I built this over a single day so please help me work out the kinks and make suggestions!
Works great with TABLEs and DIVs and EVERYTHING, oh my!
pagination_container: 'tbody'
Assign if not using .simplePagination(); on a TABLE.
items_per_page: 25
Assign to change the number of initial numbers of items to be displayed.
show_first: true
boolean; set to false to prevent the 'First' nav link from EVER appearing.
show_previous: true
boolean; set to false to prevent the 'Previous' nav link from EVER appearing.
show_next: true
boolean; set to false to prevent the 'Next' nav link from EVER appearing.
show_last: true
boolean; set to false to prevent the 'Last' nav link from EVER appearing.
###Assuming #example is a TABLE: -The TRs in the TBODY will be paginated -Somewhere within the TABLE's tags (e.g. TFOOT) the following should exist:
<table id="first-container">
<tr><td>One hundred</td></tr>
<tr><td class="simplePagination-navigation"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="simplePagination-current-page-text"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="simplePagination-current-items-text"></td></tr>
<select class="simplePagination-update-items-per-page">
<option value="5">Five</option>
<option value="25">Twenty-five</option>
See paginate.html for usage/examples (e.g. using DIVs instead TABLEs)
###Expand defaults to include/exclude enabling: Page x of x. Showing x-x of x. Update items per page. Navigation? (Perhaps only first X should be visable for some reason...). Updates values of #simplePagination-update-items-per-page when using dual navigation. Make it so only one of First/Previous AND Next/Last appear on 2nd AND 2nd-to-last page.