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DSA course assignment for visually representing graphs with circular edges, adjacency matrix, and some other micro functionalities.Made with QT creator version-11

Assignment Statement

In this assignment, you have to create an application for graph processing which should have the following features:

  1. Take as input the number of nodes in the graph
  2. Take as input the density of the graph
  3. Store the graph in an adjacency matrix.
  4. Add the following features/functions to your application
  5. Give a node to show its degree
  6. Find the node with the maximum degree
  7. Find the node with a minimum degree
  8. Display the raw adjacency matrix
  9. Give a node to find all its neighbors

Technical Approach

  1. QGraphicsScene- for displaying the graph
  2. QGraphicsEllipseItem- for ellipse shape of the nodes/vertices
  3. QTime - for randomly generating the edges for nodes to save time
  4. QCoreApplication - provide loops for events without UI
  5. XML - for designing
  6. Basic CPP graph logic to find max and min node degree
  7. QLineEdit Widget - for input boxes
  8. QTextEdit - for displaying the adjacency matrix of the graphs
  9. QPushButtons - for buttons

Screenshot of GUI

  1. 0<=density<=1
  2. Adjacency Matrix has a scroll effect to see it
  3. The Find Neighbors push-button produces message-box ss


◉ Anns Khan ◉ Computer Science - GIKI