save logs on remote computer (laptop) (syslog-ng but dont care atm)
update MPD! (version from 2016) need to compile it
https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=228901 try a socket connection
config autostart python control.py
HW buttons config
install/update GPIO https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/raspberry-gpio/python-rpigpio-api
write GPIO Basics.md tutorial
write control.py script
make contol.py exit clean with call to GPIO.cleanup()
add a status LED to control.py ; where on is playing, blinking is pause, off is stopped
check why script is stopping when seeking back 5% on the start of the song (when the song played <= 5%)
design a case for raspi
make a new repo for Replicator 2X
use Cura for Replicator 2X
fix second extruder on Replicator 2X
write code_injector.py for second extruder printing at the same time (a script that injects Heat and Extruder commands into gcode)