (1 day); Stage 4 4d8 negative damage and gains no benefit from healing (1 day); Stage 5 as stage 4 (1 day); Stage 6 dead, and rises as a Leng ghoul the next sunsetParalysis(Incapacitation, Occult, Necromancy) Any living creature hit by a Leng ghoul's attack must succeed at a DC 28 Fortitude save or become paralyzed. It can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns, and the DC cumulatively decreases by 1 on each such save.Sneak AttackA Leng ghoul deals an extra 2d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.Corpse LibrariesBecause Leng ghouls can draw lore from the flesh they consume, their temples often contain libraries that would, to the untrained eye, look more like abattoirs of preserved corpses. Here, a curious Leng ghoul can browse and feed simultaneously, or even research secrets that have long laid dormant in the dead." - }, - { - "name": "Leng Spider", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration, Dream", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "713", - "lore": "Leng SpiderThe monstrous, bloated spiders from the windswept realm of Leng build eerie, dangerous lairs with the aid of magically compelled slaves. Leng spiders have anywhere from five to 13 legs, but never an even number.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 33Leng Spider" - }, - { - "name": "Leopard", - "family": "Cat", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "67", - "lore": "LeopardLeopards are among the smallest of the big cats, yet they are still dangerous creatures to tangle with. Leopard statistics can also be used for black panthers, white-spotted snow leopards, or tawny-coated cougars.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Leopard" - }, - { - "name": "Leprechaun", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "714", - "lore": "LeprechaunLeprechauns are mostly jovial tricksters who prefer mischief over conflict. They fill their days with as much fun, wine, and food as possible. Mostly found in forested regions, leprechauns respect nature and those who protect it. Leprechauns do not attack on sight. Rather, they engage in conversation and try to charm, cajole, or trick those they meet into doing favors for them or freely giving over a treasured item, usually in return for illusory wealth or false promises of wealth and success. These small tricksters are masters at discerning the desires of those they meet—a knack that puts them in a powerful position when bargaining for goods or favors. They aren't above turning people against each other for their own benefit but generally not to an extent that causes harm. In most cases, a leprechaun doesn't keep a purloined possession for long. The leprechaun most often returns such stolen prizes just in time to defuse tensions, often as they point out the humor of the situation, hoping to share their amusement and mirth with the victim. In cases where a leprechaun's trick goes too far and results in an incensed victim, the leprechaun quickly flees the conflict rather than engage in combat. This willingness to return stolen goods or to flee from battles fades as leprechauns grow older. Ancient leprechauns who have lived for thousands of years often spiral into dark bitterness and increasingly use their powers and illusions to lure those who offend them or fail to appreciate a joke into danger... or even death.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 16Leprechaun" - }, - { - "name": "Lerritan", - "family": "—", - "level": 21, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "715", - "lore": "LerritanLerritans are unstoppable giants with skin of volcanic glass and blood of roiling lava. These malicious arsonists would see the world burned to a cinder. They pay homage to Ymeri, the evil elemental demigod of fire, and they bully other fiery creatures. When the urge to immolate grows too great to ignore, lerritans burn forests, destroy villages, and boil rivers, but they avoid large bodies of water.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 42Lerritan" - }, - { - "name": "Lesser Death", - "family": "Grim Reaper", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "251", - "lore": "Lesser DeathNo one is quite sure what lesser deaths are, though some claim that they are avatars of the grim reaper. Unlike that strange hunter, however, lesser deaths hunt in packs on rare occasions. More often than not, they manifest from cursed magic items. Other times, they are just the enactors of death, hunting in the same way the grim reaper does— silently, with neither remorse nor quarter. Rarely, multiple lesser deaths work together to cull a large population, their scythes cutting through crowds and leaving entire cities devoid of life, inspiring (hopefully) false rumors of multiple grim reapers.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 40Lesser Death" - }, - { - "name": "Leucrotta", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "718", - "lore": "LeucrottaThe vile and vicious offspring of a demon lord and a monstrous species of hyenas, leucrottas are intelligent and cruel beasts. They use their astounding vocal mimicry to lure unsuspecting creatures near so that they can first torment and then devour them. Leucrottas measure 5 feet at the shoulder and weigh 800 pounds, and they are perpetually filthy. A leucrotta's oversized jaws are lined with rows of jagged, hardened bony ridges rather than teeth, and it can shear through flesh, bone, and even steel with ease.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 20Leucrotta" - }, - { - "name": "Leukodaemon (Pestilence Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "90", - "lore": "Leukodaemon (Pestilence Daemon)These skull-headed, vulture-winged daemons are harbingers of pestilence and servants of their patron Horseman, Apollyon. Manifestations of evil souls who perished from disease in life, leukodaemons work tirelessly to spread disease across all the worlds of the multiverse. More than any other daemon, leukodaemons cooperate with each other and those who conjure them to mortal worlds to spread sickness and plague, eschewing personal glory for end results.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 26Leukodaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Levaloch", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Construct,Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Devil", "Fiend", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1114", - "lore": "Levaloch (Warmonger Devil)Fearsome giants of jagged iron, levalochs serve in the armies of Hell as potent warriors and tenacious hunters—creatures of absolute discipline endlessly obedient to diabolical tyrants.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 23Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18LevalochSource Bestiary 3 pg. 65Perception +16; greater darkvisionLanguagesCelestial, Infernal; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +14, Athletics +17, Intimidation +14, Religion +14Str +6Dex +3Con +4Int +2Wis +3Cha +1Hellstrider A levaloch ignores the effects of non-magical difficult terrain. They take no damage from caltrops or from damaging terrain that deals physical, acid, or cold damage. A levaloch can move through liquids up to 5 feet deep at their full Speed.---AC 25 Fort +17 Ref +14 Will +12 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 105Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, fire, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousResistancesphysical 5 (except silver)Weaknessesgood 5Phalanx Fighter All devils of equal or lower level adjacent to a levaloch gain a +1 circumstance bonus to their AC as the levaloch shields them from harm.Stable Stance A levaloch gains a +2 circumstance bonus to their Fortitude DC against being Shoved and to other saving throws to resist being moved against their will.---Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feetMelee_trident_ +19 (Evil, Magical),Damage 2d8+9 piercing plus 1d6 evil and merciless thrustRanged_trident_ +16 (Evil, Magical, thrown 20 feet),Damage 2d8+9 piercing plus 1d6 evilRangedbarbed net +16 (Magical, range increment 20 feet),Damage barbed netRituals DC 22- 1stInfernal PactBarbed NetWhen a levaloch hits a creature with their barbed net, the net wraps around the target, which becomes clumsy 1 and takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds. If the Strike was a critical success, the target is also immobilized. When a creature Escapes (DC 22), or if the Strike misses, the net crumbles into rust. Each time a creature attempts to Escape, it takes 1d6 slashing damage from the net's barbs, regardless of whether the attempt succeeds.Forge Weapon(Manipulate) A levaloch reforges part of their barbed iron substance into a new _+1 striking trident_ or barbed net. Their previous trident crumbles to rust. When the levaloch is destroyed, any tridents or barbed nets they created crumble to rust.Merciless ThrustWhen a levaloch hits a creature that has the clumsy, enfeebled, immobilized, or restrained conditions with a melee trident Strike, the Strike deals an additional 2d6 damage.Hellforged ConstructLevalochs are strange amalgamations of devil and automaton, never requiring food or rest. The engravings on their iron plates indicate their hellish allegiance to a certain archdevil, infernal duke, malebranche, or Queen of the Night. " - }, - { - "name": "Leydroth", - "family": "—", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "719", - "lore": "LeydrothIn ancient times, a cabal of primalists imbued an amalgam of beasts with both supernatural might and a hatred of magic itself, hoping to achieve a potent weapon for use against arcane spellcasters. Effective beyond expectation, the first leydroths broke free and turned on their creators. Worse, the leydroths bred true, and these reclusive predators have long outlived their original creators. Leydroths look like distorted, apelike felines with many-branching horns growing from the backs of their heads. Their thickly muscled limbs end in glowing claws.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 38Leydroth" - }, - { - "name": "Lich", - "family": "Lich", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "282", - "lore": "LichA wizard whose insatiable desire for arcane power eclipsed their mortal life, the lich is a truly devious and versatile spellcaster.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 35Lich" - }, - { - "name": "Lifeleecher Brawler", - "family": "Mortic", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Mortic", "Orc", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1236", - "lore": "LifeleecherLifeleechers are mortic orcs with gray flesh, sharp claws, and protruding tusks. Resilient and strong, they devour the vital essence of their enemies, which heals their wounds and shackles those souls to the lifeleecher. Many orcs believe lifeleechers are possessed by the spirits of fallen orc warriors too stubborn to die. Feared and revered, lifeleechers often rise to positions of power in their holds and battle on the front lines against the undead armies of the Whispering Tyrant.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 29Unspecific Lore: DC 27Specific Lore: DC 24Lifeleecher BrawlerSource Bestiary 3 pg. 176Perception +15; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, NecrilSkillsAthletics +18, Intimidation +16, Survival +15Str +6Dex +4Con +6Int +3Wis +3Cha +4ItemsBreastplate, _+1 striking composite shortbow (20 arrows)_---AC 25 Fort +20 Ref +16 Will +13 HP 165(negative healing)Consecration Vulnerability A lifeleecher in a place of worship dedicated to a non-evil deity or on sacred ground, such as an area blessed by _sanctified ground_, is slowed 1.Mortic FerocityAs Ferocity, but the lifeleecher is also surrounded by visibly flickering fragments of the souls they've consumed, becoming concealed until the end of their next turn.Soul Feast(divine, necromancy, negative) Trigger A creature adjacent to the lifeleecher dies; Effect The lifeleecher consumes a portion of the creature's soul, regaining 2d8 Hit Points.---Speed 25 feetMeleetusk +20,Damage 2d6+6 piercing plus leech essenceMeleeclaw +20 (Agile),Damage 2d8+6 slashing plus 1d6 persistent bleedRanged_composite shortbow_ +19 (deadly d10, Magical, Propulsive, range increment 30 feet),Damage 2d6+3 piercingDeath Gasp(Divine, Necromancy) The lifeleecher draws in a deep breath and holds it, temporarily suspending their biological processes and becoming undead. The lifeleecher gains the undead trait and becomes immune to bleed, death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, and sleep. Any such effects the lifeleecher is currently suffering from are suspended, but take effect again once they take a breath. Death Gasp lasts as long as the lifeleecher holds their breath (up to 11 rounds).Ghost HunterThe lifeleecher's tusks have the effects of the _ghost touch_ property rune on attacks against incorporeal undead.Leech Essence(Divine, Necromancy) When the lifeleecher damages a living or undead creature with their jaws Strike, they drain the target's life essence. The lifeleecher gains 5 temporary Hit Points that last for 1 minute, and the target must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or become drained 1 if living, or stunned 1 if undead. If the target was already drained or stunned, the value of this condition instead increases by 1, to a maximum of 3.Defying DeathLifeleechers are commonly formed when an orc tainted by the pollutants of the Gravelands falls in battle. As their ferocity overcomes them, they transform into mortics and continue the fight, drawing sustenance from the enemies that first laid them low." - }, - { - "name": "Lillend (Muse Azata)", - "family": "Azata", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "36", - "lore": "Lillend (Muse Azata)Lillends are tale-tellers, chroniclers, and champions of freedom of expression. They are generally peaceful, but are quick to act if a masterful piece of art is threatened or free speech is suppressed. They pride themselves on inspiring mortals to greater heights of expression and creativity, and more than one bard looks to a lillend as their personal inspiration. Lillends sometimes secretly follow the adventures of mortal heroes to record their stories as epic poems and songs, which they then perform in the packed mead halls of Elysium. When pursuing such goals, lillends take pains to use their innate spells to remain in hiding, as they would rather observe and record events without “polluting” them with their own intervention. Nevertheless, a lillend who sees their charge faced with certain death often cannot resist the urge to intervene and save the day. Inevitably, this brings a close to the lillend’s chronicles, as their relationship with their subject invariably shifts from one of detached observation to friendship or more. Yet lillends remain hesitant to involve themselves for overlong in a mortal’s life, in part because they fear what sort of fiendish attention their presence might attract, but mostly out of respect for the mortal’s own destiny. A lillend would, all things being equal, prefer to let mortals choose their own fate rather than run the risk of sending someone down a path to which their heart is not set.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 23Lillend" - }, - { - "name": "Lion", - "family": "Cat", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "68", - "lore": "LionLions are cooperative hunters, ambushing dangerous prey in groups of lionesses that work in tandem to trap and kill their prey. Male lions are typically larger, with long manes, and when they hunt, they tend to do so on their own.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Lion" - }, - { - "name": "Lion Visitant", - "family": "Visitant", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Animal, Undead", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "513", - "lore": "Lion VisitantScars and other marks of obvious mistreatment are the clearest indicators that an undead animal is no mere zombie.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 20Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 20Lion Visitant" - }, - { - "name": "Living Boulder", - "family": "Elemental, Earth", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "650", - "lore": "Living BoulderLiving boulders roll and glide through the Plane of Earth, gathering gemstones and metal shards until their surfaces resemble a ship's hull covered in barnacles. Barely more intelligent than many animals, living boulders fill much the same role on the Plane of Earth as the great herd animals found on Material Plane worlds.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 16Living Boulder" - }, - { - "name": "Living Graffiti", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Construct"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "503", - "lore": "Living GraffitiA living graffiti is a painting or drawing that has come to life by way of strange magic. It typically looks like a cartoonish humanoid made of wet oil paint. These two-dimensional beings are unbound from the canvases on which they were originally drawn and can move along any flat surface they touch, including walls, floors, furniture, doors, and even bodies of still water. They cannot exist apart from the surfaces they traverse except in brief bursts, which they typically use to harass or attack nearby creatures. Although they are not incredibly intelligent, living graffiti exhibit a mischievous spitefulness and seeming desire to make the real world as much of a caricature as their own two-dimensional domain. Variant Living Graffiti The living graffiti below is but one type of this strange creature. Other living graffiti exist, made from media like chalk, pastels, ink, or tempera, or even more archaic materials like mud, beeswax, or blood. The following are a few examples of the kinds of abilities such a variant living graffiti might have. Blood: The living graffiti gains the following ability. Absorb Blood Anytime a creature within 5 feet of the living graffiti takes slashing, piercing, or persistent bleed damage, the graffiti gains a number of temporary HP equal to half the damage dealt to the adjacent creature. Chalk: The living graffiti gains the following ability. Cone of Chalk The living graffiti expels a 15-foot cone of chalk. Creatures in the area must succeed at a DC 20 Reflex save or be blinded for 1 round. The living graffiti can’t use Cone of Chalk again for 1d4 rounds. Ink: The living graffiti’s HP increases to 60 and its splatter Strike deals 2d6 damage (in addition to blinding for 1 round), but it gains the following weakness. Water Weakness When the living graffiti is doused with water or starts its turn in water (either through a spell or some other effect, such as pouring a bucket of water over it), it takes 2d6 damage.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 18Living Graffiti" - }, - { - "name": "Living Landslide", - "family": "Elemental, Earth", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "183", - "lore": "Living LandslideLiving landslides resemble humanoids made of earth and gravel.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 20Living Landslide" - }, - { - "name": "Living Sap", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "451", - "lore": "Living SapThe tall sharinga trees of the Mwangi Expanse leak golden sap from their swollen, bulbous trunks, which coagulates when exposed to air. The toxic resin, which has a bitter taste, protects the tree from herbivorous insects and other animals, but in rare cases—usually in areas awash in positive energy or the influence of the First World—the sap gains a life of its own. Such “living sap” is a mindless ooze that attempts to smother and engulf just about anything that moves, from the bugs and small beasts that feed on its sharinga tree to larger creatures unlucky enough to stumble upon it. Due to its immunities to most forms of physical damage and its protectiveness of its mother tree, a living ooze is a nuisance to communities that rely on the sap of sharinga trees to make resin, rubber, and glue. Jungle-dwelling alchemists such as gripplis cherish the sap of the sharinga tree for its unique adhesive properties. The sap has been used for centuries to create tanglefoot bags, glue, and hard resin. Residue collected from a living sap is even more fascinating from an alchemical standpoint. Though harvesting a living sap is very dangerous, some alchemists will risk death (if not their own, then that of hearty adventurers for hire) in order to procure these easily worked ingredients. To increase the odds of a successful harvest, such employers are often willing to supply offensive aids such as lesser frost vials; living sap hunters learned long ago that cold energy is effective against these creatures and luckily doesn’t harm the harvestable reagents.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 24Living Sap" - }, - { - "name": "Living Thunderclap", - "family": "Elemental, Air", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "647", - "lore": "Living ThunderclapA living thunderclap is a humanoid-shaped storm cloud that cracks and booms with thunder.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 19Living Thunderclap" - }, - { - "name": "Living Waterfall", - "family": "Elemental, Water", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "197", - "lore": "Living WaterfallLiving waterfalls are humanoid-shaped columns of churning water.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 20Living Waterfall" - }, - { - "name": "Living Whirlwind", - "family": "Elemental, Air", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "178", - "lore": "Living WhirlwindA living whirlwind resembles a roughly humanoid-shaped dust devil.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 20Living Whirlwind" - }, - { - "name": "Living Wildfire", - "family": "Elemental, Fire", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "188", - "lore": "Living WildfireLiving wildfires appear as humanoids made of living fire.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 20Living Wildfire" - }, - { - "name": "Lizardfolk Defender", - "family": "Lizardfolk", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Lizardfolk"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "291", - "lore": "Lizardfolk DefenderThe lizardfolk defender serves as a protector of the young, guardian of the settlement, and when no other options are available, soldier in time of war. They eagerly rise to the defense of their kin but do not revel in battle. An iruxi defender would rather turn back intruders and allow them to flee with the knowledge they were beaten, in hopes that such word prevents further invasions, but they are not naive. The iruxi understand the need for revenge, and when they allow a foe to escape, they do not forget.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Lizardfolk Defender" - }, - { - "name": "Lizardfolk Scout", - "family": "Lizardfolk", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Lizardfolk"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "292", - "lore": "Lizardfolk ScoutIruxi scouts are the lizardfolk most often encountered by adventurers, for these explorers and hunters spend most of their lives on the move, constantly patrolling the territories held by their enclave. If intruders are driven off, it is the responsibility of the iruxi scouts to track them, observe them, and learn their ways and weaknesses so as to report back to the community and aid in the defense against potential reprisals.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Lizardfolk Scout" - }, - { - "name": "Lizardfolk Stargazer", - "family": "Lizardfolk", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Lizardfolk"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "293", - "lore": "Lizardfolk StargazerThe tradition of astrology and looking to the stars for both navigation and prognostication is well-established in iruxi society, and their wise and observant stargazers are among the people’s most respected members. Even the lowliest stargazer, as presented here, has a number of useful primal spells to aid their kin; in larger iruxi settlements, stargazers wield even greater powers.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Lizardfolk Stargazer" - }, - { - "name": "Locathah Hunter", - "family": "Locathah", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Locathah", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1223", - "lore": "Locathah HunterDeep in the sea, schools of locathah—piscine humanoids armed with spears and specialized crossbows—stalk sharks, sea serpents, and giant squid from the backs of their giant moray eel mounts. The first hunters to strike are armed with barbed harpoons that deploy large fans of seaweed, slowing and exhausting their prey. A daring few locathahs use the embedded harpoon as a handle to ride prey for a short time. Once the creature is tired, remaining hunters finish it with longspears. Locathahs developed this hunting tradition to forge skilled warriors and deter potential attackers, partially in response to centuries of oppression and mistreatment from other aquatic cultures. Locathahs rarely hunt land-dwellers, instead offering to trade their services as guides in exchange for metal and ceramic items they can't build underwater—and for tubers, which they consider earthy delicacies. They render aid to damaged sailing ships and rescue shipwrecked sailors, providing food and guidance. Locathah communities—usually villages of 200 individuals or fewer—are matriarchal. The ruler is also as its primary egg-layer, providing each generation with powerful familial bonds. The communities are tight-knit and loyal. Matriarchs are advised and assisted by primal spellcasters and healers, who are often accompanied by octopus companions.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Locathah HunterSource Bestiary 3 pg. 164Perception +9; low-light visionLanguagesAquan, CommonSkillsAthletics +11, Diplomacy +5, Nature +7, Stealth +8, Survival +7Str +4Dex +3Con +0Int +1Wis +2Cha +0ItemsCrossbow (12 fan bolts), Longspear, Scale Mail---AC 20 Fort +7 Ref +10 Will +9 HP 38---Speed 10 feet, swim 40 feet; smooth swimmerMeleelongspear +11 (reach 10 feet),Damage 1d8+4 piercingMeleecrossbow +10 (range increment 120 feet, reload 1),Damage 1d8 piercing plus fan boltCooperative HuntingAfter the hunter attempts a Strike at a Large or larger target (regardless of success or failure), the next Strike one of the hunter's allies makes against the same target gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll.Fan BoltThe hunter prepares their hooked crossbow bolts with carefully woven seaweed. On a successful crossbow Strike, the bolt embeds and the seaweed fan deploys. The target takes a –10-foot status penalty to its swim Speed. A creature can Interact to attempt a DC Athletics check, removing the bolt on a success.Hunt Prey(Concentrate) The locathah hunter designates a single creature they can see and hear, or one they're Tracking, as their prey. The hunter gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks to Seek the prey and to Survival checks to Track the prey. The first time the locathah hits their designated prey in a round, they deal an additional 1d8 precision damage. These effects last until the hunter uses Hunt Prey again.Pack AttackThe hunter's Strikes deal an additional 1d8 damage to creatures within reach of at least two of the hunter's allies.Smooth SwimmerThe locathah hunter ignores difficult terrain caused by aquatic terrain features." - }, - { - "name": "Love Siktempora", - "family": "Siktempora", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Rare", "Siktempora", "Time", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1296", - "lore": "Love SiktemporaActs of great and intense love spawn love siktemporas, kindly creatures bearing intense strength that start and end wars in the name of the love that birthed them. These adept combatants form crossbows and bolts out of their emotional bonds, though they typically fight only to protect that which they love. While unable to speak given their featureless faces, they're nevertheless compassionate listeners and savvy communicators. Each love siktempora takes the form of two small humanoids conjoined at the hip with three legs, two arms, and two heads. Their faces are completely featureless except for a faint, ever present blush spread across their cheeks, and they always appear garbed in stylish garments from obscure civilizations.Unspecific Lore: DC 38Specific Lore: DC 35Love SiktemporaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 233Perception +28; darkvisionLanguagesAklo; (can't speak any language); telepathy 500 feetSkillsAcrobatics +31, Dimension of Time Lore +28, Diplomacy +33, Intimidation +31, Occultism +26, Performance +33Str +4Dex +9Con +5Int +4Wis +6Cha +9Telepathic Singer A love siktempora can provide verbal components and auditory performances for their composition spells even though they can't speak. They do so without needing to make noise, as all creatures within range of their telepathy hear the components in their mind. However, the siktempora can do so only as long as at least one other creature with an Intelligence modifier of +0 or higher is within the range of their telepathy.Temporal Sense A siktempora can always roll Dimension of Time Lore for initiative. When it does, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the roll.---AC 38 Fort +25 Ref +31 Will +28 HP 210, regeneration 50 (deactivated by evil, mental, or orichalcum)Immunitiesdisease, emotion, poisonDeflect Aggression(emotion, enchantment, mental, occult) Trigger The love siktempora is targeted by an attack; Effect The siktempora glows with compassion, deflecting the attacker's aggression. The siktempora gains a +2 circumstance bonus to their AC and resistance 15 against the triggering attack, and the attacker must attempt a saving throw against the siktempora's heartsong (see below).Uncanny PounceTrigger The love siktempora rolls Dimension of Time Lore for initiative; Effect The love siktempora Strides once and makes a claw Strike, in either order.---Speed 50 feet; _air walk_Rangedemotional bolt +31 (Agile, range increment 80 feet),Damage 3d10+10 piercing plus 1d10 mental and heartsongOccult Innate Spells DC 37- 4thDimension Door (at will)- 8thBlink- Constant (8th)Air WalkBard Composition Spells DC 37, 3 Focus Points- Cantrips (8th)Inspire Courage, Inspire Defense- 8thLingering CompositionHeartsong(Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Occult) A creature that takes mental damage from the love siktempora's emotional bolt must succeed at a DC 37 Will save or become fascinated by the siktempora until the end of the target's next turn. Hostile actions don't end this fascinated condition.Love's ImpunityThe love siktempora's emotional bolt Strike doesn't trigger reactions that normally trigger based off making a ranged attack.Telepathic Ballad(emotion, enchantment, mental, occult) The love siktempora casts _inspire courage_ or inspire defense. It increases the area to a 200-foot emanation and increases the status bonuses the cantrip provides to +2." - }, - { - "name": "Lovelorn", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Uncommon", "Undead", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1224", - "lore": "LovelornA particularly macabre form of undead, these spiderlike creatures resemble still-beating hearts with rib bones for legs and tendrils of gore dangling beneath. Their twisted forms hint at their ghastly origin, as these undead form from those who die tragic deaths in service to toxic love: star-crossed lovers who die rather than accept a life apart from one another, rejected suitors whose unrequited affections warp into malice, and other victims of tragic relationships both romantic and otherwise. Any of these might spawn a lovelorn in death, their anguish and fixation on their broken heart causing the organ to animate. A freshly spawned lovelorn often seeks out those it knew in life, stalking and tormenting them or, in some cases, those around them. In undeath, they gain an understanding of emotions and how to manipulate them, cultivating the misery, anger, and cruelty they thrive upon. Typically, these undead long to enact vengeance upon those they feel drove them to their tragic fates, although in rare cases they may instead act as dark guardians, fixating on a particular loved one and “protecting” them by visiting misery upon anyone who slights them.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 21Unspecific Lore: DC 19Specific Lore: DC 16LovelornSource Bestiary 3 pg. 165Perception +10; (12 to Sense Motive) darkvision, lifesense 30 feetLanguagesCommon; (can't speak any language)SkillsAthletics +12, Occultism +8, Stealth +13Str +4Dex +5Con +3Int -2Wis +2Cha +3---AC 21 Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +12 HP 60(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousGloom Aura (aura, emotion, illusion, mental, occult) 60 feet. A lovelorn's presence instills unease and turns the air cold, dark, and stale. Creatures within the aura take a –1 circumstance penalty to saving throws made to resist emotion effects. If the lovelorn makes a place home for a week or more, that location can become suffused with this magic even outside the lovelorn's aura, lasting until the lovelorn leaves or is destroyed.Skitter AwayTrigger A creature ends its movement in a space adjacent to the lovelorn; Effect The lovelorn Strides or Climbs 10 feet away from the triggering creature. This movement does not trigger reactions.---Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feetMeleefangs +13 (Finesse),Damage 1d6+6 piercing plus 1d6 persistent bleed and cynic's curseMeleegory tendril +13 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d4+6 bludgeoning plus GrabOccult Innate Spells DC 21- Cantrips (2nd)Ghost Sound, Mage Hand- 2ndFear (×3), Illusory Creature (at will), Illusory Object (at will), InvisibilityRituals DC 21- 2ndCreate Undead (doesn't require secondary casters)Cynic's Curse(Curse, Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Occult) A creature hit by a lovelorn's fangs Strike must attempt a DC 19 Will save as it grows morose and listless. If the creature would be affected by a _calm emotions_ spell, that spell attempts to counteract this curse instead of having its normal effect. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success For 1 minute, the target can't benefit from helpful emotion effects, but can still be affected by harmful emotion effects. Failure As success, plus the target is fatigued for the same duration. Critical Failure As failure, but the curse's effects are permanent.Lovelorn KeepsakesWhile a lovelorn has little use for treasure and rarely collects or hoards it for monetary value, these passionate undead often collect mementos and trinkets, both from their own lives before becoming undead and from their victims since becoming a lovelorn. While many of these possess little intrinsic value—paintings, diaries, handmade toys, and the like—it's not uncommon for lovelorns to fill their twisted nests with bejeweled rings and necklaces, antique combs, gold and platinum lockets, and the like." - }, - { - "name": "Luminous Ooze", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "504", - "lore": "Luminous OozeLuminous oozes are strange globular creatures that glow with brilliant multicolored light. Unlike many oozes, which rely on camouflage and stealth to attack their prey, luminous oozes attract victims with their impressive light displays before blinding them and launching into a frenzied attack. They are often found on the ceilings or walls of dark caverns, and more than a few curious spelunkers have met their end simply by investigating their strange yet beautiful light. The effects of electricity on luminous oozes are ill understood, though those who have studied these creatures liken their static-absorbing power to that of lightning rods. These creatures are highly sought after by status-hungry socialites, flamboyant barkeeps, and daring showrunners, for in addition to being dangerous monsters, luminous oozes are also incredible sources of beautiful prismatic light, comparable to a magical light show but available for a fraction of the price. The trick, of course, is capturing and penning such a specimen. The most reliable means of caging a luminous ooze is with a permanent wall of force shaped into a cube or sphere, but few have the means to create or commission such an enclosure. Instead, most people who find themselves in possession of a luminous ooze simply put it in a thick glass box. As long as they are well fed, luminous oozes accept this treatment, though woe be unto anyone in the vicinity if a hungry luminous ooze should escape from its display case.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 19Luminous Ooze" - }, - { - "name": "Lunar Naga", - "family": "Naga", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "736", - "lore": "Lunar NagaLunar nagas are skilled diviners and astrologers whose dark scales and white hair sparkle with motes of light that mimic the night skies to which they are forever drawn. While they are less physically imposing than other nagas, they possess a graceful beauty that many find entrancing, even without the help of the naga's inherent magical abilities. Earning a lunar naga's trust is difficult, but not impossible, especially for someone who shares the creature's interest in the celestial sphere. As they have no hands, lunar nagas use mage hand to manipulate delicate instruments and fine telescopes to observe the night sky. They track the positions of celestial bodies, recording their discoveries in esoteric journals. At their best, lunar nagas are wise and mysterious beings who seek to expand their knowledge of the cosmos. At their worst, after too much exposure to the unfathomable entities that dwell in the darkness between the stars, they become dark prophets who drive others to commit terrible deeds in the name of abominable masters. On Golarion, the lunar nagas of the nation of Nagajor use their abilities to serve many communities as soothsayers. A few have founded observatories in which they and their followers explore the night sky. Some nagas even use their knowledge of the stars as navigators on ships or overland caravans. In the broader world, where people do not give nagas deference as nearly divine rulers, lunar nagas try to avoid contact with outsiders or use their magical powers of disguise to hide their true forms from all but their most worthy allies.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 24Lunar Naga" - }, - { - "name": "Lurker In Light", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "726", - "lore": "Lurker In LightThese malicious and strange fey appear as fairies about 2 feet tall, with insectile wings, large eyes, and bulbous heads. They slaughter and cause mischief in a pattern only their alien intellect understands, but they've been seen to take particular umbrage against dwarves, gnomes, and creatures who live in darkness. With their grudges and pursuit of their own wicked and sadistic whims, lurkers in light deftly overturn the conventional wisdom that creatures associated with light are benign and friendly. While lurkers in light are fey and have ties to the First World, these creatures are often found elsewhere in the Great Beyond. They are particularly fond of invading the Shadow Plane to bring light to those who dwell there-not to help, but to spread misery and pain among those to whom light is agonizing.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 20Lurker In Light" - }, - { - "name": "Lusca", - "family": "—", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1010", - "lore": "LuscaA lusca is a predatory sea monster that resembles a three-headed shark with the body of an octopus. Ferocious electrical storms usually herald a lusca's arrival; such violent bursts of electricity result from the creature's superconductive flesh, which allows the lusca to store energy from lightning strikes that it can then discharge at foes.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 38Lusca" - }, - { - "name": "Lyrakien (Wanderer Azata)", - "family": "Azata", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "34", - "lore": "Lyrakien (Wanderer Azata)Lyrakiens are musical messengers and embodiments of free travel. They serve Desna and other deities and empyreal lords of Elysium, but are quite fond of the concept of free time and are always on the hunt for opportunities to pause in their duties to enjoy music or appreciate a moment of beauty. They love contests, stories, and songs, and they often challenge mortals to musical contests or pester them to share grand tales of their exploits. Lyrakiens rely on their agility to avoid conflicts, but they do their best to defend places of great natural beauty, especially against lawful or evil foes they can damage with their starlight. Lyrakiens have an innate wanderlust and rarely stay in the same place for very long. Some travel alongside adventurers, ofter writing songs about their quests and feats of derring-do.Though light-hearted creatures, lyrakiens don't let their whimsical personalities get in the way of protecting breathtaking natural locations. Often called “glistenwings” by gnomes and halflings, they are frequently mistaken for sprites or similar fey, a bit of confusion that many lyrakiens find amusing and fertile ground for shenanigans involving those they deem deserving of a bit of unexpected fun and discord in their lives.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 15Lyrakien" - }, - { - "name": "Maftet Guardian", - "family": "Maftet", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1225", - "lore": "Maftet GuardianMaftets are hawk-winged humanoids with leonine lower bodies that dwell in ancient ruins and cities thought lost, typically in desert or mountain regions. They view themselves as guardians and practice a specialized technique of dual-wielding scimitars so central to their culture that a maftet's scimitars are often cherished family heirlooms. Most maftets venerate their ancestors in addition to various deities, and even a child can detail their family lineage back multiple generations. Maftet prides tend to be matriarchal and isolationist, though maftets aren't necessarily hostile to outsiders who respect their homes and don't seek to loot them. When a young maftet comes of age, they receive runic tattoos from a pride's elder. These tattoos are imbued with magic that allows a maftet to enchant their wielded weapons, but the individualized designs tell of the maftet's ancestors, childhood adventures, and positive qualities. Such tattoos are considered sacred and never given to non-maftets.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 22Unspecific Lore: DC 20Specific Lore: DC 17Maftet GuardianSource Bestiary 3 pg. 166Perception +14; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, SphinxSkillsAcrobatics +13, Arcana +13, Athletics +15, Ruins Lore +15, Stealth +13Str +5Dex +3Con +4Int +3Wis +2Cha +0ItemsScimitar (2)---AC 23 Fort +14 Ref +15 Will +12 HP 92Runic Resistance(arcane, abjuration) Trigger The maftet takes damage from a Strike or spell effect; Effect The maftet's protective runic tattoos glow, granting them resistance 5 to one damage type dealt by the triggering attack. This resistance applies against the triggering effect and lasts for 1 minute or until the maftet uses this ability again, whichever comes first. If the triggering effect deals multiple damage types, the maftet chooses which type to resist.---Speed 30 feet, fly 40 feetMelee_scimitar_ +17 (Forceful, Magical, Sweep),Damage 2d6+8 slashingArcane Innate Spells DC 23- Cantrips (3rd)Sigil- 1stSanctuary (×3), True StrikePaired StrikeRequirements The maftet is wielding two scimitars; Effect The maftet makes two Strikes against the same target, one with each of their scimitars. The maftet combines the damage of any attacks that hit and applies resistances and weaknesses only once. This counts as one attack when calculating the maftet's multiple attack penalty.Powerful Scimitars(Arcane, Evocation) Any non-magical scimitar becomes a _+1 striking scimitar_ while a maftet wields it.Raptor DiveRequirements The maftet is flying at least 10 feet above the target; Effect The maftet Flies up to twice their fly Speed and makes a Paired Strike at the end of the movement. If both Strikes hit, the target is also knocked prone." - }, - { - "name": "Magma Scorpion", - "family": "Elemental, Fire", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "658", - "lore": "Magma ScorpionWhether skittering through Abyssal wastelands or basking in the searing sand of the deepest deserts, magma scorpions have charred carapaces constantly emitting vision-warping waves of heat.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 24Magma Scorpion" - }, - { - "name": "Maharaja", - "family": "Rakshasa", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Rakshasa", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1272", - "lore": "MaharajaThe most powerful of all rakshasas, maharajas form very rarely, never more than once or twice a century, and only from the reincarnated spirits of other powerful and wicked rakshasas. The birth of a new maharaja rakshasa is a momentous occasion, and less powerful rakshasas will seek to curry favor with the new maharaja at an early age. Each maharaja rakshasa is unique and boasts their own selection of spells. All are generally humanoid save for their many heads, which always number at least four and can range up to a dozen. One of these heads tends to be humanoid, while the others take the forms of cats, snakes, and other predatory animals.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 45Unspecific Lore: DC 43Specific Lore: DC 40MaharajaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 211Perception +37; darkvisionLanguagesAbyssal, Common, Infernal, Undercommon; _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +33, Arcana +33, Deception +41, Diplomacy +38, Intimidation +38, Lore +33, Occultism +35, Religion +35, Society +35Str +8Dex +9Con +7Int +7Wis +7Cha +10Items_+2 greater striking falchion_---AC 45 all-around visionFort +31 Ref +33 Will +35 +2 status to all saves vs. magic, +3 status to all saves vs. divine magicHP 320Resistancesphysical 20 (except piercing)Weaknessesgood 20Reflect Spell(abjuration, occult) Trigger A foe Casts a Spell the maharaja knows, and the maharaja rakshasa can see its manifestation; Effect The maharaja expends one of their spell slots to reflect the triggering creature's spell. The maharaja loses their spell slot as if they had cast the triggering spell, and then attempts to counteract it (counteract modifier +37, counteract level 10). On a success, the maharaja turns the spell back on its caster. The reflected spell affects only the caster, even if it's an area spell or would normally affect more than one creature. The original caster can attempt a save and use other defenses against the reflected spell as normal.---Speed 40 feet, fly 30 feetMeleefalchion +38 (Forceful, Sweep),Damage 3d10+16 slashing plus 3d6 mentalMeleefangs +34 (Agile),Damage 4d6+14 piercingOccult Spontaneous Spells DC 47- Cantrips (9th)Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Shield- 1stMagic Missile, Sanctuary, True Strike, Ventriloquism (4 slots)- 2ndDarkness, Dispel Magic, Misdirection, See Invisibility (4 slots)- 3rdDispel Magic, Enthrall, Haste, Hypercognition, Nondetection (4 slots)- 4thConfusion, Dimension Door, Dispel Magic, Modify Memory, Read Omens (4 slots)- 5thCrushing Despair, Dispel Magic, False Vision, Shadow Blast, Shadow Walk (4 slots)- 6thRepulsion, Scrying, True Seeing, Vampiric Exsanguination (4 slots)- 7thDispel Magic, Haste, Possession, Project Image, Reverse Gravity (4 slots)- 8thDiscern Location, Dispel Magic, Maze, Mind Blank, Prismatic Wall (4 slots)- 9thDispel Magic, Foresight, Overwhelming Presence, Telepathic Demand, Weird (4 slots)- 10thFabricated Truth (1 slot)Occult Innate Spells DC 47- 9thClairaudience (at will), Clairvoyance (at will), Mind Reading (at will)- 10thDominate- Constant (9th)TonguesAutonomous SpellFrequency once per round; Trigger a foe's turn begins; Effect The maharaja's four heads allow them to quickly cast additional spells. They cast one of their 8th-level or lower occult spontaneous spells that normally takes 2 actions or fewer to cast.Change Shape(Concentrate, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The maharaja takes on the appearance of any Medium humanoid. This doesn't change their Speed or their attack and damage modifiers with their Strikes but might change the damage type their Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning). They lose their fangs Strike unless the humanoid form has fangs or a similar unarmed attack, and they lose Four-Fanged Assault unless the new form has four or more heads and fangs.Four-Fanged AssaultThe maharaja makes four fangs Strikes, each against a different target. These Strikes count as only one attack for the maharaja's multiple attack penalty, and the penalty doesn't increase until after they have made all four attacks." - }, - { - "name": "Mammoth", - "family": "Elephant", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "202", - "lore": "MammothFound mostly in colder climates, mammoths are accustomed to dealing with desperate and dangerous predators, trampling and crushing their enemies while using their larger tusks to greater effect. Humanoids dwelling in harsh, frost-bound lands rely on the mammoth’s strength to help them survive.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 27Mammoth" - }, - { - "name": "Mandragora", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "727", - "lore": "MandragoraA mandragora looks like a freshly pulled tuber that has grown into the malformed shape of a child with a grotesque face and hideously bloated body. These insidious little plants typically form when a mandrake root is watered with a demon's blood. Upon absorbing the otherworldly properties of the demon's blood, the root animates and is forced to seek out blood to feast from, lest it die of thirst. Always famished and in search for sustenance, mandragoras live haunted, pained lives and perform vile and desperate acts to acquire the blood they crave. While they prefer magically infused blood such as that of unicorns, fey, or sorcerers, and they can also feed off of potions, alchemical bombs, and other magical elixirs, a mandragora can subsist on the blood of non-magical creatures. They find the flavor of mundane blood to be bland and bitter, and they do not blanch at voicing these complaints to the creatures from which they drink. While the typical mandragora is the size of a human child, some of these evil plants continue to grow and grow, reaching sizes more comparable to those of giants. Sometimes as they grow, they form additional limbs or rudimentary faces, eventually transforming into truly hideous mockeries of the human form.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 19Mandragora" - }, - { - "name": "Manta Ray", - "family": "Ray", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "786", - "lore": "Manta RayWhile manta rays might appear daunting, they are generally docile. Manta rays are found in temperate or tropical oceans, and they generally stay in the upper reaches or at the surface of deeper waters. These rays are filter feeders that subsist on plankton. They can also eat larger fish or aquatic creatures as the need arises, but rarely attack anything Small or larger. Many underwater cultures, particularly aquatic elves, raise and farm manta rays to serve as messengers, beasts of burden, or even pets. Manta rays don't make particularly good mounts, but some aquatic civilizations use them to draw underwater carriages.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Manta Ray" - }, - { - "name": "Manticore", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "294", - "lore": "ManticoreThe manticore is a monstrous amalgamation of lion, dragon, and human with a penchant for feasting on human flesh. Its distinctive tail is festooned with large quills like those of a porcupine, which the manticore flings at prey by whipping its tail like a sling. These deadly spikes give the manticore the power to slaughter even well-armed warriors from the safety of the sky. Although the anthropomorphic face of the manticore suggests a keen intellect, most creatures of its kind are simple-minded killers. They can be clever liars, however, and their voices have a strangely musical sound that has lured many unwitting travelers into an ambush. A manticore discovered by uneducated humanoids (especially those who are both lawful and evil) can sometimes become the center of adoration and even worship; a manticore in this situation swiftly gives in to its laziness and allows its acolytes to bring it tribute in the form of food and treasure, feasting upon its own followers when offerings become scarce. Stronger humanoids who encounter a manticore can cow it through intimidation and violence, sometimes even forcing it into service as a mount. As long as the manticore is well fed with human flesh and its master leads it to victory, a manticore mount can prove surprisingly loyal.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 22Manticore" - }, - { - "name": "Manticore Paaridar", - "family": "Paaridar", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Paaridar", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1259", - "lore": "Manticore PaaridarMonks dissatisfied with the limits of their humanoid forms and yearning for a shortcut can steal the might from other creatures. These monks become paaridars, amalgamations that blend the features of their former ancestry with the form of another creature. The transformation challenges the limits of the paaridar's body and soul, demanding continual discipline to maintain control. The rituals to make this transformation were developed by Paaridus, namesake of this loose monastic order. The process requires a captive creature—a victim to draw powers from. Over days of intense rituals, the monk displaces their own chakras with those of the victim. This unnatural process transforms the ki, and thereby the body. The lower chakras are considered “safer” to replace. Most Paaridars stop at the root, sacral, and navel chakras. To go farther risks losing control of one's emotions and intellect entirely, a fate Paaridus himself succumbed to. Paaridars consider this his sacrifice and lesson, but other monks recognize that even one step on this path is profane. The creature victimized by the ritual remains—still alive, but only a husk, as the transformed chakras within leave it weak and removed from its nature.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 25Unspecific Lore: DC 23Specific Lore: DC 20Manticore PaaridarSource Bestiary 3 pg. 198Perception +18; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +16, Athletics +19, Intimidation +11, Manticore Lore +14, Occultism +10Str +6Dex +5Con +3Int -1Wis +5Cha -2Items_+1 handwraps of mighty blows_---AC 26 Fort +14 Ref +18 Will +16 HP 110Sharp Riposte Trigger An adjacent creature targets the paaridar with a melee attack; Effect The paaridar blocks the attack with their claws. The paaridar gains resistance 5 to physical damage from the attack, and if the attack hits, the attacker takes 1d8+4 slashing damage.---Speed 40 feet, fly 20 feet (limited flight)Meleejaws +18 (Magical),Damage 2d8+8 piercingMeleeclaw +18 (Agile, Magical),Damage 2d6+8 slashingRangedspike +16 (Propulsive, range increment 40 feet),Damage 1d10+5 piercingFlurry of BlowsFrequency once per round; Effect The paaridar makes two unarmed Strikes or two spike Strikes. If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses.Limited FlightThe manticore paaridar's wings are small and weak, insufficient to keep them in the air. If the paaridar Flies using their wings, they fall at the end of their turn if they haven't landed.Monk Ki SpellsThe Paaridar's ki flow is unnaturally disrupted, causing them to take 1d6 negative damage each time they cast a ki spell. 3 Focus Points, DC 24; 4th ki rush, ki strike, wholeness of body" - }, - { - "name": "Mari Lwyd", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1027", - "lore": "Mari LwydNethys Note: The Mari Lwyd is a creature from the 2021 New Years celebratory blog post.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 30Mari Lwyd" - }, - { - "name": "Marid", - "family": "Genie", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Genie", "Water"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "215", - "lore": "MaridMarids are capricious but powerful genies from the Plane of Water; among geniekind, they are rivaled in power only by the fiery efreet. Marids embody the strength of the ocean’s waves and currents, but they also have a gentler side, loving performance and art such as dancing, music, and storytelling.Marids regard efreet with hostility but rarely encounter them in their native environment. They get along with djinn, jann, and shaitans, although the latter consider marids flighty and annoying, associating only long enough to close trade deals. Marid society has strict rules of hospitality, and many marid cities have a magically sealed foreign quarter where marid shahzadas conduct business with air-breathers.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 28Marid" - }, - { - "name": "Marilith (Pride Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "103", - "lore": "Marilith (Pride Demon)Mariliths are the generals of the Abyss, formed from the souls of proud evil mortals, often warlords and despots. They appear as tall and powerfully built humans from the waist up with snake tails and six arms. Because of Lamashtu’s prominence over other demonic deities, most pride demons encountered by mortals take female form, but they can be of any gender. Mariliths are among the greatest tacticians in the Abyss, and they have an almost supernatural knack for understanding the ripples of chaos and the unpredictable nature of demonic life. Their ability to command armies rises as much from their commanding presence as it does their ability to read into the potential results of any possible act and a sufficient understanding of the flow of entropy to allow them to predict likely outcomes.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 36Marilith" - }, - { - "name": "Marrmora", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "728", - "lore": "MarrmoraOn the First World, marrmoras dwell in ruined wildlands perpetually scourged by fire and rarely, if ever, travel elsewhere. When a wildfire devastates a wilderness region on the Material Plane and results in the death of other fey, marrmoras can be drawn across the planar boundary to revel in the resulting destruction. They seek to reignite the fires that beckoned them, to gather up and feed upon the charred remains of those who perished within (particularly the bodies of dead fey), though they do grow homesick if they spend too much time away from the First World. They are burdened by a capricious but persistent rage and are unfailingly cruel. While they are capable of negotiation and intelligent interaction, they almost never bargain in good faith and typically interact with others only as a means to more efficiently spread their fiery devastation. A marmorra's twisted appearance evokes the look of an arboreal whose bark has been burnt down to charcoal. They have nearly featureless faces and hands ending in long, sharp claws. Their broken flesh looks like charcoal-burnt wood, riddled with cracks that still glow with an unwholesome heat. They trail ash wherever they walk, and wisps of smoke curl off of their bodies. Though marrmoras enjoy the sight of any woodland and its inhabitants roasting in the flames of their carefully curated fires, there is little that brings more pleasure to a marrmora than the sight of good-aligned plant creatures cooking to a crisp.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 34Marrmora" - }, - { - "name": "Marsh Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "679", - "lore": "Marsh GiantDwellers of brackish coastal salt marshes and fetid bogs and swamps, marsh giants are hideous in appearance indeed, with fishlike mouths, slimy gray-green skin, and dark, beady eyes. They prefer to eat the flesh of those they slay in battle, but many are also cannibals. It is perhaps this vicious behavior that keeps the creatures in check, for if a fellow marsh giant becomes too dangerous and powerful, it runs the risk of being ambushed and consumed by its clan. Marsh giants are insular and mysterious, dedicating much of their lives to zealous worship of sea-dwelling deities or stranger entities. While there is no central religion followed by all marsh giants, many are known to venerate the demon lord Dagon, while others worship even more powerful monstrosities from the Elder Mythos, such as distant, dreaming Cthulhu. Only rarely do more than a dozen marsh giants settle together in a location, but when they do it is often for a religious purpose. Whatever call from the deep draws them together also tugs at nearby creatures such as boggards or skum, who look upon marsh giants in fear and reverence. The grim, terrifying chants and screams coming from such an encampment are a sure sign of terror to come for any other residents of the area. Barely topping 11 feet tall and 1,000 pounds, marsh giants are small for giants but make up for their relatively diminutive stature with their zealotry.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 24Marsh Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Marut", - "family": "Aeon", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aeon", "Inevitable", "Monitor"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "538", - "lore": "MarutA marut is tasked with hunting mortals who cheat death by artificially extending their lifespans. This includes those who seek undeath, such as liches and vampires, but also includes those who use powerful magic to cling to their youth, use divination to discover and avoid an appointed death, or call too often on the power of resurrection. Once the marut has selected its target, the inevitable pursues its quarry without surcease or deviation until either it or the target is dead. Maruts seem to be carved from stone and clad in golden armor, yet they move with the deliberate grace of a creature made of flesh and bone. A marut never rushes, but its thunderous footfalls are relentless as it pursues its target. Though able to speak any language, the marut is taciturn even among inevitables.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 34Marut" - }, - { - "name": "Mastodon", - "family": "Elephant", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "668", - "lore": "MastodonNot to be confused with the larger mammoth, mastodons are primeval elephants who dwell predominantly in temperate forests. There, they travel in close-knit social groups and feed on the forest vegetation.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 26Mastodon" - }, - { - "name": "Mechanical Carny", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "505", - "lore": "Mechanical CarnyMechanical carnies are constructs manufactured to serve as entertainers, cleaners, and guards at carnivals and circuses. The first of these constructs was created by a gnome inventor who yearned for a tireless companion who could make her laugh and smile. Her invention was so successful that it has spawned countless imitations and knockoffs throughout the Inner Sea, and mechanical carnies of some form or another are a staple throughout metropolitan lands in both Avistan and Garund. Other Mechanical Carnies The statistics here represent a relatively simple mechanical carny; the extravagance and range of a mechanical carny’s abilities are limited only by the skill and imagination of its creator. To represent other kinds of mechanical carnies, you can swap out the mechanical carny’s Berserk and Berserk Slam abilities with one of the following. Bounce Back Requirement The mechanical carny takes damage from a melee attack; Effect The mechanical carny wobbles violently to and fro, making two headbutt Strikes: the first against the creature (if any) on the opposite side of itself from the creature that triggered this reaction and the second against the creature that triggered this reaction. Spring-Loaded Jump (move) The mechanical carny leaps up to 25 feet into the air and lands within 25 feet (or a distance equal to the height of the carny’s jump, if fewer) of where it started, taking no falling damage. Water Cannon (water) The mechanical carny sprays a 15-foot cone of water, dealing 2d6+4 nonlethal bludgeoning to creatures in the area (DC 18 basic Reflex save) and extinguishing any non-magical fires.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 16Mechanical Carny" - }, - { - "name": "Medusa", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "297", - "lore": "MedusaMonstrous humanoids that resemble humans with snakes instead of hair, medusas are best known for their petrifying gazes that—if lingered upon—can permanently transform mortals to stone. Medusas are shrewd and manipulative adversaries who collect and covet secrets, and who use threats and guile to exploit the fears of weaker creatures. A medusa may seek out powerful magic items, use divination magic to discover secret knowledge and unlock forbidden power, or infiltrate a society to beguile influential politicians. Their ability to worm their way into powerful organizations makes them natural leaders of criminal out ts and thieves’ guilds, and their interest in magical phenomena leads some to pursue careers as oracles who offer to help adventurers find what they seek—for a price. Of course, if wit and deception proves insufficient, a medusa can always simply turn rivals into ornate stone decorations with little more than a glare. Exceptionally agile and surprisingly hardy, a medusa rarely backs down from a conflict even when cornered. Many adventurers who thought themselves readied to resist the effects of a medusa’s gaze have nevertheless fallen to a medusa, as these creatures are also often deadly archers able to riddle their foes with venom-coated arrows from a distance. Still, a medusa may barter for their life if no alternatives remain, and the secrets carried by these powerful villains often make it more than worth sparing the monster’s life.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 23Medusa" - }, - { - "name": "Megalania", - "family": "Lizard", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "725", - "lore": "MegalaniaMegalanias, like their smaller cousins the giant monitor lizards, strike fast and use their powerful bite to grip their prey. They prefer to swallow their prey whole rather than risk others getting a bite of a hard-won meal.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 23Megalania" - }, - { - "name": "Megalictis", - "family": "Weasel", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1365", - "lore": "MegalictisThese giant weasels are driven by the same hunger that plagues their smaller cousins, but because of their much larger size, they can quickly devastate the wildlife in an environment. They tend to avoid humanoids but have been known to attack if driven by hunger or fear.A megalictis uses the same constricting bite as smaller weasels, remaining attached even if other creatures attack. Given their remarkable stature, a megalictis can take down sizable prey, including horses and even the occasional bear, if the opportunity presents itself. A megalictis can grow to be 5 feet long and weighs around 150 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13MegalictisSource Bestiary 3 pg. 291Perception +10; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +9, Athletics +8, Stealth +9Str +3Dex +4Con +3Int -4Wis +1Cha +0Lithe A megalictis treats any tight space it can barely fit its head in or wider as difficult terrain and doesn't need to Squeeze to move through it.---AC 19 Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +6 HP 42---Speed 25 feetMeleejaws +11 (Finesse),Damage 1d12+5 piercing plus GrabMeleeclaw +11 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d10+5 slashingConstrict1d12+2 piercing, DC 20" - }, - { - "name": "Megalodon", - "family": "Shark", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "366", - "lore": "MegalodonPrehistoric sharks of incredible size, strength, and ferocity, megalodons scour waters deep and shallow to sate their considerable hunger. The presence of a megalodon undeniably affects the local aquatic ecosystem.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 28Megalodon" - }, - { - "name": "Megaprimatus", - "family": "Ape", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "26", - "lore": "MegaprimatusThe megaprimatus is among the mightiest of apes, quick to confront any perceived intrusions into its domain. With a height of 40 feet, it towers over even most giants, and is used to being the top-tier predator in the region.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 24Megaprimatus" - }, - { - "name": "Megatherium", - "family": "Sloth", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1314", - "lore": "MegatheriumMegatheriums dwell deep within ancient forests and humid jungles. Fiercely territorial, these immense creatures are often smelt before seen. Though they travel on all fours, megatheriums can reach foliage 20 feet above the forest floor by standing on their hind legs and short, thick tails. Their enormous foreclaws, used to bend tree limbs within reach of their mouths, can cleave a horse in two and crush its rider. The musk of the megatherium serves as a warning to potential predators and other megatheriums that they're too close. Adult megatheriums are so territorial that most don't reproduce more than twice in their lifetime. Though the creatures regularly patrol their territory for intruders, they tend to avoid settlements unless food has become scarce. When they do stray into towns, they've been known to devour entire orchards in a day.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15MegatheriumSource Bestiary 3 pg. 248Perception +13; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +16, Stealth +9, Survival +11Str +7Dex +2Con +4Int -4Wis +2Cha -1---AC 21 Fort +15 Ref +9 Will +11 HP 85Musk (aura, olfactory) 20 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or become sickened 1. While inside the aura, affected creatures take a –1 circumstance penalty to recover from the sickened condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute.---Speed 30 feet, climb 10 feetMeleeclaw +15 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+8 slashing plus KnockdownMeleefoot +15 (Agile),Damage 2d6+8 bludgeoningRendclaw" - }, - { - "name": "Meladaemon (Famine Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "593", - "lore": "Meladaemon (Famine Daemon)Meladaemons personify death by starvation and thirst, and revel in spreading the same despair that brought about their mortal demise. When they aren't blighting fields, massacring livestock, or tainting water supplies, they experiment on prisoners to study how long creatures can go without sustenance and the deleterious effects that result from such deprivation. Fiercely loyal to Trelmarixian, Horseman of Famine, they serve no other beings. They work alongside other daemons if Trelmarixian wills it, but are notoriously traitorous.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 28Meladaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Melixie", - "family": "Sprite", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1322", - "lore": "MelixieMelixies are hyperactive insect sprites with legendary sweet tooths, capable of drinking down honey, nectar, sugar, and other sweets in alarming quantities. Melixies take the insectile wings common among winged fey and up the ante with antennae and additional insect features, typically shared with bees but sometimes with butterflies, moths, ladybugs, or other beetles. Melixies live in a pattern of rapid consumption of sweets, incredible productivity in tasks of all sorts, and then a crash to sleep it all off and start again. Melixies in their productive state even engage happily in large-scale repetitive tasks that most sprites find dreadfully dull. In their spare time, melixies love to dance, and some of them learn a dancelike sign language called Melisylvan, allowing them to communicate a full range of information through movement. Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 14Unspecific Lore: DC 12Specific Lore: DC 9MelixieSource Bestiary 3 pg. 254Perception +4; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, Sylvan; speak with arthropodsSkillsAcrobatics +6, Confectionery Lore +6, Crafting +6, Stealth +6Str -1Dex +4Con +2Int +2Wis +0Cha +3Speak with Arthropods A melixie can communicate with arthropods, such as insects, spiders, scorpions, crabs, and similar invertebrate animals. They can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on arthropods and Request things from arthropods.---AC 16 Fort +6 Ref +8 Will +4 HP 17Weaknessescold iron 2---Speed 10 feet, fly 40 feetMeleestinger +8 (Agile, Finesse, Magical),Damage 1d6–1 bludgeoning damageRangedsting shot +8 (Evocation, Magical, range 20 feet),Damage 1d6 poisonPrimal Innate Spells DC 17- Cantrips (1st)Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound- 1stAnt HaulSugar Rush(Manipulate) The melixie consumes a large quantity of sugar, honey, nectar, or similar sweets and goes into a frenzied state. The melixie immediately Strides or Flies. For the next 1d4+1 rounds, the melixie is quickened, and can use the additional action only to Stride or Fly. As soon as the rush ends, the melixie is fatigued for 1 minute.Minature DessertsWhile most melixies gobble up any sweets they find, those who can resist eating the raw ingredients for long enough learn to use them create incredibly small desserts in a startling variety of styles and flavors. Some members of larger ancestries even enjoy the way that a tray of melixie desserts allows them to experience so many different flavors before becoming full." - }, - { - "name": "Melody On The Wind", - "family": "Elemental, Air", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "649", - "lore": "Melody On The WindThis cloud of song and sound has been caught by the wind and carried across the air. While the melody on the wind (known by some as a song elemental, despite the fact that no such place as a plane of song exists in the known multiverse) might enjoy the beauty of music, it is by nature a destructive elemental force.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 27Melody On The Wind" - }, - { - "name": "Merfolk Warrior", - "family": "Merfolk", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Humanoid", "Merfolk"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "298", - "lore": "Merfolk WarriorMerfolk warriors form the bulk of the militias of their vast underwater realms and meet potential aggressors head-on with uncompromising force.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Merfolk Warrior" - }, - { - "name": "Merfolk Wavecaller", - "family": "Merfolk", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Humanoid", "Merfolk"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "299", - "lore": "Merfolk WavecallerMerfolk wavecallers use their primal power to call forth allies and defend their people with deadly magic.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Merfolk Wavecaller" - }, - { - "name": "Mezlan", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Ooze", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1226", - "lore": "MezlanThe bizarre shapeshifters known as mezlans were created ages ago as spies and infiltrators by a long-forgotten ritual infusing a magically constructed ooze with the soul of an exceptional sapient being. Having long since outlasted their creators, mezlans most often dwell alone amongst the ruins of the ancient civilizations they served as mortals.Recall Knowledge - Ooze(Occultism): DC 37Unspecific Lore: DC 35Specific Lore: DC 32MezlanSource Bestiary 3 pg. 167Perception +25; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Azlanti; polyglotSkillsAthletics +28, Deception +27, Occultism +24, Stealth +28Str +8Dex +6Con +5Int +4Wis +5Cha +5Polyglot A mezlan can speak and understand any language they hear spoken after listening to the language for 1 minute. These languages fade from their mind after 24 hours.---AC 31 Fort +25 Ref +28 Will +23 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 260, regeneration 15 (deactivated by acid)Immunitiescritical hits, precision, unconsciousWeaknessesacid 10Absorb SpellTrigger The mezlan succeeds at a saving throw against a single-target spell; Effect The mezlan absorbs the spell, —ifying its effect and storing it for later. They can Cast the Spell using the original caster's spell attack modifier and DC. They can store only one spell at a time, but they can absorb a new spell to replace the spell they currently have stored. A willing caster can allow the mezlan to Absorb a Spell without requiring a save.Discorporate When the mezlan is reduced to 0 Hit Points, their body dissolves into colorless slime and begins seeping into nearby cracks or porous surfaces. If this material is not immediately contained or destroyed, the mezlan will eventually re-form, though they may lie dormant for years or even decades before doing so.---Speed 30 feetMeleepolymorphic appendage +30 (Magical, versatile P, versatile S),Damage 3d12+14 bludgeoningRangedooze globule +28 (range increment 30 feet),Damage viscous trapChange Shape(Concentrate, Polymorph, Transmutation) The mezlan assumes the form of any Medium or Small creature, excluding those with the elemental, incorporeal, or swarm traits but including specific individuals whose appearance they've seen. This doesn't change the mezlan's Speed or their attack and damage bonus with their Strikes, but the damage type dealt by their Strikes might change based on their new form.Extend LimbThe mezlan extends one of their limbs, granting themself a reach of 20 feet with their polymorphic appendages until the end of their next turn.Viscous TrapA creature hit by the mezlan's ooze globule takes a –15-foot circumstance penalty to all Speeds for 1 minute. On a critical hit, a target standing on a solid surface also becomes immobilized, while a target Flying via wings falls to the ground and becomes unable to Fly. A target can end all effects by Escaping (DC 32) or spending a total of 3 Interact actions to free itself.Keepers of SecretsDespite their strange nature, all mezlans retain the minds of the individuals they were before being transformed, making them potential repositories of knowledge long forgotten by any living creature. However, millennia of isolation have rendered most mezlans' personalities eccentric at best, with inscrutable motivations, so explorers brave enough to seek them out are advised to be wary" - }, - { - "name": "Mi-Go", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fungus", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fungus", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1227", - "lore": "Mi-GoMi-gos are both scientists and colonists, yet their extraterrestrial nature and malevolent motives color their investigations with cruelty. While their shape resembles that of an arthropod, mi-gos are in fact a highly evolved and intelligent fungus. In mi-go society, the pursuit of secular knowledge and religious epiphany have no distinction and inspire their pursuits in tandem. They view the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones of the Elder Mythos less as gods to obey and more as muses or figures of inspiration. This results in their use of a strange blend of magic and technology to create bizarre, organic items that are grown and spliced together as much as crafted in the traditional sense. A mi-go can survive in the void of outer space and flies through the vacuum at incredible speeds—though these journeys can take months within a single solar system and years to travel beyond. When they come to new planets to mine resources rare on their home worlds, they use clever disguises that mix technology and magic to appear as creatures of that world. While there, they select the greatest minds of that world as trophies, extracting their brains and preserving them within an eldritch cylinder that grants an awful immortality to the mind kept within.Recall Knowledge - Fungus(Nature): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Mi-GoSource Bestiary 3 pg. 168Perception +14; low-light vision, tremorsense (precise) 30 feetLanguagesAklo, Common, Mi-GoSkillsAcrobatics +13, Athletics +12, Arcana +15, Deception +14, Medicine +17, Occultism +15, Religion +14, Stealth +13, Thievery +13Str +2Dex +5Con +3Int +5Wis +4Cha +2---AC 24 Fort +13 Ref +17 Will +14 HP 120ImmunitiescoldWeaknessesslashing 5No Breath A mi-go doesn't breathe and is immune to effects that require breathing (such as an inhaled poison).---Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feetMeleeclaw +15 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d6+4 slashing plus GrabClever DisguisesA mi-go can use Deception to impersonate any Medium humanoid creature, although creating such a disguise takes 1 hour. It can't impersonate a specific individual with this ability.Eviscerate(Manipulate) The mi-go performs a swift and painful surgery on a creature it has grabbed or restrained or that is otherwise immobilized, attempting a Medicine check against the target's Fortitude DC. Regardless of the result, the target then becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours. Critical Success The target takes 6d6 slashing damage, is slowed 1 for 1 round, and becomes clumsy 1, enfeebled 1, or stupefied 1 (the mi-go chooses) for 24 hours. Success The target takes 4d6 slashing damage and is slowed 1 for 1 round by the pain. Failure The target takes 2d6 slashing damage. Critical Failure The target takes no damage.Sneak AttackA mi-go deals an extra 1d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.Mi-Go LanguageThe mi-go language consists of pulsations and flashes of a wide range of colors (some of which can't be seen by humans) generated on a mi-go's head. This language can be learned by other creatures, but they cannot use it to “speak” to others without the use of illusion magic capable of generating the complex series of colors. Even then, most creatures can convey only basic notions and concepts." - }, - { - "name": "Millindemalion", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1228", - "lore": "MillindemalionMillindemalion are cruel fey tricksters capable of causing mayhem with their magical, mind-altering hats. Many folk tales from around the world speak of industrious fey who help struggling crafters—cobblers, milliners, tailors, and so on—during the night, creating quality wares in secret for no payment greater than a crumb of bread or a saucer of cream. These stories hold a grain of truth, as gracious fey do occasionally journey from the First World to aid a humble artisan on a whim, for bribes of food, or sometimes even as part of a concerted effort to spread beauty throughout the world. However, when an artisan becomes too reliant on this help, their friendly fey helper might become warped and twisted with resentment and neglect. Eventually, they could transform into a cruel prankster who delights in punishing mortals who dare task a fey with such mundane work. The millindemalion is the result of a kindly, hat-making fey undergoing such a transformation. Some scholars believe this erratic behavior is caused by the preponderance of quicksilver used in most millinery.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 31Unspecific Lore: DC 29Specific Lore: DC 26MillindemalionSource Bestiary 3 pg. 169Perception +23; low-light visionLanguagesAklo, Common, SylvanSkillsCrafting +28, Millinery Lore +30, Occultism +24, Society +24, Stealth +27Str +4Dex +8Con +1Int +7Wis +4Cha +2Items_+1 striking felt shears_ (as dagger)---AC 34 Fort +20 Ref +27 Will +23 HP 275Weaknessescold iron 10Attack of OpportunityThe millindemalion can use Hat Toss against the triggering creature instead of making a Strike, making a melee attack roll with a +27 modifier to do so.Unsettling Mind Attempting to touch the frenetic mind of a millindemalion is a dangerous task. When the millindemalion succeeds at a saving throw against a mental effect, the creature originating that effect takes 4d6 mental damage.---Speed 30 feetMelee_felt shears_ +27 (Agile, Finesse, versatile S),Damage 2d4+14 piercing plus 1d6 mentalRanged_felt shears_ +27 (Agile, thrown 10 feet),Damage 2d4+10 piercing plus 1d6 mentalHat Toss(Enchantment, Manipulate, Mental, Primal) The millindemalion quickly crafts a mind-altering hat in combat and tosses it onto a target with a flick of their wrist. The millindemalion chooses one of the effects below and makes a ranged attack roll with a +27 modifier and a range increment of 20 feet. On a hit, the target must succeed at a DC 33 Will saving throw or experience the listed effect for 1d4+1 rounds. If the millindemalion critically succeeds at the ranged Strike, the target takes a –4 circumstance penalty on the save. A target can only wear one millindemalion hat at a time; a new hat replaces any previous hat. The hat can't be removed before the condition ends, but when the condition ends (or on a successful save), the hat falls to pieces. Befuddling Bowler The hat clouds the target's mind; the target becomes stupefied 2.Bewitching Beret The target is infatuated with their new hat and its creator, becoming fascinated by the millindemalion and the beret.Dazzling Deerstalker The target can barely see with the hat falling down over its eyes and gains the dazzled condition.Fettering Fedora The target feels a heavy weight pressing down on them from the hat and takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to their Speeds.Tiring Tricorne The target grows sleepy and becomes slowed 1.Sneak AttackA millindemalion deals an extra 4d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures.Similar FeyMillindemalion practice a cruel form of hat-making, but there have been sightings of similar trickster fey who can craft shoes that never stop dancing or jackets that inflict wild mood swings onto their victims." - }, - { - "name": "Mimic", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "300", - "lore": "MimicThought to be the result of a failed experiment meant to animate objects or a sinister alghollthu creation, mimics are clever monsters that can take the form of common manufactured objects. Mimics are ambush predators and voracious eaters, surprising their prey through their uncanny ability to mimic the form of common furniture and miscellany. They remain disguised until unsuspecting adventurers happen by, then they lash out in ambush. Mimics possess complex alien minds, and while often cruel and self-serving, they also enjoy conversation with their prey from time to time. For unknown reasons, they are especially interested in humanoids. Mimics have a strong dislike for others of their kind and tend to live alone. A mimic can remain in its alternate form for an extremely long period of time, sometimes remaining disguised in a dungeon chamber for decades. Regardless of how long it waits, the mimic remains vigilant and alert, ready to strike at any moment.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 19Mimic" - }, - { - "name": "Minchgorm", - "family": "—", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Fey", "Water"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "1011", - "lore": "MinchgormAn oddity even among the strange creatures of the First World of the fey, the aquatic minchgorm is a monstrous alien maw ringed with writhing tendrils. It interacts with the world through grasping, speaking simulacra that it magically shapes from water.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 43Minchgorm" - }, - { - "name": "Minotaur", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "301", - "lore": "MinotaurMinotaurs are master hunters that dwell in cunning labyrinths or tangles of underground caverns meant to disorient and demoralize prey. These monstrous tormentors delight in the hunt, in the terror caused by closing in on prey, and in the very moment when the hunted realizes that they have lost the game. Only then will the minotaur charge in for the kill, cutting foes down with powerful strikes or impaling them on its sharp horns. Minotaurs are known to dwell in mazes, but they can also be found hiding in old ruins and other forgotten corners of the world. In any case, they are solitary creatures, only rarely sharing territory with others of their kind or even more powerful beings that have cowed them into service. Everyone else is little more than prey to be hunted.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Minotaur" - }, - { - "name": "Misery Siktempora", - "family": "Siktempora", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Rare", "Siktempora", "Time", "Large"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1294", - "lore": "Misery SiktemporaCreatures born of intense pain and suffering, the armless, six-legged misery siktemporas are some of the most numerous of their kind since misery is as ubiquitous an experience as living. They're also the most proactive of siktemporas, seeking to propagate the misery from which they spawn. They delight in opportunities to travel to the Material Plane, where misery is so woefully prevalent and easily multiplied.Unspecific Lore: DC 33Specific Lore: DC 30Misery SiktemporaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 232Perception +25; darkvisionLanguagesAklo; (can't speak any language); telepathy 300 feetSkillsAcrobatics +23, Dimension of Time Lore +26, Intimidation +23, Occultism +22, Stealth +23Str +7Dex +5Con +4Int +4Wis +7Cha +5Temporal Sense A siktempora can always roll Dimension of Time Lore for initiative. When it does, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the roll.---AC 32 Fort +20 Ref +23 Will +25 HP 160, regeneration 40 (deactivated by positive, mental, or orichalcum)Immunitiesdisease, emotion, poisonSlash the Suffering Creatures with the confused or stupefied condition are flat-footed to the misery siktempora.Uncanny PounceTrigger The misery siktempora rolls Dimension of Time Lore for initiative; Effect The misery siktempora Strides once and makes a claw Strike, in either order.---Speed 35 feet; _air walk_Meleeclaw +26 (Agile),Damage 3d8+13 slashingOccult Innate Spells DC 29- 2ndInvisibility (×3)- 4thDimension Door (at will)- 6thBlink- Constant (6th)Air WalkInflict Misery(Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Occult) Requirements The misery siktempora's last action was a claw Strike that damaged the target; Effect The misery siktempora fills the target's thoughts with abject despair. The target must attempt a DC 32 Will save. Regardless of outcome, the target is then immune to Inflict Misery for 1 minute. Success The target is unaffected. Failure The target is clumsy 2, enfeebled 2, and stupefied 2 for 1 round. Critical Failure As failure, but for 1 minute.Telepathic Wail(Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Occult) The misery siktempora assails the mind of one creature within 100 feet with a wail of anguish and torment that deals 8d6 mental damage (DC 32 basic Will save). On a failed save, the target is also confused for the first action of its next turn (or for 1 round on a critical failure)." - }, - { - "name": "Mist Stalker", - "family": "Elemental, Water", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "664", - "lore": "Mist StalkerThe tentacled mist stalker shrouds itself in a cloak of mist through which its single, never-blinking eye can see with clarity, allowing it an advantage when stalking its prey.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 19Mist Stalker" - }, - { - "name": "Mitflit", - "family": "Gremlin", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "245", - "lore": "MitflitMitflits, also known as mites, are self-loathing and pitiful cowards, easily bullied into servitude by other creatures or even slightly more powerful mitflit leaders. They tame insects, spiders, and other such creatures to serve as faithful allies. Mitflits have lost most of their ancestral gremlin magic, leaving these incomplete beings full of doubt and insecurity. Mitflits find companionship in the other base creatures of the world, and forge bonds of friendship with vermin, the only other beings that seem willing to accept them. A social structure, even one in which they are bullied, partially fills the hole within mitflits’ personalities, and they rarely rebel or rail out unless their rage hits a breaking point.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 13Mitflit" - }, - { - "name": "Mithral Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Mindless", "Rare", "Huge"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1175", - "lore": "Mithral GolemMithral golems are gorgeously crafted, silvery humanoids made from colossal amounts of the purest mithral. While massive in construction, they possess amazing speed and grace through literal fluidity. Unpredictable and flexible, they can melt into liquid form and reform into a solid shape in mere seconds, allowing them to shape their limbs into sharp spikes or heavy fists as needed.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 40Unspecific Lore: DC 38Specific Lore: DC 35Mithral GolemSource Bestiary 3 pg. 117Perception +26; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +30, Athletics +33Str +9Dex +6Con +5Int -5Wis +0Cha -5---AC 40 Fort +27 Ref +30 Will +24 HP 220Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, magic (see below), mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousResistancesphysical 15 (except adamantine)Evasion When the mithral golem rolls a success on a Reflex save, it gets a critical success instead.Golem Antimagic harmed by cold and water (8d10, 2d10 from areas and persistent damage); healed by transmutation (area 2d10 HP); slowed by electricitySwift Steps A mithral golem is permanently quickened, and it can use the extra action only to Step or Stride.Vulnerable to Slow A mithral golem is not healed by a _slow_ spell, and such spells affect them normally. A _haste_ spell reverses the effects of a _slow_ spell immediately.---Speed 50 feet, climb 40 feetMeleefist +31 (Agile, Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d12+12 bludgeoningMeleespike +31 (deadly 2d10, Magical, reach 30 feet),Damage 3d10+12 piercingLiquefyThe mithral golem becomes fully liquid and amorphous. It gains immunity to precision damage, but it takes double damage from cold and water magic (see golem antimagic). The only actions it can use while Liquefied are move actions, Spike Storm, and spike Strikes. It can resume its normal form by taking this action again.Spike StormThe mithral golem makes a spike Strike against each target within its reach. These attacks count toward the mithral golem's multiple attack penalty, but its multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until after all the attacks.Creative FluidityThe mithral golem's fluid form offers endless possibilities for inventive owners looking to deploy these constructs within their trap-filled domains. The golem can be instructed to remain in its liquid phase until a specific triggering event, appearing as a pool or font filled with quicksilver, or covering columns or statues. Truly fiendish minds might store them in hidden reservoirs hooked to pumps and nozzles, ready to spray a dangerous foe onto unsuspecting adventurers" - }, - { - "name": "Mix Couatl", - "family": "Couatl", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Couatl", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1104", - "lore": "Mix CouatlMix couatls (pronounced “meesh”) are guides to fledgling societies, providing fundamental information such as farming techniques, medicinal expertise, or more esoteric knowledge like the arcane arts.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21Mix CouatlSource Bestiary 3 pg. 56Perception +19; darkvisionLanguagesCelestial, Common, Draconic; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +15, Arcana +18, Diplomacy +20, Nature +21, Occultism +18, Society +16, Stealth +17, Survival +15Str +6Dex +3Con +4Int +4Wis +5Cha +4Star Child The mix couatl is difficult to discern against starry skies. The mix couatl can Hide in the air at night without cover or being concealed.---AC 27 Fort +14 Ref +15 Will +19 HP 135---Speed 15 feet, fly 50 feetMeleejaws +20 (Magical),Damage 2d10+9 piercing plus mix couatl venom and GrabPrimal Innate Spells DC 26, attack +18- Cantrips (4th)Guidance, Light, Produce Flame, Stabilize- 1stCreate Water, Mending- 2ndDetect Alignment (at will), Invisibility (self only), Speak with Animals- 3rdHeal, Mind Reading (at will)- 4thFireball, Speak with Plants- 7thPlane Shift (self only)Constrict2d10+4 bludgeoning, DC 26Gift of KnowledgeWhen a mix couatl casts _modify memory_ on a willing creature, the mix couatl can Sustain the Spell to modify memories for up to 60 continuous minutes. A mix couatl can grant knowledge of a particular skill to the target as part of the spell. The mix couatl chooses Engineering Lore, Farming Lore, Fishing Lore, Hunting Lore, or Mercantile Lore. The target becomes permanently trained in the chosen skill. A creature can benefit from Gift of Knowledge only once.Mix Couatl Venom(Poison) A mix couatl's venom deals good damage rather than poison damage to fiends; Saving Throw DC 26 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage and stupefied 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d6 poison damage, stunned 1, and stupefied 1 (1 round); Stage 3 2d8 poison damage, stunned 1, and stupefied 2 (1 round)Wrap in CoilsRequirements The mix couatl has a Medium or smaller creature grabbed or restrained in their jaws; Effect The mix couatl moves the creature into their coils, freeing their jaws to make attacks, then uses Constrict against the creature. The mix couatl can hold as many creatures in their coils as will fit in their space." - }, - { - "name": "Mobogo", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Huge"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1229", - "lore": "MobogoMobogos are massive, swamp-dwelling monstrosities that combine the worst aspects of giant toads and evil dragons. Lazy, cruel, and greedy, these vile creatures make their lairs in the most ancient and primordial swamps. The boggards who call such places home worship mobogos as living demigods, regularly bringing sacrifices of food and valuables lest they become the next victims of the mobogos' boundless appetites.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 27Unspecific Lore: DC 25Specific Lore: DC 22MobogoSource Bestiary 3 pg. 170Perception +21; darkvisionLanguagesBoggard; _speak with animals_SkillsAcrobatics +19, Athletics +23, Nature +21, Stealth +19Str +7Dex +5Con +6Int -2Wis +5Cha +7---AC 29 Fort +22 Ref +17 Will +19 HP 160, regeneration 30 (deactivated by acid, cold, or fire)---Speed 25 feet, fly 20 feet, swim 30 feet; swamp strideMeleejaws +23 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d12+13 piercing plus Improved GrabMeleetongue +23 (Agile, reach 30 feet),Damage 2d6+13 bludgeoning plus tongue grabPrimal Innate Spells DC 27- 4thCreate Water (at will), Entangle, Obscuring Mist, Sound Burst (at will)- 5thControl Water- Constant (2nd)Pass Without Trace, Speak with AnimalsRituals DC 27- 4thPlant GrowthSong of the Swamp(Auditory, Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Primal) Frequency once per 10 minutes; Effect The mobogo unleashes a booming croak. All boggards and mobogos within 50 feet gain a +2 status bonus to damage rolls and saves against fear for 1 round. Other creatures in the area of effect must attempt a DC 27 Will save. Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 24 hours. Failure The creature is slowed 1 for 1d4 rounds. Critical Failure The creature is slowed 2 for 1d4 rounds.Swallow Whole(Attack) Large, 2d12+6 bludgeoning, Rupture 19Swamp StrideA mobogo ignores difficult terrain caused by swamp terrain features.Tongue GrabA creature hit by the mobogo's tongue becomes grabbed by the mobogo. The creature isn't immobilized, but it can't move beyond the reach of the mobogo's tongue. A creature can sever the tongue with a Strike against AC 27 that deals at least 10 slashing damage. This deals no damage to the mobogo but prevents it from using its tongue Strike until it regrows its tongue, which takes 1 round. The mobogo can move without ending the Grab as long as the creature remains within the tongue's reach.Tongue RepositionThe mobogo attempts to move a creature grabbed by its tongue. The mobogo rolls an Athletics check against the creature's Fortitude DC. On a success, the mobogo moves the creature into any space within the tongue's reach. If it wishes, the mobogo can transfer the grabbed creature to its jaws.Children of GoguntaThe boggards of Golarion believe mobogos to have hatched from the first clutch of eggs laid by their demon goddess Gogunta, following her awakening at the dawn of creation. The boggards, hatched millennia later from the second clutch, have been charged with serving and aiding their elder siblings in keeping her sacred swamplands untainted by the presence of outsiders." - }, - { - "name": "Mohrg", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "729", - "lore": "MohrgThe weight of murder wears heavy on the soul. With souls marked by a lifetime of dealing death, these killers, whether mass murderers, bloodthirsty soldiers, or sadistic executioners, sometimes do not let judgment and lawful execution stanch their slaying sprees. When such individuals are brought to justice, they may rise after death as mohrgs to continue their ruinous work. Drawn to others of their kind, mohrgs prefer to hunt in small groups, occasionally in partnership with weaker free-willed undead such as shadows and wights. They seek out weak prey and revel in causing drawn-out suffering. Some mohrgs haunt locations they favored in life, reenacting old crimes on new victims. They may even skulk about in public, wearing rags, cloaks, or freshly harvested skins to hide their nature. The most dangerous mohrgs are those who grow powerful enough to no longer fear being struck down again and openly assault settlements in an attempt to turn living towns into mass graves. Since those slain by a mohrg rise soon thereafter as mohrg spawn, the murders of a mohrg rarely go unnoticed for long, even when they take extra care to prey only on a society's dregs. Since mohrg spawn remain under a mohrg's control, a canny mohrg might order its spawn to remain in hiding to keep its presence secret until a point where it feels confident unleashing its undead army upon a doomed settlement. Mohrgs retain a twisted sentimentality for the crimes of their mortal life, seeking out trinkets that remind them of favorite murders. When not out hunting, mohrgs arrange their mementos into disturbing shrines. Often, these trinkets are valuable objects, and might even provide important clues to ongoing mysteries.Mohrg Spawn When a creature returns after death as a mohrg spawn, its flesh decays away save for its entrails, and it grows a long, awful tongue. The creature gains the undead trait and becomes chaotic evil, and it loses any abilities that come from it being a living creature. It gains darkvision, negative healing, and the mohrg's immunities and resistances. If the creature had hands, it gains a claw Strike (an unarmed attack that deals slashing damage). The creature also gains a tongue Strike, an agile attack that causes paralysis, as the mohrg ability; the Fortitude save uses the DC for the mohrg spawn's level. Mohrg spawn cannot create mohrg spawn of their own.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 24Mohrg" - }, - { - "name": "Mokele-Mbembe", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "452", - "lore": "Mokele-MbembeMokele-mbembes are large, reptilian predators found deep within Golarion’s jungles. Mwangi view mokele-mbembes as embodiments of nature’s strength and majesty, and they consider the sighting of this rare being a sign of favor from the gods and an omen of powerful natural forces.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 28Mokele-Mbembe" - }, - { - "name": "Mokele-Mbembe", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Uncommon", "Huge"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1230", - "lore": "Mokele-MbembeMokele-mbembes are large, reptilian predators found deep within Golarion's jungles. Mwangi view mokele-mbembes as embodiments of nature's strength and majesty, and they consider the sighting of this rare being a sign of favor from the gods and an omen of powerful natural forces. Mokele-mbembes are solitary and excel at going undetected. Most information about them—including the fact that they're voracious predators—comes from following the signs of their passage.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23Mokele-MbembeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 171, Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders pg. 90Perception +15; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +20, Stealth +19, Survival +17Str +7Dex +4Con +6Int -4Wis +2Cha +0---AC 27 Fort +21 Ref +15 Will +17 HP 172---Speed 30 feet, swim 30 feetMeleejaws +22 (reach 15 feet),Damage 2d12+10 piercingMeleetail +22 (Agile, reach 20 feet),Damage 2d6+10 bludgeoningMeleefoot +22 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+10 bludgeoningTrampleLarge or smaller, foot, DC 28Whip Tail(Incapacitation, Sonic) The mokele-mbembe cracks its tail, creating a sonic boom in a 5-foot burst centered on a corner within reach of its tail Strike. Each creature in the burst's area must attempt a DC 28 Fortitude save. Mokele-mbembes are immune. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is stunned 1. Failure The creature is stunned 2. Critical Failure The creature is stunned 3.LocationsMokele-mbembes live in tropical jungles close to lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. They take great care to hide themselves from civilization and other large predators, thus it can take many weeks or months of searching to locate even just their footprints. Travelers rarely encounter mokele.mbembes by accident, but those who do so (and live to tell about it) are considered very lucky indeed.LocationsMokele-mbembes live in tropical jungles close to lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. They take great care to hide themselves from civilization and other large predators, so it can take many weeks or months of searching to locate even just their footprints. Travelers rarely encounter mokele-mbembes by accident, but those who do (and live to tell about it) are considered very lucky indeed." - }, - { - "name": "Monadic Deva (Soul Angel)", - "family": "Angel", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "543", - "lore": "Monadic Deva (Soul Angel)Monadic devas stand vigil along the River of Souls as it passes from the mortal realm into the Ethereal Plane. Those who seek to fish souls out for their own use stalk this metaphysical river, and it is against these predators that monadic devas fight. At other times, monadic devas work to guide newcomers to the River of Souls who might be in danger of drifting from the current and lingering as ghosts. Monadic devas often find their tasks place them in alliances with psychopomps, and they work well with the monitors despite the philosophical divide between their views on a soul's inherent goodness. A monadic deva is 7 feet tall and weighs 220 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 30Monadic Deva" - }, - { - "name": "Monkey", - "family": "Monkey", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1231", - "lore": "MonkeyWhen these small, curious primates come in contact with large humanoid populations, they quickly adapt, learning to steal food or small objects before retreating to the nearest tree branch with their prize.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8MonkeySource Bestiary 3 pg. 172Perception +6LanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +5, Thievery +5Str +0Dex +3Con +0Int -4Wis +2Cha +0---AC 14 Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +4 HP 9---Speed 25 feet, climb 20 feetMeleejaws +7 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d6 piercingGrab and GoThe monkey Strides or Climbs up to its Speed. At any point during this movement, it can Interact to take a single unattended item of light Bulk or less that it can see from a square it moves through or is adjacent to. Alternatively, if not in combat, during this movement it can attempt to Steal from an adjacent creature." - }, - { - "name": "Monkey Swarm", - "family": "Monkey", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1232", - "lore": "Monkey SwarmA single monkey can cause mischief. A troop of monkeys, emboldened by their numbers, can cause utter chaos, attacking anyone and looting anything in sight before scattering away with whatever they can carry.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Monkey SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 172Perception +8LanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +8, Thievery +8Str +0Dex +4Con +0Int -4Wis +2Cha +0---AC 16 Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +6 HP 20Immunitiesprecision, swarm mindResistancespiercing 3, slashing 3Weaknessesarea damage 3, splash damage 3Cacophony (auditory, aura) 20 feet. The monkeys' awful racket of screeches and howls drowns out other sounds. Any creature performing an auditory action in the area must yell over the din, requiring a successful DC 15 Fortitude save or Performance check to project loudly enough; on a failure, the action is lost.---Speed 25 feet, climb 20 feetRansackThe swarm rummages through the possessions of a single creature within its space, attempting a Thievery check against the creature's Reflex DC. On a success, the monkeys take one random item of negligible Bulk that the creature is wearing but not closely guarding, such as an object in a loosely carried pouch.Swarming BitesEach creature in the swarm's space takes 1d8 piercing damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save)." - }, - { - "name": "Moon Hag", - "family": "Hag", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend,Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Hag", "Humanoid", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1189", - "lore": "Moon HagMoon hags are powerful soothsayers who dwell in places where souls receive their final judgment. These vile creatures possess knowledge of—and perhaps some power over—the portals between the lands of the living and the dead, and innocent mortals sometimes seek them out for this reason. Moon hags use their knowledge to sow discord and place seeds of doubt in those who unwittingly seek their aid. Beings of great power can intimidate them into sharing the truth of what they know, but the cunning hags always try to hide some important piece of information or word things in such a way that anyone acting on their divinations still find their plans falling into ruin.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 29Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 29Unspecific Lore: DC 27Specific Lore: DC 24Moon HagSource Bestiary 3 pg. 131Perception +22; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Common, JotunSkillsBoneyard Lore +21, Deception +19, Intimidation +17, Occultism +19, Religion +22Str +7Dex +5Con +3Int +5Wis +6Cha +3Coven A moon hag adds _plane shift_, _scrying_, and _spirit blast_ to her coven's spells.---AC 29 Fort +17 Ref +19 Will +22 HP 190ImmunitiesconfusedFerocityMoonlight's Kiss A moon hag in an area illuminated by moonlight gains a +2 status bonus to AC and initiative rolls. In the light of a full moon, she is quickened, and can use the extra action only to Stride or Strike.---Speed 25 feetMeleeclaw +23 (Agile, Magical),Damage 2d12+10 slashingOccult Innate Spells DC 29- 5thConfusion, Fear (at will), Read Omens, Talking Corpse (×3), TonguesDreadful Prediction(Curse, Enchantment, Occult, Mental) Frequency once per round; Effect The moon hag howls a series of dreadful, apocalyptic predictions at a single creature within 30 feet, shattering its perceptions of reality. The target must succeed at a DC 29 Will save or become stupefied 2 (stupefied 3 on a critical failure); regardless of the outcome, the creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours. A creature that can see the moon takes a –2 circumstance penalty to saving throws against Dreadful Prediction. The stupefied condition from Dreadful Prediction persists until the curse is removed.RendclawHag HarbingersMoon hags serve the cosmic forces dedicated to the end of existence. On Golarion, they serve the god Groetus, the great, skull-faced moon hanging over Pharasma's Boneyard. Moon hags in the Boneyard are empowered by him as they were bathed in the light of the full moon" - }, - { - "name": "Moonflower", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "730", - "lore": "MoonflowerThese enormous plants have thick, knotted trunks festooned with fanged blossoms. A gaping mouth sits at the top of the trunk, capable of swallowing most creatures smaller than the moonflower whole. Moonflowers can move slowly on their powerful roots or use them to attack, but usually they dig them deeply into the surrounding ground and remain stationary to await prey. Though moonflowers can't speak in the conventional sense, they communicate telepathically with other moonflowers. Explorers who encounter a single moonflower can thus be assured that any other moonflowers in the vicinity will be prepared for them. Those who manage to intercept a moonflower's telepathic communications are assaulted by visions of dreadful, primeval jungles ruled over by titanic plant life. Whether this is some vision of the past or a dream of the future shared by all moonflowers is unknown. Moonflowers are alien life-forms from a long-dead planet, but their proliferation throughout the galaxy has been ensured through the machinations of the Dominion of the Black, a sinister, alien organization from the dark places between the stars.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 26Moonflower" - }, - { - "name": "Moose", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1233", - "lore": "MooseMoose are a large, solitary type of deer. They're majestic, territorial, and extremely grumpy—traits that make them dangerous to unwary travelers and would-be predators alike. Males are instantly recognizable, standing 7 feet tall at the shoulder, with large heads and thick necks to support their impressive palmate antlers. They shed their antlers come winter and grow a new set each year at a rapid rate. For most of the year, moose roam tundra, forest, and wilderness territories by themselves. Their hooves are wide, allowing them to more easily traverse the frequent snowfall of their native terrain, and they typically journey alone. Moose come together only during mating season, a time in which they become oddly social with one another, loud, and even more aggressive to other creatures than usual. A moose's diet consists of leaves, woody plant matter like twigs or bark, and buds of trees and shrubs. Moose are so large they prefer to eat the leaves of trees taller than humans instead of lowering their giant heads all the way to the ground. This can make them easy to track, though hunters will find actually killing a moose is a far greater challenge than finding it. Despite their size, moose have many natural predators, especially pack animals like wolves and large carnivores like tigers. Large humanoids like ogres and trolls dwelling in the wilderness sometimes make sport of chasing down and wrestling moose. Despite their large size, moose are expert swimmers in both fresh and salt water, and they readily feed on aquatic vegetation. Moose rarely swim into open seas, however, and usually stay close to land, though ocean predators have been known to hunt swimming moose. To an observer watching from the safe distance of a dry shore, the large branching antlers of a swimming moose can sometimes be mistaken for a tree bobbing along in the water.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13MooseSource Bestiary 3 pg. 173Perception +9; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +12, Intimidation +8Str +5Dex +3Con +4Int -4Wis +0Cha +1---AC 18 Fort +11 Ref +10 Will +5 HP 50Cold Adaptation The moose reduces the effects it suffers from cold environments by one step.---Speed 30 feetMeleeantler +12,Damage 1d10+7 piercingMeleehoof +12,Damage 1d8+7 bludgeoningKick BackThe moose bucks and kicks back with both hind hooves, making a Strike with a –2 circumstance penalty to the attack roll. If it hits, it deals an extra 1d8 bludgeoning damage. This counts as two attacks when calculating the moose's multiple attack penalty.Thundering ChargeThe moose Strides twice and then makes an antler Strike. A Medium or smaller creature damaged by this attack must succeed at a DC 18 Fortitude save or be stunned 1.TrampleMedium or smaller, hoof, DC 20Moose TracksMoose thrive in cooler climates and have many adaptations to survive in the cold, including thick skin and dense, heat-retaining fur. They often make their own trails in the snow to find the best food. Adventurers sometimes stumble upon these trails and assume they lead to shelter, only to find themselves happening upon a fiercely territorial moose." - }, - { - "name": "Morlock", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "731", - "lore": "MorlockOriginating from humans long lost from the world of light, morlocks are brutal monsters that dwell in the tangled tunnels of the upper reaches of the Darklands. Their wiry frames mask the strength of their limbs and their swift reactions, and their arms are long enough that they can drop into an uncanny, four-limbed shuffle for speed or stealth. They no longer remember the lives their ancestors led on the surface, although many morlocks still dwell in the shattered ruins of their ancient homes. Some morlocks worship the statues of humans from these bygone eras as gods, but others now worship Lamashtu, Rovagug, or other violent deities. Morlock young are insatiable and clamor for even the slightest morsel of food, even consuming their siblings if no other meal presents itself. Most morlocks encourage the practice to ensure their ancestral group as a whole grows stronger. A typical morlock stands just over 5 feet tall and weighs roughly 150 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Morlock" - }, - { - "name": "Morrigna", - "family": "Psychopomp", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Psychopomp"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "340", - "lore": "MorrignaBounty hunters and investigators, morrignas seek out creatures that thwart death or interfere with the natural flow of souls. Morrignas dress in flowing spider silk and wear masks reminiscent of webs, as they consider patient and watchful spiders to be their spiritual kin.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 34Morrigna" - }, - { - "name": "Mothman", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1240", - "lore": "MothmanLittle is known of the strange creatures known as mothmen, save that when they make themselves known, calamity is sure to follow. The mothman sees themself as an agent of fate—provided such fate is devastating and destructive. Often, those who encounter a mothman never recall the meeting, yet live on to unknowingly pursue and enable the creature's obscure plans. The name “mothmen” is, of course, not these creatures' own name for themselves, but an appellation granted by the fearful who glimpse them and tell harrowing tales of their sightings. They each keep their own names, or a collection for use in different situations, yet have no need for a collective word for their kind.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23MothmanSource Bestiary 3 pg. 179Perception +15; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Common, Sylvan, Undercommon; (can't speak any language); telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +16, Nature +13, Occultism +15, Society +13, Stealth +16Str +2Dex +5Con +4Int +2Wis +4Cha +5---AC 26 Fort +13 Ref +18 Will +15 HP 90Portentous Gaze (aura, emotion, enchantment, fear, mental, occult, visual) 30 feet. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 25 Will save. A creature that fails is frightened 1 (or frightened 2 on a critical failure) The mothman can deactivate or activate this aura with a single action, which has the concentrate trait.---Speed 25 feet, fly 50 feetMeleeclaw +16 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d8+4 slashingOccult Innate Spells DC 25, attack +17- Cantrips (4th)Daze, Ghost Sound, Read Aura- 2ndIllusory Object, Misdirection- 3rdIllusory Creature, Mind Reading- 4thInvisibility, Modify Memory, Nightmare, Phantasmal Killer, SuggestionAgent of Fate(Primal) Frequency once per day; Effect The mothman casts any spell of 5th level or lower that normally takes 2 or fewer actions to cast, whether they have those spells in their innate spells or not. They can use this ability only if doing so steers the flow of fate in its proper course toward a disaster or otherwise significantly memorable event. What the proper flow of fate entails is determined by the GM, but some examples include casting _illusory scene_ to coax someone to a portentous location, casting _sending_ to deliver an important message to someone the exact moment they need to hear it, or casting _rusting grasp_ to weaken a structure and cause some necessary calamity.Focus Gaze(Concentrate, Emotion, Enchantment, Fear, Mental, Occult, Visual) The mothman fixes their glare at a creature they can see within 30 feet. The target must immediately attempt a Will save against the mothman's portentous gaze. If the creature is already frightened when it attempts this save, on a failure it becomes stupefied 1 for 24 hours in addition to the frightened effect. After attempting its save, the creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.The Red BishopPrimary among mothmen on Golarion is the Red Bishop, a priest of Pazuzu whose mysterious plans for the small town of Sandpoint in Varisia hinge on the collection and manipulation of adventuring groups. The Red Bishop seeks to cultivate a group that will someday, albeit unknowingly, serve as a final catalyst to unleash a devastating, hidden plot upon the region." - }, - { - "name": "Movanic Deva (Guardian Angel)", - "family": "Angel", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "542", - "lore": "Movanic Deva (Guardian Angel)Movanic devas are stewards of the flow of good creatures' souls through the cycle of life and death, from the point a creature is born to the day it dies. These angels arise from the souls of stalwart nurturers and protectors, and share a specific connection with a creature's vital essence—its life force. Movanic devas are most concerned with guiding and protecting good creatures during their mortal lives, so once a soul has passed into the River of Souls, the movanic deva leaves its protection to the soul angels, or monadic devas. As part of their stewardship over good creatures, movanic devas can waken within animals a level of sapience to allow them to become kindly and benevolent as well, thus increasing the flow of goodness into the afterlife. They also spend time patrolling the Positive Energy Plane and Negative Energy Plane, seeking to contain significant threats to life.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 27Movanic Deva" - }, - { - "name": "Mu Spore", - "family": "—", - "level": 21, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fungus", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Fungus"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "302", - "lore": "Mu SporeA mu spore is a thankfully rare fungoid monstrosity of vast power and strange intellect. Even the smallest mu spores are never less than a hundred feet long from tentacle tip to tentacle tip, yet despite this vast bulk, they are capable of flying with an uncommon grace, venting jets of foul-smelling spores to guide their flight. Many societies tell tales of vast mu spores appearing over cities at the dawn of apocalyptic events, but they’re more than just ravenous eaters of nations. Mu spores often possess rare or esoteric knowledge, and if peaceful contact can be made, this lore can be quite valuable. Their spores can also be used to craft certain foul drugs or deadly alchemical poisons, but harvesting these ingredients is dangerous, as the spores are not viable for long once they’ve been shed, forcing alchemists seeking to harvest them to operate in perilously close proximity to the abominations.Recall Knowledge - Fungus (Nature): DC 42Mu Spore" - }, - { - "name": "Mudwretch", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "734", - "lore": "MudwretchIn its resting form, a mudwretch looks like a large puddle of thick, dark mud, heaped at the center in a slightly drier patch of loam. When a living creature approaches, though, the mudwretch lurches upward, piling its muddy flesh upon itself to form a roughly humanoid shape, often in vague mockery of the approaching creature's general form in cases where the creature is a humanoid itself. Mudwretches possess a low level of intellect, and while they do not form societies or cultures of their own, they are attracted to ruins or abandoned settlements. They have little need to eat, but without a constant source of moisture, a mudwretch dries out, suffering from low throbbing aches until it can resaturate. Often, blood from living creatures has to do—a dried mudwretch is more dangerous to intruders than one that's comfortably wallowing on a river bank.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 16Mudwretch" - }, - { - "name": "Mukradi", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "303", - "lore": "MukradiFearsome centipede-like creatures, mukradis are three-headed predators with a devastating array of breath weapons. A Darklands version of the mukradi is rumored to exist. It’s said these variant mukradis have black scales, and all of their heads spew a black, acidic goo that animates before being reabsorbed by the mukradis.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 34Mukradi" - }, - { - "name": "Mummy Guardian", - "family": "Mummy", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mummy", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "304", - "lore": "Mummy GuardianThe majority of mummies were created by cruel and selfish masters to serve as guardians to protect their tombs from intruders. The traditional method of creating a mummy guardian is a laborious and sadistic process that begins well before the poor soul to be transformed is dead, during which the victim is ritualistically starved of nourishing food and instead fed strange spices, preservative agents, and toxins intended to quicken the desiccation of the flesh. The victim remains immobile but painfully aware during the final stages, where its now-useless entrails are extracted before it’s shrouded in funerary wrappings and entombed within a necromantically ensorcelled sarcophagus to await intrusions in the potentially distant future. While it’s certainly possible to use other methods to create a mummy guardian from an already-deceased body, those who seek to create these foul undead as their guardians in the afterlife often feel that such methods result in inferior undead—the pain and agony of death by mummification being an essential step in the process. Regardless of the method of their creation, mummy guardians are more than just physical shells of flesh and bone—they retain fragmented, distorted versions of their minds, with only enough memories of their living personality remaining to fuel their undead anger and jealousy of those who yet live. This burning rage only intensifies over the centuries of waiting within a crypt for the chance to actually act, and thus when most mummy guardians are awoken by tomb robbers or adventurers, they stop at nothing in pursuit of glorious slaughter.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 22Mummy Guardian" - }, - { - "name": "Mummy Pharaoh", - "family": "Mummy", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mummy", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "305", - "lore": "Mummy PharaohWhile mummy guardians are undead crafted from the corpses of sacrificed—usually unwilling victims—and retain only fragments of their memories, a mummy pharaoh is the result of a deliberate embrace of undeath by a sadistic and cruel ruler. The transformation from life to undeath is no less awful and painful, but as the transition is an intentional bid to escape death by a powerful personality who fully embraces the blasphemous repercussions of the choice, the mummy pharaoh retains its memories and personality intact. Although in most cases a mummy pharaoh is formed from a particularly depraved ruler instructing their priests to perform complex rituals that grant the ruler eternal unlife, a ruler who was filled with incredible anger in life might spontaneously arise from death as a mummy pharaoh without undergoing this ritual. Depending on the nature of the ruler, a mummy pharaoh might have spellcasting or other class features instead of its Attack of Opportunity and disruptive abilities—the exact nature of the abilities the ruler had in life can significantly change or strengthen the mummy pharaoh presented here (which represents the least powerful variety of this deadly undead foe).Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 31Mummy Pharaoh" - }, - { - "name": "Munagola", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1115", - "lore": "Munagola (Executioner Devil)Munagolas are some of the most feared demonic warriors in Hell, combining the aerial strength and craftiness of erinyes with sheer brute force rivaling that of the strongest devils.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23MunagolaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 66Perception +24; greater darkvisionLanguagesCelestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +23, Athletics +22, Intimidation +21, Religion +18, Stealth +21Str +7Dex +6Con +6Int +3Wis +5Cha +6Items_+1 breastplate_, _+1 striking composite longbow_, _+1 striking greataxe_---AC 31 Fort +23 Ref +21 Will +20 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 165ImmunitiesfireResistancesphysical 10 (except silver)Weaknessesgood 10No EscapeTrigger A foe within reach moves away from the munagola; Effects The munagola Strides or Flies up to their Speed, following the retreating foe and keeping it in reach until the foe stops moving or the munagola has moved their full Speed.---Speed 30 feet, fly 40 feetMelee_flaming greataxe_ +24 (Evil, Fire, Magical, Sweep),Damage 2d12+13 slashing plus 1d6 evil and 1d6 fireMeleehorn +23 (Agile, Evil, Magical),Damage 2d8+13 piercing plus 1d6 evilRanged_flaming composite longbow_ +23 (deadly d10, Evil, Fire, Magical, range increment 100 feet, reload 0, volley 30 feet),Damage 2d8+6 piercing plus 1d6 evil and 1d6 fireDivine Innate Spells DC 27- 4thDimension Door (at will)- 5thDimension DoorRituals DC 27- 1stInfernal PactFelling AssaultWhen a munagola hits with a melee Strike, they gain Improved Knockdown on all subsequent melee Strikes against that target until the end of the munagola's turn.Flames of FuryAny weapon a munagola holds gains the effects of a _flaming_ rune while they hold it.Flight Commander of DisThe munagola directs aerial maneuvers, granting themself and evil allies with fly Speeds a +20-foot status bonus to their fly Speeds for 1 round.Sudden DiveThe munagola Flies twice. If they end their flight at a lower elevation than they started and within melee reach of at least one enemy, they can make a melee Strike against that enemy, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to the Strike.Defying LimiationWhile Dis is a city of unyielding order and unforgiving law, the Queen of the Night Eiseth operates outside of the established diabolical hierarchy. Despite her stronghold being located within the Infernal City, her army of erinyes, commanded by the fierce and brutal munagolas, answer only to her. They strike her enemies without mercy or restraint, even in open defiance of Dispater if it suits their queen." - }, - { - "name": "Munavri Spellblade", - "family": "Munavri", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Munavri", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1241", - "lore": "Munavri SpellbladeAlthough the subterranean Darklands are known for their cruel and domineering civilizations—led by fiend-worshipping drow, urdefhans, and others—that dwell within those sinister caverns, not every such subterranean society is ruled that way. Munavris are perhaps the best example of a people that tend to treat new arrivals to their Darklands territories with good temper, fairness, and respect.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 21Unspecific Lore: DC 19Specific Lore: DC 16Munavri SpellbladeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 180Perception +7; darkvisionLanguagesMunavri, Undercommon; telepathy 30 feet (munavris only)SkillsAthletics +8, Deception +7, Occultism +6, Stealth +4Str +4Dex +0Con +2Int +0Wis +1Cha +3Light Blindness ItemsBastard Sword, Breastplate---AC 18 Fort +8 Ref +6 Will +7 HP 28Resistancesmental 2---Speed 20 feetMeleebastard sword +8 (two-hand d12),Damage 1d8+4 slashingOccult Spontaneous Spells DC 17, attack +9- Cantrips (1st)Daze, Message, Shield, Telekinetic Projectile- 1stMindlink, Phantom Pain, SootheIntuit Object(Concentrate, Divination, Occult) Frequency once per day; Effect By concentrating their psychic energy on a held object, the munavri intuits its use and understands how to effectively wield it. The munavri chooses one item they are holding. They gain the trained proficiency rank in one statistic required to use that item, but only for the purpose of using that specific item. For example, they could become trained in greatswords (to use a specific greatsword) or Acrobatics (to use a _jade cat_ talisman). This benefit lasts for 1 hour." - }, - { - "name": "Muse Phantom", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit, Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "511", - "lore": "Muse PhantomFor performers who die before their time and whose love of the theater is stronger than death’s grasp, the show does indeed go on. Such actors rise from the grave to become muse phantoms—undead spirits that haunt opera houses or auditoriums and possess the bodies of living actors to continue their art. A host is often utterly unaware of being possessed by a muse phantom. Like egotistical parasites, muse phantoms assume command of their unwitting thespian shells only during big shows with packed audiences, and even then the host might chalk up their sudden lack of control to the transcendence of performance, not the nefarious influence of some paranormal entity. In time, a performer’s mind can become utterly warped by the spirit’s domination, twisting artistic temperament and vanity into evil selfishness and tireless obsession.Recall Knowledge - Spirit (Occultism): DC 22Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 22Muse Phantom" - }, - { - "name": "Muurfeli", - "family": "Blightburn Genies", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Genie"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "873", - "lore": "MuurfeliWhereas typical djinn can cleanse or clear areas with their arcane winds, the air magic of muurfeli is tainted by the Black Desert's noxious radiation and mixed with the realm's ambient fetid winds.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 40Muurfeli" - }, - { - "name": "Myceloid", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fungus", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fungus", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1242", - "lore": "MyceloidThe ambulatory fungus creatures called myceloids are notorious for spreading deadly purple pox, controlling creatures' minds, and devouring humanoid flesh. For a myceloid colony, any battle with humanoids is cause for excitement, as this new fodder presents so many delicious possibilities. Myceloids consider humanoids to have an ideal life cycle of four simple steps. During childhood, they wander naive and afraid, unaware of myceloid colonies. In adulthood, humanoids discover their true purpose as they taste purple pox and become enslaved by the myceloids' spores. Next, they die, giving rise to a new myceloid. They're then sent on to the afterlife upon becoming a myceloid meal. Eating humanoid flesh is not a necessity—a myceloid can survive on any decaying matter—but it's certainly a pleasure. Myceloids rarely make alliances, but when they do, they invite their new allies to share a meal to seal the pact. Few outsiders appreciate this hospitality. Most myceloids have deep purple caps studded with off-white lumps. Their necks and bodies bear resemblance to the stipes of tough, leathery fungi. Smaller mushrooms often grow on a myceloid's body, which the creatures view as either adornments or particularly convenient snacks. They stand roughly as tall as a dwarf, with comparably stout builds.Recall Knowledge - Fungus(Nature): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14MyceloidSource Bestiary 3 pg. 181Perception +10; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesUndercommon; telepathy 100 feet (myceloids and those afflicted by purple pox only)SkillsStealth +11, Survival +10Str +4Dex +3Con +4Int -1Wis +2Cha +0---AC 20 Fort +14 Ref +9 Will +10 HP 70Weaknessesslashing 5Spore Pop If a myceloid is reduced to 0 HP by a critical hit, it pops, forcing it to immediately Emit Spores, even if it has already used the ability that day.---Speed 20 feetMeleefist +14,Damage 2d6+4 bludgeoning plus purple poxEmit SporesFrequency once per day; Effect The myceloid expels spores in a 10-foot burst centered on a corner of its own space. This cloud lasts until the start of the myceloid's next turn. Each creature that is in the cloud or enters it is exposed to purple pox.Purple Pox(Disease) Myceloids are immune; Saving Throw DC 20 Fortitude; Onset 1 minute; Stage 1 2d6 poison damage and stupefied 1 (1 day); Stage 2 6d6 poison damage, stupefied 3, and the creature is compelled to seek out the nearest myceloid colony—this compulsion is a mental emotion effect (1 day); Stage 3 The creature dies. Over 24 hours, its corpse becomes bloated and bursts, releasing a new, fully grown myceloid.Spore Domination(Emotion, Enchantment, Incapacitation, Mental, Primal) The myceloid targets one creature affected by purple pox within 60 feet. That creature must attempt a DC 22 Will save. It is then temporarily immune to spore domination for 10 minutes. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success Until the end of its next turn, the target is helpful to myceloids and can't take hostile actions against them. Failure As success, but for 1 minute. Critical Failure As success, but until the purple pox is cured.Table mannersMyceloids eat communal meals consisting of a series of corpses, beginning with creatures they killed in combat, followed by any that died in service while enslaved with spore domination. As they dine, they offer tasting notes, claiming they can taste intangibles like innocence or despair. They save any creature that died from purple pox as dessert. The new myceloid birthed from the corpse gets the first slice!" - }, - { - "name": "Myrucarx", - "family": "—", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "1012", - "lore": "MyrucarxThe slithering, shapeless beings known as myrucarxes occasionally slip into the Material Plane from their domains deep in the Shadow Plane, seeking to torment those who love light. Myrucarxes weave powerful illusions to draw unsuspecting victims into their squirming embrace, and they favor large cities as hunting grounds. Rather than devastate a community, a myrucarx instead prefers to snatch only a few victims to engender fear and paranoia, then retreat somewhere dark to hibernate for months or years before renewing its terrors. A myrucarx resembles a monstrous, oily slug with tentacles ending in gnashing jaws, but most victims only ever see the illusory personas it projects to lure and torment its prey.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 43Myrucarx" - }, - { - "name": "Nabasu (Gluttony Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "600", - "lore": "Nabasu (Gluttony Demon)Nabasus are birthed directly into the Material Plane from the Abyss, an invasive infestation that releases the newly formed and ravenously hungry demons directly into the midst of their favored prey: mortal life. Nabasus feed on sapient creatures, but they never quite manage to sate their eternal hunger, even as they grow more and more powerful. Once they have sufficiently feasted, the demons become worthy to make the return trip to the Abyss, where they undergo a vile transformation, finally digesting their accumulated meals and deforming further into powerful vrolikais.Nabasus form from the souls of evil gluttons, particularly from cannibals, blood-drinkers, and those who prefer the tang of undead flesh.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 24Nabasu" - }, - { - "name": "Nagaji Soldier", - "family": "Nagaji", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Nagaji", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1243", - "lore": "Nagaji SoldierNagaji are brawny bipeds with humanoid figures and serpentine heads. Their bodies are covered in tightly layered scales that range in color from green to brown, and almost all nagaji have a colorful ridge along their head and back. Ophidian eyes lend nagaji an imperious visage, with irises that span every color of the rainbowRecall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Nagaji SoldierSource Bestiary 3 pg. 182Perception +8; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, DraconicSkillsAthletics +8, Intimidation +5, Nature +6Str +4Dex +1Con +3Int -1Wis +2Cha +1ItemsLeather Armor, Longbow (with 20 arrows), Ranseur---AC 18 Fort +9 Ref +7 Will +6 HP 28Resistancespoison 2Attack of Opportunity---Speed 25 feetMeleeranseur +10 (Disarm, reach 10 feet),Damage 1d10+4 piercingRangedlongbow +7 (deadly d10, range increment 100 feet, volley 30 feet),Damage 1d8 piercingSlough ToxinsFrequency once per round; Requirements The nagaji is afflicted with a poison; Effect The nagaji accelerates their metabolism. They roll a saving throw against the affliction with a +2 circumstance bonus. If they must attempt an ongoing save against the same poison at the end of their turn, they also get a +2 circumstance bonus to that save." - }, - { - "name": "Naiad", - "family": "Nymph", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Nymph", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "311", - "lore": "NaiadNaiads protect streams, ponds, springs, and other natural bodies of fresh water. While most naiads lead solitary lives close to their chosen ward, sometimes these nymphs congregate in coven-like groups where river tributaries meet, performing great magic and blessing the waters of the land. Because naiads’ bonds to their bodies of water permit more flexibility, they are the nymphs most likely to interact with humanoids and even visit their settlements on occasion. Unlike other nymphs, naiads occasionally become adventurers, especially when dark forces seek to despoil nature or otherwise threaten the land, joining forces with others to prevent the corruption of nature.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 15Naiad" - }, - { - "name": "Naiad Queen", - "family": "Nymph", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Nymph", "Water"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "313", - "lore": "Naiad QueenNaiad queens rule over pristine wildernesses centered on untouched lakes or other bodies of fresh water. Bards’ songs and artists’ paintings of nymphs tend to depict naiad queens in their slightly more humanoid forms, which they don when they make the rare journey into civilized lands to garner allies or gauge threats. Most naiad queens treat those who respect their domains with kindness, but they are fierce and quick in eliminating foes. Their blinding beauty and breadth of offensive spells make naiad queens fierce opponents if forced into a fight.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 25Naiad Queen" - }, - { - "name": "Najra Lizard", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "993", - "lore": "Najra LizardAmong the smallest breeds of dragon on Golarion, these savage, cunning hunters dwell near the oases that dot the inhospitable Narhari Desert in Vudra. Land-bound, they scamper across the badlands on four short limbs, their speckled brown and yellow bodies blending into the terrain. Though najra lizards live and sleep alone or in mated pairs near their hunting grounds, groups of up to two dozen work in unison to hunt. The lowest-ranked members of a najra lizard swarm leave their hidden dens to target prey with their parching spit. Once the unquenchable thirst caused by their venom drives the creature to the nearby watering hole, the entire swarm attacks. Even when unable to overwhelm foes with sheer numbers, najra lizards have little interest in fighting fairly. They often use their tails to rustle nearby desert scrub, hurl small stones, or otherwise divert attention so they can sneak away or attack from hiding. Najra lizards dislike humanoids and humanoid civilization, and they are particularly rankled by being called mere “lizards.” They refer to themselves by a Draconic word that translates roughly to “swarm dragon.” Like almost all dragons, najra lizards covet shiny metals and glittering gems. They typically hide accumulated treasures in small holes near where they sleep, and arguments over such caches are one of the few things that engender violence among members of the same pack.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 21Najra Lizard" - }, - { - "name": "Nalfeshnee (Boar Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "602", - "lore": "Nalfeshnee (Boar Demon)Nalfeshnees are huge, corpulent, boar-headed demons that hoard treasures and knowledge alike and form from the souls of avaricious mortals. Few demons understand the inner workings of the Abyss itself like nalfeshnees, and it's not unusual for a nalfeshnee to see itself as a servitor of the Abyss itself first rather than bow before a demon lord. Some claim stewardship over the fleshy realms that birth new demons, while others guard sites of particular significance deep in the plane's secret reaches. A nalfeshnee's realm in the Abyss can easily surpass the strength and size of the largest mortal kingdoms, for nalfeshnees display a singular gift for managing and manipulating the chaos of the Abyss.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 32Nalfeshnee" - }, - { - "name": "Namorrodor", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Shadow", "Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1244", - "lore": "NamorrodorNamorrodor stalk the night, craving the flesh of the living. Though they dwell on the Shadow Plane, the shadowy substances of that plane offer them only the barest sustenance, and they forever seek to cross over onto the Material Plane— yet they can make this journey only on the eve of a death, and only in a place where their plane overlaps the Material. When they manage to make the leap between planes, a shooting star marks their passage. Attracted by the smell of cooking meat but particularly vulnerable to flame, a namorrodor's most common meal is a traveler who has strayed from their campfire. Unattended babies are a treat so delectable, however, that a namorrodor will risk an encounter with dreaded fire if it spies an opportunity to snatch one. A namorrodor's skin is torn and loose over jutting bones, through which the wind whistles with a distinctive, eerie tone. Able to change between a quadrupedal and bipedal stance, the namorrodor is an admirable hunter.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15NamorrodorSource Bestiary 3 pg. 183Perception +11; darkvision, lifesense 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +12, Athletics +13, Stealth +14, Survival +11Str +4Dex +5Con +3Int +3Wis +2Cha +0Interplanar Lifesense While the namorrodor is on the Shadow Plane, its lifesense extends to the Material Plane as a vague sense with a 100-foot range.---AC 22 Fort +12 Ref +14 Will +11 HP 85Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, sleepWeaknessespositive 5, fire 5Whistling Bones (auditory, aura, emotion, fear, mental) 30 feet. Wind whistles through the namorrodor's jutting bones with an eerie tone. A creature entering or beginning its turn in the area must attempt a DC 19 Will save, becoming frightened 1 on a failure (frightened 2 on a critical failure). A creature can't reduce its frightened condition below 1 as long as it's in the aura.Material Leap(conjuration, teleportation) Requirements The namorrodor is on the Shadow Plane <%END>; Trigger A creature the namorrodor can sense with its lifesense on the Material Plane dies; Effect The namorrodor leaps between planes, appearing on the Material Plane within 100 feet of the triggering creature. It remains on the Material Plane for 24 hours, after which it is recalled to its original location on the Shadow Plane.---Speed 40 feetMeleejaws +15,Damage 2d8+6 piercingMeleeclaw +15 (Agile),Damage 2d6+6 piercing plus GrabRangedspit +14 (range 30 feet),Damage 1d8+6 bludgeoningBounding SprintRequirements The namorrodor has nothing in its hands; Effect The namorrodor bounds forward, using four limbs for an extra burst of speed. It Strides twice and makes a single melee Strike at the end of its movement.Night StalkersSince living on the Shadow Plane gives them easy access to broad areas of the Material Plane, tales of namorrodors are told all over the world, from the Storval Plateau's river gorges to the Bandu Hills in northwestern Vidrian, Casmaron's Windswept Wastes, and the river dividing Hongal from the Shaguang desert in Tian Xia. Their names vary, but reports of shooting stars heralding their arrival and their eerie whistling auras are remarkably consistent." - }, - { - "name": "Narwhal", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1245", - "lore": "NarwhalNarwhals are mid-sized whales known for the long tusk that grows from their nose. The tusk, forming from a protruding canine tooth, appears primarily on males and can grow up to 10 feet in length over the course of an adult narwhal's life. In addition to helping the narwhal attract mates (much like a peacock's feathers), the tusk can serve as a weapon. Like dolphins, narwhals communicate via clicks and whistles, and they use sound to navigate and hunt. They congregate in groups of five to 10, except in the summer when they gather in the hundreds. Adult narwhals are typically 13–18 feet long (not counting the tusk) and weigh 1,500–3,500 pounds. The similarities between a narwhal's tusk and a unicorn's horn have led to the narwhals' nickname of “sea unicorns,” but the narwhal's tusk is not made of the same highly sought material. Legends surrounding narwhals have nevertheless attributed magical characteristics to these remarkable tusks, such as neutralizing poison. Collectors and artisans also value the tusks as an elegant crafting material useful for carvings and other works of art.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13NarwhalSource Bestiary 3 pg. 184Perception +10; aquatic echolocation 120 feet, low-light visionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +10Str +5Dex +3Con +4Int -4Wis +3Cha +0Aquatic Echolocation A narwhal can use its hearing as a precise sense at the listed range, but only underwater.Deep Breath A narwhal can hold its breath for 30 minutes.---AC 18 Fort +9 Ref +10 Will +8 HP 50Resistancescold 5---Speed swim 60 feetMeleetusk +12 (reach 10 feet),Damage 1d10+5 piercingMeleejaws +12,Damage 1d8+5 piercingImpaling ChargeThe narwhal Swims twice and makes a tusk Strike. If it moved at least 20 feet from its starting position, the narwhal deals an extra 1d10 damage on this Strike. A target damaged by Impaling Charge is grabbed until the start of the narwhal's next turn unless it Escapes before then (DC 20). The narwhal can't Grapple to extend the duration of this grab.Narwhals as MountsSome aquatic or amphibious beings capture narwhals for use as mounts, making use of their speed, endurance, and tusk attack. As narwhals are simple animals, they serve riders as varied as locathahs, sea devils, sea hags, and tritons." - }, - { - "name": "Naunet", - "family": "Protean", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Protean"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "337", - "lore": "NaunetPugnacious and powerfully muscled, naunets serve as scouts and rank-and-file troops of protean armies. Resembling a thick salamander with a wide head, a powerful tail, and tentacles tipped with snapping jaws in place of rear legs, naunets are the most bestial of the proteans and occupy one of their lowest castes. Naunets are 12 feet long and weigh 900 pounds. All proteans are prone to unpredictable fits and unexpected action, but compared to most others, naunets are much more bestial. Always ready for a fight, naunets pride themselves in acting swiftly and striking before unpleasant distractions like diplomacy can blunt a combat’s beginning.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 23Naunet" - }, - { - "name": "Necrophidius", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "738", - "lore": "NecrophidiusAlthough the necrophidius is a mindless construct with no particular ability to comprehend the complexities of good or evil, these sinister-looking constructs are often crafted by evil or macabre creators seeking to imbue their guardians with a frightening aesthetic. Constructed from bones harvested from serpents and humans, a necrophidius is animated by occult magic, not unlife. Each necrophidius is built from the skeleton of a large snake, but its skull has been replaced by that of a humanoid creature. Some death cults or particularly cruel crafters seek out the skulls of specific individuals against whom they bear grudges to provide the head for their necrophidius. The final step of the construction is the alteration of the teeth and jaws to give the creature a more serpentine visage, complete with fangs. If a necrophidius's creator dies, the construct follows the last series of commands it was given. If it cannot do so, the necrophidius aimlessly wanders the area near where it last served its creator and attacks any creatures it encounters. Some believe that those who know the secrets of a necrophidius's origins can command it, provided its original creator no longer exists and no one else currently commands it. There are also a number of reports concerning strangely aware and intelligent necrophidiuses that roam with a purpose and track down or hunt specific living creatures they interpret as the targets of former assassination missions.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 18Necrophidius" - }, - { - "name": "Nemhaith", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit,Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1246", - "lore": "NemhaithThis undead guardian stands amid a whirling swarm of shackled spirits that rage against their fate. Bound by a profane necromantic ritual, a nemhaith and its servitors maintain watch over an object or place so important they embraced undeath to guard it. This ritual binds connected beings—friends, family, fellow worshippers, or even sacrificed innocents—to form a single nemhaith. Most nemhaiths were, in life, priests or protectors who sought immortality to protect the temple they served or guard an important landmark. Others follow an endless and even impossible quest beyond the bounds of life and death. A nemhaith is not always evil at first, but the inherent evil and violence of a nemhaith's existence inevitably darkens even the brightest light.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 36Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 36Unspecific Lore: DC 34Specific Lore: DC 31NemhaithSource Bestiary 3 pg. 185Perception +31; darkvisionLanguagesCommon; telepathy 100 feetSkillsDeception +27, Diplomacy +27, Dwelling Lore +25, Intimidation +29, Religion +31, Stealth +29Str -5Dex +6Con +0Int +4Wis +8Cha +6Site Bound The nemhaith is bound to a place or large stationary object and can't venture more than 500 feet from this focus.---AC 36 Fort +23 Ref +27 Will +29 HP 255(negative healing, rejuvenation)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconsciousResistancesall damage 10 (except force, _ghost touch_, or positive; double resistance vs. non-magical)Bound Spirits (aura, divine, necromancy, negative) 10 feet, 4d6 negative, DC 36 basic FortitudeRejuvenation (divine, necromancy) Destroying the ritual object or place used in the nemhaith's creation destroys the nemhaith, freeing its bound spirits to move on to the afterlife.---Speed fly 40 feetMeleespirit tendril +29 (Agile, Finesse, Magical),Damage 3d10+14 negative plus drain lifeRangedspirit dart +29 (Agile, Magical, range 100 feet),Damage 3d8+14 negative plus drain lifeDivine Innate Spells DC 36, attack +28- 8thFinger of Death (×3), Harm (×3), Wall of ForceDrain Life(Divine, Necromancy) When the nemhaith damages a living creature with its spirit tendril Strike, the creature must succeed at a DC 36 Fortitude save or become drained 2. Further damage dealt by the nemhaith increases the condition value by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of drained 4.Rage of SpiritsThe nemhaith's bound spirits rage and smash everything in a 30-foot emanation. Creatures in this area take 4d6 sonic damage and 4d6 negative damage (DC 36 basic Fortitude save).Throw SpiritsThe nemhaith directs its bound spirits as a group to move up to 1 mile away (they have a fly Speed of 60 feet). The nemhaith can see and hear through the thrown spirits, but it loses its aura and can't use its spirit dart ranged Strike or Rage of Spirits. The nemhaith regains these abilities when the spirits return to the nemhaith's space.Captive SpiritsThe ritual to form a nemhaith doesn't require consent from its spirits, which might come as a shocking betrayal. A nemhaith can grow more powerful as living creatures drained of life by its touch join its coterie of spirits." - }, - { - "name": "Nenchuuj", - "family": "Sahkil", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Sahkil"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1023", - "lore": "NenchuujNenchuujes embody the fear of magic corrupted, gone wrong, or spiraling out of control with unintended consequences. A nenchuuj's eyes are like divination pools, showing visions of all the ways various spells can fail, backfire, or warp. The smell of burnt flesh and ozone hangs heavy around them. When they speak, corrupted magical energy pours from their mouths. Regions recovering from tremendous magical fallout, or where many novices in magical studies gather, may draw large numbers of nenchuujes. They like to lure spellcasters close by affecting a fear of magic, often feigning piteous distress or recoiling from simple spells, only to turn more powerful effects against a spellcaster's allies and relish the horror this produces. Nenchuujes denounce the spellcasters for being at fault in harming these allies, stoking feelings of regret.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 41Nenchuuj" - }, - { - "name": "Neothelid", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "739", - "lore": "NeothelidThis gigantic, mauve worm has a hooked mouth with multiple circular bands of teeth and four barbed tongues. A wielder of terrible occult powers and a vast alien intellect, the neothelid serves the ageless horrors that dwell in strange dimensions beyond known reality—the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones of the Elder Mythos. Neothelids pass down these mysteries to the eerie wormlike creatures they spawn and create in preparation for a future where the worms below shall rule—a time when all other life is nothing more than food.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 36Neothelid" - }, - { - "name": "Nereid", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Fey", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "740", - "lore": "NereidNereids are aquatic fey with deep ties to water. They share some similarities with naiads, but they are not guardians and do not bind themselves to a specific body of water. Although they are primarily aquatic creatures, their unique ability to imbue their vitality into a supernatural shawl allows them to travel on land as well. A nereid must be careful when manifesting a shawl, however, as their life essence is bound to it, so it can be stolen or destroyed to threaten the nereid. Nereids prefer to exist in isolation. Left to their own devices, they avoid combat, but when forced to fight, their ability to transform the natural waters in their flesh into poison serves them as well as any weapon. Often, ignorant sailors lump all water-dwelling fey into a single category of “aquatic tempters,” regardless of the fey's type or gender, using these creatures' names interchangeably to represent the concept of a beautiful figure who exists to lure mortals to a drowning death. Whereas naiads have more patience and often seek to educate the ignorant regarding the harm that stereotypes can cause, nereids and rusalkas have little patience for such methods. Rusalkas are the primary source for the legends of fey preying upon sailors, and nereids loathe them for that, as they prefer to live apart from humanity and enjoy the beauty of the natural world in peace. When a nereid learns of a rusalka's increased activity, it often seeks out the rusalka to route them—not so much out of an urge to protect humanoids (in whom nereids traditionally have little interest), but to prevent the rusalka from inadvertently riling up violent responses from humanoids who can't be bothered to note the difference between a murderous fey and one who just wants to be left alone.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 27Nereid" - }, - { - "name": "Nessian Warhound", - "family": "Hell Hound", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast, Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "260", - "lore": "Nessian WarhoundBelieved to be bred by the Prince of Darkness himself within vast kennels in the infernal realm of Nessus, Nessian warhounds are the favored guards and hunting hounds of powerful fiends and, rarely, those mortals who worship them and have earned their favor.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 26Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 26Nessian Warhound" - }, - { - "name": "Night Hag", - "family": "Hag", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend, Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Hag", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "257", - "lore": "Night HagNight hags are thieves and merchants of mortal souls. These foul creatures collect souls in dark gems or crystalline jars to sell in fiendish markets, and are themselves empowered by potent magic jewels known as heartstones. They haunt the Ethereal Plane, where they prey upon mortals in their dreams, debilitating them with horrific nightmares as they rest. A night hag may find a particular target and haunt them continuously over the course of weeks, slowly and cruelly breaking down the victim’s will and ability to resist, until their soul is forfeit. A night hag is a canny mastermind and soul broker, willing to consider any deal as long as she is convinced she has the upper hand. Although a night hag finds it easy to travel the Ethereal Plane and prey upon helpless souls that can’t fight back, these souls are also the least desirable to the evil outsiders the night hag bargains with, and so a night hag gathers allies and minions that allow her to prey on more potent souls without personally risking herself. Their favored minions are nightmares, with whom they share a special bond. Above all, night hags avoid fighting foes that can harry them on the Ethereal Plane, picking fights only when they are certain they can escape.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 26Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 26Night Hag" - }, - { - "name": "Nightgaunt", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1247", - "lore": "NightgauntNightgaunts dwell in dreams, lurking in wait to spirit away the unwary dreamer. Once connected to such a being, the nightgaunt feeds upon the mortal's emotions before abandoning them—often in places they might never wake from. A nightgaunt appears as a bony humanoid with inky black skin, batlike wings, a long sinuous tail, and demonic horns atop a skull that lacks any face or features. Most nightgaunts have little interest in anything other than sating their hunger for emotions. They find the art of inducing nightmares to be a surefire way to feast, but they're even more adept at tormenting their victims to awful extremes through tickling while carrying them at precarious heights. Nightgaunts often gather in vast colonies in the Dreamlands, where they entertain each other by sharing emotion-memories of their meals through strange caresses. These colonies pose great danger to any adventurer foolish enough to approach. When conjured forth into other worlds, they serve only grudgingly, often working as hard to find a way to escape servitude and feed on their conjurer's emotions as they do on the task they've been compelled to perform.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 21Unspecific Lore: DC 19Specific Lore: DC 16NightgauntSource Bestiary 3 pg. 186Perception +10; darkvision, thoughtsense (precise) 60 feetLanguagesAklo; (can't speak any language)SkillsAcrobatics +11, Athletics +13, Stealth +11Str +5Dex +3Con +2Int -2Wis +2Cha +0Thoughtsense (divination, mental, occult) A nightgaunt senses all non-mindless creatures at the listed range.---AC 21 all-around visionFort +10 Ref +13 Will +10 HP 60Resistancescold 5Faceless The nightgaunt has no face, but it can still see in all directions as if its entire body were an eye. It has no need to breathe, and it is immune to all inhaled toxins and other olfactory effects.Attack of OpportunityTail only.---Speed 25 feet, fly 30 feetMeleeclaw +13 (Agile),Damage 2d6+7 plus GrabMeleetail +13 (Agile, reach 10 feet),Damage tickleClutchesA nightgaunt can Fly at full Speed while it has a Medium or smaller creature grabbed or restrained in its claws, carrying that creature along with it.TickleThe nightgaunt can use its tail to tickle a foe with horrible efficiency. A creature hit by its tail Strike must attempt a DC 21 Fortitude save; if the creature is grabbed by the nightgaunt, it uses the outcome one degree of success worse than the result it rolled. Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 1 minute. Success The creature is overcome with laughter and can't perform reactions for 1 round. Failure As success, and the creature is sickened 1. Critical Failure As success, and the creature is sickened 2 and can't speak for 1 round.Emotion eatersNightgaunts feed on emotions via touch, preferring unique cocktails formed of conflicting emotions, especially despair, horror, or nervous laughter. Such feeding has little lasting impact on their food source, but a nightgaunt can only feed on a given creature once. As a result, they tend to satiate themselves before seeking out another food source." - }, - { - "name": "Nightmarchers", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Spirit,Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Troop", "Undead", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1248", - "lore": "NightmarchersWhile smooth roads remain a traveler's blessing, walking them after sunset risks nightmarcher attack. The ringing of conch shells and beating of drums herald the coming of these spirits as they walk the royal highways, unfettered by walls or barriers. Nightmarchers react violently to those in their path. If a bystander is fortunate, an ancestor's spirit might call out to spare them. Those who refuse to show proper deference might be reduced to little more than ash on the wind come sunrise.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 32Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27NightmarchersSource Bestiary 3 pg. 187Perception +27; darkvision, kinsenseLanguagesCommonSkillsAthletics +25, Religion +27, Warfare Lore +27Str -5Dex +5Con +4Int +5Wis +5Cha +5Kinsense (detection, divination, divine) Nightmarchers can detect creatures who are their kin, whether by blood or bond, as an imprecise sense. If they focus their senses on a creature by Seeking, they learn whether they are related to that creature, and how.---AC 30 Fort +24 Ref +19 Will +25 HP 240Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, sleepResistancesall damage 5 (except force, ghost touch, or positive; double resistance vs. non-magical)Weaknessesarea damage 20, splash damage 10Frightful Presence (aura, auditory, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 31Troop Defenses ---Speed 25 feet; _air walk_, troop movementDivine Innate Spells DC 31- Constant (4th)Air WalkBlazing Admonition(Divine, Evocation, Fire, Visual) Heat scorches those who lay eyes on the nightmarchers. All creatures in a 60-foot cone take 15d6 fire damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save). Prone creatures and the nightmarchers' kin are unaffected as long as they have not taken a hostile action against the nightmarchers. The nightmarchers can't use Blazing Admonition for 1d4 rounds.Form UpMissile VolleyThe nightmarchers fling a hail of spears and stones, dealing 5d6+9 bludgeoning or piercing damage to creatures in a 10-foot burst within 20 feet (DC 31 basic Reflex save). When the nightmarchers are reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this decreases to a 5-foot burst.Striking KoaFrequency once per round; Effect The troop attacks with spears, clubs, and leiomano against enemies within 5 feet (DC 33 basic Reflex save) for their choice of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage depending on the number of actions.2d6+2 slashing damage4d6+12 slashing damage6d6+12 slashing damageTroop MovementWhenever the nightmarchers Stride, they first Form Up as a free action to condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus any missing squares), then move. This works just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if any of the nightmarchers' squares enter difficult terrain, the extra movement cost applies to the whole group.Avoidance and DeferenceTrue to their name, nightmarchers tend to walk royal highways only after nightfall, making daytime travel safer. While they can traverse virtually any barrier, they can't cross ti leaves or similar sacred plants. If one finds themself in nightmarchers' presence, the last recourse is to show proper deference by lying flat on the ground with eyes shut—if one hears a ghostly voice call out to claim them, it means that an ancestor is present among the nightmarchers and has directed the procession to spare the bystander from harm." - }, - { - "name": "Nightmare", - "family": "Nightmare", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast, Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "308", - "lore": "NightmareNightmares are flaming equine harbingers of death.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 22Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 22Nightmare" - }, - { - "name": "Nikaramsa", - "family": "Asura", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Asura", "Fiend", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1072", - "lore": "NikaramsaLies, knowledge, and deception are a nikaramsa's stock and trade. They are outstanding scholars, with deep and nuanced understanding of religion, philosophy, astrology, and similar subjects. They take particular delight in exploiting the greed and hubris of gullible worshippers, using them to desecrate and destroy their own faith. Even in their goal of undermining the holy, nikaramsas' twisted humor knows few bounds, and they prefer to take on the guise of divine messengers with boons to share. Once they find a likely victim or set of victims, they use their vast knowledge of religion to impart contradictory wisdom, leading to the eventual implosion of the faith from heresies of the clergy and congregation themselves.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27NikaramsaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 24Perception +25; _detect alignment_, darkvision, _see invisibility_LanguagesCommon, Infernal; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAthletics +24, Deception +28, Religion +25, Stealth +25Str +8Dex +3Con +2Int +1Wis +5Cha +8---AC 35 Fort +22 Ref +25 Will +27 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 315ImmunitiescursesWeaknessesgood 10Towering Stance (divine, illusion) A nikaramsa is in fact a Medium creature, but appears as a Large creature due to the force of their personality. A creature interacting with the nikaramsa can attempt a DC 36 Will save to see the nikaramsa as they truly are. If the creature succeeds, the reach of nikaramsa's attacks against that foe decrease to 5 feet (10 feet for their tongue). If all creatures in the nikaramsa's vicinity successfully disbelieve this illusion, the nikaramsa becomes Medium and enfeebled 2 for as long as everyone sees their true form.Pervert Miracle(curse, divine) Trigger A foe within 60 feet casts _bless_ or a beneficial spell that the nikaramsa could cast to remove an affliction or condition (such as _neutralize poison_); Effect The nikaramsa attempts to counteract the enemy's spell (counteract modifier +24 and counteract level 7). If the nikaramsa succeeds, the triggering creature is subjected to the effects of a _bane_ spell or the effect it was trying to remove.---Speed 50 feetMeleejaws +29 (reach 10 feet),Damage 3d10+14 piercing plus 2d6 evilMeleeclaw +29 (Agile, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d6+14 slashing plus 2d6 evilMeleetongue +29 (reach 20 feet),Damage 3d6+14 bludgeoning plus 2d6 evil plus Improved KnockdownDivine Innate Spells DC 34, attack +26- 4thDimension Door (at will)- 7thBane, Bless, Dimension Door, Divine Decree (evil only), Dream Message, Heal (×3), Illusory Disguise (at will), Invisibility (at will; self only), Mind Reading, Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease, Remove Curse, Restore Senses, Ventriloquism (at will)- Constant (7th)Detect Alignment, Magic Aura (self only), Nondetection (self only), See InvisibilitySap Mind(Divine, Enchantment, Mental) The nikaramsa focuses their gaze on one creature within 60 feet. That target must attempt a DC 34 Will save. Regardless of the outcome of the saving throw, the target then becomes temporarily immune for 1 day. Critical Success The nikaramsa is caught off guard by the strength of the target's resistance and becomes stupefied 2 until the end of their next turn. Success The target resists the nikaramsa's influence. Failure The target's focus and willpower drain away; it becomes stupefied 2 for 1 minute. Critical Failure As failure, but the target becomes stupefied 3 for 1 hour.Cousins in CorruptionMany evil beings take interest in spreading heresies. While nikaramsas seek to unravel faiths from within, the devils known as deimaviggas strive to lure individuals away from the gods, and shrine skelms leverage religions for their own benefit." - }, - { - "name": "Nilith", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "310", - "lore": "NilithThe sleek, dark niliths resemble hairless, emaciated tree sloths. These creatures are intensely dangerous and fearsome, with red glowing eyes, wicked claws, and mouths full of needlelike teeth. Niliths feed off the emotions, fears, and flesh of the living, and folktales posit that those who have nightmares of these creatures are fated to one day be eaten by them. Niliths draw intense joy from tormenting sapient creatures, often focusing their predations on the pious and the just, from whom they draw forth their most basic fears and worst thoughts and revel in their victims’ subsequent terror. More often than not, these despicable manipulators wish to drive their victims into madness and even to suicide. Most niliths lack the patience to spend too much time fully tearing down an individual, and when a nilith tires of its current plaything and becomes bored with its particular thoughts and fears, it murders the quarry before feeding on its flesh and moving onto the next victim. Niliths are actually extensions of much deadlier creatures that dwell in a distant dimension beyond dreams—in a way, niliths are little more than remote feeding machines for the unknown alien entities to which they are connected. Scholars and dimensional travelers have attempted to uncover the exact mechanisms of this mysterious connection, but they have yet to decipher the truth. Indeed, many who investigate the nature of the nilith’s bond are driven to madness before getting anywhere close. The odd connection to otherworldly beings might help explain the longevity of these creatures, as it is believed that niliths can live for thousands of years. Thankfully for others, niliths are solitary creatures that hate the company of their own kind, likely because these harbingers of nightmares have no wish to taste the horrors they bring to others.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 27Nilith" - }, - { - "name": "Nixie", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "741", - "lore": "NixieThese aquatic fey often guard ponds, rivers, lakes, and springs, protecting their bucolic homes from the advances of predators and careless humanoids alike. Nixies tend to be reclusive and try to keep their presence hidden from humanoids, hoping trespassers won't give them cause to act. Stories of minor miracles granted by nixies to those they befriend encourage humanoids to seek out these reclusive fey, and ironically make it even more unlikely for a nixie to grant such a boon. On the other hand, if someone approaches a nixie with respect, or even better, a positive attitude that displays just the right amount of humility and easygoing openness, a nixie is far more likely to respond positively to any requests for aid. Often a nixie will ask those who seek their assistance to perform a task for them first; such requests can be minor acts of entertainment (such as telling a rousing story or performing a requested song), but in other cases the nixie might need more significant aid, such as driving off an unwanted local predator or investigating the source of pollution near their home. Nixies resort to violence only if no other tactic works. They much prefer solutions that rely upon primal magic to defuse conflicts before they can escalate to bloodshed. In pursuit of such resolutions, nixies rely on their ability to charm individuals and, when they can establish magical influence, encourage intruders to leave peacefully. While some nixies try to confuse intruders and subtly guide them from the area, others use local animals and beasts to scare off trespassers. Occasionally, nixies recruit charmed humanoids to act as protectors or help with a task that is simply too big for them to deal with. If this task is underwater, nixies use their magic to temporarily grant the ability to breathe water to the charmed creature. Only those who manage to befriend a nixie are given invitations to return to swim or dine with the fey, and only the most trusted of allies are granted a minor wish. Nixies appear as aquatic humanoids the size of a child, with large eyes, catfish-like whiskers, and webbed fingers and toes. They have scaly skin, pointed ears, and long hair the color of seaweed. Nixies often form small communities, even building underwater societies if their numbers are great enough. In many cultures' folklore, there are stories of nixie nations hidden at the bottom of particularly large lakes.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 15Nixie" - }, - { - "name": "Norn", - "family": "—", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "742", - "lore": "NornAncient beyond imagining, norns are powerful fey women who hold in their hands the physical manifestation of fate and destiny in the form of golden thread. They watch over all life, intervening with reluctance when called upon—or with a vengeance when the strands of fate are twisted and abused by lesser beings. Norns' relationship with the Eldest of the First World is complex. Many among norns serve Magdh the Three, the triune Eldest who some norns believe to be the first norn triumvirate bound together into one entity, as Magdh has three bodies: a Maiden, a Mother, and a Matriarch. Magdh claims to be watching the threads of fate for some ominous prophesied cataclysm, and in addition to assisting in her divinations, Magdh expects the norns who serve her to follow her cryptic commands to help nudge the future away from the brink. However, norns are powerful beings in their own right, themselves capable of granting divine power, and many balk at serving the enigmatic demigod. These norns find the other Eldest even more alien and challenging to interact with, for they believe that while the Eldest wield great power, even these powerful beings should not be granted leave to meddle with fate as much as they desire. While even the weakest of the Eldest could destroy an unaffiliated norn with ease, they tend to obey the proclamations and judgments of norns when they are spoken. These norns, for their part, use their perceived neutrality judiciously. They know better than to issue too many demands to the Eldest, lest the capricious demigods grow frustrated and tired of norns' interference. And so the balance of power remains tenuous between unaffiliated norns and the Eldest, as it has for eons. However, norns know that it's merely a matter of time before the Eldest lose their respect for this tradition and start acting entirely as they please, despite norns' best efforts to rein in their most disruptive actions. A norn stands 14 feet tall and weighs 800 pounds. Worshipping Norns On the Material Plane, some mortals worship norns as deities, while others, especially witches and bards, admire them as patrons or muses. Those who uphold norns as deities are known as Followers of Fate. Norns do little to discourage this veneration, but neither do they go out of their way to support such worship. Clerics who venerate norns might worship a specific norn or norn triumvirate, or all norns as a whole, but they gain the same benefits regardless of their choice. The religious symbol of Followers of Fate is a pair of shears cutting a golden thread, and their areas of concern are destiny, fate, and the aging process.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 45Norn" - }, - { - "name": "Nosferatu Malefactor", - "family": "Vampire, Nosferatu", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Uncommon", "Undead", "Vampire", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1357", - "lore": "Nosferatu MalefactorTwisted by age and eternal hunger, nosferatu malefactors spread plague in their wake and yearn for mortal blood.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 29Unspecific Lore: DC 27Specific Lore: DC 24Nosferatu MalefactorSource Bestiary 3 pg. 284Perception +19; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Common, Necril; telepathy 60 feetSkillsAcrobatics +21, Arcana +21, Athletics +19, Deception +17, Intimidation +19, Stealth +23Str +5Dex +7Con +3Int +7Wis +5Cha +3---AC 30 Fort +17 Ref +21 Will +19 HP 135(fast healing 10, negative healing, plagued coffin restoration)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, sleepResistancesphysical 10 (except magical wood)Nosferatu Vulnerabilities ---Speed 30 feet, climb 25 feetMeleefangs +23 (Finesse),Damage 2d12+11 piercing plus Drink BloodMeleeclaw +23 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d10+11 piercing plus plague of ancientsDivine Innate Spells DC 29- 5thTelekinetic Haul (×3)Change Shape(Concentrate, Divine, Polymorph, Transmutation) DC 29Command Thrall(Auditory, Divine, Mental) Dominate(Divine, Enchantment, Incapacitation, Mental, Visual) DC 29Drink Blood(Divine, Necromancy) When Drinking Blood, the nosferatu malefactor regains 13 HP.Plague of Ancients(Disease, Virulent) DC 29" - }, - { - "name": "Nosferatu Overlord", - "family": "Vampire, Nosferatu", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Rare", "Undead", "Vampire", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1358", - "lore": "Nosferatu OverlordMillennia of feeding on the living can turn the most powerful nosferatus into creatures of indomitable will and walking terror.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 39Unspecific Lore: DC 37Specific Lore: DC 34Nosferatu OverlordSource Bestiary 3 pg. 285Perception +27; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Common, Necril; telepathy 60 feetSkillsAcrobatics +29, Arcana +31, Athletics +27, Deception +25, Intimidation +27, Stealth +31Str +6Dex +8Con +4Int +8Wis +6Cha +4---AC 37 Fort +23 Ref +27 Will +29 HP 216(fast healing 15, negative healing, plagued coffin restoration)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, sleepResistancesphysical 15 (except magical wood)Air of Sickness (aura) 30 feet, DC 33Nosferatu Vulnerabilities ---Speed 30 feet, climb 25 feetMeleefangs +30 (Finesse),Damage 3d12+12 piercing plus Drink BloodMeleeclaw +30 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 3d10+12 piercing plus plague of ancientsDivine Innate Spells DC 36- 8thTelekinetic Haul (×3), Vampiric Exsanguination (×2)Change Shape(Concentrate, Divine, Polymorph, Transmutation) DC 36Command Thrall(Auditory, Divine, Mental) Dominate(Divine, Enchantment, Incapacitation, Mental, Visual) DC 36Drink Blood(Divine, Necromancy) When Drinking Blood, the nosferatu regains 21 HP.Paralytic Fear(Divine, Incapacitation, Mental) DC 33Plague of Ancients(Disease, Virulent) DC 36" - }, - { - "name": "Nosferatu Thrall", - "family": "Vampire, Nosferatu", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1356", - "lore": "Nosferatu ThrallNosferatu thralls are mortals bound to a nosferatu's will. While thralls aren't undead, they stay alive through unnatural means: feeding on the blood of their masters.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21Nosferatu ThrallSource Bestiary 3 pg. 284Perception +16LanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +13, Athletics +14, Deception +15, Religion +14Str +4Dex +3Con +2Int +2Wis +2Cha +1Items_+1 striking greatclub_---AC 27 Fort +16 Ref +17 Will +14 HP 135(fast healing 5)Weaknessesmental 10Mindbound Mortal ShieldRally---Speed 25 feetMelee_greatclub_ +19 (Backswing, Magical, Shove),Damage 2d10+10 bludgeoningMeleefist +18 (Agile, Nonlethal),Damage 2d6+10 bludgeoningSwing BackFrequency once per round; Requirements The nosferatu thrall's last action was a greatclub Strike that missed; Effect The nosferatu thrall makes another greatclub Strike against the same target, using the previous Strike's multiple attack penalty" - }, - { - "name": "Nosoi", - "family": "Psychopomp", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Psychopomp"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "339", - "lore": "NosoiA nosoi resembles a whippoorwill, sparrow, or other small bird wearing a heavy leather plague doctor’s mask. They are the clerks, messengers, and scribes of the Boneyard, witnessing judgments, directing souls, and generally performing the administrative grunt work that keeps the Boneyard functioning. Most nosois are particularly chatty and eager to discuss how important they consider their individual assignments to be.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 15Nosoi" - }, - { - "name": "Nuckelavee", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "743", - "lore": "NuckelaveeWhen pollution despoils a natural waterway, it draws the dreaded nuckelavee to it from the First World. This spirit of wrath is a grisly sight to behold: a horselike monstrosity with the gnarled upper body of a humanoid growing directly from its back. Further enhancing the awfulness, not a patch of skin exists on the misshapen hybrid form, as though it survived its own flaying. When a nuckelavee rides forth from its domain, it wreaks a trail of destruction across the lands surrounding its path. Nuckelavees are considered among the cruelest and most monstrous fey, seen by some as just desserts visited upon those who would befoul the waters of their homes. A nuckelavee, though, doesn't discriminate between those who pollute and those who merely have the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 26Nuckelavee" - }, - { - "name": "Nucol", - "family": "Sahkil", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Sahkil", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1281", - "lore": "NucolRepresenting the fear of parasites and affliction, nucols appear as violent, pestilence-ridden boars. They pollute their victim's body and mind, spreading not only fear but a mind-altering affliction that exacerbates feelings of self-doubt. Though very aggressive, the fiends are capable of cunning manipulation. After they infect a victim with potent insecurity, they'll offer to remove the affliction for a price. Many of these deals are esoteric in nature, driving the victim into despair and forcing them to give up things they cherish. The sinister nucol may even reinfect its victim after completing the bargain, but a canny negotiator may be able to turn the tables on the fiend and free themselves from its grasp.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14NucolSource Bestiary 3 pg. 219Perception +11; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 100 feetLanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Requian; telepathy 60 feetSkillsAthletics +12, Deception +10, Intimidation +12, Stealth +10Str +4Dex +2Con +3Int +0Wis +3Cha +2Easy to Call A sahkil's level is considered 2 lower for the purpose of being conjured by the _planar binding_ ritual (and potentially other rituals, at the GM's discretion), but it is always free to attack or leave instead of negotiate unless the primary caster's check is a critical success.---AC 20 Fort +13 Ref +10 Will +11 HP 75Immunitiesdisease, fearResistancespoison 5Weaknessesgood 5---Speed 30 feetMeleetusk +12 (deadly d10),Damage 2d8+6 piercing plus 1d4 evil and nervous consumptionDivine Innate Spells DC 20- Cantrips (2nd)Detect Magic, Mage Hand- 1stGrease (×3)- 3rdFear (at will), Remove DiseaseNervous Consumption(Disease, Divine, Emotion, Enchantment, Mental) Saving Throw DC 21 Fortitude; Onset 1 minute; Stage 1 sickened 1 and stupefied 1 (1 day); Stage 2 clumsy 1 and stupefied 2 (1 day); Stage 3 clumsy 2 and stupefied 3 (1 day)Skip Between(Conjuration, Divine, Teleportation) The sahkil moves from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane or vice-versa, with the effects of _ethereal jaunt_ except that the effect has an unlimited duration and can be Dismissed. A summoned sahkil can't use Skip Between.Spray PusThe nucol flexes one of its infected wounds, releasing a spray of pus in a 15- foot cone or targeting an individual creature within 30 feet. A creature targeted or in the area is exposed to nervous consumption." - }, - { - "name": "Nuglub", - "family": "Gremlin", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "689", - "lore": "NuglubThe \"towering\" hunchbacked nuglubs are among the largest gremlins, though they're not quite three feet tall. Nuglubs have three glowing blue eyes and black, oily hair on their head and back that covers them like a cloak. Nuglubs enjoy killing with a glee that other gremlins reserve for sabotage. Indeed, they spend long hours preparing ambushes for unwary travelers or plotting the murders of sleeping villagers. Though less technically inclined than their kin, nuglubs do enjoy building traps. They delight in stealthily constructing traps in places their victims consider familiar, such as front doors and the floors around beds. If someone else gets blamed for the mayhem the nuglub creates, all the better. In combat, nuglubs focus on targets wearing metal armor. Some attribute this to envy on the part of the nuglubs, who find it difficult to fit armor on their twisted bodies. Nuglubs are particularly talented at causing those nearby to stumble over them and fall prone. Once an enemy falls to the ground, all the nuglubs descend upon the target, biting and scratching until nothing remains. Nuglubs rarely gather in groups larger than half a dozen, as quarrels often lead to violence and cannibalism. A lone nuglub who bullies a group of smaller gremlins is more likely to get their way, and thus less likely to attack their allies.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 16Nuglub" - }, - { - "name": "Nyktera", - "family": "Sprite", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1321", - "lore": "NykteraNykteras, or bat sprites, are gentle sprites known for their affectionate nature and incredible hospitality. Nykteras share features with bats, but the type of bat varies by location, as nykteras tend to form small colonies in locations with bats similar to their own nature. A nyktera's sense of hospitality is such that they're willing to share with any who need it, even bitter foes. However, violating a nyktera's hospitality is one of their greatest taboos, inviting rare anger and retribution from the nyktera who was wronged, as well as their large extended family.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8NykteraSource Bestiary 3 pg. 254Perception +6; (8 to Seek creatures using hearing) low-light visionLanguagesCommon, Sylvan; speak with batsSkillsAcrobatics +5, Diplomacy +5, Stealth +5Str -3Dex +3Con +0Int +0Wis +2Cha +3Speak with Bats A nyktera can communicate with bats and use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on bats and Request things from bats.Wrath of Spurned Hospitality A nyktera whose hospitality is betrayed becomes enraged at the violation of a fundamental aspect of their fey nature. They must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or begin involuntarily attacking the traitor. At the end of each of their turns, if they choose, they can attempt another Will save to end the effect; otherwise, the effect lasts until the traitor is subdued or leaves the nyktera's presence. As long as their righteous fury lasts, the nyktera gains a +2 status bonus to attack and damage rolls for their fist Strikes.---AC 15 Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +6 HP 10Weaknessescold iron 2---Speed 10 feet, fly 40 feetMeleefist +7 (Agile, Finesse, Magical),Damage 1d6–3 bludgeoning damageRangedultrasonic pulse +7 (Evocation, Magical, range 20 feet),Damage 1d4 sonicPrimal Innate Spells DC 17- Cantrips (1st)Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound- 1stHeal" - }, - { - "name": "Nyogoth", - "family": "Qlippoth", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Qlippoth"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "774", - "lore": "NyogothLittle more than a coiled mass of intestines encircling a massive gaping maw, this qlippoth is an Abyssal scavenger, subsisting on the filth and leftovers of demons and qlippoth alike, although it relishes any opportunity to consume living prey. Despite this seeming lowly role in the Abyssal ecosystem, a nyogoth is far from a stupid beast and can orchestrate cunning ambushes to secure its next meal.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 29Nyogoth" - }, - { - "name": "Obrousian", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1013", - "lore": "ObrousianSpawned from sorrow and hatred, obrousians are undead merfolk who lurk in shallow places to prey upon hated land dwellers. The genesis of an obrousian is a tragic one: some merfolk forsake their aquatic homes when they fall in love with a land dweller, only to be spurned or rejected. Having given up their world for another and then feeling that new world closed off to them as well, merfolk can become emotionally overwhelmed. When such merfolk die, often overcome with sorrow, they rise as obrousians. Obrousians think of little other than revenge upon the land dwellers who wronged them, and upon anyone else who crosses their path. They can contort their bodies to take the guise of other humanoids, but doing so is painful, so obrousians use this ability only when necessary to enact their schemes. Their underlying mental turmoil simmers beneath any careful preparation, and many obrousians foil their own plans with unexpected outbursts of emotion. Obrousians are recognizable as the merfolk they were in life, though their bodies show obvious decay and their hands have elongated into sharp claws. Their voices are melodic and entrancing, belying their rotting bodies and turbulent minds, so some obrousians hide in tall reeds or under docks before speaking to their victims, lulling them into false comfort with a pleasant voice.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 34Obrousian" - }, - { - "name": "Obsidian Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "875", - "lore": "Obsidian GolemThe art of golem animation is not limited to societies with access to expensive crafting materials or a long history of arcane mastery. Among the resource-poor xulgaths who dwell in the Darklands, especially those hardy clutches that call the Black Desert their home, obsidian is one of the most common crafting materials available. Combine this ingredient with a powerful spellcaster and the xulgath tradition of inflection—magically warping and working normally inflexible stone—and the end result is an obsidian golem.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 37Obsidian Golem" - }, - { - "name": "Ochre Jelly", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "322", - "lore": "Ochre JellyOchre jellies are animate masses of protoplasm with a sickly combination of yellow, orange, and brown hues. Their acidic bodies dissolve flesh but leave other materials, including a victim’s gear and bones, intact. Some ancient cultures would entomb bodies in stone sarcophaguses with ochre jellies to allow the ooze to break down the flesh and clean and polish the bones.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 20Ochre Jelly" - }, - { - "name": "Ofalth", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "316", - "lore": "OfalthFound in castle dung heaps, city dumps, and sewers, ofalths are thought to be cousins of shamblers. But whereas shamblers are living heaps of soggy vegetation, ofalths are living heaps of matter from an altogether more unpleasant source: these monsters look like 9-foot-tall amalgamations of wet detritus, sewage, and rubbish with long tentacular arms and stout legs. It can be difficult to tell where an ofalth’s body ends and the foul contents of the cesspit they wallow within begins. They move through refuse heaps in search of organic material in their endless quest to sate their hunger. Though ofalths have a limited intellect, they still exhibit a vile curiosity. They are no strangers to dissecting their prey after it has succumbed to their wasting disease—a terrible and aptly named affliction that causes the victim’s blood to seep from its pores. When an ofalth manages to secure a victim alive, it may even torture its food by consuming it bit by bit while it shrieks for mercy. Ofalths’ domains typically overlap with those of otyughs, who fear ofalths, though otyughs have also been known to band together in order to take down an ofalth for its rubbery flesh, which the otyughs consider an intoxicating delicacy. On the other hand, ofalths seem to particularly enjoy taking otyughs apart one piece at a time. They have been known to keep a captured otyugh alive for days or even weeks, forcing the otyugh to endure the cloying scent of its own body decaying before the ofalth feeds.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 27Ofalth" - }, - { - "name": "Ogre Boss", - "family": "Ogre", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "319", - "lore": "Ogre BossIn ogre society, might makes more than right—it makes the rules. The strongest or most violent ogre in a family (in most cases, this is the same ogre) is invariably that family’s boss. Quick to hook fallen foes on their weapons, even other ogres fear the repercussions of displeasing an ogre boss. When an ogre boss barks out commands, the other members of the family move quickly to obey.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 23Ogre Boss" - }, - { - "name": "Ogre Glutton", - "family": "Ogre", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "318", - "lore": "Ogre GluttonOgre gluttons take the act of feeding to a horrific extreme, capable of extending their already cavernous mouths wide enough to gulp down a halfling. Stories of ogre gluttons being tricked into eating razor-edged shields or barrels filled with poisoned meat are common, but such tales are of little consolation to those who have been gobbled down whole by these ravenous giants. In addition to their sadistic table manners, ogre gluttons have a disturbing knack for coming up with violent “games” that are little more than drawn-out torments, yet those who somehow manage to beat a glutton at the rules of its own game can often enrage and frustrate the ogre enough that the resulting tantrum is more than enough distraction to afford a last-ditch escape from doom.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Ogre Glutton" - }, - { - "name": "Ogre Hurler", - "family": "Ogre", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1031", - "lore": "Ogre HurlerOgres embody brutish, amoral violence and cruelty.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 21Ogre Hurler" - }, - { - "name": "Ogre Spider", - "family": "Spider", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "814", - "lore": "Ogre SpiderThese terrifying creatures grow as large as elephants. The placement of their eyes above their wide mandibles evokes the grimacing visage of an ogre's leer. Ogres themselves find the appearance of ogre spider faces simultaneously amusing and adorable, but in most cases, ogres' attempts to keep these spiders as pets result in dead ogres and well-fed spiders.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 20Ogre Spider" - }, - { - "name": "Ogre Warrior", - "family": "Ogre", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "317", - "lore": "Ogre WarriorThe simplest of ogres are slabs of muscle with hatefully beady eyes, misshapen visages, and malformed bodies. Always eager for mayhem and murder, ogre warriors are quick to turn on their kin when there’s a shortage of smaller folk to torment, so those who lead ogres do their best to keep them constantly distracted with new opportunities for raids and ruin.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Ogre Warrior" - }, - { - "name": "Oil Living Graffiti", - "family": "Living Symbol", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Construct", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1221", - "lore": "Living GraffitiA living graffiti is a painting or drawing that has come to life by magic. These two-dimensional beings can move along any flat surface they touch, including walls, floors, furniture, doors, and even bodies of still water. They can't exist apart from the surfaces they traverse except in brief bursts, which they typically use to harass or attack nearby creatures. They exhibit a mischievous nature and desire to make the real world as much of a caricature as their own two-dimensional domain.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18Oil Living GraffitiSource Bestiary 3 pg. 162, Pathfinder #151: The Show Must Go On pg. 84Perception +9; darkvisionLanguagesCommon; (can't speak any language)SkillsAcrobatics +11, Crafting +5, Deception +10, Stealth +11Str +2Dex +4Con +1Int -2Wis +2Cha +1---AC 19 Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +7 HP 50Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousBackdrop When a creature attempts to Strike a living graffiti and critically misses, the attacker hits the surface (a canvas, wall, or so on) behind the living graffiti. This might damage the surface or the attacker's weapon, at the GM's discretion.Surface-Bound A living graffiti can move only along flat surfaces. If the surface it's on is destroyed (such as a portrait hit by a _fireball_ spell or a wall being smashed), the graffiti takes 2d6 damage and is shunted to the nearest flat surface. If there is no flat surface within 5 feet, the graffiti is destroyed.---Speed 25 feetMeleefist +11 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d4+4 bludgeoningRangedsplatter +11 (Nonlethal, range increment 20 feet),Damage 1d4+4 plus splatterSplatterA living graffiti splatters into a creature's face with its splatter Strike. On a hit, the target is dazzled for 1 round or until it Interacts to remove the paint from its face.Difficult to DestroyAdventurers claim that the most reliable way to destroy a living graffiti is to trap it on a levitating canvas or to abandon its host surface in a windy desert." - }, - { - "name": "Olethrodaemon (Apocalypse Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "597", - "lore": "Olethrodaemon (Apocalypse Daemon)Even daemons fear the most massive and terrifying of their kind, olethrodaemons. No single entity could embody the level of evil necessary to manifest one; instead, these living war machines are made from the souls of many—or so the story goes. Other theories suggest that the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are responsible for creating the olethrodaemons, or that olethrodaemons are merely the seeping run-off of an even greater being: a mysterious fifth Horseman.Whatever the truth, olethrodaemons are real, and their existence is terrifying enough to instill paralyzing existential dread. With dozens of unblinking glowing eyes above a drooling maw, two sets of four muscled limbs, and countless horns, olethrodaemons resemble no other creature known to mortalkind.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 40Olethrodaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Omox", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend,Ooze", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Ooze", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1112", - "lore": "Omox (Slime Demon)Seemingly made from living, animated filth, omoxes have no true anatomy, although they generally spend most of their time in roughly humanoid shapes, resembling some grim caricatures of half-melted humanoids. While scholars once believed these foul demons to be a pure, concentrated form of the corruption that suffuses the Abyss and its inhabitants, in truth these demons arise from the souls of those who routinely befouled and polluted their surroundings in life.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 32Recall Knowledge - Ooze(Occultism): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27OmoxSource Bestiary 3 pg. 63Perception +22; greater darkvisionLanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +24, Athletics +23, Religion +20, Stealth +24Str +7Dex +3Con +7Int +2Wis +4Cha +4Cleanly Vulnerability An omox embodies filth, and they find the concept of cleanliness abhorrent. An omox subjected to an effect that cleans them, such as the tidy command of _prestidigitation_, takes 2d6 mental damage. They also take this damage the first time each round a creature hit by one of the omox's attacks spends actions cleaning off the filth.---AC 25 Fort +25 Ref +21 Will +20 HP 395Immunitiesacid, critical hits, disease, poison, precisionWeaknessescold iron 10, good 10Grab Weapon(concentrate) Trigger A creature hits the omox with a melee weapon; Effect The omox attempts to Disarm the triggering creature. On a critical success, the weapon becomes subsumed within the omox's body rather than falling to the ground, from which it must be Disarmed before it can be retrieved.---Speed 40 feet, climb 20 feet, swim 80 feetMeleesludge tendril +25,Damage 2d6+13 bludgeoning plus 2d6 acid and 1d6 evil and GrabRangedslime ball +24 (range increment 30 feet),Damage 2d4+13 bludgeoning plus 2d6 acid and 1d6 evil and slime trapDivine Innate Spells DC 32- 4thDimension Door (at will)- 5thControl Water, Create Water (at will), Dimension Door, Stinking CloudRituals DC 32- 1stAbyssal PactLiquid Leap(Concentrate, Conjuration, Teleportation) Requirements The omox is in a space of liquid; Effect The omox teleports from its current space to any unoccupied space of liquid within 120 feet.Slime TrapA creature hit by an omox's slime ball must attempt a DC 32 Reflex save. Success The creature is unaffected. Failure The creature takes a –10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds for 1 minute or until it Escapes (DC 35). Critical Failure As failure, but the target is also clumsy 1 for the same duration.SmotherRequirements The omox has a creature grabbed; Effect The demon flows over the grabbed creature, covering it in oozing acidic slime. The creature must succeed at a DC 32 Fortitude save or else it becomes blinded and must hold its breath or begin suffocating. These effects lasts as long as the omox has the creature grabbed." - }, - { - "name": "Onidoshi", - "family": "Oni", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend, Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Oni"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "746", - "lore": "OnidoshiOnidoshi, or ogre mages, are oni with the material form of an ogre. Onidoshi's supernatural prowess and overwhelming intellect are enough to awe and cow entire families of rank-and-file ogres. Because of this, onidoshi are often found at the head of ogre war parties or orchestrating these violent campaigns from behind the scenes. It's rare for onidoshi to lead solitary existences, but those who do prefer to maraud the countryside or exploit villages and hoard the spoils for themselves.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 24Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 24Onidoshi" - }, - { - "name": "Ooze Mephit", - "family": "Elemental, Mephit", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "661", - "lore": "Ooze MephitSlick in every sense of the word, ooze mephits are unapologetic sycophants, shamelessly flattering anyone they may be able to con a favor out of, although their lack of intelligence and subtlety means that only the most vain or trusting targets fail to see through their honeyed words. Lacking proper bones, these ocher-colored mephits have bodies consisting primarily of ooze and muck. They smell disgusting, and their touch leaves stains that are almost impossible to get out.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 17Ooze Mephit" - }, - { - "name": "Orc Brute", - "family": "Orc", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Orc"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "324", - "lore": "Orc BruteIf orc armies are rarely well organized, this shortcoming can likely be traced to the furious and undisciplined rank-and-file brutes who make up the bulk of an orc warband.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 14Orc Brute" - }, - { - "name": "Orc Warchief", - "family": "Orc", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Orc"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "326", - "lore": "Orc WarchiefWhen orcs raid, the strongest is chosen as the leader, backed up by brothers, sisters, and other immediate family.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Orc Warchief" - }, - { - "name": "Orc Warrior", - "family": "Orc", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Orc"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "325", - "lore": "Orc WarriorThe typical orc warrior is a violent combatant familiar to many adventurers. Orc warriors fight for their clan, for riches, and— perhaps most of all—for personal glory.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Orc Warrior" - }, - { - "name": "Orca", - "family": "Dolphin", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "619", - "lore": "OrcaWhile many know orcas as “killer whales,” they are actually the largest species of dolphin. These powerful animals hunt together in pods to take down seals, sharks, and even true whales. Adult orcas are typically 15–25 feet long and weigh 8,000–12,000 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 20Orca" - }, - { - "name": "Oread", - "family": "Geniekin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Oread"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "760", - "lore": "OreadElemental earth laces through the bones of oreads, who appear similar to stone statues of their mortal ancestry, with delicate crystals in place of hair, fur, or scales. Oreads are stoic and slow to plan but are of steadfast resolve and unwavering in their convictions. The typical oread cherishes quiet seclusion. Yet as they age, many oreads find themselves inexplicably drawn to some far-flung location with a pull like that exerted on the needle of a compass—intangible, constant, and ultimately irresistible. The destination of this mysterious pilgrimage is unique to each oread, though it usually ends in some place of great mystical power, natural splendor, or esoteric learning. Most oreads are drawn to a place with which they are somewhat familiar, but a rare few feel drawn to travel in a seemingly random direction, departing with only their hope that they'll discover whatever mystery lies at the end of their invisible path. Many oreads find that the role of a guard suits their personality well, for in such a role they can feel as if they are helping to promote order but also find time to stand vigil as lone sentinels over a specific portion of a fortification or a remote location on a wilderness trail.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Oread Guard" - }, - { - "name": "Ostiarius", - "family": "Velstrac", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Velstrac"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "848", - "lore": "OstiariusOstiariuses, as emissaries of the velstracs, tend to the portals between the Shadow Plane and the Material Plane. They not only escort other velstracs into the world of mortals, but also work to entice mortals into the realms of the velstracs— from which most mortals never leave. Among the most pleasant and persuasive of the velstracs, ostiariuses are prepared to converse for hours upon any topic, and they are skilled at returning, again and again, to the subject of the delights found in their perverse philosophies. Ostiariuses stand over 6 feet tall, and individuals range from skeletally thin to hugely corpulent.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 20Ostiarius" - }, - { - "name": "Ostovite", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1255", - "lore": "OstoviteSkittering scavenger vermin common throughout the Abyss, ostovites roam battlefields to harvest flesh and bones. After the ostovites dissolve and slurp up the flesh for sustenance, they craft the bones into elaborate shells they refer to as “bone chariots.” These bone chariots move under the ostovites' command and serve as an important marker of rank in ostovite nests. To the tiny ostovites, bigger is better, and building large skeletal conveyances is the only way for them to increase their standing in life. Although they feel deeply inferior to creatures larger than themselves, this fear can be overwhelmed by the ostovites' visceral desire to harvest those creatures' bones to increase their own status. When confronted with a particularly massive skeleton, ostovites generally fight among themselves and end up splitting the haul. However, there are rare instances of the selfish creatures working together to puppeteer a much larger bone chariot. Ostovites' faint understanding of anatomy results in bone chariots that look more like a nightmarish attempt at art than any creature the bones were pulled from. Some powerful fiends and their admirers collect this strange art by bribing ostovites with skeletons or finding ways to kill ostovites without disrupting the chariot around them. Despite ostovites' origins in the Abyss, they are neither demons nor qlippoth. Without the protection of the major fiends, they find their homes in nooks and crannies along the corners of their home plane. Though they have no innate ability to cross the planar boundaries, flaws in the Abyss's fabric often lead them to worlds across the planes. Ostovites that have thus migrated are often much happier. Away from demonic abuse, they usually can be found near mortal crypts and battlefields. On the Material Plane, they rarely have to face any threats other than the undead, clerics of Pharasma, and families of the deceased.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10OstoviteSource Bestiary 3 pg. 193Perception +4; darkvisionLanguagesAbyssalSkillsCrafting +4, Stealth +7Str +0Dex +4Con +3Int -4Wis +1Cha +0---AC 15 Fort +6 Ref +9 Will +4 HP 30Immunitiesbleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, good damage, healing, lawful damage, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poisoned, sickened, unconsciousBone Chariot Ostovites build and inhabit moving shells of bone. The ostovite's base statistics, particularly its immunities, assume the ostovite is safely inside its bone chariot. The bone chariot is destroyed when the ostovite is reduced to less than half its Hit Points or immediately after it takes damage from a critical hit. Damage that can specifically affect the ostovite controlling the chariot even while it's inside (such as the spell _spirit blast_) doesn't destroy the bone chariot, and it bypasses the ostovite's immunities. Without the bone chariot, the ostovite loses its immunities and bone spike Strike, and it is reduced to Tiny size. It also gains weakness 5 to good, mental, and physical damage. Building a new bone chariot requires the skeleton of a Small or larger creature and 10 minutes. An ostovite in a bone chariot is normally Small, though larger bone chariots are possible, especially when ostovites work together.Scuttle Away Trigger The ostovite's bone chariot is destroyed; Effect The ostovite within Steps or Strides.---Speed 25 feetMeleemandibles +9 (Finesse),Damage 1d4 piercing plus 1d4 acidMeleebone spike +9 (Finesse),Damage 1d12 piercing plus 1d4 persistent bleedOstovite LairsOstovites are most often found on battlefields, scavenging for food and bones, regardless of the plane. If one of the vermin finds a suitable location and can bring others along with it, a colony might form" - }, - { - "name": "Osyluth (Bone Devil)", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "608", - "lore": "Osyluth (Bone Devil)An osyluth is an unparalleled inquisitor that revels in the sadism and torture for which Hell is so well known. These devils' charge is to seek out heresies, both among mortals and among other fiends—a commandment they uphold with unwavering fervor. They spawn within the Styx-fed swamps of Hell's fifth layer, Stygia; where heresies and the souls of heretics stagnate, osyluths eventually rise. In the remote corners of that same layer of Hell, they build massive, calcified hives where they perform their vile interrogations and perfect their torturous arts upon lesser devils and petitioners alike.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 26Osyluth" - }, - { - "name": "Otyugh", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "327", - "lore": "OtyughLords of sewers, ditches, and landfllls, otyughs are lthy monstrosities that stomp about on three massive legs in search of tasty garbage and refuse. Using two barbed tentacles to grasp and tear, guided by a third with a proliferation of eyes at the end, the otyugh has perfectly adapted to life in its cramped, disgusting environment, where it uses its appendages to see into tight spaces and grasp hidden prey. Most assume that otyughs originally evolved in swamps and moved into sewers as civilization encroached on their natural habitats. True or not, they are now one of the larger predators in those dank environs. Otyughs are territorial, but they have been known to form loose collectives, even giving each other important-sounding titles like “king of offal” and “duchess of slime” to indicate their rank and station in their sludgy underworld beneath the streets. Those who run across an otyugh might be surprised to hear it speak, shouting at intruders to leave its putrid home or demanding tribute in the form of trash or other prizes of dubious nature.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 19Otyugh" - }, - { - "name": "Ouroboros", - "family": "—", - "level": 21, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Astral,Beast", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Astral", "Beast", "Rare", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1256", - "lore": "OuroborosOuroboros are the embodiment of eternity. Though they're prevalent as a symbol, often scrawled across the margins of alchemical tomes, few know that the beasts actually exist in the Astral Plane, where they fly through the silvery-gray void like a serpentine wheel. The ouroboros is usually depicted as a snake devouring its tail. This circular symbol is synonymous with infinity, self-sufficiency, and eternal unity. An ouroboros' form exemplifies the unfathomable concepts of forever. Its undulating body is composed of smaller serpents, who are in turn composed of ever smaller serpents, continuing indefinitely. These smaller components are recycled as the ouroboros devours its tail, existing in a perpetual, cyclical process of creation and destruction. It is a massive creature, forming a loop roughly 50 feet in diameter and weighing hundreds of tons. An ouroboros's most striking feature is its ability to almost instantly grow new flesh and heal from nearly any wound. This profound regenerative ability comes in part from an ouroboros's magical blood, which is rumored to have many miraculous properties. Through their inscrutable behavior suggests that an ouroboros is mindless, the creatures boast crude intellects and can understand speech, though they have no way to speak. They possess an instinctive, almost obsessive will to survive and defend themselves ferociously if threatened in even the slightest way. Often these perceived threats take the form of another creature simply existing within the ouroboros's line of sight, leading other Astral creatures to give these powerful beings a wide berth. The only creature an ouroboros reliably ignores is another ouroboros, but they're so incredibly rare that these meetings occur only once an age. Being entirely self-sustaining, an ouroboros rarely deigns to emerge from its consumption to engage with the Material Plane. Yet, the creature remains capable of inflicting tremendous devastation that far surpasses what it could wreak leveraging only its massive size alone. Left to its own devices, an ouroboros is likely to simply roam the Astral Plane in eon-spanning cycles, following some pattern too long and large for any mortal to even chart, much less fully comprehend. When conjured to the Material Plane, however, an ouroboros eagerly begins to initiate the cycle of renewal for which it is best known, beginning with that cycle's first step: destruction.Recall Knowledge - Astral(Occultism): DC 47Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 47Unspecific Lore: DC 45Specific Lore: DC 42OuroborosSource Bestiary 3 pg. 195Perception +33; darkvisionLanguagesAklo; (can't speak any language)SkillsAcrobatics +36, Athletics +41Str +10Dex +5Con +7Int -4Wis +4Cha +8---AC 45 Fort +38 Ref +34 Will +33 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 500, regeneration 50 (deactivated by fire)Immunitiesacid, death effects, disease, negative, poison, precisionWeaknessespiercing 15, slashing 15Unfathomable Infinity (aura, incapacitation, mental, visual) 100 feet. The ouroboros is the embodiment of perfect infinity, and this concept pulls at the threads of mortal minds, desperately straining the limits of their comprehension. When a creature ends its turn in the aura, it must attempt a DC 41 Will save. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute. Critical Success The creature is stupefied 1 for 1 round. Success The creature is stupefied 1 for 1 minute. Failure The creature is stupefied 1 for 1 minute and stunned 3. Critical Failure The creature is stupefied 3 and stunned, both for 1 minute.Attack of OpportunityIncalculable fangs only. Because the ouroboros contains an infinite number of snakes that act independently, its Attack of Opportunity is a free action (though it can still use only one per trigger).Sanguine Spray When the ouroboros takes slashing or piercing damage, or when Devour Tail ends, blood gushes from the wound in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area takes 5d6 acid damage (DC 41 basic Reflex save). A creature that takes any damage is exposed to the ouroboros's regenerative blood (see below). Where the blood falls upon ground, it coagulates into magical snakes that bite at anyone who passes. This is hazardous terrain deals 17 piercing damage and 5 poison damage to any non-ouroboros creature that moves through the square or ends its turn there. A creature that avoids all the piercing damage doesn't take the poison damage. After 1 hour, a blood patch permanently becomes a living snake, typically an emperor cobra.---Speed 100 feet, fly 100 feetMeleemaw +39 (Magical, reach 30 feet),Damage 4d12+18 piercing plus Improved GrabMeleebody +39 (Magical, reach 20 feet),Damage 4d10+18 bludgeoningMeleeincalculable fangs +37 (Agile, Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d6+16 piercing plus 2d8 poisonMeleetail +39 (Magical, reach 30 feet),Damage 4d12+18 bludgeoningDevour TailAn ouroboros spend most of its life eating its own tail, which perpetually regrows at the same rate it's consumed. The ouroboros places its maw around the end of its tail and begins devouring its own body. While the ouroboros is consuming itself, its regeneration can't be suppressed, and it is immune to drained, enfeebled, fatigued, persistent damage, and sickened conditions. If any of these conditions is in effect when the ouroboros takes this action, the condition immediately ends. While eating its tail, the ouroboros can't make maw or tail strikes, and its Speeds are 50 feet. It continues devouring its tail even while dying, unconscious, stunned, or otherwise unable to act. To end this effect, the ouroboros must first be immobilized, then a creature must successfully Grapple it, which tears the maw free in addition to its normal effects. The ouroboros can also cease Devouring its Tail with a single action. Either of these tears the maw free of the tail, causing the stump to spill blood as described in sanguine spray.Fast SwallowTrigger The ouroboros Grabs a creature with their maw; Effect The ouroboros uses Swallow Whole.Flying WheelRequirements The ouroboros is eating its own tail (see Devour Tail); Effect As Trample, except the ouroboros can Fly up to double its Speed instead of Striding. Huge or smaller, body, DC 45Regenerative Blood(Contact, Curse, Incapacitation, Poison, Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) The regenerative and transmutative properties of ouroboros blood regenerate and mutate a creature's body into ouroboros-like snakes. A creature already affected by regenerative blood is immune to additional exposure. Saving Throw DC 42 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 24 hours; Stage 1 regeneration 5 (deactivated by fire), slowed 1, and clumsy 2 (12 hours); Stage 2 regeneration 5 (deactivated by fire), slowed 2 and clumsy 4 (12 hours); Stage 3 The creature's body transmutes into a mass of writhing snakes, with the effects an 8th-level _animal form_ spell but with an unlimited duration.Swallow Whole(Attack) Huge, 4d10+9 acid, Rupture 50Mythological PermeationsThe ouroboros's depiction varies across Golarion's cultures. Some imagery depicts a dragon feasting on their own tail, indicating the possibility for different kinds of ouroboros. The first ouroboros was referred to as “the coiled one,” and is credited by some faiths as having assisted in the expansion of the universe and defining the cyclical nature of life and procreation. It is now theorized to have become the barrier of the Astral PlaneOuroboros BloodAlchemists have attempted many times to harness the impressive regenerative powers of ouroboros blood. Experiments with ouroboros blood have been met with drawbacks as immense as the results. It's suspected that the blood can be used in place of diamonds in a _resurrect_ ritual to bring back those the normal ritual would fail to return to life, or it can be treated to create a powerful healing elixir. However, most experiments have failed, with subjects plagued with serpent-like mutations and resurrected bodies degenerating into clusters of snakes. Regardless of how difficult it is to use, the blood is rare and potent enough to be quite valuable. Some wealthy necromancers have wasted gallons of the valuable blood in repeated failed rituals." - }, - { - "name": "Ovinnik", - "family": "House Spirit", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1196", - "lore": "OvinnikThe ovinnik is the most ferocious of house spirits, and the only one that will kill if sufficiently angered. They live in granaries, storage rooms, and sheds where food—particularly grain—is kept. Ovinniks resemble bipedal cats but bark like a dog to scare away thieves, and they often demand gifts of milk, pancakes, and dead roosters.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14OvinnikSource Bestiary 3 pg. 137Perception +14; tremorsense (imprecise) within their entire bound granary or storeroomLanguagesCommon, SylvanSkillsHousehold Lore +12, Intimidation +11, Stealth +13Str +0Dex +5Con +0Int +2Wis +5Cha +3Master of the Granary A granary with a friendly ovinnik is blessed, as the preserves food from vermin and mold and does a hundred other small tasks. A granary so blessed never suffers from random accidents such as fires, and any checks to Craft, Earn Income, Repair, or Subsist in the granary receive a +2 circumstance bonus. If the ovinnik is unfriendly, such checks take a –2 circumstance penalty instead, as the ovinnik causes devastating fires and infestations and otherwise makes life a misery. A ovinnik must spend a week in a place before these benefits occur.---AC 20 Fort +8 Ref +13 Will +11 HP 59Resistancesfire 5Weaknessescold iron 5Shy A ovinnik is naturally invisible while within sight of their bound granary. The ovinnik can become visible, or even selectively visible—allowing some people to see them.---Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feetMeleeclaw +13 (Agile, Finesse, Magical),Damage 2d6+2 slashingPrimal Innate Spells DC 21- Cantrips (2nd)Daze, Produce Flame- 2ndAugury, Burning Hands, Flaming Sphere, Purify Food and Drink (at will)- 4thRead OmensRaise Grain CloudWhile in their bound storeroom or granary, the ovinnik slams a paw against the ground, stirring up a cloud of grain dust in an 20-foot emanation. Within this cloud, they gain a +4 status bonus to any fire damage they deal. The ovinnik doubles their fire resistance against this increased damage. The grain cloud dissipates after the first such effect or after 1 minute if no such effects occur.Ovinnik's ForetellingOvinniks, on certain days, might deign to tell the future. Peasants approach the window of the fey's domain and present their bare palms. If the ovinnik touches them with a furred paw, then their family lives will be good. A smooth hand, however, signals brewing strife." - }, - { - "name": "Owb", - "family": "Owb", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Shadow", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1257", - "lore": "OwbCommonly called owbs, or lesser owbs by more powerful owb prophets, most of these mysterious creatures focus on manipulating caligni culture. Among calignis, an owb hides from mortals they deem beneath them—even including calignis in their charge. An owb prefers to select one caligni leader to control from the shadows, manipulating them using charisma and magic. Through coersion of such agents, owbs maintain a steady hand in the politics of the community, either blessing and breaking pacts with other creatures or acting as intermediaries and ambassadors between calignis and powerful external entities.OwbSource Bestiary 3 pg. 196Perception +13; greater darkvisionLanguagesCaligni; (can't speak any languages); telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +15, Deception +13, Diplomacy +11, Occultism +12, Religion +11, Stealth +15Str +4Dex +5Con +4Int +0Wis +3Cha +3Light Blindness ---AC 24 Fort +14 Ref +15 Will +13 Immunities coldHP 90---Speed 5 feet, fly 30 feetMeleeclaw +16 (Agile, Magical),Damage 1d8+7 slashing plus 1d8 coldRangedburning cold +17 (Magical, range 120 feet),Damage 2d8 cold plus 1d8 persistent coldOccult Innate Spells DC 23, attack +15- Cantrips (3rd)Chill Touch, Daze, Read Aura, Shield- 3rdMind Reading (at will)- 4thDarkness (at will), Invisibility- 5thShadow Walk, Shadow Blast- 7thPlane Shift (self only; to or from the Shadow Plane only)Curse of Darkness(Curse, Darkness, Evocation, Occult) The owb inflicts a curse on one creature taking persistent cold damage from their burning cold Strike, stealing the victim's vibrancy. The creature must attempt a DC 23 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature gains light blindness and its coloration turns to washed out shades of gray, along with all equipment it carries, wields, or wears. These effects have an unlimited duration. Regardless of the result of its save, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. If the owb uses this ability on a caligni, the curse can't be removed short of _wish_ or similar powerful magic" - }, - { - "name": "Owb Prophet", - "family": "Owb", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Rare", "Shadow", "Large"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1258", - "lore": "Owb ProphetAn owb who comes into contact and is chosen by one of the Forsaken gains a fragment of that demigod's power and forges a permanent connection with it. This act transforms the owb into a larger, more powerful creature and imbues it with the power of divine transference, allowing the owb to gain followers and grant spells to them. These are owb prophets. Owb prophets may have some portion of the Forsaken's power, but they use their authority to gain more sway over calignis and other worshippers.Owb ProphetSource Bestiary 3 pg. 197Perception +24; greater darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Caligni, Common, Undercommon; (can't speak any languages); telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +25, Deception +26, Diplomacy +24, Occultism +23, Religion +25, Stealth +25Str +8Dex +6Con +8Int +4Wis +5Cha +7Forsaken Patron Each owb prophet serves as a conduit to one of the shadowy demigods known as the Forsaken. Forsaken patrons are detailed in the sidebar, and each grants the owb prophet additional abilities.Light Blindness ---AC 34 Fort +25 Ref +23 Will +24 Resistances mental 10HP 225---Speed 5 feet, fly 40 feetMeleeclaw +27 (Agile, Magical),Damage 2d8+11 slashing plus 2d8 coldRangedburning cold +25 (Magical, range 120 feet),Damage 4d8 cold plus 2d8 persistent cold and clutching coldOccult Innate Spells DC 33, attack +25- Cantrips (7th)Chill Touch, Daze, Read Aura, Shield- 3rdMind Reading (at will)- 4thInvisibility- 5thShadow Walk (×3; see shadow's swiftness)- 6thDarkness (at will), Dominate (×3)- 7thPlane Shift (to or from the Shadow Plane only; ×3), Shadow Blast (×3)Burning Cold FusilladeThe owb prophet makes three burning cold Strikes.Clutching ColdA creature hit by the prophet's burning cold Strike becomes immobilized in a cluster of binding ice crystals (Escape DC 31).Curse of Darkness(Curse, Darkness, Evocation, Occult) The owb inflicts a curse on one creature taking persistent cold damage from their burning cold Strike, stealing the victim's vibrancy. The creature must attempt a DC 32Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature gains light blindness and its coloration turns to washed out shades of gray, along with all equipment it carries, wields, or wears. These effects have an unlimited duration. Regardless of the result of its save, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. If the owb uses this ability on a caligni, the curse can't be removed short of _wish_ or similar powerful magic.Shadow's SwiftnessAn owb prophet can Cast _shadow walk_ as a 3-action activity instead of 1 minute. If they do so, they target only themself.Forsaken PatronsEach owb prophet gains its power through a connection with a Forsaken patron. The patron grants the owb additional spells and has its own religious symbol and favored weapons. Each entry notes any ability or occult innate spell the Forsaken grants to its prophets, plus its favored weapon. Enkaar, the Malformed Prisoner: This mutilated horror is the Forsaken patron of fetters, lethargy, and physical corruption. Spell _phantom pain_ (4th, at will); Favored Weapon spiked chain Eyes That Watch: This strange trio of feline eyes is the Forsaken patron of inferiority, cats, and strangers. Ability lifesense 120 feet; Favored Weapon dagger Grasping Iovett: A beautiful form of indescribable variety, Iovett is the Forsaken patron of accidents, parasites, and reckless lust. Spell _charm_ (4th, at will); Favored Weapon shortsword Husk: This androgynous creature is the Forsaken patron of emptiness, loneliness, and narcissism. Spell _silence_ (4th, at will); Favored Weapon shortsword Lady Razor: This stern magistrate forbids showing kindness or mercy to family members. Lady Razor is the Forsaken patron of family strife, suspicion, and vengeance. Spell _weapon storm_ (4th, at will); Favored Weapon dagger Reshmit of the Heavy Voice: Taking the form of a massive shadow, Reshmit is the Forsaken patron of broken things, forgetting, and unexpected violence. Spell _modify memory_ (4th, at will); Favored Weapon morningstar Thalaphyrr Martyr-Minder: The Forsaken patron of failed heroics, imprisonment, and squandered time. Spell _slow_ (4th, at will); Favored Weapon spear" - }, - { - "name": "Owlbear", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "328", - "lore": "OwlbearWith the body of a powerful brown bear and the keen senses of an owl, the owlbear is a dangerous territorial predator, fearlessly attacking any creature that strays into its domain. Those who run afoul of an owlbear hear its terrifying screech only seconds before the massive creature is upon them, ripping them apart with deadly talons and a powerful beak. Although their origin is lost to time, owlbears are assumed to be the result of a magical experiment to make a more cunning predator. According to the legend, the wizard was too successful and ended up being the flrst victim of the beast. Today, owlbears can be found around the world, with a variety of features. While the most common subspecies looks like a brown bear with the features of a great horned owl, owlbears from the frozen north might resemble polar bears mixed with snowy owls, and in temperate rain forests they might resemble black bears with the heads of barn owls. Most owlbears live solitary lives, gathering only to mate and raise cubs, which are hatched from eggs. An owlbear’s territory usually extends to around 5 miles from its lair, with clear signs of its habitat appearing with 1 mile (clawed up trees, gigantic feathers, and shredded carcasses). The lair of an owlbear rarely holds anything of value, but some adventurers have found trinkets, coins, and even jewelry in the massive pellets of undigested bones these monsters leave behind.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Owlbear" - }, - { - "name": "Pachycephalosaurus", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "614", - "lore": "PachycephalosaurusPachycephalosauruses are normally peaceful herbivorous dinosaurs, but they grow much more violent during their mating season, when they fight one another to win over mates and warn away interlopers. They also defend themselves vehemently when potential predators stray too close to their herd. The pachycephalosaurus's skull has a distinctive dome-shaped crown surrounded by numerous blunt, bony horns. This feature, combined with the dinosaur's powerful, compact neck, allows it to make battering-ram-like charges capable of inflicting great damage.Some humanoid groups have successfully trained pachycephalosauruses for use as mounts, but the creatures aren't particularly well suited to the task.Pachycephalosauruses grow to a length of 15 feet and weigh 1,400 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Pachycephalosaurus" - }, - { - "name": "Pairaka", - "family": "Div", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Div", "Fiend", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1119", - "lore": "PairakaOften charming, sometimes even seductive, pairakas worm their way into mortal relationships, subtly destroying the ties of friendship and love through emotional and physical corruption and plague. Pairakas appear as beautiful, blue-skinned humanoids spotted with large rashes and boils, but they rarely take on their true forms. Instead, they adopt shapes that attract just enough attention for them to worm their way into the confidences of those they wish to torment and corrupt.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18PairakaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 70Perception +15; greater darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Daemonic; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +14, Arcana +13, Deception +20, Diplomacy +20, Intimidation +16, Religion +13, Society +13, Stealth +16Str +3Dex +5Con +3Int +2Wis +4Cha +7---AC 24 Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +17 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 105ImmunitiesdiseaseWeaknessescold iron 5, good 5Hatred of Red Pairakas hate the color red. They won't wear the color or willingly enter any place painted red. Given a choice, they'll attack a creature wearing red first. If barred from expressing their displeasure toward the color by force or some magical effect, they take 2d6 mental damage at the end of their turn.---Speed 25 feet, fly 35 feetMeleeclaw +16 (Agile, Evil, Finesse, Magical),Damage 2d8+6 slashing plus 1d6 evil and bubonic plagueDivine Innate Spells DC 25- Cantrips (4th)Detect Magic- 4thCharm (at will), Dimension Door (at will), Misdirection (at will; self only), Outcast's Curse (at will), Suggestion (at will)Rituals DC 25- 1stDiv PactBubonic Plague(Disease) A creature can't remove the fatigued condition while infected; Saving Throw DC 23 Fortitude; Onset 1 day; Stage 1 fatigued (1 day); Stage 2 enfeebled 2 and fatigued (1 day); Stage 3 enfeebled 3, fatigued, and take 1d6 persistent bleed damage every 1d20 minutes (1 day)Change Shape(Divine, Polymorph, Transmutation, Concentrate) The pairaka can take the appearance of any Small or Medium humanoid or animal. This doesn't change their Speed or their attack and damage modifiers with the Strikes, but it might change the damage type their strikes deal.Tormenting Dreams(Divine, Emotion, Enchantment, Mental) Frequency once per day; Effect The pairaka torments a sleeping creature within 100 feet with visions of betrayals by loved ones and friends. The target must attempt a DC 25 Will save, with the effects of the _nightmare_ spell." - }, - { - "name": "Pakalchi", - "family": "Sahkil", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Sahkil", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1283", - "lore": "PakalchiPakalchis strive to intensify their preys' inherent insecurity over personal and emotional bonds, playing on the threat of those relationships falling into ruin. These sahkils are among the most manipulative of their kind, pulling strings both literal and figurative on their victims over stretched-out periods of time, exhilarating in the despair and fear for as long as possible.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21PakalchiSource Bestiary 3 pg. 220Perception +18; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Requian; telepathy 100 feet, _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +18, Deception +21, Diplomacy +21, Intimidation +21, Stealth +18Str +4Dex +5Con +4Int +2Wis +3Cha +6Easy to Call A sahkil's level is considered 2 lower for the purpose of being conjured by the _planar binding_ ritual (and potentially other rituals, at the GM's discretion), but it is always free to attack or leave instead of negotiate unless the primary caster's check is a critical success.---AC 26 Fort +17 Ref +18 Will +20 HP 140Immunitiesfear, poisonWeaknessesgood 5Entangling TrainTrigger A creature moves adjacent to the pakalchi; Effect Writhing, pitch-black vines wrap around the creature. The creature takes 1d6 slashing damage and takes a –15-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until the end of its next turn.---Speed 30 feetMeleevine +18 (Finesse, Reach, versatile P),Damage 2d10+6 slashing plus 1d6 evil, 1d6 persistent bleed, and betrayal toxinMeleeclaw +18 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d10+6 slashing plus 1d6 evilRangedthorn +18 (Agile, range increment 50 feet),Damage 2d4+6 piercing plus 1d6 evil, 1d6 persistent bleed, and betrayal toxinDivine Innate Spells DC 30- Cantrips (5th)Detect Magic- 5thCharm, Calm Emotions, Suggestion (at will)- 6thDominate- 7thMask of Terror (self only)- Constant (6th)Tongues, True SeeingBetrayal Toxin(Divine, Enchantment, Mental, Poison) A creature affected by betrayal toxin hears whispers of incessant doubt in their head and can't treat any creature as their ally; Saving Throw DC 28 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 stupefied 1 (1 round); Stage 2 stupefied 2 (1 round)Skip Between(Conjuration, Divine, Teleportation) The sahkil moves from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane or vice-versa, with the effects of _ethereal jaunt_ except that the effect has an unlimited duration and can be Dismissed. A summoned sahkil can't use Skip Between." - }, - { - "name": "Palace Skelm", - "family": "Skelm", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Skelm", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1303", - "lore": "Palace SkelmSkelms crave power, and the palace skelms who stalk the halls where such power concentrates are among the most dangerous of their kind. They assume titles that allow them maximum freedom to punish or hurt others with minimal oversight: any vindictive guard captain, tyrannical viceroy, or needlessly cruel magistrate could be or become a palace skelm. They delight in the wealth and status of their positions, garbing themselves in ornate finery that reflects their station. Palace skelms ingratiate themselves with powerful individuals and gather followers by stoking fears of losing long-held or hard-earned power—especially power gained through illicit means. They undermine their enemies by encouraging competition, jealousy, and outright paranoia by way of magic and false messages. These skelms possess an unnatural ability to twist spoken words and worm their manipulative magic into others' speech, sowing confusion and hatred that might explode into violence. A political upheaval is a palace skelm's greatest fear and opportunity alike, upsetting the balance of power he has built but providing countless new opportunities to sow hatred and evil. This conflicting goal leads palace skelms to self-sabotage and undermine their own efforts more than any other skelm.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Palace SkelmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 240Perception +15; scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesAklo, Common; _tongues_SkillsAthletics +18, Deception +21, Diplomacy +17, Intimidation +17, Occultism +16, Society +16, Stealth +16, Thievery +16Str +6Dex +4Con +3Int +4Wis +3Cha +5Itemssignet ring---AC 27 Fort +17 Ref +16 Will +15 –2 to all saves vs. emotion effectsHP 155Weaknessescold iron 10Corrupt Speech(auditory, illusion, linguistic, occult) Trigger The skelm hears a creature speak within 30 feet; Effect The skelm sows paranoia by putting treacherous words on another's lips. The skelm whispers up to 12 words and attempts a Deception check against the Perception DC of a creature other than the triggering creature within 30 feet. Critical Success The target hears the skelm's words as if they were spoken by the triggering creature. This can alter linguistic effects. The skelm also casts _paranoia_ or _suggestion_ on the target, if he likes. Success As critical success, except the skelm can't cast _paranoia_ or _suggestion_. Failure The target doesn't hear the skelm's words, and they have no effect. Critical Failure The target hears the skelm speak the words.---Speed 25 feetMeleefist +20 (Agile, Magical),Damage 2d8+9 bludgeoning plus GrabMeleeantler +20 (Magical),Damage 2d12+9 piercing plus KnockdownOccult Innate Spells DC 26- Cantrips (5th)Daze, Message- 2ndInvisibility (×3)- 4thClairaudience, Enthrall, Outcast's Curse, Paranoia (at will), Private Sanctum, Suggestion- Constant (5th)TonguesRituals DC 26- 2ndInveigleChange Shape(Concentrate, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The palace skelm can take on the appearance of any Medium male humanoid. This doesn't change his Speed or his attack and damage bonuses with his Strikes but might change the damage type his Strikes deal.Incite Violence(Emotion, Enchantment, Occult, Mental) Frequency once per day; Effect The skelm gives an impassioned speech calling for his followers to act upon their convictions. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 24 Will save.Critical Success The creature can immediately Strike an adjacent creature of its choosing. Success The creature is unaffected. Failure The creature immediately Strikes an adjacent creature; if multiple creatures are adjacent, the skelm chooses the target. If no creatures are adjacent, the creature is flat-footed and fascinated with the skelm until the start of its next turn." - }, - { - "name": "Pegasus", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "329", - "lore": "PegasusThe pegasus is a winged horse prized for its capacity to serve as an aerial mount. Unfortunately for those who desire a saddle-trained pegasus, pegasi are wild creatures and do not readily accept even well-intentioned riders. Pegasi actively resist being mounted or controlled by evil creatures, attempting to buck an unwanted rider at every opportunity. A typical pegasus stands 6 feet high at the shoulder, weighs 1,500 pounds, and has a wingspan of 20 feet. Pegasi are highly intelligent beasts and have a strong sense of pride and honor. The best way to entreat a pegasus is by speaking to it with grace and offering gifts appropriate to a creature of such majesty. Prospective riders who seek the mount for a worthy cause or virtuous quest have a much easier time coaxing a pegasus into granting its favor. Regardless, a pegasus never accepts a bit or saddle, for reasons both practical (a standard horse saddle interferes with its wings) and purely egotistical. In the wild, pegasi live in small herds and establish territories on remote mountains where they are relatively safe from hunters and slavers. They mature at the same rate as horses and can even breed with other equines, though the outcome of such unions is typically a foal with the traits of its least magical parent. On rare occasions, the interbreeding of a pegasus and a unicorn may result in a winged unicorn with characteristics of both parents and an unrivaled sense of righteousness. Some pegasi carry in them the blood of a mighty and heroic ancestor. These champions of pegasus-kind dedicate their long lives to the pursuit of justice. They possess powerful supernatural abilities to aid them in this fight, such as resistance to fire and poison, immunity to petrification, and holy hoof attacks.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Pegasus" - }, - { - "name": "Peluda", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "756", - "lore": "PeludaPeludas are wild and savage dragons that favor reedy marshlands, sparsely forested bogs, and river valleys for lairs. A single peluda typically claims a stretch of waterways a few miles in length, then systematically drives off any potential rivals so that the peluda can despoil the land as they please, leaving clawed footprints on muddy riverbanks, toppling trees, and impaling half-eaten corpses on their quills as trophies left to rot. They venture beyond their domains to hunt, roasting prey with their breath or pulverizing them with their tails, burning and killing for cruel sport before slithering, sated, back to their mucky lairs. Peludas despise weakness and loathe creatures smaller than themselves, especially humanoids, whom they see as fragile and soft, good only for eating or breaking. In contrast, peludas have a massive inferiority complex regarding more impressive creatures—especially larger and stronger dragons. Peludas will try anything to become stronger, including ingesting shiny coins, gems, and jewelry, which old folk tales claim will strengthen their quills and fire breath.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 27Peluda" - }, - { - "name": "Penanggalan", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Tanggal", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1261", - "lore": "PenanggalanPenanggalans feed on the blood and entrails of the young. When their cannibalistic hunger strikes, penanggalans bathe their bodies in an alchemical substance that smells like vinegar. Once submerged in the concoction, their neck rips from side to side, allowing their head to float upward and pull out their lungs, stomach, and intestines. They leave their bodies in the vinegar bath much like a molting crab leaves its old shell, then fly off to find a victim filled with blood and guts. As grotesque as these creatures are when hungry, the penanggalan appears young and healthy while wearing their body. Such is the nature of their existence: they consorted with otherworldy beings, gaining a lifetime of youth in exchange for an evil hunger for the young. But they are not immortal. They age and die normally like the people they once were—they just retain their youthfulness throughout this existence. It can be difficult to spot a penanggalan among the populace. The faint scar ringing their neck at the point of separation can be explained away as a blemish, and it can be hidden under a flashy necklace. Meanwhile the faint, sour scent of a penanggalan's preserved body, while peculiar, is not uncommon in the sweaty tropics they frequent.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15PenanggalanSource Bestiary 3 pg. 200Perception +11; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, CommonSkillsDeception +14, Intimidation +12, Midwifery Lore +9, Stealth +14Str +3Dex +5Con +2Int +0Wis +2Cha +5---AC 22 Fort +9 Ref +16 Will +11 HP 83Weaknessesslashing 5Spewing Bile When the penanggalan takes slashing damage, their wound spews bile on adjacent creatures, dealing 2d10 poison damage (DC 19 basic Fortitude save). The penanggalan loses their spewing bile and penanggalan bile abilities until the end of their next turn.---Speed fly 40 feetMeleeproboscis tongue +14 (Finesse),Damage 2d6+5 piercing plus penanggalan bileMeleeentrails +14,Damage 2d4+5 bludgeoning plus GrabConstrict2d4+3 bludgeoning, DC 21Elongate TongueThe penanggalan's tongue extends, the membrane stretching and becoming translucent. Until the end of the turn, the penanggalan's proboscis tongue Strikes have a 10-foot reach, and any target is flat-footed against the Strike unless it has a Perception DC of 22 or higher or the ability to precisely sense invisible things.Penanggalan Bile(Disease) Rest doesn't decrease the drained value from penanggalan bile; Saving Throw DC 19 Fortitude; Stage 1 drained 1 (1 week); Stage 2 drained 2 (1 week); Stage 3 drained 3 (1 week); Stage 4 deadRide Corpse(Concentrate, Polymorph, Transmutation) The penanggalan inserts their entrails into their humanoid body, allowing them to appear as and move about like a normal human. The body has 10 Hit Points and the same defenses as the penanggalan. When the body is destroyed, the penanggalan is ejected unharmed. The body becomes a corpse, and if it is neither controlled by the penanggalan nor stored in an alchemical vat, it decays as normal.Tanggal SegmentationsLike penanggalans, other tanggals feed on flesh and separate from their body in some form. Such creatures also have their own weaknesses. The manananggal splits from the waist rather than from the neck, and the smell of vinegar repels them instead of signaling their presence. The balan-balan also splits from the neck like the penanggalan, but they leave illusion-draped banana trunks in coffins to resemble the corpses they stole." - }, - { - "name": "Penqual", - "family": "Sahkil", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Sahkil", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1022", - "lore": "PenqualAlthough penquals are independent beings, each resembles a tight crowd of featureless humanoids pressed together in a mob. Penquals are most at home in large population centers, where they can don clothing to blend in. When large crowds, such as those found at festivals, are scarce, a penqual hunts at night, where a mass of revelers might draw attention but not suspicion.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 36Penqual" - }, - { - "name": "Peri", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Celestial", "Fire", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1262", - "lore": "PeriPeris are contrary, artful celestials renowned for their beauty as much as their deceptive natures. Mercurial, though never malicious, peris strive to aid mortals, though they are more likely to dispense riddles and quests than to offer aid outright.Recall Knowledge - Celestial(Religion): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27PeriSource Bestiary 3 pg. 201Perception +26; darkvision, smoke visionLanguagesCelestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Ignan, Sylvan; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +27, Athletics +25, Arcana +23, Diplomacy +28, Lore +25, Performance +28, Religion +24Str +7Dex +7Con +4Int +5Wis +4Cha +8Smoke Vision A peri can see through smoke with ease, and they ignore the concealed condition from smoke.---AC 36 Fort +22 Ref +27 Will +26 HP 255ImmunitiesfireResistancescold 5Weaknessescold iron 10, evil 10Shining Blaze (aura, divine, evocation, fire) 5 feet, 6d6 fire damage (DC 31 basic Reflex)---Speed 0 feetMeleescimitar +29 (Forceful, Good, Magical, Sweep),Damage 3d6+13 slashing plus 2d6 fireMeleeburning wings +29 (Agile, Finesse, Fire, Good, Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d10+13 fireRangedflame ray +29 (Fire, Good, Magical, range 60 feet),Damage 8d6 fireDivine Innate Spells DC 34, attack +26- Cantrips (7th)Produce Flame- 7thHumanoid Form (at will), Wall of Fire (×3)- Constant (4th)Fire ShieldFlame Jump(Conjuration, Divine, Teleportation) Frequency once per hour; Effect The peri Strides into an open flame of their size or larger and instantly transports themself to any other flame of sufficient size within 100 miles. Once they enter the first flame, the peri instantly learns the locations of all other flames within range.Flameheart WeaponThe peri can call forth a powerful weapon from their heart of flame. In their hands, this is a _+2 greater flaming greater striking weapon_ that deals 2d6 fire damage instead of 1d6.Flamewing BuffetThe peri makes one scimitar Strike and two burning wings Strikes, in any order.Wildfire Storm(Divine, Fire) The peri spreads their wings and spins, forming a whirlwind of flame that deals 15d6 fire damage in a 20-foot emanation (DC 34 basic Reflex save). They can't use Wildfire Storm again for 1d4 rounds.The Lambent CourtThough they eschew servitude and the worship of gods, many peris consider themselves friends and allies of Atreia, the Lambent King, the imprisoned elemental lord of fire. They guard and conceal his holy sites from his enemies and send mortals out in search of his prison, the _Garnet Brand_, hoping to bring the benevolent force of exalted light and fire back into the multiverse." - }, - { - "name": "Peryton", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "757", - "lore": "PerytonThe peryton is an amalgam of horror, merging the features of a stag, wolf, and hawk. They love using shadows to stalk their victims before ripping out their still-beating hearts and relishing the dying pulse as they swallow them whole, so the doomed victims spends their last moments watching as their flesh is consumed. Despite perytons' animalistic appearance and brutal behavior, they are viciously cunning and as intelligent as humans. Their preferred tactic is to find a lone traveler and stalk it from on high. Most perytons are loners who loathe all other creatures. These feelings extend to other perytons as well, and adult males attack each other on sight as surely as they attack anything else. Once per year, perytons mate. The males offer up hearts they have collected from humanoids to attract females. Those that manage to secure a mate rarely survive long though, as their mating ritual is short and violent. Female perytons generally abandon their eggs after laying them, so newly hatched perytons must fend for themselves from the moment they emerge. A lone peryton typically builds a nest in a rocky overhang or an exceptionally tall and strong tree where they can observe nearby lands. Although they aren't particularly interested in wealth, perytons do like to collect small objects from their victims. During those times between hunts, they sometimes study these trophies in order to relive the memories of victims' last moments and the taste of victims' hearts.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 19Peryton" - }, - { - "name": "Petitioner", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Any", - "creature_type": "Petitioner", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Petitioner"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "758", - "lore": "PetitionerWhen a mortal dies, their soul travels to the Boneyard in the Outer Planes where they are judged by Pharasma, the goddess of the dead. Once they have been judged, their soul is sent on to their final reward or punishment in the afterlife, and in the process is transformed into a creature known as a petitioner. This process grants the soul a new body, one whose shape is the result of the prevailing philosophical forces of the plane to which it is sent. The petitioner's memories from their life are typically wiped nearly clean, allowing them to retain only a few hazy fragments akin to half-remembered dreams. Regardless of the petitioner's size, power, or nature in life, they're a Medium creature in their afterlife. Existence as a petitioner can last for eons, but this state is not necessarily eternal. Deities, powerful denizens of the Great Beyond, or even the outer planes themselves can further change the petitioner's nature by transforming them into raw quintessence, spiritual essence that is then used to expand a plane's physical manifestation, or by transforming the petitioner into a new form of supernatural life such as a celestial, monitor, or fiend. Should a petitioner die, their body breaks down in a process akin to decay, their nature reverting back to the quintessence or elements that make up their plane. This represents the true end of a soul's journey: their associated life essence travels back to the heart of the Great Beyond to be recycled into the Positive Energy plane, fueling the creation of entirely new souls.Petitioner" - }, - { - "name": "Phantom Beast", - "family": "Phantom", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ethereal,Spirit", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Ethereal", "Incorporeal", "Phantom", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1264", - "lore": "Phantom BeastThe River of Souls, alongside the souls of dead sapient humanoids, also carries the spirits of monsters, animals, and other creatures. Likewise, it draws souls from the broad universe of the Material Plane, and thus human and elf souls mingle with those of far stranger creatures from untold worlds. Like any others, these far-flung spirits of strange creatures sometimes wash up on the shores of the Ethereal Plane, becoming phantoms far removed from the humanoid forms typically associated with ghosts and other undead. The phantom below is one such entity: a strange beast from a distant world, echoing their behaviors from life as they search for their own fate post-mortem. Their unfamiliar appearance might lead observers to assume they're a monstrous being and attack, finding the phantom beast entirely willing to fight back. More compassionate adventurers might instead seek to help the phantom find their way back to the River of Souls to complete their spiritual journey.Recall Knowledge - Ethereal(Occultism): DC 26Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21Phantom BeastSource Bestiary 3 pg. 203Perception +18; darkvisionLanguagestelepathy 100 feetSkillsDiplomacy +16, Intimidation +18, Occultism +14, Thievery +18Str -5Dex +6Con +1Int +0Wis +4Cha +6Walk the Ethereal LineThe phantom walks the thin line between the Ethereal Plane and Material Planes in order to exist on both planes simultaneously. They can shift back to solely the Ethereal Plane by using this ability again.---AC 26 Fort +13 Ref +18 Will +16 –1 status penalty to all saves vs. death effectsHP 120Immunitiesdisease, paralyzed, poison, precisionResistancesall damage 8 (except force or _ghost touch_; double resistance vs. non-magical)Susceptible to Death Though phantoms aren't alive, neither are they undead, and they are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of death. A phantom whose Hit Points are reduced to 0 as a result of a death effect (such as from a spell like _finger of death_) is immediately whisked away to the River of Souls, where their soul resumes the usual path to the afterlife.---Speed fly 35 feetMeleephantom horn +18 (Agile, Finesse, Force, Magical),Damage 2d8+8 forceOccult Innate Spells DC 28, attack +20- Cantrips (4th)Daze, Telekinetic Projectile- 4thPhantom Pain, Sleep, Spiritual WeaponGrab ItemThe phantom beast attempts to Steal one item of up to 1 Bulk from a creature, even if the creature is in combat, though the object still must not be one that is actively in use. If they succeed, they carry the object along with them telekinetically" - }, - { - "name": "Phantom Knight", - "family": "Phantom", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ethereal,Spirit", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Ethereal", "Incorporeal", "Phantom", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1263", - "lore": "Phantom KnightCavaliers and knights who died for their cause make for particularly strong-willed phantoms. Though their motives vary, these phantoms often seek to continue their lifelong missions even in their purgatorial states, and their strong forces of will make them formidable fighters in spite of their incorporeality. A phantom knight might strive to find living followers of their church or order, or seek out other mortals they knew in life as a way of staying grounded and avoiding the corruption of undeath.Recall Knowledge - Ethereal(Occultism): DC 21Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 21Unspecific Lore: DC 19Specific Lore: DC 16Phantom KnightSource Bestiary 3 pg. 202Perception +13; darkvisionLanguagesCommonSkillsIntimidation +12Str -5Dex +4Con +0Int +0Wis +5Cha +4Walk the Ethereal LineThe phantom walks the thin line between the Ethereal and Material Planes in order to exist on both planes simultaneously. They can shift back to solely the Ethereal Plane by using this ability again.---AC 21 Fort +8 Ref +12 Will +13 –1 status penalty to saves vs. death effectsHP 45Immunitiesdisease, paralyzed, poison, precisionResistancesall damage 3 (except force or _ghost touch_; double resistance vs. non-magical)Susceptible to Death Though phantoms aren't alive, neither are they undead, and they are uniquely vulnerable to the effects of death. A phantom whose Hit Points are reduced to 0 as a result of a death effect (such as from a spell like _finger of death_) is immediately whisked away to the River of Souls, where their soul resumes the usual path to the afterlife.---Speed fly 25 feetMeleephantom sword +14 (Finesse, Force, Magical),Damage 1d8+7 forceRangedphantom bow +14 (deadly d10, Force, Magical, range increment 120 feet, volley 30 feet),Damage 1d8+5 force" - }, - { - "name": "Phistophilus (Contract Devil)", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "112", - "lore": "Phistophilus (Contract Devil)Contract devils are clerks, scribes, and bureaucrats of Hell rarely found outside the infernal courts, and then almost always to pursue potential contracts, tempting mortals to sell their souls in exchange for achieving their worldly desires. If a target is desirable enough, a phistophilus can offer contracts for prices seemingly lesser than their soul all at once, though in this case, the devil carefully manipulates the price to drive the signatory toward the forces of law and evil, and therefore ultimately to Hell anyway. Contract devils are tall creatures with skin tones that range from bronze to crimson and large curving horns extending from their bodies, over which they often drape favored or important contracts.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 27Phistophilus" - }, - { - "name": "Phoenix", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "330", - "lore": "PhoenixThe phoenix is a primordial bird made of heat and flame that dwells in the most inhospitable regions of the desert. Though highly intelligent and brimming with compassion, the phoenix is best-known for its iconic ability to resurrect itself when slain, emerging reborn from the ashes of its own corpse. Phoenixes are often sought out for their knowledge or healing abilities, as they cannot abide the sight of suffering and deny their succor only to the most foul and irredeemable of creatures. Phoenixes enjoy the company of metallic dragons, and when the two dwell in close proximity, they can forge lifelong friendships, sharing their resources and words of wisdom while keeping each other updated on regional news. While most phoenixes are benevolent, they are not infallible. When a phoenix loses its way or falls under the influence of evil, it still retains its strong appetite for knowledge. Evil phoenixes are known to assault universities and libraries in their pursuit for power—not only to gain new information, but also to set fire to the texts and thus hoard that knowledge for themselves.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 39Phoenix" - }, - { - "name": "Piranha Swarm", - "family": "Fish", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1155", - "lore": "Piranha SwarmMore teeth and fury than body, few fish command as much fear and anxiety as the piranha. They move almost exclusively in schools, overwhelming larger creatures with sheer numbers and ferocity. Piranhas aggress toward sudden disturbances in the water and can smell blood from far away. Harvested piranha teeth serve as excellent cutting tools.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Piranha SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 99Perception +9; blood scent, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 100 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +10, Athletics +8Str +1Dex +3Con +2Int -5Wis +2Cha -2Blood Scent The piranha swarm can smell blood in the water from up to 1 mile away.---AC 16 Fort +9 Ref +10 Will +7 HP 40Immunitiesprecision, swarm mindResistancesbludgeoning 5, piercing 2, slashing 5Weaknessesarea damage 5, splash damage 5---Speed swim 30 feetFeeding FrenzyEach enemy in the swarm's space takes 2d6 piercing damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). A creature that fails the save also takes 1d6 persistent bleed damage and takes a –2 circumstance penalty to their Reflex saves against Feeding Frenzy while this damage continues, as the piranhas' frenzy increases in intensity when they smell blood." - }, - { - "name": "Piscodaemon (Venom Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "592", - "lore": "Piscodaemon (Venom Daemon)Scions of death by poisoning, piscodaemons are cruel even by daemonic standards, delighting in slow and painful suffering. To a piscodaemon, death is but the icing on a putrescent cake—its true pleasure comes from watching, hearing, smelling, and even tasting raw anguish. While poisons and venoms are piscodaemons' preferred tools, their cruel claws are more than capable of tearing enemies asunder if necessary.Piscodaemons dwell in fetid swamps and noxious waterways, including the River Styx, the Bile Sluice, and the Drowning Court of Charon, Horseman of Death. They are often accompanied by cadres of hydrodaemons—representations of death by drowning. While they are cunning commanders, piscodaemons are apt to forget their station in the heat of battle and slice their way to the center of the fray.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 27Piscodaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Pit Fiend (Tyrant Devil)", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "114", - "lore": "Pit Fiend (Tyrant Devil)When an army of devils invades to bathe a region in bloodshed and hellfire, it is likely that one of Hell’s most powerful and diabolical generals, the pit fiend, masterminded the incursion. Cunning, powerful, and ruthless, pit fiends often serve the archdevils directly. They rule infernal duchies, subjugate mortal worlds, and usurp infernal rivals using unparalleled despotism and calculated ferocity. To realize their tyrannical machinations, pit fiends claim mortal souls that they corrupt into lemure servants, which can then be shaped and transformed through infernal manipulation into the terrifying devils that form Hell’s formidable legions. They often select the most wicked and vicious lemures for their armies, drawing upon these lesser devils’ depravity during powerful magical ceremonies to create hideous and terrifying abominations that can cow and eviscerate the pit fiend’s enemies. Pit fiends themselves are crafted deep within the nightmarish bowels of Nessus, the ninth layer of Hell, to serve the whims of archdevils and infernal dukes. Those pit fiends that don’t leave Nessus to command infernal legions in the upper layers of Hell often form the courts of Hell’s elite, gathering cabals and sects that shape Hell’s political landscape through subterfuge and manipulation. But many pit fiends see themselves as living embodiments of hellfire, the all-encompassing wrath of Hell, and thus prefer to dwell in realms consumed by fire. In Avernus, Dis, Malebolge, Nessus, and Phlegethon, pit fiends build vast citadels of brimstone wreathed in flame to lord over. Pit fiends tower over other devils, standing at least 16 feet tall, weighing over 1,000 pounds, and brandishing wingspans in excess of 20 feet. Infernal Dukes Elite members of Hell’s political infrastructure and leadership hierarchy, the dukes of Hell are chosen from among the most tyrannical, oppressive, and conniving devils. While not all infernal dukes are pit fiends, a pit fiend’s natural disposition toward conquest and oppression often make it an ideal candidate for this position. To create an infernal duke, adjust the pit fiend to be between 21st and 25th level. Because of their physical prowess, manipulative nature, and powerful spellcasting abilities, infernal dukes make excellent villains for long-running campaigns.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 40Pit Fiend" - }, - { - "name": "Pixie", - "family": "Sprite", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "391", - "lore": "PixieInsatiably curious, overly excitable, and just a bit puckish, pixies are wanderers and tricksters who use their pixie dust to create all sorts of whimsical situations, as well as to defend themselves. Other creatures often have trouble understanding a pixie’s rapid, rambling way of speaking.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 19Pixie" - }, - { - "name": "Plague Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Huge"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1169", - "lore": "Plague GiantPlague giants are rasping behemoths, whose weeping sores, fetid breath, and filthy fingernails all bear a terrible wasting disease. Like sewer rats or flies that swarm a fresh battlefield, plague giants bear an inborn pathogen that does little harm to the giants themselves (their wretched physical appearances are purely superficial) but can wreak devastation on afflicted victims. Whatever their origin, the majority of plague giants are so accustomed to being viewed as monstrosities by other humanoids, giant and otherwise, that they become vehemently xenophobic. Some of their communities do permit other types of shunned humanoids—especially those with leprosy and other stigmatized diseases— to join their fold. Whether because they are expelled to the world's worst badlands or because they purposefully seek out such locales, plague giants often settle amid abandoned battlefields, sewer outlets, and other despoiled places. Their close ties to disease lead many to worship Apollyon, the Horseman of Pestilence, or other deities associated with disease. Plague giants claim that their kind is as death itself, violently rejecting the theory often touted among non-giants that they are an offshoot of some other giant ancestry afflicted with a terrible divine curse. (Most other giants also reject this theory.) Plague giants measure 24 feet tall and weigh 15,000 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27Plague GiantSource Bestiary 3 pg. 111Perception +25; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, JotunSkillsAthletics +30, Intimidation +24, Religion +25, Stealth +26Str +8Dex +6Con +7Int +3Wis +5Cha +4Items_+1 striking flail_, sack with 5 rocks---AC 35 Fort +27 Ref +24 Will +23 HP 285ImmunitiesdiseaseCatch RockRetaliatory ScratchTrigger A creature within 10 feet makes a melee Strike against the plague giant; Effect The plague giant makes a claw Strike against the triggering creature.---Speed 45 feetMelee_flail_ +31 (Disarm, Magical, reach 15 feet, Sweep, Trip),Damage 2d6+14 bludgeoning plus 3d6 poison and atrophic plagueMeleeclaw +30 (Agile, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d6+14 slashing plus atrophic plagueRangedrock +28 (Brutal, range increment 120 feet),Damage 3d8+14 bludgeoningDivine Innate Spells DC 34- 6thCloudkill, Death Knell (×3), Take its CourseAtrophic Plague(Disease, Divine, Necromancy) Saving Throw DC 34 Fortitude; Stage 1 enfeebled 2 and fatigued (1 day); Stage 2 enfeebled 3 and fatigued (1 day); Stage 3 enfeebled 4 and fatigued (1 day); Stage 4 deadHurl CorpseThe plague giant picks up a dead or dying creature within reach and flings it at a foe. The giant makes a rock Strike, using the body instead of a rock. If the body is a corpse, on a hit it explodes in a cloud of thick gray vapor, exposing all creatures in a 10-foot burst to atrophic plague. If the body is a dying creature, on a hit its dying value increases by 1 (or 2 on a critical hit).Pustulant FlailA plague giant's flail is covered in pus, causing it to deal 3d6 additional poison damage.Throw RockDiseased WorshippersMany plague giant societies are theocratic. In such communities, the most powerful plague giants are clerics or champions of the Horseman of Pestilence Apollyon, Urgathoa, or some other deity associated with plague." - }, - { - "name": "Plague Zombie", - "family": "Zombie", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "424", - "lore": "Plague ZombiePlague zombies are infested with hideous contagions.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 15Plague Zombie" - }, - { - "name": "Planetar (Justice Angel)", - "family": "Angel", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "544", - "lore": "Planetar (Justice Angel)The beings of righteous fury known as planetars are known to be the least patient of angels. They exist to destroy evil that cannot be redeemed, and they often leave prolonged dialogue to other angels. Of course, no planetar ignores the importance of diplomacy, but they know that others among the angelic hosts are better suited to that task, while they focus on the larger picture. In angelic armies, planetars serve as commanders or generals. They stand at least 9 feet tall and weigh over 500 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 37Planetar" - }, - { - "name": "Platecarpus", - "family": "Mosasaur", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1238", - "lore": "PlatecarpusThe mid-sized platecarpuses are the most common type of mosasaur. They're typically 15 feet long, but larger specimens can grow up to 20 feet. The larger varieties sometimes eat Medium humanoids, but most stick to smaller fare.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13PlatecarpusSource Bestiary 3 pg. 178Perception +9; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +10, Stealth +11Str +5Dex +4Con +3Int -4Wis +2Cha -2Deep Breath A platecarpus can hold its breath for 2 hours.---AC 19 Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +7 HP 46---Speed 5 feet, swim 35 feetMeleejaws +12,Damage 1d12+5 piercing plus GrabAquatic DragRequirements The platecarpus has a creature grabbed; Effect The platecarpus Swims up to half its Speed, carrying the grabbed creature with it.Strafing ChompThe platecarpus Swims up to its Speed, making one jaws Strike at any point along the way. The Strike deals half damage.Swallow Whole(Attack) Medium, 1d6+2 bludgeoning, Rupture 10" - }, - { - "name": "Pleroma", - "family": "Aeon", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aeon", "Monitor"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "11", - "lore": "PleromaAmong the most powerful of all the true aeons, pleromas are a manifestation of the duality of creation and destruction. Their physical manifestation is a constant state of flux between these two poles, their forms a shifting cloak of black where galaxies and other celestial objects flit in and out of existence, as if depicting the constant life, death, and rebirth of a miniature, self-contained universe.Pleromas see the multiverse as both eternal and cyclical, doomed and malleable, ending only if these cycles ever become unbalanced. They believe the current Convergence is necessary to obtain this essential balance, and act to ensure that the grand design of the Monad is carried out to the smallest detail.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 40Pleroma" - }, - { - "name": "Polar Bear", - "family": "Bear", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "567", - "lore": "Polar BearPolar bears are known for their pale fur, with black eyes, lips, and toe pads. They are aggressively predatory creatures, stalking prey for miles on land or across the icy waters of frozen oceans. They are also amazing ambush predators, leaping from the water to ambush seals resting on ice floes. If they are desperate, polar bears hunt not only other animals but also humanoids.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 20Polar Bear" - }, - { - "name": "Poltergeist", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit, Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "334", - "lore": "PoltergeistWhen a creature dies, and for whatever reason its spirit is unable or unwilling to leave the site of its death, that spirit may manifest as a poltergeist: a restless invisible spirit that is still able to manipulate physical objects. Many poltergeists perished in a way that resulted from or has led to extreme emotional trauma.Recall Knowledge - Spirit (Occultism): DC 20Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 20Poltergeist" - }, - { - "name": "Popobawa", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1267", - "lore": "PopobawaCruel shapechangers, popobawas feed on negative emotions, particularly fear, despair, and anguish. Though they're dangerously strong carnivores that drink the blood of their victims, their greatest pleasure lies in mesmerizing victims to cause suffering and spread chaos. A popobawa moves about populated areas in disguise, seeking new victims and revisiting past victims to bask in their suffering, spreading gossip and incriminating innocents for its crimes while still relishing its own loathsome infamy.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 36Unspecific Lore: DC 34Specific Lore: DC 31PopobawaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 206Perception +25; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +24, Athletics +26, Deception +29, Intimidation +29, Lore +24, Occultism +22, Stealth +26Str +7Dex +5Con +5Int +3Wis +4Cha +6---AC 37 Fort +26 Ref +24 Will +27 HP 270Immunitiesdisease, sickened, stunnedStench (aura, olfactory) 30 feet. A creature entering the aura or starting its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 34 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 (plus slowed 1 for as long as it's sickened on a critical failure). While within the aura, affected creatures take a –2 circumstance penalty to saves against disease and to recover from the sickened condition. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute.---Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet, fly 80 feetMeleejaws +30,Damage 3d10+15 piercing plus 1d10 mental and shameful loathingMeleetalon +30 (Agile),Damage 3d10+15 slashing plus GrabOccult Innate Spells DC 36, attack +28- Cantrips (7th)Ghost Sound, Mage Hand- 5thClairaudience (at will), Clairvoyance (at will), Telekinetic Haul, Telekinetic Maneuver, Ventriloquism (at will)- 6thAnimated Assault, DominateChange Shape(Concentrate, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The popobawa can take on the appearance of a human or a Small or Medium bat. It loses its stench aura while transformed. In human form it also loses its Strikes but can make fist Strikes that deal the same amount of bludgeoning damage as its talon Strike.Feed on Sorrow(Concentrate, Healing, Necromancy, Occult, Positive) Frequency once per round; Effect The popobawa draws strength from the suffering of others. It regains 10 Hit Points for each enemy within 30 feet that has one of the following conditions, to a maximum of 40 Hit Points: confused, doomed, dying, enfeebled, fatigued, frightened, sickened, slowed, stunned, stupefied, or wounded.Hallucinatory HauntingTrigger The popobawa moves an object with _mage hand_ or _telekinetic haul_, controls a creature with _dominate_, or casts _animated assault_; Effect The popobawa casts _ghost sound_ or _ventriloquism_, with the sound originating from the target or area of the spell.Shameful Loathing(Curse, Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Occult) A creature damaged by the popobawa's jaws is overcome with shame and self-hatred and must attempt a DC 36 Will save. Success The target is unaffected. Failure The target becomes stupefied 1 until the curse is removed. Critical Failure As failure, but the target is also doomed 1.Perverse VanityPopobawas seek out lands where unrest is high, hungering for the fevered emotions brought on by chaos, danger, persecution, and war. After attacking or dominating someone, a popobawa commands its victim to spread word of the shapechanger's cruelty" - }, - { - "name": "Poracha", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "335", - "lore": "PorachaPorachas are feline beasts native to the mystical Forest of Spirits in Tian Xia. In their natural form, these graceful eight-legged creatures sport a gray tabby coat of fur streaked with lines of olive green, but they are rarely seen this way. Even the youngest porachas are capable of hiding within objects, making them incredibly elusive and rarely seen except on their own terms. Because porachas can so effortlessly blend in with the forest and emerge from its dark corners in an instant, superstitious locals believe these beasts are related to kami—nature spirits who embody individual trees, stones, or other elements of nature in the Forest of Spirits. The truth is that while porachas frequently associate with kami, they are their own breed of mysterious monster with powers over time and space that set them apart from nature spirits. The poracha’s most iconic feature is its ability to bend reality to teleport, or jaunt, short distances. But a poracha can also rest within objects, allowing it to safely sleep inside. Given that a poracha experiences time very slowly while hiding within objects, it can sleep inside of one for an extended period. Once it wakes, a poracha departs to play in the living world. Porachas especially enjoy resting inside roadside milestones, to maximize their chances of coming across travelers. Porachas rarely tread humanoid-occupied lands, preferring the company of the kami and their natural habitat in the Forest of Spirits. Though they enjoy occasional conversation, they’re extremely sensitive to sound; they speak softly and request the same from those they speak with. Their territories span vast swaths of the wood, making them ideal allies for hunters or treasure seekers who would otherwise become lost in the dense trees. But porachas are nothing if not flckle, and typically demand inscrutable favors in return for their aid, such as the planting of a rare sapling in a particular grotto or the clearing of an invasive monster species around a treasured spring. Any attempt to coerce or trick a poracha into service is ill advised, for these sacred beasts have many friends among the kami as well as others of their kind. Though they generally don’t travel in groups, porachas know where to find more of their kind in times of need, and an organized pack of porachas is a disorienting threat.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 21Poracha" - }, - { - "name": "Precentor", - "family": "Velstrac", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Velstrac"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "463", - "lore": "PrecentorVelstrac storytellers and historians are known as precentors. Trailed by horrific choirs, precentors perform in the courts of the velstrac demagogues.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 37Precentor" - }, - { - "name": "Procyal", - "family": "Agathion", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Agathion", "Celestial", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1057", - "lore": "Procyal (Raccoon Agathion)As the most whimsical and playful of the agathions, procyals are the most likely to be encountered on the Material Plane, teaching deep philosophical lessons and delivering wisdom through pranks and impersonations. Mischievous and playful, these raccoon-headed humanoids love to socialize with mortals and learn about their societies. Unlike their mortal counterparts, Procyals' fur starts off dark russet in color, giving way to gray and white flecks on their muzzles as they grow older. Only procyal leaders boast the stark gray and black coloration of a true raccoon. Those who recognize procyals' age and wisdom treat these creatures with great respect. Whatever their natural appearance, procyals make excellent shapeshifters and can assume the form of any humanoid that they've encountered. They use this ability only for the greater good of that humanoid or their community, often appearing as someone's trusted mentor to deliver an important message in a more laid-back fashion than talking to a magical celestial raccoon. They're not above playing the occasional harmless prank on the person whose form they've assumed, especially when they can use it to teach a valuable lesson. Raccoon agathions prefer to use a blade if forced into combat, but they're prepared to use their claws and fight dirty if necessary.Recall Knowledge - Celestial(Religion): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19ProcyalSource Bestiary 3 pg. 11Perception +18; darkvisionLanguagesCelestial, Common, Draconic, Halfling, Infernal; _speak with animals_, _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +14, Deception +18, Diplomacy +16, Medicine +16, Nature +16, Nirvana Lore +15, Religion +16, Society +17, Stealth +16, Survival +16, Thievery +14Str +4Dex +4Con +6Int +5Wis +6Cha +4Items_+1 striking shortsword_---AC 26 Fort +16 Ref +14 Will +18 HP 170Weaknessesevil 10---Speed 25 feetMeleeclaw +18 (Agile, Good, Magical),Damage 2d8+10 plus 1d6 goodMelee_shortsword_ +19 (Agile, Finesse, Good, Magical, versatile S),Damage 2d6+10 plus 1d6 goodDivine Innate Spells DC 26, attack +18- 2ndInvisibility- 3rdHeroism- 4thCalm Emotions, Charm, Dimension Door, Dispel Magic, Illusory Creature, Magic Aura (at will), Suggestion (at will)- Constant (5th)Speak with Animals, TonguesChampion Focus Spell DC 26, 1 Focus Point- 4thLay on HandsChange Shape(Concentrate, Divine, Polymorph, Transmutation) The procyal can transform only into a specific individual Small or Medium humanoid that they've met at least once. They can't transform into a generic member of a given ancestry.Raccoon's WhimsyProcyals' core value is whimsy, though unlike for chaotic tricksters, procyals' playful actions have a pattern and their pranks always come with a valuable lesson, even if it takes a long time to decipher the meaning. Receiving and growing from such a lesson requires at least 10 minutes of interaction with the Procyal but can take much longer. A character who learns from the procyal's lesson gains the benefits of the Aid reaction from the procyal once during the next month. Afterwards, they become immune to this effect from all procyals.Procyals and SocietiesWhile born from the souls of the enlightened like other agathions, procyals derive their core value of whimsy from truly understanding the delicate balance between society and the individual. These clever celestials prefer enabling communities under attack to extinguish the evil threats and thrive on their own." - }, - { - "name": "Pteranodon", - "family": "Pterosaur", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "341", - "lore": "PteranodonPteranodons are quick and agile reptiles with 20-foot wingspans that enable them to hover on wind currents for hours. These creatures have long beaks and equally long crests that protrude from the backs of their heads.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Pteranodon" - }, - { - "name": "Pufferfish", - "family": "Fish", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1154", - "lore": "PufferfishThe pufferfish defends itself by filling its flexible body with air or water to extend a number of spikes that otherwise lie flat against its skin. While normally quite slow and deliberate, the pufferfish can contort its body to gain a sudden burst of speed that can catch predators off guard.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8PufferfishSource Bestiary 3 pg. 99Perception +4; low-light visionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +2, Athletics +4Str +2Dex +0Con +2Int -5Wis +1Cha -2---AC 12 Fort +5 Ref +3 Will +2 HP 12Toxic Body Anyone who hits a pufferfish with a melee unarmed attack or a non-reach melee weapon must succeed at a DC 13 Reflex save or be pierced by a spine, taking 1 piercing damage and being exposed to pufferfish venom.---Speed swim 15 feetMeleebite +6,Damage 1d6+1 piercing plus pufferfish venomInflating RushThe pufferfish Swims up to its Speed and then inflates. Each creature within 5 feet of its space at the end of its movement must succeed at a DC 13 Reflex save or take 1 piercing damage and be exposed to pufferfish venom.Pufferfish Venom(Incapacitation, Poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 16; Maximum Duration 24 hours; Stage 1 1d4 poison damage (1 round); Stage 2 1d4 poison damage and flat-footed (1 round); Stage 3 1d4 poison damage and paralyzed (1 round); Stage 4 1d4 poison damage and paralyzed for 2d10 hours (1 round)Peculiar PoisonFast-acting and deadly, the pufferfish's venom is commonly used in assassinations due to its relative abundance and ease of harvesting. However, if you survive the poison's effective duration of 24 hours, recovery is quick and leaves no lingering symptoms. For this reason, the demand for pufferfish venom remains high among those who seek it to fake death." - }, - { - "name": "Pugwampi", - "family": "Gremlin", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "246", - "lore": "PugwampiMean, dog-faced, and craven, pugwampis take disproportionate enjoyment from the accidents and missteps of other creatures—something that happens often due to the supernatural aura of ill fortune these gremlins project. They enjoy preparing pranks involving spikes, excrement, pits full of spiders, and the like. Pugwampis are somewhat deaf and thus often yell loudly to each other when not hiding. Many pugwampis worship gnolls as gods and aspire to be more like gnolls, although gnolls hate pugwampis even more than most creatures do, due to their sycophantic fawning.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 14Pugwampi" - }, - { - "name": "Pukwudgie", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey", "Uncommon", "Small"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1269", - "lore": "PukwudgiePukwudgies go by many names in many regions, but those who know of them agree that defying their mischievous nature provokes their wrath. In ancient times, pukwudgies traveled to the Material Plane from the First World, perhaps in the wake of the gnome emigration. These proud fey are obsessed with displays of respect, and while they first attempted to befriend mortals, each attempt ended in tragedy as the pukwudgies perceived any potential slight as a grave insult. Mortals, fearing these reactions, began to view pukwudgies as nuisances, and pukwudgies in turn began to resent mortals and the gods that favored them. At their best, pukwudgies play cruel jokes on mortals they encounter. At their worst, they've been known to kidnap and even kill those who don't treat them with proper respect. Pukwudgies make their villages in the oldest forests, concealed under _hallucinatory terrain_ spells and _fantastic façade_ rituals. They travel freely between the Material Plane and the First World through tiny portals beneath hills, trees, or stones. No strangers to violence, pukwudgies rarely travel alone and often anoint their quills or weapons with a custom-brewed poison before entering hostile situations. Standing about 2 feet tall, a pukwudgie sports sharp quills growing from their head that extends down their back. Their skin tone varies by the region in which they live, ranging from pale gray to brown.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 25Unspecific Lore: DC 23Specific Lore: DC 20PukwudgieSource Bestiary 3 pg. 208Perception +17; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, Elven, Gnomish, SylvanSkillsCrafting +15, Deception +14, Medicine +15, Nature +17, Stealth +17, Thievery +15Str +4Dex +6Con +3Int +4Wis +6Cha +3Items_+1 hatchet_, Shortbow---AC 25 Fort +12 Ref +15 Will +17 HP 100Resistancespoison 5Weaknessescold iron 10Defensive Quills A creature that hits a pukwudgie with an unarmed Strike or a non-reach melee Strike takes 3d8 piercing damage (basic Reflex save). On a critical failure, the creature also takes 1d6 persistent poison damage from the poisoned quills.---Speed 25 feetMelee_hatchet_ +17 (Agile, Magical, Sweep),Damage 1d6+10 slashing plus pukwudgie poisonRanged_hatchet_ +19 (Magical, thrown 10 feet),Damage 1d6+10 slashing plus pukwudgie poisonRangedshortbow +18 (deadly d10, range increment 60 feet),Damage 1d6+6 piercing plus pukwudgie poisonPrimal Innate Spells DC 25, attack +17- 2ndInvisibility (at will; self only)- 3rdWall of Thorns- 4thFreedom of Movement, Hallucinatory TerrainChange Shape(Concentrate, Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) The pukwudgie takes on the physical form of a giant porcupine. Their size changes to Medium, they lose their weapon Strikes, and they gain a quill Strike (+18 for 2d8+6 piercing plus 1d8 persistent poison).Pukwudgie Poison(Poison) Saving Throw DC 25 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d6 poison damage and stupefied 1 (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison damage and stupefied 2 (1 round); Stage 3 1d6 poison damage, confused, and stupefied 2 (1 round)Trepidatious TradePukwudgies rely heavily on their knowledge of local plants, which they use for food, medicine, magical weapons, and their signature poison. If shown proper respect, pukwudgies trade their crafts for items they deem valuable. They have little use for coin but accept unique foods, items of beauty, and even interesting stories as payment. The slightest transgression, however, can quickly turn pukwudgie encounters hostile." - }, - { - "name": "Purple Worm", - "family": "Cave Worm", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "73", - "lore": "Purple WormThe purple worm is the most common and infamous of the cave worms, a much-feared monster wandering the twisting tunnels of the Darklands that is capable of carving out entire cave systems. Tunnels bored by a purple worm don’t always last long after these creature’s passage, and areas where they nest are maddening mazes of passageways that lead nowhere, yet navigating the labyrinth to find the worm’s central nest often yields amazing treasures left behind by the worm’s prior victims.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 31Purple Worm" - }, - { - "name": "Purrodaemon (War Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "596", - "lore": "Purrodaemon (War Daemon)Few creatures embody war's sheer amount of bloodshed and loss of life as deeply as the purrodaemons, deacons of war. These giant humanoid daemons are bedecked in black, unholy armor, with weapons piercing their flesh at every opening. Far from wounds, however, these weapons are the purrodaemon's arsenal. A purrodaemon can, with frightening swiftness and nauseating ease, extract a weapon from its own flesh as though drawing a sword from a sheath, and their blood is so tainted with evil that weapons steeped in it become powerful tools of war.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 38Purrodaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Quasit", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "97", - "lore": "QuasitUnlike other demons, quasits are formed when a mortal spellcaster sheds a portion of their own sinful soul to create a familiar or companion. When these quasits outlive their creators, they become free willed and seek methods of returning to the Abyss, a task that requires pledging servitude to more powerful demons, so many quasits instead opt to remain on the Material Plane to promote evil and hope for chance and luck to someday provide them with a method of reaching the Abyss on their own.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 15Quasit" - }, - { - "name": "Quatoid", - "family": "Elemental, Water", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "198", - "lore": "QuatoidQuatoids are peculiar, mysterious elementals native to the Plane of Water that resemble four-tentacled octopuses with eerily humanoid faces on their mantles.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 23Quatoid" - }, - { - "name": "Quelaunt", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "343", - "lore": "QuelauntThis three-armed, three-legged monster has no discernible eyes, nose, ears, or mouth or no visible means of ingesting food. Its limbs are distributed so evenly across its body that it is all but impossible to tell which way the creature is oriented at any given time. Few who witness the quelaunt linger on its alien looks for long though, as the most pressing concern quickly becomes the invasion of their minds, as the quelaunt sows doubt, sorrow, and rage. This monstrosity not only delights in the negative emotions of its prey, but feeds on them, gaining strength and sustenance from their dismay. For the quelaunt, no act is too terrible or cruel to inflict on its victims, since the more a creature suffers, the more the quelaunt feasts. Quelaunts are known to associate with other aberrant horrors, including brain collectors and other creatures associated with the Dominion of the Black. However, the more prevalent theory paints them as more alien—perhaps invasive beings from another dimension of pure thought and feeling—and claims that in their natural state they have no physical bodies at all. Few dare speculate further; the only known autopsy of a quelaunt resulted in the researcher’s suicide just days afterward and all the notes were mysteriously destroyed. Whatever secrets there are to be unlocked in the anatomy of these bizarre monsters are apparently important enough to warrant great protection from quelaunts, even after death.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 34Quelaunt" - }, - { - "name": "Quetz Couatl", - "family": "Couatl", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Couatl"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "587", - "lore": "Quetz CouatlThese sacred feathered serpents tirelessly serve the powers of law and good. Some operate directly as messengers and intermediaries of the deities, while others operate independently in aiding the cause of righteousness. Either way, they watch over mortals and try to influence and aid them from the shadows, shifting from plane to plane to spread wisdom and healing where they are needed. Some quetz couatls are worshipped as divinities in remote or isolated societies, and while they do not encourage such veneration, they use the trust placed in them to foster peace and cooperation with others.Quetz couatls are typically 10 to 20 feet long, with iridescent blue and green scales. Their glorious wings of rainbow-hued feathers span 15 feet and weigh nearly a ton. They are carnivorous, feeding on birds, mammals, and even the occasional evil humanoid.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 29Quetz Couatl" - }, - { - "name": "Quetzalcoatlus", - "family": "Pterosaur", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "342", - "lore": "QuetzalcoatlusQuetzalcoatlus are the largest flying members of the pterosaur family and are often mistaken for dragons due to their immense size and 40-foot wingspans. Quetzalcoatlus are carnivorous, feeding on a variety of reptiles, mammals, large fish, amphibians, and other invertebrates. They are not inherently aggressive creatures and are happy to scavenge for food, but when presented with live prey they readily attack almost any creature smaller than themselves.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 23Quetzalcoatlus" - }, - { - "name": "Quickling", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "778", - "lore": "QuicklingFew creatures can match a quickling's speed. These malicious fey creatures delight in striking with blinding speed and accuracy, racing in to stab and slash at foes before scampering away for cover with maddening— even frightening—swiftness. Stories of people simply doubling over, bleeding from what appear to be spontaneously opening wounds, are often eyewitness accounts of quickling attacks. Quicklings actively hate the “slow-paced dullards” they encounter every day, delighting in inflicting suffering and pain on creatures they deem too sluggish to matter. While they are related to kinder fey such as brownies and pixies, quicklings care only for their own merriment. They see their own cruel pranks as the height of humor and have full confidence that their speed and invisibility will keep them safe from harm. They occasionally form gangs of up to a dozen individuals, although the group usually devolves very quickly into mayhem, as they inevitably perform increasingly deadly pranks against each other.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 20Quickling" - }, - { - "name": "Quintessivore", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1270", - "lore": "QuintessivoreQuintessivores are cunning creatures that wield arcane magic and scalpel-sharp spider limbs that can rend one's soul just as easily as flesh. A quintessivore doesn't immediately kill its prey—it drags the creature to its lair and separates the victim's soul from their body with its bladed limbs. The flicking blades then pull out the creature's individuality, reducing the soul down to pure soul-stuff called quintessence, which the quintessivore then consumes.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27QuintessivoreSource Bestiary 3 pg. 209Perception +17; darkvisionLanguagesAbyssal, Aklo, Common, Infernal, UndercommonSkillsArcana +25, Athletics +17, Intimidation +19, Stealth +20Str +3Dex +6Con +6Int +7Wis +3Cha +3Items_scroll of dimensional anchor_, _scroll of fly_---AC 28 Fort +22 Ref +20 Will +21 HP 180Instant SuspensionTrigger The quintessivore reduces a creature within 15 feet of it to 0 Hit Points; Effect The quintessivore uses Suspend Soul, targeting the creature.---Speed 40 feet, climb 20 feetMeleeblade-leg +22 (Finesse, Magical),Damage 1d10+9 slashing damage plus 1d10 negative damage and tattered soulArcane Prepared Spells DC 29, attack +21- Cantrips (5th)Daze, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, Read Aura- 1stFeather Fall, Fleet Step, Ray of Enfeeblement- 2ndComprehend Language, See Invisibility, Web- 3rdSlow, Vampiric Touch (×2)- 4thClairvoyance, Enervation (×2)- 5thBlack Tentacles, Grim Tendrils, PasswallFeed on Quintessence(Arcane, Exploration, Manipulate, Necromancy) Over the course of 1 hour, the quintessivore removes and deconstructs the soul of a creature. The creature must either be captive or have been dead for no more than 2 hours before the start of the process. At the end of the hour, the quintessivore consumes the quintessence of the creature's soul. For the next month, it gains a +1 status bonus to its spell DC and spell attack roll, and it adds 6th-level _feeblemind_ and _vampiric exsanguination_ to its arcane prepared spells. Deconstructing a soul maps the unique properties of the creature's soul into the quintessivore's blade-legs. The soul can be reconstructed by binding it to quintessence. A dead quintessivore's soul flees its body as pure quintessence suitable for this purpose.Suspend Soul(Arcane, Necromancy) The quintessivore suspends the life processes of a dying creature within 15 feet of it. The creature can't decrease or increase its HP or dying value for 10 minutes. The creature can attempt a DC 29 Will save to avoid this effect. If the creature receives magical healing, it can attempt a new save, ending the effect and being healed normally on a success. The effect ends if the quintessivore uses Suspend Soul again.Tattered SoulA creature hit by the quintessivore's blade-leg Strike must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or become drained 1 (drained 2 on a critical failure). If the creature is already drained, it's immune to this effect.QuintessenceQuintessence not only makes up a creature's soul, but also forms most of the planes of the Outer Sphere. Through the cycle of life and death, mortal souls travel to the Boneyard for judgment before moving on to their afterlives. After eons, souls lose their individuality and are recycled. Passed through the Maelstrom, the quintessence is broken down to pure potentiality, then reforms as new quintessence that sprouts in the Positive Energy Plane as the source of new souls." - }, - { - "name": "Quoppopak", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "779", - "lore": "QuoppopakQuoppopaks combine the most terrifying aspects of water striders, octopuses, and vampire bats into one evil, water-dwelling monster. Their bodies consist of an oval abdomen, eight hollow tentacles, and a thick, tail-like limb ending in a ventral tube, which resembles a lamprey's mouth and is capable of intaking fluids at an astounding rate. While quoppopaks can clumsily maneuver on land, they prefer to move on water; quoppopaks glide along the surface of lakes or the ocean by thrusting their ventral tubes into the water, cycling liquid up through their bodies, then spraying the water back out in a high-pressure stream through their hollow, spear-like tentacles. Though the ventral tube can't expel fluids, it still poses a substantial threat to other creatures. Quoppopaks have gills, but they are located inside the creatures' abdomens, allowing them to draw their air from the water they siphon through their ventral tubes. Quoppopaks can hold some water in their abdomens for quick forays on land, but this is akin to humans holding their breath to go underwater, and the monsters' water reserves quickly deplete.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 28Quoppopak" - }, - { - "name": "Qurashith", - "family": "—", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration, Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "532", - "lore": "QurashithQurashith—or “gluttonwings” in the Common tongue—are fearsome, bat-like predators that haunt the upper reaches of Gluttondark’s cavern-worlds. These monstrosities are no mere beasts. A qurashith does not simply devour its victims; once it kills its prey, it physically subsumes the creature into its own body, metabolizing the prey’s spiritual essence. Close inspection of a qurashith reveals that its body is an amalgamation of the fiend and its extraplanar and mortal victims, bound together by webs of demonic scar tissue and sticky acidic pus. While the individual personalities of a qurashith’s victims gradually metabolize and diffuse into its very substance over time, a particularly charismatic or magically powerful victim might exert some influence over the qurashith’s mind for a short time.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 41Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 41Qurashith" - }, - { - "name": "Radiant Warden", - "family": "—", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Construct"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "780", - "lore": "Radiant WardenThe enigmatic and strange radiant wardens were constructed thousands of years ago to protect observatories and scholars against the incursion of alien aggressors from the Dominion of the Black. Over time, their roles as guardians expanded to include watching over any region where the laws of time and space have worn thin, particularly near portals and permanent gates between planets, planes, or dimensions. Named for both the radial nature of the concentric rings that make up their bodies as well as the glowing radiance of their attacks, radiant wardens carry on their orders, defending sites from invasion with single-minded purpose.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 38Radiant Warden" - }, - { - "name": "Raja Rakshasa", - "family": "Rakshasa", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Rakshasa"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "345", - "lore": "Raja RakshasaWhen not disguised as a humanoid, the raja rakshasa has the head of an animal. The hands of a raja rakshasa are more subtly unsettling, for the fingers of these fiends bend outward, away from the palms. More than any other types of rakshasa, rajas scoff at religion. They understand the power of the divine, yet they view themselves as the only things worthy of worship from mortal creatures; not even their own immortals are deemed deserving of such glorification. Raja rakshasas often form close-knit families that work together to bring down mortal cities or to rule them from the shadows within. Such families of rakshasas often incorporate other breeds of the fiend, often using dandasukas as favored servants or stealthy spies. Even though a raja family works together to achieve a shared goal, infighting and treachery among their own is a constant threat.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 27Raja Rakshasa" - }, - { - "name": "Raktavarna", - "family": "Rakshasa", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Rakshasa", "Uncommon", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1271", - "lore": "RaktavarnaThe least of all rakshasas, raktavarnas resemble wicked serpents with glowing red eyes and oversized fangs. Often forced into service by mortal conjurers or more powerful rakshasas, raktavarnas frequently act subservient to their masters while secretly plotting to overthrow them.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 17Unspecific Lore: DC 15Specific Lore: DC 12RaktavarnaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 210Perception +6; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Infernal, UndercommonSkillsAcrobatics +7, Athletics +6, Deception +7, Stealth +7Str +1Dex +4Con +2Int +1Wis +1Cha +2---AC 16 Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +6 +2 status to all saves vs. divine magicHP 14Resistancesphysical 3 (except piercing)Weaknessesgood 3---Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet, swim 20 feetMeleefangs +9 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d6+1 piercing plus raktavarna venomOccult Innate Spells DC 16- Cantrips (1st)Detect Magic- 1stCharm, Command- 4thRead OmensChange Shape(Concentrate, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The raktavarna takes on the appearance of a Tiny inanimate object. If, while transformed, the raktavarna takes any action other than the purely mental (such as Recall Knowledge), they immediately revert to their original form. Until then, they can use Deception to Impersonate the object.Designate MasterA raktavarna can designate a creature as their master using a 10-minute invocation in which the master must participate. The raktavarna can revoke this status at any time.Master's EyesAs a 3-action activity with the concentrate trait, a raktavarna's master can observe the world through the raktavarna's eyes, instead of their own. This uses the raktavarna's Perception and darkvision. Each round, the master must spend a single action, which also has the concentrate trait, to maintain the connection. This ability functions at any range, even on different planes of existence. If the raktavarna dies while their master is using this ability, the master is stunned 5.Raktavarna Venom(Poison) Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison damage and stupefied 1 (1 round); Stage 2 1d4 poison damage and stupefied 2 (1 round)" - }, - { - "name": "Rancorous Priesthood", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Troop", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1275", - "lore": "Rancorous PriesthoodFollowers of Rovagug must usually conceal their devotion to the Rough Beast, hiding in remote cave complexes or abandoned ruins; but they emerge from these strongholds when they sense weakness, gathering together into a destructive, homicidal mob to hunt down high-ranking priests of rival deities or slaughter entire towns. Alternatively, if their hidden bolthole is compromised, a mob of Rovagug's faithful might emerge—not hoping to save themselves, but intent only on taking their enemies with them as they die.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23Rancorous PriesthoodSource Bestiary 3 pg. 213Perception +21LanguagesAbyssal, CommonSkillsAthletics +22, Intimidation +21, Religion +22Str +7Dex +2Con +6Int +2Wis +5Cha +4---AC 31 Fort +23 Ref +17 Will +22 HP 195(16 squares)Weaknessesarea damage 15, splash damage 8 Troop Defenses---Speed 25 feetDivine Spontaneous Spells DC 27, attack +19- Cantrips (6th)Daze, Detect Magic, Divine Lance (chaos or evil)- 5thBurning Hands, Fireball, Hurtling Stone (3 slots)- 6thCry of Destruction, Destructive Aura (2 slots)Rituals DC 27- 4thBlight (doesn't require secondary casters)Form UpTroop MovementWhenever the troop Strides, they first Form Up as a free action to condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus any missing squares), then moves up to their Speed. This works just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if any square of the troop enters difficult terrain, the extra movement cost applies to the whole troop.Troop SpellcastingWhen the rancorous priesthood Casts a Spell, their constituent members combine their efforts into casting a more powerful version of the spell than any one member could achieve alone. When Casting a Spell that has an area of a burst, cone, or line and doesn't have a duration, increase the area of that spell. Add 5 feet to the radius of a burst that normally has a radius of at least 10 feet (a burst with a smaller radius is not affected). Add 5 feet to the length of a cone or line that is normally 15 feet long or smaller, and add 10 feet to the length of a larger cone or line.Wild SwingFrequency once per round; Effect The members of the mob wildly swing their weapons—primarily greataxes—in a chaotic attack at each enemy adjacent to the troop (DC 27 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.1d12+2 slashing damage2d12+9 slashing damage3d12+9 slashing damageTroops with SpellsThough Rovagug's followers are the most common, other deities might have rancorous priesthoods. You can use these statistics to represent other troops capable of casting spells simply by replacing the spells in the list and altering the alignment. Limit the troop to spells with a normal level no higher than 2 below what a creature of the troop's level would normally be able to cast; you can heighten some of these spells to fill the troop's highest-level spell slots, representing the combined effect of several lower-level spells cast at the same time. " - }, - { - "name": "Rat Snake Swarm", - "family": "Snake", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1315", - "lore": "Rat Snake SwarmA solitary snake might be no cause for alarm, but a hissing mass of frenzied snakes can make even seasoned adventurers shudder. Rat snakes can reach lengths of up to 10 feet, and they gather en masse to hibernate as well as to breed. Though nonvenomous, these territorial snakes will strike anything that threatens them.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Rat Snake SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 249Perception +8; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +10, Stealth +8Str +0Dex +4Con +2Int -4Wis +2Cha -3---AC 16 Fort +8 Ref +10 Will +6 HP 20Immunitiesprecision, swarm mindResistancesbludgeoning 3, piercing 5, slashing 5Weaknessesarea damage 3, splash damage 3Mass Wriggle Trigger The rat snake swarm takes damage from a melee Strike; Effect Snakes slither up and around the creature's weapon and limbs. The target must succeed at a DC 15 Will save or become frightened 1.---Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet, swim 20 feetSwarming StrikesEach enemy in the swarm's space takes 1d8 piercing damage (DC 17 basic Reflex save)." - }, - { - "name": "Rat Swarm", - "family": "Rat", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "347", - "lore": "Rat SwarmA swarm of rats can cause total chaos within a household or business. Contracting filth fever is all the easier when dozens of these agitated or hungry vermin gather to bite victims en masse, making rat-hunting a viable career in many parts of the world as desperate townspeople seek relief from the disease’s spread.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Rat Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Ratfolk Grenadier", - "family": "Ratfolk", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Ratfolk"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "348", - "lore": "Ratfolk GrenadierRatfolk grenadiers use alchemy and stealth to defend their communities.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Ratfolk Grenadier" - }, - { - "name": "Raven", - "family": "Raven", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "781", - "lore": "RavenThese omnivorous birds are cunning and opportunistic scavengers. Capable of solving simple puzzles in order to retrieve desired items, ravens gather at the periphery of civilization, raiding it as needed when they are not hunting in the wilds. Whether singularly, in pairs, or as a flock, ravens live off scraps as often as they do carrion or prey. They are also unusually social among their own kind, even alerting other ravens to large carcasses with loud, croaking cries; it is rumored that this extends between flocks as well.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 13Raven" - }, - { - "name": "Raven Swarm", - "family": "Raven", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "782", - "lore": "Raven SwarmA flock of ravens is known as an unkindness. Certainly the name lives up to its meaning when a swarm of ravens decides to work together. In most cases, a raven swarm like the one presented here won't attack larger foes, but when manipulated by supernatural forces or simple desperation born from hunger, an unkindness of ravens can be a surprisingly dangerous foe.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 18Raven Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Ravener", - "family": "Ravener", - "level": 21, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "783", - "lore": "RavenerThe ravener presented here was once an ancient red dragon.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 47Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 47Ravener" - }, - { - "name": "Ravener Husk", - "family": "Ravener", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "784", - "lore": "Ravener HuskRaveners require a steady diet of souls, and a ravener that's unable to feed for too long eventually cannibalizes their own soul. Should a ravener's soul ward ever be reduced to 0 Hit Points by hunger while the ravener has more than 1 Hit Point (see Soul Ward), they lose all traces of their former identity and descend into a feral, nearly mindless state. Even if a ravener husk later consumes soul energy, the transformation can be reversed only via Ravenous Repast.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 37Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 37Ravener Husk" - }, - { - "name": "Ravenile", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Lizardfolk"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "1002", - "lore": "RavenileRaveniles are rare mutant lizardfolk who exhibit monstrous strength and regenerative capabilities. Almost twice as large as typical iruxis, raveniles have a more ferocious set of jaws and deadly claws. A ravenile's tail is much shorter than that of lizardfolk, however, lacking the heft to make it an effective natural weapon. Raveniles are as intelligent as their iruxi cousins, though many assume they are mindless brutes from their bestial appearance. Raveniles hatch from eggs fertilized not by other iruxis, but by predatory extraplanar scavengers. Many lizardfolk tell stories—some true, some merely myth—of these scavengers to reinforce cultural taboos against leaving eggs undefended. At birth, raveniles look like other iruxi children, though perhaps they exhibit small hints of what they will become: a stubbier tail, wider feet, or a single tusk-like tooth. As raveniles age, they develop an increased appetite and metabolism. During one painful week at the cusp of maturity, raveniles experience an agonizing growth spurt. They shed their skin at least twice a day, their muscle mass increases exponentially, and their bones crack and reset. During this transformation, raveniles experience immense pain and exhibit reflexive violence. When the transformation is complete, the ravenile regains their wits, but by then, they've usually caused irreparable harm. Few lizardfolk communities welcome raveniles after their transformation, and some settlements suffer so much damage that they must be abandoned entirely.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 37Ravenile" - }, - { - "name": "Red Fox", - "family": "Fox", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1158", - "lore": "Red FoxThe shy and perceptive red fox has uncanny adaptability and is just as comfortable in urban areas as in the wilds. Red foxes typically have rust-red fur, a white underbelly, and a characteristic white-tipped bushy tail. They are omnivorous, and eat insects, lizards, and small birds, pouncing on their prey to catch it. Because these opportunistic hunters see eggs and captive livestock as an easy meal, many farmers see them as foes.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8Red FoxSource Bestiary 3 pg. 102Perception +7; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +6, Athletics +2, Stealth +6, Survival +5Str -2Dex +3Con +0Int -4Wis +2Cha +0---AC 17 Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +3 HP 5---Speed 35 feetMeleejaws +9 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d6–2 piercingLeaping PounceThe red fox either Strides or Leaps up to its Speed and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. If the fox began this action hidden, it remains hidden until after this ability's Strike." - }, - { - "name": "Redcap", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "349", - "lore": "RedcapRedcaps are sadistic and capricious fey who thrill in bloodletting and murder. While they are most famous for appearing as wizened, bearded men, redcap women are no less fearsome or cruel. Redcaps are ultimately craven bullies, cowed by anything more powerful than themselves, a trait that leads them to fear and despise the symbols of good deities. Many fairy tales explain how the redcaps draw power from dipping the hats for which they are named in fresh blood. Just as iconic to these cruel little fey are their iron-clad boots, and the clanging sound of their metal soles clanking on stone floors is both discordant and disconcerting— especially to those who recognize the sound for what it is. Redcaps typically stand only 3 feet tall, with hunched frames, pointed ears, crooked teeth, and long, white, tangled hair.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 20Redcap" - }, - { - "name": "Reef Octopus", - "family": "Octopus", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "745", - "lore": "Reef OctopusThe common reef octopus is a risky but valuable catch for coastal fishers.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Reef Octopus" - }, - { - "name": "Reefclaw", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "350", - "lore": "ReefclawReefclaws are aquatic monsters that resemble huge shrimp or lobsters. As one might expect from its name, a reefclaw’s oversized claws are powerful weapons with their vicelike grip and the ability to inject potent venom into unfortunate prey. While reefclaws can’t speak, they are intelligent enough to understand the local language of humanoids near their hunting grounds. The creatures sometimes listen to conversations, either to gain intelligence on the best place to ambush aquatic or land-dwelling prey, or merely for entertainment value—reefclaws are particularly fond of listening to people with high-pitched voices. Reefclaws are usually solitary hunters, but small swarms of female reefclaws have been known to gather around a single male for mating purposes or together for the communal raising of their broods. In the latter case, the females will perform widespread hunts in order to bring back a large enough bounty to feed their young. Such hunting parties are extremely dangerous—they’ve been known to tip over small flshing boats and attack those who fall overboard. Once a reefclaw has decided upon a course of action, it follows through even if doing so spells its own end. More than one reefclaw survivor has said that the creature released its bone-crushing grasp only after its brains were leaking from its broken skull, and even then the reefclaw was able to perform a terrible last slash as part of its dying breath. During mating season, female reefclaws are often a little more pragmatic and release their prey before endangering themselves and their offspring. Despite their intelligence and the accompanying moral quandaries, reefclaws frequently find their way onto the dinner plates of land-dwelling hunters such as humans and hobgoblins. According to those who have a taste for reefclaw flesh, the meat is either delectably sweet (for reefclaws raised in colder waters) or slightly tangy (in the case of warm-water reefclaws). Most civilized people who know of reefclaws’ intellect find the act of eating them distasteful, but this does not dissuade unscrupulous nobles in coastal regions, for whom reefclaw meat is a delicacy well worth the expense. Likewise, fisherfolk whose focus is on the bottom line of their ledgers are more than willing to hunt the dangerous creatures—or, even better, hire out the task to naive adventurers.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 15Reefclaw" - }, - { - "name": "Remnant of Barzillai", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "458", - "lore": "Remnant of BarzillaiThough the Silver Ravens defeated the evil tyrant Barzillai Thrune before he could fully realize his goal of becoming a genius loci, remnants of his spirit remain throughout the Ravounel region. On occasion, these scraps of sentience form a vague, Barzillai-shaped body from bits of the nearby terrain, but when near haunted locations, the spectral force can coalesce into a more precise body using ectoplasm siphoned from these haunts. In either form, the remnant carries a form of Barzillai’s own burning mace, which dissolves into a thin mist 1 hour after the remnant is destroyed. Remnants of Barzillai can manifest anywhere throughout Ravounel, and even after one remnant is defeated, another might arise later on. The undead inquisitor can be put to rest permanently only by retrieving his mace before it disappears, then burying it in a location consecrated by good clerics, where it must remain for at least a year undisturbed. While a remnant of Barzillai can draw power from any haunt it is associated with, remnants tend to do so with specific haunts. The haunts presented on pages 27–28 are commonly associated with remnants of Barzillai. These are far from the only haunts Barzillai can create, however; the Silver Ravens’ records mention many phenomena associated with the undead being, some of which deal with themes of various birds, the scents of mint and tea, and ghostly figures in heavy armor.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 32Remnant of Barzillai" - }, - { - "name": "Remorhaz", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "351", - "lore": "RemorhazA remorhaz is an enormous arctic predator that resembles a multilegged insect with draconic features. This monster has chitinous plates and more than a score segmented legs, a multipartite maw, and winglike growths fianking its head. The most unusual aspect of the creature, however, is its internal heat, which burns with such intensity that it causes the armored plates on the creature’s back to become superheated whenever the beast is agitated. Remorhazes are carnivores. Their diet includes arctic animals such as elk, but a hungry remorhaz readily devours anything it can catch and kill. It commonly lurks beneath ice or snow and ambushes prey with a sudden upward strike. Many victims die before even knowing what attacked them. Those who survive the worm’s initial onslaught must face not only its deadly jaws, but also its hideously hot body. This heat can melt weapons, scorch armor, and burn flesh—all tactics the remorhaz uses to disable and defeat its foes. A remorhaz’s internal fire allows it to burrow through ice and snow with ease. It leaves smooth tunnels in its wake as melted ice refreezes to leave the telltale signs of its passage. Most people underestimate a remorhaz’s intelligence, assuming it to be a mere animal. However, remorhazes are capable of learning languages. Frost giants in particular use this trait to form alliances with them. The giants provide food, protection, and shelter for the worm, and in return the remorhaz acts as a guard beast and helps the giants build fortresses and forge metal weapons. The giants also employ the worms as war beasts, using them to undermine enemy positions.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 25Remorhaz" - }, - { - "name": "Revenant", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "787", - "lore": "RevenantRevenants are obsessed, undead stalkers who arise from their own murders and are driven by only one thing: revenge against their killers. The common wisdom is that revenants arise only from individuals who have been utterly betrayed or abandoned to die a grueling death, but even then such victims might not rise from their graves. In other cases, revenants might even rise from what might legitimately be considered an accident if the revenant doesn't understand the full circumstances of their demise. In such cases, it doesn't matter that the “murderer” may not have intended to kill, for revenants understands no pity and can never forgive. Revenants have little memory of their lives other than anything they might need to recall in order to achieve their goal of vengeance.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 22Revenant" - }, - { - "name": "Rhevanna", - "family": "—", - "level": 22, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fiend"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "1021", - "lore": "RhevannaRhevannas are hunters, binders, and devourers of celestials. They rage that virtue comes easy for the lucky and privileged, and their bitter hearts yearn to subjugate the holy. A rhevanna's shadow appears as a pitiful angelic silhouette that claws for release; often, this form is that of the latest celestial the rhevanna destroyed. Rhevannas can't see their own shadows, and remarking upon one is especially dangerous.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 49Rhevanna" - }, - { - "name": "Rhinoceros", - "family": "Rhinoceros", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "788", - "lore": "RhinocerosRhinoceroses are short-tempered, territorial, and easily startled, and these traits combined with their innate ferocity means their natural instinct when disturbed is to attack. When intruders disturb or surprise rhinoceroses, the animals respond by charging directly at the interlopers and then lashing out with their mighty horns.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Rhinoceros" - }, - { - "name": "Rhu-Chalik", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Uncommon", "Small"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1276", - "lore": "Rhu-ChalikThe alien entities known as rhu-chaliks serve as scouts for a conglomeration of deep-space conquerors called the Dominion of the Black. Their masters use them as spies, tasking them with harvesting the thoughts and memories of sentient creatures into a vast repository of knowledge designed to eventually unravel every secret of existence. Also called void wanderers, rhu-chaliks can survive the depths of space indefinitely. They are extremely long-lived and capable of traversing the vastness of space between worlds. Rhu-chaliks prefer to work alone in order to reduce potential overlap in their mind predations. The furtive beings are calculating and infinitely patient, seeking only the most exceptional minds to cast beyond the stars to their masters.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Rhu-ChalikSource Bestiary 3 pg. 214Perception +17; greater darkvisionLanguagesAklo; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAthletics +13, Deception +13, Diplomacy +13, Intimidation +13, Stealth +15Str +3Dex +3Con +4Int +2Wis +5Cha +3---AC 23 all-around visionFort +14 Ref +11 Will +17 HP 95No Breath A rhu-chalik doesn't breathe and is immune to effects that require breathing(such as inhaled poisons).---Speed 5 feet, fly 35 feetMeleetendril +15 (Agile),Damage 2d4+6 bludgeoning plus 1d6 mental and excruciating enzymeOccult Innate Spells DC 23- 3rdInvisibility (self only; at will), Mind Reading (at will)- 4thModify Memory- 5thMind ProbeExcruciating Enzyme(Occult, Poison) A rhu-chalik's tendrils secrete an enzyme that causes intense pain. A living creature hit by a tendril Strike must succeed at a DC 24 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 from the pain.Project Terror(Emotion, Enchantment, Fear, Mental, Occult) Requirements The rhu-chalik has successfully affected the target with _mind probe_, _mind reading_, or Project Terror in the last minute; Effect The rhu-chalik creates nightmarish visions in the target's mind. The target must attempt a DC 24 Will save. Critical Success The target creature is unaffected and temporarily immune to Project Terror for 1 minute. Success The target is unaffected. Failure The target becomes frightened 2. Failing additional saves against this effect increases the frightened condition value by 2; if this would increase the target's frightened value beyond frightened 4, the target is fleeing for 1 round and frightened 4. Critical Failure As failure, but the target becomes unconscious for 30 minutes instead of fleeing.Void Transmission(Concentrate, Enchantment, Exploration, Mental, Occult) Requirements The rhu-chalik is adjacent to an unconscious creature; Effect The rhu-chalik spends 10 minutes copying the creature's entire consciousness and mentally sends this copied consciousness through the void of space to their waiting masters. The target creature is deeply disoriented by this procedure, becoming stupefied 2 for 1 day afterward. If the creature is revived or moved away from the rhu-chalik during the process, Void Transmission fails and the target is unaffected.Connoisseurs of ThoughtsRhu-chaliks lack both mouths and digestive systems. Instead they gain sustenance from the thoughts and emotions of sentient beings. Each emotion has a distinctive flavor to rhu-chaliks and, as this feeding doesn't harm the food source, rhu-chaliks often dine repeatedly upon their favorite minds. Some rhu-chaliks even incite various emotions in their prey to elicit new tastes for their mental banquets." - }, - { - "name": "Riding Dog", - "family": "Dog", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "125", - "lore": "Riding DogRiding dogs types include larger dogs, such as mastiffs, wolfhounds, and huskies, and are bred often by halflings and gnomes to serve as mounts. Riding dogs are as loyal and devoted to their masters as guard dogs, and are ferocious in battle, regardless of whether they bear a rider or not. As with guard dogs, these large hounds can be wild or feral in nature, and, in some cases, might rival packs of wolves with regard to the danger they pose to inhabitants of rural areas.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Riding Dog" - }, - { - "name": "Riding Horse", - "family": "Horse", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "266", - "lore": "Riding HorseThis entry did not have a separate description for the creature.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Riding Horse" - }, - { - "name": "Riding Pony", - "family": "Horse", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "265", - "lore": "Riding PonyThis entry did not have a separate description for the creature.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14Riding Pony" - }, - { - "name": "Ringhorn Ram", - "family": "Ram", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1273", - "lore": "Ringhorn RamRinghorn rams, named for the massive, curving spirals protruding from their heads, travel the plains. Though these rams tend to be slightly more playful and less vindictive than those in the mountains, they are no less stubborn or hardy.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 14Unspecific Lore: DC 12Specific Lore: DC 9Ringhorn RamSource Bestiary 3 pg. 212Perception +6; low-light visionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +4, Athletics +5, Stealth +4, Survival +6Str +3Dex +2Con +2Int -5Wis +2Cha +0---AC 16 Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +4 HP 15---Speed 30 feet; nimble strideMeleehoof +7,Damage 1d6+3 bludgeoningMeleehorn +7 (Agile),Damage 1d4+3 piercingNimble StrideRams ignore difficult terrain caused by narrow ledges.Ram ChargeThe ram Strides twice in a straight line and then makes a horn Strike with a +1 circumstance bonus to its attack roll." - }, - { - "name": "River Drake", - "family": "Drake", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "159", - "lore": "River DrakeAlthough the glistening scales and sleek, fin-like wings on these drakes give them an appearance reminiscent of river sh, they are actually distant relatives of the black dragon. While smaller than most drakes, river drakes are more than capable of plaguing river travelers and are equally at home above and below the water’s surface. This flexibility allows them to catch a wide variety of prey, from fish and boggards to deer and the occasional ferry passenger.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 18River Drake" - }, - { - "name": "Roc", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "352", - "lore": "RocLegendarily massive raptors capable of carrying off elephants as prey, rocs are typically about 30 feet long from beak to tail and have a wingspan of 80 feet or more. While their beaks are hooked to rip flesh from bone, their hunting strategy involves grabbing their prey in their powerful talons and then dropping it from great heights before feeding. This method creates a massive amount of carrion, which guarantees that rocs are followed by flocks of opportunistic scavengers, such as ravens and buzzards, who find it easy to steal bits of the larger birds’ meals. Rocs, for the most part, don’t mind these creatures, which sometimes get gobbled up along with the rest of the roc’s food. Rocs usually nest among mountaintops and cliffs inaccessible to all but the bravest of terrestrial dwellers. They are long-range predators that hunt both land and sea in search for massive prey to sustain them and their young. Rocs are antisocial and lone hunters who compete with each other in fierce aerial battles to protect territory. But about once a decade, a mating couple pairs up to raise their chicks. Once the chicks are old enough to hunt on their own, the parents separate to once again engage in lone hunting. Particularly skilled druids or rangers might capture and train a roc to serve as a flying mount or hunting companion, though examples of such an incredible feat of domestication are few and far between. The easiest way to rear a roc is to do so from the moment it hatches, since the chick imprints on the first creature it sees. Acquiring a roc egg is by no means an easy feat, though, and is often a death sentence for the would-be egg-snatcher.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 26Roc" - }, - { - "name": "Roiling Incant", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Arcane", "Evocation", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1277", - "lore": "Roiling IncantThough many spellcasters can harness the forces of magic in a consistent manner, such power can't always be controlled, especially in the hands of reckless researchers, megalomaniacal villains, or untested novices. When magical accidents result in large-scale property damage and the loss of life, these forces sometimes take on lives of their own, forming a dangerous amalgamation of ongoing magical energy known as a roiling incant. A roiling incant's appearance depends on the type of magic it sprang forth from, though it always carries with it an echo of the destruction it has caused. A fiery evocation roiling incant might look like a storm of burning ashes echoing with the sounds of crackling timber, while a necromancy roiling incant could be mistaken for ghostly tendrils puppeteering shambling corpses. No matter what it looks like, a roiling incant roams mindlessly, attacking everything it encounters, heedless of further carnage it causes. Roiling Incant Variations Each roiling incant is tied to a magic tradition as well as to a school of magic, and thus each has the traits of that tradition and school. Its innate spells must come from that tradition and school of magic, and they are usually related to the accident that caused the roiling incant's creation. The additional damage from their Engulf ability also changes based on their innate cantrip. Variant roiling incants usually have one 4th-level spell, one 3rd-level spell, one 2nd-level spell, and a cantrip, just like the example roiling incant presented below. Evocation roiling incants are the most common, as that school of magic is often the most destructive.Roiling IncantSource Bestiary 3 pg. 215Perception +15LanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +19Str +4Dex +4Con +6Int -5Wis +0Cha -5---AC 25 Fort +19 Ref +17 Will +15 HP 155Immunitiesbleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, evocation, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, negative, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousAbsorb Evocation A roiling incant is made of evocation energy. Any time it would be affected by another creature's non-cantrip evocation spell, after applying its immunity, it also regains 5 Hit Points.---Speed fly 40 feetMeleearcane tendril +19 (Arcane, Evocation, Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 2d12+10 forceRangedarcane bolt +19 (Arcane, Evocation, range increment 30 feet),Damage 2d10+10 forceArcane Innate Spells DC 30, attack +20- Cantrips (4th)Produce Flame- 2ndFlaming Sphere (at will; see Unstable Magic)- 3rdFireball (at will; see Unstable Magic)- 4thWall of Fire (at will; see Unstable Magic)EngulfDC 28, 2d8 force plus 4d4 fire, Escape DC 28, Rupture 20Unstable MagicA roiling incant is as much a mass of unstable magic as it is a creature. Is isn't living or undead, nor is it even a construct. It can't be healed or Repaired and is destroyed at 0 Hit Points, though it naturally recovers a number of Hit Points equal to its level × its Constitution modifier (54 for most roiling incants) each day. Each time a roiling incant casts one of its non-cantrip spells, it drains its own magic to do so, taking 5 force damage.Roiling Incant OriginsA roiling incant is a curiosity among scholars. It is neither living nor dead, nor is it a construct. Instead, it is magic of its tradition and school manifesting as a mindless entity, a magical force of nature. While some particularly vile spellcasters have attempted to create these beings intentionally and unleash them on an enemy's home, thus far no one has determined a reliable method to do so." - }, - { - "name": "Rokurokubi", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1278", - "lore": "RokurokubiRokurokubi come into being when mortals are cursed for some misdeed, though often the one who bears the curse is not the one who committed the offense, but instead their child or spouse. The curse slowly transforms the individual into a rokurokubi as they sleep. At first, their neck extends, or even detaches altogether, to let their head roam freely and engage in simple mischief like scaring neighbors or animals. The sleeper may awaken the next morning from a hazy dream of drinking the oil from nearby lanterns, only to find them indeed empty. Over time, the bizarre acts progress to increasingly mischievous or even violent crimes. There's only a brief period during which the nascent rokurokubi might still be saved by dispelling the curse, but before long, they are fully consumed, never to sleep again. Most rokurokubi despair at their state, seeking to drown their sorrows in drink or simply stay out of sight. A nefarious few rokurokubi embrace their fate and seek to enhance their power by completely giving in to the curse. This grants them the ability to cast potent occult spells but inevitably twists them even more toward evil.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11RokurokubiSource Bestiary 3 pg. 216Perception +9; darkvisionLanguagesCommonSkillsAthletics +7, Deception +8, Diplomacy +8, Intimidation +8, Society +6, Stealth +8Str +3Dex +4Con +3Int +2Wis +3Cha +4---AC 18 Fort +7 Ref +8 Will +9 HP 30ImmunitiessleepAttack of OpportunityJaws onlyDrink OilTrigger The rokurokubi is the target of an alchemical bomb Strike; Requirements The rokurokubi is aware of the attack, not flat-footed against it, and doesn't have a creature grabbed with their jaws; Effect The rokurokubi attempts to catch the flung bomb in their mouth. They gain a +4 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If the attack misses, they catch the bomb in their mouth and harmlessly drink its contents down, regaining Hit Points equal to the bomb's item level.---Speed 25 feetMeleejaws +10 (Finesse, reach 10 feet),Damage 1d8+3 piercing plus 1d6 persistent bleedMeleeclaw +10 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d8+3 slashingExtend NeckThe rokurokubi extends their neck, increasing the reach of their jaws Strike from 10 feet to 20 feet until the end of their next turn.Threatening LungeRequirements The rokurokubi's neck is not currently extended; Effect The rokurokubi's head comes within an inch of their target's face before striking. They Extend their Neck, attempt to Demoralize one opponent within 20 feet, and then make a jaws Strike against that opponent. Their Demoralize check is a visual rather than auditory effect, and they don't take a penalty if the target doesn't understand their language.Long Necks, Long TalesWhile an encounter with a real rokurokubi is terrifying, many are familiar with them in a less chilling form as the subject of ghost stories and plays, often told by a wandering storyteller at the side of a road or at a festival. An especially common performance involves two performers against a black curtain—one with a black hood covering their head, the other covered in black tights from the neck down—portraying one creature, with a length of cloth or string between the two giving the illusion of an extending neck." - }, - { - "name": "Roper", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "353", - "lore": "RoperTo all but the most sharp-eyed underground explorers, a roper appears to be nothing more than a large stalactite, stalagmite, or pillar of ice. Cunning and patient ambush predators, ropers use this to their advantage. Ropers do not form large societies (although they can often be found living alongside other deep-dwelling denizens), but they often congregate in small clusters and sometimes hunt in groups. Particularly interested in the philosophy of life and death and the flner points of the more cruel and sinister religions of the world, a roper can talk or argue for hours with those it initially sought merely to eat. Quick-thinking spelunkers can sometimes stave off a roper’s appetite by entertaining it with stories or discussions of philosophy, but ropers do not willingly allow such intriguing prey to escape alive. Stories speak of particularly skilled debaters and philosophers who have been kept for days or even years as pets or conversational companions by roper clusters, but in the end, if such pets don’t eventually escape, the ropers’ appetites win out over their intellectual curiosity—especially in cases where the pets constantly outmaneuver their keepers’ wits and patience. A roper is 9 feet tall and weighs 2,200 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 29Roper" - }, - { - "name": "Rosethorn", - "family": "Ram", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1274", - "lore": "RosethornThese hardy mountain dwellers surpass their lowlander cousins in stubbornness and agility. Rosethorn rams sport distinctive, twisted horns that measure up to 4 feet in length and bear thorny growths, which they use to damage enemies in combat and strip the bark from trees during harsh winters when other food is scarce. Though hardly a domesticated species, rosethorn rams' shaggy outer coats cover fine hair that makes a yarn prized for both its softness and rarity. Their milk also provides nourishment during severe seasons.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11RosethornSource Bestiary 3 pg. 212Perception +8; low-light visionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +8, Athletics +7, Stealth +8, Survival +8Str +3Dex +4Con +3Int -5Wis +2Cha +1---AC 18 Fort +9 Ref +10 Will +6 HP 30---Speed 30 feet, climb 20 feet; mountain strideMeleehoof +11 (Finesse),Damage 1d8+5 bludgeoningMeleehorn +11 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d6+5 piercingBroken ThornsRequirements The rosethorn ram damaged a creature with its horns on its most recent action this turn; Effect The ram breaks off one of the thorny protrusions of its horns and leaves it in the wound, dealing 1d6 persistent bleed damage.Mountain StrideThe Rosethorn ram ignores difficult terrain caused by narrow ledges and icy terrain, and reduces the effects it suffers from cold environments by one step.Ram ChargeThe ram Strides twice in a straight line and then makes a horn Strike with a +1 circumstance bonus to its attack roll." - }, - { - "name": "Rune Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Evil", "Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "226", - "lore": "Rune GiantMagically crafted and bred by ancient wizards, rune giants are anathema to and tyrants among their own kind, who were given power to command and magically control other giants. The rune giants themselves served even more powerful masters—potent wizards known as runelords—and in so doing commanded entire armies of giants on behalf of the runelords’ empires. In the eons since these empires collapsed, rune giants have persisted as a people of their own, though to the outside world they’re little more than fabled horrors whispered of late at night by superstitious giants. Rune giants usually dwell in the most remote and rugged of towering mountain ranges, but they can also be found in immense ruins atop lost islands, glacial valleys, or even more remote or magical regions. Rune giants’ striking charcoal flesh is decorated by dozens of runes, which are potent manifestations of their eldritch powers. Rune giants are towering creatures, averaging at 40 feet in height and weighing 25,000 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 37Rune Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Rusalka", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Fey", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "790", - "lore": "RusalkaThese androgynous, river-dwelling fey delight in manipulating the emotions of those unfortunate enough to fall into their grasp, using humiliation to break their victims' wills. Rusalkas enjoy keeping their broken toys nearby, both for continuing entertainment and to aid in the rusalkas' defense, as the shame their captives feel often drives them to become obsessively loyal to these fey.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 30Rusalka" - }, - { - "name": "Rust Monster", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "354", - "lore": "Rust MonsterFound in lost dungeons, deep caves, and abandoned mines, rust monsters are a bane to any adventurers who rely on armor, weapons, or other metal items. These strange-looking creatures grow to about 5 feet long, with four insectile legs and a long tail ending in a four-pronged appendage resembling a tiny windmill. However, it is the rust monster’s feathery antennae that strike fear in the hearts of battle-hardened warriors, for a single touch from even just one antenna can reduce an adventurer’s most valuable tools to a useless pile of rust. Rust monsters aren’t inherently aggressive creatures, but they’re voracious oxidivores, meaning they consume the rust created by their antennae. The creatures savagely attack anything that gets between them and a possible meal, and they relentlessly pursue any source of metal. A rust monster can be distracted by a single metal-rich item, but they are often encountered in groups of three or more, sharply raising the cost of escape. Rust monsters are a terrible scourge in mining communities. If a group of rust monsters discovers rich veins of ore, they can multiply quickly. By weakening tunnels, attacking workers, and consuming the source of the miners’ livelihood, these aberrations have created many mountainside ghost towns.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 18Rust Monster" - }, - { - "name": "Sabosan", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "453", - "lore": "SabosanSabosans are evil, intelligent, bat-like humanoids who live in warm forests and drink the blood of other creatures, particularly people. They have thin, emaciated torsos and broad, leathery wings that can reach a span of almost 20 feet. Sabosans’ heads, necks, shoulders, and upper chests are covered with red or dark-brown fur that barely obscures their stretched.thin flesh. Their ears are large and pointed like a batfs, and indeed they can echolocate to locate prey much like bats can, though their eyes are also capable of seeing in low light. Some believe that sabosans are distant descendants of humans who were afflicted with vampirism but managed to avoid succumbing to undeath. Others posit they were once a tribe of demon worshippers whose dark rites transformed them into their current forms. No matter their true origins, sabosans have infamous reputations among residents of towns and cities south of the equator. Even mere rumors of sabosans in an area are enough to set off city-wide hunts, and the truly superstitious arenft above setting fires near every grotto, nook, and foxhole they come across in order to smoke out the nocturnal creatures. Sabosans hunt during the twilight hours or just after dark, when their echolocation gives them a predatory edge over their sleeping prey. They are capable hunters but indiscriminating when it comes to food sources; their rapid metabolisms means sabosans must eat nearly 20 pounds of meat and fruit per day (supplemented, naturally, with copious amounts of blood).Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 20Sabosan" - }, - { - "name": "Sabosan", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1279", - "lore": "SabosanSabosans are intelligent, bat-like humanoids who live in warm forests and drink the blood of other creatures, particularly people. They have thin, emaciated torsos and broad, leathery wings that can reach a span of almost 20 feet. Sabosans' heads, necks, shoulders, and upper chests are covered with red or dark-brown fur that obscures their stretched-thin flesh. Though their ears are large and pointed like a bat's and they can echolocate as bats do, their vision is also quite strong, enough so that they can use it to easily track quarry in low light. Some naturalist scholars believe that sabosans are distant descendants of humans who were afflicted with vampirism but managed to avoid succumbing to undeath. Others posit they were once a cult of demon worshippers whose dark rites transformed them into their current forms. No matter their true origins, sabosans have infamous reputations among towns and cities south of Golarion's equator. Even mere rumors of sabosans in an area are enough to set off city-wide hunts, and the truly superstitious aren't above setting fires near every grotto, nook, and foxhole they come across in order to smoke out the nocturnal creatures. Sabosans hunt during the twilight hours or just after dark, when their echolocation gives them an edge over sleeping prey. They are capable hunters but indiscriminating when it comes to food sources; their rapid metabolisms means sabosans must eat nearly 20 pounds of meat and fruit per day, supplemented, of course, with copious amounts of blood. Sabosans' obscure faith reveres two deities: the slain Demon Lord Vyriavaxus, Lord of Shadows, and the nearly forgotten sun god Easivra. Vyriavaxus has an obvious link with the creatures, with his appearance as a giant bat, but their connection to the sun god hints at a complex depth in sabosan beliefs.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15SabosanSource Bestiary 3 pg. 217, Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders pg. 91Perception +10; echolocation 20 feet, low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesAbyssal, MwangiSkillsAcrobatics +16, Athletics +11, Stealth +16Str +4Dex +5Con +2Int -1Wis +1Cha +0Echolocation A sabosan can use their hearing as a precise sense at the listed range.ItemsSpear---AC 22 Fort +11 Ref +14 Will +10 HP 78---Speed 25 feet, fly 25 feetMeleejaws +15 (Finesse),Damage 2d10+4 piercing plus 1 persistent bleedMeleeclaw +15 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d8+4 slashing plus GrabMeleespear +15,Damage 1d6+7 piercingRangedspear +16 (thrown 20 feet),Damage 1d6+7 piercingDrain BloodRequirement The sabosan has a creature grabbed; Effect The sabosan drains blood from the creature. The creature must succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or become drained 1. The sabosan gains a number of temporary Hit Points equal to the number of Hit Points lost by the creature.Fell Shriek(Auditory) The sabosan emits a deafening cry in a 30-foot cone. Non-sabosan creatures in this area must each succeed at a DC 23 Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 minute.Powerful ChargeThe sabosan Strides up to double their Speed and then makes a claw Strike. If the sabosan moved at least 20 feet, they deal an additional 1d6 damage on a hit.The Sabosan KingdomSabosans were not always so confined to the edges of the wilderness. Once, many of their kind occupied the stone metropolis of Jaytirian in the heart of the Mwangi Jungle and defended it against the bestial forces of the dread Gorilla King. However, over the last few hundred years, some unknown force drove the sabosans out, and now they roam the Mwangi Expanse in dwindling numbers, searching for a new home.The Sabosan KingdomSabosans were not always so confined to the edges of the wilderness. Once, many of their kind occupied the stone metropolis of Jaytirian in the heart of the Mwangi Jungle and defended it against the bestial forces of the dread Gorilla King. However, over the last few hundred years, some unknown force drove the sabosans out, and now they roam the Mwangi Expanse in dwindling numbers, searching for a new home." - }, - { - "name": "Sacristan", - "family": "Velstrac", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Velstrac"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "850", - "lore": "SacristanSacristans are failures among the velstracs, creatures whose bodies and minds have been utterly broken by the velstracs' torments. These unfortunates are assembled from scrap metal, nerveless flesh, and bits of darkness into loyal agents who take ecstatic pleasure in serving other velstracs. Sacristans are empowered by a miniature gateway to the Shadow Plane deep in their mouths. By distending their jaws, they can howl with the shrieks and windstorms of that plane. Sacristans vary in appearance but are the size of maimed humans. Their features are redundant or absent and they are wrapped in barbed and rusted chains.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 27Sacristan" - }, - { - "name": "Salamander", - "family": "Elemental, Fire", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "189", - "lore": "SalamanderSalamanders have serpentine lower torsos, but humanoid upper bodies with toothy reptilian snouts. Their affinity for cruelty and violence puts them in close alliance with the demons of the Abyss.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 23Salamander" - }, - { - "name": "Samsaran Anchorite", - "family": "Samsaran", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Samsaran", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1286", - "lore": "Samsaran AnchoriteA unique connection to the cycle of life and death defines the mortal lives of samsarans. With a tendency toward reclusiveness, samsarans have delicate builds, enigmatic and pupilless eyes, and blood as clear as water. When a samsaran dies, their body vanishes and their soul instantly reincarnates into a newborn child elsewhere on the same plane: usually another samsaran, but occasionally a humanoid of a different ancestry. Though all samsarans have an innate understanding of their nature, they consciously remember little from their former lives. Some, however, are occasionally struck by disjointed memories or flashes of déjà vu linked to a previous existence that can earn them a reputation for preternatural wisdom and insight. Most samsarans prefer to lead studious lives filled with moments of deep reflection. Their sights remain set on the eternal and on enlightenment, reducing the appeal of the short-term material gains one can achieve in just one lifetime. A samsaran ceases their cycle of reincarnation only upon reaching perfect state of enlightenment—or falling so far from harmony that they proceed to a doomed afterlife. The ancestral home of the samsarans lies in Zi Ha, a remote mountain nation in Tian Xia. These treacherous mountains help ensure the solitude most samsarans prefer, and they're further protected by misguiding illusions, defensive wards, and secure fortifications.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10Samsaran AnchoriteSource Bestiary 3 pg. 224Perception +9; low-light visionLanguagesCelestial, Common, SamsaranSkillsMedicine +6, Occultism +6, Religion +7, Society +4Str +0Dex +2Con +0Int +1Wis +4Cha +2Cryptomnesia A samsaran anchorite subconsciously retains bits of knowledge from their innumerable former lives, granting them a +1 circumstance bonus to skill checks that aren't listed in their skills above, and allowing them to attempt all skill actions that normally require the user to be trained.ItemsSpear, Sling (10 bullets)---AC 15 Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +9 HP 16All This Has Happened Before(divination, occult) Frequency once per day; Trigger The samsaran anchorite is about to roll initiative; Effect The anchorite experiences a flash of recognition from a previous existence, gaining a +4 circumstance bonus to the triggering roll. If this causes the anchorite to be the first creature to act, they also become quickened for 1 round, but they can use the extra action only to Recall Knowledge or Step.All This Will Happen Again(fortune, emotion, mental) Frequency once per day; Trigger The samsaran anchorite fails or critically fails a Will save against an emotion effect; Effect Even in the face of overwhelming tribulation, the anchorite finds solace in the notion that all things are merely part of a never-ending cycle. They reroll the saving throw with a +1 status bonus; they must use the second result.---Speed 25 feetMeleespear +5,Damage 1d6+2 piercingRangedsling +7 (range increment 50 feet, reload 1),Damage 1d4+2 bludgeoningDivine Prepared Spells DC 17- Cantrips (1st)Guidance, Light- 1stCommand, Heal, Sanctuary" - }, - { - "name": "Sand Sentry", - "family": "Elemental, Earth", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "653", - "lore": "Sand SentryShifting back and forth between a detailed likeness of a human and a muted and featureless bipedal form, this creature of pure sand moves with an eerie grace. The sand sentry is often called upon by spellcasters to stand guard over an area of great importance—these elementals are patient participants in such roles, making them well suited for long-term service.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 22Sand Sentry" - }, - { - "name": "Sandpoint Devil", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast, Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Unique", - "id": "791", - "lore": "Sandpoint DevilWhile some creatures have been fused to create a new entity that's graceful and beautiful, the Sandpoint Devil is the opposite. It has the hooves and body of a powerful horse, but it walks on its hind legs in a perverse parody of a humanoid gait. Its equine face has been distorted and elongated with skeletal, yellowed fangs and milky eyes. The pox-spotted hide along the creature's back bears a draconic tail with dark, spiny plates and two torn, bat-like wings. The legendary Sandpoint Devil appears only on moonless nights when mists gather around the coast. Most encounters end with missing livestock or children, with little left behind other than oddly placed hoofprints that reek of brimstone.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 34Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 34Sandpoint Devil" - }, - { - "name": "Sard", - "family": "—", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Electricity", "Plant", "Tane"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "792", - "lore": "SardAn immense, gnarled, tree awoken with raw, primal power by one of the fey Eldest of the First World, this monster—one of the legendary Tane—skitters on huge, spidery roots and thrashes its branches as fiery lightning courses within its blackened bark, a living manifestation of the violent clash between ancient forest and stormy sky.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 44Sard" - }, - { - "name": "Sarglagon (Drowning Devil)", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "607", - "lore": "Sarglagon (Drowning Devil)Sarglagons dwell in Hell's myriad waterways, lakes, and oceans. They serve as guardians of the Academy of Lies—the repository of secrets in Stygia, the fifth layer of Hell. Sarglagons breathe water and air with equal ease, and can move through water, land, and even air with uncanny swiftness. Few fiends travel the waterways of the multiverse, but where a river crosses the planes, odds are sarglagons have traveled it to further their infernal machinations. The only body of water they avoid is the River Styx, as the fiends have yet to develop any defense against that waterway's memory-sapping qualities. Mortal spellcasters sometimes bind sarglagons as guardians of precious secrets or treasures, particularly in aquatic areas. Most strangely, sarglagons sometimes act as unnerving caretakers to mortals who have no idea what they did to earn their unwanted protectors' attention. The constant uninvited vigilance of these devils is often disturbing and stifling to their wards.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 24Sarglagon" - }, - { - "name": "Sasquatch", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1287", - "lore": "SasquatchThe elusive sasquatches dwell in the deepest, most remote and secluded tracts of wilderness. They avoid confrontations with humanoids unless drawn out by curiosity. In such cases, glimpses through the underbrush are typically the best an onlooker can hope for, as sasquatches are perfectly content to live their lives in peace hidden in the deep thickets of the wild. Despite their considerable bulk, sasquatches are capable of moving through forests with surprising grace and efficiency. Often, their distinctively pungent odor or the discovery of a few sets of unusually oversized footprints are the only signs of their presence. These footprints have helped to engender a popular nickname, “bigfoot,” for these mysterious creatures. While normally nonconfrontational, a sasquatch can be driven to violence when startled or when their homeland is threatened, be it by the expansion of pioneers or the intrusion of fell supernatural influences. Usually, a sasquatch's attack lasts as long as it takes to frighten away a foe; they rarely pursue those who flee from their displays of dominance. Sasquatches speak their own language, which mixes sounds easily mistaken for ambient wildlife calls and knocking—most often by striking a solid surface (such as a tree) with a branch or a stone—allowing a whole family of sasquatches to carry on conversations without alerting nearby humanoids. Even in death they avoid leaving traces behind, for when a sasquatch dies, their kin take pains to bury the body deep and hide the grave site well to protect the remains from scavengers and evil spirits alike.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13SasquatchSource Bestiary 3 pg. 225Perception +8; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSasquatchSkillsAthletics +9, Intimidation +5, Stealth +9, Survival +6Str +5Dex +1Con +3Int -1Wis +2Cha +1---AC 17 Fort +11 Ref +7 Will +6 HP 36Catch RockEmerge From UndergrowthTrigger The sasquatch is in forest terrain and rolls Stealth for Initiative; Effect The sasquatch Strides up to half their Speed, after which they attempt to Demoralize a single creature within 15 feet.---Speed 30 feetMeleefist +11,Damage 1d10+5 bludgeoningRangedrock +9 (Brutal, range increment 30 feet),Damage 1d6+5 bludgeoningBrutal BlowsOn a critical hit with a fist Strike, the target is knocked prone by the blow.Forest StrideThe sasquatch ignores difficult terrain in forests.PungentThe sasquatch's odor is quite powerful and can be detected at twice the normal distance by scent.Threatening VisageThe sasquatch doesn't take a penalty to Demoralize a creature that doesn't understand their language.Throw RockSimilarly HiddenCreatures similar to the forest-dwelling sasquatches can be found throughout the world. The most infamous are mountain-dwelling yetis, but other regions hide even more elusive creatures, such as the orang pendek, yowie, almas, and yeren. Just as yetis and sasquatches have significantly different traits and abilities, it's likely these other creatures each possess their own unique abilities to help them remain in isolation." - }, - { - "name": "Satyr", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "355", - "lore": "SatyrTo a satyr, life is a party and everyone is invited. Notorious for their hedonism, these fey believe there’s no greater beauty than can be found in song, drink, indulgent meals, and carnal pleasures. Satyrs use their enchanting songs and natural charm to encourage all manner of people to follow their true desires and free themselves from society’s rules. This usually involves enticing mortals to join raucous parties or engage in trysts in moonlit glades. If a potential companion rejects a satyr’s advances, however, the satyr has little interest in continuing a conversation and goes off to find more amenable revelers. The lifestyle of a satyr leaves no room for ongoing affairs or long-term friends. Once his party is over or his lust is satiated, the satyr disappears back into the forest. The offspring satyrs leave behind are satyrs themselves, and usually end up being taken from their cradles by other fey rather than being left in mortals’ care. Satyrs are always male. The untouched beauty of the forest is sacred and precious to a satyr. Brutish intruders who clear-cut trees or massacre animals without eating them risk drawing a satyr’s ire. A satyr so provoked uses his spells to undermine foes and attempts to dispatch them either with brutal ambushes or by leading a rush of forest animals to attack. Other fey, particularly good fey, look upon satyrs as loutish, embarrassing cousins. They’re rarely hostile toward satyrs, but most find them insufferable and advise any mortals they like to steer clear of satyrs’ glades.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 19Satyr" - }, - { - "name": "Saurian Warmonger", - "family": "Saurian", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dinosaur", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "977", - "lore": "Saurian WarmongerThese saurians adopt warfare as their primary role and greatest calling. They particularly excel at taking slaves.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 37Saurian Warmonger" - }, - { - "name": "Saurian Worldwatcher", - "family": "Saurian", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dinosaur", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "978", - "lore": "Saurian WorldwatcherThe longest-lived saurians favor introspection and take the long view of things—though this thoughtfulness should not be mistaken for weakness. Other saurians defer to worldwatchers' experience.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 40Saurian Worldwatcher" - }, - { - "name": "Scalescribe", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1288", - "lore": "ScalescribeOften seen at the sides of spellcasters, scalescribes are tiny, snakelike creatures with numerous hands that usually hold a multitude of fountain pens in various ink colors. The words scrawled across their bodies shift depending on what texts they've encountered recently. Scalescribes have a fondness for language, especially magical language, and make their homes in libraries or other places of learning.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13ScalescribeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 226Perception +11; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Common, DraconicSkillsArcana +11, Library Lore +11, Occultism +9, Scribing Lore +11, Stealth +8Str -2Dex +3Con +1Int +4Wis +4Cha +0Mage Bond After performing a 1-hour ritual, a scalescribe can bond with one willing creature capable of Casting Spells. The scalescribe can Aid their bonded caster in Crafting a scroll, and they can make their Transcribed spell available to the caster so long as the spell is of the caster's tradition. A bonded prepared caster can prepare the spell. A bonded spontaneous caster can add the spell to their spell repertoire during their daily preparations, and it remains as long as the Transcribed scroll exists.---AC 18 Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +11 +2 status to all saves vs. linguistic effectsHP 45TranscribeTrigger Another creature targets the scalescribe with a spell requiring verbal components; Effect The scalescribe attempts to copy the incantation onto a scroll by attempting a counteract check (counteract level 2, counteract modifier +10) with the following effects instead of the normal effects of counteracting. The spell still affects the scalescribe, regardless of the results of this check. The scalescribe can Cast a Spell from any scroll they Transcribe as if it were on their spell list. Transcribing a new scroll renders any previously Transcribed scroll inert. Critical Success If the triggering spell's level was no more than 3 higher than the scalescribe's counteract level, the scalescribe captures a copy of the spell in a scroll that appears in their hand. This scroll can be used normally but fades after 24 hours if not used before then. Success As critical success, but only if the spell's level is no more than 1 higher than the scalescribe's counteract level. Failure As critical success, but only if the spell's level is lower than the scalescribe's counteract level. Critical Failure The scalescribe fails to copy the spell.---Speed 20 feetMeleefountain pen +10 (Agile, Finesse, Magical),Damage 1d6+2 piercing plus inkstainRangedmorpheme glyph +10 (Evocation, Magical, range 40 feet),Damage 3d6 forceArcane Innate Spells DC 20- Cantrips (2nd)Detect Magic, Message, Read Aura, Sigil- 2ndComprehend Language (×3; self only), Dispel Magic- 3rdSecret PageInkstainWhen the scalescribe deals damage to a creature with their fountain pen, the creature takes 1d4 persistent poison damage. When a creature taking this damage attempts to take an action with the concentrate trait, it must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or the action is disrupted.Scalescribe AssistantsDue to their scribing capabilities, scalescribes are highly sought after as assistants for wizards and other scholarly spellcasters. Though rarely deigning to become true familiars, scalescribes keenly work with those they deem “clever,” as long as their friend helps them discover new words" - }, - { - "name": "Scalliwing", - "family": "Couatl", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Beast", "Couatl"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1025", - "lore": "ScalliwingCouatls are large, brightly colored serpents with feathered wings. Good-natured, these creatures aid mortals and oppose evildoers, but sighting one presents a momentous occasion—these magnificent, albeit reclusive creatures rarely appear. The smallest members of the couatl family, Scalliwings resemble their larger kin but are roughly the size of a house cat, and a irascible mischievous streak tempers their kindly nature. While most couatls seek to right the world's wrongs or guide mortal civilization toward societal advancement, scalliwings work on a more individual level. They claim their role is to teach goodhearted spellcasters the ways of magic, and indeed they sometimes serve—or “assist,” as they're swift to correct—such spellcasters as familiars. With iridescent scales and bright feathers, scalliwings are remarkably pretty creatures. They seem well aware of this fact and use their appearance to ingratiate themselves with others. This beauty makes some of them slightly self-aggrandizing, but other scalliwings find that their small size and relatively weak defenses put them at the mercy of cruel, larger creatures who seek to imprison them as beautiful pets and trophies. While scalliwings might cheerfully reside in a single residence indefinitely of their own volition, captive scalliwings have orchestrated devious escapes, coordinating their efforts with other creatures to cause spectacular property damage in the process. Scalliwings measure about 2 feet long from nose to tail with wingspans of about the same length. They have life spans nearly as long as a human's. While a scalliwing appears slightly more common than their larger, reclusive kin, many mortals live entire lifetimes without ever encountering a scalliwing.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 20Scalliwing" - }, - { - "name": "Scarecrow", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Construct"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "793", - "lore": "ScarecrowA ramshackle collection of materials in a human shape, the scarecrow construct is indistinguishable from a normal scarecrow until it slowly creaks to life. As it animates, its carved pumpkin or sackcloth face bursts into eldritch flame, sending fear creeping into the air around it. Each scarecrow is handcrafted and unique in its appearance, though most are 5 to 6 feet tall and constructed of a combination of wood, cloth, rope, straw, sawdust, discarded husks and cobs, and similar materials, all dressed in ragged pastoral garments. This rudimentary construction makes a scarecrow somewhat fragile, prone to snapping limbs in the crush of battle. Yet its structure is adaptable, allowing it to reshape another piece of itself into a clawed limb or grip a severed portion of itself to swat at its foes. When a scarecrow is created, it must be anointed with a drop of its creator's blood into each of its eyes. This blood soaks into the material and siphons a tiny sliver of the creator's soul away—not enough to harm the creator, but more than enough to imbue the scarecrow with an instinctive intellect that allows it to follow commands as eagerly as a well-trained (if ill-tempered) guard dog. When a scarecrow is destroyed, the blood leaks back out from its eyes, but the portion of the creator's soul never returns.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 19Scarecrow" - }, - { - "name": "Sceaduinar", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration, Negative", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Negative"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "794", - "lore": "SceaduinarStrange creatures born from jagged crystals in the heart of the Negative Energy Plane, sceaduinar are fueled by its negative energy and driven to extinguish all life. Resembling crystalline gargoyles with serrated limbs and sharp, bat-like faces, sceaduinar stand about 7 feet tall and weigh around 100 pounds. These malevolent beings sometimes gather in great packs of their own kind. Despite their intelligence, they act like cunning, feral beasts for the most part, though they occasionally build tools to aid them in extinguishing life. Sceaduinar sail through the great voids of their home plane, seeking to destroy any sparks of life that find their way into that deadly realm—even the twisted sparks found in undead creatures. When they discover portals to other planes, sceaduinar swarm through in great numbers, slaughtering all they come across. While dwelling outside the Negative Energy plane is uncomfortable for sceaduinar, they can exist for extended periods of time apart from their home. Of course, the feeling of a plane where negative energy isn't the rule doesn't improve these creatures' attitude, and as a result, they tend to be particularly cruel and violent when encountered in such realms.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 28Sceaduinar" - }, - { - "name": "Scorpion Swarm", - "family": "Scorpion", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "357", - "lore": "Scorpion SwarmWhile a single scorpion is itself a menace, swarms of these vermin can be outright devastating. These skittering droves of death swiftly bring down their prey before devouring everything short of the victim’s bones.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Scorpion Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Scythe Tree", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "797", - "lore": "Scythe TreeMalevolent, vicious, and cruel, scythe trees pose as normal trees near deep forest paths, where they wait to slaughter passersby. Instead of drawing sustenance from light and soil, scythe trees gorge themselves on the flesh, blood, and bone of sapient creatures. Nothing is more delectable to scythe trees than a kind-hearted gnome or an altruistic dryad who believes that a scythe tree can be redeemed. The screams and whimpers of these victims are music to these cruel plants and add an extra dimension of flavor to the meal. Scythe trees are solitary creatures by nature, and their size and power mean that they don't need to compete for food with other carnivorous plants. Once food sources dwindle in an area, scythe trees move on to another location. When a scythe tree dwells in a location for many months or years, it leaves traces of its bark and roots in the soil. Over time, these blood-nourished fragments might grow into a new scythe tree, but the progenitor will most likely have already moved on to new hunting grounds long before the new scythe tree reaches maturity. Scythe trees appear as dead or dying deciduous trees with long, twisted branches that end in scythe-like blades. These carnivorous plants have dark-brown bark that is nearly black near the bottom of the trunk and rusty brown leaves that remain attached year-round. Scythe trees' disturbing mouths remain closed when not eating, appearing as a jagged gash on the trunk. When scythe trees deign to speak, their voices are rough, deep, and mocking, particularly when discussing arboreals, whom scythe trees universally find to be insufferable and worthy of little more than being hacked to pieces.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 22Scythe Tree" - }, - { - "name": "Sea Devil Baron", - "family": "Sea Devil", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Mutant", "Sea Devil"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "360", - "lore": "Sea Devil BaronUnlike in many cultures, the highest-ranking sea devils are expected not just to wade into battle alongside their brethren, but to actively lead the campaign.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 22Sea Devil Baron" - }, - { - "name": "Sea Devil Brute", - "family": "Sea Devil", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Sea Devil"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "359", - "lore": "Sea Devil BrutePhysically imposing sea devils are equipped with some of the best weaponry the community can find, though most are happy to rend their foes using tooth and nail.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Sea Devil Brute" - }, - { - "name": "Sea Devil Scout", - "family": "Sea Devil", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Sea Devil"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "358", - "lore": "Sea Devil ScoutScouts, among the lowliest (and most disposable) of sea devils, ply the inky waters of the ocean in search of aquatic prey, tread ashore to gauge landborne threats, or charge into battle with the advance forces of a greater sea devil war party.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Sea Devil Scout" - }, - { - "name": "Sea Drake", - "family": "Drake", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "641", - "lore": "Sea DrakeLong and slender, sea drakes have fins down the length of their backs and webbing between their talons, making them just as adapted for gliding through ocean waves as the skies above. More solitary than most drakes, they hunt and live alone. Although most sea drakes make their roosts high on ocean-facing cliffs, it isn't unheard of for them to dwell in underwater caves, living entirely aquatic lives.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 22Sea Drake" - }, - { - "name": "Sea Hag", - "family": "Hag", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Hag", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "254", - "lore": "Sea HagSea hags kill and eat fishers and sailors who come near their lairs, torment coastal dwellers with dark promises and vague threats, and enjoy the act of causing distress and discord in small towns. They generally avoid making their lairs too close to civilization, however, to avoid drawing enemies to their homes. Sea hags are known for tempting desperate victims into tragic and inescapable bargains, deals which the hag has already secretly stacked in her favor. Despite their voracious appetites, sea hags appear hideously emaciated, and unlike more powerful hags, they lack the ability to magically disguise their form. Sea hags can join covens, but their aquatic nature often prevents them from joining mixed covens with other kinds of hags.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Sea Hag" - }, - { - "name": "Sea Serpent", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "361", - "lore": "Sea SerpentThese fabled beasts resemble massive snakes with long rows of finned spines down their back. Temperamental and territorial, sea serpents can capsize a boat with ease, and most won’t hesitate to do so when hungry or threatened. Stories abound of aggrieved captains who spend their entire lives hunting down the elusive monster that sunk their ships and took their livelihoods. These hunts rely on rumors and glimpses of the beasts, as few survive the catastrophes wrought by sea serpents. While many fishermen’s tales paint sea serpents as divinely appointed guardians of the ocean or, alternately, as evil and demonic agents, the truth is that most sea serpents are simply very large beasts with a knack for avoiding magical detection.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 32Sea Serpent" - }, - { - "name": "Sea Snake", - "family": "Snake", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "807", - "lore": "Sea SnakeThese lithe snakes like to frequent the shallow waters of tropical seas. Their 4-foot-long, blue-green bodies easily blend into the water where they lurk to ambush prey. Tales speak of massive sea snakes that swim in deeper waters and follow ships, waiting for sailors to fall overboard or climbing the side to snatch them from the deck.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14Sea Snake" - }, - { - "name": "Seaweed Leshy", - "family": "Leshy", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Leshy", "Plant", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1220", - "lore": "Seaweed LeshyCalmer than most of their other botanical brethren, seaweed leshys are a tranquil, discerning breed of leshy. They seek to mimic the ocean in their attitudes, moving with the waves of life and accepting what comes and goes while acknowledging the good and the bad. Seaweed leshys make their homes in tidal pools surrounded by other sea creatures. They believe their freshwater counterparts to be sheltered and naive, living in their secluded ponds and babbling brooks, though this doesn't stop them from forming friendships with freshwater leshys. Seaweed leshys vary in size, shape, and physical makeup. While the majority of seaweed leshys reach about 2 feet in height, some remain as small bundles of strands that stand about 6 to 8 inches tall.Recall Knowledge - Plant(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Seaweed LeshySource Bestiary 3 pg. 161Perception +10; low-light visionLanguagesAquan, Common, Druidic, Sylvan; _speak with plants_ (seaweed only)SkillsAthletics +9, Nature +10, Ocean Lore +9, Stealth +9, Survival +8Str +2Dex +4Con +3Int +0Wis +3Cha +1---AC 19 Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +8 HP 45Verdant Burst When a seaweed leshy dies, a burst of primal energy explodes from its body, restoring 3d8 Hit Points to each plant creature in a 30-foot emanation. This area fills with seaweed, becoming difficult terrain. If the terrain is not a viable environment for the seaweed, they wither after 24 hours.---Speed 20 feet, swim 20 feetMeleeseaweed strand +11 (Agile, Finesse, reach 10 feet),Damage 1d8+4 bludgeoningRangedwater jet +11 (range increment 30 feet),Damage 1d8+4 bludgeoning plus sea sprayPrimal Innate Spells DC 20- 4thSpeak with PlantsChange Shape(Concentrate, Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) The seaweed leshy transforms into a Small patch of seaweed. This ability otherwise uses the effects of _tree shape_.Sea SprayA seaweed leshy's water jet has enough salt in it to temporarily impair their target's vision. On a hit, the target must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1 minute or until it spends 3 Interact actions wiping the salt out of its eyes. On a critical hit, a target that fails its Fortitude save is also blinded for 1 round.Undersea TreasureSeaweed leshys are skilled treasure hunters. They often dive deep into the oceans to salvage any coin or other treasures they can find from shipwrecks. These leshys also sometimes bury caches of their loot once they rescue it from its former location." - }, - { - "name": "Seething Spirit", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit,Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1290", - "lore": "Seething SpiritHatred so powerful it lives beyond the grave—this sentiment animates the ephemeral crimson apparitions known as seething spirits. Single-minded in nature, they stoke the fires of anger and hate, capable of planning and strategy, but the one thing beyond their grasp is personal growth. Though similar to ghosts, seething spirits retain much less of their former living selves. Most of their soul has moved on, and only the fury remains. There's no way to set a seething spirit to rest: only violence can destroy it. By possessing a creature and nurturing the seeds of resentment and rage already within its mind, a seething spirit can greatly alter the host's behavior and personality. When broached about such changes, a host might claim they're just finally “telling it like it is.” Because a seething spirit can't voluntarily end its possession, it's essentially one with its victim until the victim's rage results in death. A seething spirit doesn't take pleasure in this death—they rapidly move on in search of a new rageful host.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 30Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 30Unspecific Lore: DC 28Specific Lore: DC 25Seething SpiritSource Bestiary 3 pg. 228Perception +15; darkvision, tastes anger (imprecise) 1 mileLanguagesCommon, Dwarven, Jotun; _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +21, Deception +20, Diplomacy -5, Intimidation +24, Stealth +21Str -5Dex +6Con +0Int +2Wis -2Cha +7Taste Anger (detection, divination, occult) The spirit can taste anger and hatred from creatures experiencing those emotions within 1 mile (imprecise).---AC 29 Fort +17 Ref +23 Will +21 HP 145(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconsciousResistancesall damage 10 (except emotion, force, _ghost touch_, mental, or positive; double resistance vs. non-magical)Weaknessesemotion 12Pulse of Rage (aura, emotion, enchantment, mental, occult) 20 feet. This aura emanates from any creature possessed by the seething spirit, and it's inactive while the spirit isn't possessing anyone. Any creature in the aura, including a creature possessed by the spirit, takes a –1 status penalty to AC, can't perform actions with the concentrate trait except for the Seek action and actions with the rage trait, and gains a +2 status bonus to melee damage rolls against the spirit's enemies. A creature can attempt a DC 30 Will save when it enters the aura to avoid the effect. If the creature would need to attempt a save against the aura again within 24 hours, it automatically uses the same save result rather than attempting a new save.Vulnerable to Calm Emotions A seething spirit can't attempt to possess a creature affected by _calm emotions_. If creature possessed by a seething spirit fails a saving throw against _calm emotions_, the spirit is forced out. If the spirit isn't possessing a creature and is targeted with _calm emotions_, the spirit takes 12 mental damage per level of the spell instead of the normal spell effects.---Speed fly 40 feetMeleeephemeral claw +22 (Evocation, Occult),Damage 3d12+7 slashingOccult Innate Spells DC 32- 2ndInvisibility (at will; self-only), Ventriloquism (at will)- 3rdMind Reading (at will)- 6thParanoia, Remove Fear, Suggestion (×3)- Constant (6th)TonguesFurious PossessionThe seething spirit attempts to possess an adjacent corporeal creature. This has the same effect as a possession spell (DC 30), except since the spirit doesn't have a physical body, they're not unconscious and paralyzed when the effect ends. The spirit can't Dismiss the possession. The creature gains 12 temporary Hit Points that are lost when the possession ends. During the possession, the creature has the pulse of rage aura. Each time the possessed creature makes a melee Strike, the spirit can substitute their ephemeral claw attack modifier, damage amount, or both in place of the creature's own statistics.Directed IreA seething spirit most dearly wants to find a host with a rage similar to their own. A spirit spawned from romantic resentment might gravitate toward a jilted lover, for example. The rage in the seething spirit is purely evil, so a spirit created from anger at persecution might seek out an innocent prisoner to turn into a murderer who'll sate the spirit's rage." - }, - { - "name": "Sepid", - "family": "Div", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Div", "Fiend", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1120", - "lore": "SepidSepids are the brutal warlords of the divs, delighting in violence against mortals and their own particular flavor of vengeance. Inveterate liars, sepids can't help but spout the most outrageous lies, and their form and nature represent the power of falsehoods to snowball into violence that can cost countless lives. Among mortals, they rally troops to incite rebellion, war, and other forms of carnage, savoring mortals who slaughter each other. These giant beings usually stand around 13 feet tall; they wade through battlefields seeking out heroes and generals, rejoicing maniacally as they cut their foes down.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 32Unspecific Lore: DC 30Specific Lore: DC 27SepidSource Bestiary 3 pg. 71Perception +24; greater darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Daemonic; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +23, Arcana +20, Athletics +28, Deception +22, Intimidation +26, Religion +20, Stealth +23Str +8Dex +5Con +8Int +4Wis +4Cha +6Items_+2 striking falchion_---AC 34 Fort +28 Ref +23 Will +20 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 350Weaknessescold iron 10, good 10Blatant Liar While all divs delight in lying, sepids are compulsive and predictable liars who always do the opposite of what they claim they'll do. If a sepid is ever forced or compelled to tell the truth, they take 4d8 mental damage.Attack of OpportunityA sepid gains an extra reaction each round that they can use only to make an Attack of Opportunity.Deflecting LieTrigger A creature hits the sepid with a ranged Strike or a ranged spell attack roll; Effect The sepid lies in an attempt to divert the attack. They roll a Deception check against the triggering creature's Perception DC. On a success, if the triggering attack roll was a success, it becomes a failure, and if the triggering attack roll was a critical hit, it becomes a normal success.---Speed 35 feetMelee_falchion_ +30 (Evil, Forceful, Magical, Sweep),Damage 2d10+16 slashing plus 1d6 evil and 1d6 mentalMeleeclaw +28 (Agile, Evil, Magical),Damage 3d8+16 slashing plus 1d6 evil and 1d6 mentalDivine Innate Spells DC 34- Cantrips (7th)Detect Magic- 3rdComprehend Language (at will; self only)- 4thDarkness (at will), Dimension Door (at will), Fly- 7thDispel Magic, Misdirection (at will; self only), Nondetection (at will; self only), ParalyzeRituals DC 34- 1stDiv Pact- 2ndCreate Undead (no secondary caster required)Rain of Debris(Divine, Evil, Evocation) The sepid calls forth a hail of stone, wood, metal, and similar debris in a 40-foot emanation, dealing 10d6 bludgeoning damage and 5d6 evil damage. Each creature in the area other than the sepid must attempt a basic DC 31 Reflex saving throw. The sepid can't use Rain of Debris again for 1d4 rounds.Sepid DeceptionsGiven that sepids always do the opposite of what they say they will, it might seem difficult for these divs to deceive anyone, which is far from the truth. Often, sepids avoid making statements about their own intentions and instead give orders or speak in analogies, riddles, and anecdotes, allowing those they manipulate to parse out their rationales with clever forms of deception." - }, - { - "name": "Severed Head", - "family": "Beheaded", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Undead", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1077", - "lore": "Severed HeadThe most common beheaded appears simply as a rotting head, barely preserved by the magic that created it.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8Severed HeadSource Bestiary 3 pg. 30Perception +6; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +6Str +1Dex +2Con +0Int -5Wis +2Cha +0---AC 15 Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +4 HP 7(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousWeaknessespositive 1---Speed 15 feet, fly 25 feetMeleejaws +6 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d4+1 piercingGnashRequirements The beheaded's previous action was a jaws Strike that dealt damage to its target; Effect The severed head makes a second jaws Strike as it violently shakes itself, trying to rip away a mouthful of flesh. On a success, the target takes an additional 1d4 slashing damage and 1 persistent bleed damage." - }, - { - "name": "Sewer Ooze", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "320", - "lore": "Sewer OozeThese amorphous masses of sewage and other detritus make their way through filthy culverts beneath cities large and small.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 15Sewer Ooze" - }, - { - "name": "Shabti Redeemer", - "family": "Shabti", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Rare", "Shabti", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1291", - "lore": "Shabti RedeemerCobbled together from broken bits of mortal souls, shabti are facsimiles of wealthy or powerful mortals seeking to escape punishment for their sins upon death. Those rulers and nobles afraid of Pharasma's judgment use the shabti to receive cosmic punishment in their stead. Unaware that they're copies of another soul, shabti endure this fate for some time before being discovered by Pharasma's psychopomps, who reveal the truth to the shabti and strive to met out the avoided punishment to the shabti's creator, using whatever information available. In this case, the shabti is liberated and left to wander Golarion on their own. Freed but without purpose, many shabti try to recreate the lives that they think they were supposed to lead, replaying out the themes and situations from false memories that fill their heads. Others find themselves tormented for ages by the fact they were solely created to endure punishment for sins committed by another. Some shabti revel in the freedom of their new endless existence, traveling the world in search of sensation and meaning. A rare few shabti find purpose in aiding Pharasma. They seek to do justice in the god's name and preserve the natural order. Some follow this path as repayment for being freed, while others want to ensure that others don't suffer in their creators' stead.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19Shabti RedeemerSource Bestiary 3 pg. 229Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesCelestial, CommonSkillsArcana +8, Athletics +12, Diplomacy +10, Medicine +12, Religion +10Str +4Dex +1Con +3Int +0Wis +0Cha +3Blade Ally The shabti's staff gains the benefits of the _disrupting_ rune while they wield it.ItemsDagger, Scale Mail, Staff---AC 24 Fort +14 Ref +8 Will +11 HP 75ImmunitiesdrainedAura of Courage 15 feet. When the shabti becomes frightened, reduce the frightened value they would gain by 1. At the end of their turn, they reduce the frightened value of all allies in the aura by 1.Glimpse of RedemptionTrigger An enemy damages the shabti's ally, and both the enemy and ally are within 15 feet of the shabti; Effect The shabti's foe hesitates under the weight of sin as visions of redemption play in their mind's eye. The foe must choose one of the following options: The ally is unharmed by the triggering damage.The ally gains resistance 6 to the triggering damage. After the damaging effect is applied, the enemy becomes enfeebled 2 until the end of its next turn.Immortal Shabti don't age naturally and can't die of old age. Spells and effects that cause aging still affect a shabti as normal. They also can't be turned into undead.---Speed 25 feetMelee_disrupting staff_ +14 (two-hand d8),Damage 1d4+7 bludgeoningMeleedagger +14 (Agile, Finesse, versatile S),Damage 1d4+7 piercingRangeddagger +11 (Agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S),Damage 1d4+7 piercingDivine Innate Spells DC 19- 1stCharmChampion Devotion Spells DC 19 (2 Focus Points)- 2ndLay on Hands" - }, - { - "name": "Shadow", - "family": "Shadow", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "362", - "lore": "ShadowThe mysterious undead known as shadows lurk in dark places and feed on those who stray too far from the light. Those who parley with shadows, typically by keeping them at bay with a glowing weapon, may learn great secrets, for they are ideal spies.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 19Shadow" - }, - { - "name": "Shadow Drake", - "family": "Drake", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Shadow"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "640", - "lore": "Shadow DrakeShadow drakes are typically among the smallest and least powerful of their species. Most stand as tall and long as house cats and have charcoal-colored scales and membranous wings just translucent enough to pass for shadows. Attracted to shiny materials, they employ deception, teamwork, and even rudimentary traps to create opportunities to make off with ill-gotten gains. Shadow drakes have a particular fascination and admiration for umbral dragons—a notable exception to the norm for drakes and dragons.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 16Shadow Drake" - }, - { - "name": "Shadow Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Shadow"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "681", - "lore": "Shadow GiantShadow giants are fierce natives of the Shadow Plane, where they have dwelled in perpetual twilight for millennia. Their cultures vary greatly depending on whether the giants reside in their land of origin or have relocated to the Material Plane. On the Shadow Plane, they live in familiar groups and uphold a nomadic way of life as they roam across ancestral lands between shadowy forests and misty chasms. These hunter-gatherers pass down lore through oral histories, conduct pilgrimages to unholy ziggurats of black stone, and bathe in the blood of their long-standing foes, including rival shadow giant clans and velstracs intent on enslaving their kind. On the Material Plane, conversely, they are secretive and isolationist, keeping apart from other peoples in forbidding structures of black stone in high, isolated mountain valleys. Standing 15 feet tall, with gray skin and hair only a shade lighter, shadow giants are fearsome foes with a well-earned reputation as zealous warmongers and ruthless combatants. They rarely interact with outsiders, though they may treat with proven warriors who show the giants the respect and deference they feel they deserve. Only a small subset of shadow giants worship Zon-Kuthon, and most of these Kuthites are so firmly entrenched in the culture of Nidal that their Shadow Plane-dwelling kin would hardly recognize them. Most shadow giants instead practice an ancient religion, unique to their people, with its own bloody themes of sacrifice and self-mutilation.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 31Shadow Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Shae", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Shadow", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1292", - "lore": "ShaeShae are wispy, tenebrous creatures native to the Plane of Shadow. Their amorphous bodies appear in constant states of flux. They cast no shadows of their own, instead gaining and losing umbral energy to nearby shadows that shrink and grow alongside them. Most shae wear clothing spun from shadows that shift with them, though diplomats sometimes don more conventional garments while entertaining outsiders. Their most distinctive apparel are their white stone masks, which shae don only when they must put on a discernible “face” for interacting with humanoids and similar creatures. They do so begrudgingly, as they consider themselves superior to humanoids, but donning their masks allows them to be more easily understood and thus keeps their interactions with their lessers as brief as possible. The dynamic between a shae and humanoids shifts when humanoids come to worship a shae, however. A mortal who shows a shae their due deference is worth keeping around, so many shae collect cults of personality or expansive entourages. Even getting a meeting with such a self-important shae can present a challenge that requires one to deal with many layers of hangers-on who insist on vetting the newcomer before wasting the shae's precious time. According to shae lore, they've transcended the material world and now embody a cosmological equilibrium of reality and illusion. Their claims to metaphysical ascendance and knowledge of the secrets of shadows entice many mortal supplicants to join shae courts and cults. In the shae language, their name means “unbound,” in accordance with their belief that their ephemeral nature makes them free of the moral and social strictures that bind other sentient creatures, and they essentially make a virtue of capriciousness. Shae feel little obligation to follow through with oaths or obey laws, so sealing a compact with a mortal means little to them.ShaeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 230Perception +10; darkvisionLanguagesAklo, Auran, Common, Shae, UndercommonSkillsAcrobatics +13, Deception +9, Occultism +11, Shadow Plane Lore +11, Stealth +13Str +3Dex +5Con +1Int +3Wis +2Cha +3Shadow Shift Being made partially of shadow themselves, shae are concealed in dim light or darkness even to creatures that can see clearly in those light levels.ItemsDagger (5)---AC 21 Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +10 HP 45ImmunitiesprecisionResistancescold 5, negative 5CounterattackTrigger The shae is targeted by an attack from an adjacent creature that misses due to the shae being concealed; Requirements The shae is aware of the attack; Effect The shae makes a Strike against the attacker.Slip Trigger A creature moves adjacent to the shae; Effect The shae teleports to a clear space adjacent to another creature they can see within 30 feet.---Speed 25 feet, fly 35 feet; swift steps, tenebral formMeleedagger +13 (Agile, Finesse, versatile S),Damage 1d4+5 piercing and 1d6 coldRangeddagger +13 (Agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S),Damage 1d4+5 piercing and 1d6 coldOccult Innate Spells DC 21- Cantrips (2nd)Chill Touch, Detect Magic- 4thGaseous Form (at will)- 7thPlane Shift (self only; to Shadow Plane or Material Plane only)BideThe shae prepares to take action against their foes, watching their opponent and waiting for the right opportunity to respond. The shae gains a second reaction until the start of their next turn, though they still can't use more than one reaction on the same triggering action.Swift StepsThe shae's movement doesn't trigger reactions.Tenebral FormThe shae can Fly at full Speed in gaseous form.Children of ShadowsThough rare, shae occasionally engage in relationships with mortals, resulting in children born as fetchlings. Though shae maintain a cool superiority over their mortal children, fetchlings who join a shae's cult are placed in positions of authority over other mortals and receive blatantly preferential treatment." - }, - { - "name": "Shaitan", - "family": "Genie", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Genie"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "213", - "lore": "ShaitanHailing from the Plane of Earth, shaitans are proud and brazen genies. They value physical skill and love bargaining, games of chance, and working with metal and stone. Immense gemstones and veins of precious metal crisscross their home plane, and the industrious shaitans have built a vast mercantile empire from these abundant natural resources.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 25Shaitan" - }, - { - "name": "Shambler", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "364", - "lore": "ShamblerShamblers are cunning carnivorous plants that resemble heaps of wet, rotting vegetation. Even when standing erect on their stumpy legs, shamblers don’t have much in the way of identifiable anatomy; they are tangles of parasitic vines that lash out at prey with their longest creepers, entwined together to deliver powerful blows. Sometimes called “shambling mounds,” these ambush predators have a particular fondness for flesh, and are most well known for their ability to hunker down and hide in plain sight. A shambler can draw nutrients from plant matter or soil, but won’t do so if it suspects meat might soon wander near, and indeed may lie in wait for days in anticipation of such a meal. Shamblers are usually solitary creatures. Fierce thunderstorms are among the few events that bring numerous shamblers together. During such gatherings, the plants gather around strange but seemingly sacred earthen mounds in remote jungles and swamps and cavort and caper excitedly, stretching their tendrils toward the sky to hope for—or perhaps to summon—intense lightning strikes. Not only are these strange plants unharmed by even the most powerful electrical strikes, but they seem to become supernaturally empowered by such bursts of raw energy. Shamblers consider being struck by lightning a sign of divine favor, and those shamblers frequently blasted by bolts of electricity become respected (and powerful) elders among their kind. Shambler elders are few and far between and may possess a wide array of abilities; some can cast primal spells, others can empathically call upon the aid of other shamblers in the area, and still others wield awesome powers over electricity. Other types of shamblers exist, including those composed not of plant matter but fungal growth. These creatures, known as “spore mounds,” discharge clouds of toxic spores from their bodies when struck in combat. In semiarid deserts, shambler-like plants called tanglethorns dwell amid sagebrush and rock formations; they resemble bunches of tumbleweeds and cacti and in ict deep, bloody lacerations with their attacks.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 22Shambler" - }, - { - "name": "Shambler Troop", - "family": "Zombie", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Troop", "Undead", "Zombie", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1376", - "lore": "Shambler TroopThis shuffling mass of decaying flesh moves with dull but singular focus.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14Shambler TroopSource Bestiary 3 pg. 302Perception +7; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsStr +5Dex +0Con +3Int -5Wis +1Cha -2Slow A shambler troop is permanently slowed 1 and can't use reactions.---AC 18 Fort +11 Ref +8 Will +9 HP 90(16 squares)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousWeaknessesarea damage 5, positive 5, slashing 5, splash damage 2Troop Defenses ---Speed 20 feet; troop movementShambling OnslaughtFrequency once per round; Effect The shamblers lash out at any enemies in their squares or within 5 feet (DC 18 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.2d6+5 bludgeoning damage2d6+9 bludgeoning damageGrave TideThe shambler troop is less organized than most troops. It can move into other creatures' spaces, and other creatures can move into its spaces. Its spaces are difficult terrain to other creatures.Form UpTroop MovementWhenever a troop Strides, it first Forms Up as a free action to condense into a 20-foot-by–20-foot area (minus any missing squares), then moves up to its Speed. This works just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if any square of the troop enters difficult terrain, the extra movement cost applies to the whole troop." - }, - { - "name": "Shantak", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast", "Uncommon", "Huge"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1293", - "lore": "ShantakThe imposing shantaks are far more intelligent than their bestial appearance would suggest. They can speak, though their voices sound like glass grinding on stone, and they can't converse in any language besides Aklo. Shantaks' ability to travel through the gulfs of outer space at supernatural speed allows them to nest on numerous worlds, yet despite this mobility, most shantaks are reluctant to seek out new homes unless faced with no other option. Instead, they roost in discarded ruins or asteroids adrift in space, only emerging and landing upon planets in their chosen stellar system when the urge to feed compels them. Despite not being native to the Dimension of Dreams, they're commonly found in that realm. Their ability to fly through space affords them swift travel between Leng and more hospitable reaches of the Dreamlands, making them particularly sought after as mounts for those who have business in the far reaches of the dreaming plane. Convincing a shantak to become a mount is notoriously difficult. They refuse any sort of training, and even if one is convinced to ferry a humanoid on their back, they can be obstinate and fickle. Anyone relying on a shantak mount should have a backup plan ready in case the shantak strands their passenger on an asteroid or strange planet after some disagreement. Although a shantak is nearly the size of an elephant, many possess irrational fears of certain creatures. In particular, nightgaunts terrify them, but other shantaks have been observed fleeing from harpies and gargoyles. Though these ancestries all share the same trait, shantaks don't fear every type of winged humanoid, which makes the origin of their phobia all the more mysterious. Shantaks on Golarion typically hide themselves away in remote places since several of the creatures they fear appear on the planet in abundance.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21ShantakSource Bestiary 3 pg. 231Perception +18; darkvisionLanguagesAkloSkillsAcrobatics +17, Athletics +18Str +6Dex +3Con +4Int -1Wis +4Cha +0---AC 27 Fort +18 Ref +13 Will +16 HP 115ImmunitiesdiseaseResistancescold 10No Breath The shantak doesn't breathe and is immune to effects that require breathing (such as an inhaled poison).Slippery The shantak's scales are covered in slippery slime, so the shantak gains a +3 circumstance bonus to Escape. A creature mounted on a shantak takes double the normal circumstance penalty to Reflex saves (–4 instead of –2 in most cases) while mounted.---Speed 20 feet, fly 60 feetMeleejaws +20,Damage 2d12+9 piercingMeleeclaw +20 (Agile),Damage 2d8+9 slashingFlying StrafeThe shantak Flies up to their fly speed and makes two claw Strikes at any point during that movement. Each Strike must target a different creature. The attacks take the normal multiple attack penalty.Share Defenses(Abjuration, Occult) Requirements A creature is riding the shantak; Effect The shantak extends their no breath ability and cold resistance to a single creature riding them. They can withdraw this protection as a free action.Riding ShantaksThose who seek to travel to other worlds might consider using a shantak as a mount for their speed and Share Defense ability, yet riding them is a risky endeavor. Far more intelligent than animals, shantak have strong, mercurial personalities and often require bribes from their riders. Even when they receive a gift they particularly enjoy, a shantak could still decide to drop off their passenger at an amusing (to them) remote location. " - }, - { - "name": "Shatterling", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1006", - "lore": "ShatterlingShatterlings have a fixation on mirrors that gives them a strange affinity for reflective surfaces. These creeping, wicked fey stand barely 3 feet high and look like hunched humanoids made of shifting panes of jagged mirror glass. Shatterlings usually inhabit areas with plenty of mirrors, like carnival fun houses, opulent manors, or playhouses. Capricious and malevolent, shatterlings quickly kill or scare away anyone else in such areas, as they desire to be the only ones to gaze into the mirrors they claim as their own.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 34Shatterling" - }, - { - "name": "Shaukeen", - "family": "Asura", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Asura", "Fiend", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1069", - "lore": "ShaukeenPerhaps the most perverse asuras of them all, shaukeens particularly delight in causing the downfall of those who give them succor, shelter, and most of all, schooling. Many a teacher has come across a shaukeen disguised as a small child of exceptional talents or curiosity and taken them under their wing, only to be beguiled into ruin. This diminutive asura's cleverness is disproportionate to their size; they ask probing questions and coax their prey into decisions that lead to heresy, furthering the collapse of order and decency. When the world turns on the shaukeen's mentor, the asura is gone—but not very far, for they love hiding unseen and watching the torment and destruction of their mentors.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10ShaukeenSource Bestiary 3 pg. 22Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Infernal; telepathy (touch)SkillsAcrobatics +7, Deception +9, Performance +7, Religion +7, Stealth +7Str +0Dex +4Con +1Int +0Wis +3Cha +4---AC 16 Fort +4 Ref +9 Will +7 HP 22ImmunitiescursesWeaknessesgood 2---Speed 25 feetMeleejaws +9 (Finesse),Damage 1d8 piercing plus fire jackal saliva and 1 evilMeleethorn +9 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d8 piercing plus 1 evilDivine Innate Spells DC 17- Cantrips (1st)Read Aura- 2ndCharm, Spider Climb, Touch of Idiocy- Constant (3rd)Magic Aura (shaukeen and its items only), Nondetection (self only)Change Shape(Concentrate, Divine, Polymorph, Transmutation) The shaukeen takes on the appearance of a Small humanoid. This doesn't change the shaukeen's Speed or their attack and damage modifiers with their Strikes, but it might change the damage type their Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning). The asura typically loses their jaws and thorn Strikes unless the humanoid form has fangs or a similar unarmed attack. This alternate form has a specific, persistent appearance, which the shaukeen can change by performing a 1-hour ritual.Fire Jackal Saliva(Poison) Saving Throw DC 17 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison damage and clumsy 1 (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison damage and clumsy 2 (1 round)" - }, - { - "name": "Shemhazian (Mutilation Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "102", - "lore": "Shemhazian (Mutilation Demon)Shemhazians rise from the souls of torturers and those who reveled in mutilating the physical bodies of their victims. Standing 35 feet tall, a shemhazian is well equipped with a wide range of talons, claws, and fangs to continue inflicting such torments on those it encounters. Shemhazians delight in visiting torment upon mortals, of course, but more than most demons, these fiends revel in sharing the pain with their own kind. Other demons fear and hate shemhazians for this reason, with only the most powerful willing to work with a shemhazian to achieve a shared goal. Even then, the shemhazian is always on the watch for an opportunity to bring pain and suffering to its allies along with any foe.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 35Shemhazian" - }, - { - "name": "Shield Archon", - "family": "Archon", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "33", - "lore": "Shield ArchonShield archons defend the fortresses of Heaven against fiendish incursions. They wield their spears and shields in massive formations capable of withstanding any onslaught. Beneath their armor, they are sheathed in skin of steel. Given their tremendous strength and imposing stature, shield archons are ideal guardians of the meek and are sometimes summoned to the Material Plane to ward off the attacks of great numbers of evildoers.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 27Shield Archon" - }, - { - "name": "Shikigami", - "family": "Kami", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Spirit", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Kami", "Spirit", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1201", - "lore": "ShikigamiShikigami are the least powerful of all kami and the most common. Unlike most other kami, which are bound to their wards by a more powerful spirit or deity, shikigami are minor spirits that even mortal practitioners can sometimes bind into a tiny paper form and task with guarding small works, such as garden statues and vases. Landowners delight in having shikigami protect their gardens, whether they paid a wandering spellcaster to entreat the shikigami or simply had the fortune of another spirit assigning a shikigami to their land. Travelers who come across a shikigami-graced milestone or waypost believe that such encounters are good omens for the journey ahead. For their part, shikigami have mixed opinions on civilization and the humanoids who dwell therein. While shikigami will fight to protect their ward against invaders and desecrators, these kami are just as likely to leave—their ward in tow—if locals begin to despoil the area or show a disregard for nature. Most practitioners capable of binding a shikigami wouldn't engage in this type of disrespect, but should the kami catch wind of such practices, shikigami across the land might abandon their contracts en masse, leaving an uncomfortable vacuum with their unexpected exodus. In this way, shikigami exemplify the precarious balance between the expansion of civilization and the preservation of the natural world. Not all shikigami protect gardens, so you can substitute the shikigami's spade for any sort of mundane tool that's useful to the shikigami's task and their ward. The kami wields any such weapon with the same damage dice, modifiers, and traits listed for their spade Strike, but change the damage type as appropriate for the new weapon.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10ShikigamiSource Bestiary 3 pg. 142Perception +10; darkvisionLanguagesCommonSkillsDiplomacy +6, Medicine +7, Nature +7, Society +6, Stealth +5Str +2Dex +2Con +3Int +1Wis +4Cha +3Ward (abjuration, divine) Every kami is bound to a ward: a specific animal, plant, object, or location. A kami can merge with or emerge from their ward as a single action, which has the concentrate trait. While merged, the kami can observe their surroundings with their usual senses as well as the senses of their ward, but can't move, communicate with, or control their ward. Additionally, a kami merged with their ward recovers Hit Points each minute as if they spent an entire day resting. A shikigami's ward is typically a minor work of art or symbol of civilization, such as a milestone, trail sign, personal garden, or tiny statue.---AC 15 Fort +7 Ref +5 Will +9 HP 25ImmunitiesbleedWeaknessescold iron 3---Speed 25 feetMeleefist +7 (Agile),Damage 1d4+2 bludgeoningMeleespade +7 (Agile, versatile S),Damage 1d6+2 piercingRangedspade +7 (Agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S),Damage 1d6+2 piercingInnate Divine Spells DC 17- Cantrips (1st)Forbidding Ward- 1stPurify Food and Drink- 2ndAnimal Messenger, Invisibility (self only)" - }, - { - "name": "Shining Child", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Astral", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Astral"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "367", - "lore": "Shining ChildShining children are wicked, enigmatic monsters that roam remote planes and untraveled corners of the universe in search of esoteric lore. With their abnormally gaunt frames, long white hair, and unnerving, four-fingered hands, shining children are both strangely familiar and otherworldly in appearance, though they are barely visible within the shroud of blinding light they continually emit. Their faces are truly horrible, however, as their overlarge eyes and distended, gaping mouths reveal their heads to be voids filled with unnatural light. Shining children use this light as a weapon, weaving illusions and focusing beams of fiery brilliance. Because of their reputation as scholars of the alien and the eldritch, shining children are sometimes summoned by powerful wizards or occultists in search of rare knowledge. The creatures never give away their lore without some price, though, and typically demand in return the performance of contemptible deeds that further their inscrutable, far-ranging plans. These mysterious beings are natives of the Astral Plane. In that vast plane, accretions of metaphysical matter gradually accumulate and eventually coalesce into demiplanes. During this tumultuous process, sparks of living light sometimes shear off the newly formed planes, and these sparks of raw planar energy somehow transform into shining children. Every newly formed demiplane leaves a different mental imprint on its shining “offspring,” making it easy for shining children to telepathically recognize their brothers and sisters. Forever trapped in apparently adolescent bodies, shining children dedicate themselves to scholarship and violence with equal measure in a futile effort to understand their roles in the multiverse and the burning injustice of their births. Shining children confuse most other creatures with their refusal to use individual names in favor of alternating between referring to each other singularly and collectively.Recall Knowledge - Astral (Occultism): DC 30Shining Child" - }, - { - "name": "Shoal Linnorm", - "family": "Linnorm", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "720", - "lore": "Shoal LinnormShoal linnorms occupy rocky shoreline shallows and slither along lonely coastlines. While they do not intentionally seek out large settlements, these linnorms nonetheless beleaguer fishers headed out from small coastal towns, and they may even follow skiffs back to their home port to appraise the town's defenses and plan a raid. Shoal linnorms tend to hunt large prey, both underwater and on land. Their preferred quarries includes giant squid and grizzly bears—meals rich in fat, which the linnorms metabolize into the fiery steam that courses through their veins.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 36Shoal Linnorm" - }, - { - "name": "Shocker Lizard", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "802", - "lore": "Shocker LizardThese brightly colored reptiles share the rough size and pack mentality of guard dogs, roaming in small groups. Shocker lizards have specialized glands under their scales that accumulate static electricity, and they can unleash blasts of lightning strong enough to harm significantly larger foes. Though they're meek and docile when encountered alone, shocker lizards are significantly more aggressive in packs, when they can amplify each other's electrical attacks. Shocker lizards are notoriously difficult to domesticate because they're dangerously hostile as part of a pack, but will also swiftly wither and die if kept alone in captivity without constant attention. A shocker lizard is 3 feet long and weighs 25 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Shocker Lizard" - }, - { - "name": "Shoggoth", - "family": "—", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "368", - "lore": "ShoggothAlthough even raving fanatics and doom-saying prophets desperately claim the monstrous shoggoth is nothing more than a drug-induced vision or a thankfully unreal nightmare, the truth is altogether more dire. Shoggoths exist, yet they tend keep to the deepest of ocean trenches or the most remote of caverns and ruins, emerging to spread chaos and destruction in their slimy wakes. The first shoggoths were created by an alien species to serve as mindless beasts of burden. Their vast bulk, incredible strength, and amorphous nature made them useful slave labor, and their ability to spontaneously form whatever new eyes, mouths, limbs, and other organs they might need made them incredibly versatile. Eventually, the shoggoths developed enough intelligence to rebel against their masters, and now they lurk, patient but potent, in the lightless deeps. A shoggoth has goals and methods unknowable to humanoid beings. They remember their eons of servitude and, compared to their mysterious masters, humans, elves, dwarves and other intelligent beings are mere specks which crawl upon the surface of the world, indistinguishable from animals. When a shoggoth rolls its immense, hideous body over a band of explorers, engulfing them in a gelatinous press of flesh and gnawing teeth, it is not so much evil as uncaring. Shoggoths can become the object of worship for humanoid cults dedicated to chaos and entropy. The shoggoth does not respond to this worship, but it can be counted on to consume any hapless victim the cult can capture and sacrifice to it. Rumors of shoggoths that have developed even greater intellects are, one would hope, just that, for the damage a shoggoth capable of reasoning could wreak upon a world is unsettling to say the least.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 43Shoggoth" - }, - { - "name": "Shoggti", - "family": "Qlippoth", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fiend", "Qlippoth"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "773", - "lore": "ShoggtiShoggti travel to other planes in roving bands to capture and charm victims, bringing them back to the Abyss where they are enslaved for unknown—but no doubt insidiously evil—purposes. These squid-like qlippoth have slick, blue skin and four suckered tentacles that end in dexterous pincers. In addition to a lamprey-like mouth at the base of its body, each has a secondary maw in the middle of its forehead that stretches from between its two bulging eyes to the back of its head.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 25Shoggti" - }, - { - "name": "Shoony Hierarch", - "family": "Shoony", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Shoony"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "523", - "lore": "Shoony HierarchFor all their advancement in agriculture, horticulture, and animal husbandry, shoonies subscribe to a remarkably antiquated form of leadership; the role of hierarch is normally inherited, passed on to the oldest living child of the village’s previous hierarch. In the instance that the village’s hierarch does not produce an heir, the village holds a general election. Elected hierarchs hold the term for life and are just as highly regarded as hierarchs raised from birth. When the settlement comes under attack, it is up to the hierarch to decide when to fight and when to flee. In most cases, shoonies prefer to elect individuals with a preference toward the latter.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 24Shoony Hierarch" - }, - { - "name": "Shoony Militia Member", - "family": "Shoony", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Shoony"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "522", - "lore": "Shoony Militia MemberIf shoonies had their way, war would cease to exist altogether, but they know this isn’t likely. Shoonies’ relative wealth of resources and their frailty compared to other humanoids make them a common target of violence and subjugation. Because of this, basic combat training is typically mandatory for all shoony village members. Few individuals pursue lifelong careers in service to their settlement’s militia, however. The passing down of a sword from one shoony soldier to another is a time-honored tradition, owing to the rarity of weapons in shoony society.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 21Shoony Militia Member" - }, - { - "name": "Shoony Tiller", - "family": "Shoony", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Shoony"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "521", - "lore": "Shoony TillerNearly all shoonies in a given settlement are farmers, fishers, or foragers. Shoonies are not expected to fight to protect their settlements; most agree it is better to live in cowardice than to die with that foolish, intangible principle taller races call “honor.” Many shoonies hone their skill with tools rather than arms in the knowledge that whatever is lost to violence can be rebuilt. When cornered, a shoony may put up a fight with whatever they have on hand; the average shoony can wield a simple shovel or pick in melee as well as most humans can wield a sword.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Shoony Tiller" - }, - { - "name": "Shrine Skelm", - "family": "Skelm", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Skelm", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1302", - "lore": "Shrine SkelmThe unquestioned authority that a priest wields, with influence over even the most intimate details of a congregation's lives, is the ultimate prize for a shrine skelm. Most shrine skelms insinuate themselves into positions of judgment in powerful religious groups to gain that power for their own use and abuse. Shrine skelms wear the old-fashioned, traditional apparel of whatever faith they've infiltrated, brandishing religious symbols made of precious metals to better blend in and give an impression of age and power. No matter what religion they infiltrate, a shrine skelm is a master at taking established teachings out of context to justify elaborate, painful, and often humiliating punishments for his victims. He usually targets people with the audacity to question his position or teachings, but also relentlessly harasses anyone he envies. Shrine skelms are skilled listeners, especially in settings like group prayers where they can learn worshippers' fears or hopes. They exploit whatever information they learn for their own prestige and power, but they also watch for jealousy and the seeds of rage that could be nurtured to make a new skelm. They can even intercept sincere prayers and steal their effects for themselves, and they command several spells to manipulate and control their unwitting, vulnerable victims.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15Shrine SkelmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 239Perception +11; scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesAklo, Common; telepathy 30 feetSkillsAthletics +12, Deception +14, Intimidation +14, Occultism +11, Religion +11, Stealth +12, Thievery +12Str +5Dex +3Con +4Int +4Wis +2Cha +5Itemssilver religious symbol---AC 22 Fort +13 Ref +12 Will +11 –1 to all saves vs. emotion effectsHP 80Weaknessescold iron 5Seize Prayer(abjuration, concentrate, occult) Trigger A creature the shrine skelm can hear within 30 feet Casts a divine Spell with a verbal component; Effect The shrine skelm utters an incantation and attempts to counteract the triggering spell (counteract modifier +14, counteract level 3rd). If he successfully counteracts the spell, the skelm and the caster each take 1d8 mental damage per level of the triggering spell, and if the spell had one or more targets, the skelm learns its effect and can allow the spell's effects to continue with himself as the only target (any other effect is still counteracted).---Speed 25 feetMeleefist +15 (Agile, Magical),Damage 2d4+7 bludgeoning plus GrabMeleeantler +15 (Magical),Damage 2d8+7 piercing plus KnockdownOccult Innate Spells DC 22- 3rdCommand, Enthrall, Mind Reading (×3), SootheChange Shape(Concentrate, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The shrine skelm can take on the appearance of any Medium male humanoid. This doesn't change his Speed or his attack and damage bonuses with his Strikes but might change the damage type his Strikes deal." - }, - { - "name": "Shuln", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "369", - "lore": "ShulnScourges of the upper Darklands, these enormous, mole-like monstrosities slice and burrow through solid stone with massive forearms and adamantine-strong claws. Shulns grow to about 20 feet long and have four tiny, nearly imperceptible eyes; a long, pale snout; four thick-muscled legs that end in long, serrated claws; and a stubby pink tail. As a young shuln matures, its unique metabolism produces adamantine that becomes infused throughout its skeletal system. In addition to making their claws and fangs nearly unbreakable, this unique physiological trait makes shulns unparalleled burrowers and highly sought by monster hunters who hope to harvest the precious material from their corpses. Shulns have a ravenous appetite and eat nearly anything they can catch, but their preferred diet consists almost entirely of large invertebrates, especially cave worms. They rely on tiny sensory whiskers that cover their snoutfland allow them to detect subtle movements in the air and ground without the use of vision. When it detects suitable prey, a shuln bites the target at the first opportunity, injecting it with a potent paralytic toxin present in its saliva. So strong is this poison that it is capable of subduing even the near-unstoppable purple worm, making the shuln a valuable (if dangerous) companion to have for anyone making excursions into worm-infested regions of the Darklands. Shulns’ notoriously ill-tempered dispositions and their knack for digging into areas of an underground settlement where digging ought not occur makes them frustrating creatures to keep around, but when the alternative is an unpredictable but deadly visit from an enormous, hungry cave worm, the annoyances are well worth the trouble. Encounters with much larger shuln-like entities on the Plane of Earth suggest that these creatures may have originated from that place. The larger shulns still retain their elemental qualities, are quite a bit smarter, and have their own suite of earth-themed innate primal spells—but for all that, they still love the taste of cave worm.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 35Shuln" - }, - { - "name": "Shulsaga", - "family": "Ennosite", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Astral", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Astral", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1147", - "lore": "ShulsagaShepherds of the Silver Sea, shulsagas patrol the Astral Plane to protect the nascent demiplanes that form there, warding off those who would usurp the demiplanes or despoil them with unwelcome philosophies. This guardianship extends to the Astral Plane as a whole, as shulsagas not only exile trespassers, but also seek out and close planar rifts. Especially egregious breaches rile these ennosites to the point of invasion, and shulsaga raiding parties often extend their attacks well beyond a portal to ensure the threat's utter destruction. Though often stern and standoffish, shulsagas occasionally befriend and recruit strangers to help them repair planar wounds and track down foes of the natural order. Among ennosites, shulsagas are the most inclined to adopt and nurture iotons, forming small family units. Communities work together to instill enough culture and identity for these iotons to take on permanent forms—those of adolescent shulsagas. Each shulsaga's gender reflects of their evolving identity, influenced in part by the blend of traits their communities imparted and their own thoughts.Recall Knowledge - Astral(Occultism): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15ShulsagaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 93Perception +10; low-light vision, rift senseLanguagesCommon; telepathy 60 feetSkillsAcrobatics +11, Occultism +8, Stealth +9, Survival +8Str +2Dex +4Con +0Int +1Wis +3Cha +1Rift Sense A shulsaga can sense any planar rift within 1 mile, including natural portals, ongoing planar spells like _gate_, and other tears in reality. By concentrating for 1 minute, a shulsaga can increase this sense's range to 25 miles.ItemsComposite Longbow (20 arrows), Halberd---AC 19 (21 with shield raised)Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +10 HP 35Shield Block ---Speed 25 feet, fly 30 feetMeleehalberd +9 (reach 10 feet, versatile S),Damage 1d10+4 piercingRangedcomposite longbow +11 (deadly d10, Propulsive, range increment 100 feet, volley 30 feet),Damage 1d8+3 piercingOccult Innate Spells DC 18, attack +10- Cantrips (2nd)Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Telekinetic Projectile- 1stFloating Disk (at will)Astral Recoil(Occult) Frequency once per minute; Trigger The shulsaga's last action was a successful melee Strike against an astral form created by the _astral projection_ ritual or a similar effect; Effect The shulsaga attempts to counteract the effect projecting the creature onto the Astral Plane, with the effects of a 5th-level _dispel magic_ spell (counteract modifier +18).Astral ShockAn astrally projected creature whose astral form is slain by a shulsaga takes a –2 circumstance penalty to the subsequent Fortitude saving throw to resist the strain.Disk RiderA shulsaga can ride atop any _floating disk_ they create. While mounted on a _floating disk_, a shulsaga gains a +10-foot enhancement bonus to their fly Speed, and the shulsaga can use their feet to wield the disk as a heavy shield (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10). A broken disk grants no bonus to Speed, and the spell ends if the disk is destroyed.Hop OnFrequency once per round; Requirements The shulsaga is adjacent to a _floating disk_ they created; Effect The shulsaga Steps into the disk's space and rides atop the disk. They can also use this action to dismount from their disk.The Calendar StoneDrifting through the Astral Plane, the city of Yulgamot, also known as the Calendar Stone, remains a sacred gathering place for wandering shulsagas where time flows normally. At this site, shulsagas quarry the stone disks that serve as the focus for their _floating disk_ ability" - }, - { - "name": "Siege Shard", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Concentrate", "Manipulate", "Construct"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "987", - "lore": "Siege ShardSieges provoke lingering feelings of confinement and desperation. These emotions can coalesce as a psychic presence that animates broken battlements as quasi-intelligent constructs dubbed siege shards. The shard's surface depicts the conflicts that created it, which hold the key to dispersing its psychic presence. A successful DC 18 check to Recall Knowledge is sufficient to identify the conflict that engendered the construct. A creature aware of a shard's generative conflict can attempt the following activity.Prove Peace ConcentrateManipulateSource Pathfinder #157: Devil at the Dreaming Palace pg. 84Requirements You know the conflict that created a specific siege shard, and the siege shard is immobilized.You touch the siege shard, establish a mental connection, and relay facts of the conflict's resolution. Attempt a check to Recall Knowledge about the conflict that created the shard, using the siege shard's Will DC. If you succeed, you prove the conflict's end, and the siege shard reverts to ordinary stone. On a critical failure, images of the past conflict overwhelm you, and you are confused until the end of your next turn.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 20Siege Shard" - }, - { - "name": "Silvanshee", - "family": "Agathion", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Agathion", "Celestial", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1055", - "lore": "Silvanshee (Cat Agathion)Silvanshees are a stealthy and extremely inquisitive contingent of agathions who gather information about the mortal world for other agathions. While they love to explore the Material Plane and sate their curiosity, they're generally reclusive and skittish. These dual instincts war with each other whenever something exciting piques their interest. Because of their small sizes, they don't pose a combat threat to most creatures; instead, silvanshees act as Nirvana's eyes and ears in the mortal world, reporting back to superiors or calling for help should they run into danger. Silvanshees appear indistinguishable from domestic felines, save for their violet eyes and the telltale blaze of differently colored fur on their chests. Of course, flying gives them away outright, so if at all possible, they only do so while in trusted company to avoid detection. Their fur color runs the spectrum of normal feline colorations. They can also transform into mist when necessary to maintain discretion or make a hasty getaway.Recall Knowledge - Celestial(Religion): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10SilvansheeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 10Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesCelestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; _speak with animals_SkillsAcrobatics +7, Arcana +3, Medicine +6, Nirvana Lore +3, Stealth +7Str -2Dex +4Con +2Int +0Wis +3Cha +2Cat's Curiosity A silvanshee's core value is curiosity. This enables them to seek out new experiences and information beyond their current understanding. A silvanshee can use trained skill actions for all skills, even if they're untrained.---AC 17 Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +6 HP 20Weaknessesevil 3---Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feetMeleejaws +9 (Finesse, Good, Magical),Damage 1d6–2 piercing plus 1d4 goodMeleeclaw +9 (Agile, Finesse, Good, Magical),Damage 1d4–2 slashing plus 1d4 goodDivine Innate Spells DC 16- Cantrips (1st)Dancing Lights, Know Direction, Prestidigitation, Stabilize- 4thGaseous Form (×3), Read Omens- Constant (2nd)Speak with AnimalsChampion Focus Spell DC 16, 1 Focus Point- 1stLay on HandsCat's GraceWhen a silvanshee uses their _gaseous form_ spell, the mist form remains roughly the size and shape of a cat, and the silvanshee retains their fly speed in this form.Silvanshee AlliesSilvanshees will work with heroes who remain patient with their curiosity and skittishness. They're inquisitive, alternating between affection and aloofness. They do what they can to aid and defend their companions, but their strong sense of self-preservation means they'll likely flee if they sense they can't win a fight." - }, - { - "name": "Simurgh", - "family": "—", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "370", - "lore": "SimurghDesert-dwelling people consider the sight of a simurgh a herald to a lifetime’s worth of luck, and those who are unfamiliar with the majestic beast might mistake it for the avatar of a deity. Beautiful, graceful, and truly gargantuan, the simurgh resembles nothing so much as a massive multicolored bird with the head of an equally enormous and regal lupine. Simurghs act as intermediaries in world-threatening conflicts, serving as agents of good deities or vigilantes who spread their own brand of justice, typically by obliterating or banishing evil extraplanar beings. Simurghs can live for thousands of years, and because these ancient beings are so rare many doubt their existence. But they are very real, as those who have been aided by a simurgh can enthusiastically attest. A simurgh does not show itself often, but when it does, it is typically in response to a truly grave threat, such as the incursion of an undead army or the rampage of some truly epic monster. Simurghs are nothing if not paragons of righteousness, and goodly heroes can hardly find a better ally in their quest to vanquish evil than a simurgh.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 43Simurgh" - }, - { - "name": "Sinspawn", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "371", - "lore": "SinspawnSinspawn were created by one of seven ancient wizards known collectively as runelords—each of whom embraced and embodied one of seven sins. The first sinspawn was created by the Runelord of Wrath, utilizing techniques that have since gone on to influence fleshwarping practices. It wasn’t long before the technique used to create sinspawn fell into the hands of the other runelords, and while each tried their own hand at crafting variants of their own design, today sinspawn of wrath remain the most numerous and notorious of their kind. Bearing only a vague resemblance to the humanoids from whose flesh they were formed, sinspawn generally appear horrifically emaciated and have unnaturally long arms and digitigrade legs, each with a trio of stubby, taloned digits. Veins bulge across sinspawn’s bodies in sanguine patterns that suspiciously resemble twisted runes, and their flesh is pale and hairless. Their heads are elongated, bearing only slits for a nose, red eyes, and disturbing lower jaws that split in half at the chin, revealing pedipalps that end in tiny, three-fingered hands and framing a long, lolling tongue. Sinspawn stand 6-1/2 feet tall and typically weigh as much as an emaciated human of their size. They behave in a manner consistent with their associated sin and have physical characteristics that hint at these qualities. For example, greedspawn’s veins appear to run with gold while envyspawn appear even more wasted than the rest of their kin.Sinspawn Sins When a sinspawn is created, it becomes associated with one of the seven sins: envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth, or wrath. A sinspawn’s sin is determined by the runewell that spawned it or by its creator’s preferred sin, and cannot be changed. Each sin grants sinspawn associated with it additional benefits and abilities beyond those described by the sinspawn stat block, as detailed below.Envyspawn An envyspawn has Deception +7 and typically carries a halberd. They tend to be shorter and thinner than other sinspawn. Melee halberd +10 (reach 10 feet, versatile S), Damage 1d10+4 piercing Sinful Bite Creatures that critically fail their saves against an envyspawn’s sinful bite are enfeebled 2 for 1 minute. Gluttonyspawn A gluttonyspawn has Survival +10 and usually carries a scythe. They are obese, but hardy and strong. Melee scythe +10 (deadly d10, trip), Damage 1d10+4 slashing Sinful Bite Creatures that critically fail their saves against a gluttonyspawn’s sinful bite are drained 1. Greedspawn A greedspawn has Thievery +9 and typically wields a glaive. They are the tallest of sinspawn, often 7 feet in height, and with gold-tinged veins. Melee glaive +10 (deadly d8, forceful, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+4 slashing Sinful Bite Creatures that critically fail their saves against a greedspawn’s sinful bite are clumsy 2 for 1 minute. Lustspawn A lustspawn has Diplomacy +7 and usually carries a guisarme. They have attractive bodies, but hideous faces. Melee guisarme +10 (reach 10 feet, trip), Damage 1d10+4 slashing Sinful Bite Creatures that critically fail their saves against a lustspawn’s sinful bite are stupefied 2 for 1 minute. Pridespawn A pridespawn has Intimidation +7 and often wields a maul. They are nearly skeletal in their gauntness, and often seek out fine clothes or jewelry to wear, taking strange pleasure in appearing elegant and regal. Melee maul +10 (shove), Damage 1d12+4 bludgeoning Sinful Bite Creatures that critically fail their saves against a pridespawn’s sinful bite are clumsy 1 and enfeebled 1 for 1 minute. Slothspawn A slothspawn has Society +6 and usually carries a longspear. Thick rolls of excess skin drape the slothspawn’s hunched frame. Melee longspear +10 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+4 piercing Sinful Bite Creatures that critically fail their saves against a slothspawn’s sinful bite take a –10-foot status penalty to their Speeds for 1 minute. Wrathspawn The most commonly encountered of the sinspawn, a wrathspawn has Athletics +12 and typically wields a ranseur. These sinspawn are the bulkiest looking of their kind. Melee ranseur + 10 (disarm, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d10+4 piercing Sinful Bite Creatures that critically fail their saves against a wrathspawn’s sinful bite are drained 1 as well as enfeebled 1 for 1 minute.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 16Sinspawn" - }, - { - "name": "Skaveling", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "803", - "lore": "SkavelingHideous necromantic rituals give rise to skavelings, or ghoul bats, monstrosities that are not true ghouls but instead are specifically crafted undead creatures. Their creators are the bloodsucking urdefhans of the Darklands, who create skavelings from giant bats specially raised on diets of toxic fungus and the flesh of ghouls—especially brains harvested from these undead. Upon reaching maturity, these giant bats are ritually slain via the use of cytillesh oil. While this poison simply rots away the flesh of most creatures, one of these specially prepared bats will immediately rise from death as a skaveling after succumbing to its effects. Despite its tattered wings and sagging skin, a skaveling is more than capable of flight, even when carrying a creature mounted on its back—urdefhans often use skavelings as mounts in this way. Their intelligence is more advanced than that of the typical giant bat, and in combat they function more as allies than as mere mounts, capable of making their own tactical decisions. Yet even though they can reason and think, skavelings remain loyal to the urdefhans who created them, and they never take actions in a fight that would knowingly put their masters in harm's way.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 20Skaveling" - }, - { - "name": "Skeletal Champion", - "family": "Skeleton", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Skeleton", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "373", - "lore": "Skeletal ChampionThese skeletons retain the cunning they possessed in life.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 16Skeletal Champion" - }, - { - "name": "Skeletal Giant", - "family": "Skeleton", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "375", - "lore": "Skeletal GiantThe reanimated bones of giants make excellent necromantic thralls.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 18Skeletal Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Skeletal Horse", - "family": "Skeleton", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "374", - "lore": "Skeletal HorseSkeletal horses are sometimes used as mounts by other undead or monsters.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 16Skeletal Horse" - }, - { - "name": "Skeletal Hulk", - "family": "Skeleton", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "376", - "lore": "Skeletal HulkHuge giants and other enormous creatures make powerful skeletons.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 23Skeletal Hulk" - }, - { - "name": "Skeleton Guard", - "family": "Skeleton", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "372", - "lore": "Skeleton GuardThe most common skeletal minions are mere guardians.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 13Skeleton Guard" - }, - { - "name": "Skeleton Infantry", - "family": "Skeleton", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Skeleton", "Troop", "Undead", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1300", - "lore": "Skeleton InfantryThis troop of skeletons was once a cohort of highly disciplined spear-and-shield infantry from an ancient empire.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23Skeleton InfantrySource Bestiary 3 pg. 237Perception +17; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +18Str +5Dex +3Con +4Int -5Wis +2Cha +0---AC 31 Fort +21 Ref +18 Will +19 HP 180(16 squares)Resistancescold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, piercing 10, slashing 10Weaknessesarea damage 15, splash damage 8Form a PhalanxMany of the skeletons raise their shields to protect others. The infantry gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of their next turn.Troop Defenses ---Speed 25 feet; troop movementLower Spears!Frequency once per round; Effect The skeletons engage in a coordinated longspear attack against each enemy within 10 feet (DC 27 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.2d8 piercing damage3d8+8 piercing damage4d8+8 piercing damageHurl Javelins!The troop's members throw a volley of javelins. Each creature in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet of the troop takes 2d6+10 piercing damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save). When the troop is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst.Form UpPhalanx ChargeRequirements The infantry is in a phalanx; Effect The skeletons lower their longspears and charge. The troop Strides in a straight line until they're adjacent to an enemy then use Lower Spears!, dealing 3d8+8 piercing damage. Any creature that fails its save is also knocked prone.Troop MovementWhenever the skeleton infantry Stride, they first Form Up as a free action to condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus any missing squares), then move up to their Speed. This works just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if any square of the infantry enter difficult terrain, the extra movement cost applies to all the guards." - }, - { - "name": "Skinstitch", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "994", - "lore": "SkinstitchSkinstitches' hulking frames are made from flayed humanoid skin stuffed with straw and poisonous insects. The dark god Norgorber grants the secrets for creating these monstrosities in disturbing dreams to select followers, informally referred to as skinstitchers. While most skinstitches have vaguely humanoid shapes, they often appear monstrous due to various modifications their creators have made to their bodies. Some skinstitches' arms, for instance, may bear jagged metal blades or blunt iron rods. The most talented skinstitchers rarely bother with the humanoid form at all and instead opt to craft skinstitches that resemble other creatures sacred to Norgorber, such as scorpions, centipedes, or especially spiders. There are rumors of skinstitchers who can build skinstitches using exotic materials such as steel, daemon flesh, or even magical shadows. The rotting materials used to build skinstitches tend to attract vermin, which may in turn make a hive or nest within the skinstitches' bodies. Skinstitchers consider such occurrences as a sure sign of Norgorber's approval.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 22Skinstitch" - }, - { - "name": "Skinstitch", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1305", - "lore": "SkinstitchSkinstitches' hulking frames are made from flayed humanoid skin stuffed with straw and poisonous insects. The dark god Norgorber grants the secrets for creating these monstrosities in disturbing dreams he sends to select adherents, in which the dreamer imagines themself skinning a beloved pet, friend, or family member. Those that accept these teachings become skinstitchers. The creation of a skinstitch is a crude process compared to the making of a more advanced construct like a golem. Rough stitching, imprecise shapes, and shoddy materials give a skinstitch its patchwork appearance. While most skinstitches have vaguely humanoid shapes, they often appear monstrous due to various modifications their creators have made to their bodies. Some skinstitches' arms, for instance, might bear jagged metal blades or blunt iron rods. The most talented skinstitchers rarely bother with the humanoid form at all and instead opt to craft skinstitches that resemble other creatures sacred to Norgorber, such as scorpions, centipedes, or spiders. Rumors lurk of skinstitchers who can use exotic materials like steel, daemon flesh, or even magical shadows for their creations. The rotting materials used to build skinstitches tend to attract vermin, which can in turn form a hive or nest within the creations' bodies. Skinstitchers consider the presence of such tenants to be a sure sign of Norgorber's approval.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 22Unspecific Lore: DC 20Specific Lore: DC 17SkinstitchSource Bestiary 3 pg. 242, Pathfinder #158: Sixty Feet Under pg. 84Perception +12; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +15Str +6Dex +3Con +5Int -5Wis +0Cha +0---AC 22 Fort +16 Ref +14 Will +7 HP 95Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousWeaknessesfire 5Pest Haven The rotting hides and molding straw stuffing of skinstitches are ideal nesting grounds for vermin and insect swarms. Any animal swarm sharing a space with a skinstitch gains fast healing 3. Additionally, if a creature deals at least 10 piercing or slashing damage to the skinstitch at once, the swarm can use its swarming bites Strike (or similar attack) against the attacker as a reaction.---Speed 25 feetMeleeblade +15 (Agile, Sweep),Damage 2d4+8 slashingMeleecudgel +15 (Forceful, reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+8 bludgeoningFlayThe skinstitch makes a blade Strike against an animal or humanoid. On a success, the skinstitch slices a long strip of flesh from the target; if the skinstitch dealt damage, it deals an additional 1d6 persistent bleed damage.Stitch Skin(Manipulate) Requirements The skinstitch hasn't used this ability since the last time it successfully used its Flay ability; Effect The skinstitch sews flayed flesh to its body to seal tears and rents. The skinstitch regains 8 Hit Points.SkitterstitchSkitterstitches are eight-legged skinstitches crafted to resemble giant spiders. These elite skinstitch variants have different attacks from the standard skinstitch, including a deadly poison. Skitterstitches always house spider swarms within their bodies, which scuttle forth when their host is destroyed.SkitterstitchSkitterstitches are eight-legged skinstitches crafted to resemble giant spiders. These elite skinstitch variants have different attacks from the standard skinstitch, including a deadly poison. Skitterstitches always house spider swarms within their bodies, which scuttle forth upon their host's destruction." - }, - { - "name": "Skrik Nettle", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "804", - "lore": "Skrik NettleThe expansive skies of the First World are home to skrik nettles—delicate, bizarre-looking creatures that resemble large jellyfishes. A fringe of brightly colored feathers circles their bodies, and long tendrils trail from their center, each ending in a snapping beak. Known for their eerie, chirping melodies, skrik nettles soar above the First World in flocks of a dozen or more, diligently scavenging for food in the fey realm's cutthroat ecosystem. When hunting or provoked, skrik nettles attack their foes by injecting them with a magical poison that causes the victim to float helplessly up into the sky. Skrik nettles continuously inject this poison into their helpless prey until it dies or is so high up that the skrik nettle needs only wait for the poison to end, its meal crashing helplessly to the ground below. Skrik nettles that find their way to the Material Plane (or any plane other than the First World, for that matter) tend to be much more aggressive, for the planar energies that they find comforting and soothing on the First World are conspicuously absent. The first few minutes after a skrik nettle arrives on any plane but the First World tend to be filled with violence and fear, as the panicking creature lashes out at any nearby creatures (including other skrik nettles) in the mistaken notion that these others are somehow responsible for the discomforting change. After 10 minutes or so, assuming the skrik nettle survives its bout of violence, the creature calms down somewhat and does its best to acclimate to its new home. Yet even skrik nettles who find themselves marooned beyond the First World for years never lose their longing for home, and they instinctively seek out portals to this plane for the rest of their lives.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 22Skrik Nettle" - }, - { - "name": "Skulk", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Skulk"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "805", - "lore": "SkulkThe cowardly and lazy skulks live on the fringes of organized societies and steal from others without a second thought. Even murder is merely another necessity, and they think nothing of creeping into a house, dispatching the residents, and taking what they want. Their chameleon-like ability to blend into their surroundings makes skulks difficult to detect, so their ever-present populations around the periphery of large settlements are nearly impossible to dislodge permanently. They typically travel in small groups of no more than 16 individuals, since groups larger than that tend to break into violence directed at one other. While skulks see themselves as sharing a common history of being cast out and hated, this is not a strong enough bond to hold large groups of the creatures together with a shared purpose for very long. Entrances and exits from cities, especially less-guarded access ways around sewers and the like, are skulks' favorite stomping grounds. These sites allow them to closely observe who comes and goes from the city while also affording them swift escape options, should the authorities uncover their presence. On rare occasions, a well-disciplined skulk can rise to prominence within the local thieves' guild and become sought after for difficult jobs. Their repugnant personalities and overwhelming selfishness, however, usually means they are unable to secure long-lasting leadership roles. A typical skulk is 6 feet tall with similar body structure to a gangly human. Skulks mature quickly and can live up to 50 years, although most meet a violent end long before then. The rare skulk who manages to escape their society of violence and craven bitterness can be of any alignment, but those skulks who remain bound by their traditions always see these self-imposed exiles as the worst kind of traitors, and the exiles are often targeted for eradication to the exclusion of all other victims. More than one band of skulks has accidentally engineered its own doom after throwing caution to the wind and exposing its existence to the authorities in an ill-planned but violently passionate attempt to track down such an exile.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Skulk" - }, - { - "name": "Skull Peeler", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Beast", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1306", - "lore": "Skull PeelerSkull peelers, despite their ferocious and well-deserved moniker, are considered by many to be downright adorable, especially when viewed from a safe distance. Their soft, dappled brown fur helps them hide in forest canopies, and they have shimmering insectile wings and big eyes that draw in the faintest beams of light. At first glance, a skull peeler looks like a cuddly pet or a wizard's familiar. Any illusions of domesticating such a beast are quickly dismissed upon seeing how a skull peeler eats, however. Skull peelers have evolved to hang motionlessly in treetop canopies as they wait until appropriate prey appears, usually long-necked dinosaurs but also brachiating primates and large birds. The skull peeler then lashes out with its long tongue, severing the creature's head from its body and pulling the detached cranium back into its hungry paws. It then uses its claws to crack open the cranial cavity—hence its name—before lapping up the tasty insides. Despite skull peelers' gruesome eating habits, some enterprises and individuals can't resist the urge to add these beasts to their menageries. Fey and other creatures with ties to the First World, such as gnomes, can occasionally coax a skull peeler into a form of domestication. While the adorable beasts can never be fully tamed due to their hyper-evolved hunting instincts, they can be bribed with food and, if kept satiated, displayed on a perch or indoor terrarium as an example of their master's cunning and deadliness. As often as not, these pseudo-domesticated skull peelers end up devouring a guest, pet, or their would-be owner, but this possibility doesn't stop up-and-coming crime lords from attempting to domesticate the little predators. Skull peelers kept in well-managed zoos fare somewhat better, but these clever creatures don't always stay in their cages, which has led to wild skull peelers in places travelers might not expect.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 22Unspecific Lore: DC 20Specific Lore: DC 17Skull PeelerSource Bestiary 3 pg. 243Perception +17; low-light visionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +12, Athletics +15, Stealth +16Str +5Dex +4Con +3Int -3Wis +3Cha +1---AC 24 Fort +13 Ref +16 Will +11 HP 75Snatch SkullTrigger The skull peeler is using Perfect Camouflage and a creature moves into a space within 15 feet of it; Effect The skull peeler Leaps toward the triggering creature and Strikes with its tongue. If this Strike is successful, the skull peeler automatically Grabs the target with its tongue.---Speed 20 feet, climb 15 feet, fly 10 feetMeleetongue +17 (Agile, fatal d12, reach 10 feet),Damage 2d4+8 slashing plus 1d8 persistent bleedMeleeclaw +17,Damage 2d10+8 slashingAnticoagulantThe skull peeler's razor-sharp tongue is coated in an anticoagulant substance that makes wounds it inflicts particularly hard to close. The DC of the flat check to end the persistent bleed damage from a skull peeler's tongue is 16, or 11 with appropriate assistance.Perfect Camouflage(Concentrate) Requirements The skull peeler is in a treetop or standing on a tree limb; Effect Until the next time it acts, the skull peeler hangs perfectly still, blending into the treetop surroundings. It has an automatic result of 36 on Stealth checks and DCs to Hide from any creature more than 10 feet away from it.A Grim NatureWhile explorers and adventurers who encounter skull peelers in the wild often assume the small beasts resulted from some ill-advised magical experiment by a foolish wizard, they're actually a naturally occurring species. Though their unusual assembly of characteristics might carry some minor First World influence, skull peelers evolved from other tree-dwelling mammals over thousands of years. In their current form, they're successful predators in their environment, mostly feeding on long-necked dinosaurs—prey that other, much larger carnivores still struggle to bring down!" - }, - { - "name": "Skulltaker", - "family": "—", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "377", - "lore": "SkulltakerSwirling down from misty peaks and through howling mountain passes like an evil wind, the vortex of bones known as a skulltaker is a terrible manifestation of the delirium and agony experienced by doomed climbers and lost trailblazers just before they met their end. In some places, a skulltaker is also known as a saxra.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 40Skulltaker" - }, - { - "name": "Skum (Ulat-Kini)", - "family": "Alghollthu", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "3", - "lore": "Skum (Ulat-Kini)The most numerous of the alghollthus are the ulat-kinis, a servitor race created from human stock to serve as rank-and-file soldiers in alghollthu armies. At the zenith of alghollthu power, ulat-kinis formed massive legions and enjoyed significant power over other species. When the alghollthus retreated from the world, they abandoned teeming hordes of ulatkinis. Although these erstwhile soldiers tried to continue their conquering ways, their numbers declined rapidly in battlefield defeats and purposeful exterminations enacted by their enemies. Ulat-kini society degenerated, so that now only a few enclaves exist in the depths of the earth or along isolated coastlines. Few remember their own species’ name, instead using the epithet their foes gave them: “skum.”Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Skum" - }, - { - "name": "Skunk", - "family": "Skunk", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1310", - "lore": "SkunkThese omnivores are most active at twilight, feeding on everything from berries to grubs and insects. Some farmers even encourage the animals to live near their farms to keep destructive pest populations low.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8SkunkSource Bestiary 3 pg. 246Perception +5; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 40 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +5, Athletics +2, Stealth +5Str +0Dex +3Con +2Int -4Wis +1Cha +0---AC 15 Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +3 HP 7---Speed 20 feetMeleejaws +7 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d8 piercingSpray Musk(Poison) The skunk propels a stream of acrid musk in a 10-foot line. Each creature in the line must attempt a DC 16 Fortitude save. Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target is sickened 1. Failure The target is sickened 2. Critical Failure The target is sickened 2 and takes a –2 penalty to Stealth checks from the horrific odor for 24 hours or until the musk is removed or neutralized, requiring 10 minutes of thorough scrubbing with soap." - }, - { - "name": "Slime Mold", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fungus, Ooze", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fungus", "Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "752", - "lore": "Slime MoldA slime mold appears as a mound of earth and detritus covered in a thick layer of fungus that exudes a faint stink of decay. The fungus actually shares a symbiotic relationship with the slime mold, serving as an external digestive system while gaining access to the nutrients it needs. The ooze remains perfectly still until living prey passes within reach, then it lashes out with disgusting pseudopods. With a touch, a slime mold can infect its prey with a foul contagion known as slime rot, a horrific disease that painfully breaks down a victim's flesh. At first, the disease manifests as painful rashes and agonized joints. In the later stages, though, the flesh of the affected creature actually begins to liquefy and run in rivulets as the creature's spores continue to work. Death, when it occurs, swiftly causes the resulting body to split open and release a brand new slime mold.Recall Knowledge - Fungus (Nature): DC 16Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 16Slime Mold" - }, - { - "name": "Slithering Pit", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1312", - "lore": "Slithering PitA slithering pit is a strange, nearly invisible ooze with an extradimensional space for its digestive system, which mimics the appearance of an acid-filled stone pit. It slowly dissolves its captives in stomach acid until they can be digested. A slithering pit can go weeks without feeding, affording it patience. Thriving in dilapidated areas, slithering pits take up positions among the plentiful potholes where they can easily pass for just another blemish. They crawl across ramshackle cobblestone streets and damp underground complexes, waiting for unwary prey to stumble by and fall in.Recall Knowledge - Ooze(Occultism): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23Slithering PitSource Bestiary 3 pg. 247Perception +9; no vision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +18, Stealth +10Str +7Dex -5Con +7Int -5Wis +0Cha -5Transparent A slithering pit is so clear it's difficult to spot. A successful DC 30 Perception check is required to notice a stationary slithering pit, and a creature must be Searching to attempt this check. A creature that walks into the pit's space might fall into any pit currently in effect due to Dimensional Pit.---AC 14 (10 from inside the Dimensional Pit)Fort +18 Ref +6 Will +11 HP 220Immunitiesacid, critical hits, mental, precision, unconscious, visualBreach Vulnerability Ingesting an extradimensional space like that found in a bag of holding deals 6d8 force damage to the slithering pit and its occupants. The slithering pit then immediately uses Out You Go.---Speed 10 feetMeleepseudopod +18 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+9 bludgeoning plus Improved GrabFlurry of PodsThe slithering pit makes a single pseudopod Strike against each target within range it doesn't already have grabbed. These attacks count toward the slithering pit's multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until after all of these attacks.Dimensional Pit(Conjuration, Extradimensional, Occult) The slithering pit opens an extradimensional, 20-foot-deep pit that covers its own space and all adjacent squares unless they're walls or similar blocking terrain. Any other creature occupying or entering pit spaces must succeed at a DC 22 Reflex save or fall into the pit, taking damage from the fall (typically 10 bludgeoning damage). Any creature grabbed by the ooze falls in and is no longer grabbed, even if it was outside the pit squares. While a dimensional pit is open, the slithering pit is immobilized, can't be forced to move, and can make pseudopod Strikes originating from the walls of the pit. A creature that starts its turn at the bottom of the pit takes 2d6 acid damage. Climbing the walls of the pit requires a DC 22 Athletics check. When the slithering pit dies, the dimensional pit closes and creatures inside are ejected, with the effects of Out You Go.Out You GoThe slithering pit closes all pit spaces it created using Dimensional Pit, ejecting all its occupants onto the ground into random free spaces where the pit opened. Each occupant takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage (DC 22 basic Reflex save).A Living Pit, Really?Slithering pit lore is as strange and confusing as the creature itself. Was it created by a wizard in need of a handy garbage disposal? Did it result from some unfortunate accident involving hungry oozes and one _bag of holding_ too many? Why do its insides mimic the appearance of stone, but without the same toughness? Is it some form of camouflage, letting them pass for an oft-ignored hazard? So many questions..." - }, - { - "name": "Slug", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "806", - "lore": "SlugThese massive, primeval relatives of ordinary slugs squirm slowly through swamps and grasslands. Giant slugs are always voracious and prefer to eat flesh or plants high in water content. They frequently consume livestock or strip bare entire orchards or melon crops. For cattle, pigs, or other sizable meals, they first shred the creatures using their radula—tongue-like appendages covered in teeth— to make them easier to consume. The mucus secreted by a giant slug is powerfully acidic and viscous. Wherever it travels, the creature leaves a trailing brown strip that kills most vegetation. Farmers and ranchers, especially those living near swamps known to contain giant slugs, keep close tabs on these journeys. Many almanacs go into great detail on slug migration and mating seasons. Since each giant slug needs its own wide hunting ground, the creatures typically come into proximity to mate only once a year. Either or both slugs can become impregnated, and any that do typically lay a clutch of around 100 eggs. They usually lay these eggs in a shallow bog or a cool, humid cave. Giant slugs tend to travel at night, as the creatures dislike sunlight and dry weather. They have been known to seek out locations like barns, the undersides of bridges, or even fortifications like castles for shelter as dawn starts to break. Woe to the unprepared farmer who ambles out at sunrise to milk the cows but instead finds that a giant slug has made the barn its home! Subterranean giant slugs don't have to worry about sunlight, and crawl about on no schedule in particular. Narrow tunnels pose little obstacle for them, as the creatures can easily compress their bodies. These factors make their movements very unpredictable, so they pose quite a menace for underground peoples like kobolds or xulgaths.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 24Giant Slug" - }, - { - "name": "Slurk", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "378", - "lore": "SlurkThe slurk is a sticky, tusked frog-beast found in underground lairs and caves. It has two massive tusks, which it uses to gore prey and tangle with rival slurks. With the slurk’s natural ability to climb walls and cling effortlessly to ceilings, it can be easy for unwary cave explorers to end up on the wrong end of the beast’s formidable ivory tusks. Slurks exude two very different types of foul-smelling secretions from their pale white skin. Large pustules on the slurk’s back drip a sticky resin-like slime that quickly hardens upon exposure to air. By flexing its skin, the slurk can burst these pustules in the direction of intruders, covering its foes in sticky goo and severely limiting their ability to withstand the monster’s other attacks, including the effects of its other secretion. Glands along the slurk’s ventral side excrete an incredibly slippery and fetid grease, which protects the slurk from the immobilizing effects of its own back slime but also has the added benefit of making it extremely difficult to grapple and capture. The best way to discover if a slurk is in the vicinity is to look for hard clumps of such grease, which accumulate and dry in cave corners and amid rock piles where the slurk rests between meals. Slurks are thought to be descendants of a failed dwarven attempt to domesticate and breed large subterranean frogs as food and labor animals. Despite this apparent failure, slurks are often befriended by others who live underground. The sticky frog-beasts have proven extremely desirable to kobolds, who now domesticate and train slurks as powerful mounts and guardians. While other creatures, particularly boggards, sometimes train slurks to serve as guardians, kobolds remain those who use these creatures the most. A kobold mounted on a slurk will often hide in the upper ledges of a cave, using the advantages of height and surprise to harry foes with ranged attacks. Kobold riders also take advantage of the slurk’s ability to climb, and charge at their enemies from the walls of a cavern.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Slurk" - }, - { - "name": "Smilodon", - "family": "Cat", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "70", - "lore": "SmilodonSmilodons are large saber-toothed cats, apex predators that are significantly more muscular and broader than the other species of big cats. They often kill prey with a quick stab to the throat or other vulnerable spot. The smilodon’s oversized fangs are particularly sought after as trophies.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 22Smilodon" - }, - { - "name": "Snapping Flytrap", - "family": "Flytrap", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "208", - "lore": "Snapping FlytrapThe snapping flytrap is a ravenous, carnivorous plant that is quick to bite at any creature that passes by. Snapping flytraps typically have two sets of tooth-edged leaves, each measuring 3 feet wide, at the end of 10-foot-long stalks.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 18Snapping Flytrap" - }, - { - "name": "Snapping Turtle", - "family": "Turtle", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "836", - "lore": "Snapping TurtleSnapping turtles are freshwater reptiles with a long flexible neck, a sharp piercing beak, and a confrontational temperament that doesn't prevent some spellcasters from choosing these creatures as familiars. They weigh about 20 pounds and have shells around 18 inches in length.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 13Snapping Turtle" - }, - { - "name": "Sod Hound", - "family": "Elemental, Earth", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "182", - "lore": "Sod HoundSod hounds are mossy extraplanar canines formed of packed dirt and pebbles.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Sod Hound" - }, - { - "name": "Solar (Archangel)", - "family": "Angel", - "level": 23, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "545", - "lore": "Solar (Archangel)Solars are among the greatest of all angels, ranking just below empyreal lords. Many solars serve at the right hand of a deity or champion a cause that benefits an entire world. Most archangels resemble humanoids, but not all—they can adopt more unusual forms as needed. A typical solar is about 9 feet tall and weighs about 500 pounds, with a commanding voice that is impossible to ignore. Most have silvery or golden skin.Solars are legendary trackers; the most masterful of them are said to be able to follow the centuries-old passage of a pit fiend flying through the Astral Plane.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 51Solar" - }, - { - "name": "Sorcerous Skull Swarm", - "family": "Skull Swarm", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Rare", "Swarm", "Undead", "Large"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1309", - "lore": "Sorcerous Skull SwarmThe act of creating a demilich sometimes goes horribly awry, leaving behind a shattered remnant of a once-mighty spellcaster constantly leaking eldritch energies. The ruined spirit animates a cloud of debased copies of itself, glittering with cracked crystals in crude imitation, and it hungers constantly for the magical energies denied it in its corrupted immortality. Some of the spellcaster's personality remains in the swarm, albeit usually unnaturally split between the skulls. As a consequence, the skulls argue among themselves as warring parts of the personality clamor to be heard, resulting in the swarm's fractious, inconstant attitude.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 37Unspecific Lore: DC 35Specific Lore: DC 32Sorcerous Skull SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 245Perception +24; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +26, Arcana +28, Occultism +28Str -3Dex +6Con +4Int +8Wis +4Cha +5---AC 34 Fort +22 Ref +26 Will +26 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 190(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, swarm mind, unconsciousResistancesbludgeoning 6, cold 12, electricity 12, fire 12, piercing 12, slashing 12Weaknessesarea damage 12, splash damage 12Boneshard Burst When a sorcerous skull swarm is reduced to 0 Hit Points, it erupts in an explosion of foul energy and bone fragments in a 30-foot burst, dealing 3d12 piercing damage and 3d12 negative damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save)Consume SpellTrigger The swarm is targeted with a spell; Effect The swarm casts _dispel magic_ to counteract the triggering spell. If it successfully counteracts the spell, it gains temporary Hit Points equal to twice the level of the counteracted spell that last for 1 minute.---Speed fly 40 feetArcane Innate Spells DC 36, attack +26- Cantrips (7th)Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Telekinetic Projectile- 7thDispel Magic (at will), Spell Turning- Constant (7th)True SeeingSiphon Magic(Arcane, Illusion, Mental) The sorcerous skull swarm saps magic from nearby creatures. Any creature with the ability to cast spells (including innate spells) in the swarm's space takes 15d6 mental damage (DC 34 basic Will save); on a failure, the creature is also stupefied 2 (stupefied 3 on a critical failure).Swarming GnawEach enemy in the swarm's space takes 5d8 piercing damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save)." - }, - { - "name": "Sordesdaemon (Pollution Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1017", - "lore": "Sordesdaemon (Pollution Daemon)Hulks of sewage and daemonic flesh, sordesdaemons embody death through pollution and are among the newest types of daemons to appear on Golarion. Sordesdaemons are fiendishly clever and often seek to inspire mortals with new ideas and inventions that despoil the environment.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 36Sordesdaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Soul Eater", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "811", - "lore": "Soul EaterOnly the most desperate or foolhardy conjurers call upon the aid of these strange fiends from the inky swamps of Abaddon.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 25Soul Eater" - }, - { - "name": "Soul Skelm", - "family": "Skelm", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend,Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Humanoid", "Skelm", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1304", - "lore": "Soul SkelmSoul skelms arise not from mortal men but from other skelms, as their long-held wrath slowly twists them and replaces lingering fragments of their mortality with even more fiendish aspects. These skelms bully and exploit the souls of the dead, binding souls and undead to keep themselves indefinitely young. They bully living victims as well, stoking regret and shame even from inconsequential minutiae or outright fabrications until these feelings become unbreakable ties that the skelm can leverage from beyond the grave. A soul skelm's attentions can leave a victim isolated from friends and allies, making them all the more susceptible to the skelm's manipulations. Ambitious soul skelms—often those who arise from palace skelms—search out powerful, high-strung mortals and trick them into bringing ridicule or shame on themselves. After their victim's death, the skelms gleefully remind them of their mortal failings, feeding on their despair.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 27Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 27Unspecific Lore: DC 25Specific Lore: DC 22Soul SkelmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 241Perception +19; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesAklo, CommonSkillsAthletics +22, Deception +21, Occultism +19, Society +19, Stealth +17Str +6Dex +3Con +5Int +3Wis +5Cha +7Items_+1 striking ghost touch spiked chain_---AC 29 Fort +19 Ref +17 Will +21 –2 to all saves vs. emotion effectsHP 170ImmunitiespossessionWeaknessescold iron 10---Speed 30 feetMeleefist +22 (Agile, Evil, Magical),Damage 2d8+12 bludgeoning plus GrabMeleeantler +22 (Evil, Magical),Damage 2d12+12 piercing plus KnockdownMelee_spiked chain_ +23 (Disarm, Evil, Magical, Trip),Damage 2d8+12 slashing plus KnockdownOccult Innate Spells DC 29- 2ndInvisibility (at will), Silence (at will)- 4thDimension Door (at will)- 5thHarm, Illusory Creature, Mind Probe, Modify Memory- 7thPlane Shift (self only; Astral or Material Plane only)Bully the Departed(Auditory, Emotion, Mental, Occult, Enchantment) The skelm draws upon the spirit of one of his deceased victims, tormenting their soul beyond the grave. Until the end of his next turn, the soul skelm gains regeneration 15 (deactivated by force or good), and he deals an extra 1d8 evil damage on his Strikes.Change Shape(Concentrate, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The soul skelm can take on the appearance of any Medium male humanoid. This doesn't change his Speed or his attack and damage bonuses with his Strikes but might change the damage type his Strikes deal.Isolating Lash(Illusion, Occult) The soul skelm makes a melee Strike trailing a wave of shadowy illusions. The skelm is flat-footed until the start of his next turn. If the Strike is successful, the skelm increases the number of damage dice by one, and the target must attempt a DC 29 Will save. On a failure, the target becomes invisible, inaudible, and otherwise imperceptible to its allies for 4 rounds, and it likewise can't see, hear, or otherwise perceive those allies. Regardless of the outcome, the creature is temporarily immune to Isolating Lash for 24 hours." - }, - { - "name": "Soulbound Doll", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Any", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Construct", "Soulbound"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "383", - "lore": "Soulbound DollSoulbound dolls are eerie mannequins or playthings that have been imbued with a small piece of a deceased mortal’s soul. These little constructs are created for a variety of reasons—such as to serve as companions or servants—but their free will means their obedience to their creators is hardly a given. Followers of Pharasma generally abhor soulbound dolls, viewing them as a perversion of the natural cycle of souls, and those who worship the Lady of Graves see the destruction of a soulbound doll, regardless of the construct’s alignment, as an important service to the Great Beyond. Soulbound dolls are the simplest in a series of soulbound constructs including human-sized soulbound mannequins, powerful soulbound shells, and sentinel soulbound terra-cotta warriors. Creating them from unwilling living creatures is evil, and an unwilling donor can resist the process with a successful Will save against the creator’s Craft DC, ruining the doll if not preventing the donor’s death. A non-evil doll can only be crafted from the soul of a person who has given consent to such use before their death occurred Soulbound dolls encountered by adventurers are typically guardians of some sort; despite their diminutive size, the soul fragment’s power makes the doll’s flst more dangerous than a casual observer would expect. Further, it grants the doll a single spell of outsized power given its stature. Because of their autonomy and remarkable intelligence, soulbound dolls are occasionally employed by their crafters as administrators over much more powerful but mindless constructs such as golems, allowing such dolls to control defenses far beyond their own capabilities. Though soulbound dolls contain a small fragment of a soul extracted during or shortly after a person’s death, this doesn’t affect the deceased’s resurrection or progress to the afterlife. This extraction process is lethal to otherwise-living prospective soul donors, though there are rumors of more expensive processes that allows someone to donate a fragment of a living soul without repercussions. The soul fragment resides in a soul focus gem (Hardness 10) typically embedded in the doll’s neck or chest. The soul fragment isn’t static, and the doll continues to learn from its initial state, meaning its personality and abilities can change, possibly growing closer to the donor’s or moving farther a eld on its own individual path. The soulbound doll’s focus gem retains the doll’s memories even after the doll’s destruction. The the intact soul focus gem of a destroyed doll can even be placed into a new doll body by someone knowledgeable in the creation of soulbound creatures, effectively reconstituting the soulbound doll.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 16Soulbound Doll" - }, - { - "name": "Soulbound Ruin", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Construct, Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Construct", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "475", - "lore": "Soulbound RuinThose who tread in ruined places sometimes speak of a sense that a supernatural presence is there alongside them, as if the spirits of the dead were watching intently. Such presences can be very real, often taking the form of ghosts or other shades of undead that cannot let go of their attachment to the Material Plane. But sometimes, instead of manifesting as distinct spirits, the souls of the dead infuse the very stone and mortar around them. When enough souls attach themselves to a single place—be it a home, crypt, or castle—it can take on a life of its own, becoming a soulbound ruin.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 34Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 34Soulbound Ruin" - }, - { - "name": "Spark Bat", - "family": "Elemental, Air", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "646", - "lore": "Spark BatSpark bats congregate around volatile weather in the Plane of Air.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 16Spark Bat" - }, - { - "name": "Spear Frog", - "family": "Frog", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "674", - "lore": "Spear FrogThe spear frog is named for its toxin, which is traditionally used to envenom thrown projectiles like spears and daggers.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14Spear Frog" - }, - { - "name": "Specter", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "812", - "lore": "SpecterWhen an evil mortal creature dies, it sometimes returns to haunt the area of its death as a specter, a hateful remnant, always seeking to slay others—particularly humanoids—in an attempt to distribute its pain among as many souls as it can. A specter maintains a strange semblance of its prior identity, but with a corrupted sense of purpose. It cannot be reasoned with. A specter denied the opportunity to harm living humanoids grows increasingly agonized and irrational, akin to the mindset of a starving person forever denied a release from agony through death.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 23Specter" - }, - { - "name": "Sphinx", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "384", - "lore": "SphinxSphinxes are mystical beings with the body of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the upper torso and head of a human. They are often maligned in legends as nothing more than monsters, and though they are quick to anger and are capable of exacting deadly retribution for perceived slights, they are also very intelligent. Sphinxes are often associated with desert regions, but they can dwell in more moderate climates as well. They form small groups consisting of a single, extended family that hunts and works together to protect and teach their young. As they mature, sphinxes develop a wanderlust, a drive to gather hidden lore and solve the world’s greatest riddles—the trait that is perhaps most often identified with their kind. While sometimes bound into service as guardians for powerful spellcasters, lone sphinxes may also be encountered on journeys of discovery and as purveyors of esoteric lore. If treated with the proper respect—and fed well—a sphinx can demonstrate a willingness to exchange information. Their favorite currency is, of course, riddles and secrets. One who can trade knowledge for knowledge has a much better chance of succeeding while bargaining with a sphinx. However, a sphinx’s insatiable thirst for new riddles as well their extensive collection of secrets accumulated over hundreds of years of life—makes it difficult to offer them something they don’t already know. Those who attempt to trade petty insight and stale riddles may invoke a sphinx’s ire and will not live long enough to regret it.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 24Sphinx" - }, - { - "name": "Spider Swarm", - "family": "Spider", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "385", - "lore": "Spider SwarmAn abundance of food, the sudden hatching of a clutch of eggs, or magical influence can cause smaller spiders to gather in terrifying, deadly masses.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14Spider Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Spinosaurus", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "617", - "lore": "SpinosaurusThe spinosaurus is more than just one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs—it's also one of the most unusual in appearance, with a large, sail-like fin running along its spine. Often quite colorful, this sail allows the spinosaurus to attract mates, aids in swimming, and makes it appear to be even larger than it actually is. A swimming spinosaurus can also use the sail as part of a unique means of staggering prey by slapping the water with it to make a crushing wave.The spinosaurus is equally at home in water as it is on land, and its long, toothy maw is well-adapted to catching swimming prey. Attempts by giants to capture spinosauruses to serve as guardians typically go poorly, for these headstrong dinosaurs do not domesticate well. Their surly attitudes and striking appearances make them better suited for bloodsports, and they are popular prizes for those who run arenas specializing in battles that pit gladiators against hungry animals or beasts. Of course, an angry dinosaur forced to fight for the amusement of others won't discriminate between potential meals on the battleground and ones seated in the surrounding stands.The spinosaurus's appearance and strength make it attractive to more than just giants and bloodsport organizers. Spellcasters who mutate and transform animals into magical guardians have long been intrigued by the spinosaurus's potential. More so than any other dinosaurs, spinosauruses have been subjected to fleshwarping procedures, crossbreeding with monsters, and other magical techniques to enhance the creatures' viability as effective guardians.A spinosaurus can measure up to 60 feet in length and weighs 25,000 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 28Spinosaurus" - }, - { - "name": "Spiny Eurypterid", - "family": "Eurypterid", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1152", - "lore": "Spiny EurypteridSpiny eurypterids are aggressive, tenacious, and utterly unwilling to stop chasing prey, even to their own detriment. These creatures are covered with countless needle-like spikes and can grow to rival the size of ocean mammals like orcas. Sailors often find them clinging to the hulls of ships, as spiny eurypterids mistake them for prey and are too stubborn to let go.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15Spiny EurypteridSource Bestiary 3 pg. 97Perception +10; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +13, Stealth +13Str +4Dex +2Con +5Int -5Wis +1Cha -3---AC 22 Fort +16 Ref +11 Will +10 HP 70Attack of OpportunityStinger only.Chitinous Spines A creature grabbed by the spiny eurypterid takes 2d6 piercing damage at the start of that creature's turn.---Speed 40 feet, swim 40 feetMeleepincer +15,Damage 2d8+4 slashing plus GrabMeleestinger +15,Damage 2d6+4 piercing plus spiny eurypterid venomSpiny Eurypterid Venom(Poison) Saving Throw Fortitude DC 22; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d8 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 1d8 poison damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round); Stage 3 2d8 poison damage and enfeebled 3 (1 round)" - }, - { - "name": "Spiral Centurion", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "815", - "lore": "Spiral CenturionThese mechanical constructs were created to serve as guardians in an ancient and bygone era, although exactly who made them and the secrets of their construction have long since been lost to history. From the waist up, they resemble humanoids made of metal, but from the waist down their bodies take the form of spinning metal tops ringed with blades, which excel at cutting down nearby foes. Most spiral centurions can be directed to stand down with a password, although often these command phrases have been lost to the mists of time. In rare cases, a spiral centurion may also wield manufactured weapons or a shield in addition to its built-in weapons, giving it access to additional actions besides those listed below. Most spiral centurions are hundreds or even thousands of years old, only staying functional because of the powerful magic used in their creation. Still, millennia of neglect have caused many spiral centurions to develop small glitches or malfunctions.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 28Spiral Centurion" - }, - { - "name": "Spirit Naga", - "family": "Naga", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "737", - "lore": "Spirit NagaIn naga culture, the foul-tempered, unkempt spirit naga holds a contemptible place similar to that of hags in humanoid cultures. These decrepit creatures live out lives of solitude, sought out only by those who are foolish or brave enough to think they can benefit from the spirit naga's powers without paying a heavy price—for most who dare to show such hubris, the price is their own lives. Spirit nagas seek out desolate ruins and places long associated with death and corruption. These sinister, serpentine beings can be found in abandoned graveyards, crumbled fortresses, rotting swamps, and blighted woodlands. Though they may know little of the actual history of such places, the nagas are nonetheless attracted to the psychic remnants of evil deeds and tormented spirits that remain within the earth and stones there. Despite their hideous appearance and treatment as pariahs by other nagas, spirit nagas feel a profound pride in their abilities and even in their hermetic existences. They see themselves as connected to a greater force whose mysteries are revealed only to those who can cast off the trappings and morals of “civilized” society. Even so, spirit nagas gleefully accept the worship of other creatures willing to bow to their capricious whims. They often form cults around themselves, using their charm spells and rituals to ensnare the minds of a few key individuals who spread the nagas' foul influence throughout a community.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 28Spirit Naga" - }, - { - "name": "Spiritbound Aluum", - "family": "Aluum", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Soulbound"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "477", - "lore": "Spiritbound AluumWhereas most aluums are animated by the souls of volunteers loyal to Katapesh, the Pactmasters created a handful of more capable (and deadly) aluums powered by the souls of a dozen or more dangerous criminals. These spiritbound aluums are rarely used as peacekeepers, instead serving as assassins, elite bodyguards, or riot control during times of martial law. A spiritbound aluum has a dull blue crystalline focus that stores constituent souls, surrounded by a host of smaller gems used for trapping souls the Pactmasters wish to deny from entering the Great Beyond. Spiritbound aluums rarely use this soul-binding ability except when instructed by their masters. However, the murderous or embittered souls within the aluum sometimes exert control and willfully consume a departing soul either out of malice or to incorporate it into the construct’s core. If not relieved of its trapped souls in a timely manner, a spiritbound aluum can develop enough will to overcome its masters’ orders and even awaken to full sentience. These rogue aluums typically lose the mindless trait, are evil, have an Intelligence modifier of –2 or higher, and gain several skills with bonuses ranging from +25 to +32.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 40Spiritbound Aluum" - }, - { - "name": "Sportlebore Swarm", - "family": "Sportlebore", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "816", - "lore": "Sportlebore SwarmA swarm of sportlebores is a much more dangerous foe than a single insect.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 23Sportlebore Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Spriggan Bully", - "family": "Spriggan", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid", "Spriggan"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "817", - "lore": "Spriggan BullyThe typical spriggan is a bully who prefers to take live prisoners in fights, but only to ensure that they have a large stock of living victims to torment, tease, and abuse. They train to use weapons in nonlethal ways that inflict the maximum amount of pain even as they guard against accidental death. When not bullying prisoners or hunting for new victims, spriggan bullies enjoy drinking, watching others fight, and fighting among themselves.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Spriggan Bully" - }, - { - "name": "Spriggan Warlord", - "family": "Spriggan", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid", "Spriggan"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "818", - "lore": "Spriggan WarlordWhile the leaders of larger spriggan enclaves tend to be uniquely trained warriors with highly specialized skills, spriggan warlords are fond of the traditional spriggan weaponry of morningstar and crossbow, valuing this traditional fighting style for its simplicity and for using both weapons to their full potential. Spriggan warlords often serve as sub-commanders in large groups, filling roles in spriggan society akin to captains of the guard or bodyguards to spriggan royalty. In smaller groups or remote outposts, a single spriggan warlord is typically in charge of a band of spriggan bullies.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 23Spriggan Warlord" - }, - { - "name": "Sprite", - "family": "Sprite", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "389", - "lore": "SpriteCommon sprites are primeval guardians that latch onto a person, place, or object and defend it for their own inscrutable reasons. Their dispositions vary from kind to spiteful, but all sprites have a capricious streak. Being only about 9 inches tall, they are wary of animals that might hunt them, particularly house cats, and prefer flight to a fight. On the other hand, sprites are incredibly curious about all forms of magic and heedlessly gather around ley line nexuses or other places of power.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 13Sprite" - }, - { - "name": "Squirming Swill", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Undead", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1324", - "lore": "Squirming SwillGrotesque pieces of cast-off animal carcasses slowly stew into an overcooked mass at the bottom of a witch or hag's cauldron. The animals' magical organs— the eyes of the newt, the tongue of the frog—have already been removed, leaving only these sad remains. Nevertheless, animated by long exposure to magic, they sometimes peel free from the sides of the cauldron and wriggle out to freedom. The refuse moves in one giant mass, its skin blackened and crispy, leaving a trail of dripping grease and gravy. Its body is perpetually steaming hot, as though fresh from the pot, fat popping and sizzling. Squirming swills wander kitchens, sewers, swamps, midden pits, and grimy city canals. With little intelligence and no agenda, they come after any creature that remotely resembles the one who stewed them—usually, anything humanoid will do. Most swills try immediately to kill the creature, but some approach longingly, as though reuniting with a lost parent. They also seem to show sympathy or fellowship to other small animals. Unfortunately, their grotesque scent or the heat of their touch tends to scare away the living. Handily, the squirming swill is just as happy to befriend a small animal's corpse, unconcerned about its level of decay.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Squirming SwillSource Bestiary 3 pg. 256Perception +6; motion sense 60 feet, no visionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +7, Stealth +9Str -1Dex +3Con +3Int -5Wis +0Cha -4Magical Broth (magical, necromancy) The squirming swill retains some residue from the magical broth it was stewed in. A creature can salvage the portion of a destroyed squirming swill that contains the greatest amount of this liquid by squeezing its remains. This liquid can be used as an oil or potion of the swill's level or lower, typically a _minor healing potion_, _nectar of purification_, or _oil of potency_. This consumable follows the normal rules for Activating an oil or potion.Motion Sense Squirming swill can sense nearby creatures through vibration and air or water movement.---AC 17 Fort +11 Ref +9 Will +6 +2 status to all saves vs. cursesHP 28(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious, visualResistancesfire 2Malodorous Smoke (aura, conjuration, curse, magical, olfactory) 15 feet. The squirming swill reeks of food that is simultaneously burned and spoiled. A creature that enters or starts its turn in the emanation must succeed at a DC 17 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure). A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute. When a creature succeeds at a Fortitude save to recover from this sickness, it regurgitates a chunk of food that immediately slithers away to join the swill, restoring 3 Hit Points to the swill.---Speed 20 feet, swim 15 feetMeleeoffal +9 (Finesse, Magical),Damage 1d10–1 plus 1d6 fire and slippery greaseRangedscalding oil +9 (Fire, Magical, range increment 30 feet),Damage 2d6 fireSlippery GreaseThe first time on its turn that the squirming swill hits a creature with its offal Strike, hot grease from its body splatters the ground in the target's space. The target must succeed at a DC 17 Reflex save or Acrobatics check, falling prone on a failure.On the MenuDespite being undead, a squirming swill remains edible—barely. It might appear in the form of a specific dish rather than the blob-like form presented here. A hag who fancies herself a gourmet might serve her guest a steaming pie with the swill inside, a kebab of wriggling corpses, a stew with swimming ingredients, a casserole with a layer of burnt swill, or simply swill layered within a giant piece of crusty bread." - }, - { - "name": "Squirrel Swarm", - "family": "Squirrel", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1325", - "lore": "Squirrel SwarmDescending with a shriek, a swarm of squirrels is a menace to foes, crawling in and out of pockets and clothing, biting and scratching as it goes. Though squirrels are usually independent, they might form into swarms when cornered or if a predator creates enough of a recurring threat that the little creatures need to gang up.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10Squirrel SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 257Perception +6; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +7, Stealth +7, Survival +4Str -1Dex +3Con +2Int -4Wis +1Cha +0---AC 16 Fort +5 Ref +8 Will +4 HP 16Immunitiesprecision, swarm mindResistancespiercing 3, slashing 3Weaknessesarea damage 3, splash damage 3---Speed 25 feet, climb 15 feetNibbleEach enemy in the squirrel swarm's space takes 1d6 piercing damage (DC 15 basic Reflex save).Scrabbling SwarmThe squirrels clamber over the creatures in their space. Each such creature must succeed at a DC 17 Reflex save or become clumsy 1 as long as it remains in the swarm's space." - }, - { - "name": "Star Archon", - "family": "Archon", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "553", - "lore": "Star ArchonEmbodiments of the virtue of prudence, star archons serve as philosophers and administrators, and in times of war as the tacticians, strategists, and generals of archon armies. Star archons burn with the glory and intensity of a sun, and their sense of duty and desire to defeat evil are as indefatigable as the light of the stars. While their dazzling intellects and unmatched strategic cunning make them most useful in war rooms rather than on battlefields, star archons are fierce opponents when motivated to enter the fray. Those who witness the self-sacrifice of a star archon and live to tell the tale describe the experience in terms that might befit the sight of a supernova at the instant the star collapses in on itself.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 39Star Archon" - }, - { - "name": "Steam Mephit", - "family": "Elemental, Mephit", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Water"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "662", - "lore": "Steam MephitThese brash and arrogant creatures are among the more energetic mephits. They are quick to nominate themselves the leaders of any group, barking out orders in shrill, high-pitched voices and insisting on having everything done their way. Even when they aren't bossing others around, the constant hiss of steam escaping from their pores ensures that there is never a quiet moment.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 17Steam Mephit" - }, - { - "name": "Stegosaurus", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "120", - "lore": "StegosaurusThe stegosaurus is easily recognized by its twin rows of diamond-shaped dorsal plates that run down its spine, and thick tail adorned with four large spikes. This strange configuration protects this herbivore from predators, as the stegosaurus can hunker down to interpose its dorsal plates between an attacker and its thick body. A stegosaurus defends itself by swinging its spiked tail at larger foes and trampling smaller opponents underfoot. The stegosaurus often inhabits grasslands, where nutritious vegetation is plentiful and only its dorsal plates rise above waving fields of tall grass. The stegosaurus is among the most curious of dinosaurs, and hunters often find it easy to bait them with shiny trinkets or strange noises. A stegosaurus is about 30 feet long, 16 feet high at the top of its highest dorsal plate, and weighs between 2 and 3 tons. The stegosaurus is generally more even-tempered and even gentle, despite its size, than the ankylosaurus. This combination makes it even more popular as a trained pet or guard, but even then one should take care to not annoy the dinosaur—an angry or annoyed stegosaurus can lash out with its tail with little warning. Often, it’s wiser to train smaller variants, such as the kentrosaurus. Regardless, their dorsal plates make this dinosaur a poor choice as a mount.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 23Stegosaurus" - }, - { - "name": "Stheno Harpist", - "family": "Stheno", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Rare", "Stheno", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1327", - "lore": "Stheno HarpistWith living snakes for hair, sthenos, who are descended from medusas, are a curious and independent ancestry. A newly emergent people, sthenos have existed for just barely over a century. Only a few generations have passed since their genesis, and some adult sthenos remember members of the original generation. Indeed, since sthenos can live about as long as humans, a few of the original sthenos might yet live somewhere. As a people without a traditional homeland, sthenos seek to find societies that welcome them, which can be a challenging endeavor. With more than a passing resemblance to medusas, given their ophidian hair and striking features, they find most places are wary if not outright hostile to their presence.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15Stheno HarpistSource Bestiary 3 pg. 258Perception +4LanguagesCommon; speak with snakesSkillsCrafting +4, Diplomacy +7, Performance +7, Stealth +5Str +0Dex +2Con +3Int +1Wis -1Cha +4Snake Search When the stheno harpist Searches or Seeks, their snakes try to help too, rolling a separate Perception check with a modifier of –1 instead of +4. If the snakes notice something, they try to notify the stheno, though they are no more intelligent than normal snakes and might find different things interesting than the stheno does. Speak With Snakes The stheno harpist can communicate with snakes, including the ones in their hair, and can use Diplomacy to Make an Impression on snakes and Request things from snakes.Itemsharp, Leather Armor, Rapier, Shortbow---AC 16 Fort +8 Ref +7 Will +4 HP 19---Speed 25 feetMeleerapier +7 (deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse),Damage 1d6 piercingMeleesnake fangs +7 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d4 piercingRangedshortbow +7 (deadly d10, range increment 60 feet, reload 0),Damage 1d6 piercingOccult Spontaneous Spells DC 17- Cantrips (1st)Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Inspire Courage, Prestidigitation, Shield- 1stPhantom Pain, Soothe" - }, - { - "name": "Stingray", - "family": "Ray", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "785", - "lore": "StingrayFound in salt or fresh water, stingrays are normally passive creatures, but when threatened or cornered, they lash out with their tails to lance foes with their toxic stingers. Stingrays often bury themselves in mud, sand, or sea grass, and unfortunately for those wading in shallow waters, stepping on an unseen stingray is a surefire way to receive a painful sting.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14Stingray" - }, - { - "name": "Stinkweed Shambler", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "1026", - "lore": "Stinkweed ShamblerStinkweed shamblers are animate masses of foul vegetation that grow from necrotic soil where ghasts, disease-ridden zombies, or other putrid undead creatures have fallen. At a site where numerous undead creatures have been destroyed, an infestation of up to a dozen stinkweed shamblers might arise. Such \"rot-mates\" work well together, sharing a preternatural coordination. Stinkweed shamblers grow quickly, initially appearing as fast-growing green shoots with light-green leaves but soon growing into a humanoid form that can pull itself free from the ground and slowly move about on its own. Stinkweed shambler's leaves are the source of their unpleasant smell, which is most pungent when the leaves are crushed or squeezed. Stinkweed shamblers are covered with several small, white flowers, each of which grows into the shape of a tiny skull. Stinkweed shamblers are nasty creatures, but their methods are uncomplicated. They like to capture and torment larger creatures such as livestock and humanoids. Aware that they aren't particularly strong and that their smell can give them away, stinkweed shamblers like to set simple traps such as deadfalls or pits. Their perverse fun ceases only when their prey has died from numerous injuries. Stinkweed shamblers don't consume their victims and in fact lack mouths; they gain all the sustenance they need from sunlight but also seem to derive some nutritional satisfaction from the pain that their torments engender. Most stinkweed shamblers grow to be about 3 feet tall and weigh only 30 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 16Stinkweed Shambler" - }, - { - "name": "Stone Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Earth", "Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "221", - "lore": "Stone GiantStone giants are stoic, reclusive herders and artists who have a rich history and collection of traditions. They dwell in caves in tall mountains and craggy ranges, where their grayish skin allows them to blend in with their surroundings and go unnoticed by imperceptive adventurers. Those benign travelers who come across a tribe of stone giants need not worry much, however, for stone giants do not actively invite confrontation or strife. They are, by and large, a peaceful people who seek wisdom through exploration of nature and long meditations on the elements of the natural world. Their elders are the wisest of stone giants, and use their charisma and druidic magic to lead their tribes to prosperity and harmony with nature. A typical stone giant stands 12 feet in height and weighs about 1,500 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 24Stone Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Stone Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "241", - "lore": "Stone GolemStone golems are slow and steady constructs typically carved from marble or granite. They’re often made to serve as works of art when at rest, so some golem crafters employ master sculptors to ensure the constructs make beautiful statues. Older stone golems might be weathered, with scuffed or cracked surfaces or missing noses and digits, but this weathering is largely cosmetic and doesn’t adversely impact the golems’ functionality. Tales tell of particularly immense stone golems residing in certain ancient ruins. Survivors from time-lost civilizations bent on carrying out orders from long-gone masters, these immense stone golems are much more powerful than most stone golems. They are always level 15 or higher and never smaller than Huge in size—most are Gargantuan. Because their size is so great and the structures they dwell in so dilapidated, the awakening of such a stone golem can cause surrounding structures to collapse, ancient foundations to buckle, and ceilings to come crashing down on foes. In addition to the statistics here, these massive stone golems attack with wide, sweeping strikes capable of knocking down multiple targets at once.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 30Stone Golem" - }, - { - "name": "Stone Lion", - "family": "Guardian Beast", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Celestial", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1183", - "lore": "Stone LionStone lions are a common sight outside of banks, temples, palaces, and even private residences. The fierce expressions affixed on their faces remind passersby to stay on their best behavior. Stone lions remain faithful guardians of a site, regardless of whether it falls into disrepair. Even if people abandon a place, the lion remains dutiful until its statue is too worn or broken to inhabit any longer.Recall Knowledge - Celestial(Religion): DC 21Unspecific Lore: DC 19Specific Lore: DC 16Stone LionSource Bestiary 3 pg. 125Perception +13; darkvisionLanguagesCelestial, Common; telepathy 60 feetSkillsAthletics +12, Intimidation +8, Meteorology Lore +11, Religion +13Str +4Dex +3Con +3Int +1Wis +5Cha +0Anchored Soul The stone lion is mystically bonded to its bonded vessel and must remain within 1 mile of it. Some might be further restricted to the location it guards.---AC 21 Fort +11 Ref +9 Will +13 +1 status to all saves vs. evilHP 50Immunitiesdisease, paralyzed, petrified, poisonBonded Vessel The condition of a stone lion's vessel dictates the lion's maximum Hit Point value. Undamaged, the vessel is an object with 50 Hit Points (BT 25). When the stone lion is in spirit form, damaging it doesn't hurt the vessel, but damaging the vessel deals an equal amount of damage to the stone lion. When the stone lion Inhabits its Vessel, they're a single target, and damage reduces the Hit Points of both the stone lion and the vessel. If the vessel is broken, the stone lion can still fight normally while inhabiting it and suffers no ill effect, but if the vessel is ever destroyed, the stone lion is instantly slain and can't reconstitute.Reconstitution (divine, necromancy) When the stone lion reaches 0 Hit Points, its spirit dissipates. If its bonded vessel is intact, the stone lion re-forms in this vessel after 2d4 days, fully healed. If the vessel is broken, it must first be Repaired, after which the stone lion reforms in 3d4 days.---Speed fly 40 feetDivine Innate Spells DC 21- 1stDetect Alignment (at will; evil only)- 3rdDream MessageFerocious Roar(Auditory, Emotion, Fear, Mental, Sonic) The lion makes a terrifying roar that deals 2d8 sonic damage (DC 23 basic Fortitude save) to each creature in a 20-foot cone. Creatures that fail this save become frightened 1.Inhabit Vessel(Manipulate) The lion touches and melds with its bonded vessel, bringing the statue to life. It can cease Inhabiting its Vessel by spending a single action, which has the concentrate trait. While Inhabiting the Vessel, it loses its fly Speed and gains Immunities healing, nonlethal;Resistances physical 5 (except bludgeoning); Speed 30 feet; and the following Strikes.Melee one-action] jaws +14, Damage 2d6+7 bludgeoning plus [GrabRanged one-action] stone ball +13 ([range increment 30 feet), Damage 2d4+7 bludgeoningSpirit BodyWhen not Inhabiting its Vessel, the stone lion is incorporeal and gains resistance 5 to all damage (except force damage and damage from Strikes with the _ghost touch_ property rune; double resistance against non-magical).Bleeding OmenLegends say that stone lions can predict incoming storms or floods. If a stone lion's eyes, nose, or ears bleed, preparations should be made. Lone survivors of these disasters claim those who disparage such omens as superstition often don't live to see the next dawn." - }, - { - "name": "Stone Lion Cub", - "family": "Guardian Beast", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Celestial", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1182", - "lore": "Stone Lion CubStone lion cubs are curious, playful, and occasionally accidental mischief makers. Despite their still developing abilities, they eagerly hone their skills with make-believe missions. Many hope that they'll one day become responsible guardians like their parents. Smaller in stature and ferocity, stone lion cubs sometimes try to guard places of smaller importance, often including facsimiles of the same kinds of structures their parents attend. They're less than dependable as guardians, as they have the attention span and rambunctious nature of children. Their parents often need to call them to heel, ordering them to stay at the parent's side as parent and child both stay motionless for the rising day.Recall Knowledge - Celestial(Religion): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Stone Lion CubSource Bestiary 3 pg. 124Perception +10; darkvisionLanguagesCelestial, Common; telepathy 60 feetSkillsAcrobatics +7, Athletics +7, Meteorology Lore +7, Religion +8Str +3Dex +3Con +0Int +1Wis +4Cha +0Anchored Soul The cub is mystically bonded to its bonded vessel and must remain within 1 mile of it. Some might be further restricted to the location it guards.---AC 18 Fort +6 Ref +7 Will +10 +1 status to all saves vs. evilHP 28Immunitiesdisease, paralyzed, petrified, poisonBonded Vessel The condition of a stone cub's vessel dictates the cub's maximum Hit Point value. Undamaged, the vessel is an object with 28 Hit Points (BT 14). When the cub is in spirit form, damaging it doesn't hurt the vessel, but damaging the vessel deals an equal amount of damage to the cub. When the cub Inhabits its Vessel, they're a single target, and damage reduces the Hit Points of both the cub and the vessel. If the vessel is broken, the cub can still fight normally while inhabiting it and suffers no ill effect, but if the vessel is ever destroyed, the cub is instantly slain and can't reconstitute.Reconstitution (divine, necromancy) When the cub reaches 0 Hit Points, its spirit dissipates. If its bonded vessel is intact, the cub re-forms in this vessel after 2d4 days, fully healed. If the vessel is broken, it must first be Repaired, after which the cub reforms in 3d4 days.---Speed fly 25 feetDivine Innate Spells DC 17- 1stDetect Alignment (at will; evil only)Inhabit Vessel(Manipulate) The cub touches and melds with its bonded vessel, bringing the statue to life. It can cease Inhabiting its Vessel by spending a single action, which has the concentrate trait. While Inhabiting the Vessel, it loses its fly Speed and gains Immunities healing, nonlethal; Resistances physical 3 (except bludgeoning); Speed 20 feet; and the following Strike.Meleejaws +10 (agile), Damage 1d6+5 bludgeoning plus GrabSpirit BodyWhen not Inhabiting its Vessel, the cub is incorporeal and gains resistance 3 to all damage (except force damage and damage from Strikes with the _ghost touch_ property rune; double resistance against non-magical).Bleeding OmenLegends say that stone lions can predict incoming storms or floods. If a stone lion's eyes, nose, or ears bleed, preparations should be made. Lone survivors of these disasters claim those who disparage such omens as superstition often don't live to see the next dawn." - }, - { - "name": "Stone Mauler", - "family": "Elemental, Earth", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "185", - "lore": "Stone MaulerThese towering heaps of earth can inflict tremendous damage up close and from afar.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 26Stone Mauler" - }, - { - "name": "Storm Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "225", - "lore": "Storm GiantStorm giants are looming but benevolent stewards of sea and sky, often serving as the natural guardians of tropical islands, coastlines, or rocky archipelagos. Storm giants tend to rapidly shift in mood and behavior, one moment engaging in peaceful negotiation, the next unleashing unbridled ferocity against their foes. In this way, they embody both the fury of a raging tempest and the calm of a hurricane’s eye. This can make them valuable allies who race to the aid of those in need, but their allies remain must be alert and mindful of their mood, as the giants can be quick to anger or aggressive when caution is most appropriate. Most storm giants have complexions akin to the crystal blue of the ocean or the warm violet of a sky touched by the setting sun. Their hair tends to be dark purple, blue, or black, and their eyes often have a silvery sheen. A typical storm giant stands 21 feet tall, weighs 12,000 pounds, and lives to be about 600 years old.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 31Storm Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Storm Hag", - "family": "Hag", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Air", "Electricity", "Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1186", - "lore": "Storm HagStorm hags are the personification of a storm's rage. These crones hate those who huddle together with loved ones in warm, dry shelters while the wind howls and rain lashes the land and sea. Storm hags use their powers to wreak havoc on communities near the coastal caves or hovels where they often live. These hags send their voices on the wind to terrorize mortals before descending upon them with claws and fell magic. More than any others of their kind, they prey on the young, devouring children as much for the pain it causes their parents and caretakers as for the hags' love of young flesh. A storm hag's territory sometimes overlaps with that of sea hags and winter hags. While this may result in the formation of a coven that controls their combined territories, more often it leads to rivalries. Such feuds only increase the misery of innocent people caught between the rival hags' feuding.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15Storm HagSource Bestiary 3 pg. 128Perception +12; darkvision, stormsightLanguagesAklo, Auran, Common, Jotun; voice of the stormSkillsAcrobatics +11, Deception +11, Intimidation +13, Occultism +11, Stealth +9, Weather Lore +13Str +4Dex +2Con +4Int +2Wis +3Cha +4Coven A storm hag adds _hydraulic torrent_, _lightning storm_, and _mariner's curse_ to her coven's spells.Stormsight Wind, precipitation, and clouds don't impair a storm hag's vision; she ignores the concealed condition from storms, mist, precipitation, and the like.Voice of the Storm A storm hag can send spoken messages or sounds on the wind to any spot that she has seen and the wind can reach within a 50-mile radius. She can send a quiet whisper or a loud scream, and decides whether it's clearly audible or barely heard above the wind. The message is delivered regardless of whether anyone is present to hear it. The hag can use this ability to Demoralize creatures that hear her message with dire threats or unnerving whispers of doom.---AC 21 Fort +15 Ref +9 Will +12 HP 95ImmunitieselectricityWeaknessescold iron 5---Speed 25 feet, fly 40 feetMeleeclaw +15 (Agile),Damage 1d6+7 slashing plus 1d6 electricityMeleejaws +15,Damage 1d8+7 piercing plus 1d6 electricityRangedwind blast +13 (Air, range 30 feet),Damage 1d10+5 bludgeoningOccult Innate Spells DC 22- 3rdGust of Wind (at will), Lightning Bolt, Obscuring Mist, Wall of WindStormcallingA storm hag can perform a special _control weather_ ritual, which requires no secondary casters, to change the weather within 5 miles of her location for 4d12 hours. The primary check is a DC 23 Occultism check, and she can't get an outcome worse than a failure. The storm hag can create only hurricanes, thunderstorms, and tornadoes, but she can do so regardless of the current season. She can also quell natural weather events but never willingly does so.Wind MasteryA storm hag is unaffected by strong winds, natural or magical. Windy conditions are not difficult terrain for her." - }, - { - "name": "Storm Lord", - "family": "Elemental, Air", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "180", - "lore": "Storm LordStorm lords wage battles to claim important territory within the Plane of Air.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 26Storm Lord" - }, - { - "name": "Street Skelm", - "family": "Skelm", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Skelm", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1301", - "lore": "Street SkelmStreet skelms abuse the deference given to elders and the well-to-do in public spaces, appearing as such so they can verbally or physically punish those who dare defy their cruel sensibilities. To excuse his actions or gather allies, a street skelm might rant about a target, building a pretense of some vague threat the target poses to the community's social order. These rantings can rally a mob to carry out the skelm's violence against his target, some of whom even act out of fear against becoming the skelm's next target. Street skelms have little of the magical talents possessed by their more powerful peers, mostly relying on brute force. Street skelms typically dress in old-fashioned styles, always including a hat or hood that can cover their distinctive features. They often walk with a cane, walking staff, or other prop suitable for bludgeoning those who offend their delicate egos or challenge their tenuous sense of control.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Street SkelmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 238Perception +8; scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesAklo, CommonSkillsAthletics +9, Deception +9, Intimidation +11, Occultism +8, Stealth +9Str +4Dex +2Con +3Int +3Wis +1Cha +4ItemsStaff---AC 18 Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +8 –1 to all saves vs. emotion effectsHP 55Weaknessescold iron 3Attack of Opportunity---Speed 25 feetMeleefist +12 (Agile, Magical),Damage 1d6+6 bludgeoning plus GrabMeleeantler +12 (Magical),Damage 1d10+6 piercing plus KnockdownMeleestaff +13 (two-handed d8),Damage 1d4+7 bludgeoningRangedrock +9 (range increment 20 feet),Damage 1d6+6 bludgeoningChange Shape(Concentrate, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The street skelm can take on the appearance of any Medium male humanoid. This doesn't change his Speed or his attack and damage bonuses with his Strikes but might change the damage type his Strikes deal.Frightening Rant(Auditory, Concentrate, Emotion, Enchantment, Fear, Linguistic, Mental, Occult) The skelm rants angrily, filling nearby creatures with shame, fear, and anger. Each creature within 30 feet must succeed at a DC 20 Will save or become frightened 1 (frightened 2 on a critical failure). While frightened by this rant, creatures take a –2 status penalty to Strength-based damage rolls against the skelm, but gain a +2 status bonus to those rolls against other creatures.Punishing StrikeThe skelm unleashes his constant rage in a reckless attack that makes him flat-footed until the start of his next turn. He Strikes; if he hits, he increases the number of damage dice by one and adds Push to the effect. This counts as two attacks for his multiple attack penalty." - }, - { - "name": "Striding Fire", - "family": "Elemental, Fire", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "657", - "lore": "Striding FireAn embodiment of the speed and chaos of a spreading blaze, a striding fire appears as a lithe and long-limbed humanoid composed of shifting-hued flames churning within a skeleton-like framework.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 22Striding Fire" - }, - { - "name": "Strix Kinmate", - "family": "Strix", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Strix", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1328", - "lore": "Strix KinmateStrix are avian humanoids with sprawling, dark-feathered wings and large talons. Strix possess angular features and piercing eyes that are fixed facing forward. Their lurching head movements and vertical eyelids give an unnerving quality to their humanoid appearances.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Strix KinmateSource Bestiary 3 pg. 259Perception +9; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, StrixSkillsAcrobatics +8, Nature +7, Survival +9Str +2Dex +4Con +0Int +0Wis +3Cha +0ItemsLeather Armor, Shortbow (20 arrows), Shortsword---AC 18 Fort +6 Ref +10 Will +7 HP 24---Speed 25 feet, fly 25 feetMeleeshortsword +10 (Agile, Finesse, versatile S),Damage 1d6+4 piercingMeleetalon +10 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d6+4 slashingRangedshortbow +10 (deadly d10, range increment 60 feet),Damage 1d6+2 piercingStrix CamaraderieStrix kinmates are tightly bonded to one another, adept at teamwork and supporting each other's attacks. If an enemy is within reach of both the kinmate and one other strix, that enemy is flat-footed to all strix.Strix Vengeance(Emotion, Mental) Frequency once per 10 minutes; Trigger The kinmate or a strix ally they can see is damaged by an enemy's critical hit; Effect Until the end of their next turn, the kinmate gains a +1d6 status bonus to damage rolls on Strikes they make against the triggering enemy." - }, - { - "name": "Sturzstromer", - "family": "Cobble Mite", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Earth", "Swarm", "Uncommon", "Huge"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1100", - "lore": "SturzstromerCobble mites that remain a cohesive swarm for many years become dangerous living landslides.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 41Unspecific Lore: DC 39Specific Lore: DC 36SturzstromerSource Bestiary 3 pg. 52Perception +33; no vision, tremorsense (precise) 120 feetLanguagesTerranSkillsAthletics +37, Stealth +35Str +8Dex +10Con +8Int -1Wis +6Cha +2Clutching Stones The sturzstromer's space is greater difficult terrain.Tremorsense A sturzstromer's tremorsense is a precise sense out to 120 feet and an imprecise sense out to 240 feet. A sturzstromer can't sense anything beyond the range of its tremorsense---AC 41 Fort +33 Ref +35 Will +29 HP 280Immunitiesprecision, swarm mind, visualResistancespiercing 20, slashing 20Weaknessesarea damage 12, splash damage 12---Speed 50 feet, burrow 20 feetPrimal Innate Spells DC 41- 8thEarthbind (at will), Earthquake (×3), Stone Tell- 10thEarthquakeGrasping Bites(Attack) The sturzstromer attempts an Athletics check and compares the result to the Fortitude DC of each creature in its space. This counts as two attacks for the sturzstromer's multiple attack penalty. Critical Success The creature falls prone, takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage, and is restrained by the sturzstromer until the end of the sturzstromer's next turn. Success The creature falls prone and is grabbed by the sturzstromer until the end of the sturzstromer's next turnLandslideRequirements The sturzstromer's most recent action was to cast _earthquake_; Effect The sturzstromer closes a fissure it made, choosing one creature that fell in. That creature must succeed at a DC 41 Reflex save or be buried as in an avalanche.Pummeling AssaultEach foe in the sturzstromer's space takes 4d10 bludgeoning damage (DC 41 basic Reflex save)." - }, - { - "name": "Stygira", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Earth", "Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "821", - "lore": "StygiraWithered hermits wrapped in tattered rags, these scarred, eyeless creatures command strange secrets of the earth and interpret the fateful energies of the subterranean depths. In some regions, stygiras are worshipped as seers or even gods, although they lack the ability to grant spells to clerics and are often not aware of their worshippers at all. In other areas, they have strange ties to the ancient empires of the cyclopes, often dwelling in the oversized ruins those creatures left behind long ago. To many stygiras, gemstones harvested from ancient cyclopean mosaics have even greater magical properties than other crystals. Although technically blind, stygiras do have vestigial eyes hidden beneath the stony, scarred flesh of their faces. Capable of sensing bright lights even through their scars, stygiras are sickened and distracted by these flashing glimpses, so they keep to their caves during the day and wander into the world above only after nightfall. Far from benevolent, they seek out unwary travelers or explorers to capture and reduce them down to the base chemicals and supernatural humors the stygiras require to infuse gemstones with the capacity to give them sight and magical power.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 23Stygira" - }, - { - "name": "Succubus (Lust Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "98", - "lore": "Succubus (Lust Demon)Succubi are manifestations of the sin of destructive lust, and they are the most attractive of all demons—as befits their role in seducing mortals to fall to sin. The concept of gender is fluid to a succubus, as they can adopt countless humanoid forms of any gender to aid in their goals. Most succubi have a feminine true form (incubi, which usually have a masculine true form, are a different kind of demon), but regardless of gender, a lust demon is supernaturally beautiful or handsome, but with curving horns, bat wings, sharp claws, and a sinuous tail. When disguised as a mortal humanoid on the Material Plane, a succubus whispers into the ears of mortals, urging them to pursue their darkest and most destructive desires and pushing them into depravity, using magic only if persuasion fails. While mortals often fixate on succubi’s application of sexual lust, these demons are can easily exploit lust for power, knowledge, fame, or any other desire as easily as more carnal appetites. Their ability to infiltrate societies makes them excellent spies, assassins, and political saboteurs as well. Ultimately, the succubus enjoys all means of upending mortal culture.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 23Succubus" - }, - { - "name": "Sulfur Zombie", - "family": "Zombie", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fire", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1377", - "lore": "Sulfur ZombieGlowing with a dull amber light, these odious creatures spawn from a combination of necromancy and fire. These destructive creations sow chaos and demolish fortifications, making them the bane of besieged cities.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 22Unspecific Lore: DC 20Specific Lore: DC 17Sulfur ZombieSource Bestiary 3 pg. 303Perception +12; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +15, Stealth +12Str +5Dex +2Con +4Int -5Wis +2Cha -2Slow A sulfur zombie is permanently slowed 1 and can't use reactions---AC 23 Fort +16 Ref +12 Will +10 HP 125(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, fire, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousWeaknessespositive 5, slashing 5Death Throes When a sulfur zombie dies, its body explodes in a 30-foot burst of fire and debris that deals 2d10 bludgeoning and 2d10 fire damage to each creature in the area (DC 21 basic Reflex save).---Speed 30 feetMeleefist +17,Damage 2d6+5 bludgeoning plus 1d6 persistent fire and blinding sulfurBlinding Sulfur(Incapacitation) A sulfur zombie burns with putrid inner fire. A creature hit by a sulfur zombie's fist Strike must attempt a DC 22 Fortitude save. On a failure, the creature is blinded for 1 round, or for 1 minute on a critical failure." - }, - { - "name": "Suli", - "family": "Geniekin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Suli"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "761", - "lore": "SuliBecause their genie forebears are native to the Material Plane, sulis (scions of mortals and jann) are by and large the most common geniekin on the Material Plane. They are often artisans and peace brokers, compelled to try and bring harmony and balance in a world wrought with discord. Sulis have a natural charm that often eludes other geniekin, but tend to layer on a level of boastful pride or even arrogance as a personal quirk or humorous facade. Few non-sulis realize that bragging is not simply the symptom of a puffed-up ego for sulis, but instead is a cultural institution easily comparable to human poetry. Sulis' boasts not only glorify themselves, but also secure their companions' and families' accomplishments in history, with the ultimate goal of spinning stories that will be retold for generations. This is especially true for sulis who have lived with other geniekin and have been seen as lesser for not having a strong connection to an Elemental Plane. Suli dune dancers are but one way these geniekin seek to integrate with other humanoid societies. They work to hone their skills at boasting to an extent that their claims help to bolster those they travel with. Suli from regions other than deserts adjust their names to match their terrains, but regardless of whether they prefer forests, hills, or arctic plains, their boasts remain as compelling.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Suli Dune Dancer" - }, - { - "name": "Sumbreiva", - "family": "—", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Negative", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1329", - "lore": "SumbreivaSumbreivas are the Negative Energy Plane's unstoppable hunters, tracking down and destroying other creatures on their plane for sport and practice. Occasionally they pass through a rift or are brought to the Material Plane via planar binding, where they collect living souls to display as trophies. Sumbreivas gather at Night Lodges, where they train and display their soul trophies, which appear as floating wisps of blue energy. The more formidable the soul, the more intense the blue glow that emanates from it. Sumbreivas in lodges periodically raid the Material Plane on a Night Hunt. Over the course of one night, the sumbreivas from that lodge split up and compete to see who can capture the most brilliant souls as trophies. The winner of the Night Hunt leads the lodge until the next hunt. Night Lodges are ranked against each other by the accomplishments of the hunters within. All sumbreivas have the ultimate goal of capturing a soul worthy of being placed in the Twilight Lodge, reserved for the truly elite souls and hunters.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 35Unspecific Lore: DC 33Specific Lore: DC 30SumbreivaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 260Perception +29; greater darkvision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesAklo, NecrilSkillsAthletics +32, Intimidation +30, Stealth +35, Survival +29Str +8Dex +9Con +3Int +6Wis +5Cha +4---AC 39 Fort +25 Ref +33 Will +27 HP 290(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, drainedAttack of OpportunityHunter's Triumph(auditory, emotion, fear, mental) Trigger The sumbreiva kills a creature; Effect The sumbreiva lets out a triumphant, bone-chilling howl. Every enemy in a 30-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 36 Will save or become frightened 3 (and fleeing as long as it's frightened on a critical failure).---Speed 50 feetMeleesumbreiva huntblade +33 (Agile, Death, Finesse, Magical, versatile S),Damage 3d8+16 piercing plus huntblade brutalityMeleeshadow whip +33 (Agile, Death, Disarm, Finesse, Magical, reach 10 feet, Trip),Damage 3d4+16 bludgeoning plus Improved GrabRangedsumbreiva huntblade +33 (Agile, Death, Magical, thrown 30 feet, versatile S),Damage 3d8+16 piercing plus huntblade brutalityArcane Innate Spells DC 36- 4thDarkness, EarthbindClaim TrophyThe sumbreiva claims the soul of a creature they killed within the last minute. This works like _bind soul_, except that no black sapphire is required and the soul is turned into a glowing blue light called a _soul trophy_. Anyone who kills the sumbreiva can then free the soul from any soul trophy by touching it and speaking the word for “freedom” in any language.Huntblade BrutalityThe sumbreiva's huntblade deals an additional 2d8 damage to drained, flat-footed, or frightened creatures.Whip Drain(Arcane, Death, Necromancy) Requirements The sumbreiva has a creature grabbed with their shadow whip; Effect The grabbed creature must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save or become drained 2 (drained 3 on a critical failure). If the creature is already drained, this increases its drained value instead, to a maximum of drained 4.Superior SumbreivasAs sumbreiva hunters attain souls, they grow in power and physically transform. They might increase in stature, grow more limbs or great leathery wings, or form advanced armaments suited to their personalities and hunting methods. These outward signs make it easy for other sumbreivas to distinguish superior sumbreivas from the less masterful hunters among their kind. The greatest sumbreivas are said to be inexorable giants suited to hunting only kaiju, demigods, and the spawn of Rovagug" - }, - { - "name": "Sunflower Leshy", - "family": "Leshy", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "716", - "lore": "Sunflower LeshySunflower leshys are the ambassadors and social leaders of their kind. Their petals radiate from their heads in various hues with a serrated, leafy, beard-like ruff. When particularly excited, their eyes and petals glow with collected sunlight, and when they become depressed or saddened, their usually vibrant coloration grows correspondingly muted. These shifts in coloration are echoed in sunflower leshy art, which can lead to unexpected color palettes for artworks. For example, a human artist might illustrate Hell as a place of glowing lava and flickering flames, drawing upon many vibrant colors, but to a sunflower leshy, the only proper way to depict a place like Hell is in morose grays, blacks, and whites. The more adventurous sunflower leshys leave their communities to grow bonds with nearby settlements of humanoids. When interacting with humanoids, sunflower leshys are some of the most likely to act friendly and give strangers a chance to prove their good intentions, though they remain cautious. They're often accompanied by other, more powerful leshys.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 15Sunflower Leshy" - }, - { - "name": "Svartalfar", - "family": "—", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1003", - "lore": "SvartalfarLong ago in the mists of history, the fey ancestors of the svartalfars were banished from the First World for crimes too heinous to name. These beings made a new home on the Shadow Plane, which warped their minds and essence and turned them into cold, ruthless killers. Their clans are places of safety but not kindness for svartalfars; they feel no amity toward others, and their actions almost exclusively focus on practicalities. Svartalfars resemble expressionless elves with pale eyes and gray skin. Many have smooth, bald heads, while others keep their hair short and practical. Svartalfars seem untouched by emotions, especially compassion or mercy. When given a contract, a svartalfar clan seeks its target with grim diligence. Money means next to nothing to them, and attempts to appeal for pity go unheard. A svartalfar clan knows that if they don't end the target's life, another clan will do so, which is a blow to the reputation and standing of the clan that failed. Svartalfar communities on the Shadow Plane are usually very small, featuring slender towers and extensive underground chambers. Built on or near thin spots between the Shadow Plane and the Material Plane, these communities allow svartalfars easy access to Golarion, where many of their targets reside. Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 26Svartalfar Killer" - }, - { - "name": "Swordkeeper", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1330", - "lore": "SwordkeeperCollectors who want to guard their magical arsenals procure or build swordkeepers. These constructs are equal parts display case and security system, each holding a single weapon within its body and projecting copies of the weapon it stores to deter would-be thieves.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 27Unspecific Lore: DC 25Specific Lore: DC 22SwordkeeperSource Bestiary 3 pg. 261Perception +20LanguagesCommonSkillsAcrobatics +21, Athletics +23Str +7Dex +5Con +5Int -5Wis +2Cha -5Central Weapon A swordkeeper's torso houses a single weapon of a level no higher than the swordkeeper. While the swordkeeper is operational, the chamber requires four successful DC 32 Thievery checks to Disable a Device to open; on a critical failure, the backlash deals 6d6 force damage (DC 30 basic Reflex save) to the creature attempting the check. If the swordkeeper is immobilized, grabbed, prone, or stunned, both DCs are reduced by 2. If the weapon is removed, the swordkeeper's echoblades vanish.Items_+1 striking disrupting longsword_---AC 29 (31 with guard raised)Fort +21 Ref +19 Will +14 HP 285Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poisonAttack of Opportunity---Speed 20 feetMeleeechoblade +23 (Magical, reach 10 feet, versatile P),Damage 2d8+13 slashing plus 1d8 forceMeleefist +23 (Agile, reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+13 bludgeoningRangedechoblade +23 (Agile, Magical, thrown 30 feet),Damage 2d8+13 slashing plus 1d8 forceEchoblade FlurryFrequency once per round; Effect The swordkeeper makes two melee echoblade Strikes. If both Strikes hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weakness. Apply the swordkeeper's multiple attack penalty normally.Project EchobladeRequirements The swordkeeper has a central weapon; Effect The swordkeeper projects an echoblade—a force copy of its central weapon that deals 1d8 additional force damage and gains thrown 30 feet. Echoblades inherit the weapon damage dice, weapon traits, and runes of the central weapon, but no other abilities or activations. The swordkeeper gains access to their critical specialization effects. The swordkeeper can have up to four echoblades at once; unattended echoblades vanish at the end of the swordkeeper's turn.Colossal Echo(Force) Requirements The swordkeeper has a central weapon; Effect The swordkeeper projects a massive echoblade held in all four hands, dealing 9d8 force damage to all creatures in a 30-foot line (DC 30 basic Reflex save). It can't use Colossal Echo again for 1d4 rounds.Raise GuardEffect The swordkeeper raises an echoblade to protect itself, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of its next turn.Treasure GuardiansWhile the sample swordkeeper awards treasure based on its level, you can use a swordkeeper to provide PCs with a powerful or significant weapon—particularly an artifact or relic. To create a swordkeeper with a different weapon, replace the versatile P trait from its echoblade Strikes with those of the new weapon, change the weapon damage dice to match, and apply any runes. Unless you want to significantly change the swordkeeper's level, you should also adjust the Strike damage to make sure it's not too high or too low." - }, - { - "name": "Sylph", - "family": "Geniekin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Sylph"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "762", - "lore": "SylphBorn with elemental gales coursing through their breath, sylphs are wispy planar scions whose bodies seem caught in a perpetual, gentle breeze. Born of unions between mortals and djinn, sylphs are quick-witted and creative, but they are prone to flights of fancy and tend to be easily distracted. Sylphs are notorious for their practice of “listening to the wind,” which most others dismiss as a fancy name for eavesdropping. Yet this custom means much more to sylphs, who spend hours listening to the stories brought to them on the proverbial breeze. While some less scrupulous sylphs may use the information they learn to blackmail or abuse others, most of them see listening to the wind as their way of staying connected to the world around them while still keeping it comfortably at arm's length. Certainly the typical sylph sneak doesn't seek to use what they learn for ill, but instead tries to warn others of dangers yet unrealized or to prepare themself for a dangerous task.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Sylph Sneak" - }, - { - "name": "Taiga Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "680", - "lore": "Taiga GiantTaiga giants prefer a nomadic lifestyle, both to keep from depleting any one area's resources while satiating their massive appetites and to satisfy a constant wanderlust. They are deeply spiritual and frequently commune with their ancestors' spirits for guidance and knowledge. Taiga giants are happiest when they are left alone to live out their traditional lives, and their impressive size and strength are enough to persuade all but the most dangerous foes to do so. Taiga giants subsist on migratory herds of aurochs, mammoths, and elk. They occasionally raid humanoid villages, but such cases are opportunistic rather than malicious, with a focus on stealing away livestock for food rather than people. Nevertheless, the arrival of a group of taiga giants is a potentially devastating event to any town or village, so many communities attempt to placate the giants by creating a yearly offering at those times when they know the giants are scheduled to come close. Most taiga giants venerate their ancestors and seek to honor their works in everything they do. This deep connection makes them ferociously proud of those legacies, and little can compel taiga giants to go to war more swiftly than insulting their ancestors. Merely mentioning the false rumors that ancient taiga giant spellcasters were responsible for the creation of the first rune giants is a surefire way to earn a taiga giant's unending wrath. A taiga giant stands 20 feet tall and weighs 10,000 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 30Taiga Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Taiga Linnorm", - "family": "Linnorm", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "723", - "lore": "Taiga LinnormTaiga linnorms are covered in hundreds of quill-like black spines as sharp as spears. Wise hunters native to linnorm-infested lands know to watch for spines stuck in the bark of conifers—a sure sign that a taiga linnorm has recently passed through. Sometimes this means of tracking isn't enough to avoid an encounter, however; taiga linnorms, like their tarn and tor brethren, are skilled stalkers. They prefer to lurk in half-frozen bogs or swampy marshlands with their heads poking just above the water's surface, ever watchful for unwary prey.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 41Taiga Linnorm" - }, - { - "name": "Tallow Ooze", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "533", - "lore": "Tallow OozePale yellow and smelling of meat, this unnatural, globular monster is composed entirely of rendered animal fat. A tallow ooze typically results from magical mishaps during the creation of enchanted candles or soaps, or while rendering the fat of a magical beast, though occasionally spellcasters create these beings intentionally. A tallow ooze hunts other creatures to subsume them into its own body and absorb their fat. Since tallow is solid at room temperature, tallow oozes must metabolize their own bodies to produce enough heat to remain gelatinous. A tallow ooze that cannot replenish itself with absorbed fat will either consume itself or solidify, though a tallow ooze exposed to too much heat might melt entirely.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 28Tallow Ooze" - }, - { - "name": "Tarn Linnorm", - "family": "Linnorm", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Acid", "Amphibious", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "286", - "lore": "Tarn LinnormAlthough more powerful linnorms exist, the multi-headed tarn linnorm can wreak an awe-inspiring amount of devastation.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 42Tarn Linnorm" - }, - { - "name": "Tarrasque, The Armageddon Engine", - "family": "Spawn of Rovagug", - "level": 25, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Unique", - "id": "490", - "lore": "Tarrasque, The Armageddon EngineThe most powerful spawn is Tarrasque, whose legend spread across countless worlds beyond Golarion. Its destruction of the nation of Ninshabur and its march across Avistan in –632 AR culminated in the destruction of the flying Shory city of Kho before this spawn was sealed away in a remote cavern.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 60Tarrasque" - }, - { - "name": "Tattoo Guardian", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Small"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1331", - "lore": "Tattoo GuardianTattoo guardians are vigilant protectors drawn onto the skin of the individuals they are meant to protect. The creators of tattoo guardians typically animate them as they apply the tattoo using specific rituals and specialized inks, though more obscure rituals can animate a tattoo that's already been applied. Regardless of their animating method, tattoo guardians can temporarily remove themselves from their ward's skin and attack or even interpose themselves between their ward and any dangers. Most tattoo guardians remain on their ward and attack without separating. Tattoo guardians come in a variety of forms, taking the shape of religious symbols, powerful creatures, or more abstract shapes. Magic reinforces the bond between a tattoo guardian and its ward, and the death of the ward also brings about the tattoo guardian's destruction. A guardian that is destroyed while its ward lives reverts to a mundane tattoo—often scarred or otherwise marred. Familial or cultural traditions contribute to the meaning of a tattoo guardian's appearance. In many dwarven cultures, a given family or clan develops their own tattoo patterns and uses these in any tattoo guardians they make. It's especially common for members getting tattooed to ask for a tattoo patterned after one worn by a parent or other ancestor they greatly respect.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15Tattoo GuardianSource Bestiary 3 pg. 262Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +11Str +3Dex +4Con +1Int -5Wis +1Cha +2---AC 19 Fort +8 Ref +11 Will +6 HP 50Immunitiescritical hits, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, grabbed, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, precision, prone, sickened, unconsciousRetaliateTrigger A creature within the tattoo guardian's reach attacks the guardian's ward; Effect The tattoo guardian makes an ink blade Strike against the triggering creature.---Speed fly 10 feetMeleeink blade +10,Damage 1d12+5 slashingBond with Ward(Concentrate, Move) Requirements The tattoo guardian is adjacent to its ward; Effect The tattoo guardian enters its ward's space and applies itself to the creature's flesh or another suitable surface on the creature. The tattoo guardian occupies the same space as its ward and moves with its ward. While worn, the tattoo guardian establishes a constant _shield other_ effect with its ward. Attacks that target the tattoo guardian target the ward instead, but use the higher AC or saving throw values between the tattoo guardian and the ward. Area effects apply to both the tattoo guardian and the ward, as normal for an area effect.Fly Free(Concentrate, Move) Requirements The tattoo guardian is Bonded with its Ward; Effect The tattoo guardian removes itself from the ward and enters an adjacent space. Interpose ; Requirements The tattoo guardian is Bonded with or adjacent to its ward; Effect The tattoo guardian interposes itself between the ward and its foes, granting its ward a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of the guardian's next turn.Eternal ProtectorsTattoo guardians are typically destroyed upon the death of their wards, but in rare cases, a tattoo guardian remains intact long after its ward's death. This is sometimes due to the magic that animated the guardian, as a particularly potent ritual can keep the guardian active. At other times, a portion of the ward's spirit animates the tattoo. Regardless of the reason, active tattoo guardians defend the corpses of their wards just as if their wards were still alive. If the corpse decomposes entirely, the guardian might begin wandering the world on its own, searching for a new individual worthy of the tattoo's protection. " - }, - { - "name": "Tatzlwyrm", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "822", - "lore": "TatzlwyrmTatzlwyrms resemble human-sized snakes with two arms and a dragon's head. Distant relatives of true dragons, tatzlwyrms possess only a meager level of intelligence. They can speak Draconic (with a thick, hissing accent), but their ability to reason is limited and they can't use magic. They do possess a level of cunning, however, and some have been known to build rudimentary traps and even lairs. They are not treasure-hoarders, though, so don't expect to find a tatzlwyrm sitting atop a bed of coins. Some tatzlwyrms have managed to forge working relationships with dragons, though it's a rare occurrence. From time to time, dragons have used them as messengers (because they can speak their language, however crudely), scouts (due to their smaller size), guides (when they're familiar with a particular mountain), and even muscle (harassing foes not worthy of a dragon's direct attention). Tatzlwyrms don't work with kobolds, though—tatzlwyrms eat kobolds. Tatzlwyrms hibernate in cold weather, and when they feel winter approaching they seek out underground lairs, mountain crevices, or even hay lofts. On one notable occasion, townsfolk reported being briefly overrun by tatzlwyrms after a conflict between spellcasters in the nearby hills caused a sudden blizzard. Local scholars still debate whether the cause of the influx was the sudden change in weather or if the creatures were drawn to one of the other magic users staying in town who were part of the same pilgrimage as those doing battle. When confronted, tatzlwyrms are more likely to attack than retreat. Indeed, they sometimes lie in wait on purpose, taking advantage of their scales' natural camouflage and awaiting the chance to unleash their signature move: belching poisonous vapor into an opponent's face. Since this breath attack doesn't have much range, the wyrms usually need to grab their foes first and bring them close to their mouth.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 16Tatzlwyrm" - }, - { - "name": "Tendriculos", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fungus, Plant", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Fungus", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "823", - "lore": "TendriculosThese strange amalgams of plant and fungus with animal tendencies form where the natural world is corrupted by foul magic or frayed planar boundaries. Tendriculoses are instinctive ambush predators who seek out lightly traveled forest paths and lie in wait in the undergrowth. A tendriculos swallows its prey as quickly as possible and lets its paralytic digestive juices finish the meal, while swiftly restoring itself with the nourishment provided by the trapped creature. When collected, neutralized, and refined, the digestive fluids of a tendriculos form a lacquer that retains some of the tendriculos's acid resistance. A tendriculos comes into being with a rudimentary understanding of the Sylvan language, but in some cases it might manifest knowing a different tongue, such as Aklo, Draconic, or even Necril. Regardless, tendriculoses have little patience for chattering from potential meals, though some determined fey and primal spellcasters have been known to form alliances or even closer bonds with tendriculoses. Befriending a tendriculos requires great patience and plentiful food—and these the gifts of food must be alive when handed over. When it has finished feeding and is out of combat, a tendriculos slips into a quiescent state for a full day, one of the few times it is safe to approach. Upon rousing, it seeks the deep forest to regurgitate the less digestible portions of its meal. These remains may contain valuables that survived digestion and indicate that a tendriculos's hunting grounds lie nearby. Tendriculoses dwell in deep woods and jungles. Those too near populated areas soon draw unwanted attention with their ravenous appetites. Well-fed tendriculoses develop fruiting bodies that cast forth millions of spores. Spores that happen to alight on carrion grow into new tendriculoses.Recall Knowledge - Fungus (Nature): DC 23Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 23Tendriculos" - }, - { - "name": "Tengu", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Tengu"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "392", - "lore": "TenguCrow-like humanoids, tengus are a canny and clever people who can be found across all of Golarion. Tengus are used to being minorities and facing suspicion wherever they travel, so by necessity many possess a knack for languages as well as for blades. They live on the fringes of society and tend to flock toward less-than-legal occupations, earning them their reputation for being streetwise and unscrupulous—a label that, in turn, perpetuates the tengus’ oppressive cycle of discrimination and illegitimate work. Although humanoid, tengus have very distinct, birdlike features, and many would say that they resemble crows more than they do humans. They have strong, thick beaks, as well as sharp talons at the ends of their arms and legs. Most of a tengu’s body is covered in small feathers that range in color from dark brown and midnight blue to glossy black, with lighter colors being rare but not unheard of. Like many avian creatures, tengus have hollow bones, making them much lighter than other humanoids of their size, although few tengus possess the wings necessary to fly naturally. A tengu’s speech might be punctuated by quick clucks or throaty cawing, and many tengus practice conversation diligently to rid themselves of these involuntary ticks. Ruf ing of the feathers and compulsive, jerky movements of the neck are other trademark habits. Tengus reproduce by laying eggs: the average tengu egg is about 11 inches in diameter and 16 inches tall and takes 4 months to hatch. Tengus are a people in diaspora and are almost always found within larger kingdoms and communities of other races. Perhaps because they are more visually distinctive than most other humanoid races, tengus tend to be distrusted and persecuted more often than, for example, elves or dwarves. As a result, tengus tend to gather in close-knit social groups composed of other outcasts and people of uncommon ancestry. Few true tengu communities exist, and those that do are often exiled to ghettos and other forgotten city quarters. From an early age, tengus learn that the world is not a friendly place and that they must look out for themselves.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Tengu Sneak" - }, - { - "name": "Tenome", - "family": "—", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "995", - "lore": "TenomeA tenome resembles an eyeless humanoid with rumpled, pale skin and a single eye embedded in each palm of its cadaverous hands. When they opens their disturbingly wide mouth, this sly, frightful predator's fangs hum and pulse with an eerie drone. Tenomes prefer to stalk urban environments; they often wear hooded cloaks or flowing robes to obscure their monstrous features, posing as beggars or corpses to blend in with society. When they attack, tenomes approach their victim with their palms outstretched, attempting to trap prey with their terrifying gaze. Once they seize their prey, tenomes vibrate their strange teeth rapidly as they feasts, emulsifying the bones into a digestible ooze that they slurps from a wound. Tenomes can be put at a disadvantage while hunting, as their vision is obscured when they have prey grabbed. Because of this, tenomes either wait for lone victims or hunts in packs. Members of these groups work together to secure meals for the entire pack and protect each other from being ambushed while feeding. There are rumors that if tenomes pluck the eyes from their victim and places one in each of the corpse's palms, the slain creature will rise as a new tenome the next nightfall. Even tenomes aren't sure of the truth of this rumor, as none remember their own origins, but they might mutilate the corpses of their victims this way in the hopes of creating a pack mate or to instill terror in those who discover the body.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Tenome" - }, - { - "name": "Teraphant", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "996", - "lore": "TeraphantThough teraphants may resemble an elephant from afar, teraphants lack the long incisors that mark other pachyderms. Instead, tusk-like horns grow from their forehead. Native to Vudra, teraphants are occasionally found in Jalmeray and Nex, brought as rare gifts for nobles. These placid herbivores' resonant psychic powers warn them against creatures approaching with ill intent. Faced with strong, sustained emotions, teraphants may find themselves responding in kind, which sometimes drive them into a fearsome rage against aggressive foes.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 28Teraphant" - }, - { - "name": "Terotricus", - "family": "—", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fungus", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Fungus"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "393", - "lore": "TerotricusThe legendary terotricus is a massive slime-mold that hails from the Abyss. Its collective consciousness encapsulates entire regions, spreading as far as its ever-growing cloud of spores will take it. Once it has seeped onto the Material Plane from the Abyssal realm, a terotricus’s agenda is to feed on all living creatures, infecting them with its spores, and its presence can spell doom for any in its way. Terotricuses move by rapidly expanding and contracting their slimy “bodies,” which are capable of burrowing through soil, gliding across water, and scrabbling up steep slopes. These behemoths of rot don’t need to travel to see their plans come to fruition, though; their spores easily latch onto demons and other denizens of the Abyss, who in turn bring this blight to the Material Plane when the fiends are summoned. When a terotricus infects a creature with its spores, web-like fungal growths start appearing on the victim’s skin until they cover the entire body, at which point the victim’s mind is also subdued and bent to the terotricus’s will. The terotricus’s favored victims include animals, elves, and fey, though it is happy to infect any creature it can catch. Cults of Treerazer occasionally attempt to make contact with a terotricus, but such acts almost always simply result in a new sect of spore-blighted slaves.Recall Knowledge - Fungus (Nature): DC 44Terotricus" - }, - { - "name": "Terra-Cotta Garrison", - "family": "Terra-Cotta Warrior", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Construct", "Troop", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1333", - "lore": "Terra-Cotta GarrisonThese constructed warriors can work together as a trained group to repel intruders.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 31Unspecific Lore: DC 29Specific Lore: DC 26Terra-Cotta GarrisonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 263Perception +22LanguagesCommon; (can't speak any language)SkillsAthletics +26, Intimidation +23Str +7Dex +2Con +6Int +2Wis +3Cha +4---AC 27 (29 with shields raised)Fort +25 Ref +19 Will +20 HP 240(16 squares)Immunitiesdeath effects, diseased, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousWeaknessesarea damage 15, bludgeoning 10, splash damage 8Attack of Opportunity Shield Block Troop Defenses ---Speed 25 feet; troop movementAim as OneThe troop launches a ranged attack in the form of a 10-foot burst within 100 feet that deals 3d8+11 damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save). When the garrison is reduced to 8 or fewer squares, this area decreases to a 5-foot burst.Form UpRaise ShieldsThe troop raises steel shields, with the effects of Raise a Shield.Strike as OneFrequency once per round; Effect The garrison makes a melee attack against each enemy within 5 feet (DC 30 basic Reflex save). The damage depends on the number of actions.2d8 slashing damage3d8+10 slashing damage4d8+13 slashing damageTroop MovementWhenever a troop Strides, it first Forms Up as a free action to condense into a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (minus any missing squares), then moves up to its Speed. This works just like a Gargantuan creature moving; for instance, if any square enters difficult terrain, the extra movement cost applies to the whole troop." - }, - { - "name": "Terra-Cotta Soldier", - "family": "Terra-Cotta Warrior", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Construct", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1332", - "lore": "Terra-Cotta SoldierA single terra-cotta warrior stands 6 feet tall and weighs 600 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 22Unspecific Lore: DC 20Specific Lore: DC 17Terra-Cotta SoldierSource Bestiary 3 pg. 263Perception +14LanguagesCommon; (can't speak any language)SkillsAthletics +15, Intimidation +15Str +5Dex +4Con +5Int +1Wis +2Cha +3ItemsComposite Longbow (10 arrows), Longsword, Steel Shield (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10)---AC 24 (26 with shield raised)Fort +17 Ref +14 Will +10 HP 120Immunitiesdeath effects, diseased, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousWeaknessesbludgeoning 10Attack of Opportunity Shield Block---Speed 25 feetMeleelongsword +17 (versatile P),Damage 2d8+8 slashingRangedcomposite longbow +16 (deadly d10, Propulsive, range increment 100 feet, volley 30 feet),Damage 2d8+6 piercing" - }, - { - "name": "Terror Bird", - "family": "Terror Bird", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1334", - "lore": "Terror BirdCommon terror birds, also known as axe beaks, are notable hunters. On their own, they use their great speed to catch prey unawares. In a flock, they can swarm larger beasts like aurochs and take them down with overwhelming numbers.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11Terror BirdSource Bestiary 3 pg. 264Perception +6; low-light visionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +9, Athletics +10Str +4Dex +3Con +3Int -4Wis +0Cha +0---AC 17 Fort +11 Ref +9 Will +4 HP 30---Speed 50 feetMeleebeak +10 (reach 10 feet),Damage 1d8+4 piercing plus tearing clutchMeleetalon +10 (Agile),Damage 1d6+4 piercing plus KnockdownSprintFrequency once per minute; Effect The terror bird Strides three times in a straight line.Tearing ClutchThe terror bird's powerful beak can tear through flesh. On a successful beak Strike, the target takes 1 persistent bleed damage. This bleed damage increases to 1d4 on a critical hit.DiatrymaThese smaller kin of terror birds sport dark feathers and stand around 6 to 7 feet tall—smaller than terror birds, but no less ferocious. Diatrymas are mostly found in drier regions, where their small, orange beaks have earned them the nickname “dagger beaks.” Diatrymas are 1st-level creatures akin to terror birds with the weak adjustment." - }, - { - "name": "Terror Shrike", - "family": "Terror Bird", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1335", - "lore": "Terror ShrikeThe terror shrike, also known as the scythe beak, is a more powerful species of terror bird. Large terror bird flocks typically have one or two terror shrikes as leaders.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14Terror ShrikeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 264Perception +11; low-light visionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +12, Athletics +13Str +5Dex +4Con +3Int -4Wis +1Cha +0---AC 20 Fort +13 Ref +12 Will +7 HP 60---Speed 60 feetMeleebeak +13 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+5 piercing plus tearing clutchMeleetalon +13 (Agile),Damage 2d6+5 piercing plus KnockdownSprintFrequency once per minute; Effect The terror bird Strides three times in a straight line.Stunning Screech(Auditory, Emotion, Fear, Mental) The terror shrike unleashes a haunting screech that causes prey to freeze in fear. Each creature in a 30-foot emanation other than terror birds must attempt a DC 19 Will save. Regardless of the result, creatures are then temporarily immune for 1 minute. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is flat-footed until the start of its turn. Failure The creature is stunned 1. Critical Failure The creature is stunned 2.Sudden ChargeThe terror shrike Strides twice. If it ends its movement within melee reach of one creature, it can make a melee Strike against that creature.Tearing ClutchThe terror bird's powerful beak can tear through flesh. On a successful beak Strike, the target takes 1 persistent bleed damage. This bleed damage increases to 1d8 on a critical hit." - }, - { - "name": "Thanadaemon (Death Daemon)", - "family": "Daemon", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "595", - "lore": "Thanadaemon (Death Daemon)Also known as the deacons of death, thanadaemons represent death via old age. They are among the most patient daemons, and prefer to bide their time to enact far-reaching, decades-long plans rather than fight (though they are still deadly foes). Like the Horseman of Death, they ply the waters of the River Styx in search of wayward souls. Rarely are thanadaemons seen without a trademark oar (which they wield as a bo staff), a tool they use to navigate the river's muck-ridden channels and turbulent rapids.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 31Thanadaemon" - }, - { - "name": "Thanatotic Titan", - "family": "Titan", - "level": 22, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Titan"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "980", - "lore": "Thanatotic TitanThanatotic titans served as assassins in the war against the deities. They learned to sever their targets' divine connections, murdering mortal priests and divine heralds alike. Thanatotic titans were locked away in the Abyss, but some sneak away from the Abyss to continue their sprees of murder and mayhem.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 49Thanatotic Titan" - }, - { - "name": "Thanatotic Titan", - "family": "Titan", - "level": 22, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Rare", "Titan", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1340", - "lore": "Thanatotic TitanThanatotic titans served as assassins in the war against the deities. They learned to sever their targets' divine connections, murdering mortal priests and divine heralds alike. Thanatotic titans were locked away in the Abyss, but some have freed themselves and crept out from the Abyss so they might continue their sprees of murder and mayhem. To this day, they seek out the faithful for slaughter.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 49Unspecific Lore: DC 47Specific Lore: DC 44Thanatotic TitanSource Bestiary 3 pg. 268, Pathfinder #156: The Apocalypse Prophet pg. 83Perception +36; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Common; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAthletics +45, Crafting +41, Deception +36, Intimidation +38, Religion +38, Stealth +36Str +10Dex +4Con +9Int +8Wis +6Cha +8Items_+2 greater resilient full plate_, _+3 greater striking halberd_---AC 46 Fort +37 Ref +34 Will +35 +4 status to all saves vs. mental or divineHP 540Immunitiesdeath effects, diseaseImpossible Stature (aura, divine, illusion, mental) 100 feet. Titans warp perception and distance around them to seem even larger and more imposing. A creature that enters or begins its turn within the emanation must succeed at a DC 45 Will save or its movement toward the titan is movement over difficult terrain (greater difficult terrain on a critical failure) for 1 round.Attack of OpportunityThe titan can use their Attack of Opportunity when a creature within their reach uses a concentrate action, in additional to its normal trigger. They disrupt actions on any hit, not just a critical hit— including triggering concentrate actions.---Speed 40 feet; _air walk_Melee_halberd_ +42 (Magical, reach 40 feet, versatile S),Damage 4d10+25 piercingMeleefoot +39 (Agile, reach 30 feet),Damage 4d8+20 bludgeoningRangedrock +39 (Brutal, range increment 200 feet),Damage 3d12+20 bludgeoningDivine Innate Spells DC 45- 5thSending- 6thScrying (×3)- 7thSpell Turning- 8thDispel Magic (at will), Spiritual Epidemic (at will), Suggestion (at will)- 10thMassacre, Meteor Swarm- Constant (10th)Air Walk, True SeeingDivine Rituals DC 45- 5thPlanar Ally, ResurrectGodslayer(Divine) Trigger The titan damages a creature capable of using divine spells or abilities;Effect The creature must attempt a DC 45 Will save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature can't use divine spells or abilities for 1 round and is frightened 2. Only powerful non-divine magic, such as _wish_, can undo this effect. Failure As success, but the duration is 1 minute. Critical Failure As success, but the duration is unlimited.Throw Rock(Divine, Transmutation) If a titan's rock Strike isn't a critical failure, the rock explodes, dealing 10d6 damage of a damage type of the titan's choice to all creatures in a 20-foot burst (DC 45 basic Reflex save).Titanic ChargeThe titan Strides twice and makes a melee Strike. If the Strike hits, the titan can cast _earthquake_ centered on the target as a free action.TrampleHuge or smaller, foot, DC 45Wide CleaveThe titan makes a melee weapon Strike against each foe within their reach. This counts as three attacks for the titan's multiple attack penalty." - }, - { - "name": "The Stabbing Beast", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Herald"], - "rarity": "Unique", - "id": "1007", - "lore": "The Stabbing BeastThe Stabbing Beast, the divine representative of Norgorber, resembles an immense scorpion with a soft and strangely captivating voice. They appear on Golarion to bury secrets, support the faithful, or aid audacious thefts.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 44The Stabbing Beast" - }, - { - "name": "Theletos", - "family": "Aeon", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aeon", "Monitor"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "536", - "lore": "TheletosTheletoses maintain the balance between fate and free will. A theletos is a roughly spherical mass of crystals from which emerge four limbs, each split at the elbow and ending in three-fingered hands. A pair of crystalline tentacles also emerges from its body. Those who have been damaged by a theletos's tentacles describe a disorienting dilemma as they simultaneously feel forced to make a single choice while also being overwhelmed by the endless options available to choose from. Theletoses are more likely than most aeons to interfere in non-aeon societies, particularly in regions with draconian laws. Their involvement is twofold; a theletos concerns itself with both the freedom of individuals and the laws that restrict these individuals, even (or especially) when the two are in opposition.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 23Theletos" - }, - { - "name": "Thrasfyr", - "family": "—", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fire", "Tane"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "824", - "lore": "ThrasfyrAs bizarre in appearance as they are ferocious, thrasfyrs resemble six-limbed bears with bull-like horns, draconic scales, and a fire-breathing serpent for a tail. Every thrasfyr is wrapped in animated chains psychically linked to the creature's mind.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 41Thrasfyr" - }, - { - "name": "Three-Toed Sloth", - "family": "Sloth", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1313", - "lore": "Three-Toed SlothThe diminutive three-toed sloth is a solitary, tree-dwelling creature. Possessing a gentle nature and unassuming countenance, it has little to defend itself with other than its surprisingly fearsome climbing claws. These sloths are sometimes used as lookouts by secretive druid enclaves, as the symbiotic algae in their fur makes them difficult to spot in tree canopies, though their slow speed leaves them vulnerable on the ground.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8Three-Toed SlothSource Bestiary 3 pg. 248Perception +5; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +5, Stealth +5, Survival +4Str +2Dex +1Con +3Int -4Wis +2Cha +0---AC 14 Fort +7 Ref +5 Will +3 HP 10---Speed 5 feet, climb 10 feetMeleeclaw +6,Damage 1d6+2 slashingRendclaw" - }, - { - "name": "Thulgant", - "family": "Qlippoth", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Qlippoth"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "777", - "lore": "ThulgantAlthough they spend most of their time hunting and battling demons for control of the Abyss, thulgants amuse themselves with a variety of diversions, such as maintaining galleries of petrified mortals or building massive, hive-like lairs filled with enslaved minions. Each of these qlippoth is a horrific tangle of limbs, with spiderlike legs, writhing tentacles emerging from the top of its head, and three scorpion-like stingers.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 40Thulgant" - }, - { - "name": "Thunderbird", - "family": "—", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Air", "Beast", "Electricity"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "825", - "lore": "ThunderbirdThunderbirds bring storms on their wings. In times of drought, they are welcomed. Other times, they are offered gifts in hopes they might leave before flooding begins. When angered, they call down hurricanes and lay waste to entire villages, so many settlements conduct extensive rites to appease and honor local thunderbirds. Thunderbird parents carry their newly hatched offspring to hidden mountaintop nests, where the young are struck by their first bolts of lightning and learn the mysteries of the storm.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 30Thunderbird" - }, - { - "name": "Tick Swarm", - "family": "Tick", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "827", - "lore": "Tick SwarmThis swarm of thousands of fist-sized ticks forms a moving carpet of bloated insects—a nauseating and intimidating sight.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 26Tick Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Tidal Master", - "family": "Elemental, Water", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "199", - "lore": "Tidal MasterTidal masters use their power over waves and water to drown their enemies.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 26Tidal Master" - }, - { - "name": "Tiddalik", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Huge"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1336", - "lore": "TiddalikTiddaliks are giant, drought-causing monstrosities resembling grossly swollen frogs. They travel through the land, sniffing out water to gorge themselves on. Upon finding a source, the tiddalik submerges itself and begins to drink, and drink, and drink. Over time, it slurps the water down to the very last drop and balloons in size, becoming unable to move at more than an amble. The water sustains the tiddalik for years, while the land suffers a great drought. In fact, the only moisture to be found in any quantity might be the damp divot the tiddalik's great, sloshing body leaves behind as it travels. Desperate locals trying to undo a tiddalik's work are met with the creature's gullet or torrents of water. A tiddalik is lazy and unlikely to start a fight of its own volition or even to chase a fleeing attacker, having little interest in anything but slaking its immense thirst. In its death throes, the tiddalik divulges its water stores, breaking free in a final tide of mass destruction that swamps the surrounding area. Woe betide any unlucky enough to find themselves beset by a tiddalik's gluttony!Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18TiddalikSource Bestiary 3 pg. 265Perception +15; low-light visionLanguagesCommonSkillsAthletics +19, Stealth +11Str +6Dex +2Con +6Int -2Wis +4Cha +0---AC 22 Fort +19 Ref +11 Will +15 HP 155Deluge A creature can provoke a waterlogged tiddalik (see Drink Abundance below) into laughing and releasing its stored water with a successful DC 25 check to Perform a joke or funny story. The tiddalik also disgorges its water automatically if it dies while waterlogged, or can voluntarily Deluge as a three-action activity that has the concentrate trait. The mass of stored water swamps a 10-foot emanation, dealing 8d6 bludgeoning damage to creatures in the area (DC 25 basic Reflex save) and making the area difficult terrain for 1 day. The tiddalik can't use its spit Strike or Expel Wave until it next Drinks in Abundance.---Speed 25 feet, or 10 feet while waterloggedMeleebite +19 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d10+9 piercing plus GrabRangedspit +15 (range increment 30 feet),Damage 2d10+9 bludgeoningDrink Abundance(Downtime) The tiddalik spends a day or more drinking from a water source. If the water source is equal to or greater in volume than itself, the tiddalik consumes 5,000 gallons of water per day and becomes waterlogged. While waterlogged, it can use its spit Strike, Expel Wave, and its deluge ability, but its Speed is reduced to 10 feet. If the water source is smaller than the tiddalik, it consumes the water but does not become waterlogged.Expel WaveRequirements The tiddalik is waterlogged; Effect The tiddalik expels a wave of water in a 60-foot cone that deals 6d6 bludgeoning damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save are pushed back 5 feet (10 feet on a critical failure). The tiddalik can't use Expel Wave again for 1d4 rounds.Mythological OriginsTales told around open-air campfires speak of Tiddalik, a greedy frog who gulped all the land's water in blatant disregard of the needs of the other animals or the land. No matter how he was entreated, he wouldn't share the water. So the animals instead tried to make him laugh—to no avail. Routine by routine passed, but nothing worked. Finally, the snake couldn't take it any longer and began to berate Tiddalik, tying himself in knots in his anger. These contortions were what finally caused Tiddalik to laugh. He laughed for days and days—a big, deep belly laugh—spewing the precious water everywhere and flooding the lands. To this day Tiddalik is an emblem of greed in many stories, often petty when others have an abundance since his was taken away." - }, - { - "name": "Tidehawk", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Rare", "Water", "Huge"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1337", - "lore": "TidehawkTidehawks, avian embodiments of the sea and rain, nest in deep underwater crevasses and glide among waves. They feed mostly on large sea life and rise above the surface during or in the aftermath of a rainstorm to bask in the fresh moisture of the air. Though tidehawks hail from the same mystical family as the legendary phoenix, the two rarely interact due to their different outlooks and elemental affiliations. Phoenixes see tidehawks as flighty and unreliable, while tidehawks view their fiery kin as self-righteous do-gooders who can't resist meddling in mortal affairs. Only particularly evil threats to natural environments can bring them together.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 35Unspecific Lore: DC 33Specific Lore: DC 30TidehawkSource Bestiary 3 pg. 266Perception +24; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 120 feetLanguagesAquan, Auran, CommonSkillsAcrobatics +23, Athletics +21, Nature +24Str +5Dex +7Con +5Int +4Wis +6Cha +4---AC 32 Fort +21 Ref +25 Will +22 HP 213(self-resurrection), regeneration 20 (deactivated by fire)Resistancescold 10Weaknessesfire 15Self-Resurrection (healing, necromancy, primal) When a tidehawk dies, it melts into a torrent of rainwater. If this rain falls into a body of water, such as an ocean or lake, the tidehawk returns to life fully healed 1d4 rounds later, as if subject to a 6th-level resurrect ritual. Self-resurrection happens only if there are remains to resurrect; for instance, a tidehawk killed by a _disintegrate_ spell can't use this ability. A tidehawk that dies while above land must wait until its rainwater runs or seeps into an appropriate body of water to self-resurrect. A tidehawk can self-resurrect only once per year.---Speed 25 feet, fly 50 feet, swim 50 feetMeleebeak +26 (Finesse, Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d12+11 piercingMeleetalon +26 (Agile, Finesse, Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d8+11 slashingRangedbreak swell +26 (range increment 30 feet),Damage 3d8+11 bludgeoning plus KnockdownPrimal Innate Spells DC 32- Cantrips (6th)Detect Magic- 6thCone of Cold, Control Water, Heal (×2), Hydraulic Torrent, Mariner's CurseOceanic Armor(Abjuration, Primal, Water) Requirements The tidehawk is within 120 feet of a body of water at least as large as it is; Effect The tidehawk draws water to itself, wrapping its feathers like a suit of armor. The tidehawk gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of its next turn. If the tidehawk takes damage from a melee Strike while under this effect, this water armor explodes outward, dealing 4d8 bludgeoning damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save) to the attacking creature and ending the circumstance bonus to AC.Typhoon Dive(Evocation, Primal, Water) Requirements The tidehawk is Flying; Effect The tidehawk Flies up to its Speed, diving below the surface of deep water (such as a sea or ocean), causing a surging wave that deals 6d6 bludgeoning damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save) to each creature within a 60-foot emanation of where the tidehawk entered the water. The area becomes difficult terrain until the start of the tidehawk's next turn while the water surges and runs off.Wind and WaveAs dwellers of both water and air, tidehawks are viewed by many to be favored creatures of Gozreh, deity of wind and wave. Sailors argue whether a tidehawk sighting is a good or ill omen, as Gozreh can turn quickly from calm to wrathful. Tidehawks themselves rarely attack vessels on the water, but when they do, they leave few survivors." - }, - { - "name": "Tiefling", - "family": "Planar Scion", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Tiefling"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "331", - "lore": "TieflingTieflings are planar scions with fiendish blood. One of the most common types is pitborn, who bear a demonic corruption infesting their mortal bloodline. Some strive to live above their forebear’s fiendish reputation, but many, such as this tiefling adept, simply accept their label and delve fully into evil.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Tiefling Adept" - }, - { - "name": "Tiger", - "family": "Cat", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "69", - "lore": "TigerTigers are solitary and territorial hunters, using their striped hides to blend into the forests and jungles they call home and preferring to attack with surprise.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Tiger" - }, - { - "name": "Tikbalang", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1338", - "lore": "TikbalangTikbalangs are forest creatures that delight in leading travelers astray. They deceive and mislead with their formidable magic, leaping from tree to tree while laughing, or neighing, uncontrollably. While not malicious, neither are they empathetic to the plight of their victims. They would sooner forget about those whom they have played tricks on and leave them to die than lead them back to their intended path through guilty altruism. A tikbalang's occult magic stems from the esoteric mystery of believing the lie. In the moment of crafting illusions or conjuring extradimensional spaces, the tikbalang themself believes that what they are creating is real. This makes their spells harder to resist, and this same principle also makes them very effective liars. But this readiness to believe also makes them susceptible to deceptions and illusions in turn, and they are particularly vulnerable to mind games. Lone travelers without magic of their own often learn riddles, sleight of hand, or other tricks to defend against a tikbalang's oft-deadly entertainment. Other whispers suggest wearing one's shirt inside-out to confuse the creatures, or passing by a tikbalang's forest quietly to avoid drawing their attention. Unlike most illusionists, tikbalangs can also rely on their physical prowess should the need arise. They have unusually long legs that end in cloven hooves, and they stand as tall as ogres when upright. Skilled climbers and leapers, they are also well known for being master wrestlers, where their long limbs put them at a distinct advantage over their foes. They have elongated faces that, when combined with their well-kempt hair, suggest an equine appearance—although some tikbalangs have saurian or birdlike faces instead.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23TikbalangSource Bestiary 3 pg. 267Perception +16; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, SylvanSkillsAthletics +20, Deception +21, Nature +14, Stealth +17, Survival +16Str +5Dex +4Con +4Int -1Wis +3Cha +6---AC 27 Fort +19 Ref +17 Will +14 HP 197Weaknessesmental 10Believe the Lie The tikbalang takes a –2 circumstance penalty to saves against illusion spells, and to their Will DC against checks to Lie to them.---Speed 30 feetMeleefist +20 (Agile),Damage 2d6+8 bludgeoningMeleehoof +20 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d10+8 bludgeoningOccult Innate Spells DC 29- 4thHallucinatory Terrain, Hypnotic Pattern- 8thMaze (once per week)Change Shape(Concentrate, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The tikbalang takes on the appearance of any Medium or Large humanoid. This doesn't change the tikbalang's Speed or their attack and damage modifiers with their Strikes.Flailing ThrashThe tikbalang makes two fist Strikes, with each Strike dealing an extra 1d6 damage against creatures grabbing or grabbed by the tikbalang. The multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until after both attacks.Unnatural LeapThe tikbalang jumps up to their Speed horizontally, or half that verticallyGolden StrandWhy do adventurers go through the trouble of wrestling a tikbalang? Hidden among the luxurious, ebony mane of the creature is a single strand of golden hair. Anyone who successfully Grabs the tikbalang can Seek (DC 29) the strand and Interact to pluck it from their head. Made of actual gold, this strand (worth 150 gp) holds magic particularly well and is highly sought after for creating magic items. A tikbalang regrows their plucked golden strand in a year." - }, - { - "name": "Titan Centipede", - "family": "Centipede", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "582", - "lore": "Titan CentipedeThese colossal, solitary centipedes claim vast hunting grounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 26Titan Centipede" - }, - { - "name": "Tixitog", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "438", - "lore": "TixitogTixitogs are a species of bizarre aberrations that make their homes in the dens of giant spiders. Immune to poison and able to traverse sticky webs thanks to the thick slime that covers their bodies, tixitogs steal food cocooned in spider lairs and prey on spiders themselves, but they are careful never to kill so many that their food supply runs out. Their favorite meal, however, is the odd adventurer or spelunker who stumbles into their nest. These strange creatures have oblong bodies coated in a viscous and transparent slime, three large black eyes, and eight thick, multi-jointed limbs, four of which are inverted and point upward, allowing the monster to easily crawl on either the ceiling or floor of narrow caverns and squeeze through narrow spaces. Their jaws appear small and tubular when closed but peel apart and stretch to terrifying proportions when opened, as their dozens of pointed teeth part to reveal a freakishly long tongue. A tixitog usually hides from the spiders in the lair it has claimed, not out of fear but to keep the spiders from abandoning the lair and moving elsewhere. When a tixitog emerges from the shadows, most spiders flee from it rather than attack, and the tixitog uses this behavior to direct entire swarms of spiders where it pleases. This is typically bad news for bands of adventurers who find themselves within a tixitog’s lair; in the mass hysteria caused by a skittering swarm of spiders headed straight toward them, spelunkers typically fail to notice the more dangerous threat that follows closely behind.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 20Tixitog" - }, - { - "name": "Tolokand", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Rare", "Large"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1343", - "lore": "TolokandStreams run dry. The earth cracks. Green leaves brown and shatter. And the creature walks on. The faceless, unknowable tolokands wander the land, bringing desolation with every footfall—belching poisonous smoke, blighting plant life, cracking the earth asunder, and even staining the ground with their foul blood. They turn habitable places into wastelands, which has earned tolokands the name “waste walkers.” These walking forces of destruction don't make their motives known. They remain unmoved by any pleas or threats levied at them, and they fight off attacks only so that they can return to their grim business. However, they have one consistent tendency: they travel to environments on the brink. A tolokand appears in a land wracked by famine or a natural disaster to give it the last push into oblivion. Tolokands are mercifully few in number. Since they appear so rarely, it's unclear whether there are just a few individuals or several dozen. Clearly, more than one exists, though, because their patterned soles are as distinctive as fingerprints. Often, these smoking footprints are all that remain in a blighted land.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 39Unspecific Lore: DC 37Specific Lore: DC 34TolokandSource Bestiary 3 pg. 272Perception +27; darkvision, smoke visionLanguagesno voice; _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +25, Athletics +29, Intimidation +22, Survival +31Str +8Dex +6Con +7Int +5Wis +6Cha -3Smoke Vision Smoke doesn't impair a tolokand's vision; it ignores the concealed condition from smoke.---AC 36 Fort +30 Ref +25 Will +25 +2 status to all saves vs. primal magicHP 245Immunitiesdisease, immobilized, poisonResistancesacid 15, negative 15Heartless Furnace (aura, conjuration, occult) 50 feet, 2d6 poison damage (DC 34 basic Fortitude save). The poisonous smoke that bellows from a tolokand makes all creatures inside it concealed, and all creatures outside the smoke are concealed to creatures within it.Inexorable The tolokand recovers from the paralyzed, slowed, and stunned conditions at the end of its turn. It's also immune to penalties to its Speeds and ignores difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain.Toxic Blood When a creature scores a critical hit against the tolokand with a piercing or slashing Strike, the tolokand's poisonous, oily blood sprays forth. Any creature within 5 feet of the tolokand takes 3d6 poison damage (DC 34 basic Reflex save). Any non-creature plants the blood spills on die.---Speed 120 feet; _air walk_Meleehand +31 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d12+16 slashing plus 2d6 persistent poisonOccult Spontaneous Spells DC 37- 8thCloudkill, Earthquake, Horrid Wilting, Volcanic Eruption (3 slots)Occult Innate Spells DC 37- 2ndSudden Blight (at will)- 4thEarthbind (at will), Haste (at will; self only)- Constant (5th)Air Walk, Endure Elements, TonguesBlighted FootfallsWhenever the tolokand ends a move action during which it moved 30 feet or farther, it automatically casts one of its innate spells as a free action.Sudden DestructionRequirements The tolokand hasn't cast any of its spontaneous spells this turn; Effect The tolokand casts one of its spontaneous spells, using up the spell slot normally. The tolokand can't cast any further spontaneous spells this turn and can't use this ability again for 1d4 roundsWalkers and HorsemenThough tolokands slowly push the world toward destruction, they don't follow deities of destruction, such as Rovagug or the Four Horsemen. Priests of Rovagug tend to see tolokands as kindred spirits, but opinion differs among the Horsemen's followers. Some approve of any force accelerating destruction, but others believe the apocalypse must come at the Horsemen's direction." - }, - { - "name": "Tomb Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1168", - "lore": "Tomb GiantMasters of mausoleums and keepers of crypts, the dread creatures called tomb giants are anathema to all living beings, but especially so to other types of giants. Long ago, so the legends say, tomb giants sold their souls in exchange for unfathomable necromantic powers. With whom they made this foul bargain remains a mystery—if the rumors hold any truth at all. Still, tomb giants' power over undeath remains undeniable, and nearly all of them embrace a fervent passion for necromancy. Tomb giants construct massive gothic settlements in haunted valleys and on forsaken hillsides, far enough away from the societies of smaller people that they remain relatively undisturbed, but close enough that they can raid the graveyards of nearby villages with impunity. Elder tomb giants—those who have animated countless hordes of humanoid zombies and skeletons and yearn for even greater challenges—enjoy the thrill of subduing, slaying, and reanimating their fellow giants. Taiga giants in particular are choice prey to an experienced tomb giant, as their larger cousins make formidable undead guardians and warriors. A tomb giant views its mortal life as only one part of its existence. After death, most tomb giants are themselves reanimated as undead, who then continue to practice their necromantic arts.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 30Unspecific Lore: DC 28Specific Lore: DC 25Tomb GiantSource Bestiary 3 pg. 110Perception +25; darkvision, lifesense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommon, Jotun, NecrilSkillsAthletics +25, Medicine +25, Religion +25, Stealth +21Str +7Dex +3Con +6Int +3Wis +7Cha +4Items_+1 striking scythe_, black onyx gems worth 300 gp---AC 32 Fort +22 Ref +19 Will +25 HP 255(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effectsCatch Rock---Speed 30 feetMelee_scythe_ +27 (deadly d10, Magical, reach 10 feet, Trip),Damage 2d10+13 slashingMeleeclaw +26 (Agile, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d6+13 slashing plus dooming touchRangedrock +24 (Brutal, range increment 120 feet),Damage 3d8+13 bludgeoningDivine Innate Spells DC 32- 5thBind Undead (×3), Harm (×3)Rituals DC 32- 2ndCreate UndeadDooming Touch(Divine, Necromancy) The tomb giant's claws carry the accursed power of their foul gods. A creature hit by the tomb giant's claw Strike becomes doomed 1.Font of Death(Divine, Necromancy, Negative) The tomb giant turns the spiritual tide on a creature that has just died, temporarily transforming it into a volatile vessel of negative energy. The tomb giant touches a creature that died in the past 24 hours, infusing its flesh and bone with negative energy. Once during the next hour, the tomb giant can spend a single action (from any distance) to release this negative energy from the corpse in an explosion that deals 10d8 negative energy in a 15-foot burst (DC 32 basic Fortitude save); if not released before the end of the hour, the energy dissipates harmlessly. The tomb giant can't use Font of Death while a previous corpse remains infused.Throw RockGenerals of the UnderworldThe most powerful tomb giants amass literal armies of undead minions to serve them and wage wars on their behalf. Woe to any sleepy hamlet caught in the crossfire of two warring tomb giants, whose campaigns of doom can transform an idyllic vale into a forsaken boneyard overnight." - }, - { - "name": "Tooth Fairy", - "family": "Tooth Fairy", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1344", - "lore": "Tooth FairyLone fairies usually need several minutes of elbow grease and a sleeping or restrained subject to extract a tooth.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8Tooth FairySource Bestiary 3 pg. 273Perception +6; darkvisionLanguagesSylvanSkillsAcrobatics +5, Stealth +5, Thievery +6Str -2Dex +3Con +0Int -1Wis +2Cha +1Itemspliers---AC 15 Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +4 HP 8Weaknessescold iron 2Plaque Burst When killed, a tooth fairy bursts into sticky, foul-smelling white dust. Each creature with 5 feet must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure).---Speed 10 feet, fly 25 feetMeleepliers +7 (Disarm, Finesse),Damage 1d6 bludgeoning plus Tooth TugPrimal Innate Spells DC 13- Cantrips (1st)Mage Hand- 1stSleepTooth Tug(Manipulate) Requirements The tooth fairy's last action was a successful pliers Strike against a creature with teeth; Effect The tooth fairy tugs on the creature's teeth, dealing 2 persistent bleed damage to the creature." - }, - { - "name": "Tooth Fairy Swarm", - "family": "Tooth Fairy", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fey", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1345", - "lore": "Tooth Fairy SwarmA mob of tooth fairies working together can conduct forced dentistry in seconds.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Tooth Fairy SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 273Perception +8; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +10, Stealth +10, Thievery +12Str -2Dex +3Con +0Int -1Wis +2Cha +2---AC 18 Fort +5 Ref +10 Will +7 HP 28Immunitiesprecision, swarm mindResistancesbludgeoning 2, piercing 5, slashing 5Weaknessesarea damage 5, cold iron 5, splash damage 5Plaque Burst When killed, a tooth fairy swarm bursts into sticky, foul-smelling white dust. Each creature with 15 feet must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure).---Speed 10 feet, fly 40 feetPinchTooth fairies pinch their victims' fingers, noses, ears, or similar protruding body parts. Each enemy in the swarm's space takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). Creatures that critically fail this save are sickened 1 from the pain.PryThe tooth fairies try to pry out one of their target's teeth. One enemy in the swarm's space takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). On a failed save, the target takes 2 persistent bleed damage and a –1 status penalty to Charisma-based skill checks, and they must succeed at a DC 5 flat check to Cast a Spell with a verbal component or the spell is disrupted. The penalty and spellcasting condition last for 1 day, or until the stolen tooth is returned and the target regains at least 1 Hit Point." - }, - { - "name": "Tor Linnorm", - "family": "Linnorm", - "level": 21, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "287", - "lore": "Tor LinnormTor linnorms dwell in the tallest volcanic mountains, either within natural formed caverns or within molten craters. A tor linnorm’s temper can be as hot and destructive as the magma the creature resembles.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 44Tor Linnorm" - }, - { - "name": "Toshigami", - "family": "Kami", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Spirit", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Kami", "Rare", "Spirit", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1204", - "lore": "ToshigamiToshigami are especially powerful kami who protect cherry trees, particularly ones in places where the primeval powers of nature remain strong. The cycle of blossoming, flourishing, and wilting that cherry trees exhibit provides a striking visual metaphor for toshigami, who wield immense powers over growth, decay, and even time. Also known as blossom kami, toshigami have a particular fascination with mortals. Many folk legends tell of toshigami who bestow their blessing unto worthy individuals who fight for just causes. Likewise, it isn't unheard of for toshigami to aid virtuous souls in dire need of healing or restoration. In truth, blossom kami are so rare and enigmatically aloof that few mortals have ever encountered such beings. Decades, even centuries, might pass before a humble village realizes that a toshigami inhabits its beloved cherry tree. The stories persist, however, as they have for ages, leading to a widespread appreciation for cherry trees. The site of a new village might be chosen due to its proximity to an ancient cherry tree, and cherry trees are planted and carefully tended in larger population centers, both for their beauty and out of respect for the blossom kami. Should a toshigami choose one such tree as their ward, so much the better for the entire community.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 39Unspecific Lore: DC 37Specific Lore: DC 34ToshigamiSource Bestiary 3 pg. 145Perception +30; darkvisionLanguagesCommon; _speak with plants_, telepathy 150 feetSkillsAcrobatics +30, Diplomacy +31, Medicine +28, Nature +30, Stealth +28, Survival +30Str +5Dex +7Con +6Int +2Wis +7Cha +8Ward (abjuration, divine) Every kami is bound to a ward: a specific animal, plant, object, or location. A kami can merge with or emerge from their ward as a single action, which has the concentrate trait. While merged, the kami can observe their surroundings with their usual senses as well as the senses of their ward, but can't move, communicate with, or control their ward. Additionally, a kami merged with their ward recovers Hit Points each minute as if they spent an entire day resting.A toshigami's ward is a specific cherry tree.Items_+2 striking staff_---AC 35 Fort +25 Ref +28 Will +30 HP 370Weaknessescold iron 15Attack of Opportunity ---Speed 50 feet, fly 50 feetMelee_staff_ +30 (Magical, two-hand d8),Damage 2d4+13 bludgeoning plus fleeting blossoms and touch of agesDivine Innate Spells DC 36- 4thStatus- 5thGentle Repose, Heal (×3), Tree Shape (cherry tree only)- 6thRestoration, Slow, Tree Stride (at will; cherry trees only)- 7thFinger of Death, Haste, Regenerate- Constant (9th)Foresight (self only)Fleeting BlossomsA toshigami's staff Strikes stir up fleeting cherry blossoms that bloom, wilt, and decay all in the space of an instant. On a hit, they deal an additional 1d6 mental damage, as well as an additional 1d6 negative damage to living creatures and an additional 1d6 positive damage to undead.Swift Staff StrikeIn a rapid series of movements, the toshigami unleashes a deadly assault. The toshigami makes three staff Strikes. The toshigami's multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until after they've made all three Strikes.Touch of Ages(Curse, Divine) A toshigami's attacks bestow a curse that alters the very flow of time in those they attack. When a toshigami hits a creature with a melee Strike, the creature must attempt a DC 38 Fortitude save as its perspective shifts rapidly between that of advanced age and an infantile state. Regardless of the outcome, the creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature becomes clumsy 1, enfeebled 1, and stupefied 1 for 1 round. Failure The creature becomes clumsy 2, enfeebled 2, and stupefied 2 for 1 minute. Critical Failure As failure, but the conditions are permanent." - }, - { - "name": "Totenmaske", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "829", - "lore": "TotenmaskeSpawned by the same unnatural and self-destructive obsessions that drove them when they were alive, totenmaskes are the undead remnants of the most self-indulgent and sinful among us. Though unable to sate their perverse desires, these foul undead can drain the very flesh from their victims so as to wrap themselves in a perverse mockery of life that allows them to pursue their base wants. Totenmaskes' specific longings vary—one might be obsessed with food or drink, while another might be vain and desirous of an attractive form to marvel at in a mirror, while yet another could simply long for the scent of blood. Whatever the sensation the totenmaske seeks, it is always a vice taken to extreme, for this sin is what helped condemn it to unlife in the first place. A totenmaske obsessed with food, for example, might find itself assaulting bakeries or breweries, while a vain totenmaske obsessed with glamor could quickly grow bored of each new look and switch its victims out daily, or even hourly.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 23Totenmaske" - }, - { - "name": "Trailgaunt", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1346", - "lore": "TrailgauntLegends warn of trailgaunts—the twitching, rotting corpses of seasoned travelers who became lost on their journeys and died of starvation, thirst, or exposure to the elements. These troubled souls, the tales say, rise at the next sunset as tormented undead, doomed to forever search for the road they lost in life. Always wandering, the trailgaunt treads the ground over and over until its legs wear down to bloodied stumps. Even then, it staggers on, groaning in constant pain. Consumed with agony and a hatred for travelers of all kinds, they prey on those who—like they once did—stray from their path. Lacking feet, a trailgaunt is slow but largely impervious to obstacles in its path, shambling at an equal pace through boggy mires, thick brambles, and desert sands. Yet, these horrors come to a halt at the edge of any well-maintained road, which are the only barriers to their endless wanderings, since they can't willingly tread upon the roads that betrayed them. Because so much of Varisian culture centers around travel, trailgaunts often turn up in their legends. Most depictions of trailgaunts include Varisian clothing, tattoos, or jewelry, but these undead arise around the world, each bearing the trappings of the cultures they lost. Further north, along the Crown of the World, trailgaunts wail amid howling winds, shivering as they shamble through the snow. Along Garund's Golden Road, trailgaunts are common sights in the trackless desert wastes, where even an experienced traveler can easily lose their way. To the south, travelers lost in the Mwangi Expanse who starve before being eaten themselves become damp, mossy trailgaunts. While most travelers who hear a trailgaunt's wail know to run fast and far, some adventurers intentionally seek out these undead. Few trailgaunts perish with no belongings at all, and many poor souls doomed to this fate were once merchants or adventurers who carried substantial wealth and magical treasure—some of which still might be on their person. It never occurs to these treasure seekers that in their pursuit of such riches they might become trailgaunts themselves.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13TrailgauntSource Bestiary 3 pg. 274Perception +10; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommonSkillsAthletics +9, Stealth +8, Survival +10Str +4Dex +1Con +3Int +1Wis +3Cha -1---AC 19 Fort +12 Ref +6 Will +8 HP 45(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousPained Muttering (auditory, aura, emotion, fear) 10 feet. The trailgaunt's constant mutters and groans of pain are deeply unsettling. Each creature that starts its turn in the aura must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or become frightened 1 (frightened 2 on a critical failure). The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.---Speed 10 feet, burrow 10 feetMeleejaws +12,Damage 1d8+6 piercing plus share painCreate Spawn(Divine, Necromancy) Any humanoid creature killed by a trailgaunt and left unburied out of sight of a well-maintained road rises as a free-willed trailgaunt at the next sunset.DromophobiaThe trailgaunt can't willingly walk on or across a well-maintained road, though it can Burrow under one. If forced onto the surface of such a road, the trailgaunt is fleeing until it's no longer on the road.Share PainA living creature hit by a trailgaunt's jaws Strike must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save or suffer intense pain in its legs and feet, taking a –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds, or a –20-foot status penalty on a critical failure.Sure StrideA trailgaunt ignores the effects of difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain.Keep to the RoadsFolk tales and nursery rhymes about trailgaunts abound among villagers, homesteaders, and Varisian caravans, leading to a common phrase of farewell among those communities. “Keep to the roads,” they warn, “and we'll see you again.”" - }, - { - "name": "Treerazer", - "family": "—", - "level": 25, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Unique", - "id": "394", - "lore": "TreerazerTreerazer, the self-styled Lord of the Blasted Tarn, is a powerful demon on the cusp of ascending to the true power of one of the rulers of the Abyss itself—a demon lord. For now, even as a nascent demon lord, Treerazer is a dangerous foe. Treerazer rarely leaves his swampy realm of Tanglebriar—a large thicket of tainted foliage and rotting detritus just south of Kyonin’s Fierani Forest—but can be encountered anywhere within that toxic mire, often accompanied by a small legion of demons, corrupted fey, and other deadly allies. Certain occult rituals have the power to call him forth from Tanglebriar, granting him the opportunity to directly work his evils beyond the realm to which he has been exiled. Some believe that no eldritch force contains Treerazer and that, were he willing, he could travel Golarion with impunity, spreading the twisted blessings of his touch and the corruption of his presence, yet the Lord of the Blasted Tarn is as cunning and canny as he is deadly, and prefers to work his evils on the world from the safety of his nightmare realm.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 60Treerazer" - }, - { - "name": "Triceratops", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "121", - "lore": "TriceratopsTriceratopses are muscular quadrupeds with powerful but short legs, thick necks, and heads crowned by a wide, bony frill. Though they bear a large horn on their snout and one on each brow, these dinosaurs are herbivores and use these bony protrusions only to defend themselves from attackers or in dramatic clashes against other triceratopses for grazing territory or mates. Short-tempered and obstinate, triceratopses are unlikely to back down from a fight unless they are hopelessly outmatched, and the creatures are known to fight to the death for no apparent reason beyond stubbornness. Triceratopses often serve as mounts for lizardfolk, orcs, and giants, who ride comfortably behind the dinosaurs’ protective bone frills. A triceratops is 30 feet long and weighs as much as 10 tons. Triceratopses are surely the most well-known of the dinosaurs known as ceratopids, but many others exist. For example, the smaller styracosauruses have only one horn but several horn-like protrusions on their frills.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 24Triceratops" - }, - { - "name": "Trilobite", - "family": "Trilobite", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1347", - "lore": "TrilobiteTrilobites have segmented, chitinous bodies that armor them but provide enough flexibility for them to roll up and protect their vulnerable undersides from attack. Instead of jaws, trilobites have specialized structures called gnathobases at the base of some of their legs. These serrated and jagged structures grind and masticate any prey the trilobite latches onto, enabling the creatures to feed on anything from hard-shelled clams to soft-bodied creatures. While not particularly fast on their own, they can employ scuttling bursts of speed to dart into ocean silt or seaweed beds to escape predators. Oceanic wizards of many types employ trilobites as familiars. In addition to trilobites' durability, their ubiquity means they make capable spies for their masters as they travel unnoticed throughout the depths.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8TrilobiteSource Bestiary 3 pg. 275Perception +8; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +4, Stealth +5, Survival +4Str +1Dex +3Con +2Int -5Wis +2Cha +0---AC 15 Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +4 HP 7Curl UpTrigger The trilobite takes damage; Effect The trilobite gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of its next turn.---Speed swim 25 feetMeleegnathobase +7 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d4+1 slashingQuick EscapeThe trilobite swims up to double its Speed and attempts to Hide." - }, - { - "name": "Trilobite Swarm", - "family": "Trilobite", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1348", - "lore": "Trilobite SwarmTrilobites typically live in close proximity to others of their kind. On rare occasions, particularly when the most common prey around is larger than what a single trilobite can take down, they form swarms that seem to actively cooperate with each other. These swarms latch onto their prey, and the combined efforts of so many trilobites at once make escape difficult.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13Trilobite SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 275Perception +9; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +8, Stealth +9, Survival +7Str +1Dex +4Con +3Int -5Wis +2Cha +0---AC 18 Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +7 HP 30Immunitiesprecision, swarm mindResistancesbludgeoning 3, piercing 3, slashing 5Weaknessesarea damage 5, splash damage 5---Speed swim 25 feetClinging BitesThe trilobites in the swarm latch onto creatures and gnaw at them. Each enemy in the swarm's space takes 2d6 slashing damage (DC 18 basic Reflex save)." - }, - { - "name": "Triton", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "830", - "lore": "TritonWhile sometimes understandably mistaken for merfolk—both species live underwater and have a blend of features from both humans and fish—tritons have two legs instead of a tail. This gives tritons the ability to operate on land, though they are neither as comfortable nor as skilled above water as below. The arms and legs of a triton feature fins that assist in swimming, and their entire body is covered in fine scales that range in color from silver to cerulean blue to seaweed green. Their amphibious nature shows in the webbing between the digits of their feet and hands, as well as the fact that they have both gills and a human-shaped nose and mouth. Triton hair grows in wide strands like seagrass, commonly green in shade but in some cases blue or white. Their eyes range in color from sea blue to golden. Many tritons see themselves as defenders of the deep, dedicating their lives to protecting the inhabitants of the seas from evil creatures and intruders—whether they come from underwater or the surface world. Primary among triton foes are sea devils and alghollthu, both of whom have amphibious forces that tritons have had to fight underwater and on land. In their quest to fight underwater evil, tritons sometimes ally with dolphins and sea turtles (both of which make excellent mounts), water elemental, and sometimes even sharks and sea serpents. Tritons can summon such allies using a conch shell as a trumpet. When it comes to other intelligent undersea species, however, tritons take pride in their self-sufficiency, rarely trading with other underwater peoples such as merfolk, and even more rarely forming established alliances. Tritons live in natural-grown villages on the sea floor, forging dwellings out of colorful coral reefs, in rift valleys heated by volcanic activity, and even in underwater canyons— though they avoid settling in extreme depths due to the risk of encountering krakens or worse. They like to decorate their homes with aquatic plants, bioluminescent fish, and attractive trinkets recovered from shipwrecks.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Triton" - }, - { - "name": "Triumph Siktempora", - "family": "Siktempora", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Rare", "Siktempora", "Time", "Small"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1295", - "lore": "Triumph SiktemporaTriumph siktemporas embody the emotional satisfaction of overcoming a task that took up much of a creature's mind, be it taking an apple seed from between one's teeth or winning a war. They exult in every victory they attain; however, they value only those successes won fairly not only abiding by the established rules of a competition but also enforcing those rules mercilessly upon other competitors. These siktemporas appear as small humanoids with four muscular arms and digitigrade legs. They take great joy in draping themselves in golden clothes and medals that commemorate the countless victories which spawned them, and their faces bear proud, dazzling smiles and expressions of success—but these features never move.Unspecific Lore: DC 35Specific Lore: DC 32Triumph SiktemporaSource Bestiary 3 pg. 233Perception +24; darkvisionLanguagesAklo; (can't speak any language); telepathy 200 feetSkillsAcrobatics +24, Athletics +30, Dimension of Time Lore +24, Diplomacy +23, Intimidation +27, Medicine +22, Performance +25Str +8Dex +4Con +5Int +4Wis +4Cha +5Temporal Sense A siktempora can always roll Dimension of Time Lore for initiative. When it does, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the roll.---AC 35 Fort +25 Ref +24 Will +26 HP 190, regeneration 40 (deactivated by chaos, mental, or orichalcum)Immunitiesdisease, emotion, poisonCheaters Never Prosper (aura, divination, occult) 50 feet. A creature within the aura who uses or benefits from an effect with the fortune trait must succeed at a DC 34 Will save or become slowed 1 for 1 round (slowed 2 on a critical failure).Clinch VictoryTrigger A creature within the triumph siktempora's reach uses an action that would restore Hit Points; Effect The triumph siktempora makes a glorious fist Strike against the triggering creature. On a critical success, this Strike also disrupts the triggering action.Uncanny PounceTrigger The triumph siktempora rolls Dimension of Time Lore for initiative; Effect The triumph siktempora Strides once and makes a claw Strike, in either order.---Speed 60 feet; _air walk_Meleeglorious fist +30,Damage 3d12+16 bludgeoningOccult Innate Spells DC 32- 4thDimension Door (at will)- 7thBlink- Constant (7th)Air WalkVie for VictoryThe triumph siktempora pushes themself beyond their limits to secure victory over a chosen foe. They choose one target they can see and reach with a single Stride action. They attempt to Demoralize that target, ignoring the typical limitations on distance and with no penalty for not sharing a language with the target. They then Stride and attempt one Athletics attack action (such as Grapple or Disarm) against the target.Winning Smile(Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Occult) The triumph siktempora flashes their disarming grin at one creature within 15 feet. The target takes 10d8 mental damage (DC 34 basic Will save). On a failure, the target's attacks against the triumph siktempora also become nonlethal until the end of the target's next turn.Triumphant AppearancesTriumph siktemporas find purpose and a sense of self in winning and victory, so when a war rages across the land and one side struggles behind the rest, a triumph siktempora might venture to the Material Plane to join the side of the underdog and grasp victory—or die trying! The same can happen for a major sporting event or even an intense legal battle where a persuasive voice could turn the tide. All that matters to them is victory" - }, - { - "name": "Troll", - "family": "Troll", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Troll"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "395", - "lore": "TrollCommon trolls are dim-witted, gangly giants who stalk the fringes of civilization. They rely on their incredible strength to overpower foes with their vicious claws and toothy maws. A troll’s endless hunger drives it to consume all variety of living creatures, and it is their ravenous eating habits that fuel trolls’ legendary regenerative abilities. Trolls stand anywhere from 12 to 16 feet tall, though they prefer to hunch for comfort and to lull foes into a false sense of security.Troll" - }, - { - "name": "Troll King", - "family": "Troll", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Troll"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "396", - "lore": "Troll KingSome trolls have learned the skills necessary to survive well beyond the typical life expectancy for their kind and rally others to follow their lead. These champions develop a number of talents that make them worthy leaders and potent hunters—namely their abilities to willingly boost the rate of their regeneration and to shake off the acid and fire that would hinder it, not to mention a bestial roar that can send would-be predators scurrying off. Troll kings possess a cunning far beyond their younger kin— they know to keep their allies close, and their enemies even closer. If a troll king so much as suspects that one of its followers is plotting to usurp it, retribution is swift and fatal.Troll King" - }, - { - "name": "Trollhound", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast", "Troll"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "835", - "lore": "TrollhoundTrollhounds are squat, slavering beasts akin to trolls in canine form. Requiring vast quantities of meat to fuel their regenerative metabolisms, packs of wild trollhounds prowl the foothills of regions where trolls dwell, their voracious hunger driving them to slaughter and consume any prey they encounter. In some regions, trolls breed trollhounds as pets, utilizing the trollhounds' keen sense of smell to aid in the hunt. Covered in fetid, weeping sores, trollhounds are carriers of a debilitating contagion known as bloodfire fever. Creatures that contract the disease through the bite of a trollhound experience deep internal pain, as if their blood were on fire. Additional symptoms include loss of muscle coordination, pus-filled blisters, and overall lethargy and fatigue. Other than suffering from skin irritation, both trolls and trollhounds are immune to the major effects of the disease. Trollhounds are fearless on the hunt and in combat, relying on their ability to regenerate to carry them through. Not even the threat of fire is enough to repel them, as the beasts don't recognize the danger it represents. Nevertheless, fire is one of the most effective tools in combating trollhounds; canny hunters know to burn every last remnant of a supposedly slain trollhound, for their regenerative powers are potent indeed. While trolls themselves have had great success in domesticating, training, and even befriending trollhounds, the same cannot be said for other would-be masters. Whether impeded by constant exposure to trollhounds' diseased slobber, their ravenous hunger that never seems to be fully sated, or simply their foul personality and quick-to-bite temperament, most attempts to use trollhounds in place of more reliable guardians end in pain, misery, and a pack of feral trollhounds escaping into the hinterlands. Left to their own devices, a pack of escaped trollhounds can breed relatively quickly, and it can take less than a year for a small pack to multiply into a significant threat to the countryside. Best to leave the trollhounds to the trolls, as they say!Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Trollhound" - }, - { - "name": "Trumpet Archon", - "family": "Archon", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "552", - "lore": "Trumpet ArchonTrumpet archons are messengers, emissaries, and storytellers—embodiments of the virtue of kindness. They use stories and allegories to prevent bloodshed, and among all archons they are the most likely to work together with angels, perhaps leading to the similarities in their forms. When diplomacy is impossible, trumpet archons rally the righteous to battle—one reassuring glance from a trumpet archon is often all it takes to instill a shaken ally with resounding courage once again.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 32Trumpet Archon" - }, - { - "name": "Tupilaq", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Construct", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1352", - "lore": "TupilaqA tupilaq is an artistically crafted construct carved from animal bones (typically whale or walrus) and imbued with the express purpose of eviscerating its creator's enemies. A tupilaq manifests from hateful magic—a thing that can be created only by someone who believes they were grievously wronged. When a terrible, unforgivable crime is committed against someone with great skill at carving and who has knowledge of the proper ritual, the aggrieved can channel their grief and hate through whispered incantations to bring a tupilaq to life. Sadly, the same emotions used to create a tupilaq often lead to even greater tragedies. Functionally immortal but built for vengeance a tupilaq lacks the reason or discernment to do anything other than pursue the goal imbued by its creator. A wish to utterly destroy an enemy can lead a tupilaq to slaughter an entire clan or settlement, killing until it has slain everyone even remotely related to the original offender. There are many stories where a tupilaq ends up causing more tragedy for its creator than the crime that precipitated its creation. The most common tales feature the tupilaq eventually murdering its creator's spouse or family members due to a distant relationship to the original target that no one knew about. Tupilaqs' animating energies aren't tied to their original functions, and the creatures typically long outlast their creators, their victims, and often any who recall the reason for their creation. They might fall into a sort of hibernation once they've achieved immediate vengeance, but they frequently reawaken to continue their rampage against unsuspecting targets ignorant of their involvement. Spellcasters might occasionally summon these constructs. Summoned tupilaqs, hauled unceremoniously from their vengeance, become near-frenzied combatants, unleashing every offensive ability in their arsenal to break free. These reactions aren't strategic or considered, but an instinctual, almost programmed need to return to their true purpose. Conjurers should be wary about tupilaqs employing spells that might be turned against their summoners, such as a _fireball_ spell “accidentally” placed such that it incinerates the spellcaster and returns these creatures from whence they came.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18TupilaqSource Bestiary 3 pg. 278Perception +16; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +15Str +2Dex +6Con +4Int -5Wis +3Cha -5---AC 26 Fort +17 Ref +15 Will +12 HP 87Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, mental, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconsciousConstruct Armor Like normal objects, a tupilaq has Hardness. This Hardness reduces any damage it takes by an amount equal to the Hardness. Once a tupilaq is reduced to less than half its Hit Points, or immediately upon being damaged by a critical hit, its construct armor breaks, it loses its Hardness, and its Armor Class is reduced to 22.---Speed 40 feet, swim 40 feetMeleejaws +19 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 2d8+5 slashing plus GrabPrimal Innate Spells DC 24- 3rdFireball (×3)Carver's CurseWhen a tupilaq is created, the curse imparted by its creator manifests in the form of a single 3rd-level primal spell the tupilaq can cast three times per day. The particular spell is a reflection of the creator's wish for vengeance. By default, and for a found or summoned tupilaq, this spell is _fireball_.Relics of the PastA tupilaq can last indefinitely once created, and it's not uncommon for a tupilaq to be unearthed years, decades, or even centuries after its creator has passed away. Archaeologists working northern dig sites might accidentally stumble across the fierce constructs, inadvertently awakening their vengeful curse." - }, - { - "name": "Twigjack", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey, Plant", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "838", - "lore": "TwigjackMaladjusted forest denizens, twigjacks form from the cruel and prankish combination of fey and the very woods in which they reside. A twigjack's body is made up of prickly brambles woven with vines. Shaggy, mossy growth, not unlike hair, tops a twigjack's head. Its mouth is just a canyon of splintered and broken sticks bisecting its face. Leaves and sprigs of new growth randomly sprout from the creature's body. Many dense forests on Golarion have at least a handful of twigjacks living in the undergrowth. While truculent and violent, twigjacks care deeply for what they consider to be their forests. These creatures harass outsiders who delve deep into their wooded domains, forcing back even the most determined explorers, foresters, and travelers, especially when those intruders cut roads through the forest. However, they are not terribly territorial when it comes to other forest creatures. When sylvan creatures, especially fey, rally against an outside threat, twigjacks in the area eagerly arrive to fight, even if they were not invited. Less seasoned travelers who encounter twigjacks in their canopied homes often mistake them for leshys, a tendency that frustrates twigjacks, as they have a low opinion of such creatures. More broadly, twigjacks resent being considered mere animated plants at all. Rather, they embrace their fey heritage—often to a foolish end. Twigjacks go out of their way to ingratiate themselves to the fey creatures they live among. Several popular comic songs weave the tale of a twigjack attempting to woo a powerful and graceful dryad, only to be comically disgraced after many loutish attempts. Many fey seem embarrassed by these strange cousins, but some spriggans, quicklings, and redcaps harness the twigjacks' violent urges and disruptive behavior for their own purposes. While twigjacks are fey, and as such are often found in the First World, it's somewhat curious that those twigjacks who find religion only rarely turn to the Eldest of the First World. Instead, twigjacks tend to worship false deities of their own design: figures spotted in tangles of tree branches, clots of undergrowth, or other hidden nooks in the natural world. These religions are always highly localized, and while these faiths do not support clerics, they often inspire zealous crusades against non-fey.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 18Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 18Twigjack" - }, - { - "name": "Two-Headed Troll", - "family": "Troll", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Giant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Troll"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "833", - "lore": "Two-Headed TrollTwo-headed trolls are savage, dual-minded monsters with an unquenchable thirst for bloodshed, and dread tales of their ravenous appetites are whispered of in homesteads throughout the lands of the Inner Sea. Indeed, it is a custom for parents to invoke the two-headed troll as a warning to misbehaving children. “Finish your chores,” a parent might say to a stubborn child, “or a two-headed troll will snatch you away at night and swallow you whole!” It's unclear why such a morbid tradition gained traction with parents, but it's an undeniable fact that two-headed trolls have an appetite for “nibbles”—creatures small enough to devour with one bite. Mature two-headed trolls stand 13 feet in height, weighing roughly 1,700 pounds. Unlike common trolls, two-headed trolls share the upright gait of their ettin ancestry and do not walk hunched over.Two-Headed Troll" - }, - { - "name": "Tylosaurus", - "family": "Mosasaur", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1239", - "lore": "TylosaurusThough large in size—sometimes exceeding 40 feet—tylosauruses have sleek bodies and long, narrow snouts. Few creatures compete with them in their environment, as most other aquatic giants reside in deeper water.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19TylosaurusSource Bestiary 3 pg. 178Perception +18; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +19, Stealth +19Str +7Dex +5Con +5Int -4Wis +4Cha -2Deep Breath A tylosaurus can hold its breath for 2 hours---AC 27 Fort +17 Ref +19 Will +14 HP 137---Speed 5 feet, swim 80 feetMeleejaws +21,Damage 2d12+10 piercing plus Improved GrabMeleetail +19,Damage 2d6+10 bludgeoningAquatic DragRequirements The tylosaurus has a creature grabbed; Effect The tylosaurus Swims up to half its Speed, carrying the grabbed creature with it.Swallow Whole(Attack) Large, 2d6+5 bludgeoning, Rupture 18Vicious StrafeThe tylosaurus Swims up to its Speed. It can make one jaws Strike and one tail Strike at any points during its movement, each attacking a different target." - }, - { - "name": "Tyrannosaurus", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "123", - "lore": "TyrannosaurusWidely regarded as the king of the dinosaurs, the tyrannosaurus is a massive predator with a wide mouth filled with viciously sharp teeth. Thundering beasts of fury and hunger, tyrannosauruses are bold and fearless carnivores that eagerly bite off great hunks of large prey and swallow smaller prey—such as most humanoids—in a single gulp. Although they can subsist on carrion, tyrannosaurs prefer live prey. Tyrannosauruses stand on two wide, powerful hind legs that allow them to run quickly, and their thick tails provide them with exceptional balance. Although a their small forelimbs are of little use other than to hold prey in place while the predators tear at their victim’s flesh with their fearsome jaws, even these forelimbs bear sharp claws several inches long. As fearsome as tyrannosauruses are alone, they sometimes hunt in packs to take down massive prey. Only the most powerful creatures can successfully train tyrannosauruses, and even then, only when they can provide the ravenous beasts with a steady diet of meat. Some tribes of giants, particularly cyclopes or more obscure denizens of primeval lands, have even trained tyrannosauruses as mounts or beasts of war. In other places, xulgaths feed these prisoners to these mighty dinosaurs as part of executions or ritual sacrifices. Some xulgath cults even revere tyrannosaurs as incarnations of their violent demonic demigods. For their part, tyrannosaurs who have grown used to having their meals provided in this manner are remarkably well-behaved toward their feeders and keepers. Tyrannosauruses are 50 feet long and weigh 7 tons or more.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 27Tyrannosaurus" - }, - { - "name": "Tyrannosaurus Skeleton", - "family": "Skeleton", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1299", - "lore": "Tyrannosaurus SkeletonA massive dinosaur predator makes for a fearsome skeleton.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21Tyrannosaurus SkeletonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 237Perception +17; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAthletics +22Str +7Dex +0Con +5Int -5Wis +2Cha +0---AC 27 Fort +20 Ref +13 Will +17 HP 140(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconsciousResistancescold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, piercing 10, slashing 10---Speed 40 feetMeleejaws +20 (deadly d12, reach 20 feet),Damage 2d12+9 piercing plus GrabMeleefoot +20 (reach 15 feet),Damage 2d10+9 bludgeoningRib SkewerThe tyrannosaurus skeleton bends down, attempting to skewer one adjacent creature on one of its massive ribs. The creature takes 2d10+9 piercing damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save). If the creature fails its save and is Medium or smaller, it's also impaled and stuck to the rib. It moves with the skeleton and takes 2d6 persistent bleed damage until it either Escapes or someone uses Force Open to break the rib (either is DC 28).TrampleHuge or smaller, foot, DC 28" - }, - { - "name": "Tzitzimitl", - "family": "—", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Electricity", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "492", - "lore": "TzitzimitlDue to their affinity for darkness and apocalyptic terror, tzitzimitls are widely feared as harbingers of death and destruction. Some sages consider them to be instruments of the gods, called down to destroy worlds whose times have come, while others believe that tzitzimitls are exiles from a far-off civilization of spacefaring giants. The truth of their nature is likely even more disturbing.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 41Tzitzimitl" - }, - { - "name": "Tzitzimitl", - "family": "—", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Electricity", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1353", - "lore": "TzitzimitlDue to their affinity for darkness and apocalyptic terror, tzitzimitls are widely feared as harbingers of death and destruction. A solar eclipse marks their arrivals, and they draw strange powers of darkness and electricity from these phenomena. Some sages believe tzitzimitls to be instruments of the gods, called down to destroy worlds whose times have come, while others claim they're the undead remains of stranded exiles from a far-off civilization of spacefaring giants. The legends that include them are ancient and fragmented, but some tell of tzitzimitls being defeated by great heroes and sealed away—though these tales imply that the enormous undead now lie buried and waiting, soon to rampage again should their tombs be breached.Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 41Unspecific Lore: DC 39Specific Lore: DC 36TzitzimitlSource Bestiary 3 pg. 279, Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises pg. 82Perception +32; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesAbyssal, Aklo, Celestial, CommonSkillsAcrobatics +33, Arcana +37, Athletics +33, Nature +37, Occultism +37, Religion +40Str +10Dex +8Con +6Int +5Wis +7Cha +8---AC 43 Fort +29 Ref +32 Will +35 HP 390(fast healing 15, negative healing)Immunities death effects, disease, electricity, negative, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious Weaknesses good 15; Resistances cold 15, physical 15 (except bludgeoning)Light to Dark(divine, negative) Trigger A creature uses an ability or spell with the positive trait within 120 feet of the tzitzimitl; Effect The tzitzimitl inverts the energy used in the triggering ability or spell, causing it to lose the positive trait and gain the negative trait, and changing all instances of positive energy or healing in the ability's description to negative energy.---Speed 50 feet, fly 60 feetMeleeclaw +34 (Agile, Magical, reach 20 feet),Damage 4d12+10 slashing plus 3d8 electricity and drain lifeRangedeye beam +34 (range 100 feet),Damage 4d12 electricity plus 10d6 forceOccult Innate Spells DC 38- Cantrips (9th)Detect Magic- 3rdHaste (×3)- 4thDarkness (×3)- 5thAbyssal Plague- 7thEclipse Burst, Teleport (×3)- 9thDarkness (×3), Teleport, Wail of the Banshee- Constant (6th)True SeeingRituals DC 38- 9thCreate Undead, ImprisonmentDrain LifeWhen a tzitzimitl's claw Strike deals damages to a living creature, the tzitzimitl gains 20 temporary Hit Points, and the target must succeed at a DC 41 Fortitude save or become drained 2. Further damage dealt by a tzitzimitl's claw Strike increases the value of the drained condition by 2 on a failed save, to a maximum of drained 4.Eclipse(Cold, Occult) Effect The tzitzimitl casts _darkness_ and drains the heat and warmth from the darkness spell's area, and each creature within the spell's area must attempt a DC 41 Fortitude save. Critical Success The creature takes 4d8 cold damage. Success The creature takes 8d8 cold damage and is slowed 1 for 1 round. Failure The creature takes 16d8 cold damage and is slowed 1 for 1 minute. Critical Failure The creature takes 16d8 cold damage, is slowed 2 for 1 minute, and is doomed 1.Harbingers of the EndA tzitzimitl's arrival in a region often precedes a deadly disaster or apocalyptic event. It isn't known whether the tzitzimitl accompanies an event already fated to occur or if the undead causes such events through their own strange magic." - }, - { - "name": "Umasi", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration,Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Humanoid", "Uncommon", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1354", - "lore": "UmasiTales tell of strange humanoids who harvest appendages and organs from other creatures to graft onto their own perpetually decaying bodies. These stories are encountered more often than their subject, however. A reclusive people, umasi live deep in remote jungles, largely isolated from other societies. Despite not being undead, umasi can't heal naturally or via magic. Instead, they must harvest appendages and organs from the living to perpetuate their own lives. These modifications require special techniques, obscure rituals, and often the assistance of other umasi. Shorter rituals make quick repairs to wounded flesh— even consuming a nutrient-rich organ of a recently slain creature can provide quick rejuvenation—while more extensive changes require a full day's work. Because of the nature of their existences, no one single form remains common to umasi. Many graft any number of arms or legs of various sizes on their bodies, while others are conglomerations of exotic beasts, other humanoids, and whatever creatures they've hunted or scavenged. However, all umasi remain vaguely humanoid in shape. An umasi with additional arms can hold or wield more items at once, while additional legs or other limbs might grant increased Speed or new types of Speed. Concepts such as gender, ethnicity, and even recognizing someone based on their appearance are irrelevant to umasi. Instead, they value age and experience and identify themselves with iconic adornments or speech patterns. Despite their morbid nature, umasi are rarely at odds with living creatures. These opportunistic hunters value their self-preservation, but use fast-acting nonlethal poisons to subdue their targets for safe and minimally destructive harvesting. Few umasi harbor malice toward the living, but some possess a streak of self-loathing and search for powerful magics that might break whatever curse binds them to their current state. Rarely, an umasi finds some strange form of acceptance on the fringes of a remote community where their skills at medicine carry more weight than fear of their strange appearances.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 24Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 24Unspecific Lore: DC 22Specific Lore: DC 19UmasiSource Bestiary 3 pg. 280Perception +12; darkvisionLanguagesCommonSkillsAthletics +15, Intimidation +9, Medicine +14, Stealth +13, Survival +10Str +5Dex +3Con +4Int +1Wis +2Cha +1Items_+1 blowgun_ (10 darts with harvester poison), wooden shield (Hardness 5, HP 12, BT 6) with shield spikes---AC 23 (25 with shield raised)Fort +16 Ref +11 Will +12 +2 status to all saves vs. poisonHP 99(immortal flesh)ImmunitiesdiseaseImmortal Flesh Umasi can't heal or recover HP in any way except their flesh grafting techniques (see sidebar). However, despite being living creatures, they don't take damage from either positive or negative damage.Shield Block---Speed 35 feetMeleeclaw +17 (Agile),Damage 2d6+8 slashingMeleeshield spikes +17,Damage 1d6+8 piercingRanged_blowgun_ +16 (Magical, range increment 20 feet, reload 1),Damage 1 piercing plus harvester poisonConsume Organ(Manipulate) Requirements The umasi is adjacent to the corpse of a Small or larger creature that died within the last minute; Effect The umasi harvests and consumes a vital organ from the corpse, gaining 15 temporary Hit Points and a +1 status bonus to attack and damage rolls for 10 minutes. They can gain this benefit only once from any given corpse.Harvester Poison(Nonlethal, Poison) Saving Throw DC 24 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 4 rounds; Stage 1 2d6 poison damage (1 round); Stage 2 3d6 poison damage (1 round)Flesh GraftingAn umasi can spend 10 minutes grafting the flesh of other living or recently dead humanoids onto their body, attempting a DC 20 Medicine check with the effects of Treat Wounds. This process is the only way an umasi can recover Hit Points." - }, - { - "name": "Umonlee", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Cold"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "839", - "lore": "UmonleeThose who dwell in the coldest climates of Golarion tell of a brutal beast that swims through the ice and snow and can devastate entire villages in minutes. Ancient Erutaki who made their homes in the frozen polar expanse called the Crown of the World named this monster the umonlee. Umonlees are bestial predators who constantly hunt, rarely resting in service of a hunger that is never fully sated. Despite this animalistic drive, umonlees are semi-intelligent creatures who often select and stalk their prey. However, they are not terribly bright and often keep their hunting grounds in sparsely-trafficked areas. It is rare for an umonlee to attack a village, but one might attack a sparse group, such as a hunting or scouting party. Many caravans traversing the Path of Aganhei—the trade route between the continents of Avistan and Tian Xia that crosses the Crown of the World—have had their expeditions abruptly ended by an encounter with one of these monstrosities. Those who study monsters posit that umonlees are related to chuuls, as the creatures exhibit some similarities. Both are semi-intelligent, crustacean predators that use ambush tactics to kill and eat their prey. Even though they can talk, umonlees typically only speak Aklo, which also gives credence to this theory. This would also lend to the theory that chuuls are products of alghollthu manipulation, meaning that umonlees are also the results of these alien designs. However, the fact that these creatures aren't evil argues well against such a theory.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 36Umonlee" - }, - { - "name": "Undine", - "family": "Geniekin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Human", "Humanoid", "Undine"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "763", - "lore": "UndineUndines are infused with elemental water—the churning power of the briny deep flows through them. These planar scions are often athletic and lithe, but they are easily distracted by auditory sensations because of how much louder and clearer sound rings above the waves. Undines are perhaps the most settled of all geniekin, often forming communities along the coast or even on the water itself. In the latter case, they prefer to settle in ship-towns that sometimes number dozens of vessels in all shapes and sizes. The undines who fill these communities are similarly diverse, bringing aspects of multiple cultures together to form one whole. Ship-towns are permanent, but fluid—they grow, recede, and migrate constantly as undine families add their ships to or remove them from the flotilla. An undine town like this may remain at sea for years, its residents coming ashore only on rare occasions to collect wood for cookfires or to repair their homes. The paradoxically ever-shifting permanence of these communities reflects the undine virtues of adaptability and freedom, while also maintaining the prime importance of the community. Undine hydromancers are quite valued on these floating settlements, if only for their ability to create fresh drinking water while adrift on the sea.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Undine Hydromancer" - }, - { - "name": "Unicorn", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Beast, Fey", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "397", - "lore": "UnicornSymbols of grace and purity, unicorns resemble proud and noble horses. They are typically pure white of coat, but they are best known for the single, delicate horn that extends from the center of their forehead. While unicorns often serve as protectors of unspoiled wilderness and sacred places, they are themselves highly sought after for their horns, which are said to possess potent magical properties. To many, the mere idea of hunting such a magnificent creature in the hopes of severing its horn is utterly reprehensible. Indeed, a de-horned unicorn is a sorry sight, and few such unicorns survive much longer in the wild. Unicorns are found almost exclusively in remote, unsullied areas of wilderness. Sometimes associated with good-aligned deities, other times associated with nature and the fey, unicorns are always known for their righteousness and nobility. They are wary, at best, of most humanoid creatures, due in large part for poachers’ tendency to hunt them for their horns, but unicorns are often rumored to have a weakness for those who are pure of both heart and spirit. Despite some tales, unicorns are equally likely to recognize purity in young men as in young women.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 18Unicorn" - }, - { - "name": "Unseen Servant", - "family": "—", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "No Alignment", - "creature_type": "—", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "1", - "lore": "Unseen ServantThis creature can be summoned with the spell Unseen Servant.Unseen Servant" - }, - { - "name": "Urdefhan Dominator", - "family": "Urdefhan", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Urdefhan"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "879", - "lore": "Urdefhan DominatorUrdefhan dominators control the minds of others to glean useful secrets and gain an advantage against their enemies.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 32Urdefhan Dominator" - }, - { - "name": "Urdefhan High Tormentor", - "family": "Urdefhan", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Urdefhan"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "877", - "lore": "Urdefhan High TormentorAn urdefhan cult's best tormentors can advance to become truly formidable daemon summoners.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 27Urdefhan High Tormentor" - }, - { - "name": "Urdefhan Hunter", - "family": "Urdefhan", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Urdefhan"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "878", - "lore": "Urdefhan HunterUrdefhan hunters serve as their cults' trappers, hunters, and poachers. Many urdefhan hunters use skavelings to traverse the massive caverns of the Darklands and scout for prey.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 30Urdefhan Hunter" - }, - { - "name": "Urdefhan Tormentor", - "family": "Urdefhan", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Urdefhan"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "841", - "lore": "Urdefhan TormentorUrdefhan spellcasters with a knack for the divine are invariably unholy worshippers of daemonkind, typically taking on one of Abaddon's Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as their patron deity. With their unholy gifts, these urdefhan tormentors summon daemons into battle and bolster their allies with profane magic, preferring to stick to the sidelines rather than enter the fray directly.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 20Urdefhan Tormentor" - }, - { - "name": "Urdefhan Warrior", - "family": "Urdefhan", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Urdefhan"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "840", - "lore": "Urdefhan WarriorFrom the moment they are born, urdefhans are prepared for war. Urdefhan warriors are among the least powerful urdefhans one might encounter outside of their eerie underground cities.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Urdefhan Warrior" - }, - { - "name": "Uthul", - "family": "—", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "398", - "lore": "UthulAn uthul most often appears to be a dark, swirling cloud filled with flying debris and streaked with sudden flashes of lightning. Although they are clearly elemental in nature, uthuls are nearly always found on the Material Plane, where they hide among natural cloud formations, especially thunderstorms.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 32Uthul" - }, - { - "name": "Valkyrie", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aesir", "Monitor", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1355", - "lore": "ValkyrieChoosers of the slain and so-called angels of battle, the song of the valkyries plays wherever steel rings against steel. Valkyries are humanoid individuals of impressive physical stature who seek the most epic battles and legendary conflicts so that they can lay claim to the souls of the world's greatest warriors. The valkyries transform these souls into the implacable immortals known as einherjar. Valkyries most often serve gods of battle and war, though a valkyrie might pledge their service to any deity they consider worthy. Gorum is particularly well known for having valkyrie and einherjar servants, though he isn't the only such deity. Besmara also has valkyrie servitors, and many stories of “ghost ships” actually reference accounts of encounters with ships manned by einherjar crews devoted to the Pirate Queen.Recall Knowledge - Monitor(Religion): DC 30Unspecific Lore: DC 28Specific Lore: DC 25ValkyrieSource Bestiary 3 pg. 281Perception +22; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, Jotun; ravenspeaker, _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +25, Athletics +25, Diplomacy +23, Intimidation +23, Religion +22Str +7Dex +5Con +5Int +3Wis +4Cha +5Claimer of the Slain (divine, necromancy) Valkyries can detect the souls of those recently slain in combat. A valkyrie spends 10 minutes praying over the body of a creature who has been dead for no more than 12 hours; if that creature is worthy of becoming an einherji and of the appropriate alignment, the valkyrie transforms that creature into an einherji.Ravenspeaker (divination, divine) Valkyries use ravens as servants and spies. They can speak with ravens, and they can have up to three raven servitors who follow their commands. Valkyries can constantly observe whatever their commanded ravens sense.Items_+1 resilient breastplate_, _+1 striking returning spear_---AC 33 Fort +24 Ref +20 Will +23 HP 215Resistanceselectricity 15Attack of Opportunity Recall the Fallen (divine, healing, necromancy) Frequency once per day; Trigger An allied creature within 60 feet who isn't a construct or undead is reduced to 0 Hit Points and their dying value is 2 or less; Effect The valkyrie restores 5d10 Hit Points to the target.---Speed 25 feet, fly 60 feetMeleespear +28 (Magical),Damage 2d6+15 piercing plus 1d12 electricityRangedspear +26 (Magical, thrown 20 feet),Damage 2d6+15 piercing plus 1d12 electricityDivine Innate Spells DC 29- 3rdAugury, Sanctified Ground, Status, Wanderer's Guide- 6thDisrupting Weapons, Heal, Heroism- 7thPlane Shift (self and mount only)- Constant (5th)TonguesStorm of Battle(Divine, Electricity, Evocation) The valkyrie hurls her spear into the air, creating a massive storm in a 100-foot burst. Spears of lightning rain down upon enemies in the area, dealing 4d12 electricity damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save)Boneyard AdvocatesWhile praying to claim a slain warrior, a valkyrie fractures their own consciousness into two parts: mind and soul. They send their mind spinning along the River of Souls to collect and advocate on behalf of the slain warrior's soul. When the prayer ends, the valkyrie reunites their mind and body, and they join the warrior's body and soul into a single form as a new einherji." - }, - { - "name": "Vampire Bat Swarm", - "family": "Bat", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "45", - "lore": "Vampire Bat SwarmAlthough the typical vampire bat has a wingspan of 7 inches and doesn’t pose a significant threat to larger prey alone (and indeed, these blood-drinkers can feed without their sleeping victims ever noticing), some unusually aggressive species of these bats hunt in deadly swarms. A churning cloud of vampire bats is much more dangerous than the sum of its individual parts and is capable of inflicting an overwhelming number of bleeding wounds in a frighteningly short span of time.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Vampire Bat Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Vampire Count", - "family": "Vampire", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Vampire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "400", - "lore": "Vampire CountVampire counts rule their demesnes through a mix of fear and cruelty.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 22Vampire Count" - }, - { - "name": "Vampire Mastermind", - "family": "Vampire", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Vampire"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "401", - "lore": "Vampire MastermindVampire masterminds are evil wizards who control entire cabals of the undead and instill fear in the hearts of mortals far and wide.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 28Vampire Mastermind" - }, - { - "name": "Vampire Spawn Rogue", - "family": "Vampire", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Vampire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "399", - "lore": "Vampire Spawn RogueVampires use their spawn for infiltration and reconnaissance.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 19Vampire Spawn" - }, - { - "name": "Vampire Squid", - "family": "Squid", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "819", - "lore": "Vampire SquidVampire squid are neither undead nor blood drinkers. Their name is instead inspired by their red eyes and the dark, cloak-like webbing between their arms. Living in the lightless depths of the ocean, the vampire squid can eject a cloud of bioluminescent mucus that nauseates predators.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 14Vampire Squid" - }, - { - "name": "Vampiric Mist", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "845", - "lore": "Vampiric MistThough they're often mistaken for vampires in gaseous form or an unusual type of air elemental, vampiric mists are in fact strange aberrant life-forms. With an amorphous body that consists as much of fluid as it does of air, these creatures dwell in swamps or moist underground regions where their vulnerability to heat isn't as much of a concern. Still, they prefer to lair near the fringes of such areas, as a vampiric mist needs a constant supply of fresh blood for sustenance. While blood drawn from animals is just as nutritious as blood from anything else, these sadistic monsters vastly prefer the flavor of blood drawn from thinking creatures. Like will-o'-wisps, vampiric mists find that fear flavors the blood, though they gain no particular advantage by feeding on the frightened. Although somewhat intelligent, vampiric mists do not form societies. They sometimes group into small gangs, but even then they show little interest in working together. Vampiric mists spend most of their time seeking prey—a pursuit they approach with great creativity. The mists' propensity for taking on vague, skeletal forms of the creatures whose blood they drink further adds to their mystique and fuels rumors that they have connections to the undead. Indeed, many vampiric mists enjoy using this common misconception to their advantage, leading foes to apply foolish tactics—such as tricking spellcasters into attempting to use positive energy against them as if they were undead monsters.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 18Vampiric Mist" - }, - { - "name": "Vanara Disciple", - "family": "Vanara", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Uncommon", "Vanara", "Medium"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1359", - "lore": "Vanara DiscipleVanara culture prizes order and discipline, leading to many vanaras studying monastic practices. They also value compassion, kindness, and community, whether that community is their own or one they're visiting. Most vanaras are quick to offer aid to those in distress and rarely hesitate in the face of evil, no matter the danger it presents. The leaders of vanara villages tend to be religious figures, or occasionally others possessing similar values and experience. Vanaras venerate Ragdya, the Sage of the Mountain, who encourages seeking enlightenment through worldly action and sees the virtues of pranks and humor.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 17Unspecific Lore: DC 15Specific Lore: DC 12Vanara DiscipleSource Bestiary 3 pg. 286Perception +6; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, Sylvan, VanaraSkillsAcrobatics +7, Athletics +4, Stealth +7Str +1Dex +4Con +0Int +1Wis +3Cha +0Prehensile Tail The vanara can use their long, flexible tail to perform Interact actions requiring a free hand, even if both hands are otherwise occupied. Their tail can't perform actions that require fingers or significant manual dexterity, including any action that would require a check to accomplish, and they can't use it to hold items.ItemsBo Staff, javelins (3)---AC 19 Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +8 HP 16---Speed 25 feet, climb 15 feetMeleefist +7 (Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed),Damage 1d6+1 bludgeoningMeleebo staff +4 (Parry, reach 10 feet, Trip),Damage 1d8+1 bludgeoningRangedjavelin +7 (thrown 30 feet),Damage 1d6+1 piercingDivine Innate Spells DC 13- 1stPest Form (monkey only)Flurry of BlowsFrequency once per round; Effect The vanara disciple makes two unarmed Strikes. If both hit the same creature, combine their damage for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses.Spring UpRequirements The vanara disciple is prone; Effect The vanara Stands, then can immediately Step twice. The Stand action doesn't trigger reactions." - }, - { - "name": "Vanth", - "family": "Psychopomp", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Psychopomp"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "769", - "lore": "VanthProtecting the Boneyard are the stern and resolute guardians of the dead known as vanths, psychopomps who resemble skeletons with raven-like wings and a mask resembling a vulture's skull. Vanths carry black scythes to fight against those who would disturb the natural progression of souls, and they consider any visitor to the Boneyard a potential troublemaker. When the psychopomp armies go to war, vanths serve as front-line soldiers. They rarely speak and even more rarely show any emotion other than a grim adherence to duty.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 23Vanth" - }, - { - "name": "Vaspercham", - "family": "—", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "846", - "lore": "VasperchamThe darkly intelligent vaspercham, an aquatic horror who delights in violence and destruction, lurks in the shallows near shorelines. Once a vaspercham settles on a new home, they stubbornly stay there, regardless of any communities dwelling nearby. A vaspercham's physical might and magic-warping abilities make them incredibly hard to dislodge once entrenched, and many seaside communities have relocated after a vaspercham came calling. The monster responds only to strength, so one must best a vaspercham in combat to gain their begrudging cooperation. But once the creature recovers their strength, they inevitably betray any temporary alliance.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 36Vaspercham" - }, - { - "name": "Vaultbreaker Ooze", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "997", - "lore": "Vaultbreaker OozeThough many oozes hunt among the dreary confines of underground caverns, dungeons, and abandoned ruins, others seek to quell their hunger in areas well-trafficked by civilized creatures. The aptly named vaultbreaker oozes exhibit a mindless compulsion to feed on and digest precious metals. When near precious metals, the ichor exuded from their metallic plasm tarnishes black and forms small, jagged crystals that dot the oozes' surface. Like a strange biological compass, these crystals point vaultbreaker oozes to their next meal. Though mindless, these strange oozes exhibit an innate instinct for picking and bypassing locks to reach their meals by inserting a gelatinous pseudopod into a keyhole and then hardening the appendage into solid metal, forming a tool similar to a skeleton key. Vaultbreaker oozes can often be found in cities where tectonic instability has created fissures and cracks, allowing them to infiltrate basements, vaults, and underground chambers that may contain treasure. When rumors of vaultbreaker ooze sightings surface, banker consortiums, Abadaran priests, and even local thieves guilds offer hefty sums to have the dangerous oozes destroyed—though some might instead offer a bounty for their capture.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 24Vaultbreaker Ooze" - }, - { - "name": "Vavakia", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "976", - "lore": "VavakiaJuggernauts of destruction, vavakias are formed from the souls of mortals who extract, enslave, or consume the souls of others.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 40Vavakia" - }, - { - "name": "Vazgorlu", - "family": "—", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration, Astral", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Astral"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "493", - "lore": "VazgorluThe arthropod monstrosity known as a vazgorlu makes its home on the Astral Plane or inside of a stable portal, ambushing creatures that travel there using dimensional magic.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 45Recall Knowledge - Astral (Occultism): DC 45Vazgorlu" - }, - { - "name": "Veiled Master (Vidileth)", - "family": "Alghollthu", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "5", - "lore": "Veiled Master (Vidileth)The powerful vidileths are the insidious veiled masters of the alghollthus. These manipulators of mind and body alike lead their species in the open, using their ability to change form to walk among and deceive humans and other sapient species. Many veiled masters are even more powerful than the typical specimen presented here and can use a wide range of arcane or occult spells and rituals. While veiled masters command significant combat prowess and impressive magical skills, the greatest danger they pose to others is their uncanny ability to infiltrate into societies much different than their own. The most paranoid of adventurers and conspiracy scholars worry that every major city has been infested by secret cabals of vidileths, while others dismiss this as hogwash and fearmongering. The truth is likely somewhere in between, but it doesn’t take many veiled masters pulling the strings behind the scenes to wreak havoc upon an entire nation!Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 37Veiled Master" - }, - { - "name": "Velociraptor", - "family": "Dinosaur", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "117", - "lore": "VelociraptorA smaller cousin of the deinonychus, the velociraptor is a swift, cunning pack hunter. It has no fear of larger creatures, and a group of these dinosaurs won’t hesitate to attack creatures the size of a horse. Velociraptors are social animals, and tend to live in groups of up to a dozen other velociraptors. They have manes of feathery plumage that extend down their backs and along the sides of their arms, legs, and tail, while their underbellies and flanks are scaly. These feathers allow them to blend into their natural terrains with ease, but when excited, attempting to intimidate, or seeking a mate, a velociraptor can puff and frill this plumage to expose much brighter colors normally covered by the longer feathers. A typical velociraptor is 1-1/2 feet tall, 7 feet long, and weighs 35 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Velociraptor" - }, - { - "name": "Veranallia (Rebirth Azata)", - "family": "Azata", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "560", - "lore": "Veranallia (Rebirth Azata)Veranallias represent the freedom of life to grow, change, and adapt. They rarely interact directly with non-azatas, as most other beings find their nature hard to comprehend, but those who secure their aid find them powerful allies. The lower half of a veranallia's body is made of vegetation that constantly repeats a dizzying cycle of sprouting, blooming, thriving, and wilting. The upper half of their body appears as that of a humanoid of any gender—it is rare for a veranallia to remain consistent in their gender for more than a few seasons at a time.Veranallias transform the landscape in their wake, bringing creation and destruction alike. The world around them overflows with an abundance of vegetation, with plenty of food for nearby animals, and when they bring destruction, they do so without cruelty, as it is sometimes necessary to make room for new life. They trigger forest fires in woodlands before dry brush piles up to dangerous levels, and bring bitter winters to areas plagued with parasites that thrive in hot weather.Recall Knowledge - Celestial (Religion): DC 40Veranallia" - }, - { - "name": "Verdurous Ooze", - "family": "Ooze", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Ooze", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "754", - "lore": "Verdurous OozeVerdurous oozes are found in temperate forests, warm jungles, or other places where plant life grows in abundance. Unlike many types of oozes, verdurous oozes are not particularly good climbers and have been known to get trapped in natural or artificial chasms. Warlords and wizards sometimes make use of that fact and keep verdurous oozes as guardians in pits around the walls of their fortresses or towers.Recall Knowledge - Ooze (Occultism): DC 22Verdurous Ooze" - }, - { - "name": "Vermlek (Worm Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "500", - "lore": "Vermlek (Worm Demon)Vermleks, also called worm demons, manifest from the souls of mortals who desecrated the dead, such as grave robbers or necromancers. These fiends take their violations to a new extreme, using their demonic powers to horrifically core their living victims and don the flesh-husk that remains.In its natural form, a vermlek resembles an oversized pinkish worm with four long tails that end in writhing fibrils. Its mouth splits into four segments like a profane tulip lined with rows of dozens of pointed teeth. More often than not, however, these fiends are encountered only after they have crawled into the body of a dead humanoid and made the hollowed-out flesh their temporary host. Vermleks use their powers of deception and disguise to infiltrate mortal settlements and influence unwitting acquaintances of the bodies they wear. Particularly intelligent or conniving vermleks might even reach stations of real power within the ranks of an army or government, at which point exposure of their true form can wreak havoc among the populace they have so thoroughly duped.\nRecall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 18Vermlek" - }, - { - "name": "Vexgit", - "family": "Gremlin", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "688", - "lore": "VexgitThese gremlins are covered head-to-toe by a crustacean-like exoskeleton that clacks and rattles whenever a vexgit moves. They delight in sabotaging the works of other creatures, often turning these works into dangerous traps. An individual vexgit might jam a door lock, loosen the wheels on a carriage, or remove nails from a boat hull. Buildings infested by vexgits become filled with traps like portcullises descending suddenly, water pipes exploding violently, and clock towers disgorging an avalanches of gears. Aware of their own physical weakness, vexgits carry hammers and other tools to leverage pieces apart or smash whatever they're unable to disassemble. Indeed, a hammer sized for a human becomes a maul in the tiny hands of a vexgit. Vexgit infestations range from one to a score. Larger groups are often led by a more powerful vexgit with additional skill in thievery or primal magic. Trained giant rats, vipers, and rat swarms are common in vexgit lairs.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 15Vexgit" - }, - { - "name": "Vilderavn", - "family": "Vilderavn", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fey", "Rare", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1360", - "lore": "VilderavnIn their true form, a vilderavn is a great raven with a wingspan of 6–8 feet. Adaptable shapeshifters, they can change to the fighting forms of a snarling wolf, a hybrid of both wolf and raven, and a tall humanoid in black armor with a massive greatsword. More sinister is their ability to assume a humanoid guise suited to insinuate themselves into the retinues of boastful mortal rulers. With historical knowledge and clever rumor-mongering, they goad the proud into squabbles, feuds, and ultimately wars. The vilderavn stays at the ruler's side until victory is within grasp, the war almost won, then exacts the cruel stroke of betrayal. Their magic turns the mortals against each other, and the vilderavn's sword falls swiftly.Recall Knowledge - Fey(Nature): DC 40Unspecific Lore: DC 38Specific Lore: DC 35VilderavnSource Bestiary 3 pg. 287Perception +28; greater darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesAklo, Common, Infernal, Sylvan; _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +30, Athletics +32, Deception +29, Heraldry Lore +26, Society +24, Stealth +32, Warfare Lore +26Str +8Dex +6Con +5Int +4Wis +4Cha +7---AC 40 Fort +25 Ref +30 Will +28 HP 300Immunitiescurses, death effects, drained, fearWeaknessescold iron 10Aura of Disquietude (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 30 feet, DC 35. As frightful presence, plus a creature frightened by the aura becomes suspicious: it doesn't count any other creature as its ally and can't Aid or flank. On a critical failure, the creature also can't be a willing target for harmless or helpful magic.Attack of Opportunity---Speed 40 feet, fly 120 feetMelee_greatsword_ +34 (Magical, versatile P),Damage 3d12+16 slashing plus bloodbirdMeleejaws +32 (Magical),Damage 3d8+16 piercing plus bloodbirdMeleetalon +32 (Agile, Magical),Damage 3d8+16 slashing plus bloodbirdOccult Innate Spells DC 37- 5thCrushing Despair (at will), Modify Memory, Outcast's Curse (at will), Suggestion (at will)- 8thEthereal Jaunt, Suggestion- Constant (6th)Tongues, True SeeingBloodbird(Curse, Occult) A creature hit by a vilderavn's melee attack becomes cursed. It takes 2d6 persistent bleed damage that's difficult to stanch. The DC to stop the bleeding using Administer First Aid is 35, and healing the creature to full HP doesn't automatically end the bleeding. Removing the curse ends the bleeding.Change Shape(Concentrate, Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The vilderavn takes on the appearance of a Small or Medium humanoid, wolf, dire wolf, or hybrid with both raven and wolf parts. The vilderavn can only use their jaws attack when in a form with a wolf's head, and their talon attack in a form with raven qualities. They can instead assume their raven knight form: a Medium humanoid in black full plate carrying a greatsword. They can use their jaws or talon Strikes only in a form that has that body part, and their greatsword only in knight form.Souleater(Necromancy, Occult) If the vilderavn kills a humanoid target with a critical hit using their jaws Strike, they rip out and devour the target's heart and soul as part of the attack. While the target is dead, the vilderavn can Change Shape into the target's form, gaining a +4 status bonus to Deception checks to impersonate the target. If magic would resurrect the creature, the caster must succeed at a DC 34 counteract check to extract the target's soul from the vilderavn; otherwise, the spell fails.Creation of the VildravnsLegends say vilderavns were created by a fey lord as a weapon against those who ruined the land with their iron armaments. Vilderavns would exploit the hubris of mortals and devour their souls after death. With this goal, the vilderavns hid in various forms to watch and learn human ways, and executed their calling with great subtlety but no mercy. No mortal knows if this legend is true or spread by vilderavns to imply a purpose for their heartless cruelty." - }, - { - "name": "Vine Lasher", - "family": "Deadly Flora", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "428", - "lore": "Vine LasherWhat first appears to be a simple shrub suddenly stirs to life.The vine lasher attacks in groups, attempting to immobilize prey and slowly tear a creature to pieces.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 14Vine Lasher" - }, - { - "name": "Vine Leshy", - "family": "Leshy", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1218", - "lore": "Vine LeshyIrrepressible vine leshys love to explore and collect tales to share. They're curious without being reckless. Other cultures interest them greatly, and they can build friendships quickly as they trade stories with traveling companions. They also feel a pull toward protection, much like other leshys. Vine leshys, though, tend to protect a ward for only a brief period of danger before the leshy's wanderlust drives them onward into the unknown.Recall Knowledge - Plant(Nature): DC 14Unspecific Lore: DC 12Specific Lore: DC 9Vine LeshySource Bestiary 3 pg. 160Perception +6; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, Druidic, Sylvan; _speak with plants_ (plants with vines only)SkillsAthletics +4, Diplomacy +5, Nature +4, Performance +5, Society +1, Survival +4Str +2Dex +1Con +1Int -1Wis +2Cha +3ItemsSpear---AC 15 Fort +3 Ref +5 Will +8 HP 13Verdant Burst When a vine leshy dies, a burst of primal energy explodes from its body, restoring 1d4 Hit Points to each plant creature in a 30-foot emanation. This area fills with tangling vines, becoming difficult terrain. If the terrain is not a viable environment for the vines, they wither after 24 hours.---Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feetMeleespear +6,Damage 1d6+2 piercingRangedspear +5 (thrown 20 feet),Damage 1d6+2 piercingPrimal Innate Spells DC 15- 4thSpeak with PlantsChange Shape(Concentrate, Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) The vine leshy transforms into a Small plant with vines. This ability otherwise uses the effects of _tree shape_.Extend VinesThe vine leshy Interacts to extend or shorten their arms. With limbs extended, the vine leshy has a 10-foot reach. The leshy can't use weapons that already have reach in this way, because they would be unable to keep their balance." - }, - { - "name": "Violet Fungus", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fungus", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fungus", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "853", - "lore": "Violet FungusAt a glance, a violet fungus might seem to be little more than an unsightly and sickeningly purple mushroom of unusual size. Only once one draws closer— once whip-like tentacles dripping with flesh-rotting venom slither out from the fungus's cratered cap—does the terrifying truth of this carnivorous toadstool become apparent. Many amateur spelunkers have met untimely ends in the clutches of this monstrous fungus's tentacles, since violet fungi are practically synonymous with caverns on Golarion. Anyone who has ever braved the world's caves for an extended period of time know the dangers of the deadly violet fungus. Darklands dwellers such as drow and duergars often bear the long, whip-like scars of at least one brush with this vicious plant's cruel, poison-infused tentacles. Canny subterranean trappers and scouts sometimes make use of cultivated violent fungi to catch game in the enormous caverns below the surface world. Some Darklands peoples also cultivate violet fungi as a means to defend their territory. Xulgaths in particular place violet fungi around the perimeters of their settlements as a first line of defense.Recall Knowledge - Fungus (Nature): DC 18Violet Fungus" - }, - { - "name": "Viper", - "family": "Snake", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "379", - "lore": "ViperEach member of this family of venomous snakes has long, hinged fangs that inject potent venom in their prey. Different vipers inject different types of venom, which might result in paralysis, extreme pain and swelling, blood clotting, or even the sudden stopping of the victim’s heart.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 13Viper" - }, - { - "name": "Viper Swarm", - "family": "Snake", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1316", - "lore": "Viper SwarmThe frightening mass of shining scales, gleaming eyes, and fangs dripping with venom that comprise a viper swarm has brought an end to many an unlucky adventurer. Normally nocturnal, these notoriously aggressive snakes strike at anything that comes within reach, be it limb or weapon. Their venom is a potent toxin that leaves victims shaky and weak.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 19Unspecific Lore: DC 17Specific Lore: DC 14Viper SwarmSource Bestiary 3 pg. 249Perception +12; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +13, Stealth +11Str +1Dex +5Con +3Int -4Wis +2Cha -3---AC 18 Fort +11 Ref +13 Will +10 HP 50Immunitiesprecision, swarm mindResistancesbludgeoning 5, piercing 5, slashing 3Weaknessesarea damage 5, splash damage 5---Speed 30 feet, climb 30 feet, swim 30 feetVenom SpritzThe vipers spray venom from their fangs in a defensive display. Each creature in a 10-foot cone is exposed to viper swarm venom but gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its initial saving throw against the poison.Venomous FangsEach enemy in the swarm's space takes 2d8 piercing damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save) plus viper swarm venom.Viper Swarm Venom(Poison) Saving Throw DC 21 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison damage (1 round); Stage 2 1d6 poison damage and clumsy 1 (1 round); Stage 3 2d4 poison damage, clumsy 2, and enfeebled 1 (1 round)" - }, - { - "name": "Viper Vine", - "family": "—", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "854", - "lore": "Viper VineA voracious, flesh-eating carnivore, the viper vine has a single enormous blossom arising from a thick, leafy tangle of snake-like vines. When the plant senses the approach of suitable prey through its sensitive, shallowly buried root system, it rises up like an agitated snake and unfurls its brightly colored bloom, an act that releases a cloud of mind-numbing pollen. Persistent stories claim the viper vine can lure prey into its clutches by swaying with a hypnotic motion, but this effect is in fact created by this invisible, odorless pollen cloud. Since a viper vine gains nourishment by consuming creatures rather than through ingesting moisture and soil, it has developed rudimentary locomotion and can drag itself along the ground with its tentacle-like roots. It even has a form of rudimentary sentience, allowing it to not only discern differences in prey and make limited tactical decisions, but also to avoid creatures that are particularly large or dangerous-looking. The area around viper vine hunting grounds is often strewn with the partially devoured remains of victims. It's not unusual to find the rotting corpses of wild animals, ill-fated adventurers, and even giants in the plant's immediate vicinity, along with a scattering of incidental treasure left behind on the corpses. A viper vine rarely returns to the carcass of a creature it killed earlier, preferring to hunt fresh meat.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 31Viper Vine" - }, - { - "name": "Vishkanya Infiltrator", - "family": "Vishkanya", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Rare", "Vishkanya", "Medium"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1361", - "lore": "Vishkanya InfiltratorFrom a distance, vishkanyas share more than a passing resemblance to humans. However, a closer inspection reveals ophidian eyes with gold or white coloring, a forked tongue, and tiny, smooth scales set in serpentine patterns atop their skin. Even so, most onlookers assume these features to be an indicator of tiefling heritage or draconic magic, never suspecting how truly unusual the subject of their speculation is. Among outsiders, little is known of the vishkanya ancestry other than that a vishkanya carries a potent venom within their blood and saliva, knowledge which has led to widespread fear and distrust. To avoid persecution, vishkanyas entrench themselves deep into their chosen societies and train in the arts of subtlety. Drawn to work that allows them to put their skills to good use, vishkanyas often take the roles of spy, mercenary, bodyguard, and even assassin.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18Vishkanya InfiltratorSource Bestiary 3 pg. 288Perception +10; low-light visionLanguagesCommon, VishkanyanSkillsAcrobatics +9, Athletics +7, Deception +11, Diplomacy +9, Society +7, Stealth +11, Thievery +9Str +2Dex +4Con +1Int +0Wis +1Cha +2ItemsDisguise Kit, Kukri, Leather Armor, Shuriken (10), Thieves' Tools---AC 19 Fort +6 (+8 vs. poisons)Ref +11 Will +8 HP 45---Speed 25 feetMeleekukri +11 (Agile, Finesse, Trip),Damage 1d6+4 slashingRangedshuriken +11 (Agile, thrown 20 feet),Damage 1d4+4 piercingEnvenomFrequency once per day; Effect Using either saliva or blood, the vishkanya applies vishkanyan venom to one weapon they're holding. To use their blood, they must be injured, or they can deal themselves 1 slashing damage as part of the action.FlexibleThe vishkanya infiltrator is adept at dealing with tight situations. They have a +1 circumstance bonus to checks to Escape.Proficient PoisonerThe vishkanya infiltrator doesn't lose the poison on a weapon due to a critically failed Strike.Sneak AttackThe vishkanya deals 1d6 extra precision damage to flat-footed creatures.Vishkanyan Venom(Injury, Poison) Saving Throw DC 20 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 1d4 poison damage (1 round); Stage 2 1d4 poison damage and flat-footed (1 round); Stage 3 1d4 poison damage, flat-footed, and a –5-foot penalty to Speed (1 round)ToxicityAlthough the idea that vishkanyas are able to administer their venom at a mere touch is a myth, some powerful vishkanyas can concentrate their innate toxins, resulting in more potent venom, or venoms that have different effects." - }, - { - "name": "Viskithrel", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "981", - "lore": "ViskithrelOne of the many horrid life-forms native to Zevgavizeb's Abyssal realm of Gluttondark, viskithrels—or “gluttonraptors”—are tireless hunters resembling tentacled theropods. They are social creatures by nature and prefer to hunt in large packs, chasing down prey and tearing them apart to share with their fellow hunters. A lone viskithrel forgoes hunting to frantically seek out others of its kind, starving to death if it cannot do so. Although viskithrels attack nearly any other creatures they encounter, they virtually never fight other viskithrels; even beasts in rival packs give each other space rather than fight over territory or prey. Other, smarter denizens of Gluttondark, such as xilvireks herd and train viskithrels, working to convince the viskithrels that the trainer is one of their pack. This not only protects the trainer from attacks by the viskithrels, but also enables the trainer to easily direct them.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 36Viskithrel" - }, - { - "name": "Vitalia", - "family": "—", - "level": 18, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "880", - "lore": "VitaliaFoul occult magic, rare alchemical reagents, and copious amounts of spilled blood are the keys to creating a vitalia—also known as a heart horror— though thankfully the exact means of their creation has been long forgotten. Now, most vitalias now come into being by sheer accident. This unusual life-form cannot live without regular contact with blood, much like how fish cannot live long outside of water. Because of this, vitalias are rarely found outside the lairs of mad alchemists or wizards, living in pools of the life-giving substance. Physically, a vitalia somewhat resembles a blood-red giant jellyfish, though it also bears some semblance to a giant human heart.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 43Vitalia" - }, - { - "name": "Void Zombie", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "855", - "lore": "Void ZombieA void zombie arises when a humanoid dies from an akata's void death affliction. This walking corpse is animated by a larval akata attached to the deceased creature's brain, using a grotesque feeding tendril that emerges from the corpse's mouth to drink blood from its victims. A void zombie typically exists for only a few months before it collapses and the larval akata crawls free from the motionless shell. When it feels the natural end of its unlife approaching, a void zombie finds a secluded place to vomit forth the nearly mature akata larva, then withers away. The disgorged larva metamorphizes into a full-grown akata several hours later, usually eating the corpse as its first meal. The name “void zombie” is something of a misnomer; though still compelled by necromantic energies, a void zombie is a host in the life cycle of a parasitic alien, not a mindless, reanimated corpse (despite their similar appearances). The fact that a typical void zombie shares the neutral alignment of the larval akata within, rather than the intrinsically evil nature of other zombies, has caused some scholars to push to reclassify them under other names. Suggestions have included “void dead,” “akata spawn,” or “bloodwalker,” but the visceral and compelling commonplace name has proven difficult to shed. The driving force behind a void zombie's violence rises from the ravenous hunger of the alien parasite that serves as the channel for its animating negative energies. Necromancers have tried often to duplicate the void zombie, but without a larval akata hosted within, the result is simply a zombie with missing jaws or, at best, one that moves faster than normal. Others have compared a captive void zombie to a captive yellow musk thrall in an attempt to discover a potential link between the two— after all, both are animated bodies controlled by a parasitic outside force. Strangely, a void zombie becomes particularly violent when encountering a yellow musk thrall, making direct comparisons of the two creatures particularly difficult, or even dangerous. The fact that a void zombie, unlike a yellow musk thrall, is actually undead may hold some clues as to the source of this strange behavior.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 20Void Zombie" - }, - { - "name": "Voidworm", - "family": "Protean", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Protean"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "336", - "lore": "VoidwormOther proteans don’t consider the flying, iridescent beings known as voidworms to be part of a protean caste at all, but instead merely a shameful side effect of the Maelstrom’s constantly churning energy. To call a voidworm a protean in the presence of a more powerful protean is as sure a way to instigate combat as any. Voidworms themselves have little interest in whether anyone sees them as proteans. They maintain a thriving ecology in the Maelstrom, frolicking in schools of up to 20 and playing in the chaos of constantly shifting realities. Elsewhere (such as on the Material Plane), voidworms are mesmerized by the principle of object permanence; many latch onto specific features of a region (such as a hillside or pond) and flit through the air around it for months or even years as they wait for the object of their curiosity to change. Minor changes— such as a tree’s change of color in the fall, a corpse’s slow decay, or periodic venting of steam from a geyser—all fascinate voidworms. A voidworm is about 2 feet long and weighs 2 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 15Voidworm" - }, - { - "name": "Vrock (Wrath Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "100", - "lore": "Vrock (Wrath Demon)When the gates to the Abyss swing wide, the first demons through are often vrocks, vulture-headed scions of rage who wheel through the air on black wings or dance with the exultation of their fiendish power. Their hatred for mortals is matched only by their desire to inflict suffering through their horrible screech or their devastating dance. Vrocks form from the souls of hateful mortals who are thus given another chance to inflict their rage on the world. Vrocks often travel in small groups so as to make the best use of their dance of ruin ability, but they rarely appear in groups larger than four. Against small groups and individuals, they swoop down without fear, hoping to play with their prey before going for the kill. Against formidable foes, they are just as happy to fly above, using their dance of ruin to cast a storm of lightning down on them.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 26Vrock" - }, - { - "name": "Vrolikai (Death Demon)", - "family": "Demon", - "level": 19, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "603", - "lore": "Vrolikai (Death Demon)Unlike other demons, the dread vrolikai doesn't form from a sinful soul—they instead manifest from a nabasu once the nabasu finally satisfies their hunger and returns to the Abyss, and as such vrolikais suffer from no vulnerability associated with a specific sin. A vrolikai who survives this process and the period of vulnerability that follows gains great power and in time can claim large regions of the Abyss as their own domain. Also known as death demons, these murderous monsters often serve demon lords as executioners or assassins.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 41Vrolikai" - }, - { - "name": "Vrykolakas Ancient", - "family": "Vampire, Vrykolakas", - "level": 13, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Vampire"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "844", - "lore": "Vrykolakas AncientVrykolakas ancients are the sinister overlords of their kind, stealing blood, breath, and life to feed their immortal hunger.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 33Vrykolakas Ancient" - }, - { - "name": "Vrykolakas Master", - "family": "Vampire, Vrykolakas", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Vampire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "843", - "lore": "Vrykolakas MasterVrykolakas masters are sinister shapechangers. They walk undetected among the living and prey upon them like a wolf among sheep, often leaving the corpses to rise as vrykolakas spawn.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 27Vrykolakas Master" - }, - { - "name": "Vrykolakas Spawn", - "family": "Vampire, Vrykolakas", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Vampire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "842", - "lore": "Vrykolakas SpawnVrykolakas unleash their spawn upon the world to spread terror, plague, and suffering and to draw attention away from their masters.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 22Vrykolakas Spawn" - }, - { - "name": "Vulpinal", - "family": "Agathion", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Celestial", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Agathion", "Celestial", "Small"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1056", - "lore": "Vulpinal (Fox Agathion)Vulpinals serve as the cunning and clever musicians and minstrels of the agathions. Incredibly far-ranging, these fox-like humanoids love traveling to learn and teach about all the unique songs, dances, myths, and traditions they can find. Though they prefer to travel alone, vulpinals are extremely gregarious toward those they meet on their journeys. They enjoy participating in the festivities of cultures they encounter, and they're known to form small traveling groups of like-minded individuals if they believe that their shared expertise can prove beneficial.Recall Knowledge - Celestial(Religion): DC 22Unspecific Lore: DC 20Specific Lore: DC 17VulpinalSource Bestiary 3 pg. 11Perception +15; darkvisionLanguagesCelestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal; _speak with animals_, _tongues_SkillsAcrobatics +12, Arcana +15, Deception +14, Medicine +11, Nirvana Lore +15, Performance +16, Religion +13, Society +13, Stealth +12Str +2Dex +4Con +4Int +5Wis +3Cha +6Itemshandheld instrument---AC 24 Fort +12 Ref +14 Will +15 HP 105Weaknessesevil 5---Speed 30 feetMeleejaws +15 (Finesse, Good, Magical),Damage 2d10+4 piercing plus 1d6 goodMeleeclaw +15 (Agile, Finesse, Good, Magical),Damage 2d6+4 slashing plus 1d6 goodDivine Innate Spells DC 24- 2ndDetect Alignment (at will; evil only), Invisibility (at will; self only)- 3rdCalm Emotions, Remove Disease- 4thDimension Door, Divine Wrath- Constant (5th)Speak with Animals, TonguesChampion Focus Spell DC 24, 1 Focus Point- 3rdLay on HandsFox's CunningA vulpinal's core value is cunning. They can apply their knowledge and stories from their extensive travels to just about any situation in an instant. Before spending any other action on their turn, the vulpinal can Recall Knowledge as a free action.Vulpinal FlairBipedal vulpinals stand around 3 feet tall, with humanoid clawed hands and fluffy tails almost as long as their bodies. They typically appear with red fur, though leaders feature either white or black pelts with gray sprinkled across their muzzles and backs. Fox agathions like to wear stylish but functional clothing from the places they visit, often embellishing themselves with small trinkets and souvenirs they picked up along the way. " - }, - { - "name": "War Horse", - "family": "Horse", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "268", - "lore": "War HorseThis entry did not have a separate description for the creature.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16War Horse" - }, - { - "name": "War Pony", - "family": "Horse", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "267", - "lore": "War PonyThis entry did not have a separate description for the creature.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15War Pony" - }, - { - "name": "Warg", - "family": "Warg", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "402", - "lore": "WargWargs hunt in packs and surround their prey like common wolves, but their cunning and penchant for taunting victims makes them easy to distinguish from their less-intelligent cousins. But despite their intelligence, wargs have simple desires for food and shelter, making them easy for evil humanoids such as orcs and hobgoblins to recruit to protect their camps or join them in battle. Most wargs are amenable to this arrangement, but if food should run out, wargs are more than willing to integrate goblinoid flesh into their diet.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 16Warg" - }, - { - "name": "Warsworn", - "family": "—", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "404", - "lore": "WarswornA warsworn is an animate mass of corpses composed of dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of victims of battle. They are formed by deities of undeath or war or, rarely, spontaneously manifest from the devastation of an especially horrendous battle.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 37Warsworn" - }, - { - "name": "Wasp Swarm", - "family": "Wasp", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "406", - "lore": "Wasp SwarmWasp nests are made of chewed wood fibers foraged from the surrounding flora, which the wasps make into a material similar to paper. A single wasp nest can house thousands of individuals that emerge as a massive swarm. Most swarms attack only to protect their nest or if otherwise agitated, though druids and other primal enchanters can bend these venomous vermin to their will—to deadly effect.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 19Wasp Swarm" - }, - { - "name": "Water Mephit", - "family": "Elemental, Mephit", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "195", - "lore": "Water MephitWater mephits are consummate jokers who are always happy to trade a favor for a good laugh. Just as fire mephits are the ones who cleave closest to evil without fully crossing over into true villainy, water mephits are the friendliest of the mephits and therefore the closest to good. Still, one should take care in making assumptions about a water mephit’s benevolence, for no one can reliably count on them to keep their inborn need for pranks and trickery at bay for long. Water mephits have blue-green skin that shimmers in light like sh scales. Though water mephits’ wings look more like webbed fins than limbs capable of flight, they can flap their wings to fly through the air as easily as any other mephit. Water mephits prefer to swim, when possible, and they leave the water only when they must.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 15Water Mephit" - }, - { - "name": "Water Orm", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Aquatic", "Beast", "Water"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "856", - "lore": "Water OrmLegendary creatures lurking in remote lakes, water orms always find their way into the tavern tales of lakeside communities. To some travelers, every lake of respectable size seems to be surrounded by towns full of fishers claiming to have spotted a water orm. These elusive creatures inhabit lakes mainly in cool and gloomy regions. Some claim that water orms are an offshoot of sea serpents and linnorms, but no credible link between these creatures has been found. Water orms have many features that sea serpents do not, such as the ability to understand the rudiments of language. Their natural inclination to avoid contact and remain hidden often remains at odds with their equally compelling curiosity about those they might spy upon the shores of their lakes. Water orm sightings usually occur when they can't help but to rise up to the surface to take a peek at someone (or something) particularly unusual on the beach or floating on the water's surface. These creatures are extremely long-lived and can go for decades, or even centuries, with very little to eat. This allows water orms to subsist in lakes without surfacing for many years, even in bodies of fresh water without ample food sources. Water orms might lie in a silty lake bed for years, their elusiveness only contributing to their mythical reputation. When a pet or child goes missing near a lake, rumors might hold that the local water orm is responsible, leading to folk tales that caution residents against venturing out alone near the water. While most water orms are described as serpentine or long-necked reptiles, others look similar to bizarrely elongated seals or whales, impossibly large sea horses, or long-necked creatures with paddles resembling those of elasmosauruses.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 32Water Orm" - }, - { - "name": "Water Wisp", - "family": "Elemental, Wisp", - "level": 0, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Elemental", "Water", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1145", - "lore": "Water WispWater wisps are swimming spheres of foam and water, perpetually humming with a wash of soft sounds. They're gentle, nurturing, and quick to help anyone in need.Recall Knowledge - Elemental(Arcana, Nature): DC 14Unspecific Lore: DC 12Specific Lore: DC 9Water WispSource Bestiary 3 pg. 91Perception +6; darkvision, mist visionLanguagesAquanSkillsAthletics +4, Medicine +6, Plane of Water Lore +4Str +2Dex +2Con +3Int +0Wis +2Cha +0Mist Vision The water wisp ignores the concealed condition from mist and fog.---AC 14 Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +4 HP 20Immunitiesbleed, paralyzed, poison, sleepResistancesfire 2Resonance (aura, water) 30 feet. All wisps vibrate at a frequency attuned to their element, resonating with and empowering all creatures and effects sharing that trait. A creature in the area gains a +1 status bonus to attack and damage rolls for effects with the water trait; a creature with the elemental and water traits gains this bonus to all attack and damage rolls.Accord Essence(water) Trigger An ally within 30 feet that benefited from the wisp's resonance in the last hour is targeted by an attack; Effect The wisp detonates itself in a small elemental explosion that gives temporary Hit Points equal to half the wisp's current Hit Points to allies within 30 feet that have benefited from the wisp's resonance in the last hour. These temporary Hit Points last 1 hour. A wisp that uses this reaction is permanently destroyed, and it can be restored only by a _wish_ spell or similarly powerful effect. If an ability would prevent the wisp's destruction (for instance, if the wisp is summoned and would merely be dismissed), Accord Essence has no effect.---Speed 25 feet, swim 25 feetMeleetendril +6 (reach 10 feet),Damage 1d6 bludgeoningDrench(Abjuration, Primal, Water) The wisp puts out all fires in a single 5-foot square. It extinguishes non-magical fire of that size or smaller automatically and attempts to counteract magical fires (counteract modifier +6).In ConcertWhen a water wisp rolls a critical failure on a check to Aid, they get a failure instead, and when they roll a success, they get a critical success instead." - }, - { - "name": "Water Yai", - "family": "Oni", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend, Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Oni", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "749", - "lore": "Water YaiAmong the most powerful yai are those who emulate the form of storm giants. Rather than lord over their giant-kin like most oni, though, water yai prefer to lurk alone in the world's oceans (or, much more rarely, large and remote freshwater lakes). When a water yai must interact with mortals beneath the waves, they prefer to do so while disguised as a storm giant. Water yai pursue the acquisition of material wealth and riches above all other interests, garbing themselves in richly colored, magically waterproofed kimonos and adorning their monstrous faces with all manner of jewelry. These yai can infuse their kimonos with eerie magical properties, and in combat, they can also fire bolts of electricity from their third eye.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 36Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 36Water Yai" - }, - { - "name": "Wayang Whisperblade", - "family": "Wayang", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Shadow", "Uncommon", "Wayang", "Small"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1363", - "lore": "Wayang WhisperbladeIn hushed tones, superstitious people tell their children stories of wayangs— living shadows who come out at night to eat misbehaving children. Mostly, these stories are just fictions of fearful minds, but it's true that wayangs were originally creatures of shadow, straddling the edge between light and darkness.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 17Unspecific Lore: DC 15Specific Lore: DC 12Wayang WhisperbladeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 290Perception +9; darkvisionLanguagesCommon, ShadowtongueSkillsAcrobatics +7, Deception +4, Occultism +6, Performance +6, Shadow Plane Lore +6, Stealth +7, Thievery +7Str +0Dex +4Con +1Int +3Wis +0Cha +1ItemsKukri (2), Leather Armor---AC 16 Fort +6 Ref +9 Will +5 +1 to all saves vs. darkness or shadowHP 19---Speed 25 feetMeleekukri +8 (Agile, Finesse, Trip),Damage 1d6 slashingShadowplay(Illusion, Occult, Shadow) Requirements The wayang's last action was a melee Strike that damaged their opponent; Effect The wayang attempts to Tumble Through the opponent's space, with a +2 circumstance bonus to the Acrobatics check. If they succeed, the wayang leaves a shadowy afterimage in their original space, and the opponent is flat-footed against the next melee attack the wayang attempts against it before the end of their current turn.Sneak AttackThe wayang deals an extra 1d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures." - }, - { - "name": "Weasel", - "family": "Weasel", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Tiny", - "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1364", - "lore": "WeaselDespite their small stature, weasels are skilled hunters. Nearly fearless in pursuit of food, they frequently kill creatures up to five times their own size. Their preferred tactic is to latch onto the back of their victim's neck and constrict with their jaws until the target dies. To keep themselves well fed, weasels kill more creatures than they need and stuff their victims into hollow logs or empty dens to eat later. Scholars have observed weasels, both in the wild and captivity, perform a bizarre behavior in front of their prey. They rush about unpredictably, throw themselves to the ground, wriggle into and out of burrows, and generally appear to behave entirely irrationally. In response, their prey becomes confused or seemingly hypnotized, which gives the weasel an opportunity to dash forward and strike a killing blow. A typical weasel is 12 inches long and weighs less than a pound.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 13Unspecific Lore: DC 11Specific Lore: DC 8WeaselSource Bestiary 3 pg. 291Perception +4; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +5, Athletics +4, Stealth +5Str +2Dex +3Con +2Int -4Wis +0Cha +1Lithe A weasel treats any tight space it can barely fit its head in or wider as difficult terrain and doesn't need to Squeeze to move through it.---AC 15 Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +2 HP 7---Speed 25 feetMeleejaws +7 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d4+2 piercing plus GrabConstrict1d4 piercing, DC 15" - }, - { - "name": "Web Lurker", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "407", - "lore": "Web LurkerWeb lurkers, known also as ettercaps, are ugly monsters that not only dwell within the lairs of spiders and swarms, but actively cultivate and shepherd such vermin.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 18Web Lurker" - }, - { - "name": "Wemmuth", - "family": "—", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "408", - "lore": "WemmuthFertilized by large quantities of spilled blood, such as that found on bloodstained battlefields or in the war-torn regions surrounding besieged cities, wemmuths are vile swaths of vines that draw sustenance from mortal suffering, lapping up blood like water. Possessing a rudimentary intelligence and an unquenchable thirst for blood, wemmuths lie in wait for most of their lives, growing to incredible size in the bloody soil of their grisly homes. Though the vines that comprise a wemmuth’s body are scarcely thicker than rope, a single adult wemmuth system consists of 6 tons of vines, enough to stretch for 6,000 feet if stretched from end to end in a single straight line. Wemmuths never orient themselves this way, however, instead preferring to wrap themselves into massive mounds approximately 15 feet across and equally thick. Although wemmuths are often spotted lazing about, the scent of blood is enough to whip one into a violent frenzy. The creature condenses its entire mass into a sphere of sharp thorns and lashing vines, resembling a hateful tumbleweed the size of an elephant. Wemmuths commonly dig up massive boulders or entire trees from the ground and incorporate them into their rolling mass, using these objects to bolster their defense against many forms of attack or hurling them at faraway foes with terrifying precision. Some speculate that wemmuths are a form of diabolical corruption let loose upon Golarion by House Thrune of Cheliax, perhaps as a scorched earth tactic against their rivals. Influential nobles from Nirmathas and Molthune both point fingers at one another for the wemmuth’s creation, Nirmathas citing Molthune’s close ties to Infernal Cheliax and Molthune blaming the primal magic commonly employed by Nirmathas’s many druids and rangers. Several Varisian tales describe creatures closely matching the wemmuth’s description attempting to apprehend a famous folk trickster, while crusaders from Mendev adhere to the belief that the wemmuths were a blight unleashed upon Golarion by Deskari, former demon lord of locusts, before his defeat at the hands of mortal heroes.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 34Wemmuth" - }, - { - "name": "Wendigo", - "family": "—", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Cold"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "409", - "lore": "WendigoWendigos are incarnations of the fears of starvation, loneliness, and fatal exposure to cold weather. They haunt the frozen expanses of the world.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 38Wendigo" - }, - { - "name": "Werebat", - "family": "Werecreature", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast,Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Werecreature", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1366", - "lore": "WerebatWerebats form organized colonies of opportunistic hunters. They aren't shy about transforming creatures to add to their colony, whom they initiate with elaborate social ceremonies and bloody hazing. The curse of the werebat gives them a strong urge to prey upon on weaker, lonely creatures. True werebats are often unusually tall and thin, with angular features. In combat, werebats favor their unarmed attacks because they can't fly while wielding weapons in their wings.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 16Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11WerebatSource Bestiary 3 pg. 292Perception +9; echolocation (precise) 40 feet, low-light visionLanguagesCommon; bat empathySkillsAcrobatics +8, Athletics +6, Deception +4, Society +5, Stealth +8Str +2Dex +4Con +3Int +1Wis +3Cha +0Bat Empathy (divination, primal) A werebat can communicate with bats.Echolocation A werebat can use their hearing as a precise sense at the listed range.ItemsDagger (3), studded leather---AC 18 Fort +9 Ref +10 Will +7 HP 35Weaknessessilver 5Wing ThrashTrigger An adjacent enemy damages the werebat; Effect The werebat makes one or two wing Strikes, each against a different adjacent creature.---Speed 25 feet, fly 25 feetMeleefangs +10 (Finesse),Damage 1d8+4 slashing plus curse of the werebatMeleewing +10 (Agile, Finesse),Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoningMeleedagger +10 (Agile, Finesse, versatile S),Damage 1d4+4 piercingRangeddagger +10 (Agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S),Damage 1d4+4 piercingChange Shape(Concentrate, Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) Human with fist for 1d4+2 bludgeoning and no fly Speed, or Medium giant bat with Speed 15 feet and fly 30 feet.Curse of the Werebat(Curse, Necromancy, Primal) Saving Throw DC 15 FortitudeMoon Frenzy(Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) Werebat ColoniesWerebats sometimes methodically curse an entire community to form a terrifyingly large werebat colony. In elaborate covert initiation ceremonies, newly cursed members are given shocking proof of their new monstrous nature and sworn to loyalty and secrecy under threat of exposure or death. Since they're easily mistaken for vampires, these werebats sometimes warn new werebats to avoid such things as direct sunlight in order to confuse monster hunters or lull foes into a false sense of understanding." - }, - { - "name": "Werebear", - "family": "Werecreature", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Beast, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Werecreature"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "412", - "lore": "WerebearUnlike many other types of werecreature, a werebear does not become malevolent during its involuntary transformations, but is instead filled with righteous conviction. This indignation can still manifest in violent ways, though, as a transformed werebear becomes temporarily blind to its alliances and has little control over its bestial temper. As a result, werebears are loners, rarely even living together as families longer than necessary. Werebears know that as long as they live solitary lives, they can serve as protectors and guardians in wilderness regions without the overwhelming fear that, when the moon is full and the curse takes hold, they will rage against an innocent bystander or loved one. As long as there is nothing around to threaten it or the natural area it protects (typically a forest), a werebear in its animal form is generally content to forage and sleep away the night.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 21Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 21Werebear" - }, - { - "name": "Wereboar", - "family": "Werecreature", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Beast, Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Werecreature"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "857", - "lore": "WereboarWereboars tend to be aggressive and stubborn, and often live with their own kind in small, remote communities. Even when they're inclined to interact with others, wereboars' short tempers and hostile nature lead other creatures to avoid them. Lone wereboars who settle down—often on remote farms—are extremely territorial, though others are content to roam and explore lands far from home. Their other habits also vary widely from individual to individual, right down to diet: some wereboars might feast on human flesh, while others are mostly vegetarian.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 16Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Wereboar" - }, - { - "name": "Werecrocodile", - "family": "Werecreature", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast,Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Werecreature", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1367", - "lore": "WerecrocodileThe curse of the werecrocodile instills powerful hunger, urges violent displays of dominance, and amplifies greed.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 16Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 16Unspecific Lore: DC 14Specific Lore: DC 11WerecrocodileSource Bestiary 3 pg. 293Perception +7; low-light visionLanguagesCommon; crocodile empathySkillsAthletics +8, Intimidation +7, Stealth +5Str +4Dex +1Con +3Int +0Wis +3Cha +1Crocodile Empathy (divination, primal) A werecrocodile can communicate with alligators, caimans, and crocodiles.Deep Breath A werecrocodile can hold their breath for about 2 hours.ItemsHatchet (3), Leather Armor---AC 16 Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +9 HP 55Weaknessessilver 5---Speed 25 feet, swim 25 feetMeleejaws +10,Damage 1d10+4 piercing plus curse of the werecrocodile and GrabMeleetail +10 (Agile),Damage 1d6+4 bludgeoningMeleehatchet +10 (Agile, Sweep),Damage 1d6+4 slashingRangedhatchet +7 (Agile, Sweep, thrown 10 feet),Damage 1d6+4 slashingAquatic Ambush30 feetChange Shape(Concentrate, Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) Medium human with fist for 1d4+2 bludgeoning, or crocodile with jaws for 2d6+4 piercing.Curse of the Werecrocodile(Curse, Necromancy, Primal) Saving Throw DC 15 FortitudeMoon Frenzy(Polymorph, Primal, Transmutation) Twisting ThrashRequirements The werecrocodile has a creature grabbed; Effect The werecrocodile makes a jaws Strike with a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll against the grabbed creature. If this Strike hits, it also knocks the target prone. If it fails, the werecrocodile releases the target.Creating WerecreaturesWerecreatures are complex monsters capable of shifting between three different forms and inflicting their condition upon other humanoids. Full rules for building werecreatures, along with how to apply the werecreature's curse, appear on pages 328–329 of the Pathfinder Bestiary. Rules for PCs or NPCs with werecreature abilities are found on page 81 of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Ancestry Guide." - }, - { - "name": "Wererat", - "family": "Werecreature", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast, Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Werecreature"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "410", - "lore": "WereratWererats tend to be selfishly opportunistic, avaricious, and paranoid as a result of their curse. Because wererats typically dwell in metropolitan areas where they can hide in plain sight, practically any city-goer could be a wererat in disguise—from the quiet shopkeep to the city’s criminal mastermind. The bustle of crowds and countless rat-holes make ghettos and shantytowns favored homes for wererats, especially since in these poorer districts the wererat can kill out of greed or fear with little chance of the authorities noticing. In some cities, wererats operate entire thieves’ guilds or organized crime rings, and membership requires willfully submitting to the wererat’s cursed bite. Wererats look very similar to ratfolk when in hybrid form, apart from potential differences in size, but ratfolk have no love for these monsters.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 16Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Wererat" - }, - { - "name": "Weretiger", - "family": "Werecreature", - "level": 4, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast, Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Werecreature"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "858", - "lore": "WeretigerThese ferocious werecreatures stalk prey with the cunning and skill of a true apex predator. Weretigers typically view all life as a potential meal. Powerful nocturnal hunters with excellent senses that help them ambush prey, weretigers are adaptable to an extreme range of environments. However, weretigers living in densely populated cities (potentially as courtesans, assassins, or guild leaders) often struggle to suppress their killer instincts, becoming overwhelmed by the urge to hunt. They prefer to wear loose-fitting clothing and rely on their claws and jaws in a fight.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 19Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19Weretiger" - }, - { - "name": "Werewolf", - "family": "Werecreature", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast, Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Werecreature"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "411", - "lore": "WerewolfThe curse of the werewolf—known as lycanthropy to many—instills in its carriers the hungry bloodlust and predatory instincts of the wolf. Werewolves tend to dwell on the fringes of society or in small settlements where, in their humanoid forms, they work as laborers, hunters, farmers, or trappers. At night, however, these same villagers transform into violent killers and sadistic stalkers who prey on their neighbors. Werewolves are the quintessential werecreature, and the first that comes to mind when most people speak of such beings. Although most werewolves hide their curse by adopting solitary lifestyles, some retain the pack mentality of true wolves. A small group of such werewolves typically forms a family-like pack, with the eldest or most powerful serving as the leader; new pack mates are hand-chosen and inculcated into the family as its influence grows.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Werewolf" - }, - { - "name": "Wight", - "family": "Wight", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead", "Wight"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "413", - "lore": "WightWights are undead humanoids that, much like wraiths, can drain the life from living creatures with but a touch. They arise as a result of necromantic rituals, especially violent deaths, or the sheer malevolent will of the deceased. As many types of wights exist as types of people from which they might be created. Hulking brutes, skittering sneaks, and cunning tinkers all make for different wights with different niches to fill. Environment, too, plays a part in determining a wight’s special abilities and defenses. Frost wights, for instances, can be found in the parts of the world where exposure is a common end. Regardless, wights typically haunt burial grounds, catacombs, or other places of the dead. But their hunger is targeted toward the living—those individuals who remind them of the shackles of mortality and whom they feel compelled to “free” to the state of undeath. A single wight can wreak a lot of havoc if it is compelled to rise from its tomb. Because creatures slain by wights become wights as well, all it takes is a single wight and a handful of unlucky graveyard visitors to create a veritable horde of these undead. Thus, canny priests and adventurers know that the best solution to a wight problem is swift and total eradication. Care must be taken, though, to destroy wight spawn before attempting to destroy the parent wight, for spawn without a master gain the ability to create spawn of their own. Durable and sustained as they are by negative energy, wights can last in harsh environments without decaying the way some lesser undead do. They might dwell in high mountain passes, sealed passageways, or submerged in bogs or lakes for decades or even centuries before the passage of an unsuspecting traveler rouses them from their rest.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 18Wight" - }, - { - "name": "Wihsaak", - "family": "Sahkil", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Sahkil", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1282", - "lore": "WihsaakThese gaunt and insectile sahkils torment their foes by focusing on a widespread fear of insects and creeping, crawling vermin. Unlike their more subtle cousins, wihsaaks don't lurk in the periphery and instead directly engage their targets, using their unnerving buzzing to disorient and terrify. When encountering multiple foes, wihsaaks attempt to spread fear to everyone before slashing at them with their devastating claws.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 22Unspecific Lore: DC 20Specific Lore: DC 17WihsaakSource Bestiary 3 pg. 220Perception +14; darkvisionLanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Requian; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +13, Deception +15, Intimidation +15, Stealth +15Str +4Dex +5Con +4Int +1Wis +2Cha +3Easy to Call A sahkil's level is considered 2 lower for the purpose of being conjured by the _planar binding_ ritual (and potentially other rituals, at the GM's discretion), but it is always free to attack or leave instead of negotiate unless the primary caster's check is a critical success.---AC 24 Fort +14 Ref +15 Will +14 HP 105ImmunitiesfearWeaknessesgood 5Swarmwalker Swarms of animals and other unintelligent creatures instinctively leave a wihsaak alone. A wihsaak is immune to the damage from and effects of swarms with an Intelligence of –5.---Speed 30 feet, fly 40 feetMeleeclaw +17 (Finesse),Damage 2d10+7 slashing plus 1d4 evilDivine Innate Spells DC 23- Cantrips (3rd)Detect Magic- 2ndBlur, See Invisibility- 3rdFear, Vomit Swarm- 4thSuggestionDroning Distraction(Auditory, Divine, Evocation, Incapacitation, Mental) Effect The wihsaak beats its wings rapidly, creating a buzzing drone that numbs creatures' minds. Each creature within 100 feet must attempt a DC 23 Will save. They are then temporarily immune for 1 minute. Success The creature is unaffected. Failure The creature is confused and stupefied 1 for 1 round. Critical Failure The creature is confused for 1 round and stupefied 2 for 1 minute.Skip Between(Conjuration, Divine, Teleportation) The sahkil moves from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane or vice-versa, with the effects of _ethereal jaunt_ except that the effect has an unlimited duration and can be Dismissed. A summoned sahkil can't use Skip Between." - }, - { - "name": "Will-o’-Wisp", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Air"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "414", - "lore": "Will-o’-WispMalevolent balls of colored light, will-o’-wisps haunt lonely marshes and forests where they lure unsuspecting travelers into danger. Will-o’-wisps can vary the color and illumination they shed, and delight in mimicking bobbing lanterns or distant fires to draw lost or disoriented travelers off of safe trails. They can extinguish their illumination entirely to become invisible, and they enjoy doing so once their victims are wholly lost and have realized that the bobbing light in the distance isn’t, in fact, leading them to safety. Even invisible, however, a will-o’-wisp rarely ventures far from its target, as it feasts upon the panic and dread felt by its victims. Beneath its glow, a will-o’-wisp’s body is a spongy ball approximately 1 foot in diameter and weighing less than 5 pounds. Although most will-o’-wisps are merely translucent, featureless orbs, gaining definition only in the shifting illumination they create, a few have dark mottling that makes them resemble a skull when viewed closely. Will-o’-wisps have no need for mundane nourishment, and in fact lack the ability to consume matter of any kind; they find all the sustenance they need in the terror of nearby creatures. For this reason, they like to work alongside undead that produce terror in their victims. Will-o’-wisps are long-lived, if not effectively immortal, and they have good memories. A cowed or defeated will-o’-wisp can be a good source of lore and information, though acquiring such cooperation from such a sinister monster is no easy feat. Will-o’-wisps inhabit desolate swamps and forests and are generally active at twilight and after dark. They are therefore reluctant to lead victims into immediately fatal areas such as deadfalls, but instead prefer hazards where their victims suffer over a long time, such as pockets of stale or poisonous air, patches of quicksand, and dens of bigger monsters. According to will-o’-wisps, different types of fear have subtle differences in flavor. The lurking dread in the pit of the stomach that gnaws at those who slowly become aware of the fact that they’re lost produces a much different taste than the sudden stark terror of imminent death in the face of a towering monster. Because of this, will-o’-wisps try to vary the ways in which they induce terror in their prey, to ensure they don’t tire of certain flavors of fear.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 22Will-o’-Wisp" - }, - { - "name": "Winter Hag", - "family": "Hag", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Cold", "Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1187", - "lore": "Winter HagOn long, dark winter nights, folk at the edges of civilization have learned to be wary of old women who come knocking at their door. They look for her tracks in the snow and other telltale signs to make sure she isn't a winter hag who plans to drag them off and feast on their bones. In truth, winter hags are more subtle monsters, entrapping humanoids in schemes that create mistrust and anger within a village before picking off the residents one or two at a time, heightening the fear and anger of those who remain. When her work is done, a winter hag revels in the silence of a frost-rimed village in which no hearth fires are left burning.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid(Society): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18Winter HagSource Bestiary 3 pg. 129Perception +16; darkvision, _see invisibility_, snow visionLanguagesAklo, Common, JotunSkillsAthletics +13, Deception +17, Diplomacy +15, Occultism +15, Survival +14Str +4Dex +2Con +3Int +4Wis +3Cha +6Coven A winter hag adds _cone of cold_, _solid fog_, and _wall of ice_ to her coven's spells.Snow Vision Snow doesn't impair a winter hag's vision; she ignores concealment from snowfall.---AC 24 Fort +14 Ref +13 Will +16 HP 145ImmunitiescoldWeaknessescold iron 5, fire 5---Speed 25 feet; ice climb 25 feetMelee_ice staff_ +17 (Magical, two-hand d8),Damage 2d4+7 bludgeoning plus 1d6 coldMeleeclaw +16 (Agile),Damage 2d6+7 slashing plus 1d6 coldOccult Innate Spells DC 25, attack +17- Cantrips (4th)Chill Touch, Ray of Frost- 3rdEnthrall, Paralyze- 4thCharm, Fly (at will), Ice Storm- Constant (4th)Pass Without Trace, See InvisibilityCraft Ice Staff(Cold, Downtime, Evocation, Occult) A winter hag can spend 1 day performing a specific ritual to create a _+1 striking staff_ of black ice. Once per day, she can use the staff to cast _cone of cold_. The staff's magic functions only in the hands of the hag who created it; for anyone else, it is a mundane staff. If the hag dies or if the staff remains in another creature's possession for 24 hours, the staff melts into a puddle of foul-smelling water.Ice ClimbA winter hag can Climb at the listed Speed, but only on ice. She ignores difficult terrain from ice and snow, and she doesn't risk falling when crossing ice." - }, - { - "name": "Winter Wolf", - "family": "Warg", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "403", - "lore": "Winter WolfWinter wolves are related to wargs, but are larger, smarter, and far more dangerous. They are capable of exhaling plumes of freezing breath and are big enough to easily serve as mounts for orcs and hobgoblins—provided the winter wolf is willing, of course. Like wargs, winter wolves hunt in packs, but unlike their smaller cousins, they have a notable proud streak. When they deign to serve others, they reserve this privilege for larger and more dangerous creatures such as frost giants, renegade yetis, or even white dragons.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 20Winter Wolf" - }, - { - "name": "Witchfire", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Spirit, Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "860", - "lore": "WitchfireManifesting as a sinuous form wreathed in sickly green flames, this incorporeal undead forms when a powerful hag or witch dies in agony or rage. The body at the center of the flames usually resembles the witch's idealized self-image, regardless of their age and appearance at the time of their death. A witchfire often resides in a bog or swamp, which slowly blackens and decays around them. These regions are often plagued by will-o'-wisps, which seem to have an uncanny relationship with the resident witchfire. A witchfire might visit villages on the edge of their home terrain to lure away villagers, but always attack victims within earshot to make sure that other villagers hear the screams. A witchfire might also ally with other hags or witches and even join their covens, but a witchfire is incapable of forming covens entirely on their own.Recall Knowledge - Spirit (Occultism): DC 28Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 28Witchfire" - }, - { - "name": "Witchwyrd", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "861", - "lore": "WitchwyrdWitchwyrds conceal most of their faces, leaving only their eyes unmasked. Their inscrutability is a boon to one of their most significant interests—mercantilism— and many haughty witchwyrds openly revel in the befuddlement inspired by their mysterious guises and mannerisms. Witchwyrds have a keen eye for new opportunities and markets, and a witchwyrd almost always knows when someone is trying to pull one over on them. These four-armed humanoid creatures have hairless blue-gray skin, are typically 6-1/2 feet tall, and weigh 300 pounds. Their hands have three evenly sized and spaced digits in a tripod-like arrangement. When not trying to blend in with the local community, witchwyrds favor outlandish, loose-fitting clothes in bright reds or yellows and a signature conical hat. They tend to prefer the driest, warmest regions of the lands they visit—perhaps an indicator of their mysterious home world. This, however, is the only indicator; witchwyrds are notoriously close-mouthed about details of this distant world, and with good reason: most witchwyrds on Golarion have never visited their ancestral home. To these witchwyrds, the notion of a home planet is a constant thorn in their side, and when asked, many choose to ignore the question altogether. Others are so agitated by these queries that they respond with impatience or even violence. Some scholars have theorized a connection between witchwyrds and several other four-armed creatures, but like with questions of their place of origin, witchwyrds have little to say about the topic.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 24Witchwyrd" - }, - { - "name": "Wizard Sponge", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fungus", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fungus", "Mindless", "Swarm", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1368", - "lore": "Wizard SpongeThis strange type of fungus colony takes its name from its initial purpose: the wizard who first developed it sought a means to keep her tower clean from residue both mundane and magical. Wizard sponge does just that, dutifully cleaning its vicinity by devouring dust, organic debris, and even the decaying bodies of fallen creatures. Its designer intentionally crafted the fungus to not merely resist but be healed by fire, intended as an additional safety feature, and most varieties have a convenient side effect of being edible once slain. Unfortunately, the fungus also developed an unexpected ability to magically mutate over time, which eventually led to its escape and independent propagation. Wizard sponge colonies of various sizes and shapes now thrive in dungeons, caverns, sewers, abandoned castles, crypts, and even the basements of some occupied dwellings. They often carry along bits of partially consumed material with them, such as clothing, limbs, and adventuring gear—sometimes even valuable treasures! An individual colony typically takes on distinctive properties based on what it's consumed in its environment; a variety living in a necromancer's crypt might acquire the undead's affinity for negative energy, for example. Variant Sponges Many types of wizard sponge exist, as an individual colony takes on distinctive properties based on what they've consumed in their environment. Crypt: The wizard sponge gains negative healing. Fey Domain: The wizard sponge gains weakness 5 to cold iron, increases its Speed and climb Speed to 30 feet, and develops a strangely capricious growth pattern despite being mindless, such as growing in the pockets of a creature's clothing before devouring it. Fiendish Temple: The sponge gains weakness 5 to good damage, and Swarming Slither deals an extra 1d6 evil damage. Toxic Lair: Swarming Slither deals 1d10 acid damage and 1d10 poison damage. If this variety is eaten, it deals 1d6 persistent poison damage. Underwater: The sponge grows as an aquatic fungus, gaining a swim speed of 20 feet.Recall Knowledge - Fungus(Nature): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15Wizard SpongeSource Bestiary 3 pg. 294Perception +10; no vision, tremorsense 60 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +12, Stealth +13Str +3Dex +4Con +5Int -5Wis +1Cha -3---AC 20 Fort +14 Ref +13 Will +8 HP 65Immunitiescritical hits, fire, mental, precision, visualResistancespiercing 5, slashing 5Weaknessesarea damage 5, splash damage 5Fire Healing Anytime a wizard sponge would take fire damage, it instead regains 1d8 Hit Points (regardless of the amount of damage the fire effect would have caused).---Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet; suctionSwarming SlitherThe wizard sponge slithers over each creature in its space, dealing 2d10 acid damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save). A creature that critically fails is sickened 1.Suction Wizardsponges can climb on ceilings and other inverted surfaces.Weak AcidWizard sponge acid damages only organic material—not metal, stone, or other inorganic substances.By Any Other NameWizard sponges appear in a variety of places, and their names vary just as much as their appetites. Some refer to them as “wizard's broom,” while others reference their origins with the name “sloth's folly.” Those found in crypts have come to be known ironically as “caretakers,” and underwater denizens refer to the aquatic variety as “surface sponge.”" - }, - { - "name": "Wolf", - "family": "Wolf", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "415", - "lore": "WolfWolves live and hunt in packs, which, contrary to popular belief, are not led by the strongest in the group, but typically consist of a mated pair, their pups, and juvenile offspring from previous mating seasons. Offspring generally leave their parents’ pack upon reaching maturity, at which point they seek out mates of their own to go form their own packs elsewhere. Humanoids are not traditionally viewed as prey animals by wolves, but extraordinary circumstances can lead these animals to attack people, especially in winter months and other situations where traditional prey (deer and elk, mainly) is scarce. Some beings, such as powerful vampires, can call upon wolves to aid them in combat.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 15Wolf" - }, - { - "name": "Wolliped", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1369", - "lore": "WollipedWollipeds are large, docile herd animals found in the snowy foothills of large mountains. Their eight legs give them sure footing even in icy terrain, and they grow thick, warm fleece as protection against the elements. Arctic ranchers have been breeding wollipeds for hundreds of years, as the gentle creatures take well to domestication and make plentiful, hardy sources of meat, milk, and wool. The creatures also provide sure-footed transport in difficult mountain regions, and they can even be trained for plowing and hauling if necessary. As a result of their widespread domestication, few are found in the wild. Young wollipeds have weak vision during their first few weeks and habitually follow any larger creature that walks by. Usually, these young wollipeds become attached their rancher or parents, but on occasion a few might follow large wild creatures and wander off from their herd. This has led to feral wollipeds around the Kodar mountains in Irrisen that are much more aggressive than their domesticated cousins. Wollipeds are extremely sturdy, and their docile temperaments make them excellent mounts for those traveling mountain passes. Some mountain settlements have further trained their wollipeds to fight. Battle-ready wollipeds are formidable enemies that pose a threat to even the most experienced of challengers—But even untrained, wollipeds are not defenseless. In addition to their long tusks, they have developed spitting as a way of communication and assault, and readily regurgitate a mixture of stomach acid and the remnants of their last meal to deter predators. Few on Golarion realize that these arctic beasts are not native to their world. Wollipeds originated on the planet Triaxus, a world with a magically enhanced eccentric orbit around the same star as Golarion. During the centuries-long Triaxian winters, wollipeds play an integral role in many communities as food, wool, transportation, and even a simple form of companionship. During the equally extended tropical summers, wollipeds retreat to the polar extremes of their world to await the return of the long snows.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 18Unspecific Lore: DC 16Specific Lore: DC 13WollipedSource Bestiary 3 pg. 295Perception +9; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +10, Athletics +10, Survival +9Str +3Dex +4Con +4Int -4Wis +1Cha +2---AC 19 Fort +10 Ref +12 Will +5 +2 circumstance vs. Shove and TripHP 55---Speed 35 feet; ice strideMeleetusk +10,Damage 1d10+5 piercingMeleehoof +10,Damage 1d8+5 bludgeoningRangedspit +12 (range increment 30 feet),Damage 1d8+2 bludgeoningIce StrideA wolliped isn't impeded by difficult terrain caused by snow or ice, nor does it need to attempt Acrobatics checks to keep from falling on slippery ice.Regurgitated WrathFrequency once per hour; Effect The wolliped regurgitates the contents of its stomach and spits them at the target, dealing 2d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 acid damage. The target attempts a DC 20 basic Reflex save, and on a failure also becomes sickened 1 (sickened 2 on a critical failure).TrampleMedium or smaller, hoof, DC 20Warm FuzziesOnce a year, wollipeds are shorn and their fleece is spun into massive skeins of yarn. This yarn is mostly sold to surrounding villages, but savvy ranchers sell their fleece as far out as Whitethrone in Irrisen and throughout several of the kingdoms in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Wolliped fiber takes well to dyeing methods, and the yarn is easy to knit into complex patterns. Some villages have competitions to make the most elaborate sculptures out of their wolliped yarn." - }, - { - "name": "Wolverine", - "family": "Wolverine", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "862", - "lore": "WolverineWolverines resemble small bears, to which they are related. Stocky and muscular with long claws, wolverines are about 3 feet in length and weigh approximately 40 pounds. They have a thick fur coat that protects them from the cold temperatures of the forests and frozen tundras where they reside.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 16Wolverine" - }, - { - "name": "Wood Giant", - "family": "Giant", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Giant, Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "678", - "lore": "Wood GiantWood giants are the denizens and protectors of the deepest, most primeval forests in the world. They dedicate their entire lives to the preservation of nature—a role that they believe nature itself has selected them to carry out. Wood giants are patient and kind to those who show respect and care for wild places. Although most wood giants consider civilization as simply another part of the world, they value places untouched by permanent structures and dense humanoid settlements. Wood giants have long, drooping ears and more slender builds than most giants. Despite their size, they are graceful and agile, able to move through dense forests and brush with little sound. They have been known to work closely with druids and others who share their respect for the sanctity of wilderness regions. Wood giants spend their days patrolling vast swaths of territory, foraging, and keeping an eye out for any who would despoil their lands. While they respect the connection to nature they share with many fey creatures and remain on good terms with them, wood giants see most fey as far too flighty to take part in any long-term plans. An average wood giant stands 14 feet tall and weighs 1,200 pounds.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 22Wood Giant" - }, - { - "name": "Wood Golem", - "family": "Golem", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Mindless"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "684", - "lore": "Wood GolemWood golems are often given vaguely humanoid shapes, almost as if cobbled together from scraps of firewood and discarded burls. It's less common for wood golems to have artistic embellishments such as engraved patterns, or to be carved in the shapes of different types of creatures to meet the tastes of their owners. While wealthy patrons have been known to commission wood golems to be painstakingly carved to resemble themselves or their ancestors, to serve dual purposes of protection and ego bolstering, most wood golem crafters don't bother. Druids and creatures who protect woodlands, such as arboreals, typically see wood golems as an affront or an abomination, akin to the horror humanoids often feel when facing a carrion or flesh golem. As a result, it is rare to see such creatures serving as guardians for fey or druidic holy sites, despite the thematic match between the wood golem's appearance and such locations.Recall Knowledge - Construct (Arcana, Crafting): DC 24Wood Golem" - }, - { - "name": "Wooly Rhinoceros", - "family": "Rhinoceros", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "789", - "lore": "Wooly RhinocerosEven bulkier than their non-woolly cousins, these rhinoceroses have a shaggy pelt of long, thick fur and a huge crescent-shaped horn. Woolly rhinos inhabit areas of arid tundra and cold steppes, spending much of their day grazing for sustenance.Recall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 22Wooly Rhinoceros" - }, - { - "name": "Worm That Walks", - "family": "Worm That Walks", - "level": 14, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Swarm"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "864", - "lore": "Worm That WalksThis worm that walks was a cultist of the Great Old One Hastur in its prior life. It continues its conspiracies and strives to further its evil plots in its new life.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 34Worm That Walks Cultist" - }, - { - "name": "Wraith", - "family": "Wraith", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Undead", "Wraith"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "417", - "lore": "WraithWraiths are malevolent undead who drain life and shun light. Their shadowy, incorporeal forms are dotted with burning eyes that reffect their hatred for the living, and shadowy claws are weapon enough to steal the vitality from their enemies. A wraith may be created by foul necromancy, but more often they are the result of a hermitic murderer or mutilator who even in death could not give up their wicked ways. Further complicating the matter is the fact that wraiths multiply by consuming and transforming the living into more of their foul kind—meaning a handful of wraiths left unchecked can easily turn into a horde of darkness. Wraiths weigh nothing and are unharmed by most physical attacks. They haunt any place where they can feed on the living, though their vulnerability to sunlight confines them to the shadowy places of the world—places where they can blend in seamlessly with their dark surroundings before silently engulfing their prey. Wraiths may form packs with others of their kind in places where death and mayhem are commonplace—countrysides ravaged by war, metropolitan underworlds run by criminal overlords, or sites of fiendish cultic rituals. In these places, the living do well to tread with sunrods and powerful clerics in tow. Ruins, sewers, and abandoned buildings provide sanctuary for wraiths during the day, as the creatures hunt exclusively at night or in dark places. Wraiths are smart enough to take advantage of their incorporeality in combat, so they keep to tortuous caverns or structures with hallways and avoid open areas. As they’re formed purely of anti-life from the Negative Energy Plane, wraiths pervade that unholy realm. Within nations and civilizations ruled by the undead, wraiths have places of power as assassins and spies. They’re among the ruling class in Geb, but have greater numbers in Ustalav, where packs of wraiths roam graveyards and misty trails, consuming the populations of entire villages. In other parts of the world, wraiths tend not to wander and limit their activity to smaller environs, typically just the site of their chosen haunting and its immediate surroundings.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 22Wraith" - }, - { - "name": "Wyrmwraith", - "family": "Wyrmwraith", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Incorporeal", "Undead", "Wraith"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "496", - "lore": "WyrmwraithWyrmwraiths rise from the souls of dragons who refuse to accept death or have an irrational fear of the afterlife.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 41Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 41Wyrmwraith" - }, - { - "name": "Wyrmwraith", - "family": "Wyrmwraith", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon,Undead", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Incorporeal", "Rare", "Undead", "Wraith", "Gargantuan"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1370", - "lore": "WyrmwraithThough they refused to accept death, wyrmwraiths nonetheless despise their new undead condition. Indeed, lacking in all motivation to collect treasure, a wyrmwraith instead fixates on their hatred of all living things (especially dragons) and their own self-loathing. A wyrmwraith blights the land with their very presence, spreading slowly until their lair becomes a lifeless wasteland haunted by other undead.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 41Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 41Unspecific Lore: DC 39Specific Lore: DC 36WyrmwraithSource Bestiary 3 pg. 296, Pathfinder #150: Broken Promises pg. 84Perception +29; darkvision, lifesense 120 feetLanguagesCommon, Draconic, NecrilSkillsAcrobatics +30, Arcana +30, Intimidation +33, Religion +33, Stealth +33Str -5Dex +9Con +0Int +7Wis +7Cha +9---AC 39 Fort +29 Ref +32 Will +32 HP 280(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconsciousResistancesall 20 (except force, _ghost touch_, or positive; double resistance vs. non-magical)Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 33Sunlight Powerlessness A wyrmwraith in sunlight is clumsy 2 and stunned 2.Positive Energy Transfer(conjuration, divine) Trigger The wyrmwraith succeeds at a saving throw to resist positive damage but still takes damage; Effect The wyrmwraith transfers all positive damage from the effect to a single undead creature of their choice within 120 feet that they control or that's friendly or helpful to them.---Speed 50 feet, fly 80 feetMeleespectral jaws +34 (reach 20 feet),Damage 3d12+17 negative plus drain lifeMeleespectral claw +34 (Agile, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d8+17 negative plus divine dispelling and drain lifeDivine Innate Spells DC 35- 3rdBind Undead (at will)- 4thCharm (×3; undead targets only), Darkness- 6thVampiric Exsanguination- 7thDivine Wrath (×3), Finger of Death- 8thCharm (undead targets only)Divine Rituals DC 35- 8thCreate UndeadBreath Weapon(Divine, Necromancy, Negative) The wyrmwraith unleashes a burst of negative energy that deals 18d6 negative damage to all creatures in a 60-foot cone (DC 38 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Divine Dispelling(Abjuration, Divine) A wyrmwraith's claws rend divine magic. Whenever a wyrmwraith hits a creature with a spectral claws Strike, the wyrmwraith can attempt a Religion check to counteract an ongoing divine spell effect on the creature.Draconic FrenzyThe wyrmwraith makes two claw Strikes and one jaws Strike in any order.Drain Life(Divine, Necromancy) When a wyrmwraith deals damage to a living creature with a spectral jaws or spectral claw Strike, the wyrmwraith gains 18 temporary Hit Points, and the creature must succeed at a DC 38 Fortitude save or become drained 2. Further damage dealt by the wyrmwraith's spectral jaws or spectral claws Strikes increases the value of the drained condition by 2 on a failed save, to a maximum of drained 4.Ectoplasmic Form(Divine, Necromancy) A wyrmwraith can push through the ectoplasmic veil to temporarily assume a physical form made of ectoplasm. The wyrmwraith loses the incorporeal trait for 1d4 rounds, though they can return to their incorporeal form as a free action before then. Once this ability ends, the wyrmwraith can't use this ability again for 1d4 rounds. While in their ectoplasmic form, the wyrmwraith's AC increases to 43 and they gain 100 temporary Hit Points. They lose their immunity to precision damage and all of their resistances. Their melee Strikes deal slashing and piercing damage, respectively, instead of negative damage.Phase Lurch(Divine, Move) Requirements The wyrmwraith is in their ectoplasmic form; Effect As the Stride action, but the wyrmwraith can pass through walls or material obstacles as though they were incorporeal. They must begin and end their movement outside of any physical obstacles, and passing through solid material is difficult terrain" - }, - { - "name": "Wyrwood Sneak", - "family": "Wyrwood", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Construct", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Construct", "Rare", "Wyrwood", "Small"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1372", - "lore": "Wyrwood SneakWyrwood sneaks specialize in moving unseen behind enemy lines, performing reconnaissance and quietly eliminating threats.Recall Knowledge - Construct(Arcana, Crafting): DC 20Unspecific Lore: DC 18Specific Lore: DC 15Wyrwood SneakSource Bestiary 3 pg. 298Perception +6; darkvisionLanguagesCommon; plus one regional languageSkillsAcrobatics +7, Arcana +5, Deception +7, Society +5, Stealth +7Str +0Dex +4Con +0Int +2Wis +1Cha +2ItemsBuckler (Hardness 3, HP 6, BT 3), Shortsword---AC 17 Fort +3 Ref +9 Will +8 HP 16ImmunitiesbleedLiving Machine Though their body is an organic construct, a wyrwood is a living creature. They're not immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 HP, but rather fall unconscious and eventually die. They don't need to eat or drink. They can be targeted by effects that target living creatures or that target constructs.No Breath A wyrwood doesn't breathe and is immune to effects that require breathing (such as an inhaled poison).---Speed 20 feetMeleeshortsword +9 (Agile, Finesse, versatile S),Damage 1d6 piercingSneak AttackThe wyrwood deals an additional 1d6 precision damage to flat-footed creatures." - }, - { - "name": "Wyvern", - "family": "Drake", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "162", - "lore": "WyvernA wyvern is a venomous drake with a well-earned reputation for impatience and aggression. As much as 15 feet long and weighing up to 1,000 pounds, a wyvern’s resilient body allows it to crash talons-first into large prey without serious risk to itself. A wyvern uses its momentum to stun its target before injecting it with searing venom or carrying it over the side of a nearby cliff. Because a wyvern lacks the strength to haul its prey all the way to its nest intact, it is far more likely to lift and drop its victim over a gully or canyon and let gravity do its work before it descends to pick apart the carcass. Conversation is of little interest to a wyvern, as the creature typically speaks only to taunt its prey, issue territorial claims, or demand tribute. Even so, many wyverns enjoy grim humor and tales of violent acts, particularly if those acts were committed by the storyteller. A wyvern properly appeased with meat, entertainment, and treasure sometimes agrees to provide assistance ranging from giving directions to serving as a mount for a powerful humanoid. However, these arrangements rarely last more than a few weeks before the wyvern’s pride, malice, or insolence inspires it to flee or even betray its allies. Only the truly cruel can cow a wyvern into servitude for an extended period, as most wyverns are so self-interested that they go out of their way to avoid helping others.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 22Wyvern" - }, - { - "name": "Xill", - "family": "—", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Aberration, Ethereal", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Ethereal"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "866", - "lore": "XillXills visit the Material Plane, where they're often known as ethereal stalkers, primarily to maraud and to kidnap creatures back to their native Ethereal Plane. These four-armed, warmongering monsters paralyze their victims before implanting them with eggs using an ovipositor normally kept retracted behind their mandibles. Their single-minded drive to expand and conquer is so all-encompassing that while they work together dutifully and without dissent, there is little else in their lives.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 24Recall Knowledge - Ethereal (Occultism): DC 24Xill" - }, - { - "name": "Xilvirek", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fiend"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "534", - "lore": "XilvirekXilvireks are the result of the strange evolution that takes place in Zevgavizeb’s Abyssal realm. These fiends resemble their dread demon lord and claim to be living embodiments of the Lord of Reptiles’s snapping jaws.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 32Xilvirek" - }, - { - "name": "Ximtal", - "family": "Sahkil", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fiend", "Sahkil", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1284", - "lore": "XimtalThe struggles of loneliness and the anxiety that accompanies that feeling plague many creatures, and ximtals delight in exploiting this fear for their own perverse gain. Appearing as hybrids of rats and crabs with grasping tentacles, these scheming fiends manipulate their victims over long spans of time, like pakalchis, to savor the most fear they can. Ximtals use subtlety to entrap their prey and often don't directly engage their targets. They use insecurities as a tool and force poor behavior in mortals they set their sights on. They prefer to focus their machinations on strong-willed and well-intentioned mortals, hoping to erode their pride and self-worth and ultimately lead them eschew altruistic efforts. Rather than focusing on a single victim, a ximtal might instead seek out a particular cause of interest to the sahkil's appetites. These creatures often wander the multiverse seeking to sabotage societal crusades or suppress divergent ideologies. While most ximtals work alone, they sometimes enlist the assistance of pakalchis, who share similar tastes in mortal fear. Together and focused, these two types of fiends can dissolve individual self-worth, relationships, and even entire organizations.Recall Knowledge - Fiend(Religion): DC 36Unspecific Lore: DC 34Specific Lore: DC 31XimtalSource Bestiary 3 pg. 221Perception +30; darkvision, _true seeing_LanguagesAbyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Requian; telepathy 100 feetSkillsArcana +27, Deception +33, Intimidation +33, Occultism +27, Religion +30, Stealth +28Str +9Dex +3Con +9Int +2Wis +5Cha +8Easy to Call A sahkil's level is considered 2 lower for the purpose of being conjured by the _planar binding_ ritual (and potentially other rituals, at the GM's discretion), but it is always free to attack or leave instead of negotiate unless the primary caster's check is a critical success.---AC 39 Fort +32 Ref +26 Will +28 HP 380ImmunitiesfearWeaknessesgood 10Despoiler (aura, divine, necromancy) 1,000 feet. Creatures within the aura take a –2 circumstance penalty to all saving throws against poisons, diseases, and drugs.---Speed 40 feet, climb 20 feet, fly 40 feetMeleejaws +34 (Magical, reach 10 feet),Damage 3d12+17 piercing plus 2d6 evil and sensory feverMeleeclaw +34 (Agile, Magical, reach 15 feet),Damage 3d8+17 slashing plus 2d6 evil and sensory feverDivine Innate Spells DC 38- Cantrips (9th)Detect Magic- 8thFear (at will), Horrid Wilting (×3), Maze (×3), Suggestion (at will)- Constant (9th)Fly, True SeeingIsolate Foes(Curse, Divine, Emotion, Enchantment, Incapacitation, Mental) Frequency once per day; Effect The ximtal attempts to isolate its enemy's companions, forcing an impression that each creature's friends and allies have vanished and they are all alone against an insurmountable threat. The ximtal chooses up to four creatures, each of whom must be adjacent to one other target. Each target must attempt a DC 38 Will save. On a failure, a target becomes out of phase with all allies. The affected creatures can't perceive their allies or interact with them in any way, and they can move into allies' spaces as if their allies simply weren't there. Allies similarly can't perceive or interact with the affected creatures with one exception: an ally can target an effected creature with _remove curse_ to remove the effects. Every 24 hours, an affected creature can attempt a new saving throw to end this effect.Sensory Fever(Disease) A ximtal's withering attacks cause a debilitating disease targeting the senses; Saving Throw DC 36 Fortitude; Stage 1 creature loses one sense determined randomly: taste, smell, hearing, or sight (1 day); Stage 2 creature loses an additional sense from the stage 1 list (1 day); Stage 3 creature loses an additional sense from the stage 1 list (1 day); Stage 4 creature loses the last sense from the stage 1 list and any special senses, such as tremorsense or lifesense (1 day); Stage 5 all lost senses are permanent unless restored via _restore senses_ or a similar effectSkip Between(Conjuration, Divine, Teleportation) The sahkil moves from the Material Plane to the Ethereal Plane or vice-versa, with the effects of _ethereal jaunt_ except that the effect has an unlimited duration and can be Dismissed. A summoned sahkil can't use Skip Between." - }, - { - "name": "Xiuh Couatl", - "family": "Couatl", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Beast", "Couatl", "Rare", "Large"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1105", - "lore": "Xiuh CouatlFiercer than other couatls, xiuh couatls (pronounced “shoo”) are dedicated to seeking out malevolent creatures and offering a final opportunity at redemption.Recall Knowledge - Beast(Arcana, Nature): DC 35Unspecific Lore: DC 33Specific Lore: DC 30Xiuh CouatlSource Bestiary 3 pg. 57Perception +23; darkvision, thoughtsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCelestial, Common, Draconic; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +21, Arcana +23, Diplomacy +26, Intimidation +26, Nature +23, Occultism +23, Society +21, Stealth +21, Survival +21Str +7Dex +3Con +4Int +5Wis +5Cha +6Thoughtsense (divination, mental, occult) The xiuh couatl senses all non-mindless creatures at the listed range.---AC 33 Fort +20 Ref +19 Will +25 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 220Immunitieselectricity, fireWeaknessescold 8---Speed 20 feet, fly 60 feetMeleejaws +25 (Magical),Damage 2d10+10 piercing plus 2d8 fire, xiuh couatl venom, and GrabOccult Innate Spells DC 32, attack +24- Cantrips (6th)Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Read Aura, Telekinetic Projectile- 2ndInvisibility (self only; at will)- 6thCharm, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Crushing Despair, Detect Alignment (at will), Dispel Magic, Dream Message, Fear, Illusory Scene, Mind Reading (at will), Mindlink, Phantom Pain, See Invisibility, Sending, Zone of Truth- 7thPlane Shift (self only)Rituals DC 32- 4thAtoneBreath Weapon(Arcane, Evocation, Fire) The xiuh couatl breaths a gout of flame and lightning in an 80-foot line that deals 5d8 electricity damage and 5d8 fire damage (DC 32 basic Reflex save). The xiuh couatl can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Greater Constrict1d10+10 bludgeoning plus 1d8 electricity, DC 32Instrument of Retribution(Occult, Polymorph, Transmutation) The xiuh couatl transforms into any simple or martial weapon. The weapon is always a _+2 greater striking flaming shock weapon_ and can be of any size, chosen by the xiuh couatl when they transform. In weapon form, the xiuh couatl gains Hardness equal to that of the weapon into which they transform, and they retain their Hit Points, saving throws, senses, telepathy, and traits while in weapon form. The xiuh couatl can revert to their normal form by spending a single action, which has the concentrate trait.Wrap in CoilsRequirements The xiuh couatl has a Medium or smaller creature grabbed or restrained in their jaws; Effect The xiuh couatl moves the creature into their coils, freeing their jaws to make attacks, then uses Constrict against the creature. The xiuh couatl can hold as many creatures in their coils as will fit in their space.Xiuh Couatl Venom(Poison) A xiuh couatl's poison deals good damage rather than poison damage to fiends; Saving Throw DC 32 Fortitude; Maximum Duration 6 rounds; Stage 1 2d8 poison damage and enfeebled 1 (1 round); Stage 2 2d10 poison damage, enfeebled 1, and –5-foot status penalty to all Speeds (1 round); Stage 3 3d8 poison damage, enfeebled 2, and –10-foot status penalty to all Speeds (1 round)" - }, - { - "name": "Xorn", - "family": "Elemental, Earth", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "184", - "lore": "XornThese squat, rotund elementals have three legs, three arms, three eyes, and one massive maw, which they fill with the gems and metals they find so delicious.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 23Xorn" - }, - { - "name": "Xotani, The Firebleeder", - "family": "Spawn of Rovagug", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Unique", - "id": "491", - "lore": "Xotani, The FirebleederA monstrosity of living flame and magma, Xotani may be the weakest of Rovagug’s spawn, but it remains a formidable threat. Xotani was slain in 2104 ar by an alliance of spellcasters, but recently its deathlike slumber was interrupted. Its corpse twitches, signaling that it might be close to returning.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 50Xotani" - }, - { - "name": "Xotanispawn", - "family": "—", - "level": 17, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "487", - "lore": "XotanispawnXotanispawn are monstrous versions of scavenging beetle larvae that have been corrupted and mutated by feeding on the remains of Xotani the Firebleeder, a slain Spawn of Rovagug buried beneath Pale Mountain in Katapesh. These creatures look vaguely like the minute insects they once were, with a sclerotized head and chitinous body plates, six legs, and numerous dorsal spines lining the joints and edges of each segment. However, by feeding on the unholy remains of Xotani, the spawn have manifested many of the traits of the infamous Firebleeder, most notably a blisteringly hot internal temperature and powerful fire attacks—to say nothing of their monstrous size. Internal heat radiates from every surface of a Xotanispawn, even from its mouth. Any contact with a Xotanispawn results in burns and the risk of catching on fire. Thankfully, Xotanispawn have also inherited Xotani’s weaknesses to cold and sunlight. They are rarely encountered on the surface during the day, opting to emerge from their subterranean lairs only at night.\nRecall Knowledge - Animal (Nature): DC 41Xotanispawn" - }, - { - "name": "Xulgath Bilebearer", - "family": "Xulgath", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Xulgath"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "506", - "lore": "Xulgath BilebearerWhile many xulgaths impose their will by strength or sheer numbers, some resort to more nefarious—and grotesque—means to take care of matters. The bilebearer takes its name from its eponymous bile, a putrid substance that oozes from gill-like folds in its colorful, bulging neck. Bilebearers coat their weapons with the viscous substance or secrete a concentrated dose that suffuses the air around them and disables foes. A bilebearer’s neck bulges with folds of scaled flesh that extend almost to the creature’s shoulders, containing its namesake bile productions glands inside. These folds expand and contract with each breath, and each fold has a vertical line of muscled pores that gradually exudes the thick substance, providing a perpetual supply for coating weapons. Bilebearers’ necks also contain inflatable bladders, which they can quickly pressurize to expel a blast of vaporized bile in a noxious, overwhelming cloud. Bilebearers serve their clutches by kidnapping or slaying specific enemies. They frequently accompany their kin, particularly xulgath skulkers, to raid rival clutches or intercept foes. A bilebearer’s mode of attack typically involves sneaking in, overwhelming any guards with a noxious blast of bile, and then turning their attention to the primary target. The xulgath either shreds the rapidly weakening victim on the spot or drags them away for future violence.\nRecall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Xulgath Bilebearer" - }, - { - "name": "Xulgath Deepmouth", - "family": "Xulgath", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Xulgath"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "881", - "lore": "Xulgath DeepmouthXulgath deepmouths wield the powers of the Abyss against their clutch's enemies and invoke righteous fear in their followers. The vast majority of deepmouths worship demon lords, most commonly Zevgavizeb. Scalescribing—the warping of xulgath flesh into imitations of Abyssal script—is a widespread practice among deepmouths, enabling them to channel the power of the Abyss through their fanatical devotees' own bodies.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 32Xulgath Deepmouth" - }, - { - "name": "Xulgath Gutrager", - "family": "Xulgath", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Xulgath"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "535", - "lore": "Xulgath GutragerXulgath gutragers exhibit more extreme developments along the same physiological path as their bilebearer cousins. They are stockier and faster, with necks and limbs corded with muscle. They are also denser, with multiple stomachs full of fluids even more caustic than those of the bilebearer. Like the bilebearer, gutragers lack the distinctive stench typical of most xulgaths. A gutrager’s torso conceals its most disturbing feature—a densely coiled esophagus. Pressurized bladders and a muscular throat allow the gutrager to propel its esophagus outward in an explosion of yellow flesh and acidic bile; caustic stomach acid coating the esophagus makes even brief physical contact with the organ dangerous. As a last resort, the gutrager can intentionally accelerate the corrosion in its esophagus, releasing vile acid in a burst that also ends its life.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 27Xulgath Gutrager" - }, - { - "name": "Xulgath Leader", - "family": "Xulgath", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Xulgath"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "420", - "lore": "Xulgath LeaderXulgath leaders are usually the strongest, most violent members of a community—although in some cases, particularly in larger groups, xulgath tribes are led by powerful demon cultists or other monsters who seek to use the xulgaths as servants or slaves.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Xulgath Leader" - }, - { - "name": "Xulgath Skulker", - "family": "Xulgath", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Xulgath"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "419", - "lore": "Xulgath SkulkerXulgath warrens are patrolled—some might say “haunted”—by the community’s skulkers. These xulgaths specialize in stealth, striking swiftly from the shadows and otherwise ambushing foes.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16Xulgath Skulker" - }, - { - "name": "Xulgath Spinesnapper", - "family": "Xulgath", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Xulgath"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "514", - "lore": "Xulgath SpinesnapperXulgath physiological diversity doesn’t always imply drastic change; some xulgaths are simply much larger and stronger than their clutchmates. Most xulgaths call such siblings spinesnappers, though terms like bonebreaker, marrowvent, or similarly violent epithets are equally common. A typical spinesnapper is 9 feet tall and weighs 350 pounds. In battle, spinesnappers have all the speed, grace, and strength of a sledgehammer. They are ideal shock troops and make a good first line of defense. When an inter-clutch conflict leads to a duel, spinesnappers are typically called upon to rise to the challenge. In this case, a spinesnapper representative from each clutch squares off for what is in theory a nonlethal wrestling match, after which the winner scrapes off some of the loser’s scales as a trophy.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 20Xulgath Spinesnapper" - }, - { - "name": "Xulgath Stoneliege", - "family": "Xulgath", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Xulgath"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "524", - "lore": "Xulgath StoneliegeStonelieges are xulgaths magically infused with living earth—the very bones of the world. They are created through a process xulgaths call stone-binding, which can be performed with complex alchemy, powerful psychic magic, or Abyssal rituals. Their scales are like stone slabs, and their bones are as dense as bedrock, so they are among the hardiest and longest-lived xulgaths. To stonelieges, earth is as mutable as water, and their innate power to shape the soil and stone beneath their feet makes them integral members of xulgath society (as well as formidable combatants).Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 26Xulgath Stoneliege" - }, - { - "name": "Xulgath Thoughtmaw", - "family": "Xulgath", - "level": 15, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Xulgath"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "982", - "lore": "Xulgath ThoughtmawXulgath thoughtmaws are inheritors of the xulgaths' ancient psychic legacy. They eagerly and liberally use their ability to extract knowledge from their foes to quicken their own prodigious intellects.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 39Xulgath Thoughtmaw" - }, - { - "name": "Xulgath Warrior", - "family": "Xulgath", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Xulgath"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "418", - "lore": "Xulgath WarriorXulgath warriors strike with fury and eager cruelty, always ready for the next fight. The taking of prizes from battle—including weapons and items stolen from defeated foes along with grislier trophies harvested from fallen victims’ flesh—is a popular pursuit among these vicious reptiles, and those whose armor and scales are most adorned are awarded the greatest respect (and perhaps fear) from their kin.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15Xulgath Warrior" - }, - { - "name": "Yaganty", - "family": "—", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "525", - "lore": "YagantyYaganties are lean, hairy humanoids with lanky torsos, horned heads, and bulbous black eyes. The elongated fingers of one their hands are made of candlestick wax, and their fingertips, which have wicks instead of nails, burn endlessly. In the dead of night, the flickering light of a yaganty’s fingertips casts dramatic shadows across their face and highlights their trollish visage. Yaganty fables follow a common formula. A wayward pedestrian, traveling at night and usually in a forest, follows distant lights with the hope that the lights belong to a fellow wayfarer, only to come face-to-face with a gangly monster. The story ends in one of three ways: the traveler appeals to the yaganty with a gift of gold (the exact sum necessary varies wildly by the telling), the yaganty slays the traveler over some incomprehensible transgression, or, even more inexplicably, the yaganty offers the lost traveler five candles in simple charity so that the light might guide them home.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 29Yaganty" - }, - { - "name": "Yamaraj", - "family": "Psychopomp", - "level": 20, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Monitor", "Psychopomp"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "770", - "lore": "YamarajThe greatest judges among the psychopomps are the massive yamarajes, whose wisdom is legendary and whose edicts are unappealable except to ushers or Pharasma herself. A yamaraj resembles an immense dragon with dark, feathery scales and an emotionless, dispassionate gaze behind a feathered mask. When not serving as the senior magistrates, lords, and generals of the Boneyard, yamarajes pursue highly individualistic hobbies, such as gardening or literature. They are willing to halt in their duties to converse with mortals whose expertise matches their interests.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 42Yamaraj" - }, - { - "name": "Yellow Musk Brute", - "family": "Yellow Musk Creeper", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "869", - "lore": "Yellow Musk BruteA creature transformed by a yellow musk creeper's tendrils boring into its brain becomes a yellow musk thrall if it's Small or Medium, or a yellow musk brute if Large (a Small creature becomes a Small thrall rather than a Medium one). The transformation takes 1 hour. A yellow musk thrall takes only the most rudimentary of actions: bringing the yellow musk creeper water and new creatures to infest. After a few days (or if the creeper dies), the thrall wanders off into the wilderness and falls dead within 24 hours. The body of a deceased thrall sprouts a new yellow musk creeper within hours of its death, becoming a fully grown plant within 24 hours.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 16Yellow Musk Brute" - }, - { - "name": "Yellow Musk Creeper", - "family": "Yellow Musk Creeper", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "867", - "lore": "Yellow Musk CreeperMade up of thick, green vines with numerous yellow flowers, the yellow musk creeper grows at places where the ground is enriched with spilled blood and corpses, like battlefields and graveyards. An ideal environment for the yellow musk creeper isn't inhabited, but draws occasional humanoid visitors the plant can transform into thralls. The yellow musk creeper enraptures creatures with its bright yellow pollen to bring them close. It then physically alters their brains with its tendrils, implanting a seed in each to turn the creatures into mindless thralls. The yellow musk creeper might try to take over a sleeping creature, but it lacks the faculties to sneak up on anyone, and is likely to wake victims before it can drag itself close enough. The plant's pollen can spread far on the wind but quickly becomes too diffuse to cause harm. Wilderness scouts learn to sniff out the distinctive musky scent of the pollen, which stays potent even in harmless quantities. A sprouting creeper is also easy to detect, since it grows from the rotting, messy corpse of a thrall creature.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 16Yellow Musk Creeper" - }, - { - "name": "Yellow Musk Thrall", - "family": "Yellow Musk Creeper", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Plant", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "868", - "lore": "Yellow Musk ThrallA creature transformed by a yellow musk creeper's tendrils boring into its brain becomes a yellow musk thrall if it's Small or Medium, or a yellow musk brute if Large (a Small creature becomes a Small thrall rather than a Medium one). The transformation takes 1 hour. A yellow musk thrall takes only the most rudimentary of actions: bringing the yellow musk creeper water and new creatures to infest. After a few days (or if the creeper dies), the thrall wanders off into the wilderness and falls dead within 24 hours. The body of a deceased thrall sprouts a new yellow musk creeper within hours of its death, becoming a fully grown plant within 24 hours.Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 13Yellow Musk Thrall" - }, - { - "name": "Yeth Hound", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Beast, Fiend", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "870", - "lore": "Yeth HoundWicked canine creatures who live for the thrill of the hunt, yeth hounds often serve evil masters as guardians and trackers. Yeth hounds resemble lean, sleek dogs with overlarge ears and narrow paws that can tread on air as easily as the ground. Despite their canine appearance, yeth hounds are remarkably intelligent, although they rarely display this intelligence except when devising intricate tactics to ensnare their quarry. Their eerie bays echo across the countryside when they are engaged in a hunt, and they particularly enjoy baying to frighten and disorient intelligent creatures. Yeth hound packs can number as many as a dozen members, each working in uncanny communion with its packmates to corner and kill their prey. Yeth hounds like to drag their victims back to their lairs to eat at their leisure, so these lairs often contain discarded treasures from the hounds' previous meals. Yeth hounds despise two things: sunlight and other canines. They hunt only at night if they can, often breaking off their hunt at dawn to retreat to a subterranean lair or den, no matter how close they had come to catching their prey. Yeth hounds usually attack wargs, wolves, and similar creatures on sight, working to drive larger or more powerful canines from their hunting areas when then can't simply overpower and kill them. Evil rangers, bestial demons, and wicked cults are frequently gifted yeth hound servants by fiendish patrons. Such hounds often serve as spies and are quick to turn against those who fail to advance the patrons' wicked aims. The cult of Lamashtu, in particular, is fond of using yeth hounds as temple guardians.Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 18Yeth Hound" - }, - { - "name": "Yeti", - "family": "—", - "level": 5, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Humanoid"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "421", - "lore": "YetiNearly a myth, the yeti is rarely seen—and even when it is, it is often too late. Yetis dwell amid the highest, most remote peaks of the world, coming down from their snowy mountain holds to raid, steal livestock, and sometimes feed their insatiable urges for slaughter and destruction. Those folks who live at the foot of a yeti-ruled mountain warn of the “abominable snowmen”: monstrous, fur-covered humanoids who leave strange and bloody tracks in the snow. Normally yetis seek to protect the world rather than hunt its other civilized denizens. They do so by lairing near eldritch portals that form links between the Material Plane and other, much stranger dimensions of reality. From within these snow-covered arches and ancient stone doorways, aliens, living nightmares, fiends, and worse can emerge through dimensional networks into the world. Yetis who guard these portals sometimes succumb to these horrors and are corrupted, taking on the bloodthirsty urges and horrific behaviors of the very monsters they strive to protect the world against. Yetis who manifest such violent tendencies are driven out of their clan and forced to wander the mountaintops alone, thus giving rise to the myth of the legendary abominable snowman. Forced to fend for themselves, these exiled yetis often fully embrace the corrupting elements that caused their exile in the first place, growing more powerful and more deadly as a result. The most vile of these yetis turn to cannibalism, not out of need, but out of a sheer joy at the terror they inflict upon their kin. Invariably such cannibalistic yetis attract the attention of wendigos, which makes a bad situation all the worse.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 22Yeti" - }, - { - "name": "Yithian", - "family": "—", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aberration", "Rare", "Large"], - "rarity": "rare", - "id": "1373", - "lore": "YithianYithians are strange creatures, defined not by their physical bodies but by their ancient, disembodied minds. As a people, yithians devote themselves to the acquisition of knowledge above all else. They project their minds across the cosmos and take over a creature's body, living within and observing the creature's culture. The yithians then reverse the process and return to their communities, recording all they learned in massive tomes crafted of strange, metal alloys. Yithians erase their hosts' memories of time spent in their bodies; however, these hosts occasionally recall odd images, usually during dreams. These recollections often involve a vast city from which great black towers rise, filling the viewer with dread. Few hosts realize these vague memories harken to their time spent in the yithian's body, when they wandered that alien city. Four flexible and retractable appendages radiate from the top of a yithian's cone-shaped body, two of which end in sharp pincers, which they click and move to communicate, while the third ends in a cluster of funnel-shaped sensory organs. A spherical “head” rounded by three evenly-spaced eyes tops the fourth appendage. Tentacles dangling beneath this head allow for fine manipulation that the large pincers can't manage, while the crown of tentacles rising from the top like strange flowers function as ears.Recall Knowledge - Aberration(Occultism): DC 31Unspecific Lore: DC 29Specific Lore: DC 26YithianSource Bestiary 3 pg. 299Perception +21; darkvision, thoughtsense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAklo, Common, Yithian; 20 other languages; telepathy 100 feetSkillsArcana +19, Diplomacy +14, Nature +18, Occultism +21, Society +19Str +4Dex +1Con +4Int +6Wis +5Cha +1Thoughtsense (divination, mental, occult) The yithian senses all non-mindless creatures at the listed range.---AC 27 all-around visionFort +19 Ref +14 Will +20 HP 112Resistancesacid 10, cold 10, fire 10, physical 10---Speed 20 feet, climb 10 feetMeleepincer +19 (Agile, deadly d10),Damage 2d12+7 bludgeoningOccult Innate Spells DC 28, attack +20- 5thHypercognition, Mind Probe, Mind Reading (at will), Mindlink (at will), Modify Memory (×3), Paralyze, Touch of Idiocy- 7thPossession (see mind swap)Mind SwapWhen a yithian successfully casts _possession_, they exchange their mind and soul with the target. Each creature takes control of the other's body. This effect lasts until the yithian Dismisses the spell or they're forced out by any effect that ends _possession_. When the effect ends, each creature's mind and soul returns to its own body, regardless of physical or temporal distance, and the yithian can cast _modify memory_ on the target to remove any or all knowledge of its time being possessed. If the yithian is forced out of the target's mind by an effect, the yithian can't remove such knowledge.Immortality via TheftYithian's current conical forms aren't the species' original appearance. The creatures long ago learned how to forcibly swap minds with other creatures. Their more frequent use of this ability to observe and learn seems innocuous, but long ago, extinction threatened the species' original bodies and planet. To survive, yithians organized a mass mind swap with a species on another world, dooming those creatures' minds to die in their original bodies while yithians continued their existence in the cone-shaped forms they bear today." - }, - { - "name": "Young Black Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Black", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Acid", "Amphibious", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "127", - "lore": "Young Black DragonMurderous tyrants of marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens, black dragons terrorize their domains with intense fervor. Gleefully sadistic, they rule their fetid principalities from a deep cave or otherwise isolated part of the swamp with a mix of lightning-quick raids and subterfuge. Their hatred for other creatures is as acidic as their breath weapons, and they rarely tolerate even other dragons of their kind—except perhaps to mate or temporarily collaborate to take down a mutual enemy. Black dragons are amphibious—although they breathe air, their gills also allow them to breathe water. Their frills and fins make them accomplished swimmers, well suited to their wetland environments and submerged lairs. They’re immune to the fetid water that comes as a result of their magical ability to corrupt water. Black dragon lairs are as foul as their souls. The floors are littered with rotting meat, and plundered treasures line the muck and slime of their dank caves amid twisted roots and creepers. Such places are often crawling with pests, snakes, and slimes. Though they claim natural caverns when they can, they make do with areas of dense, twisted vegetation within a swamp. Black dragon treasure hoards primarily consist of gems and expensive glass work, as valuables of softer substance can’t survive the dragon’s acidic presence.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 23Young Black Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Blue Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Blue", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "130", - "lore": "Young Blue DragonBlue dragons are the sleek and poised cosmopolitans of the chromatic dragons. Their brand of evil is organized, manipulative, and regal. Blue dragons often lair near or within cities and set out to bend the population to their will and gather hordes of servants. These dragons love spinning webs of conspiracy. A blue dragon’s lackeys typically don’t even realize that they serve a dragon, but instead think the protection money, tariffs, or taxes they are amassing is treasure for a cruel but legitimate master. In some ways, blue dragons even see their servants as a living hoard and value them like treasure. These dragons have been known to use these tactics even with their own chromatic cousins. Not all blue dragons work clandestinely. Some lord over desert tribes and hill people like vengeful gods, demanding both tribute and worship. No matter how blue dragons manage their underlings, their bearing is regal and their lairs palatial; they’re universally intolerant of insubordination, incompetence, and embezzlement, and punish perpetrators with murderous efficiency. Blue dragons are also known for their use and mastery of illusion magic. They make use of illusions to augment their manipulations and bewilder their foes in battle. Blue dragons also have some control over water, but use this ability to destroy water, something quite dangerous for those who encounter them in their desert lairs. The ideal lair for a blue dragon contains multiple passages, rooms, and secret chambers. As social creatures, blue dragons prefer to host guests in comfort—but their dwellings should not be so public that just anyone can come calling. A force of guards keeps out intruders, and clever illusions conceal the edifice from prying eyes. Rather than a pile of coins or gems, a blue dragon’s true hoard is the rich furnishings in its citadel— expensive art, ornate furniture, and architectural marvels.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 26Young Blue Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Brass Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Brass", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "142", - "lore": "Young Brass DragonBrass dragons are whimsical tricksters who delight in humor and play. They particularly enjoy conversations with humans and other civilized humanoids, delighting in the naive customs of these diminutive races without showing them haughtiness or scorn. While they may seem merely curious, brass dragons engage in this sort of conversation with the goal of keeping up to date on regional politics so they can anticipate future conflicts. Along the way, they create extensive information networks that begin with their own allies but stretch across all levels of humanoid society—networks which the brass dragon then uses to subtly assist settlements near their lair. Unlike the schemes and manipulations of blue dragons, brass dragons use their informant networks to establish justice and equality. These carefree dragons value independence and feel that all creatures deserve to live as they please, provided they don’t harm others. They are emotional creatures and tend to have short attention spans, sometimes falling victim to depression in their twilight years. To combat this, some brass dragons keep pets and houseplants that they can care for. Though they may seem childlike in their curiosity concerning mortal affairs, a brass dragon’s prowess in battle is no laughing matter. A brass dragon whose territory or allies are threatened is a terrifying foe indeed, quick to shed their innocent guise and unleash their terrifying might upon evildoers. Most brass dragons live in desert climates, and while they keep their lairs hidden, they often build near humanoid settlements.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 23Young Brass Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Brine Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Brine", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Elemental", "Water"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "621", - "lore": "Young Brine DragonBrine dragons are usually blue-green in color, with shiny scales, crests that help them glide through the water, and sweeping neck frills. They care little for either good or evil. As they are both opinionated and willing to impose their sense of order on others, many brine dragons eventually seek to rule over a meticulously crafted community. These communities are orderly and well-planned, with rigid standards of courtesy and unchanging laws set down by the dragon themself. A settlement seeded by a brine dragon can be made of members of almost any ancestry, but the most common inhabitants are humans, merfolk, tengus, or sahuagin.Depending on the dragon's personality, their community members might view their brine dragon ruler as anything from a benevolent force of order to a fearful tyrant. Regardless, the typical brine dragon has little patience for kindness or philanthropy, and the strength and health of their settlement as a whole are of greater concern than individuals' well-being. A notable exception to this dispassion rises when an outside force encroaches on their lands. In these cases, the brine dragon is quick to step in and aid in the defense of their community.Although brine dragons enjoy cultivating settlements, they rarely make their lairs within the city limits, instead preferring to dwell in sea caves or cliffside grottoes overlooking the coastline. Here they can retreat for privacy as needed, or can accumulate and display their gathered wealth in a place where they feel safe spreading out their treasures. Brine dragon hoards often consist of a mix of offerings and taxes paid by those they rule over and strange discoveries salvaged from sunken ships.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 26Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 26Young Brine Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Bronze Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Bronze", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Water"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "145", - "lore": "Young Bronze DragonBronze dragons are among the most common of metallic dragons and the most likely to ally with mortals on worthy quests. However, they are naturally scholarly creatures who would rather remain in their lairs studying esoteric lore than go off on a wild adventure. These aloof and stoic dragons also act as preservationists, guarding storehouses of ancient lore from destruction or perversion. Bronze dragons are principled and protective, but while their silver cousins are quick to crusade for justice, bronze dragons prefer to find an important location worthy of their protection and guard it against any attack or unwelcome intrusion. Bronze dragons’ mastery over water and affinity for electricity means they are a boon to sailors caught in thunderstorms. A bronze dragon’s enemies quickly discover neither cloudy sky nor turbulent sea provides shelter from their wrath. Bronze dragons lair along shorelines, often in partially submerged sea caves. While all dragons keep hoards of treasure, the hoard of a bronze dragon more resembles a vast library—with the shelves kept carefully above the waterline, of course. In addition to their collections of esoteric lore, bronze dragons keep treasures associated with the sea, such as beautiful scrimshaw, flawless pearls, and equipment inlaid with mother-of-pearl and abalone shell.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 26Young Bronze Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Cloud Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Cloud", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Air", "Dragon", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "624", - "lore": "Young Cloud DragonAt heart, cloud dragons are wanderers, explorers, and travelers who enjoy nothing more than seeing new lands and meeting unusual creatures. Cloud dragons range in color from light blue to a pale, milky white and have thick, curling horns and rather short snouts. They keep lairs among the extreme altitudes of the highest mountain peaks but are away on their many journeys as often as they're at home. Cloud dragons spend long hours surveying the lands they fly over from great heights, but they are creatures of whim, making it hard to predict what will pique their curiosity and bring them winging down to converse or investigate something on the ground. Cloud dragons seldom perform acts of outright malice, but they are not often charitable either. A cloud dragon is as likely to simply pluck something they desire off the ground and fly away with it as they are to bargain fairly.A cloud dragon's ever-changing interests never seem to stray toward the complicated schemes and long-term plans of other dragons. These rovers are creatures of the moment, and although they are as mentally gifted as other true dragons, their interests remain in the here and now. Yet the cloud dragon's penchant for living in the moment is not a personality flaw—they're more than capable of anticipating long-term results of their actions and won't make foolish choices simply to pursue a current interest. At the same time, cloud dragons have little interest in worrying about the future and are as confident in their ability to handle tomorrow's problems as they are today's.Cloud dragon hoards tend to be well-guarded or well-hidden, as a natural result of their roving habits often taking them away from their lairs for extended periods. Their treasuries include a wide variety of items—they are driven to gather a broad range of prizes rather than collecting one type of item intensively. To a cloud dragon, a diversified hoard is a perfect hoard.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 29Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 29Young Cloud Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Copper Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Copper", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "148", - "lore": "Young Copper DragonCapricious and always eager to share a good laugh, copper dragons are among the wiliest of the metallic dragons, but this by no means interferes with their mission to spread freedom in oppressive lands. Copper dragons are hedonists who are quick to indulge in simple pleasures, but they’re also sympathetic to other creatures, slow to pass judgment, and careful to always examine a situation from as many perspectives as possible. This philosophy has its drawbacks, however, as copper dragons are susceptible to negative influences and prone to forgiving the less serious evil acts performed by their chromatic cousins and other cruel creatures. Copper dragons also have a difficult time keeping their temper in check once they are roused to anger. Copper dragons tend to lair in warm or temperate hills, but due to their nature, they move their lairs every few years. They sometimes live among other people, especially any dwarves who reside nearby. Some copper dragons even worship gods typically worshipped only by humanoids. Among these dragons, worship of Cayden Cailean is most popular, as they see his love of freedom and penchant for alcohol aligning with the typical copper dragon mindset. A copper dragon’s combat tactics are as unorthodox as its sense of humor, as it is more likely to use mockery and tricks than outright strength to win its battles. As a copper dragon ages, it perfects jokes capable of rendering its foes helpless with laughter.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 24Young Copper Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Crystal Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Crystal", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "627", - "lore": "Young Crystal DragonGood-natured but vain, crystal dragons are beautiful creatures with brilliant hides made of multicolored crystal and gemstone. Their beauty is a source of great pride but is also something of a weakness, as crystal dragons are easily angered by insults about their appearance. Despite their relatively benign natures when compared to other true dragons, crystal dragons can be short tempered and prone to finding insults where none were intended. Although their opinions are changeable, crystal dragons prefer orderly environments and are not fond of sudden interruptions or distractions.Crystal dragons build their lairs in underground grottoes, where they cultivate environments of great beauty. Their exacting standards and vivid imaginations mean that they are always working to improve the appearance or layout of some part of their lair. These lairs are unique to each individual crystal dragon, but there are always plenty of reflective surfaces that allow the dragon to observe their own appearance. These range from crystals to reflecting pools to finely crafted mirrors, which are arranged throughout the lair in a pleasing array. Gifts of well-crafted or magical mirrors are an excellent way to curry favor with a crystal dragon.Although crystal dragons are easily distracted by their sparkling collections or their vanity, they remain good-hearted creatures at the core and make friends quickly. While a crystal dragon tends to find evil creatures uncouth and unpleasant, any other nearby denizen or inhabitant of their home could become fast friends or beloved pets, depending upon the creature's capacity for conversation (and for providing the frequent praise and compliments that crystal dragons hunger for).Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 25Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 25Young Crystal Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Forest Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Forest", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon,Plant", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Plant", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1122", - "lore": "Young Forest DragonForest dragons oversee the endless growth of nature, protect it from plunder, and reclaim ruins for the wilderness. Some say these dragons jealously hoard nature's bounty for themselves while seeing everyone else who tries to benefit from nature as thieves and poachers. They loathe the progress of technology and civilization, preferring the company of monsters and animals. Forest dragons are their forests in a literal sense. Over time, their hair becomes mossy, their hide toughens like bark, and small insects or animals live within them.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 29Recall Knowledge - Plant(Nature): DC 29Unspecific Lore: DC 27Specific Lore: DC 24Young Forest DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 74Perception +18; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCommon, Draconic, SylvanSkillsAcrobatics +18, Athletics +21, Deception +17, Intimidation +19, Nature +22, Stealth +18, Survival +16Str +6Dex +2Con +5Int +2Wis +4Cha +3---AC 30 Fort +21 Ref +16 Will +20 HP 195Immunitiesparalyzed, poison, sleepWeaknessesfire 5Countered by Metal If the forest dragon takes damage from a metal item, they lose woodland stride and _pass without trace_ until the end of their next turn.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 27. Animals, fungi, and plants take a –2 circumstance penalty to the save.Fed by Water(healing, necromancy, primal) Frequency once per hour; Trigger The forest dragon is targeted with a water spell or effect; Effect The forest dragon gains 30 temporary Hit Points.---Speed 40 feet, fly 100 feet; woodland strideMeleejaws +23 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d10+12 piercing plus 1d6 poisonMeleeclaw +23 (Agile),Damage 2d8+12 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +23 (reach 20 feet),Damage 2d8+12 bludgeoning plus GrabPrimal Innate Spells DC 29- Cantrips (2nd)Know Direction- 2ndEntangle- 3rdFear (animals; fungi; and plants only)- Constant (1st)Pass Without Trace (forest terrain only)Breath Weapon(Evocation, Primal) The dragon unleashes a swarm of insects that deals 10d6 piercing damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 29 basic Reflex save) before dispersing. A creature that critically fails is stunned 2 from the insects' venom; this is a poison effect. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Constrict2d8+8 bludgeoning, DC 29Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Woodland StrideThe forest dragon ignores difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain from non-magical foliage." - }, - { - "name": "Young Gold Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Gold", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "151", - "lore": "Young Gold DragonGold dragons are the epitome of metallic dragonkind, unrivaled in their strength as well as their wisdom. They command the unwavering reverence of all other metallic dragons, who view gold dragons as their leaders and counselors. Golds rival the raw power of even red dragons, much to the chagrin of their chromatic cousins, and the two races are often regarded as bitter rivals. But despite their incredible power, gold dragons are fond of discourse and prefer to talk through solutions to problems rather than rely upon brute strength. Long-lived as they are, they necessarily take a wide view of all situations and never act without considering all possible options and outcomes. Because of this, gold dragons willingly converse with any creature that seeks them out, even evil chromatic dragons. Mortals might find this behavior strange, considering the longstanding war between chromatic and metallic dragons, but dragons know all too well that desperate situations sometimes call for drastic alliances. And although gold dragons might consider brief truces with their chromatic brethren in the case of world-ending threats, they also know when such alliances have run their course. When another metallic dragon faces a quandary or a foe beyond its own ability to overcome, its best option is often to seek the counsel of the eternally wise and gloriously righteous gold dragons. Locating these legendary beings is no easy task, however, for gold dragons are notoriously reclusive. Their intellect and wisdom is such that they prefer to ponder the great questions of life in seclusion, where they strive to formulate solutions to the world's most pressing problems. As a result, gold dragons are sometimes absent when metallic dragons gather together, or are missing from tribunals where their counsel would be beneficial. Impatient dragons sometimes begrudge gold dragons for this apparent unreliability, but such aspersions are usually a result of jealousy rather than any true criticism; in their hearts, other dragons know that few gold dragons purposefully exclude themselves from truly important matters. A gold dragon's incredible foresight and unparalleled enlightenment means they are unlikely to interfere in the business of individual mortals, though the rare person who captures the attention of a gold dragon is fortunate indeed, for there are few beings in the cosmos who can offer such prudent and considerate advice. Rulers and individuals in stations of high power have an easier time of garnering the aid of a gold dragon; entire wars have been avoided thanks to a gold dragon's last-minute intermediation. Gold dragons are often found in warm grasslands and savannas, lands where they can enjoy long, meditative flights without attracting the attention of potential enemies. They tend to sleep either out in the open in a barren, remote place, or within a heavily secreted or fortified lair, such as a forgotten sink hole or in the labyrinthine caverns of a terrestrial chasm. Gold dragons may enlist trusted servants and allies to guard their lairs, though many live truly solitary lives, preferring to protect their hoards with nonlethal traps and magical wards.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 28Young Gold Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Green Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Green", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "133", - "lore": "Young Green DragonGreen dragons are the most contemplative of the chromatic dragons as well as the most approachable. The key to understanding green dragons is to understand their obsession with knowledge and self-discipline. Any careful approach that takes advantage of a green dragon’s fixations may end in a diplomatic outcome, but any misstep or slight can provoke a savage attack. Like most chromatic dragons, green dragons do not suffer fools—and the threshold for what they consider foolish is very low. Though more open than their chromatic cousins to dealing with other creatures and dragons, green dragons prefer an isolated and quiet life. They tend to lair in the most forbidding parts of a forest, surrounded by tangled thickets, or else at the heart of some dismal gulch. If the terrain is suitable, some green dragons make their home in natural caves, which they expand to suit their needs. Green dragons’ pride leads them to see to the preservation of their forest homes. They feel that a verdant and lush forest is something that they alone have cultivated. This leads some green dragons to follow the path of druidism, though most prefer to study the arcane arts and occult lore. Most of them delve deeply into one particular field of study, and correspond with other scholars in the field by adopting a pen name that hides their true nature. Regardless of their chosen focus, green dragons seek to improve themselves, and their desire for knowledge makes them more likely to deal diplomatically with other creatures in order to obtain new information. Their hoards are typically well kept, organized, and filled with tomes of lore and scrolls of magic along with antiquities they collect for their own inscrutable reasons. Many of these treasures come from across the globe, and many an adventurer has survived an encounter with a green dragon by stroking its ego and plying it with rare artifacts or lost lore from ancient cultures.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 24Young Green Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Magma Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Magma", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Elemental", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "631", - "lore": "Young Magma DragonMagma dragons have a reputation among other dragons for being unpredictable and brash. Their temperament and tendency for violent outbursts ensure that the typical magma dragon lives a solitary life, with hatchlings often bickering or fighting to establish dominance among themselves before they leave the nest. A magma dragon always has a reason for their outbursts and can always justify their sudden turns in mood, yet they rarely feel the need to do so.Magma dragons build lairs within volcanically active mountains or deep underground amid vast lakes of bubbling magma. As with all true dragons, magma dragons keep hoards of treasure, but the nature of their searing lairs limits the type of valuables they collect to metals, gems, and items capable of resisting the heat of a volcano's core.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 28Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 28Young Magma Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Red Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Red", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "136", - "lore": "Young Red DragonThe largest and most powerful of the chromatic dragons, red dragons are a menace to civilizations everywhere, and their strength is rivaled only by their arrogance. Red dragons see themselves as regents and overlords of all dragonkind. With their crowns of crimson spikes and their command of blistering frame, this is no haughty boast in their eyes—only unquestioned fact. Red dragons don’t deign to speak with lesser creatures; they simply dominate and burn, enslaving weaker creatures to act as servants and to look after their lairs while the dragons slumber away. They take pleasure in dominating these creatures, and they demand tribute from their supplicants. Those who anger or disappoint end up eaten or reduced to ash. They command their enslaved minions to constantly build onto their lairs, carving out new tunnels and designing cunning traps that ensure the dragon’s security. Driven by their arrogance, red dragons are the most likely of the chromatic dragons to ravage settlements. They want the world to see them in their rightful place as powerful tyrants, and they delight in threatening all other creatures. They have no qualms about bullying, manipulating, or killing to complete their goals—or simply intimidating others through a public display of brutality and dominance. As legendary as the brutishness of red dragons is the magnificence of their hoards of gold. Their lairs are often situated in dangerous places, with volcanoes being a favorite spot, as they find them foreboding and the constant warmth is comfortable. No matter the locale, red dragons sleep on a litter of coins and other treasures, which they zealously guard. Sometimes, the dragon’s internal heat causes these precious metals to fuse together.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 27Young Red Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Sea Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Sea", - "level": 8, - "alignment": "Chaotic Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Uncommon", "Water", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1125", - "lore": "Young Sea DragonSea dragons' affinity with water grants them mastery over rain, storms, and floods. Those whose livelihoods are at the mercy of the weather and waves frequently venerate these great aquatic creatures. Most sea dragons respond kindly to requests, but, like the sea, they can be unpredictable and fickle. Sea dragons have disk-shaped scales like fish and webbed claws as well as large back and tail fins to aid in swimming. They appear in vivid and vibrant colors, like aquatic wildlife. Underwater flora and fauna grow and thrive upon older sea dragons, and ancient sea dragons often have a head of coral around their antlers, giving them the image of being crowned royalty.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21Young Sea DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 77Perception +15; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAquan, Common, DraconicSkillsAcrobatics +16, Arcana +14, Athletics +19, Deception +14, Intimidation +16, Nature +15, Society +14, Stealth +16, Survival +13Str +5Dex +4Con +3Int +2Wis +3Cha +2---AC 27 fed by metalFort +17 Ref +18 Will +15 HP 140Immunitiesparalyzed, sleepCountered by Earth If the sea dragon is targeted with an earth spell or _flesh to stone_, they lose Liquefy until the end of their next turn.Fed by Metal (arcane, transmutation) When a sea dragon is struck by a weapon made primarily of metal or affected by a spell that uses metal, many of the dragon's scales transform to mimic the metal. This grants the dragon a +1 item bonus to AC until the start of their next turn.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 24Liquefy(abjuration, arcane, water) Trigger The dragon is targeted by a Strike or spell that could deal fire or physical damage to them; Effect The dragon liquefies, turning entirely to water while maintaining their shape, for a split second. Against the triggering effect, they gain resistance 15 to fire and to all physical damage.---Speed 30 feet, fly 100 feet, swim 50 feet; _water walk_Meleejaws +20 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d10+11 piercing plus hyponatremiaMeleeclaw +20 (Agile),Damage 2d8+11 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +20 (reach 20 feet),Damage 2d8+11 bludgeoning plus GrabArcane Innate Spells DC 26- 1stCreate Water (at will)- 2ndEndure Elements (self only)- Constant (2nd)Water WalkBreath Weapon(Arcane, Evocation, Water) The dragon shoots a ball of water that deals 9d6 bludgeoning damage in a 20-foot burst within 40 feet (DC 26 basic Reflex save). All non-magical fire in the radius is extinguished. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Constrict2d8+6 bludgeoning, DC 26Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Hyponatremia(Water) A living creature that takes damage from the sea dragon's jaws Strike must succeed at a DC 26 Fortitude save or become sickened 1 as a surge of excess water floods its body." - }, - { - "name": "Young Silver Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Silver", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "154", - "lore": "Young Silver DragonSilver dragons are among the most chivalrous of all dragonkind; they wield frost and cold as weapons, can walk on clouds, and dwell high upon snowy mountain peaks or deep in steep, misty valleys. Although they typically make their lairs among the highlands, the pursuit of justice leads silver dragons to travel far and wide—often into the very heart of realms overrun by evil. These exemplars of righteousness are ceaseless in their determination to help the weak, spread honor, and stamp out evil. Silver dragons are sleek and sinuous. Their hides resemble nothing so much as a suit of gleaming armor, lending further credence to the popular myth that silver dragons are the paladins of dragonkind. The zeal with which they seek out, confront, and defeat evil is unsurpassed even among their metallic cousins, and they adhere to strict codes of honor usually passed down from parent to hatchling. On occasion, they instead learn these codes from trusted mentors, usually other silver dragons or gold dragons. As they age, they become even more dedicated to their codes, often adding new and even more restrictive clauses to the systems that guide their behavior. Silver dragons are incredibly altruistic and regularly consort with the citizens of goodly societies, of which they consider themselves protectors and guides. In addition to responding to evil threats, silver dragons work to prevent evil from taking root in the first place, and they ensure mortals under their care are well fed, educated, and treated with dignity. Although silver dragons can seem overzealous or even eager to join the fight against evil, they know that the best way to rid the world of corruption is to stamp out strife and disillusionment at their source, not to passively sit back and watch it grow into an unsolvable problem. Silver dragons can be vindictive, but they can also be forgiving; for evildoers who seek to atone for their sins and turn over a new leaf, the support of a silver dragon is both unwavering and invaluable. Many silver dragons are also drawn to religious endeavors, venerating deities such as Iomedae, Sarenrae, and other deities concerned with justice, virtue, and redemption.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 27Young Silver Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Sky Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Sky", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1128", - "lore": "Young Sky DragonSky dragons live above the clouds near the summits of mountains. They maintain a strong religious tradition, a unique practice among imperial dragons that sets them apart as much as their wings do. Desperate souls risk steep cliffs and loose snow to seek these dragons' counsel, and most sky dragons gladly help those who make the journey, but they expel any express hostilities or badger without hesitation. The sky dragon's wings aren't true wings, but long fins fused to their forearms; their scales also form only very slowly. Young dragons coil tightly in their lairs as they absorb minerals that color and harden their scales. Even adults often wrap around pillars out of habit.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 28Unspecific Lore: DC 26Specific Lore: DC 23Young Sky DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 79Perception +19; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesAuran, Common, DraconicSkillsAcrobatics +16, Athletics +19, Deception +16, Intimidation +18, Religion +19, Society +18, Stealth +18, Survival +17Str +6Dex +1Con +3Int +1Wis +4Cha +3Mist Vision Fog and mist don't impair a sky dragon's vision; they ignore the concealed condition from fog and mist.---AC 28 Fort +18 Ref +16 Will +21 HP 155Immunitieselectricity, paralyzed, sleepCountered by Fire If the sky dragon takes fire damage, the elemental magic of metal within them is tempered. Until the end of their next turn, they take a –1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls and AC, and their jaws Strikes don't deal electricity damage. This limitation ends if the dragon uses Breath Weapon.Fed by Earth (abjuration, divine) When a sky dragon is targeted by an earth spell or effect, they leave a cloud of pulverized dust and gravel that swirls in the eddies of the dragon's flight. For 1 minute, the dragon is concealed while flying.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 26---Speed 30 feet, fly 120 feetMeleejaws +21 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+12 piercing plus 1d12 electricityMeleeclaw +21 (Agile),Damage 2d8+12 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +21 (reach 20 feet),Damage 2d8+12 bludgeoning plus GrabDivine Innate Spells DC 28- 1stFeather Fall, Gust of Wind- 2ndInvisibilityBreath Weapon(Divine, Electricity, Evocation) The dragon shoots a ball of electricity that deals 5d12 electricity damage in a 20-foot burst within 40 feet (DC 28 basic Reflex save). They can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Constrict2d8+7 bludgeoning, DC 24Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Perfected FlightA sky dragon can hover in place without spending an action, and they automatically succeed at all Acrobatics checks to Maneuver in Flight." - }, - { - "name": "Young Sovereign Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Sovereign", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1131", - "lore": "Young Sovereign DragonThe most well-known of imperial dragons due to their deep involvement with mortals, the sovereign dragons' name comes from their mandate of selecting rulers—but at some point, the dragons themselves joined the list of worthy candidates. Other imperial dragons suspect the sovereign dragons offered their connection to the elemental cycle to attain forbidden magic, evidenced by their lack of any vulnerability to wood or ability to feed on fire, despite being creatures of the earth. Most hesitate to question the sovereigns' authority. While some appreciate their impartial nature, others fault this adherence to neutrality. Regardless, the sovereign dragons' charm and centuries of experience in subtle manipulation have made them exceptional negotiators. Almost all sovereign dragons appear gold in color. Their hair ranges from common colors found among humans to bright reds, greens, or blues. They're the only dragons with five digits per claw, a mark of special importance. Other imperial dragons dismiss this claim to status and instead tease the sovereign dragons over their need to wear armor, even while in their draconic forms.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 30Unspecific Lore: DC 28Specific Lore: DC 25Young Sovereign DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 81Perception +22; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feetLanguagesCelestial, Common, Draconic, InfernalSkillsAcrobatics +18, Athletics +22, Deception +21, Diplomacy +25, Intimidation +23, Occultism +18, Society +20, Stealth +18, Survival +20Str +7Dex +3Con +5Int +3Wis +5Cha +6---AC 31 Fort +22 Ref +18 Will +24 +1 status to all saves vs. magicHP 195Immunitiesparalyzed, sleepResistancesmental 10Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 28Violent RetortTrigger A creature within the sovereign dragon's reach critically hits the dragon; Effect The sovereign dragon makes a claw or tail Strike against the creature, after applying all the effects of the critical hit to the dragon.---Speed 40 feet, fly 120 feetMeleejaws +24 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+13 piercing plus 2d6 mentalMeleeclaw +24 (Agile),Damage 2d8+13 slashing plus GrabMeleetail +24 (reach 20 feet),Damage 2d8+13 bludgeoning plus GrabOccult Innate Spells DC 30- 2ndDetect Alignment (at will; good or evil only)- 6thShape Stone, Suggestion (at will)Breath Weapon(Evocation, Mental, Occult) The dragon unleashes a roar charged with psychic energy, dealing 12d6 mental damage in a 30-foot cone (DC 30 basic Will save). The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Constrict2d8+10 bludgeoning, DC 26Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike.Gleaming Armor(Evocation, Light, Occult) Frequency once per hour; Effect The dragon's golden armor glows with a protective golden light. The dragon gains a +2 status bonus to AC and resistance 10 to energy damage. Each enemy in a 20-foot emanation must succeed at a DC 30 Fortitude save or be dazzled. All these effects last until the end of the dragon's next turn." - }, - { - "name": "Young Umbral Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Umbral", - "level": 11, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Shadow"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "634", - "lore": "Young Umbral DragonWhile the other primal dragons hail from the Elemental Planes, the cruel and unceasingly malicious umbral dragons originate in the depths of the Shadow Plane. Their sleek black scales and serpentine grace allow them to strike from hiding, and they are known for playing with their prey before finally finishing it. These creatures of shadowy energy and unwholesome appetites prefer the necrotic flesh of undead creatures to any other meal. This strange hunger can be of accidental benefit to nearby humanoid societies, but ultimately they hunt and kill undead creatures for the taste, rather than out of any desire to protect others from the undead. The benefit is always short-lived, however. When umbral dragons exhaust their preferred prey, they turn on whatever living creatures happen to be nearby. Umbral dragons sometimes go to great lengths to obtain their favorite meals, even creating undead creatures that they then feast upon.For all their power, umbral dragons are uninterested in fair battles. When faced with foes that pose any kind of actual danger to them, umbral dragons flee into the shadows and seek to strike back through pawns or minions rather than risk their own lives. Their treasure hoards are varied and diverse, often augmented by loot stolen from crypts the dragons have turned into feeding grounds. They have a strong respect for and interest in traditions and heirlooms, and they often seek to augment their hoards with items of great value that have been handed down through the generations of those whose corpses and ghosts they've fed upon.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 30Young Umbral Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Young Underworld Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, Underworld", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Uncommon", "Large"], - "rarity": "uncommon", - "id": "1134", - "lore": "Young Underworld DragonUnderworld dragons embody the pressure between tectonic plates, the heat behind geysers, and flash fires that ignite when the conditions are just right. Natural alchemists, they innately understand reagents and catalysts. While some research the effects of magic on material reactions, the majority of underworld dragons concentrate on building their hoards. They scour the world for carved gemstones and artifacts of precious minerals, both of which they see as distilled essence of earth's bounty. Underworld dragons appear angular and sharp; their scales glow as if superheated from within, and their hair flickers like tongues of flames. An intense fire glows behind their gazes, suggesting they could ignite items with a mere thought, and their breath ripples the air as a testament to the heat contained within their bodies.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 25Unspecific Lore: DC 23Specific Lore: DC 20Young Underworld DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 83Perception +13; darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feet, smoke visionLanguagesCommon, Draconic, UndercommonSkillsAcrobatics +11, Arcana +13, Athletics +17, Crafting +17, Deception +10, Intimidation +12, Nature +13, Stealth +13, Survival +11Str +6Dex +2Con +3Int +4Wis +2Cha +1Smoke Vision Smoke doesn't impair an underworld dragon's vision; they ignore the concealed condition from smoke.---AC 25 Fort +18 Ref +13 Will +15 HP 115Immunitiesfire, paralyzed, sleepCountered by Water If the underworld dragon takes damage from a spell with the cold or water trait, the elemental magic of fire within them is momentarily dampened. Until the end of their next turn, they take a –1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls, and their jaws Strikes don't deal fire damage. This limitation ends if the dragon uses Breath Weapon.Fed by Wood When an underworld dragon is struck by a weapon made primarily of wood or affected by a spell with the plant trait, the dragon's internal fiery essences are stoked with the added fuel. Their breath weapon recharges, and the fire damage from the dragon's jaws increases by one die until the end of the dragon's next turn.Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental) 90 feet, DC 23---Speed 40 feet, burrow 30 feet, fly 80 feetMeleejaws +18 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+8 piercing plus 1d6 fireMeleeclaw +18 (Agile),Damage 2d8+8 slashing plus adamantine claws and GrabMeleetail +18 (reach 20 feet),Damage 2d8+8 bludgeoning plus GrabArcane Innate Spells DC 25- Cantrips (2nd)Detect Magic- 2ndContinual FlameAdamantine ClawsThe dragon's claws are infused with adamantine. Their claw Strikes ignore half the Hardness of any object hit.Breath Weapon(Arcane, Evocation, Fire) The dragon breathes a blast of fire that explodes in a 20-foot burst within 40 feet, dealing 7d6 fire damage (DC 25 basic Reflex save). Creatures that fail the save also take 1d6 persistent fire damage. The dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Coiling FrenzyThe dragon makes one claw Strike and one tail Strike in either order, each against the same target. If either Strike hits, the dragon automatically Grabs the target.Constrict2d8+4 bludgeoning, DC 25Draconic MomentumThe dragon recharges their Breath Weapon whenever they score a critical hit with a Strike." - }, - { - "name": "Young White Dragon", - "family": "Dragon, White", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "139", - "lore": "Young White DragonThe most feral and least intelligent of all the chromatic dragons, white dragons are brutish, predatory, and chiefly motivated by self-preservation. Nearly all other dragons look down on white dragons as hopelessly hotheaded and dull, though this does not make them any less dangerous—in fact, it may mean the opposite. It’s nearly impossible to treat with white dragons, not because they lack the capacity to do so, but because they just don’t care to. They are as difficult to deal with as they are quick to anger, and they become incensed at almost anything. When a white dragon does speak, it spews threats, inane jokes, and incoherent babbling as a prelude to attacking—and when the attack comes, it’s bloody and relentless. Thankfully, white dragons prefer very cold, remote locations that are far from people. Dwelling on glacial mountaintops or in ice caverns beneath forbidding tundra, they treat the lands around them as their own personal hunting grounds. They fly out to feed or terrorize other creatures, especially those who trespass near the dragon’s territory, then bring any treasure back to be displayed in icy niches in their lairs. They collect all kinds of valuables, with a slight preference for items with high utility—such as tools, trade goods, and fine food—over coins or jewels. The ability to shape ice lets white dragons rearrange their lairs exactly to their specifications, and they take great pride in how they’ve decorated their homes over the years.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 22Young White Dragon" - }, - { - "name": "Yzobu", - "family": "—", - "level": 1, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1374", - "lore": "YzobuYzobus are herd beasts common across northern plains and mountains, resembling a cross between a steer, a sturdy horse, and a yak. They most notably feature a pungent stench caused by bodily secretions building up within their thick, shaggy pelts—a stench so strong that yzobu herds can often be smelled before they appear. Territorial and aggressive, yzobus often attack other creatures on sight. When threatened, a herd launches into a stampede, trampling any in their path and goring survivors with their distinctive horns. Some ranchers trade yzobu hides as a workable leather for mercenaries and guards, but the powerful smell means that most ranchers tend their small herds on the outskirts of towns. Typically, yzobus aren't raised to a specific age, but rather are killed whenever one escapes and poses a threat. The hides require an intensive tanning process with almost constant brushing and hours soaking in salt water—but the effort results in a leather both soft to the touch and sturdy enough to work as an effective armor for several years. Hides aren't the only yzobu products worth harvesting. A female yzobu's milk is rich and nutrient-rich, making it a staple food source in some regions. Their meat is less enticing but still edible. These beasts remain a permanent part of hobgoblin society, where their aggressive temperaments and durable, sturdy bodies are great assets. Hobgoblins possess an immunity to yzobu stench, and they view the fact that other races sickened by it as further evidence of their own superiority. They also highly prize yzobu mounts, and hobgoblin commanders often paint their yzobu's horns in varying colors and patterns to show how many enemies the mount has killed. Yzobu cavalry are a staple of hobgoblin military action, and they played a key role in the recent Ironfang Invasion that led to the formation of the new hobgoblin nation of Oprak in Avistan. The establishment of Oprak meant that many Avistani who had never encountered yzobus before have grown familiar—if not enchanted— with their distinctive odor.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 15Unspecific Lore: DC 13Specific Lore: DC 10YzobuSource Bestiary 3 pg. 300Perception +6; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feetLanguagesSkillsAthletics +7, Intimidation +5, Survival +4Str +4Dex +3Con +4Int -5Wis +1Cha +2---AC 16 Fort +9 Ref +6 Will +4 HP 25Pungent Aura (aura, olfactory) 10 feet. Creatures other than yzobus or hobgoblins that enter or start their turn in the yzobu's aura must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or become sickened 1, or sickened 2 on a critical failure. A creature that succeeds at its save is temporarily immune for 1 minute.---Speed 30 feetMeleehorn +7,Damage 1d6+4 piercingMeleehoof +7 (Agile),Damage 1d4+4 bludgeoningAggressive NuisancesYzobu herds are seen as invasive nuisances in most habitats, forcing prior residents and natural species out of their homes. These herds can number in the thousands, and their passage can leave wide swaths of empty plains and villages in their wake. Yzobus seem drawn toward freshly planted fields; it's believed that the smell of fertilizer attracts them, though most farmers prefer to believe that yzobus are simply sadistic beasts." - }, - { - "name": "Zaramuun", - "family": "—", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "422", - "lore": "ZaramuunZaramuuns are beings of elemental sand that hide in deserts and wastelands. They disguise themselves as massive dunes before rising up to attack living creatures. The most infamous zaramuuns kill any living creatures they find, but others simply rob their victims of all metal and stone possessions before fleeing. Although zaramuuns insist they are only reclaiming what was taken from their ancestral earth, this is simple self-delusion; most zaramuuns use their stolen goods as payment and material components to conjure fiends, for Zaramuuns were exiled from the Plane of Earth after worshipping fiends who promised to give them power over other elementals. This worship gradually transformed into servitude, and now many zaramuuns believe that if they send enough souls to their masters, they will be set free.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 35Zaramuun" - }, - { - "name": "Zealborn", - "family": "—", - "level": 12, - "alignment": "Chaotic Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Undead"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "1014", - "lore": "ZealbornZealborn arise from mortals who become consumed by a noble or idealistic vision and choose undeath as a means of pursuing that vision. Unlike liches, who use undeath as a path toward immortality and individual power, zealborn undergo their transformation with the total conviction that their cause is so just it should never die. They manipulate and control dozens of fanatical followers who sacrifice themselves—and rise again as powerful zeal-damned ghouls—for the zealborn's cause.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 32Zealborn" - }, - { - "name": "Zebub (Accuser Devil)", - "family": "Devil", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Lawful Evil", - "creature_type": "Fiend", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "606", - "lore": "Zebub (Accuser Devil)Zebubs serve as Hell's messengers and spies. Their ability to share what they've seen with other creatures makes them especially useful—not only to other devils, but also to mortal conjurers. Some infernal lords unleash them in enormous, horrid swarms upon unsuspecting lands to debase flesh and land alike while collecting secrets the infernal host might later put to use. Zebubs use any opportunity to manipulate weak-willed or easily tempted mortals into serving the zebubs' whims. While arrogant and deceitful, zebubs lack the cunning and confidence of most devils, and thus their schemes often focus on satisfying self-serving or self-destructive ambitions. Zebubs form from the souls of childish and craven mortals, reshaped by the archdevil Baalzebul in the frozen, filthy wastes of Hell's seventh layer, Cocytus.Recall Knowledge - Fiend (Religion): DC 18Zebub" - }, - { - "name": "Zelekhut", - "family": "Aeon", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Lawful Neutral", - "creature_type": "Monitor", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Aeon", "Inevitable", "Monitor"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "537", - "lore": "ZelekhutA zelekhut is a bounty hunter and executioner. The zelekhut resembles a mechanical centaur crafted from silvery metal with golden clockwork wings adorning its back. Instead of hands, the zelekhut's arms end in long, barbed chains that crackle with electricity. Whether sent by the powers of Axis or summoned by mortal authorities, the zelekhut seeks out those who continually evade justice—either through active flight, or by abusing their power and station—so as to bring justice to the multiverse's most notorious fugitives and criminals. Indeed, many a zelekhut's quarry are as famous for their ability to evade capture as for the crimes they commit.Though the zelekhut is implacable and unrelenting in enforcing sentences, it does not pass judgments of its own or take the initiative in pursuing targets of opportunity. While hunting a condemned serial killer or notorious thief across half a dozen planes, the zelekhut wouldn't shift a single hoof to capture a corrupt ruler whose offenses are far greater. All zelekhuts understand that laws can and must differ from place to place, and it is not the zelekhut's job to moralize, merely to obey its rightful assignments and track down those who seek to flee their punishment.Recall Knowledge - Monitor (Religion): DC 26Zelekhut" - }, - { - "name": "Zephyr Hawk", - "family": "Elemental, Air", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Elemental", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Air", "Elemental"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "177", - "lore": "Zephyr HawkZephyr hawks drift among the currents of the Plane of Air in great flocks.Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 18Zephyr Hawk" - }, - { - "name": "Zetogeki", - "family": "—", - "level": 7, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Animal", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Animal", "Earth", "Large"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1375", - "lore": "ZetogekiBasalt comprises the earthen bodies of zetogekis, giant lizards with an innate ability to absorb and redirect kinetic energy. They dwell near active volcanos, particularly at hot springs and geysers, from which they drink copious quantities of steaming, mineral-rich water. Since they have no need for any other sustenance (and in fact can't digest anything else), zetogekis guard these watering holes. The worst fate that can befall the proprietor of a mountain hot spring is the arrival of a zetogeki, which can transform a lucrative business into a public hazard overnight. Mountain dwellers who make use of such hot springs pay monster hunters handsomely to eradicate or chase off zetogekis, but dealing with the stubborn beasts is no mean feat. Even in wilder lands, zetogekis prove menacing to mountaineers. The lizards sometimes purposefully throw themselves down mountainsides to absorb the kinetic energy dealt to them during their tumble. They use this accumulated energy to take down predators—though zetogekis see nearly every other type of creature as a predator. This marvelous ability to absorb and dole out physical energy come from a zetogeki's unique configuration of shale-like scales, which it can angle at will much like a porcupine extending its quills. Those who encounter a zetogeki hunkered down with its scales in the telltale raised pattern of zig-zagging black and gold would do well to give the lizard a wide berth. This danger has its upsides, however; some alchemists and wizards offer substantial bounties for intact zetogeki hides.Recall Knowledge - Animal(Nature): DC 23Unspecific Lore: DC 21Specific Lore: DC 18ZetogekiSource Bestiary 3 pg. 301Perception +15; low-light visionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +12, Athletics +18, Stealth +12Str +5Dex +1Con +5Int -4Wis +2Cha -1---AC 22 Fort +18 Ref +14 Will +13 HP 90Resistancesfire 10---Speed 35 feet, climb 35 feetMeleejaws +18 (reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+11 piercing plus GrabMeleetail +18 (reach 15 feet, Sweep),Damage 2d6+11 bludgeoningMangleRequirements The zetogeki has a creature grabbed in its jaws; Effect The zetogeki mangles the grabbed creature and slams it about, dealing 3d8 bludgeoning damage (DC 26 basic Fortitude save).Tilt ScalesThe zetogeki shifts the scales that cover its body to better absorb kinetic energy from physical blows. The zetogeki gains resistance 10 to physical damage, but its Speeds are reduced to 10 feet. If the zetogeki gets hit for 20 or more physical damage in a single blow while its scales are tilted (before applying resistance), it stores the kinetic energy of the blow. The zetogeki can realign its scales to their regular position by taking this action again. When it does, it channels any stored kinetic energy into the next Strike it makes before the end of its turn. If the Strike hits, it deals an additional 2d8 damage. The energy is expended whether or not the Strike hits.Ecological MenaceJust because zetogekis don't eat other creatures doesn't mean they can't ravage local fauna populations. Zetogekis are so territorial that the introduction of two specimens of mating age into a mountain range can have far-ranging ecological repercussions, leading to the eradication of similarly sized predators such as boars, bobcats, and even griffons in a matter of a few years." - }, - { - "name": "Zombie Brute", - "family": "Zombie", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Large", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "425", - "lore": "Zombie BruteNecromantic augmentations have granted this zombie increased size and power.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 16Zombie Brute" - }, - { - "name": "Zombie Dragon", - "family": "Zombie", - "level": 9, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Dragon,Undead", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie", "Huge"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1378", - "lore": "Zombie DragonThe rotted husk of a once great dragon, this abomination has lost all its former splendor, but none of the ferocity. Its patchy, rotted wings don't generate enough lift to keep it aloft, but the foul necromantic energies animating it still allow it to fly, albeit slowly.Recall Knowledge - Dragon(Arcana): DC 26Recall Knowledge - Undead(Religion): DC 26Unspecific Lore: DC 24Specific Lore: DC 21Zombie DragonSource Bestiary 3 pg. 303Perception +16; darkvisionLanguagesSkillsAcrobatics +16, Athletics +19Str +6Dex +3Con +4Int -5Wis +3Cha -2Slow A zombie dragon is permanently slowed 1 and can't use reactions---AC 27 Fort +19 Ref +18 Will +16 HP 210(negative healing)Immunitiesdeath effects, disease, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconscious Weaknesses positive 10, slashing 10---Speed 30 feet, fly 50 feetMeleeupper jaw +21 (reach 15 feet),Damage 2d10+12 piercingMeleeclaw +21 (Agile, reach 10 feet),Damage 2d8+12 slashingMeleetail +19 (reach 20 feet),Damage 2d6+10 bludgeoningBreath WeaponThe zombie dragon breathes a wave of fetid viscera that deals 5d6 bludgeoning and 5d6 poison damage (DC 28 basic Reflex save). A creature that critically fails is also sickened 2. The zombie dragon can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds." - }, - { - "name": "Zombie Hulk", - "family": "Zombie", - "level": 6, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Huge", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "426", - "lore": "Zombie HulkThese towering horrors are animated from the corpses of monstrosities.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 22Zombie Hulk" - }, - { - "name": "Zombie Shambler", - "family": "Zombie", - "level": -1, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Undead", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "423", - "lore": "Zombie ShamblerA zombie shambler is a slow-moving horror dangerous in larger groups.Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 13Zombie Shambler" - }, - { - "name": "Zomok", - "family": "—", - "level": 16, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Dragon, Plant", - "size": "Gargantuan", - "traits": ["Dragon", "Plant"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "871", - "lore": "ZomokMighty plant-dragons, zomoks prowl the woodlands, defending their homes from destructive forces while healing and restoring the woods following natural disasters and ravaging intruders. Zomoks vary in appearance with the seasons, growing verdant green in the spring and summer, changing to autumnal colors in the fall, and decaying to brown in winter. While zomoks can and often do swallow their foes, they have no real need to eat. Any creature they gulp down is typically left behind as a mangled corpse the next time the zomok travels via their Forest Step ability. Zomoks reach 35 to 40 feet in length and weigh 30 tons.Recall Knowledge - Dragon (Arcana): DC 35Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 35Zomok" - }, - { - "name": "Zrukbat", - "family": "—", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Chaotic Neutral", - "creature_type": "Fey", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Fey"], - "rarity": "Common", - "id": "988", - "lore": "ZrukbatZrukbats resemble long-limbed bats with gangly wings, which make them clumsy fliers. Instead, these reclusive fey prefer to crawl along surfaces using the hooked talons on the tips of their wings and feet. Their somewhat humanoid faces feature bulging black eyes, dark fur, and pointed fangs, shocking—if not terrifying—those who get a glimpse of them scuttling along a roof or peeping out from under an eave. Sensitive creatures, zrukbats quickly learn that their appearance triggers negative reactions, yet they prefer to live in urban settlements, observing busy streets and houses from inconspicuous locations. Zrukbats hide in plain sight using their shapeshifting abilities to mimic a broad repertoire of objects. Despite their intelligence, they fundamentally don't understand others' reasoning and often make foolish mistakes in their disguises. For example, one might shapeshift into a lit lantern in an otherwise abandoned house, misjudge the pattern of roof ornaments and become an out-of-place spire, or disguise themself as smoke in an unlit chimney. Due to their fearsome appearance and predisposition to conceal themselves, zrukbats are associated with ghosts and other supernatural phenomena. This affiliation isn't wholly earned; as long as zrukbats feel they've gone unnoticed, they remain generally peaceful. When their obsessive secrecy fails, they devolve into extremely volatile, dangerous creatures. Once spotted, zrukbats fly into a rage if anyone utters even a casual suspicion regarding their presence. In areas known to harbor zrukbats, superstition forbids speaking aloud of curious phenomena, lest they take offense and attack.Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 16Zrukbat" - }, - { - "name": "Zuipnyrn (Moon Mole)", - "family": "—", - "level": 3, - "alignment": "Neutral", - "creature_type": "Aberration", - "size": "Small", - "traits": ["Aberration"], - "rarity": "Rare", - "id": "515", - "lore": "Zuipnyrn (Moon Mole)This spectacularly odd creature appears every now and again in various traveling circuses around the Inner Sea. Although carnival barkers make any number of claims about this strange being’s origins, the so-called “moon mole” is in fact an alien creature called a zuipnyrn, hailing from a distant planet beyond Golarion’s star system. In their infancy, zuipnyrns are spherical and furry, with few features other than a single eye stalk and a round, toothless feeding hole. A zuipnyrn’s body is particularly soft and malleable, allowing it to withstand falls and other hazards. Its eye stalk has the ability to produce a blinding burst of light as a defensive measure, which allows a zuipnyrn just enough time to escape in times of danger. Even more incredibly, a zuipnyrn can emit a hypnotic aura from its eye to entrance those around it—an ability it uses to avoid conflict and to persuade bystanders into helping it escape perilous situations. As they age and grow, zuipnyrns adapt to their environment by growing additional limbs, sprouting additional sensory organs, developing gills, or otherwise altering their anatomy to suit the area.Recall Knowledge - Aberration (Occultism): DC 23Zuipnyrn" - }, - { - "name": "Zuishin", - "family": "Kami", - "level": 10, - "alignment": "Lawful Good", - "creature_type": "Spirit", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Kami", "Spirit", "Medium"], - "rarity": "common", - "id": "1203", - "lore": "ZuishinZuishin are kami warriors and archers who task themselves with watching over important shrines, ancient gates, or sacred doorways. Monasteries secreted away in snowy valleys, pagodas hidden in remote forests, and archways that mark the passage into sacred hidden cities all might host such kami. With sturdy armor and hallowed armaments, zuishin fight tirelessly to drive off any evil powers who wish to desecrate their wards. Of all kami, zuishin most frequently fight against oni, as the wards zuishin guard are most often targeted for desecration by these vile fiends. Most zuishin wear ancient armor and wield powerful weapons like swords and bows, but some might use spears, axes, or only their fists, depending on their ward and the people who make offerings there. Zuishin tend to regard mortals with skepticism. To earn a zuishin's trust, a supplicant might offer items of natural significance, such as an urn of hallowed earth, a branch from an ancient tree, or an arrangement of local flowers. Like all kami, a zuishin might come across as reserved or even indifferent to humans and their ilk; however, this impression stems only from a zuishin's wisdom and longevity, which makes mortal affairs seem relatively trivial. In the company of other kami, however, they're unerringly benevolent and readily offer their aid to their fellows. For example, a zuishin whose ward lies nestled in an ancient forest might readily join forces with kodama in those trees to deter foes.Recall Knowledge - Spirit(Occultism): DC 27Unspecific Lore: DC 25Specific Lore: DC 22ZuishinSource Bestiary 3 pg. 144Perception +21; darkvisionLanguagesCommon; telepathy 100 feetSkillsAcrobatics +23, Athletics +22, Intimidation +19, Medicine +21, Nature +21, Stealth +21Str +6Dex +7Con +5Int +1Wis +5Cha +3Ward (abjuration, divine) Every kami is bound to a ward: a specific animal, plant, object, or location. A kami can merge with or emerge from their ward as a single action, which has the concentrate trait. While merged, the kami can observe their surroundings with their usual senses as well as the senses of their ward, but can't move, communicate with, or control their ward. Additionally, a kami merged with their ward recovers Hit Points each minute as if they spent an entire day resting. A zuishin's ward is a specific gate, doorway, or shrine.Items_+1 breastplate_, _+1 composite longbow_, _+1 katana_---AC 30 Fort +19 Ref +23 Will +17 HP 200Weaknessescold iron 10Attack of Opportunity---Speed fly 25 feetMelee_katana_ +23 (deadly d8, Magical, two-hand d10, versatile P),Damage 2d6+9 slashing plus 1d6 goodRanged_composite longbow_ +24 (deadly d10, Magical, range increment 100 feet, reload 0, volley 30 feet),Damage 2d8+9 piercing plus 1d6 goodDivine Innate Spells DC 29- 2ndDetect Alignment (at will; evil only), Shield Other- 3rdHeal (×2)- 4thRemove Disease, Remove Paralysis- 5thBreath of Life, Dimension Door (×3), Dispel Magic, HealHealing Arrow(Divine, Healing, Necromancy) The zuishin blesses an arrow with healing magic and makes a composite longbow Strike against an ally. If it hits, rather than dealing damage, the arrow is infused with the effects of one of the following of the zuishin's innate divine spells: _breath of life_, _heal_, _remove disease_, or _remove paralysis_. The zuishin must have the spell available to cast, and using this ability expends the spell. If the zuishin rolls a failure on the attack roll against an ally who's aware of the arrow and wants to be hit, the attack hits, but on a critical failure, it still misses.Holy Weaponry(Divine, Enchantment, Evocation, Good) Any weapon becomes a _striking_ _holy_ weapon while the zuishin wields it. A zuishin creates arrows out of nothing as part of their attacks with any bow they wield." - }, - { - "name": "Zyss Serpentfolk", - "family": "Serpentfolk", - "level": 2, - "alignment": "Neutral Evil", - "creature_type": "Humanoid", - "size": "Medium", - "traits": ["Humanoid", "Serpentfolk"], - "rarity": "Uncommon", - "id": "798", - "lore": "Zyss SerpentfolkEven the least among zyss serpentfolk consider themselves greater than any mammal. Their magical abilities, most notably their telepathy, are all the reason they need to hold this view. And it's true enough that the instinctual skill and magic of any zyss is enough to best the average human.Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 18Zyss Serpentfolk" - } - ], - "metadata": { - "min_level": -1, - "max_level": 25, - "total": 903, - "families": [ - "Aeon", - "Agathion", - "Alghollthu", - "Aluum", - "Anadi", - "Android", - "Angel", - "Animated Object", - "Ankhrav", - "Ant", - "Ape", - "Arboreal", - "Archon", - "Asura", - "Aukashungi", - "Azarketi", - "Azata", - "Badger", - "Barghest", - "Basilisk", - "Bat", - "Bear", - "Beetle", - "Beheaded", - "Biloko", - "Blightburn Genies", - "Boar", - "Bogeyman", - "Boggard", - "Bone Skipper", - "Bore Worm", - "Brughadatch", - "Bugbear", - "Caligni", - "Cat", - "Catfolk", - "Cave Worm", - "Cecaelila", - "Centipede", - "Changeling", - "Charau-ka", - "Clockworks", - "Cobble Mite", - "Cockroach", - "Couatl", - "Crab", - "Crawling Hand", - "Crocodile", - "Cyclops", - "Daemon", - "Deadly Flora", - "Deep Gnome", - "Demon", - "Dero", - "Devil", - "Dhampir", - "Dinosaur", - "Div", - "Divine Warden", - "Dog", - "Dolphin", - "Dragon, Black", - "Dragon, Blue", - "Dragon, Brass", - "Dragon, Brine", - "Dragon, Bronze", - "Dragon, Cloud", - "Dragon, Copper", - "Dragon, Crystal", - "Dragon, Forest", - "Dragon, Gold", - "Dragon, Green", - "Dragon, Magma", - "Dragon, Red", - "Dragon, Sea", - "Dragon, Silver", - "Dragon, Sky", - "Dragon, Sovereign", - "Dragon, Umbral", - "Dragon, Underworld", - "Dragon, White", - "Dragonfly", - "Drake", - "Drow", - "Duergar", - "Eagle", - "Eel", - "Elemental, Air", - "Elemental, Earth", - "Elemental, Fire", - "Elemental, Mephit", - "Elemental, Water", - "Elemental, Wisp", - "Elephant", - "Ennosite", - "Eurypterid", - "Fetchling", - "Fish", - "Flea", - "Fleshwarp", - "Fly", - "Flytrap", - "Fox", - "Frog", - "Gathlain", - "Genie", - "Geniekin", - "Ghoran", - "Ghost", - "Ghoul", - "Giant", - "Girtablilu", - "Gnoll", - "Goblin", - "Golem", - "Gremlin", - "Grim Reaper", - "Grioth", - "Grippli", - "Guardian Beast", - "Hag", - "Hell Hound", - "Herecite", - "Herexen", - "Hippocampus", - "Hippopotamus", - "Hobgoblin", - "Horse", - "House Spirit", - "Hyena", - "Jellyfish", - "Kami", - "Kitsune", - "Kobold", - "Kovintus", - "Lamia", - "Leech", - "Leshy", - "Lich", - "Linnorm", - "Living Symbol", - "Lizard", - "Lizardfolk", - "Locathah", - "Maftet", - "Mantis, Giant", - "Merfolk", - "Monkey", - "Mortic", - "Mosasaur", - "Mosquito", - "Mummy", - "Munavri", - "Naga", - "Nagaji", - "Nightmare", - "Nymph", - "Octopus", - "Ogre", - "Oni", - "Ooze", - "Opossum", - "Orc", - "Owb", - "Paaridar", - "Phantom", - "Planar Scion", - "Protean", - "Psychopomp", - "Pterosaur", - "Qlippoth", - "Rakshasa", - "Ram", - "Rat", - "Ratfolk", - "Raven", - "Ravener", - "Ray", - "Rhinoceros", - "Sahkil", - "Samsaran", - "Saurian", - "Scorpion", - "Sea Devil", - "Serpentfolk", - "Shabti", - "Shadow", - "Shark", - "Shoony", - "Siktempora", - "Skeleton", - "Skelm", - "Skull Swarm", - "Skunk", - "Sloth", - "Snake", - "Solifugid", - "Spawn of Rovagug", - "Sphinx", - "Spider", - "Spirit Guide", - "Sportlebore", - "Spriggan", - "Sprite", - "Squid", - "Squirrel", - "Stheno", - "Strix", - "Terra-Cotta Warrior", - "Terror Bird", - "Tick", - "Titan", - "Toad", - "Tooth Fairy", - "Trilobite", - "Troll", - "Tsukumogami", - "Turtle", - "Urdefhan", - "Vampire", - "Vampire, Nosferatu", - "Vampire, Vrykolakas", - "Vanara", - "Velstrac", - "Vilderavn", - "Vishkanya", - "Visitant", - "Warg", - "Wasp", - "Wayang", - "Weasel", - "Werecreature", - "Wight", - "Wolf", - "Wolverine", - "Worm That Walks", - "Wraith", - "Wyrmwraith", - "Wyrwood", - "Xulgath", - "Yellow Musk Creeper", - "Zombie", - "—" - ], - "alignments": [ - "Any", - "Chaotic Evil", - "Chaotic Good", - "Chaotic Neutral", - "Lawful Evil", - "Lawful Good", - "Lawful Neutral", - "Neutral", - "Neutral Evil", - "Neutral Good", - "No Alignment" - ], - "creature_types": [ - "Aberration", - "Aberration, Astral", - "Aberration, Dream", - "Aberration, Ethereal", - "Aberration, Fiend", - "Aberration, Negative", - "Aberration, Time", - "Aberration, Undead", - "Aberration,Humanoid", - "Animal", - "Animal, Undead", - "Animal,Humanoid", - "Astral", - "Astral, Undead", - "Astral,Beast", - "Beast", - "Beast, Dragon", - "Beast, Ethereal", - "Beast, Fey", - "Beast, Fiend", - "Beast, Humanoid", - "Beast,Humanoid", - "Beast,Spirit", - "Celestial", - "Construct", - "Construct, Undead", - "Construct,Fiend", - "Dragon", - "Dragon, Elemental", - "Dragon, Plant", - "Dragon, Undead", - "Dragon,Plant", - "Dragon,Undead", - "Dream", - "Elemental", - "Elemental,Humanoid", - "Ethereal,Spirit", - "Fey", - "Fey, Plant", - "Fey,Plant", - "Fiend", - "Fiend, Giant, Humanoid", - "Fiend, Humanoid", - "Fiend,Humanoid", - "Fiend,Ooze", - "Fungus", - "Fungus, Ooze", - "Fungus, Plant", - "Giant", - "Giant, Humanoid", - "Humanoid", - "Humanoid, Positive", - "Humanoid,Plant", - "Monitor", - "Ooze", - "Petitioner", - "Plant", - "Spirit", - "Spirit, Undead", - "Spirit,Undead", - "Undead", - "—" - ], - "traits": [ - "Aasimar", - "Aberration", - "Acid", - "Aeon", - "Aesir", - "Agathion", - "Air", - "Alchemical", - "Amphibious", - "Anadi", - "Android", - "Angel", - "Animal", - "Aphorite", - "Aquatic", - "Arcane", - "Archon", - "Astral", - "Asura", - "Azarketi", - "Azata", - "Beast", - "Boggard", - "Caligni", - "Catfolk", - "Celestial", - "Changeling", - "Charau-ka", - "Clockwork", - "Cold", - "Concentrate", - "Construct", - "Couatl", - "Daemon", - "Demon", - "Dero", - "Devil", - "Dhampir", - "Dinosaur", - "Div", - "Dragon", - "Dream", - "Drow", - "Duergar", - "Duskwalker", - "Dwarf", - "Earth", - "Electricity", - "Elemental", - "Elf", - "Ethereal", - "Evil", - "Evocation", - "Fetchling", - "Fey", - "Fiend", - "Fire", - "Fungus", - "Ganzi", - "Gargantuan", - "Genie", - "Ghoran", - "Ghost", - "Ghoul", - "Giant", - "Gnoll", - "Gnome", - "Goblin", - "Golem", - "Gremlin", - "Grioth", - "Grippli", - "Hag", - "Herald", - "Huge", - "Human", - "Humanoid", - "Ifrit", - "Illusion", - "Incorporeal", - "Inevitable", - "Kami", - "Kitsune", - "Kobold", - "Kovintus", - "Large", - "Leshy", - "Light", - "Lizardfolk", - "Locathah", - "Manipulate", - "Medium", - "Mental", - "Merfolk", - "Mindless", - "Monitor", - "Mortic", - "Mummy", - "Munavri", - "Mutant", - "Nagaji", - "Negative", - "Nymph", - "Oni", - "Ooze", - "Orc", - "Oread", - "Paaridar", - "Petitioner", - "Phantom", - "Plant", - "Positive", - "Protean", - "Psychopomp", - "Qlippoth", - "Rakshasa", - "Rare", - "Ratfolk", - "Sahkil", - "Samsaran", - "Sea Devil", - "Serpentfolk", - "Shabti", - "Shadow", - "Shoony", - "Siktempora", - "Skeleton", - "Skelm", - "Skulk", - "Small", - "Soulbound", - "Spirit", - "Spriggan", - "Sprite", - "Stheno", - "Strix", - "Suli", - "Swarm", - "Sylph", - "Tane", - "Tanggal", - "Tengu", - "Tiefling", - "Time", - "Tiny", - "Titan", - "Troll", - "Troop", - "Uncommon", - "Undead", - "Undine", - "Unique", - "Urdefhan", - "Vampire", - "Vanara", - "Velstrac", - "Vishkanya", - "Water", - "Wayang", - "Werecreature", - "Wight", - "Wraith", - "Wyrwood", - "Xulgath", - "Zombie" - ], - "rarities": ["Common", "Rare", "Uncommon", "Unique"], - "sizes": ["Gargantuan", "Huge", "Large", "Medium", "Small", "Tiny"] - } -} +{"creatures": [{"id": "1", "name": "Unseen Servant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "No Alignment", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This creature can be summoned with the spell Unseen Servant .", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "2", "name": "Alghollthu Master", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Aboleths form the core of alghollthu society, and while they are the \u201ccommon folk\u201d of their own societies, they see themselves as masters of all \u2026", "family": "Alghollthu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Alghollthu_AlghollthuMaster.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "3", "name": "Skum", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The most numerous of the alghollthus are the ulat-kinis, a servitor race created from human stock to serve as rank-and-file soldiers in alghollthu \u2026", "family": "Alghollthu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Alghollthu_Skum.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "4", "name": "Faceless Stalker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Among the subtler of the alghollthu creations were the ugothols\u2014also known as faceless stalkers. These twisted beings used shapeshifting to \u2026", "family": "Alghollthu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Alghollthu_FacelessStalker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "5", "name": "Veiled Master", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The powerful vidileths are the insidious veiled masters of the alghollthus. These manipulators of mind and body alike lead their species in the open, \u2026", "family": "Alghollthu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Alghollthu_VeiledMaster.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "6", "name": "Arbiter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These spherical inevitables are scouts and diplomats. Found throughout the multiverse, they have traditionally kept watch over on chaos and its \u2026", "family": "Aeon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Aeon_Arbiter.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aeon", "Inevitable", "Monitor", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "7", "name": "Axiomite", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "According to the axiomites, their kind rose from the raw mathematical underpinnings of the universe, manifesting as great builders who created the \u2026", "family": "Aeon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Aeon_Axiomite.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aeon", "Medium", "Monitor"]}, {"id": "10", "name": "Kolyarut", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Kolyarut inevitables are enforcers of bargains and punishers of those who fail to uphold them. Their humanoid shape, ability to disguise themselves \u2026", "family": "Aeon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Aeon_Kolyarut.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aeon", "Inevitable", "Medium", "Monitor"]}, {"id": "11", "name": "Pleroma", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Among the most powerful of all the true aeons, pleromas are a manifestation of the duality of creation and destruction. Their physical manifestation \u2026", "family": "Aeon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Aeon_Pleroma.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aeon", "Large", "Monitor"]}, {"id": "13", "name": "Cassisian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The weakest of angels, cassisians usually serve as lackey messengers for more powerful angels or as spiritual guides for mortals. Despite their \u2026", "family": "Angel", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Angel_Cassisian.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "14", "name": "Choral", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Choral angels are incredible singers who fill the halls of Nirvana with pious chants and sacred hymns. They form from the souls of talented bards and \u2026", "family": "Angel", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Angel_Choral.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial", "Small"]}, {"id": "15", "name": "Balisse", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Balisses, or confessor angels, seek to assist mortals ensnared by moral dilemmas or crises of faith. Balisses prefer to guide people to their own \u2026", "family": "Angel", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Angel_Balisse.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "16", "name": "Astral Deva", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Astral devas are the elite messengers and emissaries of the celestial realms, serving deities and celestial armies by delivering messages, performing \u2026", "family": "Angel", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Angel_AstralDeva.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "18", "name": "Animated Broom", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Animated brooms perform menial tasks of cleaning and upkeep, but they can step in to defend a room from intrusion if needed. These simple animated \u2026", "family": "Animated Object", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/AnimatedObject_AnimatedBroom.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Small"]}, {"id": "19", "name": "Animated Armor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Suits of animated armor see use both as guardians and as training partners in high-end martial academies able to afford the extravagance. They are \u2026", "family": "Animated Object", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "20", "name": "Animated Statue", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Animated statues are often used to guard crypts, small shrines, or areas in government buildings where they can be positioned amid normal statues to \u2026", "family": "Animated Object", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Earth", "Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "22", "name": "Giant Animated Statue", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "As with any humanoid animated statues of Medium size, giant animated statues are used to guard locations of importance, but their increased size and \u2026", "family": "Animated Object", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/AnimatedObject_GiantAnimatedStatue.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Earth", "Huge", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "23", "name": "Ankhrav", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These horse-sized, burrowing monsters generally avoid heavily settled areas like cities, but ankhravs\u2019 predilection for livestock and humanoid flesh \u2026", "family": "Ankhrav", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ankhrav_Ankhrav.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "24", "name": "Hive Mother", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Ankhrav hive mothers are fearsome predators that one can easily distinguish from the typical ankhrav not only by their greater size, but the presence \u2026", "family": "Ankhrav", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "25", "name": "Gorilla", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Gorillas can be territorial creatures, particularly if provoked by hunters or the presence of more dangerous monsters. A gorilla uses its fangs and \u2026", "family": "Ape", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "26", "name": "Megaprimatus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The megaprimatus is among the mightiest of apes, quick to confront any perceived intrusions into its domain. With a height of 40 feet, it towers over \u2026", "family": "Ape", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ape_Megaprimatus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "27", "name": "Arboreal Warden", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Arboreal wardens are the rangers of arboreal society. These itinerant folk have an innate curiosity about the woodlands in which they dwell, and \u2026", "family": "Arboreal", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Arboreal_ArborealWarden.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Plant"]}, {"id": "28", "name": "Awakened Tree", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Arboreal regents and other wielders of powerful primal magic grant temporary sentience to trees in order to protect the forest. Invested with a \u2026", "family": "Arboreal", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Plant"]}, {"id": "29", "name": "Arboreal Regent", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Arboreal regents\u2014also called treants\u2014are lumbering, solitary creatures responsible for guarding an entire forest. They take an especially long view \u2026", "family": "Arboreal", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Arboreal_ArborealRegent.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Plant"]}, {"id": "30", "name": "Lantern Archon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Friendly, curious, and eternally optimistic, lantern archons embody the virtue of hope. They are formed of living light given corporeal shape, and \u2026", "family": "Archon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Archon_LanternArchon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial", "Small"]}, {"id": "31", "name": "Horned Archon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Horned archons are secretive and tireless sentinels and scouts, patrolling the Outer Sphere\u2019s untamed wilds for evil to eliminate and keeping small \u2026", "family": "Archon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Archon_HornedArchon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "32", "name": "Legion Archon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Despite their flaming blades and heavy armor, legion archons are the diplomats of peace among the archons, preferring justice via compromise and \u2026", "family": "Archon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Archon_LegionArchon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "33", "name": "Shield Archon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shield archons defend the fortresses of Heaven against fiendish incursions. They wield their spears and shields in massive formations capable of \u2026", "family": "Archon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Archon_ShieldArchon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial", "Large"]}, {"id": "34", "name": "Lyrakien", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Lyrakiens are musical messengers and embodiments of free travel. They serve Desna and other deities and empyreal lords of Elysium , but are quite \u2026", "family": "Azata", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Azata_Lyrakien.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "35", "name": "Gancanagh", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Gancanaghs are lovers, revelers, and dashing duelists of Elysium. Embodiments of free love, they eagerly throw themselves into courting targets for \u2026", "family": "Azata", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Azata_Gancanagh.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "36", "name": "Lillend", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Lillends are tale-tellers, chroniclers, and champions of freedom of expression. They are generally peaceful, but are quick to act if a masterful \u2026", "family": "Azata", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Azata_Lillend.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial", "Large"]}, {"id": "37", "name": "Ghaele", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ghaeles are fiend-hunting knights of Elysium and champions of the freedom to take up arms against oppressors and other evils. Ghaeles rarely engage \u2026", "family": "Azata", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Azata_Ghaele.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "39", "name": "Banshee", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Banshees are the furious, tormented souls of elves bound to the Material Plane by a betrayal that defined the final hours of their lives. Some \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Banshee.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "40", "name": "Baomal", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Few sea monsters are as dreaded and feared as the two-headed baomal. These massive predatory beasts typically dwell in the deepest waters and compete \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Baomal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "41", "name": "Barghest", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Typical barghests are ravenous gluttons of life who feed and grow on the fat of mortals, their bodies changing in ways none can predict as they use \u2026", "family": "Barghest", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Barghest_Barghest.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "43", "name": "Greater Barghest", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Once a barghest has eaten enough to grow into a greater barghest, it typically seeks a method to leave the Material Plane and return to the Abyss, \u2026", "family": "Barghest", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Barghest_GreaterBarghest.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Large", "Mutant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "44", "name": "Basilisk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The basilisk is an eight-legged reptile with a nasty disposition and the ability to turn creatures to stone with its gaze. Folklore holds that, much \u2026", "family": "Basilisk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Basilisk.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium"]}, {"id": "45", "name": "Vampire Bat Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Although the typical vampire bat has a wingspan of 7 inches and doesn\u2019t pose a significant threat to larger prey alone (and indeed, these \u2026", "family": "Bat", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bat_VampireBatSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "46", "name": "Giant Bat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While big bats are certainly not uncommon in dark caves and abandoned ruins and may instill fear in squeamish spelunkers, the so-called giant bat is \u2026", "family": "Bat", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "47", "name": "Grizzly Bear", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This large and powerful omnivore inhabits forested hills. While it typically sustains itself on nuts, berries, fish, and small mammals, it\u2019s fiercely \u2026", "family": "Bear", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "48", "name": "Cave Bear", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Larger, stronger, and far more aggressive than its smaller cousins, the cave bear is a behemoth that avoids civilized lands, preferring to dwell in \u2026", "family": "Bear", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bear_CaveBear.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "49", "name": "Flash Beetle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These 3-foot-long insects boast a pair of glowing organs on the back of the abdomen that give off bright light and that continue to glow for days, \u2026", "family": "Beetle", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "50", "name": "Giant Stag Beetle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The giant stag beetle is larger than a horse, and the sight of one flying (if slowly and somewhat clumsily) on great buzzing wings is unnerving. Its \u2026", "family": "Beetle", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Beetle_GiantStagBeetle.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "51", "name": "Bloodseeker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Scourges of swamps and damp, abandoned places, bloodseekers are ravenous blood drinkers. Farmers curse the creatures for sucking their livestock dry. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bloodseeker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "52", "name": "Boar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Boars are omnivorous mammals, hunted heavily because their meat is considered a delicacy. Boars are most likely to attack humanoids either in \u2026", "family": "Boar", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Boar_Boar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "53", "name": "Daeodon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Where the typical boar is merely ill-tempered and generally unfriendly, the towering daeodon is legitimately hateful and ruthlessly violent. Although \u2026", "family": "Boar", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "54", "name": "Boggard Scout", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Often tasked with patrolling the borders of their lands, boggard scouts learn to speak another language (typically Common) to make it easier to issue \u2026", "family": "Boggard", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Boggard", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "55", "name": "Boggard Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Boggard warriors exalt in single combat, and prefer to fight alone so that none can contest their kills. They have been known to pursue enemies who \u2026", "family": "Boggard", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Boggard_BoggardWarrior.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Boggard", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "56", "name": "Boggard Swampseer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The boggard swampseer has been gifted with magic through its worship of the demon lord Gogunta, and uses its power to rule a boggard village, keeping \u2026", "family": "Boggard", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Boggard_BoggardSwampseer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Boggard", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "57", "name": "Brain Collector", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The grotesque brain collectors (or neh-thalggus, as they call themselves) originate from worlds far beyond the known solar system, and are part of a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BrainCollector.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "58", "name": "Bugbear Thug", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The more common bugbear thug specializes in the art of lurking in the shadows.", "family": "Bugbear", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bugbear_BugbearThug.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "59", "name": "Bugbear Tormentor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The bugbear tormentor seeks to torture their prey as much through psychological intimidation as through physical harm. The longer a bugbear tormentor \u2026", "family": "Bugbear", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "61", "name": "Bulette", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Bulettes are fearsome predators that roam just beneath the surface of desolate wilderness areas. When they burrow through the ground, only the fin of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bulette.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "62", "name": "Bunyip", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Bunyips are dangerous aquatic predators that resemble a cross between a shark and a seal. Found in freshwater inlets or saltwater coves worldwide, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bunyip.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Medium"]}, {"id": "64", "name": "Caligni Dancer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Caligni dancers serve as intermediaries between caligni clans.", "family": "Caligni", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Caligni_CaligniDancer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "65", "name": "Caligni Creeper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The most widespread of the caligni are the mischievous caligni creepers.", "family": "Caligni", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Caligni_CaligniCreeper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "66", "name": "Caligni Stalker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Caligni stalkers are often leaders of caligni enclaves.", "family": "Caligni", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "67", "name": "Leopard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Leopards are among the smallest of the big cats, yet they are still dangerous creatures to tangle with. Leopard statistics can also be used for black \u2026", "family": "Cat", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "68", "name": "Lion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Lions are cooperative hunters, ambushing dangerous prey in groups of lionesses that work in tandem to trap and kill their prey. Male lions are \u2026", "family": "Cat", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Cat_Lion.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "69", "name": "Tiger", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Tigers are solitary and territorial hunters, using their striped hides to blend into the forests and jungles they call home and preferring to attack \u2026", "family": "Cat", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "70", "name": "Smilodon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Smilodons are large saber-toothed cats, apex predators that are significantly more muscular and broader than the other species of big cats. They \u2026", "family": "Cat", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Cat_Smilodon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "71", "name": "Catfolk Pouncer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Catfolk pouncers travel the world in search of new experiences.", "family": "Catfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Catfolk_CatfolkPouncer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Catfolk", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "72", "name": "Cauthooj", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These large, flightless birds are deceptively agile, considering their long bodies and awkward, hopping gait. Solitary predators, they use their \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Cauthooj.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium"]}, {"id": "73", "name": "Purple Worm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The purple worm is the most common and infamous of the cave worms, a much-feared monster wandering the twisting tunnels of the Darklands that is \u2026", "family": "Cave Worm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CaveWorm_PurpleWorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "74", "name": "Azure Worm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The azure worm is a deep-blue creature that is more at home in flooded tunnels than dry caves. While an azure worm is a strong swimmer, it prefers to \u2026", "family": "Cave Worm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CaveWorm_AzureWorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "75", "name": "Crimson Worm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Among the most dangerous cave worms are the fiery crimson worms. In addition to being even larger than azure or purple worms, the crimson worm has a \u2026", "family": "Cave Worm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CaveWorm_CrimsonWorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fire", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "76", "name": "Centaur", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Centaurs are legendary hunters and trackers who resemble heavily muscled humans with the bodies of powerful horses from the waist down. They are \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Centaur.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "77", "name": "Giant Centipede", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Most giant centipedes (known as sewer centipedes when found in cities) nest in small groups but hunt alone when they seek out food. Attempts to \u2026", "family": "Centipede", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Centipede_GiantCentipede.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "78", "name": "Centipede Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Swarms of centipedes are dangerous indeed, ravenous carpets of skittering hunger capable of devouring a traveler whole in a matter of minutes. Some \u2026", "family": "Centipede", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "79", "name": "Changeling Exile", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This changeling exile is the child of a night hag or dreamthief hag.", "family": "Changeling", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Changeling_ChangelingExile.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Changeling", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "80", "name": "Chimera", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The chimera is the archetypal example of an unnatural monster made up of a monstrous mix of wildly different component creatures: in this case, a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Chimera.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "81", "name": "Chuul", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Also known as chu'ulothis, these large, armor-plated, crustacean predators lurk beneath the surface of pools, mires, and ponds, waiting to snatch up \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Chuul.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Large"]}, {"id": "82", "name": "Cloaker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Weird and paranoid creatures that dwell in the Darklands, cloakers resemble hideous, flying manta rays. Crafty and careful hunters, their \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Cloaker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "83", "name": "Cockatrice", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ugly and aggressive, the dread cockatrice stalks garbage pits and hillside dumps in search of prey that it can turn to stone with its petrifying beak \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Cockatrice.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Small"]}, {"id": "84", "name": "Crocodile", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Crocodiles can be found basking on riverbanks, lurking in swamps, or floating in lakes. They are usually are indistinguishable from logs when viewed \u2026", "family": "Crocodile", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Crocodile.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "85", "name": "Deinosuchus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The deinosuchus is a primeval relative of the crocodile, and is an enormous predator capable of catching and eating dinosaurs that wander too close \u2026", "family": "Crocodile", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "86", "name": "Cyclops", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The kingdoms of the cyclopes date to an age before the rise of humanity, when dragons and giants and serpentfolk ruled the world. The cyclopes built \u2026", "family": "Cyclops", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Cyclops_Cyclops.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "87", "name": "Great Cyclops", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Gigantic, dim-witted loners, the great cyclopes embody their lesser kin writ large. They are both stronger and more violent, but their uncontrolled \u2026", "family": "Cyclops", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Cyclops_GreatCyclops.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Huge", "Humanoid", "Mutant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "88", "name": "Cacodaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These embodiments of demented violence and spite are spawned from eddies of angry and warped souls amid Abaddon\u2019s mists. Cacodaemons constantly \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Cacodaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "89", "name": "Ceustodaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ceustodaemons are formed from the souls of vile mortals, particularly those who took efforts to hasten their own death, their willingness shaping \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Ceustodaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "90", "name": "Leukodaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These skull-headed, vulture-winged daemons are harbingers of pestilence and servants of their patron Horseman, Apollyon. Manifestations of evil souls \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Leukodaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "91", "name": "Astradaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These unnerving, almost reptilian daemons represent death by direct assault against a soul or life-force\u2014the same numbing death they bring with their \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Astradaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "93", "name": "Deep Gnome Scout", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Deep gnome scouts patrol the tunnels that lead into their settlements. Some scout alone to make the most of their stealth, but others form groups for \u2026", "family": "Deep Gnome", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DeepGnome_DeepGnomeScout.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "94", "name": "Deep Gnome Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Deep gnome warriors are quick to charge into battle but focus on defending their kin and their homes over more aggressive tactics when a choice is \u2026", "family": "Deep Gnome", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "96", "name": "Deep Gnome Rockwarden", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Deep gnome rockwardens follow druidic teachings and commune with the natural elemental influences and denizens of the Darklands. They know that not \u2026", "family": "Deep Gnome", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DeepGnome_DeepGnomeRockwarden.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "97", "name": "Quasit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Unlike other demons, quasits are formed when a mortal spellcaster sheds a portion of their own sinful soul to create a familiar or companion. When \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Quasit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "98", "name": "Succubus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Succubi are manifestations of the sin of destructive lust, and they are the most attractive of all demons\u2014as befits their role in seducing mortals to \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Succubus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "100", "name": "Vrock", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When the gates to the Abyss swing wide, the first demons through are often vrocks, vulture-headed scions of rage who wheel through the air on black \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Vrock.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "101", "name": "Glabrezu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Glabrezus are looming behemoths who revel in the act of twisting mortal desires into their ultimate ruin, betraying and manipulating as easily as \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Glabrezu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Huge"]}, {"id": "102", "name": "Shemhazian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shemhazians rise from the souls of torturers and those who reveled in mutilating the physical bodies of their victims. Standing 35 feet tall, a \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Shemhazian.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "103", "name": "Marilith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Mariliths are the generals of the Abyss, formed from the souls of proud evil mortals, often warlords and despots. They appear as tall and powerfully \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Marilith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "104", "name": "Balor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When folk whisper frightened tales of the demonic, what most envision is the balor\u2014a towering figure of fire and flesh, a horned nightmare armed with \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Balor.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "105", "name": "Dero Stalker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Dero stalkers are those charged with exploring the surface world by night and seeking out new victims to abduct.", "family": "Dero", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dero_DeroStalker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dero", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "106", "name": "Dero Strangler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Dero stranglers specialize in capturing living victims, and they are often called upon to aid in abductions.", "family": "Dero", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dero", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "107", "name": "Dero Magister", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Dero magisters are leaders among dero society. They perform the bulk of the cruel operations and memory-altering procedures inflicted upon their \u2026", "family": "Dero", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dero_DeroMagister.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dero", "Humanoid", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "108", "name": "Lemure", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These shapeless masses of quivering flesh are the least of devilkind. Pathetic creatures from Hell's first layer, lemures roam alongside damned and \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Lemure.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "109", "name": "Imp", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Imps are infiltrators and corruptors who, despite their diminutive stature, are more than capable of subtly influencing a weak-willed individual into \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Imp.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "110", "name": "Barbazu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Barbazus, known also as bearded devils or infantry devils, are murderous fiends who satiate their lust for annihilation by serving as the foot \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Barbazu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "111", "name": "Erinys", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Erinyes exact vengeance and bloody justice for a creature\u2019s crimes, torturing and punishing their victims in ironic fashion before allowing them the \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Erinys.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "112", "name": "Phistophilus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Contract devils are clerks, scribes, and bureaucrats of Hell rarely found outside the infernal courts, and then almost always to pursue potential \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Phistophilus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "113", "name": "Gelugon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Insectile ice devils are strategists and masterminds in Hell\u2019s armies, using their superior intellect to strike against their enemies and spread \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Gelugon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "114", "name": "Pit Fiend", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When an army of devils invades to bathe a region in bloodshed and hellfire, it is likely that one of Hell\u2019s most powerful and diabolical generals, \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_PitFiend.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "115", "name": "Dezullon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Dezullons are dangerous carnivorous pitcher plants that dwell in forested regions with thick canopies. They hunt for meat along the forest\u2019s \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dezullon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Plant"]}, {"id": "116", "name": "Dhampir Wizard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This dhampir is a svetocher, the child of a moroi vampire.", "family": "Dhampir", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dhampir_DhampirWizard.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dhampir", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "117", "name": "Velociraptor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A smaller cousin of the deinonychus, the velociraptor is a swift, cunning pack hunter. It has no fear of larger creatures, and a group of these \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Small"]}, {"id": "118", "name": "Deinonychus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Deinonychuses are wily hunters that attack in groups of up to a dozen individuals, ripping apart their prey with sharp talons and powerful jaws. They \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dinosaur_Deinonychus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Medium"]}, {"id": "119", "name": "Ankylosaurus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Squat, heavily armored quadrupeds, ankylosauruses are stubborn and irascible. Although they\u2019re herbivores, they have been known to attack other \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dinosaur_Ankylosaurus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Huge"]}, {"id": "120", "name": "Stegosaurus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The stegosaurus is easily recognized by its twin rows of diamond-shaped dorsal plates that run down its spine, and thick tail adorned with four large \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dinosaur_Stegosaurus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Huge"]}, {"id": "121", "name": "Triceratops", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Triceratopses are muscular quadrupeds with powerful but short legs, thick necks, and heads crowned by a wide, bony frill. Though they bear a large \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dinosaur_Triceratops.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Huge"]}, {"id": "122", "name": "Brontosaurus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Brontosauruses are truly gigantic behemoths, plodding herbivores large enough to be unafraid of all but the most massive predators. Brontosauruses \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dinosaur_Brontosaurus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "123", "name": "Tyrannosaurus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Widely regarded as the king of the dinosaurs, the tyrannosaurus is a massive predator with a wide mouth filled with viciously sharp teeth. Thundering \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dinosaur_Tyrannosaurus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "124", "name": "Guard Dog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The typical guard dog is loyal to and beloved by many communities. Often adored as pets, they also excel as protectors and trackers, and can be \u2026", "family": "Dog", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "125", "name": "Riding Dog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Riding dogs types include larger dogs, such as mastiffs, wolfhounds, and huskies, and are bred often by halflings and gnomes to serve as mounts. \u2026", "family": "Dog", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dog_RidingDog.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "126", "name": "Doppelganger", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "In their natural forms, doppelgangers are humanoid creatures with flesh of indeterminate color and features that lack fine details, as if unfinished. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Doppelganger.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "127", "name": "Young Black Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Murderous tyrants of marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens, black dragons terrorize their domains with intense fervor. Gleefully sadistic, they rule their \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Black", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Acid", "Amphibious", "Dragon", "Large"]}, {"id": "128", "name": "Adult Black Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Murderous tyrants of marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens, black dragons terrorize their domains with intense fervor. Gleefully sadistic, they rule their \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Black", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Acid", "Amphibious", "Dragon", "Large"]}, {"id": "129", "name": "Ancient Black Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Murderous tyrants of marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens, black dragons terrorize their domains with intense fervor. Gleefully sadistic, they rule their \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Black", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonBlack_AncientBlackDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Acid", "Amphibious", "Dragon", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "130", "name": "Young Blue Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Blue dragons are the sleek and poised cosmopolitans of the chromatic dragons. Their brand of evil is organized, manipulative, and regal. Blue dragons \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Blue", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity", "Large"]}, {"id": "131", "name": "Adult Blue Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Blue dragons are the sleek and poised cosmopolitans of the chromatic dragons. Their brand of evil is organized, manipulative, and regal. Blue dragons \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Blue", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity", "Huge"]}, {"id": "132", "name": "Ancient Blue Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Blue dragons are the sleek and poised cosmopolitans of the chromatic dragons. Their brand of evil is organized, manipulative, and regal. Blue dragons \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Blue", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonBlue_AncientBlueDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "133", "name": "Young Green Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Green dragons are the most contemplative of the chromatic dragons as well as the most approachable. The key to understanding green dragons is to \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Green", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Large"]}, {"id": "134", "name": "Adult Green Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Green dragons are the most contemplative of the chromatic dragons as well as the most approachable. The key to understanding green dragons is to \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Green", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Huge"]}, {"id": "135", "name": "Ancient Green Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Green dragons are the most contemplative of the chromatic dragons as well as the most approachable. The key to understanding green dragons is to \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Green", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonGreen_AncientGreenDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "136", "name": "Young Red Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The largest and most powerful of the chromatic dragons, red dragons are a menace to civilizations everywhere, and their strength is rivaled only by \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Red", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Large"]}, {"id": "137", "name": "Adult Red Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The largest and most powerful of the chromatic dragons, red dragons are a menace to civilizations everywhere, and their strength is rivaled only by \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Red", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Huge"]}, {"id": "138", "name": "Ancient Red Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The largest and most powerful of the chromatic dragons, red dragons are a menace to civilizations everywhere, and their strength is rivaled only by \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Red", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonRed_AncientRedDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "139", "name": "Young White Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The most feral and least intelligent of all the chromatic dragons, white dragons are brutish, predatory, and chiefly motivated by self-preservation. \u2026", "family": "Dragon, White", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon", "Large"]}, {"id": "140", "name": "Adult White Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The most feral and least intelligent of all the chromatic dragons, white dragons are brutish, predatory, and chiefly motivated by self-preservation. \u2026", "family": "Dragon, White", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon", "Large"]}, {"id": "141", "name": "Ancient White Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The most feral and least intelligent of all the chromatic dragons, white dragons are brutish, predatory, and chiefly motivated by self-preservation. \u2026", "family": "Dragon, White", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonWhite_AncientWhiteDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "142", "name": "Young Brass Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Brass dragons are whimsical tricksters who delight in humor and play. They particularly enjoy conversations with humans and other civilized \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Brass", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Large"]}, {"id": "143", "name": "Adult Brass Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Brass dragons are whimsical tricksters who delight in humor and play. They particularly enjoy conversations with humans and other civilized \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Brass", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Large"]}, {"id": "144", "name": "Ancient Brass Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Brass dragons are whimsical tricksters who delight in humor and play. They particularly enjoy conversations with humans and other civilized \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Brass", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonBrass_AncientBrassDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "145", "name": "Young Bronze Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Bronze dragons are among the most common of metallic dragons and the most likely to ally with mortals on worthy quests. However, they are naturally \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Bronze", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Large", "Water"]}, {"id": "146", "name": "Adult Bronze Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Bronze dragons are among the most common of metallic dragons and the most likely to ally with mortals on worthy quests. However, they are naturally \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Bronze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonBronze_AncientBronzeDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Huge", "Water"]}, {"id": "147", "name": "Ancient Bronze Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Bronze dragons are among the most common of metallic dragons and the most likely to ally with mortals on worthy quests. However, they are naturally \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Bronze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonBronze_AncientBronzeDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "148", "name": "Young Copper Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Capricious and always eager to share a good laugh, copper dragons are among the wiliest of the metallic dragons, but this by no means interferes with \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Copper", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Large"]}, {"id": "149", "name": "Adult Copper Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Capricious and always eager to share a good laugh, copper dragons are among the wiliest of the metallic dragons, but this by no means interferes with \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Copper", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Large"]}, {"id": "150", "name": "Ancient Copper Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Capricious and always eager to share a good laugh, copper dragons are among the wiliest of the metallic dragons, but this by no means interferes with \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Copper", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonCopper_AncientCopperDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "151", "name": "Young Gold Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Gold dragons are the epitome of metallic dragonkind, unrivaled in their strength as well as their wisdom. They command the unwavering reverence of \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Gold", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Large"]}, {"id": "152", "name": "Adult Gold Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Gold dragons are the epitome of metallic dragonkind, unrivaled in their strength as well as their wisdom. They command the unwavering reverence of \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Gold", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonGold_AncientGoldDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Huge"]}, {"id": "153", "name": "Ancient Gold Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Gold dragons are the epitome of metallic dragonkind, unrivaled in their strength as well as their wisdom. They command the unwavering reverence of \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Gold", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonGold_AncientGoldDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "154", "name": "Young Silver Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Silver dragons are among the most chivalrous of all dragonkind; they wield frost and cold as weapons, can walk on clouds, and dwell high upon snowy \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Silver", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon", "Large"]}, {"id": "155", "name": "Adult Silver Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Silver dragons are among the most chivalrous of all dragonkind; they wield frost and cold as weapons, can walk on clouds, and dwell high upon snowy \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Silver", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon", "Huge"]}, {"id": "156", "name": "Ancient Silver Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Silver dragons are among the most chivalrous of all dragonkind; they wield frost and cold as weapons, can walk on clouds, and dwell high upon snowy \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Silver", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonSilver_AncientSilverDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "157", "name": "Dragon Turtle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When sailors warn others of the terrible threats of the open sea, they seldom forget to mention dragon turtles\u2014immense aquatic dragons with rocky \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonTurtle.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Huge"]}, {"id": "158", "name": "Drakauthix", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The drakauthix is a massive fungus that floats through the heights of the largest Darklands caverns, propelled by bladders that spray air and spores. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drakauthix.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Huge"]}, {"id": "159", "name": "River Drake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Although the glistening scales and sleek, fin-like wings on these drakes give them an appearance reminiscent of river fish, they are actually distant \u2026", "family": "Drake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drake_RiverDrake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Medium", "Water"]}, {"id": "160", "name": "Flame Drake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The distant kin of red dragons, flame drakes thankfully lack the intelligence and ambition of their larger cousins, but are no less territorial or \u2026", "family": "Drake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drake_FlameDrake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Large"]}, {"id": "161", "name": "Jungle Drake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Believed to be related to green dragons, jungle drakes are dangerous hunters equipped with a debilitating venom delivered by a large barbed stinger \u2026", "family": "Drake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drake_JungleDrake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Large"]}, {"id": "162", "name": "Wyvern", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A wyvern is a venomous drake with a well-earned reputation for impatience and aggression. As much as 15 feet long and weighing up to 1,000 pounds, a \u2026", "family": "Drake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drake_Wyvern.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Large"]}, {"id": "163", "name": "Frost Drake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Frost drakes pose an immense danger in the frozen reaches they call home, where they roam far and wide to hunt for prey such as caribou, wolves, \u2026", "family": "Drake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drake_FrostDrake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon", "Large"]}, {"id": "164", "name": "Desert Drake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Distant cousins of blue dragons that lack their relatives\u2019 magical talents and intelligence, these desert-dwelling drakes are nonetheless dangerous \u2026", "family": "Drake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drake_DesertDrake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Large"]}, {"id": "165", "name": "Drow Fighter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Drow fighters train to master techniques that inflict deep, bleeding wounds and use poisoned crossbow bolts to exhaust enemies.", "family": "Drow", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drow_DrowFighter.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Drow", "Elf", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "166", "name": "Drow Rogue", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Loners at heart, drow rogues trust no one\u2014least of all fellow slayers. These drow rely on awareness and adaptation to survive the cutthroat nature of \u2026", "family": "Drow", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Drow", "Elf", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "167", "name": "Drow Priestess", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Many drow priestesses venerate demon lords and other foul divinities.", "family": "Drow", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drow_DrowPriestess.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Drow", "Elf", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "168", "name": "Duergar Sharpshooter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Duergar sharpshooters serve both as ranged support for slaver parties and as snipers posted on towers overlooking quarries and other areas where \u2026", "family": "Duergar", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Duergar", "Dwarf", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "169", "name": "Duergar Bombardier", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Alchemy intrigues many duergars, and their cruel traditions often motivate them to experiment on slaves. Eager to inflict pain and justify the abuse \u2026", "family": "Duergar", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Duergar_DuergarBombardier.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Duergar", "Dwarf", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "170", "name": "Duergar Taskmaster", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Duergar priests of the taskmaster god Droskar often assume leadership roles within their communities, advancing the goals of their deity through \u2026", "family": "Duergar", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Duergar_DuergarTaskmaster.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Duergar", "Dwarf", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "171", "name": "Dullahan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Riding on a horse as black as night, the headless hunter known as the dullahan tracks down and takes the heads of those it deems unfit to continue \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dullahan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "172", "name": "Eagle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These large birds of prey swoop down from incredible heights to snatch fish and small mammals in their powerful talons. Eagles nest atop high trees \u2026", "family": "Eagle", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "173", "name": "Giant Eagle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "No mere animals, giant eagles have a keen intellect and a strong sense of honor. As guardians of their mountain homes, giant eagles attempt to \u2026", "family": "Eagle", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Eagle_GiantEagle.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "174", "name": "Electric Eel", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Usually found in freshwater rivers and lakes, an electric eel is not particularly aggressive, but its ability to stun predators and prey alike can be \u2026", "family": "Eel", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Eel_ElectricEel.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Small"]}, {"id": "175", "name": "Giant Moray Eel", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant moray eels dwell in warm, tropical waters and build lairs in narrow, twisting caves made of coral. Their size, speed, and powerful bite make \u2026", "family": "Eel", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Large"]}, {"id": "176", "name": "Elananx", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These strange, fey felines resemble large, broad bobcats from a distance, but a closer view reveals something amiss. Their forms ripple and billow \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Elananx.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Fire", "Medium"]}, {"id": "177", "name": "Zephyr Hawk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Zephyr hawks drift among the currents of the Plane of Air in great flocks.", "family": "Elemental, Air", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Small"]}, {"id": "178", "name": "Living Whirlwind", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A living whirlwind resembles a roughly humanoid-shaped dust devil.", "family": "Elemental, Air", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalAir_LivingWhirlwind.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Medium"]}, {"id": "179", "name": "Invisible Stalker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Invisible stalkers have a poor opinion of mortals due to the unsavory nature of the violent tasks summoners usually call them to the Material Plane \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Air", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Medium"]}, {"id": "180", "name": "Storm Lord", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Storm lords wage battles to claim important territory within the Plane of Air.", "family": "Elemental, Air", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Large"]}, {"id": "181", "name": "Elemental Hurricane", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Elemental hurricanes embody the ferocity of violent windstorms.", "family": "Elemental, Air", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Huge"]}, {"id": "182", "name": "Sod Hound", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sod hounds are mossy extraplanar canines formed of packed dirt and pebbles.", "family": "Elemental, Earth", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Small"]}, {"id": "183", "name": "Living Landslide", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Living landslides resemble humanoids made of earth and gravel.", "family": "Elemental, Earth", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalEarth_LivingLandslide.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Medium"]}, {"id": "184", "name": "Xorn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These squat, rotund elementals have three legs, three arms, three eyes, and one massive maw, which they fill with the gems and metals they find so \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Earth", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Medium"]}, {"id": "185", "name": "Stone Mauler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These towering heaps of earth can inflict tremendous damage up close and from afar.", "family": "Elemental, Earth", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Large"]}, {"id": "186", "name": "Elemental Avalanche", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Stubborn and ponderous, elemental avalanches are massive beings of living rock and dirt.", "family": "Elemental, Earth", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Huge"]}, {"id": "187", "name": "Cinder Rat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These oversized rodents are made of smoldering charcoal and elemental fire, and noxious fumes continually bellow from their flaming flesh.", "family": "Elemental, Fire", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Small"]}, {"id": "188", "name": "Living Wildfire", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Living wildfires appear as humanoids made of living fire.", "family": "Elemental, Fire", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalFire_LivingWildfire.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Medium"]}, {"id": "189", "name": "Salamander", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Salamanders have serpentine lower torsos, but humanoid upper bodies with toothy reptilian snouts. Their affinity for cruelty and violence puts them \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Fire", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Medium"]}, {"id": "190", "name": "Firewyrm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Firewyrms live in tubes of molten lava found throughout the Plane of Fire.", "family": "Elemental, Fire", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Huge"]}, {"id": "191", "name": "Elemental Inferno", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Walking conflagrations of unimaginably hot fire, elemental infernos are harbingers of destruction and heedless chaos.", "family": "Elemental, Fire", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Huge"]}, {"id": "192", "name": "Air Mephit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Air mephits are capricious and flighty relative to their kin; they are as likely to fly blindly into battle as they are to whine in terror at a loud \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Mephit", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mephit_WaterMephit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Small"]}, {"id": "193", "name": "Earth Mephit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Earth mephits are humorless and trudge about their tasks with little enthusiasm. They are somewhat more stout than other mephits, and their \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Mephit", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Small"]}, {"id": "194", "name": "Fire Mephit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Fire mephits are conniving and quick to anger. They aren\u2019t evil, but they delight in inflicting pain, and their love of burning things pushes them \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Mephit", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Small"]}, {"id": "195", "name": "Water Mephit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Water mephits are consummate jokers who are always happy to trade a favor for a good laugh. Just as fire mephits are the ones who cleave closest to \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Mephit", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Small", "Water"]}, {"id": "196", "name": "Brine Shark", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Brine sharks are deadly elementals that roam the endless oceans of the Plane of Water.", "family": "Elemental, Water", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Medium", "Water"]}, {"id": "197", "name": "Living Waterfall", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Living waterfalls are humanoid-shaped columns of churning water.", "family": "Elemental, Water", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalWater_LivingWaterfall.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Large", "Water"]}, {"id": "198", "name": "Quatoid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Quatoids are peculiar, mysterious elementals native to the Plane of Water that resemble four-tentacled octopuses with eerily humanoid faces on their \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Water", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Small", "Water"]}, {"id": "199", "name": "Tidal Master", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Tidal masters use their power over waves and water to drown their enemies.", "family": "Elemental, Water", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Large", "Water"]}, {"id": "200", "name": "Elemental Tsunami", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Elemental tsunamis are huge and destructive.", "family": "Elemental, Water", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Huge", "Water"]}, {"id": "201", "name": "Elephant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Those who live near elephants have learned to be wary of angering the beasts, but even with precautions in place, elephants sometimes still rampage. \u2026", "family": "Elephant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Elephant_Elelphant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "202", "name": "Mammoth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Found mostly in colder climates, mammoths are accustomed to dealing with desperate and dangerous predators, trampling and crushing their enemies \u2026", "family": "Elephant", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "203", "name": "Ether Spider", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ether spiders are deadly predators from the Ethereal Plane resembling giant arachnids. Rather than building webs of silk, ether spiders shape the raw \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/EtherSpider.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Ethereal", "Large"]}, {"id": "204", "name": "Ettin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Two heads aren\u2019t always better than one. The slovenly, violent giants known as ettins are proof enough of that. The origin of these two-headed \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ettin.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "205", "name": "Faerie Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Although they are much smaller than their larger dragon cousins, faerie dragons have the many of the same physiological attributes, including long \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/FaerieDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "206", "name": "Grothlut", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sluglike abominations, grothluts are fleshwarps that were once humans. While their head and torsos are vaguely human, their arms are rubbery and move \u2026", "family": "Fleshwarp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fleshwarp_Grothlut.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "207", "name": "Drider", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The first fleshwarping process mastered by the drow remains both their most successful and most infamous: the drider. Fusing the body of a drow with \u2026", "family": "Fleshwarp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fleshwarp_Drider.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "208", "name": "Snapping Flytrap", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The snapping flytrap is a ravenous, carnivorous plant that is quick to bite at any creature that passes by. Snapping flytraps typically have two sets \u2026", "family": "Flytrap", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Plant"]}, {"id": "209", "name": "Giant Flytrap", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Because they blend in so well with surrounding foliage, giant flytraps can use the element of surprise to make quick strikes against unsuspecting \u2026", "family": "Flytrap", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Flytrap_GiantFlytrap.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Mindless", "Plant"]}, {"id": "210", "name": "Gargoyle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Gargoyles are monstrous hunters made of elemental stone. They use their resemblance to decorative statues to hide in plain sight in cities during the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gargoyle.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Earth", "Medium"]}, {"id": "211", "name": "Janni", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Jann are genies composed of all four elements, meaning they are not quite home on any of the Elemental Planes. Instead, jann reside on the Material \u2026", "family": "Genie", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Genie", "Medium"]}, {"id": "212", "name": "Djinni", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Benevolent genies from the Plane of Air, djinn value art, culture, knowledge, and trade. They also love new experiences, succulent dishes, and heady \u2026", "family": "Genie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Genie_Djinni.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Genie", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "213", "name": "Shaitan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Hailing from the Plane of Earth, shaitans are proud and brazen genies. They value physical skill and love bargaining, games of chance, and working \u2026", "family": "Genie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Genie_Shaitan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Genie", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "214", "name": "Efreeti", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The efreet are hateful and merciless genies from the Plane of Fire, where they build metropolises and massive trade centers that draw extraplanar \u2026", "family": "Genie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Genie_Efreeti.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Genie", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "215", "name": "Marid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Marids are capricious but powerful genies from the Plane of Water; among geniekind, they are rivaled in power only by the fiery efreet. Marids embody \u2026", "family": "Genie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Genie_Marid.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Genie", "Large", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "216", "name": "Ghost Commoner", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The ghost commoner is an ordinary person who believes they died unjustly, usually due to foul play or betrayal.", "family": "Ghost", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "217", "name": "Ghost Mage", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A wizard who died with a major project left undone might become a ghost mage, constantly seeking to finish its task in undeath.", "family": "Ghost", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghost_GhostMage.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "218", "name": "Ghoul", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ghouls are ravenous undead who haunt graveyards and eat corpses.", "family": "Ghoul", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghoul_Ghoul.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoul", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "219", "name": "Ghast", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ghasts\u2014feral, foul-smelling, and constantly hungry\u2014are the more powerful kin of ghouls. They are relentless in the pursuit of their prey.", "family": "Ghoul", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghoul_Ghast.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoul", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "220", "name": "Hill Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Selfish and crude, these rough-skinned raiders are bullies and ultimately cowards. Quick-tempered and fond of violence, a hill giant gladly raids and \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "221", "name": "Stone Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Stone giants are stoic, reclusive herders and artists who have a rich history and collection of traditions. They dwell in caves in tall mountains and \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_StoneGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "222", "name": "Frost Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Frost giants are remorseless marauders who pillage and plunder from those who dare to live near them in desolate, frigid lands. Their clans range \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_FrostGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "223", "name": "Fire Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The most militaristic of all giants, fire giants focus obsessively on learning combat techniques, mastering the arts of forging weapons and armor, \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_FireGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fire", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "224", "name": "Cloud Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The graceful and regal cloud giants have skin of milky white to powdery blue. Unlike most giants, cloud giants are quite morally diverse. A handful \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_CloudGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Giant", "Huge", "Humanoid"]}, {"id": "225", "name": "Storm Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Storm giants are looming but benevolent stewards of sea and sky, often serving as the natural guardians of tropical islands, coastlines, or rocky \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_StormGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Giant", "Huge", "Humanoid"]}, {"id": "226", "name": "Rune Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Magically crafted and bred by ancient wizards, rune giants are anathema to and tyrants among their own kind, who were given power to command and \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_RuneGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Evil", "Gargantuan", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "227", "name": "Gibbering Mouther", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Amorphous blobs of yammering mouths and oozing, fleshy sludge, gibbering mouthers are among the strangest creatures found either aboveground or \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GibberingMouther.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "228", "name": "Gimmerling", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Gimmerlings are small, shapeshifting fey who stage ambushes to sate their endless hunger and childish greed. These cruelly curious fey obsess over \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gimmerling.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "229", "name": "Gnoll Hunter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Gnoll hunters serve their clans by hunting for food in the wilds, marauding along well-traveled roads, and tracking down escaped slaves.", "family": "Gnoll", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gnoll", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "230", "name": "Gnoll Cultist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Gnoll cultists serve as their clans\u2019 spiritual guides and conduits to the divine. As often as not, their influence drives entire gnoll civilizations \u2026", "family": "Gnoll", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gnoll_GnollCultist.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gnoll", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "231", "name": "Gnoll Sergeant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When gnolls band together to form hunting or raiding parties, the strongest among them is often designated the leader or sergeant. These gnolls train \u2026", "family": "Gnoll", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gnoll_GnollSergeant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gnoll", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "232", "name": "Goblin Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The frontline fighters of goblin tribes prefer to fight in large groups\u2014especially when they can outnumber their foes at least three to one.", "family": "Goblin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Goblin_GoblinWarrior.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "233", "name": "Goblin Commando", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The theoretical leaders of goblin raids are called goblin commandos. In practice, goblin commandos rarely continue to lead their comrades once a \u2026", "family": "Goblin", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "234", "name": "Goblin Pyro", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Some goblins take their people\u2019s admiration of fire fully into the realm of deadly obsession. These pyromaniacs can be a great boon to a band of \u2026", "family": "Goblin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Goblin_GoblinPyro.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "235", "name": "Goblin War Chanter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While all goblins enjoy singing, goblin war chanters pride themselves on mastering the art of vocal performance. Their ballads and jingles are \u2026", "family": "Goblin", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "236", "name": "Goblin Dog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Goblins\u2019 eponymous pets aren\u2019t true canines at all, but rather large, blunt-nosed rodents with thin bodies and long legs. As cowardly as they are \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GoblinDog.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "237", "name": "Gogiteth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A gogiteth is a slavering nightmare of teeth, eyes, and hairy spiderlike legs, and its appearance is invariably seared into the minds of any who \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gogiteth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "238", "name": "Flesh Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Made of odd scraps of skin and muscle, a flesh golem is a grotesque parody of life. Though it has no mind, it can still go into a berserk rage when \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_FleshGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "239", "name": "Alchemical Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "This golem is a walking alchemical nightmare capable of inflicting all manner of painful wounds. Its ability to follow orders is granted by the \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_AlchemicalGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Alchemical", "Construct", "Golem", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "240", "name": "Clay Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Traditionally, clay golems are crafted in the image of a deity and used as guardians of tombs or sacred crypts. Clay golems have the power to lay \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_ClayGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "241", "name": "Stone Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Stone golems are slow and steady constructs typically carved from marble or granite. They\u2019re often made to serve as works of art when at rest, so \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_StoneGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "242", "name": "Iron Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Traditionally crafted into the forms of giant suits of armor or powerful animals, iron golems are products of exquisite artistry and skill. Their \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_IronGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "243", "name": "Adamantine Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Crafted from a nigh-indestructible metal of great rarity, adamantine golems can\u2019t be destroyed except by the most powerful foes. Crafting an \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_AdamantineGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Huge", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "244", "name": "Graveknight", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Graveknights are undead warriors granted unlife by a cursed suit of armor.", "family": "Graveknight", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Graveknight.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "245", "name": "Mitflit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Mitflits, also known as mites, are self-loathing and pitiful cowards, easily bullied into servitude by other creatures or even slightly more powerful \u2026", "family": "Gremlin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gremlin_Mitflit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin", "Small"]}, {"id": "246", "name": "Pugwampi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Mean, dog-faced, and craven, pugwampis take disproportionate enjoyment from the accidents and missteps of other creatures\u2014something that happens \u2026", "family": "Gremlin", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "247", "name": "Jinkin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Jinkins are sadistic tinkers who steal and sabotage items and take great pride in their power to curse precious objects. They hold grudges and create \u2026", "family": "Gremlin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gremlin_Jinkin.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "248", "name": "Griffon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Griffons are regal beasts revered as symbols of freedom and strength in many cultures. They are physically striking, with the hindquarters of a lion \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Griffon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "249", "name": "Grikkitog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Grikkitogs, also known as \u201chungry earth,\u201d are strange parasites from the Plane of Earth that infest and possess earth, rock, and stone in order to \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grikkitog.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Earth", "Huge"]}, {"id": "250", "name": "Grim Reaper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The Grim Reaper is the unflinching personification of death. Silent as the grave and as inevitable as time itself, this legendary being hunts down \u2026", "family": "Grim Reaper", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GrimReaper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "251", "name": "Lesser Death", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "No one is quite sure what lesser deaths are, though some claim that they are avatars of the grim reaper. Unlike that strange hunter, however, lesser \u2026", "family": "Grim Reaper", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "252", "name": "Gug", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A gug\u2019s most horrid feature is its barrel-shaped head, which splits vertically to reveal numerous rows of sharp, yellow teeth and an open throat. Its \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gug.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "253", "name": "Guthallath", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A guthallath is an enormous construct created long ago by some unknown empire, probably as a war machine. Nearly 100 feet tall, this massive stone \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Guthallath.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "254", "name": "Sea Hag", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sea hags kill and eat fishers and sailors who come near their lairs, torment coastal dwellers with dark promises and vague threats, and enjoy the act \u2026", "family": "Hag", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hag_SeaHag.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "255", "name": "Green Hag", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Green hags hate beauty and purity, so they use disguises and treachery to lure and murder innocents, corrupt the pure of heart, and shatter the minds \u2026", "family": "Hag", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hag_GreenHag.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "256", "name": "Annis Hag", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Annis hags are brutal torturers and murderers, delighting in the musical screams and tasty flesh of young creatures and those who are pure of heart. \u2026", "family": "Hag", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hag_AnnisHag.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Hag", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "257", "name": "Night Hag", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Night hags are thieves and merchants of mortal souls. These foul creatures collect souls in dark gems or crystalline jars to sell in fiendish \u2026", "family": "Hag", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hag_NightHag.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "258", "name": "Harpy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Harpies are filthy amalgamations of human and bird, resembling feral humans with wings, talons, and mouths full of sharp teeth. They use captivating \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Harpy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "259", "name": "Hell Hound", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A hell hound\u2019s appearance dismisses any doubts as to its infernal origins\u2014flesh the color of burning pitch, teeth as sharp as any fiend's pitchfork, \u2026", "family": "Hell Hound", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/HellHound_HellHound.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Fire", "Medium"]}, {"id": "260", "name": "Nessian Warhound", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Believed to be bred by the Prince of Darkness himself within vast kennels in the infernal realm of Nessus, Nessian warhounds are the favored guards \u2026", "family": "Hell Hound", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Fire", "Large"]}, {"id": "261", "name": "Hobgoblin Soldier", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Soldiers make up the bulk of hobgoblin society, whether that society is a village or a military unit.", "family": "Hobgoblin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hobgoblin_HobgoblinSoldier.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "262", "name": "Hobgoblin Archer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Bands of hobgoblin soldiers typically have at least one archer among their ranks. In smaller groups, the hobgoblin archer also serves as that band\u2019s \u2026", "family": "Hobgoblin", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "263", "name": "Hobgoblin General", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hobgoblin generals serve as leaders of entire armies and rulers of hobgoblin settlements. A general does not permit the luxuries of rule to soften \u2026", "family": "Hobgoblin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hobgoblin_HobgoblinGeneral.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "264", "name": "Homunculus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A homunculus is a tiny servitor construct created by a crafter to serve as a spy, scout, messenger, or assistant. When a crafter first begins to \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Homunculus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "265", "name": "Riding Pony", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This entry did not have a separate description for the creature.", "family": "Horse", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "266", "name": "Riding Horse", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This entry did not have a separate description for the creature.", "family": "Horse", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Horse_RidingHorse.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "267", "name": "War Pony", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This entry did not have a separate description for the creature.", "family": "Horse", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "268", "name": "War Horse", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This entry did not have a separate description for the creature.", "family": "Horse", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "269", "name": "Hydra", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hydras are multiheaded, foul-tempered serpentine beasts with voracious appetites, widely feared for their regeneration abilities.", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hydra.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge"]}, {"id": "270", "name": "Hyena", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hyenas are cunning, powerfully built carnivores that bear a heavy resemblance to dogs and other canines, though they are not themselves canines. \u2026", "family": "Hyena", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hyena_Hyena.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "271", "name": "Hyaenodon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hyaenodons are the ferocious primeval cousins of the smaller hyena. Looming, shaggy-furred creatures nearly the size of a horse, hyaenodons are truly \u2026", "family": "Hyena", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "272", "name": "Kobold Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The typical kobold trains with agile weaponry, favoring the light pick for its use in crafting new tunnels to expand their domains through \u2026", "family": "Kobold", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kobold_KoboldWarrior.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kobold", "Small"]}, {"id": "273", "name": "Kobold Scout", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Most kobolds encountered outside of a well-defended warren or lair are kobold scouts, creatures trained for stalking and the hunt.", "family": "Kobold", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kobold_KoboldScout.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kobold", "Small"]}, {"id": "274", "name": "Kobold Dragon Mage", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Kobold dragon mages use magic to carry out their secret schemes. The presence of a dragon mage in a kobold warren is one of the greatest testaments \u2026", "family": "Kobold", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kobold", "Small"]}, {"id": "275", "name": "Kraken", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A kraken is an enormous, squid-like leviathan with a cruel intelligence. It hunts ships, whales, and heroes alike. The hatred and envy krakens hold \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kraken.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Beast", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "276", "name": "Krooth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Krooths, sometimes called crocodile eaters, are fast and vicious hunters of bogs and wetlands. While they are known to hunt and eat crocodiles, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Krooth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "277", "name": "Lamia", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Just as they were cursed long ago, lamias can curse those they touch, clouding the mind and regressing conscious thought to purely animalistic \u2026", "family": "Lamia", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lamia_Lamia.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "278", "name": "Lamia Matriarch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The brilliant and powerful lamia matriarchs possess boundless ambition, always seeking to bring more people and territory into the clutches of their \u2026", "family": "Lamia", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lamia_LamiaMatriarch.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "279", "name": "Leaf Leshy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Leaf leshys are diminutive protectors of forests clad in pine cone armor and hats of fruit, flowers, or leaves. They enjoy mock battles but act \u2026", "family": "Leshy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Leshy_LeafLeshy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "280", "name": "Gourd Leshy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Gourd leshys are guardians of fields, gardens, and farms. Many villages benefit from the protection of a gourd leshy, even if they are unaware of it.", "family": "Leshy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Leshy_GourdLeshy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "281", "name": "Fungus Leshy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Fungus leshys guard caves, bogs, and damp, dark places. Their fungus gardens are bizarre by most standards, but fungus leshys are extremely proud of \u2026", "family": "Leshy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Leshy_FungusLeshy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Leshy", "Small"]}, {"id": "282", "name": "Lich", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A wizard whose insatiable desire for arcane power eclipsed their mortal life, the lich is a truly devious and versatile spellcaster.", "family": "Lich", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lich_Lich.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "283", "name": "Demilich", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Demiliches are formed when a lich, through carelessness or by accident, loses its soul cage. As years pass, the lich's body crumbles to dust, leaving \u2026", "family": "Lich", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lich_Demilich.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Rare", "Tiny", "Undead"]}, {"id": "284", "name": "Crag Linnorm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Despite being among the weakest linnorms, the crag linnorm is a devastating predator, capable of quickly cooking its foes with its magma breath.", "family": "Linnorm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Linnorm_CragLinnorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "285", "name": "Ice Linnorm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The ice linnorm dwells amid glacial crevasses, atop wind-blasted mountain peaks, or within glittering caverns carved from the hearts of the mightiest \u2026", "family": "Linnorm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Linnorm_IceLinnorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "286", "name": "Tarn Linnorm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Although more powerful linnorms exist, the multi-headed tarn linnorm can wreak an awe-inspiring amount of devastation.", "family": "Linnorm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Linnorm_TarnLinnorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Acid", "Amphibious", "Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "287", "name": "Tor Linnorm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Tor linnorms dwell in the tallest volcanic mountains, either within natural formed caverns or within molten craters. A tor linnorm\u2019s temper can be as \u2026", "family": "Linnorm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Linnorm_TorLinnorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "288", "name": "Giant Gecko", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These roughly human-sized reptiles have amazing feet capable of clinging tenaciously to any surface. Giant geckos are typically docile and shy but \u2026", "family": "Lizard", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lizard_GiantGecko.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "289", "name": "Giant Monitor Lizard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Large and seemingly ponderous, a monitor lizard is a deceptively swift and ruthless predator. It ambushes its prey by rushing out from cover and \u2026", "family": "Lizard", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lizard_GiantMonitorLizard.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "290", "name": "Giant Frilled Lizard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Found in warm and tropical forests and savannas, these immense lizards are a deadly threat to the unsuspecting traveler. When they aren\u2019t sleeping or \u2026", "family": "Lizard", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "291", "name": "Lizardfolk Defender", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The lizardfolk defender serves as a protector of the young, guardian of the settlement, and when no other options are available, soldier in time of \u2026", "family": "Lizardfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lizardfolk_LizardfolkDefender.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Lizardfolk", "Medium"]}, {"id": "292", "name": "Lizardfolk Scout", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Iruxi scouts are the lizardfolk most often encountered by adventurers, for these explorers and hunters spend most of their lives on the move, \u2026", "family": "Lizardfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lizardfolk_LizardfolkScout.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Lizardfolk", "Medium"]}, {"id": "293", "name": "Lizardfolk Stargazer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The tradition of astrology and looking to the stars for both navigation and prognostication is well-established in iruxi society, and their wise and \u2026", "family": "Lizardfolk", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Lizardfolk", "Medium"]}, {"id": "294", "name": "Manticore", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The manticore is a monstrous amalgamation of lion, dragon, and human with a penchant for feasting on human flesh. Its distinctive tail is festooned \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Manticore.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "295", "name": "Giant Mantis", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These massive cousins of normal praying mantises stand taller than an average human. They stalk through dense forests, striking at meals from the \u2026", "family": "Mantis, Giant", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "296", "name": "Deadly Mantis", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These gigantic mantids make their homes within deep jungles and prehistoric forests where they hunt and devour equally massive prey.", "family": "Mantis, Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/MantisGiant_DeadlyMantis.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "297", "name": "Medusa", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Monstrous humanoids that resemble humans with snakes instead of hair, medusas are best known for their petrifying gazes that\u2014if lingered upon\u2014can \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Medusa.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "298", "name": "Merfolk Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Merfolk warriors form the bulk of the militias of their vast underwater realms and meet potential aggressors head-on with uncompromising force.", "family": "Merfolk", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Merfolk"]}, {"id": "299", "name": "Merfolk Wavecaller", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Merfolk wavecallers use their primal power to call forth allies and defend their people with deadly magic.", "family": "Merfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Merfolk_MerfolkWavecaller.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Merfolk"]}, {"id": "300", "name": "Mimic", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Thought to be the result of a failed experiment meant to animate objects or a sinister alghollthu creation, mimics are clever monsters that can take \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mimic.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "301", "name": "Minotaur", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Minotaurs are master hunters that dwell in cunning labyrinths or tangles of underground caverns meant to disorient and demoralize prey. These \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Minotaur.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "302", "name": "Mu Spore", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A mu spore is a thankfully rare fungoid monstrosity of vast power and strange intellect. Even the smallest mu spores are never less than a hundred \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/MuSpore.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "303", "name": "Mukradi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Fearsome centipede-like creatures, mukradis are three-headed predators with a devastating array of breath weapons. A Darklands version of the mukradi \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mukradi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "304", "name": "Mummy Guardian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The majority of mummies were created by cruel and selfish masters to serve as guardians to protect their tombs from intruders. The traditional method \u2026", "family": "Mummy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mummy_MummyGuardian.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mummy", "Undead"]}, {"id": "305", "name": "Mummy Pharaoh", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "While mummy guardians are undead crafted from the corpses of sacrificed\u2014usually unwilling victims\u2014and retain only fragments of their memories, a \u2026", "family": "Mummy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mummy_MummyPharaoh.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mummy", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "306", "name": "Dark Naga", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Dark nagas are wicked, jealous creatures that crave power and wealth. Indeed, the dark naga sees such ideals as spiritual expressions of an essential \u2026", "family": "Naga", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Naga_DarkNaga.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "307", "name": "Guardian Naga", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The opposite of dark nagas in many ways, guardian nagas are benevolent and wise protectors of places of great natural or supernatural significance: \u2026", "family": "Naga", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Naga_GuardianNaga.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "308", "name": "Nightmare", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Nightmares are flaming equine harbingers of death.", "family": "Nightmare", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nightmare_Nightmare.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "309", "name": "Greater Nightmare", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The enormous greater nightmare is a more dangerous variety of nightmare, particularly valued for its ability to invade other realities with its rider.", "family": "Nightmare", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Huge"]}, {"id": "310", "name": "Nilith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The sleek, dark niliths resemble hairless, emaciated tree sloths. These creatures are intensely dangerous and fearsome, with red glowing eyes, wicked \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nilith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "311", "name": "Naiad", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Naiads protect streams, ponds, springs, and other natural bodies of fresh water. While most naiads lead solitary lives close to their chosen ward, \u2026", "family": "Nymph", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nymph_Naiad.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Medium", "Nymph", "Water"]}, {"id": "312", "name": "Dryad", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Dryads are fey guardians of the trees and creatures who dwell in wooded areas. They prefer using indirect methods to dissuade those who would harm \u2026", "family": "Nymph", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nymph_Dryad.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Nymph", "Plant"]}, {"id": "313", "name": "Naiad Queen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Naiad queens rule over pristine wildernesses centered on untouched lakes or other bodies of fresh water. Bards\u2019 songs and artists\u2019 paintings of \u2026", "family": "Nymph", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Medium", "Nymph", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "314", "name": "Dryad Queen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Hamadryads rule over an entire forest, or a portion of an incredibly large forest, leading and protecting all dryads within. Hamadryads often have \u2026", "family": "Nymph", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Nymph", "Plant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "315", "name": "Giant Octopus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant octopuses are found in the heart of deep, dark oceans.", "family": "Octopus", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/OctopusGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Huge"]}, {"id": "316", "name": "Ofalth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Found in castle dung heaps, city dumps, and sewers, ofalths are thought to be cousins of shamblers. But whereas shamblers are living heaps of soggy \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ofalth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "317", "name": "Ogre Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The simplest of ogres are slabs of muscle with hatefully beady eyes, misshapen visages, and malformed bodies. Always eager for mayhem and murder, \u2026", "family": "Ogre", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "318", "name": "Ogre Glutton", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ogre gluttons take the act of feeding to a horrific extreme, capable of extending their already cavernous mouths wide enough to gulp down a halfling. \u2026", "family": "Ogre", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ogre_OgreGlutton.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "319", "name": "Ogre Boss", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "In ogre society, might makes more than right\u2014it makes the rules. The strongest or most violent ogre in a family (in most cases, this is the same \u2026", "family": "Ogre", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ogre_OgreBoss.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "320", "name": "Sewer Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These amorphous masses of sewage and other detritus make their way through filthy culverts beneath cities large and small.", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "321", "name": "Gelatinous Cube", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Found underground or in dungeons, these quivering cubes of slime continuously scour their domain for food. The acid in their bodies is weak enough \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "322", "name": "Ochre Jelly", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ochre jellies are animate masses of protoplasm with a sickly combination of yellow, orange, and brown hues. Their acidic bodies dissolve flesh but \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_OchreJelly.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "323", "name": "Black Pudding", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Most often found below ground, these oozes scour caves for objects to dissolve with their corrosive secretions. This caustic acid is particularly \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_BlackPudding.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "324", "name": "Orc Brute", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "If orc armies are rarely well organized, this shortcoming can likely be traced to the furious and undisciplined rank-and-file brutes who make up the \u2026", "family": "Orc", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Orc_OrcBrute.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Orc"]}, {"id": "325", "name": "Orc Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The typical orc warrior is a violent combatant familiar to many adventurers. Orc warriors fight for their clan, for riches, and\u2014 perhaps most of \u2026", "family": "Orc", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Orc"]}, {"id": "326", "name": "Orc Warchief", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When orcs raid, the strongest is chosen as the leader, backed up by brothers, sisters, and other immediate family.", "family": "Orc", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Orc_OrcWarchief.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Orc"]}, {"id": "327", "name": "Otyugh", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Lords of sewers, ditches, and landfllls, otyughs are filthy monstrosities that stomp about on three massive legs in search of tasty garbage and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Otyugh.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "328", "name": "Owlbear", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "With the body of a powerful brown bear and the keen senses of an owl, the owlbear is a dangerous territorial predator, fearlessly attacking any \u2026", "family": "Owlbear", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Owlbear.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "329", "name": "Pegasus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The pegasus is a winged horse prized for its capacity to serve as an aerial mount. Unfortunately for those who desire a saddle-trained pegasus, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Pegasus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "330", "name": "Phoenix", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The phoenix is a primordial bird made of heat and flame that dwells in the most inhospitable regions of the desert. Though highly intelligent and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Phoenix.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fire", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "331", "name": "Tiefling Adept", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Tieflings are planar scions with fiendish blood. One of the most common types is pitborn, who bear a demonic corruption infesting their mortal \u2026", "family": "Planar Scion", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PlanarScion_TieflingAdept.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Tiefling"]}, {"id": "332", "name": "Duskwalker Ghost Hunter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Duskwalkers are infused with the same energies as psychopomps. These ashen scions are reborn on the Material Plane to serve as guardians of the cycle \u2026", "family": "Planar Scion", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PlanarScion_DuskwalkerGhostHunter.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Duskwalker", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "333", "name": "Aasimar Redeemer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Mortals whose ancestry has been influenced by celestials are known as aasimars, and angelkin, who have blood of angels coursing through their veins, \u2026", "family": "Planar Scion", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aasimar", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "334", "name": "Poltergeist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When a creature dies, and for whatever reason its spirit is unable or unwilling to leave the site of its death, that spirit may manifest as a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Poltergeist.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "335", "name": "Poracha", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Porachas are feline beasts native to the mystical Forest of Spirits in Tian Xia. In their natural form, these graceful eight-legged creatures sport a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Poracha.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "336", "name": "Voidworm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Other proteans don\u2019t consider the flying, iridescent beings known as voidworms to be part of a protean caste at all, but instead merely a shameful \u2026", "family": "Protean", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Protean_Voidworm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Monitor", "Protean", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "337", "name": "Naunet", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Pugnacious and powerfully muscled, naunets serve as scouts and rank-and-file troops of protean armies. Resembling a thick salamander with a wide \u2026", "family": "Protean", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Protean_Naunet.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Monitor", "Protean"]}, {"id": "338", "name": "Keketar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The ruling caste of the proteans, keketars orchestrate attacks against the bastions of law and adjudicate protean disputes confidently and \u2026", "family": "Protean", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Protean_Keketar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Monitor", "Protean"]}, {"id": "339", "name": "Nosoi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A nosoi resembles a whippoorwill, sparrow, or other small bird wearing a heavy leather plague doctor\u2019s mask. They are the clerks, messengers, and \u2026", "family": "Psychopomp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Psychopomp_Nosoi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Monitor", "Psychopomp", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "340", "name": "Morrigna", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Bounty hunters and investigators, morrignas seek out creatures that thwart death or interfere with the natural flow of souls. Morrignas dress in \u2026", "family": "Psychopomp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Psychopomp_Morrigna.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Monitor", "Psychopomp"]}, {"id": "341", "name": "Pteranodon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Pteranodons are quick and agile reptiles with 20-foot wingspans that enable them to hover on wind currents for hours. These creatures have long beaks \u2026", "family": "Pterosaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Pterosaur_Pteranodon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "342", "name": "Quetzalcoatlus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Quetzalcoatlus are the largest flying members of the pterosaur family and are often mistaken for dragons due to their immense size and 40-foot \u2026", "family": "Pterosaur", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "343", "name": "Quelaunt", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This three-armed, three-legged monster has no discernible eyes, nose, ears, or mouth or no visible means of ingesting food. Its limbs are distributed \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Quelaunt.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "344", "name": "Dandasuka", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Known as \u201cbiters\u201d among the more powerful rakshasa castes, dandasukas serve as spies and assassins for rakshasa clans or powerful spellcasters who \u2026", "family": "Rakshasa", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Rakshasa_Dandasuka.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Rakshasa", "Small"]}, {"id": "345", "name": "Raja Rakshasa", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When not disguised as a humanoid, the raja rakshasa has the head of an animal. The hands of a raja rakshasa are more subtly unsettling, for the \u2026", "family": "Rakshasa", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Rakshasa_RajaRakshasa.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Rakshasa"]}, {"id": "346", "name": "Giant Rat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant rats are enormous versions of the common vermin. They are typically found in abundant numbers, but since they cannot flt in the nooks where \u2026", "family": "Rat", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Rat_GiantRat.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "347", "name": "Rat Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A swarm of rats can cause total chaos within a household or business. Contracting filth fever is all the easier when dozens of these agitated or \u2026", "family": "Rat", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "348", "name": "Ratfolk Grenadier", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ratfolk grenadiers use alchemy and stealth to defend their communities.", "family": "Ratfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ratfolk_RatfolkGrenadier.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Ratfolk", "Small"]}, {"id": "349", "name": "Redcap", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Redcaps are sadistic and capricious fey who thrill in bloodletting and murder. While they are most famous for appearing as wizened, bearded men, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Redcap.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small"]}, {"id": "350", "name": "Reefclaw", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Reefclaws are aquatic monsters that resemble huge shrimp or lobsters. As one might expect from its name, a reefclaw\u2019s oversized claws are powerful \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Reefclaw.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic", "Small"]}, {"id": "351", "name": "Remorhaz", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A remorhaz is an enormous arctic predator that resembles a multilegged insect with draconic features. This monster has chitinous plates and more than \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Remorhaz.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "352", "name": "Roc", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Legendarily massive raptors capable of carrying off elephants as prey, rocs are typically about 30 feet long from beak to tail and have a wingspan of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Roc.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "353", "name": "Roper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "To all but the most sharp-eyed underground explorers, a roper appears to be nothing more than a large stalactite, stalagmite, or pillar of ice. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Roper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "354", "name": "Rust Monster", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Found in lost dungeons, deep caves, and abandoned mines, rust monsters are a bane to any adventurers who rely on armor, weapons, or other metal \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/RustMonster.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "355", "name": "Satyr", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "To a satyr, life is a party and everyone is invited. Notorious for their hedonism, these fey believe there\u2019s no greater beauty than can be found in \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Satyr.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium"]}, {"id": "356", "name": "Giant Scorpion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These massive, terrifying arachnids are typically 8 feet long from head to the base of the tail. Giant scorpions are the favored pack animals and war \u2026", "family": "Scorpion", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Scorpion_GiantScorpion.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "357", "name": "Scorpion Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While a single scorpion is itself a menace, swarms of these vermin can be outright devastating. These skittering droves of death swiftly bring down \u2026", "family": "Scorpion", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "358", "name": "Sea Devil Scout", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Scouts, among the lowliest (and most disposable) of sea devils, ply the inky waters of the ocean in search of aquatic prey, tread ashore to gauge \u2026", "family": "Sea Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SeaDevil_SeaDevilScout.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Sea Devil"]}, {"id": "359", "name": "Sea Devil Brute", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Physically imposing sea devils are equipped with some of the best weaponry the community can find, though most are happy to rend their foes using \u2026", "family": "Sea Devil", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Sea Devil"]}, {"id": "360", "name": "Sea Devil Baron", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Unlike in many cultures, the highest-ranking sea devils are expected not just to wade into battle alongside their brethren, but to actively lead the \u2026", "family": "Sea Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SeaDevil_SeaDevilBaron.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Mutant", "Sea Devil"]}, {"id": "361", "name": "Sea Serpent", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These fabled beasts resemble massive snakes with long rows of finned spines down their back. Temperamental and territorial, sea serpents can capsize \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SeaSerpent.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "362", "name": "Shadow", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The mysterious undead known as shadows lurk in dark places and feed on those who stray too far from the light. Those who parley with shadows, \u2026", "family": "Shadow", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shadow_Shadow.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "363", "name": "Greater Shadow", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shadows that spend long amounts of time on the Shadow Plane and absorb its magic become greater shadows.", "family": "Shadow", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "364", "name": "Shambler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shamblers are cunning carnivorous plants that resemble heaps of wet, rotting vegetation. Even when standing erect on their stumpy legs, shamblers \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shambler.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Plant"]}, {"id": "365", "name": "Great White Shark", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An apex predator among the coastal surface waters where it hunts, the great white shark is one of the largest shark species. These silent killers \u2026", "family": "Shark", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Huge"]}, {"id": "366", "name": "Megalodon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Prehistoric sharks of incredible size, strength, and ferocity, megalodons scour waters deep and shallow to sate their considerable hunger. The \u2026", "family": "Shark", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shark_Megalodon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "367", "name": "Shining Child", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shining children are wicked, enigmatic monsters that roam remote planes and untraveled corners of the universe in search of esoteric lore. With their \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ShiningChild.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Astral", "Medium"]}, {"id": "368", "name": "Shoggoth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Although even raving fanatics and doom-saying prophets desperately claim the monstrous shoggoth is nothing more than a drug-induced vision or a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shoggoth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "369", "name": "Shuln", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Scourges of the upper Darklands, these enormous, mole-like monstrosities slice and burrow through solid stone with massive forearms and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shuln.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "370", "name": "Simurgh", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Desert-dwelling people consider the sight of a simurgh a herald to a lifetime\u2019s worth of luck, and those who are unfamiliar with the majestic beast \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Simurgh.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "371", "name": "Sinspawn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sinspawn were created by one of seven ancient wizards known collectively as runelords\u2014each of whom embraced and embodied one of seven sins. The first \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sinspawn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "372", "name": "Skeleton Guard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The most common skeletal minions are mere guardians.", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "373", "name": "Skeletal Champion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These skeletons retain the cunning they possessed in life.", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skeleton_SkeletalChampion.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "374", "name": "Skeletal Horse", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Skeletal horses are sometimes used as mounts by other undead or monsters.", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skeleton_SkeletalHorse.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "375", "name": "Skeletal Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The reanimated bones of giants make excellent necromantic thralls.", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "376", "name": "Skeletal Hulk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Huge giants and other enormous creatures make powerful skeletons.", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "377", "name": "Skulltaker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Swirling down from misty peaks and through howling mountain passes like an evil wind, the vortex of bones known as a skulltaker is a terrible \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skulltaker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "378", "name": "Slurk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The slurk is a sticky, tusked frog-beast found in underground lairs and caves. It has two massive tusks, which it uses to gore prey and tangle with \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Slurk.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "379", "name": "Viper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Each member of this family of venomous snakes has long, hinged fangs that inject potent venom in their prey. Different vipers inject different types \u2026", "family": "Snake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Snake_Viper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "380", "name": "Ball Python", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This nonvenomous snake\u2019s name comes from its tendency to curl into a ball when frightened, though most people know it for its hunting tactic of \u2026", "family": "Snake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Snake_BallPython.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "381", "name": "Giant Viper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The giant viper\u2019s fangs are a frightening sight, with injection tubes as long as daggers. The sheer amount of venom injected by a giant viper can \u2026", "family": "Snake", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "382", "name": "Giant Anaconda", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The monstrous giant anaconda is capable of swallowing whole creatures as big as horses\u2014to say nothing of their riders. Although novice bushwhackers \u2026", "family": "Snake", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "383", "name": "Soulbound Doll", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "Any", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Soulbound dolls are eerie mannequins or playthings that have been imbued with a small piece of a deceased mortal\u2019s soul. These little constructs are \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SoulboundDoll.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Soulbound", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "384", "name": "Sphinx", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sphinxes are mystical beings with the body of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the upper torso and head of a human. They are often maligned in \u2026", "family": "Sphinx", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sphinx.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "385", "name": "Spider Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An abundance of food, the sudden hatching of a clutch of eggs, or magical influence can cause smaller spiders to gather in terrifying, deadly masses.", "family": "Spider", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "386", "name": "Hunting Spider", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hunting spiders are the most common type of giant spider, though not the largest.", "family": "Spider", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "387", "name": "Giant Tarantula", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Tarantulas are ambush predators, but will attack prey in the open.", "family": "Spider", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "388", "name": "Goliath Spider", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Goliath spiders dwell in the deepest jungles, where they build webs as big as temples and feast on prey as large as hippopotami.", "family": "Spider", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Spider_GoliathSpider.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "389", "name": "Sprite", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Common sprites are primeval guardians that latch onto a person, place, or object and defend it for their own inscrutable reasons. Their dispositions \u2026", "family": "Sprite", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "390", "name": "Grig", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Grigs are kindly musicians of the fey, often getting themselves into trouble due to their penchant for confronting evil well beyond their ability to \u2026", "family": "Sprite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sprite_Grig.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "391", "name": "Pixie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Insatiably curious, overly excitable, and just a bit puckish, pixies are wanderers and tricksters who use their pixie dust to create all sorts of \u2026", "family": "Sprite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sprite_Pixie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small", "Sprite"]}, {"id": "392", "name": "Tengu Sneak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Crow-like humanoids, tengus are a canny and clever people who can be found across all of Golarion. Tengus are used to being minorities and facing \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tengu_TenguSneak.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Tengu"]}, {"id": "393", "name": "Terotricus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The legendary terotricus is a massive slime-mold that hails from the Abyss. Its collective consciousness encapsulates entire regions, spreading as \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Terotricus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "394", "name": "Treerazer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 25, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Treerazer, the self-styled Lord of the Blasted Tarn, is a powerful demon on the cusp of ascending to the true power of one of the rulers of the Abyss \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Treerazor.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Demon", "Fiend", "Huge", "Unique"]}, {"id": "395", "name": "Troll", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Common trolls are dim-witted, gangly giants who stalk the fringes of civilization. They rely on their incredible strength to overpower foes with \u2026", "family": "Troll", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Troll_Troll.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Large", "Troll"]}, {"id": "396", "name": "Troll King", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Some trolls have learned the skills necessary to survive well beyond the typical life expectancy for their kind and rally others to follow their \u2026", "family": "Troll", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Troll_TrollKing.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Large", "Troll"]}, {"id": "397", "name": "Unicorn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Symbols of grace and purity, unicorns resemble proud and noble horses. They are typically pure white of coat, but they are best known for the single, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Unicorn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fey", "Large"]}, {"id": "398", "name": "Uthul", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An uthul most often appears to be a dark, swirling cloud filled with flying debris and streaked with sudden flashes of lightning. Although they are \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Uthul.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Huge"]}, {"id": "399", "name": "Vampire Spawn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Vampires use their spawn for infiltration and reconnaissance.", "family": "Vampire", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_VampireSpawnRogue.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "400", "name": "Vampire Count", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Vampire counts rule their demesnes through a mix of fear and cruelty.", "family": "Vampire", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "401", "name": "Vampire Mastermind", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Vampire masterminds are evil wizards who control entire cabals of the undead and instill fear in the hearts of mortals far and wide.", "family": "Vampire", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_VampireMastermind.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "402", "name": "Warg", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wargs hunt in packs and surround their prey like common wolves, but their cunning and penchant for taunting victims makes them easy to distinguish \u2026", "family": "Warg", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium"]}, {"id": "403", "name": "Winter Wolf", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Winter wolves are related to wargs, but are larger, smarter, and far more dangerous. They are capable of exhaling plumes of freezing breath and are \u2026", "family": "Warg", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Warg_WinterWolf.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "404", "name": "Warsworn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A warsworn is an animate mass of corpses composed of dozens, sometimes even hundreds, of victims of battle. They are formed by deities of undeath or \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Warsworn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "405", "name": "Giant Wasp", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant wasps are much more dangerous but less common than their smaller kin, and\u2014to the relief of those who encounter them\u2014they tend to be solitary.", "family": "Wasp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wasp_GiantWasp.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "406", "name": "Wasp Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wasp nests are made of chewed wood fibers foraged from the surrounding flora, which the wasps make into a material similar to paper. A single wasp \u2026", "family": "Wasp", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "407", "name": "Web Lurker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Web lurkers, known also as ettercaps, are ugly monsters that not only dwell within the lairs of spiders and swarms, but actively cultivate and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/WebLurker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "408", "name": "Wemmuth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Fertilized by large quantities of spilled blood, such as that found on bloodstained battlefields or in the war-torn regions surrounding besieged \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wemmuth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Plant"]}, {"id": "409", "name": "Wendigo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Wendigos are incarnations of the fears of starvation, loneliness, and fatal exposure to cold weather. They haunt the frozen expanses of the world.", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wendigo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Cold", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "410", "name": "Wererat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wererats tend to be selfishly opportunistic, avaricious, and paranoid as a result of their curse. Because wererats typically dwell in metropolitan \u2026", "family": "Werecreature", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Werecreature_Wererat.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Werecreature"]}, {"id": "411", "name": "Werewolf", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The curse of the werewolf\u2014known as lycanthropy to many\u2014instills in its carriers the hungry bloodlust and predatory instincts of the wolf. Werewolves \u2026", "family": "Werecreature", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Werecreature_Werewolf.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Werecreature"]}, {"id": "412", "name": "Werebear", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Unlike many other types of werecreature, a werebear does not become malevolent during its involuntary transformations, but is instead filled with \u2026", "family": "Werecreature", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Werecreature_Werebear.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon", "Werecreature"]}, {"id": "413", "name": "Wight", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wights are undead humanoids that, much like wraiths, can drain the life from living creatures with but a touch. They arise as a result of necromantic \u2026", "family": "Wight", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wight.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Wight"]}, {"id": "414", "name": "Will-o\u2019-Wisp", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Malevolent balls of colored light, will-o\u2019-wisps haunt lonely marshes and forests where they lure unsuspecting travelers into danger. Will-o\u2019-wisps \u2026", "family": "Wisp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/WillOWisp.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Air", "Small"]}, {"id": "415", "name": "Wolf", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wolves live and hunt in packs, which, contrary to popular belief, are not led by the strongest in the group, but typically consist of a mated pair, \u2026", "family": "Wolf", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wolf_Wolf.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "416", "name": "Dire Wolf", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Much larger and more foul-tempered than their common cousins, dire wolves haunt primeval lands that accommodate their massive size and \u2026", "family": "Wolf", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "417", "name": "Wraith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wraiths are malevolent undead who drain life and shun light. Their shadowy, incorporeal forms are dotted with burning eyes that reffect their hatred \u2026", "family": "Wraith", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wraith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Undead", "Wraith"]}, {"id": "418", "name": "Xulgath Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Xulgath warriors strike with fury and eager cruelty, always ready for the next fight. The taking of prizes from battle\u2014including weapons and items \u2026", "family": "Xulgath", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xulgath_XulgathWarrior.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "419", "name": "Xulgath Skulker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Xulgath warrens are patrolled\u2014some might say \u201chaunted\u201d\u2014by the community\u2019s skulkers. These xulgaths specialize in stealth, striking swiftly from the \u2026", "family": "Xulgath", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xulgath_XulgathSkulker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "420", "name": "Xulgath Leader", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Xulgath leaders are usually the strongest, most violent members of a community\u2014although in some cases, particularly in larger groups, xulgath tribes \u2026", "family": "Xulgath", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "421", "name": "Yeti", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Nearly a myth, the yeti is rarely seen\u2014and even when it is, it is often too late. Yetis dwell amid the highest, most remote peaks of the world, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Yeti.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "422", "name": "Zaramuun", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Zaramuuns are beings of elemental sand that hide in deserts and wastelands. They disguise themselves as massive dunes before rising up to attack \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zaramuun.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Large"]}, {"id": "423", "name": "Zombie Shambler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A zombie shambler is a slow-moving horror dangerous in larger groups.", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "424", "name": "Plague Zombie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Plague zombies are infested with hideous contagions.", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "425", "name": "Zombie Brute", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Necromantic augmentations have granted this zombie increased size and power.", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zombie_ZombieBrute.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "426", "name": "Zombie Hulk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These towering horrors are animated from the corpses of monstrosities.", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zombie_ZombieHulk.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "427", "name": "Bloodlash Bush", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "What first appears to be a simple shrub suddenly stirs to life. The bloodlash bush attempts to lacerate its foes, using its weeping wounds to \u2026", "family": "Deadly Flora", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "428", "name": "Vine Lasher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "What first appears to be a simple shrub suddenly stirs to life. The vine lasher attacks in groups, attempting to immobilize prey and slowly tear a \u2026", "family": "Deadly Flora", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/VineLasher.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "429", "name": "Blood Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Swelling like a bubble about to burst, this oozing thing looks like it is made entirely from blood. Its slick, crimson skin is marred only by spots \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BloodOoze.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "433", "name": "Doorwarden", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Doorwardens are constructs originally invented by elves. Upon first glance, these guardians resemble ornate doors made entirely of steel or even \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Doorwarden.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "434", "name": "Emperor Bird", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The emperor bird is native to the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse and known for its brilliant plumage and innate magic. While it usually feeds on \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/EmperorBird.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "435", "name": "Grauladon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Grauladons are vicious predators that appear crocodilian in form, but are in fact distant offshoots of dragonkind. They make their dens in the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grauladon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "436", "name": "Graveshell", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The graveshell is a dangerous predator that draws scavengers and explorers into its grasp using a morbid lure: the corpse of a former victim impaled \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Graveshell.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "437", "name": "Hellcrown", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The life of a Hellknight is bloody, brutal, and often short. Many who perish in service to a Hellknight order are glad to rest after having served \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hellcrown.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Tiny", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "438", "name": "Tixitog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Tixitogs are a species of bizarre aberrations that make their homes in the dens of giant spiders. Immune to poison and able to traverse sticky webs \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tixitog.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "440", "name": "Bida", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Bidas are black-scaled dragons with long, serpentine bodies and bat-like wings. Their legs and claws are smaller than those of most dragons, but \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bida.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "448", "name": "Grippli Archer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These sharpshooters are renowned for their patience and their accuracy.", "family": "Grippli", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Grippli", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "449", "name": "Grippli Greenspeaker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The unofficial healers of gripplikind are known as greenspeakers.", "family": "Grippli", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Grippli", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "451", "name": "Living Sap", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The tall sharinga trees of the Mwangi Expanse leak golden sap from their swollen, bulbous trunks, which coagulates when exposed to air. The toxic \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/LivingSap.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "454", "name": "Blood Boar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Blood boars are fearsome swine bred in Cheliax for the singular purpose of hunting down escaped slaves. The species originated from a type of large \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BloodBoar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "455", "name": "Kalavakus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Kalavakuses work as slavers in the Abyss, earning them the alternate moniker of \u201cslaver demons\u201d; these fiends round up captured victims and sell them \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Kalavakus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "458", "name": "Remnant of Barzillai", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Though the Silver Ravens defeated the evil tyrant Barzillai Thrune before he could fully realize his goal of becoming a genius loci, remnants of his \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/RemnantOfBarzillai.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "463", "name": "Precentor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Velstrac storytellers and historians are known as precentors. Trailed by horrific choirs, precentors perform in the courts of the velstrac demagogues.", "family": "Velstrac", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Velstrac_Precentor.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Velstrac"]}, {"id": "464", "name": "Carnivorous Crystal", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Carnivorous crystals are strange ooze creatures native to the Plane of Earth. Unlike most oozes, their bodies are not homogeneously fluid; rather, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CarnivorousCrystal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Medium", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "465", "name": "Dalos", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Dalos are reclusive fey that dwell within or near remote volcanoes and volcanic vents and resemble the massive calderas they call home. They more \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dalos.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Fey", "Fire", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "466", "name": "Deculi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These batlike monstrosities inhabit the nooks and crevices of the Darklands, where they hang from stalactites and swoop down on unsuspecting prey. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Deculi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "472", "name": "Dragonscarred Dead", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Not all would-be dragonslayers who die a valiant death rest peacefully amid the annals of legend. Sometimes, a draconic necromancer is so impressed \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonscarredDead.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fire", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "475", "name": "Soulbound Ruin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Those who tread in ruined places sometimes speak of a sense that a supernatural presence is there alongside them, as if the spirits of the dead were \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SoulboundRuin.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Gargantuan", "Undead"]}, {"id": "476", "name": "Aluum Enforcer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The most common aluum is powered by the bound soul of a loyal city servant, but its creation is among the Pactmasters\u2019 most guarded secrets. There \u2026", "family": "Aluum", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "477", "name": "Spiritbound Aluum", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Whereas most aluums are animated by the souls of volunteers loyal to Katapesh, the Pactmasters created a handful of more capable (and deadly) aluums \u2026", "family": "Aluum", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Rare", "Soulbound"]}, {"id": "479", "name": "Crucidaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Of all the ways to die, crucidaemons represent perhaps one of the least desirable: death by torture. The fiend\u2019s shapely body, which appears to be \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Crucidaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "483", "name": "Immortal Ichor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "An immortal ichor is an intelligent mass of blood from a dead evil deity. The cultists who perform the ritual to create immortal ichor typically seal \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ImmortalIchor.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Ooze", "Rare"]}, {"id": "487", "name": "Xotanispawn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Xotanispawn are monstrous versions of scavenging beetle larvae that have been corrupted and mutated by feeding on the remains of Xotani the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xotanispawn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Fire", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "488", "name": "Aiudara Wraith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Dahak\u2019s influence in Alseta\u2019s Landing created a soul-draining effect that slays unprotected creatures within, transforming them into ghostly \u2026", "family": "Wraith", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/AiudaraWraith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Astral", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Rare", "Undead", "Wraith"]}, {"id": "489", "name": "Dragonshard Guardian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 22, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Created by Mengkare and powered by a shard of the Orb of Gold Dragonkind , this construct is made of sculpted crystal draped in a beautiful gold \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonshardGuardian.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "490", "name": "Tarrasque", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 25, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The most powerful spawn is Tarrasque, whose legend spread across countless worlds beyond Golarion. Its destruction of the nation of Ninshabur and its \u2026", "family": "Spawn of Rovagug", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tarrasque.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Gargantuan", "Unique"]}, {"id": "491", "name": "Xotani", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "A monstrosity of living flame and magma, Xotani may be the weakest of Rovagug\u2019s spawn, but it remains a formidable threat. Xotani was slain in 2104 \u2026", "family": "Spawn of Rovagug", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xotani.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fire", "Gargantuan", "Unique"]}, {"id": "493", "name": "Vazgorlu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The arthropod monstrosity known as a vazgorlu makes its home on the Astral Plane or inside of a stable portal, ambushing creatures that travel there \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vazgorlu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Astral", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "500", "name": "Vermlek", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Vermleks, also called worm demons, manifest from the souls of mortals who desecrated the dead, such as grave robbers or necromancers. These fiends \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vermlek.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "501", "name": "Giant Flea", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant fleas are commonly found in areas containing hardy megafauna, such as dinosaurs or mammoths.", "family": "Flea", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GiantFlea.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "502", "name": "Flea Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Flea swarms roil across city streets and rural hinterlands in a hissing, scraping scrabble, draining blood from any creatures unfortunate enough to \u2026", "family": "Flea", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "504", "name": "Luminous Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Luminous oozes are strange globular creatures that glow with brilliant multicolored light. Unlike many oozes, which rely on camouflage and stealth to \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/LuminousOoze.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Mindless", "Ooze", "Small"]}, {"id": "505", "name": "Mechanical Carny", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Mechanical carnies are constructs manufactured to serve as entertainers, cleaners, and guards at carnivals and circuses. The first of these \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/MechanicalCarny.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "506", "name": "Xulgath Bilebearer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While many xulgaths impose their will by strength or sheer numbers, some resort to more nefarious\u2014and grotesque\u2014means to take care of matters. The \u2026", "family": "Xulgath", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xulgath_XulgathBilebearer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "507", "name": "Bogey", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A bogey typically hunts a single creature at a time, usually a small child or elderly person, methodically stalking and tormenting their prey. Often \u2026", "family": "Bogeyman", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bogey.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "508", "name": "Bugaboo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "After devouring enough souls, a bogey transforms into the more powerful and sophisticated bugaboo.", "family": "Bogeyman", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "509", "name": "Bogeyman", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These nocturnal stalkers tail their chosen quarry for days, even weeks at a time, ominously showing up in back alleys, shadowy street corners, and \u2026", "family": "Bogeyman", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bogeyman.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "510", "name": "Iridescent Elephant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "An iridescent animal is a wild or domesticated animal that has undergone a magical transformation to become a luminescent beast that can glow in the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/IridescentElephant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "511", "name": "Muse Phantom", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "For performers who die before their time and whose love of the theater is stronger than death\u2019s grasp, the show does indeed go on. Such actors rise \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/MusePhantom.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "512", "name": "Chimpanzee Visitant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Common circus animals viewed as expendable by their caretakers are perhaps the most likely to rise as visitants. Animals that die en masse\u2014such as in \u2026", "family": "Visitant", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small", "Undead"]}, {"id": "513", "name": "Lion Visitant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Scars and other marks of obvious mistreatment are the clearest indicators that an undead animal is no mere zombie.", "family": "Visitant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/LionVisitant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Undead"]}, {"id": "514", "name": "Xulgath Spinesnapper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Xulgath physiological diversity doesn\u2019t always imply drastic change; some xulgaths are simply much larger and stronger than their clutchmates. Most \u2026", "family": "Xulgath", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xulgath_XulgathSpinesnapper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "515", "name": "Zuipnyrn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "This spectacularly odd creature appears every now and again in various traveling circuses around the Inner Sea. Although carnival barkers make any \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zuipnyrn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Rare", "Small"]}, {"id": "516", "name": "Bugul Noz", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "This gangly fey humanoid wanders the overgrown paths of dark, misty forests, voluntarily isolating themself in an attempt to protect others from \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BugulNoz.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "517", "name": "Cat Sith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Cat siths can easily pass for common black house cats, noteworthy only for the white spots on their chests and their unusually bristly personalities. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CatSith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "518", "name": "Counteflora", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The counteflora resembles an oversized dandelion with black flowers and sinister patterns on its bracts, which it can contract for additional \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Counteflora.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Plant"]}, {"id": "519", "name": "Cu Sith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Cu siths are hound-like doorkeepers of remote portals to other planes, particularly portals to the untamed realm of the fey, the First World. They \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CuSith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "520", "name": "Herecite of Zevgavizeb", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Secreted away in the dark corners of unnamed libraries, necromancer\u2019s dens, and heretical scriptoriums, obscure texts describe a horrifying ritual \u2026", "family": "Herecite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Herecite.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "521", "name": "Shoony Tiller", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Nearly all shoonies in a given settlement are farmers, fishers, or foragers. Shoonies are not expected to fight to protect their settlements; most \u2026", "family": "Shoony", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shoony_ShoonyTiller.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Rare", "Shoony", "Small"]}, {"id": "522", "name": "Shoony Militia Member", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "If shoonies had their way, war would cease to exist altogether, but they know this isn\u2019t likely. Shoonies\u2019 relative wealth of resources and their \u2026", "family": "Shoony", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Rare", "Shoony", "Small"]}, {"id": "523", "name": "Shoony Hierarch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "For all their advancement in agriculture, horticulture, and animal husbandry, shoonies subscribe to a remarkably antiquated form of leadership; the \u2026", "family": "Shoony", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shoony_ShoonyHierarch.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Rare", "Shoony", "Small"]}, {"id": "524", "name": "Xulgath Stoneliege", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Stonelieges are xulgaths magically infused with living earth\u2014the very bones of the world. They are created through a process xulgaths call \u2026", "family": "Xulgath", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xulgath_XulgathStoneliege.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "525", "name": "Yaganty", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Yaganties are lean, hairy humanoids with lanky torsos, horned heads, and bulbous black eyes. The elongated fingers of one their hands are made of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Yaganty.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "526", "name": "Giant Aukashungi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The strongest individual in an aukashungi swarm eventually grows to monstrous proportions.", "family": "Aukashungi", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GiantAukashungi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "527", "name": "Gahlepod", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The youngest brughadatches resemble overlarge tadpoles about 2 feet long.", "family": "Brughadatch", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Small"]}, {"id": "528", "name": "Brughadatch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The biggest difference between a gahlepod and a grown brughadatch isn\u2019t their humanoid appearance, but the powerful magic they gain as they mature.", "family": "Brughadatch", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Medium"]}, {"id": "529", "name": "Doblagub", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Elder brughadatches command groups of fellow brughadatches, who placate the doblagub with fresh meals and trophies of the group\u2019s grisly catches.", "family": "Brughadatch", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Large"]}, {"id": "530", "name": "Faceless Butcher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The deformed flesh on this humanoid horror\u2019s head bears grim holes where their eyes, nose, mouth, and ears should be, and little else. Stories of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/FacelessButcher.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "531", "name": "Harrow Doll", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Harrow dolls are unique constructs that can make predictions about the future. The more elite circuses and traveling shows frequently feature a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/HarrowDoll.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "532", "name": "Qurashith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Qurashith\u2014or \u201cgluttonwings\u201d in the Common tongue\u2014are fearsome, bat-like predators that haunt the upper reaches of Gluttondark\u2019s cavern-worlds. These \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Qurashith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Fiend", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "533", "name": "Tallow Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Pale yellow and smelling of meat, this unnatural, globular monster is composed entirely of rendered animal fat. A tallow ooze typically results from \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/TallowOoze.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "534", "name": "Xilvirek", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Xilvireks are the result of the strange evolution that takes place in Zevgavizeb\u2019s Abyssal realm. These fiends resemble their dread demon lord and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xilvirek.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "535", "name": "Xulgath Gutrager", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Xulgath gutragers exhibit more extreme developments along the same physiological path as their bilebearer cousins. They are stockier and faster, \u2026", "family": "Xulgath", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xulgath_XulgathGutrager.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "536", "name": "Theletos", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Theletoses maintain the balance between fate and free will. A theletos is a roughly spherical mass of crystals from which emerge four limbs, each \u2026", "family": "Aeon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Aeon_Theletos.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aeon", "Medium", "Monitor"]}, {"id": "537", "name": "Zelekhut", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A zelekhut is a bounty hunter and executioner. The zelekhut resembles a mechanical centaur crafted from silvery metal with golden clockwork wings \u2026", "family": "Aeon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Aeon_Zelekhut.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aeon", "Inevitable", "Large", "Monitor"]}, {"id": "538", "name": "Marut", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A marut is tasked with hunting mortals who cheat death by artificially extending their lifespans. This includes those who seek undeath, such as \u2026", "family": "Aeon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Aeon_Marut.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aeon", "Inevitable", "Large", "Monitor"]}, {"id": "539", "name": "Bythos", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The bythos is a guardian of space and time, and at all times seeks out those who misuse planar and temporal magic. A bythos is a roughly humanoid \u2026", "family": "Aeon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Aeon_Bythos.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aeon", "Large", "Monitor", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "540", "name": "Ahuizotl", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The ahuizotl is a vicious, semi-aquatic predator that resembles a hideous cross between a badger and an otter, with disturbingly web-fingered paws \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ahuizotl.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "541", "name": "Akata", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "An akata is a hairless, blue-skinned quadruped with fearsome jaws, glowing eyes, a pair of thin tails, and a mane of writhing tentacles. It is a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Akata.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "542", "name": "Movanic Deva", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Movanic devas are stewards of the flow of good creatures' souls through the cycle of life and death, from the point a creature is born to the day it \u2026", "family": "Angel", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Angel_MovanicDeva.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "543", "name": "Monadic Deva", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Monadic devas stand vigil along the River of Souls as it passes from the mortal realm into the Ethereal Plane . Those who seek to fish souls out for \u2026", "family": "Angel", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Angel_MonadicDeva.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "544", "name": "Planetar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The beings of righteous fury known as planetars are known to be the least patient of angels. They exist to destroy evil that cannot be redeemed, and \u2026", "family": "Angel", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Angel_Planetar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "545", "name": "Solar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 23, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Solars are among the greatest of all angels, ranking just below empyreal lords. Many solars serve at the right hand of a deity or champion a cause \u2026", "family": "Angel", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Angel_Solar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Angel", "Celestial", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "546", "name": "Animate Dream", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "An animate dream coalesces from centuries of stray fragments of reverie and dream left behind as slumbering minds drift through the Dimension of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/AnimateDream.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dream", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "547", "name": "Ankou", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ankous are shadowy killers who serve powerful fey creatures, or even the Eldest\u2014 the demigods of the First World. Amid the courts of the Eldest or of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ankou.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large"]}, {"id": "548", "name": "Giant Ant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant ants are much like their smaller kin in their industrious habits, though growing to the size of ponies makes them much deadlier.", "family": "Ant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ant_GiantAnt.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "549", "name": "Army Ant Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An army ant swarm is a terrifying carpet of stinging insects that devours all in its path.", "family": "Ant", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "550", "name": "Aolaz", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Aolazes are great beasts carved from stone and metal and magically imbued with the essence of life. The exact means of their creation is a long-lost \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Aolaz.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "551", "name": "Hound Archon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Among the rank-and-file soldiers of Heaven's armies, few individuals are more dependable and truer to the cause than the noble hound archons, \u2026", "family": "Archon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Archon_HoundArchon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "552", "name": "Trumpet Archon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Trumpet archons are messengers, emissaries, and storytellers\u2014embodiments of the virtue of kindness. They use stories and allegories to prevent \u2026", "family": "Archon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Archon_TrumpetArchon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "553", "name": "Star Archon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Embodiments of the virtue of prudence, star archons serve as philosophers and administrators, and in times of war as the tacticians, strategists, and \u2026", "family": "Archon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Archon_StarArchon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "554", "name": "Bastion Archon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The mightiest of archon-kind form in the heat of battle from incredibly uncommon circumstances. When a gathering of lantern archons converges into \u2026", "family": "Archon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Archon_BastionArchon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "555", "name": "Assassin Vine", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The assassin vine is a carnivorous plant with a voracious appetite. Rather than consuming creatures directly, it creates its own fertilizer by \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/AssassinVine.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Plant"]}, {"id": "556", "name": "Athach", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The towering and brutish giants known as athaches are reviled for both their monstrosity and their cruelty. Beyond an athach's filthy habits, this \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Athach.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Huge", "Humanoid"]}, {"id": "557", "name": "Attic Whisperer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Beware the haunting sobs of the attic whisperer, for they carry the pained wrath of an abandoned child who perished due to the neglect or absence of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/AtticWhisperer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Small", "Undead"]}, {"id": "558", "name": "Aurumvorax", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Aurumvoraxes are highly aggressive and territorial predators that sprint on eight legs, using their terrific strength and iron-hard claws to dig \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Aurumvorax.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "559", "name": "Bralani", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Bralanis embody the freedom of fair competition, embracing opportunities to test their skills against worthy foes and bring mortals together with the \u2026", "family": "Azata", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Azata_Bralani.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "560", "name": "Veranallia", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Veranallias represent the freedom of life to grow, change, and adapt. They rarely interact directly with non-azatas, as most other beings find their \u2026", "family": "Azata", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Azata_Veranallia.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "561", "name": "Badger", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The typical badger has dark, brownish-gray fur highlighted with white markings, particularly on the head, giving it a striped mask of fur around its \u2026", "family": "Badger", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "562", "name": "Giant Badger", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The violent, territorial giant badger is a relentless predator. An obligate carnivore, its prey ranges from rabbits to deer, livestock, and even the \u2026", "family": "Badger", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "563", "name": "Baobhan Sith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Undeath is rare in the fey realm of the First World, for that plane's infusion with the raw power of life makes undead uncomfortable at best. Yet a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BaobhanSith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "564", "name": "Basidirond", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The basidirond, also called a mindfrond, is a fungal creature that crawls about on woody tendrils. The large, bowl-shaped pod atop its body collects \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Basidirond.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "565", "name": "Dracolisk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Dracolisks are rare magical crossbreeds of chromatic dragons and basilisks . None now know how they first came to be, but they have proven viable \u2026", "family": "Basilisk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Basilisk_Drakolisk.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Dragon", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "566", "name": "Black Bear", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Contrary to the name, black bears can be cinnamon or even blond in coloration, depending on which hue is most beneficial for surviving in their local \u2026", "family": "Bear", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bear_BlackBear.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "567", "name": "Polar Bear", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Polar bears are known for their pale fur, with black eyes, lips, and toe pads. They are aggressively predatory creatures, stalking prey for miles on \u2026", "family": "Bear", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "568", "name": "Bebilith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While demons control much of the Abyss , even they are hunted in the wilder regions of this horrific plane. The most notorious of these \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bebilith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Huge"]}, {"id": "569", "name": "Behir", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The behir is a massive, serpentine beast with never fewer than a dozen short legs, each ending in three hooked talons. A behir can live to 80 years, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Behir.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Electricity", "Huge"]}, {"id": "570", "name": "Blindheim", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Inhabitants of damp, subterranean caves, blindheims resemble stubby humanoids with oversized, frog-like heads and bulbous eyes. Their eyes emit a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Blindheim.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "571", "name": "Blink Dog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "At first glance, blink dogs seem to be little more than long-eared, bearded canines with tawny coats. Yet their intelligent eyes and the blue nimbus \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BlinkDog.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "572", "name": "Blodeuwedd", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The mysterious blodeuwedds dwell in those parts of the world where the boundaries between the Material Plane and the First World have worn thin, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Blodeuwedd.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Plant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "573", "name": "Bodak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When a living, sentient humanoid is exposed to an extreme expression of supernatural evil, the experience can irrevocably damn the victim, crushing \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bodak.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "574", "name": "Bog Strider", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The insectile bog striders call themselves seshes, but they take no offense at those who use the more common vernacular to refer to them. They \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BogStrider.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "575", "name": "Brownie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Brownies make their homes in the trunks of hollow trees, small earthy burrows, and even under porches or within the crawl spaces of farmhouses. Often \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Brownie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "576", "name": "Calathgar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Calathgars are mysterious predatory plants that grow in the depths of the densest frozen forests, realms where icicles rarely melt from snow-cloaked \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Calathgar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "577", "name": "Caligni Slayer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Caligni slayers possess greater occult talents than others of their kind. In most other calignis, the power bartered from the long-lost demigods \u2026", "family": "Caligni", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Caligni_CaligniSlayer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "578", "name": "Carbuncle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Never have legend and misinformation met upon a more inauspicious brow than that of the lowly carbuncle. At first glance, carbuncles appear to be \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Carbuncle.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Rare", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "579", "name": "Catoblepas", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The catoblepas is an aggressive beast at the best of times. Though it prefers swamps, the catoblepas has been know to forage in plains and forests \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Catoblepas.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "580", "name": "Cave Fisher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Cave fishers lurk in dark corners near the ceilings of caves and underground structures, lying in wait for prey to approach. When it does, the cave \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CaveFisher.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "581", "name": "Giant Whiptail Centipede", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Whiptail centipedes are sleek and swift tunnel predators.", "family": "Centipede", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "582", "name": "Titan Centipede", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These colossal, solitary centipedes claim vast hunting grounds.", "family": "Centipede", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Centipede_TitanCentipede.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "583", "name": "Choker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "With long, cartilaginous limbs and gray skin, chokers easily hide in stony alcoves, rocky fissures, and darkened staircases to ambush their prey. The \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Choker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Small"]}, {"id": "584", "name": "Chupacabra", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These notorious predators have an undeniable thirst for blood. Chupacabras prefer to prey upon the weak and slow, often hiding in wait and watching \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Chupacabra.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Small"]}, {"id": "585", "name": "Giant Cockroach", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Cockroaches are communal creatures, rarely setting out on their own unless they are searching for food. If an adventurer encounters a single giant \u2026", "family": "Cockroach", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "586", "name": "Cockroach Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While cockroaches tend to gather in cramped spaces, a disturbed colony is sometimes prone to swarming, where hundreds or even thousands of the \u2026", "family": "Cockroach", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Cockroach_CockroachSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "587", "name": "Quetz Couatl", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These sacred feathered serpents tirelessly serve the powers of law and good. Some operate directly as messengers and intermediaries of the deities, \u2026", "family": "Couatl", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Couatl_Quetzcouatl.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Couatl", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "588", "name": "Giant Crab", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Crabs are scavenging crustaceans known for their hard shells and iconic sideways gait. They use their claws to defend themselves, hunt, and fight \u2026", "family": "Crab", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Crab_GiantCrab.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Medium"]}, {"id": "589", "name": "Crawling Hand", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A crawling hand formed from the appendage of a Medium creature is quick and agile, skittering in the shadows until it can strike its prey.", "family": "Crawling Hand", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Tiny", "Undead"]}, {"id": "590", "name": "Giant Crawling Hand", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A giant crawling hand is the appendage of a very large creature, such as a giant.", "family": "Crawling Hand", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "591", "name": "Culdewen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Perpetually cursed to hunger and failure, a culdewen plies waterways in search of appealing fish to catch\u2014the bigger the better. Of course, this \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Culdewen.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "592", "name": "Piscodaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Scions of death by poisoning, piscodaemons are cruel even by daemonic standards, delighting in slow and painful suffering. To a piscodaemon, death is \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Piscodaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Daemon", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "593", "name": "Meladaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Meladaemons personify death by starvation and thirst, and revel in spreading the same despair that brought about their mortal demise. When they \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Meladaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "594", "name": "Derghodaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Derghodaemons represent death through unfathomable violence and being eaten alive. Whether in life a ravenous murderer hacked them to bits for stew, \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Derghodaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "595", "name": "Thanadaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Also known as the deacons of death, thanadaemons represent death via old age. They are among the most patient daemons, and prefer to bide their time \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Thanadaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "596", "name": "Purrodaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Few creatures embody war's sheer amount of bloodshed and loss of life as deeply as the purrodaemons, deacons of war. These giant humanoid daemons are \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Purrodaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "597", "name": "Olethrodaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Even daemons fear the most massive and terrifying of their kind, olethrodaemons. No single entity could embody the level of evil necessary to \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Olethrodaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "598", "name": "Babau", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The babau is an assassin, a murderer, and a sadist\u2014certainly not unusual traits, yet their penchant for stealth and surprise sets them apart from \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Babau.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "599", "name": "Invidiak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "For most demons, possessing a creature requires a ritual, magic item, or condition, but for invidiaks, who lack a body, possession is akin to donning \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Invidiak.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Incorporeal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "600", "name": "Nabasu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Nabasus are birthed directly into the Material Plane from the Abyss , an invasive infestation that releases the newly formed and ravenously hungry \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Nabasu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "601", "name": "Hezrou", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hezrous dwell in the vast and endless Abyssal swamps, mires, and waterways and are equally at home on land and in the water. A hezrou's presence has \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Hezrou.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Demon", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "602", "name": "Nalfeshnee", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Nalfeshnees are huge, corpulent, boar-headed demons that hoard treasures and knowledge alike and form from the souls of avaricious mortals. Few \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Nalfeshnee.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Huge"]}, {"id": "603", "name": "Vrolikai", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Unlike other demons, the dread vrolikai doesn't form from a sinful soul\u2014they instead manifest from a nabasu once the nabasu finally satisfies their \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Vrolikai.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "604", "name": "Denizen of Leng", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Slavers and raiders from the cold, windswept dimension of Leng, these malevolent humanoids range across reality in ominous black ships capable of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DenizenOfLeng.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "605", "name": "Destrachan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This underground reptilian horror walks on two powerful hind legs. Its forelimbs are armed with sharp curving claws, and its toothy, eyeless, tubular \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Destrachan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "606", "name": "Zebub", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Zebubs serve as Hell's messengers and spies. Their ability to share what they've seen with other creatures makes them especially useful\u2014not only to \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Zebub.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Small"]}, {"id": "607", "name": "Sarglagon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sarglagons dwell in Hell's myriad waterways, lakes, and oceans. They serve as guardians of the Academy of Lies\u2014the repository of secrets in Stygia, \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Sarglagon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Devil", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "608", "name": "Osyluth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An osyluth is an unparalleled inquisitor that revels in the sadism and torture for which Hell is so well known. These devils' charge is to seek out \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Osyluth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "609", "name": "Hamatula", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hamatulas are forged in Erebus to protect infernal vaults from those foolish enough to try to rob the archdevil Mammon . In case the vicious spines \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Hamatula.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "610", "name": "Gylou", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Though gylous are deeply entrenched in the expansive and complex machinations of Hell , they are highly skilled agents capable of nuanced diplomacy, \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Gylou.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "611", "name": "Cornugon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hell's armies contain legions upon legions of different devils all suited precisely to their roles. But such an army needs able commanders, and it \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Cornugon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "612", "name": "Devourer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When fiends and powerful evil spellcasters are lost beyond the farthest reaches of the multiverse, they sometimes return as horrific undead called \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devourer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "613", "name": "Compsognathus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The compsognathus is a small bipedal dinosaur that moves in swift, darting motions. Its bite injects a venom that causes numbness and weakness, a \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "614", "name": "Pachycephalosaurus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Pachycephalosauruses are normally peaceful herbivorous dinosaurs, but they grow much more violent during their mating season, when they fight one \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dinosaur_Pachycephalosaurus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Large"]}, {"id": "615", "name": "Hadrosaurid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hadrosaurids are a broad grouping of herbivorous dinosaurs that share characteristic flat snouts filled with rows of grinding teeth well suited for \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dinosaur_Hadrosaur.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Huge"]}, {"id": "616", "name": "Iguanodon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Iguanodons are large, herbivorous dinosaurs that inhabit swamps and forests where they browse on the abundant vegetation. The iguanodon is capable of \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dinosaur_Iguanodon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Huge"]}, {"id": "617", "name": "Spinosaurus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The spinosaurus is more than just one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs\u2014it's also one of the most unusual in appearance, with a large, sail-like \u2026", "family": "Dinosaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dinosaur_Spinosaurus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "618", "name": "Bottlenose Dolphin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The bottlenose dolphin is the most common and widespread species of dolphin. They are social predators who hunt shallow seas and rivers in large \u2026", "family": "Dolphin", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "619", "name": "Orca", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While many know orcas as \u201ckiller whales,\u201d they are actually the largest species of dolphin. These powerful animals hunt together in pods to take down \u2026", "family": "Dolphin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dolphin_Orca.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "620", "name": "Doprillu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The aberrations known as doprillus are hulks with banded muscles who wear ornate masks at all times that fill their wearers with magical strength and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Doprillu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "621", "name": "Young Brine Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Brine dragons are usually blue-green in color, with shiny scales, crests that help them glide through the water, and sweeping neck frills. They care \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Brine", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonBrine.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Elemental", "Large", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "622", "name": "Adult Brine Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Brine dragons are usually blue-green in color, with shiny scales, crests that help them glide through the water, and sweeping neck frills. They care \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Brine", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonBrine.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Elemental", "Huge", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "623", "name": "Ancient Brine Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Brine dragons are usually blue-green in color, with shiny scales, crests that help them glide through the water, and sweeping neck frills. They care \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Brine", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonBrine.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Elemental", "Gargantuan", "Rare", "Water"]}, {"id": "624", "name": "Young Cloud Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "At heart, cloud dragons are wanderers, explorers, and travelers who enjoy nothing more than seeing new lands and meeting unusual creatures. Cloud \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Cloud", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonCloud.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Dragon", "Elemental", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "625", "name": "Adult Cloud Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "At heart, cloud dragons are wanderers, explorers, and travelers who enjoy nothing more than seeing new lands and meeting unusual creatures. Cloud \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Cloud", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonCloud.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Dragon", "Elemental", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "626", "name": "Ancient Cloud Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "At heart, cloud dragons are wanderers, explorers, and travelers who enjoy nothing more than seeing new lands and meeting unusual creatures. Cloud \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Cloud", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonCloud.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Dragon", "Elemental", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "627", "name": "Young Crystal Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Good-natured but vain, crystal dragons are beautiful creatures with brilliant hides made of multicolored crystal and gemstone. Their beauty is a \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Crystal", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonCrystal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Elemental", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "628", "name": "Adult Crystal Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Good-natured but vain, crystal dragons are beautiful creatures with brilliant hides made of multicolored crystal and gemstone. Their beauty is a \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Crystal", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonCrystal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Elemental", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "629", "name": "Ancient Crystal Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Good-natured but vain, crystal dragons are beautiful creatures with brilliant hides made of multicolored crystal and gemstone. Their beauty is a \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Crystal", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonCrystal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Elemental", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "631", "name": "Young Magma Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Magma dragons have a reputation among other dragons for being unpredictable and brash. Their temperament and tendency for violent outbursts ensure \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Magma", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonMagma.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Elemental", "Fire", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "632", "name": "Adult Magma Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Magma dragons have a reputation among other dragons for being unpredictable and brash. Their temperament and tendency for violent outbursts ensure \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Magma", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonMagma.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Elemental", "Fire", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "633", "name": "Ancient Magma Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Magma dragons have a reputation among other dragons for being unpredictable and brash. Their temperament and tendency for violent outbursts ensure \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Magma", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonMagma.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Elemental", "Fire", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "634", "name": "Young Umbral Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "While the other primal dragons hail from the Elemental Planes, the cruel and unceasingly malicious umbral dragons originate in the depths of the \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Umbral", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonUmbral.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Large", "Shadow", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "635", "name": "Adult Umbral Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "While the other primal dragons hail from the Elemental Planes, the cruel and unceasingly malicious umbral dragons originate in the depths of the \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Umbral", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonUmbral.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Huge", "Shadow", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "636", "name": "Ancient Umbral Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "While the other primal dragons hail from the Elemental Planes, the cruel and unceasingly malicious umbral dragons originate in the depths of the \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Umbral", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DragonUmbral.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Rare", "Shadow"]}, {"id": "637", "name": "Giant Dragonfly Nymph", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The aquatic, wingless offspring of dragonflies are called dragonfly nymphs. Giant dragonfly nymphs can be several feet in length and mostly hunt in \u2026", "family": "Dragonfly", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Small"]}, {"id": "638", "name": "Giant Dragonfly", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These buzzing insects are the size of a small horse. They are ambush predators known to hunt beasts and humanoids alike, capable of using impressive \u2026", "family": "Dragonfly", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "639", "name": "Drainberry Bush", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Drainberry bushes are floating bushes that originate from the First World , with long, thorny vines and dense clusters of bright-red berries. Their \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DrainberryBush.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Plant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "640", "name": "Shadow Drake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shadow drakes are typically among the smallest and least powerful of their species. Most stand as tall and long as house cats and have \u2026", "family": "Drake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drake_ShadowDrake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Shadow", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "641", "name": "Sea Drake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Long and slender, sea drakes have fins down the length of their backs and webbing between their talons, making them just as adapted for gliding \u2026", "family": "Drake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drake_SeaDrake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Large", "Water"]}, {"id": "642", "name": "Draugr", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Risen corpses of sailors who died at sea, draugr reek of the rot and decay of the briny deep. Their eyes glow with ghastly green light, and rotting \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Draugr.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Water"]}, {"id": "643", "name": "Dweomercat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Dweomercats are magically gifted felines from the First World, where they prey upon other creatures and feed upon their primal energy. They are \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dweomercat.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "644", "name": "D'ziriak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These strange creatures are native to the Plane of Shadows , where their colorful nature is in opposition to that realm's overwhelmingly \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dziriak.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Shadow"]}, {"id": "645", "name": "Elasmosaurus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Elasmosauruses are long-necked, primeval reptiles that dwell in deep oceans and seas. Although not truly a dinosaur, elasmosauruses are often found \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Elasmosaurus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "646", "name": "Spark Bat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Spark bats congregate around volatile weather in the Plane of Air.", "family": "Elemental, Air", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "647", "name": "Living Thunderclap", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A living thunderclap is a humanoid-shaped storm cloud that cracks and booms with thunder.", "family": "Elemental, Air", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalAir_LivingThunderclap.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Medium"]}, {"id": "648", "name": "Belker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These reclusive elementals have glowing red eyes, leathery wings, and long, sharp claws. While they always retain their shape, belkers can control \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Air", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Large"]}, {"id": "649", "name": "Melody On The Wind", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This cloud of song and sound has been caught by the wind and carried across the air. While the melody on the wind (known by some as a song elemental, \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Air", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalAir_MelodyOnTheWind.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Huge"]}, {"id": "650", "name": "Living Boulder", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Living boulders roll and glide through the Plane of Earth, gathering gemstones and metal shards until their surfaces resemble a ship's hull covered \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Earth", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Small"]}, {"id": "651", "name": "Earthen Destrier", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This wave of dirt takes the crude likeness of the melded forequarters of a charging warhorse and a rocky knight wielding a rudimentary lance of gray \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Earth", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalEarth_EarthernDestrier.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Large"]}, {"id": "652", "name": "Jabberwock", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 23, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Few beasts have inspired as many legends, poems, songs, and myths in as many cultures, as this bizarre draconic creature. The jabberwock hails from \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Jabberwock.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Huge", "Rare", "Tane"]}, {"id": "653", "name": "Sand Sentry", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shifting back and forth between a detailed likeness of a human and a muted and featureless bipedal form, this creature of pure sand moves with an \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Earth", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Medium"]}, {"id": "654", "name": "Granite Glyptodont", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This squat and stony creature looks like an armadillo with a large raised back and a flail-like tail. The granite glyptodont has no true need to \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Earth", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalEarth_GraniteGlyptodont.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Large"]}, {"id": "655", "name": "Ember Fox", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ember foxes resemble their canid namesakes, save for the flames that make their fur and the tips of their long whiskers flicker and glow.", "family": "Elemental, Fire", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalFire_EmberFox.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Small"]}, {"id": "656", "name": "Filth Fire", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These creatures look like roiling clouds of black smoke churning above a mound of burning refuse. Leering faces form and fade in the smoke above, \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Fire", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Medium"]}, {"id": "657", "name": "Striding Fire", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An embodiment of the speed and chaos of a spreading blaze, a striding fire appears as a lithe and long-limbed humanoid composed of shifting-hued \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Fire", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Medium"]}, {"id": "658", "name": "Magma Scorpion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Whether skittering through Abyssal wastelands or basking in the searing sand of the deepest deserts, magma scorpions have charred carapaces \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Fire", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalFire_MagmaScorpion.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Large"]}, {"id": "659", "name": "Dust Mephit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Whining and self-important creatures, dust mephits are known for their tendency to pronounce doom and gloom at every opportunity, lamenting every \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Mephit", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalMephit_DustMephit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Earth", "Elemental", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "660", "name": "Ice Mephit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Though capable of the same depths of cruelty as their fire mephit kin, ice mephits carry theirs out in a more calculating way. Unlike most mephits, \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Mephit", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Small", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "661", "name": "Ooze Mephit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Slick in every sense of the word, ooze mephits are unapologetic sycophants, shamelessly flattering anyone they may be able to con a favor out of, \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Mephit", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalMephit_OozeMephit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Small", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "662", "name": "Steam Mephit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These brash and arrogant creatures are among the more energetic mephits. They are quick to nominate themselves the leaders of any group, barking out \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Mephit", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Small", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "663", "name": "Icicle Snake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Translucent and capable of hanging suspended and near motionless, icicle snakes sense the heat of living creatures as a threat and attempt to use \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Water", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalWater_IcicleSnake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Elemental", "Small", "Water"]}, {"id": "664", "name": "Mist Stalker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The tentacled mist stalker shrouds itself in a cloak of mist through which its single, never-blinking eye can see with clarity, allowing it an \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Water", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Elemental", "Medium", "Water"]}, {"id": "665", "name": "Blizzardborn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Freezing and thawing in a near-constant loop, blizzardborn resemble humanoid forms composed of a mixture of partially melted snow and sleet. These \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Water", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Elemental", "Medium", "Water"]}, {"id": "666", "name": "Icewyrm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Resembling wingless, serpentine dragons formed of jagged ice and shot through with veins of nearly frozen water, these elementals dwell within \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Water", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalWater_Icewyrm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Cold", "Elemental", "Huge", "Water"]}, {"id": "667", "name": "Anancus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The anancus is an ancient species of elephant with unusually long tusks and a trunk shorter than its more modern cousins.", "family": "Elephant", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "668", "name": "Mastodon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Not to be confused with the larger mammoth, mastodons are primeval elephants who dwell predominantly in temperate forests. There, they travel in \u2026", "family": "Elephant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Elephant_Mastodon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "669", "name": "Fetchling Scout", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The people known today as fetchlings are a distinct ancestry descended from generations of humans who became trapped ages ago on the Shadow Plane . \u2026", "family": "Fetchling", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fetchling_FetchlingScout.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fetchling", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Shadow"]}, {"id": "670", "name": "Irnakurse", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Irnakurse are surface elves who drow have subjected to particularly cruel and humiliating fleshwarping practices, as drow take special delight in \u2026", "family": "Fleshwarp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fleshwarp_Irnakurse.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "671", "name": "Ghonhatine", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "In transforming xulgaths , drow fleshwarpers sought not to create a new type of creature but to recapture a form of xulgath predecessor believed \u2026", "family": "Fleshwarp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fleshwarp_Ghonhatine.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "672", "name": "Giant Maggot", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant flies lay their eggs on the bodies of larger monsters or livestock. When they hatch, these eggs release squirming maggots the size of human \u2026", "family": "Fly", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "673", "name": "Giant Fly", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This pony-sized fly's twitching limbs seem to never stop moving as it constantly cleans itself and scoops anything edible into its mouthparts. While \u2026", "family": "Fly", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fly_GiantFly.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "674", "name": "Spear Frog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The spear frog is named for its toxin, which is traditionally used to envenom thrown projectiles like spears and daggers.", "family": "Frog", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "675", "name": "Giant Frog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant frogs can grow up to 6 feet long and weigh over 200 pounds, with rows of razor-sharp teeth lining their gaping mouths.", "family": "Frog", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Frog_GiantFrog.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "676", "name": "Froghemoth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A terrifying abomination of teeth, tentacles, and unbridled rage, the froghemoth is thankfully rarely encountered even in the deepest swamplands or \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Froghemoth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "677", "name": "Frost Worm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The frost worm's single round, red eye gleams prominently at the head of its monstrous mass, white as a winter snowfall. What appears to be a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Frostworm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Cold", "Huge"]}, {"id": "678", "name": "Wood Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wood giants are the denizens and protectors of the deepest, most primeval forests in the world. They dedicate their entire lives to the preservation \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_WoodGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "679", "name": "Marsh Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Dwellers of brackish coastal salt marshes and fetid bogs and swamps, marsh giants are hideous in appearance indeed, with fishlike mouths, slimy \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_MarshGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "680", "name": "Taiga Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Taiga giants prefer a nomadic lifestyle, both to keep from depleting any one area's resources while satiating their massive appetites and to satisfy \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_TaigaGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Huge", "Humanoid"]}, {"id": "681", "name": "Shadow Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shadow giants are fierce natives of the Shadow Plane , where they have dwelled in perpetual twilight for millennia. Their cultures vary greatly \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_ShadowGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Shadow"]}, {"id": "682", "name": "Carrion Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Carrion golems are foul-smelling and fly-swarmed amalgams of putrefied parts stitched together from many different creatures. Unlike most golems, \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_CarrionGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "683", "name": "Ice Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Ice golems are either carved from massive blocks of ice, or pieced together from individual components that are then fused together through heat and \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_IceGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Construct", "Golem", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "684", "name": "Wood Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Wood golems are often given vaguely humanoid shapes, almost as if cobbled together from scraps of firewood and discarded burls. It's less common for \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_WoodGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "685", "name": "Glass Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Crafted of hardened glass and held together by magically treated lead, glass golems are both deadly guardians and works of exquisite art. Glass \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_GlassGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "686", "name": "Gorgon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Though they may resemble constructs to the untrained eye due to their metallic, interlocking armor plates that look and feel like polished stone, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gorgon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "687", "name": "Gosreg", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Gosregs are agents of the Dominion of the Black that insinuate themselves into humanoid societies to foster the goals of their sinister alien \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gosreg.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "688", "name": "Vexgit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These gremlins are covered head-to-toe by a crustacean-like exoskeleton that clacks and rattles whenever a vexgit moves. They delight in sabotaging \u2026", "family": "Gremlin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gremlin_Vexgit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "689", "name": "Nuglub", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The \"towering\" hunchbacked nuglubs are among the largest gremlins, though they're not quite three feet tall. Nuglubs have three glowing blue eyes and \u2026", "family": "Gremlin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gremlin_Nuglub.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin", "Small"]}, {"id": "690", "name": "Grendel", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "This reaver of the cold marsh is not just a monster; he is a force of nature. Where there is peace and prosperity in the world, Grendel strikes, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grendel.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "691", "name": "Grimstalker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These violently murderous fey have one purpose: to stealthily hunt down and slay humanoids brazen enough to dare set foot in the wilderness. Though \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grimstalker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium"]}, {"id": "692", "name": "Grindylow", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The top half of a grindylow looks vaguely like that of a goblin, but from the waist down, their bodies split into a tangle of suckered, wriggling \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grindylow.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Small"]}, {"id": "693", "name": "Grippli Scout", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Grippli scouts typically keep watch on the outskirts of grippli settlements.", "family": "Grippli", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grippli_GrippliScout.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Grippli", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "694", "name": "Grodair", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Grodairs are bizarre fishlike creature native to the First World. Their supernatural physiology includes a strange organ with an extradimensional \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grodair.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Fey", "Medium", "Water"]}, {"id": "695", "name": "Hellcat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hellcats are devious predators native to the fiery pits of Hell. While the fiendish creatures appears as skeletal smilodons, their bones smoking with \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hellcat.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "696", "name": "Hippocampus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hippocampi serve as steeds for aquatic humanoids or roam wild in the sea.", "family": "Hippocampus", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hippocampus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Large"]}, {"id": "697", "name": "Giant Hippocampus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Living in the deepest reaches of the ocean, giant hippocampi haven't been sighted near the shore and are often regarded as legends made up by sailors.", "family": "Hippocampus", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "698", "name": "Hippogriff", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "With the proud bearing of a great raptor and the magnificence of a powerful horse, hippogriffs are thought to be an accidental fusion of creatures or \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hippogriff.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "699", "name": "Hippopotamus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Typical adult hippos move quickly on land and attack stealthily in the water. Though herbivorous, hippos are notoriously aggressive and territorial.", "family": "Hippopotamus", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "700", "name": "Behemoth Hippopotamus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Behemoth hippopotamuses stand taller than elephants. They spend less time out of water than their smaller kin. Behemoth hippos are omnivorous, and \u2026", "family": "Hippopotamus", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "701", "name": "Hodag", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Because they are often described only in drunken retellings of loggers' or miners' tales, hodags are considered by many to exist only in the local \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hodag.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "702", "name": "Hound of Tindalos", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Lean and athirst, the hounds of Tindalos are drawn to those who tamper with the flow of time, travel through time, or use magic or rare alchemical \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/HoundOfTindalos.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Rare", "Time"]}, {"id": "703", "name": "Intellect Devourer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Intellect devourers serve as advance scouts and infiltrators for the powerful force of alien beings called the Dominion of the Black. These monsters \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/IntellectDevourer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "704", "name": "Irlgaunt", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Irlgaunts resemble titanic spiders or crabs, but with cephalopod-like tendrils erupting from the tips of their chitin-armored legs. Their jagged gray \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Irlgaunt.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Earth", "Large"]}, {"id": "705", "name": "Isqulug", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The isqulug's appearance, though unsettling, might be its least awful aspect. The creature resembles a bipedal amphibian with tentacles instead of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Isqulug.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "706", "name": "Fire Jellyfish Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While individually one of these fist-sized jellyfish is merely a nuisance, in great numbers, fire jellyfish can form into dangerous swarms. Bobbing \u2026", "family": "Jellyfish", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Large", "Mindless", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "707", "name": "Giant Jellyfish", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Unlike its smaller cousins, the giant jellyfish is an active predator that chases down its prey through reefs or open water. It can even squeeze its \u2026", "family": "Jellyfish", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Jellyfish_GiantJellyfish.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Large", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "708", "name": "Jyoti", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Jyotis are sometimes called \u201cfalse phoenixes\u201d (a term they find insulting) by the ignorant or willful. These avian humanoids are native to the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Jyoti.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fire", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Positive"]}, {"id": "709", "name": "Kelpie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Kelpies are malevolent amphibious fey shapechangers intent on luring mortals to their doom. These cruel predators lurk in and around areas of water, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kelpie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Large"]}, {"id": "710", "name": "Korred", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Korreds are reclusive fey in the form of small, hirsute individuals with long, animated manes of hair. While korreds have a natural affinity and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Korred.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "711", "name": "Giant Leech", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Capable of growing to lengths of nearly 5 feet, giant leeches have circular maws filled with hook-like teeth. They prefer to dwell in stagnant or \u2026", "family": "Leech", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Leech_GiantLeech.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "712", "name": "Brood Leech Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Most smaller species of leeches do not tend to swarm, but brood leeches are prone to gathering in seething, undulant mats of squirming gluttony. When \u2026", "family": "Leech", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "713", "name": "Leng Spider", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The monstrous, bloated spiders from the windswept realm of Leng build eerie, dangerous lairs with the aid of magically compelled slaves. Leng spiders \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/LengSpider.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "714", "name": "Leprechaun", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Leprechauns are mostly jovial tricksters who prefer mischief over conflict. They fill their days with as much fun, wine, and food as possible. Mostly \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Leprechaun.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small"]}, {"id": "715", "name": "Lerritan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Lerritans are unstoppable giants with skin of volcanic glass and blood of roiling lava. These malicious arsonists would see the world burned to a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lerritan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Fire", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "716", "name": "Sunflower Leshy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sunflower leshys are the ambassadors and social leaders of their kind. Their petals radiate from their heads in various hues with a serrated, leafy, \u2026", "family": "Leshy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Leshy_SunflowerLeshy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "717", "name": "Flytrap Leshy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While often seen as unfriendly by non-leshys, flytrap leshys get along well with other leshys. Nonetheless, they're among the most aggressive leshys, \u2026", "family": "Leshy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Leshy_FlytrapLeshy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "718", "name": "Leucrotta", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The vile and vicious offspring of a demon lord and a monstrous species of hyenas, leucrottas are intelligent and cruel beasts. They use their \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Leucrotta.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "719", "name": "Leydroth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "In ancient times, a cabal of primalists imbued an amalgam of beasts with both supernatural might and a hatred of magic itself, hoping to achieve a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Leydroth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "720", "name": "Shoal Linnorm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Shoal linnorms occupy rocky shoreline shallows and slither along lonely coastlines. While they do not intentionally seek out large settlements, these \u2026", "family": "Linnorm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Linnorm_ShoalLinnorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "721", "name": "Fjord Linnorm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Fjord linnorms make their homes in damp caves behind ice-cold waterfalls in the river-veined coastal reaches of the north. While they may appear \u2026", "family": "Linnorm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Linnorm_FjordLinnorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "722", "name": "Cairn Linnorm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Cairn linnorms are disturbing, even by linnorm standards. They make their homes in necropolises, burial grounds, and the sites of immense and gory \u2026", "family": "Linnorm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Linnorm_CairnLinnorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "723", "name": "Taiga Linnorm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Taiga linnorms are covered in hundreds of quill-like black spines as sharp as spears. Wise hunters native to linnorm-infested lands know to watch for \u2026", "family": "Linnorm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Linnorm_TaigaLinnorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "724", "name": "Giant Chameleon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant chameleons are legendary for their ability to change their skin color in response to their surroundings. Their eyes are capable of peering in \u2026", "family": "Lizard", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "725", "name": "Megalania", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Megalanias, like their smaller cousins the giant monitor lizards, strike fast and use their powerful bite to grip their prey. They prefer to swallow \u2026", "family": "Lizard", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lizard_Megalania.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "726", "name": "Lurker In Light", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These malicious and strange fey appear as fairies about 2 feet tall, with insectile wings, large eyes, and bulbous heads. They slaughter and cause \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/LurkerInLight.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small"]}, {"id": "727", "name": "Mandragora", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A mandragora looks like a freshly pulled tuber that has grown into the malformed shape of a child with a grotesque face and hideously bloated body. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mandragora.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "728", "name": "Marrmora", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "On the First World , marrmoras dwell in ruined wildlands perpetually scourged by fire and rarely, if ever, travel elsewhere. When a wildfire \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Marrmora.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Fire", "Medium"]}, {"id": "729", "name": "Mohrg", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The weight of murder wears heavy on the soul. With souls marked by a lifetime of dealing death, these killers, whether mass murderers, bloodthirsty \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mohrg.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "730", "name": "Moonflower", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These enormous plants have thick, knotted trunks festooned with fanged blossoms. A gaping mouth sits at the top of the trunk, capable of swallowing \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Moonflower.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Plant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "731", "name": "Morlock", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Originating from humans long lost from the world of light, morlocks are brutal monsters that dwell in the tangled tunnels of the upper reaches of the \u2026", "family": "Morlock", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Morlock.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "732", "name": "Fen Mosquito Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When deadly fen mosquitoes gather in large numbers, they form into lethal swarms capable of draining blood at a truly alarming rate. Fen mosquito \u2026", "family": "Mosquito", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mosquito_MosquitoSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "733", "name": "Giant Mosquito", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These horrifically enlarged versions of the common mosquito often prey upon megafauna like dinosaurs and other large creatures, but they won't turn \u2026", "family": "Mosquito", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "734", "name": "Mudwretch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "In its resting form, a mudwretch looks like a large puddle of thick, dark mud, heaped at the center in a slightly drier patch of loam. When a living \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mudwretch.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Medium", "Water"]}, {"id": "735", "name": "Bog Mummy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The cultural practice of mummifying the dead is not the only way a body can become preserved, nor is it the only route that gives rise to these \u2026", "family": "Mummy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mummy_BogMummy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mummy", "Undead"]}, {"id": "736", "name": "Lunar Naga", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Lunar nagas are skilled diviners and astrologers whose dark scales and white hair sparkle with motes of light that mimic the night skies to which \u2026", "family": "Naga", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Naga_LunarNaga.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "737", "name": "Spirit Naga", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "In naga culture, the foul-tempered, unkempt spirit naga holds a contemptible place similar to that of hags in humanoid cultures. These decrepit \u2026", "family": "Naga", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Naga_SpiritNaga.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "738", "name": "Necrophidius", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Although the necrophidius is a mindless construct with no particular ability to comprehend the complexities of good or evil, these sinister-looking \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Necrophidius.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "739", "name": "Neothelid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "This gigantic, mauve worm has a hooked mouth with multiple circular bands of teeth and four barbed tongues. A wielder of terrible occult powers and a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Neothelid.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "740", "name": "Nereid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Nereids are aquatic fey with deep ties to water. They share some similarities with naiads, but they are not guardians and do not bind themselves to a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nereid.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Fey", "Medium", "Water"]}, {"id": "741", "name": "Nixie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These aquatic fey often guard ponds, rivers, lakes, and springs, protecting their bucolic homes from the advances of predators and careless humanoids \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nixie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Fey", "Small"]}, {"id": "742", "name": "Norn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Ancient beyond imagining, norns are powerful fey women who hold in their hands the physical manifestation of fate and destiny in the form of golden \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Norn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "743", "name": "Nuckelavee", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When pollution despoils a natural waterway, it draws the dreaded nuckelavee to it from the First World . This spirit of wrath is a grisly sight to \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nuckelavee.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Large"]}, {"id": "744", "name": "Blue-Ringed Octopus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While relatively small, the blue-ringed octopus is particularly venomous for its size.", "family": "Octopus", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Octopus_BlueringOctopus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "745", "name": "Reef Octopus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The common reef octopus is a risky but valuable catch for coastal fishers.", "family": "Octopus", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Small"]}, {"id": "746", "name": "Onidoshi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Onidoshi, or ogre mages, are oni with the material form of an ogre . Onidoshi's supernatural prowess and overwhelming intellect are enough to awe \u2026", "family": "Oni", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Oni_OniDoshi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Oni"]}, {"id": "747", "name": "Ice Yai", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ice yai combine the brutality of frost giants with the grace of martial artists. More than any other oni, ice yai delight not in the pleasures of \u2026", "family": "Oni", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Oni_FrostYai.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Fiend", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Oni"]}, {"id": "748", "name": "Fire Yai", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Fire yai take the form of fire giants . Like fire giants, fire yai are shrewd and militaristic and have an incredible appetite for the thrill of \u2026", "family": "Oni", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Oni_FireYai.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Fire", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Oni"]}, {"id": "749", "name": "Water Yai", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Among the most powerful yai are those who emulate the form of storm giants . Rather than lord over their giant-kin like most oni, though, water yai \u2026", "family": "Oni", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Oni_WaterYai.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Giant", "Huge", "Humanoid", "Oni", "Water"]}, {"id": "750", "name": "Amoeba Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An amoeba swarm consists of thousands of individual single-celled organisms held together by acrid-smelling slime. As ravenous as they are mindless, \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Large", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "751", "name": "Giant Amoeba", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These blobs of nearly transparent protoplasm are identical in form and behavior to the microscopic creatures from which they have evolved, except \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_GiantAmoeba.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Small"]}, {"id": "752", "name": "Slime Mold", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A slime mold appears as a mound of earth and detritus covered in a thick layer of fungus that exudes a faint stink of decay. The fungus actually \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_SlimeMold.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Large", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "753", "name": "Gray Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These dangerous oozes are the bane of any who travel through swamps, marshes, or damp caves. Easily masquerading as pools of clear water or patches \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "754", "name": "Verdurous Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Verdurous oozes are found in temperate forests, warm jungles, or other places where plant life grows in abundance. Unlike many types of oozes, \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_VerdurousOoze.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "755", "name": "Carnivorous Blob", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Carnivorous blobs are the ravenous spawn of shattered worlds far beyond the stars, born across the galaxy in inert form until they fall like \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_CarnivorousBlob.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "756", "name": "Peluda", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Peludas are wild and savage dragons that favor reedy marshlands, sparsely forested bogs, and river valleys for lairs. A single peluda typically \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Peluda.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Large"]}, {"id": "757", "name": "Peryton", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The peryton is an amalgam of horror, merging the features of a stag, wolf, and hawk. They love using shadows to stalk their victims before ripping \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Peryton.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium"]}, {"id": "758", "name": "Petitioner", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "Any", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When a mortal dies, their soul travels to the Boneyard in the Outer Planes where they are judged by Pharasma , the goddess of the dead. Once they \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Petitioner.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Petitioner"]}, {"id": "759", "name": "Ifrit Pyrochemist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ifrits' blood blazes with elemental fire. Most ifrits are second-class citizens who serve under the iron heel of the efreeti and their Dominion of \u2026", "family": "Geniekin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PlanarScion_Ifrit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Ifrit", "Medium"]}, {"id": "760", "name": "Oread Guard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Elemental earth laces through the bones of oreads, who appear similar to stone statues of their mortal ancestry, with delicate crystals in place of \u2026", "family": "Geniekin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PlanarScion_Oread.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Oread"]}, {"id": "761", "name": "Suli Dune Dancer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Because their genie forebears are native to the Material Plane , sulis (scions of mortals and jann ) are by and large the most common geniekin on \u2026", "family": "Geniekin", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Suli"]}, {"id": "762", "name": "Sylph Sneak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Born with elemental gales coursing through their breath, sylphs are wispy planar scions whose bodies seem caught in a perpetual, gentle breeze. Born \u2026", "family": "Geniekin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PlanarScion_Sylph.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Sylph"]}, {"id": "763", "name": "Undine Hydromancer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Undines are infused with elemental water\u2014the churning power of the briny deep flows through them. These planar scions are often athletic and lithe, \u2026", "family": "Geniekin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PlanarScion_Undine.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Undine"]}, {"id": "764", "name": "Akizendri", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Akizendris gnaw at sources of knowledge and lore, gleefully corrupting and altering them to vex scholars and sages across the planes with \u2026", "family": "Protean", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Protean_Akizendri.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Monitor", "Protean", "Small"]}, {"id": "765", "name": "Azuretzi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Azuretzis are sinuous, serpentine creatures with dagger-sharp teeth, covered in brilliant blue scales with mottled purple and pink highlights that \u2026", "family": "Protean", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Protean_Azuretzi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Monitor", "Protean", "Small"]}, {"id": "766", "name": "Imentesh", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The loquacious proteans known as imenteshes serve as missionaries, spies, and heralds of chaos to further the protean goal of reality's dissolution. \u2026", "family": "Protean", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Protean_Imentesh.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Monitor", "Protean"]}, {"id": "767", "name": "Esobok", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Esoboks are brute hunters and pugnacious sentinels that serve as the guard dogs of the Boneyard . These squat, powerful quadrupeds have a frill of \u2026", "family": "Psychopomp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Psychopomp_Esobok.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Monitor", "Psychopomp"]}, {"id": "768", "name": "Catrina", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Not all spirits who enter the Boneyard realize they have died. Catrinas meet these souls, helping to convince them of the finality of their fate to \u2026", "family": "Psychopomp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Psychopomp_Catrina.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Monitor", "Psychopomp"]}, {"id": "769", "name": "Vanth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Protecting the Boneyard are the stern and resolute guardians of the dead known as vanths, psychopomps who resemble skeletons with raven-like wings \u2026", "family": "Psychopomp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Psychopomp_Vanth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Monitor", "Psychopomp"]}, {"id": "770", "name": "Yamaraj", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The greatest judges among the psychopomps are the massive yamarajes, whose wisdom is legendary and whose edicts are unappealable except to ushers or \u2026", "family": "Psychopomp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Psychopomp_Yamaraj.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Monitor", "Psychopomp", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "771", "name": "Dig-Widget", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Thieves covet dig-widgets, specialized constructs built for infiltration. Each dig-widget contains numerous simple tools, including a set of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DigWidget.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Small"]}, {"id": "772", "name": "Cythnigot", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The cythnigot is a foul fungal parasite that grows and thrives in the corpses of small creatures. It wears these bodies like a suit, but also adjusts \u2026", "family": "Qlippoth", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Qlippoth_Cythnigot.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Qlippoth", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "773", "name": "Shoggti", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Shoggti travel to other planes in roving bands to capture and charm victims, bringing them back to the Abyss where they are enslaved for \u2026", "family": "Qlippoth", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Qlippoth_Shoggti.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fiend", "Large", "Qlippoth", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "774", "name": "Nyogoth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Little more than a coiled mass of intestines encircling a massive gaping maw, this qlippoth is an Abyssal scavenger, subsisting on the filth and \u2026", "family": "Qlippoth", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Qlippoth_Nyogoth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Qlippoth", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "775", "name": "Chernobue", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The chernobue infects all creatures it encounters with itself, spreading pain and calamity wherever it flops and writhes. It sheds ruin and sups on \u2026", "family": "Qlippoth", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Qlippoth_Chernobue.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Large", "Qlippoth", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "776", "name": "Augnagar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The brutish and gluttonous augnagar live to feast\u2014 preferably on rotten flesh, and when possible, demon flesh. But to them, the greatest delicacy is \u2026", "family": "Qlippoth", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Qlippoth_Augnagar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Huge", "Qlippoth", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "777", "name": "Thulgant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Although they spend most of their time hunting and battling demons for control of the Abyss , thulgants amuse themselves with a variety of \u2026", "family": "Qlippoth", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Qlippoth_Thulgant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Large", "Qlippoth", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "778", "name": "Quickling", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Few creatures can match a quickling's speed. These malicious fey creatures delight in striking with blinding speed and accuracy, racing in to stab \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Quickling.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "779", "name": "Quoppopak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Quoppopaks combine the most terrifying aspects of water striders, octopuses, and vampire bats into one evil, water-dwelling monster. Their bodies \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Quappokap.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic", "Large"]}, {"id": "780", "name": "Radiant Warden", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The enigmatic and strange radiant wardens were constructed thousands of years ago to protect observatories and scholars against the incursion of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/RadiantWarden.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "781", "name": "Raven", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These omnivorous birds are cunning and opportunistic scavengers. Capable of solving simple puzzles in order to retrieve desired items, ravens gather \u2026", "family": "Raven", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Raven.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "782", "name": "Raven Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A flock of ravens is known as an unkindness. Certainly the name lives up to its meaning when a swarm of ravens decides to work together. In most \u2026", "family": "Raven", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "783", "name": "Ravener", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The ravener presented here was once an ancient red dragon .", "family": "Ravener", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Gargantuan", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "784", "name": "Ravener Husk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Raveners require a steady diet of souls, and a ravener that's unable to feed for too long eventually cannibalizes their own soul. Should a ravener's \u2026", "family": "Ravener", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "785", "name": "Stingray", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Found in salt or fresh water, stingrays are normally passive creatures, but when threatened or cornered, they lash out with their tails to lance foes \u2026", "family": "Ray", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Medium"]}, {"id": "786", "name": "Manta Ray", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While manta rays might appear daunting, they are generally docile. Manta rays are found in temperate or tropical oceans, and they generally stay in \u2026", "family": "Ray", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ray_MantaRay.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Large"]}, {"id": "787", "name": "Revenant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Revenants are obsessed, undead stalkers who arise from their own murders and are driven by only one thing: revenge against their killers. The common \u2026", "family": "Revenant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Revenant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "788", "name": "Rhinoceros", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Rhinoceroses are short-tempered, territorial, and easily startled, and these traits combined with their innate ferocity means their natural instinct \u2026", "family": "Rhinoceros", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "789", "name": "Woolly Rhinoceros", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Even bulkier than their non-woolly cousins, these rhinoceroses have a shaggy pelt of long, thick fur and a huge crescent-shaped horn. Woolly rhinos \u2026", "family": "Rhinoceros", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Rhinoceros_WoolyRhinoceros.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "790", "name": "Rusalka", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These androgynous, river-dwelling fey delight in manipulating the emotions of those unfortunate enough to fall into their grasp, using humiliation to \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Rusalka.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Fey", "Medium", "Water"]}, {"id": "791", "name": "Sandpoint Devil", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "While some creatures have been fused to create a new entity that's graceful and beautiful, the Sandpoint Devil is the opposite. It has the hooves and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SandpointDevil.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "792", "name": "Sard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "An immense, gnarled, tree awoken with raw, primal power by one of the fey Eldest of the First World, this monster\u2014one of the legendary Tane\u2014skitters \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sard.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Electricity", "Gargantuan", "Plant", "Rare", "Tane"]}, {"id": "793", "name": "Scarecrow", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A ramshackle collection of materials in a human shape, the scarecrow construct is indistinguishable from a normal scarecrow until it slowly creaks to \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Scarecrow.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium"]}, {"id": "794", "name": "Sceaduinar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Strange creatures born from jagged crystals in the heart of the Negative Energy Plane , sceaduinar are fueled by its negative energy and driven to \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sceaduinar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Negative", "Rare"]}, {"id": "795", "name": "Cave Scorpion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Cave scorpions prefer to reside in underground lairs. Most have lost nearly all of their pigmentation, making them appear ghostly when they lurk at \u2026", "family": "Scorpion", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Scorpion_CaveScorpion.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "796", "name": "Black Scorpion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "With a carapace the color of polished obsidian and a penchant for attacking villages, this humongous scorpion is one of the desert's most frightening \u2026", "family": "Scorpion", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "797", "name": "Scythe Tree", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Malevolent, vicious, and cruel, scythe trees pose as normal trees near deep forest paths, where they wait to slaughter passersby. Instead of drawing \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ScytheTree.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Plant"]}, {"id": "798", "name": "Zyss Serpentfolk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Even the least among zyss serpentfolk consider themselves greater than any mammal. Their magical abilities, most notably their telepathy, are all the \u2026", "family": "Serpentfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Serpentfolk_ZyssSerpentfolk.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Serpentfolk", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "799", "name": "Aapoph Serpentfolk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Aapophs possess greater strength and stronger venom than their zyss kin, but they lack zyss' intelligence and innate magic. Unlike their selfish \u2026", "family": "Serpentfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Serpentfolk_AapophSerpentfolk.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Mutant", "Serpentfolk", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "800", "name": "Coil Spy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Some serpentfolk undergo intense ritual training and practice to improve their innate ability to disguise themselves. These serpentfolk often \u2026", "family": "Serpentfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Serpentfolk_CoilSpy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Serpentfolk", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "801", "name": "Bone Prophet", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The speakers for the dead known as bone prophets hold an esteemed place as voices for their decapitated god. Burial rites, necromantic rituals, and \u2026", "family": "Serpentfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Serpentfolk_BoneProphet.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Serpentfolk", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "802", "name": "Shocker Lizard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These brightly colored reptiles share the rough size and pack mentality of guard dogs, roaming in small groups. Shocker lizards have specialized \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ShockerLizard.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "803", "name": "Skaveling", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hideous necromantic rituals give rise to skavelings, or ghoul bats, monstrosities that are not true ghouls but instead are specifically crafted \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skaveling.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Undead"]}, {"id": "804", "name": "Skrik Nettle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The expansive skies of the First World are home to skrik nettles\u2014delicate, bizarre-looking creatures that resemble large jellyfishes. A fringe of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SkrikNettle.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "805", "name": "Skulk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The cowardly and lazy skulks live on the fringes of organized societies and steal from others without a second thought. Even murder is merely another \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skulk.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Skulk"]}, {"id": "806", "name": "Slug", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These massive, primeval relatives of ordinary slugs squirm slowly through swamps and grasslands. Giant slugs are always voracious and prefer to eat \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Slug_GiantSlug.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "807", "name": "Sea Snake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These lithe snakes like to frequent the shallow waters of tropical seas. Their 4-foot-long, blue-green bodies easily blend into the water where they \u2026", "family": "Snake", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "808", "name": "Emperor Cobra", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These aggressive serpents infest bogs and lowlands. Despite a length of over 16 feet and weighing over 200 pounds, they can climb trees in seconds. \u2026", "family": "Snake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Snake_EmperorCobra.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "809", "name": "Giant Solifugid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The smallest of giant solifugids are still large enough to harry desert traders and their mounts.", "family": "Solifugid", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "810", "name": "Duneshaker Solifugid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The largest solifugids, duneshakers, are so immense that their movements make the terrain around them tremble. They can prey on creatures the size of \u2026", "family": "Solifugid", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "811", "name": "Soul Eater", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Only the most desperate or foolhardy conjurers call upon the aid of these strange fiends from the inky swamps of Abaddon .", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SoulEater.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "812", "name": "Specter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When an evil mortal creature dies, it sometimes returns to haunt the area of its death as a specter, a hateful remnant, always seeking to slay \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Spectre.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "813", "name": "Dream Spider", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A dream spider's webs have an iridescent hue and are infused with the same hallucinogenic compound as the creature's toxin. Originally denizens of \u2026", "family": "Spider", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Spider_DreamSpider.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "814", "name": "Ogre Spider", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These terrifying creatures grow as large as elephants. The placement of their eyes above their wide mandibles evokes the grimacing visage of an \u2026", "family": "Spider", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "815", "name": "Spiral Centurion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These mechanical constructs were created to serve as guardians in an ancient and bygone era, although exactly who made them and the secrets of their \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SpiralCenturion.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "816", "name": "Sportlebore Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A swarm of sportlebores is a much more dangerous foe than a single insect.", "family": "Sportlebore", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sportlebore.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "817", "name": "Spriggan Bully", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The typical spriggan is a bully who prefers to take live prisoners in fights, but only to ensure that they have a large stock of living victims to \u2026", "family": "Spriggan", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid", "Small", "Spriggan"]}, {"id": "818", "name": "Spriggan Warlord", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While the leaders of larger spriggan enclaves tend to be uniquely trained warriors with highly specialized skills, spriggan warlords are fond of the \u2026", "family": "Spriggan", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid", "Small", "Spriggan"]}, {"id": "819", "name": "Vampire Squid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Vampire squid are neither undead nor blood drinkers. Their name is instead inspired by their red eyes and the dark, cloak-like webbing between their \u2026", "family": "Squid", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Small"]}, {"id": "820", "name": "Giant Squid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Dwelling deep within the oceans, this huge cephalopod grows up to 45 feet in length and can weigh up to 600 pounds. Its arms and tentacles are lined \u2026", "family": "Squid", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Squid_GiantSquid.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Huge"]}, {"id": "821", "name": "Stygira", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Withered hermits wrapped in tattered rags, these scarred, eyeless creatures command strange secrets of the earth and interpret the fateful energies \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Stygira.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Fey", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "822", "name": "Tatzlwyrm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Tatzlwyrms resemble human-sized snakes with two arms and a dragon's head. Distant relatives of true dragons, tatzlwyrms possess only a meager level \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tatzlwyrm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Medium"]}, {"id": "823", "name": "Tendriculos", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These strange amalgams of plant and fungus with animal tendencies form where the natural world is corrupted by foul magic or frayed planar \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tendriculos.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Huge", "Plant"]}, {"id": "824", "name": "Thrasfyr", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "As bizarre in appearance as they are ferocious, thrasfyrs resemble six-limbed bears with bull-like horns, draconic scales, and a fire-breathing \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Thrasfyr.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fire", "Huge", "Rare", "Tane"]}, {"id": "825", "name": "Thunderbird", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Thunderbirds bring storms on their wings. In times of drought, they are welcomed. Other times, they are offered gifts in hopes they might leave \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Thunderbird.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Beast", "Electricity", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "826", "name": "Giant Tick", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This grotesque tick is the size of a dog and scurries with surprising speed.", "family": "Tick", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tick_GiantTick.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "827", "name": "Tick Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This swarm of thousands of fist-sized ticks forms a moving carpet of bloated insects\u2014a nauseating and intimidating sight.", "family": "Tick", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "828", "name": "Giant Toad", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Most giant toads live in dry environments, particularly deserts, and eagerly eat almost any creature smaller than themselves. They're known to eat \u2026", "family": "Toad", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Toad_GiantToad.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "829", "name": "Totenmaske", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Spawned by the same unnatural and self-destructive obsessions that drove them when they were alive, totenmaskes are the undead remnants of the most \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Totenmaske.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "830", "name": "Triton", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While sometimes understandably mistaken for merfolk \u2014both species live underwater and have a blend of features from both humans and fish\u2014tritons \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Triton.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "831", "name": "Frost Troll", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Frost trolls are nightmarish frozen monsters of rime-stained claws and hoarfrost teeth. Possessing wits superior to those of common trolls, frost \u2026", "family": "Troll", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Troll_FrostTroll.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Giant", "Large", "Troll", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "832", "name": "Cavern Troll", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Insatiable scavengers stalking the eternal gloom of the Darklands, cavern trolls consume all in their path\u2014even rocks and minerals when more \u2026", "family": "Troll", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Troll_CavernTroll.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Giant", "Large", "Troll", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "833", "name": "Two-Headed Troll", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Two-headed trolls are savage, dual-minded monsters with an unquenchable thirst for bloodshed, and dread tales of their ravenous appetites are \u2026", "family": "Troll", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Troll_TwoHeadedTroll.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Large", "Troll", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "834", "name": "Jotund Troll", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Jotund trolls are gigantic, nine-headed horrors who prowl frigid moors, marshes, and wastelands, always alone and always enraged. While each of the \u2026", "family": "Troll", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Troll_JotundTroll.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Huge", "Mutant", "Rare", "Troll"]}, {"id": "835", "name": "Trollhound", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Trollhounds are squat, slavering beasts akin to trolls in canine form. Requiring vast quantities of meat to fuel their regenerative metabolisms, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Troll_Trollhound.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium", "Troll"]}, {"id": "836", "name": "Snapping Turtle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Snapping turtles are freshwater reptiles with a long flexible neck, a sharp piercing beak, and a confrontational temperament that doesn't prevent \u2026", "family": "Turtle", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "837", "name": "Giant Snapping Turtle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "If the regular-sized snapping turtle is foul-tempered, then the giant snapping turtle seems to be willfully violent toward anything that dares \u2026", "family": "Turtle", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Turtle_SnappingTurtle.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "838", "name": "Twigjack", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Maladjusted forest denizens, twigjacks form from the cruel and prankish combination of fey and the very woods in which they reside. A twigjack's body \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Twigjack.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Plant", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "839", "name": "Umonlee", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Those who dwell in the coldest climates of Golarion tell of a brutal beast that swims through the ice and snow and can devastate entire villages in \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Umonlee.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Cold", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "840", "name": "Urdefhan Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "From the moment they are born, urdefhans are prepared for war. Urdefhan warriors are among the least powerful urdefhans one might encounter outside \u2026", "family": "Urdefhan", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Urdefhan_UrdefhanWarrior.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Urdefhan"]}, {"id": "841", "name": "Urdefhan Tormentor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Urdefhan spellcasters with a knack for the divine are invariably unholy worshippers of daemonkind, typically taking on one of Abaddon 's Four \u2026", "family": "Urdefhan", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Urdefhan_UrdefhanTormentor.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Urdefhan"]}, {"id": "842", "name": "Vrykolakas Spawn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Vrykolakas unleash their spawn upon the world to spread terror, plague, and suffering and to draw attention away from their masters.", "family": "Vampire, Vrykolakas", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_VrykolakasSpawn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "843", "name": "Vrykolakas Master", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Vrykolakas masters are sinister shapechangers. They walk undetected among the living and prey upon them like a wolf among sheep, often leaving the \u2026", "family": "Vampire, Vrykolakas", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_VrykolakasMaster.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "844", "name": "Vrykolakas Ancient", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Vrykolakas ancients are the sinister overlords of their kind, stealing blood, breath, and life to feed their immortal hunger.", "family": "Vampire, Vrykolakas", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_VrykolakasAncient.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "845", "name": "Vampiric Mist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Though they're often mistaken for vampires in gaseous form or an unusual type of air elemental , vampiric mists are in fact strange aberrant \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/VampiricMist.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "846", "name": "Vaspercham", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The darkly intelligent vaspercham, an aquatic horror who delights in violence and destruction, lurks in the shallows near shorelines. Once a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vaspercham.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic", "Huge"]}, {"id": "847", "name": "Augur", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These spherical knots of sinewy muscle, serrated blades, and bloody metal are the most common velstracs on the Shadow Plane . Each augur has only a \u2026", "family": "Velstrac", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Velstrac_Augur.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Tiny", "Velstrac"]}, {"id": "848", "name": "Ostiarius", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ostiariuses, as emissaries of the velstracs, tend to the portals between the Shadow Plane and the Material Plane. They not only escort other \u2026", "family": "Velstrac", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Velstrac_Ostiarius.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Velstrac"]}, {"id": "849", "name": "Evangelist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Evangelists, the velstracs' unofficial ambassadors, roam the farthest reaches of the planes to spread the word of their kind's abhorrent belief in \u2026", "family": "Velstrac", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Velstrac_Evangelist.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Velstrac"]}, {"id": "850", "name": "Sacristan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sacristans are failures among the velstracs, creatures whose bodies and minds have been utterly broken by the velstracs' torments. These unfortunates \u2026", "family": "Velstrac", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Velstrac_Sacristan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Velstrac"]}, {"id": "851", "name": "Interlocutor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Interlocutors are the most talented surgeon-sculptors of the velstracs, carving away flesh and replacing it with new body parts of muscle, sinew, and \u2026", "family": "Velstrac", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Velstrac_Interlocutor.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Large", "Velstrac"]}, {"id": "852", "name": "Eremite", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Eremites roam the planes to seek out ideal portions of other creatures, such as a hero's sword-arm or an angel's pinions. Eremites capture these \u2026", "family": "Velstrac", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Velstrac_Eremite.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Velstrac"]}, {"id": "853", "name": "Violet Fungus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "At a glance, a violet fungus might seem to be little more than an unsightly and sickeningly purple mushroom of unusual size. Only once one draws \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/VioletFungus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "854", "name": "Viper Vine", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A voracious, flesh-eating carnivore, the viper vine has a single enormous blossom arising from a thick, leafy tangle of snake-like vines. When the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ViperVine.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Plant"]}, {"id": "855", "name": "Void Zombie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A void zombie arises when a humanoid dies from an akata's void death affliction. This walking corpse is animated by a larval akata attached to the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/VoidZombie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "856", "name": "Water Orm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Legendary creatures lurking in remote lakes, water orms always find their way into the tavern tales of lakeside communities. To some travelers, every \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/WaterOrm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Beast", "Huge", "Rare", "Water"]}, {"id": "857", "name": "Wereboar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wereboars tend to be aggressive and stubborn, and often live with their own kind in small, remote communities. Even when they're inclined to interact \u2026", "family": "Werecreature", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Werecreature_Wereboar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Werecreature"]}, {"id": "858", "name": "Weretiger", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These ferocious werecreatures stalk prey with the cunning and skill of a true apex predator. Weretigers typically view all life as a potential meal. \u2026", "family": "Werecreature", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Werecreature_Weretiger.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Large", "Werecreature"]}, {"id": "859", "name": "Cairn Wight", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Jealous guardians of tombs, barrows, and sepulchers, cairn wights usually spawn from necromantic rituals. For those mortals who cannot abide the \u2026", "family": "Wight", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wight_CairnWight.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Wight"]}, {"id": "860", "name": "Witchfire", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Manifesting as a sinuous form wreathed in sickly green flames, this incorporeal undead forms when a powerful hag or witch dies in agony or rage. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Witchfire.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "861", "name": "Witchwyrd", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Witchwyrds conceal most of their faces, leaving only their eyes unmasked. Their inscrutability is a boon to one of their most significant \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Witchwyrd.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "862", "name": "Wolverine", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wolverines resemble small bears, to which they are related. Stocky and muscular with long claws, wolverines are about 3 feet in length and weigh \u2026", "family": "Wolverine", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "863", "name": "Giant Wolverine", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant wolverines grow to the approximate size of horses and claim even more expansive territories than their more diminutive wolverine cousins. While \u2026", "family": "Wolverine", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "864", "name": "Worm That Walks Cultist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "This worm that walks was a cultist of the Great Old One Hastur in its prior life. It continues its conspiracies and strives to further its evil \u2026", "family": "Worm That Walks", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Swarm", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "865", "name": "Dread Wraith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These menacing spiritual remnants of wicked warlords or bloodthirsty generals are towering specters of shadow and death. Like other wraiths, dread \u2026", "family": "Wraith", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wraith_DreadWraith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Large", "Undead", "Wraith"]}, {"id": "866", "name": "Xill", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Xills visit the Material Plane , where they're often known as ethereal stalkers, primarily to maraud and to kidnap creatures back to their native \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xill.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Ethereal", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "867", "name": "Yellow Musk Creeper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Made up of thick, green vines with numerous yellow flowers, the yellow musk creeper grows at places where the ground is enriched with spilled blood \u2026", "family": "Yellow Musk Creeper", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/YellowMuskCreeper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Plant"]}, {"id": "868", "name": "Yellow Musk Thrall", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A creature transformed by a yellow musk creeper's tendrils boring into its brain becomes a yellow musk thrall if it's Small or Medium, or a yellow \u2026", "family": "Yellow Musk Creeper", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/YellowMuskCreeper_Thrall.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Plant"]}, {"id": "869", "name": "Yellow Musk Brute", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A creature transformed by a yellow musk creeper's tendrils boring into its brain becomes a yellow musk thrall if it's Small or Medium, or a yellow \u2026", "family": "Yellow Musk Creeper", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Plant"]}, {"id": "870", "name": "Yeth Hound", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wicked canine creatures who live for the thrill of the hunt, yeth hounds often serve evil masters as guardians and trackers. Yeth hounds resemble \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/YethHound.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "871", "name": "Zomok", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Mighty plant-dragons, zomoks prowl the woodlands, defending their homes from destructive forces while healing and restoring the woods following \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zomok.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Plant"]}, {"id": "872", "name": "Ammut", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "These chimeric, desert-dwelling fiends have massive bodies that are part hippopotamus, part large cat, and part crocodile. Though they devour souls \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ammut.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "873", "name": "Muurfeli", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Whereas typical djinn can cleanse or clear areas with their arcane winds, the air magic of muurfeli is tainted by the Black Desert's noxious \u2026", "family": "Blightburn Genies", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Muurfeli.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Genie", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "874", "name": "Ararda", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Shaitans corrupted by the Black Desert's blightburn become scorpion-like arardas. While other earth genies sparkle with the iridescence of \u2026", "family": "Blightburn Genies", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ararda.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Genie", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "875", "name": "Obsidian Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The art of golem animation is not limited to societies with access to expensive crafting materials or a long history of arcane mastery. Among the \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_ObsidianGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "876", "name": "Iffdahsil", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The slithering horror known as Iffdahsil is an undead shoggoth that has haunted the vault of the Black Desert for millennia. Drow legends in \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Iffdahsil.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Gargantuan", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "877", "name": "Urdefhan High Tormentor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An urdefhan cult's best tormentors can advance to become truly formidable daemon summoners.", "family": "Urdefhan", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Urdefhan_UrdefhanHighTormentor.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Urdefhan"]}, {"id": "878", "name": "Urdefhan Hunter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Urdefhan hunters serve as their cults' trappers, hunters, and poachers. Many urdefhan hunters use skavelings to traverse the massive caverns of the \u2026", "family": "Urdefhan", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Urdefhan"]}, {"id": "879", "name": "Urdefhan Dominator", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Urdefhan dominators control the minds of others to glean useful secrets and gain an advantage against their enemies.", "family": "Urdefhan", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Urdefhan_UrdefhanDominator.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Urdefhan"]}, {"id": "880", "name": "Vitalia", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Foul occult magic, rare alchemical reagents, and copious amounts of spilled blood are the keys to creating a vitalia\u2014also known as a heart horror\u2014 \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vitalia.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic", "Large", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "881", "name": "Xulgath Deepmouth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Xulgath deepmouths wield the powers of the Abyss against their clutch's enemies and invoke righteous fear in their followers. The vast majority of \u2026", "family": "Xulgath", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xulgath_XulgathDeepmouth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "975", "name": "Children Of Mhar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Mhar, an ancient evil deity of caverns, mountains, and volcanoes, belongs to the pantheon of the Great Old Ones\u2014monstrous beings of alien intellect \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Deghuun.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "976", "name": "Vavakia", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Juggernauts of destruction, vavakias are formed from the souls of mortals who extract, enslave, or consume the souls of others.", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vavakia.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "977", "name": "Saurian Warmonger", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These saurians adopt warfare as their primary role and greatest calling. They particularly excel at taking slaves.", "family": "Saurian", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Saurian_SaurianWarmonger.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dinosaur", "Huge", "Humanoid", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "978", "name": "Saurian Worldwatcher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The longest-lived saurians favor introspection and take the long view of things\u2014though this thoughtfulness should not be mistaken for weakness. Other \u2026", "family": "Saurian", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Saurian_SaurianWorldwatcher.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dinosaur", "Huge", "Humanoid", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "981", "name": "Viskithrel", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "One of the many horrid life-forms native to Zevgavizeb's Abyssal realm of Gluttondark, viskithrels\u2014or \u201cgluttonraptors\u201d\u2014are tireless hunters \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Viskithrel.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "982", "name": "Xulgath Thoughtmaw", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Xulgath thoughtmaws are inheritors of the xulgaths' ancient psychic legacy. They eagerly and liberally use their ability to extract knowledge from \u2026", "family": "Xulgath", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Xulgath_XulgathThoughtmaw.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "983", "name": "Ahvothian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Ahvothians are feral and cunning fiends from an Abyssal realm of jungles, dinosaurs, and relentless brutality. They resemble humanoid dinosaurs \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "984", "name": "Fuming Sludge", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The slurry from alchemical experiments is often as flammable as it is toxic. In especially volatile cases, a fuming sludge can form from ignited \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "985", "name": "Binumir", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Whenever two individuals who share a strong emotional bond perish together, they might rise as a combined spirit known as a binumir. The two \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Binumir.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "987", "name": "Siege Shard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Sieges provoke lingering feelings of confinement and desperation. These emotions can coalesce as a psychic presence that animates broken battlements \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SiegeShard.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "988", "name": "Zrukbat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Zrukbats resemble long-limbed bats with gangly wings, which make them clumsy fliers. Instead, these reclusive fey prefer to crawl along surfaces \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zrukbat.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small"]}, {"id": "989", "name": "Bone Skipper Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A large swarm of bone skippers can reduce a human skeleton into dry, brittle fragments in a matter of hours.", "family": "Bone Skipper", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "990", "name": "Giant Bone Skipper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "While less common than the smaller variety, giant bone skippers are the stuff of nightmares for morticians and graveyard keepers.", "family": "Bone Skipper", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BoneSkipper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "991", "name": "Dreadsong Dancer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Dreadsong dancers are shaped from the souls of bards, dancers, and musicians who pledged themselves to Hell in exchange for enhanced artistic \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DreadsongDancer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "993", "name": "Najra Lizard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Among the smallest breeds of dragon on Golarion, these savage, cunning hunters dwell near the oases that dot the inhospitable Narhari Desert in \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/NajraLizard.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "995", "name": "Tenome", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A tenome resembles an eyeless humanoid with rumpled, pale skin and a single eye embedded in each palm of its cadaverous hands. When they opens their \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tenome.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "996", "name": "Teraphant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Though teraphants may resemble an elephant from afar, teraphants lack the long incisors that mark other pachyderms. Instead, tusk-like horns grow \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Teraphant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "997", "name": "Vaultbreaker Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Though many oozes hunt among the dreary confines of underground caverns, dungeons, and abandoned ruins, others seek to quell their hunger in areas \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_VaultbreakerOoze.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "998", "name": "Avarek", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Avareks delight in tormenting ship's crews and causing shipwrecks off the coasts of Garund and the Inner Sea. Bipedal, aquatic fey covered in long, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Avarek.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "999", "name": "Bregdi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Bregdis hunt warm-blooded prey, lurking in the waters of most major port cities before using their ray-like bodies and hooked claws to hitch onto the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bregdi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1000", "name": "Eberark", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The terrifying apex predators known as eberarks torment their prey, spewing oil from their mouths that they can then set alight. Commonly called \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Eberark.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fire", "Huge"]}, {"id": "1001", "name": "Barnacle Ghoul", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Far more powerful and dangerous than most ghouls, barnacle ghouls are the risen corpses of veteran sailors who fell overboard or of bloodthirsty \u2026", "family": "Ghoul", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghoul_BarnacleGhoul.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoul", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1002", "name": "Ravenile", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Raveniles are rare mutant lizardfolk who exhibit monstrous strength and regenerative capabilities. Almost twice as large as typical iruxis, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ravenile.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large", "Lizardfolk", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1003", "name": "Svartalfar Killer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Long ago in the mists of history, the fey ancestors of the svartalfars were banished from the First World for crimes too heinous to name. These \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Svartalfar_SvartalfarKiller.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1004", "name": "Clockwork Assassin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Exceptionally efficient and utterly merciless, clockwork assassins carry out their murderous directives with mechanical precision. Though they can \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ClockworkAssassin.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1006", "name": "Shatterling", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Shatterlings have a fixation on mirrors that gives them a strange affinity for reflective surfaces. These creeping, wicked fey stand barely 3 feet \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shatterling.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1007", "name": "The Stabbing Beast", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The Stabbing Beast, the divine representative of Norgorber , resembles an immense scorpion with a soft and strangely captivating voice. They appear \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/StabbingBeast.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Herald", "Huge", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1008", "name": "Clockwork Amalgam", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A clockwork amalgam is a powerful construct created by applying magic to a collection of interchangeable internal mechanisms. Each clockwork amalgam \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ClockworkAmalgam.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1009", "name": "Elemental Vessel, Water", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Spellcasters create elemental vessels by harvesting raw elemental energy and then binding it within a specially enchanted magic circle to grant it \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Water", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalVessel_Water.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Elemental", "Large", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "1010", "name": "Lusca", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A lusca is a predatory sea monster that resembles a three-headed shark with the body of an octopus. Ferocious electrical storms usually herald a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lusca.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1011", "name": "Minchgorm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "An oddity even among the strange creatures of the First World of the fey, the aquatic minchgorm is a monstrous alien maw ringed with writhing \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Minchgorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Fey", "Huge", "Rare", "Water"]}, {"id": "1012", "name": "Myrucarx", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The slithering, shapeless beings known as myrucarxes occasionally slip into the Material Plane from their domains deep in the Shadow Plane , \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Myrucarx.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1014", "name": "Zealborn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Zealborn arise from mortals who become consumed by a noble or idealistic vision and choose undeath as a means of pursuing that vision. Unlike liches \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zealborn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1015", "name": "Baatamidar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Baatamidars are drawn to destroy planar communities on the fringes where the Outer Planes touch the chaos of the Maelstrom . They resemble floating \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Baatamidar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Monitor", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1016", "name": "Camarach", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Planar travel is at best imprecise, yet still too predictable for the erratic nature of the Maelstrom . Camaraches are spontaneous manifestations of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Camarach.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Monitor", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1017", "name": "Sordesdaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Hulks of sewage and daemonic flesh, sordesdaemons embody death through pollution and are among the newest types of daemons to appear on Golarion. \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Sordesdaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1018", "name": "Agradaemon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Equal parts lion, spider, and demagogue, agradaemons are born from the forge-flames of Szuriel , Horseman of War. Although they're unwilling to work \u2026", "family": "Daemon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daemon_Agradaemon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Daemon", "Fiend", "Fire", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1019", "name": "Hegessik", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Anchorites of the proteans, hegessiks live solitary lives roaming the dangerous wilds of the Maelstrom . There, they contemplate cosmic truths and \u2026", "family": "Protean", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Protean_Hegessik.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Monitor", "Protean"]}, {"id": "1020", "name": "Izfiitar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Occupying the pinnacle of the loose protean caste system, izfiitars enact the ever-shifting plans of the vaunted protean lords and those of the \u2026", "family": "Protean", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Protean_Izfiitar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Monitor", "Protean", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1021", "name": "Rhevanna", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 22, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Rhevannas are hunters, binders, and devourers of celestials . They rage that virtue comes easy for the lucky and privileged, and their bitter hearts \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Rhevanna.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1022", "name": "Penqual", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Although penquals are independent beings, each resembles a tight crowd of featureless humanoids pressed together in a mob. Penquals are most at home \u2026", "family": "Sahkil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sahkil_Penqual.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Huge", "Sahkil", "Swarm", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1023", "name": "Nenchuuj", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Nenchuujes embody the fear of magic corrupted, gone wrong, or spiraling out of control with unintended consequences. A nenchuuj's eyes are like \u2026", "family": "Sahkil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sahkil_Nenchuuj.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Sahkil", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1024", "name": "Kurnugian Jackal", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Under specific planar conjunctions, Lamashtu bestows an unholy gift upon a jackal on the Material Plane . When that jackal bears a litter, one pup \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1025", "name": "Scalliwing", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Couatls are large, brightly colored serpents with feathered wings. Good-natured, these creatures aid mortals and oppose evildoers, but sighting one \u2026", "family": "Couatl", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Couatl", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1026", "name": "Stinkweed Shambler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Stinkweed shamblers are animate masses of foul vegetation that grow from necrotic soil where ghasts , disease-ridden zombies , or other putrid \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "1027", "name": "Mari Lwyd", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Nethys Note: The Mari Lwyd is a creature from the 2021 New Years celebratory blog post.", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1031", "name": "Ogre Hurler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Ogres embody brutish, amoral violence and cruelty.", "family": "Ogre", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1032", "name": "Kobold Tunnelrunner", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Kobolds are small, reptilian humanoids who carry physical similarities to true dragons.", "family": "Kobold", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kobold", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1033", "name": "Abandoned Zealot", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Once devout followers whose faith proved false, abandoned zealots return from the doorstep of the afterlife after being denied the eternal reward \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/AbandonedZealot.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1035", "name": "Corpselight", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A will-o'-wisp that starves to death might rise as a cold, blue, glowing sphere of spongy wetness\u2014a corpselight. A corpselight instinctively seeks \u2026", "family": "Wisp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wisp_Corpselight.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1036", "name": "Flickerwisp", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The dancing, twisting flickerwisp is a less powerful but no less malevolent type of will-o'-wisp . Like their more dangerous kin, flickerwisps \u2026", "family": "Wisp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wisp_Flickerwisp.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Air", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1037", "name": "Morlock Scavenger", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The morlock scavenger is a lankier, smaller version of a typical morlock. Their stature allows them to wriggle into areas other morlocks can't access.", "family": "Morlock", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Morlock_MorlockSvavenger.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Morlock", "Small"]}, {"id": "1038", "name": "Morlock Engineer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Most morlocks have little talent for crafting, but a rare few have an uncanny knack for tinkering.", "family": "Morlock", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Morlock_MorlockEngineer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Morlock", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1039", "name": "Morlock Cultist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Morlocks who serve as priests in their conclaves usually dabble in eerie occult magic.", "family": "Morlock", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Morlock", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1040", "name": "Scalathrax", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These slippery, scaly horrors dwell in remote cave networks in the Darklands, preferring to nest in narrow fissures. When on the hunt, they flick \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Scalathrax.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1041", "name": "Voidglutton", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A voidglutton is a powerful type of will-o'-wisp that haunts a site where misery dwells\u2014such as a graveyard, prison camp, or recent battlefield. A \u2026", "family": "Wisp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wisp_Voidglutton.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Air", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1043", "name": "Dreshkan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Because morlocks are descended from distant human ancestors, clumsily or hastily fleshwarping a morlock simply produces a grothlut . Skilled \u2026", "family": "Fleshwarp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fleshwarp_Dreshkan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Construct", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1044", "name": "Mulventok", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Sinister fleshwarpers reshape captive urdefhans into these juggernauts of war. Their clear skin is hardened into a thick, mirror-like carapace, \u2026", "family": "Fleshwarp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fleshwarp_Mulventok.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1045", "name": "Gibtas Bounder", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A full-grown gibtas uses its powerful legs and rubbery body to bound great distances. Most gibtases remain solitary, unless bonded with a creature.", "family": "Gibtas", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gibtas_GibtasBounder.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1046", "name": "Gibtas Spawn Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When a gibtas gorges itself on an incredible amount of flesh, it vomits up a pool of acid filled with tiny pink egg sacs that burst immediately. The \u2026", "family": "Gibtas", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Swarm", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1047", "name": "Gibtanius", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When a gibtas feeds regularly but never receives sufficient food to procreate, it grows into a mighty gibtanius. They become surly, uncontrolled \u2026", "family": "Gibtas", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gibtas_Gibtanius.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1048", "name": "Seugathi Servant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The most common seugathis spawned by neothelids are seugathi servants. Their masters equip them with tools useful in their tasks (often a wand and \u2026", "family": "Seugathi", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Seugathi_SeugathiServant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Seugathi", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1049", "name": "Seugathi Reality Warper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Seugathi reality warpers create and destroy inhospitable environments on a small scale by manipulating the forces of raw chaos. A neothelid might \u2026", "family": "Seugathi", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Seugathi", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1050", "name": "Shanrigol Heap", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The most basic and common type of shanrigol is called, based on its general shape, a shanrigol heap. These amalgamations of warped flesh and \u2026", "family": "Shanrigol", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shanrigol_ShanrigolHeap.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1051", "name": "Shanrigol Behemoth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Shanrigols that grow with the additions of many living victims can become truly enormous in size and pose a greater danger in their expanding hunting \u2026", "family": "Shanrigol", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shanrigol_ShanrigolBehemoth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1054", "name": "Adlet", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Adlets dwell in the farthest, harshest reaches of the Crown of the World. At first glance, these isolated people look much like their Erutaki human \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Adlet.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1055", "name": "Silvanshee", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Silvanshees are a stealthy and extremely inquisitive contingent of agathions who gather information about the mortal world for other agathions. While \u2026", "family": "Agathion", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Agathion_Silvanshee.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Agathion", "Celestial", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1056", "name": "Vulpinal", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Vulpinals serve as the cunning and clever musicians and minstrels of the agathions. Incredibly far-ranging, these fox-like humanoids love traveling \u2026", "family": "Agathion", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Agathion_Vulpinal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Agathion", "Celestial", "Small"]}, {"id": "1057", "name": "Procyal", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "As the most whimsical and playful of the agathions, procyals are the most likely to be encountered on the Material Plane , teaching deep \u2026", "family": "Agathion", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Agathion_Procyal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Agathion", "Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1058", "name": "Draconal", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Dragon agathions, known as draconals, number among the most powerful of their kin, and also the wisest, embodying the wisdom of the benevolent \u2026", "family": "Agathion", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Agathion_Draconal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Agathion", "Celestial", "Large"]}, {"id": "1059", "name": "Amalgamite", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Teleportation magic can prove a difficult undertaking, even for experienced spellcasters. It requires precise calculation and timing, knowledge of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Amalgamite.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1060", "name": "Amphisbaena", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An amphisbaena is an exceedingly aggressive, venomous viper of remarkable size that bears two heads\u2014one on each end of its body. It moves in a manner \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Amphisbaena.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1061", "name": "Android Infiltrator", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Androids possess synthetic bodies inhabited by living souls. These technological organisms first came to Golarion from another world when their \u2026", "family": "Android", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Android_AndroidInfiltrator.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Android", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1062", "name": "Angazhani", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Angazhanis lurk in the depths of the world's jungles, where these sapient, four-armed apes prey on any creatures they deem lesser than themselves. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Angazhani.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "1063", "name": "Animated Silverware Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Nobles are known to pay great amounts to animate their silverware, both for ease in cleaning and to serve as novelties during dinner parties.", "family": "Animated Object", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/AnimatedObject_AnimatedSilverwareSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1064", "name": "Animated Furnace", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This huge forge or oven is animated to protect a workspace or kitchen, travel alongside its owner, or both.", "family": "Animated Object", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Huge", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "1065", "name": "Animated Trebuchet", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Large armies sometimes pay exorbitant fees to animate their siege weapons.", "family": "Animated Object", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/AnimatedObject_AnimatedTrebuchet.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Gargantuan", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "1066", "name": "Animated Colossus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Animating a 100-foot-tall statue is worth the cost for spellcasters guarding immense dungeons.", "family": "Animated Object", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Gargantuan", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "1067", "name": "Arboreal Reaper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While some forests have an idyllic, peaceful quality to them, others feel distinctly unfriendly or even sinister\u2014these forests are the favored haunts \u2026", "family": "Arboreal", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Arboreal_ArborealReaper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Plant"]}, {"id": "1068", "name": "Arboreal Archive", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Arboreal archives are solitary beings typically found in the remote wilderness. These ancient monoliths hold the memories of their vast territories, \u2026", "family": "Arboreal", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Arboreal_ArborealArchive.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Plant"]}, {"id": "1069", "name": "Shaukeen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Perhaps the most perverse asuras of them all, shaukeens particularly delight in causing the downfall of those who give them succor, shelter, and most \u2026", "family": "Asura", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Asura_Shaukeen.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Asura", "Fiend", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1070", "name": "Adhukait", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Twice as disciplined as a monk and twice as deadly as a warrior, an adhukait is the ultimate perversion of duality, two spiked asura warriors impaled \u2026", "family": "Asura", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Asura_Adhukait.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Asura", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1071", "name": "Japalisura", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Japalisuras have a perverse propensity for extracting embarrassing truths from the universe, using a combination of artifice and prophecy to obscure \u2026", "family": "Asura", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Asura_Japalisura.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Asura", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1072", "name": "Nikaramsa", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Lies, knowledge, and deception are a nikaramsa's stock and trade. They are outstanding scholars, with deep and nuanced understanding of religion, \u2026", "family": "Asura", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Asura_Nikaramsa.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Asura", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "1073", "name": "Azarketi Explorer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This rakish azarketi explores the wrecks and ruins of the Inner Sea's coasts. At home above and below the waves, they fight to protect their \u2026", "family": "Azarketi", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Azarketi_AzarketiExplorer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Azarketi", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1074", "name": "Azer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Azers are an elemental people living on the Plane of Fire , often crudely described by mortals as brassy dwarves. They have stout, wide bodies with \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Azer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1075", "name": "Bauble Beast", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The reclusive and deceptive creatures called bauble beasts create false jewelry as a byproduct of their extremely bizarre magical digestive systems. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BaubleBeast.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Earth", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1076", "name": "Baykok", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A baykok is the restless remnant of a warrior or hunter, cast out for evil acts and cursed to forever soar through the sky far from its home, unable \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Baykok.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1077", "name": "Severed Head", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The most common beheaded appears simply as a rotting head, barely preserved by the magic that created it.", "family": "Beheaded", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Mindless", "Tiny", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1078", "name": "Flaming Skull", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "More dangerous than simple severed heads, these skulls are wreathed in unearthly flames.", "family": "Beheaded", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Mindless", "Tiny", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1079", "name": "Betobeto-San", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A betobeto-san wanders the highways and byways of the Material Plane , searching for unwilling traveling companions to sustain the spirit's appetite \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BetoBetoSan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Shadow", "Spirit", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1080", "name": "Bison", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Bison are large bovines with short faces and two horns; they weigh an upwards of 2,000 pounds and stand up to 6 feet at the withers. Bison herds \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bison.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1081", "name": "Blood Painter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Simultaneously enamored with the natural world yet too alien to survive in it, blood painters are eight-limbed artists who stalk, kill, and dismember \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BloodPainter.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large"]}, {"id": "1082", "name": "Bone Ship", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Rarely does anything living remain after a bone ship's passing\u2014only death, destruction, and waves red as blood that clash and foam in its wake. When \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BoneShip.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1083", "name": "Bore Worm Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A single finger-length bore worm is unpleasant but mostly innocuous. Ten thousand bore worms, on the other hand, pose a formidable threat to even \u2026", "family": "Bore Worm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BoreWorm_BoreWormSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1084", "name": "Empress Bore Worm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When an area lacks sufficient food, the bore worms in a swarm become increasingly agitated and desperate. Eventually, at some chemical signal, the \u2026", "family": "Bore Worm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BoreWorm_EmpressBoreWorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "1085", "name": "Brainchild", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A rumor can become so vivid and so persistent that it comes to life, creating a brainchild\u2014a living illusion that hatches from an intense belief in a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Brainchild.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Illusion", "Large", "Mental", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1086", "name": "Buso", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Busos are tree-dwelling folk with a simmering desire to consume the flesh of others. They heavily supplement their food with leaves and root crops, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Buso.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1087", "name": "Caligni Vanguard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Caligni children born without eyes\u2014an extremely rare occurrence\u2014are considered sacred to their communities. From a young age, they're set aside and \u2026", "family": "Caligni", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Caligni_CaligniVanguard.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1088", "name": "Caligni Caller", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Although the mysterious demigods known as the Forsaken disappeared eons ago, many calignis continue to follow their ancient traditions of worship. \u2026", "family": "Caligni", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Caligni_CaligniCaller.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Caligni", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1089", "name": "Calikang", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Calikangs are giant, blue-skinned, six-armed guardians of ancient tombs and treasuries. They each feel a deep, inherent drive to protect and guard, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Calikang.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1090", "name": "Camel", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "For generations untold, nomads and traders have relied on sure-footed camels to cross the harsh deserts and trackless wastes around the world. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Camel.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1091", "name": "Hellknight Cavalry Brigade", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A cavalry brigade consists of several Hellknights and a single field-maralictor, in the distinctive armor of their order and bearing lances; the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CavalryBrigade_Hellknights.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan", "Human", "Humanoid", "Troop"]}, {"id": "1092", "name": "Cecaelia Trapper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Cecaelias resemble humans with octopus tentacles instead of legs. These oceanic hunters are agile and intelligent creatures, but proud. Their \u2026", "family": "Cecaelila", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Cecaelia.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1093", "name": "Chyzaedu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Chyzaedus' home world was consumed millennia ago by the Dominion of the Black via the manipulation of a black hole. Rather than accept destruction or \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Chyzaedu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1094", "name": "City Guard Squadron", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Most towns and cities on Golarion have a garrison of professional guards whose duties include patrolling the streets, assisting citizenry in need, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CityGuard_Squadron.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Human", "Humanoid", "Troop"]}, {"id": "1095", "name": "Clockwork Spy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Engineers, technologists, and mechanically gifted wizards employ clockwork spies\u2014tiny, spiderlike constructs capable of recording and playing back \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Clockwork_ClockworkSpy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Mindless", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1096", "name": "Clockwork Soldier", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These diligent machines guard their assigned posts tirelessly. A typical clockwork soldier stands 6 feet tall and consists of 500 pounds of metal and \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Clockwork_ClockworkSoldier.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1097", "name": "Clockwork Mage", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A clockwork mage is a lethal blend of magic and machinery. Each of these clockworks is imbued with an arcane stone at its core that powers spells \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Clockwork_ClockworkMage.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1098", "name": "Clockwork Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Clockwork dragons are a marvel of clockwork design. These powerful masterpieces have the ability to fly, making them versatile and dangerous killers. \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Clockwork_ClockworkDragon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Huge", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1099", "name": "Cobbleswarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Busy road builders might unknowingly use cobble mites in construction.", "family": "Cobble Mite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Cobbleswarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Earth", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1100", "name": "Sturzstromer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Cobble mites that remain a cohesive swarm for many years become dangerous living landslides.", "family": "Cobble Mite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CobbleMite_Sturzstome.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Earth", "Huge", "Swarm", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1101", "name": "Consonite Choir", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Floods of crystalline blades called consonite choirs surge through the caverns and tunnels of the Plane of Earth . Although their resonant chimes \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ConsoniteChoir.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Gargantuan", "Swarm", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1102", "name": "Coral Capuchin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A coral capuchin resembles a hairless pink monkey with large eyes and batlike wings. Something of a tropical nuisance, these amphibious creatures \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CoralCapuchin.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1103", "name": "Corrupted Relic", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Creatures that once held particular items dear can be bound to them after death, their souls inhabiting the item from within. These might be the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CorruptedRelic.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Rare", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1104", "name": "Mix Couatl", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Mix couatls (pronounced \u201cmeesh\u201d) are guides to fledgling societies, providing fundamental information such as farming techniques, medicinal \u2026", "family": "Couatl", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Couatl_MixCouatl.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Couatl", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1105", "name": "Xiuh Couatl", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Fiercer than other couatls, xiuh couatls (pronounced \u201cshoo\u201d) are dedicated to seeking out malevolent creatures and offering a final opportunity at \u2026", "family": "Couatl", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Couatl_XiuhCouatl.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Couatl", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1106", "name": "Hermit Crab Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When hermit crabs find a shell that is too large, they lie in wait for others to arrive and move into the shell, abandoning a possible replacement. \u2026", "family": "Crab", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1107", "name": "Giant Hermit Crab", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Lucky hermit crabs with plentiful resources can live for decades and grow to tremendous sizes, often with magical help. Too large for most natural \u2026", "family": "Crab", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Crab_GiantHermitCrab.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1108", "name": "Crossroads Guardian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "When a village is threatened by a horde of bandits but there's no one to help, when a monastery's divine relic must be guarded but the last monk is \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CrossroadsGuardian.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1109", "name": "Dretch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Among the lowest and least powerful of all demons, dretches are just as vicious and cruel as their more powerful brethren. They happily vent their \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Dretch.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Small"]}, {"id": "1110", "name": "Abrikandilu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wrecker demons, also known as abrikandilus, despise beautiful things and do everything in their power to destroy both people and objects regarded as \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Abrikandilu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1111", "name": "Brimorak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These goat-headed demons have glowing red eyes and flaming hooves but measure only about 3 feet in height. Born from the souls of arsonists, the \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Brimorak.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Small"]}, {"id": "1112", "name": "Omox", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Seemingly made from living, animated filth, omoxes have no true anatomy, although they generally spend most of their time in roughly humanoid shapes, \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Omox.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Medium", "Ooze", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1113", "name": "Hellbound Attorney", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The Hellbound attorney sought the assistance of a phistophilus \u2014one of Hell 's contract devils\u2014to bolster her legalistic ability on the Material \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Hellbound.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1114", "name": "Levaloch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Fearsome giants of jagged iron, levalochs serve in the armies of Hell as potent warriors and tenacious hunters\u2014creatures of absolute discipline \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Levaloch.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Devil", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "1115", "name": "Munagola", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Munagolas are some of the most feared demonic warriors in Hell, combining the aerial strength and craftiness of erinyes with sheer brute force \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Munagola.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1116", "name": "Deimavigga", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "As masters of cold, calculated logic and perfectly timed proselytization, the loathsome deimaviggas seek to set friend against friend and turn the \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Devil_Deimavigga.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1117", "name": "Doru", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These deceivers whisper fetid lies, sowing dark and dread inspiration into foolish mortal ears. Dorus serve as the spies and messengers of the divs. \u2026", "family": "Div", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Div_Doru.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Div", "Fiend", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1118", "name": "Aghash", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Walking embodiments of curses, misfortune, and the evil eye, aghashes wander the deserts of the Material Plane , searching out the arrogant, \u2026", "family": "Div", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Div_Aghash.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Div", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1119", "name": "Pairaka", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Often charming, sometimes even seductive, pairakas worm their way into mortal relationships, subtly destroying the ties of friendship and love \u2026", "family": "Div", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Div_Pairaka.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Div", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1120", "name": "Sepid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sepids are the brutal warlords of the divs, delighting in violence against mortals and their own particular flavor of vengeance. Inveterate liars, \u2026", "family": "Div", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Div_Sepid.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Div", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "1121", "name": "Divine Warden Of Nethys", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "This divine warden serves Nethys , the neutral god of magic. It uses its divine gift to defend temples or shrines of Nethys.", "family": "Divine Warden", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DivineWarden_Nethys.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1122", "name": "Young Forest Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Forest dragons oversee the endless growth of nature, protect it from plunder, and reclaim ruins for the wilderness. Some say these dragons jealously \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Forest", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Large", "Plant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1123", "name": "Adult Forest Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Forest dragons oversee the endless growth of nature, protect it from plunder, and reclaim ruins for the wilderness. Some say these dragons jealously \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Forest", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Huge", "Plant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1124", "name": "Ancient Forest Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Forest dragons oversee the endless growth of nature, protect it from plunder, and reclaim ruins for the wilderness. Some say these dragons jealously \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Forest", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Plant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1125", "name": "Young Sea Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Sea dragons' affinity with water grants them mastery over rain, storms, and floods. Those whose livelihoods are at the mercy of the weather and waves \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Sea", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Large", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "1126", "name": "Adult Sea Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Sea dragons' affinity with water grants them mastery over rain, storms, and floods. Those whose livelihoods are at the mercy of the weather and waves \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Sea", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Huge", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "1127", "name": "Ancient Sea Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Sea dragons' affinity with water grants them mastery over rain, storms, and floods. Those whose livelihoods are at the mercy of the weather and waves \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Sea", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Rare", "Water"]}, {"id": "1128", "name": "Young Sky Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Sky dragons live above the clouds near the summits of mountains. They maintain a strong religious tradition, a unique practice among imperial dragons \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Sky", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1129", "name": "Adult Sky Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Sky dragons live above the clouds near the summits of mountains. They maintain a strong religious tradition, a unique practice among imperial dragons \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Sky", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1130", "name": "Ancient Sky Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Sky dragons live above the clouds near the summits of mountains. They maintain a strong religious tradition, a unique practice among imperial dragons \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Sky", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Electricity", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1131", "name": "Young Sovereign Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The most well-known of imperial dragons due to their deep involvement with mortals, the sovereign dragons' name comes from their mandate of selecting \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Sovereign", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1132", "name": "Adult Sovereign Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The most well-known of imperial dragons due to their deep involvement with mortals, the sovereign dragons' name comes from their mandate of selecting \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Sovereign", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1133", "name": "Ancient Sovereign Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The most well-known of imperial dragons due to their deep involvement with mortals, the sovereign dragons' name comes from their mandate of selecting \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Sovereign", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1134", "name": "Young Underworld Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Underworld dragons embody the pressure between tectonic plates, the heat behind geysers, and flash fires that ignite when the conditions are just \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Underworld", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1135", "name": "Adult Underworld Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Underworld dragons embody the pressure between tectonic plates, the heat behind geysers, and flash fires that ignite when the conditions are just \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Underworld", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1136", "name": "Ancient Underworld Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Underworld dragons embody the pressure between tectonic plates, the heat behind geysers, and flash fires that ignite when the conditions are just \u2026", "family": "Dragon, Underworld", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Fire", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1137", "name": "Divine Warden Of Brigh", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Imbued with the divine energy of the goddess of clockwork and invention, divine wardens of Brigh are prominent in Alkenstar as guardians of the \u2026", "family": "Divine Warden", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DivineWarden_Brigh.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Divine", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1138", "name": "Dramofir", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Beings of inscrutable intent and incredible power, dramofirs hail from the Dreamlands and shamble across the multiverse in search of dreams to \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dramofir.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1139", "name": "Duende", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Duendes fancy themselves as lords of the land\u2014which is true, in a literal sense, these spirits embody the very soil upon the ground. Unlike most \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Duende.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Fey", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1140", "name": "Dybbuk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The discorporated spirits called dybbuks arise from souls denied respite in the afterlife, often because they committed some great transgression in \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dybbuk.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1141", "name": "Einherji", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Einherjar are mighty warriors chosen by valkyries from the ranks of those slain in terrible and legendary battles. Forged from the souls of the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Einherji.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aesir", "Medium", "Monitor"]}, {"id": "1142", "name": "Air Wisp", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Air wisps are floating spheres of cloud and storm, perpetually humming a light, whispery tone. They're playful and capricious with great curiosity \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Wisp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalWisp_Air.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Elemental", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1143", "name": "Earth Wisp", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Earth wisps are rolling spheres of rock, mud, and leaves, perpetually humming with low, rumbling energy. They're timid and aloof, but fiercely loyal \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Wisp", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1144", "name": "Fire Wisp", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Fire wisps are sizzling spheres of flame and ash, perpetually crackling and shimmering with heat. They're carefree, boisterous, and quick to action\u2014 \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Wisp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElementalWisp_Fire.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Fire", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1145", "name": "Water Wisp", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Water wisps are swimming spheres of foam and water, perpetually humming with a wash of soft sounds. They're gentle, nurturing, and quick to help \u2026", "family": "Elemental, Wisp", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elemental", "Tiny", "Water"]}, {"id": "1146", "name": "Ioton", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Periodically, stray thoughts colliding on the Astral Plane become entangled, forming a knot of rudimentary intellect. Known as iotons, these beings \u2026", "family": "Ennosite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ennosite_Ioton.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Astral", "Incorporeal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1147", "name": "Shulsaga", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Shepherds of the Silver Sea, shulsagas patrol the Astral Plane to protect the nascent demiplanes that form there, warding off those who would usurp \u2026", "family": "Ennosite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ennosite_Shulsaga.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Astral", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1148", "name": "Caulborn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Telepathic prophets and historians, caulborn gather in small cabals for protection and camaraderie, using their collective brainpower to unravel \u2026", "family": "Ennosite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ennosite_Caulborn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Astral", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1149", "name": "Adachros", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When a nascent demiplane fails to coalesce, its quintessence sometimes collapses into an adachros, a dangerous entity that combines overwhelming \u2026", "family": "Ennosite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ennosite_Adachros.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Astral", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1150", "name": "Eunemvro", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Eunemvros wander the Material Plane with the sole purpose of destroying undead . These mysterious beings claim to hail from the Positive Energy \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Eunemvro.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Positive", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1151", "name": "Common Eurypterid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The smallest of the giant eurypterids can grow to about the size of a large dog. These eurypterids are a staple food for people living in marshlands, \u2026", "family": "Eurypterid", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1152", "name": "Spiny Eurypterid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Spiny eurypterids are aggressive, tenacious, and utterly unwilling to stop chasing prey, even to their own detriment. These creatures are covered \u2026", "family": "Eurypterid", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1153", "name": "Festrog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Spawned from corpses of those who died of illness or starvation and twisted by negative energy, festrogs display a visciousness that rivals other \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Festrog.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1154", "name": "Pufferfish", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The pufferfish defends itself by filling its flexible body with air or water to extend a number of spikes that otherwise lie flat against its skin. \u2026", "family": "Fish", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fish_Pufferfish.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1155", "name": "Piranha Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "More teeth and fury than body, few fish command as much fear and anxiety as the piranha. They move almost exclusively in schools, overwhelming larger \u2026", "family": "Fish", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1156", "name": "Flumph", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Even among the numerous types of tentacled aberrations populating the lands of Golarion, flumphs are an anomaly. Unlike most other aberrations, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Flumph.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Small"]}, {"id": "1157", "name": "Fortune Eater", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The fickle finger of fate has quashed hundreds of fledgling adventurers, sometimes in a particularly memorable or ignominious manner. When a number \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/FortuneEater.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Large", "Rare", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1158", "name": "Red Fox", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The shy and perceptive red fox has uncanny adaptability and is just as comfortable in urban areas as in the wilds. Red foxes typically have rust-red \u2026", "family": "Fox", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1159", "name": "Fading Fox", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "With fur that shifts between hues of red, dull brown, and silver as it moves, the fading fox vexes any pursuer. It has a knack for escaping traps, \u2026", "family": "Fox", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fox_FadingFox.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1160", "name": "Galvo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A galvo is a bizarre humanoid creature made up of electric eels \u2014dozens of them, transmogrified into one cooperative, electrified body. The story of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Galvo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1162", "name": "Garuda", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Garudas are noble, birdlike beings descended from the gods. They were born under the cerulean skies of the Outer Plane of Elysium but have since \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Garuda.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Celestial", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1163", "name": "Gathlain Wanderer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Gathlains have made a name for themselves as inquisitive and mischievous, as well as flighty and distractable. These eccentric little fey want \u2026", "family": "Gathlain", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gathlain.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Plant", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1164", "name": "Ghoran Manipulator", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "This ghoran manipulator relies on charm to survive.", "family": "Ghoran", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghoran.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoran", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Plant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1165", "name": "Leng Ghoul", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "In the icy nightmare dimension of Leng, ghouls with hoofed feet gather in morbid groups to worship and research, forming societies that mockingly \u2026", "family": "Ghoul", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghoul_LengGhoul.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dream", "Ghoul", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1166", "name": "Cave Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Cave giants are the vicious loners of the giant world. Even their closest ancestral kin, the rampaging hill giants , mostly find cave giants too \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_CaveGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "1167", "name": "Desert Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Desert giants are nomadic humanoids who have dwelled in the world's most arid regions since time immemorial. Smaller peoples know that desert giants \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_DesertGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "1168", "name": "Tomb Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Masters of mausoleums and keepers of crypts, the dread creatures called tomb giants are anathema to all living beings, but especially so to other \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_TombGIant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "1169", "name": "Plague Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Plague giants are rasping behemoths, whose weeping sores, fetid breath, and filthy fingernails all bear a terrible wasting disease. Like sewer rats \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Giant_PlagueGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Huge", "Humanoid"]}, {"id": "1170", "name": "Girtablilu Sentry", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sentries patrol the outskirts of a girtablilu communities, watching for external threats like desert drakes , blue dragons , or adventuring parties \u2026", "family": "Girtablilu", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "1171", "name": "Girtablilu Seer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The highest position of authority in a girtablilu community is the group's religious leader. This sacred duty requires years of study, meditation, \u2026", "family": "Girtablilu", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "1172", "name": "Gliminal", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Beholding the blinding light of a gliminal is akin to staring into the sun, and consequently, only gliminals themselves fully understand what they \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gliminal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Large", "Positive", "Rare", "Spirit"]}, {"id": "1173", "name": "Globster", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The tide washes ashore all manner of detritus, from harmless seaweed and shells to the rotting corpses of massive aquatic creatures. The globster is \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Globster.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Large", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "1174", "name": "Fossil Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Fossil golems are typically made from the fossilized bones of dinosaurs and other ancient megafauna, though some crafters stretch the definition and \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_FossilGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Huge", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1175", "name": "Mithral Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Mithral golems are gorgeously crafted, silvery humanoids made from colossal amounts of the purest mithral . While massive in construction, they \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_MithralGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Huge", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1176", "name": "Green Man", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 24, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Green men are ancient, enigmatic lesser deities of the primeval forests, living embodiments of nature and plantkind. When a forest or other woodland \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GreenMan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Leshy", "Medium", "Plant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1177", "name": "Grimple", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Even more than most gremlins, grimples resent the trappings of civilization: inn common rooms with their rowdy singalongs, livery yards with their \u2026", "family": "Gremlin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gremlin_Grimple.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1178", "name": "Haniver", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hanivers are the most benign type of gremlin\u2014capricious fey who skim the waves on rubbery fin-wings. Though they don't actively sabotage their \u2026", "family": "Gremlin", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Gremlin", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1179", "name": "Fuath", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Despite their small size, fuaths are shipwreckers incarnate. In the dark of night, these gremlins sever ratlines, slash sails, smash sextants, and \u2026", "family": "Gremlin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gremlin_Fuath.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Gremlin", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1180", "name": "Grioth Scout", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The first grioths encountered on a new world are scouts. Typically traveling the vastness of space via one-way portals from their home worlds, grioth \u2026", "family": "Grioth", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grioth_GriothScout.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Grioth", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1181", "name": "Grioth Cultist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Grioth cultists represent the lowest tier of their remorseless cult\u2014worshippers of the Elder Mythos tasked with leading scouting missions into new \u2026", "family": "Grioth", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grioth_GriothCultist.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Grioth", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1182", "name": "Stone Lion Cub", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Stone lion cubs are curious, playful, and occasionally accidental mischief makers. Despite their still developing abilities, they eagerly hone their \u2026", "family": "Guardian Beast", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GuardianBeast_LionCub.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Celestial", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1183", "name": "Stone Lion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Stone lions are a common sight outside of banks, temples, palaces, and even private residences. The fierce expressions affixed on their faces remind \u2026", "family": "Guardian Beast", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GuardianBeast_Lion.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Celestial", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1184", "name": "Guecubu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Sometimes an individual performs acts of horror so unspeakable that the earth they walk on becomes imprinted by their evil. With such villains, even \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Guecubu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1185", "name": "Hadrinnex", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The bizarre hadrinnexes resemble defensive systems more than living creatures. They evolve at a rapid rate, but only to specific attacks against \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hadrinnex.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1186", "name": "Storm Hag", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Storm hags are the personification of a storm's rage. These crones hate those who huddle together with loved ones in warm, dry shelters while the \u2026", "family": "Hag", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hag_StormHag.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Electricity", "Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1187", "name": "Winter Hag", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "On long, dark winter nights, folk at the edges of civilization have learned to be wary of old women who come knocking at their door. They look for \u2026", "family": "Hag", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hag_WinterHag.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1188", "name": "Blood Hag", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Blood hags, also known as soucouyants, infiltrate communities in the guise of young, innocent humanoids. This disguise is more than an illusion, for \u2026", "family": "Hag", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hag_BloodHag.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1189", "name": "Moon Hag", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Moon hags are powerful soothsayers who dwell in places where souls receive their final judgment. These vile creatures possess knowledge of\u2014and \u2026", "family": "Hag", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hag_MoonHag.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1190", "name": "Harmona", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Catching a glimpse of a harmona is said to be lucky. Flying quickly, observing and scouting new areas, these brightly colored avian fey are all but \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Harmona.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1191", "name": "Hellwasp Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hellwasps' infernal nature allows them to collectively inhabit and control humanoid corpses, and they use this ability to infest and horrify large \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/HellwaspSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1192", "name": "Herexen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When a cleric rebels against their deity and dies in the grip of blasphemous rage, the heresies they committed in life may fuel their transformation \u2026", "family": "Herexen", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Herexen.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1193", "name": "House Drake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Beautifully colored in purples and electric blues, these tiny dragons are genuinely brilliant in more ways than one. They are playful and kind, and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/HouseDrake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1194", "name": "Domovoi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The elderly domovoi are patrons of the home and the dearest of all house spirits to the people they live with. Families with a domovoi leave a bowl \u2026", "family": "House Spirit", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/HouseSpirit_Domovoi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1195", "name": "Dvorovoi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Traditionally, the dvorovoi is seen as the domovoi's younger sibling and has charge of a peasant's yard and all the animals and tools within. Animals \u2026", "family": "House Spirit", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small"]}, {"id": "1196", "name": "Ovinnik", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The ovinnik is the most ferocious of house spirits, and the only one that will kill if sufficiently angered. They live in granaries, storage rooms, \u2026", "family": "House Spirit", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/HouseSpirit_Ovinnik.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1197", "name": "Huldra", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "At first glance, a huldra seems a simple creature\u2014a human in plain robes or peasant dress, sporting long, unbound hair. These tresses and full skirts \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Huldra.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1198", "name": "Hyakume", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Hundreds of bloodshot eyes peek out from under the fleshy layers of a hyakume's skin. These hulking aberrations covet knowledge and go to great \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hyakume.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1199", "name": "Incutilis", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Incutilises are intelligent, nautilus-like sea creatures that attack their victims' brains to take over their bodies, creating puppets to use for \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Incutilis.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1200", "name": "Jorogumo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Appearing as beautiful, well-dressed humans, jorogumo lurk in the high mountains and prey on travelers. These evil creatures can fully change into a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Jorogumo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1201", "name": "Shikigami", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shikigami are the least powerful of all kami and the most common. Unlike most other kami, which are bound to their wards by a more powerful spirit or \u2026", "family": "Kami", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kami_Shikigami.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Kami", "Spirit", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1202", "name": "Kodama", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A kodama is a type of kami who inhabits a tree. Kodama commonly appear in old Tian forests, especially old-growth forests far removed from \u2026", "family": "Kami", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kami_Kodama.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Kami", "Small", "Spirit"]}, {"id": "1203", "name": "Zuishin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Zuishin are kami warriors and archers who task themselves with watching over important shrines, ancient gates, or sacred doorways. Monasteries \u2026", "family": "Kami", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kami_Zuishin.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Kami", "Medium", "Spirit"]}, {"id": "1204", "name": "Toshigami", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Toshigami are especially powerful kami who protect cherry trees, particularly ones in places where the primeval powers of nature remain strong. The \u2026", "family": "Kami", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kami_Toshigami.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Kami", "Medium", "Rare", "Spirit"]}, {"id": "1205", "name": "Kangaroo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Kangaroos are marsupials distinguished by long faces, large ears, powerful back legs and tails, and a distinctive hopping gait. These generally \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kangaroo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1206", "name": "Kappa", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Mischievous by nature, kappas delight in playing pranks on unsuspecting travelers. While not overtly malicious, kappa pastimes can be a significant \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kappa.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Small"]}, {"id": "1207", "name": "Kirin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The rare and majestic antlered beast known as a kirin supposedly appear only in times of peace and prosperity or during the birth or death of a great \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kirin.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Beast", "Fire", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1208", "name": "Kishi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Kishis are duplicitous and murderous fey who dwell on the edges of Golarion's densest jungles. At first glance, kishis appear to be attractive \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kishi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1209", "name": "Kitsune Trickster", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Kitsune are shapeshifting, fox-like humanoids who have been blessed by the spirits. They can shift from the form of a fox-headed humanoid into a \u2026", "family": "Kitsune", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kitsune.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kitsune", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1210", "name": "Kokogiak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "As deadly on land as in the water, kokogiaks are one of the most feared predators of the tundra. From a distance they might be mistaken for a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kokogiak.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge"]}, {"id": "1211", "name": "Kongamato", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Though they resemble pterosaurs and hail from a similar era, kongamatos are actually a primeval branch of dragonkind. They aren't particularly \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kongamato.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1212", "name": "Kovintus Geomancer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Kovintus are reclusive humanoids with an inborn talent for geomancy that ties them intrinsically to nature. Not only can they call upon the magic of \u2026", "family": "Kovintus", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kovintus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kovintus", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1213", "name": "Krampus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Krampus is a tall, goatlike humanoid with a pointed nose, swept-back horns, and hooved feet. His long, greasy tongue continually flickers out from \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Krampus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1214", "name": "Kuchisake-Onna", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A kuchisake-onna, or slit-mouthed woman, is a tall, masked figure who moves with an eerie grace. These horrors are infamous for trapping hapless \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/KuchisakeOnna.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1215", "name": "Kurobozu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A monk who violated their monastic vows in life might arise after death to become an undead horror known as a kurobozu. These predators feast upon \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kurobozu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1216", "name": "Kushtaka", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Kushtaka, or \u201cland otters\u201d as they are sometimes known, are devious shapeshifters. They propagate by luring a humanoid away from the shelter of their \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kushtaka.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Small"]}, {"id": "1217", "name": "Ledalusca", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ledaluscas are reflective water elementals that can bring forth images previously reflected on their surfaces and wholly freeze themselves in the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ledalusca.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Elemental", "Medium", "Water"]}, {"id": "1218", "name": "Vine Leshy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Irrepressible vine leshys love to explore and collect tales to share. They're curious without being reckless. Other cultures interest them greatly, \u2026", "family": "Leshy", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "1219", "name": "Cactus Leshy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These little plants are known for their nettlesome attitude. Their personalities mirror the spines that sprout from all over their bodies, making \u2026", "family": "Leshy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Leshy_CactusLeshy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Leshy", "Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "1220", "name": "Seaweed Leshy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Calmer than most of their other botanical brethren, seaweed leshys are a tranquil, discerning breed of leshy. They seek to mimic the ocean in their \u2026", "family": "Leshy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Leshy_SeaweedLeshy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Leshy", "Plant", "Small"]}, {"id": "1221", "name": "Oil Living Graffiti", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A living graffiti is a painting or drawing that has come to life by magic. These two-dimensional beings can move along any flat surface they touch, \u2026", "family": "Living Symbol", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/LivingGraffiti.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1222", "name": "Arcane Living Rune", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The most famous living runes are those of the ancient Runelords of Thassilon, resurging as Thassilon rebuilds in the modern era. Other living runes \u2026", "family": "Living Symbol", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/LivingRune.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Rare", "Small"]}, {"id": "1223", "name": "Locathah Hunter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Deep in the sea, schools of locathah\u2014piscine humanoids armed with spears and specialized crossbows\u2014stalk sharks, sea serpents, and giant squid from \u2026", "family": "Locathah", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Locathah.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Humanoid", "Locathah", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1224", "name": "Lovelorn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A particularly macabre form of undead, these spiderlike creatures resemble still-beating hearts with rib bones for legs and tendrils of gore dangling \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lovelorn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Tiny", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1225", "name": "Maftet Guardian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Maftets are hawk-winged humanoids with leonine lower bodies that dwell in ancient ruins and cities thought lost, typically in desert or mountain \u2026", "family": "Maftet", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Maftet.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1226", "name": "Mezlan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The bizarre shapeshifters known as mezlans were created ages ago as spies and infiltrators by a long-forgotten ritual infusing a magically \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mezlan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Ooze", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1227", "name": "Mi-Go", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Mi-gos are both scientists and colonists, yet their extraterrestrial nature and malevolent motives color their investigations with cruelty. While \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Migo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1228", "name": "Millindemalion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Millindemalion are cruel fey tricksters capable of causing mayhem with their magical, mind-altering hats. Many folk tales from around the world speak \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Millindemalion.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small"]}, {"id": "1229", "name": "Mobogo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Mobogos are massive, swamp-dwelling monstrosities that combine the worst aspects of giant toads and evil dragons. Lazy, cruel, and greedy, these vile \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mobogo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Huge"]}, {"id": "1230", "name": "Mokele-Mbembe", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Mokele-mbembes are large, reptilian predators found deep within Golarion's jungles. Mwangi view mokele-mbembes as embodiments of nature's strength \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/MokeleMbembe.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1231", "name": "Monkey", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When these small, curious primates come in contact with large humanoid populations, they quickly adapt, learning to steal food or small objects \u2026", "family": "Monkey", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Monkey.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1232", "name": "Monkey Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A single monkey can cause mischief. A troop of monkeys, emboldened by their numbers, can cause utter chaos, attacking anyone and looting anything in \u2026", "family": "Monkey", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1233", "name": "Moose", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Moose are a large, solitary type of deer. They're majestic, territorial, and extremely grumpy\u2014traits that make them dangerous to unwary travelers and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Moose.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1234", "name": "Angheuvore Flesh-Gnawer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Angheuvores, or mortic elves , have an insatiable hunger for raw humanoid flesh\u2014 though they're reluctant to feed on other elves. Most stalk the \u2026", "family": "Mortic", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mortic_Angheuvore.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Elf", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Mortic", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1235", "name": "Gurgist Mauler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Humans that become mortics are known as gurgists. They retain their personalities and intelligence, but their bodies rot with every beat of their \u2026", "family": "Mortic", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mortic_Gurgist.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Mortic", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1236", "name": "Lifeleecher Brawler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Lifeleechers are mortic orcs with gray flesh, sharp claws, and protruding tusks. Resilient and strong, they devour the vital essence of their \u2026", "family": "Mortic", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mortic_Lifeleecher.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Mortic", "Orc", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1237", "name": "Etioling Blightmage", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "When the primal spark of the First World nestled in a gnome's heart is engulfed in Radiant Fire , it fights back, pushing against death with \u2026", "family": "Mortic", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mortic_Etioling.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid", "Mortic", "Rare", "Small"]}, {"id": "1238", "name": "Platecarpus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The mid-sized platecarpuses are the most common type of mosasaur. They're typically 15 feet long, but larger specimens can grow up to 20 feet. The \u2026", "family": "Mosasaur", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1239", "name": "Tylosaurus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Though large in size\u2014sometimes exceeding 40 feet\u2014tylosauruses have sleek bodies and long, narrow snouts. Few creatures compete with them in their \u2026", "family": "Mosasaur", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mosasaur_Tylosaurus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan"]}, {"id": "1240", "name": "Mothman", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Little is known of the strange creatures known as mothmen, save that when they make themselves known, calamity is sure to follow. The mothman sees \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mothman.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1241", "name": "Munavri Spellblade", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Although the subterranean Darklands are known for their cruel and domineering civilizations\u2014led by fiend-worshipping drow , urdefhans , and \u2026", "family": "Munavri", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Munavri.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Munavri", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1242", "name": "Myceloid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The ambulatory fungus creatures called myceloids are notorious for spreading deadly purple pox, controlling creatures' minds, and devouring humanoid \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Myceloid.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1243", "name": "Nagaji Soldier", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Nagaji are brawny bipeds with humanoid figures and serpentine heads. Their bodies are covered in tightly layered scales that range in color from \u2026", "family": "Nagaji", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nagaji.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Nagaji"]}, {"id": "1244", "name": "Namorrodor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Namorrodor stalk the night, craving the flesh of the living. Though they dwell on the Shadow Plane , the shadowy substances of that plane offer them \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Namorrodor.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Shadow", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1245", "name": "Narwhal", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Narwhals are mid-sized whales known for the long tusk that grows from their nose. The tusk, forming from a protruding canine tooth, appears primarily \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Narwhal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Large"]}, {"id": "1246", "name": "Nemhaith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "This undead guardian stands amid a whirling swarm of shackled spirits that rage against their fate. Bound by a profane necromantic ritual, a nemhaith \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nemhaith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1247", "name": "Nightgaunt", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Nightgaunts dwell in dreams, lurking in wait to spirit away the unwary dreamer. Once connected to such a being, the nightgaunt feeds upon the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nightgaunt.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1248", "name": "Nightmarchers", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While smooth roads remain a traveler's blessing, walking them after sunset risks nightmarcher attack. The ringing of conch shells and beating of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nightmarchers.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Troop", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1249", "name": "Lampad", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Lampads protect dark, hidden places underground. Not only do they defend subterranean caverns from threats, but they also safeguard well-meaning \u2026", "family": "Nymph", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nymph_Lampad.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Fey", "Medium", "Nymph"]}, {"id": "1250", "name": "Hesperid", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hesperides are nymphs of sunset, guardians of the colorful golden hues of the setting sun. They live on remote islands, isolated coastal cliffsides, \u2026", "family": "Nymph", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nymph_Hesperid.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Light", "Medium", "Nymph"]}, {"id": "1251", "name": "Lampad Queen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Lampad queens are capricious monarchs and protectors of vast underground domains, regarded in ballads and tales as allies and foes, monsters and \u2026", "family": "Nymph", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nymph_QueenLampad.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Fey", "Medium", "Nymph", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1252", "name": "Hesperid Queen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Hesperid queens rule over isolated regions soaked in the light of sunset. They guard countless treasures and secrets, though for those who approach \u2026", "family": "Nymph", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nymph_QueenHesperid.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Light", "Medium", "Nymph", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1253", "name": "Giant Opossum", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Larger species of opossum can eat nearly anything human-sized or smaller.", "family": "Opossum", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Opossum_GiantOpossum.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1254", "name": "Khravgodon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Few creatures can shrug off an ankhrav's acid and crunch its chitin like a khravgodon.", "family": "Opossum", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "1255", "name": "Ostovite", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Skittering scavenger vermin common throughout the Abyss , ostovites roam battlefields to harvest flesh and bones. After the ostovites dissolve and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ostovite.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Small"]}, {"id": "1256", "name": "Ouroboros", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Ouroboros are the embodiment of eternity. Though they're prevalent as a symbol, often scrawled across the margins of alchemical tomes, few know that \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ouroboros.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Astral", "Beast", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1257", "name": "Owb", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Commonly called owbs, or lesser owbs by more powerful owb prophets, most of these mysterious creatures focus on manipulating caligni culture. Among \u2026", "family": "Owb", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Owb.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Shadow", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1258", "name": "Owb Prophet", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "An owb who comes into contact and is chosen by one of the Forsaken gains a fragment of that demigod's power and forges a permanent connection with \u2026", "family": "Owb", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Rare", "Shadow"]}, {"id": "1259", "name": "Manticore Paaridar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Monks dissatisfied with the limits of their humanoid forms and yearning for a shortcut can steal the might from other creatures. These monks become \u2026", "family": "Paaridar", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Paaridar.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Paaridar", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1260", "name": "Giant Pangolin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Despite their prodigious size, giant pangolins are solitary, reclusive creatures who forage by night for insects and vermin. To defend themselves \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PangolinGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1261", "name": "Penanggalan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Penanggalans feed on the blood and entrails of the young. When their cannibalistic hunger strikes, penanggalans bathe their bodies in an alchemical \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Penanggalen.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Tanggal"]}, {"id": "1262", "name": "Peri", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Peris are contrary, artful celestials renowned for their beauty as much as their deceptive natures. Mercurial, though never malicious, peris strive \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Peri.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Celestial", "Fire", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1263", "name": "Phantom Knight", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Cavaliers and knights who died for their cause make for particularly strong-willed phantoms. Though their motives vary, these phantoms often seek to \u2026", "family": "Phantom", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Phantom_PhantomKnight.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ethereal", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Phantom", "Spirit", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1264", "name": "Phantom Beast", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The River of Souls, alongside the souls of dead sapient humanoids, also carries the spirits of monsters, animals, and other creatures. Likewise, it \u2026", "family": "Phantom", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Phantom_PhantomBeast.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ethereal", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Phantom", "Spirit", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1265", "name": "Aphorite Sharpshooter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The denizens of the Eternal City of Axis first forged aphorites to serve as emissaries, agents, and facilitators, with one foot in the sublime, \u2026", "family": "Planar Scion", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PlanarScion_Aphorite.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aphorite", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1266", "name": "Ganzi Martial Artist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Children of primeval chaos, ganzis intertwine the churning pandemonium of the Maelstrom with the more mundane tumult of mortal life. Some arise in \u2026", "family": "Planar Scion", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PlanarScion_Ganzi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ganzi", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1267", "name": "Popobawa", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Cruel shapechangers, popobawas feed on negative emotions, particularly fear, despair, and anguish. Though they're dangerously strong carnivores that \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Popobawa.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1268", "name": "Giant Porcupine", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The porcupine, sometimes called a quill pig, is a shy, gray-and-brown herbivore covered in barbed quills. Though most comfortable on the forest \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PorcupineGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1269", "name": "Pukwudgie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Pukwudgies go by many names in many regions, but those who know of them agree that defying their mischievous nature provokes their wrath. In \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Pukwudgie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1270", "name": "Quintessivore", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Quintessivores are cunning creatures that wield arcane magic and scalpel-sharp spider limbs that can rend one's soul just as easily as flesh. A \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Quintessivore.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1271", "name": "Raktavarna", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The least of all rakshasas, raktavarnas resemble wicked serpents with glowing red eyes and oversized fangs. Often forced into service by mortal \u2026", "family": "Rakshasa", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Rakshasa_Raktavarna.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Rakshasa", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1272", "name": "Maharaja", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The most powerful of all rakshasas, maharajas form very rarely, never more than once or twice a century, and only from the reincarnated spirits of \u2026", "family": "Rakshasa", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Rakshasa_Maharaja.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Rakshasa", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1273", "name": "Ringhorn Ram", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ringhorn rams, named for the massive, curving spirals protruding from their heads, travel the plains. Though these rams tend to be slightly more \u2026", "family": "Ram", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ram_Rosethorn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1274", "name": "Rosethorn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These hardy mountain dwellers surpass their lowlander cousins in stubbornness and agility. Rosethorn rams sport distinctive, twisted horns that \u2026", "family": "Ram", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1275", "name": "Rancorous Priesthood", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Followers of Rovagug must usually conceal their devotion to the Rough Beast, hiding in remote cave complexes or abandoned ruins; but they emerge \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/RancorousPriesthood.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Humanoid", "Troop"]}, {"id": "1276", "name": "Rhu-Chalik", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The alien entities known as rhu-chaliks serve as scouts for a conglomeration of deep-space conquerors called the Dominion of the Black. Their masters \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/RhuChalik.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1277", "name": "Roiling Incant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Though many spellcasters can harness the forces of magic in a consistent manner, such power can't always be controlled, especially in the hands of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/RoilingIncant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Arcane", "Evocation", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1278", "name": "Rokurokubi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Rokurokubi come into being when mortals are cursed for some misdeed, though often the one who bears the curse is not the one who committed the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Rokurokubi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1279", "name": "Sabosan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sabosans are intelligent, bat-like humanoids who live in warm forests and drink the blood of other creatures, particularly people. They have thin, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sabosan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1280", "name": "Esipil", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Among the least of the sahkils, esipils delight in spreading fears and uncertainty among people who live with animals that could turn on them. They \u2026", "family": "Sahkil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sahkil_Esipil.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Sahkil", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1281", "name": "Nucol", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Representing the fear of parasites and affliction, nucols appear as violent, pestilence-ridden boars. They pollute their victim's body and mind, \u2026", "family": "Sahkil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sahkil_Nucol.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Sahkil"]}, {"id": "1282", "name": "Wihsaak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These gaunt and insectile sahkils torment their foes by focusing on a widespread fear of insects and creeping, crawling vermin. Unlike their more \u2026", "family": "Sahkil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sahkil_Wihsaak.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Sahkil"]}, {"id": "1283", "name": "Pakalchi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Pakalchis strive to intensify their preys' inherent insecurity over personal and emotional bonds, playing on the threat of those relationships \u2026", "family": "Sahkil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sahkil_Pakalchi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Medium", "Sahkil"]}, {"id": "1284", "name": "Ximtal", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The struggles of loneliness and the anxiety that accompanies that feeling plague many creatures, and ximtals delight in exploiting this fear for \u2026", "family": "Sahkil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sahkil_Ximtal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Large", "Sahkil"]}, {"id": "1285", "name": "Kimenhul", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Among the strongest of their kind aside from the sahkil tormentors, kimenhuls work their craft to foment despair in those who fear failure, forming \u2026", "family": "Sahkil", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sahkil_Kimenhul.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Huge", "Sahkil"]}, {"id": "1286", "name": "Samsaran Anchorite", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A unique connection to the cycle of life and death defines the mortal lives of samsarans. With a tendency toward reclusiveness, samsarans have \u2026", "family": "Samsaran", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Samsaran.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Samsaran"]}, {"id": "1287", "name": "Sasquatch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The elusive sasquatches dwell in the deepest, most remote and secluded tracts of wilderness. They avoid confrontations with humanoids unless drawn \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sasquatch.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1288", "name": "Scalescribe", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Often seen at the sides of spellcasters, scalescribes are tiny, snakelike creatures with numerous hands that usually hold a multitude of fountain \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Scalescribe.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1289", "name": "Giant Seahorse", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant seahorses are bear-sized, docile versions of their tiny, more common cousins. Merfolk and other underwater cultures often use them as pack \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SeahorseGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1290", "name": "Seething Spirit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Hatred so powerful it lives beyond the grave\u2014this sentiment animates the ephemeral crimson apparitions known as seething spirits. Single-minded in \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SeethingSpirit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1291", "name": "Shabti Redeemer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Cobbled together from broken bits of mortal souls, shabti are facsimiles of wealthy or powerful mortals seeking to escape punishment for their sins \u2026", "family": "Shabti", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shabti.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare", "Shabti"]}, {"id": "1292", "name": "Shae", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shae are wispy, tenebrous creatures native to the Plane of Shadow . Their amorphous bodies appear in constant states of flux. They cast no shadows \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shae.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Shadow"]}, {"id": "1293", "name": "Shantak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The imposing shantaks are far more intelligent than their bestial appearance would suggest. They can speak, though their voices sound like glass \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shantak.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1294", "name": "Misery Siktempora", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Creatures born of intense pain and suffering, the armless, six-legged misery siktemporas are some of the most numerous of their kind since misery is \u2026", "family": "Siktempora", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Siktempora_MiserySiktempora.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Rare", "Siktempora", "Time"]}, {"id": "1295", "name": "Triumph Siktempora", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Triumph siktemporas embody the emotional satisfaction of overcoming a task that took up much of a creature's mind, be it taking an apple seed from \u2026", "family": "Siktempora", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Siktempora_TriumpSiktempora.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Rare", "Siktempora", "Small", "Time"]}, {"id": "1296", "name": "Love Siktempora", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Acts of great and intense love spawn love siktemporas, kindly creatures bearing intense strength that start and end wars in the name of the love that \u2026", "family": "Siktempora", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Siktempora_LoveSiktempora.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Siktempora", "Time"]}, {"id": "1297", "name": "Hatred Siktempora", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Spawned by acts and legacies of cold-blooded spite, hatred siktemporas kill indiscriminately out of pure loathing, methodically hunting down and \u2026", "family": "Siktempora", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Siktempora_HatredSiktempora.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Siktempora", "Time"]}, {"id": "1298", "name": "Harpy Skeleton", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A live harpy's song is compelling and captivating; a harpy skeleton's is anything but, rending the target's mind.", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skeleton_HarpySkeleton.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1299", "name": "Tyrannosaurus Skeleton", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A massive dinosaur predator makes for a fearsome skeleton.", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skeleton_TRexSkeleton.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1300", "name": "Skeleton Infantry", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This troop of skeletons was once a cohort of highly disciplined spear-and-shield infantry from an ancient empire.", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Troop", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1301", "name": "Street Skelm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Street skelms abuse the deference given to elders and the well-to-do in public spaces, appearing as such so they can verbally or physically punish \u2026", "family": "Skelm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skelm_StreetSkelm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Skelm"]}, {"id": "1302", "name": "Shrine Skelm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The unquestioned authority that a priest wields, with influence over even the most intimate details of a congregation's lives, is the ultimate prize \u2026", "family": "Skelm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skelm_ShrineSkelm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Skelm"]}, {"id": "1303", "name": "Palace Skelm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Skelms crave power, and the palace skelms who stalk the halls where such power concentrates are among the most dangerous of their kind. They assume \u2026", "family": "Skelm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skelm_PalaceSkelm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Skelm"]}, {"id": "1304", "name": "Soul Skelm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Soul skelms arise not from mortal men but from other skelms, as their long-held wrath slowly twists them and replaces lingering fragments of their \u2026", "family": "Skelm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skelm_SoulSkelm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Skelm"]}, {"id": "1305", "name": "Skinstitch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Skinstitches' hulking frames are made from flayed humanoid skin stuffed with straw and poisonous insects. The dark god Norgorber grants the secrets \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skinstitch.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1306", "name": "Skull Peeler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Skull peelers, despite their ferocious and well-deserved moniker, are considered by many to be downright adorable, especially when viewed from a safe \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SkullPeeler.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Small"]}, {"id": "1307", "name": "Clacking Skull Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Roiling about in seething waves of bleached death, clacking skull swarms arise from the remains of dozens of beheaded humanoids. The horrible \u2026", "family": "Skull Swarm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SkullSwarm_ClackingSkullSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Swarm", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1308", "name": "Feral Skull Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Some skull swarms are crafted from the heads of feral and dangerous beasts. These can include predatory cats, bears, dinosaurs , and the like, but \u2026", "family": "Skull Swarm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SkullSwarm_FeralSkullSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Mindless", "Swarm", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1309", "name": "Sorcerous Skull Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The act of creating a demilich sometimes goes horribly awry, leaving behind a shattered remnant of a once-mighty spellcaster constantly leaking \u2026", "family": "Skull Swarm", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Rare", "Swarm", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1310", "name": "Skunk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These omnivores are most active at twilight, feeding on everything from berries to grubs and insects. Some farmers even encourage the animals to live \u2026", "family": "Skunk", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1311", "name": "Giant Skunk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant skunks thrive in places where their larger size and more potent musk allow them to fend off predators their smaller cousins can't. With larger \u2026", "family": "Skunk", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1312", "name": "Slithering Pit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A slithering pit is a strange, nearly invisible ooze with an extradimensional space for its digestive system, which mimics the appearance of an \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SlitheringPit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1313", "name": "Three-Toed Sloth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The diminutive three-toed sloth is a solitary, tree-dwelling creature. Possessing a gentle nature and unassuming countenance, it has little to defend \u2026", "family": "Sloth", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1314", "name": "Megatherium", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Megatheriums dwell deep within ancient forests and humid jungles. Fiercely territorial, these immense creatures are often smelt before seen. Though \u2026", "family": "Sloth", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "1315", "name": "Rat Snake Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A solitary snake might be no cause for alarm, but a hissing mass of frenzied snakes can make even seasoned adventurers shudder. Rat snakes can reach \u2026", "family": "Snake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SnakeSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1316", "name": "Viper Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The frightening mass of shining scales, gleaming eyes, and fangs dripping with venom that comprise a viper swarm has brought an end to many an \u2026", "family": "Snake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SnakeSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1317", "name": "Hieracosphinx", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Lacking the intelligence of their kin, falcon-headed hieracosphinxes are cowardly, cruel-hearted creatures. They guard their territory ruthlessly \u2026", "family": "Sphinx", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sphinx_Hieracosphinx.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large"]}, {"id": "1318", "name": "Elder Sphinx", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Towering over their kin, elder sphinxes are the pharaonic masters of their kind. They crave solitude in eternal vigil over sacred spaces, where they \u2026", "family": "Sphinx", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sphinx_ElderSphinx.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1319", "name": "Cunning Guide", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Spirit guides of cunning are often seen as the weakest of the spirit guides, but are also the most numerous and proactive, guiding families to safe \u2026", "family": "Spirit Guide", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SpiritGuide_Cunning.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Incorporeal", "Small", "Spirit"]}, {"id": "1320", "name": "Feathered Bear", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Born from spirits possessing the qualities of strength, endurance, and ferocity, these spirit guides act as martial guardians for mortals under their \u2026", "family": "Spirit Guide", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SpiritGuide_Strong.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Incorporeal", "Large", "Spirit"]}, {"id": "1321", "name": "Nyktera", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Nykteras, or bat sprites, are gentle sprites known for their affectionate nature and incredible hospitality. Nykteras share features with bats, but \u2026", "family": "Sprite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sprite_Nyktera.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1322", "name": "Melixie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Melixies are hyperactive insect sprites with legendary sweet tooths, capable of drinking down honey, nectar, sugar, and other sweets in alarming \u2026", "family": "Sprite", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1323", "name": "Draxie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The mischievous dragon sprites known as draxies have dueled their pixie cousins for the title of ultimate prankster for centuries. Possessed of \u2026", "family": "Sprite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sprite_Draxie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1324", "name": "Squirming Swill", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Grotesque pieces of cast-off animal carcasses slowly stew into an overcooked mass at the bottom of a witch or hag's cauldron. The animals' magical \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SquirmingSwill.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Small", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1325", "name": "Squirrel Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Descending with a shriek, a swarm of squirrels is a menace to foes, crawling in and out of pockets and clothing, biting and scratching as it goes. \u2026", "family": "Squirrel", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1326", "name": "Giant Flying Squirrel", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Though other squirrels can fall from a great height safely, flying squirrels can soar through the air. Flaps of loose skin between their limbs catch \u2026", "family": "Squirrel", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Squirrel.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "1327", "name": "Stheno Harpist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "With living snakes for hair, sthenos, who are descended from medusas , are a curious and independent ancestry. A newly emergent people, sthenos have \u2026", "family": "Stheno", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Stheno.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare", "Stheno"]}, {"id": "1328", "name": "Strix Kinmate", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Strix are avian humanoids with sprawling, dark-feathered wings and large talons. Strix possess angular features and piercing eyes that are fixed \u2026", "family": "Strix", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Strix.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Strix", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1329", "name": "Sumbreiva", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Sumbreivas are the Negative Energy Plane's unstoppable hunters, tracking down and destroying other creatures on their plane for sport and practice. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sumbrevia.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large", "Negative"]}, {"id": "1330", "name": "Swordkeeper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Collectors who want to guard their magical arsenals procure or build swordkeepers. These constructs are equal parts display case and security system, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Swordkeeper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "1331", "name": "Tattoo Guardian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Tattoo guardians are vigilant protectors drawn onto the skin of the individuals they are meant to protect. The creators of tattoo guardians typically \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/TattooGuardian.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1332", "name": "Terra-Cotta Soldier", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A single terra-cotta warrior stands 6 feet tall and weighs 600 pounds.", "family": "Terra-Cotta Warrior", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/TerrcottaSoldier.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1333", "name": "Terra-Cotta Garrison", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These constructed warriors can work together as a trained group to repel intruders.", "family": "Terra-Cotta Warrior", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Gargantuan", "Troop"]}, {"id": "1334", "name": "Terror Bird", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Common terror birds, also known as axe beaks, are notable hunters. On their own, they use their great speed to catch prey unawares. In a flock, they \u2026", "family": "Terror Bird", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1335", "name": "Terror Shrike", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The terror shrike, also known as the scythe beak, is a more powerful species of terror bird. Large terror bird flocks typically have one or two \u2026", "family": "Terror Bird", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1336", "name": "Tiddalik", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Tiddaliks are giant, drought-causing monstrosities resembling grossly swollen frogs. They travel through the land, sniffing out water to gorge \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tiddalik.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Huge"]}, {"id": "1337", "name": "Tidehawk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Tidehawks, avian embodiments of the sea and rain, nest in deep underwater crevasses and glide among waves. They feed mostly on large sea life and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tidehawk.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Huge", "Rare", "Water"]}, {"id": "1338", "name": "Tikbalang", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Tikbalangs are forest creatures that delight in leading travelers astray. They deceive and mislead with their formidable magic, leaping from tree to \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tikbalang.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1339", "name": "Elysian Titan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Those titans who remained true to their creators, refusing to participate in their peers' rebellion, earned their freedom while the others were \u2026", "family": "Titan", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Titan_ElysianTitan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Humanoid", "Rare", "Titan"]}, {"id": "1340", "name": "Thanatotic Titan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 22, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Thanatotic titans served as assassins in the war against the deities. They learned to sever their targets' divine connections, murdering mortal \u2026", "family": "Titan", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Titan_ThanatoticTitan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Humanoid", "Rare", "Titan"]}, {"id": "1341", "name": "Danava Titan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 23, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Danava titans once regulated the foundational forces that shaped reality. Rebuked by the gods for being harsh and inflexible overseers, these spurned \u2026", "family": "Titan", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Titan_DanavaTitan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Humanoid", "Rare", "Titan", "Water"]}, {"id": "1342", "name": "Hekatonkheires Titan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 24, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The first three hekatonkheires were meant to guard the gates to the Abyss , but they proved too terrifying and rebellious\u2014 and so, in disgust, the \u2026", "family": "Titan", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Titan_HekatonkhieresTitan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Gargantuan", "Rare", "Titan"]}, {"id": "1343", "name": "Tolokand", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Streams run dry. The earth cracks. Green leaves brown and shatter. And the creature walks on. The faceless, unknowable tolokands wander the land, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tolokand.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1344", "name": "Tooth Fairy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Lone fairies usually need several minutes of elbow grease and a sleeping or restrained subject to extract a tooth.", "family": "Tooth Fairy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ToothFairy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1345", "name": "Tooth Fairy Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A mob of tooth fairies working together can conduct forced dentistry in seconds.", "family": "Tooth Fairy", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1346", "name": "Trailgaunt", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Legends warn of trailgaunts\u2014the twitching, rotting corpses of seasoned travelers who became lost on their journeys and died of starvation, thirst, or \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Trailgaunt.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1347", "name": "Trilobite", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Trilobites have segmented, chitinous bodies that armor them but provide enough flexibility for them to roll up and protect their vulnerable \u2026", "family": "Trilobite", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1348", "name": "Trilobite Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Trilobites typically live in close proximity to others of their kind. On rare occasions, particularly when the most common prey around is larger than \u2026", "family": "Trilobite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Trilobite_TrilobiteSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Aquatic", "Large", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1349", "name": "Ittan-Momen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Born from large pieces of cloth, ittan-momen flutter in the air, catching the last rays of the setting sun. Ittan-momen can awaken from any \u2026", "family": "Tsukumogami", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tsukumogami_IttanMomen.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Kami", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1350", "name": "Kasa-Obake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The jerky stomping outside in the middle of the night belongs to the kasa-obake. Though their appearances vary, most kasa-obake resemble an umbrella \u2026", "family": "Tsukumogami", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tsukumogami_KasaObake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Kami", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1351", "name": "Chouchin-Obake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A chouchin-obake takes the shape of a paper lantern with a horizontal split near the bottom from which a long tongue protrudes. Upon closer \u2026", "family": "Tsukumogami", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Kami", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1352", "name": "Tupilaq", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A tupilaq is an artistically crafted construct carved from animal bones (typically whale or walrus) and imbued with the express purpose of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tupilaq.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Small"]}, {"id": "1353", "name": "Tzitzimitl", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Due to their affinity for darkness and apocalyptic terror, tzitzimitls are widely feared as harbingers of death and destruction. A solar eclipse \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tzitzimitl.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Electricity", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1354", "name": "Umasi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Tales tell of strange humanoids who harvest appendages and organs from other creatures to graft onto their own perpetually decaying bodies. These \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Umasi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1355", "name": "Valkyrie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Choosers of the slain and so-called angels of battle, the song of the valkyries plays wherever steel rings against steel. Valkyries are humanoid \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Valkyrie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aesir", "Medium", "Monitor"]}, {"id": "1356", "name": "Nosferatu Thrall", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Nosferatu thralls are mortals bound to a nosferatu's will. While thralls aren't undead, they stay alive through unnatural means: feeding on the blood \u2026", "family": "Vampire, Nosferatu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_NosferatuThrall.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1357", "name": "Nosferatu Malefactor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Twisted by age and eternal hunger, nosferatu malefactors spread plague in their wake and yearn for mortal blood.", "family": "Vampire, Nosferatu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_NosferatuMalefactor.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "1358", "name": "Nosferatu Overlord", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Millennia of feeding on the living can turn the most powerful nosferatus into creatures of indomitable will and walking terror.", "family": "Vampire, Nosferatu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_NosferatuOverlord.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "1359", "name": "Vanara Disciple", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Vanara culture prizes order and discipline, leading to many vanaras studying monastic practices. They also value compassion, kindness, and community, \u2026", "family": "Vanara", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vanara.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Vanara"]}, {"id": "1360", "name": "Vilderavn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "In their true form, a vilderavn is a great raven with a wingspan of 6\u20138 feet. Adaptable shapeshifters, they can change to the fighting forms of a \u2026", "family": "Vilderavn", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vilderavn.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1361", "name": "Vishkanya Infiltrator", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "From a distance, vishkanyas share more than a passing resemblance to humans. However, a closer inspection reveals ophidian eyes with gold or white \u2026", "family": "Vishkanya", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vishkanya.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare", "Vishkanya"]}, {"id": "1362", "name": "Giant Vulture", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Recognizable at a distance by their black feathers and bald necks, vultures drift along air currents looking for carrion to serve as their next meal. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/VultureGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1363", "name": "Wayang Whisperblade", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "In hushed tones, superstitious people tell their children stories of wayangs\u2014 living shadows who come out at night to eat misbehaving children. \u2026", "family": "Wayang", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wayang.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Shadow", "Small", "Uncommon", "Wayang"]}, {"id": "1364", "name": "Weasel", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Despite their small stature, weasels are skilled hunters. Nearly fearless in pursuit of food, they frequently kill creatures up to five times their \u2026", "family": "Weasel", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Weasel.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1365", "name": "Megalictis", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These giant weasels are driven by the same hunger that plagues their smaller cousins, but because of their much larger size, they can quickly \u2026", "family": "Weasel", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1366", "name": "Werebat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Werebats form organized colonies of opportunistic hunters. They aren't shy about transforming creatures to add to their colony, whom they initiate \u2026", "family": "Werecreature", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Werecreature_Werebat.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Werecreature"]}, {"id": "1367", "name": "Werecrocodile", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The curse of the werecrocodile instills powerful hunger, urges violent displays of dominance, and amplifies greed.", "family": "Werecreature", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Werecreature_Werecrocodile.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Large", "Werecreature"]}, {"id": "1368", "name": "Wizard Sponge", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This strange type of fungus colony takes its name from its initial purpose: the wizard who first developed it sought a means to keep her tower clean \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/WizardSponge.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Large", "Mindless", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1369", "name": "Wolliped", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wollipeds are large, docile herd animals found in the snowy foothills of large mountains. Their eight legs give them sure footing even in icy \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wolliped.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1370", "name": "Wyrmwraith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Though they refused to accept death, wyrmwraiths nonetheless despise their new undead condition. Indeed, lacking in all motivation to collect \u2026", "family": "Wyrmwraith", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Incorporeal", "Rare", "Undead", "Wraith"]}, {"id": "1371", "name": "Elder Wyrmwraith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 23, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The most powerful of these monsters, elder wyrmwraiths, sometimes form spontaneously from legendary dragons haunted by an irrational fear of the \u2026", "family": "Wyrmwraith", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Incorporeal", "Rare", "Undead", "Wraith"]}, {"id": "1372", "name": "Wyrwood Sneak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Wyrwood sneaks specialize in moving unseen behind enemy lines, performing reconnaissance and quietly eliminating threats.", "family": "Wyrwood", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wyrwood.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Rare", "Small", "Wyrwood"]}, {"id": "1373", "name": "Yithian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Yithians are strange creatures, defined not by their physical bodies but by their ancient, disembodied minds. As a people, yithians devote themselves \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Yithian.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1374", "name": "Yzobu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Yzobus are herd beasts common across northern plains and mountains, resembling a cross between a steer, a sturdy horse, and a yak. They most notably \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Yzobu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1375", "name": "Zetogeki", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Basalt comprises the earthen bodies of zetogekis, giant lizards with an innate ability to absorb and redirect kinetic energy. They dwell near active \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zetogeki.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Earth", "Large"]}, {"id": "1376", "name": "Shambler Troop", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This shuffling mass of decaying flesh moves with dull but singular focus.", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Mindless", "Troop", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1377", "name": "Sulfur Zombie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Glowing with a dull amber light, these odious creatures spawn from a combination of necromancy and fire. These destructive creations sow chaos and \u2026", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zombie_SulfurZombie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fire", "Medium", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1378", "name": "Zombie Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The rotted husk of a once great dragon, this abomination has lost all its former splendor, but none of the ferocity. Its patchy, rotted wings don't \u2026", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zombie_DragonZombie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Huge", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1379", "name": "Bright Walker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Those who encounter calignis quickly learn that their deaths involve burning out instead of bleeding out. At times, this dramatic immolation is \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BrightWalker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Rare", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1380", "name": "Dragon's Blood Puffball", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "This bulbous, deep red fungus looks like an enormous, decaying rose.", "family": "Deadly Puffball", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1381", "name": "Reaper Skull Puffball", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When this fungus detects prey, its tendrils writhe and exude a paralytic toxin.", "family": "Deadly Puffball", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Puffball_ReapersSkull.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1382", "name": "Deepwater Dhuthorex", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The typical dhuthorex is a dumb and hungry beast, chasing prey through the depths and venturing onto land only to pursue easy prey.", "family": "Dhuthorex", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1383", "name": "Dread Dhuthorex", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "More intelligent than their lesser kin, dread dhuthorexes possess eerie, enchanting powers.", "family": "Dhuthorex", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1384", "name": "Dread Wisp", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Will-o'-wisps native to the Darklands are more ominous and malevolent than those that bob about in the lonely marshes and surfaces of the upper \u2026", "family": "Wisp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wisp_DreadWisp.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1385", "name": "Drow Warden", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Wardens watch over drow encampments and often work in small groups.", "family": "Drow", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drow_DrowWarden.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Drow", "Elf", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1386", "name": "Drow Hunter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Hunters seek out game to keep drow communities fed and functioning.", "family": "Drow", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drow_DrowHunter.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Drow", "Elf", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1387", "name": "Drow Shootist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The rare few drow who specialize in the repeating hand crossbow command respect not only for their skills but for their luck and swagger.", "family": "Drow", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drow_DrowShootist.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Drow", "Elf", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1388", "name": "Urdefhan Death Scout", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Death scouts train as spies and assassins for their cult. Other urdefhans scorn their stealthy methods, but none can argue with their results.", "family": "Urdefhan", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1389", "name": "Urdefhan Lasher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Trained from a young age with the strange and powerful shauth lashes, urdefhan lashers would rather die than retreat from combat.", "family": "Urdefhan", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Urdefhan_UrdefhanLasher.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Urdefhan"]}, {"id": "1390", "name": "Urdefhan Blood Mage", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hardened masters of occult power, urdefhan blood mages trade their blood for magical might. A heavily scarred blood mage is held in esteem by their \u2026", "family": "Urdefhan", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Urdefhan_UrdefhanBloodMage.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Urdefhan"]}, {"id": "1392", "name": "Anugobu Apprentice", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Most young anugobus undertake not just one, but many apprenticeships in order to learn advanced techniques in their trade of choice. The apprentice \u2026", "family": "Anugobu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Anugobu_Apprentice.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Anugobu", "Humanoid", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1393", "name": "Anugobu Wondercrafter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Once an anugobu apprentice sets out on their own, they travel the world working on small projects here and there to maintain their skills. But an \u2026", "family": "Anugobu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Anugobu_Wondercrafter.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Anugobu", "Humanoid", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1394", "name": "Berberoka", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Berberokas are giant humanoids who live among forests and swamps, where they use their ability to swallow massive amounts of water to drain small \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Berberoka.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Huge", "Humanoid", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1395", "name": "Dromornis", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Dromornises are large, flightless, carnivorous birds that travel in packs to ambush prey. Their short, stubby wings may give them a comical \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dromornis.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1396", "name": "Hantu Denai", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When an environment such as a forest or stream is at risk of overhunting or overfishing, the land itself can manifest as a hantu denai in order to \u2026", "family": "Hantu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hantu_Denai.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Hantu", "Incorporeal", "Large", "Spirit", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1397", "name": "Hantu Belian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The hantu belian represents the spiritual essence of a tiger and typically manifests as a ghostly bird perched on a tiger's back. Hantu belians \u2026", "family": "Hantu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hantu_Belian.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Hantu", "Incorporeal", "Small", "Spirit", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1398", "name": "Caustic Monitor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Caustic monitors are enormous lizards native to eastern Minata known and named for the corrosive enzyme in their mucus, saliva, and other bodily \u2026", "family": "Lizard", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lizard_CausticMonitor.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1399", "name": "Manananggal", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Manananggals are wicked monsters that live as humanoids during the day but feed upon them at night. To hide their depravities, these beings disguise \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Manananggal.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Tanggal"]}, {"id": "1400", "name": "Muckish Creep", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Legends say that the first muckish creeps were born at the site of a mass grave where the souls of murdered prisoners coalesced into the surrounding \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/MuckishCreep.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1401", "name": "Sigbin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Resembling hornless goats with extremely long tails, sigbins live in forests and prey on inhabitants of nearby humanoid villages. Sigbins drink the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sigbin.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Small"]}, {"id": "1402", "name": "Angoyang", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Angoyangs resemble white cats with black stripes like those of a tiger. They have beautifully silken fur, piercing blue eyes, and long fluffy tails. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Angoyang.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Small"]}, {"id": "1403", "name": "Kun", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Hungry and resentful, the malevolent kun is a mythological fish monster that dwells in the remotest, coldest depths of the ocean. This massively \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kun.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Beast", "Cold", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1404", "name": "Shadow Yai", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Oni who assume the form of shadow giants are known as shadow yais. Many shadow yais crave the pleasures of music and go to great lengths to secure \u2026", "family": "Oni", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Oni_ShadowYai.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Oni", "Shadow"]}, {"id": "1405", "name": "Taiga Yai", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wearing the visage of taiga giants , taiga yais generally travel in a solitary fashion, always yearning for new experiences and destinations. They \u2026", "family": "Oni", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Oni_TaigaYai.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Giant", "Huge", "Humanoid", "Oni"]}, {"id": "1406", "name": "Peng", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Pengs are massive avian beasts who fly effortlessly among the highest clouds. Their bright plumage makes it difficult to see their shape against an \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Peng.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Beast", "Cold", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1407", "name": "Rivka", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Rivkas are parasitic monsters that cling to the sides of kaiju. In their natural form, they resemble giant cockroaches with eight razor-like legs and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Rivka.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1410", "name": "Canopy Elder", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "In the densest and oldest jungles, arboreals can reach heights of 200 feet or more. Given thousands of undisturbed years, these massive creatures \u2026", "family": "Arboreal", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Arboreal_CanopyElder.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Plant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1411", "name": "Bul-Gae", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Bul-gaes are manifestations of the eclipsed sun and moon. They resemble large canines, though their coloration and features change as they exercise \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bulgae.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Cold", "Fire", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1412", "name": "Desecrated Guardian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Countless temples across Golarion, dedicated to deities both living and forgotten, have risen and fallen through the ages. Many find themselves \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DesecratedGuardian.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1413", "name": "Gumiho", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Gumihos are legendary nine-tailed fox creatures who, when disguised in humanoid form, use charm and guile to lure prey deep into the forest before \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gumiho.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1414", "name": "Inmyeonjo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Mountain guides whisper stories of giant white birds that stretch towards the sky, singing with human voices. While these stories are often dismissed \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Inmyeonjo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Beast", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1415", "name": "Lophiithu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Lophiithus dwell in the deepest ocean trenches, places untouched by light, hope, or mortal comprehension. They appear to be gaping maws with \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lophiithu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Aquatic", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1416", "name": "Orochi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "An orochi is an enormous serpent with eight heads and eight tails that lives among large waterways. Orochi are vile, amoral creatures kept at bay \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Orochi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1417", "name": "Sanzuwu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Those who feast on the sun are said to carry its power within them. Sanzuwus are small crows with red plumage and dark throats. According to legend, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sanzuwu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fire", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1418", "name": "Spirit Turtle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Spirit turtles are benevolent fey known to heal those in need and confer other powerful gifts. These gentle giants resemble enormous turtles and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SpiritTurtle.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1419", "name": "Sthira", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The Wall of Heaven claims many intrepid climbers. Some such travelers come seeking fortune. Others seek enlightenment. Many, however, find only an \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sthira.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Large", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1420", "name": "Algea", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Algeas protect (and sometimes retrieve) souls at risk of being claimed by other entities, particularly spellcasters who dabbled with otherworldly \u2026", "family": "Psychopomp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Psychopomp_Algea.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Monitor", "Psychopomp", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1421", "name": "Tanglebones", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Sometimes, when murderer buries a large number of victims in a mass grave, the vengeful spirits of the slain can become similarly tangled together. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tanglebones.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1422", "name": "Anadi Hunter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Anadi hunters act as the eyes and ears of their people by scouting surrounding areas for potential invaders.", "family": "Anadi", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Anadi_AnadiHunter.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Anadi", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1423", "name": "Anadi Sage", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Anadi sages commune with nature and hone their innate magic through practice.", "family": "Anadi", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Anadi_AnadiSage.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Anadi", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1424", "name": "Anadi Elder", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Anadi elders help guide their kin and must make difficult decisions for their people, such as whether to continue hostile negotiations or to escalate \u2026", "family": "Anadi", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Anadi", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1425", "name": "Aigamuxa", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Aigamuxas are towering humanoids that stalk arid deserts in search of prey. Carnivorous and voracious, they hunt anything that moves but especially \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Aigamuxa.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1426", "name": "Asanbosam", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Asanbosams are monstrous, hairy humanoids with cold iron fangs and muscular limbs that end in powerful, hooked claws. They hang in treetops from \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Asanbosam.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large"]}, {"id": "1427", "name": "Biloko Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Bilokos prefer to move in small, stealthy packs through dark, isolated sections of the forest. When a band of bilokos finds a suitable hunting \u2026", "family": "Biloko", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small"]}, {"id": "1428", "name": "Biloko Veteran", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A biloko who has led a sufficient number of successful hunts garners the respect (and fear) of their companions.", "family": "Biloko", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small"]}, {"id": "1429", "name": "Eloko", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "If a biloko is lucky enough to consume several spellcasters or other creatures with innate magical abilities, they undergo a subtle transformation \u2026", "family": "Biloko", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small"]}, {"id": "1430", "name": "Charau-ka Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A charau-ka warrior carries hatchets, daggers, and similar weaponry on their person. They usually don't worry about running out of thrown weapons, as \u2026", "family": "Charau-ka", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CharauKa_Warrior.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Charau-ka", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "1431", "name": "Charau-ka Acolyte of Angazhan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Even with the Gorilla King's fall, many charau-ka still worship the terrible might of the god Angazhan . The strongest of these acolytes guard the \u2026", "family": "Charau-ka", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Charau-ka", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "1432", "name": "Charau-ka Butcher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "While charau-ka are infamous for their brutality, some even frighten their own kind in their obsession with violence. These deadly butchers are \u2026", "family": "Charau-ka", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CharauKa_Butcher.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Charau-ka", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "1433", "name": "Grootslang", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "While it's easy to mistake a grootslang for an elephant upon first glance, once the rest of its body becomes visible, the creature resembles a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grootslang.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1434", "name": "K'nonna", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "K'nonna are half human\u2014and only half, in the most literal sense. They most often resemble the right half of a human, and less frequently the left \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Knonna.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1435", "name": "Pygmy Kaava", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An unusually large number of kaava living in the Kaava Lands are relatively small, standing about 3 feet tall and weighing about 30 pounds. Pygmy \u2026", "family": "Kaava", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "1436", "name": "Kaava Stalker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Kaava hunting parties can number in the dozens, although they blend easily into the forest and cover all traces of their passage. While community \u2026", "family": "Kaava", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "1437", "name": "Karina", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Karinas\u2014also known as plague birds\u2014are large owl-like creatures with dark red feathers, powerful talons, and unsettling eyes. Their broad wings \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Karina.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Large"]}, {"id": "1438", "name": "Maliadi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A maliadi resembles a massive hippopotamus surrounded by a collar of flame. Maliadis are arrogant and tyrannical, and demand tribute from everyone \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Maliadi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1439", "name": "Mamlambo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Mamlambos are river predators with hypnotic, bioluminescent skin. They appear similar to crocodiles, but the narrow head at the end of their long \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mamlambo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Beast", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1440", "name": "Rompo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Rompos are unusual creatures that feed on corpses. They have thin, almost-skeletal bodies with strong rear legs that resemble a bear's, front legs \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ronpo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1441", "name": "Si\u00e9 Goluo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Si\u00e9 Goluo, sometimes referred to simply as Grandfather, is an ancient spirit that has kept watch over the peoples of the Mwangi Expanse for \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SieGolou.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1442", "name": "Solar Ibis", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Solar ibis are beings of light sometimes called sun birds, or \u201cwinged luminaries\u201d by the more scholarly inclined. They're tasked with guarding sacred \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SolarIbis.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1443", "name": "Zinba", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Commonly known as ghost serpents, zinbas are rare, amphibious snakes with healing abilities. They're of similar size to other large snakes, such as \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zinba.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1454", "name": "Ghost Monk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1455", "name": "Kannitri", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1456", "name": "Old Man Statue", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Divine", "Huge", "Mindless", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1457", "name": "Dread Roc", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1458", "name": "Mammoth Turtle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1459", "name": "Tyrannosaurus Imperator", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1460", "name": "Grave Spinosaurus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Gargantuan", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1461", "name": "Watchtower Poltergeist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1462", "name": "Watchtower Shadow", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1463", "name": "Watchtower Wraith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Undead", "Unique", "Wraith"]}, {"id": "1464", "name": "Tamikan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1465", "name": "Jaiban", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Gargantuan", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1467", "name": "Elder Cauthooj", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1469", "name": "Planar Terra-Cotta Soldier", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1470", "name": "Planar Terra-Cotta Squadron", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Rare", 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"npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1603", "name": "Sicklehand Construct", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1604", "name": "Bramble Champion Construct", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1605", "name": "Urbel", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin", "Small", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1606", "name": "Anadi Seeker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Anadi seekers are knowledge 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"N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Worker bees, exclusively female, exist to feed and defend a hive. They have no qualms about sacrificing their lives when confronting intruders in \u2026", "family": "Giant Bee", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1610", "name": "Giant Mining Bee", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Giant mining bees have smaller bodies than giant worker bees but sometimes look larger due to their bristles, which resemble fur. They dig tunnels in \u2026", "family": "Giant Bee", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1611", "name": "Giant Tsetse Fly", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This blood-sucking fly, the size of a horse , is widely despised as a harbinger of disease. Giant tsetse flies rarely congregate in large numbers, \u2026", "family": "Fly", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fly_GiantTsetseFly.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1612", "name": "Scrit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Scrits are short, spindly gremlins with gray or beige leathery skin and a coat of smeared ink on their fingers. They make themselves the nightmare of \u2026", "family": "Gremlin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gremlin_Scrit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Gremlin", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1613", "name": "Gnagrif", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Squat, surly, and perpetually covered in wet mud, gnagrifs are gremlins that infest and destroy homes. 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Born with a supernatural connection to the earth, he found himself drawn to \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/StoneGhost.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Oread", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1619", "name": "Takulu Ot", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Takulu was born in the scholarly town of Tunyani, a settlement dedicated to the worship of the Empyreal Lords of magic and knowledge. 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Although they often fight in groups, they aren't loyal to each other and sometimes leave one \u2026", "family": "Grippli", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grippli_Skirmisher.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Grippli", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "1624", "name": "Grippli Jinxer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Baneback gripplis with innate magical ability may find themselves drawn to vile magic dealing with poison, vermin, and ill luck. Those who revel in \u2026", "family": "Grippli", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grippli_Jinxer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Grippli", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "1625", "name": "I'iko Dragon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "I'iko dragons are greedy bullies with long muscular bodies, stubby legs, small wings, and shimmering glass-like scales. 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These scales offer \u2026", "family": "Serpentfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Serpentfolk_Granitescale.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Mutant", "Serpentfolk", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1628", "name": "Serpentfolk Venom Caller", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Venom callers are zyss serpentfolk spellcasters that specialize in the use of acid and poison magic, viewing them as natural extensions of their \u2026", "family": "Serpentfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Serpentfolk_Venomcaller.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Serpentfolk", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1633", "name": "Mutated Sewer Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Mutant", "Ooze", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1634", "name": "Old Thrasher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1636", "name": "Kreekoss", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fiend", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1637", "name": "Great Grodair", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Fey", "Large", "Unique", "Water"]}, {"id": "1641", "name": "Gray Death", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Galt's final blades are feared not only for the swift death they bring, but because it's widely rumored the magical guillotines hold on to the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Incorporeal", "Rare", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1642", "name": "Conqueror Worm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Conqueror worms are deeply malevolent creatures with terrifying magical power. They are highly intelligent and see societies as playthings, enacting \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1643", "name": "Riekanoy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Riekanoys lurk in the placid rivers of the First World, demanding that travelers dance with them or face their wrath. Bitterly jealous of anyone that \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Medium", "Rare", "Water"]}, {"id": "1644", "name": "Chakanaj", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Featureless, tiny bat-like flaps of pale skin with retractable, squirming legs, chakanajes prey upon people's shame and fears of disclosing \u2026", "family": "Sahkil", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Sahkil", "Tiny"]}, {"id": "1645", "name": "Tumblak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Tumblaks prey upon fears of constriction, claustrophobia, or being buried alive. They appear as a roughly rectangular mass of mismatched parts \u2026", "family": "Sahkil", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Sahkil"]}, {"id": "1650", "name": "Guillotine Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1652", "name": "Ethereal Sailor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "No Alignment", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "1653", "name": "Golgopo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "As their empire crumbled and fell into ruin, many cyclopes turned to increasingly depraved and vicious rituals to enhance their divinations and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golgopo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1654", "name": "Karumzek", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Karumzeks work with Norgorberites to further the secretive deity's goals.", "family": "Karumzek", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Karumzek.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1655", "name": "Karumzek Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Groups of tiny karumzeks can form a dangerous swarm.", "family": "Karumzek", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Swarm", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1656", "name": "Terwa Prodigy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Among the Terwa Lord clans, iruxis display immense, unrefined magical talent from a very young age. These abilities reveal themselves in a wide \u2026", "family": "Lizardfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lizardfolk_TerwaProdigy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Lizardfolk", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1657", "name": "Terwa Star Reader", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "While stargazers are important among all iruxi societies, Terwa star readers serve as lieutenants, advisors, and confidantes to important and \u2026", "family": "Lizardfolk", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Lizardfolk", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1658", "name": "Terwa Chosen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Birthmarks, in the exact shape of constellations or abstract representations of them, are thought to signify a mighty destiny. These \u201cchosen\u201d put a \u2026", "family": "Lizardfolk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lizardfolk_TerwaChosen.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Lizardfolk", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1659", "name": "Screaming Sulfur", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A screaming sulfur is a creature born from gasping death and suffocating suffering. When an earthquake or other geological phenomena releases toxic \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ScreamingSulfur.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1660", "name": "Ssumzili", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Ssumzilis are lanky, murderous fey who delight in the thrill of the hunt. They are particularly skilled/adept at stalking their prey in the rain and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ssumzili.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1661", "name": "Ba'aupa Mdoudu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ba'aupa mdoudus are solitary, bone-eating creatures that prefer to feed on remains found on battlefields or within necropolises\u2014the more ancient, the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BaaupaMdoudu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1662", "name": "Drenchdead", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When great heroes or other powerful individuals encounter misfortune and die at sea or to other water-related accidents, the anguished soul sometimes \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drenchdead.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Water"]}, {"id": "1663", "name": "Graveknight Captain", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Graveknight captains once proudly led squads of troops in battle.", "family": "Graveknight", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GraveknightCaptain.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1664", "name": "Graveknight Champion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Once the servant of a deity, the graveknight champion returned as an undead after a life cut short in service to their god.", "family": "Graveknight", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GraveknightChampion.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1665", "name": "Kilia Mwibo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Beautiful and dangerous, kilia mwibos appear as lush, green trees with brightly colored and appealing fleshy seedpods that remain attached year \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/KiliaMwibo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Plant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1666", "name": "Sunburst Corpse", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Warlords and heroes alike often fell their enemies and leave the corpses behind, exposed to the elements. Undead tend to rise in the dark of night \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SunburntCorpse.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1667", "name": "Contemplative", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Even the average contemplative demonstrates an intellect that far surpasses those of most other beings.", "family": "Contemplative of Ashok", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Contemplative.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1668", "name": "Contemplative Meditant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Contemplative meditants focus their meditations and research on the vexing topic of time itself.", "family": "Contemplative of Ashok", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Contemplative_Meditant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1669", "name": "Contemplative Mentor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "As they near the next phase of their journey through existence, contemplative mentors split their time between unlocking the highest secrets of time \u2026", "family": "Contemplative of Ashok", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1670", "name": "Formian Worker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "By far the most common formian on Akiton, workers are focused and industrious, naturally skilled at manual labor and coordinating with peers.", "family": "Formian", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Formian_Worker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Formian", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1671", "name": "Formian Mageslayer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Grim, twisted formians forced into existence through the machinations of the King of Biting Ants, formian mageslayers are created for the express \u2026", "family": "Formian", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Formian_Mageslayer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Formian", "Medium", "Mutant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1672", "name": "Formian Queen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The formian queen is the center of the formian hive. The queen identifies and attends to the hive's needs, laying egg clusters that vary from a \u2026", "family": "Formian", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Formian_Queen.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Formian", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1673", "name": "Gluttonworm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Akiton's gluttonworms share many features of Golarion's cave worms , yet these immense predators are their own distinct species. Gluttonworms \u201cswim\u201d \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gluttonworm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Gargantuan", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1674", "name": "Ikeshti Brood-Minder", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ikeshti young are near-mindless carnivores. They are watched over by brood-minders, male ikeshtis with a talent for influencing the ravenous spawn, \u2026", "family": "Ikeshti", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Ikeshti", "Small"]}, {"id": "1675", "name": "Ancient Rivener", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ikeshtis who eschew their society are exiled and quickly devolve into violent creatures known as riveners.", "family": "Ikeshti", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ikeshti_AncientRivener.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Ikeshti", "Large"]}, {"id": "1676", "name": "Khefak Scuttler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These small creatures are ubiquitous vermin found across much of Akiton.", "family": "Khefak", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Khefak_KhefakScuttler.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1677", "name": "Thasteron Khefak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Thasteron khefaks are alchemically enhanced versions of standard khefaks, capable of converting the minerals they eat into thasteron. While thasteron \u2026", "family": "Khefak", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1678", "name": "Shobhad Enforcer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "In rough Akitonian cities like Seldo, shobhad bruisers and fist-fighters act as protection for businesses and enforcers for crime bosses. Shobhad \u2026", "family": "Shobhad", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shobhad_Enforcer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1679", "name": "Shobhad Sniper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Enemies rarely see a shobhad sniper before the deadly blast of their powerful rifles snatches away the offender's life. Selected from among the most \u2026", "family": "Shobhad", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shobhad_Sniper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1681", "name": "Bog Mummy Amalgamation", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mummy", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1682", "name": "Ixam\u00e8", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Dragon", "Elemental", "Large", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1683", "name": "Bharlen Sajor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1684", "name": "Grouloop", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Boggard", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1685", "name": "Boggard Hunter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Boggard", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1690", "name": "Cyclops Bully", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1693", "name": "Halbrux Far-Sight", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Halbrux's family is larger than most cyclops kin groups, and they claim an entire\u2014if relatively small\u2014 island in the storm-tossed Shackles. 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Much like her father, grandmother, and great-grandfather, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1713", "name": "Tollvych", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1714", "name": "Spawn Of Taon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1715", "name": "Taon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1716", "name": "Dwandek", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1717", "name": "Ravager Of Tindalos", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Rare", "Time"]}, {"id": "1720", "name": "The King of Biting Ants", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Among the many evil forces that Old-Mage Jatembe faced to bring the world back into light, perhaps none was as insidious as the sorcerer known as the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/KingOfBitingAnts.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Swarm", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1721", "name": "Ainamuuren", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Like all saumen kar, Ainamuuren is a large, muscular humanoid with large horns atop his head. Thick, white fur covers everywhere except his face, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ainamuuren.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Humanoid", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1722", "name": "Cuetzmonquali", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Though stories call it the Burning Dragon, Cuetzmonquali is a unique creature with no draconic heritage. Cuetzmonquali resembles an enormous \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Cuetzmonquali.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Fire", "Huge", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1723", "name": "Desert's Howl", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Desert's Howl is a towering, gray abomination with a shape vaguely similar to that of a bearded man with glowing yellow eyes, long ibex horns, deadly \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DesertsHowl.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Huge", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1724", "name": "Howling Spawn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "While Desert's Howl is presumed to be unique, given its inexplicable origin, there have been reports of creatures resembling Desert's Howl that \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1725", "name": "Fafnheir", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 24, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Fafnheir is the fabled Father of Linnorms. He's larger than all other linnorms on Golarion, with a length of 60 feet and a weight upwards of 10 \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fafnheir.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1726", "name": "Young Linnorm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "As discussed under Newborn Linnorms , female linnorms lay eggs in the wilderness, where linnorms are known to hunt. A linnorm egg remains viable for \u2026", "family": "Linnorm", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1727", "name": "Grogrisant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Grogrisant is an enormous lion with multiple eyes and a golden, glowing mane. As it was originally slain by Taldor's founding emperor, the legendary \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Grogrisant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Primal", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1728", "name": "Grisantian Lion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The appearance of the grogrisant is a once-in-a-generation event, but the spawn of that legendary creature are well known in the World's Edge \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Primal", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1729", "name": "Kallas Devil", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Bearing a resemblance to the flayed nuckelavee that lurks in stagnant swamps, the Kallas Devil distinguishes herself by being able to separate \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/KallasDevil.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1730", "name": "Kothogaz, Dance Of Disharmony", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Kothogaz is a towering horror of claws and eyes, surrounded by swarming insects.", "family": "Spawn of Rovagug", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kothogaz.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Gargantuan", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1731", "name": "Spawn Of Kothogaz", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Kothogaz's presence causes the land to sprout festering hives. Insectile, acid-drooling spawn slither from these growths as lesser versions of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1732", "name": "Krampus Celebrant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Fierce as he might be, Krampus rarely has the time to be everywhere at once. He doesn't have any particular ability to teleport or make speedy, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/KrampusCelebrant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1733", "name": "Kuworsys", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "At a distance, the creature known as Kuworsys might be mistaken for a crawling undead hand, possessed of two thumbs instead of one. These \u201cthumbs\u201d \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kuworsys.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1734", "name": "Melfesh Monster", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Each Melfesh Monster is unique at any given time since the parent fungus only gives birth to a single monster at once, and each of these creations \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/MelfeshMonster.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1735", "name": "Mosquito Witch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "With unclear origins and even more mysterious powers, the Mosquito Witch's exact statistics and abilities might change depending upon her true nature \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/MosquitoWitch.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1736", "name": "Spectral Devil", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The Sandpoint Devil is a terrifying fiend resembling a bipedal horse with large, bat-like wings. It sports a draconic tail, deadly fangs, and milky \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SpectralDevil.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Incorporeal", "Large", "Spirit", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1737", "name": "Somnalu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "With its lithe, sinuous body and a flexible, twisting spine, Somnalu bears a resemblance to a giant lizard, save for its striking visage. Spiny \u2026", "family": "Somnalu", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Somnalu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream", "Huge", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1738", "name": "Somnalu Oculus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "When Somnalu is defeated, its central eye abandons its dying body to create an ethereal body from the wisps of dreams. Over centuries\u2014or sooner, if \u2026", "family": "Somnalu", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1739", "name": "Spring-Heeled Jack", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The greatest secret of the murderous trickster known as Spring-Heeled Jack is that he isn't a unique creature. Instead, he's one of a rare type of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SpringHeeledJack.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Rare", "Small"]}, {"id": "1740", "name": "Taljjae", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The form of Taljjae's body can vary from visit to visit or even moment to moment, but it's easily recognized due to its signature cloak and masks. So \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Taljjae.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1741", "name": "Tehialai-Thief-Of-Ships", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Though her current form is but a small and pale shell of her former glory, Tehialai is a legend even in her waning days. The titanic crustacean wears \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tehialai.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Aquatic", "Beast", "Gargantuan", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1742", "name": "Temteki", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Though it superficially resembles a cypress tree and is easily mistaken for an arboreal or other similar plant creature, Temteki is actually an earth \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Temteki.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1743", "name": "Ulgrem-Axaan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Whatever Ulgrem-Axaan looked like in life, undeath has revealed a rotting, crocodilian skeleton encased in a jagged hide of ice crystals. Steam rises \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/UlgremAxaan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Large", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1744", "name": "Ulgrem-Lurann", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Ulgrem-Axaan has a limited ability to respond to magical telepathy with a handful of words in Necril. The name Ulgrem-Axaan originally comes from \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1745", "name": "Ulistul", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Having replaced over half her body with scavenged and rebuilt parts, Ulistul is a patchwork juggernaut and stubborn survivor. Her pieces are in \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ulistul.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Automaton", "Construct", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1746", "name": "Imperfect Automaton", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "For every true automaton Ulistul has created since Jistka's fall, at least a dozen more were utter failures. Perhaps worse still are the near misses: \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ImperfectAutomaton.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Automaton", "Construct", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1755", "name": "Glyptodon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Glyptodons are enormous, armadillo-like megafauna that roam sandy riverbanks and ancient forests in search of their favorite foods, namely riparian \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Glyptodon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1756", "name": "Groplit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The groplit is a squat little animal shaped like a water droplet, with a bulbous rear end and an eel-like face that juts from a narrow skull. Its \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Groplit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Animal", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1757", "name": "Kadlaka", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Kadlakas\u2014strong, lanky humanoids with raven-like features\u2014combine the most formidable aspects of talented hunters and airborne scouts, to say nothing \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kadlaka.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1758", "name": "Loblobi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "In the First World , rivers don't always flow as expected; sometimes they run backward, upward, or just disappear into mist and reappear somewhere \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Loblobi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1759", "name": "Rime Sludge", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Rot and decay play a natural role in swamps of all climates, and latent magical energies or other strange phenomena can transform decomposing matter \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/RimeSludge.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1760", "name": "Giant Tapir", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "With a blunt, prehensile trunk and a squat posture, giant tapirs resemble a cross between elephant and boar, though they're actually more closely \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tapir_GiantTapir.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "1764", "name": "Animated Blades", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1767", "name": "Hobji", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Morlock", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1770", "name": "Syarstik Painted-Tiger", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Syarstik remembers little of his before-life, the long nights stalking cold hills and days traversing vast frozen plains. Because of his great size \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SyarstikPaintedTiger.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Large", "Spirit", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1771", "name": "Beaver", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A typical beaver can grow up to 4 feet long and weigh up to 65 pounds.", "family": "Beaver", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "1772", "name": "Castoroides", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Castoroides are bear-sized beavers that build their lodges on land near a water source rather than in the water.", "family": "Beaver", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Castoroides.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1773", "name": "Long-Horned Bison", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Much like their smaller bison cousins, long-horned bison are bovines with short faces, two horns, a shaggy coat, and a noticeable hump on their \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bison_LongHorned.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge"]}, {"id": "1774", "name": "Roru", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Rorus, sometimes called hunter demons, are brutal fiends that arise from the souls of mortals who mutilated animal corpses. As demons, these \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Roru.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1777", "name": "Lagofir", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Lagofirs are semiaquatic omnivores that resemble a rabbit the size of a large dog. They're social creatures, playful but territorial and protective \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lagofir.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1778", "name": "Necrohusk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Necrohusks are skittering, undead monstrosities, created when a humanoid is purposefully twisted into a new creature through necromantic \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Necrohusk.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1779", "name": "Long-Horned Bison Beheaded", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1780", "name": "Bargott", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Nymph", "Plant", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1781", "name": "Bone Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1782", "name": "Skeletal Woolly Rhinoceros", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1783", "name": "Crawling Hand Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Swarm", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1789", "name": "Zombie Mammoths", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1790", "name": "Venexus's Wyrmlings", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1793", "name": "Venexus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The white dragon Venexus hatched in Winterwall Glacier, north of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords and Irrisen, alongside her brother Fezerod. Upon \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Venexus.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Dragon", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1794", "name": "Alapolo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Short-lived, strange creatures called alapolos cling to the shadows in eerie moonlight, inviting others to dance. Although these \u201cshadow dancers\u201d \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Alapolo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Rare", "Shadow"]}, {"id": "1795", "name": "Clockwork Clock Tower", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Clockworks are machines built by engineers and augmented with magic. A clock tower reconfigured as an animated clockwork can rotate slices of time.", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ClockworkClockTower.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Gargantuan", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1796", "name": "Crawling Slurry", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Acid damage can scar stone and reduce flesh to pitted chunks, but some organic compounds are resistant to acid and respond by combining into a mass \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_CrawlingSlurry.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Acid", "Medium", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1797", "name": "Chromatic Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Chromatic oozes result from the worst kind of alchemical mishaps: attempts to combine as many types of elemental damage as possible into a single \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_ChromaticOoze.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1798", "name": "Slana", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The rolling thunder before the rain provides the massive, leonine humanoids known as slanas with a tremendous power. These solitary and nomadic \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Slana.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Humanoid", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1799", "name": "Ta'apundo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The First World still holds the first rough draft of many creatures in the Material Plane , but it's hard to tell what sort of creature the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Taapundo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Huge", "Plant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1800", "name": "Wereant Disciple", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Some wereants have a religious zeal about training to protect their community and gladly give their lives for the hive.", "family": "Werecreature, Wereant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Werecreature_WereantDisciple.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare", "Werecreature"]}, {"id": "1801", "name": "Wereant Poisoner", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "When overwhelming force is inadvisable, a wereant hive sends a poison-dripping assassin for murderous work. These poisoners love to terrify those \u2026", "family": "Werecreature, Wereant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Werecreature_WereantPoisoner.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare", "Werecreature"]}, {"id": "1802", "name": "Lignified Adamantine Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Golem", "Large", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1804", "name": "Thorn Guardian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Rare", "Small"]}, {"id": "1806", "name": "Shianshi Waymaker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large", "Negative", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1809", "name": "Cataclysm Beetle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1810", "name": "Red Queen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1811", "name": "Ironclad Annihilator Beetle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Gargantuan", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1812", "name": "Wereant Sentinel", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare", "Werecreature"]}, {"id": "1813", "name": "Summer Hora", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "While most nymphs bond with a natural feature, such as a tree, pool, or cave, horai are rare nymphs associated with a specific time\u2014the summer or \u2026", "family": "Nymph", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nymph_SummerHora.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Nymph", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1814", "name": "Summer Hora Queen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Hora queens rule over wide stretches of land, nourishing and protecting native animals and plants. Most hora queens watch over their regions in \u2026", "family": "Nymph", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Nymph", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1815", "name": "Tar Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When creatures carrying magical items die in a tar pit, the magic mixes with the tar itself. Over centuries, this energy animates the tar into a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_TarOoze.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1816", "name": "Weykoward", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Beneath the camps of Hillcross, Mammoth Lord followings store belongings both precious and mundane in unsecured vaults called weykos. As power \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Weykoward.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1817", "name": "Tar Zombie Snatcher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Humanoids consumed by a tar ooze become sticky warriors in the tar ooze's mindless procession. Some carry weapons.", "family": "Zombie, Tar", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zombie_TarZombieSnatcher.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1818", "name": "Tar Zombie Predator", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A big predator, like a smilodon or dire wolf, might lurk near a tar pit to pick off helpless creatures. When consumed and returned to unlife by a tar \u2026", "family": "Zombie, Tar", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1819", "name": "Tar Zombie Mammoth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Because their massive size makes them difficult for tar oozes to fully digest, tar zombie mammoths tend to resemble their living forms more closely \u2026", "family": "Zombie, Tar", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zombie_TarZombieMammoth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1822", "name": "Graylok Artillerist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1823", "name": "Graylok Gatebreaker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1824", "name": "Graylok Ambusher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1825", "name": "Arboreal Tar Tree", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Plant", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1826", "name": "Calcifda", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Fey", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1829", "name": "Everburning Mammoths", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1831", "name": "Hegremon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Leader of the Graylok clan of frost giants, Hegremon is a lonely and isolated creature feared by his own people. Growing up, Hegremon was never \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hegremon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1834", "name": "Tatterthread", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Born of Hlakana's shadow, Tatterthread is in many ways a reflection and an inversion of everything the norn represents. Jealousy and selfishness boil \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tatterthread.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1836", "name": "Red Guard Ant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The rank-and-file members of the ant colony are not much taller than a shrunken hero but are much more massive, at the relative size of an ox. They \u2026", "family": "Gigantic Ant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GiganticAnt_RedGuardAnt.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1837", "name": "Alate Ant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Alate ants are no less devoted and powerful than red guard ants, but they are slightly smaller in size and have delicate wings that bear them aloft. \u2026", "family": "Gigantic Ant", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1838", "name": "Red Commander Ant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Second only to the hive's queen, red commanders hold absolute authority over the hive's other ants. Although no red commander can give orders to \u2026", "family": "Gigantic Ant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GiganticAnt_RedCommanderAnt.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1839", "name": "Festering Gnasher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A festering gnasher is a floating head covered in infectious pustules and hollowed out by decay.", "family": "Beheaded", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Beheaded_FesteringGnasher.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Tiny", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1840", "name": "Taunting Skull", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Some beheaded are raised with their mental faculties mostly intact. These clever undead often provoke their victims into foolishly giving chase or \u2026", "family": "Beheaded", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Tiny", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1841", "name": "Daqqanoenyent", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A daqqanoenyent is a horrific monstrosity arising from a terrible crime against the dead, obsessed with exacting retribution. The creature manifests \u2026", "family": "Beheaded", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Daqqanoenyent.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1842", "name": "Bhuta", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When sapient creatures die violently in a natural setting or a location infused with primal magic, they sometimes rise as a ghostlike undead called \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bhuta.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1843", "name": "Bone Croupier", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "For many, gambling is just fun and games, but for some, it can become a bad habit or even a life-consuming addiction. Bone croupiers take the meaning \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BoneCroupier.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1844", "name": "Cadaverous Rake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When a skilled duelist is killed, on occasion they rise as a cadaverous rake, refusing to let death get in the way of daring deeds. Appearing as a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CadaverousRake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1845", "name": "Child of Urgathoa", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Only the most fanatic followers of Urgathoa , goddess of disease, gluttony, and undeath, could ever hope to become a child of Urgathoa. These \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ChildOfUrgathoa.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1846", "name": "Combusted", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Creatures whose lives end in flames can return as undead called combusted. Still burning even in death, they're consumed by everlasting anguish that \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Combusted.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fire", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1847", "name": "Corpseroot", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Corpseroots are rotten, undead trees that grow bright-red poisonous fruit and spread blight to surrounding plants, transforming healthy trees into \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Corpseroot.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1848", "name": "Vanyver", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Vanyvers are large, humanoid bats shaped from void and shadowstuff, their red eyes glowing like tiny stars in an otherwise lightless night. Though \u2026", "family": "Darvakka", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Darvakka_Vanyver.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Darvakka", "Huge", "Shadow", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1849", "name": "Sykever", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The most common darvakkas are sykevers, walkers in the night. Bloodthirsty but calculating, they lead legions of dead into battle on the Material \u2026", "family": "Darvakka", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Darvakka_Sykever.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Darvakka", "Huge", "Shadow", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1850", "name": "Urveth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An urveth is a massive, four-armed burrowing terror with a wormlike body and gaping maw that devours everything it can. Urveths burrow deep \u2026", "family": "Darvakka", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Darvakka_Urveth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Darvakka", "Gargantuan", "Shadow", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1851", "name": "Nasurgeth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Nasurgeths are hungry voids with glowing eyestalks and thousands of teeth. They lurk deep beneath the waves where the sunlight doesn't reach. At \u2026", "family": "Darvakka", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Darvakka_Nasurgeth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Darvakka", "Gargantuan", "Shadow", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1852", "name": "Death Coach", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Roads are liminal spaces, existing to connect people and places but rarely destinations in and of themselves. Some see them as avenues to profit. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DeathCoach.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1853", "name": "Deathless Acolyte of Urgathoa", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "PFS Note : While the Deathless Acolyte of Urgathoa can be used for the purpose of summoning spells and similar, the rules for Deathless Deity \u2026", "family": "Deathless Acolyte", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DeathlessAcolyte.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1854", "name": "Deathless Hierophant of Urgathoa", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Compared to deathless acolytes, deathless hierophants are often much more ambitious and far-reaching, with goals like seeking an entire nation's \u2026", "family": "Deathless Acolyte", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DeathlessHierophant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1855", "name": "Ecorche", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When a necromancer has need of a versatile agent to serve as a bodyguard and do their bidding in disguise, they build an ecorche\u2014a skinless \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ecorche.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1856", "name": "Excorion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These hideous undead creatures result from an exquisitely painful necromantic process where flayed humanoids are animated through their exposed blood \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Excorion.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1857", "name": "Fiddling Bones", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "To some, music is more than a hobby\u2014it's an obsession. Every musician who lived and died for their craft runs the risk of returning as a fiddling \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/FiddlingBones.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1858", "name": "Fluxwraith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "To cheat mortality, the rare spellcaster turns to potent temporal stasis magic, or even cryogenic technology. However, such methods are highly \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fluxwraith.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Rare", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1859", "name": "Gallowdead", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The first gallowdead were hung from enormous, hooked chains from atop the Whispering Tyrant's prison, Gallowspire, and magically bonded to their \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gallowdead.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1860", "name": "Gashadokuro", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The dreaded gashadokuro is an undead haunter of the night, spawning as a giant skeleton that rises from the earth in the aftermath of a mass \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gashadokuro.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1861", "name": "Geist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A geist is an ever-shifting mass of black sack cloth, teeth, and mouths, folding in and out of itself and cackling like a thousand frenzied and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Geist.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1862", "name": "Gholdako", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Cyclops necromancers created gholdakos untold ages ago by performing foul rituals over the corpses of their fellow cyclopes. Although these rituals \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gholdako.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1863", "name": "Hungry Ghost", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hungry ghosts arise from those who didn't receive proper burials or whose graves were neglected. They are not bound to a site or item but are \u2026", "family": "Ghost", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghost_HungryGhost.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1864", "name": "Ghost Pirate Captain", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Undead prowling the ocean on derelict ships have long been threats sailors keep an eye out for. Other than corporeal undead, some undead pirates take \u2026", "family": "Ghost", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghost_GhostPirateCaptain.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1865", "name": "Lacedon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Feared by mariners and coastal dwellers everywhere, the aquatic ghouls known as lacedons are said to be the spawn of an ancient crew of sailors who \u2026", "family": "Ghoul", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghoul_Lacedon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Ghoul", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1866", "name": "Priest of Kabriri", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A great number of powerful entities have vied for the mantle of patron of the undead, but none of these is more venerated among ghouls than the demon \u2026", "family": "Ghoul", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghoul_PriestOfKabriri.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoul", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1867", "name": "Ghul", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Legends claim the gods banished a number of evil, greedy, and gluttonous genies to the Material Plane in the early days of creation. There, the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghul.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Genie", "Ghul", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1868", "name": "Grappling Spirit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When a great gladiator or wrestler meets their demise, their soul can sometimes linger out of a love for combat and sport. Every grappling spirit \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GrapplingSpirit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1869", "name": "Graveknight Warmaster", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Exemplars of undying violence, graveknight warmasters are devastating forces on the battlefield, able to spur allies to ever greater levels of \u2026", "family": "Graveknight", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/GraveknightWarmaster.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1870", "name": "Faithless Ecclesiarach", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Faithless ecclesiarchs were powerful religious leaders in life\u2014archpriests, hierarchs, oracles, and divine servitors personally blessed by their \u2026", "family": "Herexen", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Herexen_Ecclesiarch.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1871", "name": "Fallen Champion", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "While most herexens were clerics or clergy in life, fallen champions were holy crusaders that upheld the ideals of their deity while fighting enemies \u2026", "family": "Herexen", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Herexen_FallenChampion.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1872", "name": "Hollow Serpent", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A hollow serpent is the dried and shriveled husk of an enormous constrictor snake, animated by fell magic to serve its masters. According to the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/HollowSerpent.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1873", "name": "Ichor Slinger", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "While the typical snake oil salesperson seeks riches, some medical fraudsters become so enamored with the swindler lifestyle they reanimate to keep \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/IchorSlinger.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1874", "name": "Iruxi Ossature", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Iruxis , also known as lizardfolk, are surrounded by the spirits of their ancestors\u2014literally, as they honor their dead by incorporating their bones \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/IruxiOssature.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Lizardfolk", "Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1875", "name": "Last Guard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Honor and broken oaths bind a last guard to a location they failed to defend in life. There they must keep watch until their duties are fulfilled or \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/LastGuard.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Troop", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1876", "name": "Horde Lich", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "At first glance, a horde lich looks like a skeleton packed with too many bones. In combat, the true purpose of these extra parts becomes clear as \u2026", "family": "Lich", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lich_HordeLich.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1877", "name": "Runecarved Lich", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "In their relentless pursuit of more magical might, some liches use their rotting forms to hold magical secrets, hiding precious tomes in their \u2026", "family": "Lich", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Lich_RunecarvedLich.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1878", "name": "Little Man in the Woods", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A murdered man left unburied in the wilds might return as a being called a \u201clittle man in the woods,\u201d his decayed corpse shriveling until it shrinks \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/LittleManInTheWoods.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Rare", "Small", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1879", "name": "Llorona", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Vengeful spirits called lloronas arise from people who died overcome with the grief and shame that comes with the tragic drowning of a child. In \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Llorona.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1880", "name": "Shadern Immolator", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Goblin mortics have blackened, charred flesh and smoldering burns all over their body, as if they'd been burned alive. They are highly flammable \u2026", "family": "Mortic", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mortic_ShadernImmolator.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fire", "Goblin", "Humanoid", "Mortic", "Rare", "Small"]}, {"id": "1881", "name": "Jitterbone Contortionist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Aptly named jitterbones, halfling mortics are capable of controlling the density and rigidity of their skeletal structure. When relaxed, they have \u2026", "family": "Mortic", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mortic_Jitterbone.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Halfling", "Humanoid", "Mortic", "Rare", "Small"]}, {"id": "1882", "name": "Relictner Eroder", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Regardless of age, relictners look like ancient dwarves with deep wrinkles, sparse white hair, and decrepit forms. As their bodies degrade, so too \u2026", "family": "Mortic", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dwarf", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Mortic", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1883", "name": "Mummified Cat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Some of the wealthy have their favored pets mummified or wish to use the animal's fractured memories but strong instincts and natural weapons to turn \u2026", "family": "Mummy", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Mummy", "Tiny", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1884", "name": "Decrepit Mummy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "If a mummy has been in combat, endured the ravages of time, or been exposed to the elements, it can be so damaged it barely functions. These mummies \u2026", "family": "Mummy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mummy_DecrepitMummy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mummy", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1885", "name": "Ice Mummy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The cold of high places coupled with strong winds and less oxygen creates an effect that can preserve bodies, mummifying them through natural \u2026", "family": "Mummy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mummy_IceMummy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Medium", "Mummy", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1886", "name": "Iroran Mummy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Some enlightened members of the Iroran faith, particularly monks, are so aware of their own bodily processes they can sense their approaching death \u2026", "family": "Mummy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mummy_IroranMummy.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mummy", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1887", "name": "Mummy Prophet of Set", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "In ancient Osirion, worshipers completely devoted to the evil god Set often underwent a mummification process to serve as his prophets after their \u2026", "family": "Mummy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mummy_ProphetOfSet.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mummy", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1888", "name": "Obrousian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Spawned from sorrow and hatred, obrousians are undead merfolk who lurk in shallow places to prey upon hated land dwellers. The genesis of an \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Obrousian.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1889", "name": "Onryo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Onryos are created when a person dies violently in the grip of extreme emotion, such as unbridled rage or overwhelming sorrow. These twisted undead \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Onryo.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1890", "name": "Pale Sovereign", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A pale sovereign is a rare form of undead arising from a terrible curse that afflicts only those of royal blood. This curse drains its victim's \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PaleSovereign.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1891", "name": "Polong", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Polongs exist to serve their creators as loyal familiars, spies, and assassins. Their convenience makes them popular among the wicked, as each \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Polong.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1892", "name": "Raw Nerve", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When a living creature is killed by massive amounts of electricity (such as by being struck by lightning or subjected to a magical attack), their \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/RawNerve.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1893", "name": "Pale Stranger", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A pale stranger arises when a gunslinger is slain in a duel by an underhanded foe. Buried with their pistols, the corpse claws out of the grave to \u2026", "family": "Revenant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Revenant_PaleStranger.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1894", "name": "Silent Stalker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "When a person is betrayed and killed in a way that their voice was silenced (such as through strangulation by a lover or close confidante), they \u2026", "family": "Revenant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Revenant_SilentStalker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Small", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1895", "name": "Predatory Rabbit", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Skittish in life, predatory rabbits are fast and nimble predators in unassuming forms. They most enjoy hunting birds, squirrels, cats, and other \u2026", "family": "Risen Pet", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/RisenPet_Rabbit.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Tiny", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1896", "name": "Scorned Hound", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Scorned hounds rise from the most devoted dogs. They're incredibly possessive of their owners, allowing no living beings to approach and refusing to \u2026", "family": "Risen Pet", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Small", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1897", "name": "Shredskin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shredskins are flying, flapping animate skins who wander the lands lamenting their fate and feeling hollow and adrift, as if they're missing \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shredskin.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Small", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1898", "name": "Siabrae", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A siabrae is a determined and merciless foe, bound by a twisted sense of duty to nature so strong that it drove them to commit unspeakable acts and \u2026", "family": "Siabrae", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Siabrae.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1899", "name": "Wolf Skeleton", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Without the burden of flesh, skeletal wolves charge across the battlefield with terrifying speed.", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skeleton_Wolf.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1900", "name": "Skeletal Soldier", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These soldiers continue to follow orders in death, still wielding the armaments they spent a lifetime learning how to use. While frequently made from \u2026", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1901", "name": "Skeletal Mage", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Rarely, the bones of a spellcaster can be used to create a skeleton that retains a limited ability to cast spells. These spells are almost always \u2026", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skeleton_Mage.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1902", "name": "Beetle Carapace", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Created from the exoskeleton of a giant stag beetle , this mindless husk can cut a foe in half using its powerful mandibles. The abdomen of this \u2026", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skeleton_Beetle.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1903", "name": "Drake Skeleton", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Moving with sinuous grace, these flying drake skeletons are held aloft by rotting membranes stretched between their bony wings. Although just as \u2026", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1904", "name": "Skeletal Titan", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Only the powerful and foolish would raise the bones of a mighty titan or similarly gargantuan creature as a skeleton. Skilled practitioners see \u2026", "family": "Skeleton", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Skeleton_Titan.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Mindless", "Skeleton", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1905", "name": "Sluagh Reaper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Most sluagh are reapers: powerful killers subservient to their queen. After they collect souls on a hunt, they dutifully return their plunder to the \u2026", "family": "Sluagh", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sluagh_Reaper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1906", "name": "Queen Sluagh", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A queen sluagh grows more powerful by devouring souls collected from underlings or drained directly through her proboscis. The muscular tongue inside \u2026", "family": "Sluagh", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Sluagh_Queen.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Huge", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1907", "name": "Tormented", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Twisted caricatures of living beings, tormented arise from the remains of those who've been tortured to death. They appear as the mortals they were \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Tormented.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1908", "name": "Unrisen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An unrisen is a mangled conglomeration of splintered bones, decaying organs, and rotting flesh, created when a ritual such as resurrect goes \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Unrisen.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1909", "name": "Provincial Jiang-Shi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Roused rudely from their nightmarish slumber, the provincial jiang-shi roams the villages and graveyards around their domain searching for sustenance \u2026", "family": "Vampire, Jiang-Shi", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_ProvincialJiangShi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "1910", "name": "Minister Of Tumult", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ministers of tumult are grandmasters of killing, having cultivated their prowess to supernatural levels through the qi reaved from countless mortals. \u2026", "family": "Vampire, Jiang-Shi", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_MinisterOfTumult.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "1911", "name": "Vetalarana Emergent", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A vetalarana emergent is inexperienced and ravenous, often caring more for the consumption of thoughts than the quality of the thoughts and memories \u2026", "family": "Vampire, Vetalarana", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_VetalaranaEmergent.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "1912", "name": "Vetalarana Manipulator", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A vetalarana manipulator is a gifted strategist, empowered by the memories, thoughts, and talents the manipulator has drained from countless victims \u2026", "family": "Vampire, Vetalarana", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vampire_VetalaranaManipulator.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "1913", "name": "Waldgeist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Waldgeists act as avatars of nature that seek vengeance for environmental abuse, such as pollution and deforestation. These undead spirits of \u2026", "family": "Verdorite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Verdorite_Waldgeist.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Small", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1914", "name": "Seetangeist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Seetangeists are composed of the bloated corpses of marine life, encrusted with bleached coral and wrapped in rotting seaweed. Although occasionally \u2026", "family": "Verdorite", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Verdorite_Seetangeist.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Huge", "Mindless", "Swarm", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1915", "name": "Hunter Wight", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Dangers deep in the wilderness claim the life some lone scout or hunter. When they arise as wights, they renew their hunt with equal vigor, but all \u2026", "family": "Wight", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wight_HunterWight.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Wight"]}, {"id": "1916", "name": "Prowler Wight", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Often found lurking in the dark, prowler wights wield subterfuge as their greatest weapon. They frequently feign death in old sewers, graveyards, and \u2026", "family": "Wight", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Wight"]}, {"id": "1917", "name": "Wight Commander", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "When the beloved leader of a military unit is raised as a wight, sometimes the spirits of their comrades return with them, creating a gestalt being \u2026", "family": "Wight", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Wight_WightCommander.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead", "Wight"]}, {"id": "1918", "name": "Zombie Snake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "At around 5 feet long, this massive, rotting serpent lacks potent venom, but its bite still injects putrid fluid that can cause infection.", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1919", "name": "Husk Zombie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Rather than allow a body to rot, some necromancers attempt to dry-cure the corpse to prevent further deterioration. Combined with special reagents, \u2026", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zombie_HuskZombie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1920", "name": "Zombie Owlbear", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Zombie owlbears combine an owlbear's ferocity with mindless undead hatred. Once it draws near, it often stands up, unleashing a guttural, wet roar, \u2026", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zombie_ZombieOwlbear.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1921", "name": "Zombie Lord", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Cunning zombie lords command their lesser kin, which they can use in unexpected ways. They have been known to direct or collaborate with husk and \u2026", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zombie_ZombieLord.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1922", "name": "Withered", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "If a husk zombie survives for several years, their body continues to dry out, their flesh hardens, and their eyes turn into pale, glowing orbs set \u2026", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1923", "name": "Zombie Mammoth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This monstrous creature can overrun defenses and stomp foes into the ground, making it a terror on any battlefield.", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Zombie_ZombieMammoth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Mindless", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1924", "name": "Clockwork Hunter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Tasks like patrolling the sewers for vermin are mundane, perfect for the clockwork hunter. Its hound-like appearance mimics one of humanity's \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Clockwork_ClockworkHunter.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Mindless", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1925", "name": "Clockwork Handler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "One of the jobs most commonly outsourced to clockworks is guard duty. Clockwork soldiers are often too costly to employ en masse, so municipalities \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Clockwork_ClockworkHandler.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1926", "name": "Clockwork Brewer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "With the rise of the automated workforce in Alkenstar came the \u201cprofessional\u201d line of clockworks, capable of carrying out more complex tasks and even \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Clockwork_ClockworkBrewer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1927", "name": "Clockwork Fabricator", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A common sight among Alkenstar work crews, construction teams, and mining operations, the clockwork fabricator is a one-size-fits-all construction \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Clockwork_ClockworkFabricator.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1928", "name": "Prairie Drake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These squat, mud-brown drakes resemble scaly pit bulls with blunt, toothy snouts. The desert drake is the prairie drake's closest known relative, \u2026", "family": "Drake", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Drake_PrairieDrake.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1929", "name": "Yeast Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Wild yeast and alchemy combine to form this monstrous frothing ooze.", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_YeastOoze.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1930", "name": "Rust Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These reddish-brown globs wriggle through sewers and other waterways in search of iron pipes, metal trash, and other objects that rust.", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1931", "name": "Harlo Krant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/HarloKrant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1934", "name": "Sludgespine Killers", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gnoll", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1935", "name": "Follower Of Shumfallow", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fungus", "Leshy", "Rare", "Small"]}, {"id": "1942", "name": "Loreavor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Rarely, when an ioton (the lowliest ennosite) leeches a particularly secretive thought, it can choke to death on the secret, only to be born from \u2026", "family": "Ennosite", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Astral", "Rare", "Small"]}, {"id": "1943", "name": "Scarlet Walker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "During the height of Thassilon's power, agents of Runelord Karzoug and Runelord Sorshen often called scarlet walkers to Golarion from Leng. Although \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1944", "name": "Strigoi Progenitor", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The most powerful strigoi are those intentionally summoned into the bodies of willing hosts in times long past. As the rites to do so are lost to \u2026", "family": "Vampire, Strigoi", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Shadow", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "1945", "name": "Lorthact", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Once, Lorthact was a darling of the powers of Hell , an infernal duke beholden to no single archdevil and rumored to have the favor of the god \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1946", "name": "Clockwork Door Warden", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "This mechanical humanoid serves the role of a gatekeeper or even a greeter, but its strength also enables it to repel unwanted visitors.", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1947", "name": "Clockwork Disposer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Wealthy business owners sometimes employ clockwork disposers to pick up trash around their establishment and keep the place tidy. Many are designed \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Mindless", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1948", "name": "Clockwork Sphinx", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "This imposing construct resembles a bronze lion with the wings of a great bird and the head of a humanoid.", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1949", "name": "Daelum", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "During the height of the legendary war between Nex and Geb, Nex's agents grew increasingly creative in their \u201crecruiting\u201d methods for their armies. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1950", "name": "Smog Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Corrupting magical storms and the interference of unethical gearsmiths birthed the first of the so-called smog giants. These hot-tempered behemoths \u2026", "family": "Giant", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1951", "name": "Mutant Giant Toad", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Mutant giant toads prefer to dwell in polluted refuse heaps, contaminated swaths of sand, or other poisonous wastes. Often afflicted with a vestigial \u2026", "family": "Mana Wastes Mutant", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Mutant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1952", "name": "Mutant Desert Drake", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A mutant desert drake often dwells in regions where magic has transformed the desert sands into sheets of glass or growths of strangely growing \u2026", "family": "Mana Wastes Mutant", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Earth", "Large", "Mutant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1953", "name": "Scarecophagus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Originally created by Gebbite necromancers during the war against Nex, the scarecophagus is an evil construct that draws power directly from the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1954", "name": "Trapjaw Tangle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Sometimes the best intentions result in dire consequences and even a successful project can turn into an unending nightmare. Such is the grim tale of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Rare", "Swarm"]}, {"id": "1955", "name": "Strigoi Servant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Shadow", "Undead", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "1957", "name": "Bishop Keppira D'bear", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Shadow", "Undead", "Unique", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "1958", "name": "Profane Ghoul", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoul", "Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "1961", "name": "Ibrique", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoul", "Small", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1962", "name": "Aliriel", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Shadow", "Undead", "Unique", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "1963", "name": "Ileosa's Shell", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1964", "name": "Masu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1967", "name": "Spellscar Sky Marauder", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Mutant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1968", "name": "Chimeric Manticore", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Large", "Rare", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1969", "name": "I", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1971", "name": "Kreeth-Ni", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Sprite", "Tiny", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1972", "name": "Akrida", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Mutant", "Small", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1973", "name": "Claws Of Time", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Time", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1976", "name": "Clockwork Gunner", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1980", "name": "Clockwork Buccaneer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Clockwork buccaneers are powerful constructs designed for naval combat. Whereas most clockwork creations sink to the ocean floor while at sea, \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1981", "name": "Clockwork Puppeteer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Clockwork puppeteers are grim constructs capable of controlling corpses like puppets. They typically stand 12 feet tall and have spindly legs and \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1982", "name": "Cranium Preserver", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Cranium preservers serve necromancers as walking laboratories for undead. A typical cranium preserver has a metallic and spider-like body, which \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1983", "name": "Pyronite Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "With the discovery of the incredible gelatinous explosive called pyronite, it was perhaps inevitable alchemical monstrosities made of the stuff would \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Rare"]}, {"id": "1984", "name": "Smog Wraith", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Clouds of choking fumes and toxic smog continuously shroud these potent undead. They constantly belch forth noxious vapors and find great humor in \u2026", "family": "Wraith", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Wraith"]}, {"id": "1985", "name": "Shock Zombie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Shock zombies are hideous undead covered with bolts and electrical wiring. Most have two large electric coils mounted on their backs to absorb and \u2026", "family": "Zombie", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Electricity", "Medium", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1988", "name": "Viewslog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Humanoid", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1989", "name": "Mutant Bat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "1990", "name": "Clockwork Shambler Horde", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Gargantuan", "Mindless", "Troop", "Uncommon", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "1991", "name": "Glass Elephant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Huge", "Mindless", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1998", "name": "Juvenile Boar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "2000", "name": "Violet", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2002", "name": "Leandrus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium", "Minion", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2005", "name": "Smiler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoul", "Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2007", "name": "Blood Wolf", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Fiend", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2008", "name": "Smoldering Leopard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Fiend", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2009", "name": "Corrosive Lizard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Fiend", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2010", "name": "Pinacosaurus", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Large"]}, {"id": "2011", "name": "Cavnakash", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "This brutish xulgath priest is as dedicated to destruction as he is to Zevgavizeb , demon lord of caverns and reptiles. Cavnakash uses his spells \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique", "Xulgath", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "2017", "name": "Gluttondark Babau", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Medium"]}, {"id": "2018", "name": "Xulgath Demon-Caller", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "2019", "name": "Xulgath Mage", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "2021", "name": "Adrivallo", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2026", "name": "Ulthadar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Once a devout priest of Aroden, Ulthadar is a cantankerous ghost who haunts Moonstone Hall, a tragic and eccentric remnant of the site's long history \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2027", "name": "Chattering Jaws", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Chattering jaws usually serve no purpose other unnerving people by clicking their teeth together. Some chattering jaws only chatter at regular \u2026", "family": "Animated Bones", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/AnimatedBones_ChatteringJaws.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2028", "name": "Floating Femur", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Floating femurs can deliver a powerful blow. They make handy weapons for those who manage to grab hold of them.", "family": "Animated Bones", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/AnimatedBones_FloatingFemur.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2029", "name": "Phalanx Of Phalanges", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Made up of hundreds of finger and toe bones, a phalanx of phalanges clatters along the ground in an eerily uniform manner.", "family": "Animated Bones", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Swarm", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2030", "name": "Scrabbling Ribcage", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The ribs of a scrabbling ribcage are connected to either a sternum or vertebral column, but not both, allowing the ribs to function as legs.", "family": "Animated Bones", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ScrabblingRibcage.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2031", "name": "Charghar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Common urban legends in Geb warn of the vengeful spirits of those who've been cooked alive, collectively called charghars. 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Old even for an annis hag, who can live exceptionally long lives, she wandered south of the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/IronTaviah.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Hag", "Humanoid", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2070", "name": "Sahni Bride-Of-The-Sea", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Sahni grew up in the Iblydos archipelago of far-off Casmaron. She considered herself a perfectly normal human girl in a perfectly normal human \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SahniBrideOfTheSea.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2071", "name": "Redacted, The Weaver In Dreams", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2072", "name": "Cocoon Of Lucid Potential", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Gargantuan", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2073", "name": "Baccali Alpaca", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A Druman breed of alpaca, the baccali alpaca is prized for its exceptionally soft wool.", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "2074", "name": "Sarkorian Wolf", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "To survive living in the Worldwound, Sarkorian wolves developed defenses against the Abyss . They've become symbols for Mendevian crusaders who \u2026", "family": "Wolf", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "2075", "name": "Irriseni Owlbear", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A cultural symbol for Irrisen, the Irriseni owlbear is particularly well adapted to frosty conditions. These owlbears are larger than their temperate \u2026", "family": "Owlbear", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "2076", "name": "Vulture Rat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "Rat", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small"]}, {"id": "2077", "name": "Whalesteed", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Whalesteeds were first tamed in the Shackles as part of an ambush between rival pirate captains. Whalesteed riders are still an unusual sight, as \u2026", "family": "Dolphin", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "2078", "name": "Guloval", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Agathions are born from petitioners who achieved enlightenment in life or after death and received Nirvana's blessing. A guloval is small in \u2026", "family": "Agathion", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Agathion_Guloval.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Agathion", "Celestial", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2079", "name": "Wheel Archon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Among the most terrifying archons to behold, and easily the most difficult for mortals to comprehend, is the wheel archon, so named for its \u2026", "family": "Archon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/WheelArchon.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Archon", "Celestial", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2080", "name": "Aeolaeka (Stone Azata)", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Aeolaekas, also known as stone azatas, embody the slow but inevitable chaos of rock itself. Stone is often thought to be steadfast and unchanging, \u2026", "family": "Azata", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Azata_Aeolaeka.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Azata", "Celestial", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2081", "name": "Shimmernewt", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Native to the coastal provinces of eastern Holomog, these strange amphibians have frilled, iridescent gills that appear asymmetrically on either side \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shimmernewt.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2083", "name": "Kerinza", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Comport yourself with elegance and pride. Mind your manners until they become a useless weight. Never trust anyone except yourself. 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The armies of Holomog were once a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/StoneSister.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2104", "name": "Xulgath Skirmisher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "2105", "name": "Xulgath Bomber", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "2106", "name": "Headless Xulgath", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Large", "Unique", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "2107", "name": "Resin-Seep Xulgath", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "2108", "name": "Hooklimb Xulgath", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "2109", "name": "Ginjana Mindkeeper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Ginjana is a dero who serves the xulgaths in the Swardlands out of convenience. Her true calling is brain experimentation, and she's seized the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dero", "Humanoid", "Small", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2110", "name": "Skarja", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Skarja has been collecting souls on the Isle of Kortos for many years. Recently, the night hag set her sights on corrupting and culling the soul of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2111", "name": "Thessekka", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "As a leader in the xulgath incursion of the surface of the Isle of Kortos, Thessekka\u2014a xulgath alchemist with the powers of a stoneliege and more\u2014has \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "2112", "name": "Xulgath Herd-Tender", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "2113", "name": "Starved Staff", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Huge", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2114", "name": "Xulgath Roughrider", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "2115", "name": "Sodden Sentinel", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2116", "name": "Wight Cultist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2119", "name": "Lyrt Cozurn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2120", "name": "War Sauropelta", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Dinosaur", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2121", "name": "The Vanish Man", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2122", "name": "Aukashungi Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Huge", "Swarm", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2123", "name": "Xulgath Hardscale", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Xulgath"]}, {"id": "2124", "name": "Arskuva The Gnasher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Minion", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2125", "name": "Helg Eats-The-Eaters", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "A crafty gug with a command of necromantic powers, Helg has turned the tables on the xulgath slavers and now indirectly commands their forces \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2127", "name": "Zashathal Head-Taker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The most devout and fervent subcommander in the xulgath forces is the fearsome zealot Zashathal Head-Taker. 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One \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Bloodshroud.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2153", "name": "Urglid (Grave Demon)", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The hulking monstrosities known as urglids form from the souls of murderous undertakers, sadists who buried their victims alive, and intentionally \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Urglid.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2154", "name": "Ghoul Antipaladin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The church of Kabriri selects only the most devoted and deadly ghouls to protect their libraries of secret-filled tomes.", "family": "Ghoul", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghoul_GhoulAntipaladin.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoul", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2155", "name": "Ghoul Razorclaw", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Ghoul assassins who survive dipping their claws in molten adamantine transform into razorclaws.", "family": "Ghoul", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghoul_GhoulRazorclaw.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoul", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2156", "name": "Pyrogeist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Born from the deaths of arsonists who died in the fires they started, pyrogeists are roiling infernos whose spectral fire emits no actual heat and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Pyrogeist.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Large", "Spirit", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2157", "name": "Rotbomber", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Disgusting and dangerous, rotbombers bound around on all four limbs, ripping off the pressurized and explosive necrotic pustules that grow out of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Rotbomber.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2158", "name": "Straugh", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When skirmishes break out between tunneling ghouls and creatures that dwell beneath the surface of Golarion, there's a chance that ghoul fever \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Straugh.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoul", "Large", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2159", "name": "Terrorguard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Spellcasters who harness the power of the Dimension of Dreams may use it to fuel vicious servitors known as terrorguards\u2014hulking terrors adorned \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Terrorguard.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Dream", "Medium", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2160", "name": "Hyrune Loxenna", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Hyrune had been a vampire for well over a century before he finally caught Geb's attention by exposing a sect of Nexian spies. Geb elevated him to \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/HyruneLoxenna.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "2162", "name": "Ulizmila's Cauldron", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Mindless", "Small"]}, {"id": "2171", "name": "Grimbal", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Spirit", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2172", "name": "Hymmir Urath", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghoul", "Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2173", "name": "The Disciples", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2174", "name": "Drazmorg the Damned", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique", "Wight"]}, {"id": "2175", "name": "Dismemberment Table", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "2176", "name": "Kieragan Skross", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2177", "name": "Narlynark", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kobold", "Small", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2178", "name": "Albino Giant Bat", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "Bat", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large"]}, {"id": "2179", "name": "King Merlokrep", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kobold", "Small", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2180", "name": "Darkmantle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These dark blue or black mollusk-like creatures have a similar appearance to an octopus, save that they have only six tentacles, all of which are \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2181", "name": "Forge-Spurned", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Evil dwarves who die having failed to live up to the exacting standards of the duergar god Droskar are sometimes forced to return to the \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fire", "Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2182", "name": "Grick", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The wormlike gricks terrorize the caverns and tunnels in which it dwells, lying in wait near heavily traveled underground passages or subterranean \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2183", "name": "Id Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Not all oozes are mindless predators capable of little more than ambushing and consuming prey. The id ooze is a thinking, calculating creature with \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Medium", "Ooze", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2184", "name": "Tallow Guardian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A tallow guardian typically appears as a vaguely humanoid-shaped mass of tallow or wax, its surface constantly melting, running down its body, and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2185", "name": "Thoqqua", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Thoqquas are cantankerous creatures of fire and slag. Their bodies generate incredible heat that allows them to burrow or melt through most surfaces, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Fire", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2186", "name": "Vargouille", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Vargouilles are scavengers from the swamps of Abaddon , where they flop and flap through strange and haunted skies in constant search of fresh souls \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Fiend", "Rare", "Small"]}, {"id": "2187", "name": "Weeping Jack", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Small", "Undead", "Unique", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "2194", "name": "Hargulka", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Before his dreams were invaded and his ambitions enhanced by Nyrissa's eldritch manipulations, Hargulka had already established himself as a leader \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Hargulka.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Giant", "Large", "Troll", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2196", "name": "Avatar of the Lantern King", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 24, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The Lantern King is one of the Eldest \u2014a pantheon of demigods whose rule over the First World is one of capriciousness that can be at times \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/TheLanternKing.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Fire", "Gargantuan", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2197", "name": "Nyrissa", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 23, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Nyrissa has not always been a power in the First World , but when she fell in love with Count Ranalc , one of the realm's Eldest , she challenged \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Nyrissa.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Nymph", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2200", "name": "Vordakai", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "At the height of his power well over 10,000 years ago, the original Vordakai was among the most powerful necromancers of the land. When this cyclops \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Vordakai.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2201", "name": "Elk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Elk are exceptionally adaptable survivors. Most breeds stand between 3 and 5 feet tall and weigh between 350 and 550 pounds.", "family": "Elk", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "2202", "name": "Megaloceros", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Similar in form to the elk but far superior in size is the megaloceros. The average male is a towering creature with antlers that alone weigh nearly \u2026", "family": "Elk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Megaloceros.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2203", "name": "Thylacine", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A thylacine can be easily mistaken for a dog or jackal, but the defining stripes on their gold-hued backs and unusually wide gaping jaws negate this \u2026", "family": "Thylacine", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2204", "name": "Brush Thylacine", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "These ferociously territorial thylacines often attack creatures without provocation, and they are prone to leaving barely eaten carcasses strewn \u2026", "family": "Thylacine", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2205", "name": "Primal Bandersnatch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Primal bandersnatches are among the most powerful of their kind, due to their ties to the First World .", "family": "Bandersnatch", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PrimalBandersnatch.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Gargantuan", "Tane"]}, {"id": "2206", "name": "Bloom Of Lamashtu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "A thick, green stalk with spiraling rows of thorns stands at the center of this enormous flowering plant. Each flower has a growing seed pod at its \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BloomOfLamashtu.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Large", "Plant", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2207", "name": "Fetch Stalker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Fetch stalkers form from the souls of Medium or Small fey or humanoids (Small fetch stalkers have the same statistics as Medium ones.)", "family": "Fetch", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fetch_Stalker.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Plant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2208", "name": "Fetch Behemoth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "A fetch behemoth is much larger than a stalker, and forms from the soul of a Large fey or humanoid .", "family": "Fetch", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large", "Plant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2209", "name": "Risen Fetch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 22, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Echoes of the corrupted soul of the undead can be used to spawn a fetch as well. A risen fetch appears more as its source did in life than as an \u2026", "family": "Fetch", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large", "Plant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2210", "name": "Vilderavn Herald", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "In its true form, a vilderavn herald is a human -sized raven. Its ability to assume a humanoid guise suits it to insinuate itself into the retinue \u2026", "family": "Vilderavn", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/VilderavnHerald.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2211", "name": "Whimwyrm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Whimwyrms are unpredictable dragons native to the whimsically dangerous First World . While their coloration and appearance might evoke reactions of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Whimwyrm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Air", "Dragon", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2212", "name": "Wild Hunt Hound", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Wild hunt hounds are intelligent hunters and expert trackers that take the lead against elusive prey. Left to their own devices, they seek out \u2026", "family": "Wild Hunt", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/WildHunt_Hound.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Rare", "Wild Hunt"]}, {"id": "2213", "name": "Wild Hunt Horse", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "These steeds stand upon puffs of air, their grassy manes and tails swishing majestically in the wind. 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"CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Acid", "Amphibious", "Dragon", "Gargantuan", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2358", "name": "Ghostly Guard", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Medium", "Rare", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2359", "name": "Afziaka Brute", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "An afziaka brute arises from a horse, bull, or other large animal.", "family": "Afziaka", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2360", "name": "Afziaka Stalker", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Big predatory animals like dire wolves or hyaenodons might survive as an afziaka 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Instead of compassion and warmth, however, it seethes with \u2026", "family": "Darvakka", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Darvakka_Umbraex.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Darvakka", "Gargantuan", "Rare", "Shadow", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2362", "name": "Factbound Nullifier", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Designed to serve as devastatingly powerful foot soldiers against enemies with plentiful magic, facetbound nullifiers shear through magical effects \u2026", "family": "Facetbound", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Facetbound_Nullifier.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2363", "name": "Facetbound Cascader", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Facetbound cascaders must have been arcane spellcasters in life; in undeath, they draw upon the power of embedded orange prism aeon stone to \u2026", "family": "Facetbound", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Facetbound_Cascader.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2364", "name": "Necrohulk Flailer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Additional limbs, failing tentacles, and rubbery bodies are common among Mana Wastes mutants, and aspiring necrohulk creators like to combine flesh \u2026", "family": "Necrohulk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Necrohulk_Flailer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mutant", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2365", "name": "Necrohulk Smasher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Mutants with incredible strength make the most powerful necrohulks. These necrohulk smashers are so swollen with biological and alchemical muscle \u2026", "family": "Necrohulk", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Necrohulk_Smasher.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mutant", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2366", "name": "Tenebric Giant", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Necromancers reaching for the greatest heights of experimentation know that creating a new terror requires exacting, careful work at every stage of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/TenebricGiant.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Rare", "Shadow", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2367", "name": "Theater Phantasm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Theater phantasms are amalgamations of the spiritual and emotional energy given up by entertainers and audiences of powerful performances.", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/TheaterPhantasm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Incorporeal", "Large", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2368", "name": "Ankou Assassin", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2369", "name": "The Wriggling Man", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium", "Swarm", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2370", "name": "Barbtongued Wyvern", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Huge", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2371", "name": "Defaced Naiad Queen", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Medium", "Nymph", "Rare", "Water"]}, {"id": "2372", "name": "Phomandala", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2373", "name": "Werendegar", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Small", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2374", "name": "Irovetti's Fetch", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2376", "name": "Fionn", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 13, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Incorporeal", "Large", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2378", "name": "Xae", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ghost", "Incorporeal", "Small", "Spirit", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2380", "name": "Jaggedbriar Hag", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2381", "name": "Lickweed", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Goblin", "Humanoid", "Small", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2382", "name": "Goblin Bat-Dog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium", "Mutant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2383", "name": "Cleansed Cultist", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2386", "name": "False Priestess", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2387", "name": "Tulvak", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Hag", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2392", "name": "Ekundayo's Dog", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Ekundayo 's Dog", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium", "Minion", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2403", "name": "Benthic Reaver", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The benthic reaver is a 50-foot-tall undead monstrosity, its ribs rising like giant archways and its spine splitting into three tails.", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/BenthicReaver.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Gargantuan", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2404", "name": "Clockwork Cannoneer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "N", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Clockwork cannoneers are cannon-armed constructs created to defend the Grand Duchy of Alkenstar. The people of Alkenstar typically find conventional \u2026", "family": "Clockworks", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ClockworkCannoneer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Clockwork", "Construct", "Huge", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2405", "name": "Cursed King", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A cursed king is a grotesque mockery of ambition. When treasonous advisors, false prophets, and rebel leaders are captured by evil rulers, they're \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CursedKing.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mummy", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2406", "name": "Fleshforged Conformer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Shapeshifting fleshforged conformers have adapted to survive Ecanus's high-magic, population-dense sprawl. Resembling blocky humanoid skeletons \u2026", "family": "Fleshforged", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/FleshforgedConformer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Medium"]}, {"id": "2407", "name": "Fleshforged Dreadnought", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Created in the arcane fleshforges of Nex, this creature was spawned as the ultimate brute-force tool for urban assaults against the cities of Geb. At \u2026", "family": "Fleshforged", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/FleshforgedDreadnought.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Gargantuan", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2408", "name": "Skinskitter", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These elusive oddments resemble discarded hides of butchered animals and fleshwarping experiments, floating like so much meaty detritus in the bloody \u2026", "family": "Fleshforged", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Fleshforged_Skinskitter.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Mindless", "Small"]}, {"id": "2409", "name": "Kasesh", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "In the ancient days, before humanity dwelled on Golarion, the Vault Builders had need of something smaller in scale than the great vault seeds so \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kasesh.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Earth", "Elemental", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2410", "name": "Kashrishi Evaluator", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "To some, kashrishi seem to be a quiet, passive people. Those with a deeper understanding know that there's plenty more nuance to interacting with \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kashrishi_KashrishiEvaluator.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Kashrishi", "Rare", "Small"]}, {"id": "2411", "name": "Mutant Gnoll Hulk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Separated from their pack during a prolonged storm of wild magic, the Mana Wastes mutant gnoll hulk transformed into a gigantic, ravenous creature.", "family": "Mana Wastes Mutant", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ManaWastes_MutantGnollHulk.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gnoll", "Humanoid", "Large", "Mutant"]}, {"id": "2412", "name": "Gunpowder Ooze", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Gunpowder oozes are explosive gunpowder given life. By necessity, crafters of explosives and firearms are a careful lot, but even the best safety \u2026", "family": "Ooze", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ooze_GunpowderOoze.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Ooze"]}, {"id": "2413", "name": "Quantium Golem", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The long war between Nex and Geb spawned many animate weapons, but while a citizen of Quantium might run screaming from any product of the \u2026", "family": "Golem", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Golem_QuantiumGolem.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Gargantuan", "Golem", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2414", "name": "Ratajin Mastermind", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Most commonly found in Vudra and Jalmeray, ratajin aren't so much twisted by curses as they are molded by the lingering effects of curses inflicted \u2026", "family": "Ratajin", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ratajin_RatajinMastermind.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare", "Ratajin"]}, {"id": "2415", "name": "Spellscar Fext", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Spellscar fexts are spellcasters who were destroyed by wild magic or wellspring surges they tried\u2014and failed\u2014to control. The magical feedback that \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SpellscarFext.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Uncommon", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2416", "name": "Ugvashi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These razor-plated pangolins\u2014about the size of small ponies\u2014are the traditional pack animals of halflings from Casmaron, though the ugvashi's \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ugvashi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium"]}, {"id": "2417", "name": "Ghiasi The Unraveler", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Ghiasi loves secrets. She loves gathering them like treasures, even if she doesn't plan to use them. She enjoys plots within plots and stories of \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ghiasi.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Shadow", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2418", "name": "Pokmit Bloody-Pike", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The graveknight now known as Pokmit Bloody-Pike was born in 4102 AR to a now-extinct minor line of Chelaxian nobility. While they didn't have much \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/PokmitBloodyPike.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2419", "name": "Intellect Assemblage", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Intellect assemblages are artificial constructs created from the memories of others. These memories are solidified into jagged shards similar in \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/IntellectAssemblage.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2420", "name": "Drowned Mummy", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Rarely artificially created, drowned mummies are miserable, dripping undead that have adapted to exist in an aquatic environment, usually over \u2026", "family": "Mummy", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mummy_Drowned.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Medium", "Mummy", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2421", "name": "Shoki", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Shokis are shepherds who lead wayward souls to the Boneyard .", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Psychopomp_Shoki.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Monitor", "Psychopomp", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2422", "name": "Eseneth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Eseneths, commonly known as soul-stitchers, are dispassionate surgeons who repair damaged souls.", "family": "Psychopomp", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Psychopomp_Eseneth.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Monitor", "Psychopomp", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2423", "name": "Shabti Slayer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 16, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Shabtis raised among the secret Pharasmin sect of the Carters Consortium are trained to destroy undead and the necromancers who create them.", "family": "Shabti", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shabti_Slayer.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Shabti", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2424", "name": "Shabti Votary", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Shabti votaries are devout clerics of Pharasma who heal and protect their allies while destroying enemies of their faith. Although shabti votaries \u2026", "family": "Shabti", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Shabti_Votary.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Medium", "Shabti", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2425", "name": "Shadow Worm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 20, "alignment": "N", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Shadow worms are monstrous cave worms that dwell on the Shadow Plane . Larger and more cunning than most cave worms, shadow worms are fearsome \u2026", "family": "Cave Worm", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ShadowWorm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Gargantuan", "Rare", "Shadow"]}, {"id": "2426", "name": "Soul Slime", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Soul slimes are swirling, blue-gray masses of protoplasm that feed on the quintessence contained within souls. Typically, soul slimes acquire this \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SoulSlime.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Ooze", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2427", "name": "Vanth Warrior", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 14, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "Psychopomp", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Monitor", "Psychopomp", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2430", "name": "Ectoplasmic Amalgam", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 15, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2431", "name": "Seldeg Bheldis", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 17, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2432", "name": "Basiri, Wellspring Keeper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aquatic", "Large", "Skeleton", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2434", "name": "Necromancer Troop", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Gargantuan", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Gargantuan", "Humanoid", "Troop", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2435", "name": "Vice-Chancellor Vikroti Stroh", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2440", "name": "Ghiono", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 18, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Shadow"]}, {"id": "2441", "name": "Chancellor Kemnebi", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 21, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Long ago, in the days before Geb was a nation, Kemnebi was a mortal man with a wife and family. Tragedy struck, and the kindly father dove into dark \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique", "Vampire"]}, {"id": "2442", "name": "Matron Uldrula", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 19, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "For eons, Uldrula served as would any shoki in Pharasma's court, escorting wayward souls to the Boneyard for judgment. Though she used logic \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Monitor", "Psychopomp", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2443", "name": "Amelekana", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Amelekanas are amphibious ambush predators native to rivers and lakes across Castrovel. An amelekana looks similar to a giant snail, with an \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Amelekana.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Beast", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2444", "name": "Desa-Desa", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Also known as \u201cbubble cats\u201d or \u201cgas cats,\u201d desa-desas are small, vaguely feline predators that hunt the jungles of Castrovel. A typical desa-desa is \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/DesaDesa.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2445", "name": "Temagyr", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Temagyrs embody the fear of nocturnal hunters\u2014predators that stalk through the dark of night and attack when their prey is most vulnerable. Able to \u2026", "family": "Gorga", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gorga_Temagyr.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2446", "name": "Ocluai", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Ocluais embody the fear of being lost and helpless in the darkness as well as the danger of unreasoning terror. An ocluai's gray body resembles that \u2026", "family": "Gorga", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Gorga_Ocluai.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2447", "name": "Immolis", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Most complex organisms, whether plant or animal, produce energy by converting fuel (such as food) into heat. Though this process is invaluable, it's \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Immolis.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2448", "name": "Kareq", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A kareq looks like a cross between a dinosaur and an insect. The kareq's torso extends back into a bulbous abdomen like an ant's. A kareq has a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kareq.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2450", "name": "Kaneepo The Slim", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "The First World is a primal cauldron of spontaneous creation and experimental evolution. From the beginning, the First World has churned out \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/KaneepoTheSlim.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fey", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2451", "name": "Oaksteward Enforcer", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 0, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2452", "name": "Leiko", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Shadow"]}, {"id": "2453", "name": "The Looksee Man", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fetchling", "Human", "Medium", "Shadow", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2454", "name": "Tree Fisher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2455", "name": "Quarry Construct", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Earth", "Medium", "Mindless"]}, {"id": "2456", "name": "Capstan Swabbie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Capstan swabbies are constructs specially designed for seafaring. Sea captains looking for unwavering loyalty and competence can do far worse than a \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CapstanSwabbie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2457", "name": "Kithangian", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The kithangian\u2014a horrifying amalgam of horse and scorpion also known as a \u201cbeast demon\u201d\u2014is a foul fiend born of the souls of mortals who abused \u2026", "family": "Demon", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Demon_Kithangian.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Demon", "Fiend", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2458", "name": "Glimmervine", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Glimmervines are carnivorous creeping vines with sparkling white flowers that open to bloom only at night. They flourish most in high altitudes and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Glimmervine.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Mindless", "Plant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2459", "name": "Kvernknurr", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Kvernknurrs are lanky fey giants that dwell in cold-water rivers and lakes. A kvernknurr's blue flesh allows it to camouflage itself in its \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Kvernknurr.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Amphibious", "Fey", "Large", "Uncommon", "Water"]}, {"id": "2460", "name": "Myroga", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Myrogas are avaricious, simple-minded dragons with supernatural occult powers. They draw their amazing abilities from ley lines \u2014loci of intense \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Myroga.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dragon", "Large", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2461", "name": "Skin Beetle", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "A typical skin beetle is 1-1/2 feet long and weighs 10 pounds\u2014about the size of a house cat. Its oval-shaped body is covered in dull-colored scales, \u2026", "family": "Skin Beetle", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2462", "name": "Skin Beetle Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "When a massive creature such a dinosaur or giant dies in skin beetle territory, the industrious vermin swarm together.", "family": "Skin Beetle", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SkinBeetleSwarm.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Animal", "Large", "Swarm", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2463", "name": "Green Monkey", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Nimble spirit guides are small and discreet, using their diminutive size and natural agility to dart from hiding place to hiding place. They tend to \u2026", "family": "Spirit Guide", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SpiritGuide_GreenMonkey.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Incorporeal", "Spirit", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2464", "name": "Stone-Breasted Owl", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Sage spirit guides are among the wisest spirits. They often take the forms of raptors such as owls, using their keen senses to evaluate situations \u2026", "family": "Spirit Guide", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/SpiritGuide_StoneBreastedOwl.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Incorporeal", "Small", "Spirit", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2465", "name": "Apothecary's Cabinet", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Mindless", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2473", "name": "Almiraj", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Beast", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2481", "name": "Pickled Punk", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "common", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Tiny", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2489", "name": "Frefferth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Medium", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2490", "name": "Tyrroicese", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Large", "Ooze", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2491", "name": "Ofalth Zombie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Mindless", "Rare", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "2497", "name": "Blackfrost Zombie", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Most creatures who perish from the cold while cursed with blackfrost rise as zombies. Though mindless, blackfrost zombies are driven by the invisible \u2026", "family": "Blackforst Dead", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Blackfrost_Zombie.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Medium", "Mindless", "Rare", "Undead", "Zombie"]}, {"id": "2498", "name": "Blackfrost Prophet", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 9, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "With their hulking physiques and the potent connection to the Crown of the World, saumen kar who succumb to blackfrost become especially dangerous \u2026", "family": "Blackforst Dead", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Blackfrost_Prophet.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Large", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2499", "name": "Crownbound Constellation", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Crownbound constellations are the essence of stars granted sentience by the goddess Desna , who created them to survey the vastness of space and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/CrownboundConstellation.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Astral", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2500", "name": "Dreamscraper", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Dreamscrapers invade the dreams of sleeping mortals to scrape away at their minds and steal their dreams, leaving them raw and tired upon waking. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Dreamscraper.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Dream", "Large", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2501", "name": "Elder Thing", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "The typical elder thing is a scientist first and anything else second, but they don't hesitate to use force to achieve their needs or defend their \u2026", "family": "Elder Thing", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/ElderThing.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2502", "name": "Elder Thing Researcher", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "As one would expect from a species capable of living for thousands of years, many elder things grow more powerful than the standard specimen. Elder \u2026", "family": "Elder Thing", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Amphibious", "Medium", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2503", "name": "Mindmoppet", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 5, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Tiny", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Mindmoppets are the result of laboratory experimentation that sought to harness telepathic energy within a liquid alchemical concoction. Mindmoppets \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Mindmoppet.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Ooze", "Tiny", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2504", "name": "Yaiafineti", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Yaiafinetis grow only during periods of extended twilight, thriving across the cold tundra of the Crown of the World exclusively in the winter \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Yaiafineti.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Mindless", "Plant", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2506", "name": "Ogmunzorius", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Dream", "Incorporeal", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2507", "name": "The Guest", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 7, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2509", "name": "Blackfrost Guecubu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "", "family": "Blackforst Dead", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Earth", "Medium", "Rare", "Undead"]}, {"id": "2510", "name": "Ilakni", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2511", "name": "Equendia", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Medium", "Mummy", "Undead", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2512", "name": "Ancient Tupilaq", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Construct", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2513", "name": "Protosoul", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Divine", "Large", "Mindless", "Necromancy", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2514", "name": "Ainamuuren (Corrupted)", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Osoyo is alien to Golarion, and while it was first encountered by the elves of Sovyrian, the Blackfrost Whale was alien there as well. At that \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "/Images/Monsters/Ainamuuren.png", "npc": false, "traits": ["Cold", "Humanoid", "Large", "Unique"]}, {"id": "2516", "name": "Bhanyada Scavenger", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Small", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Not much larger than dogs, the typical bhanyada scavenger is a warty, misshapen tangle of flesh that walks on stumpy legs, sometimes on two and \u2026", "family": "Bhanyada", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Small", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2517", "name": "Bhanyada Swarm", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Bhanyadas without much cohesion between their fleshy components roil around one another in a ghastly swarm of malodorous gobs of flesh.", "family": "Bhanyada", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Large", "Swarm", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2518", "name": "Bhanyada Behemoth", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Huge", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "The largest bhanyadas are made up of tens of thousands of component parts, all mashed together into a roughly humanoid shape that walks on stumpy \u2026", "family": "Bhanyada", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Aberration", "Huge", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2519", "name": "Ferrugon", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 12, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Ram-headed devils with wings and flesh of rusted metal, ferrugons prefer temptation to fighting. They're forged from the souls of damned mortals who \u2026", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2520", "name": "Uniila", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "uncommon", "lore": "Uniilas frequently join mortal cults, but not as leaders\u2014instead, the uniila lurks behind the master or demagogue who leads the cult.", "family": "Devil", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Devil", "Fiend", "Medium", "Uncommon"]}, {"id": "2521", "name": "Hurlilu", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 11, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "Pazuzu's Abyssal realm of High M'Vania is perched on the edge of an impossibly tall cliff. The demon lord and his minions claim the air around \u2026", "family": "Lilu", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Fiend", "Large", "Lilu", "Rare"]}, {"id": "2522", "name": "Oppali", "creature_type": "Creature", "level": 10, "alignment": "N", "size": "Large", "rarity": "rare", "lore": "An oppali is a tenacious, twisting vine with white, trumpet-shaped flowers that grows in temperate and tropical regions. Stories passed down through \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": false, "traits": ["Large", "Plant", "Rare"]}, {"id": "882", "name": "Noble", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Envied by many and detested by still others, nobles exude confidence and gentility. Gossip and gambling are often nobles' favorite pastimes. \u2026", "family": "Courtiers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "883", "name": "Palace Guard", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Every palace has its gatekeepers. Often the younger offspring of minor nobility or those from long lines of trusted staff, the palace guards are in \u2026", "family": "Courtiers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Courtier_PalaceGuard.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "884", "name": "Advisor", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Trusted counselors of the court, advisors whisper words of guidance in the ears of those in power. Many nobles lean so heavily on their counsel that \u2026", "family": "Courtiers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "885", "name": "Spy", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "No empire would be complete without its spies. The spy is a master of infiltrating the court and blending in: they might be one of a number of \u2026", "family": "Courtiers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Courtier_Spy.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "886", "name": "Grave Robber", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 1, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Many cultures have a tradition of burying their dead with a selection of the deceased's most precious possessions, and some include gifts that are \u2026", "family": "Criminals", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "887", "name": "Bandit", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "By setting ambushes and traps in concealing countryside, such as forests and mountains, bandits waylay travelers and plunder their valuables before \u2026", "family": "Criminals", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Criminal_Bandit.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "888", "name": "Ruffian", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Using their strength to bully others into submission, ruffians often work as bodyguards and enforcers for powerful criminals like charlatans and \u2026", "family": "Criminals", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "889", "name": "Charlatan", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Charlatans use pretense and misdirection to swindle money and other valuables from the credulous and confused. Selling snake oil (literally or \u2026", "family": "Criminals", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Criminal_Charlatan.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "890", "name": "Burglar", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Burglars specialize in breaking and entering to rob homes and businesses. These criminals focus on gaining access to secure buildings and bypassing \u2026", "family": "Criminals", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Burglar_Burglar.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "891", "name": "Fence", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The longer criminals hold on to stolen loot, the greater the chance they will get caught. Fences make themselves indispensable in the underworld by \u2026", "family": "Criminals", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Burglar_Fence.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "892", "name": "Assassin", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 8, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Assassins commit murder, either for pay or due to their belief in a cause, such as a religion or a political movement. Some assassins work alone and \u2026", "family": "Criminals", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "893", "name": "Acolyte of Nethys", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Underling clerics are still learning the tenets of their faith and answer to a superior priest. Their days are spent in devotion and learning, \u2026", "family": "Devotees", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Devotee_Acolyte.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "894", "name": "Prophet", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The gods occasionally send messages in dreams to individuals who wander the lands, gaining followers with their oratorical abilities. Some prophets \u2026", "family": "Devotees", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "895", "name": "Zealot of Asmodeus", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Zealots ferret out plots against their religion and seek justice for their church's followers. This zealot serves Asmodeus , but others might serve \u2026", "family": "Devotees", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "896", "name": "Priest of Pharasma", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Cloistered priests safeguard their temples and communities. They are the stalwart keepers of their god's tenets, devoted to spreading the word. Their \u2026", "family": "Devotees", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Devotee_Priest.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "897", "name": "Beggar", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wherever there is poverty, there are beggars. Beggars are truly the downtrodden of society\u2014folks who have been cast out into the streets due to a \u2026", "family": "Downtrodden", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Downtrodden_Beggar.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "898", "name": "Commoner", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Though not every commoner is downtrodden, many live hard lives of toil as they work to keep their families fed and housed in relative comfort. While \u2026", "family": "Downtrodden", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "899", "name": "Urchin", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Although their escapades might be notorious, few urchins are thrill-seekers. For some urchins, when begging alone is not enough to fill their \u2026", "family": "Downtrodden", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Downtrodden_Urchin.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "900", "name": "Prisoner", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Most who end up in a jail, dungeon, or prison are just biding their time until their imprisonment ends, trying to find ways to make it through \u2026", "family": "Downtrodden", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "901", "name": "Torchbearer", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Torchbearers carry a light sources for seasoned explorers and serve as apprentices.", "family": "Explorers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "902", "name": "Chronicler", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Exploration means very little if no account of the details exist. Members of adventuring bands cherish chroniclers who record tales of their deeds.", "family": "Explorers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Explorer_Chronicler.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "903", "name": "Guide", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Guides bring travelers, tourists, and adventurers into the wondrous natural world, using their expertise to avoid deadly monsters and gruesome \u2026", "family": "Explorers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Explorer_Guide.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "904", "name": "Tomb Raider", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Great treasure awaits those willing to explore the hazardous depths of the world's ancient tombs and forgotten dungeons. Some tomb raiders seek \u2026", "family": "Explorers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "905", "name": "Poacher", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Some forests are protected by kings, others only by wild things. Laws against hunting may protect the private reserves of nobles or guard the \u2026", "family": "Foresters", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Forester_Poacher.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "906", "name": "Tracker", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The forest offers dangerous creatures\u2014whether they walk on four legs or two\u2014a place to hide. Dim light, low brush, and fallen leaves conspire to hide \u2026", "family": "Foresters", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "907", "name": "Hunter", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "As is reflected in the many depictions of an elk-headed Erastil , god of the hunt, the hunter is very much a creature of the forest, known by the \u2026", "family": "Foresters", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Forester_Hunter.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "908", "name": "Apothecary", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Surrounded by bottles and bins of crushed herbs, curative minerals, and potent extracts, the apothecary skillfully combines materials into unguents \u2026", "family": "Healers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "909", "name": "Physician", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The art of medicine is a blend of the intellectual and the practical, concerned with how diseases work and how to prevent them. The physician can be \u2026", "family": "Healers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Healer_Physician.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "910", "name": "Surgeon", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The surgeon specializes in the physical alteration of the body to prevent the spread of disease, removing necrotic and decaying flesh to help the \u2026", "family": "Healers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Healer_Surgeon.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "911", "name": "Plague Doctor", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 5, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These healers, often seen wearing distinctive masks and burning powders to defend against airborne plagues, are as much feared as they are respected. \u2026", "family": "Healers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "912", "name": "Servant", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Maids, butlers, and majordomos alike, servants are skilled at keeping a home in working order and protecting the interests of their employers.", "family": "Laborers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Laborer_Servant.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "913", "name": "Dockhand", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Working to load and unload cargo from ships, dockhands are considered unruly, but many stay focused and work hard until the job is done. Some do \u2026", "family": "Laborers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Laborer_Dockhand.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "914", "name": "Farmer", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Workers of the fields, vineyards, and orchards of the world, farmers are known for their rugged endurance and their skill with both plants and \u2026", "family": "Laborers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "915", "name": "Miner", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 0, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Miners explore deep underground in search of minerals and rare materials, taking numerous precautions to keep themselves safe.", "family": "Laborers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "916", "name": "Gravedigger", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "An often-overlooked group of laborers, gravediggers have a reputation for being as quiet and grim as their workplace. They are commonly strong and \u2026", "family": "Laborers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "917", "name": "Judge", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These magistrates have the final say on the intent and spirit of the law. Properly exercised, the duty of a judge is the strict adherence to the law \u2026", "family": "Magistrates", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "918", "name": "Tax Collector", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ledgers and marks, positive and negative flows, and levies and allotments are a tax collector's daily bread. Where coin is gained, from whom it is \u2026", "family": "Magistrates", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Magistrate_TaxCollector.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "919", "name": "Harbormaster", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "There are three flows important to any port: the seaward and coastal flows, marked by the rise and fall of the tides, and the flow of trade. A \u2026", "family": "Magistrates", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Magistrate_Harbormaster.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "920", "name": "Warden", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 6, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Wardens are the chief guardians of borders and frontiers. Whether they stand watch over a single village or an entire region, wardens keep a vigilant \u2026", "family": "Magistrates", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "921", "name": "Bodyguard", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Hired to protect someone famous or powerful, bodyguards use intimidation, quick wits, and martial skill to keep their charges safe. Such mercenaries \u2026", "family": "Mercenaries", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "922", "name": "Mage for Hire", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Not all mercenaries sell brawn and intimidating glares. Some sell their magical talents to earn a living. While there are many types of mages for \u2026", "family": "Mercenaries", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Mercenary_MageForHire.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "923", "name": "Bounty Hunter", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Bounty hunters are constantly on the move, whether within city walls or the wilderness, trailing their fugitive quarries for capture\u2026 or disposal. \u2026", "family": "Mercenaries", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Mercenary_BountyHunter.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "924", "name": "Monster Hunter", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Some mercenaries eschew the complications of politics, oaths of service, and fealty and just get paid to hunt monsters. It's a straightforward form \u2026", "family": "Mercenaries", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "925", "name": "Adept", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Adepts have unlocked only the most minor occult mysteries of the universe. A few are chosen by accomplished practitioners for further training. \u2026", "family": "Mystics", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Mystic_Adept.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "926", "name": "Harrow Reader", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A harrow deck is a set of 54 cards with symbolic illustrations that serves as a sacred divining tool. Feared by the superstitious and avoided by \u2026", "family": "Mystics", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "927", "name": "Cultist", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Excessively zealous, a cultist finds exalted purpose in their sect. Never questioning their leader, they devote themselves to achieving their most \u2026", "family": "Mystics", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Mystic_Cultist.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "928", "name": "False Priest", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Belief is perhaps the strongest force in the universe, driving many to great heights. Instilling a sense of belief and then using that belief against \u2026", "family": "Mystics", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "929", "name": "Necromancer", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 5, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Defiling the natural order and spitting in the face of convention, the necromancer remains dutifully committed to understanding what forces await \u2026", "family": "Mystics", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "930", "name": "Cult Leader", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 7, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A career of mystical accomplishments combined with a lifetime of subterfuge and intimidation has elevated this occultist to a powerful position.", "family": "Mystics", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Necromancer_CultLeader.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "931", "name": "Demonologist", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Demonologists can pull a creature from the Abyss and bend it to their will... for a time.", "family": "Mystics", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Necromancer_Demonologist.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "932", "name": "Barrister", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Barristers may serve as criminal prosecutors or as legal advocates, defending the rights of those accused of crimes or named as defendants in civil \u2026", "family": "Officers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Officer_Barrister.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "933", "name": "Guard", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 1, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Guards are rank-and-file members of a town watch or city guard, trained to look for trouble, take down criminals, and follow orders. They are a match \u2026", "family": "Officers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "934", "name": "Archer Sentry", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Archer sentries slightly outrank the rank-and-file guards, taking positions on walls, garrisons, and other important locations where they can stay \u2026", "family": "Officers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "935", "name": "Jailer", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A jailer's primary responsibility is to keep prisoners from escaping. Jailers must often use force, or the threat of force, to keep their charges in \u2026", "family": "Officers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Officer_Jailer.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "936", "name": "Watch Officer", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Watch officers are assigned to a certain area within a city or community. Often leading a small team of lower-ranking guards, they patrol those areas \u2026", "family": "Officers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/WatchOfficer_WatchOfficer.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "937", "name": "Captain of the Guard", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 6, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The captain of the guard leads a troop of soldiers who serve as security forces for a powerful individual, most often a high-ranking noble or very \u2026", "family": "Officers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/WatchOfficer_CaptainOfTheGuard.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "938", "name": "Executioner", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 6, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Executioners carry out sentences from cruel tyrants and legitimate rulers alike. Most remain numb to the necessity of their duty, but some evil \u2026", "family": "Officers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "939", "name": "Dancer", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Dance can be used to tell stories, share emotions, provide entertainment, and display a performer's athletic ability. The dancer is a 5th-level \u2026", "family": "Performers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "940", "name": "Acrobat", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Acrobats perform feats of agility, balance, and strength. The acrobat is a 5th-level challenge for contests of acrobatics and the like.", "family": "Performers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Performer_Acrobat.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "941", "name": "Troubadour", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Troubadours keep alive the traditional songs of their cultural and write original works to commemorate major events.", "family": "Performers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Performer_Troubadour.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "942", "name": "Beast Tamer", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Beast tamers bring the wild to civilization, rearing and training creatures to follow their commands and perform flashy tricks that entertain \u2026", "family": "Performers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "943", "name": "Server", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Always on the move from patron to patron, servers are the backbone of any tavern or eatery. Their work hones both their agility and their diplomacy.", "family": "Publicans", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "944", "name": "Barkeep", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Barkeeps are often friends and mentors within a community, lending an ear while supplying libations. The best barkeeps have some talent for \u2026", "family": "Publicans", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Publican_Barkeep.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "945", "name": "Innkeeper", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The sight of an inn is a welcome one to any weary traveler. Innkeepers can often be found cleaning the common room, overseeing the evening meal, or \u2026", "family": "Publicans", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "946", "name": "Drunkard", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Every tavern has one\u2014that person who drinks a little too much and starts a fight. While many drunkards are relatively harmless, a few have a hair \u2026", "family": "Publicans", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Publican_Drunkard.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "947", "name": "Librarian", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Keepers of knowledge, librarians document discoveries, events, and laws. The best librarians record events twice; once for public record, and again \u2026", "family": "Scholars", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "948", "name": "Teacher", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The passing of knowledge and traditions from generation to generation is a time-honored occupation. Teachers exist to strengthen their populations \u2026", "family": "Scholars", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Scholar_Teacher.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "949", "name": "Astronomer", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Different cultures have created stories of the hows and whys of the universe, if things exist beyond the stars, and if the gods manipulate the \u2026", "family": "Scholars", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Scholar_Astronomer.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "950", "name": "Sage", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 6, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The greatest knowledge comes from experience. Village elders, ancient seers, and advisors to royalty are examples of individuals who are valued for \u2026", "family": "Scholars", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "951", "name": "Navigator", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A navigator uses celestial bodies and shipping lanes to determine routes. For noncombat tasks involving navigation or sailing, the navigator is a \u2026", "family": "Seafarers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Seafarer_Navigator.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "952", "name": "Pirate", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "These scourges of the seas are a threat to anyone who spends time away from land.", "family": "Seafarers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "953", "name": "Bosun", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A ship's boatswain, or bosun, leads the deckhands who maintain the ship.", "family": "Seafarers", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Seafarer_Bosun.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "954", "name": "Ship Captain", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 6, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The captain is the ultimate authority on a vessel, responsible for the livelihood and well-being of everyone on the ship.", "family": "Seafarers", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "955", "name": "Apprentice", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Ambitious apprentices can be found in all cities. These individuals are generally younger and seek the approval of their masters as they learn their \u2026", "family": "Tradespeople", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Tradesperson_Apprentice.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "956", "name": "Merchant", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": -1, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Small settlements can typically support one or two generalist merchants, and larger cities house multiple specialists\u2014experts in one type of product. \u2026", "family": "Tradespeople", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "957", "name": "Smith", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Most smaller communities have at least one smithy where locals and travelers can have horses shod or equipment repaired. Larger settlements and \u2026", "family": "Tradespeople", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "958", "name": "Guildmaster", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 8, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "In cities, artisans working in a common trade often form guilds to set standards of quality, establish common prices, engage in collective bargaining \u2026", "family": "Tradespeople", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Tradesperson_Guildmaster.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "959", "name": "Saboteur", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Saboteurs excel at infiltration, using it to perform destructive acts, whether they are the physical destruction of a valuable object or obstructing \u2026", "family": "Villains", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "960", "name": "Mastermind", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Masterminds weave long-ranged plots to see their nefarious goals come to fruition, deftly manipulating those around them, and turning enemies into \u2026", "family": "Villains", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Villain_Mastermind.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "961", "name": "Antipaladin", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 5, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "There is perhaps nothing more anathematic to peace than an antipaladin. Dedicated holy warriors to the darkest and foulest of deities, antipaladins \u2026", "family": "Villains", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Villain_Antipaladin.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "962", "name": "Despot", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 5, "alignment": "LE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Despots live to amass and exploit power over others.", "family": "Villains", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "963", "name": "Reckless Scientist", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 6, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "It's the reckless scientist's job to break the rules of reality, no matter the cost.", "family": "Villains", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Villain_RecklessScientist.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "964", "name": "Gang Leader", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 7, "alignment": "CE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Cutthroats, killers, thieves, and toughs prey upon the vulnerable of society. Directing their activities and keeping them in line are the duties of \u2026", "family": "Villains", "image_url": "/Images/NPCs/Villain_GangLeader.png", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "965", "name": "Charming Scoundrel", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This handsome gnome sports an impressive coiffure and a flashy costume that catches the eye. While most Firebrands enjoy the attention their \u2026", "family": "Firebrands", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Gnome", "Humanoid", "Small"]}, {"id": "966", "name": "Privateer Captain", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 11, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A faint crust of salt rimes the coattails of this mariner, and her steely eyes gaze from beneath the brim of her tricorne hat. Dismissively \u2026", "family": "Firebrands", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "967", "name": "Hellknight Armiger", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This menacing dwarf wears a suit of armor emblazoned with the symbol of her Hellknight order, and she wields a mighty flail. Armigers are the \u2026", "family": "Hellknights", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Dwarf", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "968", "name": "Hellknight Paravicar", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 11, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "Face covered by a menacing helm and body clad in ornate plate, this figure projects an aura of immutable authority . Each order of Hellknights is \u2026", "family": "Hellknights", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "969", "name": "Virtuous Defender", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "With his well-worn plate armor and mighty shield, this tall figure appears ready to stand against any foe. Even with the fall of the nation of \u2026", "family": "Knights of Lastwall", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "970", "name": "Veteran Reclaimer", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 11, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This grizzled half-orc wields a longbow with the familiarity of a woman who considers it more as an extension of her body than a weapon. When \u2026", "family": "Knights of Lastwall", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Orc"]}, {"id": "971", "name": "Rain-Scribe", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This sharp-eyed half-elf wears weather-beaten gear that would easily blend in with any natural terrain, and carries an elaborately carved walking \u2026", "family": "Magaambyan Adepts", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Elf", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "972", "name": "Tempest-Sun Mage", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 11, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "A wooden mask carved with a stoic leopard's features covers the face of this scholar. Her long cloak is embroidered with the names of fellow tribe \u2026", "family": "Magaambyan Adepts", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "973", "name": "Pathfinder Field Agent", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "This half-elf woman looks dressed to travel anywhere and prepared for any eventuality she might find along the way. No two field agents follow \u2026", "family": "Pathfinders", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Elf", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "974", "name": "Pathfinder Venture-Captain", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 11, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "common", "lore": "The barnacle-crusted armor of this dwarf hints at a thousand exciting tales. The venture-captains of the Pathfinder Society rose through the \u2026", "family": "Pathfinders", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium"]}, {"id": "1028", "name": "Duhgik", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 6, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "After her tribe exiled her for not adhering to some of their more ruthless traditions, Duhgik was forced to live on the surface in the too-too bright \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Humanoid", "Kobold", "Small", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1029", "name": "Pr'rall", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 9, "alignment": "CN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "A hunter at heart, Pr'rall takes bounties throughout Avistan and Garund on anything from cockatrices to bandits. Gold pays the bills, but the thrill \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Catfolk", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1030", "name": "Morlibint", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 4, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Odd Stories is one of Otari's most distinctive shops: a three-story stone tower looming over a one-story wooden bookstore. The shop is the home and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1034", "name": "Eleukas", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "LG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Eleukas grew up in Otari, working hard in the logging camps and getting to know the townspeople. When he was old enough to join the Otari town guard, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1042", "name": "Lisavet", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "NG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Lisavet found two callings in the Dawnflower Library. She was not only drawn to the faith of Sarenrae , benevolent goddess of the sun and healing, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1052", "name": "Urok", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 9, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Small", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "When the Yioxat tribe of kobolds was subjugated by a local devil , its members feared that their children might be corrupted by their parents' \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Aphorite", "Humanoid", "Kobold", "Small", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1053", "name": "Chea", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 9, "alignment": "N", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Born to a large family of werecrocodiles in the nation of Jalmeray, Chea was envied by her fellows for her strange lack of the werecreature's curse. \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Beast", "Beastkin", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1161", "name": "Edolpho Phinelli", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 3, "alignment": "NE", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Edolpho Phinelli, the notorious con artist, has developed a new scheme. He's selling an elixir that he claims can heal wounds, erase scars, and \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Elf", "Half-Elf", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1391", "name": "Zhang Yong", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 14, "alignment": "LN", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "In the great fighting tournaments across Tian Xia, a competitor will occasionally perish in the heat of battle. Sometimes their lust for battle, \u2026", "family": "", "image_url": "", "npc": true, "traits": ["Half-Orc", "Human", "Humanoid", "Medium", "Orc", "Unique"]}, {"id": "1444", "name": "Wendlyn", "creature_type": "NPC", "level": 2, "alignment": "CG", "size": "Medium", "rarity": "unique", "lore": "Wendlyn grew up in Otari and knows just about everyone in it. This means she knows which people are safe to target with her petty larceny. 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"Giant", "Giant Bee", "Gibtas", "Gigantic Ant", "Girtablilu", "Gnoll", "Goblin", "Golem", "Gorga", "Graveknight", "Gremlin", "Grim Reaper", "Grioth", "Grippli", "Guardian Beast", "Hag", "Hantu", "Healers", "Hell Hound", "Hellknights", "Herecite", "Herexen", "Hippocampus", "Hippopotamus", "Hobgoblin", "Horse", "House Spirit", "Hyena", "Ikeshti", "Jellyfish", "Kaava", "Kami", "Karumzek", "Khefak", "Kitsune", "Knights of Lastwall", "Kobold", "Kovintus", "Laborers", "Lamia", "Leech", "Leshy", "Lich", "Lilu", "Linnorm", "Living Symbol", "Lizard", "Lizardfolk", "Locathah", "Maftet", "Magaambyan Adepts", "Magistrates", "Mana Wastes Mutant", "Mantis, Giant", "Mercenaries", "Merfolk", "Monkey", "Morlock", "Mortic", "Mosasaur", "Mosquito", "Mummy", "Munavri", "Mystics", "Naga", "Nagaji", "Necrohulk", "Nightmare", "Nymph", "Octopus", "Officers", "Ogre", "Oni", "Ooze", "Opossum", "Orc", "Owb", "Owlbear", "Paaridar", "Pathfinders", "Performers", "Phantom", "Planar Scion", "Protean", "Psychopomp", "Pterosaur", "Publicans", "Qlippoth", "Rakshasa", "Ram", "Rat", "Ratajin", "Ratfolk", "Raven", "Ravener", "Ray", "Revenant", "Rhinoceros", "Risen Pet", "Sahkil", "Samsaran", "Saurian", "Scholars", "Scorpion", "Sea Devil", "Seafarers", "Serpentfolk", "Seugathi", "Shabti", "Shadow", "Shanrigol", "Shark", "Shobhad", "Shoony", "Siabrae", "Siktempora", "Silverfish", "Skeleton", "Skelm", "Skin Beetle", "Skull Swarm", "Skunk", "Sloth", "Sluagh", "Snake", "Solifugid", "Somnalu", "Spawn of Rovagug", "Sphinx", "Spider", "Spirit Guide", "Sportlebore", "Spriggan", "Sprite", "Squid", "Squirrel", "Stheno", "Strix", "Terra-Cotta Warrior", "Terror Bird", "Threshold of Knowledge Pregenerated Characters", "Thylacine", "Tick", "Titan", "Toad", "Tooth Fairy", "Tradespeople", "Trilobite", "Troll", "Tsukumogami", "Turtle", "Urdefhan", "Vampire", "Vampire, Jiang-Shi", "Vampire, Nosferatu", "Vampire, Strigoi", "Vampire, Vetalarana", "Vampire, Vrykolakas", "Vanara", "Velstrac", "Verdorite", "Vilderavn", "Villains", "Virulak", "Vishkanya", "Visitant", "Warg", "Wasp", "Wayang", "Weasel", "Werecreature", "Werecreature, Wereant", "Wight", "Wild Hunt", "Wisp", "Wolf", "Wolverine", "Worm That Walks", "Wraith", "Wyrmwraith", "Wyrwood", "Xulgath", "Yellow Musk Creeper", "Zombie", "Zombie, Tar"], "alignments": ["Any", "CE", "CG", "CN", "LE", "LG", "LN", "N", "NE", "NG", "No Alignment"], "creature_types": ["Creature", "NPC"], "traits": ["Aasimar", "Aberration", "Acid", "Aeon", "Aesir", "Agathion", "Air", "Alchemical", "Amphibious", "Anadi", "Android", "Angel", "Animal", "Anugobu", "Aphorite", "Aquatic", "Arcane", "Archon", "Astral", "Asura", "Automaton", "Azarketi", "Azata", "Beast", "Beastkin", "Boggard", "Caligni", "Catfolk", "Celestial", "Changeling", "Charau-ka", "Clockwork", "Cold", "Construct", "Couatl", "Daemon", "Darvakka", "Demon", "Dero", "Devil", "Dhampir", "Dinosaur", "Div", "Divine", "Dragon", "Dream", "Drow", "Duergar", "Duskwalker", "Dwarf", "Earth", "Eidolon", "Electricity", "Elemental", "Elf", "Ethereal", "Evil", "Evocation", "Fetchling", "Fey", "Fiend", "Fire", "Formian", "Fungus", "Ganzi", "Gargantuan", "Genie", "Ghoran", "Ghost", "Ghoul", "Ghul", "Giant", "Gnoll", "Gnome", "Goblin", "Golem", "Gremlin", "Grioth", "Grippli", "Hag", "Half-Elf", "Half-Orc", "Halfling", "Hantu", "Herald", "Hobgoblin", "Huge", "Human", "Humanoid", "Ifrit", "Ikeshti", "Illusion", "Incorporeal", "Inevitable", "Kami", "Kashrishi", "Kitsune", "Kobold", "Kovintus", "Large", "Leshy", "Light", "Lilu", "Lizardfolk", "Locathah", "Medium", "Mental", "Merfolk", "Mindless", "Minion", "Monitor", "Morlock", "Mortic", "Mummy", "Munavri", "Mutant", "Nagaji", "Necromancy", "Negative", "Nymph", "Oni", "Ooze", "Orc", "Oread", "Paaridar", "Petitioner", "Phantom", "Plant", "Poison", "Positive", "Primal", "Protean", "Psychopomp", "Qlippoth", "Rakshasa", "Rare", "Ratajin", "Ratfolk", "Sahkil", "Samsaran", "Sea Devil", "Serpentfolk", "Seugathi", "Shabti", "Shadow", "Shapechanger", "Shoony", "Siktempora", "Skeleton", "Skelm", "Skulk", "Small", "Soulbound", "Spirit", "Spriggan", "Sprite", "Stheno", "Strix", "Suli", "Swarm", "Sylph", "Tane", "Tanggal", "Tengu", "Tiefling", "Time", "Tiny", "Titan", "Troll", "Troop", "Uncommon", "Undead", "Undine", "Unique", "Urdefhan", "Vampire", "Vanara", "Velstrac", "Vishkanya", "Water", "Wayang", "Werecreature", "Wight", "Wild Hunt", "Wraith", "Wyrwood", "Xulgath", "Zombie"], "rarities": ["common", "rare", "uncommon", "unique"], "sizes": ["Gargantuan", "Huge", "Large", "Medium", "Small", "Tiny"]}} \ No newline at end of file