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116 lines (95 loc) · 6.46 KB


  • Added tidiers for lsmobj and ref.grid objects from the lsmeans package
  • Added tidiers for betareg objects from the betareg package
  • Added tidiers for lmRob and glmRob objects from the robust package
  • Added tidiers for brms objects from the brms package (thanks to #149 from Paul Buerkner)
  • Changed tidy.glmnet to filter out rows where estimate == 0.
  • Updates to rstanarm tidiers (thanks to #177 from Jonah Gabry)
  • Fixed issue with survival package 2.40-1 (thanks to #180 from Marcus Walz)

broom 0.4.1

  • Added AppVeyor,, and code of conduct
  • Changed name of "NA's" column in summaryDefault output to "na"
  • Fixed tidy.TukeyHSD to include term column. Also added separate.levels argument, with option to separate comparison into level1 and level2
  • Fixed tidy.manova to use correct column name for test (previously, always pillai)
  • Added kde_tidiers to tidy kernel density estimates
  • Added orcutt_tidiers to tidy the results of cochrane.orcutt orcutt package
  • Added tidy.dist to tidy the distance matrix output of dist from the stats package
  • Added tidy and glance for lmodel2 objects from the lmodel2 package
  • Added tidiers for poLCA objects from the poLCA package
  • Added tidiers for sparse matrices from the Matrix package
  • Added tidiers for prcomp objects
  • Added tidiers for Mclust objects from the Mclust package
  • Added tidiers for acf objects
  • Fixed to be compatible with dplyr 0.5, which is being submitted to CRAN

broom 0.4.0

  • Added tidiers for geeglm, nlrq, roc, boot, bgterm, kappa, binWidth, binDesign, rcorr, stanfit, rjags, gamlss, and mle2 objects.
  • Added tidy methods for lists, including u, d, v lists from svd, and x, y, z lists used by image and persp
  • Added quick argument to tidy.lm, tidy.nls, and tidy.biglm, to create a smaller and faster version of the output.
  • Changed rowwise_df_tidiers to allow the original data to be saved as a list column, then provided as a column name to augment. This required removing data from the augment S3 signature. Also added tests-rowwise.R
  • Fixed various issues in ANOVA output
  • Fixed various issues in lme4 output
  • Fixed issues in tests caused by dev version of ggplot2

broom 0.3.7

  • Added tidiers for "plm" (panel linear model) objects from the plm package.
  • Added tidy.coeftest for coeftest objects from the lmtest package.
  • Set up tidy.lm to work with "mlm" (multiple linear model) objects (those with multiple response columns).
  • Added tidy and glance for "biglm" and "bigglm" objects from the biglm package.
  • Fixed bug in tidy.coxph when one-row matrices are returned
  • Added tidy.power.htest
  • Added tidy and glance for summaryDefault objects
  • Added tidiers for "lme" (linear mixed effects models) from the nlme package
  • Added tidy and glance for multinom objects from the nnet package.

broom 0.3.6

  • Fixed bug in tidy.pairwise.htest, which now can handle cases where the grouping variable is numeric.
  • Added tidy.aovlist method. This added stringr package to IMPORTS to trim whitespace from the beginning and end of the term and stratum columns. This also required adjusting tidy.aov so that it could handle strata that are missing p-values.
  • Set up glance.lm to work with aov objects along with lm objects.
  • Added tidy and glance for matrix objects, with tidy.matrix converting a matrix to a data frame with rownames included, and glance.matrix returning the same result as
  • Changed DESCRIPTION Authors@R to new format

broom 0.3.5

  • Fixed small bug in felm where the .fitted and .resid columns were matrices rather than vectors.
  • Added tidiers for rlm (robust linear model) and gam (generalized additive model) objects, including adjustments to "lm" tidiers in order to handle them. See ?rlm_tidiers and ?gam_tidiers for more.
  • Removed rownames from output

broom 0.3.4

  • The behavior of augment, particularly with regard to missing data and the na.exclude argument, has through the use of the augment_columns function been made consistent across the following models:

    • lm
    • glm
    • nls
    • merMod (lme4)
    • survreg (survival)
    • coxph (survival)

    Unit tests in tests/testthat/test-augment.R were added to ensure consistency across these models.

  • tidy, augment and glance methods were added for rowwise_df objects, and are set up to apply across their rows. This allows for simple patterns such as:

      regressions <- mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>% do(mod = lm(mpg ~ wt, .))
      regressions %>% tidy(mod)
      regressions %>% augment(mod)

    See ?rowwise_df_tidiers for more.

  • Added tidy and glance methods for Arima objects, and tidy for pairwise.htest objects.

  • Fixes for CRAN: change package description to title case, removed NOTES, mostly by adding globals.R to declare global variables.

  • This is the original version published on CRAN.

broom 0.3

  • Tidiers have been added for S3 objects from the following packages:
    • lme4
    • glmnet
    • survival
    • zoo
    • felm
    • MASS (ridgelm objects)
  • tidy and glance methods for data.frames have also been added, and produces an error (rather than returning the same data.frame).
  • stderror has been changed to std.error (affects many functions) to be consistent with broom's naming conventions for columns.
  • A function bootstrap has been added based on this example, to perform the common use case of bootstrapping models.

broom 0.2

  • Added "augment" S3 generic and various implementations. "augment" does something different from tidy: it adds columns to the original dataset, including predictions, residuals, or cluster assignments. This was originally described as "fortify" in ggplot2.
  • Added "glance" S3 generic and various implementations. "glance" produces a one-row data frame summary, which is necessary for tidy outputs with values like R^2 or F-statistics.
  • Re-wrote intro broom vignette/README to introduce all three methods.
  • Wrote a new kmeans vignette.
  • Added tidying methods for multcomp, sp, and map objects (from fortify-multcomp, fortify-sp, and fortify-map from ggplot2).
  • Because this integrates substantial amounts of ggplot2 code (with permission), added Hadley Wickham as an author in DESCRIPTION.